#but theres a reason i dont go around telling people about MY issues
thedeafprophet · 1 year
Whenever people say trauma dumping is not a real thing, I flashback to being a teenager wherein people I'd have met for maybe an hour would think it's suddenly okay to tell a random stranger their entire childhood trauma in great detail.
Like. It's def not when a friend talks to you about their issues. But complete strangers using you as a backdrop for their emotions is most certainly a thing. And I def have sympathy for people who go through stuff but theres a time and a place. Those are for convos with people who know you or a therapist, not strangers.
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mysterycitrus · 3 months
Hi. Your posts show up on my dash and I think you have good and knowledgeable takes. What do we do when canon is inconsistent and contradictory? For example Winick!Jason vs Morrison!Jason pre new52? Like W!Jason says child sidekicks are dumb and shouldn't exist while M!Jason had him go get sidekick for himself. How should we reconcile this when discussing the characters? Thanks.
id say as a general point of reference that consistent, foundational character traits can persist regardless of bad comics. dick grayson is an example - in taylor's run he's written as a pretty idiot but in waid's worlds finest he's portrayed more accurately as a neurotic overachiever, and both runs were being published at the same time. it's about reading enough comics to be able to judge for urself what u want to keep and what u want to discard.
there's also broader metatexual reasons for why tangibly bad characterisation exists — winick and morrison mischaracterised and villianised talia al ghul in different ways to the detriment of her characterisation. talia's writing was a combination of bad writing and sexualised racism. similar issue w roy harper — his history with addiction is rewritten and his autonomy is undermined. it's always worth thinking about why a writer might interpret a character a certain way.
wrt to jason, he's an interesting case because unlike a lot of characters he has an actual, definitive comic thats the literal foundation for his existence in modern canon - under the red hood. jason's had the worst holistic writing by a considerable margin, and so people tend to discard his appearances depending on their taste (green arrow, batman and robin 2009, the recent gotham war arc, countdown, botc, etc) but utrh is his backstory and the context for his actions. winick's jason, through lost days and outsiders, feels like the same dude and is kinda the "base" version of the character. we also know what winick thought about morrison btw.
i actually don't think most of jason's actions pre-flashpoint are absurdly ooc, because he was conceptualised as a bad dude with hypocritical morals. theres a lot of dialogue around how bias has affected jason's writing historically but as red hood it feels like a believable radicalisation imo - winick's jason could be driven to hurt others. thats fine tbc because thats what makes him an interesting and complex character, but the issue is that no one was willing to commit to rehabilitating him into the bat-adjacent, generally heroic figure he's now recognised as. i personally think that him being chummy with the bats is a lot more egregious of a mischaracterisation than him blowing up a high school. there's no bridge between the jason that gloated when bludhaven got nuked and the jason that goes to batburger with the gang. i need more than the writer telling me that they like each other in a text box.
but again thats like. personal interpretation. every character with a book has comics that’re featured on every reading list, and then its a matter of ignoring or recontextualising the stuff u personally dont agree with. tis the nature of enduring canon. the picking and choosing.
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daraku-ou · 3 months
ok ok i wanna talk about this at length and not on twitter where i can say like three sentences but i think a lot about how femt will sit around and say how humanity is just awful and disgusting but theres SO many times he seems to be rooting for them. like here how he Let Leo Go. he just let him leave. "he said he didnt wanna play so yknow. He Left." and he yells about how Of Course Hes Not Gonna Kill Leo. leo was so important to stopping the second collapse and femt just let him leave and then when he explained this to despair who is like Dude Why Didnt You Kill Him Or Leave Him There femt seems to be pretty genuinely concerned about despairs wellbeing and. general depression.
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then there's in the ova where it's most obvious. hes running around trying to stop this restaurant from being destroyed which Just So Happens to have libra in it. tells leo to forget he was ever there. "i dont need a reason to help them out" femt i am shaking u
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and THEN !!! theres curious. curious is fascinating to me for several reasons but i think its really interesting that femt seemingly shows up for no other reason than to Get Curious. wants to take him home for whatever reasons (i have thoughts on this but its too much so maybe another post). but then they immediately start fighting and it really seems like femt is just trying to keep curious preoccupied, buying time for libra to do something. he doesn't really have any reason to get into a petty fight with curious. then when curious is about to attack steven and klaus, femt IMMEDIATELY gets eve and odd to attack him which leaves them in pieces, ultimately ending up letting steven klaus and chain get the upper hand. and then femt just Leaves.
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AND THE CALAMITY AUCTION !!! my favorite femt scene. pretends to be the president to break klaus out of jail as hes the only one who can really do anything about whats going on. and later when hes revealed to be the "president" klaus is surprised that someone like femt would even bother to get involved, cuz why WOULD he get involved?? hes constantly saying how worthless humanity is but here he is, actively trying to help. this pisses femt off who attacks briefly but just. Leaves. Again. destroys all the cameras in the room too. god forbid he be seen trying to help out a bad situation
which brings me to the light novel!! as i've said i've been translating it and theres a lot of interesting things. femt talks about how he feels extremely isolated from humanity and when people try to get information from him he just cant understand why they would ever want to be him or have what he has, cuz he clearly has..... Lots Of Issues! it's almost like he's so worried about what will happen to humanity if he isn't there to save them or on the other side of that he has to keep. testing humanity or something. he puts them through his games but even libra admits that theres a line he wont cross. they prefer to deal with him over Other Threats because while hes mass murdering lunatic he still wont. you know. Kill Everyone. unlike curious. i think femt and curious are being set up as foils and i have lots of thoughts on this but theres just too much to say about those two...
tldr i think femt cares a lot more about those around him than he would ever let anyone know. yeah he'll murder hundreds of people but the second hes faced with someone in person that he cant just pretend is part of this vague crude idea of humanity he has in his head its like something clicks in his brain that this is a Real Person and now he suddenly cares. he seems to have this recurring idea of humanity killing themselves or being unable to save themselves which leads him to Extreme Violence and when he helps its like he doesnt want to admit that he cares in some way. hes constantly distancing himself from everyone and i think he should go to therapy <3
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ganondoodle · 1 year
so i sort of half accidentally did the end of totk on monday, i had over 130 hours and slightly over 50% of the game done and did the second to last fight with 3 hearts left and no way to heal but fairies after i gave up multiple times thinking the game might be trying to force me to fight a certain way xD
so im still playing it and am aiming for the 100% but i dont think theres gonna be much more to discover story wise the game is really fun and has a lot of detail and love put into it that you can really see, the music is fantastic as well, some of the characters get more love which is great but the story is … well disappointing but not surprising, especially in its treatment of ganondorf, who still feels incredibly flat as a character, which was to be expected but also … you cant fault people (including me) for faintly hoping theyd do something more interesting tho i will say the end fight is really well done and i cant think of a way to top that in terms of epicness xD
anyway, some unfiltered thoughts and opinions in no particular order (keep in mind i know its viddy game logic uwu but still some things can really destroy the immersion; and also i like to think too hard about the stuff i care about so take this with a grain of salt, i never expected the story to be world changing but i want to remind you that i am criticizing it bc i love this franchise)
--what the hell happened to all the sheikah tech?? botws story gets mentioned a few times but never is it mentioned what happened to all the tons of tech lying around everywhere? if they dismantled the towers for purah to build her new ones around i guess thats fine, but all the srhines? the titans ??? THE SHRINE OF LIFE??? its all gone, esepcially the shrine of life irks me bc the cave is still there and its still called by its bame but its nothing but a cave in a vague shape of how the buidling was it absolutely drives me crazy bc its so dumb?? even if it all stopped working for some reason why would you dismantled it all and even then where did the material go?? why would you dismanlted an neitre building like that anyway?? if you want to have a cave there just have it be half collapsed, if all sheikah tech has gotten useless just leave it there but overgrown?? and why is all of purahs tech still working then? zelda doesnt seem to care about it anymore either even tho shes been so obsessed with it for so long? the titans how would you even MOVE them?? you CANNOT tell me that all this tech that survived tens of thousands of years just went poof within a few years; and sometimes it even feels .. insulting? like you know how much robelo cared for cherry and now shes tiny and just serves as a way to buy fotos for your collection? the fact that the shrine of life is fully gone but the cave is vaguely shaped like its interior and where the bed used to be is a healing pool of water too? like idk if im just insane but it feels like 'haha lol remember what used to be here? get it? the water heals you like the bed in the shrine of life and lol there was the stairs HAHA remember? its gone now for no reason.lmao.' to be clear i like having some mysteries and all but that is just …. so weird? when i discovered the shrine of life i was so taken aback i didnt know what to do, it really broke my immersion, by alot even, it just makes it feel even more like all sheikah tech was replaced by much cooler (tm) sonau tech
--what happend to the sonau people? we only know that rauru and mineru are the last two remaining ones back then but … what made them die out like that? this is by far not as important to me as the issue with the sheikah tech but still feels like a point that could have been mentioned
--as much as i like the open world and how free you are to do things your own way but, regardign the dragon tears i think they should have been locked more behind story progression, i got all of them rather early on and it made it a lil frustrating to play through the other story parts bc you know the truth but you cant tell anyone and everyone around you is acting like a dumbass running after fake zelda while the real one is floating around above you, and i know thats partly my fault for getting them all so early but it still felt like some could have been more well hidden or locked or something since theres no hint to when it would fit to do which one; i expecpted impa to travel to each one but it seemed like she appeared on only a few here and there- additionally i fully expected her to be more important, that she would have an actual involment trying to help zelda undragonfy but that turned out to be very wrong lmao
--why are the enemies in the underground mining sonanium? ganondorf didnt seem itnerested at all in any of their tech, only in the mystery stones (only one too, he didnt seem to want any more of them either) they dont use it for anything? at least the ones on the surface collected stuff they could eat or use for fighting?
--did mineru really build herself a robot body just to fight ganondorf for a bit and then leave? as the last of the sonau, even tho long dead too, why wouldnt she tell their history and knowledge or something and instead if just helping a lil in the fight and then go poof (i half expected purah to be a surprise sage since the spirit one would have fit her i think)
--the zelda being the white dragon plot point lost alot of weight to me when it was just .. resolved like that in the end, i know she spent thousands of years like that and all but it seemed like a much heavier decision that later on felt a little less flat after fidning mineru even tho i felt like i didnt care at all at first bc of the way i found out ,and i half expected there to be an extra mission to try and find her soul again since that apparently gets lost when you do the whole dragon thing, but in the end that wasnt a problem at all, two ghosts and link (somehow naked again) blasting her with some magic(tm) and boom shes back and well and fine woohoo it was a non problem after all i didnt expect her to stay dragon since that would mean the end of the legend of zelda basically, but still it took away alot of the weight of her decision to me? like i get undragonfying her before the end would be difficult since you can get material off of her but still i hoped for something other than boom it resolved itself and i thoguht and worried about it for nothing honestly a post game or even another title where the main focus wouldnt be desstroying yet anyother one note evilest guy of them all and isntead the goal is to bring zeldas soul back and undragon her or something would have been a cool idea tbh tho i know its unrealistic
--did ganondorf think turning himself into a dragon would end the world somehow? did he mean the lil evil goo clouds he spit at you in the last fight to end the world? and how come that he was vunerable to fight? none of the other dragons could be hurt and for an 'immortal' dragon he sure went down fast also how did the stone get back on his forehead? you need to eat it to dragonfy yourself and zelda doesnt have her stone out either (i know viddy games logic but still) (on another note, gan shoving half his arm in his own mouth felt really cursed to watch)
--into WHAT exactly wanted gan to reshape the world into?? only destroying it is such a non reason if you want to rule it? theres nothing left to rule if you kill everything in it?? he just gonna play cards with some bokblins or what -i really wanted to fight ganondorf on the surface, not in his lil miasma incubation cave again :(
--so …. why he evil? are we really doing the and WHOOP suddendnly theres the eviliest guy of the world and he hates your guts for some reason thing again? no tension with the gerudo that seemed to follow him in the lil cutscene we see and the ones that went on raurus side? no actual origin? does he have ANYONE to talk to normally or did he just surround himself by monsters all the time or abadon everyone that once followed him once he got his power up?? you can make any design or fight as good as it can possibly be but in the end its still gonna feel hollow if the character has no character besides evil even the fake zelda wasnt actually him and just a lil puppet made of miasma so even him fucking with people is a little less interesting when he was actually just marinading in his lil goop cave, and the lil hand wink he gives you at phase two can only do so much lmao
--ganondorf is cool and all, but tbh he feels more like the evil miasma goop guy than anything else --why are the old sonau ruins in hyrule so different from the rest? like we know now that they arent actually a civilization from the sky alone but were even in the underground too, and all of their ruins have that blocky white style to it, the supposedly sonau ruins in phirone for example, albeit they share the dragon theme the style on the outside is very much different? and the ancient ruins from the other races dont match it either --are the sheikah descendants of the mixing of sonau and hylians? the white hair and third eye theme would fit to the only alive sonaus we see having white hair (fur?), the literal third eye and their affinity to techonology similar to the sheikah, and zelda having both light and time powers would make sense if its yet another descendant thing, but that would mean zelda was at least part sheikah .. (ngl white haired zelda might look pretty neat actually) but also … it didnt seem like sonia and rauru have been together all that long and no mention or even hint to them having children … which given that both of them die would be an important thing to mention no?
--why cant you do anything with the dongos but feed them????????? i wanna ride them :(
--where is kashiwa????????????????? they talk about him like hes a lost legend
--putting in all the amiibo stuff is cool and annoying at the same time, i spent 5 hours fighting my way throguh the underground to follow treasure maps and found 3 nigh identcal link hats from past games in a row, then two other parts of similar, then two aiimbo weapons and then jsut yesterday another one from a bigger quest that i expected more of; getting the armor sets of past games is cool if you want them but if i did i would have just gotten the amiibos back in botw, my inevntory already feels super bloated with all the new and old armor sets and now the amiibo stuff as well even tho i have like .. half of it all atm (and dont go and argue 'oh so complaining about more content for free???' yes. yes i am.)
--whats with this game and making link almost naked? rauru saving you from death? naked. (annoying) survival shrines? naked. weird teleport to alternate ghost dimension to blast zelda with magic power tm to solve all problems? naked.
--(added in edit) im glad dorephan didnt die!! i fully expected him to have died offscreen or something to make way for everyones favorite fish
--(added in edit) so are definitely other lands besides hyrule if yona came from there, also lol
--the story feels, espeically once you see the last cutscene, very …. uncomfortable to me if dare to think about it more than just taking everythign as its said to you, like … the oh so perfect descednants of the gods(what) marry a normal hylian lady and sourround themselves with perfetly obedient faceless servants of the other races so the perfect and good kingdom tm is born and oh suddendly theres an evil brown man (makign him grey doesnt change the implications, if anything, it makes it worse bc they wont even stand for it and instead are trying to hide it behind uuuuh no no its fine hes blue actally kinda way) from the desert that attacks the perfect good kingdom and king, then he swears alliance to them only to betray and murder da queen right away to get his hands on a super power the perfect and good king held and would have never never used it in a bad way nono and now they need to defend it by all means and at the end woohoo zelda has now again the perfect kingdom with no opposition except the yiga who are (as much as i love them) mostly played for laughs or .. well, evil(tm) as epic and cool the dragon fight was, zelda being the slim tiny white/gold/blue dragon and ganondorf being the evil spiky big black and red dragon and them literally being called white/black dragon feels like wow they arent even trying to hide the black and white storytelling huh (i know its a design trope to the bad be black(color) and the good anything else and spiky vs round and soft blah blah but that doesnt make it any better .. maybe even worse? idk)
the way nintendy was keeping stuff a secret and hinting around so much made me feel like it would finally be a little more nuanced and then it turned out to be even flatter than before and all that secrecy(?) was only to keep dragon zelda plotpoint a secret, something that was resolved no problem in the end anyway (i didnt need zelda to stay dragon but .. it all just lost so much weight the way it was done at the end)
-- (added in edit) master koga is the best character and no one can beat him, the most joy i felt was seeing him again and i am not joking, i wish i could talk to him normally tho without him being able to see through my yiga disguise :( im so glad he didnt die tho bc if he actually went to gan he would 100% be dead within seconds
--(added in edit2) i forgot to mention but was just reminded that link getting his arm back felt super weird too, so really everything that meant major changes got reversed basically ... coool ...back to status quo i guess, couldnt he if he wasnt missing it at least have it be discolored somehow? or scarred? any reminder? zelda too even, could she also have some sort of scar or similar due to her transformation ??
--(added in edit2) so where did the mystery stones even come from? gans and zeldas are gone after dragonfying i guess so ...what?
so in summary, im not eloquent enough to properly analyse all the problematic/questionable stuff and put it into the right words, but these are my random thoughts just spilled out, theres gonna be things i missed, forgot, or gonna think about later, maybe ill add it maybe not
again take it with a grain of salt, the game is still one of the most fun games i have ever played, my problems with it lie majorly in the story, its still very much worth playing!
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guesst · 1 month
MANHWA REC LIST PART 3 courtesy of @ihavenobigbrain
have tried my best to put in all the nice platonic manhwas i’ve read! theres still a bunch of romance but fun and games and lightheartedness is the main focus of these for sure 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
first of all i will rec the obvious and popular ones so they dont get missed becuse they are Popular for a Good Reason:
the s classes that i raised (super good, ive read the novel mostly but the manhwa is JUST as great. mc is collecting people like pokemon)
trash of the counts family (amazing art, little dragon child, mc is collecting people like pokemon)
also gonna plug some ones from the previous rec posts just cus i truly believe they are some of the best non romance manhwa: susu, han; i see you; the tale of goldiluck the black kitten
okay onto the actual recs !
HILARIOUS. genuinely so good, pretty underrated too (in that i havent seen anyone talking about this?) but it has a main character who isekais into a second male lead and decides to stay awayy from the leads — this fails miserably, obviously, and its comical. the misunderstandings, the unlucky run-ins… also the mc is a priest and theres a pretty interesting magic system and worldbuilding!! and as a final bonus the art is nice. genuinely so fun to read, highly recommend
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favourite manhwa of all time tbh its the only one ive bought a physical copy of (so far, anyway.. hehe). has a romance sub plot but the characterisations, relationships, plot development etc is exquisite. the family relationship takes precedence here especially in the first few arcs, the characters are REALISTIC, the art is gorgeous…, i love it so so much highly rec if you havent read it already. i guess this doesnt fall as much into light-hearted, because there are quite a lot of heavy moments… but its nicely balanced out with the comedy n all so i’ll put it in anyway :]
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super cute! this one is a school romance and it doesnt have many chapters out but its simple and the two mains are adorable. its a nice fluffy read and the artstyle is also lovely.
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jdjsjd can you tell how this goes from the title? speaking of which i type it from memory and i cant find the tab i had it open in so it might actually be “his daughter the hero” not “his hero daughter”… not sure. anyway i havent read much of this one but the first few chapters alone had me screaming the dad and his lackey are idiots please read it for him. he loves his daughter but this is backfiring on him so badly djrnfj
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^ idiot lackey, everyone
you would assume the war god goes to war! but no. he picks up a little girl and then he’s like. ok mine now. and the rest of the manhwa is spent getting money out of people and living in the woods in his homemade mansion with his daughter and the mamy many sidekicks that they pick up along the way. lovely art, lots of funny moments, plenty of action -- this is a martial arts story -- n the side characters are great (especially the governor lol) .
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there arent many chapters out for this one (24 i think?) but im so invested already. as it stands this is centred entirely around the isekai’d main character and her new family, there is a heavy dose of angst about identity issues but every chapter has a new misunderstanding and it has me rolling fr ,, oh also the mc’s new brothers are her stepsiblings but they shoot down that romance route really fast and their relationships are so entertaining if it keeps going the way it is this will definitely become a favourite. heres an out of context foot pic
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AMAZING TRULY AMAZING the character arcs in this one are so !!! yummy !!! mc time travels n endeavours to correct her actions n save people and in the process makes sm friends and all the characters have depth and grow and theyre all so !!! lovable !!!! the friendships in this one are amazing even without the romance subplot (and also speaking of romance, its a slow burn mainly cus sigrid is as dense as a brick but its NOT frustrating because it actually makes sense for her character!! like im usually the first one to move on from a thick fl but honestly you cant help but cheer them on) its so so good, i love it
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this one is an isekai romance with again some lovely character arcs :D the main character is pretty depressive but its also got plenty of light/funny moments to balance it out, and the plot centres around her learning to take care of herself and becoming more confident,, i love the characters a lot ! they care a lot. the romance does get a bit cheesy at times but it really is so wholesome with solid characterisation n its completed too so you have a nice 3am read.
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urgh one of the best kid leads ever, plenty of plot and the art is gorgeous as well like its a winner all around okay. as it stands its on an indefinite hiatus (author had cancer and i assume is still recovering or just taking a break for a while) but season one is already completed and its an excellent family centred read with a few mysteries scattered here n there also did i mention the entire family is so yummy. im so gone for the butler fjddjdnndd
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simultaenously super funny and somewhat angsty. this is one of those dungeon manhwa but the caveat is each of the mc's brothers has a different trope going on (time travel, became demon king, isekai'd) while mc is a decent potion maker and has to deal with all their bullshit (affectionate). it handles family issues and balances it with comedy perfectly. the main character is really really likeable and you cant help but cheer her on. so far its almost entirely platonic but i spy a few male leads lol
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romance manhwa again !! fjdmcjf the author of this one looked at all the classic miscommunication and misunderstanding tropes and noped the fuck out its so easy to read because you will NOT stress out and the male lead is so cute also. they play with the typical gender roles so fl has the knight aura while the ml is the damsel. its great and the characterisations are also awesome. big big fan. look him
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iirc this is actually either malaysian or indonesian, not korean i think..? its mostly slice of life iirc n its been like.. 2 years since i read it so the humour might be . slightly outdated haha,, the cast is pretty diverse which is cool and there are a few angsty backstory chapters scattered here and there but on the whole it is chock full of shits and giggles if you want silly times. the only caveat is there isnt an official translation afaik so like… fan translation will have to do djfnc
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back to romance ! romance manhua this time, slice pf life office type of thing and its pretty much just fluff. its a cute low stress read for times where u just want to sit down n smile about something and the characters r not thick about everything like they can be in SOME romances fjfnf and also the art is lovely! look at the cover, thats what its like the whole way through.
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mad underrated djfhdn it’s pretty chill, its a story about a human girl working at a salad restaurant on a planet full of cats. the art is super cute, the cats have jobs and all but they also act like cats and its great dhsks like the owner of the restaurant likes to sit in random cardboard boxes. its been a while since i read it but there is not much romance (if at all??), but plenty of cats and shenanigans. heehee
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read it for him !! its also complete and its not particularly long either btw forgor to say
this one … i think is a manga actually? in colour?? its about a random oni kid that gets picked up by a high schooler’s family. very very cute art, it’s short and sweet and i will repeat very cute.
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look him! hes so small ! he likes baseball!!
BONUS REC which doesnt fit the mood but i think more people should read it: the goldfish osushi. i wont elaborate anymore but its truly… your heart will be touched after it lol
also if anyone has more to add to this list (preferably things u think r underrated !! and no orv because everyone automatically recs that to me and im tired ajfndn) please do i would also like recs. also also if anyone has requests i love making lists
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determinate-negation · 2 months
how common is it for people to move to nyc and be stereotypical “well EYE lived in new york” tryhards who try to scrape together imaginary “cred” that they perceive born-and-raised new yorkers to have? does this type of person only exist on tv or does it more or less come with the territory of being a transplant with a preconceived mythos about nyc? I’m genuinely curious but can’t figure out a less harsh way to describe this type of person. I’m from a different major US city and have never had the means to move away, but if i could do it i imagine living in nyc could be a good fit, though I can’t tell if that’s me being that exact flavor of annoying
its common and ive been around a lot of people like that at times because i also moved to nyc lol. its also pretty easy to avoid because thousands of people move here all the time both intranationally and internationally for thousands of different reasons. idk theres a lot of different scenes and social circles in nyc, its very easy to just go about your life and not try to be anything. i dont think my opinion on this is the most articulate or important but the idea of cred and transplants anxiety of fitting into the city seems to be something thats culturally downstream from the real economic processes of gentrification, which implicates most young people moving to nyc from other parts of the us, but cant be addressed on an individual level, because its being driven by realtors and landlords “responding” to demand in a particular way in the economic realm, so its easier for people to worry about this cultural issue to transform their anxiety or guilt
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littlegeecko · 6 months
Thoughts on Carl x Flynn?
This is gonna be a long one so buckle up! some spoilers for METAPHOR, BENEFITS, Jenna's good ending and parts of Flynn's route
You already kno thats my shit fr fr lmao
But if i had to go in depth about em, i would point out many things, such as the way that both pretty much sway with each other effortlessly, their interactions feel natural and nice, and granted, theres no hanging tension on them compared to Flynn and everyone else in this fucking group.I think thats moreso a side effect to Carl being so chill tho, you just...vibe with him.
I think first and foremost they're good friends, and that's what they really need in a fucked up place such as Echo, people they can trust and be with without much conflict and be themselves, hell, Flynn states multiple times that Carl is the one thing keeping him sane in this town and giving him a reason to keep going on about his life there, and i dont doubt Carl feels the same by the way he reacts to Flynn possibly leaving (and he even steps up and says he'll go back to Pueblo after they escape Echo, promising to bring Flynn with him. So its not about "Stay here with me" like someone, it's "Anywhere as long you're there")
I can totally understand how people can see their relationship as platonic considering Flynn shows mannerisms with Carl that he shared with Sydney when young, and the fact it's implied Flynn and Syd viewed each other as brothers, but i think that's just how Flynn is; a protector, making sure the people he cares about are alright to the best of his abilities regardless of how fucked up the situation might be, keeping his head high and levered so the others can hang on to him- with some exceptions, of course.
Do I think they make a good couple? i believe yes!
Their presonalities could seem clashing for some but they make it work very well, and they attend each other's weaknesses, such as Flynn helping Carl on his anxiety an depression to the best of his abilities, and Carl allowing Flynn to open up about what's on his mind and being there for him when he needs him the most, and defending him given the chance, no strings attached. Those are their sore spots as characters, and they just make it work without it seeming toxic or one-sided, at least for me
They already have good chemistry as friends, and theres a growing feeling there if you pay attention to the small little things on almost each route when it comes to them, blink and u miss it type stuff, until u get to Flynn's route and its straight up longing for each other: Carl shows jealousy for Flynn talking about Chase and what transpired between em, but he doesn't intervene (Perhaps his own low self-steem?) because he still cares for Flynn's happiness. And Flynn on the other hand is looking for a meaningful emotional relationship, and literally all the interactions he has with both Chase and Leo are turbulent and bring in a new layer of issues to the friend group, this doesn't happen with Carl, he even says he's happy to have this loser around- wishes he could sit beside him in Leo's van- and even indirectly asks him about his feelings about him ("If this wasn't real...is there anything you want to tell to not-real me?")
LIKE YOU TWO ARE SO DOWN FOR EACH OTHER IT MAKES YOU BOTH LOOK STUPID!!! and the part where they talk in Flynn's room??? JENNA'S REACTION? CARL'S REACTION??!??!?! you won't see me shutting up about it. The fact characters keep interrupting them on those moments is just so telling
and man if i had to go in depth about Flynn's route when it comes to Carl uguhhhhhhuhuuhufhdsjfsj rips my hair out
But yea, i love them as a couple, they bounce off each other and vibe together so well, and i think they can both help each other become the best versions of themselves once they leave Echo, together. Thats why i like Jenna's Good ending so much, at least there, theres a promise of them actually getting to that point in their relationship, and living together comfortably (like the waffle house scene....im obsessed, ill never be the same...)
Extra notes!
The fact Flynn fell for Carl despite him not fitting the type of guys he likes to bang just tells me he's genuinely interested in him for his feelings, personality and the way Carl treats him
Carl caring MORE about Flynn leaving than him possibly having something with Chase because he feels thats how he could genuinely loose him guughhhhhgugh
I wish they kissed at least once womp
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Hey, I’m bored so I’m gonna send you some owl house questions (unless you tell me to shut up and then I will)
Who’s your favorite character and why is it Hunter /j
How many times have you watched the series
Do you have any controversial opinions/ships? I will not hate on you I promise :D
Who’s your least favorite character(s)
Hopefully you don’t mind questions
hiiii omg sorry AUGH.
1.) not you joking that hunters my favorite character 💀😭😭 /s. nowhere near my favorite character bestie 😭😭😭.
MY FAVORITE character in all seriousness is amity or raine!!! (luz is a close tie with amity bc i was a luz kin first.) but both of their characters mean SO much to me. especially raine's. i wont go ramble heavy but a lot of the reason i love the queer characters in the show are because of the fact that their "queerness" is not made into a character trait. people acknowledge raine as who they are and dont question or think of their identity as a negative. most of the media i found growing up centered around stories about queer people and their journey to realization OF being queer, and not where they already knew. thats one of the most definitive reasons i love toh so much too.
their identities and sexualities arent a "oh theyre the gay character" or "oh thats the nonbinary one" its an extension of themselves beneath other traits. because as a queer person myself theres WAY more that makes me myself than the fact that i identify the way i do. seeing amity develop feelings on screen for luz and then choose for herself on what she wanted. breaking away from her mother and destroying the rhetoric of what was assumed and assigned onto her.
people will talk shit about it and how "amity changed for luz" or blah blah blah. but thats not entirely true. when luz met amity, she saw her as who she was. not a name. not a rich girl. she threatened her stability. the comfort. luz encouraged her in ways that no one had before. about things amity found passion in. especially Azura!! amity changed because she realized she wanted more than what her parents forced onto her. luzs carefree and comfort being WARM and encouraging to do things that SHE ENJOYED. amity changed because she wanted to be more than her parents and be happy and luz just so happened to be the catalyst of that. and raine- as a nonbinary person makes me feel so validated.
2.) uhh surprisingly ive watched s1 like a good 13 or so times??? s2 though ive only watched through fully like once when i first watched it. i did watch individual eps from s2 so its not like i hadnt watched it ONLY once. s3 at least 4 times. s1 is definitely my favorite. even if like the real plot started coming in during s2. the nostalgia of 2020 and the fandom during that time is probably my reason. s1 lumitys energy and lumity as a ship was so simple and yet different.
3.) i think the fandom forgave camila too quickly for what she did to luz. it irks me how they then turned around and "noceda siblings" became a full thing. meanwhile people forget that darius wanted the best for hunter??? "he only had _" shut up. the show was shortened!!! WHO came to hunter during s3? NOT camila. it was darius and ebber! that man is more of a candidate for a parent for hunter than camila. vee and luz as sisters? YES valid. i love that. but hunter does NOT need to be included in literally everything regarding luz. people forget that king literally called himself luzs brother. "your family now" does NOT have to mean a familial tie. there are some friends who are so close like brother and sister BUT THEY ARENT. i cant stand noceda siblings. dadrius is just something that makes sense and i like the parallel potential of it. however speaking i will not get pissy if someone enjoys it, these characters are subjective. as long as you dont tear down others favorites and are respectful i have no issue with differing of beliefs. its just for me personally i wish it wasnt so... forgetful of king and luzs siblinghood.
4.) ive covered hunter before. i don't really like him all that much just due to how fandom treats him. his character in canon is cool though. i like dadrius. its the exception. grimwalker lore still feels very interesting though.
dont mind questions at all dw. sorry for the rambles but i like talking about toh so :D.
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pawbeanies · 2 months
tagged by: @emo-mmy !!! hi!!! running around in circles around you thank you for the taggg
im. putting this under a readmore because i realized i like talk so much and then i got embarrassed because this is so long and silly and i go on a billion tangents. tagging games fun though !!!
last song:
covering my face with my sleeve paws i may be silly. lately i am getting into vkei bc beloved people in my life are like "you would like it!!!" and i DO !!! this specific song is actually a cover of the op of the 80s rose of versailles anime which like is in itself a whole other fun thing to talk about because of its like influence but like OK its a good somg. its a good cover. lareine is no longer together but like the members have gone on to do other stuff !!!!
favorite color: pink and blue !! i am indecisive and it swaps... but i like those the most
currently watching: sara z's video on dear evan hansen!! for some reason. my yt algorithm is like all musical theatre videos. or episodes of kitchen nightmares. i don't even think i'm all that into theatre but i like listening to people who know more tear into it
last movie: i was like in agony trying to remember what the last movie i watched was and then i remembered. its twilight. it was twilight. im on a vampire kick right now it seems (but also it was like at a friends house and i was only half watching because they brought their pet rabbit out to hang out with us and i was playing with it the whole time and it was BITING ME !!!!) (but also i was like locked in for the baseball scene. the best scene in all of cinema.)
sweet/spicy/savory: cruel i cannot choose one... trapped between sweet and savory because while i love spicy things i cannot handle them ...... i feel like i like sweet things sliiightly more but. hmhm. like when you eat too many sweet things you end up wanting something savory yknow .....
relationship status: single ........... there is an obvious reason why i think you can tell from my posting (its that im annoying and do not shut the fuck up .........)
current obsession: unfortunately the vampire book series i have been like talking about so much, silver under nightfall and its sequel court of wanderers !! i am thinking of what i wouldve done differently in the sequel fkskfksf (also coming to the horrid realization that they were like setting up pegging but i dont think my guys ever got pegged. whats the point. truly. heres my editors notes. why didnt the main character get pegged? like theres so many things that were set up and mentioned and that didnt come to fruition and thats not my only critique its not JUST about pegging. but the lack of pegging is like representative of many of the issues i have with the book. why didnt he get pegged. they bring it up MULTIPLE times and yet we never saw the strap. they describe it in universe as being "shafted" and YEAH i certainly feel shafted !!! i need answers!!!!!!!! im OPENING my googledocs and writing the fic where he gets pegged !!!!!) this will like pass in a couple days im sure. i think. i hope
um also my fun game blorbos i think. yah
last thing i googled: "pin feathers" like the kind that birds have !! i dont remember the context anymore but they're like. developing feathers on a bird and sometimes they have BLOOD in them and then they are called blood feathers isnt that cool... i wish i was a bird
tagging: not tagging anyone in particular because i'm nervous about tagging people fksjkf BUT if you see this and you wanna do it please pretend like i am !!! tagging you !!! do these !!!!!!!! im tagging you in spirit if you want to do these. tagging you with. my mind. yipee
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strawbubbysugar · 10 months
hello hello
heres me having thoughts on morgans situation
so ill be honest, when i first read that morgan was in P&S my first reaction was also "bitch gtfo" and a lot of what they said also made me sit there like "...oh really? you say that like we never felt like that either" but i have decided to go apeshit instead
now here i am analyzing their character and thinking about wut they couldve done that wouldnt have ended up in them getting stabbed (exaggeration)
so we can obviously agree on the abusive part. manipulation, gaslighting, etc. and it seems that morgan still feels like they were in the right for what they did (correct me if im wrong, this is just what im interpreting) as they dont say things like "im sorry for what i did" but rather "i was just trying to help." now, ofc, nobody is obligated to forgive their abuser, but im just thinking that morgan wouldve had a higher chance of being forgiven if they actually said sorry sincerely and fully understood that what they did was wrong and not just "i was trying to help" (which seems to always be their go-to defense instead of admitting they were wrong). but ofc thats a natural reaction as most people dont realize that what theyre doing is abusive and they fully believe that what theyre doing is right.
now theres also "well their soulmate died at a young age and they didnt want to be alone." yes, that garners them sympathy points, but it is not an excuse, its a reason. an excuse gives them an immediate out, a reason tells you why they did what they did so you can understand better, but it does not release them from all consequences.
also, i have severe abandonment issues, so i understand the feeling of not wanting to be alone and the crippling fear it gives. but just bc i have trauma does not mean that im allowed to go around and do whatever morgan did then when the consequences slap me in the face i pull out my uno reverse and go "i have trauma you cant be mad" (another exaggeration)
also this isnt me hating on morgan, i find them to be a fascinating character. this is just me over analyzing atp.
but in conclusion, morgan needs to realize what they did was wrong, get some therapy, and learn from their mistakes to become a better person. well... thats if they live-
uhhh i probably got some of this wrong but yeah these are my thoughts-
insert sparkle on jerma gif here
I really really adore this analysis, thank you for putting so much time & love into it!!! <3
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okthatsgreat · 5 months
hi lee!!!! ummm thinking of interesting things and questions i just woke up hmm.. ok i’m curious about any of your ocs in like. a opddmh situation… like either they ran away or they’re the one like sheltering a younger dr participant. could be with another one of your ocs could be with a canon character.. are there any combinations there that would be interesting for you? hopefully this makes sense i’m still sort of asleep so i think i worded it sort of clunkily lol :) hope you get less bored soon!!!
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD OH MY GOD!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boredom cured forever and ever always and ever . you are the best for this one. wrote WAY too much hfjkdsgk
(opddmh refers to this fic btw!! this will make zero sense without context LMAO)
ill try to assign them a person and give them a bit of an arc i think.......... in other words ill try to map out what i would do with them if they were in the actual story as another pov >:))
billie: in my mind she is definitely one of the more obvious candidates for a story like this just because soooo much of her character depends on other people and how they influence her personality... and because of this there are a LOT of options regarding who could take her in. i would most likely write her arc around getting better rather than getting worse LMFAO which means a few people would get crossed off of the list right off the bat--- immediately coming to mind is the hiyoko/mahiru/ibuki gang for some reason. i think theres a lot to explore there !!! billie could definitely take influence from ibuki's style, her impressionability/mirroring of other people's personality could definitely lead to trouble around hiyoko considering they are both stressed out, mahiru would be in so much strife about suddenly getting shucked into this caretaker role she's been so adamant on escaping since her killing game and there would be a LOT of parallels to hiyoko there. especially since yknow. billie is copying hiyoko a bit. i can see those three taking in this moody ass teenager with so many illnesses. so many awful influences its great
erin: OK so i am going to assume this is a situation where every season 50 participant is 16-17 again in this hypothetical scenario where they run from the hospital LOL. dear god i can see erin SPRINTING away. im gonna give her to sayaka on this one hands down. sayaka finds erin dead at night just walking absolutely nowhere with this very disorienting smile on her face LMAOO. i think erin's arc in this story would absolutely benefit from somebody who is able to relate to her as a performer and somebody who has this "persona" they need to maintain. erin is such a huge personality and her whole crisis is so huge that her guardian definitely needs to mirror her and learn from her or else they'll get a bit washed away i reckon ghdfksjghfdkjg. i can see the sayaka+erin pairing SO clearly too... like this is a sayaka who has been performing this character for years, probably to the extent where she hardly realises it anymore. throwing erin in with her, a teenage girl with identity issues that managed to actually go through with a plan that sayaka had during HER killing game .....Oughg. i can see them getting so stressed out by each other and i can see them getting just so sad at everything theyve lost
mika: hmmmmmmmm. mika is definitely one of the more practical characters and i dont think she would be hit as TERRIBLY hard as her classmates with the whole "we aren't real" thing. in fact there might even be a bit of relief from it at first. like...... youre telling me one of my biggest insecurities isnt even real because ultimate talents dont even really exist??? AND i dont have to get locked into one interest my entire life??? she's absolutelyyy traumatised and fucked up however i don't really think she'd leave that hospital in the first place LMFAO, i think she's smart enough to realise she doesnt stand much of a shot against team dr. if she made it out she would get paired up with another one of her classmates (like a ryoma+rantaro situation) anddddddddd hm. hm hm. imposter could be very very interesting. here is somebody that is constantly changing, never set in stone, and here is a teenage girl who is stubborn in her own reality and has come to realise her place in life a WHILE ago
naomi: this scenario is so so funny because it implies that somebody CAUGHT her hgfkdghfkdgkjfhgsdkl. there's not a doubt in my mind that she went sprinting out those doors the second she woke up from the simulator but naomi has always been a character with one foot out the door ready to leave. NEVER in one spot. especially in a postgame scenario, where she is extremely traumatised and honestly experiencing psychosis, it's hard to imagine her willingly going home with a stranger.... i think her scenario would DEFINITELY be a bit unconventional, with her constantly leaving and returning. akanes arc to the extreme HFGKGJ. i'll treat this as if naomi would be added to the existing narrative, meaning whoever her "guardian" is can't be EXTREMELY similar to akane so the whole "running away" theme would come second to themes of culpability and punishment i think. she would benefit from having somebody that also felt immeasurably guilty hmmmmmm. i can honestly see hajime. he's already busy as hell with everything he has to do for team dr, only to have to take time out of his day to help this tall ass teenager. their meet would have to be REAL unconventional in order for naomi to have stopped enough for him to help her lmao. as in "she ran out in the middle of the road in the middle of the night during some kind of panicked haze and he very nearly ran her over" type of unconventional. he patched her up, gave her some water and she was GONE. and then she comes back two days later like Heyyy 😍 So about that Guilt
rie: first things first i would throw her with ryobe hands down HGDFK. the amount of hijinks those two could get up to. fantastic. they would really benefit from having each other around and their friendship could be beautiful and real. with that being said these two are definitely a bit more difficult to pair with people just because immediately they have similar arcs to erin and naomi with both of them having difficulty accepting their identities and (ESPECIALLY RYOBE HERE) dealing with punishment/culpability. they would also need more than one guardian i think........ just for ryobe alone LMFAO. i reckon a few season one people could know about them tbh. for the most part they stay with aoi and her kid, which opens up a LOT of interesting avenues concerning whether rie and ryobe should leave for the sake of the kid's safety!! aoi and rie would pretty easily get along, especially if they both kinda keep each other at arms length with their people pleasing personalities they've accumulated over the years (aoi having developed it during her time as a team dr spokewoman). and then one day rie gets caught in complete distress and aoi realises "Oh Huh y'know what maybe this constant stress to perform under threat of violence against both me and my family isn't Healthy" and they both start trying to have more fun. go to the beach or smth. aoi swims for the first time in AGES and she has a total blast
ryobe: soooooooo fucked up postgame and would definitely stress aoi and rie out further without a doubt ghfdskg!! especially so close to the reveal that everything isnt real ryobe would definitely be in complete denial angie style. but more in a "hahahahahaha none of that actually happened!!! that was my brain playing tricks on me and actually i can hardly remember it anyways now that i think about it!!!!! this is definitely because it WASN'T real and NOT because my body is trying to protect me against everything that happened to me". he just reverts back to this goofy guy who always seems like he's on the verge of SOME kind of breakdown, and rie would be no help to him in those first few days, likely going as far as to AFFIRM nothing happened just to keep him from running off without her. i can see aoi bringing in some help for him--- it would probably be another survivor and i can REALLY imagine the dynamic between him and toko. komaru loves him but toko HATES his annoying ass ghfdkjghsdfkghgfjkdsg. they would definitely have a looooooong chat at some point that sends ryobe on the right track. also side note ryobe would be fantastic with aoi's kid however he would definitely teach that toddler a bunch of stupid pranks
sae: so sae is 34 which means she would definitely be the guardian in this scenario gdfjkg so it comes down to which v3 kid would make for an interesting parallel hmmmm hm hm.... immediately coming to mind is kaito. i can see himiko joining him potentially. sae is somebody who has trained herself to be extremely patient and believes anger to be a weakness of sorts. enter kaito who believes the only "strong" emotion he can convey right now is anger because he would be DAMNED if he started crying about that killing game gfhsdjgk. they'd have a lottt to learn from each other, and i think the entire scenario would definitely push sae to a lot of her limits. i mentioned himiko just because her arc of emotional repression could be a mirror to sae possibly, but because this is a postgame scenario i think himiko would be SO absolutely fixated on being seen as useful and helpful and energetic that she throws herself into whatever work sae can give her. and of course sae the workaholic has a lot of work to give her LMFAO. they pass out at the same time
yoshito: similar to mika it's hard to imagine him leaving the simulator just because he is the protagonist and they'd be keeping an eye on him however if he DID. he would need somebody who is constantly in his ear like Aren't you mad .....Don't you want to go apeshit ......mondo and leon are coming to mind. they're really teaching that kid how to let loose. shatter some glass, go fucking wild!!!! and while we're at it, let's all examine how our reckless behaviour might be a method of self harm we have developed for ourselves after our killing game but make sure not to tell the kid ok. make sure nobody tells yoshito, who has been trained on helping people his entire life and just needs to think about himself for ONCE
andi: hhehehehhehehehheh. computer thang. even though she is ageless there is no universe where she becomes a guardian and it's really really funny to think that somebody grabbed her computer chip and ran. i think it HAS to be chihiro. something fantastic and vaguely homosexual going on there
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aristotels · 4 months
Of course all problems and inequalities are direct consequence of modernity and in the past those who are now considered undesirable were considered divine and definitely weren't treated even worse and didn't have access to anything that resembles accomodations. Let's bring those times back!
In Ancient Rome specifically there was no hospitalisation, yes, but also people who were considered mad couldn't make financial and legal operations on their own at all and couldn't be citizens, and were considered pariahs by their communities. This is not to say that you are wrong because you picked the wrong time to see as "when things were better", it's that just because what causes problems now is capitalism doesn't mean that before it people were always kind and caring, everything is much older.
(Or that removing the money would fix everything on its own, for that matter)
are you literally so stupid to fail to see my point
the point isnt "LOOK WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US" the point is that fears and delusions depend on the society youre brought up in; and also sorry that a 5 sentences tumblr post didnt go into history of medical malpractice, it was a lighthearted post made by someone with those very issues
yeah, if i lived then, then id have a different delusion more fit to those times - but it would not resemble my current paranoia or nightmares of being drugged or talked to the way ive had medical staff talk to me bc those things are specific to our society.
(Also you can still have your rights denied for being mentally ill today as well?????? what happened to free britney??? And like My family doctor once literally suggested to my dad to involountary check me into psych ward which was smth my psychiatrist at the time was very much trying to avoid because he KNEW how dehumanizing that is, he spent more than sn hour trying to figure out if my visions of suicide were actual suicide risk or intrusive thoughts; telling me later that he was willing to gamble such a huge risk and responsibility he would have to take in case i actually did smth to myself - just to keep me out of the hospital stay because he worked there and SAW how dehumanizing it is. because getting in the ward here doesnt mean youre done when youre out, this shit affects FUCKLOAD of things in your life!)
are you really trying to be like "LETS TAKE AWAY ACCOMODATIONS FROM PEOPLE WHO SUFFER WOOW GOOD JOB" in my inbox rn btw considering that i am literally schizophrenic w some other mental illnesses, and that i take fucking meds upon meds for it, including antipsychotics??????? and i am also very grateful for those aids, but even with meds my condition will never be resolved and its severity very much depends on the people/society around me. my delusions while living in croatia might differ from someone who lives in the usa.
i literally have no patience or attention or care or anything to argue with you rn, if you wanna discuss political or economical or marxist or whatever theory in my inbox go ahead, but i am NOT arguing about my own fucking lived experience and having you speak to me this way, in an incredibly entitled and dismissive way. its late and im going to bed. i genuinely dont care for your "ummmmm ekshually capitalism is noot thaaat bad-" shit while i keep having episodes on the daily in a big part due to fuckin capitalism. losing my other job is putting me through stress because i have no money, but it also eased up certain aspects of my illness because i dont have to hit hardcore fucking deadlines every week.
p.s. who the fuck is talking about money not existing. if you are gonna bring that up within communist theory and up for a serious discussion thats a whole other thing, but moneyless and stateless society doesnt just rest on tadaaah no money, like theres a reason marx wrote books n essays on that shit and why daddy engels sent him checks. and even in ideal communist world we would still have mental illnesses, but i am absolutely positive that my thoughts would differ than the current ones and that they would probably be less severe. and also why is this implying that communism wont have like the fuckin medication
i usually take care to carefully reply to asks and try to actually give a serious opinion but i gen dont care if i sound incoherent rn, this legit pissed me off
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Something extremely specific that I feel so alone in is noise cancelling headphones being a cause of stress rather than a relief. Like I tried someone else's once and maybe it was cuz i was already stressed, but I quickly got so panicked and on edge i was nearly in tears, and that was in a car with just me and the other person. Whenever a friend wants to show me something and they have noise cancelling headphones i get a spike of anxiety when i put them on. I constantly see posts about people putting on their noise cancelling headphones on a train or something and the mere thought of that terrifies me. Like I can't even handle having one earbud in playing sound in public unless I know the place really well. It's gotta be something to do with knowing a sound is happening but not being able to fully hear it. (It being a case of the sound muffled from another room is no bother to me tho.) Cuz this stress happens whenever I get my ears blocked after swimming or cuz of sickness.
Or something to do with how i grew up in a place with very few man made sounds. Like I hear lots of animal noises and it doesn't really bother me, but if im in a place with people i feel like i have to make note of and identify every single sound and i need to be constantly on alert.
It's annoying cuz i also find lots, and loud noises stressful but i dont have that solution of "put noise cancelling headphones on and those stressful noises will go away" I just have to sit there and hope the noises go away or i can leave the place soon.
And I want to project this as headcanon onto characters but all the characters i would pick are ones who would totally get overwhelmed by many and loud sounds and would benefit from noise cancelling headphones, and to me theres something so special about headcanons like that. The tiny aides that help characters, like someone with light sensitivity carrying around sun glasses, or someone with memory issues having a little journal on them. Headcanons that aren't really actively called attention to and are simply a natural part of the character. And so my anxiety tells me that this sort of headcanon would make me a sort of buzzkill i guess. Cuz it directly contradicts a headcanon that has no reason to be contradicted or contested and at the same time it feels like such a niche experience that so few people get.
This got so much longer than I expected it would but its something i never see talked about so I guess I had a lot to say. I really want to know if anyone else feels this, its nice putting it into words and it would be pretty nice to talk to someone who experiences the same sort of thing.
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Hiii :) I know this may sound silly and unimportant, but I really need advice. I’m 15 and I have this one friend who it seems like every time any boy is around, she ignores me for him. There was this one boy who kept sitting at our lunch table making extremely vulgar comments, making “dark humor” jokes, and clearly flirting with her and her best friend. I don’t want to sound like a prude, but his comments were weeeiiirrd. For example, he would joke about being a rapist and even asked my friend and her best friend to kiss. Those two were the only ones at the table he was nice to. Everybody knew it was because he was trying his luck with them to see who would fold first. Everyone hated him, but she kept defending him with her life. The only way we could make him go away was to tell him to leave.
Not to be petty, but it bothered me how she dismissed my feelings and called me sensitive. I hate the thought that for the rest of my life, I’m gonna have to put up with men I tell my friends are horrible. I have a feeling that my friends think I’m gonna end up as an old man-hating hag, thus not deserving an opinion on men. I hate having my feelings invalidated. It bothered me that once I told her that it hurt when she ignored me for a boy, she kind of dismissed me. I don’t know what to do. She’s really nice and we haven’t become friends until this year so it feels wrong to scold her or something like that. What should I do? Please tell me if I’m overreacting. I really hope I am cause she’s a good friend.
oh dear. first off: you are not overreacting. i already think its annoying and disloyal to ignore or neglect your girl friends for a boy/man. some women still do this into adulthood and i think thats one reason why we have so little solidarity. its especially bad because not only does she ignore you, she actively dismisses your discomfort with that guy. thats not okay. i would try to talk to her about it and make it about my feelings as to not to offend her since she seems to have a crush on him. „i dont like when you stop talking to me when this boy is around; i would rather you talk to him away from me; i wish you would take my/our discomfort more seriously“. i know the feeling too well, i have had friends dismiss me because „im just a man hater“ and due to my mental issues people always claim im overreacting even when im reacting appropriately (many think that feminist concerns are not appropriate and overreacting by nature so theres that). stay strong and i hope your friend will realise she is not being a good friend, and you can continue the friendship!
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ineffectualbookseller · 10 months
hi! i really liked that meta about crowley lying, and wanted to ask about this part:
"We know Crowley has self-esteem issues. He's all smoke and mirrors - not a man (nb) just a flashy jacket wrapped around a bundle of insecurities and anxieties. He still thinks he needs to prove himself to Aziraphale, that he needs to make himself worthy of his partnership."
i definitely see him this way too (and love how it's phrased, btw), but now that i think about it i can't remember why i formed that opinion, so i wanna make sure i'm not projecting or something, if you have thoughts on it? is a big part of that impression just vibes?
couple of concrete things i do remember:
the way it was so natural for him to ask questions and try to figure stuff out when he was an angel and how after that he very harshly learned that the way he naturally approached the world was wrong. gotta have some insecurity after something like that
yelling at plants
the way he hides a lot of stuff from aziraphale like you mentioned. if someone avoids being vulnerable with a person they're close to that much, they must have something to prove
Thank you!
I think theres a lot of reasons I see him this way and I think those all feed into it - I LOVE tying in his hobby of yelling-at-plants to this characterization! He wont hurt people, and he wont hurt animals but he swears he's *deffinately* 100% not a nice guy and he'll prove it to you (and himself) by yelling at some plants (so silly of him)
textually, the way he's written is clear cool-guy-facade characterization to me and I remember having that impression of him the first time I read the book a decade or so ago. One of the little details I've always remebered so clearly from the book is the joke about Crowley only going to a petrol station once in order to get James Bond bullet-hole decals to stick on his window (very funny but also very telling). He's explicitly trying to be cool... and doing it in a very uncool way
but I think my feelings about alot of the underlying insurities Crowley has comes from David Tennant's acting choices. Tennant's version of Crowley clearly has unresolved feelings about falling, I just think you can see it in his face when he talks about it in season 1. And the way he refutes any refrence to his kindness always feels like more than just "dont let hell hear you talk like that" to me - it feels deeper and more personal. He can get ANGRY about it (ie season 1 wall scene). Almost like when he was cast out of heaven he was told he could never be Good, but now that he's a demon he can't deal with people telling him he's also no good at being Bad... and where does that leave him? (Not to mention the Fall can so easily be tied to emotions of parental abandonment.) So yeah, definately has trauma from the Fall, as you said
pairing this with Crowley's utter devotion to Aziraphle (clear through both Tennants acting and also the added tv content of seeing their relationship through time) I don't think there's anyway his insecurities could not effect how he feels about their relationship
so yeah, I think its a combination of things - I do think theres specific textual stuff about Crowley that lead me to think of him this way but David Tennat's acting definarely makes it so much more real to me
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dykeserket · 1 year
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OMG hiiiiiiii @candyvoncaramell
i wrote more than expected so um under the cut ^_^ pls enjoy my 1.4k words of jane rambling LMAOOOO
i have soooo many thoughts on her. im also still on my reread so nothing is like. super solid and everything is more just like little things im picking up that when i reread again ill be able to have more coherent thoughts lol but ill list out some ideas + a little explanations that ill expand on later cause there is a Lot.
-so the first most obvious thing is the character parallels. jade and jane are Very heavy parallels personality-wise. like positive people with anger issues [dealing with repressed frustration for a variety of reasons] who are so deeply lonely because of - while they are close to their friends theres still Limits. [ie jane being left in the dark and jade knowing Too much. its a big weight on her. there is a very visible change in her personality when she Stops fufilling that role]
-and of course with the grimbark / crockertier control - little red riding hood and the big bad wolf yknow
-but Character-wise as in the role she fufils in the Game is parallel to john - which sets her up to Main Character Status <- i will get into this later. but she is john in the way that dirk is her rose - leading her to play the game, quite literally telling her hes pulling the strings while setting her up as the Leader and quoting things rose said. and the first one entered and the one you control as a Player Character.
-i will also! mention aspects at this point. i will get to classes later. but essentially - life is heavily connected with space. because of the creation and growth side of both of them and imo are key aspects as a Universal Whole. because while Time and Space are the cardinals and the most important in Homestuck Narrative. thats just because of the cherubs ie everything revolves around caliborn - homestuck is a time-centered event where every little action and detail bleeds into eachother to create the events. its very very fascinating and in the first couple acts absolutely brilliantly done. but it also brings up the fact that Homestuck Narrative and Sburb Mechanisms should be considered seperate - people put too much weight on a biased session but im getting off track.
-anyway!!!! as i was saying life is very very important [feferi and her role as a witch of life and the creation of the dreambubbles - and meenah who is also Designated Main Character is a life player <- smth smth dancestor session]
-so life is a very important aspect and its very telling that jane Never gets to fufil that role as Maid of Life because. it never comes to be. her session is dead and void. shes restricted in every aspect of her being. her most known identity is being mindcontrolled to serve plot purpose - aradia parallel - so she very much set up to Fail. just like her session
-i really got sidetracked there but i also quickly want to mention - my own personal theory of aspects - the Equality theory [name wip] - which basically states every aspect has its opposite and parallel. Life is parallel to Breath. so another john parallel And goes into how her restricted freedom affects her life being restricted and so on and so forth.
-ANYWAY! the next parallel and arguably the most important relationship to understanding Jane is her relationship with jake. there is a lot going on there and i am still working it out. but i Will say. feferi and eridan parallel. ok moving on.
-another really interesting part of her that no one ever talks about - like ever. i mean come on i dont even see theorists mention her - is Nannaquin. the sprite version of Beta Jane. and i have to say i have so so many thoughts about sprites and their roles and how they are quite literally just Ghosts. but im just gonna get into it and say.
-what we see of nanna is not her. we are Not seeing Nanna Egbert. we are seeing the Nannasprite. she looks a mimics her actions - even has memories and recounts on her past. but she is dead and we cant take any of her words or actions at face value. she is a Ghost. [ironic since shes also the Maid of Life] but she is a ghost who is being controlled by the whims of the Game - with her sprite knowledge, the only one who ever Really explains things, the most Sprite of all sprites, who we only ever Really see in glimpses. i have to wonder, she cant talk about much because shes limited by her game construction - just like jade. did that kill her inside? when all was said and done did she have that visible shift in personality? does she Ever come into her own or is she just left as it is? we never get to know because we never really see her once the betas have left the session.
-what we do know about her is that, she was left alone for most of her life under the condesces Direct parentage. the one time she actually recounts her life its about her missing jake and imagining a life with them together - specifically the idea that he never left and they would get married like they were Supposed to. an idea thats obviously been groomed into her and its just so tragic.
-do you think this idea haunted jane.
-because none of the beta kids get along with their Others. they react in different ways for different reasons - but. we never really see jane...React. yknow. to see herself from such a different and similar position. not even beginning to mention the whole thing with Dad - which as a sidenote. i dont think Nanna had a horrible life to the end. i mean she changed her name, either through marriage or legally [probably legally because we never see hints otherwise, and grandma english did the same] and she had her son. which when she fufilled her duty as a sprite she told john she was going to go look for him and well. yknow. anyway
-the very last and final thing i want to mention. jane's alice in wonderland vs jade's wizard of oz.
-jade's wizard of oz for the most part. is a one man show. she plays a lot of the parts herself - she starts as dorothy and becomes the wizard before dying as the witch. its a theme of loneliness and all the parts she plays to keep it all moving.
-jane's alice in wonderland is more about Isolation in the way of...things sort of happen. shes thrust in this new magically world where nothings as it seems and everyones acting, in her opinion, crazy! she has no idea whats going on but she just has to accept it and move on. [dirk is the queen of hearts, roxy is the cheshire cat, jake is the mad hatter, seb is the white rabbit] its a loss of control when being thrust in unfamiliar situations.
and with that im coming to a close of my Jane Thought Dumping. there is still more - some stuff i didnt mention and some other stuff i probably forgot about but basically this is a major gist of ideas. i think you can take janes story in one of two ways.
it was Bad Writing in the way that she never got closure, by the end hussie just abandoned her in favor for the others that arrived, and a variety of other things.
there was Some Purpose. in the way that she never got to fufill anything because its an inherent part of her world. there was Never going to be a satisfying conclusion - not there.
i think it was a mix of the two, near the end of the comic it was a lot more rushed as hussie attempted to tie up one too many loose ends and people got set aside but i can see glimmers of purpose. [i have purposefully Not mentioned the retcon arc for a variety of reasons. i have Also many thoughts on that specifically as a very big john liker. i think it was a good idea and not a suprising act to pull but at points just executed extremely poorly] however none of that really matter considering how badly homestuck2 fucked it all up. if you think hs2 jane was in character you are wrong and a loser!!!!! BOOO!!! BOO!!!!! anyway yea thats about it hope it makes sense LMAO
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