#but they’re like 19/20
feralsteddie · 2 years
I feel like we don’t embrace the fact that Steve and Eddie are teenage/barely not teenage boys enough
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interstate35south · 1 month
listen. i like a good “hualian adopts wwx” au as much as the next guy. but do y’all ever think abt the fact that appearance wise. xie lian and hua cheng are supposedly like. 17-19
i forget about it until i’m consciously reminded of it but there’s comedic potential in there somewhere
like i imagine they could probably get away with it when wwx was a young child but it’s all fun and games until visibly 34 year old wei wuxian is still calling apparently 17 year old xie lian dad
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n1blakelover · 1 year
ive seen some people saying that they don’t think team rwby (not counting ruby) are on the verge of their 20’s but i have literal proof that they definitely are almost 20 (for ruby, 18)
blake, weiss, and yang have all been 19 since at least volume 6 or 7. same thing for ruby being 17 since volume 6 or 7.
now here are their birthdays to show just how they definitely are on the verge of their next ages:
blake: january 19 (oldest)
weiss: may 15th
yang: july 28th
ruby: october 31st (youngest)
based on their birthdays, if ruby has already been 17 for a while (it has been at least a month or two since they have been in atlas around a month then adding the amount of days and/or weeks other than atlas when they were already that age) then that means blake’s 20th birthday should be coming up pretty soon
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dyeher · 5 months
I need something good on my dash. Dad imaushi and dad Kenny thots 🥹 fuck it and throw in Tetta too🥹 or really just TR dads
Imaushi is the reluctant athletic dad who gets elected by the PTA to coach track. His sons are on the team obviously and he’s not normally a competitive guy but track meets see a different Wakasa— he’s talking to these 9/10 year olds like they’re adults. “If you don’t win this next race I’m taking your goddamn caprisun.” “What the fuck was that Sano!? You run like an 80 year old with rheumatoid arthritis.” “Oye! You’re embarrassing me!” (Said like an Italian father, to his son who is literally in first place.) He’s 100% in an adidas track suit hands in his pockets scowling at the other teams coaches.
Kisaki has the kind of genes that doctors giggle about. You have his daughter and she’s got the crease between her eyebrows straight out the womb. He’s whipped from day one and he 100% tries to reason that she- six months old- should have a say in whether or not you should buy a new house. AND ykw? He’s the kind of father who forgets he has a job sometimes because his daughter becomes essentially number one to him. Shuji calls him at 9am after four days of no show no call no text no email like “Will we be seeing you today sir or shall I tell your employees you’re dead?”😭
Now Ken is the hands on daddy’s girl/anything my princess wants/she can do no wrong father. He encourages madness as well and has tried to convince you on numerous occasions that your daughter should be allowed a bike (she’s six) and he should start teaching her to ride from young. Also I have said it multiple times but he’s wearing ribbons whenever she is. He’s twinning with hairstyles, they’re getting mani pedis.
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adorabledrugl0rd · 1 year
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A few years post krang invasion and Leo’s still on his self sabotage bs
But it’s not completely his fault since he didn’t realize something was wrong until it was too late
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tariah23 · 4 months
I hope that girl gets out safe somehow… My god.
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henchladyart · 1 year
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Let’s give them…a cat.
Also yes, adrien totally sleeps in that atrocious ladybug shirt.
Some headcanon context:
It was Adrien’s idea to adopt a cat originally (becuz of course it was) and Mari was initially against it. The reasoning was primarily due to the fact that they are both very busy and Marinette’s workspace in their home isn’t very pet friendly. She eventually gave in after he kept begging her. She ended up really loving their kitty though and they both ended up being each other’s favourites. Adrien’s mildly annoyed because now he has to compete with a literal cat for attention but he’s just happy that his gf is happy + Plagg loves him too.
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Hi! Are there primary sources, proving that Robespierre hated the executions made with the guillotine and that he even shut the window in his room, so that he couldn't hear and see them? I read of this somewhere, it's also shown in LRF, but couldn't find any historical evidence.
The anecdote of Robespierre shutting the door for, not every execution, but specifically the king’s, can be found within Histoire des Montagnards by Alphonse Esquiros:
Robespierre had returned to Duplay's house the day before without saying a word: his silence and his pallor had been immediately understood by the carpenter and his wife, but not by the young girls. They woke up as usual at sunrise: only one thing concerned them, it was that since morning the main door of the house had remained closed. There were positive orders on that which came from the father of the family. Éléonore timidly asked Maximilien the reason for it in front of her other sisters. Robespierre blushed. ”Your father is right,” he said with a serious and concentrated air, ”Today, something will pass in front of this house that you must not see.” After that he ducked sadly into his room. About half-past nine in the morning, the sound of horses, the passing of troops, and the rolling of a carriage on the pavement of the street was heard even in the yard: it was the thing that passed by.
Esquiros did claim to have interviewed Élisabeth Duplay, so maybe the anecdote comes from her and Esquiros just wouldn’t specify it (@sieclesetcieux, do you perhaps know more here?)
Besides that however, I don’t know of any evidence indicating Robespierre avoided executions like the plague, aside from the fact that he’s not confirmed to have attended any aside from his own.
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nico-di-genova · 8 months
The frontal lobe forming at twenty-five thing really is no joke. Watching season one of drive to survive, seeing the impulsivity in most of the young drivers vs seeing how they behave once they hit that 25 and older mark, that will really prove the power of a connected brain.
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meatpope · 1 year
writing hickeygibson being messy embarrassing bitches is always funny because i will be like “oh well this is just what people in their early to mid twenties are like, that’s as good an excuse as any for immature relationship drama” then i remember billy is the only one in his twenties and cornelius is a 35 year old man who acts Like That.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
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taxonomicons · 6 months
gonna start posting about my friends like those Twitter parents who refer to their children by age only
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thelostboys87 · 7 months
reading the strands of lover boy and the scene lists i wrote this year so many beautiful sex scenes that will probably never see the light of day
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clementine-kesh · 2 years
sort of on that topic actually it’s so wild how your experiences reverberate throughout your life in the most random and unexpected ways. i realized that the weird mild anxiety i get about having to be the last one to leave the room after i’m done teaching a tutorial/lab is because when i was teaching swimming as a teen we were trained to leave the pool only after our students had gotten out for safety reasons. so now i guess my brain looks at these 19-20 year old university students and is like. but what if they drown. in the classroom
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i’m not entirely sure where the idea that the cats are teenagers on the show comes from because it’s very like?? weird to me?? the show itself treats them like young adults with young adult problems, like having to get jobs and trying to find their places in the world. edna’s inheritance was specifically left to them and blik seems to be the one in charge of finances, which he couldn’t do if he was under 18 or whatever the cat equivalent of being a minor is; hovis explicitly mentions he signs his pay cheques, gordon mentions he handles phone calls. they’re allowed into country clubs and car races. they’re very emotionally immature, sure, but they’re not kids. this idea seems to be a new one because back when the show was airing it was widely known and accepted that they’re meant to be grown up, and i stand by that very firmly.
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snooziangel · 1 year
at the beginning of the game i thought lisa was like 26 or smth but the more i play i start thinking she has to be at least 35 or older i cannot imagine her being a fresh adult she is old to me and i love her very much (i was a lisa main for a bit)
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