#but honestly too tired to go into that I swear if I were more awake I'd elaborate
onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
was gonna make a joke about this and have this be a shitpost instead but honestly may pass out soon so I'll type this seriously cause I have no energy to come up with a clever joke
it's interesting how vox's insults in stayed gone are literally just different ways of saying "you're old and outdated you're old and outdated you're old and outdated you're old and outda" tackled with a bit of "you're a coward" in there, whereas alastor's insults are not jabs at vox being new or modern tech, but rather his practices, "clout-chasing mediocre video podcast" he's saying he's a pandering, attention-seeking sellout, and he targets at vox's insecurities, questions his power, then makes fun of him for still being salty about his rejection.
I feel like it's pretty telling how vox's insults are just SO shallow, while alastor's cut deeper and more personally. while you could say, alastor may be just better at roasting than vox, I feel like it could also tell you something about alastor's hatred of vox being based on actual reason, which makes sense, he is the one who rejected the idea of being on a team with vox, the one who decided to make the decision to step away from their friendship. there were likely legitimate things about vox that alastor started to notice he didn't like.
whereas vox's hatred is extremely petty, he's still pissy over that rejection, he has no reasonable reason to hate on alastor's practices or medium. literally ALL he has is constantly repeating how tv is better and newer and how radio is worse and older, that he literally uses that SAME snap back even after alastor has his part "what a dated voice!" "you're looking at the future! he's the shit that comes before that!". he has NOTHING on alastor. if you asked him to make a list about what he hated about alastor he would probably just give you 10000 synonyms of "he's old and outdated" and be unable to come up with anything non-superficial. because the falling out on his part, from his perspective, was being rejected. and after that, BLIND RAGE. he hates alastor. he does. but he can't reasonably tell you why.
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fvckmyaesthetic · 2 years
#can’t sleep. feel sick. feel empty and sad all the time. say i’m lonely and then purposely avoid talking to people#like genuinely. wtf is my problem dude??#i feel so tired and let down by everyone and everything all of the time and it’s like?#shit ain’t even that bad in the grand scheme of things. but I really still just wish I could get a ‘break for once’#why am I so stuck on the ideas of certain people who will never be the way that they were when I actually knew them#and why can’t I just be upfront with people about how I feel. so many ppl think so highly of me for Who Tf Knows Why Honestly#and it’s like. for the love of god please just go find someone else because I Promise you that I’m not going to magically fall in love +#+ with you someday. I have too many fucking problems as it is that I couldn’t even stay with my lady gf for more than a few months#why can’t I just get my shut together Jesus is it really that hard??#if I’m tired and sad then why do I stay up? why wouldn’t I just go to sleep. all I’m doing by staying awake is making myself feel WORSE#and I already feel bad enough as it is. everyone is moving forward with their lives and I’m just sitting here#No fucking clue what I’m doing. no one to talk to. i swear all I want is a good hug sometimes and I can’t even fucking get that#how hard is it to just ask someone for a hug and I can’t do even that??#please tell me I figure my shit out soon and learn to talk to other people because I’m so tired of forcing myself to be so alone all th#e time. i spend so much time awake at night and for what? so I can just make myself feel sad and lonely and anxious?#yeah well I’m tired of it. I’m tired of being awake and alone and not having anyone to talk to because I push everyone away
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galaxysgal · 7 months
𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || 𝐥𝐢𝐩 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫
pairing: lip gallagher x fem!reader
summary: just lip being a cute bf + debbie and ian being little shits
warnings: lowercase on purpose. poorly written tbh. swearing but y’all know how it is. heavily unedited. gen said yolo so i’m posting
A/N: i’ve been on hiatus for god knows how long but my roommate and i started watching shameless and i can’t get this mfer out of my head. things w school and life are hard rn so i just wrote this comfy cozy little thing in my notes app. yolo asf.
wordcount: probably like 500 or less idk i wrote it in my notes app at 1am
— — — — — — — — — — —
you’re nestled in lip’s arms, high up on his rickety top bunk. somewhere between finishing your nails and kissing until you could barely breathe, you had fallen asleep right against his chest.
you stirred now, your cozy world interrupted a squeaky little voice. “are you in love with her?” debbie questions.
lip shushes his sister, “be quiet, she’s sleeping.”
you were wide awake now, but much too comfortable to move and make that little fact known. plus, you wanted to hear his answer.
“i asked you a question dummy. are you in love with her?”
lip stutters, “i-i dunno. i really like her, okay?”
you’re satisfied with that answer. “in love” was a little too much too quick. but “really like” was something that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“what d’ya like about her?” ian presses.
you can practically hear the gears turning in lip’s head as his siblings impatiently await a response.
“she’s- i dunno, she’s pretty?” lip replies. you hold back a scowl, annoyed at him for not having a better answer.
“yeah, great rack,” debbie comments.
“jesus, deb!” lip’s head falls back in frustration, one hand coming to cradle your head as not to wake you with the sudden motion.
“cut the shit lip,” ian interrupts. “tell us what you really think.”
you hold your breath as you wait for his response. his lips brush your hairline before he sighs. “she’s sweet, yeah? real kind.”
“a real woman of the people,” ian snorts, “princess diana type.” then “ow!” as you hear debbie shove him.
“and- and she’s real smart, too,” lip continues. “really, really fuckin’ smart. an’ she works hard. she just tires herself out sometimes.”
he strokes your hair gently, pressing a few more fleeting kisses to your forehead.
“you’re so whipped.”
you hear debbie shove her brother again, and this time ian fights back, the two making a ruckus as they push each other back and forth.
“come on guys, out. now.” lip orders his siblings around with that same stern voice you’ve heard plenty of times before.
debbie pouts. “but-“
“no buts. go on, she’s fuckin’ sleepin’ in here an’ you’re gonna wake her up. fuck off.”
“we were just-“
“fuck. off.”
“jesus,” you can practically hear ian roll his eyes. “alright, alright. we’re going.”
debbie yells for fiona as the two shuffle out of the room, not bothering to close the door behind them.
you smirk to yourself as lip groans above you, showing your cards. “you’re awake?”
you peer up at him through your lashes, a smirk planted on your lips that he’s just dying to kiss off. “can’t believe your little sister said i have a great rack,” you whisper.
lip laughs, loud and genuine. “yeah, she’s been stuffing fi’s old training bras. growin’ up an’ shit. i don’t like it.”
you’re quiet for a moment, admiring him. you know how important those kids are to him. he’d do just about anything for them, including the minor crimes you find him tangled up in on a weekly basis. he loves them like they’re his own kids, which honestly they kind of are. they may shove each other around, curse each other out, yell and scream at the top of their lungs, but at the end of the day lip has been more of a father to his siblings than frank ever was.
“you really meant all that?” you ask.
lip looks down at you, his blue eyes soft in the dim light. “yeah. yeah, i did. meant every word.”
you smile, leaning up to place a solid kiss on his lips. “for what it’s worth,” you murmur, “i really like you too.”
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pink-apollo · 9 months
I don’t remember if I did send you a request before, but i did think of something cute and funny.
Can have some Headcannons on Price, Ghost and Alejandro where they walk into their s/o’s office and found them slumped over on their desk dead asleep?
Hope you’re doing well.
I have come so close to doing this myself at work many times. I swear being a waitress is a lot of work😅
Overworked s/o who is asleep at their desk Headcanons
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✨WORRIED. The definition of a worrier once he sees that your head is resting on your desk fast asleep. Although yes he wants to laugh at the situation he needs to know that you’re okay first
✨Gently shakes you awake while whispering your name to not scare you considering it had happened before😅 by accident of course
✨Finally chuckles once he realized you were just tired from a long day of running errands and doing hours upon hours of paper work that price had asked of you. Though yes you had gotten most of them done, there was still atleast a bit more to go through but Ale refused to let you do it considering you had already burnt yourself out
✨Doesn’t take no as an answer and makes sure to treat you to your favorite things! Like food, dessert, run a bath for you and cuddle for the rest of the night. Wants you at your very best and refuses to let you work yourself like that again. Despite laughing at the situation he was actually worried
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🖤Shuts the door behind him before making his way over to your sleeping form. Papers scattered around, pen in hand as your head rests upon the stack of papers underneath you. He moves a strain of hair away from your face before waking you up, careful to make sure nothing is knocked over to the floor
🖤Doesn’t let you continue no matter how much your protest and saying that you need to turn these in. He won’t hear it and makes you come home, also considering it was now quarter past 8 and you were supposed to clock out 15 minutes ago
🖤Runs you a hot bath and orders take out full on knowing that the both of you were too tired to cook let alone, want to clean up the aftermath
🖤Pulls you on top of him once you climb into bed and rests his chin upon your head, gently rubbing your arm in comfort. He knows he can’t really help you finish the paperwork but damn will try to ease your aching head and hands the best of his ability and make sure you get a good nights sleep
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🥀Accidentally woke you up from him laughing at your state. Hair had become undone as your arm was slumped over across the desk, pen that was once in your hand was now on the floor, cap long gone to who knows where
🥀Helps to organize your things before taking you home where you much needed to be. The paper work can wait another day, it’s not like it needed to be done right away considering you have a full week to turn it in. Is honestly quite amazed that you got most of it done within a few hours
🥀Makes you dinner and turns on your favorite show/movie before settling down beside you despite you fussing over to finish the paperwork. He shakes his head in return and laughs at your determination before hushing you with a kiss. He knows you’re a hard worker but you also need to take care of yourself in order not to have another burn out
🥀Helps you settle into bed before climbing in himself and cuddling you from behind, using his weight to help ease your anxiety. Gently kissing along your neck before nuzzling into your hair
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sorencd · 10 months
could we get dating wilson hcs😼
ofc 😏😏😏 he's so pookie wookie i lovf him
dating wilson headcannons
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you two love watching sitcoms every night (if the both of you aren't tired) like seinfeld, the mary tyler moore show, fasier and friends while cuddling in bed! usually since he's the first one to leave in the morning, he'd prepare your coffee for you and wake you up with a kiss on the forehead, telling you that he's off to work and u should wake up soon. he’s like ur personal alarm clock!! he even calls a few minutes later from his office just to make sure you really woke up, because you have a habit of waking up but as soon as you check the time and decide that it's still early, you would immediately fall back asleep so easily. he’s amazed honestly.
"yeah, 'm awake.."
"are you sure?"
"you're still in bed aren't you?"
"no..'m up i swear.."
so you end up having no choice but to get ready for work because now your brain is no longer sleepy :( you love trying new restaurants and food with him. if there's a new restaurant, no matter how bad the reviews are, that won't really stop you two from eating at the place, you'd still go there. but it does often result to never returning there ever again. and when you don't feel like going out of the comfort of your home, you would instead cook something up together. matching aprons and all that stuff!! while preparing the food, u can never cut the veggies properly without some good music playing in the background! there'd be songs from artists like the beatles, abba, huey lewis and the news, daryl hall & john oates, and the beegees!
i can see him singing and dancing to 'more than a woman' while straining the pulp from the tomato soup and you have to get him to stop moving too much or he'll burn himself in the process.
"i know that in a thousand years, i'd fall in love with you again~"
"be careful! it's going to pour out!"
if u don't know how to play poker, wilson will gladly play something like monopoly or uno instead. though monopoly is more fun with a lot of people, he’s happy to do anything with you! one time, you played snakes and ladders instead of uno and each time wilson went down the snake he'd shout 'what!?' and sneakily try to change the number he rolled on the die without u noticing. he always plays like his life is on the line.
"another five?!"
"down you go, james!" you evilishly laughed and moved his piece for him, feeling triumphant. while you were dancing in joy because you're so close to winning, he tried flipping the die.
"i saw that."
"no you didn't."
stealing his clothes is a must! you've reached a point where u even hide his stuff as soon as they're fresh out of the dryer so he won't beat you to his own shirts. singing doesn't only limit to the kitchen, it also extends to the car and late night drives after work! you two would have songs blasting and the windows rolled down!!
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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hee0soo · 10 months
My drunk Baby
Summary: Filming a certain episode of Wanteez has left you with a more than just tipsy boyfriend! Lucky for him, he´s cute!
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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You didn´t know what exactly what woke you up. Was it Byeol who had decided to grace you with her presence or maybe the honking of passing by cars? You honestly didn´t know!
With a quick glance at your LED-alarm clock you realized that it was already close to3 in the morning and San, your boyfriend had yet to join you in bed for the night.
It wasn´t unusual that he was staying late at the company or that he decided to go back to the dorm with Seonghwa and Mingi because of an early schedule, but today you could swear that he would be coming over after he was done filming.
Something about filming new content for Wanteez and having the day after off to recharge their energy!
San hadn´t gone into specifics about what exactly they were going to film and you had long given up asking since he had kind of made it a tradition to watch their content with you to see your reaction.
This time however you got a bit worried as your boyfriend always made sure to at least text you when he wasn´t coming home. That´s why you forced yourself to became a little more awake to reach for your phone in the dark.
The brightness of the screen almost blinded you and you had to blink a few times to get your eyes used to it.
Surprised to see that you had a couple texts from not just San but apparently half of the other members too, you read through them all.
The first thing you noticed was that all of them had apparently lost every sense of grammar they had.
The second thing was Hongjoong apologizing for something you couldn´t quite figure out. Wooyoung sending you at least 20 pics that wouldn´t load due to KQs horrible Wi-Fi and San sending you a voice message with almost 5 minutes in length!
The last one was a message from Seonghwa.
Pls come pck up yur boyfrien and tak care if him??? ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅  -received 2:23 am
Are they… drunk???
Your suspicion proofed to be correct when you started listening to your boyfriend´s voice message. You could feel yourself going soft as you cooed at San stuttering his way through the message, repeating the same thing about 3 times before trailing of and end the message with a soft and tired, “…nd I luv *hicks* you m´bby…”
Not being able to spot the giggle from escaping your lips followed by a sigh, you sat up in your bed.
Byeol, not happy about being woken up from her slumber threw a sassy glare in your direction before going back to sleep.
“I´m sorry cutie,”
Your phone lit up again. Another message from the groups oldest member.
I knw your up! DON INORE ME AN GET SANNIE HOM!!! -received 2:34 am
Alright, alright! I´m on my way… Dorm or company? -sent 2:35 am
drm -received 2:36 am
thanxx ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ -received 2:36 am
With a loud groan which made Byeols ears twitch gently, you threw the warm blanket off of your body to get dressed, opting for a pair of grey sweatpants which belonged to San judging by the size and one of his shirts laying on top of the clean laundry basket, you had yet to put away, you grabbed your phone, a mask and your car keys and walked out of the apartment with a pair of cat ear slippers on your feet.
They had been a birthday gift from Haneul, your boyfriends sister claiming that she couldn´t not buy them for you, seeing as San was basically a human shaped cat!
The drive was shorter than usual with just a few cars passing by. It was in the middle of the night after all!
Suppressing a tired yawn, you parked the car in the private garage of the apartment complex, greeting the security guard who already knew you from your countless visits at the dorms and vanished inside the elevator taking you to the correct floor.
You always found it impressive how they always managed to be loud enough to already be heard outside in the hallway and knowing that they probably wouldn´t be able to hear the doorbell either way, you punched the security PIN into the lockpad and let yourself in.
What you saw, was definitely not what you expected.
Yes San, Seonghwa and Mingi weren´t the type to say no when offered a cuddle, but seeing 3 fully grown men clinging to each other like koalas to their mother, whispering and giggling in hushed voices together was not on your bingo card for the night…
Leaning against the wall, you continued watching the 3 unnoticed for a while.
You didn´t know what they were talking about since their hushed whisper was soft enough to not be heard where you were standing.
“hmm an y/n does ths thng with their tongu-“
“Sannie!?” hastily you cut the drunk boy off, preventing him from spilling more than he probably already had.
Sans head whipped around at the sound of your voice, happy to see you.
Mingi flinched slightly at the sudden increase in volume from the older 99-liner.
You were honestly surprised he was able to pronounce the word properly with how droopy his eyes were, face dangerously red from alcohol and seemingly close to falling over even though he was still sitting, leaning against the back of the couch.
“Come on you big baby, let´s get you home and in bed!”
Upon hearing those words, the performer got up, looking a little like a newborn lamb I doing so, and stumbled over to where you were. Pressing a loud but still sweet kiss to your cheek before wrapping his arms tightly around your middle!
You waved at the two other boys left behind on the couch, fondly rolling your eyes as they continued giggling.
Careful, as to not let him fall flat on his face, you helped put on his shoes and led him out the door.
It was a short walk but turned out to take way longer as San kept swaying, slowly losing the fight against the sleepiness.
The security guard waiting in the garage, couldn´t hide an amused smile as he watched you drag your half conscious boyfriend to the car.
Once he was seated and you took your place behind the wheel, you wanted to start the engine but were ultimately stopped by San grabbing your face in his hands clumsily, turning you to face him.
With wide eyes and squished cheeks you stared at him.
“Kiss?” he pouted, lips pursed cutely and waiting for you to follow his request.
His eyes were almost completely shut sitting there patiently.
You weren´t able to deny him a kiss even on a normal day, let alone like this!
After having received his kiss, he happily let you go to lean back. Smiling satisfied.
“Cute,” you said quietly to yourself before putting the car in reverse an dpulling out of the parking lot.
It wasn´t a surprise that the giant boy fell asleep and thankfully he wasn´t as hard to wake up as you had expected with the way he had started snoring.
Byeol greeted you two at the door, wrapping herself around your lour legs before doing the same to San.
“Byeol-ah! Oppa´s home!”
Bending down to pet the cat, he almost lost his balance if you hadn´t reacted as fast as you did.
“Yes and oppa needs to go to be right now!”
He let himself get dragged into the bedroom, flopping on the bed and closing his eyes, ready to let sleep take over but you forced him to at least get rid of his jeans and into his sleep shirt before whipping the remaining make up away for his face.
Dazed, he watched as you gently took care of him, enjoying every second of the pampering.
“Why are you looking at me like that San-ah?”
The boy shrugged.
“Luv you so mch my bby! Thnk you for takin care ´f me!”
His words made your face feel exponential warmer than before.
Throwing the makeupwipe into the trash can, you came back  to sit next to him, pulling the blanket over him before pressing your lips gently onto his.
“I love you too my drunk baby!”
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I saw the requests for fics were open I just need to ask if it's ok to put one in and if it's ok to have an x reader even if platonic bc honestly I'm in a mood lol and I am craving LER ALASTOR idk why and I love your fics and you are a great writer
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"Good night"
Summary: You were struggling to sleep that night, so in defeat, decided to just give up and stay up all night. Sadly for you, Alastor didn't exactly approved your idea.
Warnings: Swearing.
Bags under your eyes would appear if you didn't go to sleep, and you knew it pretty well. It sucks, really sucks, but laying down on your bed doing nothing and being unable to finally take a good night of sleep sucks the double of those two combined.
As much as the TV wasn't that entertaining, it was enough to keep you awake and slightly less bored.
3AM, still nothing. You took a nap on the couch, but then woke up again. Did you actually took a nap? Or did you brain just turned off? Not sure, not bothered enough to care.
But, suddenly, something else finally got your eyes off of the screen.
"And what are you doing down here so late?"
The sudden voice made you stop on your tracks, jump even, as it came right after hours of silence.
"Jesus fucking Christ Alastor, I almost had a heart attack!" You took a deep breath, calming yourself down. "I'm just watching TV."
Alastor looks to the TV with the corner of his eyes, squeezing them slightly to show his displeasure. "Those things can be quite unhealthy at this time, my dear. Why don't you just turn this off and go to sleep?"
"Because I don't wanna and I can't sleep." You didn't even wanted to sound abrupt, but your filters slowly disappear when you grow more and more tired.
"Now that's just rude." Replied, not offended at all but rather keeping this in his mind for later. "Can't sleep, you say? Well, I have a solution for that." He added with a confident grin.
"...does it include hitting my head onto a wall to knock me out or something?"
Alastor stared at you with a blank face, blinking a few times. "Two solutions."
You rolled your eyes and finally sat, raising an eyebrow. "What solution?"
Alastor lets out a snicker, and with a single snap of his fingers, both of you are back on your room. You fell on your bed a bit too aggressively, but it's not like he cares.
"We only need to get rid of that energy of yours. I'm sure it'll be as easy as pie, you're already almost falling asleep."
"Uh... okay... and what's your plan, exactly?"
Your question made him look at you mischievously, which startled you and already made you let your guard up.
But before you could react, something pinched your side right behind you. As you looked, it was one of Alastor's little creatures. Is that a little man? A doll? A little demon? A pet? Whatever this thing is, made you flinch with a single touch.
And just like Alastor could spawn one of those, getting more of them needed the exact same effort.
"What are those??"
"Oh, I never really gave them names, so call them whatever you want. They're also harmless."
Three of them surrounded you, poking your upperbody in different spots while giggling.
"H-Hey! Gehehet off!" They may be weird but also looked weirdly adorable, what made you hesitated on pushing them away. "Thehehey're tick-"
But you stopped yourself right away. It got the other demon's attention, since your fit of giggles was definitely not the cause of the sudden hold up.
"Did you just interrupted yourself?" He asked teasingly, leaning towards you with a more bratty smile.
"Whahahat?! Nohohoho!"
Alastor shrugged, throwing his staff lightly from one hand to another. "If that's the case, I must have misunderstood. After all, there's no reason for you to not say 'tickle'." His head turned back to you, curiously. "Correct?"
As they keep tickling you, you ended up falling on the bed, rolling back and fourth as a poor attempt to escape. "ShuhUHUHUT UP!"
The deer chuckled at your reaction to it. "Oh, I'm not the one who should! Your volume may wake up someone in the hotel."
"Thehehen STOHOP!"
Your words entered his ear and leaved the other, or even worse, didn't even entered in any at the first place, as everything he did was look at his nails.
"I can't, I already promised to help. It is getting you tired after all-"
Your tone suddenly increased in a... huge volume. More than he expected, what startled the guy. Wanting or not, if anyone wakes up he'll end up getting in trouble aswell, so he's thinking twice about his plans.
However, something is off for him. Once you lay down, you didn't got up again nor tried to. It definitely isn't bothering you as much as it looks like, and this fact did not make it worse for himself. More likely to be the opposite, as an encouragement.
The inner conflict was agonizing to keep, and Alastor's eyes show that. With a sigh mixed with a humming, he snaps his fingers, finally sparing you from the shadows.
Your laughter slowly died down, and without realizing, your face shifts to one of disappointment.
"Hah... heh... what..?"
The taller one sits by your side, avoiding visual contact but, for some reason, not the physical one.
Before you could react, Alastor quickly recomposed himself, looking at you with a cheeky grin once again while his own hand touches your stomach.
"It is unfair for me to get punished because of your sensitivity, so I'll try something lighter this time."
The demon's fingers began to scratch, but not hurt, tickling you in a slow yet surprisingly effective way. You grabbed his wrist, but didn't have the courage to take it off as you knew it would come to an end if you did.
Your chuckles, snorts, cackles, any noises you would make, would spread the room as long as he wanted, and the silence would only return once you're finally asleep.
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worksby-d · 1 year
Taking After You
Pairing: Andy Barber x pregnant girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Visiting Andy at work during your lunch break a.k.a. just using him cause he's got a comfy sofa you can nap on.
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Warnings: None!!!
Word count: ~700
Your attempt at walking in quietly doesn't matter. As soon as he hears his office door click open, he's putting a pause on what he's working on and getting up to greet you.
He's been patiently waiting since you texted him an hour ago asking if you could stop by during your lunch break.
“You don't have to take a break yet if you're busy,” you try to tell him as you close the door again behind you.
Your words go in one ear and out the other though. He's already leaned against his desk, holding a hand out for you to bring you closer.
“Nonsense, honey.” He's not going to turn down spending time with you. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” you sigh, stepping into his arms. “Just came to say hi.”
“I was hoping you were coming to do a little more than just say hi,” he teases, resting his hands on your waist.
You roll your eyes, linking your arms around his neck. You probably don't even want to know, but you ask anyway. “What did you have in mind?”
“Hoping you came to give me a kiss, maybe,” he suggests, giving you an innocent smile.
That, you can do. You give him a quick kiss, swiping your lip gloss off his lips with your thumb as you pull away.
“That's all?” You raise an eyebrow, not believing that for one second.
He pretends to think for a moment and you almost regret playing along.
“For now,” he winks, leaning to steal one more kiss before becoming more serious. “How are you feeling?”
His hand moves from your side to rest on your growing belly. He had a hard time leaving you this morning knowing you were feeling almost too nauseous to get out of bed. You miraculously ended up making it to work shortly after him, but then all he could think about was whether you were making it through the day okay.
“So tired,” you answer honestly, letting out a short laugh as you lay your head on his shoulder. Despite your attempt of laughing it off, he knows it's taking a toll on you.
“I know,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Tell baby girl she has to let you rest a little.”
“I do! She already doesn't listen to me,” you joke with an exasperated sigh. “Taking after you, unfortunately.”
“Hey,” he laughs, dropping his other hand to playfully tap your ass. “I listen. Tell me what you want to eat, I'll prove it to you.”
“I don't want anything–” You’re cut off by your own yawn. “I came here to take a nap on your sofa.”
He scoffs. “You're using me?”
“Yes,” you quip straight-faced, stepping out of his arms. “I know no one will bother me here.”
“Have you eaten yet though?” He won't let that go. “You need to eat something.”
“When I wake up,” you promise. His look of concern doesn't go away though. “Please?”
He offers a smile, letting out a deep breath, knowing he won't win this one. As much as you need to eat, he knows you could use the rest too. He holds out his arm toward the sofa, gesturing for you to go for it.
“Thank you,” you mirror his smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He quietly goes back to work as you lay down and fall asleep almost instantly.
He can't help but glance over at you every so often to make sure you're comfortable. He gets up once to put his suit jacket on top of you like a blanket, swearing he noticed you shiver.
He jumps when you grab his hand before he walks away, not realizing you’re actually half awake. “What’s wrong–”
“Nothing,” you laugh and apologize for startling him. You know he's in a constant state of concern lately. “She's kicking.”
He lets you place his hand where you're feeling it so he can feel it too. A faint smile takes over his face, his previous worry slowly dissipating.
“You girls are on opposite schedules,” he chuckles. “Why’s it always when you're wanting to sleep?”
“I don't know,” you giggle. “You have to ask her that.”
“I will.” He leans over to kiss your forehead, talking softly to you. “You try to go back to sleep for a bit.” You watch him kneel on the floor, making himself eye level with your stomach. “She and I will have a little chat before I go get your lunch.”
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crumbledcastle28 · 1 year
Sebastian Sallow: Metallic Blood, Lacewing Flies, and Frostbitten Air
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x fem!ravenclaw!reader (she/her; afab) (house is only mentioned twice)
Summary: Sebastian has pushed it too far and can think of no other remedy than you.
Excerpt: "Do you honestly think I would not be able to answer Ravenclaw's precious riddle?" he questioned. You scoffed, reaching to your left to turn on your yellow-toned lamp resting on your bedside table, and Sebastian's body stiffened. You faced him, eyes widening, and hands coming over your once again wide open mouth. A gash - so deep, red, and bloody that the skin was separated in two- stretching from the top of his left eyebrow to the bone of his jawline was the first thing you noticed. The second was the smile he still adorned. "I lied," he laughed humorlessly, still smiling as blood trickled into his mouth. "I got Amit to tell me the answer months ago."
Warnings: small mention of death, swearing, blood, detailed descriptions of stitching, crying, kissing, so much flirting, AGED UP CHARACTERS.
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N; Here we are again. Thank you to @peterwandaparker @ithinkweallsing @intheshadowofthegame @pasukiyo and @slythering-snake-boys for the love on my previous fic. I hope you all enjoy :)
My Writing
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(pic from pinterest)
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There was no solace like sleep.
Drifting away in a sea of covers and quilts, the pillow wrapped in your arms your only anchor to the conscious world. Hours go by in fractions of seconds; zeal coats your body and mind at the feeling of its promise. Your frigid hands and tired eyes cured by the touch of a blanket and the warping of a mattress against the curve of your spine. A stage to dream, not to think. Not to feel. Not to worry. Only to coast.
You were ripped from its precipice by a hand as cold as death.
You pulled away from it, your mind too sunken into your slumber to even conceptualize that it was real, until it pulled at you again. As light as a feather, and equally as apprehensive.
You hummed softly, blinking yourself awake, eyes watered with so much fatigue that everything was a blur. You shut your eyes harshly and opened them once more, vision now clear enough to make out the silhouette in front of you.
Or rather, the man in front of you.
Fortunately, you could recognize him by the depth of his breaths alone.
"Sebastian!" you shouted, sitting up completely in the darkness, still wrapped in the sheets of your bed.
"Shhh," he replied, pressing the palm of his right hand against your mouth, and the palm of his left against your cheek. His touch was firm, not rough.
You mumbled something against his skin as he scanned the vacant room, ensuring no being had managed to hear him. You attempted to speak again, and he finally let go of his hold.
"What are you doing here?" you said, managing to somehow whisper and yell at the same time.
"I -" he began, his breath coming through his mouth becoming slower and slower, " - I needed you."
You were grateful for the darkness overwhelming the room. Your mouth opened like a hog. You quickly shut it.
"How in Merlin's name did you even get in here?"
You could see the smirk on his face, even through the night.
"Do you honestly think I would not be able to answer Ravenclaw's precious riddle?" he questioned.
You scoffed, reaching to your left to turn on your yellow-toned lamp resting on your bedside table, and Sebastian's body stiffened.
You faced him, eyes widening, and hands coming over your once again wide open mouth.
A gash - so deep, red, and bloody that the skin was separated in two- stretching from the top of his left eyebrow to the bone of his jawline was the first thing you noticed. The second was the smile he still adorned.
"I lied," he laughed humorlessly, still smiling as blood trickled into his mouth. "I got Amit to tell me the answer months ago."
Your hands still cupped your mouth at the sight of his gaping wound, so fresh blood was still pouring down his neck, as you took a shaky breath in. Your hands dropped from your mouth as his smile slowly dissipated into a wince.
"Seb," you whispered.
"I told you," he replied, bloodshot eyes piercing into yours. "I needed you - need you."
You quickly snapped out of your shock and forced yourself to focus, all remnants of drowsiness replaced with its viger, and stood up. You made your way around your bed and opened the second drawer of your bedside table, pulling out a dusty first-aid. Sebastian allowed his full weight to be seated onto your bed, the frame of it squeaking.
"You're lucky every other Ravenclaw went home for the holidays," you said, dusting off the kit and opening it. You took out what you needed - multiple towels, a needle, a vile of previously boiled water, and string.
Sebastian hummed in agreement. "And I'm lucky you didn't."
You smiled, bringing your supplies over to your bed. You propped him up against the bed frame, and you sat before him, legs crossed. "I suppose you are."
You took his chin into your hands and moved his face around in the light, taking a good look at his injury. The skin was completely sliced, and a bruise was already beginning to form around his eye. His eyes fluttered, obviously trying to mask the pain.
"Magic won't work on this," you said, opening the vial of water and dousing a towel with it. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," he responded, and you pressed the towel against the wound. He hissed, balling your sheets up into his fist. The towel quickly became stained with red.
"What happened?" you asked, attempting to distract him in any way you could.
"What do you think?" he responded quickly. "He didn't want me there."
"He" meaning his Uncle Solomon. You hummed, your way of coaxing him to continue.
"I arrived in Feldcroft this morning and went to our house immediately, and Anne was ecstatic," he said, and you removed the towel, satisfied with the wound's cleanliness. You began to thread your needle. "I haven't seen her that happy in months."
You smiled, the image of her smiling filling you with a crackling joy.
Sebastian smiled at your smile.
"She brought me inside, hugging me so hard I could hardly breathe," he continued, and you lined up your needle. He saw it from the corner of his eye, and his body paralyzed with fear. His breath halted, and so did yours.
"I'll be as quick as I can," you whispered, looking him in the eye.
"I know," he replied, but his eyes shut and his face winced, preparing himself for the pain. For some reason, it was that image that finally sunk the situation into your brain. How hurt Sebastian was, both physically and emotionally, and how desperate he was to just get this over with. You felt helpless, tears beginning to culminate into your eyes. You didn't want to be the cause of that look on his face, but you had to be, and you hated yourself for it.
You were all he had.
And it was with that realization that you couldn't help yourself. You kissed his cheek, just to the right of his wound, breathing in his usual musk of fresh pears, butterscotch, and clean linen. This scent was now clouded, however, with the pungent aromas of metallic blood, lacewing flies, and frost-bitten air. His skin was soft against your lips, despite it all, but you did not allow yourself the time to memorize it. Instead, you pulled away, hoping he could understand everything you meant with the kiss. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you. I've got you now. You're safe.
You lined up your needle once again, not allowing yourself to see whatever reaction he had to the gesture, and stuck it through the skin, beginning to stitch.
The whimper he released cracked your heart in two.
"Keep talking," you said to him, focusing as best you could. "Just keep talking."
He caught his breath, swallowed harshly, and continued, his voice strained and husked. "She brought me into the kitchen, showing me the meal she prepared. I told her how - how proud of her I was. She thanked me for coming and then brought me to the ta - table, mumbling something about how ha - happy she was to celebrate the holidays as a family."
You had made it to just below his cheek bone, your body sweating and his shaking. Tears still ran from your eyes.
He swallowed again, exhaling deeply. "She set it all up, made sure I was comfortable, and we waited for Solomon. She asked me about - about school. How I was doing. Ho - how you were doing."
You would be lying if you said your focus did not waver.
"I told her everything was great," he continued, hissing once again as you tightened an especially separated piece of skin.
"Over halfway done," you mumbled, and he nodded.
"Finally he showed up, not hi - hiding his shock at my presence at all," Sebastian said. "And we started eating. Everything was perfect. The snow was falling through the window, Anne was happy, I was happy, it was like something out of a novel."
You waited for the catch.
"Until I fucked it up. Like always."
You almost grabbed his hand. Almost.
"I mentioned some of the research I've been doing to - to help Anne," he said, "and Solomon lost it. Yelled that I had to go and ruin the holidays with my obsession with Anne's condition. He ye - yelled so loud that he..."
Sebastian paused, and you paused with him.
"...he made Anne flinch," he said through gritted teeth, "and so I lost it too. I don't even remember what I said."
You looked at him for a moment, this broken boy in your bed, and scoured your brain for any string of words that could make him feel better. Everything you came up with felt immeasurable to his anguish.
So, you finished the final section of stitching quicker than you thought you ever could, not ignoring how Sebastian did not even flinch, and cut the thread. You then placed a fresh, cold-water soaked towel into his wound, attempting to calm it down.
Your eyes never left his, which were now staring off into the distance, haunted.
"Seb," you whispered, trying your best to cradle him with your voice, "then what?"
He sighed. "It's blurry. I know I stormed out, I don't remember what direction I took. Next thing I knew, Ranrok's loyalists were surrounding me, and I..."
He breathed deeply.
"...I killed them all."
You nodded, gently wiping at his wound before removing the towel completely. He turned to look at you, his gaze a mix of fire and pain.
"And I got this during the fight. A moment I wasn't looking," he said.
You nodded again and placed the dirty towels and needle onto a third clean one, and placed that onto the wooden floor of the common room. You looked at your hands in the glowing light - coated in blood, some even dripping down your wrists, a few droplets finding their way onto your sleep shirt.
You looked back up at him, his eyes on your hands as well.
"How's it feel?" you asked him, and his eyes snapped back up into yours.
"Better," he mumbled, wiping at his nose. The wound was yellow, ugly, and swollen, but it was closed. Soon enough, Wiggenweld would work on it, and it would be healed completely. You didn't need to tell him that. "Thank you, Y/N. Really."
You nodded, resting your sticky hands in your lap. "Thank you for being honest with me."
He nodded back, and the two of you sat like that for some time. Neither knowing what to say, but neither wanting the other to leave.
You broke the silence, sliding off the bed and standing up. "Get some rest, Sebastian. You need it."
He looked up at you, eyes caramelized from the yellow lamps and tears, and stood up in front of you. The look upon on his face was a mix of seemingly every emotion, and he licked his lips. You looked up at him and smiled faintly before leaning down to move the blood-soaked towels out of the way.
He stopped you, sliding his palms over your cheekbones, and kissed your lips.
You wished you could say you hesitated, pulled away in shock, or stopped him, asking if this was something he truly wanted or if it was a way to separate from his own brain, but no.
You all but fucking melted.
His lips were like velvet, caressing against your own like a moth to a flame, unable to get enough, not caring if it burned. And yet, he was delicate with the rest of his body - his hands on your face slowly making their way down to your waist. He was a magnet for you, pulling you in like a song. It did not take you long to place your own hands onto his robes and pull the material between your fingers, pulling him closer, closer, closer. He tasted of roast and cinnamon, likely from the dinner he had mentioned.
You whined as he tipped your head back suddenly, allowing him more access to cartograph your mouth. Merlin, he kissed and kissed and kissed you - breathing into your mouth, nibbling on your bottom lip, never letting go.
You didn't want him to.
His hands were in your hair now, massaging your scalp with his nails, sending chills down your spine. Your hands moved to his tie, making it nearly impossible for him to pull away.
He found a way.
You chased after his lips with your own, but he held you back, breathing a laugh against your mouth. You opened your eyes.
His freckles were a piece of fucking art up close.
"Y/N," he whispered against your mouth, centimeters away. "Y/N."
"We've got to work on your aim."
You smiled, knowing he was referring to your quick taste of his skin from earlier. "Oh, 'we' do?"
He smiled wide enough to show his dimples, stretching the stitches, eyes darting from your left eye, to your right, to your mouth. "Yes."
"So that's why you kissed me?" you questioned, mouths still nearly touching. "So we could 'work on my aim?'"
His face suddenly turned sincere. "No," he said. "No it wasn't."
You smiled, eyes glowing in victory.
He pulled you back to his mouth, but as you closed your eyes, you caught a glimpse of your hands on his chest, and pulled away with a gasp.
"What?" he said, suddenly panic-stricken, removing his hands from your body instantly. "I'm sorry, what did I -"
"Your robes," you said, pointing at his chest, and he looked down.
His white shirt, tie, and collar of his robe were stained pink, fingerprints visible even in the grim lighting you were standing in. His mouth opened, but before long, he met your gaze with a smile.
"Sebastian I - you're smiling?"
He laughed, genuinely laughed. "Yes, I'm smiling," he said, still laughing.
"But I've just stained your things!" you said, unable to not laugh with him. "I am so sorry, Seb. I'll wash them, I swear -"
"Trust me, Y/N, this is not the first time I have gotten blood on my clothing," he said as he walked closer to you once more and pecked your lips. "But it is by far my favorite time."
You rolled your eyes and kissed him again, and again, and again, the both of you smiling into the kisses so big you could barely even bring your lips together. You hummed contentedly, as did he.
"Sebastian," you whispered against his mouth, and he kissed you again, practically groaning.
"Merlin do that again," he asked, and you smirked.
"Sebastian," you said, and he kissed you harder than he had all night.
"Yes?" he responded.
"You need to sleep. You need to heal."
"I need you," he said, and you kissed him one final time.
"Go to your common room, take a shower, get some sleep," you said to him, eyes dancing across his gash, despite the mind-numbing image of Sebastian Sallow with swollen lips and flushed cheeks you had before you.
You didn't want him to go, but he had to.
He nodded, knowing you were right, but still not removing his hands from you.
"And after you do all that," you continued, "you come and find me. To make sure you are healing properly, of course."
Merlin, if only you could have captured the look on his face that he met you with and kept it in your pocket for the rest of your days. He nodded and pressed one final kiss to your own cheek. You smiled.
"Of course," he said sarcastically against your skin. "Thank you, Y/N. For everything."
You nodded, and with one final smile, he walked past you to exit the common room. You rubbed your lips together, wondering if you were somehow in a dream the entire time.
"Oh, and by the way," he said, and you turned around to face him. He had made it to the door to the bedroom, one hand on the handle as he spoke.
"I kissed you because I have been in love with you since the day you bested me in our duel."
He left you with only the echo of the door closing behind him, and the realization that no, this was not a dream. Not at all.
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masturbucky · 2 years
The Intruder
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DARK!Winter Soldier x fem!reader
Summary: You had issues with sleeping for the past two weeks. You wake up every night and you swear you can feel someone's staring from the shadows, but there's no one, and you know it's your imagination. Sometimes you feel touches. When you're tired of your mind tricks, you start taking those sleeping pills. It's good for you, and for the man who watches your sleep every night, too. But you dont need to know that. You need to sleep.
WARNINGS: DARK REALLY DARK PLEASE BE AWARE(!!!), Smut, Somnophilia, NON-CONSENSUAL EVERYTHING, AGAIN IT'S A FUCKING RAPE, Obsessive behavior, unprotected p in v, WS basically romanticizes from his sick point what he does to you, no y/n, literally NO comfort, creampie, marking, a bit of knife play(he tears your shirt off and touches you with a knife a bit), a lot of mentions of death by WS, choke kink if you squint, dacryphilia if you squint, what else? ENGLISH IS NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE! Also I kinda forgot to post it when I finished it and so i remembered only like an hour ago, changed some stuff a bit, but grammar errors are still on the table yk. Also, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ. I'M NOT YOUR DADDY I CAN'T TELL YOU SHIT, I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE A MINOR, IT'S YOUR PROBLEM.
You sigh, dropping your bag on the couch while slipping out of your shoes on the way to the kitchen. It's a living hell, you think.
Two fucking weeks you can't sleep. You wake up every night, a several times at least, with a fucking panic attack, or in a sleep paralysis, or whatever the fuck it is — you don't know, you don't care, you just want it to stop.
The thing is, you're going insane.
Every night the reason you wake up is this feeling of someone's eyes on you. Someone's staring at you, from the shadowed corner of your room, every night and it doesn't stop. At first you weren't brave enough to look. On the thrid night you said fuck it and turned the light on, looking around. No one, nothing, no trace of anyone's presence. The fuck you expected to see? The windows were closed, same goes to the door — you checked, three times and one more to be sure — and you were honestly confused and tired enough to get back to sleep. Only for the same thing to happen the following night. And the next one. And again, and again, and again.
You changed locks. Better safe than sorry, you know?
It didn't helped. You still feel watched every night.
Sometimes YOU SWEAR you could feel lingering touches on your body. Cold or warm.
Again, you're going insane.
You bought a fucking camera and installed it in your bedroom under the ceiling just to find your sleepy self and your scared to hell awake self, walking around and searching for the fucking intruder, on it in the morning.
You tried to invite your friends over for the night, but — what am I, a fucking joke? — they all laughed at you, when you told your story. Fuck them, really, you should consider searching for new friends.
You decided to go to the therapist your friend (the only one who, thankfully, didn't laughed with the rest, but still brushed you off) recommended you. The point is, you'll have to wait a month to get an appointment in their busy schedule. You ain't gonna wait so long, you need to sleep for fuck's sake.
That's being said, here you are. Reading an instruction list to Flurazepam, which is like a fucking blanket itself, and grinning like an idiot, excited. Fuck your brain really, fuck it's dumb imagination, fuck the imaginary intruder! You need your sleep and you'll get your sleep, thanks to medicine!
Tonight you eat, shower, read your evening book and get to bed happily, excited to finally get some sleep. Maybe you take a bit more Flurazepam than needed. Just in case, you know?
He entered your apartment the same way as always - it wasn't hard to steal your keys and make a copy. He's used to be unnoticed, they would've been disappointed if he was careless enough to let you know about his mere existence. So far, you're stupid enough not to look into details. Smart enough to try and change locks and install a camera, smart enough to show him that you're safe from everyone, but him.
He stops the recording of this damn camera before walking into your room. He solved this problem the first night you installed it. It's a nice kind of change, he must admit. Seeing you from different angle other than from cameras he installed before is nice, truly. Beautiful, clever and caring about his... needs, even without knowing about him. That's what makes you so divine.
Tonight... To be honest, he was waiting for this just as much as you. He was excited, even. For your sleep and his next move in your relationship, if he could call it that.
He takes his mask and glasses off, walking closer to your bed, to your sleeping, relaxed. Asleep, more calm than usual. Just like the first night. Your breath is soft, heartrate is slow, the pills you took obviously worked. You probably took a bit more than you should have, his dumb little thing you are.
He doesn't know how it all happened, to be honest.
What he knows is, he needs you. Badly. All the time, day and night, needs to see your beauty and he needs to be close to something as perfect as you. He thought they wiped everything that could've been even close to what he feels towards you, but apparently they only made it worse.
More likely they know where he disappears every night to. They know everything, and he noticed how much easier it became to sneak out. And if they know and let it be, then he's allowed to have this. Which probably gives them even more power over him.
But he doesn't care. As long as he can see his angel, as long as he can touch something as perfect as you are, he doesn't give a fuck about what else Hydra would make him do. Consider it done. Consider it dead.
He takes his gloves off, kneeling down beside your bed. Slides your blanket off your body, and takes a deep breath. You're in your usual clothes of choice — this tempting shirt, which he often can see your nipples through, which he allows himself to touch sometimes even, and a comfy pair of underwear. He doesn't know what other men usually consider sexy, but for him it is whatever you wear. Especially this pair of panties.
Brings his hand to your thigh, more confidently than usual strokes the smooth skin up, touching the soft material of your underwear and sliding under the warmth of your shirt, to your belly. He doesn't need to be careful now. You won't wake up anyway, you're too deep in your slumber, thanks to those pills.
He almost groans only at the feeling of your soft, warm skin under his fingertips. It's not often when he touches you UNDER your clothes. Too much of a risk, he never intended to wake you up. It would mean a too big step, he doesn't need you to put up a fight and resist too much. If so, he would have to hurt you. And take you away. He's not ready to do that just yet.
But now? Now he can at least do that much without rushing things into it's natural ending. He could have you now, he could taste you now, and then he would prepare to take you somewhere where he would do that as often as possible. He just has to be patient.
For now he could just leave you a message of who you belong to. A promise, of sorts.
The bed cracked under his weight loudly, thanks god you're so deep in your sleep, and the blade shines in the moonlight, so does the hand, the whole arm. Soldier knows that what he's about to do will break you. But a broken angel is still an angel, a fallen one is not.
However, he's very clear with his messages.
Your shirt goes first. The material breaks easily on a sharp knife, he uses it to kill after all, and he's devouring every second of it. He prays that it wont be possible to erase from his mind, just like it was with you, with his angel.
"Beautiful," He breathes out, his voice hoarse and his throat hurts. He hasn't talked in quite some time.
Your shirt is no longer on his way. And oh god, seeing your chest again makes him believe in heaven, whatever this is. When you'll be his, you won't be wearing any clothes at all. It will be his personal heaven.
"So beautiful..." He lowers the knife to your chest, tracing soft skin, nipples with the backside of it. He could so easily switch the side, he could leave a permanent mark on you, a reminder of your first night as his, but he wont. Not now, at least.
Then he lowers the blade to your underwear. Two simple cuts on either sides - and it's just as dysfunctional as the shirt. But he doesn't think you'll need them anyway, now. He might as well just... Take them, as a little reminder for himself? A promise.
He lifts your pretty legs up, resting them on his shoulders when he settles in between, and slides the thorn material from under you with his flesh arm. He wants to feel this. He wants to savor every touch.
Your panties are left in the pocket of his pants, and he returns his full attention to you. Only if you knew how beautiful you are right now, naked for him, ready for him. He would show you, one day. When you would be conscious and used to him, his presence, his touches. For now, this will do.
The knife is back in it's holder, and he lowers to your warm body. Hands slide up your waist to your tits, and the left one to your neck. Metal fingers trace the warm, delicate skin, pressing ever so slightly. The only time he really focuses on how much pressure he adds. Looks just perfect on you.
He can't wait anymore.
Right hand slides off your body to lower his pants, just enough to free his almost uncomfortable erection. He was so mesmerized by your beauty that he completely forgot about himself.
Leans back slightly, once again admiring the view. His angel, so perfect and peaceful, in her sleep. Your calm face, delicate neck, chest, your belly, legs and, a fucking paradise, your pussy. He can't see much, but he knows its perfect. He had seen it, many times, on the cameras. He also knows what you play with, and where you hide it. Lower drawer of your nightstand.
Soldat leaves a trail of open mouthed kisses on your neck, tasting your skin. It's his time to enjoy, his moment to savor, so he slides his hand down to your exposed to him — only him — heat. You're wet, just a bit. Enough for him, at least. Touching you is a privilege already.
Your legs are pushed up, over his thighs. He doesn't know if he wants to hurry up or take his time, it feels like he needs both. Contradictions became natural to him since he found you.
A deep breath. He lined himself up with your entrance, stroking himself slowly, just a bit. Smearing his precum over your clit and soft folds, enjoying the moment. It's so strange to be so overwhelmed. So excited. You make him feel things he didn't knew he was able to feel, and you have no clue. You will, eventually.
He pushes in slowly, groaning and almost cumming right away, holding himself back and biting on your neck. He takes a second to remind himself about how to breathe. Unbelievable. You feel like death. The best feeling ever, the only good feeling.
When he's fully in, he thinks that calling it a heaven would've been an understatement. Your insides around him are so much more.
When he pulls out to the tip and pushes back in, that's where he could've die happily.
You're so warm. So tight, squeezing his manhood just right. It's where he belonged, it's where he feels complete and forgiven. Your walls hug his dick perfectly, and he want's to stay in there until he fades away. And he wants more.
He's greedy when he starts moving. In and out, slowly at first, but getting faster — yes, he's greedy. He's guilty in more than greed, he doesn't care. With your pussy taking him so well, with your warm body under his hands, his lips, just under him — he doesn't care. It's all his, you're his.
Oh how he wants to hear more than those sweet whimpers from you.
He can imagine. His angel, you, under him, hands gripping on his arms, you'll be begging him for more and crying for him, clamping down on him so deliciously and needy. You'll be screaming — screaming the name he can't quite imagine, he can't remember, but he knows you'll be screaming it. One day.
He will take his time to praise you, to tell you how good you are for him, angel, taking all he can give, giving all you have. He will make sure you're shaking and breaking all over again on his cock, tears smeared all over your face and you're drooling with this fucked out look on your divine face-
Oh god, more. He needs more of you, he takes all he can take.
He will leave so much marks on your body, just like now, over your chest and your neck, while you'll be squeezing him inside and begging, begging for his seed-
He cums with a groan, slurred fuck left his lips, headboard of your bed cracks under his metal hand. Aftershock hit the Soldat hard. Right hand gripping on your hip, his breath is ragged and he barely remembers how to breath correctly — he knows this feeling well, but from the bad side. Now? It's euphoric. He doesn't want it to end, he wants to die right here and there, buried deep inside of your heat, with you taking his cum so well, his beautiful angel.
He opens his eyes after what feels like a blissful eternity, his gaze slowly focuses on you under him. He can hear your breath, hard and ragged, he can see a layer of sweat over your body. Small smile cracks on his face. Even in your sleep, you accepted him. You enjoyed it.
He doesn't want to pull out, but he does so anyway. He reminds himself that it's not the last time. He'll have enough chances to do it again with you, after all. He knows what to do. He knows how. He just needs to prepare it.
Soldat looks down, mesmerized by how his seed leaks out of you. There's so much, he has to resist the urge to push it back in. Or to lick it out.
You're so perfect, his beautiful angel. But he has to go.
On a second thought...
He reaches out to your nightstand, barely even looking up from your pretty cunt, still leaking with his cum. Grabs his mask and glasses. Puts both on quickly, then grabs the remote control of your camera from his pocket, and presses on.
After all, he should be very clear with his messages.
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loserlvrss · 3 months
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summary : keita would never let you go to bed mad at him
genre : angst to eventual fluff, established relationship, drabble, keita x afab!reader tws : alleged argument, kissing author notes : evnneblr doesn't write about keita enough ꃋᴖꃋ that's my short king (i’m barely (157.48cm) 5’2) word count : 1k
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you swear you didn’t have to try hard to hear the dust through the air, that’s how quiet your apartment seemed.
in reality, you weren’t entirely convinced keita hadn’t left a long time ago — probably sound asleep back at the dorm while his members played games.
but he cared more about you than that, didn’t he?
you knew in your heart that your boyfriend would never leave you unhappy; never leave an argument unsolved. you knew, as you laid between the covers on your bed, that keita was probably still sitting on your couch.
you could almost picture his head resting against the back, hear the frustrated sigh that left his lips. you didn’t want to be angry anymore, honestly not remembering what you two had argued about in the first place. in hindsight, you realized it probably didn’t even matter.
but you could remember the nasty words that were spewed in venom-laced tones. and you regretted them more than anything. you shouldn’t have blamed him for being tired — he worked so hard after all — you shouldn’t have yelled at him after he bedrudgingly came over after hours of dance practice. you shouldn’t have accused him of not loving you anymore, because that was the final straw, causing an argument that after a while didn’t even pertain to the initial spark.
you knew he loved you with his entire heart. hell, you loved him just as much, if not more. so, you, at the end of your scattered thoughts, couldn’t figure out where all this had come from. you didn’t need to seek out forgiveness, because in your mind there was nothing for either of you to be truly sorry for. couples fight, argue, disagree. it’s all a part of the hurdles of life. the only thing you were sorry for was dragging it out this long when you both could’ve been asleep in each others arms.
“y/n,” you heard the creek of your bedroom door, “are you awake?” you debated stooping lower and pretending to sleep. however, you couldn’t figure out where that thought stemmed from either. maybe it’s what you would’ve done to your exes, but keita was different from them; more patient, gentle and definitely, a lot kinder. he didn’t deserve that, and you knew it. “it’s getting kinda late, and if you want me to go so you can cool off a bit more, i can. i just need a yes or no then.”
you sat up, curling your knees into your chest, and wrapping your arms around them. you could see his backlight silhouette in the doorway, hand still nervously fidgeting with the knob.
“i’m sorry.” you finally said against cold air, “i shouldn’t have said those things to you, keita. i know they aren’t true.” you saw him freeze, but before he got a chance to get a word in, you spoke again, “and i’m sorry for letting it go on this long, i’m not mad at you anymore. so, please don’t go?” you didn’t mean for it to sound so much like a question, but you also didn’t want to pressure him to stay if he hadn’t forgiven you for such an audacious claim.
you don’t know if the tension felt one-sided, or if he was drowning in it too. you had a shortness of breath, a trembling in your heart and hands. a nervousness you couldn’t fight off as you awaited his voice.
“i won’t, if…” he said, cutting through the thickness of the air and all the way to your ears. your mind started running, jumping to fill in the voided sentence with whatever you could muster up. was it bad? was it good? would he stay with you tonight? you didn’t want time to be the teller, but it seemed maybe he was teasing you for being so stupid earlier. or maybe he was just coming up with ways to have you make it up to him, weighing out which would be the best. “if you admit that you know i love you.”
he began approaching the bed, and you pouted out your bottom lip in an attempt to stop the emotions from spilling over. “but either way, obviously, i’m going to have to show you because you seemed to have forgot.” he climbed up onto the bed, moving the covers out of his way.
the moment you felt his hands meet your arms, tears started rolling down your cheeks.
you don’t really know why you started crying. maybe it was because you had kept them back after storming off to your room, staring at the ceiling for god knows how long. but they didn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend, his palms coming to rest against your cheeks as his thumbs brushed them away.
“baby,” you could see, even through the dark, that he looked at you like you were the cutest thing in the world — and maybe to him, you were. “it’s okay, you don’t have to cry. i’m not mad at you, i know you didn’t mean it. i’m sorry we said those things to each other, i’m sorry i left you in here alone like this. you were just upset i’ve been neglecting you for practice, and i was frustrated about being so tired. i’m sorry, y/n.”
he punctuated every word by peppering a light kiss to various parts of your face, “i love you.” and finally he kissed your lips, gently holding you in place. “i’ll never do it again — never leave you upset like this again.”
“i’ll never do it either — never accuse you of not loving me. i’m really sorry.” you hiccuped out, lips barely centimeters apart.
he smiled at your words, “you forgive me?”
you sniffled, “do you forgive me?”
he kissed your lips again, “i’ll always forgive you, baby.”
“i love you, keita.”
“you know i love you too?”
you breathily laughed, in disbelief of the night you’ve had, “yeah.” you whispered, reaffirming it with another light kiss that you initiated this time.
your heart was full as he adjusted the two of you to be laying down, your head against his chest. he traced cute doodles on your bare arm, holding you to him, and you listened to the rhythmic beats and gentle breathing until eventually the two of you fell asleep — close and unbothered, just how it was intended to be.
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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No Distance Left to Run | Part 5 | S.R
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Chapter Summary - Spencer puts his hatred for Cat aside in order to try and save you before it’s too late. But even if he manages to get you back from the clutches of her partner, can the two of you really have a future?
Pairing - Spencer Reid / BAU Fem! Reader
Category - friends to lovers | mutual pining | angst with happy ending | smut minors DNI
Warnings - spoilers for 14.08 Ashley, hostage situation, guns, swearing, talk of miscarriage (canon compliant), vomit, blood.
WC - 8.2k
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Part 5 - Red Light, Green Light
Present Day
“We need to talk.”
“No we don’t.”
“Yes, we do.” 
Your eyes fluttered, your brain flitting between consciousness and sleep. You tried to fight to stay awake but you were just so tired.
“We need to talk.”
“No we don’t.”
“Yes, we do.” 
The dark haired woman was still playing on her phone, feet up on the counter. The bracelet was sitting on the corner of it, tauntingly sparkling at you. 
She wouldn’t tell you how she’d come to be in possession of it, of course she wouldn’t. But it made you fear what had happened to Spencer. 
He was the last person who had it, what had this woman done to get her hands on? Was he here? Was he being held in another room? Was he…dead? 
“We need to talk.”
“No we don’t.”
“Yes, we do.” 
Images kept flashing before your lids every time your eyes fluttered closed. Shimmers of gold and twinkling lights. Large, spherical golden orbs hanging from the ceiling, strings of fairy lights illuminating the otherwise drab BAU lobby.
“We need to talk.” Spencer sidled up to you, whispering so no one else would hear. 
“No we don’t.” You kept your eyes focused on the elevator shaft, gripping your champagne flute tightly in your hand. 
“Yes, we do.” He hissed and then you felt his hand on your back as he started leading you away. 
You’d just arrived back from a case in New Hampshire where little girls were being abducted after their parents were killed with the unsub trying to rehome the girls with more “worthy” parents. 
It was Spencer’s last case before he took a sabbatical to teach classes at the university and honestly you’d been quietly looking forward to him being gone. 
It had been nearly three months since the night in Varnville and the tension between you was close to reaching fever pitch. 
“Now is really not the time.” You spat as he continued to lead you down the corridor. 
“Yeah well there has never been a good time.” He removed his hand from you as soon as you were far enough away from the others. 
“Spencer, Rossi and Krystall are imminently going to come up in the elevator and either they will be engaged or Rossi will be crushed. Either way we need to be there.” You huffed, half wondering if you might crush your champagne glass with the grip you were holding it in. 
“I can’t keep doing this, Y/N. It’s been months of you giving me the cold shoulder. The team knows something is up, they’ve been asking questions. I…I miss you.” He softened, his eyes full of sorrow. “I miss my best friend.” 
You swallowed thickly, loosening the grip on your glass a little. 
“I miss mine too.” You admitted. “But every time I look at you, I am flooded with guilt, Spencer. What we did…it should never have happened.” 
“I just want us to be ok again.” He rolled his lip between his teeth. 
“So do I.” You nodded. 
“At least we can agree on something.” He offered you a slightly wistful smile. 
“It’s going to take time though, Spencer. For us to get back to how things used to be.” 
“But we can try?” He asked, hopefully. 
“Yeah,” you sighed a little. “We can try.” 
“She said yes!” Rossi’s voice suddenly carried down the hall followed in quick succession by cheers of congratulations. 
You went to pass Spencer to hurry back to the festivities but he stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
The look he gave you said so much. There were so many things he wanted to say to you, you could tell he was struggling to pick just one. 
Eventually he sighed and simply whispered, “you’re too good for him” before turning away from you and walking away. 
“I think it’s time we up the ante, don’t you?” 
Your heavy eyes shot back open at the sound of her voice. She was on her feet, her phone dangling from one hand. 
“Just tell me what you want.” You groaned, your throat was so dry. 
“I already told you. For you to see what he’s really like.” She scowled at you like you were a misbehaved child. 
“I don’t know what that means.” You tugged on your bindings. 
“Do you think they’ll find you?” She cocked an eyebrow at you. 
“Wh-who?” You frowned at her change of subject. 
“Your team. SSA’s Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Tara Lewis, Luke Alvez and Matt Simmons? And that’s not to forget technical analyst Penelope Garcia and of course Doctor Spencer Reid.” 
“Bravo, you know my team's names.” You rolled your tired eyes. 
“Do you think they’ll find you?” She repeated. 
“While I’m alive?” You huffed. “Or after you kill me?” 
Her lip twitched up at the corner in a wry smile. She pocketed her phone and moved back over towards the camera on the edge of the counter. She pressed a button and the bright red light illuminated. 
“It’s time we talked about why you’re here. Cat Adams wants you to know what your lover boy is really like.”
“Goddamnit,” Spencer groaned when he almost lost his footing for the hundredth time.
To his right came the sound of Cat’s playful giggle. 
“I figured a genius like you would have a mathematical equation or some kind of scientific theory for this.” She snickered. 
“Gravity dictates that my body is naturally being drawn towards the floor.” Spencer huffed. 
“It has nothing to do with your gangly and uncoordinated limbs?” She laughed again. 
“I’m not gangly.” He grumbled, wobbling again on his roller skates. 
“You can’t skate backwards?” She chirruped, showing off her skills, keeping her eyes on his as she expertly manoeuvred herself backwards on the skates. 
“I can barely go forward.” He scoffed. 
“You need to keep your head up.” 
Spencer pulled a face but did as she said, lifting his head, rolling it back a little too far and he stumbled again. 
Cat laughed, quickly skating to his aid and grabbing him before he could hit the floor. 
“Not that far.” She linked her arm through his, keeping him upright and slowly started to move them both on the rink. “Is someone having fun? I’m having fun.”
Spencer’s hand was on top of hers which rested on his forearm. He didn’t think he meant to put it there. He glanced at her and she glanced at him. He couldn’t speak, so Cat continued. 
“If your stupid chaperones weren’t here, I’d ask the DJ to put on some Savage Garden for the guy-girl skate and we could totally make out.” Her tone was teasing but it made Spencer’s chest constrict. 
He stumbled a little at the mere thought as she let go of him so she could look at him. 
“You, uh, you realise what I have to do, right?” He fought to keep his balance, 
“Uhm lemme think. Ask me a bunch of pointed questions and hope that I trip up?” She rolled her eyes, skating backwards again like it was the easiest thing in the world. 
“What happened to your baby?” He asked, arms flailing a little. 
“What?” She frowned. 
“The last time I saw you, you were pregnant with someone else's baby that you said was mine.” Spencer shrugged but it threw his balance off again and he stumbled before managing to correct himself, 
“Why are you asking me about that? I don’t wanna talk about that.” Her tone suddenly turned defensive. 
“Hormonal changes during pregnancy expand the brain's capacity for empathy. I was actually just trying to see if I could use it against you.” 
“Oh really? What about, um, sex?” She suddenly skated closer to him, really close. Soon her whole body was pressed against his and her arms were wrapping around his neck. “Why don’t you use that against me?”
He instinctively held her by the waist whilst swallowing thickly. She noticed the shift in his eyes, could see exactly what he was thinking about. 
She pulled herself away and shook her head angrily. And then she was raising her arm and her palm collided with the side of Spencer’s face in a slap that echoed around the roller rink. 
Spencer fell to the ground on his knees, hissing at the sensation of the hard floor slamming into his old injury. 
He looked up to see her standing over him, her eyes dark with rage. 
“You can’t even give me five minutes? Five minutes where you aren’t thinking about her?” She spat before she was turning effortlessly and skating away, 
“Cat!” Spencer tried to scabble to his feet. “Cat, wait!” 
By the time he got himself up she was already off the rink, sitting by the side and working her feet out of her skates. 
He managed to push himself towards the edge and used the little wall to guide himself to the opening in the rink. 
“She’ll never love you.” Cat spat harshly, standing back up once she had the skates off. “Not like you love her.” 
“You’re going to make sure of that right?” Spencer rolled his lip between his teeth. “That’s what this is about. “You want Y/N to be scared of me the way she is of her husband.” 
Cat’s expression didn’t change, she was always so hard to read even for a seasoned profiler. 
“I don’t want to talk about her.” Cat folded her arms. “If you can’t go five minutes without thinking about her while you’re here with me then this date is over. Wrap it up boys.” 
Spencer clenched his jaw, glancing over his shoulder towards Luke in the booth and shook his head subtly. 
“You have my undivided attention, I promise.” Spencer spoke as he looked back at her. 
“I don’t believe you.” Cat shook her head. 
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to prove it to you.” He shrugged, powerlessly. 
“You’re pathetic, do you know that?” She surprised him with her words. 
“How so?” He humoured her. 
“Pining after a married woman all these years.” She clucked. 
“Yeah well I think you know enough about her to know that he’s out of the way now. You’ve had eyes on her, your partner, Juliette, she’s been stalking her. When Jared was arrested you found your perfect time to strike, the perfect leverage over me.
She was at Rossi’s wedding, I remember her. She overheard me talking about Y/N and what happened to her husband and the fact that I have feelings for her. And now you want to use that against me, you want her to hate me because me and my team had Lindsey arrested. I know you’re game, Cat, you’re predictable. And I also know you won’t have her killed because it’s too easy.”
“You think any of this has been easy?” She scoffed. “Clearly I’m not as predictable as you think.”
“What does that mean?” Spencer swallowed thickly. 
“You should have Garcia check her emails.” Her lips turned up into a wicked smirk. 
Spencer felt his blood turn to ice in his veins and he turned back to Luke once more who was already on his phone calling Quantico. 
“Ohemgee. Ohemgee!” Penelope screamed as your face materialised on the big screen in the round table room, tied to the chair just like you had been in the photograph. 
Emily nudged her in her arm to silence the blonde as the video started to play. 
“It’s time we talked about why you’re here. Cat Adams wants you to know what your lover boy is really like.” Weaver’s voice flooded the speakers.
She was barely in shot, all of her that could be seen was one shoulder and half of her back. Clearly the point was to have the focus on you. 
“Ah, of course she’s behind this.” You croaked, sounding exhausted. You didn’t look to be injured aside from the dried blood still on your face and matted into your hair. “So this is about Spencer, I’m some kind of pawn in her sick revenge fantasy?” 
“Oh finally, she gets it.” Weaver scoffed. 
“Why me? We’re friends, that’s all.” 
“That’s bullshit and we both know it.” Weaver’s shoulder tensed, they all saw it. “I’ve been watching you for a while Y/N, I know exactly what you and Spencer are to each other.” 
Emily, Tara, JJ and Rossi frowned at the screen, not sure what she was getting at. Garcia chewed on her lip guiltily, remembering what Spencer had told her at Rossi’s wedding. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” You sighed, but they all saw your jaw tighten. 
“He must mean something to you if you’d cheat on your husband with him. Even if your husband does beat you, it’s still infidelity.” Weaver chuckled.
“She…Spencer…no, no way.” Garcia frowned now. He had not told her that. 
“Shush, Garcia.” Emily scalded her. 
“I don’t know what you think you know, but I would never cheat on my husband.” You told her but all the agents watching knew it was a lie. 
They could read you well enough to know you were bluffing, hopefully Weaver couldn’t. 
“Sweetheart, I wouldn’t lie to me if I was you.” Weaver spat and then she raised her arm into frame. 
Penelope gasped as the gun came into view, pointing right at you. Emily, Tara, Rossi and JJ all stood frozen in fear. 
“I hate to break this to you, but you aren’t the first person to hold me hostage. You aren’t the first person to hold a gun to me.” You tried to keep control of the situation, refusing to show her your fear.
“He’s no better than your jerk husband.” Juliette changed the subject. 
“Reid, was right.” JJ muttered under her breath.
“And how would you know that?” You sighed again. 
“You don’t know what he’s capable of.” 
“You mean what he did in prison? I know all about that. He did what he did to survive.” 
JJ wrapped her arms around her body, her legs shaking a little but unable to move to sit down. Emily’s eyebrows were furrowed deeply and she was gnawing on one of her fingernails. Penelope had silent tears rolling down her cheeks beneath her lime green glasses. 
“I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about what he did after prison.” Weaver chuckled darkly. 
“And what would that be?” You rolled your eyes. 
“His time inside changed him, Y/N. He’s not the same man you fell in love with.” 
“I never said I was in love with him.” 
“Yes, you did.” Juliette laughed again, the gun shaking a little as she did so. 
“I’m getting a little tired of this cryptic thing. Just tell me what you’re talking about.” 
Rossi exhaled loudly through his nose while Tara clenched her hands into fists. 
“Truth or dare, Y/N?” Juliette chuckled deeply, stepping back behind the camera. 
They saw your eyes follow her, and they also saw the way your body straightened in the chair.
“Reid was right.” JJ repeated. “She was at the wedding, she overheard him talking to Max.”
“Excuse me?” You tried to remain calm. 
“Truth or dare? Please pick truth because I am dying to hear you confess a secret you would never admit out loud.” 
“How do you know about that?” You finally gave over, knowing there was no point in denying it anymore. It didn’t matter how she knew, she did know. 
“I know a lot of things.” Juliette replied curtly. “I know you are in love with him, I know you cheated on your husband with him. And I also know what a monster he is.”  
At the roller rink, crowded around Luke’s phone as they watched the same video, Spencer’s back stiffened and tears flooded his eyes. Matt was holding Cat roughly by the arm a few feet away and he could see her in his peripheral vision. 
“Spencer Reid is not a monster.” You retorted with a scoff.
“Oh really?” Weaver spoke sarcastically. “So you think nice men strangle women?” 
Spencer’s nostrils flared and he closed his eyes briefly trying to stop the tears. Luke’s grip on his phone tightened. 
“Are you seriously trying to tell me that Spencer strangled someone? Ok, I’ll bite, what do you think you know?” 
Spencer held his breath, so did Luke and Matt. So did Emily, Garcia, JJ, Tara and Rossi back at Quantico. 
“You never saw the tapes did you?”
“What tapes?”
“The tapes from the interrogation room in which Spencer Reid held Cat by her throat against a wall and threatened to kill her while she was pregnant.” Juliette spat viciously. 
“That didn’t happen.” You shook your head. 
“Sweetheart, it most certainly did happen. He is worse than your husband, at least you weren’t pregnant when he had his hand around your throat. And to make matters tragically worse, Cat lost her baby as a result.” 
Your eyes widened as you started at Weaver over the camera, your bottom lip quivering slightly. 
Back at Quantico Garcia gasped yet again while JJ shook her head in disbelief.
“Is that true?” Spencer glanced up at Cat, being held roughly by the arm by Matt. “That’s not true.”
“It most certainly is true.” Cat subconsciously placed her other hand on her belly. 
The tears forced their way out of Spencer’s eyes and as he looked back at the phone he saw tears rolling down your cheeks too. 
“No, no that didn’t happen.” You shook your head. “Why are you telling me this?” 
“Because,” Weaver’s voice had a hint of amusement to it. “Cat wants you to know the truth before I send you to your grave.” 
And then the sound of several gunshots screamed through the tinny phone speakers and the screen suddenly went black. Spencer whimpered, staring at the dark screen for a few seconds before looking up at Cat. 
“What have you done?” His tears streamed hot and angry down his face. “What the fuck have you done?” 
He yanked her free of Matt’s hold and held her roughly by the biceps as he started shaking her.
“This time, I will kill you. I will fucking kill you!” He spat in her face and he shook her harder.
“You can’t win them all, Spencie.” Cat smirked menacingly at him. 
He felt a set of strong hands on his shoulders and Luke was trying to pull him back from Cat while Matt worked on freeing Cat from his hold. 
“Don’t, stop it!” Spencer fought against Luke. “Let me kill her!”
“Not gonna happen, Reid.” Luke growled and between him and Matt they managed to get the two of them apart.
Spencer was breathing heavily, his tears never ending. Luke held his arm as if afraid Spencer would go after her again. He started at Cat through bleary eyes for a moment or two before shaking his head. He snatched his arm out of Luke’s hold and pushed past the other man, away from Cat and towards the door. 
His footsteps were heavy and loud as he stormed away before he did something stupid. When he reached the door he threw it open so violently it bounced back against the wall. 
He fled into the dark night as his breathing got heavier and his vision was almost entirely compromised. His head started to spin, the world started to spin. 
He stumbled down the steps of the roller rink, using the handrail to try and keep himself upright. When he reached the bottom his stomach lurched and he suddenly vomited all over the concrete. 
He vaguely heard the door open but didn’t pay it any attention as he emptied his guts onto the sidewalk. 
Soon there was a hand on his back, rubbing up and down his spine in soothing motions. 
“It’s ok, Reid, let it out. Let it all out.” Luke cooed. 
Spencer stayed doubled over until he had nothing left and he simply dry heaved. Tears were still rapidly falling from his eyes when he stood back up.
And when he looked at Luke, he swore the other man’s own eyes were misty with tears. 
“Oh my…no…no! No she didn’t…she didn’t…” Penelope stumbled on her heels until she hit the table, tears streaming down her cheeks. 
“She can’t be.” JJ croaked. “She couldn’t…”
She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked at Rossi through tear riddled eyes.
“It could be a trick.” Tara’s voice was equally as cracked as JJ’s. “It has to be a trick.” 
“We need to find where they are.” Emily spoke, voice devoid of emotion as she continued to stare at the blank screen. “We need a location.” 
“The emails are untraceable.” Penelope whined. 
“There had to be something in the video, some kind of clue.” Rossi agreed, reaching over to Garcia’s laptop. 
“I can’t watch it again.” Garcia sobbed. 
“Go then. Get a cup of tea and calm down.” Emily finally turned to face them. “I know what we just witnessed was beyond horrible. But if Juliette Weaver really did just kill our friend, then she has to pay for what she's done. So regroup, refocus. Y/N needs us.” 
Garcia sniffed and nodded at her boss, turning on her heels and wobbling to the door. JJ followed her whilst Emily, Rossi and Tara stayed put.
Emily gave them both a look, one that asked if they were up for this and they both nodded stiffly. 
“Ok,” Emily swallowed. “Play it again, Dave.” 
Spencer couldn’t speak, couldn’t even blink his eyes on the drive back to Quantico. Matt went with swat who were taking Cat back to prison while Luke drove him and Spencer back to the bureau. 
“Reid, you gotta think.” Luke tried to engage him as he drove, glancing at the younger man out of the corner of his eye. “This is a game to Cat, a meticulously crafted game. Nothing is left to chance, wherever Juliette took Y/N means something. You gotta think.”
Spencer exhaled shakily, keeping his eyes trained out of the window of the SUV. 
“What’s the point? She’s dead. It’s over.” His voice sounded haggard, fractured.
“We don’t know that, man. The video cut out, we don’t know she’s dead.” Luke tried to convince him but he wasn’t sure he believed it himself. “And if she isn’t dead, we’ve gotta find her before Weaver kills her for real.” 
Spencer closed his tired eyes, leaning his forehead against the cool window. He tried his hardest to focus on the small details of those images which haunted him, which may haunt him for the rest of his life. 
It was a relatively plain room. The floor was out of shot and he could only see one wall which had been behind you. It was an off white colour, nothing of interest. Nothing stood out in that damn room. 
“They could be anywhere, Luke.” Spencer opened his eyes again. 
“Try harder.” Luke was stern. “There was something, something you’re missing. This place means something to the two of you, it has to.” 
Spencer scrunched his brow in thought as he tried to recall places that might mean something to the two of you. You had fifteen years of history, how could he filter through all of that right now? 
“I really don’t know, Luke.” Spencer groaned. 
“Yes, you do. Somewhere in your brain you know exactly where she is. Your mind is clouded right now because it's trying to process too much. It's the same reason it took you longer than it normally would to recognise Weaver. You know where they are, think. Off of the top of your head, where is a place that means something to you and Y/N?” 
Spencer huffed loudly, closing his eyes again. This time however he didn’t see the images from your final moments behind his lids. 
The sun was shining and he was standing awkwardly on the sidewalk, twiddling his thumbs, feeling like the world's biggest idiot for getting this so wrong. 
“Sorry, sorry I’m late, I know.” Penelope Garcia tottered towards the two of you, pushing her bangs back off her face.
“It’s ok, it doesn’t start for another ten minutes.” You smiled as you embraced her. 
Spencer looked dumbly between you and Garcia, mouth slightly agape and eyebrows so high they almost hit his hairline.
“Happy birthday, boy wonder.” Garcia grinned at him.
“Uh…” He swallowed thickly. “Thanks?”
“Shall we?” You motioned towards the front door of the movie theatre and Garcia nodded, taking the lead.
You hung back a little, looking at the confusion that was still spreading across the young genius's face.
“You don’t mind, do you? Penelope loves Harry Potter almost as much as I do.” 
“Of course I don’t mind. Why would I mind?” He shook it off but was quickly pushing past you inside. 
As he entered the Film Factory, the hole in the wall movie theatre he took in the scent of popcorn that wafted up his nose and the sounds of you and Penelope chatting among yourself flooded his ears. 
Maybe he could have been a little more specific about his idea of tonight, because clearly you’d gotten the wrong end of the stick and invited Penelope along on what was supposed to be a date. 
He tried to ignore the way his stomach tightened and his chest constricted at his utter stupidity. 
As he passed towards the booth, the small room with the little window peeping out between large, plush red curtains, his eyes scanned over the sign perched above the booth…
“Give me your phone.” Spencer’s eyes shot open and he turned to Luke in a panic.
“Uh, ok?” Luke frowned, fishing in his pocket with one hand whilst keeping the other on the wheel.
He soon handed the device to Spencer and the younger man was quickly trying to navigate his way through the smartphone. After a few failed attempts he found the video again.
He paused it as soon as it started and zoomed in on the still. On the wall behind you, mostly out of frame, he was just able to make out a sign. In cobalt blue he could see the letters FI on one line and FAC on the line below. And underneath that he could see part of a drawing of a film reel. 
“Turn the car around.” Spencer hurriedly told Luke. 
“Turn the car around, I know where they are.” 
Luke did as he was told and was quickly making an U-turn whilst switching his lights and siren on. 
“It’s a place called the Film Factory, it’s an old movie theatre that shut down a few years back. I took Y/N there on what was supposed to be our first date but she misunderstood and invited Garcia. We’ve been there countless times since, it’s like a…oh fuck.” Spencer trailed off with a gasp.
“What?” Luke asked as he weaved in and out of traffic. 
“The wedding wasn’t the only place I recognised Weaver from…” 
As he passed towards the booth, the small room with the little window peeping out between large, plush red curtains, his eyes scanned over the sign perched above the booth with the theatre's name and logo before looking at the young girl in the booth. 
She couldn’t have been older than sixteen, possibly even younger. She had dark hair and an incredibly bored expression on her features.
“I just need to grab one more ticket to The Deathly Hallows, please.” Spencer spoke politely,
“Seven bucks.” The young girl smacked a piece of gum in her mouth. 
Spencer handed over a ten and she handed him his change and a third ticket. He felt her eyes on him all the way to the concession stand.
“She worked there. For years actually. She was there nearly every time I’ve been there. She’s seen Y/N and I there on multiple occasions. I don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner.” Spencer shook his head. 
“You were in tunnel vision. Your brain was clouded because this was personal.” Luke stepped on the gas, dialling Emily’s number via his car display.
“My inability to see what was right in front of me might have just gotten her killed.” Spencer spat, balling his hands into fists. 
The phone started to ring. Before Luke could reply Emily had answered. 
“Alvez, how did it go?” 
“That’s not important. We know where Weaver is, we’re heading there now. Reid will send you an address.” 
“Wait for back up when you get there.” Emily instructed. 
Spencer scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
“With all due respect, Emily,” he spoke harshly. “That’s never going to happen.” 
“Because, Cat wants you to know the truth before I send you to your grave.” 
She curled her finger around the trigger and didn’t hesitate in pulling it. Once. Twice. Three times. Four. 
You closed your eyes and screamed out into the small room, knowing it would do no good, no one would hear you. It took you several seconds to realise you didn’t feel any pain. 
Your heart beat frantically against your chest and you slowly opened your eyes to see the woman laughing at you as she put the gun down on the desk.
Your eyes fell down to your torso. No blood, no pain. Blanks. She’d fired blanks. 
Your breathing was erratic, your close brush with death forcing a few tears from your eyes. The woman laughed hysterically at the fear on your face. 
You tried to focus and noticed the red light was off on the camera now. She toyed with both the camera and her phone for a while, still laughing to herself. You could only assume what she must be doing, it was the same she’d done when she’d taken the photograph. 
And if like you’d suspected she was sending it to your team, they would think you were dead. 
“Why don’t you just kill me?” You whined slightly.
“Cat gave me very specific instructions. She doesn’t want you dead, she just wants you to know what kind of a man Spencer Reid really is.” The woman spoke softly, almost like she cared. “You have a type.”
“Spencer is nothing like my husband.” You growled. 
“When I’m done with you, and you scurry back to Quantico, watch the tapes. You’ll see for yourself. He had Cat around the throat just like your husband did to you.” 
“So you don’t plan to kill me?” 
“Well that will depend.” She smirked.
“On what?” You sighed. 
“Cat’s orders. If she doesn’t get what she wants out of Spencer, I may have no choice.” She shrugged.
“Cat Adams is a psychopath. Did she make you feel special? Do you think she cares about you? I hate to break it to you but we’ve seen it before. You aren’t her first partner. She used another woman just like you to have Spencer arrested. But ultimately her game with him was more important than the woman she claimed to love. Cat cheated on Lindsey, got pregnant by a prison guard just so she could pretend she’d had Spencer sexually assaulted. 
Cat doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She will toss you aside as soon as she doesn’t need you anymore. You’re disposable, sweetheart. You’re not special, you’re just the only one who fell for her act.” You didn’t mince your words. 
You saw the woman’s face fall, her nostrils flare at your summation. She moved closer to you and quickly dropped to the floor in front of you. She grabbed your jaw in one hand, digging in firmly with her fingertips. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t know her!” She spat. 
“I know her better than you do. She’s using you! You will end up in prison for this, whether you kill me or not. And where will she be then?” You dared rile her. 
“You don’t know anything.” The woman spat, tightening her hold on your jaw. 
You saw her other hand moving behind her back and soon you caught the glint of a blade catching the overhead light. 
You swallowed, trying to wriggle free of her hold. She brought the tip of the blade to your chest, right beneath your collarbone. 
“I thought you weren’t going to kill me?” You spoke as she squeezed your jaw. 
“Yeah well,” she let go of your face and pressed the blade harder against your skin. “Plans change.”
“Reid, wait!” Luke ran after him towards the boarded up old movie theatre. 
The second the car rolled to a stop Spencer had leapt out of the passenger seat and onto the street, throwing his Kevlar vest on as he went.
“I’m going in there and you can’t stop me.” He barely had it over his head when he was drawing his gun.
“We need to wait for back up.” Luke reminded him, working his own vest on. 
Spencer stopped by the door of the old building, fastening the Velcro straps with one hand. 
“Alvez, if for whatever reason, we didn’t witness Y/N’s death, if she is still alive, she might not have much time.” Spencer stared at him in frustration. 
“If you go in there without back up you might end up dead, Reid.” 
“You’re my back up.” Spencer got his vest done up and turned to the door. “Cover me.”
Before Luke could even blink, Spencer was heading forward, gun outstretched as he reached for the door with his free hand. 
It was unlocked. He shoved it open, eyes quickly taking in the entrance way, gun following his line of sight.
Luke exhaled and drew his firearm, following in Spencer’s footsteps hurriedly. This seemed like a monumentally bad idea, but there was no way Luke was letting him go alone. 
He followed hot on Spencer’s heels as they canvassed the lobby. Spencer clearly had a destination in mind and he pushed forward towards the little ticket booth window. 
The place was a mess of cobwebs and ripped and torn movie posters everywhere. As he walked Luke heard cracking under foot. He looked down, the floor was littered with little beads. 
Popcorn kernels. 
The curtains were draped closed but there was a door to the right hand side. Spencer stopped in front of it and glanced at Luke over his shoulder. His other hand reached for the door handle. 
Spencer’s heart thumped in his chest, beating more fiercely than he’d ever felt it before. His stomach lurched like he might be sick again and he took a deep breath to try and stem the nausea. 
As he tried the handle, another SUV pulled up outside and Emily, JJ, Rossi and Tara all threw themselves from the vehicle. 
Spencer pulled down the handle and shoved open the door.
“FBI don’t move!” He yelled into the small room. 
Juliette Weaver was on her knees on the floor but quickly jumped up, spinning around the chair you occupied and holding a knife to your throat. 
The relief that flooded him seeing you looking back at him, very much alive, was almost overwhelming. His knees buckled a little but he pushed past it. There would be time for him to fall apart later. 
“Welcome to the party Doctor Reid, you’re just in time.” She smirked. 
Spencer’s stomach lurched again at the sight of the blood spilling from an open wound of your chest. Your eyes met briefly as he stepped into the room. 
“Juliette, you don’t want to do this.” He held his hands up before slowly lowering them and holstering his gun. “Put the knife down.”
“I’m not going back to prison.” She shook her head, her other hand was on your shoulder, gripping you tightly. 
“Don’t do this because of Cat. She manipulated you.” Spencer tried to reason with her. 
He was blocking Luke’s shot and Luke was sure he was doing it on purpose. 
“You don’t know her!” Juliette screamed at him, holding you tighter.
You whimpered as the blade pressed harder against your throat. You had tears rolling down your cheeks as you stared at Spencer. 
You tried to commit every little bit of him to memory, convinced this was the last time you’d ever see him. He really was so beautiful, you wished you’d gotten to tell him that. 
“I know she wanted to prove a point.” He held his hands up and took another step forward. “She wanted Y/N to know that I am no better than her husband. It’s true, Y/N, what she said about me. I did try to choke Cat to death because she kidnapped my mother. Prison changed me, maybe I am no different from your husband.”
“Don’t say that.” You sobbed. “It’s not true.”
“It is true.” He nodded. “I would have killed her if JJ hadn’t been there to stop me and I wouldn’t have felt bad. I’m not a good man, Y/N. I’m not the man you think I am.” 
Luke knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to make you hate him the way Cat wanted in the hopes if he achieved that Juliette would let you go. 
Luke had his gun trained towards Juliette but Spencer was still blocking his shot. If he just moved a little to the side he could get a clean shot. 
He heard soft footsteps behind him and he didn’t need to look to know who they belonged to. He kept his gun high, on the off chance Spencer would move.
The footsteps crept to his right, further down the corridor. They were surrounding the place, if Weaver made it out of that ticket booth she wouldn’t get much further. 
“Are you listening to him? Do you see now?” Juliette shook you. 
You made eye contact with him again and you understood. You understood what he was trying to do. 
“I see it,” you nodded. “You’re no better than him.” 
Hearing those words from your lips made his stomach lurch again. His jaw clenched and he felt tears behind his eyes. 
“You’ve made your point Juliette. Let her go, please?” Spencer pleaded with her. 
Spencer took another step forward, creating enough space behind him for Luke to manoeuvre into the small room. 
He pointed the gun at Juliette who still had the blade against your throat. 
“Juliette, there’s no way out of this. Put the knife down or I will have to shoot you. You don’t wanna die today.” Luke tried to talk her down.
Her eyes flicked over to him and then back to Spencer. She squeezed your shoulder, blade pressing dangerously against your flesh.
“I ain’t going back to prison.” She repeated and her hand holding the blade twitched. 
Less than a second later Luke fired his weapon. The bullet penetrated her right shoulder, surely hurting her but not killing her. She yelled out in pain, stumbling backwards and dropping the knife from her weakened hand as she fell against the wall and slid to the floor. 
Luke hurried to her side, holstering his weapon and kicking the blade away. She howled again when he knelt in front of her and pressed on her gunshot wound, trying to contain the bleeding.  
“We need a medic!” He called out the door where he knew his team was waiting. 
Soon the small room became crowded, Rossi was by Luke’s side, keeping an eye on Weaver while Emily and JJ holstered their weapons and allowed themselves to breathe a sigh of relief that you were ok. Tara was hurrying behind you and cutting through your bindings. 
Spencer knelt in front of you, his tears now escaping as he looked at you and you looked at him and he thanked every higher power that you were alive. 
Tara helped you stand up, you were still bleeding from the cut on your chest and your legs shook as you stood. Spencer got to his feet too and the two of you continued to stare at each other. 
“We need to get you seen to.” Tara spoke softly, placing a hand on your lower back. 
You nodded but kept your eyes on Spencer, smiling weakly at him. You allowed her to lead you from the room and Spencer watched you go. 
He stood there for some time, letting the tears fall, letting him feel the relief wash over him. He wasn’t aware of what was going on around him, the people moving around, the medic coming to take care of Weaver’s gunshot wound. 
The world seemed to move slowly around him. He could see what was happening but he didn’t feel connected to it. He felt as though he was watching it all unfold from above, no longer tethered to reality. 
He thought he’d watched you die. He thought he’d lost you forever. He hadn’t even had a chance to process your death when he’d found you alive. 
The amount of thoughts running through his brain caused him to switch off from reality while he tried to sift through them. He didn’t feel JJ’s hand on his shoulder, he didn’t notice that she’d led him outside.
He was brought back around by the temperature change as JJ led him out to the sidewalk. He blinked several times taking in the street, the SUVs, two ambulances, lots of people. 
Juliette Weaver was taken to the hospital to be patched up before she would be detained. Cat Adams was on her way back to prison where she would soon meet her end at the hand of the lethal injection. 
Spencer stood still on the sidewalk, his mind unable to shut off. You were supposed to be dead. His brain had already started trying to grieve you. But you weren’t dead. What did that mean now? 
Rossi was at his side now, holding something out in his hand. Without thinking too much, Spencer held out his own hand and Rossi coiled the item into his palm.
When he closed his hand around it, it was cool beneath his fingers. He knew without looking exactly what it was. 
“Hey kid?” Rossi spoke quietly. 
“Hmm?” Spencer croaked.
“Garcia wanted you to know something…”
You refused to go to the hospital, that was the last place you wanted to go. The cut on your chest and your head wound weren’t bad enough to warrant it and you insisted the paramedic patch you up in the ambulance. 
Your heart rate was still erratic and you wondered if it would ever return to normal. You had been so sure you were going to die today and that adrenaline still ran through your veins. 
Emily was the first to come and see you, holding her cell phone out for you. When you put it to your ear your children's voice encompassed you, causing you to cry once more. 
“Mommy, when will you be home?” 
“We miss you mom.” 
Knowing they were safe and hearing their voices calmed you a little. Liv had collected them from school when you couldn’t and taken them to her place in case your own home wasn’t safe. It was late and they should have been in bed already, Liv said she would keep them for the night and drop them off at school in the morning. 
You were crying still when you thanked Emily and handed her phone back. When you looked away from Emily, Spencer was hovering nearby, looking unsure if he should come over. You offered him a small smile which gave him the green light. 
Taking a breath he slowly started towards you. Emily saw him coming and patted your shoulder gently.
“I’ll give you a minute.” She whispered before turning and heading away.
Spencer ambled over, hands in his pockets and rolling his lip between his teeth. He cautiously sat down next to you on the lip of the ambulance. He looked at you, his eyes full of so many emotions. 
“I’m so sorry this happened to you.” He exhaled shakily. 
“It’s not your fault.” You sniffed, wiping your tears on your sleeve. 
“It kinda is though. She used you as a pawn in her sick and twisted revenge against me.” Spencer shook his head. 
“It’s fine, it’s over now.” You breathed. “You know I don’t really think you’re anything like him? I just said that because I thought it might save my life.” 
He looked away from you, out across the street. His body deflated and he closed his eyes for a few long seconds.
“I wasn’t lying, Y/N, I have changed since prison. What I did to Cat…I don’t feel bad about it. The miscarriage, I do feel bad about. If I had caused that, the death of an unborn child, I would never have forgiven myself. But Garcia checked, she actually miscarried months later. And so I can’t bring myself to feel bad. She kidnapped my mom, she had me arrested. But it makes me no better than your husband.” He shook his head, sniffing lightly.
You placed your hand on his arm and he looked back at you, unshed tears in his eyes. 
“Spencer, I don’t think you’re anything like him.” You shook your head. “You’re probably the only person in the world who has ever really loved me.”
“But things are just….so complicated.” He frowned. 
“True, I probably still have a long battle ahead of me to keep Jared out of my life. I have two kids who are going to need me more than ever. But life is always going to be complicated and messy and if we try to wait for the right time…” you trailed off and squeezed his arm softly.
His eyes flit down to your hand and his heart leapt into his throat when he saw your now empty ring finger resting on his arm. 
“If we try to wait for the right time, we might be waiting another fifteen years?” He finished for you, a small smile creeping to his lips.
“Exactly.” You nodded, your own lip twitching at the corner. 
“But that really begs the question…” 
“Ask me.”
Spencer rolled his lip between his teeth, turning his body a little so he was facing you properly. He reached out and took hold of your hand, threading his fingers in yours. 
“Y/N,” he whispered. “Truth or dare?
“Truth.” You replied quickly. 
“Did you mean it?” 
“Yes.” You didn’t hesitate in responding. “You were my first love, Spence. I was always too scared to admit it and then I met Jared and I thought it might help me get over those feelings. But it didn’t. And I pushed you away and I’m sorry, I’m sorry for doing that.”
“Hey, it’s ok.” He squeezed your hand gently. “I understand. The truth is I don’t know how to be in this world if I’m not wishing for a future with you.”
His free hand went back inside of his pocket and he pulled out the item Rossi had handed him. The silver and gold of the bracelet shimmered in the light from the ambulance. He let go of your hand and you held it out for him to drape the metal around your wrist before he clasped it shut.
You smiled softly at each other, his hand finding yours again and for a moment or two you sat in silence. You took in the street, the old abandoned movie theatre you and Spencer had spent so much time in together. 
All those memories seemed so clear now. All the old horror movies he’d taken you to see which you told him you hated but you secretly loved because when you got scared it gave you an excuse to curl in close to him. 
All the foreign movie festivals you’d gone to, some of which lacked subtitles and Spencer would lean in close and whisper the translations to you. 
All the shared popcorn and the accidental brushing of fingers as you both reached in at the same time. 
The hours you must have spent inside of those walls together, in your own little bubble all came flooding back, all of those adventures you’d watched playing out on the screen side by side. 
And it made perfect sense that you should be sitting here now, on the cusp of your latest adventure together. 
You glanced back at him and as if sensing your eyes on him, he looked at you too. 
“Hey Spence?” You whispered.
“Just to confirm, because you didn’t actually say it…” you trailed off and Spencer chuckled lightly. 
He was quick to move his free hand to your cheek, drawing you closer and then he kissed you. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind you heard fireworks going off like it was the Fourth of July. He was gentle with you but his adoration was spoken silently against your lips. 
It was a new hope, a new beginning. It was two people who had been unfathomably in love with each other for well over a decade finally coming together.
When he pulled back, he didn’t go too far and he kept his hand on your cheek as though scared he might lose you again. He smiled at you softly. 
“I love you too, Y/N.” He laughed.  
“After all this time?” You whispered.
“Always, my love. Always.”
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@andiebeaword @measure-in-pain @muffin-cup @dreatine @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @justreadingficsdontmindme @spencer-reid-wonderland @thebloomingeagle @frostandflamesfanfic @pixiehex1985 @release-your-sweets @megan-mars @hales-17 @onlyspence @werewolfbansheelove @gubsi @vivian-555 @ropickle @meowiemari @dil3mma @wolfstar-17 @kylakins88 @shqwqrma
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deathbxnny · 1 year
hello!! the anon who requested sirin like!childreader, so i got a hurt comfort idea with the same 4 men (welt, gepard,blade,dan heng) so the scenerio is how would they react to the reader crying out for them after getting injured or simply having a nightmare? thanks in advance!! :))
A/N: Hello again Anon! I really love the nightmare idea, so I'll go with that! Thank you for the request!<33
Content: Platonic relationships, child reader, a little bit of angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, honestly dad hsr men, mentions of nightmares, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Gepard Landau
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Gepard was peacefully sleeping after a long day at the frontlines, when he heard you scream for him in absolute terror. He woke instantly, his body moving faster than his tired mind could follow, as he stumbled through the dark house to your room.
He switched on the lights once he reached you, his heart racing from the adrenaline that coursed through him. He was scared that you might've been hurt somehow, but was instantly relieved, when you seemed physically okay. Though, when he saw you sitting there crying and reaching for him, he understood what went wrong.
He'd gently cuddle up to you in bed and cradle you in arms, as he softly hushes you and reassures you that nothing in this world will be able to hurt you when he was here. He swears it on his life as the captain of the Silvermaneguards. He lulls you back to sleep, before finally doing so himself with a satisfied sigh.
》Dan Heng
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His eyes snapped open instantly, when he heard you cry out his name next him, as you shook him awake in fear. He sat up tiredly, rubbing his eyes, before gently pulling you into a hug and patting your head in slight confusion. He asks you if everything was alright, before humming in understanding, when you reveal in chocked sobs what had happened.
Dan Heng gets nightmares often as well and knows how scary they can be. You being a child makes it even worse ofcourse. And therefore, he decides to reach out for a book you like, before he begins reading it to you to calm you down.
Thankfully, it works well and you quickly fall back to sleep, weakly clinging onto his shirt. Dan Heng can't help but smile, when he sees how peaceful you look again, as he puts away the book and pulls the blanket over your small form next to him, before falling asleep once more.
》Welt Yang
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It takes a moment for Welt to wake up properly, when you shake him awake and call his name in fear with heartbreaking sobs. He hums in confusion, his hand automatically reaching for his glasses, before he opens a lamp. Once he does, you immideatly crawl onto his bed and under the blankets, shivering in fear.
He'll pat your head, already knowing what happened, before gently asking if you'd like to talk about it. He won't pressure you to and if you say no, he'll gently redirect you to look at the passing stars outside of the Astral express in order to distract you.
He'll tell you all about them in very boring detail, until you finally calm down and fall asleep again. Welt will chuckle at the sight of you peacefully sleeping, before closing the light, taking off his glasses and going right back to sleep with a satisfied nod. He just hoped, that his presence will keep away the nightmares for now.
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Blade at first doesn't really react, mainly as he was way too tired at the moment to register your cry for help. But the moment you scream his name, this man is up and ready to tear down any enemy who's hurting you. With his sword in hand, he'll make his way to your room in an instant, eyes glaring into the darkness, before he stops.
You were sitting in your bed all alone, clutching your head and crying for him. Blade is confused at first, asking you where the enemy is, before you tell him through chocked sobs, that you had a nightmare. He stands there for a moment, contemplating on what to do, before he sighs and lowers his sword.
Then, he simply sits down on a chair near your bed and begins polishing his sword with a huff. He'll tell you to go back to sleep and that he'll keep watch to make sure that none of those nightmares return. And if they do, he'll just cut them down. Surely they won't dare show up if he's there. He'll only leave again, once he knows your asleep and alright, his eyes lingering with a certain softness, before he closes the door behind him.
A/N: I hope this was alright, Anon! Thank you again for the request and sorry for the wait!<33
259 notes · View notes
kavlion · 1 year
If your doing requests, then can I request al haitham and kaveh sharing a gn darling? I wanna see how this goes down :)
(take your time to write, I can wait)
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I didn't really proofread this, sorry if it's not so great, haha! ^^; On a lighter note, I did have a lot of fun with this. Thank you for the request!
CW: Broken ribs and bruises, slightly suggestive(?), unhealthy relationships, implied coddling behavior, implied dehumanizing behavior, injuries, arguing, food, nonsexual nudity, abuse
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Right when you had finally managed to doze off after at least a day of staying awake in the basement, you heard the door open, snapping your sleepiness in two. It was so dark, you could hardly see who was coming from the basement, but honestly, you'd prefer it to be Kaveh.
That wasn't to say you liked either of them. Kaveh was constantly up in your personal space, coddling you in a way that could only be described as humiliating, while Alhaitham... was just plain scary.
Kaveh was annoying, but it'd never compare to Alhaitham's calculating, cold eyes.
It felt like he could read your mind, but you could never tell what he was thinking. That was the scariest part of all.
"Oh, my darling... what did he do to you?"
Kaveh. You sighed with relief, but that relief didn't last long, as he was rushing down the stairs and bringing you into a sharp hug. You whined when his arms brushed with your ribcage, only for him to frantically pull away.
He looked genuinely worried. Maybe even a little panicked. You thought it'd be nice to know he cares, but the truth was, he doesn't. He'd rather you have these bruises and broken ribs than even consider the possibility of you leaving.
That was one of the few things Alhaitham and Kaveh could seem to agree on. Except Kaveh at least pretended to care.
Well, not all the time. After you had learnt your lesson, Alhaitham would take care of you, but you could never relax in his presence, knowing one wrong move and he'd be giving you that terrifying gaze again. A warning.
Hands cupping your cheeks, Kaveh's thumb brushed some of your upcoming tears away, clicking his tongue. "I'm so sorry, dear. Let's get you out of here."
Of course, you obeyed. You put all your weight on him, letting him practically carry you out of the basement. You kept stumbling over each step of the stairs, and if it weren't for Kaveh, you would've collapsed.
"Here you go... lie right here, I'm going to make you some food." Kaveh kissed your forehead after laying you on the couch. "Poor thing... I swear I'm going to kill him..."
You watched him scurry into the kitchen urgently, before shutting your eyes, still feeling tired. At least this time, you felt somewhat safer.
Kaveh showed anger easier than Alhaitham did, but his punishments were a lot more different than Alhaitham's versions of 'discipline'.
Not long after, you heard Kaveh's footsteps back in the room, carrying a tray of food that smelled delicious. You couldn't help but smile, opening your eyes just enough to see him.
Kaveh knelt in front of you, showing he made soup. He blew on the spoon gently, then put his hand under it to bring to your lips.
Smile disappearing, you said, "I can feed myself...."
He tutted. "You're covered in bruises and can hardly stand, love. Did he really do all of this to you? What on earth happened while I was gone..." He practically shoved the spoon in your mouth before scooping up a new spoonful of soup to repeat the action.
You tried to push his hand away, but he was too quick. You barely had any strength left, so he easily caught hold of your wrists, pushing the spoon in your mouth.
"Eat," he ordered. "Please."
"...fine." You kept letting him spoonfeed you, until you felt tired. He laid you back down and put a blanket over you, kissing the side of your head.
He watched you fall asleep, running his fingers through your hair and muttering under his breath things you didn't try to strain to hear.
You just wanted to sleep, for once not finding it difficult to with his eyes piercing holes through you.
You woke up to the familiar sound of them arguing.
"Two days. Two days I'm gone and you can't control yourself?!"
"I can control myself much better than you can. Those bruises are just from them falling down the stairs. I didn't deliberately cause them, so you can stop needlessly yelling."
"I can't believe you! You threw them down the stairs?! How do you think that is excusable?!"
His gaze flickered over to you to see you were awake. He pushed past an angry Kaveh and crouched to meet your level on the couch, running the back of his hand over a bruise on your face. His cold hands felt oddly soothing on your skin, so you leaned in, albeit hesitantly.
Crossing his arms, Kaveh said, "Don't pretend like you care about them now! You were complaining about how scared they were of you a few days ago. Have you ever considered why?!"
"They avoid you too, don't act like they think you're an angel here, either." Alhaitham didn't even bother looking at Kaveh, his eyes still on you as he looked over your bruises, the ones he caused.
You held back a whimper as he ran his finger over your jawline, making you shiver.
"I'll draw them a bath." With that, Alhaitham stood up and proceeded down the hallway.
Though Kaveh groaned, he didn't say anything further to the scribe. Instead, he sat down beside you and started massaging your shoulder, arm wrapped around you to do so. "I'm sorry about him... next time I go to the desert, I'll just take you with me."
You lit up at that thought. A new opportunity to escape?
You were sure Kaveh was just saying the first thing that popped into his mind, as he did often, but even if he were to follow through with that... you doubted Alhaitham would let that happen.
Alhaitham came back soon, holding out his hand to you. Just as you were about to take it, Kaveh slapped it away.
"I can carry them. You've done enough."
Raising an unimpressed brow, Alhaitham said, "You can't even carry your own claymore." With that, he picked you up, quietly shushing you when you yelped. "I know it hurts. I didn't mean to give you so many bruises. That was my mistake."
A loud huff came from Kaveh. "So you aren't even going to try and apologize or seem sorry?"
Alhaitham turned to him, and you could see the corners of his mouth twitch. "They tried escaping. Your 'punishments' are hardly even that. Do you think making them sit in a corner for a few minutes will make them think about their actions? They aren't a child."
He made another offended noise. "Yeah, well they aren't a dog, but you seem keen on treating them like one!"
"What are you implying?"
"You don't think of them as human! If you did, you'd understand that throwing someone down a basement is awful!"
"If you're going to bicker at me over practically nothing, I suggest you don't follow us." Alhaitham carried you into the bathroom, and unsurprisingly, Kaveh trailed behind. Alhaitham sat you on the closed toilet seat and began stripping your clothes.
It wasn't strange to watch them fight, it was the most normal thing here, honestly. You always gained a headache listening to them argue back and forth, especially over you.
As Alhaitham got your clothes off, his eyes lingered more on the bruises. He ran his thumb over the largest bruise that lingered on your hip. You tried examining his expression to tell what he was feeling. He didn't look sorry, that was all you knew.
"I doubt they're in the mood for what ever demented thing you want to do to them," Kaveh growled.
He hummed smugly. "I could say the same thing to you. You're completely red in the face."
"Because you piss me off! Move aside." He shoved Alhaitham away from you, then grabbed both of your hands to help you in the tub. He helped slowly get you in, murmuring, "There you go, my dear... is it warm enough?"
Shaking your head, you answered quietly, "It's fine... thank you."
Kaveh glared at Alhaitham. "At least you did something right."
"Please," you muttered, looking down at your reflection in the water, "stop arguing. Just... for now. Please."
Both men shared a look, before nodding. Alhaitham sighed and started helping you wash, while Kaveh sat beside you, stroking your hair. You appreciated the gesture, but you still found it difficult to relax.
"How are you doing, love?" Alhaitham asked, keeping his voice low.
You forced a smile. "I'm fine... thank you for the bath. I'm feeling a lot better now." Lies, but if you told them the truth, Kaveh would just grow angrier at Alhaitham, and Alhaitham would... well, you weren't too sure. Again, it was hard to read him.
Kaveh was the first to help you out of the tub, while Alhaitham grabbed a towel and wrapped you in it, drying you off.
Once you were dry, Alhaitham got the robe and put it on you himself. It was one of his robes he hardly wore, but it still smelled like him. In your worst moments, you admitted you did find his smell comforting.
As they led you out-- Kaveh supporting you with an arm around your shoulders, and Alhaitham with a hand on your waist-- Kaveh said, "We should take them to the couch. I doubt the last thing they want to do is be trapped in your room again."
"Please. You just don't want them anywhere near me," Alhaitham uttered.
With a deadpan stare, Kaveh responded sarcastically, "Huh, I wonder what made you think that."
You make a displeased grumble to let them know they're arguing again. Luckily, for once, they seem to stop themselves again. "I... I'm fine wherever... it's no big deal..."
Once again, they exchanged a glance, then Kaveh announced, "Couch it is."
Alhaitham scoffed, but didn't complain any further. He watched Kaveh go to make you a makeshift bed on said couch, while he kept his hold onto you, tightening his arm around your waist. It was possessive, but nothing you weren't used to.
"There! Is this okay, my dear?" Kaveh scuttled back to you, looking at you for approval, as he typically did.
You nodded. "It's lovely... thank you."
He smiled at your gratitude, then kissed your forehead. "Is there anything else you need?"
"No, I'm good. Thank you again."
Clearing his throat, Alhaitham said, "Well, I'm sure you're tired. Come here." He sat down on the couch and gestured to his lap, to which you obeyed, crawling in his lap, as much as your body still ached.
Kaveh narrowed his eyes. "Hey! What makes you think you have the right--" He cut himself off when he saw you give him a pleading look to stop. It was hard to, considering the smug look Alhaitham had. He was enjoying this.
You rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. You felt Kaveh's weight dip in the couch, and his arm wrap around you as much as he could, considering Alhaitham was right there.
This was one of the rare moments they were physically close to each other, only when it involved you.
Alhaitham rubbed circles into your back. "Are you tired, darling?"
"Um... a little." You nodded against his chest.
"Then you can go to sleep. I love you."
Kaveh was quick to add, "And I love you too."
You found yourself slowly falling asleep with that painful knowledge, that they still loved you. As long as they loved you, they'd never let you go, and... it's been so long that you honestly don't know if that time will ever come. Likely not.
So you do the only thing you could and adjusted your position more comfortably. You laid your head in Alhaitham's lap, and the rest of you on Kaveh's lap.
For just a couple of hours, you could pretend this is all normal.
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rrxaiky · 1 year
HSR: Dan Heng x GN! reader.
WARNINGS/ TAGS: Angst to fluff to angst to fluff . Hurt/comfort . Modernish AU . Reader implied to have died once . Blood, but not explicitly stated . Possible OOC character . Not proofread/edited we die like my hands when I typed this out [ 3.3K WC ]
A/N: 7 pages later I'm finally done with this omigod, I swear I went insane somewhere near 1.8K words. Once again, not my best, but I hope you enjoy this :D
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“Dan Heng, it’s okay, you can… Let it out if you want…” Your voice was hoarse as you spoke, your body struggling to find the strength to lift your hand. When you finally did, you gently cupped one of Dan Heng’s cheeks… And only then did you realise how cold your hands felt. Maybe it was the warm feeling of his skin that helped you make that realisation, but there was one thing you were certain of ever since you found out, and that was the fact that everything seemed to be growing colder. 
Your mind had focused so much on that, that you had forgotten what you had said to Dan Heng just now. It was only when he responded that you directed your attention from the decreasing temperature to his voice. “You’re the one who’s hurt, not me. I shouldn’t be crying when you’re in this state, I-” 
You could hear Dan Heng choke back a sob. “Aren’t you hurting too? That’s more than a reason to cry,” you said as you took one of his hands into your own. “Dan Heng, you’re my friend… I want to be able to help if you’re hurt.” 
His eyes widened as you spoke. 
Idiot. You’re the one who needs help right now. He’s already tried to patch most of the wounds on your body. 
Dan Heng looked into your eyes. He could see the tiredness in them, the way you were struggling to keep your eyes open, the way your body fought to keep a tight grip on reality. 
He slipped his hand out of your grasp, and held one of yours in his, then brought it close to his lips, and gently blew into it. Oh, how warm it felt… “Stay awake just a little longer, please, (Name).” You can’t remember if you nodded or not. You just felt so tired, it felt so comforting and soft when Dan Heng held your body close against his in hopes of providing you with warmth. 
“I’m scared, honestly…” those words had carelessly slipped out of your mouth as you looked at the male holding you. Maybe it was just your teary eyes tricking you, but you swore you saw Dan Heng’s lips part, trembling a little before he spoke. Well, tried to speak. His words came out in small stutters, his mind so messed up he was unable to form a coherent sentence.
Couldn’t you see what you were doing to him?
“It’s going to be okay,” was all you heard before you finally let your eyes close, darkness clouding your vision. 
“I promise to keep you safe next time.”
A promise is a promise… He had to fulfil it this time.
Your body processed everything faster than your mind. You saw light. Something wasn’t right here. If you were dying, wouldn’t the light feel warm and welcoming? Instead you still feel cold. You blinked once, twice, the light was in your eyes. Everything was hazy as you sat up. Where were you? Your head hurts. Bandages? They were now wrapped around your injuries. 
“You’re awake.” A familiar voice broke through the air, your head turning towards the source of the voice before you registered that it was Dan Heng. You could see gauzes in his hands as he approached you. “I need to change your bandage. May I?” You nodded, your eyes now looking at the bandage on your upper arm. A little bloodied… “Hey Dan Heng,” you spoke to him in the middle of him tending to your arm. “Yes?” His focus was still on the bandages, even as you asked him. “How long have I been out for?” 
“...I can’t remember.” Can’t remember? That was unlike him. Was this even the Dan Heng you knew? “Do you want anything to eat?” He asked before you could inquire any further. “No, thank you.” You slipped yourself from the blankets that covered you, placing your feet on the ground before attempting to stand. Key word, attempt. You almost stumbled forward when you lifted yourself off the bed, with Dan Heng thankfully being there to catch you. 
You could feel your face burn with… Embarrassment? Or was it something else? Dan Heng helped you back on the bed before standing. “You shouldn’t be getting out of bed yet,” he said, leaving the room after. You finally took some time to look around the room. Dan Heng’s room? Was this his bed..? Had he been sleeping in the guest room the entire duration you were here?
Once, twice, thrice… It took you a while to stand up. Oh, how stubborn you were. You grabbed hold of the objects around you to help you walk, your grip tightening each time you felt as if your body could no longer support the weight it carried. Slowly, you opened the sliding door to the balcony. 
Ah, it was a full moon tonight. Your hands held firmly on the railing as you admired the moon, glimmering in the dark sky. The sound of the rustling of cloth caught your attention, and you turned to see Dan Heng’s eyes staring right into yours. “I thought I told you not to get out of bed,” he added a sigh as he finished his sentence. You could only grin at him. “I know, but the moon is so beautiful tonight!” Dan Heng walked towards you and stood beside you, joining your ‘moon admiring session’, as you liked to call it. 
“I understand that it’s been a while since you’ve seen the sky, but I can’t allow you to accidentally injure yourself further,” Dan Heng voiced, his eyes looking at the moon you were so fond of. “And I’d understand that you’re worried for your friend, but I’m an adult! I can take care of myself.”
Dan Heng looked at you, his expression stoic. “Says the one who almost fell when they got up.” You felt your face burn. He sighed again, “Come on. I’ll get you to bed.” You reluctantly followed Dan Heng back into the house, glancing back at the sky before shutting the door. 
“Ah, Dan Heng. I forgot to ask,” you said, gaining his attention. “What is it?” “Have you been sleeping in the guest room the entire time I was out?” “Do I look like I’ve been sleeping?” 
“And you tell me to take care of myself. Seriously, you need to get some sleep-” “It was because you weren’t there to take care of yourself.” Dan Heng couldn’t help but reach out to touch your cheek, his thumb caressing it. “I can’t help but worry when you get hurt.”
Couldn’t he see what he was doing to you?
“...Go get some rest, please, Dan Heng.” 
“Don’t worry about me,” is what he wanted to say, but he knew you better than that. You’d force him to sleep if he said anything along those lines. 
“I’ll sleep after I have assured that you have fallen asleep,” was what he said instead. It was your turn to sigh now. You knew he was worried, but did he really have to take it this far? And for what reason? “You know, I could just sleep in the guest room… Considering this is your room.” Before you could continue your sentence, Dan Heng cut you off. “The bed there isn’t as comfortable.” You couldn’t think of anything to answer him with. “...Well, goodnight, then,” you said, laying down and shutting your eyes. 
Dan Heng only stood up when he heard your soft breaths even, saying “goodnight” after brushing a strand of your hair from your face, then turning around to leave. Oh, how he loved your peaceful expression as you slept. 
When you woke up the next morning, you saw a tray of food with a note attached onto it. “Here’s your breakfast, (Name). If you try to walk, please, be careful.” You couldn’t help but feel a smile tug at your lips. He could be so worried for you sometimes… 
You picked up a piece of the food with the fork, and brought it to your lips. Sweet. When was the last time you’ve tasted such a flavour? Somewhere before you went out… Or was it the time you kissed Dan H- No, no. Why were you thinking of that now!? It was just an accident, after all. But oh, the softness of his lips…
You brought your hand to your mouth, your fingertips touching your lips. You could feel your cheeks slowly growing warmer as you thought about it more and more… You just couldn’t ignore it. You laughed a little when you remembered Dan Heng’s face when he abruptly pulled away, apologising and immediately turning around to hide his embarrassment.
The rest of the day went by like a blur. Now, it was night again. You couldn’t find Dan Heng in the house, which made it feel a little lonely. You turned the lights off and tried to sleep, but no matter how much you tried, you just couldn’t, so you decided to go outside again. This time, you sat on the bench in the backyard. The moon was no longer whole, and soon one night, you’d see the skies empty with stars taking the place of what should have been the moon.
You went back to bed not long after. You couldn’t remember what dreams you had, but one thing you could still feel was the warmth. 
“Good morning. Sorry that I wasn’t here yesterday.” Was the first thing you heard when you walked downstairs. There he was, reading a book while sipping on some coffee. The living room was still as you had remembered yesterday. Books scattered on the tables and some on the floor, a blanket on the couch for nights that Dan Heng spent there. 
You walked towards him, grabbing a cup of water before sitting across him. “Hey Dan Heng, do you want to go to the beach later this evening?” You quickly put your hands over your mouth. You really needed to stop the habit you have of saying things before you thought it through. “Sure.” 
He said yes?
You had to take a moment to swallow the lump in your throat before you spoke again. “Great… I’ll see you at the usual place around 6?” That came out less enthusiastic than you had planned for it to be. “Mm. Your injuries. How are they?” 
Truth be told, you had kind of forgotten about them. They didn’t hurt. 
He must’ve taken good care of you.
“They’ve almost fully recovered.” Dan Heng nodded at your words, his eyes going over the words in his book before closing it and standing up.
Thank you.
“I’ll see you later then.”
You buried your face in your arms on the table when you heard the door click, indicating that Dan Heng had left. Why, why would you ask him! You didn’t want to go, but you didn’t want to leave him there either… Wait, was this technically a date? Does this mean you made the first move?
That evening, when you arrived at the beach, you could see the sun already beginning to set… And Dan Heng’s silhouette in the distance. You could hear the voice at the top of your head asking if you were late, which made you panic… Just a little. You hurried over to him, almost tripping over the sand in the process. 
Dan Heng’s hand reached out and flicked your forehead before using his thumb to rub on it. “What was that for!?” “I told you to be careful.” 
Your ‘anger’ was short-lived as you looked past Dan Heng’s shoulder, the light of the setting sun on the horizon now shining into your eyes. It hurt a little, but oh, it was so beautiful… 
The male’s attention strayed from you as he turned back to look at the sunset that you admired. Your eyes wandered to his. Dan Heng’s blue eyes looked ethereal with the reflection of the sun’s light. While your focus was on him now, Dan Heng’s was still on the sunset. Partially. 
This sunset you love is pretty, but the moon you love equally as much is prettier.
In other words, 
I never wanted to let you go. 
Dan Heng’s eyes continued to linger on the ocean, even after the sun had set completely, and the sky’s orangish colour had faded into the twilight hues you had in front of you. As expected, the moon that had risen tonight was smaller than the moon from yesterday.
“Is this… What you had intended to show me?” his voice came out small. So small, that you almost missed it, had you not immediately turned your attention onto him. Was it what you wanted to show him? You asked him out without thinking. “Maybe,” was all you could muster up as an answer. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the truth either. 
He turned his head, a small smile on his face. “Thank you,” he said, one of his hands now holding yours, he brought the back of your hand to his cheek before pressing a kiss on it. He then gently placed your hand on his shoulder, and with his hands now on your waist, he asked in a soft tone, “Would you like to dance?” 
The night was still young.
Dan Heng was fully aware that he usually wouldn’t say such things, but tonight. Just for tonight, he told himself. He knew he wasn't going to regret his words. In fact, he wished that it never ended, with your smile as you twirled around the beach, the warm wind blowing through your hair. 
He wanted to hold you tight and never let go.
The soft laughter that you let out after you had finished dancing… It was just as he remembered. 
He can’t remember how, but one moment leads to another… And now, he could feel your lips on his. They’re just as he remembers from before. 
“Dan Heng…” He looked at you with half lidded eyes before pressing another kiss onto your lips. “I love you, (Name),” Dan Heng’s hand travelled to the back of your head, pulling you in, and resting your head on his shoulder. “Don’t speak, please. I just want to know you’re here.” 
You kept silent, burying your face into Dan Heng’s neck, your cheeks a little warm from… Whatever Dan Heng just did. Luckily for you, you weren’t the only one. The tip of Dan Heng’s ears were slightly red. 
“I’m sorry.”
You pulled back from him to look at him. “Why are you saying sorry?” Dan Heng flinched a little. It wasn’t noticeable, but since he was holding you so closely, you could practically feel when his breath hitched. “Tell me, please,” you said softly, your hands now cupping his cheeks. He placed his hand over one of yours. “I didn’t.” 
But his heart felt heavy. Maybe it wasn’t Dan Heng speaking. Maybe it was the heart beating that spoke.
“Let’s just go home.” Maybe this was his way of avoiding your subject, but you didn’t want to pry any further if it made him uncomfortable. The walk home was… Silent. You couldn’t tell if it was supposed to feel awkward for Dan Heng, but to you, with the way he held your hand as you walked… It was comforting. 
It was Dan Heng’s turn to be unable to sleep that night. At least, he thought he couldn’t. He felt awake. He rubbed his eyes before walking out of his (the guest’s) room. He walked out the back door, into the backyard, and looked up to the skies. Was it always empty? To his knowledge, there were still days until a new moon. He looked towards the bench to see someone sitting there. Familiar… Was that you? Weren’t you asleep already? “(Name)?” ‘You’ turned your head to look at him. “Yes, my love?” 
Ah, so this wasn’t the you he currently knew. He was dreaming after all.
He can’t remember when the last time was when you called him that nickname. He missed you so, so much. His first few steps seemed as if he was unsure if he should walk towards you, or maybe if he walked too fast the ground would open up and swallow him, and he wouldn’t be able to see you again. Once he made sure that he wouldn’t, he ran towards you. 
He was standing behind you now.
Well, the old you.
His arms wrapped around your neck, both his hands resting on top of your collarbone. He felt relief when your hands touched his, enveloping them in warmth. How he longed for this feeling again… “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay, I’m here now,” you said to him, removing your hands and pointing up to the sky. “Look up there.” Dan Heng titled his head up at your words, now staring into the starless skies. “There’s no moon tonight,” Dan Heng whispered. “There will be tomorrow.”
“Dan Heng, do you see me as a moon?” Dan Heng thought for a moment before responding. “You are my moon, angel.” You smiled. Of course you were. You’d always be his moon. “A moon that has gone?” You asked him again, your hands fidgeting with each other.
“No, never.” 
Your hands stopped fidgeting, and you looked up at him. “The (Name) I know now is still you.” A smile appeared on his face as he spoke. “I’ll be able to see and find you no matter how many times the moon ‘disappears’ from the sky.”
“After all, there is only one moon,” he finished, now looking at you with those soft eyes and his warm smile that you loved so much. “And you are the one that I failed to protect from those who wished to admire the beauty of a moon for themselves.”
Dan Heng pulled you up to stand face to face with him, pulling you in a warm embrace. “Only on that day did I stray my eyes from the sunset. It was because I didn’t want to tell you how beautiful it was.” 
“Dan Heng…” “Stay with me, please.”
“I promise to protect you.” Your heart clenched at his words. “My love, you know I can’t.” 
Dan Heng’s eyes averted your gaze. “I thought I would lose you again.” Ah. That day you got injured. “It all felt so familiar, like I was reliving your loss.” Your hand travelled up to tilt his head towards you. “But I’m okay, aren’t I?” His grip tightened around you. “I’m sorry.” You leaned in closer to his lips. “Don’t be, please,” you muttered under your breath before kissing him. 
The moon loves you too much to think that it is not your fault, and neither was it the moon’s fault that it was dyed the beautiful colour of crimson for its beauty.
I loved you when I was the (Name) you once knew, and I always will, no matter how many times you think you’ll have to see a different moon in your sky.
Dan Heng’s eyes widened as you kissed him. He could feel tears form in his eyes as he watched as you disappeared with the first rays of the sunlight. “Wait!” was the last thing he said before he found himself awake again. He could now feel the wetness staining his cheeks, and the warmth lingering on his lips. 
“Dan Heng? Are you okay?” You were sitting beside his bed, your hand reaching out to cup his cheek, before using your thumb to gently wipe his tears away. 
Silly angel. You’re always going to be the same moon. You were always going to worry for him, the same way he worries for you.
Dan Heng’s mouth was slightly agape. He took a moment to collect himself before pulling you into his chest. “I’m fine, (Name).”
I love you too.
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RBs & follows are highly appreciated <3
@achy-boo @kalims (I'm sorry I couldn't make it full on angst)
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fleevyu · 1 month
Hi Marware nation i wrote some sillies
Story below
The first rays of dawn filtered through the bedroom window, casting a warm glow on Mario’s sleeping form. A soft hum of white noise filled the room, emitting from the speakers of an old 1980s-colored TV cradled in his arms.
He mumbled something as he shifted, pulling the TV closer to his face with a content sigh. The white noise fell silent as the screen on the TV flickered on. Static filled the screen before it revealed two tired eyes, one bigger than the other, and colorful test bars stretching to a yawn as their antennas dropped downwards.
They would have taken in the beautiful rays of dawn, if it weren’t for the uncomfortable view of Mario all up in their face.
“Wh- Mario! Get your mouth off my screen! Do you know how long it took to clean it yesterday?!”
Mario just mumbled incoherently, his breath leaving fog on Puzzle’s screen, much to their dismay.
They tried to free themselves out of their casing so they could push Mario away and at least stretch, but Mario was holding on tightly to their boxed head, preventing them from doing much; they could only shake their head as a pathetic attempt to push Mario away.
But after a while of literally nothing happening, they gave up.
“I swear, sometimes dating you is like dating an overgrown toddler!” They grumbled, the screen flickering to a more annoyed expression.
After a little bit of more struggling, Mario finally blinked awake, yawning, “Uh, wazzat? Puzzy, is that you?”
“Puzzy-wh-nevermind. Good morning to you too, you ridiculous lump.”
Puzzles said dryly, finally being able to extend their body out of their box, finally stretching their body with a satisfying electric ‘pop!’ Before sighing and looking at Mario again.
“Let me guess, you couldn’t sleep last night and just decided to use me as a television without my permission until you passed out.”
Mario Frog blinked, looking confused for a second. Before grinning, “Mario couldn’t help it! You know he always has to watch teletubbies before he sleeps!”
Puzzles shook their screen in disbelief, “I can't believe you right now.”
Mario only looked into their screen, seemingly unapologetic. "Aw, cmon, Puzzy!” Mario chuckled, flicking their screen. “You were asleep anyway! Mario was bored without you,” he huffed.
Hearing that nickname again, Puzzles was so tempted to throw the lamp resting on the nightstand at that ridiculously adorable face. Puzzles took a calming inhale through their vents. “Fine, but just next time, ask for my permission. Or else I will move the TV out there into here, and I will sleep on the TV stand out there.”
Puzzles only received a thumbs up before Mario instantly fell back asleep, not before muttering, “Be advised, I'm going beddy byes.” and then snoring right after.
Puzzles screen flickered in annoyance before they exhaled out their vents.
“Honestly, what am I going to do with you?” They muttered before leaning their tall, lanky frame down and pressing the bottom of their screen to Mario’s forehead, leaving a gentle static kiss on his head, making Mario giggle in his sleep. Antennas shaping into a heart.
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