#but i hope it will be over soon so <3 thought of making this :D💕
darkbluekies · 2 months
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Okay but a darling who has a blood phobia? It comes often with the fear of needles/syringes so after reading your Dr. Kry OneShot of reader being scared of needles I thought about the phobia.
And here are my thoughts :D Hope you don't mind 💕🙈 i tried my best to make it as authentic as possible with all the yanderes!
Tw: mentions of blood, murder, maybe gaslighting/manipulation, phobia
Edmund would be the WORST and most likey cause the phobia rather it being a thing before meeting him lol. But I am not sure if the phobia alone would be enough for him to consider not to kill in front of his queen anymore. Maybe the ball massacre would be enough and only time, but since his nature is unpredictable, there is no guarantee. Although he grows worried when his queen gets her periods everytime...
Dr. Kry would even have a much. harder. time. when it comes to blood tests and the first appointment might be where he finds out about his darling's phobia. At this point would put darling to sleep whenever he needs to take a test
Or oh boy, when darling gets her period in the first month they spend at the hospital? He would come into the room to find a passed out darling on the bathroom floor. At first he is shocked until he saw that they had bled through, a pad under their hand, and quickly understands the situation. He would be even frustrated that from all the 3-4% of the population fearing blood, darling happens to be one of them. Before darling wakes up in bed, he already had sorted out everything.
After that he would absolutely keep track on their cyclus and warn them just in time. He might be even persistent to change the menstruation pads/tampons and even washing the clothes if they got dirty, so darling doesnt have to see it at all. Maybe he would consider doing a therapy if it's really bad, so darling would feel better and won't faint every time they could get badly hurt y'know. But if they feel too anxious and dizzy, they can call him anytime :)
I think it's obvious that he's my favourite *^*
Silas would notice that darling doesn't look at him at all when he comes back. They could smell the irony scent and are imagining the worst so they avoid looking at him at all costs. Only once, when Silas forces darling to look at him, they faint as soon as the speckels of blood appear in their vision and then he understands what's the matter after panicking for good 10 seconds
He would probably care enough afterwards to change his clothes and shower everytime before entering the bedroom after a bloody mission. The dirty clothes would be in the washing machine and out of it before darling comes with their laundry next. Better be safe than sorry again.
Hedwig would feel so bad and sooo worried man, haha /_\
I haven't read everything yet but I think she would find out about the phobia after cutting herself on paper by accident and asking for a band aid. Darling instantly sprints to the aid box and bring it to her. being all anxious but trying to remain calm which they fail to hide (Hedwig hasnt grasp of the matter yet and thinks they are worried about her and finds it even cute... at first👀) Only when darling turns around and sees the blood, instantly dropping on the floor and hell breaks loose lmfao.
Or, on a sleepover at her house where she kills an intruder/stalking classmate/whoever. Darling comes down bc they want to drink water, only too see a scene of their yandere girlfrind with a bloody knife. Instantly dropping on the ground. When waking up a hysterical Hedwig is all over them, questioning if what they saw was real and why on earth she was holding a bloody knife at 3am. Hedwig might have the luck that darling isn't sure of the body, which was lying on the ground, was real too and would gaslight darling in order to keep her facade up.
Jerry was the hardest to imagine imo. So I apologise beforehand.
I can imagine her being worried and trying not to expose their darling to blood as best as possible but I can also imagine her using it to her advantage to "play" with darling or forgetting sometimes that they can't see blood, coming home with some cuts and bruises and darling passing out. And Jerry be like: "Ah sh*t. I forgot."
Ahhh I hope you like what I had in mind! You absolutely made me go brainrot with your stories, they are all soo good \*~*/ i almost read everything by now heh~
If you like asks like this let us know. I would to love share more but I dont want to post them randomly in my feed ._.
They're your OCs afterall ❤ love each of them!
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Have a wonderful day my dear! ♡♡♡
Aww I loved this so much!!! It is nice to be the reader for a change🥹🥹
I'm impressed that your visions fit with mine! The only thing I'd add is that I think that Jerry would try to get you over your phobia by ... uh ... exposure therapy :)
I really liked this, thank you so much♡♡
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heyitsoak · 2 years
Hi I seen you request we’re open and I was wondering if I could request some cuddling headcanons with the bayverse turtles with their female s/o if it’s not to much trouble 😅 if not that’s totally fine thank you!! :]
Yess!! My first tmnt request! >:) Ask and you shall receive
Bayverse Turtles with a female
s/o! (Cuddling hcs)
Masterlist II Taglist
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You’d probably be the one to ask first and when you do ask, Raph will be so taken back by it, not in a bad way though
He’d just be surprised that you’d want to cuddle him I feel like he’s really insecure about himself and wouldn’t expect you to ask him for cuddles
Once he’s over his surprise though he will nervously agree and will need your guidance of what to do, where to put his arms, etc
He’ll try to make it seem like he doesn’t like it but it’s very obvious he’s enjoying it
He’d prefer to cuddle in private like in his room since he wouldn’t want his brothers to know about it
He’d probably rather cuddle you with your back turned to him just because he doesn’t want you seeing how flustered he is
He’s a big softy though, he enjoys falling asleep while cuddling, especially after a rough day because it helps him relax
He’d probably be the one to ask first but he’d also be kinda unsure whether to ask or not because he doesn’t want to make your uncomfortable
So he’d probably tell you that it’s okay to say no but when you agree he’s relieved and happy
Really enjoys cuddling you and doesn’t really mind if his brothers find out or not
Tries to be gentle when cuddling cause he doesn’t want to accidentally crush you or hold you to tight
Enjoys hearing you talk while you cuddle, it’s just relaxing to him and he can easily fall asleep to your voice
Likes to run his fingers through your hair while cuddling too
Like with Raph he enjoys cuddling as a stress reliever from a rough day and it helps him calm down
You’d have to be the first one to ask because he’d be way to anxious to ask you first
Like he’s thought about cuddling before and has been wanting to ask you but he’s just to scared too
Like with Raph, when you ask Donnie if he wants to cuddle he freezes up and gets really flustered
He’ll agree though after he calms down, he’ll definitely start searching up ‘How to cuddle’ ‘Best cuddling positions’, etc because he has no idea what to do
Falling asleep together in his lab chair!! <3
he obviously has an ungodly sleeping schedule and you don't want to lay in his bed alone waiting for him so you just sit on his lap using his shoulder as a pillow
your warmth makes Donnie go to bed immediately
He wouldn’t want his brothers finding him cuddling you so he’d prefer cuddling in either his room or his lab
He secretly loves it when you trace your finger around his scales it makes his heart go <333
I just love Donnie so much :(( 💕💕
He’d definitely ask first 100%
It probably won’t even be to far into your relationship and he’d ask pretty quickly
But he’d actually be surprised if you agreed and he might tear up a bit but he tries to hide it
He might think about when the police officers called them monsters and he would need reassurance that you don’t think that about him
He’s just so happy he has you and you don’t see him any differently
Prefers having you face him when cuddling because he can look and you (and kiss you easier)
Since he’s so hyper he probably talks a lot when cuddling, ranting about stuff, talking about how his day went, talking about something he’s interested in, etc
He’s just such a loveable goofball <3 He’s my favourite (Besides Donnie, I love him sm)
Thank you so much for requesting!! It’s my first tmnt request, so thank you so much!! I may not post that often due to being busy and I’m currently sick :( I’m hoping I get better soon :D
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lyranova · 29 days
Hiya Lyra!!! Again CONGRATS ON 900!! I'm sure you'll hit the 1k soon enough :D But... umm... would you terribly mind if... you could make a Medical AU for Fuelara? If not, then Fue x reader is absolutely fine!!! Anywho... I was inspired a little by my former colleague's office, and so.. Lara (or reader) would be a pathologist with a somewhat spacious corner office, with a small couch, that is a pull out couch (nothing fancy, but y'know)
And Fue, the oncologist, would be on a very long work streak, and be on call, after having worked for... many hours, and he ends up catching a nap at the end of his work day on the couch, because she won't let him drive home sleep deprived. Just pure fluff an taking care of each other?
Again: Congrats!!! All the love and support from me ^^ <3
Hiya Laura! Ahwksjskwkwj thank you so much 🥺💕, I would say I don’t think I’ll hit 1k but…it’s starting to look like I might 🙈! Of course I don’t mind you asking for Fuelara, I would be honored to write for them 😤💕! This became less of them taking care of each other and more of them snuggling and teasing each other, but I still hope you like it 🥰!
Word Count: 1,348
Warnings: None
The corner office was quiet, the only sound echoing through the room was the clicking of the keyboard as Solara’s fingers glided across the keys with precision. That was the beauty of this place; no matter how loud and chaotic it was in the hospital, it was always quiet and calm in this office.
That was why Solara Equinox snatched it up as soon as it had been offered to her. So that way she could have peace, quiet, and a place to relax after a stressful day.
This place, in a way, was her retreat; her sanctuary.
And she wasn’t the only one who felt that way.
Her office door opened softly, and her green eyes glanced up from the computer screen to see a very tired looking Dr. Fuegoleon Vermillion standing there.
With a heavy sigh he closed the door behind him, closing his eyes for a moment, before he slowly opened them again and walked over to her couch. He took off his doctor’s coat and place it over one of the chairs before loosening his tie and sitting down on the sofa.
“ Is your shift finally over?” She asked him softly, her voice gentle and warm as she turned her chair to fully look at him.
Fuegoleon nodded slowly.
“ It is, thank god,” He said gratefully as he leaned his head back, his eyes closing again.
For the past two weeks he had been working long hours since he had been the only Oncologist and Oncologist surgeon on call for the entire hospital. With every passing day Solara had watched him grow more and more exhausted and that only made her grow more and more worried.
There were many times where she had worried that he was going to collapse, but whenever she confronted him about it he would always tell her that he was fine and that all he needed was more coffee or a short nap.
She sighed, it was a wonder he hadn’t collapsed!
But now it was over, and Fuegoleon could get the rest he deserved.
“ Luckily I have the next two weeks off, and I plan on taking full advantage of it,” He told her with a quiet chuckle, his eyes remaining closed.
“ As you should; after all, you’ve earned it,” She said. “ Do you have any plans? Aside from sleeping.” He hummed in thought.
“ Hm, well, I was thinking of asking a certain someone if they would like to go on a small holiday with me next week when they also had time off,” Fuegoleon began, a knowing smile on his face and a glint in his slowly opening eyes.
Solara smiled coyly.
“ Is that so? And who might this ‘certain someone’ be?” She asked teasingly, clearly knowing who he was referring to.
“ Let’s see; they’re beautiful, amazing, very intelligent, kind, warm, patient, and the best Head of Pathology I’ve ever seen,” He told her softly, a loving look in his tired purple eyes.
She couldn’t help but blush at his words, and her smile widened ever so slightly.
“ My, they sound truly amazing!”
“ They certainly are.”
“ You’d better not let them go, otherwise someone else might snatch them up.”
“ Oh believe me, I have no intention of ever letting her go.” His tone and gaze were serious, but his eyes were warm, caring, and full of love.
Solara’s heart skipped a beat for a moment before she cleared her throat and turned back towards her computer.
“ I happily accept your offer of going on a holiday together, Doctor Vermillion,” She told him in her professional tone, making him chuckle. “ Shall we decide on the location tomorrow evening?”
Fuegoleon nodded in agreement.
“ What time is it?” He asked her after a few minutes, Solara hummed as she glanced up at the clock on the wall.
“ It’s around 7:30.” She told him before she went back to typing, but she paused when he let out a small sigh.
“ I should let you finish your work,” He said as he slowly stood up.
Solara’s eyes narrowed.
“ Where are you running off to?” She asked as she stood up and crossed her arms. Fuegoleon turned towards her with a slightly confused gaze.
“ Home?”
“ And how are you planning on getting there?”
“ By driving?” He told her with a confused frown, his voice sounding perplexed.
She quickly shook her head.
“ No you are not,” She told him sternly as she walked around her desk and towards her sofa. “ you’re staying here and are going to get some much needed rest.”
Fuegoleon blinked in surprise for a moment before quickly shaking his head.
“ I can’t,” He began quickly as he watched her begin to take the cushions off her sofa. “ If I stay here I’ll only be bothering you as you work.”
“ But it would be very negligent of me as both your girlfriend and as a doctor if I let you drive home in your current state,” She told him firmly as she looked over at him. “ Besides, you won’t be bothering me; in fact, you being here will actually help me finish all of my work quickly.”
Realizing that there was no arguing with her, Fuegoleon sighed and began to help her pull the couch out in order to turn it into a bed.
“ Here's a blanket and a couple of pillows,” Solara said as she handed the items to him.
“ You know I can call just a cab to take me home-,” He began but the rest of his sentence died in his throat as she gave him a small glare that said ‘I will not tell you again’.
He cleared his throat and gave her a small nod of thanks before he placed the pillow and blankets onto the bed, sat down on it, and slipped off his shoes and tie.
As Solara went to walk back to her desk she suddenly felt something wrap around her wrist gently, and when she looked down she saw Fuegoleon’s hand gently holding it.
“ May,” He began hesitantly, his cheeks slightly red and his gaze averted to the side in nervousness. “ May I be so bold as to ask you to…lay down with me?”
Solara felt her own cheeks burn slightly before a small, playful smile appeared on her face.
“ If I didn’t know any better I would think that you were asking me to do something inappropriate with you,” She joked in a playful tone, and watched in amusement as his face only turned more red.
“ I-I didn’t mean-!” Fuegoleon began quickly, but Solara chuckled.
“ I know what you meant,” She replied. “ and I would be happy to rest with you, but only for a moment. I’m waiting for some test results to come in from the lab.”
Fuegoleon nodded, and moved over on the pull out couch in order to make room for her to lay down beside him.
She slid under the blanket and curled into his chest as his arms wrapped around her and held her close.
“ Finally, I can get a good night's rest now that you’re by my side, keeping me warm, and making me feel safe and loved…” Fuegoleon muttered sleepily into Solara’s hair, making her heart pound in her chest.
She…made him feel safe and loved?
“ Same here, Fue,” She admitted softly into his chest as she closed her eyes and listened to the soft drumming of his heart beat. “ I’ve missed having you by my side these past two weeks.”
Fuegoleon hummed in agreement before his once elusive sleep finally took him.
Solara waited a few minutes to make sure he was good and asleep before she tried to get up and get back to her computer, but as she squirmed and wiggled she found herself stuck against his chest. He had her firmly secured against him, and just as he said before; he had no intentions of letting her go.
With a resigned sigh she accepted her fate and rested against his chest, closing her eyes as sleep also came for her; those test results could wait an hour or two.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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hotcat37 · 3 months
(now take a seat in one of the isles N head straight 2 the open bar N buffet 4 as I tell U the story of one of the most chaotic but magical weddings in JOblr N Kablr history :3)
The day had finally arrived,the day our fave German Shepard N husky duo were going 2 promise themselves 2 eachother forever.The JO boys were helping out with last minute preparations (N driving Kris insane cuz everything had 2 be done by a very specific list he made as soon as the couple announced the wedding date N it had 2 be PERFECT)they even managed 2 get the rings around Ollie’s collar without him jumping everywhere,meanwhile Jere was with his crew + Tommy getting ready 4 the biggest day of their friend (or in Mikke’s case little brother) life.Alas everything was ready N up 2 (Kris’s extremely high) standards,the guests made up of the two grooms family,close friends N some of the esc family as everyone took their seats in the isles amongst the giant sunflower covered Alter Jure made 4 the soon 2 be husbands when Jere began waking down the isle (poor Nacko almost had a heart attack cuz of how ethereal his fiancé looked right then N there) the vow’s were said,Ollie successfully kept the rings safe till he had 2 give them 2 one of his dads 2 set his promise 2 be love N be by Jere’s side forever in stone,everyone was a crying sobbing mess throughout the whole ceremony.(even the daltons couldn’t keep it together or Tommy surprisingly) N then it came time 4 the officiate 2 marry our beloved Pokémon loving now husbands which was sealed with the whole “U may kiss the bride” thing.(Mikke was gonna be their wedding photographer but my man deserves a break so they got Damon 2 do it instead) N as soon as that was over particularly all the guests booked it 2 the open bar N buffet,speeches were made,the newlywed couple held hands as they cut the cake which lead 2 a small cake fight,Kris spent most of the after party sipping tequila N hanging out with Haarija,Bojan N Jure got shitfaced drunk N made out by the buffet (almost squishing the pokeball themed strawberry plater while they were at it) Nace thought Jan went missing until one of Daltons found him playing with a bunch of stray cats who found their way into the venue,Jere’s lil nephew N niece LOVED Ollie N couldn’t stop petting him N playing fetch with the lil dog N as soon as the party was over N everyone had settled into their hotel rooms the Gengar N Bulbasaur loving newlyweds had mind blowing sex but alast they were happy N knew that whatever happened 2 Joker out or Kaarija they would go though it with love in their hearts N eachother by there side..✨✨✨✨✨
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NACE/JERE WEDDING CANON!!! this was such a joy to read aaaaah I love Tommy in particular being among the guests 💞💞 Ollie being the ring keeper I can't 🥺🥺 Shocking he didn't run off though haha 😂 Nace would for sure almost faint looking at Jere walking down the isle <3♡♡ Jure making the altar sunflower themed :D 💕 And Kris' extremely high standards lmao ☠☠ Jan vanishing but only to play with stray cats is so real 🐈‍⬛💞💞
Them having mind blowing sex after haha XD The visuals accompanying the story are sooo good omg what what gorgeous wedding!! Love how purple it is 💜💜 The Pokéball flowers :")🥰 Thanks sm for blessing me with this ask!!
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Hi Rosie!! 🌹 Would it be okay to request some fluffy headcanons for Riddle, Deuce, Kalim, Azul, Floyd, Idia, Ruggie, and Vil (wheezes I just took your entire list? almost?) with an s/o who's kind of a crybaby? Very sensitive and prone to crying over anything that makes them emotional, be it happy or sad!
Also, hope you're thriving from Pomefiore's Eng release!! 💕 I hope you pull all the Rooks!
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Twisted Wonderland
Character(s): Riddle, Deuce, Kalim, Azul, and Floyd
Genre: Fluff
Type: Headcanon
Description: Them with crybaby s/o
Warning(s): Floyd Being a Tad Mean, Azul's Self-esteem
Lin, hiii!! I'm actually behind on story for twst ODBDKS all the way back in the beginning of the Scarabia chapter atm- but I am staying strong >:D as for my Rook pulling endeavors... I got Trey sobs but that just means I'm one step closer to completing Heartslabyul (if Ace actually comes home grgrgr-(update I got his bride ssr DBSOS))! And also I like Trey so win win :3
Thanks for requesting btw, Lin!! I, unfortunately, had to cut a few characters due to time </3 but I hope you enjoy anyways!
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   ➢ Riddle
Riddle always panicked when you became upset or whenever your joy became tearful
A part of him also ached at your tears, wishing nothing more than to rid you of them
Once you explained, or he connected the dots, that you cried because of how much the topic or action meant to you, he calmed down
Knowing the reason made him feel less guilty, yet he still found himself panicking
Not so much visibly but definitely internally
His heart would skip and stumble and his mouth always felt dry
Riddle will resolve to take your hand in his and pull you from whatever had triggered your tears
At least in public
Whilst in private he'd shakingly bring his palms to your cheeks and his thumbs to your eyelids
Lightly brushing from the corner to the crease of your eyes, rubbing the salty water into your cheekbones
The first time he had done so was when you both confessed
Giggles and smiles and trembles were shared between you both that day
And happiness didn't fit enough for how euphoric it felt
   ➢ Deuce
While Riddle panics internally, Deuce panics visibly
From waving his hands to contorting his face
And his voice is just as panicked as his body - raised, a tad squeaky, and wavering
He isn't quite sure what to do, but if it's caused by a person he'll always be tempted to confront them - though if you're happy he might just tear up too
Such as when he gave you a gift on your anniversary
It was a simple thing, really - at least he thought so
So when your eyes glistened and your cheeks became stained, he was worried he had upset you or something worse
Was it offensive? Had you not liked it-
Despite his racing heart, his mind came to a halt as soon as he felt your arms around him
Deuce even squeaked at how tight of an embrace it was - it had made a laugh jump from your chest, if you were being honest
His face was still twisted in worry, but his lips were pulled into a wavering smile; a confused smile
When you told him 'thank you', he finally allowed himself to relax
And returned the hug with full force
   ➢ Kalim
Kalim would be worried if he hadn't the context for why you were crying or upset
But he himself is a happy crier so expect shared tears whenever you both are overjoyed
If you're upset, he will ask you what happened or if someone spoke of a sensitive topic
Perhaps a tad too quickly
Kalim is a good listener, and distracter, and he is always willing to make the people closest to him happy!
After something happens, he suggests seeing the sights and, if you so wished, talk about it
He'll hold your hand, or even your pinky, as you and/or him chat
His free hand will eventually find your cheek, wiping the apple of the trailing tears
And, if you were alright with it, he'd bring you into his arms and hold you close
You don't have to tell Kalim anything, he'll always be there to make you smile or allow you to feel okay again
   ➢ Azul
Azul is not the best at comfort - he's always just worked himself into a hole to feel better
Always more actions than words
But that doesn't mean he won't try to be there
Perhaps he'll get the tweels to mess with whoever made you upset
Though tears of happiness are another story
If he was being honest, he had been uncomfortable at first
He's clueless on how to act around someone who is crying
Azul will absolutely try to comfort you, or cry with you depending on the circumstances
One of those times was when he finally knew that you loved him for everything he was
With every word from your mouth, your eyes filled up with tears
And more you said, the further he was in your arms
His vision was blurred in a little less than a fourth through your declaration
Jade said it was a sight to see - the two lovebirds sobbing to each other whilst caught in an embrace
Overall, Azul is protective and distant without meaning to
And he'll forever be there for you to rely on
   ➢ Floyd
Floyd can't handle others emotions well
He'll either become annoyed or will just make fun
But, as your partner, he gets a little angry
Who made his shrimpy cry?
He is more than confrontational when it comes to people and things he likes
He'll gladly squeeze someone for you, basically - no strings attached
Although Floyd has noticed that you cry a little when he spins you around in his arms
But he found it cute then because he knew you were happy
Someone saying something that makes you tearful is different, most definitely
And once he's done with them, he'll rush to find you again
Which was never a difficult task for him
If your tears were still running or they if they had wet your cheeks, he would rub and kiss them away
Wrapping you in his arms after settling into a cozy place
Giving you smooch after smooch in an attempt to cover your face in them
Something he always succeeds in >:3
Many think he'd be the worst at comforting you, but he has his ways of making you smile all over again
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
wow. part 6 literally made me speechless the first time I read it. I literally had to take breather cause that was too much for me to deal with 😭 I'm sorry this might be too long cause I have so much to say....
• Wanda pointing out that having children would've made her rethink her decisions, I felt that, deeply. Personally, I am someone who's not sure whether I want children or not in the future so for her to say "Maybe it would have stopped me"??? GIRL F*CK YOU 😭🤮. My mind would definitely make me think of that over and over again until I start blaming myself for what happened.
• You know what hurts the most? The fact that there's no one else to blame except Wanda and Vision. In other cheating fics, the mind stone always serves a purpose why Wanda decided to cheat. It's always "there's a connection between us because of the stone". Here? nothing. Just Wanda actually making a huge mistake.
• I was feeling bad for Wanda for a bit, then I realized that she deserved all that. I read your reply to another anon about the reasons of suspicion (newly bought lingerie icks me the most cause it meant she actually made effort to look good for vision 💔). I honestly can't think of any reason (for now) why Y/N should forgive her.
• Both Y/N and Wanda badly need some time apart. Healing takes time and it won't happen anytime soon. Wanda just can't force her way to Y/N's life again cause that surely won't work.
• I don't wanna talk about the smut since I genuinely don't know what to feel about it other than Wanda doesn't deserve a single ounce of affection from us 😏 lol
It took some time for me to actually have some thoughts about part 6. My mind was like "I need at least 2-3 business days to recover from this" 😆. Once again, thank you for being so talented and blessing us with this beautiful fic. I'm a huge angst enthusiast so pls keep it coming. Hope you're feeling much better now btw. All my love 💕
- 🦄
~ I did kinda thought if I should've broken it down in two, but I just couldn't find where to cut it right. anyway, after 6, we're gonna go back to the usual length :D nah, you dont have to worry about sending me paragraphs, i was looking forward to what you 🦄 had to say
~ it's one of her worst word vomits throughout these series, i admit
~ The arbitrary nature of cheating is very much real. especially when you've been so used to the comfort and security someone provides, and you don't think it's possible to lose them when you do something stupid.
~ re: lingerie: when i wrote in flames, i wrote it as an AU from a film called unfaithful, starring richard gere and diane lane. im not sure if any of you guys saw that film, but it stayed in my parents cd shelf and was off limits. i only watched it recently as an adult lol. most of the details in in Flames were faithful to this material, i recommend you see it. the lingerie isn't because of Vision. it's about her embracing her own lust, because she got addicted to the feeling of being wanted
~ correct. they need it. something's gonna happen that's gonna force that.
~ the smut was uncomfortable to write, because im a romantic who always associate it with love and emotions and all that cheesy stuff. id pay someone to write it for me if i could. but it was necessary to the story because it showed the actual depth of R's trauma, manifesting just now.
I am feeling much better :) I saw your message like 2 hours ago, but i needed to complete a 10km run :D
Thank you so much, my dear 🦄. Please take care!
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hueningshaped · 2 years
omg my ult ults me back????🥹🥹 i'm a successful fan😎 nope i will always find a way >:D you are so ☹️☹️ i have the first update already !! i have one (1) uni friend and me and her have pretty much developed separation anxiety so we always try to get into all the same courses but this semester it didn't work in one of our courses so both of us are very much like AND i am very unlucky with my schedule because i have uni every day now and it's so tiring because 4/5 days i only have class for 1.5 hours and i live a little further away so i have to commute for twice as long as i'm actually there😐 i hate it here. HAVE YOU SEEN THE SEULO TEASER!!!! i almost lost my mind i need it her to drop it ASAP (whoo woo 눈앞에 눈앞에 나타나 줘) !! not you researching apple types??😭😭😭 it's literally you as #1 cutest person in the world and then 10 spaces empty😔 AHHHH i'm so happy you like the new theme i am also very much 💗💘💕💓in love💓💕💘💗 with yours!! no bc ur right beomgyu really is just SO beomgyu😣 and AHHHH 2.0 i'm happy you liked the song too :(( i really liked ioi and i only stumbled upon the news of her solo by accident but i'm so happy she finally got it, her and chungha were my biases🥹🫶🏻 omg NOOO i really hope you managed to pass ur exam (pls update me i won't be able to rest otherwise :/) and i hope the closing shift was alright too!! AND !!!!!! i forgot to ask last time (literally so vile and evil) but how is your eye i hope that stye is gone by now because it's literally been like three decades since you mentioned it😟 oooohhh i hope you get to read more literature soon!! (plus get the sleep and rest you deserve😾) i also wanted to read a book over the summer but i procrastinated so much that i only started like two weeks ago but i had to stop again because my exams are coming up and i have to study for them which is another thing i'm procrastinating on😁👍🏻 omg the person i was during my 1d days ..... my actual dark past ..... i stanned them from early 2013 to early 2014 and then i kind of lost interest UNTIL the literal earth-shattering day that march 25, 2015 was and i started stanning them again but only until the start of 2016 because right after i started my kpop phase 🫥🫥 i haven't really been keeping up with them that much i've only listened to a few of their singles and i enjoyed the memes that followed the liam drama this year way too much😭😭 omg that first video literally one of my favorites ever i love seeing them just chilling off camera plus him incorporating head and shoulders knees and toes into his freestyle⁉️🤨 NOOOO the cheering he is so 😣😣😞😿 and omg the song!!!!! this message is already so long ur probably gonna be like bffr once you see this😭 so here is your first your second and your third link I LOVE U ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!!!!
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pleaseee ur my angel but yes hehe we’re mutual ults 🥹💗 how lucky is that 🤯 awww omg an update already yay but aw im sorry also that video is so funny but in the context it’s so 💔💔💔 how disheartening 🥺 omg i hate that !!!! why can’t uni just understand and be more flexible with schedules <///3 commuting being longer than actual class time is so 0/100 would NOT recommend >:(( i hope u find time to rest throughout all this even though ik already that’s it’s difficult to make time btw actual in school and commuting and life 😮‍💨 and omg the seulo mv 😳 “i kiss your brother” SEULGI?!1!1!!3!:!: i really really love songs with a bass line as powerful as that one ~ ive yet to listen to the rest of the album / have you ?? also this is such a random question but do u buy albums or photocards ? :0 hehe anyway (pls ur the absolute cutest to ever exist and to bring meaning to the word ‘cute’) haha….. apparently i failed so terribly…. which is bad bc initially i thought i’d done better… it’s a lot to explain but haha… (you are the furthest thing from evil ARE U KIDDINGNNEME u are the kind of good that gives people hope to keep living to keep dreaming and loving and anyway) my stye went away eventually so yay! there isn’t enough time in the world is there hm 🥺 i hope we both can read books at our own leisure/whenever we want to soon 🤹 best of luck on ur exams !!!! let me know how those go (also plz get ur sleep and eat and be hydrated) omg a directioner too? 🥹 they were dark times…. almost forgot about freaking liam drama ahhh we were so happy then (well sorta hehehe) OH GOODNESS UR LINKS *hand over heart* im… 💔 yeonjun being a lookalike to the short bangs kitty im so in luv ahh and their protocol team :”) it makes me happy to know they’re taken care of and besides that they have fun with each other it warms my heart 😿😿 worlds colliding abby huening is definitely meant to be part of ive idk 😮‍💨 slayyyyy hehe sorry i feel like i didn’t say anything of substance in this reply which is absurd especially after such a pathetically long delay ☹️ during the final week of september my sister came to visit (she lives 1000 miles / 1609 km away) and i had lots of fun and when she left everything went downhill and i haven’t been well and with the little time i have to myself im just exhausted 🥺 im sorry i didn’t mean to mar this response to you not bring u anything but positivity bc u deserve the best 🥺 i withdrew from one of my classes due to how overwhelmed i was and im just trying to take each day at a time at the moment 👍👍 so i hope to be better 💌 HEY WAIT AHH DID YOU SEE UMM UMM TXT NEW HAIR COLOR?2!!2!2!;!/ APPLE, WE GOT BLOND SOOBIN!!!!! PINK TYUN!!!! BROWN 🧸 BEOMGYU!!!!! BLACK HAIRED YJ!!!!! PRINCELIKE BLACK HAIR HYUKA!!!!! at a loss of words……. please update me with ur life and with school and everything! i TRULYYYY hope things are going better and that u at least enjoy the classes u share with ur friend and that ur commutes are safe 🥺 here are ur links 📃~ this impeccable cover of beomgyu, another cover of his hahaha, this tweet, and a song (this song is so sad ive only been listening to sad music lately whoopsies) also sorry my links are lacking :( i’ll do better next time 🫶 i know i only ever give you 2% when u give me 10000% and i apologize i love u and i don’t ever wish to take u for granted 🥺 please take care always ~!! 💗❤️💗❤️💗 (tyssssssm for the pics they’re so cute and beautiful i love them)
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yamikawas · 2 years
I love you, my darling <3 I would love to kidnap you if that's alright with you. ⚡
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unknownwriting · 3 years
May I rq for headcanons of a reader that’s typically shy to the point of being a pushover? She heavily dislikes conflicts but her lack of presence doesn’t really help her resolve any, so she’d meekly stand to the side with a distressed look whenever an argument/fight breaks out. But one day, somebody (a random stranger) happens that really ticks her off. Her distressed look quickly morphed into a close eyed smile that radiates death under that false calm facade. If they continue to tick her off, then she starts spitting out facts that’d completely undermine the other person’s argument, not leaving them any space to talk back, all while wearing a snide smirk on her face. And then she goes to add in some insults and mockery sugarcoated but in a sarcastic way, so it’d sound innocent but the other person knows she’s making fun of them. After the person have absolutely nothing to retort with, our dear mc would end the conversation with a singsong voice telling them to f*ck off. (Sorry for the curse word 😔) After she cools down from the adrenaline, she’s back to her shy self
Meanwhile, the guys would have seen the entire thing from afar and they were shocked. They originally thought they had to step in when they first saw the stranger starting an argument, but then they saw the sudden change in mc. Feel free to choose any 3 guys of your choice from One Piece 💛 Hopefully this will give you a chance to indulge yourself, even though I’m already providing the prompt 😓
I 100% support shy people with an attitude, shows that we’re not total pushovers 😙 People get so shocked whenever I explode out of my shell like I’m “not supposed to do that”, when they’re the ones that egged me on 😤
Hope you have fun choosing the characters and writing this 😊
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♡ Summary- a very shy s/o had finally snapped and she gets into a very heated argument with a random stranger and they boys witness it all
♡ Characters - Eustass Kid, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo 
♡ Warnings- cursing,
♡ The power your giving me 😳 I spent like 2 hours trying to figure out who to write about 😭😭 and of course one of them had to be Ace 🥳💕 also I’m trying something new with my blog sooo there might be some changes edit: I’m so sorry I didn’t know it’s been 2 weeks yet, I’m so sorry for the long wait
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Eustass Kid
- oh boy when you finally lost it in front of Kid because someone had finally pissed you off Kid was ecstatic. He knew they was a reason why he wanted you on his crew. Just took you a while.
- with that being said he was practically hanging on to ever word you said. He wasn’t sure what you were even mad over but seeing your face red with anger, your eyes narrow, and you speak with a sharp tongue, made he feel almost…happy
- you kinda even forgetter what you were even mad about, all you know is that you were fed up and pissed off. And you knew exactly who you needed take your anger on
- not even you knew what come over you. You know well enough that you were a normally quiet person but this new you was like a different person. sending insults left and right sticking up the middle finger, and telling everyone who gets close to f*ck off
- Kid and the crew are absolutely invested. Kid was sure he’s haven’t even said that many curse words in an augment. It was something that Kid doesn’t get to see everyday, so having you lose it just makes it amazing. Honestly get this man soon popcorn
- He could stare at that scowl on your face all day. Kid hardly heard any of the insults or mockery bc he was just watching you move. The way that you had done everything so aggressively almost made him forget that you were push over. But of course he was rudely reminded when you had turned on your heel and headed back to them.
- you face had faded back to its normal shade and your eyes had feel back into a soft gaze. As if you just turned into a completely different person. It definitely reminded Kid just how shy you were but of course he’s not gonna just let that scene go unnoticed.
- as soon as you walk back to him, Kids all over you asking what that was and what happened. In all honesty, Kid is very disappointed when you went back to your old self. The new you was so much more different and Kid loved it. The way insults and curses would just fly off your tongue and the way that you held nothing back. Kid would honestly love to see that side of you again, and after you had experience that side of you, you just might grant his wish time to time.
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Portgas D. Ace
- this man was speechless. He couldn’t muster a single word to describe what was happening or how he felt. He was just speechless. Seeing you act like that was something he never thought he would see
- he wasn’t sure what happened exactly, but he figured that a store had must’ve said some type of comment to piss you off. Bc the insults were coming one after another. Not even giving the other person a chance.
- Ace had definitely heard some new words and phrases that day. And it was all stuff he never thought you would say, in a millions years. Yet here you are in front of him, that once shy, push over as a girl finally going off. Although it left him speechless, he was relived at the same time.
- Ace has known you always been sort of a push over and he’s tried to break out of that but it never seemed to work, yet seeing you stand up for yourself and the others around you too made him feel better. Of when he was watching it he didn’t know how to feel
- the way the insults has flew off your tongue had him mesmerized. Not even anyone on Whitebeard’s crew has ever heard you talking like this. Or even act like this. It wasn’t until you started walking towards him with your same soft expression that he come back to reality. 
- as soon as he were able to collect his thoughts, a bunch of gibberish. He wasn’t even sure what was going one, he was so so confused. You were furious one minute then back to your shy self the next. Ace was so lost. When he finally asked you about it tho all you did was shrug it off and move on, trying to calm yourself down
- now once y’all get in the ship once again, Ace would not shut up about you. He’s telling everyone what happened and how cool and smooth you where. Of course the crew has a hard time believing you but as you nodded along with Ace, even they crew found themself speechless
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- he’s almost proud of you, like Kid but he’s also speechless like Ace. It just caught him of guard. He knew this whole time that your weren’t a total push over, you just hated conflict.
- He always knew you had it in you to confront a problem, so when you finally confront the person for whatever reasons, Shanks was proud. Along with the crew, everyone was so proud. they weren’t sure why you had went off but that doesn’t matter just watching the scene play out was funny
- the look on the other persons face and the way that you spoke with a sharp tongue. None of the crew had ever seen you like that before it was so different from the soft way you spoke. They were all loving it. It was almost like you had preformed it all before, you hadn’t missed a beat.
- they were all hanging out to your next word and when you had finally stop and turned on your heel to leave. The crew had erupted in laugher (like the scene at the beginning of the series) and couldn’t stay quiet. Making the person you were arguing even more embarrassed and you felt almost proud
- you really weren’t aware that they were watching so you were surprised and a little embarrassed but it didn’t matter. The crew was absolutely excited. Knowing that you can speak your mind is one thing but seeing it in action was amazing
- Shanks was just in awe. He knew you had it in you and he thought it was amazing. He would quote some of the things you said, commenting how scared the person was, and how perfect you were. It made you so embarrassed but Shanks wasn’t gonna let it go for a while. None of the crew was
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Fandom: Marble Hornets
Character: Tim/masky
Pronouns: she/her !
Age: 18
Dear, Masky
How are you feeling today? I hope you are well! 💕 I had an important question to ask you actually! I really like you and I was wondering if you'd like to be my valentine? You always make my day and I always have a smile on my face when I'm around you ! I'd love to return the favor by making your day too! 💕 We could watch a movie if you'd like? Or go on a picnic maybe? Anything you'd wanna do I'd be totally down for !
Your secret admirer, Katie
(( to author: you're incredible and I hope you have a wonderful day today!! Thank you so much for these, your writings and your art always make me smile! :D )
[Disclaimer: Letters To Those You Hold Dear (Valentine's Edition) is a special event I'm holding from February 13th - February 23rd 11:59 PM. Find the guidelines HERE so you can send a letter or two to those you hold dear <3]
Hey there Katie,
Busy. Really, really busy. Toby has been slacking more than usual, so it's up to me, Kate and Hoodie to pick it back up to the big guy doesn't take us all out. You know, he's seeing someone too? I guess I am now as well - I've never been good at words. Should reopen this letter with a different type of greeting, huh?
Hey there sweetheart,
See? That's better. I guess I can call you that now. Best to answer things forward or else I know I'd never get to them! I hope I'll be back in time for actual Valentine's, but I'm admittedly far from where you're at. We could always have a postponed date? A picnic, maybe? Whatever makes you happy would make me happy. It's been... A while since I've thought about these things, these feelings, all of it. But, I'm over the moon that you were the one to reignite them. Can't wait to see you again and hopefully soon.
[Attached to the letter is a single red rose.]
Hi love bug,
That's really kind of you! Thank you for enjoying my writing. Have an absolutely fantastic day.
Lots of love,
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yupitsbambi · 3 years
Wildflower | Lucifer | Heart Ache Mixtape | Part 3
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S O N G : P L A Y I N G G O D - P A R A M O R E
Hello babes!!! Welcome to Part 3 of the Wildflower series. This is only the beginning of the second act, so I know it’s a little slow, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless 💕 Part 4 will be coming to a dash near you soon! Now let’s check in on how Luci’s doing, shall we?
P L O T : Lucifer has fallen into a cycle of depravety ever since MC left the Devildom. Haunted by ghosts of his past, he drinks to drown out the memories that plague him. Faced with his relationships with his brothers crumbling, he makes a decision- to bring MC home, once and for all.
W O R D C O U N T: 4.3k 😳
W A R N I N G S : cursing, arguments, blacking out, sleeping with strangers, gets PG13+ there for a minute, oops my hand slipped and I ALMOST wrote smut, rated T for Teen, family squabbles, mourning, Lucifer’s just generally a dumb fuck, wretched of heart dumb of ass
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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3 M O N T H S L A T E R-
Lucifer didn’t think he had had a worse headache in all of his millenia of existence.
You would’ve thought being an eternal creature of sin would put a hold on hangovers, Lucifer grumbled mentally, already regretting last nights events.
The throbbing that racked through his brain thumped with his pulse. The beginnings of consciousness were only just starting to take hold- a sleepless delirium still having a firm grip of his psyche. Groaning loudly, he gave his head a quick shake, as if attempting to rattle the pain right out of his skull and onto his pillow.
Pushing his limp body onto the side, he squinted tightly to avoid the light shining in through his curtained windows. Unwilling to crawl out of bed just yet, he thrust out his arm, searched for the warm body that he had sensed to his left, and pulled them tightly against his chest with an iron grip. The surprising warmth instantly entered his form, eliciting a soft Infernal grumble that shook the mattress underneath and caused the headboard to shake lightly against the wall.
There were few times that he got these peaceful moments with you, despite the fact you so often pestered him for a single break or diversion in his distracting routine. It was so fleetingly rare that he actually got to bask in the peace, the happiness, the comfort that was built so solidly into your being, and that you shared so generously with him.
Your rightful place is with me, Lucifer’s mind drifted, thoughts slow and aimless.
Squeezing his partner tighter, a soft chuckle shook her shoulders and the arm that he had draped around her body. His eyebrows furrowed at the unfamiliar sound.
“I didn’t take you for a snuggler, Lucifer.” The sultry voice crooned softly, almost tauntingly, a sly smirk reading clearly in their voice. 
Well, this wasn’t how I wanted my morning to go.
Not knowing what he had gotten himself into, but knowing enough not to want to be a part of it, he promptly released his hold and pressed himself further pack toward the edge of the mattress.
Rotating once more to lie back against his silken sheets, he dragged his hand down his face, stopping briefly to pinch the bridge of his sharp nose and then rub the now-lost sleep from his eyes. A groan once again escaped him as another throb pounded against the walls of his skull. He seemed to be having a lot of reasons for groaning now days.
Pity- I was in such a good mood, too. 
His guest shifted as well, leaning on one rosy elbow and draping the other soft hand across his chest. It took everything in his power not to twist away from the unwelcome and unrequited touch. The blushing nymph above him smiled down, pale skin flushed with his recent heat and perfectly straight white teeth shining inhumanly in the morning light. Her short auburn hair fell off her shoulder and cast a soft shadow over her plump cheeks.
She’s pretty enough, he supposed, Not an awful companion for the First Born. 
But they’re nothing compared to you. Bile rose in his throat, and he choked it down unceremoniously. The taste of lead coated is tongue. 
She bit down on the corner of her crimson lip, long lashes fluttering as she eyed the eldest avatars exposed torso. 
“You know, if you’re feeling handsy, handsome,” she teased, dragging a soft pink fingernail down the division of his clavicle. Her lustful gaze locked with his stoney one. “All you had to do was ask.”
Unable to handle her assault anymore, he grabbed her hand, perhaps a little too roughly, though he couldn’t really bring himself to care. He eyes widened softly, but she didn’t say anything. He loosened his grip loosely.
“Unfortunately, my dear,” He flashed his patented dipolmacy smile, trying to save face from his aggressive outburst, but he wondered if she picked up that he was nearly spitting the pet name through his clenched teeth. “Duty calls.”
Forcing himself upward, she fell ungracefully back onto the bed, a look of hurt flashing briefly across her pretty features. After a brief moment of processing her rejection, she composed herself quickly, and humphed her way out of the tangled trap of sheets left over from the night before. Tossing her long, thick legs over the edge of the mattress, she elegantly stood, dressed only in a disheveled and nearly destroyed set of lacy red underwear.
He followed her lead, pacing slowly towards his desk and gripping a decanter of amber whiskey tightly in his ungloved hand. The unnamed girl dressed herself quickly in the tight latex dress from the night before, which had been unceremoniously tossed across the back of his loveseat. Her hair fell in her face as she reached down and picked up her scattered black pumps that had been tossed haphazardly across the floor, more evidence of the events the night before. He ignored her and began to prep his recovery drink.
Walking calmly and slowly to his door, she turned just before exiting, flipping flaming locks off her shoulder and setting hard eyes on him. “You know,” she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I had heard these terrifying stories of Lucifer, the Fallen. Yet, last night, despite everything, I had a good time.” Taking a deep breath and leaning her head back to gaze at a nondescript spot in the ceiling, she sighed. “Maybe if you opened yourself up to people, you wouldn't have to be so cold all the time.” 
And with that, she was gone, leaving the door open and him alone. Like always.
Tossing himself down into one of his plush, velvet chairs, Lucifer released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. 
He could admit he was tired. The kind of exhausted that wracked your bones and left room for nothing else except itself. Lucifer couldn’t recall the last time he had gotten a good night's sleep- whether it be from attending distracting parties or crass endeavors, or the dreams that seemed to haunt him any time he so much as drifted off. Memories of you smiling, laughing, sprawled across his heart on lazy mornings came to him on the good nights- visions of your tears and echos of your betrayed wails on the bad. He had discovered, through much trial and error, that drinking left him with at least a dreamless rest. The hangover and unexpected guests were unfortunate side effects of this particular medicine. 
He popped open the cork and proceeded to take a swig directly from the mouth of the bottle. Then, he took a fresh glass off the silver serving plate, and poured himself a 3 finger of ginger scotch. 
Millenia alone, and a simple human manages to ruin everything. He licked his lips and his tongue burned with liquor. Who would’ve thought they’d have managed to bring the entire Devildom to their knees?
Curling his body over itself, he laid his head in his hands, pushing his palms into the sockets of his eyes. The ache never seemed to leave him. He was unused to being taunted by this feeling.
The pressure in his eyes and the aching in his gut caused an image to play in his mind, no matter how much he tried to drown it.
“Lucifer!” You cried, laughter lighting up your face. He felt his heart drop to his stomach, blood flushing his face. Who gave you the right to laugh like that? It could be patented as a weapon- disarming anyone within hearing distance. He pinned your arms above your head, rolling above you on the couch and caging in your hips with his knees. A flare of pleasure rushed through him as your eyes flashed mischievously.
“You’ve been a naughty little human, Y/N,” he smirked, leaning down to nibble on your jawline. You giggled again, and he breathed deeply with the rush of endorphins. If he could bottle this feeling, sweet addiction would come too easily. “Now I’d just like to have my fun.”
You turned your neck to whisper to him softly, lips brushing his ear. He shivered. “Oh Luci,” you breathed. “I didn’t know you knew how to have fun.”
Leaning back on his haunches, he pushed his long hair back off his cheeks, tutting lightly.“You’re playing a dangerous game, darling.”
You pushed their chest upward, arching your back and eyeing him, deep in thoughtful analysis, figuring out how much to push him. He growled.  What I wouldn’t give to know what’s going on inside that pretty little head, he wondered. 
“I know…” You bit your lip, tempting him. The tone was sarcastic and bratty, but that was just how he liked you. “A little weak human can’t make their own decisions.” A groomed eyebrow popped it’s way upward, daring his next comment. Shrugging your shoulders lightly, at least as much as you could do with your arms being held tight against the armrest, you allowed your gaze to drift away, almost wistful. A bat of your eyelashes earned a soft groan. “Or at least, make any precisely. I never know what will cause you to go so…” Gleaming eyes met his crimson stare. “Beastly.”
A demonic bellow echoed through your ribcage, courtesy of your attacker, and you smiled. Leaning forward, you made moves to nip at his neck, merry with how the evening was unfolding. Reaching his ear again, you cooed, “Maybe you should tie me up, so I don’t go where you don’t want me.” Relaxing into the velvet loveseat again, you turned and nuzzled into his wrist, nipping at the nearest skin. Each bite was followed with an apologetic kiss, and his skin lit up in flames. Now you were speaking his language. “Keep me right here…” Teeth sunk into his flesh lightly. “With you…” Soft lips soothed the aching skin. “Forever.”
With that, his patience snapped. He was on you in a moment, covering any exposed flesh in his marks, teeth on skin, lips on lips. He nearly moaned when you ground your hips against him, as if begging him to let loose all the pent up energy you had built in him. Lucifer gripped your hip tightly, and you let out a heavy breath, rolling your head back into the cushion. You knew that was going to bruise, and you loved it. 
“You’ve changed, my love.” He stated simply. Your brain was foggy from where his hands roamed, and your tried to make your way through the slowly crumbling muck. He read your face as your eyebrows cinched, confused but not wanting anything more than for him to ‘Please, for the love of Hell, don’t stop.’
“What?” You asked, squirming gently beneath his assault. He loved to watch you try and think when you were like this, breathy and befuddled, slowly shattering beneath him. 
“When you first came here you looked like a frightened rabbit.” It was his turn to nibble at the soft spots of your neck, and your turn to shiver. “I remember it so clearly, the look of fear on your face.” I chase that high everyday, he thought. “Yet here you are, so grown, so determined to defy me.” He sucked at the spot beneath your jaw that he knew made you melt, and you did not disappoint. Quivering beneath him, you gasped at the air. Although he couldn’t see, your grip on his hair made him sure your eyes had found a new home in the back of your head and you had bit your lip till it bled. “You can look a full blown demon right in their eyes and still have the gall to fight back.” His hand slid its way up your side, tangling itself in your hair. Leaning back, your eyes met, his warm and yours hooded with a newfound desire. He grinned. “I’m almost proud.” You grinned right back. 
It seemed he wasn't the only one who’s patience had grown thin. Jamming your knee between him and the back of the couch, you grabbed ahold of his shoulders and rolled your weight beneath him, rocking him onto the floor with your languid body quickly following. A look of surprise read across his features, not expecting the sudden shift, but he didn’t look displeased. You being on top was always an adventure, after all. 
“You know, if you want to play God, Lucifer,” you smiled, running your hands lightly up his torso. His breathing was heavy from being tossed, and he watched you inquisitively, eagerly anticipating your next move. “To cram your ideas of what I should be down my throat, to control me, to tame me…” Your soft hand turned to claws, scraping down his chest and leaving trails of excited pink behind them. Your eyes flashed again, and he smirked. “You’re going to have a hard time.”
He grabbed your hand and raised it to his lips, never breaking eye contact as he kissed each knuckle slowly, tantalizingly. A warm jolt flushed your core at his assault. “That’s why it’s so much fun.”
Reaching foreward, you grasped his jaw, tilting his neck slightly up to you. “Your hubris never fails to astound me,” You chuckled, leaning down to take his bottom lip into your teeth. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to let you give it a shot. You are Lucifer, after all.” Both hands dug themselves into his hair, eliciting a guttorial groan as you dragged your nails down the back of his neck. “Avatar of Pride, the First Born, the Morningstar, the Strongest of Them All…” with each name, each ounce of praise you gave him, you felt him grow beneath you, feeding into his self-satisfaction. You knew just how to play him like a fiddle. 
Hovering above him, your noses touched, breath fanning each others faces. Your chest rose and fell quickly, anticipating each move, begging to know where it went next. “When you play God like that...” you paused, assessing him. He was heavenly, demonic, a beautiful juxtaposition that made you shiver with excitement. Best of both worlds, you supposed. Constantly needing to be on top, to be the best, it was simulationously admirable and heartbreaking. But diachotomies were what Lucifer did best. “Does it ever get lonely, to be the only one this holy?”
“Not when you’re with me,” he breathed.
“Then show me.”
“How pathetic.” A cool voice snapped him out of his daydream, causing Lucifer's head to snap up and assess the new critic. Satan stood in the doorway leaning up against the frame, arms crossed and glaring daggers at his older brother.Ever since you had left, their relationship had collapsed again. It was definitively unable to withhold the strain of Lucifer’s actions and Satan's sharp tongue.
In fact, his relationships with almost all the family had deteriorated since the New Years. Each of the brothers had tried to share a piece of their mind at some point, unable to hold back the fury of losing the one thing that had lit up this dismal place for them. Each time, Lucifer had endured a few minutes of their protesting, having enough respect to hear his family outbefore reminding them that he was the one that would make decisions for the good of the house. They had no say in the matter. And one by one, looks of disappointment and disbelief had flashed across their faces, and they had receded, separating themselves from his association as much as possible. 
Their old habits had also made a return with force.
Mammon took any opportunity he could to go hop the streets, searching for debauchery. Drugs, gambling, bartering- it was all on the table. He often stumbled through the gated doors beaten and bleeding, his loan sharks taking out his debts on his body when he couldn’t pay up.
Levi hadn’t been seen in almost a month now. Beel picks up his packages and drops them at his door, a slithering hand creeping out to grab it before locking himself in his fortress again.
Asmo made himself busy with parties, unable to entertain himself at the house any longer. Lucifer had heard rumors that he had started several squabbles by dragging lovers along, teasing them with the potential of his affection only to have it torn away when he found another, more interesting prospect. There was even talk that one fight between suitors had ended in a jealous fit of rage, and one of the demons lost their lives. When Lucifer had tried to confront him about this, Asmo had simply scoffed, “You’re one to talk,” before grabbing his overnight bag and vanishing once more into the night.
Beel and Belphie still stayed at the House of Lamentation, but tensions were thick. Beel’s grief at losing a friend, a partner, and what was left of his beloved sister again had begun to tear him apart from the inside. He blamed himself for not stopping you from leaving, and his gluttony had raged past the point of control- it was often they would find entire doors or cabinets destroyed from his hunt to fill the gaping void inside him.
And Belphie… well, Belphie’s hatred for Lucifer had only been reignited. With no reason to wake up in the morning to hang out with you, he often slept for days at a time, and had completely given up on making the treck to campus. On the fleeting moments when he did regain consciousness, he was irritable and quick to fly off the handle, reigning terror down on the eldest brother at any given chance. Without you, even his long sleeps had been unrestful, and he was prepared to take it out on the reason for his pain at the drop of a dime. 
That left Satan.
Once upon a time, you had managed the impossible task of reconciling the two. Lucifer remembered when they had finally grown to be comrades, working together and accepting their similarities as virtues, not vices. After you had decided to return to the human world, however, it seemed that the invisible thread that was holding their peace had snapped, and they were somehow worse off than before. Satan’s wrath at losing his friend was unmatched. He constantly reminded Lucifer whenever he could of the pain he had caused you, that it was his fault that you weren’t here, that all of the progress you had made with the brothers and the family you had built was destroyed because Lucifer couldn’t even choke out an “I’m sorry,” to the most important thing that had happened to them since their eternal torment in the Devildom had begun. Satan was not one to mince words, and he took any opportunity he could to take it out on the Avatar of Pride.
“You disgust me,” He sneered, lip curling up in obvious distaste. Lucifer sat back, preparing himself for another onslaught of shame from his family. It certainly wouldn’t be the last one. “You broke their heart, and you have the audacity to fall down this spiral of lechery, as if you deserve one ounce of pity for your actions?”
“I never asked for pity,” Lucifer spat back, setting his elbow on the armrest next to him.
“Are you sure about that?” the blonde growled, staring him down from across the room. His nostrils flared with anger. “Look at yourself!” A green tipped hand gestured toward him, waving up and down. “I just watched that nymph stumble out the door, hair fucked out, throat marked up. You go through a bottle of cheap whiskey a day- you could have Beel beat for consumption at the rate you guzzle that shit down your throat. I bet you didn’t even know her name.”
The silence echoed through the room, proving Satan’s point instanationously. He scoffed. 
“Honestly, you think you can drown out what you’ve done with drugs, cheap sex, and shitty liquor?” Lucifer watched the fire dancing behind his eyes- he recognized the wrath that he had once had in himself, fully formed. “For the embodiment of Pride you’d think you’d conduct yourself a little better. You’re a disgrace on our family and you’re a disaster to your own reputation. In fact, I bet half the realm knows you’re nothing but a washed up skeezebag who can’t even keep it in his pants.” Satan pushed the hair out his eyes, huffing indignantly.
“Seriously, take a look at yourself. You put Mammon to shame when it comes to being scum. That can be your point of pride now. You wear the label well, brother.” 
“Are you done?” Lucifer cut through, growing agitated. Satan's accusations were ringing in his ears, making his hangover worse than it already was. Head throbbing, he needed his inflamed brother out, now.
“Am I done?” Satan asked, incredulous. He pushed himself up from the doorway, fury bubbling up through his expression. Within a moment, Satan’s demon form had made full appearance, skeletal tail flicking angrily behind him. “You’re absolutely ridiculous. Don’t you see what you’ve done, you old fool?” Before Lucifer could interject and force him out of his room, Satan continued. “They were our family. They helped us grow, they helped us change. They made us learn that we are not just the sins we embody, but that whats left of our retched souls have meaning too. They joined us, they accepted us, they loved us. When they were here, Mammon bought gifts for us. Levi actually came to dinner and grew used to sharing his friends time amongst the 7. Asmo finally felt like he was loved for something outside of his body and his influence, and began to care for people deeper than his lust. Beel filled his gluttony with their affection and stopped destroying the damn house all the time, and Belphie made an effort to do things with all of us rather than lock himself away. I wasn’t feared for once. I began to accept my wrath and translate it to other, more productive things. And they were there every step of the way.”
He pointed a finger at Lucifer accusingly. He watched as it shook with rage. “And you, of all people, had their heart. They adored you despite the fact that you’re a cold, bitter asshole. Even after everything, you couldn’t find it in yourself to change one bit, to make an effort to grow that rotten black soul of yours, even for them. You couldn’t even find it within yourself to say sorry.”
Another long silence fell thick over the room. As fleeting seconds past,  they stared at each other, both daring the other one to make the next move.
Finally, Satan huffed, releasing his demon form and falling back into his comfortable yellow sweater. His green eyes pierced Lucifers opposing red one last time. “I’m embarassed to have ever been a part of you. Even for all my anger, I could never have done something so cruel.”
The door slammed shut, rocking the wood on its hinges, and leaving nothing but a cold ringing in the sex-stenched air.
Lucifer promised himself he’d never go back in there.
Yet, as he laid sprawled out, half naked and tipsy from the firey liquid staining his glass, he felt his resolve slowly wither. It was probably a hopeless endeavor to promise myself something that tempting anyways.
So, finally, after almost a quarter of a year of denying himself the Pandora’s box of misery he knew lay inside, he slowly twisted the knob on your door, and pushed.
Everything was almost exactly how he remembered it, aside from the disheveled sheets tossed across your old bed. He had expressly forbade anyone from going in your room after you left, but he was sure there was the occasional trespasser- Mammon and Belphie in particular had grown attached to your scent for sleeping, and he was sure that the normally quarreling brothers had eventually worked out a schedule as to who would get to sleep in your room until the drift of your perfume and body wash finally faded from the sheets.
It was dark and nostalgic, reminding him of a pre-apocalyptic time capsule: frozen memories of what was, what could’ve been, now laid to waste. He strolled across the wood floor, taking in everything and nothing all at once. Had you ever really been there at all, or was it just a dream?
Your RAD uniform was hung neatly up on the wall, your hair ties and knick knacks laid haphazardly across the dresser top. There were still posters on the wall of your favorite Devildom band- the Hellraisers- and collected paintings of local flora decorating your walls.
As he strolled listlessly through your room, he reached up and plucked a photo that you had stuck up with a thumbtack- it was a photo of you on Beels shoulders, obviously laughing and juggling some shopping bags and take out in each of your hands. The look on his brothers face astounded him- he couldn’t remember the last time his brother had looked that happy since he was presented with a 1 hour All-You-Can-Eat buffet from Hell’s Kitchen for being their most honored customer. Another shock of that now-familiar feeling, Shame, ricocheted though Lucifers chest.
Underneath it was another similar Polaroid shot- one of the time when you and Levi had played a 24 hour all day raid on his favorite MMORPG, and you had promptly proceeded to celebrate, take a victory swig of water, and collapse on top of him. The brother had immediately taken his natural form and was flushed bright red, clashing violently with his electric purple hair. Lucifer remembered how he had begged for someone to help him move you because he was too afraid he was going to wake you up, and the group had instantly decided to pretend they were all busy and left him to fend for himself for over an hour. Lucifer figured this was the result of when someone had finally taken mercy on the third born but couldn’t bear to leave such a embarrassing situation undocumented.
Finally, he turned his attention to the image that was right smack in the middle of them all.
Centered right in the middle of them all was a portrait from your first New Years in the Devildom. In it, the two of you were dancing, your back turned to the camera, while he watched your carefully, smiling. Again, Lucifer was struck by how damn at peace he looked. While it might not be clear to an outside observer, he recognized it in his own face, how completely enamored he was with you in that moment.
Through his haze, he couldn’t quite place where he recognized this from. Then, all too slowly, it began to dawn on him.
He remembered this night. It was the first night that he admitted that he had fallen for you. The night in which he asked you to be his.
And a year later, to the date, he had thrown it all away.
Pain clinched his throat, and he dropped the photo carelessly. His eyes trained on it as it slowly drifted downward, settling gently, face-up, onto your carpet.
Unable to bear it any longer, he turned away from the collage, finding it difficult to breathe. He came in here for a reason, to find something, anything-
And there it was.
On your nightstand was a golden bracelet, catching in the light on the nearby lamp. He recognized it immediately.
On your 1 year anniversary of being in the Devildom, each of the brothers (yes, even Mammon) had pitched in to buy you a gift. After much bickering, they had decided on this- a custom made bangle decorated with each of the brothers symbols. Even Luke, Simeon, Solomon, and Diavolo were represented on the decorated charms.
You adored the damn thing- in fact, it was rare you’d ever be seen without it. When Asmo questioned one day if you really enjoyed their gift that much, (‘I mean, of course you did, dear, it was handpicked by the best!’) you had replied shyly. “Of course I love it. It’s as little goodie bag of all your favorite things. Things that make me feel close to you. It makes me feel safe, and sometimes embarrassed, that I have a family like you to come home to. No matter how batshit crazy you all are!”
Picking it up in a shaking hand, it occurred to him that you must have removed it when you got ready for the party, not wanting anything to clash. Then, in your fervor of having to pack, you left it behind, abandoned in a world soon to be sealed away from you.
Unsteadily, Lucifer closed his eyes and raised the cold metal to his lips.
Perhaps, he decided,
It’s time to bring you back home.
Thank you for reading Part 3!! I hope you enjoyed. 💕 This stories definitely going to have several more parts so I hope you tune in! You guys are beautiful and I hope you have a blessed rest of your day 😘
T A G L I S T:
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miriossunshine · 3 years
Hi, I love reading your guys matchups! So I was hoping I would be able to get one? I’m 17, female, asexual, heteromantic, and 5’10.
I’m mostly quiet when I meet people but I think I’m a kind and fun person. I am very competitive but in a good sport kind of way like I’ll try my best at something but I’ll praise someone if they beat me bc I love encouraging people to be their best. I can be sarcastic and teasing my friends at times but I make sure what I say doesn’t upset anyone bc I hate making someone feel bad about themselves. I’m biggest thing in any kind of relationship is communication bc I want to do my best to understand others. I can get pretty anxious if I feel like I’m not understanding them so I need some reassurance that we’re on the same page.
My hobbies are working out and baking, I mainly do them bc they both are anxiety relaxers. Plus they make my confident in myself and abilities. I like doing them with others too sometimes.
I prefer words over physical touch/PDA but I’m always down for a hug! :D
Love you two! (🧡💛🤍 anon)
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of course you can!! awww we love you too, anon!!! 💗💕💗😭😭😭😭 i hope you enjoy!!!
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i ship you with:
𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚!
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you instantly reminded me of him!! you guys have great sportsmanship, and i think kirishima would absolutely adore you!!
you’re both very motivating of each other’s goals!! kirishima is your personal hype man 😭💗
he’s in love with how considerate you are of other’s feelings. his friend group is also pretty sarcastic, so he loves that you can match their sense of humor! but kiri also loves that you’re always conscious of your words and that you’d never hurt anyone’s feelings intentionally (*´꒳`*)
whenever you have a disagreement or argument, you both always communicates your feelings, without yelling or arguing further. kirishima is rational, patient, and calm, you both believe that arguing will get you nowhere. you have a very healthy relationship!!! (*^ω^*)
since kirishima is so patient, he doesn’t mind at all that you need reassurance in your relationship! he worries that he wasn’t being as observant of your needs at first, but soon realizes that you just want to make sure you’re both on the same page at all times! <3 when you’re feeling anxious, kirishima will rest his hand on your shoulder and ask if you’re okay, and will then listen to any worrisome thoughts that flood your head. he replaces those thoughts with reassurance as he gives you any advice or comforting words that he can!! he loves you so much!!
he loves to work out with you!!! he does pushups with you on his back \(//∇//)\ and you play your favorite music to get you guys even more pumped!!
kirishima boosts your confidence so much omg 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 he isn’t one to brag about himself, but you??? he’s always boasting about how cool you are, something funny you said the other day, an amazing treat you baked him, etc!! he’s so proud to be your boyfriend 😭💗
he definitely doesn’t mind that you’re not that into physical affection! he just wants you to be comfortable!! he gives you so many compliments and always texts you sweet words throughout the day when you’re apart (*´ω`*)💗💗
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first of all my read more thingy isn’t working sorry!
hi pals I hit 200 after literally like not even a month of being active on this account so I wanted to say some stuff!
A. thanks! I love you!
B. why do any of y’all follow me! I don’t do anything of value ever!
C. thanks for putting up with me!
D. it’s been wild
so yeah we gotta celebrate
🎼Send me a song recommendation n I’ll put my playlist on shuffle and give u like 3 cool songs
🔍Send me a fact about you and I’ll tell you something about me
🐾Tell me about your pets and I’ll gush about them with you cuz I just really love pets(cats especially)
🎱Or just like,, talk to me tell me about your day or about your fears or about your plans for the future or about what you had for breakfast this morning or about that cute person you met yesterday or a detailed analysis of some old vine, literally whatever I’m not picky
okay I ran outta emojis so here comes the soft part, fair warning I wrote this at like 1am and didn’t proofread any of it so
anyway I WAS just gonna tag some of my favorite people but then I was remembering why I love u all and how some of you probably don’t know how much you brighten my day! (spoiler: u guys make my days brighter than the sun) 
now I can say that I feel good and happy a lot more than I used to and i have something to put effort into rather than sit around and waste the whole summer away and keeping busy really helps with like.. mental health and stuff
so I thought I’d tell the people that make me happy why I appreciate you because you deserve all the love in the world:) 
does any of that make sense? I hope so
@what-is-yeet (cuz you’re so strong and you stick up for yourself! and we only talked a little bit but u inspired me to be strong too:) also your username makes me wheeze I live for it)💕
@petcerparker (cuz u called me cute and that automatically makes you 1. a cutie (probably even cuter than me) and 2. my friend!!)💞
@stardustparker (cuz your theme literally makes me wanna cry it’s so beautiful)💓
@tomspeterparker (cuz we love each other’s blogs!! isn’t that so cute!!!! ily!!)💗
@sunflower-beams-in-the-night (cuz your blog is so sweet and positive and soft and I love it)💖
@starkravingparker (cuz you post the best stuff and your theme is on POINT and I wish everyone would just love and appreciate u as much as I do I’m sending 10000 hugs your way and I hope everything is over real soon)💘
@lovelyh0lland (cuz I think you’re really cool (like really really cool) and I think we’d be great friends ;)! i love your new theme btw I don’t think I said that yet!)💝
@totallyreadyforthis (cuz your icon is an ICON and also the greatest thing in the entire universe I love him and ily!!!)💕
@spidermanfarfromhcme (cuz we’re url twins!!! so cute!!!!!!)💞
@potatogentlemen (cuz u put up with all the dumb stuff I post like all the time thanks and I’m sorry)💓
@genz-spidey-kid (cuz u put up with all the dumb stuff I post too!! also your username is my absolute fav!!)💗
@softboy-holland (cuz u are always so sweet to everyone and u inspire me to be kind every day ily)💖
@heromarcus (cuz u gave me confidence and hyped me up when I needed it!! and tbh u just seem like an incredible person and I’m glad I get to know you!)💘
@hopefullyalways (cuz u recommended magnus chase and so far I LOVE IT)💝
@lovefrompeterparker (cuz you’re the purest person alive I literally love u so much?? thanks for all the good things you put out into the world and thanks for all the lives you improve!)💕
@sorry-im-so-annoying (cuz you seem like such a sweetheart I’m gonna adopt u)💞
@greekdemigodwannabe (cuz I loved the soup discourse almost as much as I love u)💓
@stavktonys (cuz we both need a cat so bad! AND we’re both shorties so basically we’re twins!!!!!)💗
@notimeforthemessenger (cuz u gave me love and support when I really needed it and yeah you’re kind of my auntie now sorry I don’t make the rules)💖
@existentialgaybitch (cuz your username has gotta be the biggest mood I’ve ever seen I wheeze every time I see it on my dash)💘
@alandfilloftrash (cuz everything you post is a MOOD like for real!!!!!!!! moods all around!!)💝
@hollanderheart (cuz you’re my favorite writer!!!!! hands down!! teach me your ways??)💕
@lovemelikeyou1997 (cuz you’ve always just been such an amazing person to me! just in general!! like!!!! ily!!!!!!)💓
@princess-shurii (cuz I love literally everything u post like I’m halfway convinced we like all of the exact same things that’s how much I love your content!!!!!)💗
@hollandahlia (cuz everything about your blog is perfect from the color scheme to the icon to the username to your content!!! holy crap wow)💖
@tomsfireheart (cuz I don’t know u like at all but I see you literally everywhere giving people ‘gentle reminders’ so thank you for taking the time out of your day to make people happy :) it makes me so happy to see people spread love like u do!!!!)💘
@peterparkerxmj (cuz I see you in my dash all the time with the the funniest and most amazing stuff and I’ve just had a feeling we’d be like best friends if we got to know each other!! :) )💝
@ironmanstan (cuz you’re hands down the best person I follow, thanks for those thirst posts I really appreciate those and for all those times I had to listen to the opening notes of despacito just because I’m a dumb bitch who doesn’t learn her lesson)💜
@lilyholland (cuz u ALWAYS tell it like it is honestly and truthfully and you inspire me to let the world hear my opinion! and everything you say is highkey relatable so there’s that too)💕
@underoosstark (cuz you’re beyond cute! and we’re both bad self haircut survivors! and mulan lovers! we’re basically the same person!!)💞
@stormyholland (cuz u told me to “throw the whole kid away” when no one else would and your blog is? perfect?? in every way???)💓
@dej-okay (cuz idk if you remember but you reminded me to drink some water and stay kind once and I was dehydrated and I needed to hear that so yeah thanks for being amazing)💗
and ESPECIALLY @anxiouspotato1913 you’re so strong and incredible and you always seem to know exactly what to say to me ilysm💞💓💗💖💘💝
and probably like 10 million other people I’m forgetting sorry this is so long I just really love a lotta people and I’m in a soft mood asjjjdjfkdkd alright that’s all
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baekhvuns · 2 years
ooh so they’re skz writers and a txt writer as a heads up but the @s are as follows: @/maatryoshkaa, @/yeonjuncore & @/luvknow! i think there was also @/changbeanie who’s writing has a few elements similar to the latter two and all the aus are also written really, really well :D now for the divorce au—woo boy, was i unprepared… like; i think i read it in the evening after sending you that ask but based off of the opening, i thought that you’d write that scene from the present and then leave us at a cliffhanger to take a trip down memory lane but you just came in swinging with the angst. i think my heart might’ve actually shattered when y/n signed the papers aldjsksk after the whole time travelling thing, i had major whiplash since on one hand, i didn’t like how reckless (?) seonghwa’s character was being with y/n’s feelings; asking her to give themselves one more chance to fall in love given the opportunity at hand but i also felt that he had a hard time taking the expected divorce in and wanted to reverse what he’d done—to make up for how he had not held her back and swallowed the lingering feelings in the present as soon as he got the chance to. like the bad boy one, his persistence and y/n’s cold shoulder towards him made me so sad because of how pitiful it was ;; to answer your question: i handled it like a pro and let the tears flow while i tried to read ahead lol but it was a well-balanced read, there were cute moments in between to make up for all the tears! and i absolutely love how you involve kai as the wingman in most of these, you wrote his character so well and most of his reactions were described really nicely; enough for me to picture each smile or twinkle in his eyes as is ehe i’m sorry for writing so much haha but thank you for taking my previous ask well and not minding the word vomit (which makes me assume you won’t mind this one too but i still hope you don’t + it’s okay if you don’t answer all of it/answer it!), i look forward to the rest of your works! have a great day ahead 💕
HELLOOO omg ☺️☺️ gonna take my sweet time answering this 💓✨💓✨
OOOO im def gonna to read some of their works now !! thank u so much for sharing them anon !!! <3
“ i think my heart might’ve actually shattered when y/n signed the papers aldjsksk after the whole time travelling thing, i had major whiplash since on one hand, i didn’t like how reckless (?) seonghwa’s character was being with y/n’s feelings; asking her to give themselves one more chance to fall in love given the opportunity at hand but i also felt that he had a hard time taking the expected divorce in and wanted to reverse what he’d done”
😭😭😭 i think ur the first who’s wore this so properly, u thought of both of them’s feelings !!! esp how seonghwa wanted to reverse it all and it came off as vv reckless + how much guilt he had and felt like if he doesn’t use the opportunity, might as well it be over,,,,, y/n’s feelings were also absolutely valid
“like the bad boy one, his persistence and y/n’s cold shoulder towards him made me so sad because of how pitiful it was”
😭😭😭 IT RLT WAS PITIFUL still got 🦋🦋 writing it 😭😭😭 tho he deserved it but he also deserved the cold shoulder </3
“to answer your question: i handled it like a pro and let the tears flow while i tried to read ahead lol but it was a well-balanced read, there were cute moments in between to make up for all the tears!”
LMFAOOOO FBWNDHJW im glad u handled it like a pro bc i was crying writing it gbdnfbdn,,,
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“and i absolutely love how you involve kai as the wingman in most of these, you wrote his character so well and most of his reactions were described really nicely; enough for me to picture each smile or twinkle in his eyes as is.”
STOP KAIS CHARACTER IS ALWAYS MY FAVE aND EVERY ANONS u will see him reincarnated in the duke universe !!! and in all my future works he’s always either their wingman or the guy our y/n’s dating bc who can resist the kim jongin ;;; bestie r u a writer ???? the way u describe things is so pretty 😭😭😭
“i’m sorry for writing so much haha but thank you for taking my previous ask well and not minding the word vomit (which makes me assume you won’t mind this one too but i still hope you don’t + it’s okay if you don’t answer all of it/answer it!), i look forward to the rest of your works! have a great day ahead 💕”
stop bestie don’t apologize at ALLLLLL i absolutely love love receiving asks from u, made my morning with the cute ass reviews 😭😭😭💓 oH absolutely word vomit everything iM always listening to it allll + tysm for sending this in !!!! love hope u find some hwa fics on my blog if u haven’t read them all would absolutely love to hear your take on it !!!! thank u so so much once again !!!!
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ksj1 · 4 years
#JIN: kiss me thru the phone 💋
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