#tentatively tagging
topicaltropic · 2 months
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wanted to do a thing exploring terry & norm and also the doodler between them.
terrys new contract job brings her to the catacombs of Paris. Turns out the old spooky mine tunnels connects to old earth, and terry runs into normal whos also investigating the catacombs. The two join together to fight some underlings, during which normal notices terrys new patron. the mission takes a turn when they realize theyre dealing with a lich, and as they fall deeper into the catacombs, theyll have to contend through deeper seated issues as well.
reuploaded bcz i wanted to make a fake cover even if thats also a wip. this is all a big wip & probably wont go much further given how this is my interpretations of these teens relationship and then interpretation of them in their 30s + a scenario i entirely made up so needless to say. very diluted dndads content
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pigeonleap · 4 months
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map for my story, featuring full color and Clan borders! I've been having a lot of fun with this. Please send any questions in asks, I would love to talk about it!
Notes under cut
setting is the Colorado Rockies but obviously I have made up everything here
this is kind of a side view so that you can see mountains better so you can't see a lot of Blizzard's plains. Off to the right is what the cats call a "town" because they haven't seen one, it's really a couple ranches that have cats at them.
A lot of the place names are possessive (e.g. Eagle's Meadow) which means they're named after important members of the Clans' history.
Storm has a bigger territory than Blizzard, mostly due to access - Blizzard has more plains off to the east and is obstructed by mountains to the west, though they're expanding in that direction.
Neither territory is big. I am not good with scale but it's not meant to look like a ton of acreage: this is because the cats face heavy predation, with the woods full of almost every large North American carnivore you could think of. The clans are both small in population.
The unclaimed land from Cloud's Tooth to Sky's Heart will probably remain unclaimed and serves as a sort of political buffer. It's also just not great land. No one wants the freakin' Tempest Drop, and Thunder Ridge is very dangerous too.
You'll notice there is no designated sacred place of worship. StarClan is unlike canon in my story, which I may go into later. StormClan is extremely pious, but BlizzardClan doesn't care all that much because they have a lower rate of clairvoyants. Storm cats travel to the summit of the Cloud's Tooth to prove themselves as a Prophet, because they're extra. And, you know, the Stars will not let you survive the journey if you're not worthy, which can be interpreted however you want! Maybe your Prophet-to-be was just not a good hiker!
Besides the ranch "Human Town" to the east, and the long-abandoned Thunder Ridge, there is no human intervention in the area for many miles. Thunder Ridge, a steep backbone of boulders with not enough switchbacks, proved to be too dangerous (three guesses how) for humans after a tragic accident, and the trail was closed.
Lots of elk in the Colorado Rockies! The Clans respect elk and consider it a great honor that their river is named after the large and majestic animals. This would be flattering for elk if they knew about it, probably.
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nebuvoid · 7 months
A pro-Kairi rant
This here is why I don't want canon undeniable confirmed no work around Sora/Kairi in future KH in a nutshell. This is my personal ramble I just want to get off my chest on my own blog. This is nothing against people that ship it.
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It's not because I'm some ew yucky girl hater. It's the opposite. I've always loved Kairi and any sane fan will tell you she's been treated like crap through the entire series.
The moment she's confirmed to be "safe", she gets left behind. Again and again and again. She just wants to be included. She wants to break out of this role and is beat down every time she tries to.
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KH3 does that again. MoM does that AGAIN. Like it's so deliberately disrespectful. Your role is to stay behind and stare longingly at the skyline.
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Again and again we're shown that she tries to break out of this and can't. And no KH3 doesn't fix it. She once again has to rely on her Princess powers to be allowed to be relevant, when we're shown she wants to be actively a part of this with her fighting prowess. What does she get for that? Killed to be rescued again. I know some people thought Remind was a some great gotcha moment but really it just confirmed the already existing status quo.
And any moments to give her some development get deliberately pushed aside (Very cool we never see her training) or explained away (you can't learn during your adventure like EVERY other character, you specifically have to stay behind for this).
If the series wants to have this relationship, why go out of their way to cut her out over and over? Just as an example: We see Sora excitedly text Riku, why isn't he also talking about Kairi? No really, I'm asking. Even if she's in the timeless forest (sorry guys we can't show you a fun little level for that too much work ugh)(we just really needed Kairi to write a onesided letter to Sora and to remind Lea of Xion - because even here she's not allowed to have a moment for herself), a simple "Man, I wish I could send Kairi a message but I can't reach her there." line would've done a lot. Why make it so purposefully onesided? Why make it so sad and cruel.
Then you have the whole Winnie Pooh - Kairi parallel in KH3 plus the awkward paopu scene that really hammer home how things have changed, they have changed, expectations aren't working out. There's plenty other posts that dig deep into this.
If Kairi as she is now "gets officially together" with Sora, while she's still not allowed to develop her own identity, actually have her own moments, break out of her role as the pining left behind love interest... well maybe some people don't care but I do. It would feel so rotten. The heteronormative amatonormative mainstream media standard that the girl character doesn't need development, she can just be there to be longed after. You know when you watch a TV show and he was a boy she was a girl syndrome starts and you feel that uncomfortable feeling? It's that.
I thought we'd at least get something out of MoM but even here her moment gets stolen by Sora. I don't care if it's a heart connection or whatever, on screen I am once again Sora. (Just to be clear I love my boy Sora I'm just looking at this from an outside the game perspective.)
Actually there's a great video on that here.
Sora and Riku's relationship has been developed over the course of several games. We know them as people, we know their bond. Why should I care about Sora and Kairi in a romantic setting when the games go out of their way to give me next to nothing beyond "she's the girl 🤪you know". Like she's just a prop.
Kairi deserves better.
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Let her develop her own connections. Let her actually find out about her past in RG. Let her finally be an actual equal to Sora and Riku. And then and only then can I be behind canon Sora/Kairi.
I wish I could word this better but I think about this and I'm just filled with indignation and I blank out.
Not because I'm a hater, but because I think Kairi deserves fucking better, do I not want a romantic relationship for her. A girl character is more than just a damn accessory. KH3 didn't do a great job with most characters, but at least in their respective games Aqua, Xion and Namine are allowed to have actual depth, motivation and feelings beyond a rigid role.
In conclusion *big sigh* if a canon romantic relationship for Kairi does take place without any of the above mentioned, I will be severely disappointed.
Now is the last chance to give Kairi the treatment she actually deserves. Considering the track record I don't exactly have high hopes.
P.S. Personally I think KH works best without romantic duos anyway. Platonic bonds can and are just as deep, romanticism just gets placed at the top of the hierarchy - usually - except KH always goes out of its way to show us that that doesn't matter. You don't see people shipping Aqua with Ven and yet no one would question they care deeply about one another. Romance isn't a requirement for love.
P.P.S. Why didn't you give her the damn ribbon Sora, that would've been a really sweet moment.
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golby-moon · 9 months
oh no I made more fakemon for people. went more with madlibs-esque prompts this time in the form of asking for a few nouns of things people like and here are the results
starting off with @wofiepyxie, who unwittingly started this round of fakemon by consistently having an insane word count in bang sprints (and daring to mention the word 'candy')
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I pictured an admittedly more spidery spider at first but a request to not make it creepy and to go for more of a wholesome Joltik vibe made me rethink, because there are enough creepy bugs (not that spiders are bugs despite my use of the computer bug pun) in this world. candy entering my brain made me try to just make the thing look like candy, which accidentally developed a weird and probably overly complicated backstory thing for it where it's a popular Halloween decoration due to being mistaken as a piece of candy which is partly because of its eye-searing poison dart frog-y colors but mostly because that's its weird defense mechanism. it eats computer data ig idk where the typing aspect really comes in it's just a weird little guy. random thought but I think it'd be hilarious if its shiny form was just like...all black, nothing noteworthy about it at all because it's just a regular color. nobody would have any idea what it even is by looking at it
next is @hectatess, who had a prompt including things ranging from witches to Rottweilers
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when people think of Rottweilers, they think dangerous and aggressive and like basically a hellhound (wassup Houndour line?), so naturally I had to go with the complete opposite and oh no it's baby, like just personified 🥺 with lilypads. really tried to go for a sad wet puppy vibe with this one, starting with sad pleading eyes with the wet lilypad hat just dropping down its face and ending with the ends of the darker fur that vaguely follows the pattern of a Rottweiler looking sort of weighed down with water (though it's also supposed to allude to a hanging witch robe, which it does not convey). carrying on that witch vibe is the lilypad hat, with the flower made to look like the pointy part of a witch hat though I know that it really doesn't look like that. the psychic typing was mostly inspired by the vibrant color of the flowers along with the fact that it's supposed to be witch-y. idk I don't name them but my brain is saying wetweiler which is really just a perfect summation of why I don't name the fakemon lol
and finally @very-offkey-kazoo, who gave me a wide range of ideas from bees to Greek mythology to vines to snakes to knives... so lots of creative freedom here which is fun in a chaotic sort of way
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I was originally gonna go for a rock type that's like idk inspired by Greek something and is covered in vines but the brain said stabby wasp thing so stabby wasp thing it is. no but I definitely overused the knife motif (and the sharp lines in general to kinda imply speed as well as sharpness) I think between the gradually sharper arms and the needle-like antennae and then the legit just knife-shaped wings but ehhh. surprisingly I actually took more inspiration from the Pawniard line than the Scyther one which is probably the cause of the repeating knife shapes, but more than that, I went for a knight vibe almost and gave it chitin not unlike a weirdly overly shiny suit of armor that's pinched off in the middle to resemble the way the abdomen and thorax of a lot of bugs are connected. as for the Greek part...idk maybe think gladiator like I didn't until two seconds ago? either way, this thing could probably protect a labyrinth or something regardless of its unspecified size, since small bugs are creepy and big bugs are horrifying. do what you want with that thought ig (side note but the color reminds me of honey mustard and I can think of nothing else now)
I think these at least look like pokemon so they turned out okay. I learned from last time (stained glass skirt thing I'm talking about you) and didn't over complicate the designs this time and did try to make their typing more obvious through colors and shapes like the official pokemon do
(for anyone that didn't notice, the first round of fakemon is linked up at the top of this post)
I apparently make fakemon now so uh idk anybody that wants one can message me I guess yay
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serenpedac · 2 years
I wrote a thing, I wrote a thing! For Blood Moon! It was for the prompt “Language cannot do everything” (Adrienne Rich), and I should also thank @wayhavenots for making me think about my OC’s background with her wonderful Moon Festival fic!
Pairing: -
Words: ~250
Rating: T
*** *** *** ***
The moon is large and full and loud. Fucking loud.
Your skin is too tight. Itches. You run your tongue across your teeth, their points sharp, ready to tear.
Voices come from the building behind you. A shed, to the eyes of an outsider. A den, to a werewolf. Your den, just like the forest around you is supposed to be your territory now. At least the forest feels familiar with its smells of soil and trees.
A shiver runs through you. It would be easy to run, follow that trail. Keep running, hunting, killing. Forget about a den filled with chatter, about a den filled with nothing but ghosts. Only you and the moon, until the moon makes you lose even yourself.
A twig breaks behind you. You turn around, lips twisted into a snarl.
“Sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you.” Marco holds up his hands, his grin faltering somewhat as his eyes flicker across your face.
“You didn’t,” you counter, your entire body aching to shift. It’s the full moon, it always sets you on edge. It’s too damn easy to give in to its call.
“Right. Course not.” 
You hear his words, but feel his howl, soft and soothing.
A few others join in, howls twined together to envelop you. Your shoulders sag, the muscles of your legs relaxing as the urge to pounce subsides. The chorus of howls changes into something else. It takes you a moment to grasp what they’re saying, images and feelings of warmth, of fire and a full belly, bodies curled beside each other, all woven together.
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unfogged-arc · 10 months
siebren + shipping / intimacy.
i talked a little bit about this in the wee hours of the morning, but i wanted to expand on this thought.
siebren is an incredibly broken man. his mind has more or less been shattered and fractured into a thousand pieces and not all of those pieces are present. sometimes siebren is alert and oriented, he is lucid and very much there in the moment. other times he's floating through the universe, completely unaware of what his body is doing or where he physically is. most often, it's somewhere in between.
in terms of shipping, all of this can lead to some difficulties. his partner needs to understand that he isn't always going to be there. he isn't always going to be oriented to the reality they share, he is not going to remember a lot of things. something may happen or be said while he's present, or it could be happening when he isn't, and his lucid self may not remember what happened or what was said in his disoriented state, and vice versa. siebren is a very difficult man to be with, because who wants to deal with all of that? but at the same time, he very much is a loving man and cares deeply, and deserves to be loved and cared deeply for.
when it comes to intimacy, therein lies another problem. my siebren isn't asexual and very much likes sex, but with his constant disorientation and being in his mind or elsewhere, or being present, it leads to some issues. his partner needs to understand that intimacy is always going to be something initiated by siebren when he's lucid and present and oriented to what's around him. if he drifts off during sex, loses his focus and floats off elsewhere, his partner must stop, because it wouldn't be fair to siebren to keep going when his mind isn't there. again, he likes sex and will initiate but becomes confused and disoriented with little to no warning. his partner must be good at discerning this.
i would absolutely love to be able to ship with him with this mutual understanding as muns, and if it doesn't work out ic then that's chill. i just really want to explore this side of him because it's so interesting to me how a relationship and intimate dynamic would work with these sorts of issues.
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golyadkin · 9 months
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Sons Of The Labyrinth or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us
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sadmages · 9 months
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Gale stabilizing all 3 party members from death after not getting hit himself at all and then dropping this bomb while everyone's on the verge of death. So funny of him
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missusruin · 9 months
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outfit design commission for @sunniekitty
long sleeves; something kinda ghost/folklore/woodsy; something kinda gothic lolita; doesn't like shoes
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roseworth · 1 year
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ok i made it. rate my chart.
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pieofdeath · 3 months
"Hey Gorgug, Gorthalax wants to know if you're gonna run any drills today" "I think this is sort of crossing a boundary." CACKLING.
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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happy pride !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here’s some headcanons PLUS celebrating the canon ones if you’re new here I’m not telling you which is which youre just going to have to believe me on all of them
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leopardmuffinxo · 7 months
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I've attended my share of fancy balls and masquerades. A few elegant moves can turn all the right heads.
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allyheart707 · 6 months
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WOW THIS TOOK SO LONG- But it was worth it! Also, anatomy was NOT my friend during this. XD
SO here is a stack of all of the Leos (from comics, at least) that inspired me to make my own comic. They are actually stacked in the order I found them! Thank you all for creating such unique and amazing comics and being amazing! I tried to get all the Leo's color pallets accurate to the ones used in their respective comics! Cass Apocalyptic series by @somerandomdudelmao For being the comic artist that got me into tmnt in the first place. Your AU is not only the base of my love of TMNT, but also one of the biggest supports for this entire fandom- so, naturally, he is the base of this stack!
2 Arms Left by @intotheelliwoods Sweet bean Poptart is next. An absolute gem of a comic! Also... beetle saga is one of the few comics that made me bust out laughing. I loved that SO much.
Gemini by @tangledinink Your art style. Oh my gosh, I cannot get enough! And the amount of amazing comics under your belt? You amaze me.
Separated Leo AU by @dianagj-art I started reading your comic shortly after I got REALLY into TMNT and your comic has been the BIGGEST inspiration on my comic. I love your murder gremlin so much. (also yes, One is bragging that he is above Gemini)
Tentative Devotee by @s0fti3w1tch Omg omg your artstyle? SO SQUSHY. I love your Leo's design and the idea is soooo cute!
Life Mission: Save My Brothers by @daedelweiss Wow. Just wow. This comic is so well put together and professional looking it still impresses me. I was there for the premier of the trailer and I couldn't stop gushing about it all night!
Empyrean Weeping by @cupcakeslushie Ohhhh I am a sucker for angst and you DELIVERED. Your Donnie design is still one of my absolute favorites. I found your comic VERY late, but I am SO glad I did!
Kid Leo AU by @angelpuns Loved your comic so much when I found it- you draw all the turtles so adorably! I also am having so much fun in the collab meeting everyone, and I cannot thank you enough for letting me join!
And, finally, Little Subjects AU by ME! :D
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rendevok · 1 year
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twitter fluff requests! 💞
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shitouttabuck · 2 months
thank you for keeping us well fed <3
one bed prompt
“ it’s only weird if you make it weird. “
skin/heat/hair in your mouth
buck/eddie | 8.8k | rated e
And sometimes Buck hates having the knowledge of a first responder, but more often than that, he hates being in love with his best friend. Because when he gears up to say what he says next, he doesn’t know how much of it comes from a place of concern and how much, even if it’s just a fraction, comes from wanting Eddie more than anything. “Okay,” he says. “Take off your clothes.” Eddie’s shivering actually does cease for a moment, body going rigid with shock. He leans away from Buck’s embrace, as far as the sleeping bag will allow, so he can look him in the eye. “What?” Buck holds his ground. “Take off your clothes.” Eddie fishmouths at him in surprise, effect ruined a little by the shivering starting up again. “C’mon, you and I both know the best way to warm up is skin-to-skin contact,” Buck says, using the slight space between them to tug off his t-shirt. He reaches down into the sleeping bag, wriggling out of his sweats before wadding them up and tossing them to a corner of the tent.
or, eddie’s bad at camping, buck’s trying to make sure he doesn’t get hypothermia, and naked huddling for warmth is only like the third gayest thing happening in the great outdoors
read on ao3
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