#but it's not really
intermundia · 9 months
filoni is so weird about the jedi. he just is. i could probably speculate about why for ages but it's unimportant, the result is such a strange mix of adoration of their aesthetic and their powers, both in and out of combat, mixed with bad faith interpretation of their philosophy, and almost lazy, facile criticism of the order. he both wants the jedi in his stories, but he also wants to criticize them, to have the best parts about them, the superficial and flashy parts, without the difficult eastern philosophy and monasticism. he loves individual jedi, but he does not love the order. it's like he feels entitled to play around with the jedi's legacy without respecting who they were and why they died. he wants all of the sugar without any of the medicine, and it shows lmao
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not-poignant · 22 days
Hi! Big fan of your work and writing blog :) I have a question re: fanfic reception. I like writing fanfics about villains on the receiving end of noncon, and I sometimes get feedback that makes me feel weird and I dunno how to respond to it? It’s along the lines of "thanks for giving [character] the pain they deserve" "it’s good that you aren’t nice to [character] like those other fanfic writers". (Part 1…)
(Part 2…)I kind of feel like they’re complimenting my morals instead of my writing, but I also could be overreacting, because I mean it’s fine to seek out fics where a character you hate gets tortured? No hurry answering this, and thanks in advance if you do. I hope you’re doing alright on your break from UtB. I am using the time to reread and am loving it!
Hi anon!
Oh this is an interesting quandary to be in, because I'm certain at least some of those people are very much being moralistic about it.
Tbh when it's 'thanks for giving (character) the pain they deserve' you can probably ignore that if you want, because yeah, they might have revenge fantasies and find that very satisfying.
But when you get people going 'thanks for being mean / not nice to this character like other writers' - if you're the kind of person who responds to comments and feels uncomfortable when someone is using your space to shame other authors (because that's exactly what's happening) you can choose - if you want - to take the time to say 'I have no problems when people enjoy this character being hurt, however, I do not tolerate when folks shame other authors and readers for what they enjoy in fiction. Please don't compliment my fic by putting down other people, that's not what a compliment is' or something similar.
As soon as a reader brings in other people and shames them, that's absolutely when you can take a stand and see a clear issue.
I see this a lot for two different things:
Writing realistic kink, and so many readers being like 'omg thanks for writing realistic kink there's so much unrealistic trash on here' and these days I always make a point of saying 'oh thanks! but I write and love unrealistic trash too. This is a fictional site and no one should be expected to write realistic kink here!' It shuts people down amazingly fast. But also makes them realise that perhaps they just shouldn't be throwing stones when we're all in a very glass castle on AO3 lmao
Writing realistic trauma recovery, so like 'thanks for showing how awful and evil rape can be unlike those people who write it for fun' - now how I end up with these readers with my actual writing history, I don't know, but I take the same approach of like 'thanks BUT I LOVE writing rape as titillation! I enjoy both!'
You don't have to be as blunt as me, and you don't have to address it at all, but any reader who shames other authors or readers in your comment section can be addressed directly because it's just a shitty thing to do. And people don't say shit like that in public if they don't secretly hope that one of those people will see the comment and feel bad about what they like.
So yeah, with your first example, they could be feeling moralistic, or they could just want a revenge fantasy and really enjoy noncon! The second example is a clear cut example of shaming, or stepping on other people to pass you a compliment, and you're never ever over-reacting when that makes you feel uncomfortable, or makes you feel like it's not really a compliment. Because all it really is, is a version of: 'you passed my moral standards, thanks' and that's not actually a compliment at all. (Or like you say, it's complimenting your morals, it's like having a weird fandom policeman come by and glare at you and be like '....okay you're committing no crimes, as you were' and moving on. It's just weird).
Anyway *shakes hands for weird comments that shame other readers/authors in the form of a compliment* - I do think you're right to feel uncomfortable at least sometimes when this happens. It's up to you how you choose to address or not address it, but I will say personally that if you aren't going to address it in comments, maaaaybe consider deleting the ones that shame other readers/authors, so that when those people read your fics they don't feel alienated. It's obviously your choice! But just something to consider if you want to be curating your space. And best of luck writing all the noncon-villain fics! They can be a lot of fun :D
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dorianthedoll · 4 months
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🧚‍♀️ i am the magical caption fairy ✨✨
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ndostairlyrium · 6 months
I'm kinda okay with not having too many details, tbh
I remember I was incredibly excited to romance an actual grey warden back in Inqui for then being incredibly disappointed :'D got deprived by my "This is the tainted blood of a killer, Bella" moment and instead I got to relive refresh reboot past traumatic experiences lmao
Romance aside, I stopped reading speculations a few months ago and now I'm like, deliberately ignorant and happy with that. I'll just look at the cute photosets with starry eyes :'
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unfogged-arc · 10 months
siebren + shipping / intimacy.
i talked a little bit about this in the wee hours of the morning, but i wanted to expand on this thought.
siebren is an incredibly broken man. his mind has more or less been shattered and fractured into a thousand pieces and not all of those pieces are present. sometimes siebren is alert and oriented, he is lucid and very much there in the moment. other times he's floating through the universe, completely unaware of what his body is doing or where he physically is. most often, it's somewhere in between.
in terms of shipping, all of this can lead to some difficulties. his partner needs to understand that he isn't always going to be there. he isn't always going to be oriented to the reality they share, he is not going to remember a lot of things. something may happen or be said while he's present, or it could be happening when he isn't, and his lucid self may not remember what happened or what was said in his disoriented state, and vice versa. siebren is a very difficult man to be with, because who wants to deal with all of that? but at the same time, he very much is a loving man and cares deeply, and deserves to be loved and cared deeply for.
when it comes to intimacy, therein lies another problem. my siebren isn't asexual and very much likes sex, but with his constant disorientation and being in his mind or elsewhere, or being present, it leads to some issues. his partner needs to understand that intimacy is always going to be something initiated by siebren when he's lucid and present and oriented to what's around him. if he drifts off during sex, loses his focus and floats off elsewhere, his partner must stop, because it wouldn't be fair to siebren to keep going when his mind isn't there. again, he likes sex and will initiate but becomes confused and disoriented with little to no warning. his partner must be good at discerning this.
i would absolutely love to be able to ship with him with this mutual understanding as muns, and if it doesn't work out ic then that's chill. i just really want to explore this side of him because it's so interesting to me how a relationship and intimate dynamic would work with these sorts of issues.
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greseadraws · 2 months
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dungeon meshi but they end up in the back rooms, a cursed idea that was eating away at my brain
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wizardpotions · 6 months
Christmas as a cultural icon is starting to get really dystopian in a climate sense, december has historically been a time of year in which there would be snow in a significant portion of europe and north america, and the fact that its not even icy this time of year and all the christmas songs and decorations reference a time of year that will likely never exist in the same way again in my life time is so strange.
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malwarechips · 2 months
yknow i never noticed the sheer rareness of images having ids or alt text on this website until i started adding alt text to my art (and trying to remember to add it to any images i post in general, especially text screenshots) and that makes me kinda sad
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pirateprincessjess · 2 months
When I was a kid my family pretended to get raptured so I would think I was left behind on earth while they all went to heaven.
I was like 8 years old and my sister and mom had gotten really into the Left Behind novels (bible fan fic about the rapture). In the books when the rapture happened the clothes that people were wearing when they got raptured were left behind in neatly folded piles.
One day when I was getting home from school my family decided that they would leave piles of neatly folded clothes around the house, and then hide in the basement.
The intended effect was that I would get home and see the clothes then, think that my family had been raptured and that I wasn’t good enough to get into heaven… or something?
The problem was that I had never read these books, and didn’t really think about the rapture very often. There was no reason that I would see some laundry on the floor and think “The rapture happened and I’ve been abandoned by God! I’ll never see my family again!! Oh nooo!!!!”
I just sat down and watched cartoons and eventually my family got bored and revealed that they were all hiding in the basement.
It’s a good thing I didn’t understand the joke, otherwise that shit would have been traumatic.
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corpish · 3 months
in recognition of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21
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sunbentshadows · 3 months
Hey all, you know how internet searches suck now? When the results are awful, full-of-AI, death-of-the-internet levels of bad?
Start appending date constraints to your searches - "before:2023".
My results have gone from 90% AI bullshit to ~60% usable - which frankly at this point is a huge improvement.
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shiyorin · 3 months
Two moods
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teaboot · 4 months
When I was a kid one of my moms would call her period "moon time" or "her monthlies" or shit like that and my other mom straight up stealthed it, but when I'm a dad I think I'm gonna go straight down the middle and call it Werewolf Week. Like sorry kids, dad can't roughouse right now, it's Werewolf Week
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hauntedhotel · 1 month
Me, on the welcome desk in the library: Good morning, how are you today?
Customer: I have welcomed Jesus into my heart and so I am well today and every day.
Me, a little unnerved: Okay then! Is there something I can help you with?
Customer, digging around in his bag and pulling out an iPhone in a box: Unfortunately, Jesus can't help me with this fucking phone, so I came to the library.
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ski-ip · 1 month
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something something dark magic
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