#but i still have the ingredients conveniently prepared
dokyeomini · 1 year
i have to say prepping ingredients ahead of time has changed my life
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sttoru · 16 days
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. your boyfriend doesn’t like it when you eat unhealthy food while busy with uni work.
tags. older bf!gojo satoru x female reader. fluff. age gap (reader around early 20’s, satoru early 30’s). behavior may come off as ‘overprotective’ to some. nicknames ‘baby, sweetheart, princess’. not proofread
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satoru’s at work while you’re in his kitchen, preparing a quick meal for yourself. you’ve been busy making and finishing assignments all day. you really could do with a break. though, a short one. there’s still lots more to do before you’re done with everything mandatory.
it’s convenient that satoru allows you to stay over at his apartment whenever you want to. he’s given you a spare key and told you that his home is also yours. if you need a break from your own place, you can always stop by his.
“ah, crap,” you hiss as the sauce packet nearly bursts open in your hand due to how roughly you pulled on its edges. you season your instant ramen noodles without much thought. it’s a quick meal that saves you time.
you’ve had it four days a row now—along with some pizza slices here and there. your boyfriend has been nice enough to send you money, telling you to treat yourself to some decent food while he’s away on business, but you’re really just too busy to treat yourself.
satoru’d be upset if he knew that you’re living off unhealthy crap again. the last time he caught you, he prepared you homemade meals or took you out to restaurants for weeks. he needs you to ingest your daily nutritions so you can stay healthy. you’re too important to him and he wants the best for you.
you grab your chopsticks and mix the sauce with the noodles, your spotify playlist running in the background. you walk to the fridge and grab a soda before sitting down at the kitchen table. unlocking your phone, you decide to see if anything’s going on on social media.
you’re too focused on your screen and the food entering your mouth to notice the front door opening. you catch a glimpse of a figure in the corner of your eye and your head flies up. a bit too late..
“ah, hi, satoru,” you mumble with a mouthful of ramen noodles. you’re caught off guard and you barely know what to do as the white-haired man puts his keys in his pockets. you put your phone down and discreetly try to cover your bowl, “didn’t know you’d come back so early.”
too bad you didn’t think of opening a window or throwing away the opened package of instant ramen. satoru looks over at the messy counter before walking towards you. he reaches a hand out to your cheek, brushing your thumb against your skin.
“hi, pretty,” satoru greets you with a gentle smile. he leans down and presses a kiss onto your lips, tongue stealing a taste of the sauce on your mouth. he pulls back and pinches the cheek he’s holding, “mind telling me what you’re eating, hm?”
you pout and swallow the bite of noodles you had in your mouth. you put your hands down, knowing there’s no hiding anything from your boyfriend. he dislikes the fact that you’re not taking your health seriously. “instant ramen. . .” you respond defeatedly.
satoru ruffles your hair with a shake of his head, silently disapproving of your actions. “i’ve given you money to get a proper meal, didn’t i, baby?” the older man explains in the same tender tone. he doesn’t have the heart to be mad at you. he crouches down next to the chair you’re sitting on and kisses your knuckles, each getting a peck.
“yeah, ‘m sorry,” you nod, knowing your lover did his part of taking care of you. he gave you money to spend on food or ingredients, but you still chose the easy way out. it’s not like you’ve been craving noodles—you’re eating them for the sole reason being that they’re fast and easy to make. you’re too busy (and lazy) to go out and buy stuff.
satoru chuckles, not really mad at you at all. he’s simply worried for your wellbeing. he sees how hard you work for uni while also making time to spend with him, no matter how little it may be. “it’s okay, it’s okay,” satoru coos and kisses your forehead before getting up.
the sorcerer looks down at the bowl of noodles before glancing back at you. “do you want to finish it or do you want me to make you something?” he asks whilst playing with the little hairs around your face. you’re beautiful, somehow even more gorgeous with those dark circles under your eyes.
you pout and think about his question. you’re tired of eating the same thing four times in a row and you know how good satoru’s cooking can be, so. . .
“can you make me something?” you ask carefully in a quiet tone, flashing your boyfriend your best puppy eyes, “pretty please?”
satoru grins and nods immediately. he’s always happy to help you out when you need it. “of course. anything for my princess,” he coos and squeezes your cheeks one last time. he’s got an obsession with the way you scrunch your nose up every time he does so.
he grabs the bowl of noodles and puts it away after making sure you didn’t want any more of it. sure, he wants the best for you, but he doesn’t want to be too restrictive. in case you still want to steal a bit, satoru puts the bowl in the corner of the counter.
you walk to satoru as he stands near the fridge. you rub your weary eyes and watch as he grabs the needed items to make your favorite comfort meal. he catches you staring at him and he smirks lovingly.
“oh my, i have such an adorable girlfriend,” the older man holds himself back from squeezing your cheeks together again. he holds your wrist and pulls you flush against him, his head leaning down to match your eye level.
satoru plants a quick kiss on your lips. his hand finds it way on your hips before slithering upwards. he pats your back, gently comforting and encouraging you, his other hand doing the same on the back of your head. he knows how hard it is for you these days, with the busy end of the semester and all.
“love you, ‘toru, thank you,” you smile at him and nuzzle your face into his chest. you really needed a distraction from all the hard work you still have to do. a quick break with the person you cherish most will gain you back all the energy you’ve lost.
satoru hugs you even tighter to him when you utter those magical words. if he could, he’d take care of you every single second of the day. he’d do anything to make you feel better. he places a peck to your forehead, “i love you too, sweetheart. but promise me one thing; please take better care of yourself, ‘kay?”
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ceesimz · 3 months
Golden Key To The Sweet Life
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Part 2
There was something intoxicatingly endearing about the way Alexia interacted and whole-heartedly cared for her family and friends' children. Not to say you expected anything less, but you had been addicted to seeing it when you first met her and you are still addicted to it, if not more, now that you were a good few years into your relationship with her. Everytime you saw her with another's child, or when she would visit the Barca youth teams, or simply just talk with a young fan who gazed up at her like she was the Queen of the world, something ignited in your heart. Something strangely akin to the feeling of being homesick.
Over the course of your relationship, you two had had countless conversations about having children in the future. However, it was always ended with you both saying 'one day', it was never a concurrent topic. It was a dream, an ideal, never a reality.
But you just could not get it out of your mind anymore; the thought of her with your own children infiltrated your mind everytime you looked at her.
"Ale, I think I would like to have children soon."
It was blurted out whilst you both manuevered around the kitchen as you made a birthday cake for your friend's son and Alexia prepared some other small dishes to take along to his party. You saw the taller woman freeze in your peripheral vision but you were too nervous to look at her, so you continued mixing the ingredients in the bowl, acting as if you hadn't just said the words she'd secretly been thinking recently too. Then, to your surprise, she marched over, took the wooden spoon from your hand, placed it back in the bowl, and tenderly cupped your face.
"What do you mean?" She asked in an odd tone, scarily similar to the one she used when you would argue. It was hushed, flat, low, and slightly strict.
"I, um... I think we should talk about... us having kids together. Soon." You replied, your cheeks red under her hands. Her nostrils flared and her eyes went slightly wide.
"You mean that?" The look in her eyes was almost pleading, and it gave you a bit of hope.
"Yes, I do." You cover her hands with your own. "I really want to at least talk about it, properly, with you. Not right now, but soon. Please."
She stays silent for a few more moments. You both just look at each other wordlessly, but you are frustratingly unable to understand the countless emotions in her eyes right now. That is until she moves suddenly, picking you up and hugging you tightly, burying her face in your neck and releasing a shaky breath. There are words being mumbled into your skin but you can't hear them too well, too busy focusing on the feeling of her around you and the prospect of the future you'd dreamed of since you were young happening sooner than you thought it ever could.
"Ale, I can't hear you." You laugh lightly, but then your breath catches in your throat when she moves her head back to look at you with tears glistening in her eyes. "Oh, Ale."
"Yes, yes, yes. I want children with you, soon, I really do." Alexia whispers as she presses her forehead against yours, her eyes squeezed shut to keep in her emotions. "Nuestros propios hijos pequeños. No se me ocurrió nada mejor." (Our own little children. I couldn't think of anything better.)
That was the moment that decided it all, the moment that sealed and stamped your future. A few months later and you had gone through the early processes of reciprocal IVF. Your individual health screenings had thankfully given positive results that would ensure your plans for the process could go ahead.
It had been a worry for both of you, admittedly more for you, and there had been multiple sleepless nights and midnight discussions to quell your worries. Your decision to carry wasn't one out of convenience for Alexia's career, it was something you were certain on since you had your first thoughts of being a Mother, but that didn't stop Alexia from worshipping the ground you walked on at the selfless decision.
As Alexia had been there to comfort you, listen to you, and reasurre you when you had appointments and insecurities, you were there for her and squeezing her hand during every injection she had, as well as her egg retrieval appointment. She had been worried for quite some time about it, but in the room, she felt quietly excited. All the moments she'd imagined of herself with children of her own felt within reach now. The tears in her eyes weren't from discomfort or pain, they were from hope and excitement of what was to come.
Unfortunately, the first transfer didn't result in a pregnancy. It was heartbreaking of course. You both knew the chances of it working first time weren't that high, but that didn't soften the blow any less. It took about a week before the melancholy lingering in the air of your home left, but after spending crucial time together to come to terms with the news, you were both ready to begin the process again.
This time around, on the 11th day after your second transfer, you woke up with a strange, knowing feeling in your gut. Alexia had left some time ago for morning training, she had woken you up briefly with softly whispered words and a kiss to your forehead, before you fell back to sleep. But as you properly woke up, a thought immediately washed over you. It caused a little bit of anxiety and you probably should have waited until Alexia got home, but you had to find out before you got her hopes up. You bet that she hadn't properly let you in about her heartbreak the first time so you wanted to do everything to prevent her from feeling how you guessed she did.
So, throwing caution to the wind, you went to the medication cupboard and grabbed an emergency box of hCG urine tests before rushing off to the bathroom. You hadn't checked your phone at all this morning, you hadn't eaten or drank anything, you didn't even know what time it was. There was one thought and one thought only that consumed you.
Once you had prepared it all, you set the strip down on the counter and washed your hands. You sat in unbearable silence for about twenty seconds before you heard the front door open. A shocked gasp left your mouth before your hands could cover it and stop the sound.
"Just me, amor!" Alexia called out softly in case you were still asleep.
She headed straight to the kitchen for a snack, not knowing the huge secret you were harbouring just metres away in the downstairs bathroom. You figured there was no escape now, you just had to bite the bullet.
"Alexia, come here please!" You shouted in an unsure, breathless voice, unable to move from your spot on the bathtub rim with a shaking hand over your mouth still.
Alexia frowned at the slightly panicked voice shouting her, so she quickly made her way to the room you were in, chewing through half a mouthful of banana as she went.
"Sí, bebé, estoy aquí, what's wro-" She cut herself off when she noticed you and the test on the counter. Her eyes widen, causing you to panic.
"I am so sorry for doing it without you, I just had a really weird feeling and-"
Alexia shushes your tearful ramble and sits beside you, wrapping one arm around your back and ushering your face into her chest with the other that she places on your cheek.
"No, no, no apologies, I am here now. No apologies, just calm down." She whispers gently as the hand on your back slowly rubs up and down. Her eyes stay wide and focused on the strip on the counter, unsure of how long it's been there but she dispels her anticipation and focuses on you. "You say you felt weird, in what way?"
"I, I don't know, I... I just woke up with a strange feeling in my stomach, like in my gut. I had to do a test, even just one of these ones and not even a proper pregnancy test, I just had to know." You speak anxiously, moving your face back from her chest to wipe at the tears on your cheeks.
"Okay, that's okay. This feeling, is it like a sick feeling or a thought?" Alexia questions, tucking some hair behind your ear.
"A thought, a gut feeling." You sniffle, resting your forehead against her neck.
"Okay. I want you to know I'm not mad or anything like that. I'm just happy to be here with you for this." She reasurres you, pressing a firm kiss against your hairline.
"I am too. But... if it hasn't worked again, I didn't want to disappoint you." You mumble insecurely, fresh tears falling again.
"Hey, no. Don't think that. I could never be disappointed with you, I would only be disappointed with the world. Not you, never you. Never ever. I promise." Alexia responds in a stern but soft voice, squeezing you tight against her.
"Thank you. T'estimo, Ale."
"I love you too, so much." She smiles at you when you look up at her again. Quickly, she kisses you lightly once, before grabbing the box of tests off the counter. "How do we read this? What number means pregnant?"
You grab your phone and get up the screenshot you'd taken minutes earlier of which measurements meant what.
"Twenty-five means pregnant." You show her the image and she reads it carefully, over and over and over, giving you insight into how desperately she wants this.
"How long has it been going?" Alexia asks, her leg beginning to bounce as the nerves creep in.
"Maybe two minutes or more? But I think we should wait a bit longer to make sure whatever the result is is certain." She nodded in agreement and put the box back down, gently using a hand to tilt your chin to look up at her.
"Remember, amor, whatever this result is, it is still early. It has only been eleven days, there is still a chance, okay? If it's good, that's amazing and we will ring the nurse to try and get an earlier blood test. If it's not good, it's okay. We will deal with whatever happens." Alexia softly reminds you, a reminder for her too, to not get too disheartened (though that it is impossible in such a situation).
"I know. I have to be though." You say the last sentence ever so quietly, but Alexia catches it. She has no more words to say though, still so unsure what the 'right' way to go about this new life experience is.
Silence falls over the room, settling heavy over you both as you hold each other and think through your individual prayers to the world in your minds. It's not until Alexia grows impatient that she stands up and takes a deep breath, standing in between your legs and cradling your head.
"I adore you, guapa. Whatever this little thing says, I will still adore you. I will probably love you more after this no matter what the result is." She states.
You nod, tears still present in your eyes, and stand up beside her. With one arm wrapped around each other, you both smile, before turning your attention to the test on the counter. The air is still in the room, the world paused and faded, all the attention on this tiny strip that held the most important information in the world.
"Twenty-three." You mumble dejectedly. Alexia grabs your phone and gets up the screenshot.
"Mira, bebé, it says anything here is a 'grey area', it's still higher than we would expect and we are doing this early. I think that could be good news." Alexia explains shakily. Once you've read through the information on your phone, your head whips around to look up at her. She meets your gaze, a small and positive smile gracing her face. "I do think we should ring the nurse."
"Really?" You choke out with a quivering bottom lip, desperately trying to suppress the wave of hope that washed over you at Alexia's words.
"Yes, really."
"Oh my." You breathe out, knocking your phone out of her hand carelessly as you hug her tightly. "I might be pregnant."
"You might be pregnant." Alexia repeats in a shuddery voice, eyes stuck staring at the small test on the counter that might just have changed her world for the better.
Thankfully, to prevent days of anxious anticipation, the nurse agrees to carry out a blood test the following day. It's a game day for Alexia but luckily it's at home and later in the evening. She could be going into it with the excitement of an expecting mother, or she could be filled with suffocating disappointment. It's a contrast she doesn't want to think about, the game later that evening the last thing on her mind as her hand holds yours tightly on the drive to the appointment.
Her hand doesn't leave yours unless it's absolutely necessary, and even then she's very hesitant. But, as you lay on the bed with a hand over your eyes whilst the other is still held by Alexia, a heavy feeling of dread and doubt settles. The past 24 hours had been overwhelmingly positive; neither of you allowed a moment to think anything negative. Maybe it was naïve to do that, but the prospect of it all was so utterly exhilarating that you hadn't allowed yourselves to think of the next mental steps if it you weren't pregnant.
Now though, you were drowning under the weight of it all. Alexia had noticed, of course she had, but she was suffocated by her thoughts too. There was nothing either of you could say, it was simply just a waiting game.
Waiting, waiting, waiting, the ticking of the clock on the wall being a constant reminder of the meaningful depth of the moment. Time was a precious thing, of course, but right now it felt like the biggest dampener of all.
Neither of you knew how long you had been sitting silently for, plagued by the scale of the event, but then the nurse walks in and announces she has the results, causing you to snap out of your mindset.
"Are you ready to find out?" The nurse asks, offering no hint of emotion.
"No." You whimper almost silently. Alexia turns to you and goes to comfort you immediately, but she's interrupted.
"It's good news."
Your hand falls from your face as you sit up fully, eyes wide and tearful. Alexia can't tear her eyes away from you until you nudge her, bringing her back into the room.
"I can confirm you are indeed pregnant."
Your body collapses in relief and you fall back against the bed, hands covering your face again as you sob happily. Alexia rolls you onto your side and rests her forehead against yours, tears also falling from her too.
"Tienes un bebé ahí dentro, amor." Alexia cries, almost in relief. One of her hands is on top of your head whilst the other rubs up and down your side comfortingly. "Nuestro pequeño bebé. We are a family now."
You both relish in the great news until you calm down enough to allow the nurse to give you advice on ensuring your health is as best it can be for your pregnancy to go as smoothly as possible.
Later that day, when Alexia scored in her league game at the Johan, you shook your head disapprovingly when Alexia surreptitiously rubbed her hand over her stomach whilst gazing at you in the audience as she walked back to her position. Nobody knew about the news, nobody could know for weeks, and Alexia was pushing her luck with the celebration. You couldn't stay angry for too long, never towards Alexia, and all thoughts of irritation were forgotten when, at the end of the game, she ran up the stands, enveloped you in a tight but sweaty embrace, and whispered the most heart-warming words you'd ever heard her say in your life. People gave you puzzled looks when you pulled away from her with tears in your eyes, but that didn't matter. The bubble that the two of you had was perfect.
Alexia took the advice of the nurse a bit too literally. As if she wasn't doing it already, she did everything possible for you. Cooking meals full of the right nutritions, buying the best pregnancy vitamins, trying to do all the house chores herself (you couldn't let that one slide though), and sometimes literally carrying you whenever she could. On a bad day, did it wind you up? Yes, but she had the best intentions and when the hormones weren't overriding your mind, you appreciated every single act of care and kindness from her.
As you got closer to the 7 week mark when you would have your first scan, your anxiety grew tenfold. You were a stickler for doom scrolling, and varying websites and forums had argued a thought that was the root of your worry: the chance of miscarriage was higher with IVF. Alexia of course tried to dispel your concerns, but unfortunately this was one of them things that you just couldn't get over.
So the relief you felt at the first ultrasound when it was confirmed your baby was growing strong and healthily, was overwhelming. And as soon as you heard the heartbeat, you were a goner. Whether it was the hormones or just how much this meant to you, the overjoyed tears didn't stop all day. Leaving the building with a recording of the heartbeat and a strip of ultrasound photos, neither of you can recall a time where you were happier.
Keeping such a huge secret felt impossible. You had told your parents and Alexia had told her Mum and sister a few days after you found out just so you had a support system in case anything went wrong. The senior staff of the team at Barcelona also knew in case Alexia had to put everything on hold in case of an emergency, and it was the same with your work. But other than that, everyone else was none the wiser.
At least, that's what you thought.
"Amor, I have something to admit." Alexia sighed as you both climbed into bed one night during your eighth week of pregnancy.
"Hm?" You hummed, laying down and resting your head on her shoulder.
"Don't be mad." She grimaced, one arm behind her head as she stared up at the ceiling. You frown and hold yourself up on one elbow, your other hand landing on her cheek to turn her face to look at you.
"Tell me. I doubt I'll be mad." You told her softly, and your smile automatically decreases her worries.
"Well, Mapi was the one who helped with my injections whenever I was at training." You nodded affirmatively. "I may have told her... today, at training, that you are pregnant."
"Ale, when are you going to tell me about this geeky smile that hasn't left your face?" Mapi teases her best friend as both of them tidy up the field after training.
"There is nothing, Mapi." Alexia argues, but the aforementioned smile graces her face as she does so.
"Come oooon! Tell me, I think I have a guess, but I want you to say it." Mapi grins, throwing an arm around Alexia's shoulders and nudging her in the ribs.
"I can't tell anyone yet." Alexia mumbles.
"Say it, Ale." Mapi sings in her ear. "I will not tell anyone, I promise."
"You tell anyone and I will kill you, María." Alexia says sternly, standing with her hands on her hips and glaring down at her.
"No, won't tell anyone." Mapi puts on an innocent face as she holds her hands up in surrender.
"Vale." Alexia sighs, looking down at the ground for a moment before turning back to Mapi with the biggest smile she's shown to her. "We are almost eight weeks pregnant."
Mapi screams out of pure excitement and jumps onto Alexia, the taller woman not expecting it which led to them both toppling to the grass in the middle of the empty pitch.
"I knew it!" Mapi shouts, shaking Alexia's shoulders which makes her laugh, pushing Mapi off of her hips so that they lay beside each other. "You are going to be a Mamá!"
"María! ¡Calláte! What did I just say?!" Alexia shushes her desperately, slapping her shoulder.
"You said you're having a baby! I'm gonna be a tía!" Mapi laughs giddily, kicking her legs like a child.
"I should never have told you." Alexia grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest to try and convey a stern, angry look, but it's completely futile.
"I am so happy for you. Nobody deserves this more than you." Mapi rolls onto her side to look at her best friend. "How is she doing?"
"She's so great. So happy. A little bit sick, but handling everything so well." Alexia closes her eyes as she thinks of you and the strip of ultrasound photos hanging on your fridge.
"I have no words, Ale. You both deserve it so much, to be this happy. I'm so proud of you." Mapi states, pushing away her childish side to try and have a proper moment with Alexia.
"I didn't do anything, it's all her." Alexia jokingly deflects, not wanting to get emotional when anyone could walk out and catch them.
"Ay, I didn't stab you at training for nothing." Mapi grins again.
"Sí, I guess." Alexia murmurs with a shy smile. "I am so excited. My own lit-"
"¿Qué están haciendo ustedes aquí?" A voice shouts from the door of the main building.
"Vamos. You both invite me around for dinner soon so we can celebrate and talk more, sí?" Mapi suggests, leaping up and offering a hand to Alexia who nods and stands. "¡Capi va a ser Mamá!"
You tilted your head at Alexia and smiled widely at the adorable story.
"I don't mind, Ale. She's one of your best friends, and she did help us get pregnant, technically." You told her, placing a reasurring kiss to the corner of her mouth. "But that girl cannot keep a secret. I bet Ingrid already knows."
"I knew she would tell Ingrid. But if she tells anyone else I will strangle her." Alexia grumbled with a disapproving look on her face to which you quietly laughed at.
"No you won't. I can't have my baby mama in prison for attempted murder." You joked, poking at her cheek to get her to smile, which you succeeded at.
"You are right. Por supuesto." Alexia whispered, leaning up to meet your lips in a gentle kiss. When she pulled away, she gazed at you so lovingly that it took your breath away. "Venga, lay down and get comfy. You need sleep to look after our chiqui."
You smiled bashfully and lay on your side facing away from her, to which she shuffled up behind you and draped an arm over your side. Her hand settled on your stomach of course, a new gesture you could never get over, so you covered her hand with yours and squeezed it.
"You are going to be the best Mami, Ale." You whispered, Alexia immediately smiling into the back of your neck and placing a few kisses there.
"Tú también." She mumbled, speaking her beliefs whole-heartedly.
Due to Alexia's busy schedule and her understandable defiance to miss an appointment, you both didn't have an aligned day off together for another scan until the fifteenth week of pregnancy. In the past two weeks, you had both told everyone in your life that you were expecting a baby. It was difficult to do since Alexia had to travel a lot, most of the time it was you meeting up with family or friends with Alexia on a FaceTime call, but it was still incredibly special nevertheless.
Today though was an important day; not only a check-up for the baby and yourself, but it would also be the day to found out the gender. You weren't too fussed about finding out or not, but Alexia was not a very patient person, she would plan out every step of her life if she could. So it was an easy decision, you would have the check-up scan, do a blood test, then go about the rest of your day whilst waiting for an email from the nurse.
Seeing the baby much more developed and bigger was of course an emotional moment, nothing in your life so far could compare.
"Míralo, dios mío. Mi bebé." Alexia said quietly, clutching your hand as she gazed at the screen showing the ultrasound. "I am so glad it is just one."
You laughed and shook your head at her comment, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel the same.
"They have your legs, Ale." You smiled softly as you watched your baby kick their legs away on the screen. It wasn't possible to feel yet, but you knew in a few weeks time you would be in endless amounts of pain as the aforementioned legs kicked at you all over.
"They better like football." Alexia stated, again making you laugh.
"If they don't, you can't walk out on me." You warned her teasingly, but she took it too seriously.
"No, never, amor." She frowned, lifting your hand and pressing a firm kiss to the back of it. "They will just have to live with their Mami shouting about it every week."
"By the time they're born, it'll probably be the only sound that soothes them to sleep." You said.
The thought of that makes her smile and she falls into a daydream about it - her baby laying on her chest whilst she watches a football game, dressed in matching Barça shirts, desperately trying to keep her running commentary quiet for the baby and for you who was sleeping in the bedroom, and-
"Okay, let's do the blood tests now."
An hour later and you both were walking around Barcelona, looking at the city you love and where your family would grow. It was a waiting game now, you could get any email any second. Your plan was to wait for it to be sent, then go into a bakery and show the worker the email who would be able to give you some kind of baked treat with either blue or pink in it. Simple, yes, but it would be a moment for just the two of you (and the baker, you supposed) that you would remember forever.
So, some time later when Alexia's phone pinged with the email notification and she confirmed who it was from, you both smiled excitedly and immediately began heading towards the bakery. You picked up the small cake, thanked the baker who congratulated you many times, before heading home.
Once you were in the comfort of your own kitchen, you grabbed a fork each and sat down at the island, unable to keep your eyes off each other.
"Whatever it is, I am so happy to be doing this with you." Alexia states softly, taking your free hand and holding it tight on top of the counter.
"There's no one I'd rather do it with." You respond matter-of-factly.
"Me too." Alexia murmurs, raising your hand to her mouth so she could kiss your ring finger. "Ready?"
"Yes, come on, let's do it!" You urge her excitedly, unable to contain yourself.
"Vale, vale." Alexia laughs. "I count down from tres, sí?" You nod, a nervous smile on your face. "Tres... dos... uno."
Both of you dig your forks into the cake, cutting a chunk out to reveal that it's-
"¡Chiquitita!" Alexia shouts, jumping up from her chair. You grin at the news and at her reaction, but rather than reacting like Alexia, you simply eat the forkful of cake. "Bebíta, why are you not excited? We are having a baby girl!"
"I am excited, but I have cake in front of me, I'm not gonna just let it sit there." You say, to which she laughs and comes over to wrap her arms around your neck from behind. "A little girl, hey?"
"Sí, una niña pequeña." Alexia sighs happily, tears in her eyes as she rested her forehead on your shoulder. "I can't believe it. It feels a bit more real now."
"It was very real for me when I was throwing up every morning." You scoff, Alexia laughing again. "I get what you mean though. It feels different now that we know it's a girl. She."
Alexia hums in agreement, smiling when you offer her a forkful of cake. She accepts it and nods approvingly at it, making you grin again.
"What is that thing people say? When they have a baby and they want it to be a footballer? I think it is... project Putellas."
"Well, if she wants to be a footballer, she literally has the best person in the world to learn from." You tease, raising your free hand that wasn't devouring the small cake to rest on her forearm. "You just might want to start off by differentiating between an actual football and the shiny gold ones on display in the lounge. I have no doubt a small and excitable toddler who has a Mami kicking football around the house all day will find a golden ball very fascinating."
"I will make sure. But she can kick them all she wants, I will just get my revenge when she wins one in the future." Alexia grins, making you giggle as you squeeze her arm. "If she doesn't like football, I will only be upset for a tiny bit of time. I would just want her to be happy of course."
"She'd still go to every one of your games and would want to go with you when you aren't playing. Just like you and your Papi." You remind her gently, to which she smiles a little sadder this time, but nevertheless hums in acknowledgement.
"Ah... she. I cannot believe it." Alexia slides one hand down to rest on your ever-growning yet still small stomach. There was a bump, but in the majority of your clothes it wasn't quite visible yet.
"Now we have to start thinking of names." You say, finally turning your attention away from the cake and spinning around in the chair to face her. She groans and pulls you to stand up, then taps the back of your thighs to urge you to jump into her arms, to which you do. "What's up with you?"
"Names is the hardest part." She grumbles, leading you to the bedroom where she places you down gently on the bed before cuddling up next to you.
"Well, get thinking, guapa. We have a little girl on the way!"
At the 24 week mark, you both decide it's time to announce it to the rest of the world. It's been amazing having it be a secret purely between you and the people you love most, but your bump is getting a bit more noticeable now and you want to be able to go out without covering up so much.
Alexia posted a simple picture to her social media of the baby's cot in the nursery, along with a tiny Barcelona shirt in it of course, and tied it off with the most recent ultrasound photos set beside the jersey. She wasn't one for sharing much of her private life, so that's all she gave. No date, no gender, no confirmation of how far along you were, and to some people it wasn't even clear if it was you or Alexia who was pregnant. The media's reaction was funny to sit back and watch as you lay in bed together that night, and it made to be even more entertaining when Alexia told you she had been lightly scolded by the club for the lack of context, but her argument was that people should know she wouldn't be playing if she was pregnant. This social media speculation was followed by a post from Barcelona making it clear that Alexia wasn't pregnant, putting all the rumours to bed at the expense of the Barca PR management who had possibly grown a few more grey hairs after the whole fiasco. But it was funny to watch and it made for a great memory, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Now, the baby has started moving more, so much so that Alexia can feel it when she holds her hands against your bump. From the moment you first told her you could feel the baby moving, she had desperately wanted to feel it too. There was a worry in the back of her mind that she wouldn't bond with her baby like a second parent figure should, considering she wasn't the one carrying. Even though the baby would genetically be hers due to the type of IVF you chose, you would bond with the baby on a whole other level that she wouldn't experience.
So, she was desperate to feel the baby move against her hand because it would be her first chance of physically experiencing the baby, unlike you who had been through that from the early days of pregnancy with the typical early-stage symptoms. When she did, when she felt the first tiny but powerful kick against her, she immediately began to cry. She didn't really clue you in on why she had such an intense reaction, not that you discredited it of course, but you had an inkling that it meant much more to her than she would ever admit.
It was rare for pregnancy to be so smooth-sailing though. As the weeks went on and your baby girl grew bigger and stronger, all whilst the both of you remained healthy, it was like the doubtful and anxious thoughts slowly left. Until you noticed something.
You were sat at dinner with your friends before all of you were due to watch Alexia and the team play a Copa del Reina game at the Johan. You were taking a backseat from the conversation for a few minutes when a frightening realisation hit you. You frowned, holding your hands against various places on your bump, looking for a major sign that you hadn't felt in... how long? You couldn't even remember. And that was when it felt like your heart stopped.
"Chica, ¿estás bien?" Your friend asked quietly from beside you, thankfully nobody else taking notice.
"Yeah. I... I don't know." You answered shakily, hands unmoving from your stomach as you closed your eyes tight to concentrate.
"¿Es el bebé? ¿Qué ocurre?" She questioned in hushed tone.
"I... I can't feel her move." You mumbled, trying to suppress the tears already brewing. "I... she's normally moving all the time. But I haven't felt her move... at all today."
"Vale, vale. You want to go to the bathroom, somewhere private?" She suggested, to which you nodded desperately. "Okay. Let's go."
You both stand up, you still in your panicked daze as she comes up with a reason for you both to be excused, before quickly leading you to the individual bathroom at the back of the restaurant.
"I'm scared." You admitted to her, hands still firmly planted on your lower stomach where the baby normally would kick.
"It's okay, tell me what's wrong, yeah?" Your friend said, her hands on your shoulders to try and keep you grounded.
"I was just sat there and then, then I realised my baby hasn't, I haven't felt her move for a while. And now I can't remember the last time she moved. I was really tired yesterday and normally before I go to sleep she starts kicking a lot, but I don't think she did it last night because I fell asleep really quickly when her kicking usually keeps me up for a while and now-"
"Ay, calm down, chica. Take some breaths, do it with me, you need to calm down." You nodded and began to do as instructed, easing your breathing but not your anxiety. "What would you like to do? Don't feel like a burden, this is your baby you're talking about and if you are worried about her health then you must do whatever you feel you need to do to ensure she's safe."
"I... I need to talk to Ale. But she has an important game, I-"
"Alexia would want you to tell her. Forget her work, this is family. This is her little girl too, she would never play football again if it meant you and your baby were safe. Wouldn't she?" You nodded reluctantly, the tears now falling uncontrollably. "Sí. Will she be at the stadium yet?"
"Um..." You got your phone out to check the time, seeing a text from the woman mentioned who confirmed she was at the stadium without you even asking. "Yes, she's there."
"Okay, chica, I could drive you to the nurse now and you call her in the car, or I drive you to the stadium so you can be with her. Whatever you prefer, sí? Anything."
You forgot the rest of the world around you outside this one bathroom, possible solutions and outcomes passing by so quickly and convoluted it was almost impossible to land on one. Was it serious enough to pull Alexia out of a game? Were you just overthinking? Or could this be a genuine problem with the baby?
Ultimately, this was not a risk you could take.
"I need Ale. I need to talk to her." You decided, focusing on your breathing again to try and quell the nausea your anxiety was causing.
"Okay, I will drive you to the stadium. You take the keys and go straight to my car, I will tell everybody else that the plans are cancelled."
From that moment on, it's like your mind goes into shock. Everything is a distant blur, even the feeling of Alexia's arms wrapped tightly around you and Eli and Alba's hands on your back when you meet them at the stadium. You give a stuttered explanation to them, which makes Alexia's heart drop and she squeezes you tighter. She whispers words of comfort and reassurance of course, but if someone held a gun to your head and forced you to recount what she said, you'd be screwed. For all you knew, she could have said anything in the world, and you'd have no idea.
Eli and Alba drove you to the hospital whilst you and Alexia sit in the backseat, no words exchanged (or at least that's what you remember). The cityscape passed by fast as you stared blankly out the window, the moment feeling so surreal it felt as if you were living a nightmare. Your hand clutched tightly onto Alexia's, the only feeling that kept you in touch with reality as every memory you have so far of your unborn child played out in your head like a montage straight out of a film.
Images of you and Alexia in the bathroom with the test strip, you both at the blood test finding out you were 100% pregnant, having the first scan, telling your loved ones, finding out it was a little girl-
She doesn't even have a name.
She can't slip away without a name. That's unfair.
She cannot be taken away from you before you have even met her. Is the world that cruel?
"Amor, we are here." Alexia's hand leaves yours to brush away a few tears you hadn't even realised were falling. "How do you feel?"
"How... how am I supposed to feel?" You reply, almost in a whimper, and Alexia immediately understands what you mean.
"I know." Is all she says, unbuckling your belt for you.
"We will wait here." Alba smiles reasurringly at you, squeezing your knee then Alexia's.
"No hay mal que por bien no venga." Eli states, and that ignites a tiny spark of hope inside of you. (Every cloud has a silver lining.)
Hand in hand, you and Alexia walk into the Maternity ward and explain the situation to the receptionist who tells you again and again that the right thing to do was come in for a check-up. Alexia guides you over to some seats, her eyes constantly searching over your face as her arm wraps around your shoulders.
"I love you." Alexia whispers the only words she can think of right now, because what else is there to say?
She kisses your forehead before letting you tuck your face into her neck, and that's how you stayed the whole time waiting. Just in each other's arms, knowing that you had each other no matter the result of the day. The rest of the world went away; the confines of the hospital, the endless electrical sounds of machines and technological devices, people walking back and forth down the corridors, the sound of doors opening and closing, everything slithered away until it was just the two of you. No thoughts about anything else - football, family, media - solely just the two of you in this white sterile room, waiting on news that would shatter your world or paint it gold.
When your name was finally called, some unknown amount of time later, you shared a glance with Alexia, both of you holding an elixir of emotion in your eyes, before following the midwife to a patient room.
Again, you explained the situation to her whilst Alexia sat on a chair in the corner of the small room, the taller woman fidgeting anxiously as she can't be beside you to hold your hand. The midwife explained that she would do a number of tests on you first to ensure you are healthy, before doing an ultrasound for the baby.
Alexia watches with tears in her eyes as your tests are done, feeling somewhat relieved to hear there is nothing wrong with your health. Though her dread increases tenfold when the midwife brings out the ultrasound, and due to it not being a purpose-built ultrasound room, there is no large TV screen for her to see. It's only a small screen for the midwife to view, which makes her feel even more ill if that was possible. She subtly takes a few deep breaths to control herself and the nausea plaguing her whilst the midwife sets up the small machine and spreads the gel on your lower stomach.
The seconds leading up to the probe being pressed against your skin seemed to stretch indefinitely, like the laws of time bent just to purposely suspend the moment more. She held her breath, hands clenching and unclenching on her thighs as her eyes focused on you, her heart poised on the edge of a cliff between joy and utter despair. Every moment of her life so far felt like it had been built up just for this one moment here, like some sick trick of fate, until-
"And there is your baby girl, her little heart beating away happily."
There she was on the sonogram screen, perfectly fine, just getting on with her life like she hadn't caused the single most panic and fear either of you had ever felt, the tiny being causing a whirlwind of emotions before she was even born.
You broke out into deliriously relieved laughter, head thrown back against the bed as tears fell, whilst Alexia put her face in her hands and cried silently.
"Ale, come here." You plead, looking at her broken figure in the corner of the room.
Alexia instantly jumps up from her chair and goes over to you, cradling your face and ushering mumbled and scattered words of affirmation and reassurance. You both break indefinitely more when your baby's heartbeat echoes through the room, almost like her way of announcing herself and saying: 'I'm here to stay!'
The midwife explains that the reason for not feeling her move is because your placenta is positioned at the front of your stomach, meaning little girl is moving against that which subdues the feeling. But, you rest assured, because you both leave the hospital with a new and stronger recording of her heart beat and some updated photos of her. Eli and Alba spot you both heading back to the car with huge, relieved smiles on your faces so they jump out of the car to greet you. You can tell from the way Alexia deflates into her Mother's arms that the day had exhausted her just as much as it had you, and that plants a seed of doubt in your mind.
Alexia notices this as you both sit in the back of the car on the way back to the stadium, a frown forming on her face as she squeezes your hand.
"Why are you sad, amor?" She whispers to make sure only you hear it. You shake your head and look out the window, now a little embarrassed about the whole day. "Tell me, please."
"I just feel ridiculous. I pulled you out of your game for no reason." You mutter, humiliation settling in your chest.
It wasn't just Alexia who you had disrupted, it was her family, your friends, the whole of the Barça team and staff, their fans, and so many other people around the world who had been left disappointed and confused as to why she had suddenly pulled out of the match day squad. You let your anxieties get to you and ruined what was meant to be a good day for you and many other people.
"No. You had every reason to be worried. And I am so relieved you told me so that all three of us could be there for you. It is so important that you did that, no matter if the baby is healthy after all." She raises your hand to her mouth so she could kiss it softly, before placing it on your thigh and covering it with both of hers. "The fact you dropped everything and focused on our daughter is already a sign of an amazing mother. You both are so much more important than any game of football - league game, cup game, champions league final or world cup. I would do anything to make sure you are both safe, and that's what you did. As soon as you noticed something could be wrong, you did everything to keep her safe and find out she is healthy. I could never thank you enough for that."
She squeezes your hand periodically as her wide eyes assisted her in getting her point across - there was layer after layer of love present in them and when she looked at you like that, you could never doubt her.
"I really was worried. For like two weeks straight, she's been moving and wriggling in there constantly. And then all of a sudden she stops, I didn't feel a thing. Not even hiccups. It was terrifying." You say shyly, Alexia nodding in understanding. She goes to say something, but stops herself when Eli starts.
"Trust me, chiqui, I am proud of you. Ale is right, you are already displaying amazing habits of a good madre. You did the right thing and we are all so proud of you and happy that you spoke up about it. We would do anything if it meant my hija en lay y nieta pequeña were safe and healthy."
Is there any higher praise than that from a great mother already? That meant the world to hear from Eli. It almost entirely dissipated the regret you felt. You did the right thing.
"Mami is right. You are part of this family now." Alba adds, Alexia gazing at you proudly.
"Grácies, us estimo a tots." You reply confidently in Catalan, hoping it conveyed how grateful you were for them all.
Unbeknownst to you, that day plagued Alexia for almost two weeks. She thought about it every night before she went to sleep even when you were in her arms, she thought about it during training, when she stepped on the pitch, but she suppressed it. You had so much to focus on and worry about, you were growing a human for heaven's sake, she had to be strong for you and show that you can rely on her when you need it.
But, that all came falling down one night.
She had one bad game, missed one penalty, and it destroyed the demeanor she'd worked so hard on building. They didn't even lose the game, they drew 1-1 with the chance of bettering themselves for the second leg a week later, but no words could be said to make her feel any better.
The moment the final whistle blew, her face remained stoic and free of emotion. It remained that way in the changing rooms, when she met you and her family after the game, on the drive home, and all through her nightly routine. It killed you to see her like this, knowing in her mind she was reducing herself to something so miniscule and inadequate, you had to at least try and get through to her.
"Ale?" You whisper as you lay beside her on your side. She's in the same position but facing away from you, and you know it's another attempt at keeping the world locked out of her mind. "Alexia, talk to me. What do you need?"
"Estoy bien, vete a dormir." Alexia mumbles, lightly squeezing your hand that rested on her waist.
"No. Look at me, Ale." You demand gently, pulling on her hip so that she lays flat. She averts her eyes away from you, but you notice that they are bloodshot red, like she'd been silently fighting off tears. "What's going on in that mind of yours?"
"I... uh, maybe... maybe a lot." She chokes out, resting her forearm over her eyes, her final attempt at fighting this losing battle on her own.
"Let me in." You urge her, taking her wrist and moving her arm away. "Come on. Tell me what's wrong."
"There... there is too much." Alexia says, almost in a whimper. "There is so much happening in my head."
"We can try and unpack it, hey? You're not going to be able sleep like this, you never do, so let's try and sort through some of your worries." You sit up against the head board and move her so that her head rests on your thigh. You recognise that she needs a few moments to collect herself, so you let her do that, silently combing a hand through her hair until she was ready.
"Well, first, I played like shit." She chuckles in spite of herself, making you smile sadly and lean down, despite the awkward angle and your bump, to place a kiss on her temple. "But... I can't change that now. That... it caused me to feel like this, but I'm not really thinking about that anymore."
"What are you thinking about, my love?"
"I... the baby." She sighs, bringing a hand up to her face as she turned to hide in your leg.
"What about her?" You probe carefully, your free hand subconsciously falling to your bump.
"We thought... we thought we lost her."
That statement breaks her, her first time saying it out loud, and now her body shakes as broken sobs rip through her.
"I know, Ale, I know." You shift back down the bed so that you can hold her. She tucks her face into the space between your neck and shoulder as her tears wet the pillow. The arm of yours she wasn't laying on wrapped around her, holding her tight against you, turning to place kisses under her ear. "She's okay, we saw her and heard her, she's healthy. In fact, I can feel her wiggling around in there. Here, give me your hand." She leans back so that she can see you place her hand over where the baby was moving at the side of your stomach. You pause for a few moments, Alexia waiting with bated breath, desperate to feel her daughter once more. "Oh, there she goes!" You smile brightly as a hard kick hits against Alexia's hand, who laughs breathlessly at it. "See? She's alright, isn't she? If you listen closely, you can hear her saying 'Mírame, Mami, I'm okay! Don't cry!'"
Alexia laughs again, though it sounds more like a choked sob, and buries her face back into your neck.
"You..." Alexia breathes out, smiling again when she feels another kick. "You are both perfect."
"Mm, I think you're pretty great too." You tease, nuzzling your cheek against her hair. "Is there anything else you're worried about?"
"Y-yeah." She mutters, her thumb stroking over your skin. "There's just so many worries I have. Not about her, not really, but... what if I'm not good enough?"
You'd be lying if you said you weren't shocked to hear that. And it breaks your heart.
"Ale, look at me." You place a hand on her cheek when she moves away to meet your eyes. "Why do you think you won't be good enough?"
"I can be a mess. I get frustrated easily and I have no idea how to care for myself, how can I care for a tiny, innocent baby?" She spits the words out like she's disgusted at herself and it's almost unbearable to hear.
"Alexia, you are being unfair to yourself." You state, hearing her sigh frustratedly. "I can be a mess too, I get angry too, you're only human, Alexia. You know how to take care of me, you do it so well, no one has ever treated me better than you do. You have so much love to give and I cannot wait to see you become a parent. I wouldn't want to have children with you if I didn't think you were good enough. In fact, I think you're going to be an amazing parent. Every step along the way already, through my pregnancy and the process of getting pregnant, even before that, I knew you were going to be great. And that belief only grows stronger whenever I see you with other children, like Mateo or my friends' kids. I don't have a single doubt about you, not one."
"But what if I don't bond with her?"
"Love." You sigh, holding a firm kiss against her forehead. "You will. I know I'm the one carrying her, but she's your baby just as much as mine. She's got all your genetics, of course you're going to bond with her." You poke her in the side teasingly, pulling a half-hearted chuckle from her. "I know she will adore you so much. She'd be crazy not to. You do realise you're gonna be the cool parent out of us two?"
"What?" She asks humourously.
"You're definitely the cooler parent out of us, think about it! Imagine her seeing you play football on TV every week, people with your name on their shirts, whole stadiums chanting your name, trophies and medals all around the house, she's gonna go to school and be like 'My Mami is famous!'" You grin whilst speaking, delighted to her Alexia laugh like she normally does.
"Stoooop." She groans, but you know it's in good nature. Another sigh leaves her lips, but this time it's a little less heavy and a bit more content. "You will be cool too."
"Thanks." You laugh and from that you feel her smile into your skin. "Do you feel a little better, cariño?"
"Sí. You are magic." Alexia responds, her head a lot less clouded. Now, it's filled with pictures of her little family of three, and it cheers her up more than anything ever has. "I love you. Thank you for... for everything, amor. Seriously."
You roll back onto your side, Alexia doing the same, and your hand falls to her neck. Your foreheads rest against each other, Alexia's hand still lingering on your bump, and you smile at the lighter look in her eyes.
"You don't have to be strong all the time. You can let go- you need to let go sometimes." You remind her, and when she goes to reply to that, you speak before she can as you know what she's going to argue. "Ah, no, I'm not hearing it, I know what you were going to say. And it's not true, it's not fair on you. I'm your partner after all, Ale. Yes, I'm carrying a baby, but that doesn't lessen any of your problems. I will always have time for you, Alexia, whatever you need, whenever you need it."
Alexia finally backs down and allows your words to mend the cracks in her mind, getting rid of that doubtful devil on her shoulder.
"Thank you. Just... thank you." Alexia mutters, seemingly allowing her post-match exhaustion to overpower her.
"Anytime, I promise. Now get some sleep, alright? You've kept me awake past my bedtime, even little one has stopped her night-time kicking now." You joke, glad to see she mirrors the smile you have and her body relaxes, the tension from the match and the past weeks finally leaving her. "Te amo. Siempre."
By the time June came around, Barça had basically wrapped up every single competition, it being yet another clean sweep for the record-breaking team. That included the Champions League, to which you had to almost force Alexia to go out and celebrate with her team, your argument being that it would be the last chance she got before her life was filled with baby bottles and diapers instead of shot glasses and night clubs.
It was fortunate that the team had done what they did when they did, because it was like once the clock struck midnight of the month of June, your baby girl had decided she'd had enough of her comfy little home and wanted to see what the real world was like. One minute, you were using the bathroom in the middle of the evening at home, the next minute you were in a patient gown on a hospital bed clutching Alexia's arm with one hand and some gas and air with the other.
There were thirteen hours between your waters breaking and the first cry of your daughter. Alexia had tears in her eyes the moment you stepped into the hospital room, but that was nothing compared to the tears that fell like a waterfall when your baby was placed on your chest. She rested her temple against yours and gazed down at the tiny being that you both had created. In her mind, she knew there was no better sight.
Once the initial check-ups were done for both you and your daughter, the business calmed down and it allowed for Alexia to hold her for the first time. Your little girl weighed a mere 6 pounds 11 ounces, but those numbers didn't do it justice - she looked miniscule in the arms of Alexia.
"Hi." Alexia croaked out in a tearful voice, making sure her arms were steady and that her little girl was positioned correctly. Yet to have her first sleep, the baby's brown eyes stared widely up at her Mami.
"Suits you." You commented tiredly, thoroughly exhausted but there was no way you could rest right now when this sight was beside you. You wouldn't miss it for the world.
"Bon día, A-" Alexia glances up at you briefly. "Are we still choosing that name? I think it's perfect for her."
"Yes. So perfect." You smile at your two favourite people.
"Bon día, little Anaís." Alexia whispers, using the back of her index finger to run it ever-so-gently along her daughter's cheek.
It's such a sacred moment for Alexia, like it would be for any parent, as she cradles her new little bundle of joy against her chest. Being able to put a face to the name you'd chosen a few months ago now, putting a face to the offender of the brutal blows her Mummy had been subjected to for two months, and finally bonding with her child - it was all overwhelming in the best way possible.
The weight of her daughter in her arms brought a greater comfort than anything in her life. Every tiny feature, from the delicate curve of her little button nose to the hands that fidgeted delicately against Alexia's chest, is a glorious sight to behold. Alexia feels her heart grow impossibly bigger as she traces the outline of Anaís' face with trembling fingertips, already trying to commit every detail to her memory.
You watch along in silent awe, your eyes glistening with unshed tears at the sight you'd been desperate to see for so long. There is so much admiration and wonder in Alexia's eyes, and you felt your love for the two humans in front of you reach limits you never thought it could.
"Come here." You say, shuffling over to one side of the bed and patting the free space now available. Alexia nods, eyes unmoving from the baby in her arms, and moves slowly and carefully to lay next to you. "Oh, look at her, Ale."
"You did amazing, amor. So strong and so incredible. Look what you did." Alexia praises you and kisses your forehead for what must be the thousandth time that day. You smile and lean your head to rest on her shoulder, one of your hands coming to rest on the back of Anaís' head. "Our little chiqui. Dios mío, she is so small."
"I can't believe those tiny feet almost broke my ribs." You say, giggling along with Alexia as she laughs too and holds both of Anaís' feet in the palm of her hand.
"I love her already." Alexia states, able to stroke one thumb over both of her feet.
"Me too." You hum, adjusting the small knitted hat that covered her head. "She has your eyes."
"Mm, those are definitely Putellas eyes." Alexia grins, gasping quietly when Anaís' tiny fist curls around her pinky finger. "Amor, mirar."
"I see." You watch the interaction in awe, feeling so blessed in this moment. "I told you she would adore you. She's so at peace with you."
Alexia smiled tearfully in reply as Anaís' eyes slowly fluttered shut in her arms.
"I adore her too." Alexia whispers, then she turns to look at you. "Thank you for giving me the greatest gift of all. I'm so proud of you. So so proud."
You smile bashfully at her words and turn to hide your face in her shoulder, stifling a yawn. The exhaustion was really hitting you now, but who in their right mind would pass up a moment like this?
"Thank you for being the best partner I could ask for. I wouldn't have gotten through it without you." You mumble into her jumper, wrapping a hand around her upper arm and settling down more.
"We must dress her in the Barcelona onesie when we take her home." Alexia states with a smug smirk, causing you to laugh and shake your head a little.
"There's no point even arguing, is there?" You say, giggling when she hums a polite no. "Fine, I'll allow it."
"We have to teach her early, amor." Alexia argues.
"Of course we do." You say sarcastically, a yawn slipping out of you.
"You can rest now. I will take the first shift, hm? You sleep as much as you can." Alexia suggests, glad to see you nod. "Want me to stay here?" You nod once more, and a content smile settles on her face. "I love you, rest well."
It takes a little while for you to fall asleep, not able to get fully comfortable as you harbour a lot of pain and achiness, but you eventually do and it warms Alexia's heart to see. Anaís had fallen asleep too, taking her first ever nap in her Mami's arms, and Alexia doesn't think she's ever felt such peace.
She takes the opportunity to photograph the occasion with a selfie of the three of you, before sending it to various people: Eli and Alba, your family, your closest friends, and lastly her teammates who were currently at training. They must have all seen it at the same time as her phone immediately started blowing up at the influx of overjoyed messages. Each one is filled with so much love and delight for you both, and that paired with the messages from Eli and Alba cause her to tear up once again. She wasn't sure how she had any tears left to be honest, it had been an emotional day and it seemed like it wasn't ending anytime soon.
The next day, after getting the all-clear, you were allowed to take Anaís home for the first time. Eli and Alba had been there waiting, making sure the house was tidy and cosy so that you and your little family could live as stress-free as possible (if that was a thing with a newborn) whilst you adjusted to your new way of life.
You settled on the sofa beside Alexia's mother as the now-abuela held her granddaughter for the first time. The look on Alexia's face as she placed a sleeping Anaís in her arms was one you'd never forget. It was priceless, there was so much pride present in her eyes and you were so glad for her sake that Alba was filming the moment. Next, it was Alba's turn to hold her, who also shed a few tears when she held onto Anaís for the first time, joking that she was glad she put no makeup on otherwise her mascara would stain the soft white blanket wrapped around the baby. Unexpectedly, as Alba cradled your daughter and conversed quietly with Alexia, Eli shuffled closer to you and hugged you tenderly, whispering the sweetest words you'd ever heard from her into your ear. There were so many core memories being created at once it was near impossible to keep up with everything, but you realised in a quiet moment in the middle of it all that you had finally achieved the life you wanted. This was it; you'd done it.
You stayed in your social media free bubble for a week, until you and Alexia decided it was time to confirm what everyone thought anyway. It was the same day that Barça had their penultimate Liga F game, the first game for the club since Anaís was born. As there would only be more speculation when Alexia wouldn't be named in the match day squad, both of you and the club decided today would be the best day to do it. When you were pregnant, you made an agreement that Alexia would continue playing until the baby was born, where she would take however long she wanted off to be with you and your daughter. And in the end, that agreement worked out perfectly.
So, Alexia posted yet another simple photo to her social pages, this time a selfie of her exhausted smile and the back of Anaís' head as she slept on her chest, the little girl of course adorning the Barça jersey featured in the initial pregnancy announcement photo. She did caption it this time, writing 'Nueva mascota del Barça' meaning Barcelona's new mascot, followed by two red and blue love hearts. You smiled when you saw the online reaction, sitting and scrolling through it whilst you fed Anaís and Alexia napped on the sofa beside you.
Throughout the week that followed, you both thought it was time to allow people outside your immediate family to visit. That meant that almost everyday there were new guests over. The most excitable one was of course Mapi, it was hard to keep her calm and quiet enough to let her hold Anaís but once the baby was in her arms, she immediately fell silent as she simply admired her. You, Alexia, and Ingrid all shared shocked looks at the scene in front of you.
"Buena, Ingrid, there is your solution to her constant talking." Alexia joked with a grin, making Ingrid roll her eyes.
However, Mapi's reply caught everybody off guard.
"Sí, elskling, we will talk about it later."
You had to hold back the laugh that threatened to burst out when Ingrid and Alexia's eyes widened so much that they almost popped out of their head. It would only be a matter of time before those two had children anyway, you secretly knew it. Anytime one of their friends announced they were having children, you could see the desire for the same thing in their eyes grow everytime. Whether they both knew they felt the same or not, you definitely could picture it in their near future.
Alexia missed the final game of the season too of course, but with it being a home game at the Johan, you urged her to go and watch it so that she could be part of the post-game presentations and celebrations. She was reluctant to do so, she hadn't really left your side for long since before you gave birth, but the smile on her face as she got ready to leave let you know you'd made the right decision.
"Say bye-bye to your chiqui." You say quietly, presenting a sleeping Anaís to Alexia where she was waiting to say goodbye at the front door. She smiles brightly and wraps an arm around you, looking down at your daughter's face that seemed to change everyday.
"Adiós mi niña, volveré pronto." Alexia whispers, leaning down to press a very light kiss to her forehead. "And you, I will be back as soon as I can."
"I'll be okay, Ale." You giggle, Alexia grinning and hugging you into her side. "Enjoy it. Promise me you'll make the most of it?"
"Eh, I will, but I don't want to be out too long." She shrugs a shoulder, leaning down to kiss you softly.
"Why not?" You wonder with a frown, and from that Alexia can spot the speckles of insecurity in your eyes.
"Because I just want to be with you and Anaís. I'm not worried about leaving you with her, not at all, but there's nothing better than being with you both at home. I love it." Alexia admits, washing away any doubts you had and replacing them with the most adorable confession. "It's true. I will be gone for only a few hours but I will miss you both so much."
You gaze up at her, your heart so full, and lean up to peck her lips softly.
"We will miss you too." You tell her, watching on adoringly as Alexia raises a hand and gently takes hold of one Anaís' tiny hands. The difference in size is so big that it's absolutely adorable, making you smile and lean your head into Alexia's neck.
"Mi familia perfecta." Alexia murmurs, stroking her thumb over Anaís tiny fingers and kissing your forehead. "I don't want to leave."
"We'll be right here when you get back. Go celebrate you and your team, it was another amazing season and they'll want to catch up with you. We've kept you locked up here long enough." You joke, Alexia smiling and shaking her head.
"They won't want to know about me, I will just get a million questions about you and Anaís."
"We both know you'd happily sit there for hours talking about me and Anaís, it's all you do." You catch her out, but she just shrugs and smirks.
"Why would I want to talk about anything else?" She says smugly, but she means it genuinely. You are the best things in her life. "But fine. I guess I will go. If anything happens, please ring me immediately?"
"Yes, Ale." You roll your eyes and kiss her quickly once more. "Now go. Alba will be here any minute, I'll be okay."
"I know you'll be okay. Love you." Alexia smiles, opening the door but lingering in the doorway as she stares at you lovingly.
"I love you too. You look beautiful." You tell her, smiling humourously when a light blush covers her cheeks.
"This is what I look like when I can shower and I'm not covered in baby sick, if you remember." She winks.
"I remember it very well." You smirk, stifling a laugh when she grins knowingly. "Now go, you'll be late."
She puts on a very dramatic sad frown and steps out of the house backwards, turning around just as Alba pulls up and presses her horn.
"Alba! Anaís is sleeping, are you stupid?" Alexia snaps quietly at her sister who jumps out of her car with a grin.
"She's still asleep, stop stalling and go." You tease, ushering her away with one hand as Alba skips over and completely disregards Alexia in search of you and Anaís.
"Where is my favourite sister with my favourite baby?" She grins, shoving past her actual sister and walking straight over to you.
"Nice to see you too, Alba." Alexia grumbles, though there is a tiny hint of a smile on her face as she watches you three.
"Have fun at your game, Tata." Alba waves behind her dismissively and embraces you carefully, kissing your cheek before turning to Anaís. "Hola, belleza. Oh, she is so cute."
"Alexia, you're gonna be late." You laugh as she comes over to join you, standing behind you and Alba and wrapping an arm each around your shoulders.
"But this is so much better." She groans. "I have been to plenty trophy celebrations, what is one more?"
"That's so humble of you, Ale." You scoff jokingly, grinning at the disapproving look on her face and kissing her cheek.
"Mami will be mad if you stand her up, Tata. Now go. Angry Mami is scarier than you when you are angry."
That seems to shift Alexia into gear as she begrudgingly pulls herself away from the mini group hug and walks with a childish pout on her face back to the door. You wave at her as she walks out and she blows a quick kiss at you before closing the door gently behind her.
Alba kindly offers to look after Anaís so that you can take a relaxing bath before the match kicks off, and afterwards you feel ten times more refreshed and calm. When you're finished, you join her on the sofa and chat with her whilst Anaís sleeps peacefully in the space between you both. You feel completely content there, catching up with Alba whilst your baby snoozes away and Barcelona score what seems like goal after goal. Every so often, the broadcast will show Alexia sat in the stands and you have an inkling that she's overcome with the same feeling you have as she sits there calmly with a hint of a smile on her face instead of the stormy and stoic look she normally wears whilst watching a game.
Once the match ends, the players celebrate on the pitch for a little whilst the ceremony gets prepared. Various awards from the season are given out, Alexia receiving a few as expected, but what you don't expect is the large hamper of baby supplies and other things such as clothes or sweets treats that is handed to her. She laughs at it and holds it up in front of the camera for a photo, but underneath the mask for the camera you can see the pride in her eyes and the utter joy on her face at the acknowledgement given to her.
"Did you know about that?" You ask Alba, who grins slyly at you.
"It was Mapi and Jana's idea." She tells you.
It's a wonderful surprise nonetheless, and from the quick glance you get at it, it looks like it contains genuinely useful stuff along with some treats that you'll devour once Alexia brings it back home.
Shortly after that, the trophy ceremony commences and you beam as Alexia collects her medal before picking up the trophy and taking it over to her teammates. You'd seen her do this multiple times, and of course she obviously seemed overjoyed each time, but as you watch this particular celebration, there's a new, unrefined look on her face, almost like she's letting her happiness consume her instead of dimming it a little to keep her persona.
When she comes home later, an endless amount of gift bags in her arms, she frowns at the unexpected silence of her home. She thought she would walk into the sounds of you and Alba laughing and chattering away like you often did together, so the stillness of the house comes as a surprise. Dropping all her bags off in the kitchen, she wanders into the lounge that was lit up by one lamp in the corner of the room. She squints a little, her eyes adjusting to the darkness, and spots you lay on the sofa with a blanket over you as you sleep.
"Hola Tata." Alba smiles at the sight of her sister in the doorway of the living room. "She fell asleep after the broadcast ended, so I took Anaís to her nursery and stayed in there so she could rest."
"Is she okay?" Alexia asks, concerned, happily accepting a restless Anaís when Alba offers her.
"Sí, sí, she is fine. Just tired. I think chiqui needs feeding, I changed her diaper but she is still a bit unsettled." Alexia nods in agreement and grabs a fresh bottle from the steriliser. "Would you like me to do anything? I have dinner with friends later so I will need to leave soon."
"No, it's okay, Tati. Thank you for coming over today and keeping them company."
Alba watches on in astonishment as Alexia expertly prepares a bottle of formula for Anaís with only one hand.
"Of course. It was so fun spending time with your girls." Alba states, pausing for a moment before walking over to her older sister and hugging her tightly from behind whilst being mindful of her niece.
"¿Tas bien?" Alexia frowns, leaning her head against Alba's when the younger woman rests her chin on her shoulder.
"Sí, simplemente estoy orgulloso de ti." Alba tells her, Alexia chuckling shyly. (Yes, I'm just proud of you.)
"Grácies, Tati." She mumbles, smiling down at Anaís when she mewls quietly.
"I was going through some old photos before and I realised that this little chiqui looks just like we did when we were babies." Alba reveals, lightly tracing her finger over the curve of Anaís nose.
"Really? You have to send me them." Alexia says as the timer goes off, telling her that the bottle was ready. "Put your hand out." Alba does as she says and laughs quietly when Alexia tips a few drops of the milk onto her hand. "Too hot? Too cold?"
"Just right, I think." Alba shrugs, unattaching herself from Alexia. The older woman presses the lukewarm bottle to Anaís' lips, a tiny proud smile growing when she immediately settles and starts drinking. Alba can't help but be fascinated again. "I can't believe you're a Mami now."
"Me too." Alexia mumbles, eyes unmoving from her daughter who seems much more content now that she's being fed. She glances up at Alba, a little confused when she sees her eyes have turned glossy. "Tati?"
"Papa would be so proud." Alba blurts out, a down-turned smile on her face due to the array of emotions overcoming her.
"Alba." Alexia smiles sadly, finding herself beginning to react exactly the same as her sister. Her eyes glimmer in the light of the room when she looks back down at the little girl in her arms. "I wish he could meet her."
Alba sniffles and walks back over to Alexia, slinging an arm around her shoulder and kissing her cheek.
"He would have been an amazing abuelo, right?"
"Sí." Alexia whispers breathlessly, looking up at the lights for a moment to blink away her tears. "Go to your dinner, Tati, stop making me cry."
"Vale, I'm going." Alba laughs, giving her another cheek kiss and squeezing her side tightly before stepping away. "Te veo pronto."
"Buenas noches, disfruta tu velada." Alexia follows her to the hallway and watches her leave, smiling brightly as she steps out of her house and closes the door.
That smile stays on her face as she walks silently back to where you slept in the lounge, then sits down carefully next to where your head lay as Anaís carries on feeding. You had your face buried in the couch cushions, a blanket pulled up to your shoulder and your hands tucked under your chin. Alexia sighs contently, maybe a little too loud, as it seems to wake you.
"Ale?" You rasp, leaning your head back a little to glance up at her through one eye.
"Sí amor. You can sleep more if you would like, I have the baby." Alexia whispers. There's a piece of hair that's fallen onto your face that she would swipe out of the way for you if her hands weren't full with a tiny feasting baby.
"When did you come home?" You wonder, rubbing your eyes.
"Not too long ago. Alba left just now."
"Oh god, I can't believe I fell asleep while she was here." You groan, a little embarrassed at the fact you had just abandoned her for sleep and left her with your baby.
"No, it's okay, she was more than happy to look after Anaís. She said she took her up to her nursery and just relaxed in there with her." Alexia tells you as you hide your face back into the sofa pillows. "If you fell asleep, that means you needed it. It's absolutely fine, amor, don't be embarrassed."
You nod and rest there for a few moments, before deciding to sit up and snuggle into Alexia's side. She smiles down at you and kisses your forehead, the pair of you sitting in silence for a little while as Anaís drinks.
"Did you have fun today?" You ask, fiddling absentmindedly with the hem of Alexia's shirt.
"I did, it was very fun. I got a lot of gifts from fans and the staff for Anaís. Also a lot for you, not many for me though." She frowns and you laugh at the sight as well as the disheartened tone to her voice.
"I guess you're just not so popular anymore." You tease, kissing her jaw just as Anaís finished off the bottle. You took it from Alexia's hands and placed it on the floor so that she could burp Anaís, watching on as she carefully positioned her so that she was sat up on her thigh with a hand holding her front to support her and the other gently rubbing up and down her back. "Remember when you thought you wouldn't good enough? You're a pro, Ale."
"Hm. I still worry that sometimes." Alexia admits sheepishly.
"Why?" You wonder quietly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder and squeezing once.
"I think it is just a general worry. But you do a great job of telling me otherwise. We don't know much about her personality yet but you and her make being a parent easy." She states softly, glancing down at you with a blissful smile on her face.
Out of all the places she's been, all the things she's seen, everything she's achieved and the once-in-a-lifetime experiences she's lived, these moments right here could never be topped.
"That's very adorable of you to say." You murmur, forever enamoured by how soft and affectionate she can be with her words. "I can't wait to see what she's like when she grows up."
"Me too, but she can't do it too fast." Alexia grumbles, once again making you laugh as you quickly wipe a bit of spit-up away from Anaís' mouth. "Before we know it she will be moving out."
It's said with a dejected sigh, and this time you laugh at Alexia instead of with her.
"You do realise she's not even three weeks old? She's not gonna be packing her bags and leaving next week, Ale." You say with a grin, giggling as a small smile breaks onto Alexia's face despite her trying to stop it. "We have at least eighteen years before we need to worry about that."
"I know, I just don't want it to happen ever."
You hum in agreement, before noticing the slight redness to Alexia's eyes.
"Have you been crying?" You ask her, sitting up a little more so you could look at her properly.
"Only a tiny bit, Alba made me cry before she left." Alexia chuckles lightly.
"What do you mean?"
"Ah, she... she started talking about our Papi and... how proud he would be now that I have you and Anaís." Alexia replies, the same feeling from before taking over her. You smile sadly and wrap an arm around her shoulders, kissing her cheek.
"He really would." You whisper.
It falls quiet again, the only sounds being the tiny burps that Anaís lets out every so often, you and Alexia laughing quietly everytime. She grows tired after a little while, so Alexia cradles her back into her arms and you both watch as she quickly falls asleep in the company of her parents. It's a sight you don't think you could ever get sick of; it's perfect.
"It was nice seeing you so happy today." You say quietly to Alexia, not wanting to wake Anaís up.
"I am always happy, amor." Alexia replies in a confused tone.
"I know, but just seeing you at the game earlier, you seemed a different kind of happy."
"Because I have everything I have ever dreamed of now."
You might not have believed her at first - did she not already have that with all she's accomplished with football? But the way she looks into your eyes as she says it with so much earnest and love and a thousand other emotions swirling in her hazel orbs when she gazes at you, you might just believe her.
And two years later as you bake another cake, this time for Anaís' second birthday, a past memory - which seems incredibly distant now - washes over you. You mention it to Alexia, who's eyes light up instantly, though she doesn't immediately say what's on the tip of her tongue. You manage to coax it out of her, and this time around it's your turn to be completely caught off guard.
"I think we should have another soon."
You look up at her, surprised but completely on board with the idea. You say just that to her and afterwards, it goes quiet again as you stand doing your individual baking jobs with shy, excited smiles on your faces about the prospect of being parents again and growing your family. Anaís was such a happy and easy child, of course you'd have another if the next one turned out to be anything like her. And seeing Alexia with a newborn again? Absolutely.
However, you recognise a pattern in your family decision-making process.
"If we only want two kids though, we should probably stop baking cakes."
Part 2
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looking4userthatworks · 4 months
Being sick
Rottmnt edition
Romantic relationship not established yet
♡ would most likely be upset hearing the news, but after some thinking, I would take it as an opportunity to hang out with you
♡ Comes over to your place with groceries for chicken soup as much as he likes hanging out with you while you sick he's determined to get you feeling better
♡ Doesn't let you get up for anything for the reason being 'that he can get it for you'
♡ Plays music to help you sleep he says he'll wake you up when the soups done </3
♡ Check up on you he's just want to make sure you are resting
♡ Very worried mother vibes ngl
◇ as soon as you let him, you were sick he portals into your room with the sick day essentials like medicine, tea ingredients, etc.
◇ teases you about it but don't get him wrong he is still very much concerned about your health but he just won't let it show
◇ if you got house chores, expect them to ether be put off due to your sickness or done by none other than Nardo himself shock 😱😱😱
◇ If you have homework, hell, TRY to ether help you get it done or see if he can do it himself more often them not he just gets Donnie to do it
◇ instead of letting you rest he likes to keep you up to talk to him if he's gonna take care of you he might as well hang out with you
◇ if you do somehow manage to fall asleep, he'll probably end up leaving you alone, only entering your room to either check up on you or let you know the tea is done just like Raph</3
Would come over at a time that's convenient for both of you most likely
When he does come over however he wears a mask and gloves can't be too safe after all
While preparing you medicine he'd give you a lecture about the cons of getting sick and the effects it has on your health and more importantly grades etc. and how to take care of yourself because he not always gonna be there to aid you thats a lie he'll always be there he just hates seeing you sick
The one and only time he actually does your homework is because you need your rest
Will absolutely NOT let you get up so your basically bed ridden the whole time
Other little head cannon, after you're done being sick, he'll enforce a schedule for a bit just to ensure you don't get sick as much and that you learned your lesson
☆Your one and only person chef
☆ Makes you anything you want as long as you finish your soup
☆ Puts on something to watch while he's cooking, and he doesn't want you to get bored prob Lou Jitsu
☆ Although he doesn't like seeing you sick he think you look absolutely adorable all huddled up in those blankets!
☆ Cuddle time! It doesn't matter that your sick he's supposed to be a mutant warrior ment to end human kind right? So Draxum must have ensured that they have a strong immune system!!!
☆ He is also like a housewife in a sense? He basically makes sure your plants are watered trash is thrown out and the tissue box is always refilled
☆ This man expects nothing in return except quality time with you HES SO POOKIE
Srry if this was sort or bad this is my 1st time writing hcs 4 the turtles so please have patience with me!!! criticism is very much welcome just don't be 2 mean abt it ya know?
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hirayaaraw · 7 months
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Of Taxes and Marriage
Tags: friends to lovers; marriage for convenience / fake marriage; pining
It's Saturday and you were supposed to have to watch a movie downtown with your bestfriens Wonwoo but plans were changed. Here you are in his dining table with your laptop and cramming your tax file that is due on Monday.
"Why no one has taught this in college?" You complain while you were dizzy with the amount of payslips you got from your main job and side hustle. "I'm really sorry for cancelling our plans, Won."
"It's fine." Wonwoo said before sitting next to you and peek on your laptop. You can see his grimace on your peripheral view.
"Should I call my mom's secretary to fix your tax file so we can eat our dinner now?" You roll your eyes. Wonwoo, of course, the rich kid he is, knows and have anyone to fix your tax.
"I doubt you call them to fix yours."
"Well, right." And Wonwoo, the rich kid he is, doesn't like using his connection. He likes doing his stuff on his own. "I don't even want to call my mom right now because that means another blind date to arrange with another daughter of someone."
"Poor you." You said nonchalantly. You couldn't care less about his rich boy problem because when you saw the amount of tax you will be paying. "I'm doomed."
Wonwoo pulled your laptop as you try to process the fact that you owe the freaking government a huge amount of tax. "Woah. You made that much in your side hustle?"
"Made that much, gave away so much to my family, and now I need pay so much to this government." You stressed out as you comb your hair in frustration. You are thinking to delay the payment and paying the penalties. "Not to mention my monthly rent."
"You need some help?"
"No, I'm fine. I can handle this." You said and close your laptop. "What should we eat tonight?"
"Orange chicken?"
"That sounds nice. Do you the ingredients?" You stood up and went to his refrigerator.
"Yeah, I did some grocery when you said we gonna cancel the plan tonight." He said then start preparing the utensils that will be used.
This is how your weekends usually happen. Dinner with either of your apartments. Cooking together or if you both feeling lazy, you order pizza and do some movie marathon. This started during your college days as broke students and now you two are inseparable.
Once you are done cooking, you felt a bit better as you see Wonwoo become excited about the food. He prepared the table and pull you a chair.
"Thank you for the food." He said before closing his eyes to mutter a short prayer. "Finally a real food."
"If only you can stop being lazy about cooking."
"I told you I can't cook."
"Then what did we do earlier, Mister?"
"Well, I chop and you do your magic." Wonwoo said then ate a spoonful of rice. He continued explaining how shitty he is as a cook. You just agreed he is a bad cook and settled on cooking on weekends for him so he can stay alive or else he will live through instant noodles and canned goods.
Once you finish eating, you clear the table and he wash the dishes. He notice how your aura is still gloomy despite trying to make you laugh.
"You know I can help you if you tell me." He said while rinsing the plate.
"If the government can give tax break to corporations for doing charity, why can't they do it for single women who are breadwinners?" You whined at him. "If you happen to know who to contact to lower my tax bracket, then I will gladly ask for your help."
Wonwoo wipe the plates dry and put it on the cabinet. He bit his lower lip and turn to you.
"What? Do you know how?"
"Yeah" Wonwoo said in low voice. Unsure if he should say it.
"Really? You know how?" You said excitedly and you hugged him. Wonwoo gulped as he smelled your perfume. You pulled away from him and waited for this information.
"You need to marry someone to get a tax break." He said in a matter of fact tone. You groaned and slap his chest in annoyance.
"Where can I find a husband? I've been single since we graduated." You frowned at him while he smiled at you. He ruffled your hair to annoy you more.
"You can marry me."
You blink twice at him. It seems like your brain is playing at you. You scanned his face to see any sign if he is joking or what but Wonwoo is just smiling at you.
"What did you say?"
"I sad you can marry me." Wonwoo said in a very serious tone then gave you a small smile. You can feel your heart beat jumps.
"You shouldn't joke about marriage, asshole." You pushed him towards the sink and walk to his sofa. He followed you like a lost cat.
"Hey I'm serious." Wonwoo said when he caught your hand.
"Marriage for tax? Are you kidding me?" You looked at him with disbelief on how he came up with that idea. "Marriage should happen between two people who love each other."
"We love each other!" He said as if it is the easiest thing on the world.
"Platonically."You said and Wonwoo still holding your hand slowly kneeling on one knee.
"You get a lower tax bracket, my mom will stop pestering me about blind dates."
"You can pay me half of your monthly rent or even nothing if we get married."
"I can believe you are talking me through this and I am seriously considering it."
"Y/N, will you marry me? For the sake of taxes and everything that bothers us." He asked you with that endearing smile. How could you say no?
"You'll help me file my tax?"
"I will shoo away your blind dates."
"I am literally on my knees so please."
"Half of my rent and I cook for you everyday."
"I will be forever grateful."
"When's our wedding?"
That's how you ended up Monday morning at the city hall in your white skirt, coat, and strapped on heels. Wonwoo arrived at your appartment with a bouquet yellow tulips and to add the wedding vibe according to him. He looks handsome in his black tuxedo and slick back hairstyle.
Now you both stand in front of a judge as he precided your wedding. You drag a janitor and a court clerk to be a witness to your wedding. Wonwoo held both of your hands. You listen to the judge intenly while he looks at you endearingly.
"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
You and Wonwoo's eyes widen in surprise. You forgot the part where you need to kiss each other. Wonwoo slowly remove the veil from your face.
He held your cheeks gently and you look at him before closing your eyes. This is not the first kiss you shared with him. However, this is is special as you are now his wife. He lowered his head and gave you a kiss. You can feel his smile against yours and you couldn't help but reach his face with your free hand.
"Congratulations, Mr. And Mrs. Jeon!" You pulled away and hugged him. Wonwoo laughed as he hugged you tighter.
Just two idiots who will never admit they love each other romantically.
2017 December
A day before you both leave the campus dorm to celebrate the holiday. You are sitting side by side in his tiny couch with a bowl of popcorn on your lap. Love, Rosie playing on the screen.
"Do you think we will be in love at each other like them?" You asked him out of the blue. Just pure curiousity.
"I don't know. Maybe? We don't what fate holds for us."
"But is that fine with you?"
"Fine with?"
"Falling in love with me in the future."
"Yeah there's not to love about you." Wonwoo said calmly as if it is a non brainer question. You put the popcorn on the coffee table.
You don't know what went on your mind. It is suddenly hazy. You turn to him while Wonwoo is watching Rosie confess.
"I want to know something."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Okay." Wonwoo looked at you. Without anytime waster, you pulled him towards you and kiss him. It took few seconds for Wonwoo to respond. His hand grab your neck to deepen the kiss. You were never kissed like this before.
You pulled away to breathe. He rested his forehead to yours before giving you a peck.
"Was it that you want to know?" He asked you with breathy voice. You stood up before you were completely trap by the spell he puts you in.
"Oh look. It's late. I have a bus to catch on tomorrow morning." You pick up your phone and ran towards the door. "Merry Christmas, Wonwoo!"
Your curiousity is satisfied. You just learned that Wonwoo has the ability to make your heart go crazy and your heart is ridiculously beating for him.
But no, you don't need love as senior college student clinging on scholarship. You set aside the feelings and burried it the whole holiday season.
It was the first but certainly not the last kiss you shared with Wonwoo as friends.
2019 July
Drinks flowing as the campus celebrated the night before the graduation ceremony. Everyone is inebriated as well as you and Wonwoo.
Wonwoo never left your side and his free arm is stucked in either your waist or shoulder. Both of you were laughing like idiots at the corner of your batchmate's house, you legs resting on his lap and your head on his shoulder. The party music blaring in the whole house.
When the laughter between the two of you ensued, you both notice how there is almost no distance between the two of you. You can smell the beer and his musky perfume.
Wonwoo raised your chin and you can see the hesitation in his eyes. You held his hand and took this as a sign. He kissed you tenderly. A little bit sloppy but you can feel his yearning as if he is scared that he will be losing you.
Once you are both out of breath, you rested your head on his chest. Hands still intertwined.
"Y/N" Wonwoo called you. You hummed against his chest. He felt that he has the whole world. He is nervous but it feels like a now or never situation. "Have I told you that I love you?"
He waited for a response but nothing came out from you. Wonwoo looked down just to see you sleeping on him.
If he told the 2019 Jeon Wonwoo that he will end up marrying you, his old self will never believe it. If he told his past self that you both spent the night of your wedding playing board games, his old self will laugh at him for being loser.
He is happy and content for what he has right now. His confession can wait.
Right now, you enjoy defeating Wonwoo in every scrabble round. Your heart beats like first time you both kissed. Just like the first time you kissed, you wanted to put aside your feelings and focus on the pressing matters at hand.
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daytaker · 2 months
Chat Log: A Human Child Arrives in the Devildom
Beelzebub: I don’t remember. Beelzebub: I don't remember that either. Mammon: Oi, Beel, what the hell are you saying? Satan: That isn’t Beel. It’s “the new human exchange student”. Mammon: Why are ya sayin’ that in quotes? Satan: You’ll see. Mammon: The hell does that mean?! Beelzebub: I fell. Beelzebub: I fell out a tree and then I was here. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. I thought I said to look after the human child. Why is it sending nonsense in the chat? Asmo: It can’t talk, so we’re asking it questions out loud and having it answer like this! Lucifer: Why did you not create a new chat where you could interrogate it without annoying the rest of us? Satan: Convenience. This chat already existed. Mammon: Whoa whoa whoa, did you say human CHILD? Why the hell did you guys recruit a child? Lucifer: We didn’t. Something appears to have gone wrong in the summoning process. Barbatos is attempting to resolve the issue as we speak. Mammon: Is the kid still in the chat? Asmodeus: Yes, Beel loaned it his phone. Mammon: Hey kid, ya like ice cream? Beelzebub: Yes. Mammon: Well, I got a massive chocolate cone for any human kid who’s willing to come hang out around the central plaza for a few hours. Demons’ll pay good money to get a look at a genuine human child.  Mammon: Hey, Asmo, is it cute? Beelzebub: They want me to tell you I'm not going anywhere with you. Asmodeus: Yeah, leave the poor thing alone! It probably misses its parents! Asmodeus: And yes, it’s adorable! ♡ Mammon: Good, folks’ll pay more for that. Leviathan: Whaaaaaat? Sorry, just backread, but wow! You guys isekai’d a BABY to RAD? LOLOLOLOL Beelzebub: I’m not a baby. Lucifer: I apologize for the delay in sending this message. I was occupied with Diavolo and Barbatos. Lucifer: Mammon, if you take that child out in public and it gets eaten, I will flay you alive. Beelzebub: Do demons eat kids? Mammon: Yep. Mammon: They’re pretty freakin’ delicious too. Way better than old people. Mammon: ‘Cause they’re softer. Lucifer: Shut up and listen. Lucifer: Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if this issue is going to be resolved as quickly as I had hoped. Lucifer: Mammon, if I leave you in charge of the human until tomorrow, do you think you can keep it alive? Mammon: What? Why me? Ain’t Asmo and Satan there already? Lucifer: I hesitate to entrust a child to either Asmo or Satan for any extended period of time due to certain personality defects each of them possess. Asmodeus: Rude!!! Mammon: What about Beel? Lucifer: Beel would certainly eat it. Mammon: …Yeah, I guess that’s fair. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. Please take the human to the school gates and wait for Mammon to retrieve it. In the meantime, Diavolo has graciously offered to lend it the D.D.D. he had prepared for the original transfer student, so stop by the dean’s office to pick it up. Asmodeus: Fine, we're going. Mammon: I really gotta do this, huh? Lucifer: Yes. Mammon: :( Leviathan: LOLOLOLOL!!! This is hilarious! Lucifer: Don't think I've forgotten about you, Levi. I'd like you to prepare a few dishes Barbatos says are in vogue with human children. Leviathan: Wait, are you making me its personal chef? Mammon: Ha! Serves ya right! Leviathan: Shut up, Mammon. Lucifer: Macaroni and cheese. Lucifer: Chicken tenders/nuggets (in the shape of dinosaurs, if possible) Leviathan: Dinosaurs? Lucifer: Apple juice. Lucifer: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Lucifer: French fries. Lucifer: Cheese pizza. Leviathan: Do I have to make all of this right now? Lucifer: Chocolate chip cookies. Lucifer: Human-world grapes. Leviathan: Am I being trolled right now? Lucifer: Absolutely not. Prepare one dish immediately using whatever ingredients we already own. Lucifer: Human, if you are still here, I would like to extend my deepest apologies on behalf of the Royal Academy of Diavolo for this unfortunate mistake. Lucifer: I hope we are able to resolve this in a timely manner.
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apocalypseornaw · 9 months
Meant to Be (Pt 3/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Taking a breather at Bobby's house calms your nerves but makes Dean start to consider how his own feelings for you are beginning to change
@lacilou s idea I ran with
Bobby is alive in this and there's a lot of cursing
You knew your way around Bobby's kitchen probably better than he did. The counter was lined with different herbs for the arache antidote you were making for Xavier along with the dreamwalking serum for Alyson and you were cooking some breakfast in the meantime and had coffee brewing.
You'd gotten up before the rest of the occupants of the house, summoned by the fed line ringing damn near off the wall and hadn't been able to fall back asleep after that. Back to back calls had come in so you were doing the brewing while Bobby did some research. You'd sent Sam and Dean to town after some breakfast ingredients.
You were listening to the Playlist you had blasting while you poured the now cooled antidote into vials. You probably wouldn't have heard Sam come into the kitchen behind you had it not been for the loose board he always seemed to forget about. "I haven't seen you in this good of a mood in weeks" he spoke and you spun around with a grin "Samuel! Did you get my vanilla?" He held up the bag "Of course"
You took the bag and went to work finishing the croissants Bobby had asked for before slapping them in the oven. You nodded to yourself "Dreamwalking serum will be done in ten, croissants should be done around that time too and I need to put on another pot of coffee" you could feel Sam's presence behind you and part of you didn't want to acknowledge it but the other part knew he wasn't going to go away "I'm fine Sam, really"
Hs stepped up closer to you and touched your shoulder gently "Are you sure?" Before you had to respond "You shook me all night long" came on so you turned towards him with a wide grin "Oh no" he muttered and tried to escape but you grabbed him before he could "Oh yes"
Dean heard your laughter as soon as he stepped in the house. He cut his eyes at Bobby who was sitting at his desk reading over a large book "She's cooking and has music. Next to killing monsters, that's her favorite place"
He laughed as he headed towards the kitchen. When he got closer he could hear Sam's voice and when he made it to the doorway of the kitchen he hadn't expected to find you and Sam dancing to AC/DC.
He leaned against the doorway silently for a moment. He'd never seen you dance too much, you always shied away when anyone asked you at a bar. The way you and Sam moved with each other looked almost choreographed, if he didn't know better he would've pinned you two as having been lovers at some point in time.
Friends didn't know each other as well as you and Sam did and they damn sure couldn't move in step together like that. He felt a small flicker of what he had to admit was jealousy, he'd never gotten to see you like this. You were relaxed around him yeah. Hell you'd known each other for plenty long enough but there was still pieces of you he'd only get to see slivers of from watching your interactions with Sam.
He had been finding himself craving move of those slivers and disappointed when the only thing he got in turn was you pulling away from him even more. He hadn't done anything wrong, had he? He couldn't think further because Sam went to spin you and both of you caught sight of him. The squeal that had fallen from your lips was nothing short of adorable, you turned to bury your face in Sam's chest "I didn't realize there was an audience!"
You could feel the fact that your entire face was warm. Why hadn't you paid better attention? Dammit now Dean knew the truth when you'd turned him down or any other man citing you couldn't dance.
The truth was Jess had roped you and Sam into classes that she always conveniently scheduled for when she knew you'd be in town. You had always deep down assumed it was her preparing for hers and Sam's wedding. It had seemed a given at the time that they'd marry and have lots of little gorgeous, smart babies.
"Didn't realize there was an audience" you muttered hiding in Sam's chest, trying to smoothe your hair down some and suddenly feeling self conscious over your old jeans and t-shirt. "Don't mind me sweetheart. I was just admiring the fact that I've been cheated out of quite a few dances by believing the lie that you couldn't dance"
You were saved by the timer going off on the oven. You stepped away from Sam and grabbed the oven mitt to retrieve the pan out. You glanced back at Dean "Tell Bobby the croissants are ready please? I've got to bottle the serum"
Dean motioned to Sam "Sammy go let Bobby know they're out how about it? I'll help Y/N with the serum" Sam cut his eyes at you so you gave the barest of nods. If you made a deal out of Dean helping you he'd want to know why and you didn't want to have to deal with those questions.
You heard Sam walk out so you glanced back at Dean "Wanna grab the corks out of the drawer next to the sink?" He nodded and moved to grab them while you started placing bottles across the table. You felt him move before the heat from his body being close hit your back "Here sweetheart"
You turned to grab them but ran into his chest "Shit" you muttered and he half grinned "Sorry Y/N" you blinked a few times trying to make sure you thought before speaking considering he'd grabbed your hips to steady you and was still holding onto them "I need the funnel out of the sink" he nodded slowly "I'll grab it"
He stepped away from you and you turned back to the bottles, trying to convince your hands to stop shaking from such an innocent touch. You needed to get a grip on your feelings for Dean, he didn't feel the same about you and never would. You took a deep breath at the same time he tapped your shoulder "Funnel" you took it and nodded towards the stove "Hand me that red pot"
He handed it to you and the two of you worked in silence for the next few minutes, you filling the bottles and him coming behind him to cork them. About the time the last cork went into the last bottle Bobby walked in with Sam in tow "You've been busy ain't ya Y/N" you nodded "I like using my hands" Sam raised an eyebrow at you and you felt your cheeks warm. "Bite me Sam" you threw at him and he started laughing.
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Bobby's house was a safe haven from hunting, from seeing Dean with women hanging off of him but as with every safe haven it had to come to an end. You probably would've stayed with Bobby had it not been for the fact that the Banes twins needed backup. You were close with both Alicia and Max.
You were sitting in the backseat of the impala, regretting leaving your car at Bobby's. "You good sweetheart?" Dean asked so you looked up at him in the rearview mirror "I miss my damn car" he grabbed his chest "Ouch sweetheart, I'm offended for baby"
You shrugged "You know I love the impala but it's easier on me and Sam to have a second car when we get ditched" he looked from you to Sam "Oh cmon I don't do that all the time" you and Sam shared a loaded look before Sam said "Yeah you do. Last town me and Y/N went to a double feature so we didn't have to listen to it"
Dean cut his eyes back up at you "listen to it?" You turned to look out the window refusing to meet his eyes even as Sam said "Yeah" "Look I'm sorry, both of you" "It's fine" you answered a little too quickly. Maybe you should stick with Alicia and Max for a while? Just to get this whatever this was out of your system.
As if he could read your mind Sam looked back at you and mouthed "No its not" "Please" You mouthed and he looked a mixture of pissed and defeated before nodding. Either Dean missed your interaction or chose to ignore it. If he was as clueless at hunting as he was at your feelings for him he would've been long dead. You finally let out a breath then said "I'm going to sleep. Wake me when we get to Washington"
Dean watched you lay down then glanced towards Sam who had his nose buried in his phone. The two of you seemed to be getting even closer than before. Were you sleeping with Sam?
The thought of that made his head hurt. Yeah he'd seen you go off with men from bars, you had a few exes that were hunters but since you started hanging with him and Sam you hadn't really went home with any guy or given any guy attention.
His fingers dug into the steering wheel harder than he'd meant for them too. He realized the idea of you with Sam or any other man didn't set right with him. What the hell was he supposed to do now?
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(GFL) Valentine's Chocolate gift to Reader from AR, DEFY, 404, Griffin, and Sangvis
With today being Valentine's, I am obligated to make a post. Instead of just choosing a few raifus, I will include: EVERYONE. No one gets left behind during Valentines on my watch!
Anti-Rain Team
(From Left to Right: M4 SOPMOD II, ST AR-15, M4A1, RO635, M16A1)
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(M4A1) "Here. A token of my gratefulness, please accept it. The others will misunderstood this? ...Well that's good for you."
M4 really doesn't care what the other T-Dolls think. As long as (Y/N) was happy, she was happy.
After stoically gifting them the chocolate, her expression softens, seeing the smile on their face.
What she wasn't ready for was some chocolate being gifted back to her. She is flustered for only a moment before giving a gentle smile back.
(M4A1) "How about we share the chocolate together, (Y/N)?"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "(Y/N), will you stop by today? There are plenty of sweets!"
SOPMOD is extremely excited about getting to taste all the chocolate with zero of the drawbacks.
But she also makes sure to share some with (Y/N), something that immediately catches everyone's attention.
Normally if anyone tried to get a hand on her chocolate, she'd go ballistic.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Mmm! This tastes good! Here, open your mouth, I'll give you some!"
ST AR-15
(ST AR-15) "Have the other girls given you chocolate, (Y/N)? I... I'll do my best too! I won't admit defeat, whether in love or on the battlefield."
Regardless if the chocolate was strictly platonic, it gets STAR fired up.
She makes sure that her chocolate tastes the best out of everyone, dragging (Y/N) along to ensure no one else can try to upstage her!
STAR would prove her love, right then and there!
Of course, she's too fired up to realize that she had used "love" in her wording.
(ST AR-15) "Now let's see, where are the ingredients around here...?"
(M16A1) "Honestly I'm not too interested, but please take one."
M16 is uncharacteristically bashful, fidgeting with her fingers as (Y/N) takes the chocolate.
She sighs in relief when they're distracted eating the chocolate, and even moreso when they smile.
She wipes her nonexistent sweat from her head and gives a toothy grin.
(M16A1) "Oh thank god!...N-Nothing, don't worry about it!"
(RO635) "(Y/N)!...Ummm...what I wanted to say was...here! You understand right?! These are my feelings!"
RO is on the verge of breaking down from her anxiety alone.
Upon hearing (Y/N) thanking her and taking a happy bite of her chocolate, she exhales deeply and blushes.
When they sit down next to her, offering some of the chocolate back, she can't help but scoot in a little closer. After all, it was just them in the room.
(RO635) "T-Thank you for accepting the chocolate...and, me..."
Task Force DEFY
(From Left to Right: AN-94, AK-12, Angelia, AK-15, RPK-16)
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(AK-12) "That damn AN-94 forcing me to receive this chocolate. Ah, (Y/N). Are you hungry? I got sweets."
12 doesn't particularly care about Valentine's, but eh. It was convenient that (Y/N) was nearby.
Sitting down with them, they both share their chocolate as she grumbled that AN-94 had made way too much for her.
But a little part of her was still thankful, for both the gift, and being able to give it to (Y/N).
(AK-12) "Hm, I bet you must be happy about getting chocolate from me.~"
(AN-94) "I prepared chocolate for everyone. This one is for you, (Y/N), and this one is for...I'll send it to her later."
94 had made some chocolate for her squad already, but for (Y/N), it was just as special for them as it was for AK-12.
She watches with a blank expression as they take a bite, smiling in approval.
Finally, a warm smile grows across her lips as she nods in satisfaction.
(AN-94) "Is it to your liking?...I am glad."
(AK-15) "(Y/N), here's the chocolate that I made, please accept it. It was made with strict adherence to the recipe, despite the annotations that were made. Why is that, you ask? I heard there was a rule for that, apparently."
15 doesn't really get why this even became a tradition.
But if it made the ones she cared for happy, maybe it wasn't a complete waste of time.
She simply nods once she knows that her chocolate was satisfactory.
(AK-15) "Thank you for your help as always, (Y/N)."
(RPK-16) "Eh? A chocolate? Ah, that's no good! I totally forgot about it…just kidding! (Y/N), as thanks for all of your support, please take this from me! By the way, that was a most interesting reaction you made there."
16 smiles as she hands the chocolate over to (Y/N), enjoying their reaction to the taste even more.
It was always interesting to see what a human's reaction was to candy, especially from someone they apparently liked.
And judging by their reaction, she could assume they were quite fond of her.
(RPK-16) "Now, I wonder how you'll be when you have to give the chcoolate to me, (Y/N)?"
(Angelia) "Thanks for the gift, but I haven't got the time to prepare you something in return. How about a piece of information that's of equal value? For example, I've been trying to arrange Helian's mixers these last few days and it's been driving me… What? You're not interested?"
Angelia pops a piece of chocolate into her mouth as she shrugs.
Their loss.
She can't help the slight blush that appears on her cheeks when she sees just how happy (Y/N) was.
(Angelia) "...Remind me to get you some chocolate tonight too, (Y/N)."
Squad 404
(From Left to Right: G11, HK416, UMP45, UMP9)
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(UMP45) "(Y/N), I made this chocolate for you. Of course, I also prepared enough for everyone else…It's not bad, right?"
UMP45 has a smug grin, watching (Y/N)'s reaction. But it quickly melts into a more genuine smile as her shoulders relax.
She tries not to make a big deal out of it, and moves to give the chocolate to her squadmates.
But she kept an eye on (Y/N), making sure to note their preferences in her head.
(UMP45) "Hm...Guess I should've made theirs heart-shaped after all."
(UMP9) "(Y/N), you received so much chocolate today, isn't it too much?…That's why, a little more won't hurt right? hehe♪"
UMP9 happily puts her chocolate into their arms, giggling.
She hopes that her chocolate will be the one they remember the most tonight.
She watches earnestly as they take a bite, getting even more giddy at their positive reaction.
(UMP9) "It's good, right?!"
(G11) "(Y/N), It's the holiday. I need rest…are you treating me dinner? That would be good really nice~"
G11 yawns but accompanies (Y/N) for free food.
Well...that and the fact it was (Y/N).
Hopefully the fact she was even tagging along would tell them all they needed to know.
(G11) "Mmm...Oh, right...Happy Valentine's.."
(HK416) "My chocolate was made with perfectly calculated ingredients. Ehh? It tastes weird? You jest."
At first she wonders what went wrong before realizing that (Y/N) lips had formed into a smirk.
They were teasing her.
She can't help but pout, crossing her arms, but with one eye open to watch them take a bite out of her chocolate.
(HK416) "Hmph. Fine, be that way you, you little shit."
(From Left to Right: Springfield, G36, Helianthus, Kalina, SPAS-12, WA2000)
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(Helianthus) "Chocolate? For me? Humph, this is just some childish game for young people…Wait, I didn't say I wouldn't accept it!"
Helian panics when (Y/N) is taking away the chocolate, but its only after she grabs it that she realized she was acting too desperately.
Thankfully, (Y/N) didn't notice, or they chose not to say anything.
Both options made her pride hurt a little less.
(Helianthus) "A-Ahem! Thank you, (Y/N)...If you wouldn't mind, would you like to share some with me?"
(Kalina) "Here, chocolate~! Uh, you want me to be more ceremonious about it? That depends on how much you invest in my White Day chocolate, heheh!"
After rubbing her hands together greedily like a fly, she watches (Y/N) pop one of the chocolates into their mouth.
And good, they liked it! And if they wanted her to be a little more lovey dovey, they'd have to work for it!
Kalina was not a cheap gal, and she sure as hell wasn't going to act like one.
(Kalina) "Alrighty, now share some with me!...What, it's valentine's for me as much as it is for you!"
(Springfield) "This is my handmade chocolate, please taste some."
Springfield has a gentle expression that beams even brighter watching S/O chow down.
She was worried that it was a little too sweet, but clearly there was nothing to fear.
She wipes a little bit of chocolate off their cheek, giving a warm smile.
(Springfield) "If you want some more, please let me know. I'm always happy to bake for you."
(WA2000) "I just happen to have some extra chocolate! I won't forgive you if you turn it down!"
WA blushes madly as she hands the chocolate to them.
When they aren't looking, she sighs in relief and turns around to hide her smile.
(Y/N) offers one of the chocolates to her, which she avoids eye contact, but somehow turns an even brighter shade of red.
(WA2000) "I've already had a lot today but...I guess I don't mind having some more."
(SPAS-12) "I, um, ended up eating half of the chocolates I was going to give to you, ahahah…Hmm? You don't mind? Oh, I'm glad!"
SPAS gladly gifted them the half empty box of chocolate. She honestly felt bad that she had eaten some, but she couldn't help it!
It's not her fault they tasted so good!
Her robotic heart skips a beat when (Y/N) offered her one more piece, despite she had eaten more than her fair share.
(G36) "(Y/N)? Even if it's valentine's day, please restrain yourself from gorging too heavily on chocolate. You will get cavities."
After determining the amount they had received would not be dangerous for their teeth, G36 allowed them to have her chocolate.
Truthfully, she was thankful that they seemed to like it. With Springfield's help, it was a chocolate truly to die for.
Her scowl eases up a little as (Y/N) came into vision, giving a smile.
(G36) "How does it taste? I hope it's to your liking."
(From Left to Right:Scarecrow, Hunter, Architect, Gager)
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(Scarecrow) "I do not have chocolate to give. I do not know how to make any, I'm a T-Doll, not a baker."
Instead, being gifted chocolate, she stares at the heart-shaped box, unblinking.
Finally relenting, she opened the box and slowly detaches her face mask.
She takes out one piece of chocolate, splits it in half, then offers it to (Y/N).
(Scarecrow) "Here. We wil eat together."
(Architect) "Finally, I can have all the chocolate I want, and NO ONE can judge me! Here, take some too!"
Architect happily shares her chocolate stash with (Y/N), gorging herself without a care in the world.
She makes sure that (Y/N) can get a few pieces, but if they even THINK about reaching for their half, they're dead!
She hums playfully as she savors the taste of each one.
(Architect) "Pretty good, huh?! Oooh, I hope Halloween there's even MORE candy we can get together!"
(Gager) "I didn't want to be shown up by those Griffin Dolls, so here. Chocolate made by me."
Gager leans in expectantly, watching for (Y/N)'s reaction to her chocolate.
Upon seeing their smile, she leans back and nods confidently.
At least this time, she could show up the other T-Dolls without it causing some tension...Unless someone was aiming for (Y/N) too. That she could not allow.
(Gager) "If you ever want more, you know who the right person to call is."
(Hunter) "I would say I have procured these chocolates from a worthy prey...but I just bought them."
She wishes she could've hunted this instead, but it'll do.
Hunter has her arms crossed casually as (Y/N) takes a few of her chocolates.
She hums in approval, taking one of the chocolates for herself.
(Hunter) "I think I could give you something more exotic than chocolate next year...Unless you have some time right now?"
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midnightstay-blog · 4 months
hi! from prompt list:
SVT jeonghan fluff 10+36🩷
Thanks for being my first request. 😊 I hope you like it. It's my first time writing for Jeonghan. Truthfully I'm still a baby carat for the most part. I hope it's okay that I made it gender-neutral?
💫Sick days ( Requested)💫
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Fluff 🌙| Gender neutral reader🌘| Request 💫 | Scenario✨
Genre: Jeonghan x Gender Neutral reader
Theme: Established relationship
Rating: G
Words total: 802
“You’re burning up babe,” Jeonghan stated as he checked your temp for the third time that night.
It had been a few days since you had come home from work complaining of chills and body aches. Your temperature had been in the high for the past two days and it didn’t seem to want to break no matter how much he tried making him more worried than usual. Initially, you had told Jeonghan not to come by afraid of passing the mysterious bug to him and eventually the other members. However, determined to take care of you like the great boyfriend that he was Jeonghan wouldn’t take no for an answer.  Fortunately for him though it had snowed the past two days leaving you both snowed in at your place. Not to mention he did manage to bring a bag of assorted meds and soups with him. Digging through the bag he manages to find the 220mg of Tylenol that he had bought the other day. Setting the pill bottle on the bedside table he rises from the bed and walks into the kitchen to retrieve another bottle of water from the fridge before making his way back to the bedroom. Once there he returns to your side and with a brief crack of the lid the water opens. Setting the water to the side he pops open the Tylenol and taps the side of the bottle. Wrapping the blanket around your person you sit up from the bed and take the blue pills from his grasp. Reaching for the water you take both pills before thanking Jeonghan and laying back down. A few moments later you find yourself almost slipping back into a peaceful slumber before you feel another light tap on their leg.
“It’s been a while you should eat something.” Jeonghan stated.
“I’m not hungry.”
“I know angel, but you should still eat. It’ll help you keep up your strength.”  He urges.
Letting out a deep sigh you nod in agreement before leaning back up against the headboard. “Fine but if I have to eat can it not be soup?” You questioned.
“Sure, anything you want.” he exclaims.
“Anything you say?” You question again this time with mischief in your tone.
A grin makes it’s way on to your features for the first time in a while. Sensing what were about to say he gives you a knowing look.
“Anything but that.” He quickly corrects himself.
“Nope it’s too late you said anything.” You state as you let out a small laugh.  “Besides no takebacks.”
“But it’s cold” he wines. “Plus, the nearest convenience store is like a block and a half away.”
“But I’m siiick.” You wine matching his tone. “Plus, I don’t have the ingredients here to make it” “Please” you beg offering him dough eyes.
Not being able to resist he caves and agrees.
“Fine you’re lucky I love you “He stated.
 Placing on his winter wear he kisses you on the check before making his way to the store.
 Some time later he returns with the ingredients in tow. He even managed to pick up some of your favorite snacks. Setting the bags on the counter he removes his jacket and things before washing his hands and preparing your meal. Once it is complete, he spoons the noodles along with its contents into a bowl and places it on the lightly colored wooden tray before grabbing a second bowl from your cabinet. In that bowl he places a few slices of meat as well as two halves of a soft-boiled egg and one of the snacks. After placing the second bowl on the tray he grabs a can of soda, some utensils, and another bottle of water. He places the other bottle of water under his arm before making his way back to you.
Upon reentering your bedroom, he calls out to you.
“Babe, I got your food.” He states with affection laced in his tone. Not hearing a response, he decides to just place the tray on the other side of the bed before walking over to you.
However, upon reaching your side he notices your sleeping form. He takes a moment to admire your soft features before placing a small kiss on your forehead. Leaning away he briefly places the back of his hand under your chin just to double-check your temp. Noticing that your fever is starting to break he breathes a sigh of relief before deciding to just wrap up your food for you for later. As he starts to pull away you begin to stir in your sleep. In that moment he places his hand on your back and begins to hum softly. After a bit, he manages to exit the room making his way to the couch for the night.
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Hi i was wondering how would slashers celebrate their s/o's birthday?
Omfg I was literally thinking about this a few weeks ago. I don't know if poly or separate so I'll just put separate + with making cake!
I'm sorry this took so long, it was basically like this
My day be so fine writing this, then boom. My mom wakes up and makes me do chores.
And I also lacking motivation. Let me know if I should add more slashers.
Slashers celebrating their s/o's birthday!
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You woke up to Michael standing over you, trying to catch your attention.
"What's wrong Michael..?"
He then drags you out of bed, it was unusual. You thought he might've accidentally knocked over some things but he dragged you to a calender and pointed at the date. It was marked... Your birthday! It wasn't marked before so that could only mean one thing.
"Aw, you remembered!" You hugged Michael's arm as he just stood there, you would've been a bit moody being woken up out of your sleep but you were happy your stoic mute expressionless boyfriend remembered your birthday. You walked over to the bathroom to get prepared. When you walked out you saw Michael with a note almost was unreadable that said "cake?"
"Oh, of course. There's no good birthday without cake."
Now you were both in the kitchen, Michael was just going to sit back and observe you but you insisted he'd join too. Now there was flour everywhere and egg bits on the counter and the sprinkles and chocolate chips no where to be seen, It suddenly disappeared when you told Michael about it. Hmm... You made a major mistake in telling Michael to put the cake batter in the oven while you were making icing and then a few minutes later your oven and cake was on fire and you ended up eating the icing and buying a small cake in a convenience store. Still a fun experience though. It was filled with laughter and giggling the whole time, he even smile secretly under his mask.
"Michael be more gentle, the eggs are flying everywhere! "
"Okay just pour the flou- not so fast!"
"Michael don't lick that you're gonna get salmonella."
"Michael? Where did the sprinkles go?"
"Ok,I'm done with the ic- what? OMG THE CAKE"
"Oh this is really good, here have a bite."
Billy and Stu
You were awoken with crashing down stairs and a loud scream. Curious and worried you discreetly started to waddle your way down stairs. You probably shouldn't but your boyfriends were in your house what if they got hurt?
You called out "Billy? Stu?" You were getting really worried. And then you saw your boyfriend Stu on the ground with blood on him and a knife on the ground. You started to tear up.
And then a a ghostly figure jumped in front of you stabbed you in the stomach, you looked down and you were frozen, the knife retraced and you saw that it was a fake knife! Then you heard laughter. You saw Stu get up and the figure took off it's mask and you saw Billy.
"Oh my god.." You sighed. They do this every couple of months and you fall for it everytime, you swear they have an obsession with 'ghostface'.
Stu then ran to hug you.
"I'm sorry baby." He said still laughing and smiling though. Billy joined in too and said,
"Okay as an apology we'll bake a cake for you."
"Because it's your birthday duh."
"Oh. Right." You were so scared you forgot it was your birthday.
You cleaned up the mess on the floor as they got the ingredients ready, it was alot. They really prepared for this.
"Okay so what are we gonna decorate it as? I want something spooky."
"Uh... A pumpkin? Witch? A zombie...??"
"Nah too cliché."
"How about ghostface with red filling inside as blood?"
"Oh you are a genius Y/n!" You smile shyly. You liked it though, even though it was really fucked up.
You quickly put to work and Stu kept throwing flour at the two of you as a silly little joke and Billy would do it ten times harder. You'd have to eventually duck down every once in a while since they were really getting into it but it was still somehow working out. You got everything done you put it in the oven and you decided to join in the fun and then Stu fell down and accidentally turned the temperature really high so it was a little burnt but that's the good part. They were REALLY quiet and focused on the decorating part it almost looked uncharacteristic. The cake turned out awesome but not so awesome at the incredibly dusty chaotic filth on the floor.
"You're gonna mess up the cake!"
"Stop eating the icing it's for the cake."
"Apologize to the cake"
"Let's put some candies in it!"
"Wow you're really good at this"
"Wait how are we going to get the filling inside"
"Damn this shit hits."
You were chilling outside when you saw Jason come over to you with a shit ton of flowers in his arms and slowly drops it all over you. Making it rain flowers for a few seconds.
"What's the occasion?" You asked him smiling holding some of the flowers.
He signs "your birthday" Right, it's your birthday today!
You smiled at him "what should we do on my birthday?"
He shrugged. There wasn't really much around the woods you guys could do well. Except go outside out of the woods! But he was a little shy. him somehow once ending up in New York City in Manhattan doesn't count.
So you decided to get some groceries instead. After a few hours of being paranoid you come back. With baking ingredients! He was excited. He couldn't really bake anymore after he died so he was ecstatic and especially with you too? He was a really happy man.
He was really careful and gentle with his actions, making sure not to mess up and upset you. You could basically order him anything and he would do it. But as the good spouse you are you decided to help him. He carefully poured the flour and cracked the eggs. unlike Michael and listened to every word you instructed to him discreetly. The baking session ended with a small food fight and two hungry spouses. It was a beautiful forest decorated cake with a couple fruits in it which was soft and sweet just perfect for a birthday. You don't know if zombies can have normal human food but he got a couple slices anyway.
It was a very fun experience for the both of you and you'd bake again and not just for a birthday.
"It's okay, there's nothing to panic about."
"You're doing great!"
"Yeah pass me th- did you just throw that at me."
"Cut the fruits into half's."
"Oh you did wonderful!"
"Can you even taste that?"
Oh I'm not sure how he'll be able to celebrate your birthday when he's busy working 24/7 but I'm sure he can fix something.
You were babysitting babi while the others were busy with the victims. Even though it was your birthday you didn't mind hanging out with Babi, it kept you entertained anyways. You got thirsty and went into the kitchen and you saw your boyfriend and greeted him when he stopped you all of a sudden.
"What's worry Tommy?" But he just shook his head.
"Let me in I'm thirsty, I don't mind if there's a dead body on the ground." He then yet again shook his head and pushed you into the room you and Babi were previously in and ran out and came back with your water. That was weird.. But you choose to ignore it. Nothing was normal here anyway.
Babi started to get tired and fell asleep and you tucked her in but you were started to get really bored so you went outside into the woods for some fresh air. While walking you suddenly tripped and scratched yourself and started to bleed. Great. And you then heard running and the faint sound of a chainsaw from behind you and you saw a bleeding dirtied girl look at you and then grabbed you and started running. What the hell? She whispered.
"It's okay, I know you're scared but were gonna get out of this place together." Her voice was shaky and weak. Did she think you were a victim? Well in the state you were you did look like one. You tried to break out of her grip but they were like iron. You were about to say something but you shouldn't let her go. it'd be a great danger for you and the hewitts. So you decided to play along. But what you didn't expect was that she threw you in front of Thomas when he got near the both of you.
It was so sudden he managed to injure you. He immediately dropped his weapon and rushed over to you. There was a cut on your shoulder and blade but it was just a small minor injury. But the girl was getting away.
"Tommy I'm fine, get her!" You hissed slightly.
He was reluctant but he had to and not even 3 minutes later he comes back and carries you to the house. You were patched up and you saw Thomas walked to you holding a cake! But it wasn't without any icing or cream on it. And then he pointed at the table where there were cut up fruits and the icing. So you get to decorate whatever you'd like to. And God forbid hoyt says anything about this. He'll get a direct smack to the head by Luda. And hooray, everyone gets cake!
"Tommy put the blueberries over there."
"What should we make?"
"Is that supposed to be me?"
"Babi don't eat too much too much of the cream!"
"Oh thank you Mom, you were so generous to bake a cake for me."
"This is the best birthday I've ever had!"
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tare-anime · 2 years
Yor's Cooking
So I've been discussing about why Yor's cooking is unconventional, and why she struggles with ‘home/domestic cooking’ with @rachellysebrook and @letthebodyfall  
It’s because Yor is so used to ‘Survival Cooking’!!
We came up with this reasons:
(long post)
In this Yuri's ramblings at the cover of vol 5, amidst the cringey stuff, we can find interesting information:
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I already explored several of my HCs regarding the Briar's hometown and past experiences in my fic, such as:
Nielsberg might be located at the south east part of Ostania, near mountain places (south east of Germany is indeed has more mountains, if we googled.) Eastern Nielsberg, the Briar’s house, might located at the sub rural, places where civilization were even more scarce. It was far from the war front places, but at the same time, food and other supplies might be also scarce. 
Which was why, when the Briar siblings lost their parent, they choose to hunt for their food. With Yor’s inhuman strength that she already possessed, they did manage to catch animal to survive.
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Maybe at one time, Yor also thought that the bigger animal equals to better nutrition XD leading her trying to fight a bear. Maybe....
Anyway, without the proper guidance from the adults at that time, we also hc that the Briar siblings learnt things by doing how to:
Prepare the animal carcass, including cooking the meat to the point of overcook in order to avoid germ/poisoning
Making survival tents during their hunting periods
Preserve foods, always tried to use every single part of the animal and not waste anything: scales, bones, fins, heads, etc.
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They are so used to hunt for food, Yor is still confused at the convenience of being able to buy them at the groceries:
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Making her buying everything available including: Ropes and threads (for making tents and fishing, or making traps), and cacti (several type of cacti is actually edible).
Other than ingredients, spices were most likely very scarce too! Which make Yor not accustomed to use them. Salt in particular, can be very difficult to obtain in mountains, especially in such a rural area during war. 
So, all in all, Yor’s is so accustomed to Survival Cooking, that the most important thing she has to gain is the nutrition and not the ‘taste’. 
That’s why Yuri said that her food has certain ‘full bodied aroma’ in it, and Yor herself thought that ‘as long as the nutrients are there, it’s enough’.
Btw, Loid can stand Yor’s cooking because he was a soldier himself. Soldiers, especially ones that stays at the front lines, are used to survival rations that well.... taste like sh*t, but of course they wouldn’t care. Because survival comes first. 
Anya, Camilla, and Dominic aren’t soldiers, so it’s understandable that they have lower resistance ^^;
These reasons plus the idea that the Forgers has just been together for 3 months, of course Yor hasn’t been able to improve her home cooking just yet. But she’s getting there.
Cause unlike before, now she has family to feed as motivation (as seen in chp 24), and has good teacher (Loid and maybe Camilla to a certain point) that will teach her patiently. 
One day, her cooking will improve. 
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ownedbythescribe · 1 year
Alhaitham & Kaveh | Sweet Gratitude
ıllı Synopsis: A polyamous relationship was not common in Sumeru, yet Alhaitham and Kaveh chose what their hearts desired—You, the most important person who patiently loved them through thick and thin. Their gratitudes were expressed in ways only you could understand.
ıllı Genre: Fluff
ıllı Notes: Polyamorous relationship
ıllı A/N: It’s December 31st and a few hours until 2023! I couldn’t help myself and wrote a short story with them!
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New Year was often not celebrated by scholars in Sumeru. Most students were either busy with their final paper or were preparing for their thesis presentation. The higher-ups were also in the same predicament especially now that new Sages were appointed and rules were revised to become more humane and righteous.
For the Scribe, Light of Kshahrewar, and Eccentric Spantamad, it was the time for you three to take a break from papers and persistent scholars. Lord Kusanali granted you three a fruitful vacation after finishing the papers for the year and for establishing new programs to be implemented next year. She was amazed especially with the paper you turned in about a substitute for elemental sight. It might still be at its experimental stage, but if something convenient could be created from your research, it will be easier to unlock more potential for elementalism.
The first few days of your vacation were filled with exploring the Avidya Forest to gather ingredients from monsters, mostly those that could conjure elemental attacks. Alhaitham would accompany you, but he was mostly there to simply stroll while you fight monsters. You did not mind, since he needed to go out every now and then. Kaveh, on the other hand, would sometimes pull you two to windowshop in Port Ormos. Alhaitham and Kaveh still bickered but not too much to the point that you wanted to leave.
“Yeah? And how about that time you left your keys in the cooking pot? You would think that a man in your darshan would be so careful as not to misplace things. How funny.” Alhaitham scoffed. Kaveh, growing red in the face, excused that he was tired that time from all the drafting he had done. You tapped the two on their shoulders and popped slices of Zaytun Peaches in their mouths.
“You two make mistakes, and it’s only human. Let’s buy wine and baklava later. I also have to buy ingredients for candied ajilenakh nuts for Lord Kusanali.” You uttered, pulling the two by their arms. Your eyes missed the contented look on the two scholars’ faces. It was not every day you see somebody that could stand their attitude. The two were grateful to have you in their lives.
Still, these two drove you crazy from time to time. New Year, which you three decided to celebrate together, was not out of the question.
“AAAAHHH! Why is the Padisarah Pudding burning!? Alhaitham, did I not tell you to check it every now and then while I ask Cyno and Tighnari for a few herbs?” You asked as you tried to put out the fire that was reigning over the pot. Alhaitham looked up from his book and stared. He turned to the side and muttered that he was lost in his book.
“You read that book like a hundred times already. I’m pretty sure that at this point, you already memorized each line from that book.” You deadpanned. He smirked and thanked you for the compliment. It only caused you to sigh in pain.
Rummaging through the cabinet and cooler, you check out for extra ingredients you could use to remake the pudding. Cooking the roast and panipuri emptied the cooler already, and somebody has to go get the grocery before the stores are emptied by locals. After checking that there was enough, you turned to Alhaitham and asked where Kaveh was. Silence greeted you.
You looked up from the cooler and saw him glancing at the top of the cabinet where you stored the wine. A shaky breath left your lips, hands trembling in irritation. Just then, Kaveh stepped out of his room, tipsy.
“(Y/N)! Hahaha! T-This wine is delectable. You have such great taste, love!” He slurred over, taking sluggish steps towards you.
“I did try to warn him that you were saving the wine for today, but he insisted that you were going to be ‘chill’ with it.” Alhaitham excused.
The thread of patience finally snapped. With a smile, you turned to the two, slamming the knife you were cutting the flowers with. The two flinched, pulled out of their stupor.
“You two have five seconds to get out of this house and do something productive. Either you bring the ingredients from Gandharva Ville or buy our groceries. Choose.” You uttered, your vision flaring as the ice slowly crept through the counter. The temperature inside the house was dropping fast that Kaveh screeched in fear. He panicked and grabbed the list from the counter, while Alhaitham went to fetch his coat.
You waved your hand around to dispel the ice before taking the juicer out to extract the essence from Padisarah and sweet flowers. It will take some time, but it was better to do it now and let it cool for later. While you were preparing the ingredients, you noticed Alhaitham dangling keys in his hand. The lion keychain caught your eye, and it was a dead giveaway.
“Kaveh forgot his keys again? That’s the third time this week. I swear he’ll end up camping outside if he doesn't learn to be aware of his surroundings. Just because he’s in the comfort of his home, doesn’t mean that he can be this forgetful! That guy.” You scoffed. Alhaitham chuckled at your irritation, lightly tossing the keys in his hands.
“You care for him that much?” He teased. You gave him a pointed look, bringing the measuring spoon to his face.
“I care about you two more than anything else. Now, get going. Tighnari should have the herbs prepared. Tell him thanks! And don’t fight with Cyno!” You kissed his cheeks before returning to the counter. He shook his head and replied ‘No promises’.
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Sumeru City
“Great, I ran out of the house without taking my keys and water. I’m not even sure if my money is enough to cover the list!” The poor blond was monologuing in the middle of the street, but people who recognized the man were already used to his antics.
Kaveh looked back at the list and noticed that the only expensive ingredient on the list was the dried Sakura petals that you often use when you make desserts out of nowhere. He smiled and proceeded to buy what was on the list.
Nothing wrong was going on until he stumbled upon Dori who was selling new items she procured from all-over Teyvat. Fur coats from Snezhnaya, cloth from Inazuma, research books from Fontaine, and even weapons forged in Natlan. He even found some architectural materials that would be useful for his project.
“Oh… this will suit (Y/N).” Kaveh muttered as he took the hairpin lying beside the research books. It resembled Alhaitham’s chiseled mirror at home but with his coloration— red, orange, and yellow. He was reminded of how often you go out of Sumeru to conduct research and that it would always take weeks before you came home. It made him lonely, but Alhaitham reminded him whenever he felt that way that (Y/N) missed them too considering you took his feather clip and the bracelet crafted by the Scribe with you wherever you go.
“Hey, how much for this?”
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Gandharva Ville
The forest rangers were whispering amongst themselves, surprised that the Scribe was walking towards the Forest Watcher’s office. It was often other Akademiya researchers that would rush and demand Tighnari but never anyone of the highest role. Not since Azar and other sages were ‘imprisoned’ in the Avidya Forest to repent for their wrongdoings. They wondered what was wrong for the Scribe himself to come down to the village.
“So what do I owe the Scribe for personally visiting a humble forest watcher like me?” Tighnari mocked, coming out of his office after hearing from Amir that Alhaitham came to visit. Behind him were Cyno and Collei, the latter worried for trouble that might have fallen upon them.
Alhaitham took out the list of herbs that you requested from Tighnari. When you visited earlier that morning, Tighnari was out and foraging with the others to prepare for New Year. You hoped that after lunch, he was already home and will be able to get the herbs you wanted to use for the last meal you were preparing.
Tighnari snatched the paper and recognized your handwriting. He gave the man a deadpan look.
“You really scared my forest rangers, and for what, errands?” He scoffed, tail swishing in mild amusement. Alhaitham coughed in his hands, turning his head to the side in embarrassment. Cyno walked towards Tighnari to peek at what he was looking.
“What did you do to (Y/N)?” He asked, confused why he was the one getting the herbs when it was usually you who do so. The Scribe did not really want to answer the General Mahamatra to add further to his embarrassment.
“She kicked us out for being lazy and burning the pudding.” Silence reigned over them, that a quack from a nearby raven could even be heard. Cyno immediately turned around to hide his laughter while Tighnari held his head in pain.
“I’d appreciate it if you don’t laugh at the misery of others, General Cyno.” Alhaitham sneered. Collei laughed nervously before grabbing the bag that contained your order.
Alhaitham thanked them before wishing them Happy New Year. Once he was gone, Tighnari let out a shaky laugh, truly finding your situation funny. Who burns their pudding!?
“Happy New Year to you too, (Y/N).”
You suddenly sneezed, shuddering at the feeling that somebody was talking about you. The last dessert you prepared was just finished and was now up for cooling. The cooler activated after you poured in the right amount of cryo energy to power it. This machine was not yet perfect since it still needed a few modifications for electricity alone to keep the temperature as it is. With how resilient researchers and inventors were in Sumeru and Fontaine, you were sure that by next year, it will be possible to implement electricity in Sumeru.
“All right. Let’s clean up. They should be— Oh no! I forgot the time!” Your loud voice echoed throughout the house that it worried you if your neighbors ever questioned why they continued to reside near you. However, right now was not the time as you grabbed the package on the counter and the keys beside it.
You ran up the flight of stairs to Akademiya up to the Sanctuary to see the person waiting for you. He scoffed at your stupid face, crossing his arms in irritation.
“Who do you think you are to keep me waiting, Mortal?” He taunted. You simply laughed and passed him his chazuke tea. You could see his eyes twinkling as he turned around and opened the Sanctuary.
“Lord Kusanali is waiting for you inside. Let’s go. And… thank you for this.” He muttered. You grinned.
The inside felt divine as usual. Although Lord Kusanali, who insisted you call her Nahida, was imprisoned here, she still treated the sanctuary as her safe haven. When you neared the dendro archon, she turned around and gave you a sweet smile.
“Greetings, (Y/N). Something must have occurred for you to be a little late.” She teased. You laughed sheepishly before giving the ajilenakh nuts you prepared earlier. Her eyes sparkled before taking it and thanking you.
Nahida stored the sweets in a place you were not sure where before discussing a few plans for next year. You have a few points here and there before recording it through your own Akasha terminal. It was not grand like that before, but it was enough to take note of things for rewriting. This, again, made the archon amazed.
The meeting dragged on for a few hours. The Wanderer would occasionally drop a few comments here and there which you two appreciated. There was finally an initial plan for the next year which involved the desert and foreign trade. During the discussion, you felt that you were forgetting something until the Wanderer came back annoyed.
“Hmm? What happened, Wanderer?” Nahida asked. He gritted his teeth in irritation before pointing out two idiots waiting outside. A blond and a silver head. It was then that you remembered what you forgot.
“Oh no, apologies, Lord Kusanali! I think I know why those two are here. I forgot to leave them a note that I’ll be leaving! I shouldn’t have rushed out of the house like that!” You agonized. Nahida giggled before telling you that you will continue the discussion in three days time. You thanked her before bowing to the two and wishing them a happy new year.
Outside, you were greeted with pinches to your cheeks. Uncharacteristically for Alhaitham, but expected from Kaveh. They both ranted about how you should not worry them, and to always let them know when, where, and how long you will be gone.
“After all, aren’t we your lovers?” Alhaitham stated as a matter of fact. You stopped and blushed heavily. It was the first time they worried like this and even bluntly stated your relationship. It felt… assuring that you did not even notice a tear trailing down your cheek.
Kaveh panicked and asked if their scolding was too much while Alhaitham was unsure what to do, and even opted to take his handkerchief and wipe your tears. You accepted the pampering and gave each of them a brief kiss on the lips.
“Thank you for being with me and accepting me for the mess that I am.” You uttered, clutching on to their arms.
When you got home, you fixed the table and ate dinner. You three waited until the fireworks started. It was the most beautiful thing they witnessed that night. However, the two led you to the garden where they each presented their gifts. Red tainted their cheeks, and you could not help but fell in love with them all over again. This was certainly the best start of the year.
"Happy New Year, you two! I love you!" You muttered, bringing them to a tight hug which they returned. Your most wanted wish for this year was already granted, but you will keep it to your heart.
'Thank you for loving me.'
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Please do not copy or repost my stories, but notes and reblogs are always appreciated!
Please do not copy or repost my stories, but notes and reblogs are always appreciated!
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infernalodie · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮 || 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐲
“'𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘪𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰, 𝘰𝘰𝘩 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘰𝘰𝘩 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘛𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶“
Inspo: Kirby - Loved By You
Pairing: Conan Gray x Male!reader
Summary: You wanted his love more than anything else in the world...
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Warnings: Just fluffy as hell
Words: 1168
“Olivia, what the hell do I do?” Conan was practically on the brink of tears inside his kitchen. He had too many vegetables and ingredients for a dish he had no idea how to make. There was so little a YouTube tutorial could do for him before he was in full-on panic mode. And that had resulted in him calling his best friend, hoping she would have suggestions or help guide him through the process.
When he’d found out that you would be visiting him on his break from Tour, he had been in full panic mode—trying to prepare something for you in return for you taking time off from your very own tour to see him. Yet, it was resulting in Conan beginning to have an anxiety attack. What made it worse was that he hadn’t started cooking and you would be at his apartment in an hour. So, now, Conan was in distress, yet, excited to see you after months of phone calls and text messages that didn’t mean anything unless you were here with him.
But his way of giving back to you was ending horribly. “Conan, I am sure Y/n wouldn’t mind if you don’t make him dinner,” Olivia reassured, most likely understanding his boyfriend better than he did. That was only because Y/n grew up with Olivia, considering him a brother to her. But that was beside the point. “Also, I guarantee after his flight from Paris back to L.A. would leave him too exhausted to stay up. Just Skip some food to your place.”
Conan knew for a fact that Olivia was right. One: she knew you well enough that Conan could trust her word. And two: you liked your fast food a lot more than anything extravagant or convenient. Still, Conan wanted to give something to you and he wasn’t sure what to do.
Just as he was about to respond, the door to his apartment opened loudly with the door slamming shut, a long and heavy sigh filling the air. “Babe, I’m home!” Your timbre voice called from down the hall. Conan glanced at his facetime call with Olivia, seeing the girl already grinning in amusement from Conan’s flushed cheeks from pure excitement.
When you came around the corner, you stopped with your lips twitching into a grin. Conan was wearing one of your dress shirts that reached the middle of his thighs. Underneath, he wore briefs with snow-white socks that looked absolutely adorable on him. His hair was still wavy and sleek and his eyes were still beautifully bright.
You on the other hand was wearing a pair of denim jeans with a black t-shirt and bomber jacket. Fresh tattoo’s from your tour, making it a goal of yours to get a tattoo in each city and country you went to. Conan tried to tell you that you would end up broke, but you reassured him. Your hair was slightly astray from the sleepless flight that had consisted of you staring out your window with your headphones blasting music. But the tired did not help Conan who felt the faintest bit of arousal in his gut and travel further down.
“What are you doing wearing my clothes?” You asked, words laced with amusement as you stepped towards the man. Conan turned away with a blush as you stood behind him, hands bracing against the edge of the counter where you rested your chin on his shoulder. Spotting the facetime call and Olivia watching with a grin. “Hey, ‘Liv! How are you doing?”
“Pretty good besides your boyfriend calling me and asking me to help him cook,” Olivia explained with a smirk.
“Olivia, shut up!” Conan whined, hearing your husky laugh from beside him.
“Horrible choice, Conan,” you told him. “Olivia sucks at cooking.”
“See, I would usually tell you to go fuck yourself, but this is one time I agree with you.” Olivia’s words made you laugh, resting your forehead against Conan’s shoulder. “But I’ll let you love birds go. Have a good night, you two!”
When the phone call ended, Conan sighed with his eyes fluttering shut. Your arms curled around his waist, lips pressing to the side of his neck. “You’re making me dinner?” You asked, slightly impressed with his actions. If you were being honest, you didn’t even expect him to be awake right now. Conan had a strict sleep schedule and you hated disturbing that system he had spent years crafting. Yet, you loved him for occasionally breaking his own rules.
“Well, I was, but I had a breakdown because I suck at cooking and Olivia was no help,” Conan confessed, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as you let out a deep chuckle. Kissing his cheek before you backed up. Hoisting yourself onto the island, narrowly avoiding a knife that Conan had recklessly disgraded to the side.
“The thought counts, babe,” you reassured in that same annoyingly sweet tone that swooned Conan when he met you. It had been a complete 1 in a million chance that he would ever get your phone call at 3 AM. Asking him to feature on one of your songs, but even over the phone, your voice had a thick and heavy timbre that was willing to sleep. And when he met you, he got to hear both that had caused shivers to run down his spine. Now, nothing has changed. “I appreciate it.”
Conan sighed and leaned against the island beside you. Rubbing his tired eyes before clasping them together and looking up at your warm eyes. “I just wanted to try and give you something in return for visiting,” he said with a shake of his head. “I hate never being able to repay you.”
“Well, there is one thing-” You were immediately smacked in the chest as you let out a hearty chuckle, rubbing the stinging spot created by Conan, who was trying to fight back his own smile.
“That can wait until we got to bed.” There was a long pause before you let out an exaggerated yawn, resulting in another slap in the chest by Conan, who shoved you. “Y/n!”
You laughed, hopping down from the island and lifting him on top. Standing between his legs and leaning your face into his chest. The few top buttons from the shirt were undone, where you exactly placed your gentle kisses. Conan sighed, curling his arms around your neck where his hands glossed through your hair.
“You being awake and present is enough for me, babe,” you told him. “That’s all I ever want. Screw food or sex. I just want your attention.”
Conan hummed, pulling you closer and pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. He never wanted anything more from you than you. Nothing less and nothing more. He never expected a thousand gifts for his birthday or a million phone calls. He just wanted you for who you were and your beautiful personality.
He was getting just that.
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
i'm here to apologize for the jumpscare 💐
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imagine you're having a rly bad day and dabi tries to tease you about your grumpy state but it only makes you feel worse and poor baby feels horrible 😭
however it's hard for him to apologize so he decides that he'll try to make it up to you by attempting to cook your fav meal for you and fails miserably.
he kinda panics bc he thinks the mess he made in the kitchen will only worsen your mood. but you can't help but smile when you find him frantically wiping all of the spilled ingredients off the counter and floor while the pan/pot is soaking in the sink to hopefully get the burnt stuff off again.
he literally freezes when he finally notices you. mentally prepares himself to get scolded but all you do is walk up to him and hug him like your life depends on it. it's impossible to have a bad day when he looks this adorable 🥺
- 🥛
and look!!!! after you guys hug, the two of you start cooking together and he literally does only ONE (1) thing right, following your lead, then crossing his arms onto his chest dabi stares at the result deadpan, curled lips and lifted eyebrow going “it really wasn’t that difficult.”, like the kitchen wasn’t a complete war zone before you stepped in, you would stare at him smiling teasingly “suuuuure, it wasn’t pfft–”, you comment feeling even better now, thanks to the huge grumpy cat in front of you. the raven haired villain turns your way with an ‘ha ha ha so funny’ expression, clicking his tongue as he mutters about how cooking is stupid anyways when you can find ready-made ones at the convenience store that needs only to be heated up “i think that cooking looks attractive though?”, you state innocently, head tilted to the side as you blink confused at his words.
dabi’s ears perk up at what you just said and the next day plus the other upcoming ones, he’s always at your house trying to cook something new each day for a reason that you have still to find out.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Salmon croquettes aren’t exactly the most elegant dish. Traditionally made with canned salmon, some bread crumbs or matzah meal, eggs and seasoning, they are an easy and cheap way to throw together a meal. These classic patties, which are also referred to as salmon latkes, croquettes or cakes, may seem out of fashion to the young folks who came of age after the food revolutions of the late 20th century, but for me they will always be the ultimate comfort food. With the explosion of increasingly global ingredients at the ready and the emphasis on fresh food, all steered us away from the pre-1970s casserole-from-a-can type of cookery. And yet, classic old-time foods remain beloved, if not perhaps back in fashion.
No one in my mom’s or grandma’s generation made salmon croquettes with fresh salmon. Canned food had become popular during the Civil War, and even more so during WWI, when soldiers needed food that was convenient, safe and tasty. Canned salmon in particular became a household staple during the Depression, when meals had to be nutritious but also as cheap as possible, made with inexpensive proteins and stretched with filler to feed the whole family. New Deal subsidies helped make canned salmon economical enough for most of the immigrant and first-generation Jewish families at the time. And because salmon is kosher and pareve (neither meat nor dairy), the canned kind became ubiquitous in Jewish households, because fresh salmon was neither cheap nor readily available. 
Beyond the convenience, ease and cost, salmon croquettes occupy a particular place in my heart because they were also my mother’s last meal before she passed away. She didn’t know it would be the very last thing she ate when she fussed about the kitchen fixing up a batch of salmon croquettes for lunch. But had she known, my mother would have chosen them anyway. They were among her favorite foods and she made them at least once a week for as long as I can remember. As she used to say, “you just mix a can of salmon with an egg and as much matzah meal or bread crumbs as you need to shape them into patties.” 
It was the only dish my mother prepared just for herself, and, if I were visiting, for me too. That particular day, my aunt was over and the two sisters shared a salmon latke lunch while discussing whatever two older widowed women talk about in private. 
My dad had always refused to eat salmon croquettes because his mother made them so often when he was a kid, he had “enough for a lifetime,” he explained. They were a Jewish staple as far as we knew: Everybody’s mother or grandmother made them for lunch or for a “dairy” meal in the summer, capped off with sliced bananas and sour cream sprinkled with sugar.
The recipe didn’t deviate too much, though my mom would sometimes mixed in fresh dill and a chopped scallion if she had. She shaped them about 1-inch thick and fried them in vegetable oil. We would eat them hot or cold, plain or with sliced tomatoes, and during Passover, on matzah.
While have moved more towards using fresh salmon when I make them, I still sometimes revert to using canned salmon (red, just like my mother said). I’ve added a little of this and that too: one of my family’s favorites includes mashed potatoes and fresh spinach. The thing is, the “recipe” for salmon croquettes is so basic it asks the modern cook to do what our grandmas did: add a bissel of this or that, perhaps some harissa, grated fresh ginger, horseradish or soy sauce. I’ve seen recipes that call for mustard, cooked peas, shredded carrots, chopped jalapenos or grated onion. Some people coat the patties with panko before frying them, to give them extra crispiness. And the latest version: salmon croquettes made in an air fryer!
Salmon latkes. Croquettes. Whatever you call them, they’re still going strong. After all, what’s old is always new again.
My mom died suddenly, unexpectedly, an hour or so after enjoying that lunch. I always feel a little sad when I make salmon croquettes, remembering that day. But I also smile to myself, knowing how much she enjoyed that last simple, perfect meal.
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do-you-have-a-flag · 3 months
i'm not looking for advice from anyone who isn't a professional i seek out myself (in the process) but i wanted to just find a straight forward list/reference guides for foods that fit certain nutritional criteria and it is SO HARD to find something that isn't combined with a bunch of lifestyle stuff
like, i have no interest in diet culture, i'm looking to alter my PERSONAL diet and to do that i need just basic info
what i am NOT looking for is: combining nutritional info with calorie counting, specific exercise regiments, diet recipes, irrelevant dietary info
while these are varyingly useful to many people they are not what i specifically need, because i am not interested in fast weight loss i am interested in something i can maintain long term
and i KNOW the best way to do that is to start from what i am already doing and build positive momentum
i don't want to start by cutting out foods and substituting in things i don't normally eat, that's just combining a loss of something familiar with the risk of not liking or being bad at cooking something new.
so i am starting by reducing some foods or preparing them differently, the only substitutions i am making is based on time not food type as a lot of the less healthy things i eat i eat out of time/MONEY convenience.
I am starting by changing preparation style, i am prioritising pre-planning over last minute convenience, i am picking more of what i make myself, i am reducing the frequency of certain ingredients, I am cooking for myself rather than whatever my parents have made, i am switching some ingredients i like for other ingredients i like.
I don't actually eat all that poorly but the biggest pitfall i have to watch for is convenience (some call it laziness but that's a needlessly negative spin on a grander issue of limited energy and resources) . speedy preparation and eating based on what is already cooked or ready to snack is where the actual foods i need to cut out are. I don't actually have to cut anything dramatic as of yet and I already like experimenting with recipes.
there is no need to switch to boring or bland food, I wanna focus on more conscious cooking rather than limiting options.
and while the exercise i do participate in is good i'm far too infrequent with it so motivation/consistency is the name of the game there
and it's hard because there's so much to filter out when I just want like... here's a filter you can search by food item to check against various nutritional qualities. when i want a guide on how to safely do certain low impact variations on exercise for days when i can't go take a 5 hour hike.
I don't want specific recipes, i don't wan't lifestyle motivation, i don't want diet culture or fitness culture. i want common sense guidelines so i can work with what i have and be safe about it until i am able to get personalised advice from a reliable professional source.
i don't even have specific goals because i don't wanna get fixated on numbers, my goals are like "get the one number from your blood test you were warned about to within healthy range" and "find a cardio/strength based exercise routine that you can maintain without getting bored"
like, major respect to people whose hobby is fitness or nutrition, i'm not looking for a hobby i am looking for the health equivalent of background music, something i can integrate into my daily life and enjoy while still going about my regular activities.
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