#but she forgot a pillowcase and I’m petty
ri-notafan · 9 months
Yes, you may have gotten what you wanted
But that doesn’t mean you aren’t still an asshole
0 notes
itsunclebucky · 4 years
You’re Mine
Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x Reader
Requested by @rebelfleur22​ -  Okay reader (me 😂 i wish) and bucky  were dating for a long time but they broke up due to the fact that they grew apart but they still love each other, so at one of Tony's parties, bucky brings his new girlfriend to finally meet the Avengers and secretly annoy & make his ex jealous 😂 unknown to bucky his new girlfriend is a huge fan of reader (which she's also an avenger with super powers) and super nervous to meet her. So the guys are convincing the reader to be nice to her which eventually agrees even though she's still loves bucky. Can i please request one more thing 🙏🏻 i want it to be angsty with some sassy reader and if you don't mind having a smutty ending?
Warnings: Lots of angst, insults, argument, sassy reader, fluff, SMUT 18+ Oral sex (female receiving), squirting, unprotected sex, language, reconciliation. 
Word Count: 4457
A/N: Thank you so much for the request my love!!! I really hope you like it. I really can’t feel my fingers but it’s so worth it!!! There are references to One Tree Hill, the dance part was inspired by a clip from the vampire diaries and the argument was heavily inspired by an episode of Friends. Hope you enjoy :)
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Bucky saw you smile a lot more these days and it broke his heart because he couldn't remember the last time you smiled as brightly as you did. 
You and Bucky had been in a very serious long term relationship. A relationship that was full of love, passion, trust but in the end, distance. You grew apart and decided it was better to remain friends than in a distant relationship with each other. 
Bucky still loved you very much. He loved you with every fiber of his body. He would never tell you, but when he started sleeping alone in his bed at night, the nightmares would return more frequently. And he would never tell you how many mornings he spent crouched down on the shower floor crying until his chest was physically hurting. 
And it's been 5 months since the breakup. He needed someone else to fill the void that was in his chest. He needed someone to love him again. And he thought his new girl Sima would be perfect. 
She was perfect. With her beautiful long curly blonde hair, her natural eyelashes, her flawless figure. A girl who looked after her nails and spent hours at the hair salon bleaching her hair. 
There was just a small problem. Sima might have been a gorgeous woman, but she wasn't you. 
It hurt more because though you both agreed on staying friends, you rarely talked to each other. He also noticed you had stopped following him on Instagram and though that burnt a hole in his chest, he couldn't find it in him to bring it up simply because it seemed so petty. 
But truthfully, the only reason you did was because of his happy posts and selfies on him smiling, the smile you didn't see on his face for a long time. Seeing Bucky so happy and thriving without you, it killed you from the inside out.
Each day, you had to force a smile on your face just so the team wouldn't worry about how you were coping with the breakup. Everyone knew how close you and Bucky were, how in love you were. And if they paid close attention, they would see the dark circles under your eyes. You were not coping well at all. 
You missed him and you still loved him, so very much. Each morning you would find yourself curled up into a ball on the side he used to sleep, cradling his pillow in your arms. You refused to wash the pillowcase since you could still smell the scent of his apple shampoo on it.
But it was all in the past, and you knew if you cried a river it wasn't going to bring you and Bucky back together. 
You were sat on the bar stool with your fingers wrapped around your hot cup of freshly made coffee talking to Steve about Tony's upcoming extravagant party.
"Do you really think he will invite lots of people this time?" You asked, nervously biting your lip. 
Steve shrugged and looked over his newspaper. "It's Tony." You nodded in agreement. 
"Hey Steve." Bucky greeted as he walked in. His white shirt pulled tightly across his muscles. 
"Good morning Buck." Steve greeted back but eyeing the two of you suspiciously. 
"Oh Buck. Thank you for wishing me a good morning." You said with sarcasm laced in your voice, cocking an eyebrow in his direction. "I'm so miserable without you here it's almost as if you are here." 
"And thank fuck for that." He replied almost instantly with an eye roll. 
You scoffed, amused and sipped your coffee. 
"Hey Steve." Bucky started, getting his attention. "Have you ever looked at your ex and wondered if you were drunk the entire relationship?" Bucky smirked. 
"Ha ha. Well you know what they say. If you're happy, thank your ex. At least I don't have to put up your excessive grunting when you're on top of me." 
"Y/N!" Steve warned. 
"Fuck you, you crazy bitch." Bucky scowled, hurrying up with making his coffee so he could leave. 
"That's enough you two!" Steve intervened, sensing an argument about to break out soon. 
"She started it." Bucky accused. 
"She started it." You mocked, angering Bucky more. 
"You know what Y/N. I'm fucking glad we broke up. You talk about my grunting, but you know what I'm grateful for? Not having to taste your disgusting fucking pussy and having to stick my cock in it anymore." 
"Oh yeah." You chuckled, standing up to follow Bucky into the common room where the rest of the avengers were seated on the large couches in the room. "I'm grateful for not having to fake my orgasms anymore and not having your disgusting shit smelling breath in my face." You barked back. 
"Ohhhh oh oh." Sam cackled from the couch, and immediately dipped his head when Bucky glared at him. Daring him to continue what he was going to say. 
"That makes two of us you arrogant bitch and if my breath was bad, it's only because of where my mouth was moments before I was on top of you. Oh and hey. Forgot to tell you, saw something that reminded me of you today. But then I flushed it and left the bathroom." Bucky clicked his tongue as he took a seat next to Wanda. 
You kept your facade up. Not wanting your friends to see what his words do to you. And you realized he called you a bitch twice. 
You stomped towards the door and stopped to turn around a final time. Bucky's eyebrows raised waiting for your final blow. 
"And just so you know. It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy and it IS A BIG DEAL!" You yelled, walking out of the common room and heading towards your room. 
In the distance, you heard Sam laugh and mock Bucky with a "I knew it old man!" 
You should have been delighted. You kicked him whilst he was down, but you didn't feel proud. The insults you threw at each other were harsh and you knew it. And you wondered if he meant everything he said. He probably did, right? If he didn't hate you before, he surely does now. 
Bucky sat on the couch bewildered. He wondered where this sudden argument came from but he knew it was your way of coping with the hurt. Because it was what you did best, to hide your true feelings, you would become this sassy little brat and he hated it, he hated your attitude. 
He was more shell shocked by the last insult you threw at him. It happened just once, he was really tired but he wanted to have sex. It didn't matter how hard you massaged his cock through his pants, he still couldn't get hard. You had told him it didn't matter, that he just needed a good night sleep and you could try the following night. 
He never once expected you to bring it up and use it against him. It was private, and he was pissed because you had said that in front of his friends and teammates. 
Bucky ignored the snickers around him. His phone buzzed in his pant pocket and he pulled it out, his face slightly lighting up when it was a text from Sima.
Sima: I'm outside. Are you ready to go shopping with me? ❤
Bucky quickly typed a reply back. 
Bucky: hi baby. Yes, give me a few minutes.
He left the heart out. He felt weird adding emojis to Sima's texts because his heart emojis were reserved for you only. 
Bucky quickly excused himself. Taking his cup to the kitchen and going to his room to throw on a jacket and give his teeth a quick brush. He then left the compound without saying goodbye to anyone.
He needed a suit for tonight's party. Tonight would also be the night he would introduce Sima to the team, to you. He was nervous and scared. He was scared about his conflicted feelings. 
You sat in your room alone, your back against the headboard staring at the wall in front of you. 
You were honestly not looking forward to the party tonight. Natasha had told you days ago she would stop by your room to give you one of her dresses and Wanda would come along to do your makeup and curl your hair. 
It was a futile attempt to try and get out of the party since Tony had made it clear you could be excused only if you died. Meaning, he was putting a lot of money into this party and it was mandatory that every single avenger in the compound had to be there, no ifs and no buts. 
Tony wasn't even a little bit sympathetic about your breakup. You recalled him saying "at least you'll find a real man now kid." 
Bucky was more than a man though. He was your light in the darkness of days. He cuddled your body close to his when you were sad for no reason. He was never cruel towards anyone. You believed he loved you as much as you loved him. But with his cruel words replaying themselves in the back of your mind, you begin to wonder about that like many other things.
You've been called a bitch many times in your life. Witch, weirdo, freak were among the list of names people had for you. 
You once had beautiful naturally brown hair. Until you absorbed a portion of Thanos's force, and over time it turned your hair completely white. The only thing stopping you from having a breakdown down was the fact Bucky really liked your beautiful hair. He said you reminded him of Khaleesi from his favorite TV show Game of Thrones. And when you styled it. Oh my God. Bucky was a goner. 
You curled up once again on the side he used to sleep. Cuddling his pillow against your chest as tear drops escaped. You sniffled once, and then the dam broke. 
You broke out into small sobs. Your eyes screwed shut tight. 
"I miss you Bucky." You cried out into your empty room. Those words repeatedly falling from your lips. You stayed like that until there was a brisk knock at the door. You peeled open your eyes opened and you were now shrouded in complete darkness. 
What time was it? The pillow was soaking wet from your tears and mucus. But you didn't care. 
The knock sounded again and you groaned.
"Come in." You yelled. The door opened and the light was turned on. You instinctively shielded your eyes from the sudden brightness. 
"Were you asleep?" Wanda's thick accent entered your ears. 
"No I was fucking skiing." You replied sarcastically, hiding your face in his pillow. 
"With Bucky's pillow?" Natasha snipped with a smirk. "Come on girl. Get up, we gotta get dressed and get down to Tony's party. So, up, up, up!" 
You groaned but pulled yourself up nonetheless. Natasha hung a dress on the hanger that was hanging from the little knobs on your closet doors. 
"Get showered." Natasha ordered and you didn't bother to fight her. You couldn't. You were just too exhausted emotionally. 
Bucky was standing in the corner of the party with Sima on his arm talking to Steve. The elevator doors dinged open and everyone's eyes were drawn to the three women who stepped out in linked arms. 
Natasha, Wanda and you. 
You were breathtaking in your gorgeous tight white dress. Your white hair curled to halfway down your back, and your minimal makeup really worked together. You looked exactly how he imagined you would on the day he would eventually marry you. 
"Oh my God. Is that Y/N???!" Sima asked Bucky, her eyes wide. Sima was a huge fan of yours. She saw what you could do with your powers. She was there to witness what you did to Thanos before he snapped his fingers. Sima admits you, and hoped one day you would be friends. But giving the current circumstances, she knew that was never possible. 
"Yes." Bucky sighed. Then an idea popped into his mind and he smirked. "Wanna meet her?" He winked and grabbed a hold of Sima's hand as they walked through the crowd towards you. 
Your face dropped considerably when you saw Bucky. Hand in hand with another woman. You recognized her as another avenger, on a different team. Your breath hitched when you saw how Bucky looked tonight. A tight all black suit, his hair slicked back into a tight man bun with that beautiful stubble on his face. 
"Good evening Y/L/N." Bucky greeted with no emotion on his face. "This is Sima, my girlfriend." 
The blonde girl reached her hand out for you to shake but you couldn't register anything that was going on around you. 
"Oh my gosh. It's such an honor to finally meet you." She grinned so excitedly but you just stared forward. Forcing one of your fake smiles on your face. 
"Ditto." You kept your hands by your side and Bucky was annoyed by your rudeness. Sima awkwardly retracted her hand and adjusted a bobby pin in her hair to hide her embarrassment. 
"Y/N. Sima was just-" 
"Excuse me." You cut Bucky off. Marching towards Natasha and hauling her to the nearest empty room. 
"What is going on?" Natasha asked, folding her arms across her chest. 
You scoffed and paced the room. Your heels click-clacked against the stone floors. 
"I CAN NOT believe it!" Your hands flew through your curls and tugged at the ends. 
"What? What are you talking about Y/N?" Natasha pressed. 
"That WHORE STOLE MY MAN. She's out there right now. Hanging from his arm like a fucking lazy sloth. Oh God have they fucked yet?!" 
"So? Y/N. It's been 5 months. Bucky is allowed to move on and so are you. I hate to break it to you honey but he's not your man anymore." 
"I don't want anyone else to have him and I know what you're gonna say. I know I'm being selfish but… it kills me Nat. He's killing me." 
"You still love him." Natasha stated more than asked. A nod of your head confirmed what she already knew. "Then babe if you really love him-" 
"Don't tell me to let him go because that could never happen." You deadpanned. 
"I was going to say - if you really love him. Go and get him before his relationship with what's-her-face gets too serious." 
Natasha was right. But dread filled you. After the words exchanged between you and Buck earlier, there was no way on this planet he would ever feel the same way about you again. 
Right? Wrong. When you stormed off with Natasha, Bucky had excused himself to see what was going on. He stopped outside the door and listened. He heard every word. 
He couldn't believe you still loved him. And he knew if the tables were switched and it was you here with another man, he would feel exactly the same way. 
But Sima. Oh God. What was he going to do about Sima. She seemed to already understand the war he was having in his mind. About making people happy, about doing what is right. Sima knew he loved you still, when they were together he would talk about you a lot and he wouldn't even realize. To save him the hurt, Sima walked up to him and hugged him tightly. 
"It's okay Bucky. Go get her. I just hope we can stay friends." She said in his ear and he hugged her tighter. 
"I'm sorry." 
"Hey, hey." Sima cupped his stubbed face and smiled. "You love her and you were right for each other." Bucky nodded with a small smile. They embraced for the last night and Sima decided to leave the party. 
Now all Bucky had to do was wait for you to come out from the room. And once you did, you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as you walked back into the party. Only to be grabbed to your wrist and your body colliding with someone. 
“Buck-let me go.” You scoffed, trying to break free. 
“Come on doll. Just one dance.” He smirked down at you. His hands holding onto your waist as you danced together. His cologne was intoxicating, but it was your favorite. “How are you?”
You scoffed once again and rolled your eyes. “Where is Sima?”
“Broke up amicably.” 
“Why?” Your brows furrowed. They seemed very happy together at the beginning of the party.
“That’s none of your business doll.” 
“Oh come on Buck. Don’t be an asshole. I’m not in the mood.”
“What are you in the mood for, pretty lady?” He flirted and you were confused. Where the hell was all of this coming from? Thor wasn’t at the party so it wasn’t the mead that was making him talk like this. 
Could be his hard dick that you found yourself brushing up against accidentally as you were dancing. 
“Hmm, let’s see. Sleeping naked on top of the covers.” You decided two could play this game. 
“That was my favorite.” He twirled you around and pulled you back against his chest and grounded his erected clothed cock into your ass. A gasp fell from your lips as you grinded slightly into him. 
“God, you’re so hard.” 
“Mmmm. And I’m bettin’ you’re soaking wet.” 
Your back hit the mattress with a loud grunt as Bucky hungrily crawled on top of you. Nibbling the sensitive skin on your pulse point and pulling your dress from your shoulders. 
Bucky traced his soft lips from your neck to your jawline and down your throat. Nipping and biting the skin before continuing his path down between the valley of your breasts. 
He took a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the erected bud and sucking it between his lips. His touch sent electrifying bolts through your body and your arousal was pooling in your panties.
You missed his touch. His lips on yours. It’s been 5 months since you’ve felt him and though you wished you could take your time with him, you were just far too horny for the slow and sensual sex. 
“Bucky please.” You begged, pushing his head further down your body. Bucky chuckled against your skin as his fingers hooked on your dress and pulled it down as he ventured more south. 
“Please what, doll?” He teased, kissing above your navel area before sinking down on the floor and pulling your dress completely off. Leaving you in just your white laced panties. 
“Don’t be a cocky fuckin’ bastard. I haven’t had sex in months and I need you.” You huffed impatiently. He was still chuckling against your skin and you were close to telling him to forget it. 
And you would have if it wasn’t for him pulling your panties down finally and growling at the evident arousal seeping through your lips.
“Jesus Christ baby. Got my mouth waterin’ here.” His large hands opened you up before him, his thumbs opened your lips as he ran his tongue from your warm soft clit down to your seeping entrance. The beautiful feeling of his warm delicious tongue caused you to clench around nothing. And Bucky absolutely loved watching your desperate hole contract.
His lips enclosed around your clit. His tongue swirling around the bundle. Your back arched off the bed and your heels dug into his shoulder blades as he ate you out like a starving man. 
The sinful sounds of your wetness against his mouth and his groaning were pornographic and you thrived off of it. You were so horny that it didn’t take you too long to reach the peak. And when you were close, you were a squirming mess trying to writher out of his strong grip. 
“BUCK!” You screamed loudly, your hands locked in his hair as your hips went flush against his mouth. He licked your clit with the pressure you liked. Driving you absolutely insane with need. A final lick and you were gone. Your hips jerked forward when he continued to lick from the intense orgasm and he drank every single drop that oozed out from your entrance. He watched it with great interest as it ran down between your butt cheeks to your puckered hole. 
Bucky groaned in delight as he pulled away from you. Looking down through your hooded eyes, your arousal soaked his stubble and cheek. You didn’t even realize you had squirted. You were embarrassed, but Bucky seemed to love it.
“You’re too dressed Buck.” You smirked and kept your legs opened.
“That I am.”
You sat up on your forearms and watched him undress himself. Throwing his clothes in all corners of the room. He climbed up on the bed and kneeled between your opened legs. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he walked on his knees to the top of the bed and laid you down on the pillow you used to sleep on. 
Bucky hooked your legs with his forearms and leaned forward. He teased your waiting cunt with the tip of his cock. 
“Doll, I don’t think you’ve ever been this wet before.” Bucky moaned as he watched his cock gather up your juices. 
“It’s been months for me Buck.” You closed your eyes and whimpered each time his tip skimmed over your tingling clit. “Please fuck me Buck.”
Something in him changed. His eyes turned from blue to a dark brown/black. His engorged tip prodded against your entrance and then he slid home. Both of you moaning at the familiarity of him filling you up. His pubic bone bumped against your clit, causing your cunt to clench around him. 
“Doll. I won’t last if you keep doin’ that.” He warned through gritted teeth. You loved how he was losing control already. And to be honest, so were you. 
Your insides were tingling as your walls hugged his hot cock tightly. It was almost like a welcome home hug, we’ve missed you. 
“Good. I don’t want you to make love to me Buck. I want you to fuck me! Hard and fast. Don’t be a fuckin’ pussy and just do it!” Your arms curled around his shoulders and he growled as he sat back and perched your legs on top of his shoulders. 
“You and your fuckin’ attitude. You want it hard and fast? You fuckin’ got it.” And with that, he snapped his hips into you with a fast and brutal pace. His balls playing ping-pong against the skin of your ass and the position you were in meant he easily grazed your fucking G-spot perfectly. So perfectly that your cunt was permanently clenched around him. Your thick white slick gathered on his pubic bone. He rocked the bed harshly, the brass headboard knocking against the wall behind you and the mattress squeaking under your weight. 
“Yes Buck! Come on baby just like that! Don’t stop.” You begged. Your skin covered in a sheen of sweat as you felt the tension rising in your tummy. “Fuck yes Buck. I’m so fucking close. Please don’t stop. Harder!” 
And harder he went. The consistent rhythmic knocking of the headboard and skin on skin rang in your ears. Bucky angled his hips slightly and that was it. That was where your spot was and he hit it. Every. Single. Thrust. 
“OH MY GODDDDD!!!” You screamed so loud that your voice cracked painfully. Tears spilled from the corner of your eyes as your hands massaged your breasts and pinched your nipples. “I’M CUMMING!” You announced. Not that it was necessary. Bucky could feel you were close and he went faster. A few more final hard thrusts and you were coming undone all over his cock. Your juices sprayed over his tummy and he moaned so fucking loudly you could have cummed again just from the erotic sound. Bucky was right behind you, spilling his hot cum deep in your tummy. You were both spent, looking at each other with love in your eyes and no signs of regret. Reluctantly, Bucky pulled out and you winced at the loss of contact. He walked in the bathroom and you heard the water running. A few moments later, he reappeared. His half-hard cock bobbing with every move he made. 
“I’m running a bath for us.” He said sweetly, placing a kiss to your forehead. You smiled and reached your hand out to stroke his cheek. 
“I’ve missed you.” You said truthfully. “I cried every night for you.”
“Oh doll. I’ve missed you too. And I’m never fuckin’ lettin’ you go again either.”
“I hope not.”
“You’re mine.” He dominantly said and you chuckled a little. “Don’t ruin the moment.” He warned and you chuckled again.
“Yes Sergeant.” You went to sit up and hiss. The ache in your groin was starting to catch up to you now. “Okay maybe you were too hard.”
Now it was Bucky’s turn to laugh. “I’m always hard doll.” 
You rolled your eyes. “I meant the sex.” 
“Well, you were yelling at me to fuck you hard and fast.” He shrugged.
“Just… take me to the bath please.” You playfully hit his shoulder. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“Buck?” You mumbled into his neck as he carried you to the bathroom bridal style. Bucky hummed in response and you continued. “We’re back together, right?” 
Bucky sat you in the tub. The temperature of the water was just perfect and it immediately helped your aching muscles. Bucky climbed in behind you. His legs raised and he pulled you back in between them. Your back rested against his chest as he gathered bubbles on your tummy. 
“Maybe you didn’t hear me clearly Y/N. I said you were mine and I’m not letting you go again. So yes, we’re back together.”
Tags: @criminal-cookies​ @jobean12-blog​ @marvelgirl7​
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thistherapylife · 6 years
Day in the Life
5:46am Cat (the bastard) jumps on head. Cat’s gotten poop on his butt and has decided to share.
5:50 Cat  gets his butt wiped and haircut in the bathroom and screams like I’m murdering him. I don’t care
6:01 The pillowcase gets throw into laundry and everyone but me is kicked out the bedroom
6:11-8:05 back to sleep
8:05-8:11 Make coffee
8:12-8:14 Attempt to have coffee on the garden porch. Bastard runs down the stairs into the garden like the lumox he is. Queen follows the rules while I chase bastard.
8:15 Everyone is inside and bastard is now wet. And unhappy
8:16 Find a ripe strawberry when I go back out to get my coffee from the garden so bonus.
8:17 text love who is out of town this week to remind them that the CATS ARE THE WORST BEASTS
8:20-30 Drink coffee and pet the queen.
8:30-8:44 Remember I was supposed to be doing this, remember how to use google docs, type this up.
8:45-9:07 Fuck around the Internet and continue to drink my second cup. Decide I have to start getting ready and also decide to have my clinical director change my assessment day cause I’m not into it on Mondays.
9:07-08  Think “oh crap today is going to be rough”
9:08-9:38 Do all the morning stuff - get dressed, makeup etc.
9:38-9:40 Panic at how late it is and remember fondly when I hated makeup
940-948: Continuing on the panic theme - shove everything I need in my bag, dump bag off the counter, curse loudly at all the gods, shove it all back in, take meds, throw lunch (i have the best partner who prepped this for me before we left for the weekend) in a bag and get to the car.
9:49-10 realize that I forgot breakfast totally, left a full la croix on the table? Counter? Pray it’s on the counter and the dumbass cats don’t knock it over onto my work laptop that’s on the table if it’s not, while I drive to work like a bat out of hell.
10:00-10:02 become irate that someone has used to handicap parking without a permit again. Urge to kill rising. Find parking.
10:03-10:05 see my assessment in the lobby, say hello, fridge my lunch, consume a string cheese at an unnatural rate of speed while setting up the video translator.
10:06-11:29 Do the assessment. Realize assessment could have been prevented if current therapist had simply sent their most recent assessment. Briefly contemplated strangling current therapist. Perform assessment.
11:29-11:40 all the paperwork and releases with assessment.
11:40-12 pm 10 minutes late for meeting with clinical director. Discuss caseload. Change assessment time because this 10am on Mondays are bullshit of the highest grade. Discuss a weird/uncomfortable issue with boundary testing in order to figure out what to do next (refer out? Change therapists?)
12:00-12:32: Chat with our internal review team about returning client’s annual or initial assessment (get an answer). Eat lunch (Korean short ribs, rice and bok choy) + Diet Coke + La Croix. Listen to audiobooks (Noir by Christopher Moore and part of Foxglove Summer)
12.32-12-35 get very tired and be mad that I didn’t get to gym today.
12:35-12:37 think very hard about how hard the rest of today will be and text my best friend that I obviously should not be allowed to plan my own schedule because I’m obviously incompetent. She tells me to be nice but also agrees its too much
12:38-12:45 talk with DBT lead re today’s assessment
12:45-12:53 move car to lot, sit in car trying to warm up enough to function. My body temp always plummets when I eat.
12:53-12:55 get locked out of my office, become frustrated and have to find the office manager to let me back in.
12:55-1 listen to voicemails, fill in notes from earlier
1-1:42 When 1 o’clock doesn’t show - do clinic review w an outside agency since I can squeeze it in because they need the helpbut HONEST TO GOD in retrospect I needed this time to do charting.
1:42-2:00 collatéral with the assessment’s primary therapist and make a plan.
2:00-2:10 know I’m missing a client somewhere on my case list. Rewrite case list to review -removing cts and adding new ones.
2:10pm-3:20 Before I figure out who that is my 2 o’clock arrives. 
3:20-330 type this up, listen to audiobook, take aspirin and decide that sadly I don’t have time to make tea but I have time to use the restroom (bathroom break AND lunch? Killing it). Leave message for 1 oclock’s worker re no show while walking to get my ct
3:34-4:50 See ct. Also intense. 
5:00-6:01 See ct. 6 o’clock ct hasn’t arrived.
6:01-6:09pm: commiserate with officemate at how bonkers today has been while packing up. Realize that if ct doesn’t show I’ll have to send the closing letter cause this is way beyond generous.
6:09-20: Talk to a WRAP facilitator while we get ready to leave. Ct doesn’t show, we leave together.
6:30pm Went to the grocery store to attempt to eat more than just cereal while partner is out town. Am very tired. Get anxious about how much needs to get done.
7:09pm checkout lane. Every lane has a huge ass line. Lady attempts to cut and then rams me with her cart “on accident.” Text friend to not yell at lady. Notice friends in next lane. Get revenge by chatting with them and taking a long time to put stuff on the counter (other lanes are now basically empty). Enjoy seeing friends and my pettiness.
7:28pm leave drive home.
7:30-7:54 unpack groceries, feed evil beasts, text with bestie number 2, feel exhausted.
7:54-8:16 Eat dinner ish. Will make real food tomorrow but fuckkkkk it today. 
8:16pm to 8:48pm Bath and audiobooks. Too tired to enjoy but at least clean and didn’t have to stand
8:50: sleep/pain meds, finish this up, watch the new “Try Channel” (the folks from FACTS) video. 
It’s 9:18 and I have SO MANY THINGS on my to do list that just aren’t getting done. I’ll maybe try to dump all the things I have to do on paper. My best bet is early to bed and up early but I’m the worst at that. Still I’m going to try and sleep. I’ll update if I’m up at 2am still. Oh and talk to my person then go to bed.
Edited to add that the La Croix WAS on the counter and my work laptop was safe. I’ve watch the YouTubes and am going to bed now. Sleep well y’all! Hope you like this!
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cas-backwards-tie · 7 years
We SO Won
Request: Christmas light competitions neighbors usually have, but for Halloween decorations. Since the whole Batfam is quite competitive, they can have like a Halloween decor competition kind of thing. something cute and funny like that lol
Warnings: Very Competitive Behavior, No one messes with Alfred
Author’s Note: @vermelian , I hope you also like this one! I absolutely LOVE those Christmas lights competitions, and we’re actually doing the Halloween one with our neighbors right now! 
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“Alfred, what is that?” Damian questions his grandfather-figure as they drive down the road to their manor.
“It seems they’ve set up some Halloween decorations.” Alfred points out as they pass by, Damian scoffing at the ridiculousness of it.
“There’s no need for such decorations. Everyone already knows that it’s Halloween.” Damian sits back in his seat and looks at the decorations as a sign that their neighbors are suspicious... always too cheery and nice... too light-hearted and friendly... they always go all out- obviously they’re petty.
“Did you guys see the neighbors yard? Dude, they’re IN-SANE” Tim says before taking a bite of the chicken on his fork.
“Uh, yeah- that’s practically the only road to come home Drake... Pretty sure we all saw it.” Damian says with a shameful eye towards Tim.
“That’s true, but it made me think... I mean, I know we never really celebrate Halloween and all. But really? We could do better.” Dick comments, trying to dissolve the growing tension and bound-to-happen argument that would later involve the two youngest.
“Dick, no.” Bruce warns as he gives Dick a cautious look, knowing what’s bound to happen if he doesn’t shut this down.
“But we definitely could. I mean, honestly- they have some stuff, but they’re missing a few key Halloween elements.” Jason starts to ponder the idea aloud.
“Yeah, they didn’t even have zombies or any graves or ANYTHING! Just pumpkins, ghosts and some lights and fog.”
“Tim, boys, no. We don’t have time to sit around this Halloween and hand out candy.” Bruce comments, knowing fully-well that they’d be able to out-do their neighbors, but the effort would take too much time away which was needed in the Batcave.
“Yeah, but- I mean, Bruce, come on.... we all know that all the kids come here because we have the best candy but what are we saying to the kids if we can’t even bother to put up some decorations and let alone practically scream that our neighbors are better?” Jason taunts Bruce, knowing full well how competitive he can be. Bruce loves to put on a show, and if a show is what they want- then a show is what they’ll get.
“We are screaming that our neighbors are better. We don’t even have any pumpkins out there.” Dick adds gasoline to the growing fire and knows he’s about to cave.
“I know what you’re trying to do” Bruce counters, not daring to look up at the boys, knowing he’ll cave.
“Fine... Fine!” Dick backs off, eyeing Damian to take over.
“I just wonder what the press will say if even Father can’t show some Halloween spirit for the kids of Gotham?” Damian says with a smirk. He still thinks the idea of decorating is lame and pointless, but the idea of showing-up his neighbors brings a competitive light to his heart.
Bruce eyes Damian for a second, only to see the small smirk and remember everything that he’s been through and hasn’t gotten the chance to experience. Halloween was one of them. Shit, he thought to himself knowing full well what was going to happen. Bruce grips his fork tightly in his hand before smashing his fist against the table a little in a sign of annoyance, “Fine!” Bruce sighs. Secretly though, Bruce is excited for this and can’t wait to actually see the happy smiles on the kids face’s that he’s imagining. “But make sure it doesn’t interfere with your work.” Last comment before going back to eating. Everyone knows, this is the end of the discussion- for now.
*3 Days Until Halloween*
“Okay- put the bats in that tree- no, Tim- what are you? Ugh.... Huh? Okay, yeah! That looks good Damian! Dick? What do you want?” Jason’s directing people around, trying to make this yard look frickin’ scary as hell. Well, maybe not scary as hell because then the kids wouldn’t come, but... definitely spooky for sure.
“What’s all this?” Bruce raises a brow as he approaches, having just gotten home from work.
“Uh, Halloween decorations- duh,” Damian comments before hefting a rather large pumpkin onto the steps leading up to the manor.
“Hmph. I thought you guys forgot about that.” Bruce comments as he admires the work that everyone’s done without him so far.
“Uh, yeah, no. But we had to wait until closer to Halloween because if the neighbors saw everything right away then they’d try to one-up us, and we can’t really go out and get more stuff before Halloween then.” Jason explains as he plugs the cord from one of the pop-up zombie graves to an extension cord.
“Ah, okay. That makes sense. Do you need my help?”
“Mmmm... Do you think you could help Alfred put up the lights on the house?” Jason looks up for Bruce’s answer before Bruce’s eyebrows furrow.
“You let Alfred put the lights on the roof?! Jason!” Bruce starts to yell before another yell comes from the side of the house, catching everyone’s attention.
“I’m alright Master Bruce! I’m fine!” Alfred yells as he continues to shimmy down the roof, attaching the string of lights every few feet away from the last attachment.
“Alfred insisted on that job... and... I wasn’t about to say ‘no’ to Alfred.” Jason admits quietly to Bruce before Bruce makes a pouty frown, nodding his head, silently saying, ‘okay... okay. I get that’.
“I can go help him.” Bruce affirms before walking over to the ladder where Alfred was.
*Halloween Night*
Luckily for Bruce and the whole family, Halloween and trick-or-treating usually started around 6:30 or 7 for the kids. This meant that Bruce and everyone would at least get to see a few kids come to their house before having to leave. It was exciting but also sucked that Halloween was the best and worst night for being a vigilante, well, and if you were a villain too.
The doorbell rung and Bruce went to answer, Damian beat him to the door.
“Trick or Treat!” the kids yelled, holding their various baskets out to Damian.
“Uh....” Damian looks confused. He obviously knows of trick-or-treating and was forced to go one year, insisting to never go again because ‘I already wear a costume almost every night’ and ‘we could just buy candy at the store?’ Damian however didn’t know where the candy was.
The kid’s faces brightened as Bruce came up behind Damian with the massive bowl of candy. Everyone loved Wayne Manor on Halloween because they always had full-sized candy bars instead of the little mini-sized ones. Well, they also had candy to begin with. The poorer parts of Gotham didn’t even celebrate or do candy, if anything- you might get a penny or maybe a match? It was really like gambling.
“And who are you supposed to be?” Bruce asked one little girl who was obviously dressed as ketchup, her brother as mustard, but he still wanted to ask.
“I’m ketchup” the girl said shyly, probably intimidated by Bruce’s height at the most.
“And I’m mustard!” the boy said proudly as he put his hands on his hips.
a few minutes later the same process began. Damian snuck up behind Bruce this time, just curious to see the kids costumes, not necessarily handing out candy.
“Robin!” the girl squealed as her mouth hung open at the amount of candy Bruce had put in her pillowcase.
“That’s a really cool costume” Damian told the girl, making her blush.
“Thank you,” she said shyly before turning around and reaching out to take her Mom’s hand. “Yes, thank you” the Mom added before giving a small wave and walking away with her happily bouncing daughter.
Throughout the few hours they handed out candy all the boys saw at least ONE if not more of their alter-egos as children. Even some teenagers. It was funny because on past Halloweens the boys would see random teenagers and adults dressed as them, trying to fight actual criminals.
Actually, it wasn’t funny- it always caused more of a problem for them, but it was also kind of funny. Considering most of the people really weren’t skilled or trained at all.
The worst part of Halloween was when you’d get a kid or two coming to the door as either Joker or maybe you’d get a Riddler or Scarecrow here and there. People just loved to dress their kids up as the villains because, well, who knew why? It baffled them and of course they all judged the people for it silently, but kept their smiles on. Maybe ask a question about it here and there, but overall, they had to be polite about it.
Eventually Bruce realized that they should’ve left for patrol a few hours ago and scrambled, handing Alfred the candy bowl and told everyone to hurry up. Now it was their time to dress up and trick-or-treat with bad guys. Alfred was just glad that at least the bunch got a time to be together a a family and not have to worry about the various scum roaming around and causing havoc. Alfred loved when they could just sit back, relax and not worry. The competition completely forgotten about.
Now it was Alfred’s turn to see all the costumes for tonight.
*Next Morning, Or, Really, Afternoon*
Around 2pm everyone eventually got up and headed downstairs for breakfast. Breakfast was silent, as everyone had pretty much had their butts handed to them last night. Injuries were sparing but the night was exhausting. Fight after fight, plan after plan, scheme after scheme.
No one bothered to talk, as the nightmares of the previous night tried to fade away.
“We SO won...” Dick mumbled from his cereal.
“What?” Tim asked, looking up from his oatmeal- eyes heavy and red-rimmed.
“Our yard... the competition...” nothing seemed to register for the bunch as they stopped eating, and were listening to the conversation going on, but too tired to comment on anything. “our neighbors? Our house definitely won.”
“OH YEAH!” Damian yelled, now remembering yesterday evening before all the chaos, “we definitely won.”
“No question about it,” Bruce and Jason said at the same time, causing everyone to laugh a little.
“I’d agree” Alfred said from the opposite head of the table.
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