#but anyway yeah. supercorp song
morgana-pendragon · 2 years
okay my dear abbie i have you for the gift exchange and oh boy am i excited! if you have the time, tell me your taylor swift midnights thoughts for supercorp / lena luthor / kara danvers 😉
alright i know this isn't what you asked for but. i'm about to do a deep dive so. i'm sorry in advance
ok OKAY track one . lavender haze
it's giving like?? from lena's perspective she's like everyone hated me for so long but kara doesn't even care!! "i find it dizzying // they're bringing up my history // but you weren't even listening" like that's 100% season two right there!!
track two maroon. this is dress' sexier older sister so. bear with me
it's giving!! season 5!!!!!!!!!!!! "and i lost you // the one i was dancing with" !! once again lena's pov but she's looking back on everything they had and how it's lost to her now and it's so. so
track three anti-hero . the archer but make her pop
i don't think i even have to say ?? anything?? "it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero" says it ALL. lena feels as if she's the 'anti-hero' of the story, not a villain, not a hero, and she feels like kara will get tired of being with her and leave her eventually. fuck. "i'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror" as a metaphor for lena's intense self-loathing??? i rest my fucking case AND. KARA IS THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE IS POWERED BY THE FUCKING SUN!!!!!
track four snow on the beach
the first verse?????? furthers the supercorp soulmatism quantum entanglement made for each other agenda and in this essay i will— anyway. "you wanting me tonight feels impossible" ONCE AGAIN. lena's pov because she feels like she's not quite on kara's level morally, that kara could do so much better etc etc. "i've never seen someone lit from within" because kara is sun!!!!!!!!!!!! she is lit from within!!!!!!!!!!! she worships rao, the SUN!!!!!!! fuck. i can't talk about it
track five. you're on your own, kid . buckle up it's a track five
"you're on your own, kid yeah, you can face this you're on your own, kid you always have been" lena's family didn't give a shit about her they hurt her in unimaginable ways but she made it!!!!!!! she made something of herself she pulled her name out of the rubble they all left it in!!!!! the majority of the song is like. lamenting her life in her earlier years before she moved to national city and how much she hated it, was unhappy, etc etc. and then the bridge is her finding kara!!!!! "something they can't take away" because kara didn't leave her!! they had their issues and whatnot but they made it THROUGH!!!
track six . midnight rain
THE FUCKING SYMBOLISM???? LENA IS !!!!!!!! THE MOON!!!!!!! that's all. that i have to say . otherwise i will start screaming
track seven . question...?
ok so this is a bit out there but like. imagine early season 5 when the hurt is still fresh it's like.. lena just asking for an explanation from kara and the chorus is her asking all these rhetorical questions so kara understands what it was like for her to be put in the position that she was in. idk . this is one of the harder tracks for me forgive me
track eight vigilante shit
I DON'T DRESS FOR WOMENNNNNNN I DON'T DRESS FOR MENNNNN LATELY I'VE BEEN DRESSIN FOR REVENGEEEEEEEEE. lena season five that's all i have to say thank you and goodnight <3
track nine bejeweled
this track is just a breakup bop <3 does not apply to my in love girlies <3
track ten labyrinth
OK. IM JUST. this track makes me SO sad every time because the entire thing is just her being like "oh no, i'm falling in love again" and it speaks to being afraid to fall in love firstly because of the potential pain that losing the love could bring but secondly, the media backlash and both of those fit lena so perfectly!!!!!! especially the way when she first got to national city she didn't even want to make friends but kara persisted and i can just see it on her face so much in season 2 the "oh no, i'm falling in love again" look where she's so protective of her heart cause she doesn't wanna be betrayed again ☹️☹️ BUT BUT then! "i thought the plane was goin' down how'd you turn it right around?" shows how when they fell out in s5 lena really thought it was the end but kara just!! turned it around !!
track eleven karma
karma is my boyfriend, karma is a god. that's it
track twelve sweet nothing
DONTTTTTT EVEN GET ME STARTED!!!!!!!!!!!! "on the way home i wrote a poem you say ‘what a mind’ this happens all the time" taking this slightly out of context because kara's the writer but once again from lena's pov it's like.. kara appreciates her intellect so much, so casually, so OFTEN. fuck. "all you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing" cause kara didn't want her for her money or her status or her name or her intellect !! she was enough for kara as she was with no merits!!!!!! do you get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
track thirteen mastermind. ok ok. ok . im ok
god i don't even know where to fucking. start. what if i told you none of it was accidental!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if i told you i'm a mastermind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because lena saw what she wanted and she GOT IT. at whatever cost. but bUT. so i told you none of it was accidental!!!!!! saw a wide smirk on your face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you knew the entire time!!!!!!!!!!!!! you knew i'm a mastermind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kara knew and she let it happen anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is not in contradiction to them being soulmates, intended, twin flames, entangled whatever the fuck btw.
track fourteen the great war
it's givINGGGGGGGGGG season 6!!!!!!! they literally had their own 'great war'!!!!!!!!! and they survived it!!!!!! "and maybe it's the past that's talking screaming from the crypt telling me to punish you for things you never did" because yes kara did some shit but a lot of lena's reaction had to do with her demons that she never overcame!!!!!!!!! and kara was punished not only for what she did but for what everyone else did to lena!!!!!!!!! "my hand was the one you reached for all throughout the great war" both physically and metaphorically!!!!!!!!!! and the briDGE THE BRIDGE!!!!!!!!!! "it turned into something bigger somewhere in the haze, got a sense i'd been betrayed your finger on my hairpin triggers soldier down on that icy ground looked up at me with honor and truth broken and blue, so i called off the troops that was the night i nearly lost you i really thought i'd lost you" IS THIS NOT THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT ??????????????? and then the. the fucking last line. "i vow i will always be yours" shut. up
track fifteen bigger than the whole sky .
saddest song on the fucking album. i will not be providing an interpretation for this one first out of respect and second because i don't think i could handle imagining this
track sixteen paris !!
"i'm so in love that i might stop breathing" shut. the fuck up. just. UGH!!!!!!!!!! "i wanna transport you to somewhere the culture's clever" gives me very much lena would carry kara back to krypton in a heartbeat if she could!!!!!!!!!!!!
track seventeen. high infidelity
this one does not give me supercorp at all however it is a bop so.
track eighteen glitch .
"we were supposed to be just friends" BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's literally supercorp i don't know what to say!!! they weren't supposed to last!!!!!!!! but they did!!!!!!!!!!!!
track nineteen. would've could've should've. ok ok fuck. ok
im not going to . this falls more in rojascorp as exes territory but that's not what we're talking about here so . moving on!
track twenty dear reader!!
this is more!! lena character study instead of supercorp so !! that's all folks if you made it to the end of this absolutely unhinged garbage i'm sorry for doing this <3
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searidings · 3 years
hi, i just love you and your writing
can i suggest something - you are in love (taylor swift) and supercorp
i cannot listen to that song without going yeah, that's them
(also on ao3 if you prefer)
Five years from now, Kara is going to reach across the table at Noonan's and take her hand. She's going to look deep into Lena's eyes, biting her lip as her thumb rubs gentle circles into Lena's palm, and her voice will barely rise above a whisper when she asks, “When did you know?”
And when she does, five years from now, Lena will think back to this moment.
This moment, which is as close as Lena's come to happiness since she'd woken up ziptied to a chair in her brother's office. This moment which, despite the fuzzy feeling of her unbrushed teeth and the pungent aroma of burnt toast filling the air, is perfect.
Kara, bed-warm and sleep-heavy, is gazing beseechingly down at the charred remains of a slice of a bread as though if she only pouts hard enough, its edges will un-blacken and its corners will stop smoking.
“I'm so sorry,” she says as Lena rounds the screen separating Kara's bedroom from the rest of the apartment and perches herself on a barstool, tugging her borrowed sleep shorts a little lower down her thighs.
Kara's tone is mournful, her face so forlorn she looks to be one deep breath away from tears. “I wanted breakfast to be perfect, since it's your first time staying over and if it's terrible you might not want to stay again and I, I really want you to stay again, but I don't know why you would since you probably have a private chef waiting for you at home and I can’t even manage toast—”
“Kara,” Lena interrupts, biting at the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing as Kara's bottom lip trembles. “It's fine, really. I once set fire to my dorm kitchen trying to boil an egg. And besides,” she winks as blue eyes meet hers. “I like to give my personal chef the weekends off.”
Kara huffs out a relieved chuckle, her face brightening. “Oh, well, in that case,” she grins, a sparkle returning to her eyes. “I'd better feed you up before you go home. Never let it be said that I don't look after you.”
Lena can't help the smile that pulls at her as the warm bright feeling in her chest grows and grows. She tugs the sleeves of Kara's sweatshirt over her hands, fighting the urge to fidget as the blonde orders a frankly obscene amount of food from the brunch place on the corner.
She feels exposed like this, face bare and hair sleep-mussed, unshowered with unbrushed teeth, huddled inside borrowed clothes after the impromptu invitation to stay over when last night's movie marathon ran late. It's a far cry from the regimented composure she fights so hard every day to project, and something in her chest twists anxiously.
Kara is a reporter, after all, and National City really doesn't need any more reasons to hate Lena right now. The darkest corner of her mind – the one which has been waiting for the other shoe to drop, for everything to come crashing down ever since the whirlwind of Kara's too-good-to-be-true friendship had come blazing into her life – still worries that this may all be an elaborate ruse. A trap, a way to get close to her in order to assess her weaknesses, to bring her down with an inside scoop.
But in their six months of friendship, Kara's never given her any reason to believe she has any kind of ulterior motive. And despite the suspicions and anxieties hammered into her by a lifetime of hurt, Lena knows now that even if this is a trap, she'll take the bait willingly. Especially if it means Kara will keep looking at her like there might just be something in Lena that's worth her time.
"Hey,” the blonde says gently, leaning back against the counter opposite and pinning Lena with a searching look. “You okay? You kind of zoned out on me there.”
Lena jumps, blinking back into herself with a start. “Yes, sorry. I was miles away.”
The blonde only smiles, flicking on the coffee machine at her elbow. “You sleep okay?”
“Very well, thank you,” Lena answers, fighting to lessen the formality of her tone, to soften the edges her harsh childhood had sharpened into a fortress to keep the world at bay. “Your bed is surprisingly comfortable. I had a great night's sleep.”
"Perhaps the company had something to do with it,” Kara winks as she turns to pull two mugs down from the hooks at her shoulder. Lena thinks back to the smell of Kara's sheets and the soft pulls of her breathing, to the warmth of Kara's ankle against her calf and the strong fingers that had wrapped themselves in the sleeve of Lena's sweatshirt in sleep, anchoring them together. She blushes.
Kara only smirks, pouring their drinks and grabbing the milk from the fridge. “Well, the food's all ordered, it should be here soon,” she says over her shoulder, the waterfall of her golden ponytail mesmerising in the bright rays of morning light filtering in through the vaulted windows. “And you don't need to head off in a hurry, unless you have plans—?”
She glances back at Lena, who shakes her head. “Great!” she grins. “’Cause I was thinking, maybe we could check out the botanical gardens, since it's such a nice day? Oh, and there's a new bakery right across the street that I've been dying to try—”
Lena listens to the blonde's excited rambling with an endeared smile plastered to her face, feeling happy and warm and wanted with every fibre of her being. The feeling is new but so welcome she could cry, and Lena wonders – not for the first time – how she ever got so lucky.
Kara's presence in her life is like sugar in her coffee; meant only to sweeten that which has always been bitter.
Lena's always taken her coffee black. Softening the blow was never much her style.
But here, now, perched at Kara's breakfast bar with her hands wrapped around a steaming mug the blonde has brewed to perfection, sunlight streaming in and highlighting the angles and planes of Kara's face, the way she’s smiling at Lena like there's nowhere else in the world she'd rather be, she realises her reasoning is twofold.
Sugar isn't just appetising. It's addictive. And now that Lena's had a taste of sweetness, she's hooked.
In this moment, Lena knows. She's in love.
Four years from now, Kara is going to reach across the table at Noonan's and take her hand. She's going to look deep into Lena's eyes, biting her lip as her thumb rubs gentle circles into Lena's palm, and her voice will barely rise above a whisper when she asks, “When did you know?”
And when she does, four years from now, Lena will also think back to this moment.
This moment, which may well be one of the lowest of Lena's life. And she's had some doozies.
The two bottles of wine she'd managed to mainline between Sam leaving to orchestrate damage control at L-Corp and Kara arriving and attempting to confiscate her glass have well and truly caught up to her now. She sways heavily on her stool, the room spinning. Tears sting her vision and guilt scorches her throat as she presses a hand over her eyes so she won't have to look at Kara's face anymore.
“Please, just— just, stop believing in me, okay?” she slurs, heart full to shattering with the faces of lead-poisoned children. “I am not worth it.”
She hears Kara sigh, and the room falls silent for a long long time. Lena drops her head fully into her hands, fighting the nausea that's taken root in the pit of her stomach. It could be the booze that's causing it, of course, but it could also be the incessant headlines baying for her blood, the bullet James had taken for her that she'd fully deserved, the curse of her family finally fulfilling itself.
The guilt, the worry, the crushing disappointment of the knowledge that despite her very best efforts, she'll never be anything but a monster— it's too much to feel. It's too much to bear.
So, Lena drinks.
She drains her glass. She pours another. Kara watches, silent and disapproving, fingers twitching against the granite countertop between them.
Lena finishes her glass. Splashes the last dregs of the bottle into it, blood on ice. Still Kara watches, motionless and mute. It's only when Lena's swallowed the last of the red and is lurching unsteadily to her feet to source another that she moves, a hand reaching out to encircle her wrist.
Shame ignites beneath her skin and she pushes Kara away. Snaps at her to go home, to learn to recognise a lost cause when she sees one and just give up already. Kara refuses with a stoic shake of her head, and Lena sighs.
They repeat the same routine three times en route to Sam's wine rack, the blonde shadowing her every step. Each time, Lena wobbles, head fuzzy and room spinning. Each time, Kara steadies her, and Lena flinches from her touch like her palm is a brand, snarls at her to leave, to cut her losses, to just fuck off. Each time, Kara refuses.
She eventually retrieves the wine after a number of unsuccessful attempts but overbalances on her toes, bottle slipping from her grip as she sways dangerously. And then Kara is there, glass bottle caught a split second before it can shatter, a firm arm at her waist that will not be rebuffed.
Lena struggles, shoving and protesting, but this time Kara does not give in. “Enough,” she says quietly, firmly, blue eyes burning a mere inch from Lena's own. “Lena, enough.”
Lena's unsteady legs buckle further and Kara’s basically holding her up now, walking her slowly over to the couch and she shouldn't be this strong, surely, shouldn't be lifting Lena onto the cushions quite this easily. But it's such a minor concern when weighted against the fact that Lena is personally responsible for the hospitalisation of children that her mind brushes over it, forgets it immediately.
"Please go home,” she slurs as the blonde arranges her on the couch, as she stashes the unopened wine far out of reach and sets about finding blankets and pillows in various cupboards. “Please, just— leave me alone.”
“No,” Kara says, almost snaps, glancing back over her shoulder. Partially hidden in the linen cupboard, her face is cast deep in shadow, a splinter of half-concealed truth. “I made you a promise, I gave you my word. I'm your friend, and I will protect you. Always.”
She crosses back to the couch, soft blankets and pillows held out in invitation. When Lena refuses the offering Kara sighs, draping a knitted throw over her anyway and perching on the cushions beside Lena's hip. “I'm not going to leave you, so you might as well stop asking,” she hums, softer now, a hand reaching toward her that Lena no longer possesses the strength or coordination to bat away.
Long fingers make contact with her cheek, with the mussed curls tangling in her eyelashes, and Kara sighs. “You are not your brother,” she murmurs, fingertips grazing Lena's cheekbone, sliding back to thread into the fine hair at her temple. “And you never will be. There's too much light in you to allow for that kind of darkness, so put that fear down, Lena. Let it go. Be free of it.”
Tears spring unbidden to her eyes. “I poisoned children.”
Kara tilts forward and Lena wonders if it's just that her vision has upped its spinning, but then warm lips are pressing against her forehead, soft and delicate as gossamer wings. Kara's mouth moves against her skin, breath damp and sweet and unmistakeably her. “You saved the world.”
Neither one of them moves. When Lena speaks again, the words hit the elegant hollow of Kara's throat. “I don't deserve your kindness. I don't deserve you.”
Kara's lips are still on her forehead. “I don't care.”
Lena feels as if her throat is splitting open, every last fear and hatred and worry and insecurity gushing out of her in an unstoppable stream. “I'm scared.”
“I know.” Kara's lips press once more, and then withdraw. They watch each other in the dim light from the kitchen. Lena's vision is beginning to blur at the edges. Kara's hand is still in her hair.
“You will get through this,” the blonde whispers, so earnest Lena almost manages to believe her. “We'll figure it out. Together.”
Heart in her mouth, tongue sticking behind her teeth, Lena's eyes slide closed.
The sweetness of Kara's words, her gentle touches, seep inside her like honey. She doesn't deserve it but God, she wants it. She wants to be worthy of Kara's faith in her more than she's ever wanted anything in her life. She wants Kara more than she's ever wanted anything in her life.
And it's telling, she knows, that she's just lost the trust of all of National City, that she has no way of easing those children's suffering and no way to prove that she isn't the cause of it, that she's finally living up to the Luthor name she's been running from ever since she'd learned what it truly meant and yet in this moment, with Kara's hand in her hair and the ghostly imprint of her lips on Lena's skin, none of it seems to matter.
In this moment, Lena knows. She's in love.
Three years from now, Kara is going to reach across the table at Noonan's and take her hand. She's going to look deep into Lena's eyes, biting her lip as her thumb rubs gentle circles into Lena's palm, and her voice will barely rise above a whisper when she asks, “When did you know?”
And when she does, three years from now, Lena will also think back to this moment.
This moment, which stands alone as an oasis of calm in the turbulent tumult of the past days, weeks, months of chaos. Lex's escape from custody, Eve Teschmacher's betrayal, James’ shooting, the Harun-El serum, the whole shitty totality of it all has been weighing Lena down like an nth metal chain around her neck.
And Kara, Kara hasn't been around. The one person who has always managed to ease Lena's suffering has deserted her when she needs her the most and it feels like she's been sliced open, cracked in two.
She tells her as much, when Kara at last comes to see her. Tells her she's missed her, tells her she needs her, all but begs her to stay. And what does Kara do? She leaves.
And when she leaves, Lena is gripped by a panic so intense she fears she may never breathe freely again. So terrified is she that Kara is gone for good, that she's forced away the best thing that's ever happened to her, that almost before she knows what's happening she finds herself at Catco with apologies dripping from her own tongue.
Anything to get Kara back. Anything to keep her.
Lena apologises. Kara apologises. Lena cries, and Kara holds her, and tells her that the decision to help her brother when he was dying of cancer doesn't make her the monster she now believes herself to be. And standing on her office balcony with Kara's fingers wrapped around her biceps, with her own tears spotting dark on Kara's blazer, Lena manages to believe her.
When she's collected herself, smoothed away the wetness coursing down her cheeks, she speaks. “I really want to help you with your investigation on Lex.”
Kara's face lights up; Lena's whole world along with it.
“I'd love that,” Kara says, voice quiet and still a little tentative in the wake of their new truce. “But first— would you, um. Would you like to have lunch with me?”
Lena blinks. “Don't you want to get started on the exposé?”
“I do. But—” Kara's face is still painted that earnest shade from earlier, when she'd smoothed her hands over Lena's shoulders and whispered you are a brilliant, kind-hearted, beautiful soul against the sensitive skin of her neck. Lena feels her cheeks heat up at the memory, at the intensity in the blue eyes still roving her face.
Kara shuffles her feet but her gaze is clear, unwavering. “But you were right. I've spent too much time recently prioritising the wrong things. So, I want to work on this exposé with you, and I want to bring your brother down. But first, I'd really just like to have lunch with my best friend.”
Lena's heart trips in her chest. “I'd like that too.”
So, that's what they do. Kara asks her to wait, which she does, idly tapping out a few emails on her phone. And then the blonde is back, far quicker than should have been possible, with her arms full of takeout bags from the café on the third floor and she's taking Lena by the hand and leading her to Cat Grant's private elevator. She presses the button for the roof and Lena's gaze jumps to her face but Kara only smiles, and squeezes her fingers. “Trust me, it'll be worth it,” she hums, her excitement infectious. “You'll be safe with me.”
And Lena believes her.
That's how she ends up sitting at the edge of Catco's roof on a clean sheet Kara had borrowed from the builders on the second floor, heels kicked off, Kara's red blazer draped around her shoulders. It is worth it, she'll admit; the view from this high is phenomenal. The sun burns bright in a cloudless sky, glinting off the glass-sided skyscrapers of the business district, the glittering waters of the bay beyond.
Kara had picked up Lena's favourite salad, some flatbreads and dips, and they drink kombucha and eat strawberries in the sunshine. They talk and they laugh and they catch up and there's no more fighting, no animosity, no megalomaniac brothers or backstabbing secretaries or worlds needing to be saved. There's only them, she and Kara, and it feels like all she will ever need.
The blonde's hands are braced behind her on the rooftop and she looks happy and carefree as she regales Lena with stories of her upstairs neighbour's antics, and Lena feels the tight knot of tension that had taken up residence in her chest begin to unfurl.
"Hey,” Kara hums, pushing up straighter as Lena licks strawberry juice from her fingertips. The motion brings them closer, their shoulders brushing. “Look up.”
Lena does. High above them, a huge murmuration of starlings whirls and swoops through the air. Thousands of birds move together as one, a vast wave cresting but never breaking against the blue canvass of sky.
“Wow,” Lena gasps, awed.
Against her side, Kara hums. “Yeah.”
They watch the birds for a long moment, captivated by the ceaseless swirling and diving. When Lena at last tears her gaze away from the sky, Kara's eyes rest intently on her face. "Here,” the blonde murmurs, reaching out. The pad of one finger makes feather-light contact with her cheek. Lena's breath catches in her chest.
Kara holds out her finger, proffering the stray eyelash she'd captured with a smile. "Make a wish,” she whispers, her fingertip an inch from Lena's mouth. Her eyes never leave Lena’s.
Lena looks from Kara's face to the eyelash, and back again. From somewhere deep inside her heart, the truth bubbles its way to the surface. “I don't need to.”
Kara smiles, a brilliant, beautiful smile, and Lena knows. The stresses and anxieties of their current crisis feel far away here, harmless as birdsong. She's meted out forgiveness, received it in return. For the first time in her adult life Lena has communicated an issue with a loved one and been heard, understood. She has admitted her own mistake without having it spell out the end of her relationship.
Lena smiles back. The weight of the world sublimates into nothing beneath the bliss of a simple picnic in the sun.
In this moment, Lena knows. She's in love.
Two years from now, Kara is going to reach across the table at Noonan's and take her hand. She's going to look deep into Lena's eyes, biting her lip as her thumb rubs gentle circles into Lena's palm, and her voice will barely rise above a whisper when she asks, “When did you know?”
And when she does, two years from now, Lena will think back to this moment.
This moment, which has sapped the both of them to the bone. Another fight, another screaming match, another quick-fire back and forth of accusations and recriminations. Another night of cursing and crying and choking on all the things they never said before this, on all the things they can't now that Kara's secret has detonated in the shrinking space between them like a nuclear bomb.
Another round of bloodshed, and for what?
Lena sags against the arm of the couch, exhausted. Her face is hot, scratchy with salt from the tears still drying on her skin. She's dehydrated, probably, and half hoarse from shouting, tongue blistered with the bitter sting of betrayal.
Across the no man's land of her living room, Kara slumps against the floor-length windows, drops her temple to the cool glass. She's breathing heavily, cheeks wet, posture battered and eyes dark-bruised beneath the force of Lena's wrath. As Lena watches, her eyes slide closed.
It's been three months since Lena found out. Three weeks since Kara found out that Lena had found out.
Every night since, they've done this. Every night, Kara has shown up on her balcony and begged, pleaded, apologised, cajoled, defended, rebuffed, and sobbed. Every night, Lena has unleashed the hollow agony of Kara's deception masquerading as anger in her chest, incinerating the both of them in the fires of her desolation.
She would have expected the wounds to have cauterised by now. To feel some kind of release, the relief of catharsis. Or at least, to have expended some of her fury after all this time.
She hasn't.
They've been at this for three hours already this evening, and gotten nowhere. Kara's skin is pale above that fucking supersuit, face drawn and complexion sallow.
Lena knows how she feels. The singular exhaustion that is her rift with Kara has sapped her in every way imaginable. She can't sleep. She barely eats. She's no longer interested in work, research, friends. There's nothing in her life that isn't tainted by the shadow of the lies her best friend told and kept telling, every day for four years. Lena doesn't know how any amount of screaming and crying is ever going to get them past that.
Across the room, Kara sighs. It might be the saddest sound Lena has ever heard.
“Should we keep doing this?” she asks after an interminable silence, voice rough with tears still building. Her eyes are still closed.
Lena manages, with exorbitant effort, to raise her drooping head. “What?”
“Is there a point to all this?” Kara asks quietly, hunched body sliding a little further down the glass. "The explanations, the fighting?”
Blue eyes blink open. The weight of the sadness in them is unbearable. Lena struggles to find it within herself to care.
“Lying to you about who I am is the single biggest mistake I have ever made, and if it will make even one single shred of difference I will apologise to you every day for as long as I live,” Kara says into the aching chasm between them. “But I can't keep doing this. Not if it won't change anything. I can't— I don't want to keep hurting you.”
An hour ago, Lena would have scoffed at a sentiment like that. Would have parried back with some piercingly dry comment about how the blonde should have thought about that before she decided to betray Lena's trust as soundly as she possibly could.
Now, though— now, she's just too tired.
“So, should we keep doing this?” Kara whispers, throat working. “Or— God, Lena. Should we just— should we give up?”
Green eyes meet blue, two shattered hearts haemorrhaging between them. “Is that what you want?”
“No.” Kara's voice is loud, fiercely determined in the face of Lena's hesitant whisper. “God, no. Never. I don't ever want to give up on you, Lena. I don't ever want to give you up.”
Kara straightens then, with a strength Lena cannot imagine mustering herself. Perks of being a superhero, she supposes. Perks of being Kryptonian. The thought stakes another shard of ice through her bleeding heart.
“But I know that I've spent four years calling the shots for both of us by keeping you in the dark,” Kara continues. “I've taken away your agency. I've taken away your choice. I won't do that again.”
She sucks in a deep breath, a little of Supergirl's regality seeping back into the defeated slump of her shoulders. “So, I'm doing what I should have done from the start. I'm being honest with you, and hoping that you'll be honest back. I'm asking what you want.”
Kara's fingers twist anxiously before her, bottom lip bleaching white beneath the nervous pressure of her teeth. “Do you think we should keep doing this? Or do you— fuck.” Her voice cracks, the tears brimming in her eyes once again breaking free. “Do you want to give up?”
Jesus Christ. Lena never knew that the prospect of doing the right thing could hurt so much.
“Fuck,” she mutters as she kneads her knuckles over her closed eyelids, digging in until white lights starburst across her vision. “Fuck, Kara.”
“I know,” the blonde whispers from across the room, brittle and broken. “I know. I'm sorry.”
Lena slows her assault on her own eyelids, pinching thumb and forefinger hard at the bridge of her nose instead. “I want to give up,” she mutters, and in the taut silence between them she hears the blonde gasp, watery and thick.
Lena blinks open her eyes to find Kara's face crumpling, every facet of her seeming to fold in on itself even as she visibly fights to keep herself upright.
Lena sighs, and hates Kara, and hates herself even more. “I want to, but— I can't.” She sucks in a ragged breath, hating the truth that's just fallen from her lips, hating the lies that had necessitated it. Hating everything and everyone and most of all, hating just how much she's hurting. “I can't give this up.”
The tiniest spark of hope flares to life in Kara's eyes. Lena hates that she notices, hates that she cares, hates that the sight eases the tight knot of devastation clawing at her ribcage just the tiniest bit.
She also knows that this was inevitable. She knows that, though she hates Kara, though she's nowhere close to forgiving her, though she has no idea how they can rebuild from here or even if she truly wants to try, a question like Kara's could only ever have one answer.
In this moment, Lena knows. She's in love.
One year from now, Kara is going to reach across the table at Noonan's and take her hand. She's going to look deep into Lena's eyes, biting her lip as her thumb rubs gentle circles into Lena's palm, and her voice will barely rise above a whisper when she asks, “When did you know?”
And when she does, one year from now, Lena will also think back to this moment.
This moment, which is barely even a moment at all. It's more like a dream, warm and faded and fogged in darkness, seconds stolen when sleep should have long since claimed them.
Kara's nightmare had woken them both. In the month since they'd pulled her out of the Phantom Zone, she hadn't slept alone once. Often, she stays with Alex, curling into her sister's side the way she would when they were just kids after one too many late-night horror movies. Once, she stays with Nia, tucked up snug in a borrowed pair of puppy print pyjamas.
Mostly, she stays with Lena. It's natural and unspoken and easy as breathing, the way Kara will show up at her place after a Supergirl save or Lena will let herself into the blonde's apartment after a late night in the lab. They cook dinner and watch Celebrity Masterchef and brush their teeth elbow to elbow at the bathroom sink and when Kara is inevitably tugged screaming and sobbing from her night terrors, the way she presses her face to Lena's neck and her hand over Lena's heart is natural and unspoken and easy as breathing, too.
Kara's racing pulse has calmed a little, her grip on Lena's body beneath her losing some of its urgent desperation. After a long moment of Lena's hand stroking her hair, of gentle reassurances and lips pressed to her temple the blonde pulls back, just enough to rest her head on the pillow facing her.
In the dim light filtering in through the bedroom window Kara's pupils are blown, her face solemn. There's something in her heavy gaze that Lena can't identify; something weighted and potent that prickles goosebumps up the length of her spine.
"Feeling better?” she whispers into the inch of warm air between them, reaching out to tuck a sweat-matted curl reverently behind the blonde's ear.
Kara catches her retreating hand and holds tight, twining their fingers together on the narrow swathe of pillow between them. If either of them were to move so much as a millimetre, their clasped hands would press against their lips.
The blonde nods and sure enough, the soft heat of her mouth brushes the back of Lena's knuckles. She shivers.
Kara is still watching her, the intensity of her gaze causing Lena's heart to thud hard in her throat. She squeezes lightly at the fingers threaded through her own. “What?”
A pause, heavy and sweet as overripe fruit. Kara blinks once, slow. “You're my best friend.”
Lena swallows down a sudden swell of emotion. The blonde nudges closer and when she speaks, the wet seam of her lips catches on the angle of Lena's bent knuckles, painting her skin with the words.
“You're the most important person in the world to me,” Kara whispers, breaths skating fire-flashes across Lena's fingers, voice muffling out past the mouth pressed to her skin. “You know that, right?”
Lena's voice deserts her in the wake of the quiet words. She leans forward instead, presses her lips to Kara's fingertips where they rest against the back of her own hand. It's answer enough.
She hears Kara's breath catch, feels the disruption mirrored in her own chest. Both their mouths are pressed to the joined hands clasped between them. If they were to move their fingers down even just a fraction, there would be nothing separating their lips but a promise, a prayer.
Kara's eyelashes flutter in the semi-darkness. The tip of her nose brushes Lena's own. Neither one of them moves their hands.
They only gaze at one another a long moment, and Lena wonders if the blonde is memorising the planes of her face the way she's memorising Kara's. She could look at her forever, be happy here with her forever, and in this moment, Lena knows. She's in love.
For the first time, she wonders if she might not be the only one.
Right now, Kara is reaching across the table at Noonan's and taking Lena's hand.
It's been three weeks since they'd taken down Lex for the last time. Three weeks since Kara had stormed into the Tower's med bay to cup Lena's bloody, bruised face in her hands; since she'd brushed her thumbs feather-light over Lena's split eyebrow and purpling jaw and growled don't you ever scare me like that again. Three weeks since she'd leaned in and pressed her lips to Lena's.
It's been two weeks and six days since Lena, confined to a gurney but utterly uncaring thanks to the warm Kryptonian curled against her side, had pressed her aching face to Kara's shoulder and first whispered that she loved her. Two weeks and six days since Kara had first said it back.
It's been two weeks and five and a half days since Nia had walked in on Lena in Kara's arms, lips pressed to her neck and hands wandering beneath her sweatshirt, and promptly shrieked the place down. Since their friends had exchanged pointed glances and relieved sighs and congratulated them on finally making it official, their expressions ranging from overjoyed to exasperated to plain exhausted.
It's been two weeks and four days of she and Kara dating; of morning kisses and shared showers and the perfect partner at game night and all of Lena's wildest dreams coming true.
It's been less than a minute since Kara had admitted, hushed and wondering, that she'd known she was in love with Lena ever since she'd found herself suddenly prepared to poison National City's entire water supply rather than let Lena fall. That she hadn't been able to fully it admit it to herself until she'd found herself suddenly prepared to alter the course of all of history in order to get Lena back.
And right now, Kara is reaching across the table at Noonan's and taking her hand. She's looking deep into Lena's eyes, biting her lip as her thumb rubs gentle circles into Lena's palm, and her voice barely rises above a whisper when she asks, “When did you know?”
And now that she has, Lena is sure of her answer.
The highlight reel of her relationship with Kara lays itself at Lena's feet, each precious memory between them stretching out like a roadmap of her growing affection, with every hard-won step leading her right to this moment.
And in this moment, Lena knows. She's in love with Kara. Really, she always has been.
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villanellawafer · 7 years
welcome to the candy shop
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organabanana · 3 years
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What spring does to cherry trees || Supercorp
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: mostly fluff, with some porn for flair, pre-canon, but also, post-canon, tooth-rotting fluff.
Summary: I want to do with you what spring does to cherry trees. What does that even mean? It's taking a simple I love you and putting lead-lined glasses on it to keep its power contained. No offense, Mr. Neruda, but that's just weak. Kara doesn't like poetry. Until she does.
Notes: Written for a very patient anon who prompted me with “Seeing the cherry blossoms in Washington DC” but I got sidetracked by Neruda and my favorite of his poems and it turned into This.  It's poem number fourteen, found in "Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada" (Twenty love poems and a song of despair) by Pablo Neruda, which you can read here (Spanish) or here (English). I mostly translated the lines I needed myself, so I can't guarantee they'll match the official translation (I'm also not sure there is such a thing as an official translation, so there's that). With special thanks to the most patient anon in history for the prompt, to @lavenderrry for praising my vibes, and to @emiltons for the gorgeous graphic.
[ao3 link]
The first time Kara encounters Neruda's poetry she's nineteen and bored. In her defense, she thought taking a poetry class would make her feel sophisticated and cultured, but all she feels is annoyed at the insistence of using language to obscure your message rather than share it.
And yes, yes, she gets it. It all sounds very pretty and evocative. It's just Kara has been hiding her true self in plain sight for the last six years, and she can't understand why anyone would willingly and needlessly do that to themselves. To their feelings. She may never have been in love, but Kara is pretty sure if she ever is -- if her heart ever feels full to the brim with the kind of big feelings her professor keeps making them read in metaphors and symbolism -- she'll want to make them clear as day.
I want to do with you what spring does to cherry trees.
What does that even mean?
It's taking a simple I love you and putting lead-lined glasses on it to keep its power contained.
No offense, Mr. Neruda, but that's just weak.
Kara doesn't take any more poetry classes, and she doesn't think of Neruda (or any other poet, for that matter) for years. She has so many other things to think about. She moves to National City and starts working for Ms. Grant. She grows into herself, she thinks. She becomes Supergirl and feels more like herself than she has since her pod left Krypton. She dates, a little bit. Dips her toe in the dating pool, if you will. She meets Lena Luthor.
And that's the second time she runs into Neruda. Right there on a shelf in Lena's living room, on a book that looks well loved and well read, spine full of small cracks and lines from being opened over and over again. Kara has always thought you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their shelves.  
"Pablo Neruda," Kara says, one finger tracing a line down the spine of the book like she's trying to read something in the pattern of the cracks, "I didn't know you liked poetry."
"I don't dislike it." Lena's heels click-clack on the hardwood floor before she sets the bottle of wine and two glasses on the coffee table and sits on the couch. "Have you made up your mind on what we're going to watch?"
Kara can hear the faint electrical hum of the TV being turned on, but she's a bit too distracted by the book to focus on deciding whether tonight is a night for a romantic comedy or an epic drama. She couldn't say exactly why this book feels important. It just does. Maybe it's because Lena keeps so much of herself hidden somewhere not even Kara's X-Ray vision can reach, and finding little clues about her thoughts and feelings feels a lot like she's struck gold.
Yeah. Maybe that's why.
Her fascination with the book only grows when she pulls it out of the shelf only to find the title written in Spanish. "Veinte poemas de amor--"
"And a song of despair," Lena finishes in English. "Atonement? I've heard good things about it."
"No way. I said I could be persuaded to watch a tear jerker, but I did not sign up for actual depression." Kara brings the book along when she walks over to sit down next to Lena. She's so focused on the book, still, that she miscalculates her landing just by an inch or so and her thigh bumps against Lena's as she settles on the couch. But Lena doesn't move away, and Kara figures there's no reason why she should. They're friends, after all. Close friends. Figuratively and now very, very literally close.
"I didn't know you spoke Spanish." Kara speaks again, breaking the silence before it solidifies into something potentially awkward.
"I don't. It's a bilingual edition. Can we please pick a movie?"
Kara would love to do exactly what Lena wants. In fact, giving Lena everything she wants has become sort of a constant in this fledgling friendship between them. It just feels nice, you know? Giving her what she wants and making her smile. But this book. It's all so very distracting.
"So. Do you prefer the twenty love poems, or the song of despair?"
Lena rolls her eyes, but she can't quite hide the amused smirk behind the glass when she sips her wine, so Kara knows she's not nearly as annoyed as she's trying to appear.
"What is it with you and Neruda? I didn't know you were a poetry fan."
Kara scoffs. "I'm not." She still remembers the feeling of relief washing over her when she saw her passing grade on that stupid course and realized she'd never have to read another line of poetry in her life. "I don't even like poetry. I'm just curious, that's all."
Lena cocks one eyebrow at her. Studies her, in a way that makes color rise to Kara's cheeks and has her wondering if Lena can see through people, too. 
"Anyway!" Kara shakes her head like she's hoping that'll make the blush fade. "The love poems, or the song of despair?"
"The poems," Lena finally concedes, "and I'm very surprised you don't like poetry. You seem the type."
"What?" Kara is already thumbing through the edge of the book, trying to find the place where it'll open naturally and hopefully show her which of the twenty love poems Lena happens to like the most. "What does that even mean?"
"Well, you have a big heart. Big feelings." Lena looks into Kara's eyes like she's trying to read all those feelings right there in shades of blue, and Kara finds herself looking down at the book just in case. Just in case all those big feelings she can't even name herself are there for Lena to read. "Seems like a recipe for liking poetry."
Kara shakes her head and pushes her glasses up, just in case. Just in case the lead in them can shield more than just her powers. And just as she's about to argue -- just as she's about to tell Lena precisely why she doesn't like poetry -- she opens her book and her gaze lands on a familiar phrase.
"Quiero hacer contigo," she reads out loud from the page on the left, and her fingertip is already finding the next verse on the right when Lena finishes for her.
"What spring does to cherry trees."
If Kara was just Kara Danvers, she'd have missed it all. She'd have just heard her best friend speak a line from a poem that -- much like most poems -- means very little to her. But she's not just Kara Danvers. So Kara hears the way Lena's heart beats just a little bit faster. The way her breath catches just so. The exact fraction of a tone her voice drops when she speaks. The faintest hint of a sigh.
"See? This is why I don't like poetry." Kara chances a look into green eyes, and she's so very grateful Lena has no superhearing to tip her off to the way Kara's heart seems to trip all over itself.  "'I want to do with you what spring does to cherry trees'. What does that mean?"
Kara swears -- she swears -- she catches Lena's pupils dilating just enough to make her think she knows exactly what the poem means. 
"It's not about what it means, Kara. It's about what it makes you feel." Lena lets out a soft chuckle, something light and airy like this is just a silly little conversation with no weight to it at all. Like she can't feel the way the air itself seems to have changed into something new. 
"Is it your favorite line?" Kara pretends she can't hear the way her own voice has changed, too.
Lena shakes her head. "No. My favorite is actually--"
Kara hears the DEO alarm before Lena's fingertip can make contact with the paper, and she almost considers ignoring it. She almost considers letting whatever danger is looming over this whole city have at it because finding out what's Lena's favorite line in her favorite poem seems far more important right now.
But of course, that would be crazy. Crazy! Kara would never.
"I'm so sorry, Lena, I--" Kara stands up, already hearing Alex's voice telling her where she's needed as she pulls her phone out of her pocket and pretends to read a text, "I have to go. I forgot I had this thing with--"
"Go." Lena's smile is just small enough to make Kara's heart twist in an uncomfortable way that's become familiar since she started lying to her friend. "Sounds important. I understand."
Kara nods, just once. "Tomorrow?"
Lena's smile doesn't grow, but it suddenly reaches her eyes, and something settles in Kara's chest. "Of course. Tomorrow."
Five hours later, foe defeated and safely locked away at the DEO, Supergirl touches down on Lena's balcony. There isn't a single light on inside the apartment, and Kara hesitates for a second by the sliding glass door. She shouldn't sneak into Lena's apartment in the middle of the night. That's a little creepy, right? Even if she knows Lena's said over and over again Kara's welcome any time.
It's just.
That book.
Lena's favorite line.
Kara may never be able to sleep again if she doesn't find out what it is.
So with a non-zero amount of shame at her own choice, Kara ends up sliding the door open and slipping into Lena's living space. She listens for Lena's breathing to make sure she's asleep, and once she's satisfied that's the case she makes a beeline for the shelf and the now-familiar book. It doesn't take her long to find the page she'd been reading before, and soon enough she's reading the lines Lena had been pointing to.
How you must have hurt getting used to me, to my savage, solitary soul, to my name that sends everyone running.
The words wrap around Kara's heart like a vice. If she could do it without blowing her cover and putting Lena in danger, she'd go in her room right now just to wake her up and tell her what Kara thinks about her soul. About her name, too, while she's at it. She'd tell her everyone else is free to run if they want, but Kara isn't going anywhere. 
But she can't do any of those things. 
The two lines stay with Kara, sort of swirling under the surface of her thoughts. She never actively thinks about them -- about poetry in general, for that matter -- but they're there. 
She remembers them sometimes. When their friendship grows and strengthens and one day Kara realizes Lena may be the person she loves the most in the world (tied with Alex). When the secrets and lies catch up with her and she thinks she may have lost Lena for good. When she finally gets Lena back.
It's been five years since she snuck into Lena's apartment that one night to find out about her favorite line in her favorite poem. Five years since she's actively thought about Neruda and the book and the words inside it. But for some reason, when Kara wakes up a couple hours earlier than she needs to and finds herself unable to sleep, she feels like that's precisely what she needs to read to soothe her brain. Maybe poetry will have the same sedative effect it used to have in college.
Wearing only an old t-shirt, Kara walks out of the bedroom and into the living area, scanning the shelves where she thinks she last saw that book. It's hard to keep track when your book collection has multiplied and turned into more of a home library situation than anything else, but she eventually finds it -- spine still cracked and pages still well-loved and well-read -- and settles down on the couch.
Kara flips from poem to poem, not really paying attention to any of them. A line from the third and then two from the eighteenth and a word or two from the seventh, eyes flicking between the Spanish lines and their English counterparts on the other side of the page. It's soothing, in a strange way. Like white noise, she figures. Nonsensical but calming. Until she lands on the fourteenth. 
"Oh, those cherry trees," Kara half-groans in a whisper. The cherry trees and the spring and the convoluted way to say I love you. And Lena's favorite lines. 
Kara feels it all over again. The pang of pain at the sight of that line.
My name that sends everyone running.
It lands different this time, five years into a friendship that turned out to be so much more and nearly went up in flames at one point. Because of names and lies and... well. Everything else. Lena was right after all, wasn't she? It's not about what the poem means. It's about what it makes you feel. And right now Kara feels a lot more than she'd be able to put in words if she had to.
Maybe Mr. Neruda was on to something after all.
"Hey," Lena's voice is laced with sleep, and Kara smiles as she listens to her footsteps bringing her closer, "what are you doing? It's the middle of the night."
Kara wouldn't call it the middle of the night -- more like a very early morning, really -- but she's not about to argue. "Reading. I couldn't sleep."
"Everything all right?" Lena reaches the back of the couch and makes the most of the rare height advantage over her girlfriend to press a kiss to the top of blond hair. "Why couldn't you sleep?"
Kara opens her arms before Lena can even think about sitting next to her instead, and smiles at the familiar weight of Lena sliding onto her lap. Even as she shrugs off Lena's question, Kara is already burying her face against the soft skin of her girlfriend's neck, breathing her in and letting the familiar scent filling her lungs soothe her like no amount of poetry ever could.
"Kara," Lena's fingers slide into blond hair, blunt fingernails scratching at Kara's scalp and making her hum in delight, "that's not an answer."
"No reason. I'm just not tired anymore I guess." A deep, content sigh. "Baby, you're so good at that."
There's still a slight crease between Lena's eyebrows, but that doesn't stop the smile Kara's praise brings to her face. "You'd tell me if I had to worry?"
Reluctantly, Kara pulls away from the warmth of Lena's neck. Her arms wrap around Lena's waist as she looks into green eyes. "You know I would."
And Kara watches Lena let the words sink in. They've had this conversation before, and Kara knows they'll have it again. They both have sore spots that need special care from time to time. And just to keep Lena's mind from going down any sort of rabbit hole, Kara decides it's time to continue a conversation they left unfinished five years ago.
"It didn't hurt at all, you know. Getting used to you." Kara shows Lena the book she's been holding, and grins when Lena smirks as the reference clicks.
"I thought you didn't like poetry," Lena chides, taking the book and flipping through the pages until she lands -- unsurprisingly, if you ask Kara -- back on poem fourteen.
"I don't. It's like... giving feelings a secret identity."
Lena arches one eyebrow, looking somewhere between amused and curious. "Care to explain?"
"Well, you know," Kara leans in to steal a quick, soft kiss, "say I want to kiss you. I can just say it. That's better than hiding it behind some kind of... flowery metaphor that'll make you wonder if I'm even saying that in the first place. Right?"
There's this look on Lena's face. Kara knows it well. It's like a challenge. Like she's playing chess and she's already thinking six moves ahead and knows you're toast whatever you do from that point on. Kara finds it nothing short of delicious.
"So you're saying," Lena says, and there's victory right there simmering under the surface of her words because she knows -- she knows -- she's won, "you'd rather I say 'this is a lovely sunrise we get to see together'," Lena's gaze drops to the open book in her hand to refresh her memory on the line she's about to quote, but she makes sure she's looking into blue eyes once again when she speaks, "than 'so many times we've watched the morning star burn, kissing our eyes, and over our heads the grey light unwind in turning fans', right?"
Kara swallows, hard. Her cheeks burn with a blush that will simply not be contained, no matter how hard she tries to keep some semblance of dignity. Her mouth feels dry all of a sudden, heart beating just fast enough -- hard enough -- that she's sure even Lena's plain human hearing can pick it up. And the look on her girlfriend's face lets Kara know she knows exactly what's currently happening to her.
"W-- well." Kara blinks, shaking her head like she's trying to physically clear the fog inside. To her credit, she thinks she manages to sound more indignant than turned on. "I mean that's unfair. You made it hot."
Lena lets out a delighted chuckle that hits Kara right in her heart, like a little pinball ball making it ding with the knowledge that Lena Luthor is happy enough to laugh. Really, truly laugh. 
"What?" Lena asks, still grinning, fingertips teasing the soft hairs at the back of Kara's neck like it's nothing -- like she doesn't know what she's doing to her. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Ohh no, ma'am," Kara grins, cheeks still burning with the feeling simmering down low in her belly but too charmed by her girlfriend's teasing smile to stop, "you don't get to pretend you didn't do that on purpose."
"Kara," Lena says, in that way, because she knows, she knows, she knows Kara's weaknesses so perfectly well, and Kara wouldn't have it any other way, "I was just quoting Neruda, I didn't do anything."
"You did the voice thing!" 
"What voice th-- Kara, if you can't just admit plain language and poetic language are simply not on the same level I--"
"You purred the words! How is that fair!?"
Kara presses her lips together like she can retroactively keep the words from exiting her mouth. Too late, though. Lena looks positively delighted.
"I purred the words?" Lena echoes, barely able to keep a straight face. Actually, you know what? Scratch that. She's openly pleased with herself. Smug, even.
"I mean. I mean," Kara says, and she touches the bridge of her nose with one fingertip because for a moment she's forgotten there are no glasses to push up at all, "obviously it's not the same. Poetry and prose, they're inherently--"
"Different, right," Lena finishes Kara's thought, "so you see how you'd use one or the other depending on how emotionally charged--"
Kara shakes her head. "But you don't need flowery metaphors to convey emotion! You can just say what you mean and mean what you say."
"But you just said it yourself. It felt different when I just said it's a sunset, and when I quoted--"
"You purred poetry at me, Lena, of course I'm going to feel a certain kind of way!"
And there it is. Kara feels it in her bones. The checkmate Lena had seen coming a mile away. She sees it right there in the smirk on her girlfriend's face. In the way Lena's pupils dilate just so. The way her tongue peeks out to lick her lips as she looks at Kara like she's lunch.
Or, you know. Breakfast, as the case may be.
"You feel a certain kind of way?" Lena shifts on Kara's lap and they've been together for long enough that Kara absolutely knows there's nothing innocent or coincidental in the way Lena's night shirt (Kara's high school gym t-shirt, mind you) rides up to expose Lena's lace-covered ass. "What kind of way is that, Supergirl?"
Kara perks up at the sound of her name. Her other name. Because maybe it wasn't checkmate after all. Maybe it was just check. Because the thing is, it's not just Lena knowing all of Kara's weaknesses. That knowledge very much goes both ways. And Lena calling her Supergirl? 
Oh, Kara is absolutely not the only one who's feeling a certain way.
"You know." Kara shrugs slightly, pretending to still be the mouse in this little game. She rests one hand on Lena's knee and lets her palm slide up her thigh, slowly, listening to Lena's heartbeat speeding up with each inch of skin Kara explores. "You know the way I mean."
Lena's breath hitches just so when Kara's hand slides further up, and Kara savors the sound of Lena's heart tripping over itself when her fingertips drag along damp lace.
"You're listening, aren't you?" Lena cocks her eyebrow, but her lips stay parted and her breathing comes in short, warm puffs so the whole thing really doesn't come off as stern as Kara is sure Lena would like. 
"Hmm?" Kara knows she's probably pushing her luck, but she bats her eyelashes anyway, her face the very picture of innocence as if her fingertips weren't tracing the very edge of Lena's panties, hinting at what they could (will) do if she just happened to push that fabric aside. "Listening to what, baby?"
Lena tries not to -- Kara can see the struggle right there in her eyes -- but she whimpers anyway, quiet and just barely audible to the human ear. 
"Kara." It tries to sound like a warning, but it falls just this side of pleading instead. Lena blushes so very pretty when she's feeling a certain kind of way.
"Yes, Lena?" 
"You're listening," a breath, slow and measured like she wishes she could take in a deep one but her lungs can't quite cope with that right now, "to me."
"Well, I mean," Kara shrugs slightly, like she can't feel the warmth of Lena's pussy against her fingertips, "I try to. I feel like it's good girlfriend etiquette."
Lena is trying so hard to look at least moderately annoyed. It's not working at all, but Kara can see that's her intent. She also knows exactly what Lena means, too. She means Kara is listening to her. To the beat of her heart and the air in her lungs and all the tiny, inaudible (for everyone else) sounds that tell her exactly how much Lena wants her. 
"You're listening to what you're doing to me." Lena drops the book on the floor to wrap both hands around Kara's neck, hips shifting forward just enough to get more contact with Kara's hand between her legs. Kara knows Lena doesn't need superhearing to notice the way Kara's breath catches in her throat. 
"And what am I doing to you, baby?" Kara won't cross the barrier of Lena's panties just yet, but her fingers becomes more purposeful, less teasing as two fingertips press against Lena's clit through damp lace. Lena's eyes flutter closed and she takes in a sharp breath that sounds almost like a gasp, and Kara rewards such a gorgeous sound with a kiss to Lena's jaw. "What Spring does to cherry trees?"
Lena must feel Kara's teasing grin even if she can't see it, because she lets out a breathless chuckle even as her hips start rocking to meet the movements of Kara's fingers. "Just admit poetry can express richer emotions than prose ever cou--"
Kara's mouth is on Lena's before she can finish her thought, and Kara would maybe feel a bit guilty for interrupting, but Lena's fingers fist in blond hair and pull her close and there's no way someone who's offended would kiss her like that. And Kara isn't even listening anymore, because Lena's tongue is in her mouth and all she can hear is her own heart thumping along anyway.
When she breaks the kiss, Lena keeps Kara close. She's panting slightly, breath hot and wet against Kara's lips and pupils so dilated Kara wonders if she can see her at all. A quiet, hitched moan escapes parted lips, and Kara swears there's nothing in the world -- in the universe, really -- more beautiful than Lena when she's like this. Like putty in her hands. And Kara just can't resist. 
"Admit you purred," she whispers against kiss-swollen lips, knowing if there's one chance for her to win an argument with her girlfriend this must be it. When she has Lena rocking against her fingers, wet and wanting and just the right amount of needy to get her to give in, for once. 
"Kara." It's practically a whine, and Kara swears it sounds like victory. Until she sees the glint in her girlfriend's eyes, and Lena gets her checkmate move after all. "Shut up and fuck me."
Kara feels the words rather than hears them. They hit right between her legs and spread all over her body, and you know what? Kara really is okay with losing under these particular circumstances.
Two fingers hook under the crotch of Lena's panties and Kara tugs lightly, almost like she's testing the strength of the lacy fabric. "Do you really like the..." Kara's voice trails off as Lena pulls the t-shirt up and over her head, blue eyes staring unabashedly at her girlfriends breasts as she struggles to finish her thought, "...these?"
It's just polite to ask before tearing someone's panties to shreds, if you ask her, even if you're currently transfixed at the sight of her breasts.
"I don't care." Lena's voice is doing that thing again, except this time Kara is pretty sure she's not doing it on purpose at all, it's just that's what Lena sounds like when she needs Kara now and isn't that just the best thing ever? "Baby, please, I don't care."
Kara doesn't know if she rips the panties off first and then leans in to catch Lena's left nipple with her mouth or if it happens the other way around, but she honestly doesn't care either, as it turns out. All she knows is two fingers slip inside Lena in one smooth, firm thrust, and her free hand grabs Lena's right breast, and then--
"More," Lena moans, breathy and greedy, but when Kara starts thrusting harder into her Lena shakes her head, "no, no-- more fingers," and Kara lets out a quiet whimper around the stiff nipple between her teeth. 
Kara pulls her fingers out of Lena and stretches her ring finger to join the first two before sliding them back inside. Her movements are slow and careful, all of her senses focused on detecting even the slightest hint of discomfort in her girlfriend until her three fingers are fully inside Lena. 
"Go on, Supergirl." 
Lena's tone is just the right amount of teasing to make Kara chuckle lightly, mouth leaving Lena's breast to trail kisses up her sternum and to the freckles on her neck as her arm starts pumping once again. She's so very close, Kara can tell, and even more so when she turns her wrist just so to press the pad of her thumb against Lena's clit.
Lena's fingers dig into Kara's scalp, into the strong muscle at her shoulder as Lena holds on and rides Kara's hand, hips rocking hard and fast in time with Kara's thrusts. Kara couldn't listen to any one thing if she tried. It's a symphony of sighs and moans, whimpers and ragged breaths and stuttering heartbeats that nearly overwhelms her senses until she feels Lena clench around her fingers, hips losing their rhythm as Lena comes with Kara's name on her lips.
Kara pulls her face away from Lena's neck just so she can look at her. Watch her come around her fingers and then relax, chest heaving with the effort of trying to catch her breath. Kara swears there can't be a more beautiful sight in the universe, especially not now, with the sun rising and bathing Lena's damp skin in early morning light. And as much as Kara tries to suppress it, there's a thought running through her head. A line from that stupid poem with its stupid cherry trees.
A long time I have loved the sunned mother-of-pearl of your body... 
"You're thinking very loudly," Lena whispers, already resting her head on Kara's shoulder as her fingertips play with the hem of Kara's shirt, "what are you thinking?"
For a second, Kara considers telling her, but Neruda's words aren't what comes out when she opens her mouth. "Just how beautiful you look," she says, which is in fact the truth. Kind of. She can't let Lena win every single time, right?
"Apparently the first cherry trees got here in 1910, but they had to burn them all because of a bunch of insects." Kara holds the little guide book in her hand as she reads, her other hand safely in Lena's as they walk along the Tidal Basin. "These ones are newer, from 1912."
 "Oh, like the Titanic!" Lena looks delighted with the coincidence, and the bright smile on her face makes Kara lean in to steal a kiss from her lips. Her fiancée is super cute when she lets her inner dork show, if you ask Kara.
"See? I told you buying an actual guide book would be worth it!" Kara holds the small book in her hand with the pride of someone who's just won an argument (for once). "Where else are you going to get that kind of high quality trivia?"
"You do know the prototype L-Corp keychain I gave you last week can access Google, yes?"
"Not the same."
"Not to mention the actual supercomputers we all carry around in our pockets. Or the high-tech communicator in your wat--"
"Lena!" Kara groans. "Look around! The cherry blossoms! The quaintness of springtime! A romantic stroll along the river! Where's your sense of romance?"
Lena chuckles lightly, her free hand sliding up Kara's arm to wrap around her bicep. And Kara would complain about the obvious use of one of her many Lena-related weaknesses, but you know what? It works.
"Kara Danvers," Lena says, voice low and teasing, "that's all very poetic."
Kara rolls her eyes, but she can't quite stop the bright smile that's already appearing on her face. "Don't you start with me," she warns, not very convincingly. 
Lena presses a kiss to Kara's shoulder, and it makes color rise to Kara's cheeks even through the soft fabric of her cardigan. Even after all these years. But she figures if there's one day to be particularly enamored with one's fiancée, that's the day she's scheduled to receive a Presidential Award for her contributions to science and the betterment of humanity.
Not to brag. But Kara is proud.
"I love you," Kara says, because she can't not, "and I'm just so proud, I--"
Lena presses a finger to Kara's lips, stopping what was potentially about to turn into a whole speech about the many ways in which Lena Luthor could not possibly be any more perfect if she tried. 
"Kara," Lena warns, all cocked eyebrow and slightly pursed lips, "you promised. You promised you wouldn't cry before the actual ceremony."
And Kara would argue. She'd argue that she's perfectly capable of going on about Lena's many virtues without actually crying, but you know what? Her eyes are feeling just a tiny bit misty already so she's just gonna go ahead and trust Lena on this one.
"You know what I also love?" Kara presses a kiss to the pad of Lena's finger and obediently changes subjects. "Sushi. Let's go get some." Kara starts walking away from the beautiful soft pink trees and in the general direction of the street festival, tugging Lena along. She's all for the romance of blossom-watching, but she'd be lying if she said hearing about the culinary side of this whole festival hadn't excited her a bit more than that.
It's only when she hears a sigh coming from Lena that Kara's focus shifts from food to the woman next to her. That wasn't a happy sigh. 
"Are you okay, baby?"
Lena smiles. It's not a fake smile, but there's a hint of something in it that isn't fully happy, either. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine. It's just... between the cherry blossoms and all this talk of sushi, I guess it made me a bit nostalgic for Sendai." 
"Sendai?" Kara looks at Lena with curiosity written all over her face. "What's Sendai?"
"Oh, it's a city in Japan. I lived there for a few months for an exchange when I was in college. Did I never tell you?" Kara shakes her head, her face the picture of delight at getting to learn something new about Lena. "There was this little restaurant near Tohokudai, I swear they had the best sushi in the world." Lena hums, letting her eyes flutter closed for a second like she's trying to imagine the taste. "I'd do anything for some negitoro maki from that place right about now."
Kara listens intently to her fiancée's words. She knows it's just a silly little comment. She knows Lena will be perfectly happy eating the undoubtedly delicious sushi currently being sold at the street festival. And yet.
She can't resist a chance to make Lena just that little bit happier, can she? 
So Kara looks around to make sure they're not being watched, and lets go of Lena's hand. "Be right back."
"Where are you--?"
But all Lena gets is a quick kiss and a gust of wind on her face before Kara disappears.
She's only gone for a couple of minutes -- just enough for Lena to wander back towards the cherry trees -- and when she comes back she's holding a small box which she immediately presents to Lena.
"Sushi for my... sushi," Kara lets out a chuckle, her now-free hand coming up to scratch at the back of her head like she's aware she may have gone just a little bit overboard but she's hoping it won't be too much, "Sendai's beautiful, by the way."
Lena's smile is soft, and Kara has a feeling -- not to toot her own horn -- if she'd been listening she would've heard Lena's heart skip a beat. 
"Kara Danvers," Lena sighs, shaking her head like that'll do anything to hide just how charmed she is right now, "you're something el-- what's that?"
"Nothing," Kara shifts slightly and puts her hand -- and the little carton box it's holding -- behind her back, fully intending on letting the focus of this moment be on her romantic gesture, but Lena raises one eyebrow and Kara loses her resolve. "Potstickers." Kara's voice is quiet as she shows Lena the box. "What? I was in the neighborhood!"
"In the neighborhood of," Lena squints slightly as she reads the words on the box, "Shanghai?"
"Well, China is next door to Japan, if you think about it."
Lena chuckles, clearly too charmed by this whole thing to even continue teasing Kara about it. "Thank you. For this. You didn't actually have to fly all the way to Japan to get my favorite sushi, but I appreciate it."
Kara shrugs, chopsticks already grabbing the first potsticker in the box. "I'd go way farther than Japan to make you happy. You know that."
"I do know," Lena nods, looking just a little thoughtful, like she's just now realizing she fully believes Kara would stop at nothing to make her happy, "you even promised when you proposed."
Lena wiggles her finger, flashing the kryptium ring that's been there for a few weeks now along with a teasing smile, and Kara can only shrug. "Well, I meant it," she says, popping the potsticker in her mouth and leaning against the trunk of a nearby cherry tree.
"I know," Lena says again, but this time she's smiling, amusement shining in her eyes, "if only Lex had figured out the one true way to have the world in the palm of your hand is to make a Kryptonian fall in love with you."
"To be fair, I really don't think your brother is Kal's type."
Eight hours later, they're seeing the Tidal Basin from above, the cherry blossoms looking nearly white in the moonlight. They could be in National City already, but Kara figures there's no reason why she can't take the scenic route with Lena in her arms and enjoy the view without the crowds and the bustle they experienced earlier today. Perks of being your own private jet.
"Go a bit lower, baby," Lena's voice is soft against Kara's ear, like she's afraid if she speaks too loud she'll break the spell and they won't feel like the only two people in the world anymore, "I want to see the flowers."
Kara doesn't make her wait. Lena's just been awarded an actual medal by the President, and spoiling her a little is the least Kara can do. So she dips until they're hovering just above the soft pink blossoms and then a little lower still, close enough that Lena can smell the sweet, fresh scent of Spring.
The night is clear and quiet, just cool enough for Lena to reach for Kara's cape and pull it forward to wrap it around herself. Kara holds her a little closer, just enough to hopefully provide a bit of extra warmth, and she figures it was the right move when Lena slips one arm from under Kara's cape to reach for the tree and pick a particularly pretty blossom from one of the branches that's closer to them.
Lena looks at it for a moment, twirling the little stem between her fingers like she's pondering what to do with it. And then she turns and tucks Kara's hair behind her ear, sliding the small flower between soft blond strands and smiling when she's satisfied it'll stay exactly where she wants it.
"Happy?" Kara chuckles, something soft and quiet and a little teasing because there's something equal parts amusing and endearing about Lena's perfectionism when it comes to silly little things like putting a flower in Kara's hair.
And there's something about the way Lena smiles, more with her eyes than with her mouth, that makes Kara see, clear as day, just how serious Lena is. How sincere, when she says she's very happy. 
Maybe that's why Kara gets a little transfixed just looking at her, suddenly aware of just how different this Lena -- the Lena wrapped in her arms and her cape, wearing her ring and smiling with a smile that's just Kara's -- is from the Lena she first met all those years ago.
"Kara Zor-El," Lena's voice is soft just like the sound of Kara's true name on her lips, "what are you thinking about?"
And Kara wishes she had the words to tell her. But how does she even begin to explain what she's feeling right now? How she's still the same Lena that made Kara's heart trip all over itself the first time she saw her, but she's so very different all the same time. Brighter. Lighter. Loved. God, she's so loved, and Lena knows it, finally, and that's what's different, maybe. Not just Kara's love, because Lena's had that from the very first day, probably, but the fact that Lena can feel it now. 
How do you put that in words? I love you just doesn't feel like enough. 
And then it hits her.
"I'm thinking," Kara smiles, cheeks pink with the knowledge that she's just been proven wrong, "about what Spring does to cherry trees."
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mightynonagesimus · 3 years
15 Minutes (What If I Told You)
ANGST WITH AN UNHAPPY ENDING. DO NOT READ FOR A GOOD TIME. This is a supercorp oneshot I wrote after I hear the title song. Very Angsty, you are warned. Trigger Warning : Angst, mentions of suicidal thoughts, depression, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Obiviously. This is pre-apocalypse.
Monday, July 13th
Lena's Loft,
National City.
It was very unnoticeable at first. Solar flares from a nearby galaxy far enough that they didn't think much of it. A few explosions a couple galaxies down hardly warranted the DEO's involvement. Besides, Earth had different things to worry about. The Team had different things to worry about. Probably. Lena wouldn't know anymore, would she? After the Fortress, she had taken extra precautions to block every single one of them out of her life. She didn't need anyone. She just needed to save the world.
And to be honest? Lena was ashamed it took her that long to figure it out. It wasn't like her. The  Prodigy of her generation. The CEO of one of the biggest Tech Corporations in America. The sister of Earth's most infamous criminal mastermind.
If she had just gotten out of bed, checked any of her projects, called her secretary back. But she was too numb, too empty. Lying in bed, unable to move or think. Wishing to die. She couldn't even muster up the energy to lift a hand, it was just... pathetic.
After a week, Jess had had enough. It took Sam flying over from Metropolis to even get Lena out of bed. Sam had no idea about Kara, of course. But it didn't take long for her to march over to Alex's apartment and threaten her friend until the truth spilled. Lena had never seen that furious. Over Lena, of all people.
She didn't deserve Sam.
Sam had been pestering her all week. Bringing over food and staying with her every night. Lena felt like an asshole, taking up so much of her time. That was the main reason she returned to L-Corp after a week That was when she found out about the satellite malfunctions. Some radioactive signature was messing with their signals. That was fine, this was a problem Lena could fix, right? Easy.
Wrong. Turns out the signature was something her systems could recognize. Kryptonite. A giant chunky piece of Kryptonite and debris about the size of a small moon. A Krypto-Comet that was hurtling at half the speed of light from deep space, directly towards Earth.
Mondays, right?
Of course, she contacted the DEO immediately. They were horrified. For a Secret Government Agency handling the extraterrestrial, they had some shockingly bad tech. She wasn't really surprised.  Also, they might have been slightly distracted with Leviathan. Lena had spent the next three days cooped up in a lab with Brainiac 5 desperately trying to come up with a way to deflect it or destroy it, or anything really. Usually, an Anti-Kryptonite suit and Supergirl would have taken care of the problem real quick, but considering the size of the comet and the excessive amount of Kryptonite on it, it just wouldn't be possible. There was no time to call for back-up from Argo City either, with the satellites malfunctioning.
The last five days were utter chaos. Naturally, the news hit the public hard. It was pandemonium, but how could you keep a goddamn meteorite impact from them? The skies were already turning purple.
Lena however, was still in her lab. Over the course of three days, a complete whirlwind of people checked in and out of her lab. People she had never met before. People she had never even heard of. Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow. A scientist named Raymond Palmer with some very interesting ideas on molecular structure and shrinkage. Felicity Smoak. Alex pulled her aside during lunch to explain about the Multiverse.
What. Even. What.
It felt like her brain was exploding, but she was their best chance of saving the planet. She had to pull it together. She can't show any weakness.
Alex called for another excruciating meeting the second day.
"Attention! I have some news." Alex exhaled slowly. "Sara?"
"I'm sorry guys, but it's bad. We were unable to prevent this event from not occurring. It happens rarely, but this can't be prevented by modifying the timeline. It's inevitable. We have to find other ways."
"What if we move your population to our Earth?" Harry? Larry? The guy in red spandex asked.
"More than half out Earth's population have doppelgangers in yours. It will mess with the balance of your universe. We can't move them. How about finding an empty universe?"
"Kara is out looking for one, but every Earth we found was either ruined or full. That's too long a shot, I don't think we'll find one in time."
"Well, theoretically-" Brainy hesitated - "My ancestors had a way of...dealing with planets that disagreed with them. They would shrink them down and have them as trophies."
"We can't shrink the planet, the gravitation of the solar system would collapse and we would fall into the sun." Lena muttered distractedly, fiddling with her pen.
"Let's not do that. Any luck contacting Superman?"
"Radio silence. The radiation is messing with communications."
"We could push it through a wormhole, or a portal, but-"
"The comet will be here before we could begin to build it. What if we transport our people to a different planet?"
"Seven billion people on a different planet without nearly enough food and water?"
"Or maybe into a space station?"
"We have four days. To transport seven billion people. And essential items."
"Yeah, that's not gonna work either."
"Okay, let's keep at it guys." Alex clapped her hands together. "There IS a way, we just don't know it yet."
Yeah, there was no other way. The days went by in a whirl. They came up with theory after theory, but it was too late. Their world was going to end. Nothing can stop it.
During the last day, Alex ordered every non-Earth-38 person off the universe. And even though there was some resistance, everyone sombrely agreed it was the best move.
A surprising lot of friendships were made that week. World-ending threats tend to do that, apparently. Lena personally never wanted to experience Nia and Zari Tarazi try to cook a pizza together ever again. They almost blasted the dough halfway across the DEO building and into the miniature Nuclear Reactor.
Lena would never, not in a million years, ever admit it; but she wanted what they had.
She couldn't fathom that comfort, that mutual understanding of trust that Nia shared with Zari. How did they build it? How could they rely on it, when they had been strangers only a week ago? How could you share your secrets, yourself, with someone who could potentially turn against you, someone who could be lying through their teeth like Eve was, someone who might hate you just because of a name that you can't change?
Not that anything could be done now. It was too late.
They were gathered at the DEO training facility off-city to say their final goodbyes, except Lena was at L-Corp. It took her a while to accept it, but this time it was real. There was no hail mary, no high stake final masterplan left in her. She was going to die, along with her planet.
So it was the perfect time to break out her finest bottle of scotch.
The L-Corp building was deadly silent. Any other day, Lena would have enjoyed it. The building was almost never fully empty, with the security team and the journalists and the interns who never sleep. Today it put her on edge.
Because she did this. Lena caused all this, it was Lena's fault. She was the reason-
The tiny blue screen lit up on her desk, ringing insistently. The tech mogul was almost relieved that something interrupted.
The silence. Interrupted the silence.
Lena brought it to her ear.
"Lena!? Where the hell are you?" For a second, Lena relished the panic in Alex's voice. Of course, it probably was over the world ending, but she wanted to pretend that it was over Lena. That Alex actually cared about her.
"What do need me to do, Director Danvers?" Her voice was meant to be posh and clipped as always, but it came out slightly more drunk than she wanted it to.
"Wha-Nothing! I just couldn't find you anywhere so I thought I'd check up on you." Aww, Alex. You don't need to pretend, everything is gonna go to shit anyway.
"Is Sam still there?"
"Uh- Yes. Yeah, she's here. Do you want to talk to her?"
"Nooo." Lena considered it. "No, definitely not."
"Lena, are you drunk?"
Lena exhaled loudly. "Why did you call me, Director?"
"Because the universe is ending!" Lena cringed away from the phone. That was too loud for her sleep-deprived brain.
"I don't see your point." She huffed back.
"Goddammit. Look, Kara and I will keep looking for a solution, you don't need to worry, okay? You know she never gives up. Nia and the others-"
"Please just stop." Lena begged.
"I-Stop?" Lena could picture Alex's face. She hated that she did.
"I don't care! About anything, anymore. Just leave me alone. Goodbye, Alex."Sorry I pulled so much shit.
Lena switched it off and chucked it across the room, onto her couch. It bounced over the cushions and fell over.
She was alone, now.
"Greetings, miss Luthor. What can I do for you today?" Hope was always here. Lena's only constant companion through everything. Even if it did wear the face of her traitor friend.
"You understand that this will be the last day?"
"Yes, miss Luthor-"
"Lena. Call me Lena."
The robot cocked its head to the side. Why did Lena program it so life-like?
"Lena. Would you like for me to call anyone else?"
"No, thank you. How long is it now?"
"Seventeen minutes and three seconds."
Lena cradled her head. It felt like her brain was swimming in the alcohol. At least she won't have to feel this tomorrow.
"Execute terminal orders and shut down, please."
"Executed. Goodbye, Miss Luthor."
The hologram blinked off. Lena swirled the last of the scotch in her glass. It didn't taste nearly as good as she hoped. She set it down in distaste.
God, this was all her doing, wasn't it?
If only Lex could see her now, pushing everyone away, alone and lonely on top of the empire that was built by her psychopathic family. Everything he said that day was true.
And it was all Lena's fault. Because she chose to trust Kara. She chose her new family. She wanted that. She craved that. Even when she knew she could never have it. She's always craved that. This wonderful 'family' she could love with all her heart. They would have been her people, they would love her no matter her last name. They would support her through hell and back. She fucking fantasized about how they would be there for her every birthday, about how she would shower them with love and affection, about game nights and road trips. She didn't give a shit about romantic, platonic, she just wanted someone to be there at the airport when she comes back from month-long expeditions through Europe.
It all seems so naive now. She was still here, on top of an empty building, because of her choices. Because of her stupid, stubborn pride. She must have chosen this, right? This is what she wanted. To be alone. Sixteen minutes from the world ending. She had chosen to be alone, bitter, angry at herself for doing what she had done.
Fuck, no.
But it was too late. Too late to accept her family, too late to enjoy them. Too late to save the world. Too late to apologize.
Fuuuuuuck, she messed up. What she wouldn't give to go back in time, find her younger self and...eughh. Berate her? Explain? Mug her? Lena had no idea.
This scotch tastes like shit.
Why is time so slow?
Her life is shit. She would like a refund.
The alcohol is really getting to her brain, cause she found that funny.
The entire floor rattled when the door flies open behind her. *
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Oh hey, Sam. You did come.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She crossed her arms, raising one brow at her CFO.
"Lena, no." Sam stomped over and wretched the glass away from Lena.
"Goddammit, leave me alone, Sam!" Why I am so shitty all the time Sam?
"No." She repeated firmly.
"No. I should have done this a long time ago when I first got back here. I'm not leaving you alone, I'm not letting you drink yourself to death. I'm not let you wallow in your misery when the world is fucking ending and you still stubbornly refuse to put down your pride. I'm not leaving!"
She walked over to Lena's hidden break room and poured the scotch down the sink.
"But I-"
"No. Listen, you dumbass. You've been through some horrible, messed-up shit. Your brother almost destroyed the world multiple times. Your mother was a narcissistic fucking psychopath. I cannot even begin to understand how you feel most of the time. Having every move scrutinized by the world, feeling like you can't trust anyone."
"I trust you."
Sam paused. "I-What?"
"I trust you, Sam. You may be the only person who I can be myself around right now. And-And I know that isn't fair to you, me having constant breakdowns. I keep you from your life and Ruby and I hate it-"
"Lena!" Sam takes her hand. "You can always tell me about it. Everything. And I won't lie, helping you through your trauma isn't easy, especially since you refuse to meet a therapist. But that doesn't mean you can keep everything to yourself. It means that your pain, it matters to me. It is a piece of you that you have shared with me, and it isn't going to fucking evaporate the second I know about it. You matter. Your trauma matters. To me, and to everyone at the DEO. I want to help you." She inhaled deeply.
"And I can't promise that everything is going to be fine, I don't even know if we'll exist an hour from now, but I can tell you this. You don't deserve all this pain. That doesn't mean you don't have it. You are not responsible for what your family did, and you are not responsible for your mother's death. You don't deserve to die alone and at odds with everyone you love."
"Sam, but I-"
"And I'm sorry, I know Kara and the others messed up. But they love you. They are your family now. And I can't watch you punish yourself over this. Lena, it's time to let go."
Tears lined Lena's eyes. "I can't do it, Sam!"
"You can."
"I can't! I trusted Kara with everything. I shared every piece of me with her. Love and family were supposed to cure me! I made myself completely powerless, I was vulnerable, and she threw it back at my face. I cannot make that mistake again!"
"It's not fucking magic, Lena! Love isn't a cure-all. It doesn't mean everything bad that ever happened disappears! It only means that you aren't alone in your fight. Family and friendship, it  takes work! You have to see them, and they have to see you. And Kara and the others, they love you!"
"If they fucking love me so much, why do they keep hurting me? Why am I the only one who gets lied to?!"
"It not that fucking simple! Everyone there has their own stuff. We're fucking terrified all the time. And now everything we ever feared is happening, and we can't even fucking be together!"
"What, now you're on their side?!" Lena heard the words spill out her head as messily as she felt, drenched in bitterness and insecurity. "Should've known that you would turn on me too."
Regret fills her immediately, but Lena drops Sam's hand like a searing pan.
"How can you think that?" Sam's voice was quiet now. Her eyes, Lena realized, were also filled with tears.
This is it. This is the moment I chase away the last person who's ever cared for me. One last screw over that will be wiped after the comet hits. One more mistake in my endless list.
Sam raised her arms. Lena reflexively leaned back, her heart hammering against her chest. Shit. She knew how this goes. She's seen enough fights between Lillian and Lionel end. She could hear the resonating crack from almost two decades ago. Lionel might have loved Lena, but he wasn't all that kind to Lillian.
You deserve this. You failed. You failed to protect yourself,  failed to protect the universe. You are never going to be enough. You failed both your families, you failed yourself.
Warmth burst around her. Sam wrapped her arms around Lena.
What in the world... why was Sam hugging her?
Shit, this feels nice.
"There are no sides, Lena. That's the whole point. You are a part of this family, and we will fight like hell to keep it that way." Sam stroked her hair. "We aren't perfect, we are flawed, we hurt each other. But we aren't alone. We love fiercely, and we have each other's back. We take care of our own. And you are one of us. We love you. We are here if you accept us."
Lena sniffled against Sam's shirt. A fierce rush of gratitude rushed through her. Sam has always been her rock, her constant for almost six years now. She's had her back so many times. Her best friend.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Sam." Lena sobbed. "Shit, it's too late. I can't fix everything. I messed up. I messed the whole thing up-"
"Hey. There's still time." Sam drew back and swiped at her eyes. "You can still call Alex. We have... seven minutes left."
Lena nodded, biting her lip.
"Thank you, Sam."
She shakily dialed her phone.
"Hi! Aunt Lena!" A little bundle of joy crawled into Lena's lap and gave her a hug.
Ruby.  She always meant a lot to Lena. Maybe because Lena never really had an aunt while she grew up. Maybe because her hugs were made of pure love; because Ruby is the most wonderful little human Lena ever met. Maybe because there was no tension, no tears involved. Ruby felt like hugging Lena, so she did.
It was the first time Lena cracked a smile in over a year.
"Hello, little monkey. Did you eavesdrop our whole fight?" She mussed her hair.
"Hey! I'm fourteen now. Not so little anymore." She carefully flattened her hair down. "And I know what swear words are, Auntie."
"Do you, now?"
"Yes!" She huffed. "Mom said she's making Mac and Cheese. She said your fridge was full of atrocious rabbit fodder and she hid about seventy percent of your kale." Ruby's voice dropped low and she whispered conspiratorially. "It's behind the eggs, don't tell her said that. Not that we'd be needing it anymore." She glanced sadly at the red skies.
"Are you okay, little monkey?"
"Aunt Lena, is there really no way to destroy the comet?" Ruby asked her.
Lena's heart broke. At that moment, she would've given anything to be back in her lab three weeks ago when they first found the comet. To have found a way out of this catastrophe.
She smiled sadly at Ruby. "I'm sorry, monkey. There's nothing we can do."
How do you tell a child that you failed her, that the entire world was gonna burn? That they were all going to die?
"It's okay, Aunt Lena. I love you." She kissed Lena on the cheek.
The elevator bell dinged and Lena could hear the doors open with a hiss. Her's mouth got just a little dry.
"I'm going to go help mom with the cheese. You should talk to them."
"Wait, Ruby-" she was gone. Great.
Lena exhaled shakily and got to her feet.
Here goes. Oh god. Why did I do this? This is a bad idea, shit. Shit, shit, shit. They still hate me why did I call them, they- Alex.
It was Alex. Suddenly, it wasn't the monsters that she was facing. It was Alex and Kelly and Nia and Brainy. Her family.
Alex stumbled forward first. "Lena, I-" She interrupted herself by crashing into Lena-"I'm so fucking sorry. I should've told you when the whole thing with Reign happened, but then Kara told me that she had to work things out between you and Supergirl, and then I lost my memories for a while-" Lena realized with a jerk that Alex was sobbing against her shoulder.
"-I feel like such an awful friend." Alex's voice cracked.
"Ale-Alex! Hey, it's okay." And for the first time, Lena really meant it. "I'm sorry too. I just felt-"
"Betrayed. I know. I'm sorry." She repeated, stepping away from Lena. She gave Lena a small smile. Smaller, but much like the one she gave Lena the first time they met in Kara's apartment. Tired, but it gives off so much warmth that Lena could feel it. It reminded Lena of all the times they spent together. All the days when they made small explosions in her lab and teamed up for game night.  When Alex took her to self-defense classes and showed her fancy tricks with her guns. She was Lena's best friend. She is.
"Brainy, Nia." God, it felt good to- Lena couldn't even describe it. She missed this. Her friendship with Brainy was one of the few things she treasured most in the world. He was the only one who could ever match her intellect, her best lab partner. Her friend. And to the lonely twelve-year-old genius from the Luthor family, that was everything. And Nia was one of the bravest people Lena knew, unafraid to be herself and face the world. Fighting every day for the greater good. And she was more than that, she was the one who taught Lena that she didn't have to hide who she was. Lena will be a Luthor her entire life. She just had to embrace it. Or as Nia had framed, quite eloquently; 'own it.'
Kelly, and her crazy therapy skills. Lena regretted not spending more time with her. She was such a wonderful person. Kelly was the silent rock of their group, Lena could see that now. She was always there and she knew exactly what to say. In Lena's eyes, she was magical. So determined in supporting her friends through everything. The sweetest, most bad-ass person out of them all.
Shit, Lena was crying now.
"No more little boxes, Lena." Brainy whispered in her ear, and she giggled. Even Lena was surprised by that.
He was right. No more boxes. She has three minutes left to live and she wasn't going to crush herself with the weight of her stupid boxes.
There was still one more person-
"Kara. I'm sorry Lena, she- couldn't make it." Alex squeezed her shoulder. "Barry's Earth- they don't have a Kara. She can live there and not disintegrate. I told her to go with him. I'm sorry, Lena."
Lena's lungs filled with lead.
"Yes, of course." Lena's voice sounded far away even to herself. "She deserves to live there, in peace. I'm sorry, excuse me."
Something akin to panic swelled over her. Anxiety? Sorrow? Feelings were not Lena's strong suit. Panic attacks, unfortunately, she's already dealt with. She backed away from the room, almost knocking Sam over in the process. "Uh- Bathroom."
The door slammed behind her, and Lena splashed her face with cold water.
She would never get to apologize, she would never even get to see Kara again. Her best friend. Her soulmate. And now, she would die without Kara knowing- knowing that-
Because Lena only ever hated herself. She could never,ever hate Kara.
She curled into a ball on the floor, trying to physically hold herself together so she didn't fall apart. She couldn't fall apart, not right now. Her heart was racing and her breathing was short and distressed.
"Lena? Open the door." Alex's voice, carried in through the door.
"I-I'll be right out!" Even Lena knew they won't buy it. She could hear her voice crack with emotion.
"Lena? You don't have to go through this alone, I just told you that." Her voice was soft, and Lena chose to listen.
"I know it's hard. I know you miss her, and I can't imagine what it must feel after everything that happened between you and Kara. It was difficult for me too. I'm leaving her alone, just like everyone else in her life. I'm leaving her and her world is ending again, and we can't do anything about it. I hate it. I broke my promise. She doesn't deserve this pain, and you don't either."
The door creaked open. Suddenly it was Alex surprised by the hug.
"Alex, I'm so sorry."
"Lena." Alex wrapped her arms around the small brunette. "Trust me, she knows. She knows that you love her."
Lena sniffed and pulled back.
"That's just it, Alex." Lena's voice grew softer. "She doesn't know that I'm in love with her."
"You're in love with me?" A small, hopeful voice echoed from the back of the room.
The blonde superhero stepped forward with the sunny smile Lena loved. "Sorry I'm late but, I bought emergency Potstickers." She waved a bag at the rest of them.
"Kara-" The word was out of her mouth before she realized it, but then it was Lena in Kara's arms and nothing else mattered. She buried her head in the Kryptonian's shoulders.
"Hey." Kara tucked a strand of hair behind Lena's mismatched eyes, and Lena fucking melted.  "You know, I've been doing some research." Her voice was low and breathy.
"Oh yeah?" Lena's eyes shined as bright as the red skies outside. Kara thought she could see the whole galaxy in her them.
"I think I finally know what Quantum Entanglement means." She rested her forehead against Lena's and smiled softly.
Lena's heart was racing. She reached up and caught Kara's lips in hers.
"I love you too, Lena."
"System error. Terminal order simulation failed."
Lena gasped and fell to her knees.
"Redirect operations to internal systems." She gasped, tears streaming down her face.
Just a few more, a few more minutes. Please. I need to hold her. I need to be held by her.
"Simulation failed."
"No! No, no, no. Please. Try again." Lena fumbled with her screen.
"Simulation failed."
"TRY AGAIN, GODDAMMIT." Lena cried, her voice full of raw emotion.
"Simulation failed. Shutting down. Thirty seconds left in final countdown."
"Twenty-five seconds."
The air was getting hotter. She could already see the streaks of green and red raining down from above outside Kara's window.
"Nooo." She sobbed. "Please, I need to see them. I need to hold her. Please." She crumpled on the floor, holding Kara's green hoodie in her hand. The last piece of her Lena had. The worst part is, Kara wasn't dead. Just lost forever, to Lena.
"Ten seconds."
"Five seconds."
"I don't want to be alone." She whispered.
Here's my twitter, go yell at me. https://twitter.com/Keroessa24
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catargott · 4 years
when you speedrun evermore looking for taylor swift lyrics that reminds you of supercorp :)
this is in no particular order btw because speedrunning means idek how many songs there are and i have definitely not looked at the tracklist
oh and i know there are some people who don’t particularly like her music and that’s okay! you can just ignore this haha (or read about her lyricism, either way works for me <3)
there'll be happiness after you but there was happiness because of you both of these things can be true there is happiness
starting out angsty as i always do :)
but basically for this one i really see both of them kind of thinking it over and wanting to move on but also not wanting to move on and it’s really just so s5 i can’t think of it any other way
haunted by the look in my eyes that would've loved you for a lifetime leave it all behind and there is happiness
i would say this is lena talking because kara probably could tell and it probably really set in after lena left so once again s5 vibes from this and “it was never meant to be” aesthetic
tell me, when did your winning smile begin to look like a smirk? when did all our lessons start to look like weapons pointed at my deepest hurt? i hope she'll be your beautiful fool who takes my spot next to you no, i didn't mean that sorry, i can't see facts through all of my fury you haven't met the new me yet
so i took this as both a little bit of lena and lex at the beginning but also a little bit of season 5 lena at the end especially because it seems her anger was kind of blinding her to everything else
after giving you the best i had tell me what to give after that all you want from me now is the green light of forgiveness you haven't met the new me yet and i think she'll give you that
this is also lena but closer to the end of season 5, when she realizes and begins to forgive kara
cowboy like me
you're a bandit like me eyes full of stars hustling for the good life never thought i'd meet you here it could be love we could be the way forward and i know i'll pay for it
so in the previous verse, it references the rich people paying for it literally, but i don’t think that’s all it means in this verse, and it kind of reminded me of lena and kara because they really did pay for loving each other
now you hang from my lips like the Gardens of Babylon with your boots beneath my bed forever is the sweetest con
honestly this isn’t even for a specific reason, i just felt it screaming supercorp at me haha. i mean that last line is so in character and cynical and it really echoes the idea of them wanting forever together but knowing they can’t have it
and i'm never gonna love again i'm never gonna love again i'm never gonna love again
this is mostly self-explanatory and applies to both of them because we all know they would never be able to move on if one or the other left in any way and we also know that the one left behind would stop at nothing to get them back (as we’ve seen in season 5)
‘tis the damn season
it's the kind of cold, fogs up windshield glass but i felt it when i passed you there's an ache in you, put there by the ache in me but if it's all the same to you it's the same to me
this makes me think of both of them. it makes me think of lena after she apologized and kara was still cold to her but it also makes me think of kara after the big reveal and then the fortress scene and how she would see lena afterwards and realize just how much she’d hurt her. anyway here’s me overthinking and adding angst lol
tolerate it
okay so i don’t have any specific verses for this but something about it really just echoes the sadness in both of them during season 5 so i highly recommend going to listen to it and then you can see what you think of it (i recommend listening to all of them because wow the album is phenomenal but yeah this one for sure because it’s got /something/ about it)
it's never too late to come back to my side the stars in your eyes shined brighter in Tupelo and if you're ever tired of bеing known for who you know you know, you'll always know me, Dorothea
this really makes me think of kara talking to lena or just kara at lena during season 5. the first line and then basically this entire verse is just all kara at lena during s5
gold rush
everybody wants you everybody wonders what it would be like to love you walk past, quick brush i don't like slow motion, double vision in rose blush i don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush everybody wants you but i don't like a gold rush
this really makes me think of either of them kind of falling for each other but either ignoring it or remaining in denial because it would be difficult and it would never work and the reasons go on and on and on
i can't dare to dream about you anymore at dinner parties i won't call you out on your contrarian shit and the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it 'cause it fades into the gray of my day-old tea 'cause it will never be once again the idea of it never being possible is present and then there’s an added side of denial at the beginning, too. i wouldn’t say this is entirely canon but i can’t really say it isn’t either
oh, goddamn my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand taking mine, but it's been promised to another oh, i can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland my house of stone, your ivy grows and now i'm covered in you
this really makes me think of them and i can’t tell who it is because it really blurs and it could really be both of them. they definitely both are very deeply entangled and season 5 caused some things to rip out and just the covered in you bit is so supercorp-esque because they really can’t separate without leaving scars. and their separation always causes a wave that crashes on all the people around them.
and the pain thing is also so supercorp-esque because lena is always cold (this might just be a headcanon i can’t tell the difference at this point haha) and so it could be kara talking but it could also be alluding to when kara was trapped in the fortress and the fortress is literally made of ice so it could also be lena talking.
anyway yeah ivy is basically just entirely supercorp and you should also really go listen to it.
long story short
'cause i fell from the pedestal right down the rabbit hole long story short, it was a bad time pushed from the precipice clung to the nearest lips long story short, it was the wrong guy now i'm all about you
climbed right back up the cliff long story short, i survived now i'm all about you
(same verse but different ending)
this really makes me think of either of them tbh. it’s all about falling from where they were, falling apart after the separation, and they went to the wrong people (or at least lena did) and then she apologized at the end of s5.
no more tug of war now i just know there's more (know there's more) no more keepin' score now i just keep you warm (keep you warm) and my waves meet your shore ever and evermore
this is also how they come back together because they stop trying to get even and it’s about healing and coming back together again.
past me i wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things your nemeses will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing and he's passing by rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky and he feels like home if the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go
this could also fit for both of them, but it really fits for lena in my opinion. there’s the thing about the shoe fitting and it makes me think of katie not liking heels haha. but more important there’s the past me, don’t get lost in the petty things, probably referring to her want to get revenge, to get even. and then, i might be overthinking/over-analyzing a bit, but the comet in the sky thing makes me think of how kara crashed to earth and how she really is just as rare, if not more, as a comet.
anyway yeah that’s all the analysis i had basically so this is just out there now haha but yeah i kinda felt the need to do this since i didn’t really with folklore and that album was absolutely loaded with sc lyrics and songs so here i am for evermore :)
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drfitzmonster · 3 years
3, 4, & 14!!
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
i have always wanted to write a red daughter iron giant au, and specifically two scenes, the one where the iron giant is asking about death and souls, and hogarth tells them that souls don’t die. 
and then the scene at the end where the iron giant sacrifices themself to save everyone and they hear hogarth’s voice saying “you are who you choose to be” and then the iron giant says “superman” 
there’s another scene that always gets to me too, when the iron giant says “i am not a gun” and yeah. i’ve always wanted to write that i love that movie so much, but there’s just so much context and setup and now i’m crying
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Kara’s every move, every expression, every word, even her body itself, felt like love. Lena knew it wasn’t actually love. Kara was not in love with her. But maybe her hands were.
i am partial to this paragraph from my supercorp tudor regicide au, not because it’s particularly poetic or anything like that, but i was proud of myself for keeping lena’s intense gay yearning alive even while they are literally smashing. also i’m proud i was even able to write and finish that at all.  it started with a prompt for a wives of henry viii au and my initial reaction to that was “gross, hard pass,” but then i started to wonder how i could take the prompt, and turn it into something that i actually wanted to write. my solution was to just behead henry immediately, and i think it worked out pretty well.
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
ok so, on rare occasions i am very lucky and i have a title before i even start writing. that is not the norm. usually i write the fic, i edit the fic, i agonize over the edits i just made to the fic, i am ready to post the fic, then i remember i have to give it a goddamned title and have a crisis about it, panic, and then choose random song lyrics that may or may not have anything to do with the theme or plot, etc.
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evilsnowswan · 4 years
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The Lake
Summary: After everything is said and done and Lex is finally defeated, Kara invites Lena to Sand Point Lake in Midvale. Out of all the places on earth she could be, a lake in the middle of nowhere doesn’t even make Lena’s Top 100, but it’s Kara who’s asking, so does she even have a choice? A.k.a. a fluffy Supercorp beach day.
Chapter One is POV Lena. Chapter Two POV Kara. They're both gay and dumb.
Loosely inspired by @lisamar1exo​‘s glorious summertime supercorp art.
AO3: Read on AO3
The Lake | Chapter (2/2): Two (Kara) | COMPLETE
Jumping was almost like flying and the cool water felt wonderful on her hot skin. Floating on her back, feeling wonderfully weightless, Kara looked up at the blue sky.
Oh, how she loved swimming. Always had. Back when Eliza had taken her to the pool two times a week to learn properly—after the first time and, at least, for the next ten times after that, minimum—she had told her that she wanted to live there and meant it. When she dove under, the world went blissfully quiet and blurry, giving her ears and eyes a much needed reprieve—before she had to come back up for air, because even Supergirl couldn't breathe underwater.
She could hold her breath though. Pretty long too. Longer than Alex, anyway.
The only damper on her mood was that Lena had stayed behind on the beach, choosing not to go for a swim with them. Kara knew not to pry or push—that did get you nowhere with Lena—but she couldn’t understand how Lena could stay behind and read a book when there was something as magnificent as this lake right in front of her.
Then again, there were a lot of things she still didn’t understand about Lena. Not fully, anyway. But Lena had come back; back to the good side, the right side, the only side; back to her. She had made the right choice when it counted and come through at each and every turn ever since. Not just for Supergirl, but for all the Superfriends. Hadn’t it been for Lena, Eli’s adoption might have fallen through and Kara didn’t even want to think about what that would have done to Alex.
So, there were a lot of things she was grateful to Lena for too.
And the rest?—They’d work it out eventually.
Eliza always said, good things took time and, if you wanted something to be good, you had to put in the time, the effort, and the love. Just lots and lots of love.
The important thing was that Lena was her friend again. And that she had come today.
“Again?” Nia’s head popped up next to her, and Kara laughed. “Or do you surrender, Supergirl?”
“Never!” Kara kicked her legs and dove, somersaulting underwater, so she was the right way up again. “I don't bend, I don't break, and I don’t decline a challenge!”
Before she could make good on her word, though, there was an ear-piercingly loud whistle from the beach that startled them both. Alex.
“Ugh! A clean cut right through your eardrums. Every. Time.” Kara covered her left ear with one hand while waving with the other, so Alex wouldn’t whistle again. “I mean, she knows I have super-hearing, and she still does… THAT!” She complained as she and Nia paddled for the shore. “It’s like she enjoys torturing me.”
When they reached the beach, Alex was waiting for her, feet in the wet sand, hands on hips, and eyebrows raised. “Finally, Kara!” she huffed, giving her a look. “Don’t think I wouldn’t have gotten in there to get you, because I would have.”
Nia chose that moment to quietly duck out of the conversation and sprint for her towel. Traitor.
“I heard you whistle, Alex.” Kara whipped wet hair out of her eyes, pushing it over her shoulder. “We came right in.”
“Hmph. I called you. Twice,” her sister said. “Maybe you need to get your super-ears checked. Now, c’mon, Kara, people are hungry and the cooler needs some—gentle!—touching-up.” Alex wrapped a beach towel around her shoulders like a cape, then guided her towards the grill and the little group huddled in the shade behind it, a firm warm hand on her back. “Argh, Kara! I know you can’t physically turn blue or anything, but you’re practically gelid.”
Tying Alex’s towel around her neck, Kara sniggered.
She tended to the cooler first, then grabbed the apron—‘Will cook for kisses’ embroidered on it in swirly lettering—from the beach chair and tied it around her waist.
Humming along to the tinny song on the portable radio, she fired up the grill with her heat vision as Kelly and Alex brought over rubbed steaks, sausages, ears of corn, and buns and set everything on the folding table by the grill.
“I hope everybody brought their appetites!”
Of course, she could have just heated up their food instead, but where was the fun in that? The grill always meant hot dogs, burgers, and steaks. It was a perfect late afternoon for that. Eliza had also forced salad and veggies on them. And there was enough potatoes au gratin left over from when Kelly had made them yesterday to make a nice side dish. Kelly, just like Eliza, always made extra. Somewhere in the cooler, too, were also a nice peach cobbler and whipped cream, Kara knew, but Alex would keep her eagle eye on that—at least until she had made sure there was something green in both Eli and Kara first.
It had taken her more than a few tries over the years, but Kara now knew how to get the grill to the perfect temperature quickly—without setting the charcoal or the meat ablaze—and she was mighty proud of that.
Satisfied with today’s work, she rubbed her hands, meaning to call out to Alex for the burger patties and more plates, but when she caught sight of Lena stepping out from the shade into bright sunlight, carefully balancing two platters on her arm like a waitress, the word ‘Ready!’ collided with her heart on the way out, and both got stuck in her throat.
Lena smiled a little self-consciously as she approached, but was swinging her hips regardless—or perhaps that was just how she walked? Normally?—Kara had never seen her walk in a bikini before, or do anything else in a bikini, so how was she supposed to know what the regular amount of hip-swinging was. For Lena. In a bikini.
“Alex said, you were probably ready for these now?” Lena held out both platters—one carrying beef patties, the other… peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches.
Kara could have kissed her. Kissed her on the cheek.
She was starving. As if to confirm, her stomach gave a loud rumble, and she felt herself blush as Lena laughed.
“Spot on, huh?”
“Perfect timing,” Kara conceded, not meeting Lena’s eyes and instead taking the patty-platter from her to set it down on the folding table, next to the sausages and steaks. She then grabbed three sandwiches, stacking them on top of each other, and took a healthy bite, mumbling around a mighty mouthful of sticky, sweet, and soft, as she asked, “D’you wanna ‘elp?” 
Kara swallowed. “You could help, if you like?” Sandwiches in hand, she gestured to the grill, then off to where the rest of the equipment sat. Stuff she didn’t need. Like gloves. “There must be another apron back with—”
Biting her lip, Lena stepped closer, but shook her head. “Wouldn’t want to ruin everyone’s dinner,” she laughed, “but I’ll watch you work, if you don’t mind showing me how it’s done.”
Her voice was deep and rich, like fresh maple syrup with a heavy molasses flavor that you didn’t get with even the darkest store-bought syrups, and it seeped into Kara’s bones with a treacherous warmth.
“Uh,... Uh-huh, sure, I mean… yeah. Absolutely!”
Kara crammed the rest of her sandwiches into her mouth and wiped her hands on her apron, eager to give them something else to do. When she picked up the patty-platter, Lena stepped even closer, better to see what she was doing.
“So, first, we sprinkle garlic and onion salt on the patties,” Kara explained, as she worked, her heart beating fast and her hands feeling cold and clammy, despite their proximity to the heat. “Then a few splashes of Eliza’s special sauce.” The meat was still raw, yet, normally, her mouth would already be watering at this stage. Watching the sauce sizzle, Kara was, however, positively parched and felt a little nauseous. “Just don’t ask me what’s in it. Eliza would kill me.”
“Then I won’t ask,” Lena said, watching intently over Kara’s shoulder, her breath tickling Kara’s skin. “But it smells positively divine.”
Oh, Rao. Kara had to use all her remaining willpower not to botch the task at hand and to keep her focus on the food in front of her. “N-never press down on the burger,” she said. “You’ll squeeze all the juices out.”
“And we wouldn’t want that, would we?”
“No-no… we… wouldn’t. Erm, and only flip the patties once—like, about three minutes, three and a half tops, on each side.” Lena leaned into her shoulder from behind and Kara almost dropped the patty she was turning. “And, and finally, we toast and butter the buns,” she finished a little breathlessly, glancing around for the aforementioned items.
“Mmmm,” Lena hummed. It vibrated through Kara’s shoulder blades and sank right into her bloodstream, making it hum at the very same frequency. “Buttering buns… I can do that.”
She stepped away and Kara automatically took a step back, too, to compensate for the dwindling attention and closeness.
Lena laughed, swooped in and gave Kara a peck on the cheek, pointing to her apron with the dinner knife in her hand. “Thank you, Kara.”
She’d missed this.
She’d missed the easy laughs, comfortable closeness; the hugs.
She’d missed Lena.
When the burgers and buns were ready, Kara set a few aside on the now empty sandwich platter and Lena brought the other platter of food back into the shade, where she was greeted with hoots and hollers, and cutlery banged on camping tables.
The gang was hungry.
Kara watched her go, eyes drawn to the halter tie around her neck, her lower back, and butt. Dark green was a good color on her and the high-waisted bottoms—well, if anyone could pull those off, it was Lena.
“Tell them—tell them to let the burgers rest for a minute,” she called after her. “So the juices can redistribute into the meat!”
Her explanation was met with a roar of laughter from the table. Even Lena threw her head back, laughing. The sound made something in Kara soar with delight, even as part of her didn’t exactly appreciate being the butt of a joke she hadn’t meant to tell and didn’t quite get.
“Oh, hardy-har-har,” she hollered at all of them, rolling her eyes. “I’ll keep the hot dogs for myself then.”
“Over my dead body you will, Kara Danvers!” Alex shot back, and everyone laughed again. “Come here and get some salad while it’s fresh.”
Kara made a face. Salad. Why would she eat leaves and cold veggies, when she could fill up on warm bread and seasoned meat, and be rounding off her dinner with delicious dessert instead? She shook her head. Humans were so weird sometimes.
“Kara! I know you can hear me,” Alex warned, and Kara could, she just actively chose to ignore her big sister and focused her attention on the sausages and steaks, throwing them on the grill with a flourish. They wouldn’t cook themselves, would they. Salad could wait.
When she was done with the meat and the corn, and everything sat, piping hot, on plates and buns, she simply lifted the entire folding table and carried it over to where everyone sat—laughing, eating, and chatting happily.
Feeling a deep fondness for everyone assembled around the largest camping table in her family’s possession, Kara sank down on the only remaining empty chair—opposite Lena—and looked around at them all for a moment, before digging in herself.
She felt so happy, so elated, her heart brimming with joy, she even let Lena feed her some salad from her own fork across the table—everyone laughing and cracking jokes—as Kelly was doing the same with little Eli sitting on her lap, at the other end of the table.
“Cobbler! Cobbler! Cobbler!” Kara chanted when everyone was done with their main course and salad. “Peach cobbler and cream!”
“Cobb’er, cobb’er, cobb’er!” Eli parroted, slapping his little hands flat on the table. Alex let out a groan and Kelly laughed leniently, adjusting Eli’s bib and ruffling his curls. Eli stopped to look up at her, rubbing his face and smearing ketchup all over it. “...Cobb’er? Mama?”
“Cobb-l-er,” Kelly corrected, a wipe always at the ready. “Peach cobbler. With whipped cream. Yum.” She tugged his shirt down and rolled up the sleeves a little more, wiping his hands as she went.
“Yum!” Eli said, slapping the table for emphasis, then rubbed his small belly.
“Yeah, Eli, my little man,” Kara said, grinning. “Super yum.”
Eli gazed at her for a moment, then turned to his other mother. “Cobb’er, Mommy. Super yum!” He looked at Alex with the intensity of a little bird expecting to be fed—and to be fed the good stuff. Immediately.
Kara snorted, hiding her face behind her hands as Alex’s murderous glare swung her way. Whoops.
Laughter filled the warm air once more.
“Alright, alright,” Alex said, raising her hands in defeat and pushing her chair back. “A round of super-dessert coming right up. Kara? A hand?”
Alex’s cobbler had come out of the oven looking as good as any cobbler on the cover of a fancy food magazine. Out of the cooler, Kara turned her heat vision on it for only a second—and the smell was an amazing blend of spices and sweet. It smelled just the way late summer should smell.
“Who’s ready for peach cobbler?” 
Anticipation making her smile, she assembled dessert dishes and spoons, some mismatched napkins, and carried the cobbler and napkins over to the table. Alex followed with the dishes and utensils, and proceeded to fill their dishes, one by one, before taking her seat.
Kara pouted. “Did you forget the whipped cream?”
Alex raised an eyebrow at her. “You know something, Alex,” she said to herself out loud, “you really can bake.”
“That cobbler looks delicious.” Lena said quickly but quietly, ducking her head as Alex shot her a pleased smile.
“Really, dear,” Kelly said, stopping Eli from grabbing a handful of warm cobbler and shoving it into his mouth. She handed him his dinosaur spoon. “You outdid yourself. That’s quite a cobbler you made.”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s awesome, you’re awesome.” Exasperated, Kara got to her feet again, dashed back to the cooler and returned to the table a split second later—in a whoosh that sent everyone’s napkins flying, carrying the stainless mixing bowl with fresh fluffy whipped cream and a box of vanilla ice cream tucked under her arm.
“Now, who wants whipped cream, who wants ice cream, and who wants both?”
Nia’s hands shot in the air for both, Lena politely requested ‘just a little bit of whipped cream, please. Thank you, Kara.’ (Kara ignored the modest quantifier and served a super-good dollop), Alex decided on ice cream, Kelly picked both, and Eli asked for whipped cream on his ice cream and promptly began spooning it up, ignoring his cobbler altogether and squishing it as he went.
“What do we say?” Alex prompted and Eli looked up, whipped cream everywhere. He frowned, then his face split into a wide smile. ““P’ease?”
“Please and…?”
“P’ease and thank you!”
Kara laughed. “You’re very welcome, Eli!” She spooned liberal helpings of both ice cream and whipped cream on her own cobbler and sat back down, grinning at Lena, who seemed to be scanning her dessert for its every compound with her narrowed eyes, head tilted.
“This is my favorite,” Kara supplied. “It’s not fancy or anything,” she said, blushing a little as Lena lifted her inquisitive gaze and hefted it on her. “All you need is fresh fruit and pantry staples, but it’s amazing!...And it’s best with whipped cream and ice cream.”
Kara dug in, taking care to get some cobbler, ice cream, and whipped cream on her spoon, and Lena copied her, her spoonful much more reasonable. Kara watched as her green eyes lit up, savoring the warmth with the cool and creamy contrast on her own tongue, and grinned.
“You like it, Lena?”
Lena was sitting very straight in her chair and only eating ridiculously small bites at a time, but the pink in her cheeks and badly concealed smile gave her away.
“The secret is in the cinnamon,” Kara said after another big spoonful. “You wouldn’t think peaches and cinnamon went well together, but they do.”
Lena laughed, put her spoon down, and reached for the napkin tucked under her dish, dabbing at the corners of her smile, before she nodded. “It’s wonderful, Kara.” She cleared her throat. “Can you believe I’ve never tried it before? Because I can’t. It’s... delicious.” She raised an eyebrow and gestured with her hands, light reflecting off her bracelet.
Kara smiled broadly, listening to Lena listing crazy elaborate desserts she had had at fancy restaurants before and hated, her heart skipping along happily in her chest. Lena discovering new things was adorable; Lena discovering new things she liked was Kara’s most favorite thing ever. She loved making her friend happy.
After dessert was polished off, a sense of drowsy satisfaction settled over them. They sat, full and content for a while, until Alex declared it was time for Eli’s nap and Kelly got up to clear the table. Lena hastened to help, so Kara reluctantly got to her feet too, kicking Nia—sleeping with her eyes open or deep in thought—under the table to rouse her.
“You with us, Dreamer?” she asked, and Nia started, quickly grabbing random items and carrying them over to the large IKEA bag they used for anything and everything dirty that would need a good scrub and a merry-go-round ride on the dishwasher back home later. Perhaps it was Kara’s imagination, but Nia seemed to be avoiding her gaze and, at the first chance she got, hurried after Alex and Eli, claiming a nap in the tent was just what she needed.
Frowning, Kara looked after her. Well, that was… odd? Shrugging, she proceeded to clean the table with a dishrag, got another soda for herself, a ginger ale for Kelly, and a sparkling water for Lena from the cooler, and sat back down, resting her head on her hands to watch Lena read.
Lena was happily sitting there, bag on her lap, looking over some L-Corp papers, the kind of stuff that, frankly, made Kara’s brain hurt. She flipped through a few pages, biting down on her thumb, her brows knitted together in concentration. Kara tried to get a glimpse of what she was working on—complicated graphs, long text with very few paragraph breaks—but upside down it made even less sense, and she didn’t want to distract Lena or break her concentration. It probably was important.
Kara sipped her drink, listening to the radio, and quietly chatted with Kelly about her new job at the clinic, a private practice specializing on care for traumatized patients—humans and aliens alike—which she really loved. Fairly quickly, however, the topic changed to Eli and his gardening and jam-making adventures with Grammy, and Kara laughed heartily, picturing a laughing Eliza, delighted Eli, and frazzled Alex in the kitchen.
“Out like a light,” Alex walked up to Kelly, wrapped her arms around her from behind, and kissed her cheek. She chuckled lightly. “Both of them.”
Kelly took Alex’s hands in hers, lifting one to her lips for a kiss. “Thank you, love.”
Aww. Watching her sister and her wife be adorable together always made Kara’s heart swell, ready to burst with joy and happiness for Alex and her little family. Sometimes the happy rush would be followed by small pangs of something not entirely unlike sadness. A kind of longing that, Kara thought, had to be only natural. A refugee on Earth, she had lost everything, everyone: her planet, her people, and her family; and, even though she had a family and friends now that she loved to bits, part of her would always struggle with feeling like she didn’t belong. Sometimes she lost her footing, forgot her place in this world, that was all.
“Oh!” Kelly exclaimed, bringing Kara back to the present as she stood to hurry over to the radio and turned it up. “I love this song!”
She danced in the sand, lightly swinging from side to side, lifting her arms up over her head and twirling on the spot, before she held her hands out for Alex to join her.
The radio circled through a couple fast and slow songs, Kelly and Alex danced, and Kara tapped her foot in time with the music. Lena did not look up from her pages.
Sucking on her lip, Kara’s eyes swung from Kelly and Alex to Lena, and back again. The song changed once more. A relaxed tune came on. Upbeat. Reggae. Something Eliza and Jeremiah would have, once upon a time, danced to barefoot in the garden while she and Alex watched, mortified.
“Hey, Lena?!”
Lena made a low sound in her throat to signal she had heard, but her eyes remained glued to her work.
Kara took a deep breath. “D-dance with me?”
That got her attention; head snapping up, mouth slightly open. “What?”
“Dance with me,” Kara said again, her voice steady this time around, even though she felt her face grow hot. Lena’s cheeks colored too.
Lena swallowed, then burst into laughter, laughing high in her throat. “Really? Oh, I’m sorry, Kara. I—I don’t dance.”
“Not ever? Or… just not... with me?” Kara felt her face fall a little, but she wouldn’t give up so easily.
“No, no.” Eyes wide, Lena reached for her across the table, but stopped herself halfway there, her hands flat on the surface. “It’s… I just don’t dance. Ever. With anyone. Not if I can help it, anyway.”
“Is that so?” Kara stood grinning, moved behind Lena, and put her hands on her shoulders and massaged lightly. Lena leaned into her touch, her skin growing warm under it, making the air between them smell somewhat flowery and spicy. Bolstered by the music and the way Lena’s heart rate picked up—her heartbeat loud in Kara’s ears—Kara bent down to whisper in her ear. “What if I told you I really wanted to dance with you? Would you turn me down too?”
Lena took a deep breath through her nose. She opened her mouth, closed it again, pressed her lips together, and shook her head softly.
“Well, come on then, song’s almost over.” Kara purred, delighted when Lena reached back and took one of her hands.
“Your funeral,” she mumbled as Kara led her into the light and the warm sand, closer to where Kelly and Alex were still dancing—but not too close—staying well within earshot of the radio.
Kara started moving, pulling Lena with her. She kept a hold on both her hands to keep Lena from covering her face in embarrassment as her cheeks glowed even brighter, the heat behind them glowing bright red against her pale skin. Kara was pretty sure she’d never seen something more endearing, more beautiful.
“See?” She laughed. “Not that bad, is it?”
“The worst.”
No, she didn’t mean it. In spite of her protest, Lena was enjoying this, growing bold enough to move more freely, swinging her hips to the beat. Intertwining her fingers with Kara’s, she smiled—easy and open—and Kara felt a hot hook sink into her middle, the pull so sudden and so strong, she nearly lost her balance and her count.
Oh. Oh.
The music changed to a slower song, their movements slowing with it, but hearts going in the opposite direction. Kara almost went deaf from listening to them, their joined drums clashing with the music and nearly drowning it out completely. All she could hear was Lena and all she could see was Lena too, enraptured by this glorious beauty dancing right in front of her, dancing with her, her ears and eyes and heart so full it hurt.
Stepping back, she dropped her right arm, letting go of Lena’s left hand, and raised and opened her left, coaxing Lena into an underarm turn. They actually managed to pull it off, but stumbled when meeting again, Kara moving at the same time Lena stepped forward, and they landed in a scrambled hug, entangled, finding themselves in the sand.
Kara—in her miserable attempt to save Lena from the fall—had, somehow, come out on top, in spite of her best intentions.
“Oh God! Hey, uh, Lena?” She spluttered, her arms and legs—no, her whole body—useless jello that wouldn’t budge. “Sorry, I—are you, uh, are you okay?”
Lena blinked up at her, her eyes so dark they were no longer green and her gaze so hot and heavy, Kara could practically feel it latching onto her skin, bringing it to a boil.
Kara swallowed and licked her lips, pressing her palms into the sand on either side of Lena’s head harder. Heat crawled up her spine when Lena’s eyes zeroed in on her mouth. Her chest expanded in a shaky breath, blotches of red blooming on her pale skin like wildflowers, and Kara felt overwhelmed by the sudden urge to shower their pistils in kisses.
Lena opened her mouth, hesitated, waited.
Kara could feel her body heat everywhere from her waist down and swallowed again; swallowed thickly against the heartbeat heavy in her throat. Oh, Rao, help her. What were they doing? Even in her wildest dreams she hadn’t dared to imagine—okay, maybe in the wildest of them, she had… shamefully, guiltily, hopelessly—but, but the reality of it?! The reality of coming to terms with that and with this; coming to terms with the sheer, unfathomable truth of her body pressed to Lena’s, of Lena moving under her—
“Your hair smells nice,” Lena whispered, twirling a strand around her fingers and playing with it. “I like it.” Each breathless word was music sung low in her chest, falling and rising, slipping into a dialect that sung of comfort and safety, love and trust.
Kara couldn’t speak, couldn’t move.
Soft hands on her neck pulled her head down and hot breath parted her lips. When Lena’s lower lip was dragging across them, wordlessly giving permission and begging it, Kara closed the distance. In less than a beat, the crackling spark turned to flame, warm flashing hot, and Kara was kissing Lena and Lena was kissing her back—hungrily, messily, gloriously.
Lena tasted sweet like cinnamon. Kissing her felt like burning sunlight, warm and fuzzy, but Kara felt it in her belly first. Getting lost in Lena’s ravenous kisses, letting her explore and claim every inch of Kara she wished, Kara wanted to wrap herself around Lena fully, protectively, relishing how she felt against her, warm and soft, and, oh, so good.
So, so good.
Lena let her beachy hands roam freely, leaving tingling trails all across her shoulders and back, rough and soft at once, and Kara deepened the kiss, something raw burning in the center of her chest.
Lena gasped into her mouth with a soft moan, her teeth sinking briefly into Kara’s lip, sending another kind of pleasure zipping through Kara’s body and eliciting sounds from her mouth, she didn’t even know she could make, low and feral, heat burning in her throat and settling in her groin.
She liked how that felt. She liked that Lena liked her like that.
Kara cupped Lena’s face—willing to sacrifice anything, everything—and kissed her again, making the kiss long and heavy with the unspoken, dreams and desires fizzling into the sand around them.
(Ooh-la-la. Fin.)
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In light of that episode, I've decided to be my usual petty self and throw canon in the dumpster where it belongs, and counter it with Supercorp AUs. I'll be posting some as my schedule allows, and if anyone is interested in any of these, let me know:
"May You Always Be Satisfied" or the AU based on the song Satisfied from Hamilton. Opens with Lena's bridesmaid toast at Kara's wedding to her brother (and no this is not Kara x Lex cos 🤢🤢 ew no). Involves Kara being the princess who fled Krypton as a child to grow up in Metropolis as Linda Lee Danvers. A LOT of pining and angst (with a happy ending ofc). Has some nice familial Clark and Lena scenes. This is a period piece, and holy shit did it get away from me.
"The Window is Open" or the AU based on that one How I Met Your Mother episode where Ted is a creep who obsesses over his "window" of opportunity to date the ultimate girl next door (even going as far as to ask her neighbor to call him as soon as she breaks up with her boyfriend). In this AU, Kara is the girl next door whose guy friends all keep vying to get in on her window, and Lena is her best friend who always avoids her after each breakup. Features Mon-El as the Ted in this scenario.
That freaking Frozen AU that just won't shut up. Seriously, this thing has a hold on me.
That AU where Lena is a historian with a grudge against historical conspiracy theorists, who films several documentaries with her research assistant Jess to debunk them. She has a huge following, and one of her followers sends her a link to an article about a cult dedicated to the Children of Rao who are conviced that aliens arrived on Earth in ancient times and are using their psychic powers to help those who need it. In particular, they talk about the Paragon of Hope, who goes into the dreams of the hopeless, those who are suffering, and gives them peace and hope. The Cult of Rao is on a mission to find the Paragon of Hope, in order to wake her up from her long sleep, so that she might return hope to a hopeless world. Which Lena thinks is a load of crap if she ever heard one.
My Saskia x Red Daughter AU that just WILL NOT let me go, in which Saskia, the "Lost Luthor" who everyone thought was dead, shows up to let Lena know that their dear brother has gotten ahold of the Kryptonian clone. Saskia is an "independent contractor" (nobody knows what she actually does, and they're too afraid to ask, but Nia's latest conspiracy theory that she's posed to the group is that she's a cross between a spy and an assassin) who helps the DEO deprogram Red Daughter from Lex's brainwashing, and takes her in to keep the DEO from getting their hands on her. Involves Red Daughter being simultaneously earnest and eager, as well as shy and sweet around her, and Saskia trying (and failing) to keep her badass tough exterior, except she's a soft bean when it comes to Red Daughter (Kasnia). Involves a lot of bed sharing, and Saskia helping Kasnia through panic attacks.
Changeling!Lena AU. The foundation for this one was not actually mine, but came from the amazing @the-queen-of-the-light brought up fae Lena. This one is more of a focus on Lena's backstory, especially with Lillian. Basically, Lillian and Lionel's daughter, Lena died when she was 7, and they never got over it. Until Lionel gets ahold of an old Celtic relic and his unspoken "wish" to have his daughter back is granted, and he opens the door to his daughter's old room, only to find a little stranger with her face and memories playing quietly with her old toys. I love this for the Lillian angst, because I get to play with Lillian as a the complex character that she is. Because she actually loved her daughter and she was bitter over her loss, so she rejects Lena because in her own words, she's not her daughter, just "the thing that replaced her". Also a period piece, and there will be some childhood friends Supercorp. Just know that this is teenager Lena in this AU:
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And this is young Kara:
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(Cos I've only gotten to their teenage years in this).
So anyway, yeah, this episode pissed me off, and I'm ready to go neck deep in Supercorp. Let me know if any of y'all want me to share any of these.
P.S. let's all remember that even though we're pissed about canon, there's no reason to take it out on the actors themselves. They're just trying to do their jobs, let's leave them be.
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emiliarowan · 4 years
Music tag
So I got tagged by @sapphic-luthor to post some of my favorite music and she clearly has NO IDEA how dangerous of an ask that is but anyway...
I still listen to the Wicked original cast recordings and sing along at the top of my lungs. I sang “The Wizard and I” for my senior recital in college so it’ll always be one of my all-time favorites. Also the soundtrack from the movie Rent because when I was in high school my dad refused to let me buy the movie because he was afraid it would turn me into a lesbian (jokes on him!) he wasn’t worried about me becoming a drug addict or getting AIDS though, so that tells you all you need to know about my family.
Brandi Carlile. Anything by her. I love her (with the Highwomen) “If She Ever Leaves Me” but I love everything else too. I cried when I listened to her perform “The Mother”.
While we’re talking about The Highwomen, Maren Morris is also amazing, I have a ton of her songs on my playlist.
I liked Hozier’s older stuff more than Movement, but I feel like he would be okay with that.
I listen to a lot of Vitamin String Quartet when I’m writing. Also any movie score by Hans Zimmer makes for excellent writing/studying music.
I have danced to The Penguin Dance like 30 times this week bc I teach music to little people and it still makes my heart smile.
Traum durch die Dämmerung is my favorite art song I ever sang. I love singing in German.
“Maybe It Was Memphis” and “Fancy” are my go-to karaoke songs.
I have every Taylor Swift album on my phone and listen to them all on shuffle regularly.
Lewis Capaldi’s “Someone You Loved” gives me chills and also major SuperCorp vibes.
I like the version of “This is Gospel” with just Brandon Urie playing a piano (and getting random shit spilled on him) better than the original. But I also love Panic! at the Disco.
“Undrunk” -Fletcher
“Blue on Black” -Five Finger Death Punch
“Lost Without You” -Freya Ridings
Anything by Walk Off the Earth but especially their cover of “A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall”
Pentatonix, Home Free, a capella singing gives me chills
I sang in a bluegrass band when I was in high school so I still love bluegrass and Americana music
Yeah, I have a LOT.
Okay, tagging more people to do this @godhatesoliviaa @katiemcgrathseyebrow @pleasepassthekangaroomate @drfitzmonster
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mooosicaldreamz · 5 years
I think You mentioned hades town v briefly in one of your recent docs so if you have heard the songs does the song all I’ve ever known give you a million supercorp feels?
i mentioned it in my faberry fic yeah!!!! i’m a hip Youthful person
first of all i think i should say right now that i would die for eva noblezada’s voice......she is my sun and guiding star.....every few mornings i watch her miscast cover of “i can go the distance” and think about kara danvers in stn specifically but also just in general.....i’ve seen everyone talking about reeve carney’s voice which like fair whatever but how can you just IGNORE eva noblezada she should sing EVERYTHING i’d pay one BILLION dollars to see her as evita....i’d do it right now if i had a billion dollars I WOULD
anyway yes all i’ve ever known is for SURE a supercorp song like....whack ! it’s wHACk. 
i mean like whatever the myth itself is just ... frickin beautiful like whatever the epitome of a love so deep that it’s tragic so it just sits perfectly imo as a supercorp thing.....like oh let’s go listen to “wait for me” and think about supercorp....good idea! GOOD IDEA i know i know
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searidings · 3 years
Me: *listens to music unassumingly*
Shiver by Lucy Rose: *punches me right in the gut*
And if we turn back time/Could we learn to live right: *hits especially hard* (👀 at the mxy tapes)
Me: oof gotta share this with the gang
Anyway, I love songs for suffering.
I hope you have a wonderful day ❤
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shiver: on god im really goin thru it!!!! 'i love the way you looked at me' yeah i bet you did super 'eye sex' corp
i love you too much: based on the title alone im already saying britney yeah dot gif
if i got you: shit this is so red daughter GOD i miss her and all her supercorp soulmate wasted potential
hurt somebody: noah kahan my beloved <3 literally all his songs are about supercorp but this one especially, might i also suggest 'save me'
say love: yearning hours!!! fuck now THIS is the only kind of supercorp angst i wanna see
don't delete the kisses: 'what if it's not meant for me? love' SETTLE DOWN LENA LUTHOR
for anyone in need of a good cry the full songs for suffering playlist may be found here
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queercapwriting · 5 years
Sanvers at the Yule Ball (Hogwarts!AU)
12 Days of Sanvers and Supercorp Christmas (Year Three)
Year One | Year Two
Chanukah Series
Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five
Her stomach turned over when Professor M’orzz said it: “The Triwizard Champions all dance in front of the school to open the Yule Ball, Danvers. It’s non-negotiable, I’m sorry. Think of it as task one point five. Treat it like a challenge.”
“The dancing isn’t a challenge. Finding a date...” She shuffled her feet and looked into knowing, gentle eyes. “Finding a girl to go with is the hard part.”
As if on cue, Maggie burst into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, breathless, panting with hands resting on her knees as she fought to catch her breath. Her Hufflepuff tie was askew, and Alex gulped as she felt heat rise into her face.
“Hi Professor M’orzz. Sorry. Ran here from the lake. Gotta do more physical activity not on a broomstick. Hi. Sorry. Okay. Danvers. Max Lord’s out by the lake taunting the giant squid again. I gave him a Bat Bogey Hex -- sorry, Professor M’orzz, give me detention if you want, there were like a hundred witnesses so it was bound to happen anyway -- and it was a good one, you’ve gotta see it.”
Alex’s face lit up, relishing those Slytherin-esque ‘I will fight you if you hurt someone else’ attitude of her Hufflepuff... what?... best friend? 
Best friend.
But her excitement was tempered by the fact that they were in front of a teacher, and Maggie had just admitted to hexing another student. She glanced at her professor’s face cautiously. They both did.
Professor M’orzz arched a conspiratorial eyebrow. 
“Mr. Lord was taunting the giant squid, you say?”
“Yeah. I think he was showing off for the Durmstrang boys.”
“Well. Between us, girls, I’d say that Mr. Lord needs to work on his shield charm. If he’s going to start duels, he needs to know how to end them, wouldn’t you say?”
Maggie’s eyes flew wide. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am.”
Professor M’orzz hid her smirk, but barely.
“Oh, and Ms. Danvers? The matter we were discussing? I don’t think it’ll be very hard for you to find someone at all.”
With a pointed look between Alex and Maggie, Professor M’orzz exited the classroom, leaving the Hogwarts Champion alone with her... best... friend.
“What’s she talking about?” Maggie wanted to know, offering her hand to Alex and pulling her along, out toward the snowy lake.
“Oh, uh. Nothing. Just, uh. Apparently, the Champions have to go to the Yule Ball. And dance in front of everyone. With their dates.”
Alex thought she felt Maggie’s hand twitch in hers, but looking at her suddenly impassive face, she figured she imagined it.
“Ah. Cool. Who you thinking of bringing? You’ll have your pick of anyone, being Champion and all. And, you know. Being you.”
Alex blushed, and hope ran into her veins. Maggie was right: she was a Champion, for crying out loud. She’d just stolen a fake egg from a horrified and understandably angry dragon mother (and lived to both tell the tale and make sure she went out to apologize to the dragon after). 
She was on top of the world.
She could do this.
She could.
“I don’t want to go with anyone.”
Another sag from Maggie’s hand. Alex tightened her grip slightly.
“I mean... dammit, I said that wrong. I mean, I don’t want to go with just anyone.”
Maggie blinked, and Alex stopped walking. 
Breathe, Danvers. You’re the Hogwarts Champion. You can do this. This is not scarier than fighting a dragon. I mean, it is, it actually really is, but you can do this. Kara will be so mad if you don’t. Apparently Professor M’orzz will be, too.
“Maggie, you. I want to go to the Yule Ball with you.”
“Oh,” Maggie said again, this time soft, barely a whisper.
They’d just stepped outside of the castle, and a light snow was beginning to fall. 
Shouts of Christmas and the songs of enchanted dreidels and excited squeals about the upcoming ball flooded their ears.
“Oh,” Maggie whispered again, this time reaching for Alex’s other hand, too.
“Like, as friends? Or... something else?” she dared to ask.
Alex glanced down at her best friend’s lips and gulped. Definitely scarier than flying past a raging, mistreated dragon.
“Something else,” she whispered.
“Good,” Maggie breathed before rising on her tiptoes and waiting, waiting, for Alex’s soft, eager nod, before their lips met for the first time.
Shouts of excitement and cries of heartbreak erupted all around them, but neither of them heard a thing.
“So, you’re saying you wanna go to the Yule Ball with me. Because that’s what I got.”
“Of course.”
No one cheered louder than Professor M’orzz (with the exception, perhaps, of Kara) as they smiled into their second kiss.
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amaltheaz · 6 years
Get to Know Me (One of Those Question Things)
tagged by @storycharacter (hey i just tagged you, call me crazy but here's my tumblr so message me maybe? #sorrynotsorrycouldnothelpmyself
Rules: Answer 30 questions (I changed some of these up just for kicks- the rules are more like guidelines anyway, right?). Tag 10 blogs you want to get to know better (or 50. whatever. do you.)
1. Nickname(s): Az is my nickname, shortened from Azliana, which is my second name. My family sometimes calls me Azlin if they're ever in the mood for it. My friends in college called me 'shortie' because I was the shortest person in our year. My best friend calls me MonMon because of Mona, my first name. I like it when people call me Az though.
2. Gender: Female
3. Height: 5′2"
4. Time: 4.46pm
5. Fave band(s): oof, I love a whole wide range of music honestly. The best and worst thing you can do is introduce me to a new band/singer because I will want to devour their whole discography, which is how I ended up buying a 1TB hard drive solely for my music lmao
6. Put my library on shuffle: what are the first 4 songs that came up?
Jason Reeves - Terrified
Cardi B - Bodak Yellow
Green Day - Are We the Waiting
Carole King - Where You Lead
7. Grab the book nearest you and turn to pg 23, what’s on line 17? "... speed up the processes of nature."
8. Song stuck in my head: Hayley Kiyoko - Palace
9. Last movie I saw: Titanic 👀
10. Last show I watched: I'm rewatching Buffy but before that I was catching up on the new episode of Killjoys
11. What do I post: A whole lot of nonsense about my writing lately, sometimes things about my wife and how I'm kinda stupid in love with her, sometimes about food and things that vex me
12. Last thing I googled: "Michelin food inspector" because I saw that post AND @fiddleabout's supercorp fic and so I'm like MAYBE THAT'S A JOB I COULD DO because like... I freaking love food. I think the only thing that probably might not be so great - at least in terms of me wanting to build a family - is all the traveling time. The idea of traveling all over the world sounds great but it wouldn't be great considering kids and I was a kid with absentee parents because they were working. I understand why now but it wasn't great for me back then.
13. Do I have any other blogs: I have my fandom blogs and also my writing side-blog @maybewritingthings
14. Do I get asks: From time to time I do get asks from readers curious about when I'm going to update next, though I have been falling in love with the ones with music recs for my fics
15. Instruments: i play the guitar. I dabble on the ukulele and the piano
16. What I am wearing: umm, black yoga pants and that is it, sorry I'm a 'shirtless when I'm in the privacy of my room kinda person' lmao
17. Fave food: oh I don't like these questions haha. I NEVER know what to write. But for today - today - my favorite food is my mum's spaghetti bolognese
18. what are 1) a sound you hate, and 2) a sound you love?
A sound I hate: I don't really hate a lot of sounds generally? But there are times when I get kind of an overload and then I hate every sound
A sound I love: the waves crashing over the shore
19. do you drive? yep if so, have you ever crashed? I've answered this before. I used to drive but not anymore because of eye vulnerability. And yes I have crashed my car, not terribly and I have also been crashed into as well.
20. Worst injury I’ve ever had: Cracked ribs are probably the worst of it and that was after a fight.
21. Tattoos: have, want, and why: I have one on my right thigh of a quote that is in @idontneedtobeforgiven's handwriting. And I want so many more. Why what? Why do I want them? Because the one I already have means a lot to me, and I want more things on me to tell the stories of my life.
22. One regret: There are many things I wish I had said yes to, and things I wish I had said no to. My biggest regret is definitely saying yes to something that changed my life completely. But it is something that shaped me as I am now so I don't regret it so much?? It's a complicated subject
23. Middle Name: i do not have one
24. Favorite ice cream: Ummm, I like a lot of ice cream but I think maybe Rocky Road?
25. One insecurity: I worry that I'm not enough for people I love
26. Pick any animal for a pet: I'd say horse but I don't ever want to keep a horse to myself. Can I pick any animal for a friend? Because that would work for me because then I can say, horse lol
27. Ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose: oh yeah, when my friend and I got drunk on tequila and she started reciting "four score and seven years ago..." and then when I interrupted her telling her I was going to switch off the video recording her, and then told her to say bye to the camera, she was very indignant about the camera not being able to say bye back lmao
28. Have you ever cheated on a test? Hmmm, I don't think so? It's been too long since I've been in school to remember haha
29. Phobia: do not ever have a doll near me, specifically porcelain dolls
30. Last time I cried and why: I was watching an episode of Kim's Convenience and it was the scene when Appa asked Umma if she made a mistake marrying him and she said "yes, I should have married you sooner" and I ugly cried and thought of how much I love my wife
Tagging: my mutuals and followers that want to do this, please feel free 😘
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pippytmi · 7 years
song prompt if you're feeling it: Can't Help Falling In Love for Supercorp
thank you so much for the prompt - i love this song! :D
Living with Kara Danvers is hard.
Lena doesn’t know how to deal with this. Last year she had roomed with Jess, and Jess had been a great roommate, orderly and no-nonsense; they had had an unspoken agreement never to be in each other’s way, and that was admirable in itself.
But Kara is everything Jess isn’t: messy, talkative, and so—so—friendly. She doesn’t care that Lena isn’t quite as open with her; as far as Kara is concerned, they’re good friends by now. Lena doesn’t discourage the idea, but she isn’t about to encourage it either.
(Kara doesn’t care about that either, of course.)
“Hey Lena,” she says cheerfully, throwing her backpack onto her bed as she comes in. She’s even more chipper than usual, which is saying something; one would expect her to be less bubbly since midterms are rapidly approaching. “Have you been up all night?”
“No,” Lena replies, which is a bold-faced lie, but Kara never believes her anyway.
“I brought you coffee,” Kara says, setting a cup on the corner of Lena’s desk; in the process, the waves of her hair brush Lena’s cheek. She smells vaguely like cinnamon, which means she’s just come back from a shift at the coffee shop.
Lena almost forgets how to type. “Thanks,” she manages to get out. “That’s...really nice of you.”
“What are friends for?” That has become Kara’s favorite thing to say, and she beams when she says it now; Lena resists the urge to fondly roll her eyes. “You know, you’re welcome to come by the café any time you want. You can see me in action!”
Lena doesn’t have the heart to tell her if she did that she’d regret it; she already feels guilty for hating the sugar-packed lattes Kara brings her. “Maybe sometime,” is what she says instead, and she even takes a sip from the latte for good measure.
Clearly it’s the right answer. Kara, satisfied, drops down onto her bed and starts shuffling through her backpack as if she’s about to study.
And Lena continues her own work. She’s been pretty much putting together the entirety of the group project from her British Lit class, and once she’s finished she can tackle the essay about the foreign film she hasn’t bothered to watch yet.
There’s just one problem: Kara is too distracting.
She keeps her pen between her lips as she sketches, quietly but consistently, and Lena can hear every individual stroke of her pencil as she works. The light is shining in Kara’s hair, soft and glowy, and it takes a minute for Lena to realize she’s staring; she quickly tears her eyes away before she’s caught.
Film class, that’s what she should be focusing on. She loads the course up on her laptop and looks around for the handout that should have the film title on it, except a cursory glance through the papers on her desk doesn’t help her locate it.
Frowning, she shuffles through her bag to find her folder. She could’ve sworn she left it on her desk yesterday...
The soothing sounds of pencil shading pause. “Did you lose something?” Kara asks, briefly taking the pen out of her mouth.
“No,” Lena says, not looking up from her bag. “I just misplaced it.”
“I can help you look,” Kara offers.
“No, that’s okay,” Lena sighs, setting her bag aside. “Maybe I left it on my bed.”
Kara clears her throat. “Um,” she says, rearranging her glasses sheepishly, “is it a paper about some kind of movie?”
“It...is, actually,” Lena says, surprised.
Wordlessly, Kara gets up off her bed and slides the paper she’d been sketching on across Lena’s desk. Obviously what stuns Lena the most is that it’s a rough outline of herself, which means that Kara has spent a fair amount of time watching her too; it’s a beautiful picture, capturing a softness Lena didn’t know was possible, the shading as delicate as the even linework.
But what she actually says, out loud, is decidedly less flattered: “Did you steal this from my desk?”
The accusation makes Kara’s mouth fall open. “No! I...took it off your bed, but, in my defense, I thought you wouldn’t need it!” she explains, face flushed pink as if she’s flustered; she is as awkward as she is oddly cute.
(And the thought makes Lena almost have a heart attack, because now is not the time for her heart to decide on yet another ill-timed crush.)
“Oh.” Lena can’t help but keep looking at the picture, smoothing her fingertips over the paper carefully.
“And I don’t like to waste paper if I don’t need to, you know, for the sake of the environment and all, so I usually just doodle on old papers. I’m sorry I went into your side of the room, I know that was pretty invasive—”
“You’re really good,” Lena blurts out. “At drawing.”
Kara blinks, caught off guard, but then she almost smiles. “I’m an art major,” she says. “It’s kind of my thing, drawing beautiful...I-I mean, drawing people. I’m sorry for drawing you without asking, too, I’m sure that’s really—”
“It’s okay!” Lena says, a bit louder than intended, and she feels her cheeks go hot. “I don’t mind.”
Kara’s smile slowly becomes shyer. “Really?”
“It’s kind of nice actually,” Lena says, and instantly wishes she could stop talking forever.
But Kara ducks her head, smile growing impossibly wide, and Lena hates that her heartbeat quickens; she can’t help falling for the worst people at the worst times, it seems.
Not that it’s any fault of Kara’s. She just happens to be Lena’s roommate, as the cliché to end all clichés, and the type of person Lena’s mother would absolutely despise.
“Well, I should let you finish your work,” Kara says, thankfully cutting through the awkward silence as Lena’s mind runs a mile a minute. “I have to get back to work soon anyway, I’m taking over Lucy’s shift.”
“Right, yeah,” Lena says, quickly flipping the drawing around to get the title of her film.
Except her eyes keep wandering, again, as Kara ties her hair up and snags the apron off the foot of her bed. And then Lena wonders how much sleep a person really needs in two days.
“Mm-hm?” Kara hums absentmindedly, hair tie between her lips.
“Does the café have wifi?”
Kara stops halfway through tying her shoes, expression noticeably brightening. “Do you want to come?”
“If that’s okay with you?” Lena replies hesitantly, and in an instant, Kara’s excitedly gone off on another long-winded response about how great that would be—specifically, how Lena would make it so much more bearable.
(It's definitely a warning sign that Lena’s heart flutters. And yet, she can’t find it in herself to be mad about it.)
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anxieybananafana · 6 years
I've never done one of these before, but here it goes. I was tagged by @andykangs I hope it's okay that I used all your questions I honestly couldn't think of anything else and to be absolutely honest ... At first I thought these were the questions we all had to answer meaning I thought they were set questions, and now I'm too lazy to think of new ones with new answers rules: answer 30 questions and tag a few blogs you would like to get to know better. nickname(s): Mitrui (I know ,it's weird ,one of my friends used to call me that) gender: female sign: Scorpio height: I don't really know how much that'd be in feet and inches but 163 cms time: 19:31 fave band(s): every 'favorite' of me constantly changes but currently either Green Day or Royal Blood fave solo artist(s): Hayley Kiyoko song stuck in my head: Um this is awkward actually I've recently started watching Vine videos on YouTube and you know that one with the kid drinking mouth wash? And the song shots shots shots playing? Yeah that's stuck in my head... last movie saw: Black Panther and I know I have no right cause I'm not black but I LOVED IT last show i watched: I'm glad you asked, there's this show in Iran which comes out on DVD every Monday (Yes I have to buy it today) and my grandmother loves it, it's a tad bit political (as political as shows in Iran can be) and there are these two girls Shahrzad and Shirin whom I headcanon as wlw (I think Shahrzad is a lesbian and Shirin bisexual) and it goes without saying that it'll never happen but I like it (btw the show's called Shahrzad) when did i create my blog: no idea what do i post: LGBT stuff mostly ,although this was intended to be a fandom account last thing i googled: despicable me meme do i have any other blogs: yep, don't know if it's any good though @whenocdd and I have this constant fear that it's somehow problematic do i get asks?: nope never lmao why did i chose my url: I love my bisexual bae Clarke following: 270 I think followed by: 10? 11? I don't really know average hours of sleep: what I like :11 what I get usually: 6-7 lucky number: 7? I guess instruments: Classic guitar but once I convince my parents to get me an electric guitar and actually learn to play it it's over for everyone (Idk why for some reason I couldn't get myself to say the word) what am i wearing: pjs dream job: I wanna be a mathematician dream trip: uh yes, going any country which isn't homophobic and going to pride and kissing a cute girl fave food: pasta without the chicken cause I'm vegetarian!!! nationality: Iranian fave song: Idk I guess Figure it out by Royal Blood last book i read: Diary Of a Wimpy kid (I LOVE those books) top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: 1- The Hundred universe 2-DC shows universe (yes it's all because of Supercorp) 3-Twelve year old me would say Harry Potter so here's to making her happy i tag: @mino-lingual @galacticfallout @spicysapphicmango @x-i-a-t Anyways that's that, I'd better go study Physics
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