#but then suggested another movie
lesbianshepard · 1 year
please tell me you got through to that redditor i need a follow up
sorry to disappoint. there's only so much i could tolerate going in circles with me going "that's not a normal way to feel" and them going "you're only saying that because you're a degenerate" before i went "hey, I'm not going to do this anymore. You've got issues, and you're clearly an unhappy person who won't confront that. Stop telling people to kill themselves online and try therapy, or at least get a healthy hobby." and he stopped replying.
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i wanted to put Wally in my Barbie movie fit <3 he's gonna go watch it with his bestie
it backfired <3 poor thing's in a crisis
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my-hi-universe · 1 year
Hate to add fuel to the fire here
But I need to give my two cents.
Everyone is talking about it and I know when you scroll through the punkflower tags you don’t wanna see people ranting and neither do I, but I’m a hypocrite and I will continue to be one, so let's get to it.
We all know that the Punkflower hate is forced, like there is actually no way you woke up and decided to hate this ship. Nobody is hurting you stop whining.
I know people have already discussed Hobie’s age and all so I won’t touch on that too much but isn’t soo funny that people bring it up once the ship gained popularity? Especially considering grown ass adults really only want to know his age so they can sexualizing Hobie, like who are you trying to fool? And don’t even get me started about Chaipunk.
(hate to drag you guys in here, but If we’re going down, then we all are)
I haven’t seen one word about how people ship Chaipunk like at all. It arguably has more art of it on twitter and again, not one word, which fine, nothing is wrong with the ship but nothing is wrong with Punkflower either. You cannot be serious. If you wanna talk about Punkflower then let’s talk about Chaipunk too. 
There really is no other explanation other than the fact that people don’t wanna see two black boys happy and enjoy life like honestly.
None of that was legible, but I hope you understood at least half of what I was saying even if none of it added to this already horrible discussion.
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Movies made around the 2010s to 2016 or so have a level of entertainment that cannot be replicated.
They don’t even have to be good (cough cough twilight cough cough) to be entertaining their just really addictive.
The hunger games movies, the hobbit trilogy, the twilight saga, the hangover movies, the Harry Potter movies, the maze runner movies.
This might be because a lot of them are based on books but still, I think it’s also because the scripts are really well developed, even if the writing is bad.
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literalnobody · 1 year
The frustration of KNOWING there is media out there with the very specific tone you want to write into your own stories and wanting to consume that media for inspiration/immersion/the joy of experiencing art on the same wavelength as your own but not being able to FIND it
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This is literally just their vibes lmao
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yoimix · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭 | 𝐜𝐲𝐧𝐨
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series: yoimix christmas event !! (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)
pairing: cyno x reader
synopsis: sore losers don’t get to play the game anymore. cyno knows this and yet, he can’t help but sulk in your winning glow—it’s always christmas with you around, isn’t it?
prompt: holiday game night + summer christmas
genre: fluff, boyfriend au
wc: 1.4k
warnings: language, suggestive, cyno is so lovesick
a/n: miss steph @aequariem​ im so sorry for delaying this 😩 i hope you had the best holiday season and may you be blessed with more victories (and the short sulky man) in tcg soon 💞
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There are few moments in his life where Cyno really questions his decision-making.
When he goes a little too easy on the salt during cooking, or when he gives into your puppy eyes for takeout every Tuesday—if he thinks about it deeply, you’re almost always the root cause. As much as it pains him, you’re all the more endearing that way with your habits and demands. However, whatever misjudgement he carries out doesn’t extend to this. It’s not like him to fail when he’s playing Genius Invokation TCG. You. When did you get so much better at it?
“I win!” 
You clap your hands gleefully, beaten him at yet another match at the small Christmas party hosted by Nilou. He’s too straightlaced to win at bluff, and you’re too hotheaded to play poker. So, the two of you have taken to another sort of card game. Of course, with your cheerful yelling and his miserable expression, you made the game look a bit too exciting.
“So what’s my prize?” You tease, grinning ear to ear. That look only means trouble and Cyno is unprepared.
“I won’t ask for much—don’t look so glum.” You pout, before leaning in to whisper, “A kiss maybe? You haven’t kissed me all day.”
It’s too warm for him to be feeling this way. Yes, he’s dating you; and yes, you flutter his heart as though ripples on a pool. It’s effortless, and his breathing gets uneasy when left five minutes alone with you.
“Ugh.” Alhaitham scrunches up his face, earning a glare from the General Mahamatra himself.
Dehya elbows him immediately, shushing him. “They’re having a moment!”
“Well, they’re having too many moments for one night,” Alhaitham grumbles.
Kaveh stifles a laugh. “Just admit you’re lonely and miserable.”
“At least I’m not lonely and homeless.”
“Hey, now—”
The mirth of your laughter fills the warm Christmas air—after all, it never gets too cold in Sumeru. If Cyno is being honest, you’re the one who makes it feel like Christmas with your explosive joy and sparkling curiosity for all things wondrous. He stays up for hours by your side as you name the stars in the winter skies, joy unbound—he’s always wondered how you keep the flame in you alive. He’s drawn like a moth to it.
(“Acually, moths are drawn to bright light because it confuses their navigational system, so that’s a bit of rude comparison, isn’t it?” was your response to the phrase. 
To be very honest, you do confuse his navigational system sometimes.)
“Alright, anyone else who thinks they can beat me?” You flex your bicep in an exaggerated gesture.
“Do we get a kiss too?” Kaveh asks, and is promptly hit in the face by a pillow. The General Mahamatra’s right arm never misses.
“That was a joke! A joke!” Kaveh covers his nose, tears in his eyes. A pillow shouldn’t hurt so much. “Nilou, do you use bricks for the stuffing?”
“Yes, it keeps my back straight for my performances!” Nilou smiles innocently.
Kaveh is rendered speechless while the others hold back laughter.
“That was a joke, Kaveh,” she giggles, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.
“I hate all of you.”
Cyno loves your laughter. It reminds him of holidays and sweet caramel pie kisses. The bells ringing in his ears stop abruptly as he reminds himself of his consecutive defeats. Oh, the shame. But Christmas Eve is no time to sulk. He bites his lower lip to keep from pouting like a schoolboy. General Mahamatra, reduced to a lovesick puppy at your hands. That should be the greater shame.
But is it really his fault when it’s you, with joy blooming at your fingertips?
“Well, if no one’s got enough balls to challenge me,” you announce, looping your arms under Cyno’s hoodie and around his waist. “I will be cuddling my boyfriend and being disgustingly romantic.”
Now, this puts Cyno in a predicament. He wants to play more with you, but for heaven’s sake, he can’t have your arms anywhere but around him. He clenches his jaw, a bit of a sulk brushed over his face.
You, on the other hand, try your hardest to suppress your smug smile. When it comes to flustering your dear, straightforward boyfriend, you’ve got a few cards up your sleeve. You’re not saying you cheated—of course not. But the visible conflict on his face is worth every dime of luck you were graced with for these games. 
As Kaveh likes to say, you’re menace to society. But really, you’re only a menace to Cyno.
“You’re warm,” you mumble, snuggling closer.
“Must be uncomfortable in the heat,” he hums a response. His fingers run through your hair in a rhythm akin to clockwork.
“Not at all.”
Cyno is used to being perplexed by you all the time. You never make sense. A few minutes pass by, as the two of you enjoy people watching (Kaveh is swearing at Alhaitham; Dehya only makes it worse). It’s your favorite activity, but your friends’ antics make it a sport.
“My arm is falling asleep.” Cyno grunts, trying to sit up straighter.
You click your tongue. “Shh. Let it sleep.”
“(Name), if only you weren’t leaning your whole body weight on only my left forearm.”
“Oh, do you want to be on top instead?”
Remind Cyno why he’s wearing the hoodie again? The heat rushing through his skin makes it hard to breathe for a second or two, as he tugs at his collar. You stitched two sunflowers onto it—and the one with devil horns is supposed to represent him. That cannot be right.
“Don’t- don’t say that out loud, (name).” He clears his throat. “Everyone might get the wrong idea.”
You make your mouth in an ‘o’ shape, lowering your voice. “Shall I say it in private then? When we’re—”
You might be the only one in Sumeru that can cause a severe coughing fit within the General Mahamatra. He’s dating the number one threat to his life. No assassin could come close.
A snort follows from a distance beside you, making you turn. Nilou sticks her tongue out as though at fault. “Whoops. Did not need to overhear that. I’ll go slice the tension between Kaveh and Alhaitham. The one between you two is…”
Nilou makes a pained expression, still managing to offer a thumbs up.
“...beyond my capabilities.”
You stick your tongue back out at her. “You’re the one who set up our first date!”
“And I’m so happy for you guys but you make me want to take a bath with an electro slime.” With one last sweet smile, she vanishes to the other side of the room. It’s true that your roommate is the one who introduced you. Nilou’s intuition is as sharp as ever. You’d thank her more if she didn’t sob every time you talk about Cyno because you’re ‘simply too cute’.
Cyno turns to you with a puzzled expression. “What does that mean?”
“What does what mean?”
“An electro slime bath. That must be uncomfortable.”
You blink. Taking a deep breath, you face him.
“So she means… It’s because we’re too coupley- and- uh, she’s not doing cute coupley stuff so- uh- she’s joking that she’d rather get electrocuted.”
Yeah, there’s no way you’re explaining this one.
“Oh, no wonder she left lightning fast.”
“Oh god.”
“See, it’s because Nilou referenced an electro slime and lightning is—”
And in flash, you pull him down by the collar before he can complete, your lips on his. You thought Cyno wasn’t too fond of sweets, and yet, you taste salted caramel. For you isn’t a valid answer. It’s conceited but part of you wants to entertain the idea of it. After all, you did learn to play his favorite game, to cook with him in sync, and to share kisses where he likes them—all for him. Love is two-way rope, and both of you tug too hard.
“Do you wanna take this up to the bedroom?” You tease, pulling away.
“Sure,” he says, tucking your hair behind your ears. “What’s up there?”
“Oh, by the way, do you have protection?”
Cyno straightens, furrowing his brows. “Why? What the fuck’s up there?”
That’s it. You can no longer hold back your laughter. You swear your boyfriend is funnier when he’s not trying.
“Stop laughing, (name).” Cyno crosses his arms, a look close to offense flashing across his eyes. “I don’t have my staff. Is there something bothering you?”
You can only laugh harder, trying your best to form a coherent response with tears in your eyes. Only Cyno can make you laugh this hard, much to the abject horror of everyone else in Sumeru. In a way, they’re grateful you’re their shield against his forsaken jokes. 
You roll your eyes. “Yes, Cyno. There’s a lot of stuff up there that’s oh so scary. Like my dil—”
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cantsayidont · 8 months
Another dilemma with centering stories around the idea of Superman-as-immigrant is that while Superman is certainly an immigrant, and there is a substantial body of older Superman stories (mostly from 1958–1986) that present his homeworld and its culture as generally noble (and frequently Jewish-coded), it has become very common since the 1986 reboot for Superman media to treat Kryptonian culture as either decadent and corrupt (as in most of the post-Crisis comics) or actively invasive and evil (as in MAN OF STEEL or MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN).
In these stories, Superman has avoided this decadence or evil mostly by virtue of having been raised by white Americans in Kansas, and his nobility lies in his express rejection of his evil/corrupt heritage in favor of (white) American culture. These are intrinsically anti-immigrant narratives (and sometimes antisemitic as well), regardless of how much feel-good gloss the story may attempt to apply to it.
The first season of the current SUPERMAN AND LOIS TV show, for instance, plays out an alarmingly literal "Great Replacement" plot in which Superman's half-brother Tal-Rho attempts to carry out a genocidal scheme devised by Superman's eugenicist mother to resurrect Kryptonians in the bodies of living humans, while MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN presents Kryptonians as brutal invaders who have attempted to militarily conquer the Earth more than once. Neither of these series departs from the general details of Superman's origin, but they assert unequivocally that Superman being an immigrant from Krypton is of moral value only because it gives him super-powers that enable him to defend the American Way from others of his kind, and to uphold white culture in ways other Kryptonians do not or would not.
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sunnybearvampire · 1 year
i love enola holmes because the main ship is "a girl that was raised to be independent so it's hard for her to ask for help and she takes a while to be okay with her developing romantic feelings" and "a boy who's first thought upon meeting a cool girl that threw him off a train was to stick by her and who was ready to commit to a relationship on day three of acquaintance"
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tinyfantasminha · 11 months
I'm so happy the puss in boots AU has made so much success! I worked hard on it 🥺🥺💗💗 I definitely want to draw more of Death!Jack I read y'alls thirsty tags so I'm open to suggestions on which scene I should do next 🙏
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lulu2992 · 7 months
Hi lulu, so i was wondering if have you played Far cry new dawn in French, does roger talk in another idiom?
In spanish he stills talk in french
Hi! Yes, I played New Dawn in French and Roger has the same Québécois accent he has in English. It even seems he’s played by the same actor, Vincent Leclerc, whose name appears among the other French voice talents in the credits.
As for some of the (Canadian) French words he uses, such as “osti”, “tabarnak”, or “caulisse”, they’re typical slang/swear words from Québec that we don’t use in France, so they kept them in the French version and they sound as funny and exotic as they do in English.
It’s rare that Far Cry characters who speak with a non-American accent end up also having an accent in the French version of the game, but Roger thankfully kept his!
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rainbluealoekitten · 7 months
wish my friends would stop acting as if there is still hope. i cannot let myself imagine that please
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the-force-awakens · 4 months
Okay, so the first poll finally ran out, so I'm once again asking y'all to vote again because I missed some material the first time that I wanna include this time around. I did exclude some titles from this, yes. Why is Resistance Reborn not on here? Because I already know it's popular. I also chose not to include Allegiance because...Poe's hardly in it. I waffled on including the choose your own adventure but because of the nature of that novel being essentially up to the reader, I decided not to include it. Also the movies/see results won the last poll, so this is for science I wanna know what it'd look like without that as an option.
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cadaver-moss · 8 months
Uuuggghhh I really wanna make Enojadita posts but
A. The scenes in her backstory I wanna draw most are above my skill level / not easily portrayable
B. I feel like the Unicorn Wars fandom as a whole is starting to hibernate (pun intended)
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marsixm · 2 months
watching a vid of someone trying to navigate their cybertruck forcing them to suddenly slow down in the middle of traffic, trying to read very small text on a large dark mode computer screen, and saying 'i dont even know how to turn on the blinkers' gave me so much psychic damage
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doryprevins · 2 months
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the true sign of loving romcoms is getting mad at the thought of there ever being any more of them i guess. also assuming that everyone else is some disgusting hornbag who should go jerk off because they will never understand media the way you do
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