#but at some point you need to look beyond the which member you like best conversation
law in pink | s.r
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♡ next part ♡
summary: when the BAU needs an extra helping hand, Washington decides to send the best of the best, but what they didn't expect was to see... pink.
warnings: a bit of stereotypes, beyond that a bit of comedy and fluff. there may be mistakes in writing because I wrote it too fast :(
this story is spencer reid (season 7) x ssa elle woods!reader
words: 1,649 words.
a/n: elle woods from legally blonde comes to my mind constantly because is one of my favorite movies, so I wanted to make a mix called "ssa elle woods"; I hope you like it and you can understand the idea of reader as elle woods, I also hope I didn't portray it wrong and that it will be misunderstood T T
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The BAU needed a hand with the rising crime wave, so, straight from Washington they sent the best of the best from their office.
And of course Penelope had to investigate.
According to her research, you had graduated from Harvard with honors and had given the honorary alumni speech at your class graduation. In addition, you were a part-time Harvard professor of Political Theory during the fall and part of a prolific group of researchers in your Washington office, which had the highest rate of successfully resolved cases in the last 5 years.
In addition, you had achieved on your LSAT a score of 179 out of 180 points.
Something inside Penelope reminded her a little of her friend, Spencer Reid, in you.
But what she didn't expect to see when she looked you up on the interwebs was the fashionista and family friendly life you had. The way your apartment was decorated with a pretty pink aesthetic, your outfits videos that reached millions of views and your day to day routines were the mantra of many girls, being all perfectly edited.
With that and more, anyone would think that your job was not to be a federal agent, but an influencer.
Penelope was already smelling perfume from her computer, and that made her more than eager to meet you.
It was seeing one just like her in front of her screen.
You were the perfect candidate to be her new best friend.
The clacking of your heels and the smell of your Chanel perfume filled the entire BAU office, causing the complicit glances of all the workers who were there.
"Have you seen Barbie yet?" "Is the model missing?" "What about her? Maybe she's a lost intern. First-timer problems."
Everyone was making comments you'd heard more than once in some police office, maybe it was the way you dressed didn't go along with the aesthetic they had or how feminine your attire might be, but that's who you were and for a couple of comments about your appearance and the stereotype they had they weren't going to sour your day.
"Excuse me, are you looking for someone?"
You turned to see a tall, dark man, who was watching your outfit from last season's Prada fit you to perfection.
"Oh! Finally someone nice." You commented with a smile. "Yes, I'm looking for Agent Aaron Hotchner."
"He's my boss, would you like help finding his office? I can help you."
"That would be great, thank you very much..."
"Agent Morgan, Derek Morgan."
"It's a pleasure, Agent Derek. I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."
You didn't like to introduce yourself officially as an agent, it made you look rather intimidating if you did, and that was what you didn't want.
It wasn't a long walk to the wooden door which was adorned by a plaque with the name of the person you were looking for.
"This is it, you come for a case? Any family members involved?"
"No, I'm coming to help. Thank you very much, by the way."
You gave him one last smile before knocking on the door, hearing a "pass" from inside.
"Who was the girl you were escorting, Derek?" Emily watched the man reach them, peering curiously inside Hotch's office.
"Her name is Y/N, she said she was coming to help, but... I don't know, she doesn't look like someone coming to help, maybe she's a witness."
Spencer's eyes scanned the situation, trying to conclude who the mystery woman inside his boss's office was about, but coming up with nothing on the spot. Like his friends, they were all searching for an answer to the abiding doubt in his head.
Who exactly was that girl and why had she said that? She didn't seem like a person whose job was an office job, but not one that was very risky either.
But before they could say anything, Aaron came out of the office with his ever-serious face.
"Meeting in 5" was the only thing he announced, so the group took heed and went to the place.
Once inside the office, Penelope found herself with her dear friends, who were trying to figure out the causes of the recent meeting.
"You don't know Pen either, do you?" J.J. was the first to speak.
"No idea, Hotch just asked me to be here."
"Just like everyone else." Rossi replied, settling around the round table with his coffee cup.
The conversation didn't last long when Hotch entered the boardroom.
"Good. I know there's no case yet or apparent reason to get them together first thing." Hotch began. "But as you may know, the last couple of months have seen an increase in crime for the BAU, which is exactly why we've been given extra funding to bring an extra agent onto the team."
Sounds of excitement came from everyone's mouths.
"So I've been contacting old colleagues, who recommended the best of the best. So they've transferred an agent from Washington to help us."
"Boy, they must be desperate." Derek's comment drew a few chuckles.
"I'd like to introduce you to the SSA, Y/N Woods."
Everyone's countenance changed to one of surprise when they saw you walk in, smiling in the friendliest way possible.
The same girl who looked like a model fresh off a runway was the newest member of the BAU.
"It's nice to meet you all, I hope we can work well together." You set your Prada bag to the side, being able to scan each of the members quickly.
"Woods, this is SSA Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, dr. Spencer Reid and our technical analyst, Penelope Garcia."
"Hey, I know you." You commented in the direction of Garcia, who was smiling politely. "You were the girl who commented on my recipe for the vegetarian tacos."
"Yes! They looked exquisite."
"Thank you very much, I hope they were helpful. We need to be a little more conscientious with our four-legged friends."
Spencer didn't know if he was dazzled by the whiteness of your teeth or the warm way you had entered into trust with Penelope with a simple recipe.
"Woods, Garcia. You'll have time to talk."
"I'm sorry, sir." They both replied at the same time.
"Fine, I'll go prepare the case, Garcia come with me."
They both walked out of the meeting room, leaving you alone with the rest of your new group of colleagues.
"I didn't know you were an agent." Derek was the first to break the silence surrounding them, causing you to turn in his direction.
"I didn't mean to mention it, I'm not a person who usually blurts it out just like that on the first interaction. You never know what kind of person a stranger is." You commented before you could look at him again. "No offense."
"No problem."
"From Washington, right?" Your gaze went to the blonde, who was watching from her position with a warm smile.
"That's right, even though I'm from California but I moved to Massachusetts after getting into Harvard, and then to Washington when I got an opening in the federal office there. So I'm from here, there and over there, but I'll always be a California gurl." A chuckle came out of your mouth after making a reference to the Katy Perry song, bringing your hands to your sides.
"Harvard? What did you study?" Spencer looked more and more interested.
"Law." You commented offhandedly. "I actually studied Fashion Merchandising at UCLA with a 4.0 GPA. But I wanted to prove myself and decided to get into Harvard Law."
"Switching from Fashion Merchandising at UCLA to Harvard Law is a big jump, how much did you get on your entrance exam?" Rossi asked.
Everyone's surprised face made an impression on you.
"What, like it's hard?" your eyelashes fluttered softly, before you remembered what you were holding as a "peace offering". "By the way, I made cookies yesterday for being the first day and making a good impression." Your hands went to your bag, pulling out a heart-shaped tupperware. "They're lavender and butter, it's a recipe I read on a fairly well known blog forum, they say Paris Hilton gets her recipes from there."
You held out the tupper to each of them to take out a cookie, leaving it on the table in case they liked to take out more.
"If they like more, just pull out. There's enough for everyone." A little smile tugged at your mouth. But before you heard any response from either person, the catchy ringtone of Gwen Stefani's "Rich Girl" interrupted any culinary criticism. "Excuse me..." Your hand went for your phone, which didn't surprise others by being pink, and you left the room letting out a "Woods" as you answered.
"This is new." Derek said.
"And delicious." Emily took another bite of her cookie.
"She's different than what we usually know." Rossi looked at the rest, taking a second cookie out of the tupper. "But I don't mind at all, in fact, I think new always comes in good."
"True, it's always good to have someone new and with a different vibe."
The group turned to look at Reid, who was holding the cookie with his right hand. The young man wasn't usually one to blurt out a comment, just like that, least of all referring to a girl.
"Oh kid, you find her attractive." Derek was the first to smile in amusement.
"What, no." The voice in a higher pitched tone than normal was what gave Spencer away.
"Spencer likes Y/N." J.J annoyed, walking out of the office laughing along with Emily.
"That's not true!"
"See ya, lover boy." Derek commented along with Rossi, who was gently patting his shoulder with a knowing smile.
And so it was that Spencer was left in the meeting room with his cheeks as pink as his new co-worker's heels.
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♡ next part ♡
If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
a lot of love, alme. ❀
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honkytonk-hangman · 7 months
Flight Risk
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: The sky beyond the baking tarmac is cloudless, and washed with deep reds and oranges, the way it always is by the time Jake lands when the monthly inter-squad training simulation has drawn to a close. Almost always.
Today, the sky had been a bright Carolina blue.
Today, Hangman had been shot down.
Warnings: cussing? jake being soppy. mentions of handsy dates, sexual referencessss
Notes: so this started as an AU for my fic Afterburn, and still technically is, however it can be read totally independently of that story as well.
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Jake is perched in a casual lean against his plane, watching as the last jet in the pattern finally lands, continuing to wait patiently as the Super Hornet is guided to its designated area, just a few places down from his own. The sky beyond the baking tarmac is cloudless, and washed with deep reds and oranges, the way it always is by the time Jake lands when the monthly inter-squad training simulation has drawn to a close. Almost always.
Today, the sky had been a bright Carolina blue.
Today, Hangman had been shot down.
Jake takes a small amount of comfort in knowing that the pilot responsible for his simulated demise is also the pilot to win the day, despite that meaning his own squad losing out on the point. It wouldn’t happen again, however. He’d foolishly underestimated you, disregarded the gossip he’d overheard about Samurai squad’s newest member, choosing instead to judge for himself. Jake was a prideful son of a bitch at the best of times, and much worse at most others, but he wasn’t actually incapable of shutting the hell up and accepting his slice of humble pie.
At least, he’d accept it in his own special way, which is exactly why he waits long after the others have filtered off to the locker rooms. They’re already clocked off for the day by the time the ground crew have secured the last jet, and the pilot has climbed down. Jake shifts on his feet and gets a good look as you approach, purposefully giving you a suggestive up and down as you spot him and slow your walk.
“That was some flyin’,” he says, pushing off the side of his own jet and coming to stand before you. You blink at him, but raise an eyebrow as you manoeuvre your helmet to rest against your hip.
“I’m sorry, do we know each other?” you ask, eyes sparkling in amusement. Jake grabs at his chest, like you’ve shot him down again, and winces.
“Aw, c’mon, Kodiak” he starts, before fixing you with a piercing stare. “I don’t give out compliments that often, give it to me easy.”
“Only thing I’ll give you is my afterburner.”
Jake can’t help himself, he grins wide. He knows he should keep up the banter, you were clearly well equipped to spar with him, didn’t seem to take anything too personally so far, but all he can think as he stares at the first pilot to ever shoot him down, sweat slicking your flyaway hairs to your forehead, the sunsetting below the tarmac behind you, your cheeks a little ruddy from your time in the air, is that he’s going to marry you.
Luckily, Jake has the good sense to keep this to himself for now.
He steps forward slightly, and holds out his hand, watching as you eye it suspiciously for a moment.
“I’m Hangman,” he tells you as you relent and shake his hand.
“I know who you are, that's why I went for you first.” you reply with surprisingly little smugness in your voice, just plain truth. Jake lifts an eyebrow at you.
“Using me to raise your profile I see,” he teases. You don’t seem to notice that you’re still shaking his hand, and Jake feels slightly thankful, because he’s memorising the way it feels. You scoff at him.
“And what would you have done?” you challenge. Jake just looks your features over, and decides an evening ceremony will be perfect.
You realise then that you’re still shaking his hand, and you hurriedly pull away, moving to hold your helmet in both hands as if to stop yourself from reaching out again.
“I need to go do my post-flight checks,” you say quickly, sidestepping Jake and moving off toward the hanagar, and probably the showers. Jake turns and watches you go, his smile never faltering.
“Kodiak!” he calls out, waiting for you to stop and turn back to him before going on. “I enjoyed flying with you.” Jake tells you honestly, but musters his most serious expression so that you’ll know that too. He watches your brows furrow suspiciously for a moment, almost like you’re expecting him to laugh like it’s just a prank, but after a couple more seconds, your frown smooths into something more curious, before your face at last completely softens and you give him a small, but genuine smile.
“I enjoyed shooting you down,” you reply, your voice sincere, but your words catching him off guard and making Jake let out a surprised bark of laughter. 
Your smile widens just a little in the corners, like perhaps you had liked making him laugh, but soon enough you’re shifting your helmet in your hands again, and giving him a parting nod before once again you turn your back and walk away.
Jake stands still in place and watches as you shrink before at last disappearing entirely into the hangar. Once sure he’s alone, he places his hands on his hips and lets out a long, low whistle. He feels his heartbeat thump away rapidly in his chest, his adrenaline still spiking from just the thrill of speaking to you properly and in person for the first time, after being forced only to listen to your voice all afternoon on the radios.
It was a very nice voice, he thinks, both in person and on the radios, and it suits your very nice face very nicely. With a last whistle of approval, Jake begins making his own way inside, and even though he’d promised himself earlier that never again would he let you shoot him down, now he can’t help but think anything that brought you enjoyment was worth repeating.
Replaying your conversation over and over as he finally showers, changes, and heads home for the night, the first thing Jake does upon arriving in his apartment is reach for the pad and pen he keeps on the kitchen counter. He scribbles down the date, and writes out the highlights from your conversation as best as he remembers them. Peeling it off the pad, he folds it neatly, before placing it carefully inside the leather bound folder that held such items as his passport and birth certificate, before replacing it again in its hiding spot.
He wouldn’t need the contents of the note for a little while, he thinks, but when it came time to write the speech he’d give at your wedding, Jake wanted to know exactly where he could find it.
“Well, that was pathetic,” Javy nudges Jake in the ribs, and nods in your direction across the bar. Jake, who until now has been trying hard not to look your way, is finally given the perfect reason to do so, and swings his eyes over to you.
You’re sitting near the bar in your civvies, with a man who Jake can’t help but notice is not himself, and who is currently being awfully handsy for his liking. You don’t look completely comfortable either, but he also knows you have no trouble telling men to calm down when you aren’t feeling their advances. Neither reason adds up to exactly why Jake almost immediately chooses to abandon Javy by the pool table.
Part way across the bar, Jake realises that it’s not even a rescue attempt he’s trying for, clearly you were fine, no, this reaction from him is entirely new, spurred on by a good many things, but right now, by the abysmal looking date you were enduring. He slows his pace, and begins to move at a more natural gait, his lack of rush having no active affect on the crowds around him either way. Jake was both tall enough and wide enough that people tend to part for him as he walks regardless of asking.
He feels his chest puff out a little when you notice him coming before he even reaches you, and how even though he positions himself at the bar behind you, you seem to subconsciously turn a little to be able to look over at him anyway. Jake grins to himself when your ‘date’ seems to flounder at your seemingly captured attention, and quickly asks if you’d like another of the little cocktails you’d picked that night.  Jake can’t help but scoff internally. He’d asked you once why you drank beer with the squad, but only ordered fruit drinks when you had a date, to which you’d replied that you thought it appeared more feminine. Jake scoffs again, this time out loud.
“You’ll let this guy take you out, but not me? You don’t even like that, you’re not even drinking it!” he says quietly enough so that only you are able to hear the clipped annoyance in his words. You cock your head at him, and raise your straw to your lips either spitefully or indignantly.
“Still sour about that Jakey?” you tease. Despite the subject matter, and his frustration that these men you went out with seemingly had something Jake did not, he can’t help but feel pride pump through his veins upon seeing the way your face, especially your eyes, have lit up for the first time all night, something which he thinks should be a bare minimum when. If a man couldn’t engage you, then he just wasn’t good enough for you, was he?
Jake shrugs noncommittally in response to your question, both of you knowing full well the answer to that. Instead, he looks away from you briefly as the bartender approaches, but feels your gaze burning the side of his cheek.
“Two beers please,” he says, paying and waiting patiently for the drinks to be deposited on the bar before he looks back at you again. He nudges one in your direction, pretending as though he doesn’t care if you accept it or not, by taking a sip of his own. His faux-apathy is completely blown by the way he doesn’t take his eyes off of you, even as he drinks, waiting to see whether or not you’ll take the beer. You watch him with the barest amount of disapproval that you can muster, before almost shyly collecting up the chilled glass bottle in your hands.
“Are you forgetting something, perhaps? Oh, it’s super important, the name is on the tip of my tongue! What're they called again…?” you purse your lips and frown deeply, making an almost sincere show of recalling the information you’re after.
Jake waits as you seem to get it at last, snapping your finger and pointing it at him. “Fraternisation laws!” you exclaim overly enthusiastic for the topic at hand, contrasting with the way you stare flatly at him. Jake brushes your finger aside as he turns inward to face you fully, and cocks his head curiously down at you.
“You know I’ve already got my half of the paperwork filled out Teddy Bear, I’m just waitin’ on you.” Jake leans in toward you as he speaks, moving in near enough that one might call it risque, but he prefers intimate. For your part, you seem to be trying hard to suppress a smile, which you don’t succeed at, however you still shake your head at him anyway, and pull back, which makes Jake immediately step out of your space a little, returning to an appropriate distance for two officers.
“I bet you say that to all the pilots.” you say quietly, almost to yourself. The line is a worn cliche, he almost writes it off, except that your tone is entirely new, and entirely too put-out for your usual wave offs.
“Only the ones that keep shooting me down,” he replies after a beat watching you, not really certain how else he should reply to this development in your now storied routine of rejecting his interest, even though he knows that you like him very much. Fraternisation had been the last reason, though, nobody really took that seriously enough to not even bother navigating its murky depths of paperwork, but before that you’d listed not being hungry enough for dinner and having to video call with your model-building partner, neither serious excuses, right?
At this point Jake isn’t what one might say is desperate, but is what one might call unwilling to watch you sit through another completely inadequate date, with men who seemed to always be on the worst side of interested in you. That meant they fell somewhere firmly between sleazy and handsy, neither category of which was amongst Jake’s personal favourite reasons for liking you so much, which in no particular order included your excellence as an aviator, your sharp sense of humour, and your unbridled ambition.
Up until now, though, you’ve never once turned him away with something that sounded so much like it might be true. You’ve also never once stared up at him the way you are now, your expression significant, but unreadable to him.
Then, after thinking perhaps he had gotten somewhere real with you tonight, Jake feels a familiar twinge of disappointment as you turn back to your date, moving in closer to talk quietly with the man.
Jake looks down at his beer and lets out a sigh, ready to leave you to your fun, and return to his prior activity of pretending not to watch you from afar. When the man accompanying you noisily  steps back from the bar, the movement catches Jake’s eye, and he turns to see as the man looks briefly between you, before his eyes swing to Jake.
Jake hasn’t even caught on properly yet when your apparent former date turns on his heel and stalks darkly into the crowd, before at last disappearing entirely. Now free of your upsettingly poor choice of date, you swing your chair back around to face him, knees knocking into him with enough force to jolt Jake back to reality, where he discovers things to have played out almost exactly as he’d thought he’d been imagining them.
“Alright Seresin, you’ve got one shot at this,” you tell him, sounding like you don’t really mean it at all. Even so, Jake straightens and fixes you with his best self-assured smirk, but only because he knows you like it when he does.
“One shot is all I need,” he says proudly, before a few seconds pass and he finds himself blinking at the unintentional disclaimer he’s just given. “I mean, I’ll gladly take as many shots as you want, but–”
“Jesus, Jake! Anyone would think you haven't been laid in months!” you cut him off with a bark of laughter, your features in almost complete disbelief at such a thing. Jake pauses, hesitating with how he should respond, but eventually relaxes once more, and leans down on the bar again to fix you with his stare.
“Two months,” he informs you simply. You actually snort this time, which he finds utterly adorable, and you continue to chortle at his apparent joke, until you seem to realise he isn’t joining you. Your face falls then, and you blink at him in surprise, a flash of guilt mixing in with it, before you quickly attempt to play off your astonishment.
“Like, Seriously?” You ask, staring at him. Jake just nods, giving a short shrug, but doesn’t break your eye contact. After several more seconds pass, heavy with your bewilderment, you settle in your spot beside him one more, and let out a small huff. “Saving yourself for somebody special, then?” your eyebrows lift up as you ask, voice lilting with humour, but you don’t fully smile yet, like you’re afraid of still possibly offending him. Jake simply shrugs again, but rolls his eyes lightly. 
He’s well aware of his reputation before you, as is almost all on base who know him, or those who frequent the Navy bars scattered nearby. He thinks maybe he should have gone about distributing the updated information on him, however, because as far as Jake is concerned, he had been off the market for quite some time.
Unofficially, anyway.
“Oh, she’s very special, darlin’. Someone worth saving myself for. I think you’d like her a lot,” Jake does his best not to sound too goofy about it, but he swings almost too far the opposite way, and finds himself hoping to god that the purring quality to his voice as he speaks isn’t too much.
You stare at Jake for several seconds processing his line briefly, before at last scoffing and rolling your eyes as you turn slightly away from him to take a sip of your drink. Despite this reaction likely wounding a lesser man, Jake knows his words have resonated at least a little, because both your scoff or your eye roll half-hearted at best, both also completely undermined by the not-so-tiny smile you clearly can’t repress properly, even if you try to hide it by taking another sip.
“Answer me this, Seresin;” you start when a few minutes have passed, Jake having also taken to sipping his beer, choosing to let the subject settle between you for a bit. “I know about you, and I’m not like, slut-shaming you or anything, but how do I know all of this isn’t just the usual bullshit you parcel out? How do I know I’m not just another in a long line of others?” you ask, your voice surprisingly light for the frankness and seriousness of your words. Jake blinks at you, his brow furrowing this time, and notes the way your gaze flickers to the crease between his brows for half a second.
He places his beer down and blows out a puff of air. He doesn’t answer you right away, can’t really, because on some level he realises telling you that he’s been planning your lives together since the day you’d met won’t go down super well, but he also doesn’t want to misrepresent the level of his feelings toward you.
“Well, you don’t. I mean, you are,” he speaks carefully, already expecting the frown that appears on your face almost immediately, and quickly goes on. “But you’re the last in that line. I can promise you that.” Jake’s voice becomes involuntarily quieter as he finishes speaking, and he hates the uncertain sound the softness gives his words, but knows saying them again will only cheapen them.
You stare at one another for several heart-thumping seconds, and Jake wonders if the rest of the bar has all but disappeared for you too, or if you were still well aware of everything going on around you. For all Jake knew, the bar didn’t even exist right now. And then you move, your eyes bouncing up to blink at him slowly like a cat, before they drop to your feet in an embarrassed sort of way Jake can truthfully say he’d never have imagined of you.
“I asked Javy a few weeks ago if you were sick, or something,” you say, looking back up at him with a laugh in your voice now. “I saw you turn down, like, six different women that night, and I don’t know, I was genuinely concerned for your health.” You tell him, making a small smile pull at the corners of Jake’s lips that you’d been worried about him at all, had watched him long enough to see him turn others away.
“You know what he said? He just rolled his eyes at me and said that, no, actually, you weren’t fine at all, that you were in love with me, and if he’s honest, it wasn’t cute anymore, and had become totally insufferable,” You laugh properly this time as you relay the information, and Jake can’t help but chuckle too.
“And so you thought you’d let me stew for a few more weeks? Have I not been a good boy enough already?” Jake asks with an amused twinkle in his eyes. He knew he was getting to the end of his rope tonight, but in reality, it never mattered to him how many weeks or months you made him wait, any amount of time would have been worth it. You shrug and dip your eyes away from him to dance around the room.
“Not exactly. I mean, I didn’t totally believe Javy, but I figured there might’ve been some truth there. I mean what is this, like, the… fifth time in two months you’ve asked me out?” You question, half to yourself as you do some maths.
“Fifth times the charm,” Jake replies seriously, having no other memory anymore of how the quote is supposed to go and not entirely realising he’s said it wrong at all. You snicker at this glimpse at just how far gone he is, but he doesn’t mind.
“I’m sorry I didn’t give you a real chance before now,” you say quietly, before pulling a conciliatory expression. “But to be fair, if you were any other guy, I’d be totally right about you… I still could be,” you sound as though you’re trying to convince yourself, and trial off after biting your lower lip in a distracted sort of way. Jake nods, understanding your hesitation. You weren’t to know that he cared about you more than anyone he’d met before, more than anyone ever could, but he’s also aware that there was no point to talking the big talk when it came to things like this.
“Well now, excuse me Darlin’! I didn’t work so damned hard on my exceptionally slutty past for you to just sweep it all aside for me! It’s just plain disrespectful,” Jake blusters, playing up his accent as much as he can, but still only coming out sounding half indignant. You blink in surprise at his disapproval, and quickly try to hide the sound of your snort as it escapes through another laugh, clearly taken aback and not expecting this angle from him.
“So this is what's gonna happen instead; you’re gonna make me work just as hard for this, for you, and once you’ve made yourself an honest man outta me, then we can talk about being right or wrong,” Jake states matter-of-factly, like he isn’t simultaneously pleading you for more than this, and begging you to stand your ground at the same time.
Jake’s most frequent and recurring nightmare these past months had been the idea of getting you, then losing you. He isn’t lying about working hard to have his reputation, Jake didn’t do commitment, he didn’t do more than one night, and if he did, it was never because he wanted more. He knows relationships and intimacy are the furthest thing from his forte by choice, so if he was going to get the chance to be with you, he wanted to do it properly, to do it right.
Your laughter turns softer, pulling him from his reverie. He finds you watching him, considering his words as he’d trailed off somewhere in his head while waiting for your response. There's a small twinkle in your eyes that tells him you had no plans to take it easy on him ever, but as if you know he won’t be abated by that alone, you lean in toward him, resting your chin in your palm while blinking up at him coquettishly.
“Well, you’re already on the right track, with this whole ‘saving yourself’ business. I appreciate that, off the bat,” you say, and Jake is kind of relieved, because while it wasn’t necessarily something he had to do, you weren’t an item and had turned him down four times so feelings or no, Jake wouldn’t have been in the wrong if he’d slipped up once or twice, but he’s glad that you acknowledge your approval, at least because now he knows now and feels a gust of pride inflate his chest.
“To be clear, though, I would make you work for it regardless of your past. I know what I’m worth, what I bring to a relationship, and what I want out of one, and I know those things too well just to forget them. Not for anyone.”
Jake nods vehemently, once again in complete agreement.
“Good. That’s real good, sweetheart. I don’t,” he tells you honestly, now feeling a sense of distinctly unearned pride that you were already so intune and aware of your value. He knows that for most people, including himself, that those things are only learned once they’re older. 
Your face flashes with surprise, startled by his admission of what was probably at least some basic emotional intelligence. “I’ve never wanted to know it, it wasn’t important before…” Jake trails off, and feels a sense of hesitation and regret start to poison his tongue. Was that too much? Too callous? You were aware of his colourful sexual past, but plenty of people had those. Jake had been calculated in his endeavours, and he’s suddenly ashamed, and not sure if he wants you to know that.
For a few beats you look at one another, Jake trying his best not to break eye contact, somehow hoping it will tell you all you need to know about his intentions, but after a moment, it’s you who looks away, shifting back into your position resting both arms atop the bar, where you begin fiddling with your drinks coaster.
“You know, you don’t have to be quite that honest, you can try to like, impress me still,” you say after a couple more seconds pass, and Jake lets out a shaky, anxious breath when a sideways, wry smile accompanies your words.
“Rather you be impressed by the truth than anything else,” he responds, mimicking your lean, your arms pressed against one another now, and Jake could be mistaken, but he’s almost certain that you lean some of your weight into him.
“‘M just sayin’ you don’t have to, like, abase yourself just for me to think you’re dealing fair. I already know you’re not exactly a two rodeo pony, but if you’re trying to be, that’s all I ask.” you look up at him and catch his gaze. Jake thinks over what you’ve said, not fully being able to believe it, but he wonders now if this will be just as much about proving his worthiness to himself, just as much as it was to you.
As if  he has little screens in his eyes that relay his every thought like a teleprompter, your expression softens once again, and this time Jake is sure that you’re leaning into his side, your weight falling solidly, but comfortably onto him.
“C’mon Hangman, you’re the best, aren’t you?” you tease, even nudging him playfully. “Who says you aren’t the best at this too?” you go on to ask, raising your eyebrows challengingly. Jake feels both a thrill at the slight taunt to your voice, as well as a deep affection and reverence that you know exactly how to play him already.
He picks up what you’re putting down, and lifts his chin to look down at you, one eyebrow of his own lifting in an almost condescending manner.
“Certainly not you, that's for damn sure, sweetheart.” Jake damn-near gloats, chest puffing out and pride swelling up again substantially at the way you seem to enjoy this display.
“Well then, I can’t wait to find out!” You say, knocking into his side once more with your elbow. Jake’s smile flickers more genuine, and after a moment of brief thought, he uncrosses his arms on the bar and slings his arm casually around your shoulder. You move into him almost like you’ve been waiting for him to do this, like for the past few weeks you’ve been thinking about it and what you might do if he did.
You grin up at him and Jake smiles back, lowering his face down to yours so that when he speaks again, you’re the only one in the room who can hear him
“Just promise me one thing,” Jake asks, serious as ever now. Your features crease a little, but you nod.
“Sure, what is it?”
“Never stop shooting me down. It’s kinda sexy.”
You let out a shocked, joyful laugh, even as your eyes gain a mean little sheen to them, the contrast between your sweet chortle, and the evil look on your face only making his own grin widen. Jake makes a note to bring this up in his wedding speech.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
A halloween fic where Leah and her gf go to a Williamson family halloween party. Gf secretly dresses up as the always serious Lioness captain and everyone finds its hilarious except Leah (maybe she finds it kinda hot lol)…
narcissist II l.williamson
"oh she is going to hate this." laura laughed as you emerged from your room, the younger girl waiting patiently in the living room while you'd put the finishing touches to your halloween costume.
"thats the goal!" you grinned with a wink, giving yourself a once over in the hallway mirror, adjusting your hair a little. "you look so good lau!" you beamed at laura who was dressed up as cowgirl barbie, having somehow convinced kim to go as her counterpart western ken, who agreed to meet you there.
you'd all been invited to a halloween party thrown by leah's cousin holly, which was an annual tradition among the williamson family and their close friends. leah had been out all day having gone over there this morning, promising to help holly set everything up.
you'd gotten out of it given you had picked up a last minute shift this morning and promised a very nervous laura that she could come over and get ready with you.
with most of the girls away on international break the austrian had spent nearly everyday at yours and leahs shared home seeking out the company she missed when her house mates were away.
not that you or leah minded at all, both looking at laura like a younger sister. you'd always fit in well with leahs friends and team mates since the two of you started seeing one another a few years ago, though you'd become exceptionally close to the fellow members of her coveted infamous acl club.
you glanced down as your phone buzzed, alex texting that she was outside in an uber. "scottys here." you informed, grabbing your house keys and lauras hand, the two of you running to the car with a laugh after you'd locked up.
"jesus christ alex!" you jumped in shock as you opened the door and came face to face with the older woman, who grinned at you devilishly, dressed head to toe like a sexy pennywise the clown. "that is a nightmare." laura laughed, climbing into the car alongside you.
"you look gorgeous!" alex pointed toward laura as the driver pulled out from the curb. "you...well, you look bang on mate." alex nodded her approval as you grinned happily. "down to the very last detail." you pulled a very stern face, causing both women to laugh loudly.
you'd opted that out of all the options you had, the best and most top tier costume you could pull off was to dress up as your lovingly strict girlfriend in her natural element.
so you were clad out in her favourite england kit from the euros with williamson splashed across your back, having to roll the top of her shorts twice so they didn't hang down to your knees. you'd even pulled your socks up and stole an old pair of her boots which you had no doubt you'd hear about from the girl in question soon enough.
then there was the thin black headband which sat on your head pulling your fringe out of your face, leahs now having grown out beyond the need to use it but you'd still given her endless amounts of shit while she'd needed it so it seemed a perfect accessory.
the final cherry on top was the one love captains armband wrapped tightly around your bicep, loaned to you by katie before she'd flown off to ireland for national camp. having laughed till her stomach hurt when you'd explained what you needed it for she made you promise to send her lots of photos.
pulling up to hollys house the party was clearly in full swing as there was cars everywhere and people lounging around smoking on her front lawn, every single sort of weird and wonderful costume in sight.
thanking the driver the three of you slipped out and made your way inside, holly spotting you right away as she grinned and hurried over. she hugged alex who dipped with a wink, spotting some of her friends across the room.
laura was next to go, kim waving her over where she sat with amber, jen and a few others in the living room, the sight of the arsenal captain with a cow print tracksuit on making you let out a loud laugh as she winked and playfully rolled her eyes, dipping her hat at you as she stood to embrace laura.
"and you...babe you are a spitting image!" holly grinned after she'd hugged you tightly, holding you away from her at arms length and looking you up and down.
"god the world can barely handle one leah williamson, but two? good luck to us all!" her brother ben appeared beside her, hugging you tightly and spinning you around before darting away to mingle.
"where is she?" you asked, holly taking your hand and dragging you away to make you a drink. "outside with her mum i think, and i need to see her live reaction." holly handed you a drink and again pulled you away with her.
you spotted your girlfriend stood by the fire pit in the middle of the yard, surrounded by a few of her family members you'd met several times before, following holly over as amanda spotted you and the girl gestured for her not to alert leah.
"well hello sexy, is it hot today or is it just you?" you smacked your girlfriend on the bum as she so often greeted you, the older girl spinning around as you did, having been messaging all day how much she missed you.
though once she actually took you in you were unable to read the look on her face, her family members all exploding into a round of applause and whistles as you took a bow.
"leah williamson; england captain, european champion." you held your hand out toward her mum with a blank stare, and a near perfect impression of your girlfriends thick milton keynes accent, sending the older woman into a deeper bout of hysterics as you were showered with compliments.
"you are unbelievable." finally finishing making the rounds hugging her various family members leah was next as you returned in front of her, sending her a beaming smile and a wink.
"like it? think its pretty accurate." you again made fun of your girlfriends tendency to replace her th's with f's as even leah was unable to hold back her smile.
"you might be fucking annoying but i have to say i do love it baby girl, imitation is the best form of flattery." leah smirked, pecking your lips a few times as the two of you hugged tightly.
"you're looking proper fit babe." you grinned, your girlfriend dressed up like a sexy jack sparrow, the bandana and corset combination doing wonders for you. "are you going to speak like that all night?" leah grimanced at the thickly dramatised impression of her accent.
"sure am, welcome to my every day reality my love."
"leah where are we going!" you laughed as she dragged you through the house by your hand, both of you a little tipsy you stumbled on your feet as she pushed you into hollys room.
"you look so fucking good tonight babe its driving me crazy." leah breathed out, shutting the door and pressing you up against it, hands gripping your hips.
"are you seriously telling me you're finding me dressed as you a turn on right now?" you laughed quietly, arms wrapping around her shoulders and fiddling with the baby hairs on the nape of her neck as she gave you a toothy grin.
"what can i say baby? you're hot, i'm hot. put them together? i very much like what i see." leah whistled with a smirk making your eyes roll playfully. "such a narcissist." you teased, standing on your tippy toes to connect your lips to hers.
your head spun as her lips ravaged yours, the kiss desperate and messy and passionate, the older girl doing her very best to show you just how much she'd missed you today, and just how much she was enjoying your little get up tonight.
"leah." you released a breathy moan as she took your bottom lip between her teeth, tugging on it as her eyes locked with yours and winked, sucking your lip into her mouth and pressing you even harder into the door as her tongue slipped into your mouth now taking full control of the kiss.
but tonight, tonight you were determined to stay in character.
you pushed back against her taller form, walking her back until her legs hit the bed and she fell, the kiss breaking for a moment before her hands grabbed at you possessively, tagging you to straddle her lap.
"i think you should keep this on when i have you a whining mess underneath me later my girl. you know i love when you wear my name." leahs hands slipped under her jersey which adorned your top half, short nails scratching your abs before she tugged teasingly at the material.
"maybe i'll even let you wear my euros medal if you beg me nicely enough." leah smiled wickedly, hands gently sliding up higher on your torso until you hastily grabbed them and pinned them to her sides.
"mm tempting but not tonight lee baby, tonight i'm the captain." you breathed out against her lips, ducking your head back with a smug smile as she tried to dive back in to kiss you.
though before anything else could happen a fist was pounding at the door. "i swear to god the two of you better be out out of my room and fully clothed in 0.5 seconds or i'll kick this fucking door and your heads in!" holly yelled menacingly, hitting the door again as you and leah shared a grin.
"don't worry love, this isn't over yet-" you paused, leaning back to proudly tap the lionesses badge on your chest.
"the english are never done."
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mixtape-0325 · 7 months
Sacrifice 🕸️
Stray Kids; Hwang Hyunjin x F. Reader (21+)
Word count: 2.2k
Content: HardDom!Hyunjin, Sub!Reader, lip biting (+ blood mention), consensual non-consent (stalker roleplay), car sex, bondage tape, cum eating (by hyunjin), deepthroating, hair-pulling, name calling, scratching, breeding, some aftercare/comfort.
Warning: this fic contains content some readers may find upsetting or triggering, take care of yourself!
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They can be such various things.
In a quiet house the water leaking down the shower head onto the bathroom floor, bit by bit, drop after drop. On an autumn night, acorns that fall from the trees outside your home, awaiting you on the morning when the wind has settled. But right now, all you can hear are the taps of raindrops on your windscreen, covering the glass, only to be wiped away soon after like they had never existed in the first place.
There are not many things that go beyond a late-night drive, clearing your head and listening to your favourite songs. There had always been a reaction when a certain guy’s voice entered your car through the speaker, rather than giving you butterflies he gave you goosebumps, with teeth eager to grab onto your bottom lip to play with. You could just imagine so clearly how he would sound whispering into your ear, how he would touch your thighs like they’d be his – all from the verses he sang passionately.
Songs replaced others in what seemed like seconds, time passed quickly on nights like these. However, when the wind picked up equally as much as the rain, to the point you could almost not see clearly anymore you snapped back into reality.
You were already quite far from home, knowing you had no where else to be in the morning and you could enjoy your alone time as much as you needed. You debated your choices for a little while, but soon you realise the best choice was to stop at the closest gas station.
When you parked your car on the side, you told yourself to see this all in a positive light, that you could just get a hot drink and some snacks inside. By the time you’d be back the wave of terrifying weather would soon to have passed.
You took a deep breath, hands fidgeting with the zipper of your black hoodie to at least close it before getting ready to run out of the car. You took in the sounds of the rain. Despite it sounding rather aggressive at this point, it was still calming to know you were safe and warm inside. Another deep breath followed, before you opened the car door and ran inside the gas station shop as quickly as you could. Puddles splashed from underneath your feet, and taps hit your clothes one after the other. You exhaled deeply as you felt a rush of warm air, a slight giggle appearing as you made it safely back inside a safe shelter.
“Good evening”.
You were greeted by one of the two staff members, who you gave a shy smile in return. You were in no particular rush browsing through the selections of snacks, but were happy to have found two bags that you couldn’t wait to dig into. You walked towards the checkout and gave the other staff member a smile as you placed your picks onto the counter, who seconds later were neatly placed in a bag for you to hold.
“Thank you”
You were glad you were able to push these words out of yourself at the very least, before walking back to the automatic door. You stayed there for a little while, looking at the rain still violently splashing itself down on two other cars in the parking lot – which must have been the staffs.
‘’Excuse me, is there a bathroom I could use near here?”
You turned your head back into the store as a staff from the storage room shouted to you.
“It’s outside, left, around the corner!"
“Thank you!”
You braced yourself for another run in the rain to the side of the shop. Whilst not the most convenient with a shopping bag in one hand, and a hot drink in the other, there was no harm in a few more drops on your already damp hoodie.
The door to the bathroom was heavy, and the lights were barely working as they flashed in an attempt to stay alive. As you stood in front of the mirror, you wondered to yourself if you had heard the door close at all – only to walk back and give it another tug to close it all the way.
I deep breath filled the room, your shoulders relaxing as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You reached for the tap, twisting it open to catch some water in your palms to splash onto your face. It was quite ironic really, seeing as the rain outside splashing onto you was something you wanted to avoid. You pulled out one of the paper towels to gently dry your face before throwing the crumbled paper away.
Your arm was still only half-way back to your body as you felt a figure hover over your back.
“Don’t move”
Your body froze, muscles tightened as the voice echoed through the room, not really making out any characteristics from the surprise of it all. His hand wrapped around you from behind, resting on your jaw with his fingers playfully over your lips.
“Miss me?”
He whispered to you, followed by a deep hum as his index finger brushed over your lips. It’s then where you realise who it is, and your body relaxed. However, your heart did not, pounding into your chest at all, the thrill of adrenaline rushing through your veins.
“How did you-“,
Hyunjin cut you off as he covered the entirely of your mouth with his hand for just a split second. He let himself press against you from behind, biting his lip so hard he could taste drops of his own blood. His free hand moved to your hip, holding it tightly to keep you in place.
“Always know how to find you, sweetheart…you’re so…”
You gulped at his confidence, but you couldn't deny that realising that he had followed you beyond your own knowledge was scary – it was all the wrong kind of scary, but it intrigued you too. His hand on your hip soon teased under your hoodie, a warm large hand brushing over your tummy, scratching over the skin whenever he moved to a different spot.
You tried to get away as his hand moved towards you bra, unsuccessfully pushing him off only for him to grab onto you harsher. Hyunjin’s hand wrapped around your throat, sqeezing to his hearts content equally as hard as the way he was groping your front.
“You’re wearing lace only to say ‘don't'"
"oh sweetie, so silly”
You could feel Hyunjin's cock already pressing to the material of his sweatpants. His hips were unsteady as he started rubbing himself against you, his hand continuing to leave bruises on your front.
Your voice only came out in a shaky whisper of embarrassment by the sheer throbbing between your legs despite the situation. And with that, he snapped completely.
Hyunjin turned you around to face him, your back hitting the cold wall as he stared into your eyes with a dark lust. His hand wrapped itself around your mouth, cutting off part of your air supply a second time, only to press his front against you in desperate attempts to create more friction for his aching cock.
You felt overwhelmed by the deep, needy noises he was making, a conflicting sense of pleasure and dangerous thrill filling your head. You couldn't help but whimper yourself at the rubs against your core.
“Hmm baby...you have to be quiet here, before I really hurt you”.
He let go, and grabbed your wrist to guide you outside, a fast pace to his car was all you could really grasp whilst trying to collect your breathing.
Hyunjin went into the backseat with you, grabbing your wrists to hold out to him as he wrapped them in black tape, likewise to your mouth. His hands helped you out of your sweats, leaving you cold and exposed in his car. Bit by bit, he tapped into your body, using his hands to undress you even through your wiggles and struggles. Hyunjin’s cock was throbbing violently into his boxers, clearly visible as soon as he let his own clothes fall to his ankles to reveal himself to you.
And then he started – dark brown eyes staring into your own as his palm wrapped around his hard, throbbing cock to jerk himself off. His free hand wrapped around your hair, holding you in place to have to watch. You whimpered against the tape, trying to make noises as he pleased himself from beside you.
“Better save that voice, sweetie”
Hyunjin's hand sped up which earned deep grunts out of him, making your own throbbing must worse. You felt embarrassed at how much you were turned on by everything, letting a tear fall to your cheek that pleased him greatly.
“Shhh sweetheart, it’ll be over soon”.
Hyunjin moaned sweetly before he tugged on your hair to bring you closer to him, taking off the tape on your mouth before guiding your lips only inches away from his swollen red lip. With no wasted time, he pushed you down onto his length, his shaft disappearing into your throat completely. His free hand grabbed onto your body, playing with your elevated butt from your position.
“Such a little slut for me”, he teased as he started bobbing you down onto his cock over and over again, tight lips getting him close to his own release with how often you were gagging on him.
“I’d fuck that tight ass of yours too, hear you really scream for me”
Hyunjin's groans filled the car and he had never sounded this raspy and deep, a monster in him truly being released from within him. And just like that, when you hummed around him in response, he pulled your face up to hover over his cock – only to jerk himself the last way for hot drops of cum to land on your face and tongue. It was the biggest load you had ever seen of him, his body spasming with each spurt.
“Hmm...fucking hell, baby”.
A few deep breaths filled the space before he tugged on your hair to bring you to his lips, his tongue lapping at your jaw and lips to taste himself. You couldn't help yourself, pressing your legs together as you saw Hyunjin's own drops of cum now lay on his tongue, swallowed by him before he eargerly attached his lips back to yours.
The kiss only became more heated, and soon, as if you weighed nothing, he helped you onto his lap. His hands continued like earlier to grope you to his hearts content, both of your breathings heavy in response. You almost forgot to struggle against him, but when you saw him become half-hard again just from being close to you you couldn't help yourself to start all over.
"Don't touch me, please", you whimpered once he got to your panties, pushing them to the side to violently rub your clit in an eager attempt to please you. His warm breath continiously hit your neck.
He had fully lost his composure.
"But I still want you, so, fucking, bad..."
He groaned into your neck before biting down onto your skin. With one tug of his hands on your hips, he had you sinking down onto his length. There was no soft start, no getting used to his thickness. Hyunjin used you like you were air, helping you to move up and down at a fast pace that had you losing yourself - and for him to take control.
"That's it, that's my little slut", he teased as he saw you turned into nothing but mush for how good he was making you feel. How much you enjoyed not being able to push him away cause of tied hands.
"Hurts, please"
You moaned your words for him, only fuelling his upward trusts in ways that made you gasp and tightly press your eyebrows together.
You begged again before your body took control of you, shaking on top of him as your orgasm washed over you.
"Shit, so fucking tight"
"Gonna breed you baby, have you take me so deep"
Hyunjin couldn't stop talking, his filter completely gone as he came inside of you just as hard as before. Your bodies reached for each other, his arms tightly wrapped around you, holding you in place as you rode out both of your orgasms together.
"I love you, baby"
Hyunjin whispered sweetly as your body continued to jolt, orgasms much longer than his own.
"I got you"
He repeated himself as you slowed, and slowed, and came to a hold in his arms.
"You're okay, baby. I love you"
Hyunjin whispered sweetly, letting you take your time in his arms with a few gentle kisses pressed to your cheeks whenever you made a slight noise.
He rubbed your back with warm hands, making you relax against him. Once your breathing was steady again and your body knew it was completely safe, Hyunjin guided your head to look at him and pressed a gentle, sweet kiss to your lips whilst his thumb caressed your cheek.
"You did so well baby"
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touchlikethesun · 4 months
okay okay okay, but we need to talk about the name etymologies of the four central characters of haikyuu!! because it is literally impossible to talk about it too much. first let's break down all the kanji in their family names!
(sidenote: all of the translations were pulled from wikitionary, so if any of the meanings are actually egregiously incorrect, pls lmk!!)
影 kage - shadow 山 yama - mountain 口 guchi - mouth 月 tsuki - moon 島 shima - island 日 hi - sun 向 nata - direction
adding a readmore because this got so much longer than i intended it to be
so some of these are talked more about in the fandom than others. i think it's practically common knowledge (if it isn't, well now you know) that the first kanji of hinata's name (日) means "sun" and the first kanji of tsukki's name (月) means "moon," and that this was done on purpose to highlight their roles in the story as foils and as a sun and moon analogy. tsukki and hinata are quite literally polar opposites in their approach to volleyball (they are, one might say, like night and day). tsukishima with his physical advantage yet reluctance to try too hard compared with hinata's overwhelming physical disadvantage and his willingness to go above and beyond, to the point that he can't even fathom how not to give 110% at all times. (there's so much more to say about this symbolism but i'll leave it there, gotta stay focused rip).
the first kanji in kageyama's name (影) meaning "shadow" i feel like most people are aware of as well, this symbolises his general mood (sorta a comparison with tsukishima too imo, darkness and the moon etc., but that's quite subtle), and again this furthers his parallel with hinata, juxtaposing light and darkness, but the kanji for yama (山) which we find in both kageyama and yamaguchi's name, means mountain, which represents both reliability and strength. this works for both kageyama and yamaguchi in different ways. from day one at karasuno, all of the team members can count on kageyama to perform, be it setting, serving, receiving, he is all around the uncontested best player on the team, and serves as the base for nearly all of their strategies. yamaguchi doesn't have the same dependability in terms of athletic performance (at the start of the series), but in a lot of ways he is a grounding force in among the first years, and in his relationship with tsukki he is very much a needed support, tsukishima depends on yamaguchi for... god for so much actually.
and then there's the second kanji in tsukishima's name (島)... meaning "island," it is very clearly meant to represent the isolation tsukki both feels and imposes on himself at the start of the series. i also think it's of note that an island is opposed to a mountain - both are large(-ish) landmasses but the mountain is connected to the rest of the land while an island is all alone...
the individual kanji all have a lot of symbolism going on but when you put some of them together, i think you get a new significance...
日向 hinata - the direction sun in shining 影山 kageyama - the dark side of the mountain 山口 yamaguchi - the mountain’s opening (or mouth maybe cave?) 月島 tsukishima - moon island
to get them out of the way, the compound meanings of tsukishima and yamaguchi don't seem very narratively significant, but i am more than open to analyses you might have that i didn't think of! :)
however hinata and kageyama seem poetic to me in a way that i don't think is accidental. i did take some liberties with the phrasing (kageyama could also be written as "the mountain's shadow"), but it doesn't change the overwhelming symbolism. the dark side of the mountain is obviously juxtaposed with the light side, but how do you create a shadow? well the sun has to shine on something... the direction of hinata's sun shining on the kageyama's mountain making the shadow... i admit i might be reaching with this one. but i like it.
initially, i had only planned to look into their family names, but after finding so much symbolism, i though why not look into their given names and boy oh boy am i glad that i did~
飛 tobi - flight, fast, high 雄 o - something large powerful and masculine (yang) 翔 sho - soar 陽 yo - alt. the sun, positive, (yang!!!!) 蛍 kei - derived from firefly 忠 tadashi - loyal, devoted, faithful
where do i even begin i legit have tears in my eyes okay, first things first, kei has always been my favourite name in all of haikyuu, i just like how it sounds, i think it's so pretty, and in looking up the meaning of the kanji i've grown to love it even more. as a masculine name, 蛍 is pretty rare, it's more commonly used for female names and the most common reading isn't kei it's hotaru. i like that tsukishima has a relatively unique first name, but what really gets me is the etymology. the kanji 蛍 is the same kanji for firefly, and when the kei pronunciation is used, it means fluorescent. i absolutely love this for tsukishima, because we are being given two different messages with his family name and his given name. on the one hand, his family name would have us believe that tsukki is like the moon, only able to be seen at night and only capable of reflecting the lights of others, but his given name tells us that, while it might be a soft glow, tsukki does have a light of his own, he is in fact able to shine by himself.
compared to 蛍, 忠 is a much more common given name, meaning loyal or devoted. i think sometimes people misunderstand the dynamics between tsukishima and yamaguchi, so please don't take this as me saying something i'm not, but tadashi really is loyal to kei in a very special way, and this is clearly something that furudate wanted to highlight, as this is not the only time he's made reference or used symbolism for tadashi's loyalty to kei. i do think that this devotion extends past tsukki too, and tadashi's loyalty is another part of what makes him such an important part of karasuno (and eventual team captain).
now. for the big ones. i really hope people are still reading because i saved the best for last just because i know i'll collapse into a puddle of tears once i finish typing this section out
if you look at tobio and shouyou's names individually, they do fit them very well; 飛 (tobi) being the kanji for flight ties kags to the sport of volleyball, and the alt meaning of height i think references how high he is going to aim for and eventually reach, and 雄 (o) symbolising something powerful and masculine i think does fit kags' vibe. likewise, 翔 (sho) forshadows hinata's jumping abilities and his bird-like nature, and 陽 (yo), a kanji that has sooo many potential meanings, among which are sun and positivity, further underscores hinata's sun symbolism and his optimistic outlook. astute readers might have already noticed, the first kanji of tobio's name (飛) and the first kanji of shouyou's name (翔) have very similar meanings, one might even go as far to say that they are synonyms. both kags and hinata learn to fly at karasuno together, and they both aspire to the same upwards trajectory, literally in the game for hinata, and figuratively in their careers as pro volleyball players, and this similarity is underscored by the similarity in the meanings of the first kanji of their given name. but the kicker, the last kanji of their given names, 雄 (o) and 陽 (yo) not only sound similar, but they both are kanji that can be used to write yang as is yang, the opposite of yin! shouyou and tobio's names are literally synonyms of one another!! for all the differences apparent in their family names, their given names are literally the same name just a different font and i absolutely love it so much, because we spend so much time talking about how different hinata and kageyama are but part of the reason that they click and clash the way that they do is that they are so similar to one another in ways that they aren't like anyone else, it's what makes their rivalry and their partnership as strong as they are and it's so so so important to remember that these boys are always on the same wavelength!! clearly we're meant to think like this, since furudate chose these as their names...
one last little note, it might be hard to tell if (like me) you aren't used to reading caligraphy, but the same kanji in tobio's name is the kanji on karasuno's banner: 飛
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so just in case there was any doubt as to where tobio belongs. his name is literally on karasuno's banner i can't i can't i can't
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hells-wasabii · 4 months
So I just finish watching the 7th episode of Hazbin Hotel and I just couldn't help myself! I was wondering if I could request (separately) romantic headcanons for Rosie and Carmilla with a male imp reader? Ngl, Helluva Boss still has a hold on me and I just find the relationship between lower class demons and royalty demons really charming! :) And I would die for Rosie and Carmilla
A/N: I’ll be honest, I struggled a lot with this one which is why its on the shorter side. I just didn’t know how to approach it. While I did my best, I’ll admit i’m worried i might not have done this request justice. It has a lot of potential, but i’m not sure i was able to tap into that. I’ll let you guys decide that though.
Characters: Rosie, Carmilla (separate)
Type: Headcanons (x imp m!reader, General)
In terms of actual romance I don’t think much would change. She may be a little less tempted to take a bite out of you so to speak compared to if you were a sinner demon, but that’s pretty much it.
Rosie might be an overlord, and a sinner demon to boot, but she knows, to a degree, how it feels to be treated as lesser than. Cannibals are often outcasted by other sinners in hell, other demons were weary around them. It was to the point that they’re designated their own district, Cannibal Town.
That being said, she would never let you feel that way. With her, she would make sure that you were treated as an equal, no matter the company. She herself has friends in high places, and if it were something you wanted,
Cannibal town is a strong community, proud to follow Rosie’s lead, so you wouldn’t really get any slack for being an imp, or for being in a relationship with Rosie. From them at least. Other sinners were a different matter. Most looked down on imps.
Rosie however, despite being one of the weaker overlords, still held sway. While she couldn’t do much about her fellow overlords, she could at least silence lower sinners.
Just like with Rosie, the actual romance wouldn’t differ much, though she would worry about you more. You’re an imp, they’re less durable than sinners and she can’t bear to see those she loves hurt. That worry is only increased when you travel to other rings where she can’t go along with you to make sure you’re alright.
Carmilla has had dealings with imps for a long time now, they were one of her biggest sources of clientele after all. In fact, that was how she initially met you.
At the time you had been working with some up and coming mob boss on the greed ring, but to be able to keep up with other already established gangs, you needed weapons. And a lot of them. That’s where you came in. The boss had approached you, one of the newbies, to go up to the pride ring and start a supply contract with Carmilla. Why he picked you of all the other members was beyond you.
Meeting the overlord was quite the experience to say the least. She thought it was cute how nervous you were. It was obvious you were new to dealing with well, deals. You stuttered, avoided eye contact, She specifically requested for you to be the main contact and things went from there.
When it comes to your relationship with Carmilla, a lot of imps simply thought you were trying to get in good with one of the biggest arms dealers in hell. Others thought you had entered into some sort of deal with the overlord. Not many would openly speak out about it however. No one wanted to get their weapon supply cut off. She’d done it before, the arms dealer would do it again in a heart beat.
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rongzhi · 1 year
hi, i apologize if this is weird for me to ask, but do you have any resources that could help a foreigner with naming chinese original characters? im a white american who's writing a story that has southern chinese characters, and i want to make sure im properly naming my characters and not giving them nonsensical names. any criticism and advice is appreciated. thank you ♡
hmm with regards to naming Chinese OCs, I think if you are going into it with very little experience with Chinese names, it's best to first take a look at popular names based on year and gender, and then go from there.
Assuming your characters are Han Chinese/have Han Chinese names, check out these articles about naming trends:
What can we tell from the evolution of Han Chinese names?
Most Popular Chinese Names (trends in 2023 and across the decades)
Looking at appropriate names by generation is a good starting point just so you don't end up picking a name that sounds like the Chinese equivalent of naming a zoomer "Agatha" or "Gertrude" or something like that. This is a good method of quickly naming minor characters.
Beyond that, a lot can honestly be explained away by character back story/the intentions of the parents (although note: Chinese people are never named directly after senior relatives, as this is taboo). One thing to consider is that, sure, some people are just named after pretty words or whatever, but there can also be significant qualities/traits that give meaning to a name. So don't be afraid to choose characters that describe invisible/intangible qualities, because if it's just fluff, that can sound ridiculous too (my mom still laughs at all the ugly flower name suggestions my nainai came up with for me and my sibling, for example).
As the articles mention, some names have more feminine or masculine implications than others, but in general, Chinese names are gender neutral. If a girl has a more 'masculine' name, one could easily assume it's because the parents wanted to imbue her with certain traits. This is why it's worthwhile to consider which characters make up the names you choose, even if you never have anyone mention it.
Another thing I'd say is, while not a rule of thumb, I tend to give less important characters in stories monosyllabic names. No need to break out the Ruijie or Bairuo or whatever for a throwaway character.
If your characters are from southern China somewhere, then another thing to consider if how they are nicknamed; southerners more often give people nicknames like Ah-[syllable from given name], so this would be a clearer indicator to the reader as to where they are (similarly, how they address family members may offer these clues as well). For region specific names, you should also look to surnames based on regional prevalence, as certain names are more common in some provinces due to migration patterns as well as sinicization of non Han surnames throughout history.
Chinese Surnames wikipedia
Hundred Family Surnames wikipedia
Tangential but interesting article about the history of Chinese family names
Hopefully that helps a bit or maybe it's just treading over things you already know. If worst comes to worst, just ask someone you trust what they think about the names you've come up with.
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batwritings · 7 months
Kinktober Day 21 - Somnophilia
Another hyper fixation I had a fling with has to do with um..a Latino Spider-man. >///> Don't look at me, he's got nice...features....*cough* Enjoy!~
Warning! This work does contain pre-agreed to (although never directly stated) consensual non-consent! If that is not something you're okay with, please do not read! Thank you!
Never in your life had you seen someone work as hard as Miguel did. You knew, of course, why he did what he did. The multiverse was a serious thing, and despite not being part of the Spider Society, you knew why it needed the protection it had. 
Not that it wasn’t important, you do wish Miguel would give himself a break once in a while. It hurt you to see the man you loved so dear make it back to your shared home looking like he was about to drop to the ground. Yet no matter how much you argued with him about it, he never relented. 
You even consulted Lyla about it one night when Miguel wasn’t in earshot. “You can’t just…lace the Rapture or something?” you asked, voice hushed. “Slip some melatonin in there or something to get him to just…relax for a second?” 
“Sorry hun,” Lyla told you, the AI sighing heavily in her own electronic way. “I wish I could.” You flopped back against your shared bed at that answer.
Upon wandering through the halls of the society that day, you hadn’t expected anything different. You waved and said hello to a variety of different Peter Parkers and Spider-Mans alike. They knew you pretty well by now, seeing how often you brought food by Miguel’s office to be sure he was actually eating. Sometimes they’d keep you company while you waited for him to return.
The door opened slowly, and you expected the pedestal to lower with your super-powered lover atop it. “Miguel, I brought your favorite by,” you called. Yet as the chair he sat at turned around, you caught a sight that was beyond rare. 
Head held up by his fist, Spiderman-2099 was out like an absolute light. You sighed quietly as you set the food down and approached him, doing your best to mute your footsteps. Once you were on the pedestal, you felt it begin to raise and panicked slightly.
Lyla appeared out of thin air, hushing you. You smiled in relief, settling yourself on the metal flooring between Miguel’s legs. “Yeah, you might not want to sit there sweetheart,” the AI told you quietly. When you gave her a questioning look, she points to the area of your lover’s crotch.
Even his spider suit did nothing to conceal the bulge growing beneath the synthetic cloth. You blushed a little, peeking your head around the chair to see if anyone else had entered with you. Upon realizing you were alone, you put your hand gently on the man’s inner thigh.
“You’re so worked up love,” you whispered, caressing the skin their. You watched with a knowing look as pixels slowly dissipated to reveal his prominent erection. You weren’t going to question though, taking your lover’s member in your hand and pumping slowly. “You need to relax more.”
Miguel made a soft noise in his slumbering state, but otherwise showed no signs of waking. Perfect. You did your best to be slow and quiet, licking a line up the shaft before swirling your tongue around the head. With enough saliva built up, you slid your way down, bobbing your head at a snail’s pace. You wanted this to be pleasurable for him, not a rude awakening.
And so far, it was. On the occasion, your love would buck his hips up, especially when your tongue swiped over a few specific veins. You did your best not to gag too harshly, tucking your thumb into your fist and holding it tightly.
Every once in a while you would hear him mumble something in Spanish or even your name, which you took as a good sign. One hand you kept on his thigh, massaging the muscles there. The other took to stroking his shaft where you couldn’t quite reach. You had your lover as covered as the multiverse ever would be.
You knew he was close when the little noises got to be more and more frequent. You focused your attention on the head of his cock, laving your tongue over the slit. “Mi amor,” you heard as cum began to hit your tongue and cheek. Miguel groaned softly as he came, hips rising off his chair.
The sound of the door opening caught your attention, causing you to panic. You’re not too sure what made the pedestal remain so still, but your blood was running cold regardless. “I’ll be with you in a minute,” came Miguel’s voice, sounding as cool and calm as ever. 
You looked up only to be met with those tired ruby eyes you adored so much. Once the door shut, your hero bent forward a bit as he thumbed the cum from your cheek. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before sitting up straight again.
“Thank you for the respite cariño. Now let me get back to work.”
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autistichalsin · 4 months
Even if Halsin have not felt suited to the role of the First Druid, I have never agreed with this statement. Although he may have been hesitant, he truly went above and beyond his duties. I hold this belief strongly and will continue to encourage Halsin to see this through my Tav.
If he doesn't wish to assume the mantle of Archdruid, that's completely acceptable. He gave his all, demonstrated exemplary skill, and ensured peace within the Grove before departing. If I were his mentor, I would have felt an immense sense of pride in my heart because of his dedication.
Honestly, thinking about what happens during the game and after, I think the problem is this:
Halsin is a great leader, but he's bad at Druidic leadership, specifically. When you're in a leadership position, your values and goals need to align with the group's. While Halsin, of course, lives and breaths Druidic doctrine, he isn't so good at balancing the needs of his group members with his own goals; he looks at things outside the Grove, like the Shadow Curse, and prioritizes what he sees as the most important thing without necessarily explaining this to the group. He doesn't communicate clearly enough; Kagha talks about him "stumbling after the past", obviously not understanding the importance of curing the Shadow Curse. Everyone else, except Halsin, was willing to let the Shadow Curse continue. And of course it's a morally good act to cure the Shadow Curse, but his focus on it made him oblivious to some of the needs of the Druids.
Then you add in his avoidance of his responsibilities due to his tremendous amounts of trauma arising from his first day as Archdruid, and his own admitted inability to persuade the way Francesca could. Unfortunately, persuasiveness is a vital quality of a leader, and Halsin, while wise, isn't always so good at making his case.
It's very telling, to me, that Kagha was so willing to badmouth Halsin to outsiders. The Emerald Enclave (it's not explicitly stated that the Grove is under their authority, IIRC, but very heavily hinted that they're at LEAST allied, because Halsin mentions them refusing to help with the Shadow Curse in a note) has a very strict rule that while, in a meeting, Druids are free to air complaints, outside of it, they are to always act as a unified front, because open airing of grievances weakens the perception of the group to outsiders. Kagha, and many of the other Druids under Halsin's command, were willing to abandon this rule to trash talk Halsin to complete strangers, which means that he never properly instilled that rule in them, either.
Yet at the commune, where his leadership role is less strict and formal, everyone thrives; he enjoys his role. The key difference is that the leadership expected of an Archdruid was more structured and authoritarian; they were expected to be the firm decision makers, the ones In Charge, the ones to make plans of action and to manage problems. On the other hand, he indicates in tone and with a few lines (and a devnote that refers to him as an "informal elder") that his commune is a group effort; he's a guide, he gives advice and takes initiative to fix things, but everyone has a say in things.
In other words, he's suited for the gentler type of leadership where he's guiding others and everyone has a role, and not so well suited for the type of leadership where he is meant to be The Authority, What He Says Goes.
That said, he did, of course, do amazingly under the circumstances- he really did the best anyone could be expected to, and if he was TERRIBLE at it instead of simply not GREAT, he would have been ousted at some point over the past 100 years. Clearly no one else felt like they could do better.
But I think it's telling that when Halsin talks to you about his letter from the Grove in act 3, that there's only one response that he truly responds happily to (and gives approval to). He will give vague answers about leaving the Grove if the player reassures him that he was good, or that it's okay to leave (saying that this is true but he has a lot of knowledge and wants to find a way to pass that on). But the response that makes him happiest is:
"Grove aside, I'm glad you stayed with me."
Because what he wants isn't to be Archdruid, or to be reassured of his skills as such. What he wants is to belong, and be needed, somewhere else- somewhere where he is happy. Because he says, multiple times in multiple scenarios, that traveling with Tav is among his happiest memories. With a world-ending threat in front of him, he's the happiest he's been because he's being shown kindness, and consideration as a person, he never got at the Grove. He wants to belong with you because you're the first one to show him it doesn't matter if he is a good leader, he still has a place at your side, he's welcome as he is. And that's what he wants, more than anything- even being reassured of his leadership skills is, to him, almost a confirmation that he has to be a good leader to be Good and Worthy. But saying "look, good leader or not, I'm glad you're with me" tells him that he finally has somewhere he is treasured for himself, and that is huge for him.
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Booster Gold must have messed up time in some fashion coming to the past to get famous, right? So consider: Amity Park and Phantom were supposed to be discovered when the league first started expanding out from the original 6 and Danny was supposed to be one of the first members recruited into the expanded league, but Booster Gold got in the way. If Clockwork had his way and had actually gotten the best timeline he wanted, Danny would have had other heroes as support from the moment he defeated Pariah Dark and never would have had to face Dan the way he did because he would have had resources to help him learn how to balance his double life and wouldn't be desperate enough that he's willing to cheat on the CAT.
As a perfect wrench in Clockwork's machinations, Booster Gold delays whichever league member was supposed to accidentally get stuck in Amity Park just as Pariah Dark dragged it to the ghost zone and meet Danny. They pass Amity Park while it is in another dimension and don't even notice there is supposed to be a town there. After that, Clockwork had to improvise, which lead to Danny's much more stressful rise to heroics.
Jump to much later, and there's something wrong and Booster Gold is just "Why don't you ask Phantom?" When he only gets confused looks and he starts trying to explain like "You know? The eternal youth? Prince of the restless dead? The young ghost king? Danny Phantom? Come on! He was practically the first guy to join up when the League expanded beyond the original 6!" Only for his robot buddy to inform him about the new history inconsistencies.
Obviously, they need to go get their missing recruit so they go to Amity Park to meet Phantom and find out about things like the anti-ecto acts along the way. Batman takes one look at the exhausted, traumatized, and very much done with everything teen hero and is just "We'll find a different solution to [problem that had them seeking him out]. First, how do we help?"
Danny, upon learning why he didn't get help from the league at the point where he most desperately needed adult support, might try to strangle Booster Gold.
Booster accidentally horribly fucking up the timeline is just his style. Get ready to have a very pissed off ghost on your hands bud.
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ideas-4-stories · 3 months
Silly fanfic idea I wanna drop here -
Everyone thinks out if the cross guild throttle, Mihawk is the only one who can cook. This is a fair assumption, but it's most definitely not true in the SLIGHTEST.
Buggy was a cabin boy and apprentice. His whole role on the Oro Jackson was to learn, and whereas Shanks took to the battle prowess with flying colors, Buggy's talents lied elsewhere. The likelihood of them both having menial chores to do, both as a "cabin boys do this" and "Oh we need to give the kids SOMETHING to do to burn energy", is very high. Buggy would bitch and moan about it, but would put genuine effort into it if only to do it better than Shanks. At some point it is discovered that Shanks could quite literally set water on fire. He is forbidden from the kitchen. Buggy is not. He can and WILL lord that over him for all time.
As a result, Buggy is the one to handle the kitchen chores - and eventually he asks questions of the cook(s) and helps out there too. He learns cooking and baking, and actually.. really enjoys it??
When time passes and he has his own crew, at first, he is the one making their meals. He teaches Mohji and Cabaji to cook some simpler dishes, and moves on from there. He enjoys it - it's Fun, Flashy, and Delicious. Plus, he is damned good at bartering, which saves him money and he does love money. This is simple math.
As the crew grows, he does get cooks on board as well. They all know that sometimes the captain will swing by, hair in a bun, bandana on, grabbing an apron, and they just wordlessly make a space for him to join.
By the time Cross Guild forms, Buggy has been a busy little bee. He hasn't had a chance to go get elbows deep in flour, meats or veggies in a very, very long time, but he's been able to slip off after nightfall to whip up some little treats when the urge hits. He misses the hustle and bustle of a kitchen sometimes, but this... this is nice, too.
Crocodile and Mihawk are surprised when one morning Buggy shows up to a meeting, sets down a plate of pastries, and gets to it. They tentatively take one and are flabbergasted by how good it is. Neither are much for sweets, just these are actually a perfect mix of buttery, warm, flakey goodness with just a pop of natural sweetness from the fruit. Crocodile makes a semi-snide comment on how "I didn't think your little carnival cooks could make anything that didn't induce tooth rotting."
Buggy doesn't even look up from the map he's using to plot a course. "Oh, I made those. The others tend to over sweeten the fruit filling, and you guys don't really like sugary stuff, so I made this batch the way Ray-san liked them. Hey, if we shift our shipment from Allena to the 17th, we may be able to mitigate a need for a second ship heading out-"
Both warlords are gaping - in their own ways, of course.
This is the first of many, many little factoids about Buggy that they learn during this business venture.
It's also the beginning of interest in him beyond a means to an end.
I would think Mihawk is the best at cooking with mostly anything, I like that Mihawk is really REALLY good at cooking. Crocodile would know how to do some because if one wants to survive, they need to know how to make sure somethings good to be eaten. Cooking is a good skill to have while surviving the world.
Definitely Shanks and Buggy has menual chorse to do around Oro Jackson. Buggy would complaint after finding out the new chores placed on them are mostly because the other crew members don’t want to do them, and yes Buggy does them with efficiency and genuine effort as Shanks stares in the corner whining about the chores as much as Buggy does. I can sees Buggy making a game out of cleaning the deck, so Shanks actaully helps him. By strappying cleaning brushes to their shoes and using mops as like hockey sticks. Buggy has a soap bar as the puck and they start playing. I would clean a deck if I could do that as well.
Peeps, I beileve Roger, Buggy, and Shanks have set water on fire before and maybe have burn down a island because they tried to cook. I doubt it’s only a Shanks thing… but I can say that it’s only 25% of the time for Buggy to burn something as Shanks is most likely 75% of the time. I beileve both cabin boys can go into the kitchen… just only with adult supervision. WHO IS NOT ROGER! It would be really cute if both tried their best wth the help of the cook(s) to make things for the crew… good thing they have iron stomachs… right?
I beileve Buggy is flashy great about making things that don’t need the stove or oven. I can see Buggy making little animals out of fruits and vegetables for fun, Roger and Shanks loves them.
Awwwwwwwwwww with Buggy helping Cabaji and Mohii how to cook and bake, I like to think Buggy met Cabaji way before becoming a pirate again. I have an idea about, I might write a story or stories about it or just write about on Tumblr… I don’t know yet. I love how whenever Buggy wants to cook or bake, the chefs on board will make room for their captain, that’s cute!
Then Buggy with bartering? Hell yeah on the fact Buggy is great at bartering with people, even when he isn’t trying. Money is a great thing to have, it’s truly simple math.
Buggy being a busy little bee even before the formation of Cross Guild, having some time since the last time he bakes or cook something. I want to make a fic about this! Thank you Anon for giving me a ask. I don’t when it will be done, but I want to think Buggy had another long stressful day and cannot sleep well. So, the Genuis Jester had a genius idea to destress by making some treats into the night. So, when in the next meeting, as Buggy comes in with apologizes for being late. Having notebooks filled with meeting ideas and things they need to discuss as well as a plate of like three-types treats.
Damn right Mihawk and Crocodile are flabbergasted by how good it it, Buggy is great with surpsing people with his hidden talents (well more like people don’t bother to ask about what Buggy can do, until he does them) Makes sense that both don’t really care, but I see Mihawk liking chocolate and candy canes (this is from a fic that stated that Mihawk likes them becuase they can be shaped into a deadly weapon) more than any other treats.
Not Crocodile making a semi-snide comment, problay wondering why the cooks can’t make treats like these and Buggy shoots back with oh becuase they didn’t make them, I did. I love both are shocked to the core for different reasons. Then having Buggy just think it’s no big deal and haven’t even looked up from the map. Still working as Crocodile and Mihawk have stop doing so from what Buggy said.
Awwwwwwwww, Buggy making treats like what Ray-San likes it. It’s so sweet and sad to me.
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
I just need everyone’s reaction to the reader graduating/going to college now in the modern day au
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @bonnibuckets @liyahsocorro @wxnderingthoughts @itssiaaax @grierpilots @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @hjkshshjkhklh
graduating ( sully!daughter modern headcanons )
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oh my goodness he is so proud of his girl
like obviously he knew she would graduate and leave, but still... it's such a big accomplishment that she made it through thirteen years of the american public school system
not only that, but she literally made it into one of her top five schools
even though it's far away
when she first got the acceptance letter, neytiri and him looked at each other and were just like "oh no," only because their baby girl would be so far away from them
when they went to visit the campus, they knew there was no way they could convince her to stay closer
didn't cry on the graduation day because he knew he had to stay positive for [y/n] since it was a big accomplishment ( plus neytiri was emotional enough for the both of them )
the day she moved out though... yikes !!
he was a wreck
suddenly he had this whole montage of the moment he first held her, dancing around the kitchen with her when she was a toddler, taking her on her first rollercoaster, her fifth grade graduation, taking pictures with her at her eighth grade dance, all of it crashed down in him at once
dropping her off hurt
so much
but nothing could diminish how proud her was that he was [y/n]'s father
oh my goodness gracious
you know i'm about to rant about how emotional and stressful this mama bear was
she was so confusing because, while she dreaded the moment her daughter would leave them, she also wanted everything to be perfect
she wanted [y/n] to have the best senior night for sports / as the lacrosse team manager, the best senior prom, the best lady birthday while living with them, the best senior year
it was what her daughter deserved
the graduation party was amazing, but behind the scenes it was extremely stressful
lo'ak thinks he's traumatized from the entire week leading up to it
but it still ended up perfect with appearances from family members from across the country
uncle tsu'tey even showed up !!
neytiri put so much work in because she wanted the best for [y/n]
but after that graduation, it was the final moments of her enjoying the presence of her eldest child
the summer was interesting because, while [y/n] wanted to spend the last moments with her friends, with fali...
neytiri wanted [y/n] to herself
but she knew she couldn't do that
so she cherished the moments that she did have !!
they had some really epic board game nights over the summer
it was really dangerous and competitive though
but, for some weird reason, by the time they reached the date in which [y/n] moved out
neytiri was ready to let her go
she was sad, sure, but she was also so extremely excited for her daughter to adventure a world beyond her own, so excited for her daughter to make her name known
she can't wait to see what her daughter does in the world
part of him doesn't really... realize that she's gonna leave
like he knows, but he doesn't know
for the majority of the year, he just treats it like the year before
there's nothing to make it weird or a big deal, it's just another normal year
it's only the end, as they near graduation, that he starts to panic
over the course of the last few years, he started making a box of memories being like, "oh, i'll give these to her when she graduates. that's going to be in like, a million years!" and alas...
as they get closer and closer to the moment in which he has to give her the box, he gets sad staring at it
sometimes he'll just sit there and look through, at one point thinking, "maybe i should just keep it for myself..."
but, one night at a pre-season lacrosse practice, he sees [y/n] sprinting towards him and fali
it's when she screams that she made it into her dream school that he knows he has to give it to her
( he'll never forget that night )
graduation is sad, but it's more happy than it tearworthy
they have the entire summer ahead of them, anyway! why ruin it now!
over the summer, they spend a good amount of time together, continuing to take their therapy drives as they scream music with the windows down
all neteyam can think is, "i'll miss this."
and all [y/n] can think is, "i'll miss him."
move out day is super rough
originally, neteyam was gonna fight tears and hold them in... but when he saw his big sister's sad eyes... the water works were heavy that day
nevertheless, it all just makes for an amazing time when she visits
aw man, this one is gonna be super bittersweet
they're so close, especially being the two oldest girls - they especially bonded in their childhood because they had to deal with neteyam together, and then eventually lo'ak
tuk came later, of course, but that was a good bit into their childhood
but, either way, she grew up looking up to her big sister
she wanted to be just like her
and eventually, when neteyam and kiri finally reached freshman year, they finally were able to get past the "annoying sibling" stage and just be best friends
sure, they hung out with different groups of people, but they were just happy with each other
and that's the only part that actually mattered to either of them
kiri isn't big on being emotional
but every time, over the past year, that kiri thought of her big sister leaving
she would get extremely sad
she refused to listen to any sort of bittersweet song with her sister ( ex. rivers and roads, landslide, vienna, etc. )
she keeps trying to be excited for [y/n] but she just keeps getting sad
kiri was eerily silent on the day of graduation, she honestly only really talked to tuk the whole day
when her big sister confronted her that night, kiri burst into tears in [y/n]'s arms and just spewed everything out
and that was when [y/n] promised, despite how far they were, despite her not being at home anymore
she would always pick up the phone when kiri called and she would not hesitate to book a flight home if kiri needed it
she was here for her baby siblings, even when she was gone
and that made kiri feel the tiniest bit better
although she was still a complete sobbing mess on move-out day, but that was more bittersweet than it was sad
lo'ak didn't know he was so attached to his big sister until she started applying to colleges
he began to keep tabs, noting exactly where she wanted to go, her chances of going to far away school, all that stuff
of course he wanted her to go to her dream school, but he also panicked
what if she was in danger one day? what if she was dying and she had two hours left to live and they missed the time slot because of airport traffic?
his sister assured that would never happen, but lo'ak still had an entire plan just in case it did
it was an extremely odd thing to have his sister leave after being in high school with her for only one year
it was gonna feel particularly emptier next year when she wasn't teasing him every time he hung out with tsireya at school
it was gonna be extremely sad when he didn't get anymore doordash or uber eats
but the graduation dinner she picked made it worth it, he supposes
she chose some really good food
he was sad, but he was just as excited for his time to leave so he couldn't blame her
he was more worried about just not seeing her
she's always been a constant in his life, so it's really weird when she suddenly... stops
they still keep their snapchat streak even after she leaves
ahh this poor baby
she's like a little bit clueless about it all ?? she hears her family talking about her big sister leaving, and she's like, "oh, that's gonna take forever to get here."
time just moves a little faster than anyone expected
she's more excited and happy than dad just because her sister seems so happy about it all
tuk doesn't really understand what it means
she doesn't quite get that [y/n] is actually leaving them
so, while graduation is fun and exciting, move out day is a wake up call for this baby sister
absolutely losing her mind as she hugs her sister goodbye
tears and snot all over
including on [y/n]'s shoulder after she picked her up and hugged her
will steal one of her siblings' phones and text or call her sister like all the time
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rarespawnwrites · 1 year
pt 3 - no hearts in my hands but i've got diamonds up my sleeve
The Beginning - Prev
Now with an AO3 version you can subscribe to! Because I'm pretty sure like half of you are bots, but I'm doing my best to tag the folks who asked anyway.
So, who's ready for Danny to get to the DC universe? Because I sure am!
Tim was absolutely not going to turn his communicator back on until he’d fished Hood out of whatever plane of reality he’d been blasted into. He would just retrieve the man, safe and sound, and neglect to mention this interlude in his report. Everyone fine, no drama, and no overreactions from overbearing family members. It’s not like the Red Hood was going to file one. This would work out.
He had finally figured out this clunky villain tech enough to get it to use his brother’s energy signature as a point of reference. He was in an abandoned industrial area, so it shouldn’t be a problem if there was an issue with the portal opening. Now he just needed to set a distance from that point of reference to ensure that if the portal did open, it wouldn’t open literally on top of Hood.
He pointed and shot, and a glowing green portal ripped a hole in reality. Something beyond the entrance to the portal was glowing so brightly that Tim squinted. Once his eyes adjusted, the sight he witnessed was eyebrow raising.
Tim hadn’t gotten a good look through the portal last time. What he saw now was a group fighting on a shoreline, a body of water trailing off into the distance. What was strange was that everything in view seemed to be washed in shades of green. It was most intense in the water and the sky; Tim couldn’t actually tell where in the distance the waterline ended and the sky began. He wondered if he was seeing the actual appearance of the other side, or if the green light of the portal was that heavy a filter.
In the fight, the Red Hood and a white-haired teenager faced off against a ghoulish army of… gangsters? Traffickers, too… Though the people were clearly inhuman in appearance now, he recognized some of those faces from case files. Hood was wielding two weapons that burned with such intense light that Tim couldn’t look directly at them, much less make out what they were.
The portal’s opening had drawn everyone’s attention. In the brief lull in the fight, the unknown teenager snagged Hood by the back of his jacket and flew toward the portal’s entrance. Whatever noise Jason made in response to that was unintelligible through the voice changer in his helmet.
“Close it, close it, close it, close it!” the teen chanted urgently, almost before the two had even gotten clear. The crowd they’d been fighting charged after them, and in the lead flew the bodiless heads of eight former lieutenants who Tim definitely recognized. He had a sudden intuition about why Hood, at least, had been fighting that particular crowd of… spirits? Alternates?
He didn’t wait to find out. Quickly, he hit the button to close the portal, eyes wide behind his mask as the heads reached the entrance just as it was closing. In the end, none of them got through, though there was a splatter of green ooze at the portal’s final closing.
Hood was dropped to the ground and landed heavily on his feet before whirling to take in his surroundings. His chest heaved a few times while he caught his breath. Tim noted that he looked injured; his body armor was shredded at the torso. The bleeding seemed minor, so probably low priority, unless Hood showed other symptoms.
“Tell me,” Hood said between breaths, “that this is the right Earth, Red.” He still had hold of the weapons he’d been using before, which splashed eerie light in every direction. Tim could make out the hilts of what were presumably swords in Hood’s hands, but he couldn’t look directly at them, so who knew.
Tim gave him their Earth’s designation, then followed up with, “We were looking into some strange tech that’s been popping up on the black market recently. We found this thing,” Tim waved the handheld device around a bit, “with Penguin. He objected to us examining it, and you got knocked into the portal that opened in the middle of the—ah—disagreement.”
Hood relaxed. He transferred one of his swords to his other hand, holding them both up like torches to illuminate the abandoned factory’s floor space. “Yup, sounds about right.” He rotated a shoulder a few times and yawned loudly. “Ugh, dimension travel is always exhausting.”
Stepping over to his companion, Hood got in the guy’s personal space and waved a hand in front of his eyes. “Hey, Phantom, anyone home? Your pupils are like dinner plates, pal. You get hit with something?”
Tim shifted his attention to realize that the stranger, Phantom, had been floating in place, staring intently at Tim ever since Phantom had put Hood down. When Tim’s eyes met Phantom’s through the lenses of Tim’s mask, there was a strange buzz, like the hiss of static on a bad comm line. His shoulders jerked and he leaned back instinctively, feeling small shocks like static traveling up and down his limbs.
Phantom looked somewhere close to his age, with pallid skin tinged just slightly green, like a highlight. His eyes were also green, as well as luminescent. He was dressed in a black hazmat suit with white accents and a stylized D at the center of his chest. Given his name, the P-shaped gap in the D was likely intentional. He wore a lavender canvas backpack, a splash of color that looked jarring against the rest of him. His white hair had an otherworldly, fluttering texture to it. The last time Tim had seen hair with a texture like that had been… Secret, his old ghostly teammate.
He filed that observation away and realized that he, too, had started staring.
Red Hood looked between the two of them, bewildered. “O~kay,” he said slowly. “Uh, should I go, or…”
Phantom blinked and did a full-body shake, as though he’d been splashed with cold water. He’d opened his mouth to say something when his eyes caught the device Tim was holding. He paused. Then he turned back to where the portal had been and landed, feet on the ground for the first time. Shouldering off his backpack, he held it in one hand and unzipped it partway with the other.
“Hey, so,” he said faux-casually as he dug around in the bag, “what do you guys call that goop that got on the ground?” He pulled out a… hand vacuum? …and wandered toward the puddle.
Tim stared blankly, leaving it to Hood to answer.
“Goop works, I guess?” Hood shrugged. “Ooze, maybe? Ghost blood?”
Phantom knelt by the puddle, turned on the vacuum, and sucked up the puddle in a handful of seconds.
“So it’s not something you’ve seen before?” Phantom shoved the hand vac back in his bag, zipping it up and throwing it back around his shoulders as he stood.
“Actually…” Red Hood trailed off, staring toward where the green puddle had been. Tim had a guess about what he was comparing it to.
“I knew a ghost once,” he volunteered, steering the conversation away from that topic. “When something could actually injure her, I think her blood looked something like that.”
“Hm,” Phantom said as he drifted back, stopping near Tim. “Are there a lot of us out here?”
Tim tilted his head, just slightly. “Us? So you are a ghost then.”
“Oh yeah,” Red Hood said, as though it were just occurring to him. “Guess I didn’t introduce you. Red Robin, this is Phantom, the ghost who decided to spend his time saving my ass in the Ghost Zone.” He flung his free hand out, gesturing toward Phantom, then gestured back toward Tim. “Phantom, this is Red Robin, a weirdo who likes hanging out in unlit abandoned factories.”
“You’re such an asshole.” Tim rolled his eyes at Hood. The lenses covered it, but the way his head moved with it conveyed the intent well enough. He stepped forward, toward Phantom, and reached out to shake hands. “Nice to meet you, Phantom.”
Phantom smiled a small, sharp little flash of teeth, looking Tim in the eyes as he also reached out. Then his hand bypassed Tim’s entirely to snatch the device out of Tim’s other hand.
“So! Red Hood, Red Robin…” Phantom said cheerfully, dodging out of the way of Tim’s attempts to swipe it back. “Red seems pretty popular with the masked crowd. Should I cave to peer pressure? How does ‘Red Phantom’ sound?”
“It sounds like you might be red-green colorblind,” Tim replied without pausing. “Also: you don’t even wear a mask.”
“Rude.” Phantom flew back out of easy range, looking over the blocky chassis and tracing the name engraved on the side: FENTON. “Yeah, this definitely shouldn’t be here.”
“You know it?” Hood asked while Tim scrambled up one of the machines on the floor and hopped closer to Phantom. Tim’s mind flew back to his days with Secret, ticking off every weakness she’d possessed in the time he’d teamed with her.
Pretty much just magic and electromagnetism, when you boiled it down.
Tim grabbed three electrified batarangs and threw.
“I do! It’s a portable portal.” Phantom said as he dodged the first one. “You know,” he continued, ducking beneath the other two, “one of the first iterations of this was jury-rigged to a—WHOA!” Only one of the next set had been electrified, but would have been hard to tell when they were thrown so close together. They really were just needed to distract Phantom from Tim yanking the first three back with the lines they’d been attached to. They nearly worked; Phantom was singed by the sparks of the returning batarangs as they flew past his hurried dodge. “…a motorcycle handle! Oh geez…”
Phantom’s dodge had taken him into a narrow corridor of metal between machines. He’d looked up to see that Tim had used his grapple to hang from an overhead crane, getting an angle into the corridor from above. Tim sent him a smirk as he sent a barrage of batarangs into the corridor to ricochet like pinballs all around Phantom.
“You’re kidding me,” Jason replied while Phantom bent in inhuman ways to avoid being tagged in a batarang bullet hell. “That’s awesome!”
“I know—hah—right? Too bad I had to—yikes—break that one. Oh come on!” He had finally made it out of the corridor only to see Tim himself launching toward him, a stun gun in hand.
They locked eyes again midair and for a moment, it was like everything was frozen. A weird shudder went through them both and Tim tried to figure out what the strange expression on Phantom’s face meant. The moment stretched.
Then Phantom was turning sideways to avoid getting tazed. He went intangible, and Tim flew right through him. Tangibility returned the second Tim was clear, and then Tim was hanging by the back of his bandoleer in Phantom’s free hand as Phantom returned them both back to the ground.
“She was right,” Tim thought he heard Phantom mutter. Louder, Phantom chirped, “Well, that was nostalgic. Let’s do it again sometime!” As he started to pull his arm out from beneath Tim’s cape, he caught Tim’s subtle movement and yelped, going intangible to free his arm and backing off before he could get tagged. “Yep,” his voice was just slightly strained, “just like old times!”
He flew up to the ceiling and rose through it feet first. Before his head and shoulders had vanished through it, he threw a piece sign and smirked down at Tim. “See ya!”
He was gone.
“You know, you could have helped,” Tim grumbled.
Hood laughed. “Seemed a bit rude to turn on the guy who just got done keeping me in one piece. Besides, you looked like you were having fun.”
Tim gave him a peeved look as he collected his spent batarangs. The edges were ruined on most of them.“I also saved you. You’re welcome. And now there’s a ghost loose in Gotham AND our lead on the weird tech that’s been showing up lately is gone.” He settled everything into the appropriate pouches.
A gloved hand thumped down on his head and mussed his hair.
“Aw, don’t cry, little Timmy. I’ll get your toy back.” The artificial flatness of Hood’s voice modulator only made the words more dry.
Tim swatted his hand away and they both started heading for the exit.
Hood gave his weird flaming weapons a little flourish and they vanished. Then he froze.
Tim stopped and turned after another step, wondering what was wrong. That was the moment when Hood began to glow like a star, right through his body armor. Tim shielded his eyes with his forearm, blinking away tears from the sudden brightness. The glow grew in an expanding aura around Hood, washing over Tim in a searing flood as he squeezed his eyes shut. A hum vibrated around him, so intense he couldn’t tell if he was hearing it with his ears or feeling it in his bones.
It was like touching a hot stove with all his skin at once while simultaneously getting flashbanged. And then it was over, as whatever it was retreated back into the confines of Hood’s body.
Tim checked himself for injuries before his eyesight had recovered. He didn’t seem to be actually burned; there was no residual pain anywhere. No numbness, either, so he hadn’t destroyed his nerves. He could hear his own rapid breaths, so his eardrums hadn’t burst. When his vision started to return, Tim saw Hood sitting on the floor dazedly, leaning his helmet into the palm of one glove.
Tim sat down across from him.
“What happened over there?” he asked, a little hysterically. He was definitely not going to get away with leaving this incident out of his reports.
Hood raised his head. “Well…”
Jason and Phantom had met near an island in an ocean on an island in the ghost zone. No, Jason was not clear on how that worked; it’s not important to the story. Yes, everything looked like it had gone through a neon green filter, he gets the comparison Red. Ghost dimension, Lazarus pit, he’ll get there. Anyway, at the time, he’d just had a temporary setback in an epic underwater battle between himself and a sea monster. A ghost sea monster.
What kind of ghost sea monster?
Okay, so when an anglerfish and a dragon really love each other…
“Hood, c’mon.”
“Hey, which one of us was there? That’s what it looked like!”
The thing was kaiju-sized, and he’d totally been kicking its ass. But at the point that Phantom had shown up, Jason may have been flung up out of the water, into the air, and was falling on a trajectory into this ugly thing’s mouth.
So, of course, Jason had summoned the All Blades.
“What are the All Blades?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you MISS the flaming swords I was carrying earlier?”
“Obviously not, but what are they?”
“My magic swords. What, you don’t have magic swords? B must’ve really half-assed your training.”
Right, where was he? Still fucking falling, jeez. While he was falling, he summoned the All Blades, then used them to slice through his chest armor and cut into his flesh so he could ignite them with his soul. No, he’s not taking questions at this time, close your mouth. It’s not like the body armor was going to help him against a ghost-fish-dragon with teeth longer than Jason was tall.
Then the thing’s mouth froze over, and Phantom swooped in to catch Jason like one of the supers. For a second, Jason actually thought Bizarro had somehow found him. Weirder things had happened. Instead, it had been hazmat Jack Frost.
It almost seemed like Jason had been saved. Turned out: ghosts can fly. Including sea monster ghosts.
So Phantom’s carrying Jason over one shoulder and shooting the flying fish with green energy blasts from his other hand like he’s Hal-freaking-Jordon. Jason’s trying to detonate some plastic explosives he’d gotten the thing to swallow earlier. Hitting the detonator without stabbing anyone or dropping his sword was awkward as hell from the rescuee end of a fireman’s carry.
The fish returned fire—what about shut your mouth is so hard to understand—and Jason ended up falling back into the water.
This was where things got weird.
At this point, Jason was close to shore. Submerged roughly eight feet below the surface was a statue of a winged goddess with a sword and a scale held out in front of her, and he had dropped right into her outstretched arms with a splash.
Now, Jason had actually studied a bit of magic in the past, but even if he hadn’t, he could do simple arithmetic. Undead guy + soul powered swords + blood on a goddess statue + open wounds in a Lazarus ocean = the whirlpool that was suddenly centered on his chest.
Jason had no idea what Phantom and the monster were up to at this point, both because his helmet was being power-washed by the water at the whirlpool’s edge and because he’d found himself the conduit of so much spiritual energy being fed to his swords there were actual pillars of fire blooming out from the whirlpool’s center.
The next thing he knew, he was running along the monster’s back, pillars of flame aimed downward as he filleted the thing.
The remains of the ghost dragon fish sank into the ocean to do whatever ghosts do after getting diced by magic swords. The pillars of fire shrank back to normal sword size. Phantom escorted Jason over to actual land. Then… Jason got a vision.
The scales of the goddess tilted heavily in one direction. At the lower end was a bowl filled with fire. The empty bowl began to fill with blood, and the two sides gradually evened out.
The meaning of the vision was clear: Jason needed to stop getting involved with magic.
“Is that when the ghosts of people you’ve killed started showing up?”
“Yes, Red. That’s when the ghosts of people I killed started showing up.”
I hit the cap on tags, so I'll post an overflow list after this. Once again, some of y'all can't actually be tagged. Apologies if that affects you. If I forgot you entirely, I beg forgiveness; I really did try to catch everyone. If you are tagged by mistake or want to be taken off the loot list for future updates, let me know via dm or ask.
Tags Looted:
@skulld3mort-1fan @fantasticbluebirdfan @storm-and-fire @jesus-camp-the-sequel @wisteriavines @jeminiikrystal @busterkeel @fisticuffsatapplebees @starmee-lodurrson @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @ghostreblogging @vortexbox @mlpizza @markus209 @lady-bee-fechin @allee52hrz @may-rbi @yjfk @xysidhe @yurijay @love-has-no-labels-blog @frostedthroughghost @ashenfairytale @lostlightandfoundcrazy @inkyunicorn @ultrageekygirl @kyiomi27 @thefearfullone @redhoneysugarorange @thegatorsgoose @britcision @kyrianclawraith @mimilikey @turquoise-kitten @addie-lover-of-stories @rangerhorsetug @weird-droplet-309 @mrowsters @the-blind-one-speaks @illusionwolfwriter24r8 @ace-aro-as-shitt @seraphinedemort @thatrandomsarahchick @mutable-manifestation @newgraywolf @lostlightandfoundcrazy @omgnectarina @neverlandingbird @thefanficcup @batbootie @crystalqueertea @miniosprey @ekat18 @ghospectr @chaoticchange @chickenscheesencrackers @jaytriesstuff @justalittletotheleftofnormal @iamheretoconsumeandsharethatisit @alixanterm @mariendall @jadedragon1903 @dragonriderv @01101010-01100001-01111001 @dixiwoods @adhd-lesbian @cloudyelysian @cottonscrambles @currant-owo @revnantdpxdclover @fox-sama97 @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @the-legal-shipper @tcohacs @nugget-consumer-9000
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
The Moon and Sun (Big Sib Reader x Gon/Killua)
Ch 5: Big Bad Bomber Man
Synopsis: After some much needed rest and preparation, it's time to defeat Genthru once and for all. The only problem though, one of your kids is a little too reckless.
It'd been around three days since Razor was defeated. And during that small window of time, so much had happened.
For starters, The Strip of Beach card was finally acquired and several copies were made for the other teams. Then Genthru decided to contact your small group with a few demands. He wanted The Strip of Beach card in exchange for your lives.
Like that was gonna happen.
To further prove his point, he confirmed he killed the previous members of your group. His ultimatum: meet up in Masadora within an hour or die.
Tsezguerra and Goreinu, trusting in your group of four, offered to buy 3 weeks of time to get stronger. All Tsezguerra wanted in return was card #75.
Which brings us to where we are now.
You were completely knocked out, finally getting the sleep your body desperately needed. Especially now with your injury.
It'd take months to heal, unfortunately it was time you didn't have. The best three weeks would do is leave it bruised beyond belief. You'd probably be limping at best.
Killua was seated next to your unconscious body, bandaged up hands leaving him in the same boat as you. He watched as Gon trained with Bisky and was mad at himself for his current condition. If he'd just been a little more careful, he'd be getting stronger too.
He supposed it wasn't all bad. He had time to figure out a plan that would defeat Genthru. That and he got to observe your unusual sleeping habits.
You didn't snore when you slept. And your breathing was incredibly slow, like you were purposely trying to be as silent as you could. They were habits eerily similar to his.
The weirdest one, however, was you reaching over every now and then to grab at something that wasn't there. You'd lazily toss your arm to the side and pat the ground to search. Then when you found nothing, you'd pull your arm back and grimace.
On the second day of your deep sleep, you managed to grab Killua's ankle. He was caught off guard by the sudden touch and immediately went to pry your hand off. He froze noticing something new.
Unlike the other times you came up empty handed, this time you smiled. And with your content grin came a drowsy huff.
"Got you, Kari."
It was so strange.
And even stranger was how your silent breathing had increased in volume. Your stiff posture was now relaxed.
Killua decided he'd ask you about it when this was all over.
You'd awoken in the afternoon of the third day, catching the last of Bisky and Killua's conversation.
"-does clear the training, being able to send your enemies flying isn't lethal."
"That's exactly right. The only purpose of training at this level is to give him more options to draw on."
You gave a small yawn as you sat up. You kept hearing a small puff of air followed by a light thud. Cracking open your eyes, you saw Gon. Seems he got a good deal stronger. It was also him causing the repetitive commotion.
"Look who finally decided to join us," Bisky teased.
You slowly turned your head in her direction, eyelids still droopy. You gave another yawn and stretched out your injured leg.
"How long was I out?"
"About three days," she answered.
"Yeah, three whole days of listening to your loud snoring, " Killua added in.
You gave a tired glare.
"I do not snore."
"Yeah you do. You're like a foghorn. And you drool too, all gross and everything."
"Fine, be all mean. After I was gonna train you out of the kindness of my heart. But alas, your slander with not go unpunished."
A beat of silence
Then laughter from the two of you.
When you regained your composure, you directed your attention to Bisky who had been watching the exchange with a softness in her eyes.
"So just what do you have that poor boy doing?" You asked pointing at Gon.
"Emitter training. Just another defensive measure to fall back on." Bisky answered.
You watched as Gon went up by a few inches and then straight back down. His aura was determined, but it was slowly shifting into frustration.
"He won't get anywhere if he keeps forcing it. I'd help him if my ability wasn't heavily visual based," you said.
"Speaking of abilities, I need to know both yours and Bisky's. If I'm gonna come up with a halfway decent plan, I need to know just what exactly you two can do," Killua explained.
You pointed at yourself.
"Speed." It didn't seem the appropriate time to divulge in your full ability yet.
"Your leg's broken, idiot," Killua chastised.
"I'll be good enough in three weeks so long as I rest." You gave a lazily smile.
"Fine, but you better be prepared. Bisky, what can you do?"
She lifted up a finger, her powerful aura surrounding her small form. Then her nen conjured up a woman.
"Allow me to introduce my ability: Cookie the magical masseuse!"
The WHAT???????
"Her various massage techniques are caresses of pure bliss," Bisky continued happily.
"They melt away fat deposits and leave you feeling heavenly. Aura is transmuted into special lotion, smoothing and rejuvenating your skin. Her shiatsu makes you beautiful from the inside out. Relieving constipation, stiff muscles, chills, anything that ails you."
You stifled a laugh. For someone so strict and straight to the point, she sure did have an odd ability. You looked over at Killua whose eye was twitching in slight irritation.
"And is that it?" He questioned lightly, still not believing what was transpiring.
Bisky lit up once again.
"No, of course not! She does chiropractic, swedish, and deep tissue massage too! And that's only the beginning!"
That was the straw that broke the camel's back for Killua.
"What are you an idiot!!!?!?! That crap is completely useless!!!!"
You thumped him with the end of your crutch.
"Watch your language!" You warned.
He turned to glare at you.
"Watch my language!?!? You said way worse when you were arguing with Asta!!!!"
"You were supposed to have your ears covered!!!!! You fibber!!!! And what's with this insulting Bisky's ability!!!"
You stuck your tongue out at the small assassin.
You let a few more days pass by before you helped out with the boys' training. Your first step: helping out the frustrated boy in green.
You were sitting up against a boulder, not having got up yet. Just a little while longer.
"Hey Gon!" You called out as he fell over.
"Yeah?" His mood lightened up a little.
"Come here for a sec!"
He got up and walked over to you. He looked tired.
"Show me what you were just doing." Maybe if you saw up close with your eyes, you might be of some use afterall.
He got into position, a one armed handstand. A small surge of nen surrounded his palm, then before it had time to charge up, a small puff was released. He didn't go up any further than a few inches. You could feel his aura once again shift into frustration.
"I just can't seem to get it right now matter how hard I try!" Gon lamented. He once again flopped over in defeat. You softly thumped his forehead.
"Course not, bozo. You're trying a little too hard. So much so that you're not actually focusing on what you're doing."
He looked up at you with confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it's not really training if it's a one and done, right? Let's try something a little different, okay?" You offered a tired smile.
You raised your palm up and surrounded it with aura, then you gestured to your head and transferred it there.
"Remember this?"
Gon nodded and repeated the action.
"Good, now let's keep that aura around your palm. Keep it there and start adding onto it. Kinda like if you were to charge up your jan-ken thing."
Gon once again did as you instructed. The aura duplicated twice its size in seconds. He looked back to you.
"Keep going, and when you feel like it's big enough, push and release."
He kept charging up for a few more seconds, then finally let go. The result was a decent gust of wind and debris.
"Now try it from the position Bisky showed you."
Gon went over all the steps in his head again before trying. Move the aura to his palm. Charge it up. Then push and release.
To his surprise he went up higher than usual. At least by a foot or two. He got back into his feet and beamed down at your relaxed state.
"Atta boy! Now keep on practicing and don't get discouraged if you're still having trouble." His grin seemed to double in size at your praise. And all traces of frustration in his aura were gone.
"Promise. Thanks Y/n!"
You never pegged yourself as a teacher. You never liked the responsibility of the title. Never liked the expectations that came with it. Even as a child you disliked the term. But you were a helper. You liked to show your peers an easier, more efficient way. (Or at least you had)
A way that built up people's strength gently, rather than the harsher methods used on you to get results.
You despised the idea, but time was of the essence. You couldn't afford to be as laxed as you would've wanted.
Gon was already exhausted with the training Bisky was putting him through. She was better equipped for handling his enhancer abilities.
Killua, on the other hand, was more of a cautious than offensive boy. He'd be better suited for what you had instore. Plus, you could tell he was a little envious that he wasn't training like Gon was. So, even though you knew you wouldn't be as gentle as before, you decided you'd train him.
You wouldn't work him too hard.
"Get up, lazy bones," You woke him up on the 9th day. He got up, but grumbled about it being too early.
"You wanna get stronger, no?"
"What, you mean you're actually gonna train me? I thought you were just joking." He looked a little shocked that you had followed through.
The sound of Gon still trying to get down his emitter training reverberated throughout the area.
"Yup, don't want the other one leaving you behind, do you?"
Killua sat up fast, giving you his full attention.
You summoned a bucket from one of the item cards and tossed it his direction.
"Fill it up with small rocks no bigger than your pinky nail."
"Really, that's lame," he groaned out.
"It'll make sense in a little bit, plus I can't get up and do it myself. Broken leg."
He came back a few minutes later with the bucket full of small rocks.
"Now what?"
You gestured for him to move back until he was at least fifteen feet away from where you sat upon your boulder. When he was in place, you rummaged for a pebble and flicked it fast at him. He was hit directly in the middle of his forehead.
"OW!!" He clutched the area in pain. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!"
You kept launching the small rocks at a startling pace, watching as Killua failed to dodge them.
"Focus your eyes to see where they're coming from. Then focus on making your body move fast enough to dodge them. Each rock you dodge is a minute you get for break. When the bucket's empty, you are to fill it back up. We'll do this for three days straight." You explained the terms while continuing to flick the rocks at him.
Even though he was getting absolutely wailed on, Killua's aura was happy and a smidge excited.
"That all? I'll have this down by the end of the day."
It was actually the third day he got most of it down, just like you predicted. He's able to dodge a little more than half the bucket. Decent for a beginner.
Too bad you only had 9 days left.
You'd leave the poor boy alone so he could continue coming up with a plan. Perhaps you would check up on Gon. He did make quite the fuss while you were focused on Killua. You heard him asking Bisky if he could take a break to join in on your training because it 'looked fun' and 'you explained things better.'
Maybe you'd show him a new trick or two after Genthru was defeated.
You waited until Bisky took Killua a little ways away to discuss what he came up with. You glanced over at your crutches. Not yet.
You called Gon over to you again. His frustration was very much evident. He hadn't been able to get any higher since the last time you helped.
"Sit with me, will you?"
Your question caught the boy in green off guard.
"What? I don't think now's the time to take a break. I have to keep go-"
"Sit." Your tone was smidge harsher.
He begrudgingly sat in front of you, jittering slightly to get back to training. This was really bothering him, wasn't it?
"You haven't made anymore progress?" You voice was unusually soft.
Gon shook his head.
"Why is this so hard? I get everything else, but this...this seems impossible."
You reached out and placed your hand on top of his head, giving a gentle ruffle.
"There are just some things you can do and some you can't. Doesn't mean you failed anyone or that you're not good enough. You just gotta make up for the things you can't do with the things you can. Make sense?"
You could feel him start to relax. He glanced up and stared at you with newfound determination.
"Yeah!" Then his gaze softened. "Y'know, you'd make a really good parent one day!" He said with a wide smile.
For the first time ever in your life, you were embarrassed. It was new, so very new and had you covering your suddenly too warm face.
"You can't just-!!! Why would you-!!!! Let's set the record straight, I'm nobody's-!!!!"
Your rambling was cut off by Gon.
"Well I guess big sibling, more like it. You're not all that old after all." He gave a light laugh after he finished correcting himself.
Still very much embarrassed, you slapped your palm against his mouth.
"Shush! Not another word and don't even think about telling Killua!!!" You would be far too embarrassed to deal with the other boy's teasing.
You weren't used to this.
You hadn't been for quite sometime.
But Razor's words started to ring true.
"Those boys, they look up to you so much already."
Damnit all
Just when had you gone so soft.
You were a loner. And you deserved to be, rightfully so.
And yet....
Yet here was this kid giggling at your flustered state like he just found out about an embarrassing secret. Maybe you didn't deserve it, but you sure as hell longed for it.
A life worth living with people worth protecting.
She'd want that for you, wouldn't she?
With only five more days left, and not enough progress made, it was decided Gon would stop his emitter training. It was time to start setting things in motion.
"Gon, your time's up. Training's over." Killua was the one who stopped the boy in green.
Said boy, wasn't too happy by these turn of events.
"But we still have 5 days!!!!"
"Had a change in plans. We formed a new strategy to defeat them."
"Yeah but! Hold on-!" Gon was trying his best to come up with an excuse. Then his eyes met yours and he doubled his efforts.
"C'mon, you know I'm close, right???? I just need a little more time!!! I've almost got it!!!"
Way to put you on the spot.
"Kid, you can barely go two feet up. Five days isn't gonna make that big a difference. Plus you'll be completely exhausted and unable to fight. It's best to cut your losses and keep moving forward."
Gon pouted, having no other rebuttal.
"Now then, the plan is-" Killua started.
Team Tsezguerra had been radio silent for over 10 days, with their status saying they've left the game. It seemed likely Genthru got to them until Goreinu used contact to explain the situation.
They left for good and gave the cards of value to Goreinu.
Which meant nothing was stopping Genthru from coming after your group now. And your suspicions were confirmed as you felt three malicious auras approaching.
"They're coming." You were grateful for the extra days Tsezguerra's disappearance provided. You could stand and if you tried to walk, you'd limp. As long as you didn't run, you'd be okay.
Killua broke the silence as Genthru's group landed, sticking to script he came up with.
"What do you want!?"
"No need to be hostile. Let's just make a deal."
The bomber's aura was full of deceit. Not that you needed to use your ability to see that.
"With you?!? We're not interested!" Killua continued.
"It's not a bad deal, you know? In fact, it's so good that even Tsezguerra agreed to it."
You bit your tongue to stop your smart ass remark. God these men were repulsive.
"What is it!?!"
"Curious now?" Genthru said as he started to approach.
"Don't move! You can talk from over there!" Gon's words stopped him in his tracks.
"It's actually surprisingly simple," the bomber picked up from where he left off. "We'll beat the game on everyone's behalf. Then everyone returns to the real world and splits Battera's reward."
So all this was for money?
All those people dead, no murdered...
For money
You clenched your hands, trying your best to keep your bubbling anger at bay. You had to stick to the plan. Lashing out would do no good, and you had a part to play at the moment.
"Why should we trust you? You're not exactly good people, so forgive us for not taking such a generous offer at face value." You couldn't help the sarcasm that dripped into your tone.
"We've just had a little change in heart," Genthru responded.
"And Tsezguerra and the others have already left the game."
"Yeah? But that still doesn't prove he agreed to your offer," Killua countered.
"Yes, that's true." You could feel the bloodlust surfacing from Genthru.
"Then you'd rather...die here?" It spiked all at once.
How pathetic.
Your group made fast steps away to retreat, beginning to put the plan into full swing.
Not before you and Killua gave once last taunt.
"Finally showing your true colors, huh!!!!"
"I always knew you weren't right upstairs!!!" You gestured to your head as Gon summoned his book.
"Book! Accompany on! To Soufrabi!!!"
The chase was on
Wherever your group went, Genthru's wasn't far behind. After using up the Accompany cards, you all used Return to get back to Masadora.
Having no other choice, Genthru's group used their last Accompany to find where you guys were. The four of you took off running, with you lagging a little behind.
Each step hurt like hell, but you forced yourself to keep going until you had Genthru's group right where you wanted them.
They 'surrounded' the four of you as planned.
"Now, why don't you give up and hand over your cards?
"Why don't you give up and stop trying to murder children? Really, all this for a few cards?" You may or may not have been trying to stall for your leg to recoup. Didn't mean you were wrong though.
"If they're just cards you shouldn't have a problem turning them over."
Asshole. Luckily Gon redirected the conversation.
"We'll never let you have them! If you want our cards, come and get them!!!!"
"Wait! What? Damnit!" Killua pretended to be caught off guard. Then to sell the deal he said-
"Bisky! Get out of here, now!"
"But I-" She appeared hesitant to leave.
"I said run!" The small assassin jumped back as one of Genthru's men lunged forward and gave chase. You faked a gasp of surprise.
"Killua!!!" And followed after them. You could see the other goon go after Bisky. Which left Gon with Genthru.
God you hoped he'd hold out.
The plan, at least your part of the plan was simple. Because you weren't a fighter, you'd go after Killua and shadow him since he was still injured. Then you'd check on Bisky, just in case. And finally, you'd back track to Gon and see if he was okay. He was no doubt the strongest of your group, but you didn't trust Genthru one bit.
You could already feel his bloodlust increase.
Killua led the enemy to an open area, with you not too far behind. You were being sloppy on purpose, and even though this brute could sense you, he still opted for attacking Killua first.
What a pathetic fool.
You supposed it worked in your favor. By the time the goon got a hit in and turned around, you were in place.
He couldn't even fathom what had happened besides the searing pain washing over his body.
You were leaning against a tree, a very familiar bucket by your side.
"Come on, if a twelve year old kid can take it, why can't you?" You taunted. The fool tried to get up and charge at you again, only to be pelted by more, larger, rocks.
"I'm not a fighter, so you'll have to excuse my rude etiquette. I'm more of a spectator. Come closer if you'd like, but I'm afraid you won't get very far."
"WHY YOU!!!!" He rushed forward, punch at the ready.
"You really shouldn't take your eyes off your real enemy." Killua appeared behind the man with electricity radiating off his palms. He placed them on the man's back, giving him a shock that sent him flying.
He stood paralyzed.
You glanced over to the white haired boy.
"That was slow, gremlin. I thought we went over speed."
He let out a huff.
"Yeah, yeah. Let me just experiment with a few more things." Then his mood lightened a bit.
"I've got a really cool one I think you might like. Let me know what you think."
Genthru's teammate looked very confused by the exchange between the two of you. Even more so when Killua pulled out a yo-yo.
You couldn't help the little 'ooh' that slipped out.
"Alright, let's go!" He threw the toy towards Genthru's man, narrowly avoiding him. The same couldn't be said for the tree that splintered on impact and collapsed.
You gave a small laugh.
"Christ, Killua! If I ever did anything that made you upset I'm sorry," your voice was full of amusement, not at all phased by the surprisingly strong yo-yo.
"WHAT THE HELL!?!? WHAT'S IT MADE OF!?!" Now, the man's aura radiated fear.
Killua continued doing what would have been normal tricks with the deadly toy.
"It's my brother's alloy. He came up with it himself. Weighs around 50kg. Packs a real punch. See!" He lobbed the yo-yo once again at the man.
You didn't hear that often about Killua's family, besides the few pieces he told you. (They were assassins and abused trained their kids). So hearing him talk fondly about his brother was a little strange.
Your train of thought was interrupted by what the goon thought was a successful attack.
He disarmed Killua and kicked his side. Poor fool was so distracted he didn't even notice the second yo-yo come from behind. The cracking sound let you know he probably broke his skull.
"Uh oh. Did I forget to mention I have two yo-yos?" Icy eyes beamed at you.
"Bet you didn't see that coming! Impressed yet?"
You put your hands up in surrender.
"Okay, I'll admit it. That was pretty unexpected. And cool. But I can sense another trick up your sleeve."
The guy in the floor was barely conscious at this point, but conscious nonetheless.
"An encore? Who am into refuse a humble request."
Then Killua was standing over the enemy.
"Hey old man, did you know that when you kick me you raise up your guard arm? It's like you're making your own blindspot."
Dread encompassed the man's aura, as if he just now realized it.
"Hang on! So that means that your blocking habit was-"
"Fake," you interjected. "It was pretty obvious. Nobody's stupid enough to get hit in the same place twice."
"And the first yo-yo, when he released it?"
"Yeah, I knew you picked something up to throw at me," Killua responded.
"Let's just say my eyes have been trained to look out for small rocks." He continued with a shiver.
"But you're great full for it, aren't you!!" You added.
"Yup! Without a doubt!" Killua said hurriedly.
What can you say, you loved giving people a hard time.
"That's enough talk for now," Killua raised up his arms with both yo-yos wound around them.
"Say goodnight, old man!" He released them, hitting Genthru's teammate directly on the back of his skull. Then he transferred his electricity down the strings and shocked him.
Once again, the young boy looked over to you with expectant eyes.
"So, what did you think?"
These boys really had to stop doing that.
"Hell of a job, kid. Let's see, I think if I had to choose... The last attack was definitely my favorite. Good touch adding your ability, really gave it that Killua flair."
He gave a wide grin, almost as wide as Gon's. Which was adorable on your end.
"Ha! Told you you'd like that one!"
Your own smile faded slightly.
"You'll be fine here on your own?"
"Yeah, I doubt this guy'll be getting up anytime soon. Are you sure you'll be fine?" He said eyeing you as you limped forward.
"This isn't my first rodeo, kid. Hell it hardly even hurts." You lied straight through your teeth.
It felt like you were standing on pins and needles. But loose ends needed tying.
You focused your eyes searching for the familiar auras of Bisky and Gon. Both strong, but one was a bit more refined. The other jittery.
You covered a substantial amount of distance before you were right in the middle of the two. The refined aura was by itself. Bisky already won her fight.
And before you could fully analyze the other, you felt an immense explosion of nen.
He didn't
He couldn't have
You took off as fast as your injury would allow in the direction of the nen.
The same direction a very familiar aura was in.
Please be okay
Excruciating, searing pain was all Gon could feel.
He sacrificed his arm to get a good kick on Genthru, and he could live with that. But his true mistake was believing for one second that Genthru would tell the truth. That he'd concede so easily.
Time seemed to slow down as he watched Genthru clench his fist and move it to strike. He could feel it graze his throat and then....
For a second, he couldn't feel the pain at all.
Just warmth.
He realized then that he couldn't see and his feet weren't touching the ground anymore.
Was he being carried?
"You're such a fool."
You cradled Gon close to your chest, as if to shield him from the world. You made it just barley. One second later and his windpipe would've been shattered.
You didn't have the time to assess his injuries before you scooped him up, but you could smell the gunpowder residue. You could smell the burnt flesh.
You held the boy a little closer to you.
Yes, you were glad you prevented further injury, but you were also upset.
Upset at Genthru for taking advantage of Gon's naivety.
Upset at Gon for being so reckless.
And upset at yourself for not being faster.
"So you've finally come out to fight? What's the matter, did Sub already kill the other boy?" Genthru was trying to taunt you.
But you could feel his hesitance to attack. He didn't even know what happened himself until you were a good distance away with Gon.
His threats went of deaf ears though, you paid him no mind as you finally built up the strength to look at Gon's injuries.
"Don't worry, I'll kill the both of you so you'll be reunited in death!!!" He lunged forward, hand inches away from your shoulder, and then felt nothing. He tried to attack again but missed.
Every lunge, every reach of his arm, every quick movement you evaded. The worst part, you weren't even looking at him when you did. You didn't address him, didn't acknowledge him.
There was no way you were this fast!
There was no way you could be moving at a faster speed than him and not even be phased!
What the hell was going on!
On your end, you were torn between two choices. It would be so easy to take off with the boy in your arms. Let someone else take over and deal with the outcome. But it wasn't your place to do so.
No matter how badly you didn't want to see him suffer, this was his fight. You should let him find out the hard way and finish it.
But no kid should have to go through this.
He could barely stare up at you with one eye open and the other swelled shut. Nevermind his completely charred wrist and now stubbed arm.
At least the explosions had cauterized the wounds.
His aura was nervous with a hint of guilt. Judging by the look he was giving you, you must've appeared pissed.
"Don't- don't be mad at me, Y/n." He whispered out and clutched the front of your shirt.
Your previous frustration was replaced by concern.
"I know I was wrong for being selfish, but I just wanted to-" He cut himself off and hugged you tighter.
"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. Please."
He just had his arm blown off and the thing he was worried about was your forgiveness.
Sometimes you couldn't tell who had it worse. Killua who was never shown an ounce of genuine love from his family, or Gon who felt if he got one thing wrong he would never be good enough for anybody.
You weren't upset anymore, but you still needed to lecture the boy on his carelessness.
"I'm not mad...not at you. Okay, not at you." Your words slightly relaxed him.
"But it's time for some tough love, okay?"
You felt him nod.
"No more messing around. No more trying anything that leaves you open for attacks. Either take the fight seriously or quit."
At last he looked up at you.
"I wanna finish it. I don't wanna let him get away with all the people he's hurt."
"Then stop acting like a prideful fool and do it."
By this point, Genthru was still trying and failing to land a hit on you. He saw you limping earlier, so it made no damn sense why you were still so fast.
He was left even more confused when you suddenly vanished from in front of him.
You moved to set Gon down behind Genthru. Just as you did with Killua, you would shadow him in case anything else went wrong.
Gon quickly used an item card and summoned a jar of gasoline. By the time Genthru turned around, the jar was already broken and he was doused in the flammable liquid.
Genthru looked shocked by the sudden attack. Then he regained his murderous aura.
"Oh I see, this is gasoline. That's a good one. It's true that I can't use Little Flower now, however, I have another ability. Countdown."
Wasn't that the one that had been on Abengane's shoulder?
"You may recall that I can set a bomb on someone, and all I have to do is touch them and say the word 'bomber.'"
So it was the same one. The very attack that killed hundreds in seconds.
"And if you intend to disarm it, your only recourse would be to touch me while saying 'I caught the bomber.'" Genthru continued. He then looked back to where you were.
"All of the activation requirements have been met. If I touch him and say bomber, the countdown will begin. The boy's as good as dead, but I might be willing to spare him if you convinced him to hand over the cards."
You glared daggers at the sadistic man.
"Try it, but this kid won't lose that easily. In fact, I'd say your time is just about up." You pointed behind him as Gon started to charge up his attack.
"My requirements have been met too! Now, show me rock!" His fiery nen encompassed his good hand.
You could feel the surprise from Genthru once more.
Gon punched straight down, effectively activating the trap. You jumped back slightly to avoid falling into the giant crater.
You focused your eyes to monitor the two auras below you. Genthru was right in the center.
Good, he was in place.
You watched as the giant boulder from before was released from the item card. It was too big to dodge, still you couldn't be sure until it crashed down.
You saw Gon's aura approach the other, then spike in what you assumed was a final attack. The other aura flickered, then disappeared.
He won.
Thank goodness!
You'd been so worried
You quickly ran down the wall of the crater and towards the secret tunnel Gon was in. He was already beaming up at you when you got there.
"Told you I could do it!" His smile was wiped away as the pain flared from his charred arm.
You flashed him a pained smile of your own. Your leg was killing you now that the adrenaline had worn off. But at least now you could relax a little.
"Yeah, you sure did. I'm proud of you." Your tone was uncharacteristically soft. It'd be a lot easier to stay mad at him if he didn't have her eyes.
You leaned down despite the pain of your left leg.
"Alright, let's go meet up with the others, you munchkin." You scooped him up into your arms once more.
"What about Genthru? How are you gonna carry him up?"
"I've got it covered, though I can't imagine it'd be a comfortable ride for him. Not like he deserves one anyway."
You felt Gon relax in your arms.
Shifting his weight onto one, you used the other hand to form strands of nen. You willed them to wrap around Genthru's body. It'd been a while since you had to use that part of your ability.
When you were sure the strands were sturdy enough, you took off, using leftover nen on the bottoms of your feet to help scale up the crater.
Fun Fact #6: Y/n LOVES sweets, having been denied them so much during childhood.
AN: Who's not ready to enter the Chimera Ant arc and relive the trauma? 😬🤚
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Puppykitties, I do not mean this harshly, but distractions, drama, and sabotage happen with every comeback and never more so than with Jimin.
We are in the fight of our lives for placement on the charts and awards on music programs. We need fewer filtered streams and much higher sales.
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We absolutely cannot focus on trash talk and ship discourse right now.
Yes, I know today there was a lot of excitement. Joon, Yoongi, Tae, JK, and others (many others in the industry) went to Harry Styles' concert today and it very much appears that Jimin and J-Hope did not. How do I know? Because there's photos of the Tannies on their personal time all over my timeline when there should be screenshots of streaming and voting.
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It's disappointing because Jungkook just got done saying he was human too and asking us not to stalk him during his private time. I know some folks feel like if you're out in public, you are "fair game." But that's my point: they aren't game, they aren't prey--they are people and they deserve to be able to hang out with their friends and not have it scrutinized and weaponized. So just know it's always best to let THEM be the ones to share such info, like Joon and Tae did on their insta.
You best believe, the more we pressure them like this, the less we'll get of them.
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The last time we saw Jikook together off-schedule, just the two of them alone, they got in a car to leave from the airport in April of 2022. A few days later, the gossip rags sabotaged Jimin's first OST With You with a bullshit scandal about missing insurance premium payments and his apartment "seizure" (on paper).
And ever since that day, we have not seen Jikook hang out in any personal capacity, unless you count the arcade in DC with Hobi and Her. Not once have we seen them alone. POINTEDLY.
There's been blurry CCTV photos of two people in a mini mart and whispers from K forums of folks seeing them around the neighborhood, but nothing concrete; they don't even mention each other in TMIs any more.
We KNOW they have hung out, as per inferences from their family, tattoo artist, and boxing coach, but no solid evidence from the primary source, even when directly asked. Again, POINTEDLY.
And yet when they are together for a work thing or online, they get along like a house on fire. They slap butts and tap hands and do cute things for each other's birthdays and get into giggle fits and compliment each other and flirt like crazy on WeVerse. Jungkook has issued several emphatic invitations for Jimin to come to him and told us to look forward to his teaser at midnight.
But they aren't sharing their relationship with us like they used to, so we honestly do not know if they hang out in person much these days.
Not because there's any indication of bad blood or a whiff of a breakup. Our little perfectionist is booked and busy, and our golden maknae was taking time to recharge.
You need to remember that since solo era was mentioned, Jimin has been writing, composing, and recording his own songs.
He's traveled abroad multiple times--Chicago, LA, NYC, Paris--to name a few.
He's hosted people who have traveled to Korea to work with him.
The producers admonished him for not taking breaks to eat or shower and in fact sleeping in the studio for many nights.
He's had to rehearse for music shows, concerts, his collab, and his own music videos.
He's been training so hard on new choreo that he was in too much pain to join Jin for his birthday and you KNOW how our boy feels about his members' birthdays.
He's filmed RUN content and commercials and a documentary and all sorts of stuff for his own album.
He's had work as brand ambassador for Dior and Tiffany's beyond just Fashion Week, which was huge.
I've lost count of the number of high-end photoshoots he's done for Vogue, W, Elle, and I don't know what all else.
The man JUST got off a plane the day before from traveling half-way around the world to interview with and perform for Fallon for TWO NIGHTS.
If I were him, I wouldn't dash over to a packed concert less than 24 hours later, either. Doesn't mean I don't love my members, or my partner, or Styles. It means I'm TIRED and I'm protecting my health and energy.
Especially considering there are appearances on television coming up and god knows what else to promote FACE.
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I love you all, but I swear to God, if you give your time and energy to the assholes on the timeline attacking Jikook, you are robbing Jimin of the time and energy you should be giving to voting, streaming, buying, and hyping FACE. Which is what they want. They want to siphon that energy from you. Please don't be stupid.
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We are grasping for every INCH of space on the charts up against absolute giants this and next week. It would be different if all of ARMY got behind Jimin 24/7 but you know how many little 7s actually behave when push comes to shove. To say nothing of the antis, mantis, multis, and cult working against him with purpose.
Please don't let this kind of crap sabotage Jimin's hard work. Celebrate the fact that some BTS members got to hang out at a concert, and honor the fact that some BTS members had other things to do.
PLEASE snap out of it and stick to our goals. We can debate Jikook all day long after FACE is safely to bed. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS.
We are in lockdown.
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Love, Roo
100 notes · View notes
Vincent Van Babe-Magnet
Eddie Munson x f!reader
Description: You run into an old childhood crush, and Eddie befriends a family of very dapper rodents.
Warnings: None! Other than the fact that this is very silly.
Word Count: 1956
My Masterlist!
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"Why does it feel like this is going to be way harder than we thought?" Staring at the giant canvas drop stretched across Stage B in the Hawkins Community Theater building, you sighed.
Though you never would have believed it possible, it seemed as though Eddie's deep rooted nerd nature had extended to Dustin even more so than it already had: he convinced the kid to go do tech for the theater's spring musical, a production of Sweeney Todd. 'Just check it out, see if you like it,' Eddie had said.
Turns out, Eddie had been correct in thinking Dustin would like it.
How that somehow meant you two had to get roped into it too is beyond you, but nevertheless, there you stood on this Saturday afternoon in your nicest-worst overalls, eyes scanning across the project in front of you. Eddie seemed ecstatic; he had been in the school's musicals as a freshman and sophomore, until his grades started to slip and the school stopped letting him audition. You, on the other hand, thought the idea of performing on stage in front of the entire school and everyone's grandma (so, really, half of the whole town) seemed downright horrifying.
"Guys! Hey!" you heard Dustin call from behind you. "Thanks for doing this, seriously. We are, like, majorly short-handed right now."
"No worries, dude," Eddie assured him. "It'll be fun!"
You nodded with enthusiasm,. though the very large and nearly blank canvas in front of you had you worrying. Dustin and Eddie started on one of their many semi-nonsense sounding conversations as you turned away to look for someone who seemed like they might be in charge. You quickly spotted a familiar face (or rather, familiar back-of-head), which alleviated some of your nervousness.
"Mr. Jesperson," you greeted as you walked up behind the currently crouched over a small mountain of paint buckets. "I didn't know you'd be here!"
"Oh! Hey," he responded. He pushed himself off of the ground and was about to shake your hand, before he realized he had planted it right into a puddle of mucus green paint and pulled it back to wipe it across his jeans. They looked like they could be their own art piece, with how many paint smears and splatters littered the acid washed fabric. "Haven't seen ya in ages. Wouldn't'a pegged you as the performance arts type."
"I'm not, really. Eddie, he wanted to help, but I was coerced," you clarified and gestured to your boyfriend behind you, who seemed to have gotten into some kind of very dramatic debate with Dustin and another boy you hadn't met before. "Dustin said you guys really needed it."
"Yeah, that kid can be very persuasive," Mr. Jesperson said with a laugh.
"I'd say more like 'unendingly stubborn and mildly vindictive,' but yeah, persuasive works too."
Mr. Jesperson was one of the art teachers at Hawkins High. He'd only started during your sophomore year, but he quickly became a favorite among the student population. He was one of the youngest faculty members, he wasn't evil like his predecessor had been, and he was an out-of-towner. He had moved to Hawkins from Chicago to take care of his grandmother after his mom passed away unexpectedly, which meant he hadn't fallen prey to all of the gossip that spread through this town like wildfire: I.E. he never had it out for Eddie. In fact, he quite liked having your boyfriend in class, and Eddie actually liked being in them. He was, by far, the best teacher he had ever had.
Eddie and Dustin were done with their debate, and Eddie sidled up to you. He tossed an arm around your shoulders before pointing his attention towards your former teacher.
"Jesperson!" he exclaimed. He had a tendency to forget how loud he could be. "Dustin said you might be here."
"It's good to see ya, Eddie," Mr. Jesperson said with a nod. "How's the band going? Haven't heard anything bout you guys in a while."
"Jeff moved for school." Eddie said morosely. "Tried to figure it out, but it's looking pretty dead in the water."
"Aw, man. Sorry to hear that," Mr. Jespersen said as he crouched back down onto the black stage floor. "I'm sure you'll find something else, though. You've got more musical talent in your pinky than I have in my whole body."
"Eh, we'll see," Eddie did his best to deflect the compliment, but you could practically feel the blush inching its way towards his cheeks. You leaned just a little bit closer into him as you opened your mouth to ask how the two of you could help, before a crash in the wings interrupted you. Mr. Jesperson let out a sigh and brought a hand to the bridge of his nose. It left a little pink fingerprint right between his eyebrows.
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” he murmured. “Let me go make sure no one died. Or destroyed any more of my props.”
“Any more?” you prodded.
“Yeah, you can ask your friend over there about that,” Mr. Jesperson stood back up again and shot a glance towards Dustin, who was paying zero attention to what was happening and seemed much more interested in the gadgets he was messing around with. You and Eddie shared a look and tried to stifle your giggles. “You guys get started on this. Everything’s already drawn, all you gotta do is fill in the colors.”
“What colors do you want?”
“All the sketches are over here, you can follow the ones on those if you want to, but they’re not set in stone or anything. I trust you two.” Mr. Jesperson turned away from you two in a rush, and you heard him call as he walked away, “Matthew, I swear to god, if I have to fix that chest again, I’m locking you in it overnight!”
You and Eddie weren’t able to contain your laughter much longer after that. 
“I’m finding Dustin after this and making him tell me what he broke,” you stated as you sifted through Mr. Jesperson’s sketches. “I bet it was something expensive.”
“Should I be worried about him?” Eddie asked with a smug grin. You met his gaze with confusion. 
“About Dustin?” you questioned. “What do you mean? Kid’s having the time of his life over there.”
“No, not Dustin,” he clarified. “About Mr. Dreamboat.”
“Oh, God,” you groaned with an eye roll. “I really wish I hadn’t told you about that!”
“You’re the one who's in love with him!” Eddie teased. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I get it, I really do, but I feel like I might need to be a little bit concerned!”
“I am not in love with him!” you defended yourself, the sinking weight of embarrassment settling itself in your gut.
“Tell that to 15 year old you,” he said with a laugh. “I bet you she’s in there somewhere, probably drooling over his paint stained clothes and muscley arms.”
“I’m going to actually kill you,” you said, wielding a paint brush as if it were a knife. 
“Nah, you won’t, you like me too much.” Eddie grabbed a paint tray and a few brushes, and planted himself at the bottom left corner of the canvas. He was quiet for a moment as he started spreading brown paint within the outline of a small family of rats tucked into the corner of the scene. “Not as much as you like Vincent Van Babe-Magnet, though.” 
You let out a groan, but joined him by his side with your own paint and brushes anyway. You knew he was just teasing you, that any jealousy you might pick up from him is all fabricated. Besides, you knew for a fact that he had been head over heels for his freshman English teacher in ninth grade. 
The pair of you worked on your own little sections in relative silence, eventually sharing your paint trays with each other and occasionally asking for the other’s input on the shading or details of whatever it was you were focused on. While you were making a pretty solid amount of progress, Eddie had been pouring all of his attention of the last hour into the rat family, which now all had little eighteenth century outfits, complete with tiny silk tophats and lace parasols. 
“Eddie, I don’t think the rats in seventeen-eighty-whatever London were going to the tailor,” you said to him. You had now moved a few feet down the canvas, but you still had a good view of Eddie’s rodent noblemen. 
“You don’t think they're handsome?” he asked you, feigning offense. 
“They’re a very stylish family of rats, I’m just not sure if they really fit into the story all that well.”
Eddie let out a dramatic gasp and clutched a hand to his chest. He leaned down closer to the canvas, speaking to the painted rodents as if they were real and also understood English. 
“Don’t listen to her, guys. You belong wherever you wanna be!” he less-than-quietly whispered into the still wet paint. He turned back to you with that mischievous glint in his eyes that you didn’t think you could ever stop adoring. “Apologize. Right now.”
“Eddie.” Any other day you would have absolutely played along, but it was starting to get late and your back was aching from being crouched down on the ground.
“Not to me,” Eddie said. “Apologize to Ralexander.”
“Yeah, and his wife MargaRat, and their children Ratbitha and SebRatstian.”
“Oh, my god.”
“Ralexander is a member of Parliament.”
“Ralexander, I am truly sorry,” you said, though you could barely keep a straight face while you did. “MargaRat, may I say, you look beautiful tonight.”
Eddie brought his ear to the canvas and nodded along to the imaginary rats’ words.
“MargaRat says thank you, but Ralexander feels as though you’re trying to make a pass at his wife.”
“Eddie, I love you, but can we please go home?” you asked. Eddie stood up and stretched with a face splitting yawn. the tiniest sliver of his tummy peeked through the gap left between his waistband and ripped up t-shirt.
“Yeah, I think I’m starting to go a little bit insane,” Eddie said.
“Ha, ha.”
You helped clean up and said a few goodbyes (turns out Dustin knocked over and shattered a lamp on the second day he was there), including a very awkward interaction with Mr. Jesperson in which Eddie kept hinting towards you childhood crush, though thankfully it seemed as though your former teacher remained oblivious. 
 The pair of you were just five or so minutes into the drive back to your shared apartment when you started to nod off in the passenger seat. You were trying as hard as you could to keep your attention to what Eddie was saying, but it was late and you could feel the exhaustion slowly overtaking you.
“Dustin said they’re gonna do Rocky Horror for Halloween,” Eddie told you. You were much too sleepy to respond beyond a hum. “I kinda wanna audition.”
“You should,” you mumbled.
“I bet ya if we moved to L.A. I would make a great movie star,” Eddie stated.
“We’re not moving to L.A.,” you grumbled. “We don’t have any money and L.A. is expensive.”
“Well, my mad acting skills and rugged good looks would make up for our lack of funds,” he explained, as if it would be that simple. “I’d star in some blockbuster action-horror flick and make us millions.”
You were barely awake when you mumbled out an agreement, almost drowned out by the hum of the van's engine and the quiet music playing through the speakers.
“Yeah, you would."
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