#but he isnt a piece of shit about it what a miracle
cringefail-clown · 1 year
May we get snipped of the aulpha Strider household? Is Hal there 24/7 or wandering like Sawtooth did and only occasionally showing up? Did Squarewave and Sawtooth make it to the future, or did Dirk never built them at all?How is Daves relationship with Hal?
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had this sketch stitting around so i finally cleaned it up a bit for this ask sjdjdk
sawtooth and squarewave are there ofc! theyre helping as best as they can, i imagine dirk build them for a different purpose but then was like "wait actually leaving hal alone with a toddler in a postalocalyptic future in the middle of the ocean is a very shit idea" so he left them in stasis with hal to act as a moral support lmfao. daves having a blast with squarewave, its a rapoff 24/7 in this household, and sawtooth isnt around too much like in the canon, but when he shows up he keeps an eye on both of them (very youngest-middle-oldest sibling dynamic with hal as a tired robodad). also hal and sawtooth are in a constant argument about how to best raise this human child (theyre both probably kinda garbage at it but theyre trying their best)
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He looks so awestruck, still in such shock that she came back.
she hasnt PURPOSEFULLY touched him yet (that I've seen)
and his imagination has gone WILD.
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He WHIMPERS as she sits next to him.
He's still kind of trying to have some kind of defense up, but it isnt working, it's a miracle the crumbles of his resolve are still up.
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Shes just looking at him so kindly, like she's saying "it's okay I'm not gonna bite."
She KNOWS the story he promised her is more likely than not a sad one. She wants to show him that she is there for HIM that she trusts HIM. asking him wont you trust me too?
And that SMILE is still flickering on his face.
"Tell me about your son."
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💔 the way he loses his composure for a second and flinches. Literally stabbing my heart to pieces.
"Uh, I lost him. Nothing more to tell really."
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He doesn't want her to ask more. Doesnt want her to think ill of him.
A little sheepish that he doesnt have more of an story to tell her.
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Damn belle.
Why do you have to be so gorgeous saying something so heart shattering?
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Well shit.
Might as well just RIP his heart out and tap dance on it with that statement.
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As they inch closer and closer he has to know the answer. Has to have it. To make sense of it.
He gave her the chance to escape, to run off and live happily ever after.
But she came back.
To him.
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Start out honest.
He wouldn't blame you. Hell he's already looking at you like you're insane for coming back. What's there to lose?
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He's lost every shred of preservation now.
She came back.
She came back to him!
Not the promise of anything else, not to be brave or be the hero, but to be there with him!
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moriihana · 2 years
we can’t fix each other but we sure as hell can enable each other instead || fifteen: why is there only one elevator
pairing: dabi x disabled!gn!reader
overview: you meet dabi pre-canon because your cat, nugget, literally won’t leave the guy alone. friendship, fluff and (eventual) angst ensue.
chapter summary: the meta liberation army becomes the paranormal liberation front, dabi is possessive over you, and you miss shigaraki.
content: little bit of fluff, little bit of angst
word count: 1931
a/n: the new editor doesnt support blockquotes apparently but the legacy editor doesn’t let me keep a blank line break im gonna fucking kms sorry the formatting isnt the way i wanted it
taglist: @iincandescenttt
AO3 link
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You gave Boo pets on her head as she laid it on your thigh with a huff. Nugget was curled up against her side, face tucked into her fur. “These little guys are loving it here.” You smiled softly at the animals. “I don’t think they’ve ever had it this nice.”
“Well… ‘no pain, no gain,’ as people like to say.” Compress put a piece of sushi in his mouth, his mask propped up on his head.
Dabi looked at him with a bored expression. “But you didn’t do shit.”
Compress laughed, “Nonsense! I was amazing at running away.”
You grinned at him, laughter shaking your shoulders. “You were very good at running away!”
Spinner looked over at you and Dabi. “You guys not gonna eat this?”
“Go ahead. I hate fish.” Dabi waved his hand.
“Not a huge fan of sushi.” You leaned back against Dabi’s side, soaking up his warmth. “Nugget might like a piece, if he weren’t asleep.” You tuned Twice’s incoherent rambling out for the most part, only zoning back into the conversation when his voice got louder, raising your eyebrows at him.
“I thought he overcame… whatever his issue is…” Dabi grumbled. “Seems like it’s become more severe...”
“Looks like that forced remedy only made things worse.” Spinner looked over at Twice with an inclination of his head.
You looked up when Skeptic walked into the room with Hanabata behind him. “It’s time. Come on.”
“Shaddup! We’re dining on sushi over here!” Twice shouted over his shoulder—though, despite his outburst, everyone still got up and followed the two out of the room.
“It was our money that paid for that fish, yeah? As well as your medical treatments, the video doctoring and Toga’s new coat,” Skeptic nagged, veins jumping out on his face. You snorted at his annoyance.
Twice narrowed his eyes. “Yeah? So what? You’ve got us to thank for your Big Boss Baldy being here in this hideout and not zonked out in a hospital bed!”
“Just let it go, Skeptic. The Grand Comman— ahem—Re-Destro chose these people. And an order from Re-Destro is as good as any from Destro himself.”
“You guys are corny as hell,” you mumbled, wincing as you went down the stairs of the hidden passageway. “This place has too many damn stairs.”
Dabi pat you on the shoulder, a smug smirk on his face. “Want me to carry you, mouse?”
“I will literally bite you,” you deadpanned, earning a chuckle from him. You narrowed your eyes at the elevator you were approaching. “...okay, you fuckers have like fourteen-thousand sets of staircases and only one elevator? You should hire a better architect.”
“We’ll pass your advice on,” Skeptic said dryly.
You all walked down a hallway towards a stage that Re-Destro, Geten and Shigaraki were on, with the surviving members of the Meta Liberation Army gathered below. Hanabata and Skeptic went ahead of them, signalling for the rest of you to stay.
“I thought all of Tomura-kun’s handy-hands got busted up?” Toga asked when she noticed Shigaraki still had Father on his face.
“One of them survived. It’s a miracle it stayed intact in all that chaos.” Spinner frowned.
“Yeah, cus it’s like… his defining gimmick.”
You hummed. “I’m just glad everyone got out alright at the end. I was really concerned about you and Shiggy, Toga.”
“—I now see that Shigaraki Tomura is a true liberator! It is out of reverence and necessity that I abdicate my position!”
“This guy is a real ass-kisser, huh?” You shook your head with a scoff.
“It’s kinda impressive how fuckin’ good at suckin’ up he is,” Dabi drawled, hands in his pockets. “Hey, mouse. You could take a page out of his book.”
A laugh bubbled up out of your mouth. “In your dreams, pretty boy.”
“—The League’s Spinner and I devised this name together—”
“Oh, psst. That’s our cue.” Toga gestured to everyone, walking towards the stage.
“—now, tell them what it is, Shigaraki Tomura!”
You stuck next to Dabi’s side, though it was more like you were hiding behind him instead. “I don’t like crowds…” you mumbled, gripping the back of his trenchcoat. He just chuckled quietly.
“Uh…” Shigaraki lifted up a small piece of paper and read off of it—Spinner and a few of the others made a face at that. “‘We removed the ‘villain’ part and expanded on the concept of liberation. I give you… the Paranormal Liberation Front! Furthermore, I appoint the ten individuals you see here as my lieutenants, who will each be forming teams suited to their separate needs.’” He then scoffed, taking Father off his face. “Hmph… that name’s just a decoration. Kinda like this thing here… we’re gonna do whatever we want!”
As everybody cheered, the members on the stage began to disperse. While everyone else went backstage, you followed Dabi down off of the stage, keeping your tight grip on his trenchcoat. “I really don’t like crowds…” You tugged on the fabric nervously.
“Y’know, you don’t have to come with me to see Hawks, mouse.” Dabi frowned, looking at you.
You immediately shook your head. “Nuh-uh, no way am I going off anywhere without you. Too many people.” Definitely not gonna admit it’s also partially because there are people obviously checking him out and I don’t like it.
Unfortunately, judging by his expression, Dabi caught onto your train of thought. “Uh-huh…” He smirked. You glared halfheartedly at him.
“Shut up,” you grumbled.
Dabi just snorted, stopping when you reached Hawks. “Well, how d’you do, Mr. Number Two? You’re looking pleased as punch.”
“Sure am! Now how about some intros?” Hawks smiled at you both, his eyes lingering on you.
Dabi narrowed his eyes ever so slightly, placing his hand on your waist and pulling you against him. “Sure thing. Follow me.”
In the two months following the Deika city incident, you were convinced Hawks never learned the concept of personal space. You were currently hanging out in the sitting room, with him right next to you, his thigh pressing up against yours. He was talking animatedly about something that you were absolutely not interested in. Boo was on the nice dog bed you had ordered for her, asleep. Her body wrapped was protectively around Nugget, who was nestled up against her stomach. (Nugget was also ignoring the fact he also had a nice new bed, instead choosing to cuddle with his sister.)
Boo’s tail thumped against the bed a few times as Dabi walked into the room—you immediately gave him a desperate look. Judging by the way his jaw clenched and nostrils flared, seeing Hawks so close to you pissed him off to no end. “Oi, chicken. Don’t you know not to touch what doesn’t belong to you?”
Hawks just laughed, leaning back and putting his arm behind you. “Last I checked, I don’t think you can own a person.”
You made a face. “I think what pretty boy means is that you should really practise the concept of ‘personal space,’” you laughed awkwardly.
“What can I say? I’m a friendly guy.”
“A little too friendly,” Dabi growled. “I’d appreciate it if you moved away from my partner.”
“Oh, don’t be like that, Dabi. We’re all friends here.” Hawks grinned.
Dabi scowled. “Are we?”
“Alright, the testosterone in this room has skyrocketed to dangerous levels,” you groaned, scooting away from Hawks. “Any more and a brawl might break out and I ain’t takin’ responsibility for that shit.” You then looked at Dabi with a mischievous grin. “And I thought how you got with Shiggy was bad,” you teased.
“At least dear ol’ Dusty knew what personal space was and didn’t blatantly flirt with you.”
“To be fair, I don’t think he knows how to flirt.”
“Speaking of your boss, when’ll I get to meet him?” Hawks interjected. You side-eyed him suspiciously.
Dabi gave a dismissive wave of the hand. “In due time. He’s busy right now.”
Ah, yeah… goddamn, I miss Tomura, you thought, frowning a little as your mood dipped, I wish he’d just listened to me and decided to forgo that damn operation. I don’t trust it. At all.
“Tomura, I really don’t think you should go through with this. If All For One had the ability to give his Quirk to you, why would he wait until checkmate? Why wouldn’t he pass it on when he’d be able to help you control it?” You shook your head, pacing back and forth in front of Shigaraki, who was sitting on his bed as he played something on his GameBoy. “And why would he be so willing to put you in such an extreme amount of pain? I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“You’re doing it again,” Shigaraki grunted, annoyance lacing his voice.
“Doing what?”
“Worrying about something inconsequential—nothing’s going to happen.”
“What if something does happen?!” You threw your arms into the air in frustration. “You’re my best friend, Tomu. I don’t… I don’t want to see something go wrong.” You practically collapsed next to him on his bed, running a hand down your face.
Shigaraki paused his game. “What do you even think’s gonna happen?”
“I don’t know! What if you die?! What if the Quirk wrecks your body, like Dabi’s does to his?!” You flopped onto your back, putting your arm over your eyes. “It just… doesn’t seem safe. Something’s off.”
“Ujiko is gonna modify my body to be able to withstand multiple Quirks.” Shigaraki sighed, “I get that you’re worried, Y/N, but I’ll be fine. Trust me.”
You immediately shot back upright, staring at him. “He’s going to what?!”
“He’s going to make it where the Quirks won’t wreck my body. I’ll be fine.”
“Tomura—” You took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “I know Ujiko has made the Nomus to where they can have multiple Quirks, but those were corpses. There is a giant fucking difference between a corpse and a living, breathing person! Playing around inside of someone is no joke, Tomu. The possibility of you not even coming back as yourself is higher than you’d think. Please, please rethink this.” “This is the only way to destroy hero society. I’m going through with this operation.”
“Oi, earth to mouse.”
You snapped back to attention when Dabi’s voice cut through your thoughts, looking at him with a tilt of your head. You could see the thinly-veiled concern in his eyes.
“You alright? Ya spaced out for a moment there.” Hawks nudged you with a wing.
“Ah, yeah. Just thinkin’.” You stood with a strained smile. “I’m gonna head back to our room, Dabi. The little guys need to eat soon, and I gotta take a shower.” Boo’s head perked up at ‘eat,’ her tail wagging harder. Nugget woke up at her excitement, getting up and stretching.
Dabi gave you a long look and sighed, “I’ll come with. Keep ya company.”
“Have fun.” Hawks winked, earning a hard glare from you.
“Don’t even start. I have enough of that with pretty boy there,” you grumbled, whistling for Boo and Nugget to follow you back to your room as you walked out.
Before he walked out after you, Dabi narrowed his eyes at Hawks. “Watch yourself, birdbrain. You’re gettin’ a little too comfortable with Y/N.”
He only held his hands up in front of him with a smile, laid-back demeanour never fading. “I’m just bein’ friendly. No need to get all defensive.”
Dabi just sneered, then turned on his heel to follow you to your room.
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A lot of people have said I am handling the loss of my dog well and i don’t disagree generally speaking but if I’ve discovered anything I’m also mourning a chapter in my life for it has closed. pretty much 12 months ago my gp and psychiatrist deemed me no longer clinically depressed but if thats so why do i feel so shit all the time? why do i still lean towards the negative? Is it because its been a part of my identity for so long that i seek comfort in it?
I don’t know all i do know is i don’t know how to “be” all i know is to keep on with the mechanical notions of routine. I physically and psychologically feel fragmented. I feel like something foreign is inside of me and i can’t get it out but i simultaneously have this strong urge to just squash my feelings down and divulge into old habits of self destruction. I miss my dog so much it tears at my very existence and i keep thinking the vets going to call me to come pick her up and she’ll be there all fixed up and happy because i came back for her but the reality is my soul mate isnt coming back and that part of my life is gone forever and all i am left with is memories and remnants of her scent and things she loved, that in time will fade.
I remember how excited i was about finally being allowed to get a puppy under the condition that i did my homework and i remember id grab an ink pad and try to use her paw print as a signature to my work. I wrote fictional stories about her for english in highschool and she was there through every heart break, every OD and suicide attempt, everytime my bf decided he didnt want to talk to me for whatever thing i did that he didn’t agree with. she was my pride and joy, she saved lives, she taught me how to see the humour in life again, she taught me forgiveness, compassion and what it meant to be loyal. She was a miracle dog, my fur real seal and aside from the memories i am left with remnants of her existence and although i am happier to have had her in my life for 15 years and not be in pain now.... I just don’t know how to be without her and i find myself getting angry so angry at my mum and idk if its because i envy the fact she is going to see jem again before i do or if her approach to “getting on” after jems passing is pissing me off or maybe i feel angry because she wouldnt get out of the car and pet her one last time as she went under anesthesia. either way I don’t feel like me anymore i feel like fragmented pieces of myself that wont glue back together.
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dumbthinmint · 5 years
What I expected today to be like: Exhaustion and/or paranoia as I deal with the fact that I might be on the way to court again if that anon was from my ex.
What today was actually like: How much tea can I drink while being completely unable to breathe through my nose? 
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mystic-faraday · 2 years
UTIL Plays Phoenix Wright: Justice for All (Case: Farewell My Turnabout)
Small Note: It took us two weeks to get through this case, so that’s why there wasnt one of these last week.
- *Nickel Samurai Slashes the Moon* “FUCK THE MOON” “Wow, Majora’s Mask looks different” “Fly me to the moon, and let me kick its fucking ass”
-  Pearl VA: Is he a sussy baka? Mr. Larry taught that word to me Larry VA: I sure did Edgeworth VA: You and me are going to have some words later
- “Prosecute Me Daddy~”
- “No one Maya likes stays alive”
- ”Not to judge people by their appearances but bellboy looked two-faced to me “ 
-  “With a last name like De Killer, I’m sure he did De Killing”
- “The show is real popular with High School Students and Secretaries” “Maya is the center of the ven diagram that is this shows demographic”| “Ven MAYAgram”   
- “Hi, my name’s Phoenix Wright and I went to law school to chase a guy” “Hi Phoenix” “Hi, my name is Elle Woods and I did the same” “Hi Elle”
- “Lotta Hart? More like Lotta Hurt”
-  “The finger prints are like the ballistic markings of your hands!” “Yeah! Put a glove on that gun and you’ll never know where that bullet came from”
- “This bastard (Matt Engarde) is just Sans!”
- “ Is she… yknow.. a lawyer?”
- “(Oldbag) was married to von Karma” “WHO HASN’T VON KARMA FUCKED? He’s the court bicycle”  “Manwhore Von Karma”
- (In relation to Phoenix’s relationships with the Fey Family) “The fey kidnapped him, and turned him into a lawyer”
- “When (Edgeworths)’s doing that pose I feel like something’s going to drop into his arms” The whole call: “Yeah, Phoenix”
-  “I’m tired Miles, carry me” “That is what this whole case is about yes”
-  “Mr. Edgeworth said she was in stable condition” Franziska VA: She’s never been stable
- Director Hotti: Exists The Entire Call: FUCK YOU PIECE OF SHIT DIE
-  A Solid 2 minutes of the VC loosing our shit over the mental image of Edgeworth just picking up a 6 foot tall bear and leaving. 
- “I love how no one questioned if Corrida hired the assassin himself” “He really said ‘take me out’“ “Like with a Gun or on a date?” “Surprise Me” “This whole case is just a date gone wrong”
- Pearl VA: Sorry I had to go get mac and cheese “I just had the mental image of Pearl Summoning Gregory’s spirit in Engarde’s kitchen and having him make Pearl mac and cheese”
- The entire VC got sad when Phoenix accidentally yelled at Gumshoe
- “You two can kiss and make up” “Couples therapy!” “This session of court is couples therapy”
- Edgeworth VA: Shit gets whack every time Wright is in the courtroom Phoenix VA: you know what, that’s fair.
- “I’m just fucking with you your honor” “Fuckery sustained” 
- Coming to the realization that Phoenix is using the exact same method of deflecting that Manfred used in 1-4
- “Image your dragging yourself away from your captor with the last of your strength, and using your channeling power, which is exhausting you even more, and just as you’re about to pass out the last thing you see is MAX GALATICA’S FACE STARING DOWN AT YOU” “Maya loses her "I survived big top" pin”
- Playing the loz chest sound effect when they opened the bear
-“Did he pickpocket Phoenix” “He did” “Slapped Phoenix’s ass” “Buenos Días Phoenix” “In court?” “You get that ass Mr. Edgeworth Sir”
 - Phoenix, checking his pockets:  Babe did you take my evidence? Edgeworth, wearing phoenix's hoodie: our evidence, babe. We share in a relationship
- Entire VC loosing their shit over the ‘Edgeworth Catch’ Phone animation
- Someone: Goes off on a tangent about Phoenix’s eyes. “Heterochromia is the only hetero Phoenix will ever have or be“
- “We discovered the suicide note is forgery”  “Well isnt that a kick in the balls” 
- “Will the court please refrain from unlocking repressed childhood memories”  “That’s what we do here”
- “This is an inclusive courtroom” “No Gender in this court of law”
- Franziska: OBJECTION Entire VC: Explodes in joy
- The “miracle” never happen.
-Engarde VA: *stops talking mid-sentence due to slow internet* “Oh he died” “Oh De Killer is FAST”
- “Look at these two finally talking about their emotions like adults! Oh Hi miss von Karma”
- “Who gave this website to (De Killer) ?”  “Squarespace!” 
Video Version will be uploaded by @musashi at a later date! 
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urostakako · 3 years
omg love your shoko post and wanna say yes yes yes!!! shoko has sooo much potential within jjk. she has potential to be almost anything at this point. either if she turns out to be an antagonist or a key piece in defeating the antagonist(s), it feels like something is going to happen. gojo, the other sorcerers and the students are literally only able to live their life and have a chance at fighting curses because of her. it's almost a miracle, if we think about it, that someone with her technique was put into the world at the same time gojo was born because his sole existence brought an imbalance to the world. and we still have zero clues about her backstory, her motivations, her feelings about pretty much anything... really excited for her time to come, but also afraid that she won't end up surviving. do you have any theories on what her future role might be? 🙂
DUDE YES BC SHES SO VAGUE (IN A GOOD WAY) THERES SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR HER TO BE MORE like it would make so much sense for her to be literally anything at all.
i didn’t think of the gojo thing!!! you’ve opened my eyes holy shit that also makes a lot of sense? even if shoko’s technique isnt necessarily “powerful” it most definitely is because shes the only one who has that technique as a technique. there’s absolutely no way megumi gets concussions every other mission and doesnt go to shoko to get healed (and i think there was an extra in the manga that said he went to shoko because gojo flicked his forehead so hard it started bleeding? absolutely canon)
her future role,,, honestly? i don’t really know because anything can happen and the manga’s keeping me at the edge of my seat hersdjghtrjk. i dont think shes going to die anytime soon. it would be a “makes sense” move from gege to kill her off but shes not important enough to the plot right now to kill her off, if that makes sense?? 
gosh i dont know theres so many possibilities for theories my critical thinking skills are lacking but now im thinking so much ugwrthuijhgrej
idt kenjaku would kill shoko because hes all about experimenting, right? and she doesn’t seem the type to directly go up against him. all kenjaku’s lackeys (jogo, hanami, etc.) are dead and the awakened sorcerers i don’t think care much about anybody beyond the culling game, so shes gotta be safe for now. however because shes so mysterious and i dont think gege put emphasis on her technique for nothing, i do think she’s going to be crucial in the gojo-geto conflict (though im not sure in what way). her life has been spent avoiding confrontation for her survival but shes all alone now and has these kids to protect bc shes one of the only adults left that they can trust & rely on. so shes going to be part of that conflict and i think it would be very good character development for her!!!
and if not that, the only other thing i can think of besides that is kenjaku really has no reason to kill her. so sad ending for her: she’d be alone at the end of it all. kenjaku is defeated, itadori is executed, gojo is freed but exiled, and most of the remaining students become full-time sorcerers. in that ending she’d be alone and the world keeps turning and the cycle of jujutsu society just keeps on going, but i dont think this sad ending will happen? considering i think the most likely ending is itadori being executed and cursed energy being eradicated everywhere (per yuki’s end goal). so that’s all! 
truth be told i saw this ask right after it was posted but it took so long to answer because i was thinking so hard utrgtfhjdfbh
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 49
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-4.4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: one more chapter and this story will be over. im extremely emotional rn.
(both povs again! also i hope the smut scene isnt too disappointing)
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I was nominated in 3 categories!
*Best Friendship (Liv & Niall)
*Best Smut (AM Conversations)
*Favorite Author
you can vote for me HERE! thank you if you do!
Chapter 49
How we managed to actually fly to Vegas without any pictures taken or meeting any fan seemed like a miracle. Something was clearly on our side and I took it as a very good sign. I watched her as she threw her bags on the carpet when we walked in the suite I had rented for the week and her lips curled. She let out a few cute giggles before running to the bed and jumping on it. It was huge, shaped like a heart with red silk sheets and a velvet cover of the same color except a bit darker. Olivia started jumping more as she kept laughing and I rolled my eyes with a smile when I noticed the pillows falling one by one from the bed to end on the floor.
"This is the cheesiest shit i've ever seen." I pointed out with a chuckle. "And stop this, you're gonna hurt yourself."
She turned to me and stopped jumping before sending me a smirk. "Make me."
We stared at each other for a few seconds and suddenly, I jumped on the bed too and she let out a short scream. I wrapped my arms around her but one of my legs weakened and I brought her in my falling before we both bounced on the bed. It made her laugh even more and I smiled as she panted, her lips parted. I ended up on top of her and she spread her legs a bit as I layed between them. She finally looked in my eyes and sent me a fond smile that I sent back. I couldn't believe we were here and I couldn't believe we were about to do what we were about to do.
"In less than 12 hours you're gonna be my wife, how does it feel?"
Her traits softened and she brought her hand to my face, running her fingertips on my cheek and jaw slowly. "Like I'm exactly where I'm meant to be, doing exactly what I'm meant to do."
I let my eyes roam on her face and smiled again before bending down closer and kissing her lips gently. "With the only person I'll ever be in love with." I added, finishing her thought in a whisper against her mouth.
"Mmhm." she replied, bringing her other hand to my cheek and cupping my face. "But you're not supposed to shag the bride before she says 'I do'."
I smirked against her lips and couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "You really want to follow that rule?"
"It's good for building up the tension."
"The sexual tension, you mean." I corrected.
"Mmhm, and besides, you're probably going to fuck me in all the ways you want, whenever you want and for as long as you want... for a whole week. Right?"
"That's the plan." I whispered, gripping her hair in one fist as I held myself with my elbows on each sides of her head.
"What's a few hours, then?"
"You're gonna have to ask that question to my cock, petal."
She laughed again and my grip in her hair loosened as my lips curled. She was right, we didn't need to have sex now, we'd have plenty of time for that, and I was going to make sure she got whatever she needed and wanted during this whole trip.
"What do you want, my love. Food? A nap?" I just asked, raising my eyebrows. "Name it and it's yours."
Her smile faltered and she tilted her head on the side, her hair spread on the bed. She finally pressed her lips together before my name escaped them softly, in a murmur.
"Niall James Horan."
I chuckled with a fond smile and shook my head slightly. "I'm already all yours."
"I shouldn't have eaten a second piece of pie." she pointed out, trying to zip her dress.
I watched her squirm and groan for a few more seconds and let out a small laughter before placing myself behind her and zipping her dress easily. I leaned my chin on her naked shoulder and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, my eyes closed. She smelled good, the same mix of honey and vanilla she always smelled, and something twisted in my stomach as I realized it was a smell I would always enjoy. For the rest of my life.
"It's a spray." she just said, making me open my eyes and frown.
"Excuse me?" I asked, moving back up to look at her as she turned to me.
She nibbled on her bottom lip for a few seconds while staring at me and finally, she reached for her bag, taking something out and quickly putting it in my hand. I frowned more, bringing it to my face, as I checked the product. It was, indeed, a body spray that she clearly also used in her hair. I turned the small bottle in my hand and finally nodded.
"I'm gonna buy this company and make sure they keep making this product until the day that I die."
She let out a short laughter and grabbed it from my hand before spraying more in her hair and neck. "Don't be silly!"
"Fine then, we'll stock a few boxes in the basement to make sure we have enough."
She turned to me and laughed again, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer. I felt her lips brush against mine and kissed her firmly.
"Don't make me regret telling you." she whispered, making my lips curl.
"Hey, we're getting married! There can't be no secret between us anymore!"
"Yea? Then I guess I have a few questions for you!"
I cleared my throat and took a step back, making her chuckle again. "We should just get ready, or we're gonna be late." I pointed out, half-joking. "And you know you're the worst at being on time. I'm not sure you've ever been on time before, have you?"
"I think my wedding day is a good time to start."
She took a step closer and worked on my tie, tightening it before letting both her hands slide on my chest. I brought my hands over hers and she looked up at me with a smile. I could feel my heart beating so hard in my chest and I couldn't remember a time I was more nervous than at this exact moment.
"Are you sure you didn't want the whole deal with friends and family?" she asked in a low tone, raising her eyebrows. "With the big dress and the reception and the wedding song and gifts and..." she shook her head and closed her eyes for a few seconds before they fluttered open again. "I feel like we're about to disappoint your mom. I don't want that."
"My mom just wanted us to be together." I let out softly. "I promise she'll be super happy for us. Don't worry. Today is our day, okay? And we'll only think about us. You and me."
She tilted her chin up and chuckled low. "We're so fucking crazy. Jumping in a plane the next day you asked me to be your wife to get married. Who does that? Crazy people!"
"Then I must be extra insane because I sincerely believe this is our best idea yet!" I laughed. "In this lifetime!"
She frowned and tried to stop a chuckle from escaping her lips. "Who are you and what have you done with my best friend? The most organized and less impulsive person I know?"
"I guess he learned how to be from the most spontaneous and messiest person he knows."
"You're about to marry that person, remember? Think you can handle it for the rest of your life?"
I brought my finger and pressed it on the tip of her nose, making her giggle a bit. "I know I can. I want it."
Slowly, I moved my head closer to hers but instead to kiss her, I rubbed my nose gently against hers, making her smile grow into a fond one. "Come on, petal. Let's get married."
The sky was dark, which was surprising, since I thought it was mostly sunny in Las Vegas. I glanced up and noticed a few clouds but I just grabbed Liv's hand and pulled her with me. We jumped in a cab and I checked my watch, making me realize that we wouldn't be late and it made me smile. Her dress was simple but white and with my black suit, I knew no one could doubt where we were actually going. The ride was short and when we got out, we both remained motionless and looked up at the sky who had turned a dark shade of purple.
"Can we be unlucky to the point where it'll actually rain in Vegas for our wedding?" she asked with a chuckle. "That's my legendary luck!"
"Well, they say 'for better or worse'..."
She laughed a bit but squeezed my fingers tighter. "That's what they say."
"Are you sure you didn't want to do that in the desert? Or with an helicopter ride, or something bigger like that?"
We stared at the chapel for a few more minutes and she finally sighed, making me turn around. She was smiling wide and it made me grin too. "This is exactly what I want." Her smile faltered and her lips parted suddenly, making my heart jump in my chest. "Shit, we forgot the flowers. And the witnesses."
"Oh." It took me a few seconds to move but my eyes fell on an old couple in their 60's that were walking close to us and when I stood in front of them, they looked a bit surprised. "I'm sorry, my girlfriend and I are about to get married... We totally forgot we needed witnesses.." I shook my head and sent them puppy eyes. "Could I ask for a few minutes of your time? I can pay, if needed."
They looked at each other and laughed a bit before looking at me again. "We just renewed our vows." the man let out, glancing behind me, probably at Olivia. "It'll be our pleasure."
I sent them the biggest smile I could and shook my head slightly. "I can't thank you enough!"
Quickly, I turned to my girlfriend and grabbed her hands in mine. Maybe we were going to be late, after all. "Give me five minutes, okay?"
She nodded with a frown and I started running, stopping nearby a man who was selling roses. I couldn't believe my luck and looked up at the sky again, telling myself that maybe it was not going to rain at all. I searched through my pockets and traded a good amount of money for too many flowers and ran back to the chapel, where Olivia was in deep conversation with our witnesses.
"That's amazing." I could hear emotions in her voice and I stopped next to her, my eyes roaming on the side of her face. "I hope we can stay married that long, too."
"Of course we will. I'm saying 'I do' for a lifetime, you're stuck with me!"
She laughed and turned to me, shaking her head slightly before getting on her tiptoes and cupping my cheeks. Her lips found mine and I smiled against her mouth.
"I'm supposed to kiss you after the vows, my love." I whispered, feeling my lips brush against hers. "Ready?"
She moved slightly away and I stared at her. I couldn't believe how much she glowed. I had noticed that she did glow more than ever on that day I saw her at the bakery. It was selfish of me, but today, I knew she was glowing partly because of me, and it made something stir in my stomach. I was happy because of her, and I wanted to bring the same kind of feelings to her than the ones she brought me. Looking into her eyes made me realize that I did and I licked my lips. Perhaps, the way she was glowing was reflecting on me.
"I've been ready for over two decades." she giggled and tilted her head. "You bet i'm ready!"
We had a hard time choosing between being married by Elvis, or by an alien, and in the end, we opted for a simple officiant. I tried to listen to his words, but the way Niall was running his thumbs on the top of my hands as he held them made something stir in my stomach. I stared at him as he stood in front of me, and I couldn't help but tell myself over and over again how lucky I was. It was meant to be, I knew it now, but there were times in my life I had lost almost all hope. The dark times were in the past, though, and I wanted to focus on the future. I wanted to enjoy every single second I spent with Niall because I felt blessed in a way I felt I maybe didn't deserve.
"...until death do you part?"
I blinked a few times and noticed Niall's lips curl as he kept staring at me. "I do."
I filled my lungs and held my breath as I let my eyes roam on him. I suddenly became very emotional at the sound of those two simple words. Somehow, I knew he was aware of everything it implied, even if this whole ceremony seemed frivolous and a simple spur of the moment.
I blinked a few times and licked my lips when Niall raised his eyebrows. "I do." I just ket out in a low and soft tone. His face illuminated and his lips cuirled more before he squeezed my fingers tighter. I hadn't listened to the officiant's words, too lost in my boyfriend's eyes, but it didn't matter because no matter what he was asking me to promise, I was ready for it. I was ready to do anything to make this work, and make him happy.
"Oh, oh yea." Niall muttered, letting go of one of my hands to reach in his pocket. "I give you this ring as a symbol or my love and commitment." I bit my bottom lips as I stared at his fingers and I could swear he was nervous. He slid it on my finger, over the other one, and breathed in. "I'll love you forever, beyond this life. You're the only one."
My lips curled and I swallowed hard, trying to keep my tears in. I took the ring I had for him and put on his finger too, licking my lips. "I give you this ring just like I gave you my heart and all my love." I whispered, taking a short pause. "I've always been yours, and I promise that I'll always be."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." I heard before swallowing again.
I let out a short and nervous laugh and moved closer to him. Just like when we kissed for the very first time, Niall's hands reached for my face, his fingers spread on my cheeks, jaw and a part of my neck. His lips found mine just as avidly as it had in that bar, after singing a song to me, and it brought me back to that day as a bunch of other memories invaded my brain. I thought that first kiss was incredible, and I remember when I kissed him again after over a year, back at my place. That time too, felt amazing. But today was different. The kiss we shared was full of promises and a future actually emanated from it. It was cheesy, and perhaps a bit silly, but it didn't matter if all this romantic jazz seemed to be coming straight out of a movie. It was my reality, and I wouldn't have wanted it otherwise.
I don't know how long we kissed but when his grip loosened, I heard a few 'woohoo's!' and 'congrats!' coming from our witnesses. Niall grabbed my hand and I bite my bottom lip, a bit embarrassed by the whole thing. We thanked the couple and shook their hands before walking towards the exit.
"You've got all the papers and stuff?" I asked, glancing at him.
"Mmhm, I do my love."
"Then, what are we waiting for?"
I turned to him and our lips curled at the same time. I let out a chuckle and he did too before we held each other's hand even tighter. Almost at the same time, we started running, pushing on the doors only to meet the lights of the town and I quickly looked up as I heard the sky growl.
"Shit, is that thunder?"
As if someone up there had heard my question, it started raining and I closed my eyes, feeling drops falling gently on my face. I shivered and Niall pulled on my hand as we started running again.
"Come on!"
I followed him, making our way through the cars and the people walking around. We looked a bit ridiculous in our wedding suits and dress, and I gripped his hand even tighter, realizing I left the flowers in the chapel. We were still laughing when we hopped in a taxi and I ran my hand in my face, knowing my make up was totally ruined.
"What are the chances of rain, in Vegas, in december?" Niall laughed, shaking his head. "Less than 5 percent i'm sure!" He turned to me and his smile faltered a bit. "Hey, you're cold?"
I shivered and nodded slowly before he made a quick head movement, inciting me to come closer. I did as he asked but quivered again in his arms. Despite the fact that he was warmer than me, his clothes were drenched too and it didn't really help but I didn't move, just enjoying the fact that we were cuddling.
We didn't talk on the drive back to the hotel, and we kept quiet in the elevator, too. It's only when the door of our suite closed behind us that he turned to me and smiled.
"We fuckin' did it." he just let out, shaking his head with a smile. "We got married. You're my wife."
I stared at him as a bunch of emotions invaded me. It was a mix of relief, happiness, excitement and love. I looked in the eyes of the man I wanted to spend my life with, knowing that I actually had just promised to love him forever, and it was not scary at all. It was pretty much the opposite of scary. I felt safe in a way I never did before.
"You're so beautiful." he let out in a low tone, taking a step closer and shaking his head slightly. "I'm in love with you."
I knew it was a lie. My make up was ruined, and my mascara was probably making big dark spots under my eyes, perhaps it was even sliding down my cheeks. My dress was soaked and so was my hair. All I cared about was the fact that my husband thought I was beautiful.
"If you think that right now, imagine when I put a little effort."
His lips curled a bit more but he just licked his lips. His suit was wet too and my eyes dropped to his chest. I moved my hands up and pushed on his jacket as it fell down on the carpet.
"Did we just get married?" I added as my whole body started throbbing.
"Fuck yea we did, petal."
"You're not gonna regret this tomorrow?" I asked again, raising my eyebrows.
"Not tomorrow. Not in a month, not in fifty years." he whispered, looking down at me as I unbuttoned his shirt slowly. "This was meant to be. Written in the stars, as you'd say."
I pressed my lips together, loosening his tie, and pushed his shirt away as it fell on the floor too. I pulled on his tie gently and he smiled, bending down until our mouths pressed together.
"You know what's next?" he asked, his lips brushing against mine.
"You're gonna fuck me into oblivion?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "No, I'm gonna make love to my wife. And I swear you're never going to forget it." he explained, kissing me gently again. "And then, I'll fuck you. All night. Until we both pass out."
I didn't say anything but smiled more and he wrapped his arms around me to reach for the zipper of my dress, sliding it down very slowly. He moved my dress over my shoulders and I shivered a bit, realizing that my skin was wet too, and when he got down one of knee to pull on my dress, I smiled more. He moved back up, letting his fingertips run on my legs and thighs softly as I stood in front of him only in my underwear. I started working on his pants and tilted my head, blinking a few times.
"I'm so in love with you." I admitted, moving closer and running my hands on his ass gently, pushing his pants down. "I'll never be able to explain properly how I feel. It's killing me."
"You don't have to explain. I know. Because I feel the same." he whispered.
It was hard to believe but I just swallowed, trying to keep my tears in. Was it even possible that he loved me just as deeply as I loved him? Two years ago, I would have said no, but right now, after we just got married and seeing the way he was looking at me, I allowed myself to believe it.
He placed his hands on my waist and turned us around, pushing me backwards to the bed. Instead to throw me on it the way he normally does, I just lied down slowly and when he got on his knees between my legs, I let out a short chuckle.
"There are... mirrors up there."
Quickly, he tilted his chin and I felt my heart twist in my chest when his lips curled. Fuck, he was too pretty for words, shirtless and in simple white boxers, his tie still hanging loosely from his neck. I reached for it and pulled on it, making him fall on top of me. He laughed but held himself with his hands on each side of my face and I smiled more.
"It's perfect." I added with a smirk. "That was I can look at your ass while you make love to me."
"Mm, alright. but later we're gonna have to try other positions so I can be the one looking at you." He chuckled, brushing his lips up and down on mine.
He moved closer again, his lips sucking on my upper one before kissing me deeply. I whimpered in his mouth and he finally brought his kisses down my neck and to my breasts. I felt one of his hands travelling on my waist and pulling down the side of my panties. I moved my butt up to help him and when he was back on top of me, I quickly pushing on his boxers, glancing up at the ceiling and smiling when I saw his ass reflect in the mirror.
"Oh it's funny?" he asked, moving away to look in my eyes, a big smile on his lips.
"Very. I think we should buy mirrors for our room at home, too."
"Great minds, pet. I was thinking the same thing."
I giggled but he kissed me again and I pulled more on his boxers. He squirmed a bit and the only piece of clothing that was left was the tie around his neck. I spread my legs more and his lips moved to my ear as he sucked on it gently. It took him about a minute but he finally pushed himself inside me, making my eyes flutter and my lips part.
"Mm, I can't believe I'm inside my wife right now."
I chuckled but immediately let out an other whimper as he ground against me. The whole thing seemed to crazy yet so obvious at the same time. The thought of us making love and being married was incredibly exciting and it made me emotional. He started moving in and out of me so slowly that I felt my eyes flutter and roll back every time he was balls deep inside me.
"I'm so close already, how do you do that?"
I knew it was a mix of love and lust that made us so horny for each other, and I loved it. He kissed my bottom lip and part of my chin gently as I moaned and arched my back.
"I love you, I love you so much." I let out a bit louder than intended.
"I love you too, I'm so happy to be your husband."
It was the first time he pronounced that word and for some reason, the thought was so good it made me reach my peek immediately. I started shaking beneath him and to suppress my moans, he pressed his lips against mine.
"You feel amazing, oh my god!"
He shut his eyes tight as he reached an orgasm and watching him cum made me feel dizzy suddenly. He pushed himself as deep as he could and stopped moving for a while, groaning near my ear and making my lips part. When he became limp on top of me again, I started running my fingertips on his back and down to his butt. He leaned his forehead against mine and kissed my nose gently before I finally opened my eyes.
"Ten minutes. Ten fucking minutes. And it's a miracle I lasted that long." he laughed.
"I barely lasted five, you're good!" I admitted with a laugh, making him smile more.
He looked down at me and I could swear his eyes were sparkling. This was perfect. It was everything I had ever hoped for. It was everything I had ever wanted.
"Now sit down." I proposed, raising my eyebrows. "Let me ride you." I shrugged. "Unless you're not ready for round two?"
"Oh you know me, petal. I'm always ready."
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magic-number-3 · 3 years
okay so i actually did watch a few episodes of 911 this week without liveblogging them but i did take notes as if i was liveblogging and then just,,, didnt lmao so in case anyone cares about my thoughts im going to share them anyway asdlfkjsdl mostly i think they’ll just be fun to look at later
Eddie Diaz is soooooo fuckin dreamy i stgggggg
“I cant order you guys to go inside that building and im not gonna judge you if you decide not to” “Hen, you got a kid, so...” “Yeah. And I’d hope if someone whose job it was to save him they’d do it. No matter what.” QUEEN SHIT 😤😤😤
Marvin you on thin ice but you right; you a king
“They could really use a miracle today” “I might just have a few  of those left. I see them.” ALSKFKGKS crying why is the dialogue so good in this show???
Russ gonna die im calling it. They saved the athlete and they’ll probably save the little girl?? So hes not gonna make it. At least hen is okay
“Even i couldnt save me. You dont know me, but im good.” “Oh yeah? Well maybe im better”
FUCK. I called it but it still hurts
ALL OF THAT ENDING??? WE CAN BE HEROES SLAPS AND IK WE BEEN KNEW BUT ALDJFKFKSKJ everything about the end to that episode is so 👌👌👌 i wanna cry
ATHENA AND BOBBY HELL YEAHHHHH the husband is a straight g pullin thru for him like that
Also Christopher is such. Lil cutie
“These fire guys are totally hot” LAKJDFKAL I MEAN YOURE RIGHT
Oh sheet Eddies abuela 😞
Every interaction between Eddie and Christopher got me like 🥺🥺🥺
Okay how are you not supposed to ship Buddie they’re talking about being single together and then his aunt telling buck about how ‘he’s a saint’ and all that??? THATS SUCH ROMANTIC INTEREST SHIT. WHEN DO YOU HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER GUSHING TO A MAIN CHARACTER AND THAT CHARACTER ISNT THE LOVE INTEREST????
Oooh I love this song STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH YOU
“Now I feel kind of lame” “BECAUSE YOU ARE” LMAO HEN
Ooooh yeah why do you call him chim???
Awe good for Maddie omg 🥺🥺🥺
CHIMNEY IS A MODERN MEDICAL MIRACLE???? I mean good for him bro figured lol but for it to be said out loud shittttttt
alkjsdskla im losing it over Tatiana
Awww now this is sad :( chim’s got noboddddddy
Sdkljfas Buck you have GOT to move out of Abby’s place dude
‘I had a life-altering trauma and her life got altered. All I got was the trauma.’ THATS SUCH A GOOD LINE SPEAK YOUR TRUTH CHIM
Chim 🥺 awe. “Wakes me up in the middle of the night”. Buddy :( CAPS GOT YA
like. Fuck Tatiana. But also good for her. And Chim gets to start to move on!! That was a really sweet scene
Aw Bobby gets Athena ^-^
This was such a good fucking episode yo. Like the way the idea of being stuck had to do with the 911s lives while also all of the calls they went one were being physically stuck and the way the proposal instigated Chim’s breakdown to allow him to finally move on…. just. Excellent television!!!!
So proud of Maddie!!!! So proud of everybody this episode :)
Buck yeah you gotta move out buddy
ASKFJHASJLAD this has gotta be fake im sdlfkjsaldk
LMAOOOO THIS BITCH she’s gonna end up actually getting hurt
OMFGGGGGGGG this bitch had it coming
What is this girls fucking problem with Maddie lmaaooooooo fuck off
Awe this lady with the muffin or whatever is so sweet. This places Celine dion 😂😂😂 queen
Lmao wait why is she actually horrible 😂😭😭
Omg Maddie and Athena are so fun
I love Maddie and Athena so much alsdkfj
Gloria im sorry but you’re getting what you deserve.
LKAJSDALKS. “People who yell and scream and cry and expect you to do something for them” GIRL YOU ARE LITERALLY A 911 RESPONDER THAT IS YOUR GOT DAMN JOB???
“Do they ever think of anything but themselves and what they need?” THEY ARE USUALLY DYING GLORIA
I feel so bad for Hen and Karen :( Eva can fuck off dude. Can’t they get sharing rights with the dad? I mean yeah it sucks that Eva is just doing this to fuck em over but like.. the dad still deserves to get to know his son if he wants to. Though Eva would probably try to stay with him just to turn Denny against Hen and Karen… UGHHHHHH
Lil denny :( aw Hen. I love her sm
Hen what u doing girl…. Cant it make the case more difficult if you keep interacting with Eva?
I love Karen and Hen sm 🥺
Ugh I hate that she lived but it was the right thing to do….
“I save awful people every day its my job” Hell yeah girl
Dont love cheering for her going back tho jail can be terrible…. But at least she’ll be out of Karen and hens lives. we’re not meant to think too deeply about this is.
oh…. gloria… damn.
Cant you just share custody?? :( I mean it sucks but like… just talk to him.
“Yeah people can be awful… but not everyone is awful… but you’ll never know what kind of person someone is unless you give them the chance to show you” :(
Wow the last shot of the episode thats like the long shot at the dinner table with the narration was real fucking good :( im emo.
listen. I do know what happens between those two and I am very excited.
Oh no maddies so anxiousssss
Buck fangirling over this reporter lady im asldkjflksad
“But the way they cared for me, thats what kept me alive” :( Hen :(
Omg are Athenas kids like the same age as Bobbys :(
Oh no eddies upsetttttt 😂
This is fucking HILARIOUS
Oh no bobbyyyyyyyy :((((((
Awe the news piece was so nice
Oh shes got a fucking POPCORN MAKER IM SO JEALOUS
Wow Taylor was really going to use the footage :/
“Just get a room already” BUCK NOOOO DUDE
The way bobby always fist bumps Athenas son whenever they say hello/goodbye. So fun 🥺good content right there
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ephemeral-eternity · 4 years
My mother is complaining because her school suddenly isnt taking the necessary precautions to keep people safe (which is no fucking surprise to me since I’m the only one in this house with a brain apparently), and I am like ain’t that a bitch, maybe you should have reconsidered who you support to run our country so that things were handled better from the beginning. Also she just had friends over and they were in our house for hours so like ??? Why are you mad now? I’m the most at risk and clearly you don’t give a shit about parading outsiders around and putting me in possible danger but suddenly now your safety is an issue? My father goes out with no mask, my sister hangs out with people with no mask and goes to parties, and my mother brings people in the house, none of them wear masks and none of them distance from others and if they get it I am convinced that my body is not strong enough to survive it, I feel super weak and like my heart is working overtime as it is with no added illness, so I can’t imagine surviving this if I get it unless it is by some miracle. Ive been pissed the fuck off for weeks or maybe months now with their bullshit and my father worshipping that fucking shitbag in office and thats not even an exaggeration he literally worships that shithole and talks about it whenever he can. Not to mention the typical shit like the guilting and blaming and manipulating that usually goes on all thanks to my mother. I haven’t fucking felt like this since high school which, surprise surprise, was also the last time I was forced to live here. I want outta this place and one day off this damn island considering the majority of people here are pieces of shit too. What I’d give to go back to college and live with people who actually cared and where I felt safe and happy. For parents who preach about the importance of family they sure are shit at being one.
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ofjunkrcts · 5 years
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OKAY HI u guys have no idea how pumped i am for this!!!!!! i almost NEVER pick up second characters so u know that means i gotta whole lot of love in my heart for this girl :’) let’s jump right in i’m so excited!!!!!!!!!
part one: the backstory!!!!
what the fuck is up im coming at u HOT with another Hot Fucking Mess say hello to my mfn BABYGIRL frankie rivera
yes frankie is a nickname no u probably don’t know what her full name is bc undersharing is the name of the game baby
born on the wrong side of the tracks…… literally! technically the trailer park she grew up in wasn’t Actually an ashmont mailing address bc heaven forbid 100% of ashmont residents aren’t stupid rich! but thanks to the wonder that is school of choice, frankie still went to ashmont high school w the gang way back when!
(sex work tw) she was raised by her single mother who was a community college dropout when a random ass hookup ended up in her being pregnant! her mom has worked two jobs all of frankie’s life to afford the basics, being a waitress at a bar by day and also a stripper by night to make that money and provide for her daughter! and even though they barely BARELY ever had enough to make ends meet, frankie’s momma is her whole HERO so watch ur mouth
because she didn’t really have much growing up and because her mom’s demanding work schedule left her with very little supervision, she resorted to petty theft at a pretty young age. sometimes it was to get things that she or her mom needed, like medicine from the gas station down the street. sometimes it was to get things that she wanted, like if she wanted fresh fruit for breakfast. and, eventually, she ended up stealing because it was what everyone expected from someone “like her”
by the time that high school came around, frankie’s tendency for theft had surpassed means of survival and had, instead, had turned into something that she couldn’t stop herself from doing. she stole clothes, makeup, accessories, art supplies, anything and everything that the world of rich kids around her made her believe that she needed but couldn’t afford on her own and she quickly found that she couldn’t stop herself
the idea that she was constantly being judged by people who looked down on her, constantly believing that there were a set of expectations she would always be held to, constantly being seen as nothing and constantly having to prove that she wasn’t worthless — all became recurring themes in her life
the first person frankie met who changed her life was a man named mel carson, the owner of carson’s automotive shop. when she was fifteen, frankie got caught attempting to shoplift from the pharmacy of the convenience store and, really, she’d just been lucky that mel had been there and convinced the owner of the store to let her go with a warning, paying for what she’d been trying to steal. and then he’d really saved her life by offering her a job at the shop
the second person frankie met who changed her life was her art teacher, junior year. coincidentally, it was another instance where she thought that she was going to end up in trouble with the law. she’d developed a love for art at a young age, but it had always seemed untouchable until the day that she began to express herself through graffiti. it was her art teacher who found her spray painting one of the back walls of the school and, instead, of reporting her to the school or to the ashmont pd for vandalism, he looked at her and saw the talent and the passion with which her work was carefully completed. he convinced her to start taking classes, gave her a place and supplies to work in his classroom, fostered her interests and encouraged her to stick with it
she did and, by some miracle, she ended up at st e’s on a scholarship for her art after spending a year at community college, which she never thought would have happened to someone like her. opening her college acceptance letter, with her mom looking on and beaming with pride, was the first time in her life that frankie truly felt like she might be able to amount to something
now she’s out here at st e’s chilling, working at the art gallery, also running a “technically illegal because you don’t have any certification” underground auto shop in the junkyard just chilling !!!!!!! 
as far as her personality goes, frankie can probably best be described as being single minded to the point of recklessness. she has been held accountable for very few things in her life, never really had a lot of responsibilities, was never held to a very high standard, often got away with things she shouldn’t have without seeing repercussions, etc. because of that she’s always been a bit flighty and had a difficult time seeing the full extent of the consequences of her actions 
this probably..... best displays itself in her tendency to be...... overly flirtatious with uhhh everyone all the time she is so TERRIBLE about it she is so so flirty n so so ........ Like That. i dont mean 2 be that person but like........ female danny/female noah. thats her ladies!! ready n willing to sleep w anyone at almost any moment in time 
but shes super gay so jot that down xoxo
ANYWAY. it isnt that she’s not empathetic bc she IS. she gets Way Too Attached to people and then backs out before she can fully commit bc..................
she’s also a BIG TIME commitment-phobe, terrified of letting people in and seeing the parts of her that she keeps tucked away under a cool, icy, collected exterior which mostly stems from the fact that she has a lot of repressed contempt towards people who have always viewed her as lesser because of her status, social standing, etc
i might be biased but??? i love her and think she’s a good person still??? like deep down she’s such a sweetheart she really is, she likes to just hang out in the junkyard and and go through trash that people threw away and pick out pieces of things that can be built into something new and beautiful
she’s super sentimental deep down but will throw punches if anyone tries to say that, she doesn’t give a SHIT if she’s only like 5 ft tall she will fight
she’s a baby and strongly identifies in the “junk” of the junkyard n wants someone to put effort into her to make her beautiful the way that she does to everything else and that’s on that 
basically i have some in my brain already but im gonna do the tldr version of them rn so that i can POST THIS. 
first of all, GIVE HER SPICY CONNECTIONS PLS kiki is the loml n my girl but shes 2 sad 2 b spicy ever in her life so LET ME HAVE A SPICY GIRL PLS
FRIENDS!!!!! she would live and die for her friends SO VERY MUCH give her some sweet wholesome plots esp someone who was perhaps her friend back in the day 
“EXES” and i put it in quotations bc its... highly unlikely that frankie was ever 1000000% committed and in a serious relationship (OR maybe she was maybe ur character was the 1 exception that broke her heart) BUT THERE R SO MANY POSSIBILITIES FOR THIS TO GO MESSY
also she needs ROOMMATES. WHO WANTS A ROOMMATE!!!!!!!!!!!
um????? hateship?????????? didnt get along??????????// still dont get along??????????? 
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He looks so awestruck, still in such shock that she came back.
she hasnt PURPOSEFULLY touched him yet (that I've seen)
and his imagination has gone WILD.
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He WHIMPERS as she sits next to him.
He's still kind of trying to have some kind of defense up, but it isnt working, it's a miracle the crumbles of his resolve are still up.
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Shes just looking at him so kindly, like she's saying "it's okay I'm not gonna bite."
She KNOWS the story he promised her is more likely than not a sad one. She wants to show him that she is there for HIM that she trusts HIM. asking him wont you trust me too?
And that SMILE is still flickering on his face.
"Tell me about your son."
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💔 the way he loses his composure for a second and flinches. Literally stabbing my heart to pieces.
"Uh, I lost him. Nothing more to tell really."
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He doesn't want her to ask more. Doesnt want her to think ill of him.
A little sheepish that he doesnt have more of an story to tell her.
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Damn belle.
Why do you have to be so gorgeous saying something so heart shattering?
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Well shit.
Might as well just RIP his heart out and tap dance on it with that statement.
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As they inch closer and closer he has to know the answer. Has to have it. To make sense of it.
He gave her the chance to escape, to run off and live happily ever after.
But she came back.
To him.
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Start out honest.
He wouldn't blame you. Hell he's already looking at you like you're insane for coming back. What's there to lose?
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He's lost every shred of preservation now.
She came back.
She came back to him!
Not the promise of anything else, not to be brave or be the hero, but to be there with him!
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titsthedamnseason · 5 years
If you haven't done it already can you do headcanons about Julian's birthday?
bitch you know it asdfghj and by some miracle ive actually gotten these done before the two weeks that could potentially be his birthday are over so happy birthday julian!!
julian has never really had a big birthday celebration before
of course emma and the kids and diana always got him gifts and spoiled him
you know, doing chores for him, letting him relax for a day, stuff like that
but poor julian is a worrier so he’d always end up insisting to help anyway, saying that he wanted to
he even would always make the cake since no one else could
it wasnt until later that everyone realized that every time they had tried to spoil julian on his birthday, he turned it around on them, and he wound up doing most of the work
they are determined to make his 18th birthday different
helen and aline are more than capable of holding down the fort now
plus julian and emma take a break from their travel year for the holidays and are in the institute for julian’s birthday
which could be anytime from jan 1-15 but my personal hc is that it’s on new years day (wink wink)
so anyway julian and emma will be in la for his bday and julian is a lot more carefree this year so everyone is highkey determined to give him the best birthday this year
nobody wakes him up early, and after staying up so late the night before his normal internal clock doesnt wake him up as usual
at 12am everyone else shouted “happy new year!” and emma shouted “happy birthday julian!”
anyway when julian does wake up, later than usual, his first instinct is to shoot out of bed and get the kids breakfast but he takes a moment to himself to revel in the fact that this is his first birthday spent waking up next to emma as her boyfriend
emma seizes her moment and convinces him to stay for just a while longer, im sure the kids are fine, helen and aline have been taking care of them for months
julian gives her like five minutes of kisses and cuddles before beelining for the kitchen
he finds that everyone else has already been up for an hour or so and has already eaten breakfast
the second he enters the kitchen everyone yells “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and he is bombarded with hugs and drawings and cards and stupid gag gifts from the kids that he accepts with a smile cristina and mark both hug him as well and he’s pleasantly surprised to see them
(if you read my tda holiday hcs i made them leave before this point but awsxdcfvgyh they come back to surprise him)
he grabs a plate for himself reluctantly, wont stop apologizing to helen and aline that he overslept
they keep telling him they dont care but, surprise surprise, he’s not listening
when julian goes back to his room to get dressed he finds emma already ready with his favorite blue dress of her’s on and holding a present for him
his reaction is “oh that reminds me” and he pulls out another gift from under the dresser
emma is like ????? and julian is like “…for you” and emma is still like ????? so then julian explains “i got you a new year’s gift too”
emma is like fuck that shit this is a birthday gift asdfgyhu “who the fuck buys new year’s presents” “i dont know i love you” “i love you too but what the fuck julian now i look bad” “you couldnt look bad if you were trying”
anyway after emma gets it through julian’s head that he does deserve a birthday gift and no, she refuses to open up his gift to her on his birthday, nice try, julian, he opens it up
it’s a new blue shirt that almost exactly matches emma’s dress which is “an unfortunate coincidence”
he cant stop telling her it’s too much, you shouldnt have, and emma is like hoe you think im done??? think again
but actually she doesnt say that, she just says youre welcome asdfghyuj
they go meet everyone in their matching outfits and they all just hang around a bit, there isnt much else julian could ask for than to be with his family
but at lunch emma surprises julian with a picnic for the two of them at the beach
she promises that she didnt touch the food, she had aline make it all asdfrghy
once they finish emma gives julian more presents(“this is a prank right?” “am i laughing? actually i am but not because this is a prank, please just open the presents” ) 
the first is a whole set of paints and brushes and other art supplies i know nothing about, all custom made, the brushes with inscriptions on the handles( “jb” “as long as you exist and i exist i will love you” “i love you more than starlight”)
julian: where did you get that last quote from?
emma: i thought of it
julian: *melts*
he asks how she knew what supplies to get him and she told him how she saw him looking at all this stuff back in that shop in london and went back to get it for him
he’s so touched
he is already certifiably not okay™️ because the whole day has been against everything he’s ever known and he feels weird, he just wants to give something to someone, literally anyone
julian is so happy and when emma pulls out an envelope he has to bite his tongue to keep from saying “oh no not again”
emma just gives him a look when she sees him holding back asdfgbhgt
he’s preparing himself for some sort of long sentimental card from her that will probably make him cry but what he gets is worse
it’s just a piece of paper that says “im having so much fun on our date right now, but id love it even more if you came with me to the louvre to our next one”
julian is shooketh to a level beyond all levels
he cant imagine why emma looks so worried he wont like it
they laugh and hug and then proceed to kiss a lot before going back to the institute 
julian is ready to just chill now 
he comes in and there are decorations filling the entryway
a million balloons, streamers, banners
he looks at emma who just shrugs but she’s smiling so big and has a knowing look on her face 
there’s a beautifully decorated poster next to the staircase that says “TAKE ONE” and there’s a party hat for emma and a ridiculous crown for julian that says “it’s my birthday!” under it
they follow a trail of posters with arrows on them to the living room(im pretty sure they dont call it that but the room with the computer in it is where they always hang out so that’s what i mean awsedfvgbh)
everyone yells “SURPRISE” when they walk in and julian is sure he’s in a permanent state of shock
like yes he just followed an entire trail of arrows to get here but it’s still so much more than he expected
they eat pizza and play music and all just hang out and it’s a fun time
at one point julian goes to adjust his crown but everyone thought he was taking it off and yelled at him aesdxcfvgbh
they play stupid party games like pin the tail on the donkey(which theyre all good at since theyre shadowhunters asdfghjui) and charades and stuff like that
everyone gives julian more presents and he thinks he might combust
they sing to him and have cake
they give him one more gift after they sing and it’s a photo album of julian and his siblings and emma through the years
there are ones of baby emma and jules playing to 12 year old julian intently speaking to ty and livvy to 14 year old julian reading with tavvy to 17 year old julian laughing with dru to ones with helen, mark, aline, and cristina in them and ones from the travel year and julian is amazed
he’s so touched and he’s proud that he only cries a little
a little after that everyone starts getting tired since they stayed up until midnight the night before
diana goes home, tavvy goes to bed, followed by dru and ty shortly after
when julian hugs ty on his way out he almost feels like livvy is there too, and he doesnt understand why ty goes pale when julian tells him, julian worries he shouldnt have said anything before ty just smiles and says “good” before walking out
everyone else goes to bed shortly after
julian and emma are laying in julian’s bed when she pulls out a card for him, but tells him it’s nothing special
he opens it and begs to differ
the front of the card says “so many ways to say i love you” and she has filled the inside with ways she said it over the years
“protecting you in fights”
“i’ll put the kids to bed tonight”
“i would do anything for you, jules”
“we’re parabatai, we can do this”(julian doesnt like this one)
“take a break”
“please stay”
“i need you”
“your hair is a mess”(“really emma? “shut up”)
the list goes on until it ends with “i love you. love, emma”
they are both crying at the end
“i love you so much, emma”
“i love you, t––”
she doesnt get to finish
they have more important things to get to and, needless to say, they dont get much sleep that night either
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beckzorz · 5 years
or, Adventures in Pursuit of a Seven-Year-Old Seer
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Words: 1662 Summary: It’s been over a year since you met Bucky, and you couldn’t be happier. If only you could figure out why your precognitive niece is burying you in abstract crayon art… A/N: Happy new year!
Part 1
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Your phone slips out of your hand and clatters on the ground at your feet. Blood rushes in your ears. You run to the front door, pull on your coat and boots, and yank open your door. Before you lock up, you remember your phone. You run back in and grab it. In another thirty seconds you’re in the street, trying to flag down a taxi. The freezing air stings your cheeks, your legs, but nothing compares to the terror flaring in your chest.
What the hell is happening? What was that call? Where is Gemma? Is Matt okay? What about Sarah?
Where is Gemma?
A taxi finally pulls over for you. You rattle off Matt’s address. “Hurry,” you add, voice catching. “It’s an emergency!”
The driver peels away from the curb. You can’t relax; you lean forward, breathing down your driver’s neck, not even buckled until he nervously asks you to sit back. Even then, you’re trembling, your blood pounding. You stuff your hands between your knees, but they’re shaking too.
Ten minutes never have never gone by by so slow.
The second he pulls up to Matt’s house, you open the door. You’re half out of the cab before you remember you need to pay. “Shit shit shit,” you mumble. Your purse is still hanging on its hook by the door back home.
You stare up at Gemma’s open window as you dig through your coat pockets. By some miracle, you find a twenty.
“Here, take it, keep the change,” you blurt, throwing the bill at the driver. You slam the car door shut and squeeze between the parked cars in front of Matt’s house.
The front door is unlocked. You burst inside, heart in your throat.
You freeze.
Half the stair runners are askew, and Gemma’s winter gear is strewn haphazardly across the living room. One of the couch pillows is in the kitchen doorway. You inch forward, barely breathing. The slow cooker is on the floor, and Sarah’s mulled cider is in a brown puddle across the floor, soaking into the pillow. A strangled sob escapes your throat.
You run upstairs to Gemma’s room. It’s empty, cold… The window is still open. Scribbled-upon papers litter the floor, covered in crayon and pen. Gemma’s bed isn’t made—but then again, it never is. You fall to your knees and press your hands to her bare sheets, willing them to reveal your niece. What’s happened to her? What’s happened to your brother?
In your pocket, your phone starts buzzing.
You flinch in surprise. Damn it, you should have called the cops by now! You pull your phone out and stare blankly at the screen before registering that it’s Bucky calling.
Thank god.
“Hey darlin’, how are y—”
“Matt and Gemma are missing!” you cry.
You collapse onto Gemma’s bed. “Matt called and he said Gemma was missing and then someone else was there and the line went dead and now they’re gone and—”
“Woah, woah, hey, calm down,” Bucky interrupts. “Where are you?”
“Their house.” You sniff. “I haven’t even called the police, I just… ran over.”
“Okay. Okay.” Bucky is quiet for a moment, but you can hear his breathing accelerating. “I’m on my way there now. I’m going to call Steve, okay? If this is about what I think it’s about, we’ll be able to do more than the police. Okay?”
You bite your lip to keep your crying quiet. Instincts from the days before Bucky—most of your life, really—all want you to hang up and call the police. But Bucky’s not wrong. The Winter Soldier and Captain America have more resources at the arsenal than every police force in America. Probably.
“Y-yeah. Okay,” you tell him. “When will you be here?”
“Soon,” he says. “Where’s Sarah?”
“I—I don’t know. Her cider’s all over the kitchen floor…”
“Can you call her?”
“Um, okay. Yeah.” You sit up slowly. Your head is spinning, but you nod. “I can do that.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Bucky promises. “Call Sarah, and I’ll be there before you know it.” He pauses. “We’ll figure it out. It’ll be okay, darlin’. I promise.”
You hang up. What else is there to say?
When you call Sarah’s phone, it rings from their bedroom next door. Your heart drops.
No one answers.
“Hello?” you call.
No one answers.
If Sarah is with her phone, why didn’t she answer it? Why would she ignore you?
She wouldn’t. She never has. The only options that come to mind are that she’s missing too—or she’s lying prone in her bedroom. Dead or unconscious.
You bolt to your feet and fly into the other bedroom.
An ounce of tension lifts from your shoulders. The bedroom’s empty; Sarah’s not here. At least she’s not dead—not that you can see. You still have no idea what’s going on, but at least you haven’t seen any dead bodies today.
You jump. It’s Bucky. “Up here!”
Two sets of footsteps pound up the stairs. Two? You spin to face Bucky, who buries you in his arms without preamble. Over his shoulder, you see Steve going straight into Gemma’s room, his face drawn and focused. You close your eyes and let yourself relax into Bucky’s hold, burying your face in his chest.
“I’ve got you,” he murmurs. His metal hand is secure across your back; the other is on your neck, warm and grounding.
“Oh god, thank god you’re here,” you whisper. You pull back. There are wet spot on Bucky’s shirt, and you lift your hands to your cheeks in surprise. Oh. You’re crying.
Bucky brushes your tears away, his eyes soft but his mouth set. “We’re going to find them. And then we’re going to make sure nothing like this every happens again.”
Bucky and Steve go through the upstairs one room at a time. You hover along behind them, trying not to get in their way, but the house isn’t big and those two aren’t exactly small. Every other minute, you’re in their way. But they never send you away. Bucky’s focused on studying the rooms, looking for clues, but he says nothing.
When they move downstairs, you linger in Gemma’s room. You kneel at her bedside again, tracing the empty indent on her pillow. God, what’s happened to her? Your sweet niece, with her happy laugh and her stubborn determination and her ominous certainty—
You put your head against the spot where she sleeps, wishing you could close your eyes and hear her breathing, hear her heartbeat, hear anything that would reassure you she’s alive.
Downstairs, Steve and Bucky start to talk. You sit up and listen hard.
“This has to be about her powers,” Bucky says.
“I agree.” Steve sighs. “What’s the plan?”
“What’re you askin’ me for?”
“She’s your… dammit, I’ve never even been here before, Buck! You know these people.”
A thump—did Bucky punch something? You hope he didn’t leave a dent.
“Keep it together, Buck,” Steve hisses. “Your girl’s upstairs!”
Before Steve finishes, you can hear Bucky stomping up to you. By the time he reaches you, you’re sitting on Gemma’s bed, your hands between your knees. You can’t imagine what you look like, what with the crying and the terror, but Bucky doesn’t comment. All he does is kneel at your feet and take your hands in his. He stares up at you with tender concern.
“How are you doing?” he murmurs. You shake your head, unable to meet his eyes.
“I don’t know. I keep wishing her damn bed would tell me where she is.” You force a laugh. “Crazy, right?”
Bucky joins you on the bed and pulls you into his arms. “No,” he says. “Not crazy.” He settles his chin on your head. “I’m sorry to do this, but can you tell me about the phone call?”
You tell him as much as you can. The phone call, your harried trip over, your exploration of the abandoned house. He listens in silence.
“—and to think, I was going to have a nice night,” you finish with a sniff, thinking of the unlit candles and the pie no doubt setting off fire alarms in your oven and the new lingerie. What was all of that against your brother, his wife, your niece? “God. That sounds so selfish.”
“Trust me,” Bucky says, pulling back, “it’s not.” He kisses away the tears clinging to your cheeks, then tugs you back against him for a last, brief hug. When he pulls back, the dismay is clear on his face. “I don’t want to leave you. But I—we, Steve and me, need to get to the bottom of this.”
“I’ll be okay,” you say. You’re pretty sure it’s a lie, but what does that matter? “Go. Find them. Save them, and then come home safe.”
Bucky squeezed your hands. He studies your face, his blue eyes intent as if he were memorizing you. “Yes, ma’am.”
After Bucky and Steve leave, you call the police as instructed. It’s easier to tell the story this time. Or maybe you’re just numb.
Either way, you let them take your statement. You let them root around your brother’s empty house. You let them bring you out of Gemma’s room, downstairs, outsi—
“Wait,” you blurt.
You turn and rush back inside, back upstairs, and into Gemma’s room.
“This is a crime scene!” one of the officers says, running after you. She tries to grab your arm, but misses as you kneel on the floor and pick up a piece of paper.
Your heart pounds. It’s one of Gemma’s drawings. All the other pages on the floor are pictures of people, of animals, of houses or rocks or flowers. This one, though?
This one is abstract.
You stare at the paper clutched in your hands as the officer leads you back outside. Her lecture goes in one ear and out the other.
Gemma, you think, what are you trying to say?
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Read Part 3 here!
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 4
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Ok, so for those who don’t know I face cast Miracle Laurie as Hazel Stevens, Titus Drautos’ love interest (*cough* love of his life *cough*) and in the upper right hand corner is my face cast for Ada, @the-immortal-marshal ‘s OC, she gave me Ada’s particulars forever ago so now I’ve just finally face cast her. And we have TADA I finally found a face I liked for Charlotte Stevens. Hazel’s sister who is of African American and Chinese decent. And I am OBSESSED with Empresses in the Palace which is a six episode long mini series that USED to be on Netflix, you can find it on Amazon Prime video now. And there is a lot of symbolism from that show that I’ve taken and run wild with because in this fic Gilgamesh (who I have taken so many liberties with) is a Chinese drug lord who thinks of himself as an Emperor and calls Charlotte his Empress. And Cor is obsessed with taking him down (like he is in the canon-verse). 
Ok so you can read it here -> AO3 or below. Tumblr, be cool, keep it under a cut. 
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 4
“Ok, I stand corrected, this is my favorite house.” Selena announced as she came into the mansion in California wine country that was styled in a blend of Italianate, Spanish and Mediterranean. With it’s overall warm tones and clay tile roof. She fell head over heels in love with it.
“Knew it would be,” Ravus beamed.
“I want our house to be exactly like this.” Selena urged Ravus who chuckled.
“Yeah, I figured as much.” Ravus nodded in agreement, having figured that the moment they hit the road.
“Yeah, you can keep the house on the coast Luna, I love that location but I love and adore this house and the vineyards are just...spectacular. It’s so beautiful I think I’m gonna cry.” Selena teased herself as her eyes actually started to water which only got Ravus to pull her into his embrace and kiss the crown of her head.  
“Well Ravus did buy you that place up the coast so you’re only a stroll down the beach away.” Luna teased her.
“Yeah,” Selena sighed wistfully before she gave Ravus a quick peck on the lips before she had him really show her around.
“Holy shit!” Selena exclaimed when she saw the wine cellar.
“Yeah, this wine cellar alone is worth as much as the actual house I think.” Ravus speculated.
“It’s all dry isn’t it?” Selena asked in disappointment.
“Actually, no,” Ravus began as he hunted through the cellar. “Yes! This Darling, is ice wine. And it is exceptionally sweet.” Ravus said as he handed her a little mini bottle.
“Should we chill this first?” Selena asked as she looked it over.
“Yes, yes we should.” Ravus nodded as he used a special wine bottle carrier box to put in a half dozen bottles in, going through the rows picking out different ones before filling the box full and putting it down before getting another before he turned the corner and it was like it kept expanding, Ravus going through the bottles like anyone would go through a library to look at books.
“Does it ever end? I could get lost in here.” Selena teased as Ravus grinned but kept his eyes moving through all the labels.
“You could.” Ravus answered but only half teasing himself before his phone went off.
“Yeah?” Ravus answered.
“Where are you?” Luna asked.
“In the wine cellar?” Ravus answered.
“Where at in the wine cellar?” Luna asked.
“I’m at the Rieslings, just about to head into the Moscatos. I already handed Darling some ice wines.” Ravus answered.
“Ooh, could you get me my favorite please?” Luna requested.
“Sure, what does Jock Strap want?” Ravus asked.
“Oh he’s found the bar, he’s good.” Luna snorted a laugh.
“Well then get me my favorite.” Ravus insisted.
“Already gotten.” Luna reassured him.
“Thanks, when you guys figure out what to get for dinner call me back.” Ravus urged his sister.
“Yup.” Luna nodded.  
“That’s really kind of sad that the house is so big, you have to call each other on your phones to talk to each other.” Selena teased as she leaned up against a brick wall and gave him a giddy smile.
“Oh trust me, once we start our family, you’ll be happy it’s as big as it is, in fact I think you’ll love it down here because it’ll be the one part of the house where the kids won’t be allowed to play and you’ll have some nice ‘quiet mommy time’.” Ravus gently teased her with a look that had Selena wishing she could speed up time just to get to that and she just couldn’t help but pull him away from the wines to pull him flush with her to kiss him deeply.
“Can’t wait.” Selena purred when they broke for air and Ravus put the box down but only to allow him to pin her to the brick wall behind her before he picked her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he slipped her panties to the side since she was wearing a sundress as he unzipped his shorts and quickly entered her and moaned with her.
“I can, it’ll be worth the wait. I promise.” Ravus beamed at her.
“Aww,” Selena fawned.
Meanwhile Hazel and Titus were about to get ready to go to the store when Hazel checked her phone for the time before the screen went haywire for a moment as Titus’ phone did the same before both her phone and Titus’ phone turned themselves off and wouldn’t turn back on and Hazel inhaled sharply as her eyes went wide with terror because she knew what was going to happen next.
“Titus, you either need to get to the car right now or you need to get into my bathroom and don’t come out unless I come in and get you.” Hazel immediately ordered and Titus blinked in surprise when he saw how terrified she suddenly looked.
“What are you talking about?” Titus asked.
“No time to explain, here.” Hazel decided for him before she seemed to pull a gun out from under her breakfast bar and put it into his hand and shoved him into the bathroom.
“Sit right here, don’t move, don’t make a sound and shoot anyone but me who tries to come in.” Hazel ordered, keeping her voice whisper quiet but the hiss to her voice put him on edge before Hazel quickly locked the bathroom and quickly ran to her door and pulled out another hand gun and watched through the keyhole as Charlotte and two body guards came walking purposefully down the hallway, each body guard taking up an end to the hall to leave Charlotte to approach Hazel’s door alone before she knocked her special knock.
“Please tell me you’ve come to say goodbye.” Hazel told her sister in Mandarin when she opened the door for her sister, her gun visible at her side as Charlotte came strutting into Hazel’s apartment as Hazel shut the door behind her as she warily watched her sister.
“I came with a warning.” Charlotte began and Hazel’s stomach dropped. “You should go out to dinner tonight.” Charlotte suggested.
“Where and with who?” Hazel’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“It doesn’t matter where but I think you’ll know with who.” Charlotte grinned as she laid a manila envelope on the counter.
“What part of ‘I never want to be involved’ is hard to understand?” Hazel bit out.
“It’s Heaven’s wish, either serve the warning or you can try to Witchhazel.” Charlotte returned coolly and Hazel’s jaw clenched. “Your choice.” Charlotte shrugged before she stood in front of Hazel with a challenging smirk before hugging her sister before Hazel begrudgingly returned it.
“Why can’t you both go back to Hong Kong? At least you’d be safer there.” Hazel asked as she hugged her sister tighter, always feeling like she was seeing her sister for the last time when her sister came to her like this.
“Soon.” Charlotte answered and Hazel knew that was the closest to a straight answer she could ever get from Charlotte.
“Ok.” Hazel whispered.
“Now tell Titus hi for me and to keep his nose out of our business.” Charlotte offered in English as she let go of her sister and left, snapping her fingers once she was in the hallway before both henchmen were back at her side as she left the building as Hazel blew out a shaky breath as her cheeks burned as she put the gun back into it’s hiding spot and went over to the manila envelope and opened it to find a tiny flash drive and found 50 thousand dollars with it. Hazel just huffed and shook her head. She took the money out and when she did, she found ‘Warhorn Lion’ written on a piece of yellow paper that almost looked and felt like tissue paper but was in fact a recreation of the paper used by Chinese Emperors to write edicts and orders on- on the inside of the envelope in Mandarin calligraphy and Hazel just closed her eyes and fought not to cry.  
“Shit.” Hazel hissed as she got gloves on and took it out and folded it carefully, damning her hands for shaking. At least it wasn’t Titus’ name. She put the paper and the flash drive into a new envelope and into her purse before she put the money into her lock box and once she was done she took her gloves off and threw them away before she knocked on the door to the bathroom off her bedroom where she had put Titus.
“It’s safe now Baby.” Hazel called out softly as she unlocked the door and opened it to find Titus still sitting in the same spot she left him in.
“What the fuck is going on?” Titus demanded as he stood up and stared at her incredulously.
“If I answered that, I’d have to kill you myself.” Hazel answered defeated-ly as she took her gun back to put it away.
“What kind of convoluted clandestine bullshit is that?!” Titus spat angrily as he followed her and took note of where it had come from in the first place, having sat right there before and not having the smallest clue it had been there the whole time.
“The kind of convoluted clandestine bullshit that will get you killed, moreover it’s the kind of convoluted clandestine bullshit that puts car bombs under cars and straps C4 to someone’s chest and tells them to walk into hospitals and schools with the power to bring anyone to their knees before it lops off their heads, that kind. The kind that already knows your name, where you work, your routines, the truck you drive and where you are at all times. The kind that’s kept a tail on me since I went to college, the kind that has already buried the last nosy boyfriend. So do yourself a favor if you want to live and let it go and never, ever breathe a word of this ever again. This is your one warning. The next time you bring this up, that sniper on that roof right over there will shoot you and I’ll have to change the carpet again because blood doesn’t come out from white carpet well.” Hazel snarled as she pointed her finger into his chest, the tip digging into his flesh hard every time she said the word ‘you’ as tears flowed freely from her eyes as her expression was a pleading one as Titus just stared in shock at her as he finally really sensed what kind of predicament and danger she must be in and all he wanted to do was make her feel safe again, he didn’t care if he had to set the world on fire to do it either. He knew Hazel was smart, brilliant even and as badass as the day was long but if his Hazel was this scared, she would only have every justification to be so.
“Ok.” Titus answered softly as finally nodded as he brought her in and hugged her tight and kissed the crown of her head.
“Obviously you don’t have a choice in this. If this is the way it has to be then it’s the way it has to be.” Titus offered as Hazel just broke down crying and bawled into his chest and when she was done, she pulled herself back together and kissed him so deeply it started their own familiar chain of events and once satisfied, they left and went about their day, Titus doing his best to act like nothing was wrong and that nothing had happened out of the usual.
“Hey you wanna meet up with Cor and Ada for dinner?” Hazel asked innocently as they were putting their groceries away.
“Yeah sure.” Titus nodded and texted Cor.
“Where to?” Titus asked Hazel.
“I don’t care, whatever they want is fine.” Hazel waived off. “Actually I could go for some rice noodles though, maybe Chinese? Japanese? Vietnamese? Thai? Something like that.” Hazel waived off.  
“The Mandarin?” Titus suggested, knowing that was her favorite Chinese restaurant, it was a bit upscale but very authentic and the whole menu was in Mandarin and English and he loved the way Hazel could order for them in nothing but Mandarin and get things that weren’t even on the menu.
“Perfect.” Hazel beamed and once at the restaurant, Cor was exceptionally happy and even giddy because he had gotten a break in the Gilgamesh case that day and Hazel was grateful that she wasn’t sitting right next to him but feared for Ada, knowing that Ada was in grave danger but was powerless to say anything to her directly. Hazel excused herself from the table and took her server aside as she went to the bathroom and gave her a hundred dollar bill if she put the envelope into Cor’s bill. Hazel having taken the envelope out with a tissue and put it into a folded napkin to hand to the server who thought it was some kind of practical joke before the owner, who had been watching over them, took the envelope and looked inside before their eyes went wide for a moment and made a quick phone call before they nodded and got a red envelope and wrote something out with a calligraphy pen and comped not just Cor and Ada’s meal but Titus and Hazel’s too.
“Mr. Leonis, could you please come with me?” The owner asked Cor as he came and pointed to the bill as if the card had gotten declined.
“Oh, that shouldn’t of...” Cor said as he got up and got his wallet out as he followed the owner to the cash register.
“Oh no, your card wasn’t declined, no your meal was taken care of already but I didn’t want to disturb your party by handing you this.” The owner said as he handed Leonis a red cash envelope typically given to newly weds at their wedding.
“What does this say?” Cor asked as he pointed to the writing on the envelope.
“It says ‘compliments of Emperor Gilgamesh’.” The owner answered.
“Fuck.” Cor breathed. “Is he here? Like right now?” Cor asked the owner.
“Of course not. Even if he was, you could not do anything Marshal.” The owner pointed out with a smug grin.
“I could have you arrested for aiding and abetting.” Cor threatened.
“Perhaps you should look at the flash drive first before you make any foolish threats.” The owner suggested sagely as Cor narrowed his eyes and got the flash drive and put it into his phone before picture after picture of Ada and Ada and himself came up on the screen before a new message came into his phone with a picture of himself, Ada and Titus in the cross-hairs from a scope while they were still there at the restaurant and Cor looked up and searched the room, trying to find the threats and the vantage points these pictures were taken from.
“It really would be quite rude to answer generosity with disrespect. Perhaps you should go home now.” The owner suggested. “And please do not think that my restaurant is unique in that his Majesty has reign here. There is no where any of you could ever go that he would not come for you.” The owner warned. “And if I may let you in on a secret. His Majesty is being lenient with you and has written your name in black. This is your warning that you have come too close. If you come any closer, he will write your name in white. White is the color of death in our culture. And it will be as if he would have written your death warrant.” The owner added and Cor gulped.
“Understood.” Cor nodded before he went back to the table and tried to casually get them all out of there as the owner came and thanked them for coming and invited them back as he handed Hazel a to go container of her favorite dumplings- raw so she could steam them herself when she got home and once back in Titus’ truck Hazel found a thick black card with what Gilgamesh liked to referred to her as written in gold ink along with a quick message of thanks.
“What does that say?” Titus asked as he noticed it.
“It says ‘thank you’ and my name.” Hazel answered honestly.
“I’ve never gotten a thank you for getting takeout from here.” Titus frowned.
“Well you’re not on first name basis and friends with the family.” Hazel tried to reason with a lop sided grin as Titus nodded in understanding.
“So that’s why our meal was free?” Titus asked.
“Yup.” Hazel nodded.
“So...I’m thinking we should take up a new hobby together.” Titus began.
“Which is?” Hazel asked curiously.
“Shooting. I’m already into hunting, I need to be a better shooter though.” Titus realized as he squeezed her hand a little tighter and gave her a gentle yet reassuring look and watched as Hazel’s grin grew into a full blown smile.
“That would be...amazing.” Hazel praised as she squeezed his hand back tightly and just fell in love with him a little more. Because usually right about now any guy would be running for the hills but instead, Titus was making plans to stay and try to help her.
“Wanna stay at my house tonight?” Titus asked.
“Hell yeah.” Hazel nodded as Titus then turned to head to his house since Hazel already had enough of her things to stay there for a few months straight already.
Once back at his house, Titus put her dumplings in the fridge before he turned to face her, wanting to tell her a thousand different things all at once as he had thought about her predicament all day.
“So, if I wanted my house as secure and defend-able as possible, how would I go about that?” Titus asked her before she grabbed the shopping list pad off of his fridge and a pen and handed them to him.
“Take notes.” Hazel grinned as Titus returned her grin and took them before Hazel began to go through the whole house and tell him exactly how to accomplish that and insisted that she pay for it all because it would be getting quite costly but it was investment in Titus’ well being and would help her sleep easier at night.
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rael-rider · 5 years
Okay, I don't disagree that Orion has been mischaracterized as a one-note angryfuck piece of shit and that King's Mister Miracle may have contributed to that perception BUT!-didn't the ending make it clear that was only how Scott himself percieves him/on some level wants him to be? Everything we see turns out to just be Scott's own fantasy reality, where his wife is around and Granny Goodness actually loved him ect. When we see Orion at the end, he acts friendly and sympathetic to Scott.
I admit I was somewhat lost with King’s Mister Miracle and the end left (and the whole story to be honest) me so apathetic towards it I really didn’t felt like reading it again. Even if what you say was the case the way Scott treats him it’s kind of bad as well. He corrects Highfather when he refers to Orion as Scott’s brother telling him that Orion isn’t his brother and when Orion in the end refers to him as brother Scott also tells him that they aren’t brothers. I think King wanted to give Scott brother issues (jealousy for Orion living the life that Scott wanted in New Genesis perhaps?) and some pathos but all evidence before his MM mini points out that Scott saw Orion as a brother because they are both Highfather’s children and he never blamed Orion for what happened (He did have problems with Highfather though and that is understandable). Not to mention Orion calls Scott Highfather’s rightful heir. I don’t think Scott ever perceived him as an ass either at least going by previous comics especially since Orion always thought of Scott as being better than him and treated him with kindness. The thing about Orion is that he’s a blunt person who has no time for formalities or niceties, he has anger issues and sometimes can be right down scary when he finds himself enjoying a fight or inflicting a cruelty towards an opponent. But for the most part he is deferential towards people. Even Forager, after their initial meeting, he treats him with respect especially when he sees that Forager displays sentience and helps him defeat Mantis and save the Insect colony from him (then Starlin for some reason made it so Orion hated him and all the bugs while also ignoring that the other New Gods saw the Bugs as pest because they raided Supertown and would steal from them).Also Tom King doesn’t like Orion and seriously doesn’t seem to get the character since in some of his interviews he calls him pampered, spoiled, and also mentions that he has no reason to angst about anything since he left Apokolips and got to live a cushy life. Which is pretty wrong since Orion was separated from his mother, kidnapped, then dumped on Izaya and while growing up he had to hide his true face and nature from other New Gods and control his anger and love for war, all of which made him feel like a monster. The only thing King is right in is that Orion lived a better life in New Genesis than Scott did in Apokolips but it wans’t necessarily a perfect life since Orion had to hide his real face and pretend to fit not to mention Orion had also been fine living with his mother in Apokolips.So going by that I kind of question if this is how King really sees Orion rather than Scott’s insecurities about Orion being amplified.Also Lightray gets treated like crap. As a matter in fact a lot of the New Gods get treated like crap character wise and both Barda and Scott either contribute to it or they don’t bat an eye to their suffering. Not even the Forever People being killed. I think King wanted to make a point that they ignore some horror or are desensitized to some of it? But that’s also a pretty bad interpretation of the characters since Scott cares way too much for others and it’s partially why he couldn’t stand Apokolips and why he escapes in the first place (I also really hated that both Scott and Barda willingly drank wine made out of the bones of other New Gods. Barda and Scott willingly engaging in some weird cannibalistic osteophagy is not something that I want to see).Sorry, went off topic there.
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