#but i'm not gonna beat myself up for having them. i'm just gonna be patient n gentle w myself
neverevan · 2 days
why do you ride so hard for these problematic men? first ryan and his racist anti vax ass and now lou with his ableist trump supporting? you know you can like the characters they play without riding for these grown men right? lou wasn’t hacked. why would he delete that specific instagram post if he was? why would he like his most recent like if he was hacked? why wouldn’t he say he was? you guys just like making up excuses (even ones that make no sense) to give your favs a pass and it’s weird. just admit they are human and fallible and maybe not the best people and that’s okay. you don’t need to stan these men to enjoy their characters.
okay. i'm gonna try to be patient and assume that you're here in good faith, even though I know for a fact, that you're not.
I will also ignore the Ryan thing because what do you mean "first"? I haven't even been in the fandom when that whole thing went down, but I believe in calling out bad behaviour to help people learn to do better, otherwise what's the fucking point? moving on.
so first of all, do not tell me what I should say but especially do not tell me what I should say, when I already said it word for word here:
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second of all, I do not ride hard for Lou, in fact I do not ride hard for any of them. what I care about is actors (and the crew and the showrunners cough cough) not being harassed and treated like crap for doing their jobs, which, let's be real fucking honest here, the fandom has a history with, especially when it comes to love interests — as Oliver himself has pointed it out.
do I know what happened? no. do I think there are a lot of suspicious beats around the incident? yes, very much so.
btw no one would even assume hacking, if certain people could just act right. just a few weeks ago, no one could've plausibly make the claim, now however... this is what bullying and harassing and making fake accounts and so on births, this is all on the fandom. if not for that shitty behaviour, this would be much more clean-cut.
if it was him; he deleted it immediately which tells me that he's at least aware of how it reflects on him, if not how and why posting something like that is not okay. we can't be responsible for other people's values, but can only hope for them to always try to do better. and that's just step one.
the thing is, if we as a fandom can collectively ignore other things that have been deleted by other cast members, then instead of making a spectacle out of this, we can all just hope that it's a beginning of a learning curve.
anyway. do not come into my inbox — on anonymous, no less — to try to police what I say on my own blog. I always choose my words very carefully and I never claimed to know exactly what happened and as a rule of thumb, I don't allow myself more than a certain amount of time a day to dwell on these type on things (that time for today is up with this ask, by the way), because I'm in the fandom for fun and when it's no longer fun, I just leave.
but it's my blog and I will post what I think and if you don't like that; no one is forcing you to see it. unfollow and block and have a nice day.
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dogboner · 1 month
personal growth is crazy because it seems like nothing has changed until you're crying because you don't want to die. you learn something about yourself that ten years ago would have actually killed you, and now you're thinking about what you can do to heal and make peace with it. nothing may have changed to you, but to the person you were however long ago, you are the "it gets better"
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candaru · 1 month
just gonna ramble about some Ultrakill/Portal crossover thoughts don't mind me
(considering The End of All Known Land canon for these thoughts, i.e. a world where Gabriel and V1 are the only ones to get out of Hell)
Chell hates robots with all her soul and would try to fucking annihilate V1 if she thought they posed even a sliver of a threat but V1 would be so fucking excited at the prospect of another human. like obviously if they were still in a situation where they needed blood, they'd kill her without a second thought, but now? they're just FASCINATED by the question of "how did a human SURVIVE" and they want to know everything
V1 inner monologue: oh boy a new sparring partner!!! wow they have a cool new kind of gun I've never seen before!! that would've been soooo helpful back in hell. I wonder if that's how they escaped? and they're quiet just like me! I wonder if their organic voicebox is broken? or do they just not have one? can humans not have one?
GLaDOS would fucking despise Gabriel because he's sooooo full of himself. She doesn't even need to hear him say anything robot-racist, She's already decided She hates him and wants him dead. an "angel?" yeah, right. sounds just like another human ripe for the picking. let's see how high-and-mighty you are when you're in my TESTING DOMAIN! DO MY PUZZLES, BOY!!!
Gabriel is like wow this robot is stuck up and has some serious issues but also I am uncomfortable with how much of myself I see reflected in her. hmmmm. yeah I'll try your puzzle, tell me more about your deep-seated hatred of organics and particularly this one that keeps ruining the facility you run and is the only one to ever beat you in a fight. mhm. yeah so quick question have you ever thought about trying to fuck—
meanwhile if Chell ever met Gabriel on the surface it'd make for such a good tense encounter. bc she is hiding behind a tree in full fight-or-flight mode wondering "how did another human SURVIVE" and also second question "how did they get such sickass wings and where can I get a pair?"
and then Gabriel noticing her would ALSO send him into fight-or-flight mode but only for a moment because of the pure shock of, again, "HOW DID A HUMAN SURVIVE" before curiosity completely overtakes him and he tries to talk to her. trying to get her to talk and not attack or run is like trying to coax a wild injured animal out of a hiding spot. but he eventually manages to earn the barest, most minimal amount of trust by setting down all his weapons and leaving offerings of food in front of her.
...this gets harder when she sees Gabriel and V1 together and registers that they're allies. she's unsure if they're plotting against her or if V1 is manipulating Gabriel. eventually she leans towards the latter and thinks her fears are confirmed when she witnesses them drawing Gabriel's blood while he's sleeping.
she tries to communicate this to him by drawing crude pictures on the ground and is VERY FRUSTRATED when he's like "omg can you not talk? that's ok!! V1 also can't talk but we make it work, they're really incredibly kind and patient and—"
I think it would be funny for V1 to try and go urban exploring in Aperture. GLaDOS is initially all excited because a new testing robot literally fell right into Her clutches but then V1 proceeds to be the most stubborn, impudent, tenacious piece of shit and they remind her WAY TOO MUCH OF CHELL so now She's trying to kill them but they have ACTUAL FUCKING GUNS and Aperture is being destroyed in the wake of their battle
meanwhile V1 has decided they don't like this robot but also She makes fun tests. so they do puzzles until they get bored and then they blast holes through the wall and try to kill Her
something something Ultrakill is just Portal for NBs (everyone knows Portal is for women) and I'm so fascinated by the similar dynamics of the toxic yuri/toxic yaoi robot-and-human pairs. and I think they would mostly hate each other and I love that for them.
(also something something GLaDOS is too far gone, too corrupted in Her immortality, and too deep in denial for any possible healthy ending with Chell—it's just not possible. so seeing Gabriel and V1 in a healthy and loving relationship would make Her SO FUCKING MAD for reasons She can't articulate)
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d1xonss · 5 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 30 ~ Three little words
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 3
✧ Word Count : 5.7k
⚠️TW : Mentions of scars and past abuse
In this chapter ~ After the long and painful day, the group returns to see the progress Hershel was making in this new adjustment they all had to grow accustomed too. But another unexpected thing seems to hit Rose directly in the face, hearing Daryl admit something from his past that she was completely unaware of. But she seemed to shock him just as much if not more with the confession that easily slips off her tongue.
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The walk towards the cellblock was long and awkward, no one truly knowing what to say after we witnessed this man beg for his life, while the other slowly accepted it. But it only got more tense when we saw the state of the place they would soon be staying. There were dead bodies littered around everywhere, the inmates scanning each one and informing us sadly that some of these men were once their friends.
It was almost heartbreaking to see them grieve them all at once, taking it all in as they mentally prepared themselves that they would have to live in the same space where their ghosts lied.
"Let's go." Rick said eventually, seeing as they were on their way to getting settled.
"So you're just going to leave us in here?" Oscar asked as he gestured to the ground, spilt blood everywhere, "This is sick." he muttered.
"We're locking down this cellblock. From now on this part of the prison is yours, take it or leave it, that was the deal." he replied bitterly before slowly making his way out through the way we came.
Daryl and I stood side by side and he was the first one to speak up, "You think this is sick? Ya don't want to know what's outside." he informed, pausing momentarily as he ducked his head, "But m' sorry bout yer friends man." he said quietly.
The two just nodded in appreciation, Daryl turning to pull my sleeve to follow him out the door, but I stopped him, "Just give me a second." I whispered.
He hesitantly nodded, walking out of the space but still staying close enough in case anything happened as I turned back to look at them, "I was never going to let him kill you." I said, "I just figured you should know that."
They looked almost confused at my words as Oscar was the one to ask, "Why?"
I simply shrugged, "Because I'm good at reading people, and I know you were telling the truth back there. You didn't deserve that."
They nodded in appreciation, Axel stepping forward with a smile, "Thank you, miss." he spoke in a quiet voice.
I nodded and turned back around to leave, seeing Daryl lent up against the wall as he waited patiently for me. He offered his hand to me as I walked by, taking it in my own as we walked back to our cellblock a few feet behind T-Dog's frame just a ways ahead.
"Was gonna kill that guy for what he did." he mumbled suddenly.
I looked up at him and smiled, "I know."
"Rick beat me to it. Asshole." he joked.
I laughed lightly to myself with a shake of my head, "I know, how dare he take that away from you." I continued on playfully, "But that bastard's dead now, no matter who took care of him. That guy seemed out of his damn mind." I spoke, now turning serious.
He frowned down at me as he nodded, "Yeah." he quietly agreed.
The rest of the way back was filled with silence, my mind only going back to Maggie and Beth, desperately wanting to check up on them. But that meant walking back into the cell that Hershel was recovering in, subtly preparing myself to see the worst since everyone was panicking the last time I was in there.
I prayed that we were fast enough to be able to save him, but I still had a few doubts in the back of my mind. I mean hell, none of us have hacked a limb off before so the odds worried me.
When we finally made it back to our cellblock, Carl saw me immediately as he was standing right outside of the man's cell, quickly releasing a breath and running over to wrap me in a tight hug. We must've been gone for longer than I thought. I smiled as I let go of Daryl's hand, leaning down to hold him tight as he almost shuttered in my arms.
"You guys okay?" he asked before fully pulling away.
"We're okay." I confirmed before daring to turn my head to look into Hershel's cell and saw he seemed to be doing as well as he could be, but he still wasn't awake, "How's he doing?" I asked.
"He...stopped breathing for a minute, but my mom saved him."
"It's true." Glenn confirmed, coming out of the cell next to greet us.
I looked at him sadly and pulled him in for a hug, hearing him sigh before wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I knew how worried he was along with the rest and that scare probably didn't help anything in fact it only made things worse. But he was breathing again, thanks to Lori that meant everything.
Though I finally just bit the bullet as I couldn't help but stare at him over Glenn's shoulder, pulling away from him and walking slowly into the cell to gaze at his face, hearing Rick follow close behind me.
I saw the girls I was most worried about inside and placed my hands on their shoulders. They both turned around with sad smiles on their faces, and Beth turned fully to hug me. Maggie just grabbed my hand and kissed it lightly before she couldn't help but face his bed once more. We all just looked at him  in utter silence and worry, hoping he would be okay, hoping the color would come back to his face and then soon he would wake from the unconscious state.
I examined all the medical supplies that were lying on the floor, most of the bottles were empty along with many used bandages he had bled through. Everything was left a complete mess as their scattered actions had to work fast to finally slow down the bleeding. My eyes trailed up to his face again, noticing the fact that one of his hands was cuffed to the bed in case...well in case he turned. That alone didn't give me much more hope.
But then, something happened that seemed to catch all of our attention. The man began to stir, scrunching his nose up at the bright light the window provided, and I could see his eyes moving just barely under his eyelids. Beth stood up a bit straighter, noticing his brief movements as well almost instantly. A sudden soft groan left his lips, before he then fully opened his eyes and I let out a heavy breath I had no idea I was holding in.
Beth let out a quiet gasp and slowly let go of me, making her way over to her dad, right next to Maggie. They whispered to him in disbelief, leaning over the side of the bed expressing how worried they were as they began to cry, but he gave them a quick smile to reassure them that he was okay. Rick made his way over quickly, taking the key he had to unlock the handcuffs, letting the man rub his sore wrist from being held up for so long. Hershel then took the man's hand, giving it a shake as Rick whispered something down to him I couldn't quite make out.
The older man's eyes then suddenly made their way over to me, gesturing me over towards the bed for me to come closer. My hesitant steps made their way over to the side of the cot slowly, squatting down low to his level. He took my hand in both of his own and I smiled at him while a few tears escaped from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. He squeezed my hand gently in his own, giving me a genuine smile and a nod of his head, telling me a thousand things without saying a word.
He was thanking me. Maybe he remembered everything, my idea that led to saving his life, but I couldn't know for sure. But it didn't matter. I nodded back to him once as I watched him close his eyes once more, getting more rest as he breathed in and out deeply. I glanced over at Beth and motioned her to come over, placing his hand in hers while the two sisters took over my place as I stepped back, laughing and hugging each other in relief. I wanted them to have their moment as a family, so I slowly backed out of the space, knowing that he was truly going to be alright.
Daryl caught my arm the moment I got away and pulled me in for a hug that I desperately needed as I rested my cheek against his chest with a sigh, feeling him lightly run his hands up and down my back. We stayed like that for much longer than I intended before we pulled apart enough to quietly watch the sisters reunite with their dad. I was so happy everything worked out the way it did, Hershel was alive and the unwanted prisoners were dead. Today took an unexpected turn, but I silently thanked the universe it all worked out in the end.
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In just a few hours, the sun had set fully and the stars shined brightly from outside the prison windows as I sat up in bed reading one of my books. I found myself reading this one over and over again for the past few months while we were on the road, but it was truly a fascinating one so I didn't mind too much. Though the talk about a potential library somewhere in the prison intrigued me.
After visiting with Hershel for a while, Rick eventually gathered us together quick to talk about a plan for the days to come. He spoke about exploring the rest of the prison considering how much ground there was left to cover, picking through each place with each passing day as much as we could. Scoping out each place until the whole building was completely clear and safe.
After we went over it, he told us to simply rest up for tomorrow, but Daryl stayed behind to talk to him about some things. So, I was just passing the time before he came in, scanning the words on the pages as the light from the small lantern illuminated the book.
My ears perked up suddenly when I heard footsteps coming closer to our shared room and I slightly lowered my book from my eyes. Speak of the devil.
I glanced up right as he stepped in the doorway, "Hey, love." I greeted.
He smiled, "Hey." he said before setting his crossbow down on the ground, walking over close enough to crawl onto the mattress and in between my legs before crashing softly with a small thud.
He managed to maneuver himself to where his head was resting on my lower stomach, causing me to pull the book out from under him and folded the corner of the page before placing it out of sight. His arms tightened around my waist while my hands instantly went to his head, massaging his scalp lightly.
I couldn't help but smile at his tired state, his eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of my fingers running through the tangles in his hair. He breathed in and out deeply, relaxing more and more under my touch with each passing second. We laid there in comfortable silence for a long while just like that, so much time passing by that I thought he had fallen asleep. Until I felt him move.
He lifted his head ever so slightly to the right, feeling him begin to bite at the skin of my inner thigh, igniting a small gasp from my lips. His movements didn't stop as he now placed light kisses over the teeth marks he created, before turning his head to do the same thing on my other leg. My heart felt as though it stilled for a moment as I swallowed thickly, loving the sensation he was creating. And just by his actions speaking louder than words, he loved it too.
He then suddenly pushed himself up onto his elbows, beginning to trail his lips up my stomach and towards my chest, working his way up impossibly slowly to my neck. I closed my eyes and sighed in content, leaning my head against the wall to give him better access as I felt his tongue drag across my neck lightly before his lips began to attack my jawline. He made his way up to my cheeks, my nose, before finally planting a heavy kiss on my lips.
I hummed in approval and kissed him back deeply, grabbing onto the collar of his shirt to pull him closer. His tongue slipped its way past my parted lips, licking wildly around my entire mouth as his pace quickened. I then slowly sat up, pushing him off of me to turn him over, straddling his hips now without breaking our lips apart once. He let out a sound of surprise at my actions but then smiled against my mouth, placing his hands on either side of me, running his fingertips up and down my sides gently.
That was enough to send a familiar tingling sensation through me as I began to rock slightly back and forth, creating a rhythm. His breath caught in his throat a little with a strain groan, before breathing deeply and ravishing in the new feeling it provided for him. I parted from him briefly to start to teasingly attack his neck, sucking lightly as I made my way further down towards just the beginning of his chest. He let out a grunt with rolled eyes, his hands falling to my hips as he gave them a firm squeeze.
I came back up breathless, "Tired?" I asked with a smirk on my face, my lips only inching closer to his once more.
He chuckled, "Hell no." he muttered before reaching up to grab my chin, pulling me down more to crash his lips onto mine once more.
Our lips moved in sync for a few moments, our hands moving around on each other's bodies almost desperately as if we somehow craved even more of each other. Daryl nearly growled as he broke away momentarily, going back to my neck again as his sharp teeth nipped at my skin gently, his hands moving slowly to the hem of my shirt. I was too engulfed in the feeling that I couldn't help the soft moan that left my lips when his mouth reached a certain spot on the right side of my neck. I could feel the stupid smirk grow on his face as he continued, not stopping or faltering once.
My hands moved desperately to the buttons on his shirt, slowly breaking them apart one by one before he quickly stopped what he was doing and jumped back as if he had just been burned. I looked back at him with sudden concern, confusion filling me as I gazed down to his chest counting I had only undone two, enough to barely see the start of his skin.
His breathing was heavy as he looked down to anywhere but my face, remaining completely silent. I slowly began to back off of his legs, sensing that I had done something wrong, but didn't know what.
"Are you okay?" I asked him softly, reaching out slowly to place a hand on his cheek.
He nodded absentmindedly but still wouldn't look me in the eye, his mind elsewhere as he thought hard about something clearly serious. I said his name softly after a few seconds, attempting to get his attention as I slowly took my other hand and placed it on his other cheek, lifting his head up to meet my eyes.
"Talk to me." I said.
He sighed and took my hands off his face, kissing my right palm softly, "M' sorry." he muttered quietly, almost ashamed.
I shook my head immediately, "No, don't be sorry. We don't have to do anything tonight, I just thought-"
"No, I want to," he quickly interrupted me, "It's just...there's something I haven't..." he trailed off, cursing under his breath as he couldn't find the right words.
I waited patiently for him to continue but he didn't. He instead only raised his hands to his own shirt, undoing the rest of them slowly himself. My eyes only narrowed in slight confusion as I watched, but made no attempts to stop or question him. When he was finally done with all the buttons, he slowly peeled his shirt off of his broad shoulders and I couldn't help but stare at him.
This was the very first time I had seen him without his shirt on and I let my eyes roam around his toned chest. He was beautiful. Nearly breathtaking as his figure was being illuminated by the lantern still off to the side. We had obviously had sex before but it was never at intimate as it was starting to be just now, never seeing each other fully naked as we were always somewhat in a rush. Some articles of clothing were just left on every time, but I never thought anything of it until now, seeing that he was clearly hiding something.
He then broke the silence, "I've been... meanin to show ya this because... I trust ya. But um... I haven't had a chance till... now I guess."
I nodded my head slowly, "Okay... I'm a little confused." I admitted.
"M' sure ya are, just...just gimme a second." he said while again, not being able to meet my eyes as his head ducked down lower.
I didn't push him, I didn't question him, I was only silent as I waited for him to open up to me about something that was clearly very nerve racking for him. When he finally got the courage, he turned around slowly with his back facing me and I couldn't help the soft gasp that escaped my lips at the sight I didn't expect.
There were huge scars covering almost the entirety of his back, crisscrossing over each other as they were all equally long and deep. My eyes followed each and every one, noticing a medium sized tattoo that was on his right shoulder, one that I couldn't make out in the darkness. But the other things I could see very clearly, almost too clearly.
I could see his shoulders slump slightly and he hung his head low with a heavy sigh, as if he were ashamed about them like I am about mine. The moment at the farm those many nights ago was now making perfect sense, seeing now that he understood the embarrassment I felt. I slowly found myself inching closer to him once I had processed every mark, raising my hand to gently place my hand on his back, feeling him slightly flinch.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry." I said just above a whisper.
I began to lightly rub his shoulder in attempts to comfort him as he continued to speak, "They're from my old man. He uh... used to beat the shit outta me and my brother. Merle took most of em but... when he left to join the military...I-" his voice cracked.
I shushed him quietly, letting him know he didn't need to say another word. I hugged him from behind and placed my cheek on his shoulder, feeling his back move as he breathed in and out deeply. He relaxed almost instantly under my touch, placing his hands over mine that rested on his stomach. We sat in silence, not moving or speaking for a matter of minutes before I suddenly had an idea.
I slowly picked up my head from his shoulder and began to kiss the scar that was left behind there. I heard him gasp lightly at the action, and I continued to kiss the ones along his back, his other shoulder, making sure I didn't miss a single spot as he sat up straighter at the feeling.
When I was done, I placed my hands on either of his shoulders and lightly turned him around to face me fully again. His eyes looked into mine deeply, watching me intently as I opened my mouth to speak.
"You once told me that I didn't have to be ashamed about anything around you, right?" I asked.
He slowly nodded his head, "Well, you don't have to be ashamed about anything around me. Especially not this." I said softly.
He sighed deeply without looking away from me, silent for a few minutes before saying, "M' sorry for not... showin em to ya sooner. M' just...embarrassed of em, was scared..." he tried to explain the best he could.
I shook my head immediately, "Don't apologize. It's a hard thing to do, showing someone. I would know." I winked.
He smiled small, leaving a certain glint in his eyes. He looked so utterly stunning sitting here in front of me, and he had just shown me something that he was the most insecure about. I had only hoped I made him feel just as safe and protected as he made me feel that night on the farm. I think in that moment we both knew that we weren't alone when it came to this. Which brought me more relief than you could possibly imagine, having someone who understands you.
A thought then popped into my head for a moment and I wanted to act fast, I felt if I thought about it too much then I wouldn't say it. He needed to know. He needed to know how much he truly meant to me, even if he didn't say it back. I wanted him to know.
"Fuck it." I muttered quietly as I grasped his hand softly and dared to look him in the eye, "I love you."
His eyes widened ever so slightly as my words echoed in the quiet air around us. When he didn't say anything, I feared that I hadn't thought it through enough, that I had suddenly messed up what we had worked so hard to build. I began to overthink everything. But as soon as I saw a huge smile break out onto his face, I was instantly relieved.
He brought my hand up to his mouth, kissing my knuckles lightly before saying, "I love you too."
I felt my eyes light up, "Really?" I asked softly.
"Really, really." he assured as he placed a few more light kisses against my hand.
I let out a breath, placing a hand over my chest dramatically as he chuckled, "Christ, we gotta work on how you space things out because-"
He immediately shut me up as he captured my lips in a soft kiss, gently pushing me back down on the bed. I gasped softly at the feeling on his tongue slowly entering my mouth, his teeth coming out to bite my lower lip gently as he pulled back.
"Tired?" he asked quietly.
"Hell no." I breathed before kissing him deeply again.
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It had been a few days since Tomas had been taken care of, a few days since Hershel woke and found himself recovering, and a few days since we both said I love you. It's safe to say we couldn't keep our hands off each other. This was the happiest we both had been in a very long time because of all the recent events. We had a safe place to stay, we had the group, and most importantly we had each other. I felt very hopeful.
Currently we are still trying to clean up the prison, burn the remaining walkers and move the cars up closer to the building along with Daryl's bike. Rick was giving instructions on what we needed to get done today to a few of us who gathered outside to listen, but we all noticed quickly that a few of us were missing.
"Where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use some help." Carol pointed out.
"They're up in the guard tower." I said suggestively with a small smirk.
"The guard tower?" Rick questioned, "They were just up there last night."
I glanced over at him, "Rick." I said to get his attention. He looked over at me and I looped my arm  through his, "Anyone ever had the talk with you?" I asked.
He immediately smiled and shook his head at me once the dots finally connected in his head.
"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl yelled up towards the space.
We stood there in a line waiting for a response, looking up at the nearest guard tower, waiting for them to poke their heads out with disheveled hair. Glenn came out only a few seconds later in a rush without a shirt on, trying to quickly button his pants back up.
"Hey! What's up guys?" he yelled back a bit sheepishly.
"You comin?" Daryl asked.
He stood still there for a moment, halting his movements before asking, "What?"
We were all trying our best not to laugh at Daryl's choice of words but were failing pretty miserably as we watched the fearful look on Glenn's face. My forehead rested on Rick's shoulder as I tried to shield my face, stifling my laughs as I heard him chuckle lightly.
"You comin?" he asked one more time, "Come on! We could use a hand." he gestured as he began to turn around.
"Yeah, we'll be right down!" he finally said, fumbling with his pants once more as he made his way back inside in a rush.
With the confirmation of their help, the five of us then began to walk down the gravel road towards where the cars were parked in the front, wanting to move them first before anything. I nudged Daryl's side once he had caught up with me, catching his attention before the others could hear.
"You know, I think I'm taking watch in the guard tower tonight." I spoke quietly.
His eyebrows raised slightly at the suggestion, "Is that an invitation?" he asked in a hushed tone, a lazy smirk crossing his lips.
I just shrugged my shoulders but winked at him knowingly, watching him chuckle. But something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, making my smile drop as I looked back towards the front. It was the prisoners coming over to talk to us which surprised me, seeing as I didn't expect them to be out walking about with the way Rick had talked and acted towards them. They practically walked into that cellblock with their tails in between their legs that day, I didn't know why they were coming back out to talk now.
Rick saw this around the same time I did, looking back at us with a nod of his head, "Follow me." he muttered.
I was about to take a step forward, but Daryl stopped me, "Hey, stay here this time. Please." he said softly.
"Really?" I deadpanned.
"After what that asshole said to ya the other day, yeah really." he said before turning around and following the others.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes a bit as they continued to approach the men, but didn't make any effort to argue as I knew he kind of had a point. I would never admit that out loud to him, but the guys that we had kept alive were still unpredictable. We hadn't had the chance to trust them enough for them just to be walking around the gates with the rest of our people. And Rick looked like he was about to make that crystal clear right now.
A huff passed through my lips as I leaned up against the car behind me right beside Carol, watching as Glenn and Maggie made it out of the watchtower to join in the hushed conversation. Though it wasn't that hard to tell what was being said with all the gestures Rick seemed to be throwing. Really enunciating how pissed he was to see them.
"I never got to say I told you so." Carol suddenly broke the silence with a smug smile.
I glanced over at her, "What?"
She laughed quietly, "I had about eight months to say it to you, but I guess never really found the right time. Too busy running for our lives, right?"
"Yeah, I guess... but I'm still not following." I said.
She gave me a certain look before saying, "He likes you. I told you so."
I then let out a laugh, now knowing exactly what she meant as she gave me shit about it time and time again back on the farm. "Hey, I guess you're right. Man, you sure know everything."
"Not everything," she corrected, "...almost everything." she winked.
I smiled and bumped her shoulder with mine before glancing back ahead towards the group, seeing it get a little more heated than before. After a few minutes Rick locked them back up behind a fence and came back over with a determination in his step to discuss what they talked about. We kept going back and forth whether or not to let them into the group, though I thought the answer was pretty clear.
T-Dog wanted to give them a chance when everyone else seemed weary about it, noting the fact that these were complete strangers that we didn't know from Adam. It was true that I felt sorry for them, they had just lost a lot in the past couple of days and seemed like good men, but I wasn't just thinking for myself. I had to think about the rest of the group, Carl and Beth especially. I couldn't let anything happen to them, so I leaned more towards Rick's side when it came to this, trying to ignore T-Dog's disappointment.
The group then fanned out towards the vehicles we had to roll up through the gates, parking them in a line so they would be easy to grab and go when we needed. But just the walk down towards them was a chore within itself, the sun baking every part of me as I subtly wiped the thin line of sweat off my forehead.
I looked down at my arm in the process, eyeing the long sleeve shirt that I relied heavily on to hide every insecurity that I had. I thought about it for a few minutes while I sweat my ass off in the heat, before biting the bullet and rolling up the thick sleeves up past my elbows, offering me some kind of relief.
If I was being honest with myself, I was tired of hiding them, knowing that no one would even bat an eye or notice them at all if I began to actually wear what I wished. I wanted to start feeling more comfortable in my own skin, more confident in myself in general, but it took pretty big and uncomfortable steps to do that.
But I was willing to try.
I breathed a sigh of relief once I felt a breeze pass by, opening the car door I was standing in front of to get in before noticing Daryl was coming up to me once more, stopping my movements completely.
Although I expected no one to really notice the change that my mind seemed to focus so hard on, Daryl took notice almost instantly as his steps faltered once he got close enough. But I tried not to let that get to me, knowing that the man was observant as all hell and knew me better than anyone, knowing how this was unusual for me.
His steps then stopped when he was right next to me, glancing down momentarily, "Rose-" he started.
"It's hot." I said simply as I let out a nervous laugh, "And I don't know, I figured it was time to start being a little more confident in myself."
He nodded quickly in agreement, "Yeah, course." he muttered, "Just...wanted to make sure ya-"
"I know." I smiled, "Just want to feel comfortable in my own skin for once...and I figured this is where you start. Baby steps."
His lip quirked up in amusement, "Baby steps." he agreed before placing a kiss on my cheek, "Just came over to see if ya wanted ta help bring some firewood back after this."
"Yeah." I nodded, "I'll just be a few minutes."
After we parted ways, I watched him walk towards his bike to follow the rest of us up while I started up the car I was in. We followed each other in a straight line as T-Dog walked backwards up the road, waving us on to guide us.
After moving all the cars up closer to the prison, a few of the guys started to head out of the fences towards the woods like Daryl mentioned as the rest of us were finishing up. I hopped out of the car I was driving with a slam of my door, heading towards the area to help them like I promised, before stopping suddenly when I saw Maggie pause her movements from beside me.
My gaze followed hers to see Hershel making his way out of the building to get some fresh air, using the crutches we found as best as he could with Lori, Beth, and Carl by his sides. A smile was brought to my face seeing how well he was recovering, hearing Maggie laugh in pure relief as she watched him.
"Well, look at you go!" I called to get his attention.
He looked over upon hearing the sound of my voice and smiled, turning suddenly to try and make his way over to me, leaving me quickly jogging the rest of the way so he wouldn't push himself. My steps slowed down to a stop once I was close enough, watching as he spoke before I even got the chance.
"I never thanked you for saving my life." he stated.
I waved him off, "You don't have to thank me. Besides Rick was the one who did that I... chickened out." I said bluntly.
He placed a hand on my shoulder, "But it was your quick thinking, wasn't it?" he asked, leaving me silent as he nodded in confirmation, "You were the one who gave me another opportunity, more time with my girls...so thank you Ro." he said sincerely.
My heart warmed as I nodded my head instantly, "Of course...I'm just glad you're okay," I admitted before taking another long glance at him, "Did I ever tell you you're looking more and more like Santa Clause?" I motioned to his white beard, trying to lighten the mood again.
He laughed and squeezed my shoulder, "You've reminded me every day."
"Just checking." I shrugged.
He carefully lifted one of his arms and pulled me in for a hug, which I gladly returned as he balanced. I was so happy he was okay and seemed to be doing great with moving around so far, silently thankful that he had made it this far. We both pulled apart from each other and I gave him another smile before a sudden, frantic yell caught our attention.
"Walkers!" Carl called out.
It was like after he screamed, everything started to move in slow motion.
~ Thanks for reading!
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starleska · 1 year
I hope you had a lovely trip! Hopefully this doesnt seem too demanding, but do you have any jack horner headcanons you're willing to share? Romantic, perhaps even yandere/possessive? Or just general headcanons? If not thats perfectly okay!!!
d'aww thank you sweet anon, i had a great time!! although i am very sleepy now 😴 i'm not even gonna lie to you, i whiled away the train journeys by gazing out of the window and thinking up little meet-cute scenarios with Jack 😂😂
oh HELL yes!! don't you worry, that's not demanding in the slightest - i'd be happy to oblige 😉 honestly this has steered off more into backstory/total fanfic territory, but i hope you like it anyway. i’ve written this with a bit of a feminine-leading-nickname bias, but this is for all readers!! i’m nb myself 🥰 feel free to substitute certain names for others 🔥
'Big' Jack Horner x Reader romantic/yandere headcanons:
historically, Jack hasn’t had much interest in romantic dalliances. coming from an upper-class family with a great deal of wealth means he received plenty of offers even when he was young, from hopeful families wanting to marry into his lucrative business. however, Jack always found the suitors from these families dull and predictable; they knew exactly what to say and how to say it, and their compliance infuriated Jack to no end. 
as a result, throughout his teens and early twenties Jack mostly abstained from romantic connections. it was at this time that he began to increase in size: he shot up like a weed and bulked out enormously, which greatly increased interest from a variety of parties. this came alongside his succession to the head of his pie business, and the flourishing of his criminal empire. although Jack was propositioned left and right, he only engaged in the occasional date and/or lay, and considered them to be stress relief. 
as his obsession with collecting magical artefacts and increasing his power grew, Jack’s dim view of romance as nothing more than fairy tale junk - something he has come to abhor - solidifies into a type of confident nihilism. he believes that he is simply built different, and that truly powerful figures don’t concern themselves with such trivial matters. that is, of course, until he meets you. 
at first, Jack is horrified. first, he believes he has fallen ill; why is his heart beating so fast around you? why does he feel hot and sweaty and clammy all at once when you pop into his thoughts? this quickly descends into a type of paranoia: he is convinced that you must be some type of magical artisan, one who has cast a spell to drive him mad. we know Jack isn’t the patient type, so he confronts you, dragging you into his office and threatening you with the business end of the Huntsman’s Axe from the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale.
rather than the reasonable reaction of terror and attempting to escape, you stammer and blush, almost hyperventilating at the proximity. he’s so much larger than you, and it takes everything you have not to melt into his arms. you manage to tell him that you find him impossibly charming, and just being around him makes you feel lighter. this takes a moment for Jack to process. he questions you repeatedly: “You find me attractive?” “Y-yes.” “You’d like to become an item? With me?” “Yes, sir.”
once he is certain that there is no trickery afoot, Jack is ecstatic with you. the full extent of his smarm and arrogance pour over in waves. Jack is not a man prone to embarrassment , and he makes no secret of your relationship whilst going about the daily business of running his criminal organisation and pie factory. he freely plays with your hair, rubs your shoulders and gives you kisses in full view of all his workers, much to your humiliation, but the way Jack looks at you with approval after every  teasing show of affection makes it all worth it. Jack’s staff even give you a  nickname: The Baker’s Wife. 
in no time at all, Jack becomes your fiercest protector. someone calls a rude comment to you in the street? they’re found the next day, strung up by their thumbs outside the village walls. a debt collector comes to harass you and your family? how interesting: they choke to death on a pie, overstuffed with plums. you soon find that members of The Baker’s Dozen are assigned to keep you safe: following you around his mansion and accompanying you outside without so much as a word. you try to question Jack about these events, knowing in your heart he is responsible, but the way he tells you, “No one hurts my princess,” makes your heart squeeze. indeed, day-to-day Jack treats you like royalty: only the finest garments, cuisine, and entertainment for the love of his life. 
however, in private, Jack lets his sadistic side shine. he is delighted by how easy you are to fluster: how a filthy whisper or a well-placed touch can make you tremble and squeak. he enjoys your size difference, playing with you as if you were a doll, and he chuckles darkly whenever you squirm. there’s nothing he loves more than pinning you against a wall with a blade, enacting the predator/prey dynamic he knows you enjoy so much. he leans in close and breathes into your ear, telling you how small and helpless you are, and how easy it would be to rip you apart. he relishes in making you beg to be touched, how much you crave his silver tongue and those awful, atrocity-stained hands. Jack tells you that you are his, forever, until the day you die: and that is something you love more than life itself. 
hope this is what you were looking for, anon 😉
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defilerwyrm · 8 months
I'm a trans man who wants phallo SO bad but the Fear Mongering people do makes me so scared. I have such a fear of surgery anyway and people say phallo is nearly 23hrs long, and it has more risks than heart surgery does, and idk if these are true bc I'm too scared to google it..But I want it so bad, but the stuff I hear scares me. Also people saying it doesn't have any sensation worries me. You said trans men can ask about it so I hope this is ok to do on anon!!! I'd appreciate a non fear filled reply so much thanks!!
23 hours!! Those poor surgeons, can you imagine!
Virtual hugs if you’re the hugging type, Anon, and a cool rock if you’re not.
Those things are definitely not true, not remotely. It’s a long surgery, but when I say it’s long that means it’s about 8 hours all told. It sounds like maybe someone heard it referred to as an “all-day” thing meaning a full WORK day, but instead assumed that that meant a full CALENDAR day. Or, you know, a transphobe made shit up to scare people.
It is most definitely not nearly as risky to your wellbeing as a surgery in which they saw open your sternum and cut open your actual beating heart. There is a fairly high chance of a minor complication that can result in the terrible ordeal of getting pee on your pants sometimes—a urethral fistula—and in most cases, they close up on their own anyway without needing another surgery to correct them. And in this case, “fairly high” means 40%, so it’s still less than half a chance that it’ll happen in the first place. At worst it’s annoying. Serious complications, the type that put you in danger, are extremely rare.
The sensation thing is also false, because they literally harvest a length of nerve from your donor site and hook it up to your existing bits specifically so you WILL have sensation! Sure, it takes a little while for the nerve to heal, but that’s just the reality of ANY surgery.
The nerve grows back in your donor site, too, by the way. While I was typing this up I discovered that one particular spot on my graft is ticklish.
Everyone has their own individual healing factor, but speaking for myself, I had full erotic sensation before the 3-month mark, and the orgasms have been incredible. The head and base are highly sensitive, and everything in between responds pretty damn nicely too, just less of a hit-the-ceiling level of sensitivity. And, you know, if you’ve handled an AMAB person’s penis much at all you’ll know that’s pretty much in keeping with how their dicks work too.
It is an in-patient surgery so if you have it, you’ll be staying in a hospital for a few days so they can keep an eye out for rare disasters. My stay was four or five days of snoring most of the day and periodically getting woken up to eat or answer some simple check-in questions, lift my arm for nurses to move stuff, etc, and then conking back out.
Being cathed sucks, but two weeks of frequent trips to the toilet to drain your bag is honestly nothing compared to a lifetime without (or with vastly reduced) bottom dysphoria. That’s the part that I hated. Everything else was your typical recovery: 10-15 days of sleeping 20 hours a day, then however many weeks of being tired, taking meds, and careful washing, gradually feeling more and more normal until you’re back up to full and ready to get back to business as usual.
Except with this one, you get to learn to pee standing up in the process. :D
(Protip: don’t try a public urinal until you’ve got it down pat at home. Not because of cis men, but because the learning process is messy, lol! The overwhelming majority of cis men in public restrooms want nothing to do with anyone else while they’re in there. The only place anyone’s gonna give your dick more than half a second’s accidental glance is in a gay bar. In 8+ years of using public men’s rooms I have yet to see one (1) penis that wasn’t mine!)
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
Hi! Do you have any souyo fics you would like to recommend?
HELLO @littlebalsam OH BOY DO I
as a caveat I consider myself to still be relatively new to souyo, so I haven't read too many fics? but these were some of my favourites and I hope you enjoy them too!
some of these fics may have mature themes (p4 is a mature game after all) so please check the rating/tags!
a doorway back into the life he wants by chash
Rated T; a stardew valley-esque AU that somewhat follows the beats of their original story, but sees the characters as grown-ups dealing with Life (TM), with Yosuke as the manager of Junes and Souji taking over his grandfather's farm in Inaba. There's a kind of mature calmness to the atmosphere here that is both gentle and delicate, and the result is something so very gorgeous.
(and honestly, anything written by Chash has been 11/10)
mr perfect by unsungillumination
Rated G; where Yu has to work on his social stats in order to confess to yosuke - the writing here is SO beautiful and there's something so wonderfully emotional about Yu's pining here (I adore any fic that makes use of game mechanics as a plot point lol)
sharing is caring by hydrocarbon (dontrollthedice)
Rated T; where Souji learns to share (and learns what jealousy feels like when he doesn't want to) - any fic with possessive/jealous Souji is a good fic and this one was so spectacularly well done that I still think about it for days
the boy who leapt through time by MrRee
Rated T; time-travel AU where Yosuke has the ability to jump through time and struggles to create a happy ending for everyone. Yosuke's characterization here is so perfect and beautiful, and the fic is very poignant and emotional during the entire ride, but I promise the payoff is absolutely worth it.
summer lessons by thenotwriter
Rated T; "kissing practice", where Yosuke is perhaps a little oblivious, but he learns something along the way. Yu is so very patient and Yosuke is a very very lucky boy. This fic is sweet, fluffy overload and I am not complaining one bit.
just like the classics by kiwoa (Rinoa)
Rated G; Yosuke finally coming to terms about his feelings. I really love fics where Yosuke struggles a little but also when there's a contradiction between what he says and what he does, and this fic was just so cute about it!
for now (or; how to teach your boyfriend to cut an onion in five easy steps) by tattedmariposa
Rated T; Yu teaches Yosuke how to cook. If you've spent any amount of time on this blog/with me you would know how much of a sucker I am for fics that feature food as a metaphor for love - the playful, knowing banter between them juxtaposes beautifully with the bittersweet tone, and it made me so very very soft.
under cover by chromsama
Rated G; another adorable fic where Yu and Yosuke share umbrellas. I don't recall if I've posted about the umbrella scene before but I've adored it since day 1 and this fic made it something so much more. Yosuke needs a little help arriving at certain realisations, but when he does it's absolutely brilliant. I also really love the way Yosuke plays off with Kanji here, and I love how some thing can be so simple yet so impactful!
gravity's how we got here by ashley-amelie (kitana)
Rated M; same theme of first kisses in the guise of "kissing practice", a theme that I am so weak for and could read a hundred million times. I adore the careful, tentative atmosphere in fics like these, and again, YOSUKE IS A VERY VERY LUCKY BOY.
your loving is all i think about by nedrika
Rated M; yu somehow manages to read minds, and reading yosuke's teaches him something interesting. it's kind of a naughty fic so I won't go into too much detail, but it's great and that's all i'm gonna say on the subject.
and finally, absolutely feel free to reblog with your own additions!!
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xx-craftycreep-xx · 1 month
So hiiiii it's the Toby Adams anon you can fulfill this request whenever you finish Toby's case file but could I get a one shot of the reader (gender neutral or male pronouns whichever you prefer) who used to be friends with him before everything went to shit soft domming Toby after they meet back up after the events of his case file and Toby confesses to them afterwards ❤️ I love Toby sm the man deserves some affection
- 🪓
You're correct! Cinnamon roll deserves love ❤️
Late night Loving
Warnings: Angst,mentions of violence,mentions of smut,Soft dom! reader,sub!Toby,Anal, Male x male,
Tobias Adams (Ticci Toby) x Male! reader
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Or interact only if comfortable with warnings
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2 am in the morning. A quite,calm yet eerie atmosphere. The sound of pen writing over pages could be heard.You sat in the kitchen as you wrote about your day.
Day 184 without Tobias
It had been 6 months and 1 day since he had turned himself to Pinhearst Hospital.
You had been wanting to visit him that fateful day. Only to find his hous on fire with him standing in front of it with a dead Mr.Crothers in his arms,crying to himself. He had told you about all his crimes and the ones he didn't commit. You never believed the stupid rumours at school and he was grateful for that.
You sat still as you recalled.
You listened to everything he said with horror,yet pity for him.
"What now,Toby? " You had asked. "I want to turn myself in, ___. I really don't feel like I deserve to live after this. I don't think I deserve your friendship. I don't th-"
He looked at you. You stepped forward, taking his bone mask off and flinched at the sight of his face. Yet,you continued to raise your hand and cupped his cheek. "I'm gonna be there for you no matter what, Toby. I'll be here whenever you need me. If it takes time,I'll wait. But I'll stay,no matter what. And most importantly,stop blaming yourself,Tobias! It wasn't, isn't and will never be your fault. It is what it is. Now we just have to focus on the present and a better future."
Your patience was indeed running thin,but you knew you had to wait and that you WILL wait.After all,Toby was in his worst state, and he needed you, you couldn't just leave him like that!You sat there,contemplating life.
Everything was quite, until you heard a thud in your bedroom.You stood up. Grabbing a knife, you made your way to the bedroom. You slowly opened the door, peeking inside. You noticed that a book had fallen and that your window was open. But then your eyes trailed to your bed...and you felt that you were hallucinating. There he was,albeit in an orange uniform (That you recognised from Pinehearst Hospital) sitting on your bed, clearly distressed. You looked at him, heart thumping against your ribcage. "Toby..." His head shot up. "___" Your heart skipped a beat,looking at his pretty face. You moved towards him. He kept his eyes on yours as you did. You sat beside him,still not breaking eye contact. You wondered how he reached your home. Almost as he read your mind,he said,"I ran away from there, ___. Doctor Wilson was stabbed by another patient and the blame was on the both of us despite me not doing anything!I couldn't think,___! " You sighed. You looked down and then saw something.
His leg was injured. "Toby,your leg!" You immediately ran to your drawer,before being stopped. "I've fixed it." He said,lifting his pant to show you to wound. You breathed a sigh of relief.You sat back down,this time more closer."So...what was it like?" He pondered for a bit. "It was...good.Especially Dr.Wilson. He was kind,patient and calm.He was never forcing me to open up,but letting me take my time." You smiled upon hearing this.You looked at him. His eyee,his scars,His nose,his lips,his entire face...so gorgeous.You wished you could kiss him.His cheeks,his lips,his nose,his dic-
"___" You flinched. "Uh-Yeah?" You could see confusion in his eyes,but he shrugged it off. "Did you miss me?" he asked. What a stupid question."What makes you think I didn't? Toby,ypu matter a lot to me. You're my friend." You saw him visibly get upset at that. "Yeah...." his lips made a pout as he looked down. 'So fucking cute.' The pout made his lips look more kissable. Sure,they were slightly chapped,but that made you get off even more. You kept your gaze on him, the way some strands of his hair fell on his face,the way there were some extra scars than last time.You could feel your pants getting tight.
When was the last time you jerked off?
Couldn't even remember. "___" "Yeah?"
His brown coloured orbs were filled with...what you could identify as lust. "You look hot in sweatpants." He said. And the moment he said that, you looked down at yourself,relieved that your semi was not prominent. But when you looked at him,you internally moaned as you spotted his full bulge. "Toby...." He blushed. "I-I'm sorry-" "Take your clothes off."
"huh?" He looked at you,eyes filled with surprise,lust and one more emotion that you were scared to take the name of. "C'mon babe,take 'em off." He slowly took his orange shirt off. You gawked at his hot torso. It was toned, with very few hair at the chest and some pretty scars. Oh how you were going to lick them. He took his pants off, giving you a view of his blue boxers,already a little wet at the front.
"You now." He demanded. So you obliged. Once you were done,you looked at him.His eyes trailed all over your body,practically eye-fucking you. But you hadn't got your dick out yet."Take your boxers off,baby." He whimpered. He fucking whimpered.
He took them off and voila! There was the dick you had fantasized about. It was not too thick,but long. Veins were a little prominent, the tip already flushed. "Sorry for the jungle of hair,I didn't get time-" "It's okay." You looked at him with understanding as you took your own boxers off. "Holy shit! I never thought you'd pack so much,dude!" He exclaimed as you giggled. You laid him on the bed as you took his dick in your hand. You looked at him,silently asking a question. He nodded,giving you permission. You spat in your hand,and started stroking his member. He bit back a whimper. Once you were sure it was lubricated enough,you kissed his tip,earning a grunt from him. You finally wrapped your lips around his dick,moan causing vibrations to flow through Toby's body. You started bobbing your head up and down, going fast then switching you speed to slow. You tried your best to ignore your own dick begging for attention.Toby's soft moans encouraged you as you massaged his balls.You kept on going,until he said,"___..I'm- Close-" You immediately stopped,resulting in Toby whining.
"Not so soon, pretty boy." You got on your knees,immediately smirking as you looked at the mess Toby was. His hair spread on your bed,lips parted,face slightly flushed as his chest heaved. You arched your body forward,opening the drawer next to your bed. Toby's adorable, curious eyes followed your movements. His eyes slightly widening as you took out lube. You poured it in your hands, closed the bottle and kept it back on your nightstand. You applied it on your dick,as Toby watched with fascination. "Definitely the hottest thing I've ever seen." He thought. You applied the remaining lube on his asshole,not before asking him a question,which he nodded to.
You pressed your tip to his entrance.Slowly,you started pushing,your dick gliding easily. Both of you moaned in unison as you fully sheathed yourself inside him."Feelin' good?" You asked.
"Yeah...Please..fuck me ___." You chuckled as you started thrusting."Fffuucckkkk" Both if you groaned in unison as you started thrusting faster.
"Your so fucking wet f'me,baby.Takin' me so well."He moaned at your praise." I want you.I-ah- Want you.." You increased your pace. "To what,sweetie? Use your words!" "I want you to fuck me! Harder!" he yelled,clearly stimulated due to the gap in masturbation.
You lift his legs up,placing them on your shoulders,fucking him in a deeper angle. "Yeah! Like that! Fuck me like tha-ah-" You looked at his dick as it twitched."I'm cumming!" He yelled. You kept on thrusting. "I'm close! I'm close! I'm-" he groaned loudly as he came.Ropes of thick cum spurting on his own chest as you jerked him off.You could feel your own orgasm inching closer. "I'm-" You couldn't even warn him as you came,still not stopping as you rode out your orgasm. "s' so hot" he moaned,grabbing your cum stained hands to help you. With one final thrust,you fell on him,your chest getting stained with his sticky cum.You both panted heavily,the afterglow hitting.Once you both calmed down,you decided to take a shower. Toby followed you in amd that led to another round. Coming out of the shower,you gave him your spare clothes,fawning over how adorable looked.
You both lay in bed,side by side. .
"I want you to be my boyfriend." You looked at him,heart beating loudly.
"I know..it's risky now that I'm a murderer. But..I need you..I Love you." He looked at you with pleading eyes. How could you say no? You nodded. He immediately kissed you. It was a soft yet passionate kiss. However, you felt him stop. Opening your eyes,you realised he was fast asleep. You smiled. Looking at him,you felt your own eyes getting heavy. Soon,you were fast asleep.
A/N: Dividers by @cafekitsune
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oonajaeadira · 8 months
For the Love of Fic: September 30
I've been back at my reading, y'all, doing some major catch up. And what a ride. There's a METRIC TON™ of amazing writers under the cut.
Brace thyself.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation piece
Kisses of Fire by @simpingcowboy 🪐 It starts with an unconventional if not favorable bargain and then evolves. If I could make Ezra fall in love with me a little over a long time, I'd be patient too...
Lucky Stars by @brandyllyn I am SO IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC. Not only does Brandy nail Ezra's voice, cadence, swagger, and world, she even gives him someone who's onto his scoundrel-with-a-heart-of-gold behavior and just barely allows herself to be charmed by it. This feels so very canon and so very Ezra and I just need to roll myself up in it and cuddle it real hard.
Saying I love you with a letter by @songsformonkeys 🪐 Hanna is one of my favorite writers of deep emotions. Her Javi G is one of my all-time faves and I will never not laugh at her Javier. But I will knock you over to get at her Ezra and this is no exception even though you're gonna need tissues. Listen. Would like to get a letter of love and missing from Ez? Because this is it. Savor it.
Lost in the Weeds by @haylzcyon Have you seen this artwork? Insert Ezra and you and you have this fic. It's a beautiful little snippet that quietly documents falling in love with Ezra, and that's my favorite kind of Ezra story.
Wild Mountain Thyme 2 by @writeforfandoms Dragon Universe Ezra is back and he is not impressed with his tagalong. She's chipper and eager and seems to be up for his brand of grumpy today. I'm excited to find out how Jen turns his cart around.
Fifty Shades of Orange by @all-the-things-2020 🪐 If you love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you're going to love love love how Dieter fits into this crossover. I am super impressed with this fic because it is, first and foremost, a HHGTTG fanfic. And it succeeds wildly at capturing the tone and attitude of all the characters. And I love that Dieter's just what Dieter is here, not the main character, but an odd problem to be solved. As a character, he fits so seamlessly into this world, I was kind of in awe for this whole ride. Aw man. Enjoy.
Position: 69, Position: Snuggled Spoon, Position: Sit on the Throne, Position: Kneeling Reach-Around, Position: Honey Bear, and Position: Froggy Style as part of @prolix-yuy's Bangathon 2023 Listen. LJ obviously loves her some Dieter. I appreciate the sweetness and softness of some of these, that Dieter is in need of some care and connection...and someone to just come undone around. I loved all of them, but props to Snuggled Spoon for it's slowness and softness, and to Froggy Style for the moment of the reveal. The whole Bangathon is wonderful, and the Dieter fics are certainly some of my faves there.
It Pours from Your Eyes by @the-blind-assassin-12 I mean, yes, it's a Joel fic, but really, it's Tess. It's Tess and it's beautiful. Alyssa has woven a 1200 word spell here, expertly painting a picture of Tess's heart and how it works to keep Joel's beating. It's so gorgeous and I'm just bewitched and bereaved... I'm almost begging you to read this.
Surrender [chapter twelve] by @ezrasbirdie This chapter just wrapped me in the yearn blanket. Written in three sections from the POVs of Daisy, Ellie, and Joel, each section just pulls at a different heartstring and all of them together are such pretty music. Yes please this found family that loves each other so much...
Year of Small Joys - Candles by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Inviting Joel over to dinner in Jackson is inviting a damaged soul to sit down and heal. He's still got a little PTSD here, but a nice meal by the light of scented candles he looted? That's a nice step in the right direction.
Let's Twist the Knife Again by @missredherring I am obsessed with this little "time travel" story. I don't know exactly the mechanics of what's going on here--is it a dream? is he being given a second chance? is he stuck in a time loop?--but watching Joel retrace some familiar steps knowing what he already knows is fascinating and I would love to see what comes next.
Hypothermia by @morallyinept Jett's cleverly come up with the "giflet," a drabble based on a gif. This one is Joel in his sleeping bag. And you're in yours. And it's cold. But it ends soft, and that's my favorite.
The Herbalist: Part 7: Drinking Won’t Change the Audacity But Maybe It Will Help by @blueeyesatnight I'm so caught up in this story of beasts and strange people in Victorian England. Now we learn about Pero's past and a little more, but there's also something chewing at the edges about our heroine lady sleuth and I can't wait to find out what it is!
F is for Forced Orgasms / Fucking Machines by @butchmandalorian 🪐 Istg Max is out to pull me out of my soft places and make a sub out of me. I am not usually into the hard stuff, but everything they write is like beautiful crack and I cannot stop. I think it's because everything is so real, there's so much checking in and trust involved, I probably sound like a broken record, but hells bells that's my kink and Max writes it so well. I will say that daddy-talk is usually a turnoff for me, but I really REALLY appreciate that Max sets the scene thoroughly and explains that it's just a title, that any word can be substituted (read the warnings). I for one used that suggestion and appreciated that heads up. Looks like someone not only knows how to write a man that takes care of his partner, but is also a writer that takes care of their readers. Love it.
Black and White by @never--doubt 🪐 I've never seen this soulmate mechanic before and it's an interesting take on the traditional mark--one that changes color when your soulmate touches you there for the first time. Oh to be on mission with Agent Whiskey when the change happens....
Not Leaving You Again by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 (With Santi Garcia) It's a two-for-one not just in protectiveness and smut but in boys! It's hard not to fall for both of them--one of them sultry, one of them sweet--and it doesn't hurt that they're up to the task of sharing.
Buck Moon by @grogusmum 🪐 Listen. If you've ever wanted Frankie for the first time, naked (well, except maybe his hat) under the full moon out in nature under the full moon, have I got a fic for you! AAAAAAAA
We Came Along This Road by @insomniamamma 🪐 When J goes angst, J goes hard, and Frankie is many times her main target. Set within the world of the movie, the reader is his girl with his baby, and he's got some substance problems. Frankie has some trouble keeping promises.
First Dance by @hopeamarsu 🪐 Asking Oberyn for a dance when you know right well what you're both after is genius. Because he's probably a beautiful dancer so you get to experience that, but also, it only ramps up what's coming. What I wouldn't give to sit on this man's lap and ask him to dance just to see the look on his face....
Black Days 7: Times Are Gone For Honest Men, Black Days 8: Eyes Were Waking Up Just To Fall Asleep, AND 2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #5: Tim Rockford - Jealous Kiss by @something-tofightfor I will knock you down to get at Rachael's Tim Rockford. This man is complicated, their relationship is starting off complicated, and their circumstances have the potential to continue to complicate matters...and yet. These two seem to fit together just fine, easy as pie and coffee. The way he cares... I so can't wait to see what (and who) comes next.
Undefeated by @captainsophiestark 🪐 Listen. I've never played pong in my life, but if Jane Foster walked into my party and wanted in on a game, I'd pong so fast....
Love at First Fight by @ironmandeficiency 🪐 When you swear to keep your friend safe from the man who most recently broke her heart, your drunken ass threatens the wrong man. Or, rather, the right one. Or, rather, the right dwarf.
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Dam Still Holding
Summary: After patching Danny up from a nasty fight, Tucker spends the night to make sure he's okay.
Author's Note: Fun fact, I did originally write this for seasons skirmish, but then I'd realized I'd gotten away from the prompt too much for it to fit, so I'm gonna take another crack at that prompt, and you all can expect another short Danny Phantom fic sometime in the near future, but for now have this!
Tucker wakes with a panicked gasp, which is just unfair, honestly.  Sure, he has the aversion to hospitals and medical procedures, but Danny was the one who had to have a giant gash in his chest sewn up, and Danny’s snoring away in the bed next to him.
Tucker drops his head onto his knees and takes a deep breath.  Danny’s the one who got hurt, and Danny’s fine, he shouldn’t be reacting like this.  But he can still feel his hands shaking as he threads the needle, and knowing that he has to steady them or he’s just going to make things worse for Danny, who’s lying unconscious in front of him.  He remembers wishing that he’d told Sam no, she actually can’t go on that family vacation, he knows she’ll hate it anyway please stay here he needs her, he’s going to need her because Danny’s about to get himself torn open again in another ghost fight and Tucker can’t help with that he’s terrible at it—
Tucker takes a couple staggering deep breaths, and apparently it’s loud enough to wake Danny, because he feels a hand on his arm and a gentle voice saying “Tucker?”
Tucker lifts his head to find Danny looking at him, obvious concern on his face.  As soon as he sees Tucker, his frown deepens, and he reaches over and wraps his arms around him.  “Hey, I’m okay,” he murmurs.
Tucker pulls Danny in closer with a mumbled “Sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Danny says.
“No, I mean, you’re the one who got hurt,” Tucker says.
“Hey, you’ve never done this before,” Danny says.  “I’m used to patching myself up.”
“That doesn’t make it better.”
Danny shrugs and gives a sad smile.
“I’m alright,” he says.  “Heart still beating and everything.  Well, half the time.”  He gives a lopsided smile to Tucker, and succeeds in making him laugh.
“How do you do that all the time?” Tucker asks.  “With the blood and the disinfectants and the needles.   And I’m not even in pain.”
“I just got used to it I guess,” Danny says again.  “And it doesn’t hurt as bad anymore.”
Tucker gives him a disbelieving look.
“Really,” Danny says.  “The scale’s kind of… adjusted, you know?”
Unfortunately, Tucker does know.  His mom talks about that sometimes, that patients with chronic pain tend to have a different pain scale, and she’ll have to give them a pain scale with qualifiers for what each number means whenever she asks how much it hurts.
The fact that one of his best friends uses a similar kind of pain scale is something Tucker has never been comfortable with.
“Did I do an okay job?” Tucker asks quietly, because if he thinks about that for too long he’ll just start shaking again.
“For the first time you’ve done it?  Yeah,” Danny says.  “It’s clean, you used the right stuff that I can’t phase through, and you stayed with me afterwards to make sure I was alright.  Even though you’re not good with medical stuff.  Thank you, Tucker.  Really.”
Tucker looks Danny firmly in the eyes.  “It really doesn’t hurt that badly?”
Danny winces, and Tucker knows he has him.
“I’ve had a lot worse,” Danny says.  There’s a not insignificant amount of bitterness in his voice.
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Well, what would you do about it anyway?  It’s not any worse than normal.  I’m gonna be fine.”
Tucker sighs, and leans forward until he can pull Danny into a hug.  “I know,” he mumbles.  “I just hate seeing you get hurt.”
“I’m okay, Tucker.”
Another thing his mom tells him about her chronic pain patients is that they’ve gotten used to ignoring the pain most of the time.  That it’s more of a background hum, but sometimes little things can set off a breakdown that seems to come out of nowhere, when they’re tired of being in pain all the time and want it all to stop and it won’t.
And sure, Tucker hates medical stuff.  But he can look out for Danny.  And he knows what it looks like when his best friend is close to a dam breaking moment.
But it’s also late, and they’re both tired, and Tucker has a feeling pushing Danny tonight won’t end well for anyone.  He’ll just have to make sure to be there for Danny when he’s needed.
So for now, Tucker says, “Okay,” and lays back down on the bed.  Danny lays down next to him, and Tucker wraps his arms around him without thinking, though being gentle of the injury on his chest.  Danny wraps his arms around Tucker too, probably thinking Tucker’s asking for comfort instead of offering it.  Well, maybe he’s doing a little of both.
It certainly helps him to fall asleep listening to Danny’s easy breathing and feeling the rise and fall of his chest.  He hopes it helps Danny too.
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battlemaiden13 · 11 months
Heya hun! Just finished binge reading the house next door (took me like 3 days frfr) and i was wondering if its still updating? I quite enjoyed it and was wondering if its still an active work :)
Also, im gonna just throw in a request for a flustered but silently needy Axe, up to you what you write but id prefer it if him and the y/n arent in a relationship just yet, but hes pinning and it shows ;)
Yeah HND is still updating! I'm taking a bit of a break but I will get back to it. Here's your request, I hope it's ok, it was good to do some writing again.
“Axe? Axe~” their sweet voice sung out drawing my attention down to their short frame. I blinked a few times trying to get my bearings as they smiled up at me. I had no idea where we were, I had blanked out but seeing their face instantly made me feel at ease. 
“heya kid” I greeted, smiling softly as their face lit up. 
“Come sit down, you’ve been standing way too long” they said, slowly and gently grabbing my hand and dragging me off to a seat nearby. My eyelights darted down to our hands. They were so small my larger hand encompassed theirs completely. Humans had become so small and fragile since the underground and they were no different. I could easily lift them up or pin them down with little effort and still I let them lead me to a seat as they kindly helped me down onto the couch. 
They stood in front of me with a kind, patient smile on their face. They always looked so kind. 
“Do you know where you are Axe?” they asked. I frowned. I didn’t know where we were, or why we were here. I had obviously been spacing out before. I shook my head feeling angry with myself. 
“Hey, it’s ok!” they rushed to say grabbing my hands and making me look up at them “I was getting new clothes. Do you like them?” they asked, standing up and letting their hands slide out of mine. I nodded. The clothes looked good. They hugged the humans form just right with a blue hoodie that looked very familiar for some reason. 
“Now we match!” they declared confusing me for a moment before I glanced down. The hoodie was the same as mine. Not exactly but it was close. 
“did you . . . ?” I started not sure where I was going
“It took forever to hunt one down but I’m so happy!” they said grabbing my arm and hugging it to their chest
“Now you will have no trouble finding me, Although” they giggled, a sweet sound that made my bones feel warm “Don’t you think we look like a couple?” they said. My skull instantly heating up as my soul skipped a beat. I turned away from the human. I had to. I know they didn’t really mean anything by the comment but with them pressing against me and talking about dating it was taking everything in me not to kiss them. 
To push them down on this couch and pin their hands above their head, leaving bite marks all over their soft body as they writhed under me before picking them up and placing them on my hardened magic. But that couldn’t happen.
We were friends. I knew that much. I also knew I wanted more. We could never date because of my condition but I wanted them more than I’d ever wanted anyone. 
“Come on big guy. Crooks will be waiting for us” The human said gently, pulling me back to my feet and leading me through the store. I hoped they could see my magic. My skull was still warm when we found my brother but I couldn’t take my eyelights of the human. The way they laughed and smiled, how kind they were to me and Papyrus, their everything. I wanted them so badly it had begun to hurt.  
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kairiscorner · 10 months
bc i have no life, i made (and will expand):
dialogue prompts list or something
REMINDERS! imma use these on fics if y'all want, though you guys can use these too for your own fics, just make sure to give me credit and tag me, attaching a link to this post is also appreciated if you use this ^^
(btw, i can also repeat some prompts, though please be patient, i might not be able to post so much this month ^^'')
1.) "you're a bad influence on me, y'know that?" (miles 1610)
2.) "yeah, i risked my skin saving you. i don't care if you wouldn't do the same for me, i'm not you."
3.) "mind using your eyes AND brain next time?"
4.) "my heart beats all the time, shouldn't be a big deal, but i can't help but notice how loud the beating is when you're around." (teen!gojo)
5.) "never really understood poetry, but when i read a few lines from this... you were the image that came out of the words." (noir)
6.) "if you really wanted to drive me insane... you'd hold my hand for more than 5 seconds, then you'll see me insane with love." (noir)
7.) "please, for the love of GOD, never shut up."
8.) "my hands are cold... wait, what are you doing, i thought you brought mitt--never mind, this is nice."
9.) "something tells me you aren't happy about it. and something tells me you'll be angrier if i keep asking. it's okay, take your time. just know i'll be right here for you."
10.) "if you can't believe me, then i'll have to show you that i'm serious about you."
11.) "sometimes, you don't have to worry about loving me enough--you do that too much already. what you should worry about... is giving me too much love that you forget who you're supposed to be loving first: you."
12.) "man, after 5 shots of whiskey and a good laugh, i think i've made up my mind--you're gonna be the one i'll marry." "we just met." "and i just fell for you."
13.) "they came to get their shit back without even getting their shit together, how nice."
14.) "i would've thrown a brick in your window if you didn't answer, and y'know, i was going to, but then i remembered you hated getting stuff on your carpet so i left and did it in my mind."
15.) "i want a platypus. and yes, i want you, too."
16.) "your place is filthy." "it's gonna be yours too, one day." "you mean ours."
17.) "why are my eyes gross right now?" "it's... you're crying." "nu-uh." "y'need a tissue?" "yes please"
18.) "you're so stupid, and reckless, and a literal danger to my very way of life--and yet i love you to bits!"
19.) "if i could just go back in time and see you again, maybe then i'd tell myself to love you for a long, long time. even if i never knew it at the time, i regret all the years we've lost together, i regret living my life without you in it."
20.) "now before you ask why i beat the shit out of him in the locker rooms, it was because he was gonna ask you out before i could, okay?" (soccer captain!miguel)
21.) "i am a fully grown adult. i am capable, i am independent, i am strong-willed." "and you lose your shit when you see me come home with a mcdonalds' kiddie meal."
22.) "nobody loves me..." "..." "ahem, i said, NOBODY LOVES ME" "and i'm nobody?" "yay"
23.) "i just wanna bash their head in, but... it's so distracting. their eyes get me lost and i'm, i'm out of it."
24.) "man, they're a lost cause. and yet i keep busting my ass trying to save them. i love being your spouse and curse being your spouse, dammit."
25.) "i wanna kiss... right now... but my spouse'll... hate me." "i am your spouse." "oh damn, then you'll... hate me if i... if i kiss your pretty face, love..."
26.) "go to bed right now." "no." "i guess i'll give your plushie all my kisses." "ok on my way."
27.) "again, would it be me or them? me who's been with you this whole time, me who's took you in when you're so used to being refused, me who's... who's loved you, all this time?"
28.) "where are my--" "keys? here, scatterbrain." "damn, i'm so glad i married you."
29.) "kids, go to your room." "as your co-parent, i say protect me from the dragon about to breathe fire on me."
30.) "i may be his wife, but i'm not his lover."
31.) "i think you have me confused for someone else."
32.) "it's because i care about you that i push myself away, don't you get that?"
33.) "we'll never be okay again, will we...?"
34.) "the noises in my head keep getting louder and louder and louder, but only you... only you help calm them down."
35.) "oh, i get it, fine. i'll fuck off."
36.) "i want that though." "it's a waste of money." "you got it for me anyway."
37.) "how could you say i don't love you when all my life, you're all i come home to and kiss a good morning and good night?"
38.) "what a stupid man i married."
39.) "don't... fucking move... not unless you want me to do it..."
40.) "you went in my ROOM?"
41.) "i accidentally broke the bed."
42.) "i love you." "what?" "ah fuck, i mean, i'll see you."
43.) "GOD, I HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH." "is that why you draw you and them kissing together all the time?"
44.) "i can make a mean burned down house and scorched lawn."
45.) "i'll admit it, fine, i can't win your heart. because your heart isn't any prize to be won, you're not an object. you're... you're you. and i LOVE you."
46.) "what, why're you staring? can't handle how hot i am?" "no, it's just that you've got a shit-eating grin on your face i'd love to punch off you."
47.) "i actually hate summer vacation... i won't be able to see you everyday for 3 whole months."
48.) "ooh, you drank from my cup, you know what this means, we had an indirect kiss."
49.) "just tell your crush you like them already and stop being a big baby about this." "okay, fine. i like you." "wait--"
50.) "i know it looks stupid, but... i tried."
51.) "it's funny, because i had you in mind while making it."
52.) "you think infinity is real, or... are we just living every day hoping tomorrow will come, despite all odds?"
53.) "you're so fucking stupid...! stupid, stupid, stupid... why did you... dammit, why?"
54.) "i don't even know who i share my bed with anymore."
55.) "bite me and get what you want, what we both want."
56.) "we'll never have to see each other again after this."
57.) "quit making promises you can't keep."
58.) "tell me to shut up one more time. go, i'm waiting."
59.) "ah, sorry, i... oh, your hand's really soft."
60.) "what are you doing?" "just capturing the moment in my mind when i'm with the most perfect person in the whole multiverse."
61.) "and you know what your problem is? you can't stand seeing me happy, that's your fucking problem."
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star-filled-arcade · 17 days
On the Road Again: Chapter 5
CW// Alcohol
Rating: M (Mature)
"Coulda picked me up, asshole," accused Anthony, the moment he stepped through the front door. Husk looked up at the sudden interruption, considering it was barely the afternoon yet and the door had a very clear 'Closed' sign on the front. Either Anthony couldn't read, or Husk had forgotten to lock the door in the first place. "Some date you turned out to be."
"You're not dead, then?" Husk raised an eyebrow, ignoring that last comment. "You know we ain't open yet, right?"
"Yet here we both are." Anthony sat down at the bar stool. "Who the fuck do you think you are anyway?"
"Excuse me?"
"I've told you more about myself in the past two days than I've told anyone in my whole life... I dunno how you did that, but I ain't happy about it." Husk chuckled at the serious expression on Anthony's face.
"Are you trying to be threatening right now? Cuz it's kinda like being yelled at by a kitty cat." Anthony's scowl deepened even further and he pointed a finger right in Husk's face.
"You ain't nothing but a damn troublemaker, tryin' to pry into my business."
"I barely said two words to ya," defended Husk, who was nothing but amused by Anthony's display of anger. "You're the one who's been rambling to me like you're in some kind of confessional." Anthony banged his fist on the table.
"That's the point," he shouted. "I don't say shit to anyone, so what the fuck is it about you, huh?"
"Beats me." Anthony ran a hand through his hair and sighed loudly, closing his eyes for a moment to calm himself down. "How's your head?"
"It's fine," he grumbled. "Not as bad as it looked, apparently." He opened his eyes again, fixing them onto Husk unblinkingly, until even Husk felt uncomfortable enough to look away. "Why'd I tell you about Molly...?" He almost whispered it, and it sounded rhetorical, like he was speaking out loud to himself, so Husk didn't even respond.
"I'm, uh... heading outta Brooklyn tomorrow," Husk said instead. "Going down to Central Park for the day, you know... relax a little, I guess."
"So, did you... wanna join me, perhaps?" Anthony frowned at him.
"Hey, I was joking about the date thing, ya know." Husk rolled his eyes at him. Anthony could be infuriating sometimes, but Husk was more patient than he liked to admit.
"It ain't a date, you fuckin'... I just thought you looked like you needed a day off, and I wouldn't mind some company." Husk regretted even asking, expecting Anthony to burst out laughing any moment, but he remained quiet for a moment.
"I can't just up and leave for the day," he replied, his voice considerably lower. "My brother, he'd—."
"Jesus, you're a grown man, ain't ya? What's your brother gonna do, ground you?"
"No, but—."
"He can last a day without ya, can't he? And if he gives you any trouble, just say it was all my fault. My treat, alright?" Husk could have easily accepted Anthony's excuse, said "you're right, it ain't my business to get you in trouble with your brother" and leave it at that, but something compelled him to keep asking. He really wanted to spend more time with Anthony. Why, he wasn't sure, but something about the guy had piqued his interest, and Husk was not one to back down so easily.
"Fuck it," shrugged Anthony. "I doubt my brother will even notice I'm gone... he sure acts as if I don't exist half the time. Sure thing, kitten, I'll go out with you." It was Husk's turn to scowl at him.
"The only kitten around here is you, you goddamn choir boy, and for the last time... this ain't a date. You seem real keen to call it one." He raised a suggestive eyebrow, but Anthony waved it away.
"I'm just messin' with ya," he replied. "Believe it or not, I'm not just some fuckin morbid guy who drinks his problems away... I like to have my fun, too."
"Yeah? You got a real strange way of showing it."
"Just keeping ya on your toes, babycakes. Now pour me a damn drink, I'm gaspin' over here." His eyes glinted with mischief, and Husk couldn't even work out of he was annoyed or not. The Anthony in front of him was certainly a different one to the Anthony he had met last night, and the night before that, and he hadn't yet figured out which one he preferred. Or if he even liked either of them at all. Still, he poured him a drink. On the house.
The weather was nice, partially cloudy but warm enough to not need a jacket. Spring was finally on its way, although it was taking its sweet time considering it was nearly April. Husk and Anthony walked side by side through Central Park, and Husk couldn't help but notice the way that Anthony looked around at his surroundings like a curious toddler, brightening up whenever he saw a bird sitting on a branch and opening its beak to sing.
"I suppose you've probably been here tons of times," observed Husk quietly. "You should be showing me around, huh?" Anthony raised the brim of his hat, before taking it off and fanning himself with it. There wasn't much of a breeze that day.
"Nah, not really," he replied. "Not unless you wanna know where the best places to deal are, or get away with stabbing someone."
"Damn, sorry I asked."
"I just mean I don't know much about this city 'cept what I gotta know." He put his hands in his pockets, leaning back slightly. This was the first time Husk had ever seen him look genuinely relaxed. "We can't all be as well-travelled as you."
"Man, I don't go travelling to learn," replied Husk. "I go travelling to gamble, and then consequentially escape my debts."
"Oh really? So you're not as much of a wise guy as you pretend you are." Anthony was smirking, teasing him, and Husk rolled his eyes.
"What I tell ya? We all got out problems."
"Well if you're so in debt, I guess I better treat you to some lunch, huh? I may not know much about the world, or even this damn country, but I know where all the best Italian restaurants are."
"Sure, I ain't gonna turn down free food." Anthony smiled and led him out of the park, rambling all the while about various restaurants and recipes and topics significantly unrelated to the mafia. Husk supposed it was ridiculous to assume that Anthony didn't have anything other than drug deals and Tommy guns to talk about, but it was a nice change anyway. The conversation was light, easy, and Anthony seemed content for once.
"So tell me about the places you've been," remarked Anthony, once they'd settled down at a table in a restaurant called Barbetta and Anthony had told Husk to order whatever he wanted.
("Ain't that expensive?"
"Honey, you think I'm in the mafia for fun?").
"I'd be here all day," said Husk. "But I'm boring, I guess. I been to other countries, and they all got their good and bad points, but I like it here best. More things to see, and I understand the people better, even if most of them are jackasses."
"More things to see? As opposed to all them exotic countries with... with forests and old buildings and stuff?"
"Yeah, but that's all they have. Here, there's a little bit of everything, ya know?" Anthony shrugged, taking a bite of his risotto.
"Not really," he replied. "I ain't never been out of this city, or even really outta Harlem, and it's all the same to me. Dirty streets and tall buildings and angry people."
"You never been outta Harlem?" Husk had always been a natural wanderer, unable to stay in one place for more than a few months at best, so the idea of staying in the same city for an entire lifetime was daunting to say the least.
"Well, I guess when I was stationed around the country during the War, of course, but I don't count that cuz I was hardly sightseeing, was I?" He placed his fork down with a slight clatter and sat back in his chair. "You ever been to Italy?"
"Yeah, couple times," said Husk.
"Is it nice?"
"It's lovely... great buildings, great food, great—."
"No, no I don't mean all the touristy bullshit, I mean... is it nice?" He leaned forward expectantly, the answer clearly important to him, and Husk slowly chewed his food as he thought of how to respond satisfactorily.
"It's... it's the perfect place to sit and watch the sun set, I think," he decided. "All the stone buildings and the cobbled streets and the trees older than this whole country all light up with orange, and it's like you're staring directly at Heaven's gates." Anthony seemed happy with that answer, and a slightly dreamy smile played on his lips for a moment, before he pulled himself back together.
"I'd like to see Italy at least once before I die," he breathed. "To see what all the fuss is about, I guess... see where my parents came from." He took a sip from his wine glass, which turned into an immediate gulp as he drained the glass instead. "At the very least," he continued. "I'd like to get outta the fucking city for a bit and see the countryside. I ain't never seen the countryside."
"Believe me, it's overrated."
"Yeah? I'll judge for myself, baby." Anthony ordered another bottle of wine for the table, and then another since Husk asked for it. Husk had been trying to keep himself clean for a bit, starting afresh in Brooklyn, but as always happened a few months into a new state or town or city, Husk fell back into bad influences and his own helpless mind, tumbling off the bandwagon once more into whichever ditch lay waiting below. Anthony was certainly a whole influx of bad influences all rolled into one.
The two men stumbled down the street together, laughing far too loudly and slurring their words. Three shared bottles of wine later, and the two were completely pissed, holding each other up as they wandered back to Husk's car.
"That was your best opponent?" remarked Anthony, with a sharp cackle that trailed off into a hiccup. "Some fucker who couldn't even do math?"
"Swear to God, it was worse than that, he couldn't count no higher than 21 cuz he insisted that's all he needed."
"Fuck off, you're makin' this up."
"Swear on my life, the dealer told him he'd got twenty three and he stared at 'im like he'd suddenly started speakin' Chinese or something."
"And he beat you?!"
"Believe me, Angel, you ain't known suffering like losing cards to a guy who can't even count." Husk continued to chuckle over the story, but Anthony had paused, blinking at him in surprise until Husk finally noticed the silence. "What?"
"You called me Angel." Husk frowned as he tried to remember what he'd even said. He was far too drunk to think clearly.
"Yeah, I mean... that's your name, ain't it?"
"My name's Angelo." Anthony smiled softly. "Ain't nobody called me Angel before."
"Well, it suits you... all pink and blonde like some kinda cherub." They'd finally reached Husk's car, before he realised that both of them were too drunk to drive it. He groaned. "How the fuck are we supposed to get back to Brooklyn?"
"Oh hey, that's alright, I'm sure there's some hotel somewhere we can stay the night in."
"You got money for that? We're in Manhattan, that ain't gonna be cheap."
"Aw, don't worry about it, I'll figure something out." Husk wasn't sure he liked the sound of that considering Anthony's line of work, but he was too out of it to do much more than let Anthony lead him back through the streets to the nearest hotel. It was a fancy one, with a chandelier and everything, and Husk pulled Anthony back before they'd even reached the spinning doors.
"You ain't seriously considering this place, are ya?"
"What's the big deal? It's nice, and I can get us a room no problem."
"How rich are you?"
"I said don't worry about it, baby, you're in good hands." Anthony put his hands on his hips, swaying slightly as he put on his most confident appearance, but Husk wasn't buying it.
"There ain't no way that hotel's gonna accept either of us... we certainly don't look rich, for starters. Maybe you in your fancy suit, but I look like I came straight outta the bar."
"You can borrow my hat if you want," Anthony joked. Husk just scowled at him.
"I ain't embarrassing myself in there around a bunch of rich folks. I'm sure there's a cheaper place we can stay." He began to walk away, but Anthony stopped him.
"No," he said. "We're havin' a nice day together and I'm treating you to the very best o' New York City. Just trust me, alright?" Husk was naturally wary of whatever Anthony was planning, but he dutifully sat outside while Anthony strutted through the spinning doors. It was rather a marvel to behold, how the alcohol seemed to wash away completely and leave a man completely in charge of his own wits. It took around twenty minutes of Husk bouncing his leg up and down distractedly and waiting half in, half out of shadows to avoid being spotted and accused of lurking, but Anthony finally emerged. The smug smile on his face told Husk everything he needed to know.
"Right this way, sir," said Anthony, holding out an arm for Husk to take. "Our room awaits."
"You think I'm paying for two? I ain't made o' money." Husk took his arm suspiciously, hesitating just before they reached the doors. "They ain't gonna say anything, alright? I promise." Somehow, Husk found himself trusting Anthony, which is what scared him more than anything. He'd been taught along with his ABCs that he shouldn't trust anyone, but something about Anthony made that motto quieten down immediately. In a way, it was pretty funny that the guy Husk decided he wanted to trust was quite possibly the least trustworthy guy in New York City, but sure enough, none of the hotel staff said a word as he and Anthony made their way upstairs to some fancy, crystal-infused room that Husk wouldn't have been able to afford even after a million nights bartending.
Anthony whistled brightly and immediately flopped down on the bed, stretching out.
"Man, I could get used to this," he hummed.
"You mean you're not already? I thought you was supposed to be some rich mafia big shot."
"Eh... more or less." Anthony sat up and shook the hair out of his eyes. "Technically my brother controls the money I get, and he never gives me nearly enough." Husk sat down on the adjacent armchair, hovering for a moment as if he were too poor to even go near it without besmirching the silk pillows.
"You tell me the truth," he said. "Did you actually buy this room?"
"Would any answer make a difference?" Anthony retorted. "We got the room, didn't we?"
"I guess, but you can't expect me to know about your way of living without being a little suspicious of how we ended up in millionaire's hotel suite." Anthony stood up, made his way over to the chair and leant over it. His arms were placed either side, so as he bent over, his face was right up against Husk's.
"Or," he crooned softly. "We could just enjoy it while it lasts, kitten whiskers." Husk almost stopped breathing as he felt his heartbeat quicken. He knew Anthony was just teasing him, in the twisted way that Husk was starting to get used to, but boy was he good at it. It also didn't escape Husk's notice that Anthony was incredibly attractive up close, especially when his face wasn't marred by marks of violence that obscured his features. The only word to really describe him with was 'pretty' because that's exactly what he was. He was as pretty as a lady, one of those doll-like women you'd see on stage wearing glitter dresses, with pink lips and long eyelashes and shining eyes that were slightly too big for his delicate-looking face.
"What, uh... ." Husk cleared his throat awkwardly. "What did you have in mind?"
"More alcohol?" Anthony stood up casually, as if he hadn't just sent Husk's heart racing a moment ago with that suggestive tone to his voice. "I'm sure I can get us some posh champagne brought up and we can drink till we pass out on this gorgeous bed."
"Oh... sure, yeah. Sounds good." Husk quickly pulled himself together and excused himself into the ensuite. He was suddenly hyper aware of where he was and what he was doing, and he had no idea how to feel about it, or about the strangely handsome, inebriated, undoubtedly fucked up guy standing right outside the bathroom door.
~~ Read on Ao3!
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cryptomiracle · 1 year
Blue aura ( eyeless jack x reader)
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I decided to do a story, instead of headcanons lol.
Also I thought I should mention, after this I'm probably gonna take a break from requests.
(I'm not gonna close them, but I won't be answering them)
Not a long one, just a mini break so I can come up with more ideas for hcs and short stories, also so I can do some research on this one character someone requested me to do <33
Mention of injury, breaking and interning, missing persons, etc.
(I hc that his sight is not the best, cause well yk.. but he can see auras, and lights, although he can't make out facial features that well, he also goes off of scent, that's how he finds most of his victims)
Eyeless jacks POV:
He was out at night, strolling through the little town you so happened to live in, that also happened to be surrounded by a forest.
What a coincidence, huh?
He'd been camping out in the woods, only coming out to get necessities, like food, water, bedding, bandages, etc.
As he was walking down the street, the hood of his jacket covering his head, he noticed a gas station, the LED lights read "Marty's stop n shop".
The store looked run down, if it wasn't for the dim lighting, and barely stocked shelves, you'd think it was abandoned.
"Perfect.." he thought to myself
After months of having to break into stores, store owners started going all out with their security measures.
Even going as far as hiring security guards.
That's how he got here, all beat up, maybe even a few broken bones.
If he was still human, he'd be in the back of a cop car, headed to the emergency room right now. But luckily, because of his inhuman abilities, he's able to heal 10x faster than normal.
After fleeing the scene, he decided to come to a questionable gas station, to get some bandages, and a very stiff drink.
As he got closer, he peaked through the window to see a human behind the counter, their aura, a bright blue.
(Which is his favorite color *wink wink*)
He decided wait it out until they left.
also because of the fact he doesn't have enough strength to fight right now.
So there he was, sitting in the bushes, patiently waiting for them to leave.
It was 12 am, your shift was nearly over, you were waiting for your coworker mark to show up so you could go home, and finally get some sleep.
You blankly stared at the magazine I'm your hands, dark eye bags under your eyes.
A familiar voice came from the tv, drawing your attention, you looked up to see mrs mitchell, marks mother.
"a family of 4 are currently searching for their oldest son, a Craig Williamson, sources say he was last seen walking back to his dorm at 8:45 last Friday, If you have any information, please call your local police department, or contact us at __________"
Then the news anchor went back to talking about the same boring things that go on in this little town.
Business was the same as usual, horrible.
The most customers you'd get in a day was about 20-25.
You were surprised how the store had stayed open this long, I mean it's been open since you were a kid, and even then, it was basically abandoned.
Suddenly, the lights went out
Making you feel uneasy.
Y/n: "stupid lights.."
You sighed as you got up, and tried to make your way to the front door.
You finally made it to the door, the bells jingling as you pushed it open.
The cold night breeze hit you from behind, making any stray hairs go everywhere.
You continued walking, old beer cans, and cigarette butts littered the parking lot.
You finally made it to the side of the building, where the electric box is.
You opened it up to see a mixture, of cords, levers, and buttons.
That's when it hit you.
You have no clue how to work this thing.
"Shit." You mumbled
You moved around the building, facing the road, and slid down the side of the wall, the only light coming from the moon, and the auto part store across the street.
You pulled out your phone, it read 3%
You decided to save your battery, considering you may need it.
You closed your eyes and breathed in, the only noise being the crickets, and the wind hitting the branches of the trees.
It was peaceful.
You quickly opened your eyes to the sound of something snapping, you looked around, but you didn't see anyone.
You stood up so that you could see better, you scanned the area for a minute, when a few bushes to your left started shaking, you snapped your head towards the sound.
After a while of standing there a while, you decided to check it out.
You turned on the flashlight of your phone and started slowly walking towards the bushes.
As you got closer, they moved once again, making you step back.
You finally got the courage to get close enough to see.
Your heart was racing,and your hands were shaking.
You squated down, and peered through the limbs.
Only to find nothing there.
You let out a sigh of relief.
You saw your coworkers car pulling into the parking lot, slowing down as he saw you.
He came to a stop, right beside you, he rolled down his window, and gave you a confused look.
Mark: "what the hell are you doing skeeter?"
He's called you "skeeter" ever since you were kids, you don't exactly know why, all you know is that it annoys you.
A lot.
You and mark grew up together, your parents were friends, but you kinda hated each other.
And now you work together.
Y/n: "I uh-.. I thought I heard something in the bushes."
He slightly turned his head, as he adverted his eyes to the bushes.
Mark: "well I don't see anythin'"
You sighed.
Mark: "and what happened to the lights??"
His confused look morphed into an annoyed one.
Y/n: "I dunno, they went out about 15 minutes ago."
Mark: "and you didn't try to turn em on?"
You stood up and turned to face him
Y/n: "I don't know how to work the box thingy."
You were tired, still uneasy, and ready to clock out.
his sudden attitude didn't help any.
Mark: "I don't have a clue why Mr Smith still lets you work here, you don't know how to do jack shit."
Y/n: "and you do?"
Mark: "uh, yeah? You don't see all the work I do??"
Y/n: "you only do stuff whenever you want a raise, and the only reason you still work here is cause Mr Smith is dating your aunt Sara."
Mark: "..."
He looked away, and took his foot off the break.
Mark: "well, I guess I'll be seeing you."
Y/n: "mhm.."
He sped up, and pulled into a parking space.
You sighed once more before making your way to your car
Once you got there, you pulled out your keys, and unlocked the drivers side.
You turned your head back to where the bushes were.
Only this time, you caught a glimpse of something, or someone..
I may or may not make a part 2, but please don't expect this to be a series, or very long 😭
The most this will get is maybe 4-6 parts.
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authorchia · 5 months
R: 1999 RAMBLES (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)
I consider myself as a newbie and casual player of the R: 1999 fandom so my knowledge of the game may be limited and I'm not confident of my vocabularies since English is not my first languange, just letting yall know :V
I'm gonna be as nuanced as possible as I ramble through my opinions, so if you find this interesting, I'd like to see yall's opinions too! (Remember to be respectful!)
Alright so the thing that I wanna get it off my chest is that, is it just me or there has been no discourse/drama about R: 1999 till today? I know the game was released hardly a year ago, but really the fandom is pretty chill and I'm very grateful for that, even though I'm not an active participant.
I had a thought it's because the twitter cops/"puritans" can't see any visible advantage to make ANYTHING a useless drama. I was both in the GI and HSR fandom as a spectator, seeing news about them bitching and policing people about the same topics over and over again (truly saddening). But I might dare say R: 1999 is not an easy target for them because it has:
- Diverse characters, both ethnicity and species wise iykyk
- Diverse VAs for characters that are not Americans (ex. Zima, Shamane, Sonetto, Matilda, etc.)
- Stunning and unique artstyle (for me at least, because it's not really your generic anime style if you really squint)
- Killer character designs that speaks where they from and their personality
- Compelling storytelling both for the characters' backstory, story events and main story
- MOST if not ALL characters have their age explicitly stated in their bio
- GENEROUS amount of Drops and moderately easy to get
- Farming resources are generous and easy to get with if your characters' level are enough to beat the critters
- Gameplay/Battle system is engaging in its own way
- No questionable clothings on minor characters
The only things that they would try to make drama/discourse are:
- How boring the gameplay is (which is almost an insult) <- have seen an example on Tiktok
- Ship discourses because it's the only thing any fandom fans and non-fans have a war about, which is utterly stupid and brainrotting
- Any genuine problematic things like problematic creators seeping into the crack. It can be done by a block button or callout doc if they're endangering the fandom's space
-Any immature, chronically online behaviors that you see on the internet (both minors and adults)
TLDR: I'm not saying Reverse: 1999 is the pinnacle of what games should be, but it's really hard not to notice its uniqueness that other game lacks. Let's just hope people won't be behaving out of place, and if they do, we could either educate them patiently or ignore them completely. NOT immediately ostracizing and being aggressive towards them as it will light up the fire and potentially burn the whole forest.
That's all I have go say. If you made it this far, WOW! Thanks for stopping by and read this unhinged ramble! Have a milk and cookies for compensation, friend 🥛🍪🍪🍪
I hope in the future, the game and its fandom will flourish with passionate creators and gamers. Maybe they could make Indonesian-based events! I would love that actually... But for now, I will wait for Shamane's banner teehee :3c
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thepaintedlady00 · 1 year
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Chapter 10 | Chapter 12
Chapter 11: Amuse-Bouche
TW: Some sibling boxing, A bit of choice language from Ari and Sasha in regards to our idiots, Howard 😒, a bit of sexual tension, flirting, Jake's gonna have a real HARD time 👀, Lena's gonna help him out... 👀👀, aka bathroom blowjob. This chapter is a bit shorter than normal (like 15 pages, sorry!) And I'm sorry if it reads as kind of rushed, I really wanted to get it out before my surgery tomorrow and it's not a particularly plot-heavy chapter so I figured it'd be alright. I did a quick edit of this so sorry for any mistakes! This chapter does, however, mark the beginning of Spice Town!
Hit. Hit. Dodge. The music blared in my ears, and the wall pictures vibrated with the beat as I danced across the mat. Hit. Hit. Dodge. Sweat beaded down my forehead, making my hair stick to my temples. 
Hit. Hit. Dodge. I breathed in the hot air that tasted like sweat and leather. My mind wandered, the smell shifting in the air with a breeze of alcohol as someone opened the back alley door. A new taste coated my tongue… A cherry old-fashioned mixed with the bitter tang of Jake's cigarettes.
Hit. Hit. "OW!"
Patrick chuckled with an evil grin. "You're distracted today." I threw my punch into his arm, wiping the grin off his face entirely. "OW!"
"Fuck you!" I growled out as the two of us danced in the ring together. "My mind has never been more focused!"
"Focused on dick!"
I landed three hits to Pat's gut before he got me in the side. I raised my fist again when Ozzy's loud whistle stopped both of us in our tracks. "What the bloody hell are you two doing?" He shook his head. "You two know you're not allowed to spar with each other."
"No one else would spar with me," I told him. "I wanted to get a good workout before my shift."
"Don't see why you didn't just call up your little boyfriend," Pat mumbled. I didn't even glance at him as I punched him in the gut. "I probably deserved that one."
Ozzy waved us forward. "Get outta there before you hurt each other. Idiots."
Peter looked up from his newspaper. "Told ya he'd find out. You two are always too much in a ring together."
"You're no better, mister! Why are you letting them pull this in the first place?" Oz asked.
"I'm a recovering cancer patient," Peter said with large puppy dog eyes. "I did my best."
"Bull!" Patrick and I said in unison.
Ozzy rolled his eyes. "Oh, give me a break with those eyes. Lena, go get ready for work. Patrick, clean up your mess. Peter, tell me what horses are racing tomorrow."
We all followed Oz's instructions. I dragged myself up the stairs and threw my sore body into a boiling hot shower with a relieved sigh. The week had been… Interesting since Jake and I's makeout session in the bathroom at Home Bar. We hadn't kissed again, but the urge was always there whenever we got too close to each other. Why does he have to have such soft lips? I whined to myself. And be so good at kissing? And so attractive. With a sigh, I pressed my head against the chilled tile. I had it bad.
I got dressed and bid my little family farewell before quickly making my way to the restaurant. Nick smiled from behind the bar and gave me his usual "morning red" when I passed. Scott and Isaac were bickering about some menial topics when I slipped through the doors and greeted the kitchen. Bitch paused to yell a quick "hey Lena" over their shoulders.
Upstairs the locker room was packed. Everyone was talking and gossiping as they got dressed for their shifts. Sasha leaned against his locker while Heather and Ari shared the couch, priming their looks. "Good morning!"
"Morning, Tiger," they greeted.
I peed Jake's locker and put his jacket inside before making my way to my own and changing into my cooking gear. A few seconds after I put my shirt on, Jake rounded the corner setting his bike in the hall with a smile aimed at me as he entered the room.
“Morning,” Jake mumbled, heading to his locker.
Still finishing with the buttons on my shirt, I looked over at him. “You look like shit.”
The second his locker opened, he shook his head, grabbed his jacket, and tossed it to me. “Put that back in your locker for me?”
“No!” I hollered, tossing it back at him. “If you wanna sneak your shit into my locker, do it on your own time, pretty boy.”
“Pretty boy?” He questioned with a raised brow.
I rolled my eyes. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know you’re pretty, Jake. It’s tacky.”
With a slight tilt of his head and a bright gleam in his eyes, he started taking out his earring. “So I’m pretty and tacky?”
“I don’t make the rules,” I replied, smiling.
Sasha gestured back and forth between us with wide eyes. “Do you believe me now?”
Ari shook her head. “There’s no way.”
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“I’m trying to get these bitches to pay me my money!” Sasha replied with a sigh. “I won the bet. They clearly did the nasty. What more do you want? A photo? Video?” He turned his head to us. “You two didn’t happen to tape you’re very passionate sex, did you?”
Jake chuckled, shaking his head. “Jesus, he sees one make-out session, and he’s already hunting for porn.”
"Pay up, you nasty vaginas!" Sasha suddenly demanded, holding out his hands to Ari and Heather.
Heather shook her head. "Not a chance. One make-out session does not equal them fucking."
"Of course they fucked!" He insisted. "I was there! I saw them with my own two eyes! There is no way they didn't hook up after getting caught like little vandals!"
Ari glanced at me, eyes trailing up and down my form for a minute before she looked at Jake, squinting slightly. "I gotta go with Heather on this."
Sasha scoffed. "Excuse me?!"
"Look!" Ari insisted on pointing to Jake's back as he lifted his shirt over his head. "No claw marks, and he's only got two hickeys on his neck. Lena looks like the type to mark her territory." She smiled at me. "And our Tiger only has one little hickey on her collarbone with none on her boobs. No teeth marks either. Jake's a hungry boy," she smirked wider. "No way he's leaving a meal as fine as that without a few nibbles."
"Wow," I deadpanned. "You guys are bigger idiots than I thought."
“Tiger, tell them!” Sasha begged.
I gave him a loving pat on the cheek. “Sorry, dear Sasha, but you’re gonna lose your bet.”
He groaned loudly and slapped Jake on the shoulder. “I blame you!”
“Me?” Jake questioned. “The fuck did I do?”
“Nothing! That’s the point!” Sasha sighed. “It never takes you this long to seal the deal. Not even with the chittering baby monster.”
With a shrug, Jake nodded to me. “Take that up with her. I woulda fucked her months ago if she would have let me.”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“Am I?” Jake chuckled. “Sorry, princess.” He looked over at Sasha with a shit-eating smile. “Fuck off, Sasha.”
“Thank you,” I hummed.
Sasha pointed to us before scoffing and muttering insults in Russian as he made his way out the door. I searched through my locker, hunting for my hairbrush before sighing and looking at Ari. “Do you have a hairbrush I can use? I can’t find mine.”
She hopped up and retrieved one from her locker. “You know, for someone whose apartment is spotless, you’re kind of shit at keeping track of your things.”
“I’m very organized,” I argued. “I'm probably taking shit home by accident.”
"So organized of you," she teased, heading down for family meal.
Once Jake and I were alone, that familiar air of sexual tension settled in the room. We likely would have acted on it a few times if it hadn't been for Simone and Olives' impeccable timing. The two of them came in together, making light conversation and putting a minor feeling of division between Jake and me.
Things between him and Simone were tense recently, but that didn't seem to stop the two of them from holding conversations with one another or joking in their free minutes. It made sense, given the nature of their relationship, but it still made me feel nauseous. I left the room while they talked and went to the long table for the family meal.
Howard set a glass of wine cow in front of me, gesturing to the glass with a smile. "Go ahead."
Swirling the liquid briefly, I lifted it to my nose and smiled at the light smell of lemon and the fruity notes of toasted apple. “1999 Dom Perignon Sparkling Wine.” I lifted the glass, sipping the sweet and flavorful liquid with a smile. “Amazing.”
“It’s your favorite,” Howard replied, examining the bottle.
“You remembered that?” I asked with a laugh.
He set a hand on my shoulder and shrugged. “I’ve got a good memory with important things like this.”
From across the table, Jake scoffed as he took his seat next to Simone. He drank the wine in his glass, glaring at Howard the entire time he went over the events of the night's service. It should have made me roll my eyes and call him ridiculous, but the small and majorly insignificant jealousy Jake felt whenever Howard came anywhere near me made me feel light and giddy. It was dumb. We weren’t dating; we weren’t anything… but I still smiled down into my glass. 
Service was a blur as I hopped between line and dish, helping out in any way I could before Howard instructed me to restock the glasses at the bar. I grabbed one of the clean racks and carefully moved to the side of the bar that usually wasn’t so busy. Unfortunately, I practically tripped over the body blocking the doorway. Jake quickly lifted the counter for me and helped me slide under while he continued to speak to the man in the way. “How much?”
“A thousand.”
“Fuck yeah,” Jake smiled and shook the man's hand. “Same place as last time?”
I glanced at the two of them, meeting his friend's eyes as he shamelessly checked out my ass. “Yeah… Hi.”
Fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I turned my head away to refocus on stocking the shelf. “Hi.”
The man groaned and leaned forward on the bar. “I’m Tommy.”
“Nice to meet you, Tommy.”
Jake shifted closer to me, giving his friend an exasperated look. “Really, man?’
“She yours or something?”
“No,” we said simultaneously, glancing at one another for a quick second before looking away. 
“You should come tonight,” Tommy said, his eyes having difficulty focusing on my face as he admired my figure. “We could definitely use a girl like you livening up the place.”
Jake’s jaw ticked as he snapped in his friend's face to get his attention again. “Lay off, Tommy. I’ll be there at nine.”
Tommy gave Jake a look before he nodded. “Alright, fine, sounds good.”
I resumed my simple task as Jake maneuvered around me, serving a few drinks before leaning back against the bar shelves beside me. “Sorry about him. He’s kind of a sleaze.”
“I’ve been working bars since I was fifteen, Jake. I’m used to a few choice comments from a few choice sleazeballs.” I offered him a smile, gently nudging him when the stern look on his face didn’t ease. “Relax.”
“You should come, though,” he suddenly said.
“It’s some stupid warehouse party. I’ll be working,” he replied, acting as though he hadn’t entirely meant to invite me. “But you could hang out… maybe dance while I do that.”
With a thoughtful hum, I stacked another two glasses before looking up at him and batting my eyelashes. “You sure I won’t annoy you?”
Jake smirked, cocking his head with a slightly raised brow. “Oh, I’m positive you will.” His tone was low and teasing but held that thinly veiled sensual energy that made me feel breathless and wanting. “But I don’t mind.”
I held his gaze as I shrugged. “It could be fun. Would you dance with me?”
“I don’t dance,” he answered, blatantly ignoring one of the guests trying to get his attention.
“Shame,” I replied. “It would have been a good excuse to get up close and personal with me.”
His mouth twitched into a genuine smile before he concealed it beneath that shit-eating grin. “I can think of plenty of excuses to get up close and personal with you, princess.” I grabbed hold of the now empty dish tray and turned my head away from him, moving to return to the kitchen. “Are you gonna come?” He called out, watching me go.
I looked over my shoulder and nodded. “It sounds like fun. I’ll be there. Nine, right?”
Jake nodded. “I’ll meet you outside. It's kind of a shit neighborhood."
“He says to the boxer,” I teased. “See you there.”
The night dragged on, and I glanced at the clock impatiently with each passing minute. This wasn’t a date. Of course, it wasn’t, but my heart still pounded like it was one. Isaac caught me in yet another turn to look at the ticking clock and slapped my arm with a towel. “The hells your problem?”
“I don’t have a problem,” I hissed back at him, rubbing the red spot on my arm. “Just ready for the night to be over.”
He narrowed his eyes at me but returned to work without more questions. I continued to speed between line and dish the rest of the night until, at last, a spotless kitchen graced the kitchen staff's eyes. “Looks good, everyone. Now let's get the fuck out of here,” Scott praised, heading up the stairs already half out of his coat.
I changed quicker tonight and slipped out the back door without even bothering to meet up with the rest of the group for after-shift drinks, knowing full well Sasha would just use his annoying pestering to pry information out of me. 911 dress emergency, you free?
Quinn would likely be at work, but knowing her, she’d have a dress that I could borrow on hand. Absolutely. Head to the club. I’ll be on break in fifteen. Details as payment, though.
The club was packed with a large crowd when I got there. Security helped me slide through to the back room, where I sat in Quinn’s makeup chair and waited for her to get done on stage. She hurried through the door and threw on a robe before she jumped into searching her dresses. “Hey, how's your night?”
“Slammed,” she replied. “But I’ve already made a hell of a paycheck, so I won’t complain.”
I fiddled with the makeup brushes on her desk until she set a red dress on the rack next to me. It was a relatively simple design, deep red with a generously low cut top and two strategically placed strips of seethrough lace on the sides. “Oh, you’re pulling out your good shit?”
She nodded, moving around me to grab some makeup. “Duh. This is for a date, isn’t it?”
“No,” I answered. “Jake just invited me to some warehouse thing he’s working at tonight.”
“Soooo a date…” she replied, holding my chin in her hands and working on my makeup without a second thought. 
“It’s not a date.”
“Yeah, and you’re just friends.”
“We are-”
“I’m not doing this with you right now,” she sighed. “Now, hold still, so I don’t fuck up your face.”
She gave me a dramatic look with red glitter and big clunky stars shimmering on my cheekbones and temples. It was one of her go-to night-out looks, and while it was a bit much, it would likely make me impossible to miss tonight, even for a bartender. Quinn’s nose scrunched up as she smiled. “Perfect. Now go get changed and get your cute ass to your date.”
“It’s not a date!” I hollered as I slid behind her changing screen.
Stepping back out, donned in the soft gown, I posed. “How do I look?”
She pulled my hair free of my ponytail and floofed it up before nodding. “Very hot. Extra fuckable.”
“Thanks,” I pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “Maybe stop by when you’re done here.”
“Sure thing, text me the address!”
Outside the club, Dom sat on the back of his bike. When he saw me, his eyebrows rose. “Got a hot date or something?”
I shook my head. “I’m just going to some party.”
“Where at?”
“Some warehouse in Queens.”
He shook his head. “Hop on. I’ll drive you.”
I gave him a look. “Why?”
“Queens is Eddie’s turf. So I just wanna make an appearance, you know, make sure him and his boys are on their best behavior while you’re there.”
“How sweet.”
“Newbies get the helmet, I know,” I said, sliding on the back of his bike and pulling the helmet over my head.
Jake stood outside the warehouse, listening to the loud music blaring in his ears as he smoked. Lena said she would be there, and if he were being honest, the anticipation was killing him. Ever since they’d kissed on the Ferris Wheel, it had been nearly impossible not to kiss her every time she looked up at him through her thick lashes. Whenever she and he were alone in a room together, he had to either keep his distance or fight internally over whether he should kiss her. It was obvious she wanted to kiss him. While he enjoyed knowing she was just as affected by him as he was by her, it made the whole situation more complicated.
He heard the familiar roar of the drug dealer's bike and watched the man pull into the parking lot with Lena hugging his back. From where he stood, he could tell she was dressed in red, a color he appreciated more each time she wore it. He’d practically dropped his cigarette when she stood up and slid the helmet off. The dress was low cut and hugged her figure perfectly, but the sides really killed him. The sheer lace brought out her creamy skin beneath the dress and accentuated her not wearing underwear. God damn this woman, he cursed, taking a long drag of his cigarette before tossing it to the ground and crushing it beneath his boot. She’s gonna fucking kill me at this point.
Getting a ride from Dom turned out to be a lifesaver. The streets were crowded with taxis as we wove through and made our way toward the old neighborhood. Once we’d parked, he made eye contact with a few bikers across the parking lot, standing next to the club while I got off and held his helmet back to him. “Gimme your arm,” he instructed, pulling out a pen.
“Seriously?” I asked while still following his order. “I’m not fifteen anymore, Dom. I know my way around.”
He drew the four-leafed clover on my wrist with his messy phone number above it. If lost, call Dom. It was something he used to do every night I came to him looking to get fucked up, and back then, it’d actually saved my ass more than once. He smiled and nodded toward the club. “Tell the kid I’ll kill him if he lets you get into trouble tonight.”
I turned around, flipping him off. “I’m not telling him that!”
Jake stood next to the entrance, cigarette embers still flaring at his feet as he looked me up and down and clapped slowly. “Damn, you really showed up trying to make me look like shit, huh?”
“I think you look fine,” I answered, smoothing my hands down his leather jacket. His eyes focused on my lips. “We heading in or what?”
I could tell for a split second he’d wanted to say no, but he nodded, turning and grabbing my hand as we walked toward the door. The bounders knew him and let us both pass straight through. It was exactly as the name implied. A sizeable empty warehouse filled with shitty lights and speakers, a band with a bar on the opposite end, and makeshift shelves filled with booze. Jake led us through the dancing crowd, carefully looking back to ensure I was still close by, even though he’d held my hand.
His friend, Tommy, stood beside the bar, instructing the second bartender as Jake slid his jacket off and handed it to me. “Watch that for me?”
“Sure thing, master bartender.”
Rolling his eyes, he tapped Tommy on the shoulder, and the two conversed for a minute before he noticed me. Then, with a sly grin, he elbowed Jake. “I knew you wouldn’t pass up a chance with that.”
“Fuck off,” Jake brushed off, jumping into work, taking drink orders, and quickly making them. Sitting at the bar in front of him and watching him mix drinks like he did every night shouldn't have been so fun, but it was. I especially enjoyed the moments of free time he’d get to lean over the bar and make me custom drinks with flirty winks and the unique brand of sexual tension we’d basically trademarked. After a while, I slowly made my way onto the dance floor, letting go of the stress that life had been building up to give in to this one night of fun.  
He couldn’t help but stare at her as she moved on the dance floor. Her wild hair and equally free spirit were something he rarely got to see at work, and fuck did he enjoy it. Most girls - people in general - looked ridiculous trying to dance in clubs, but Lena made it look sensual and fun. 
“Would you dance with me?”
“I don’t dance.”
“Shame. It would have been a good excuse to get up close and personal with me.”
He’d said he could think of better ways to get up close and personal, but now that he was here watching her move in that dress, his mind was blank. Finally, the man bartending beside him nodded to the dance floor. “She your girl or something?”
Without thinking, Jake nodded. “Or something.”
Lena turned and smiled at him before disappearing into the mass of bodies. “I can handle shit here if you wanna take a break.”
“Thanks,” Jake replied, moving around the bar as quickly as possible to seek her out on the dance floor.
Swaying with the music, I lost myself to the beat. It felt fucking amazing to let go and have fun. It felt more amazing when Jake’s familiar hands settled on my hips, pulling me back into him as he pressed his lips to my shoulder. “I thought you don’t dance.”
He grinned down at me, leaning in close enough that I could practically taste him. “It looked like a good excuse to get up close and personal with you.”
“You’re clever.”
“I try,” he replied.
The two of us moved against each other, our bodies creating a sinful and very dangerous friction that made a buzz of pleasure settle in my gut, slowly winding more and more as his hands roamed my body. Looking up at him as he danced beneath the lights, I really wanted to throw out my stupid notions of keeping our friendship intact. Instead, I wanted to jump into his arms… wanted to kiss him until we were tearing each other's clothes off. And if the dark hunger of his gaze meant anything, he felt similarly.
A few minutes later, I felt him press me unbearably close, so close I couldn’t help but moan at the unexpected action. Jake’s head pressed into the back of mine. “Fuck.”
“Wha-” I turned to ask, only to catch a quick glimpse of him hurrying through the crowd toward the bathrooms. He stumbled, nearly tripping as he practically shoved people out of his way. Something must be wrong. Following him, I called out, “Jake!”
He practically slammed the bathroom door in my face as I shoved through. “You should head back to the bar.”
“Are you alright?” I asked, watching him lean over the sink, sucking in deep breaths of air. I locked the bathroom door. If he was fucked up on something, the last thing we needed was some couple coming here looking to fuck. 
"I'm good," Jake practically groaned.
I touched his shoulder, pulling him to face me so I could try to figure out what he was fucked up on. "What do you need? Water? A hospital?" His eyes slid down the length of me, pupils blown wide and a light sheen of sweat beginning to glimmer on his skin. His chest rose and fell in rapid breaths. I pressed my hand to his chest, unintentionally pushing myself closer to him. "Your hearts racing. What the hell did you take?"
He said nothing for a minute as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back with a quiet "Fuck."
"Ja-" The question died on my tongue as the unmistakable outline of his fully hard dick became impossible to miss.
"I’m not high," he explained tensely. "I didn’t plan on being in such a confined space with you looking like that."
I looked down at the form-fitting, short, mostly sheer dress Quinn had given me to wear tonight. "Oh."
He chuckled. "Yeah, oh. I just need a minute."
I don't know what came over me; maybe it was all the shit pent up throughout our months-long flirting. Maybe it was just my body craving the chance to give him the pleasure I knew he wanted. Or maybe it was the way Jake looked beneath the dim lights in the dingy basement bathroom, head thrown back, sweat rolling down his throat, his hands gripping the sink so tight his knuckles turned white. Whatever it was made my lips move without consulting my brain. "I could help you."
"Not much you can do in a situation like this."
"There's one thing I can do."
He looked back at me, disbelief evident in how his face scrunched up. "What?"
"Are you seriously going to make me spell it out for you?"
"Do you want a blowjob or not?" I asked, point blank, looking down the length of him, eyes settling on the thick outline of his dick straining against his jeans.
He tilted my chin up, dark eyes examining my face closely. "Are you high?"
"No," I answered.
"No." I laughed softly. "I can leave you to figure it out alone if you’re not interested."
"I just want to be sure you know what you're doing."
"Does it look like I don't know what I'm doing?"
"No," he replied. "I don't want to take advantage of you." His face was smug as ever, but the tone of his voice held the sincerity the rest lacked.
I pulled myself closer, watching his eyes follow me, looking at me as if I was the only thing he cared about. "How about we set some ground rules then?"
"I'm all ears," he said, throat bobbing.
"First, let's not make this weird. This is just one friend helping out another." Jake chuckled but nodded in agreement, eyes settling onto my lips as his head unconsciously tilted forward, chasing them. “Second, no kissing on the lips.”
That made him scoff. “What, like we haven’t made out in a bathroom before?”
I rolled my eyes, setting my hands on the flat, lean-built plane of his abdomen. “If I kiss you, this will turn into more than a quick blowjob in some shitty club bathroom real quick.”
“Glad to know you find me so irresistible,” he breathed out. “Any more rules?”
"Just a small assurance. If I feel like you're taking advantage of me, I'll let you know, and I expect you to do the same.” His look felt deeper than what I could see on the surface. Jake looked like what I’d said. The simple and basic principle behind successful hookups or sexually charged favors between friends was something he’d never heard of before now. It made me sad, thinking of how his mind likely went to Simone and just how neglectful she was of the stability of their odd relationship with one another. I pushed it aside, now more set on showing him what a healthy moment of intimacy between two people looked like. “Now, do you want my help with your problem or not?"
"I'm all yours, princess,” he whispered, voice lacking all sarcasm that generally came with the nickname he’d given me months ago in Cape Cod. It was an admission. Pure and honest and more than enough to flood me with desire.
With a soft smile, I leaned in closer, chest to chest, hands fisting lightly in his shirt. Our lips nearly brushed as I looked into his darkened eyes and whispered back, “Good.”
I moved my lips to the side, pressing them to his jaw and slowly working my way down to his neck. My hands slid down to his belt, slowly undoing the fastenings and loosening the tightness of his pants just enough to bring him a moment of relief. He sighed, mumbling a quiet “Fuck.”
His head tilted back, giving me unrestricted access to his neck as I smiled against his skin, carefully palming him through his jeans with one hand. “Don’t get too excited tough guy,” I teased before latching my teeth around that irresistible, glinting, pierced ear. Then, moving my lips back to his neck, I sucked a new bruise into his delicate skin.
“So much for being discrete,” he chuckled, audibly biting back a moan.
“We haven’t been discrete for months,” I noted, working on undoing his jeans. “A few hickeys won’t be anything new.”
He watched my face closely, still searching for any sign of doubt. I appreciated it, but he wouldn’t find any. I wanted this. More than I thought I had. With the front of his pants open, my hand slid down, gliding gently down his length and pulling a long low moan out of his throat. God, I wanted him to make that sound all the time. I slid my hands into his jeans, pulling the fabric down just enough for his dick to spring forward, free of his underwear. 
Jake was well endowed, something I’d assumed but still somehow hadn’t really been prepared for. His eyes shut, and his breath quickened as I slid down his body. I pressed gentle kisses and quick bites to his neck before running my hands up his shirt and dragging my nails down his chest as I slid to my knees. I was no stranger to a quickie in some shitty club bathroom, but this felt different. I was far more focused on Jake’s face and the noises he made as I stroked him rather than his actual dick. 
I licked the underside of his cock first, enjoying the way he flinched and bucked closer to my face. God, he’s so pretty when he’s this desperate. Then, swirling my tongue around the pulsing, leaking tip of his dick, I closed my eyes to listen to the noises he made. Sex with men was usually quiet, especially oral activities, but Jake wasn’t like most men. He was shameless in the moans and whines and whimpers he made, and I couldn’t get enough of it. After making sure he was nice and slick, I slowly began bobbing up and down, pushing him further into my mouth until I reached the perfect spot where the tip of him just barely hit the back of my throat.
"God, you're perfect," he groaned, hands burying themselves in my hair. I expected Jake to be a puller. I expected him to want total control... To use me. But he didn't. Instead, his hands held my hair back, and as I looked up, the reason became clear. Jake wanted to watch me. He wanted to see my face.
I’d given guys blowjobs in bathrooms before, but it had never felt so intimate. They’d cared more about the feeling of my hot, wet mouth around their dicks than they cared about me. They hadn’t ever even bothered to look at me. I held his gaze as I bobbed my head, taking more of him into my mouth each time. Those eyes alone would undo me.
Tears stung the corners of my eyes, and Jake carefully brought a hand out from my hair to dab them dry. “You’re doing so good,” he praised. Oh fuck. His hand in my hair tightened, tugging on my roots just enough to send a lightning strike of pleasure shooting down to my core. I moaned around him, bringing another ragged moan out of his chest. His free hand cupped my jaw, gently kneading the muscles as his hips carefully met my mouth with eager thrusts. 
My hands came up to rest on his thighs, squeezing them and using them as support as his movements grew harder and sloppier. “Lena,” he whined, supporting himself on the sink and throwing his head back. “God… I’m close.”
I slid my hands up his thighs to rest on his abdomen. I could feel the muscles beneath his skin tighten each time he thrust into my throat. His breaths grew more harsh and labored. Just a few more thrusts and he’d be there. I hummed around him, dragging my nails down his stomach and taking hold of his arms, using them as leverage to pull myself closer until I was gagging on him. Then, with one last, deep thrust, he spilled down my throat. “Fuck!”
Swallowing every drop he gave me, I sat still, letting him carefully release my head before I pulled back, licking the tip of his cock for good measure. He panted above me, eyes boring down into mine as I slowly rose to my feet, using him to steady myself as my slightly numb legs wobbled. His head dipped down, the urge to kiss me plain on his face as he settled for dropping his head to my shoulder. “Holy shit.”
“Did that help?” I asked hoarsely. 
“Absolutely,” he answered. 
I couldn’t fight the proud smile on my lips as I squeezed his arms and pulled away to stand beside him, straightening myself up in the mirror. “Good.”
Still catching his breath, he pressed his chest to my back, lips skimming the back of my neck. His hands squeezed my hips, gently pulling the material of my dress up before I stopped him. “You’re not gonna let me repay the favor?”
“Not tonight,” I breathed, glancing at him over my shoulder with a smile.
Jake shook his head. “So what, you’re just gonna blow me in some bathroom and not let me pay you back?”
I fixed his jacket and belt, nodding. “Yeah.”
“You’re something else,” he replied.
“Something good, I hope,” I answered. “I’ll let you clean yourself up a bit. See you back at the bar, pretty boy.”
As I walked out of the bathroom, savoring the lightheaded euphoric feeling of Jake and I’s… activity in the bathroom, Quinn smirked at me from the bar. I slowly settled into the seat beside her, watching her pull a small tin from her purse and pop it open. “Mint?” I didn’t look at her as I accepted the small pungent candy and popped it into my mouth, wincing slightly at how it mingled with the salty tang left by Jake. 
“Well, that was impulsive.”
I shook my head. “Not a word, Quinn.”
“Oh, I’m not judging!” She assured me. “Lord knows I’ve given a lot less pretty guys blowjobs in club bathrooms. I was just making an observation.”
Jake slid back behind the bar, whispering a few words of appreciation to the other man working for covering for him. Then, he stood in front of us and leaned against the bar. “Didn't know you were coming."
"Wow, not even a thank you for dressing your girl up for you?" She scoffed. "I see how it is."
"Having fun, Quinn?”
She smirked. “One of us certainly is.”
“Need a refill?” He asked, brushing past her blatantly obvious taunt.
“Always,” she smiled even wider. “I am so glad you invited me tonight. Now I get dibs on the teasing.”
I shook my head at her. “Tease away.”
Tease, she did. For thirty minutes, she gave Jake and me her best material. She covered bathroom blowjobs, the ever-popular “just friends” comments, and more, but unlike the other times, she’d teased me there wasn’t any of the shameful weight. But, of course, I wasn’t hiding my attraction or feelings for Jake now, so her teasing ultimately made us both chuckle.
When the night finally ended, Jake walked me outside and waited for me while I hailed a cab. I nudged his shoulder. “Are you going to Ari’s big show thing this weekend?”
“Normally, I’d say fuck no,” Jake replied, grinning. “But now I know you’re going.”
“You don’t have to come just for me.”
“It could be fun,” he insisted. “Besides, she always throws a party after at her abandoned hotel, and that is always a good time.”
I smiled at him as the cab pulled up beside me. “Then I guess I’ll see you there.”
He lit a cigarette and placed it between his lips. “Maybe I’ll get to repay that favor I owe you.”
Favor seemed like a far too nice word for what I knew he had in mind. “Goodnight, loser.”
“Get home safe,” he answered, watching the cab pull away before he started hailing one of his own.
My apartment was quiet, filled with the soft white noise of my old TV playing in the living room while I changed and got ready for bed. I’d just gotten a glass of water when a loud engine speeding across the street sent me ducking for cover. I curled up on the floor, my back pressed tightly into the back of the couch as I listened, holding my breath, to see if the car would make another pass. 
Have you seen his car recently? I texted Dom with shaking hands.
His reply was almost instantaneous. No, why? Did something happen?
I forced an even breath out. No. I just thought I heard it drive by.
Stay put. I’m on my way.
Dom arrived at my apartment within a matter of minutes. He carefully drove through the neighborhood a few times, scanning the parked cars and the surrounding streets before he parked his bike and came to sit beside me on the floor. “I didn’t see anything, but I’ll stay the night to make sure.”
“You don’t have to do that,” I answered softly, holding my legs close to my chest.
Dom leaned forward to meet my far-off gaze. “Yeah, I do. Now go get in bed and go to sleep. I’ll take the couch.” I opened my mouth to protest, but he just rolled his eyes and stood up. He set up the couch and settled into the firm cushions, facing the door.
I reached over and held his hand for a minute. “Thanks, Dom.”
He squeezed it with a smile. “Get some sleep, kid. Nothin’s getting past me.”
That night I tossed and turned for a few minutes before passing out, knowing the truth of Dom’s words. Nothing was going to happen while he was here. Nothing ever did. For a minute, I could just close my eyes and forget that there was even a problem… for a minute, I could just go to sleep like an average person. I knew deep down it wouldn’t always be so easy, but I would pretend tonight.
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