#but they're kinda necessary y'know
manofmanymons · 1 year
might you be so benevolent as to bless us with a wip
All of my wips exist in the form of really detailed notes with random fragments of dialogue tossed in and absolutely 0 scenes actually fully written out
So take this brief exchange completely devoid of context:
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strqyr · 27 days
having thought about ozma's task these past few days has made me realize how much of a non-issue it is in the show itself.
like, in V5 he tells the group that he was cursed by the gods for failing to stop salem once. this was proven false in the lost fable, but no one was mad at him for leading them astray and towards a judgment day that might spell the end of their world.
none of them have even showed any concern over the possibility that the gods would return to remnant and stay, let alone being against it.
the focus has solely been on stopping salem and how to do it when she can't be destroyed or beaten, and i feel like at some point it's like... it's cutting it really close to do a switch around and make the brother gods be the real problem that must be dealt with, especially when V9 did give them and their past focus, and all that amounted to was information to understand them better, not that either of them are the real issue that the gang must prepare for.
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omgafhsfanin2024 · 5 months
Oh god is my fnafhs phase coming back. I have an AU Idea and it's very magical girl-y help (a Lil summary in the tags)
#basically y'know lily abby maggie toddy and mai? all the best girls? (ok except Abby maybe but I'll save her dw)#ok now imagine them as teen magical girls#a normal 2000's/2010's bff group who also kick ass in pretty dresses#now imagine mai and puppet being magical beings from another planet#kinda like the winx club characters that look completely human but they're fairies n stuff? there's a reason why the twins can look like-#Normal humans tho: their true form is a being like Maipett. they're two maipetts#BUT they can shapeshift to look just like any living beings they see#so they can very easily blend in with humans#now what are these beings? basically they're magical dudes that control the “Shadows”. evil spirits that can destroy life in pretty much-#any abitated planet in irreversible ways#one day some shadows breached from the maipetts control and directed themselves to earth as it was the closest living planet#so mai and Charlie as the strongest most able shadowseekers (group of specialized Maipetts with the mission to bring back Shadows to-#security in case of breaching) got a mission to go to earth find the shadows and bring them back. even destroy them if necessary#now what's the group mentioned earlier have to do with all this?#after saving lily from a shadow attack her and mai become “friends” (keep in mind Mai doesn't really know what friends even are)#but with time they do become very close#and since the shadows are never way too far from each other meaning that other shadows might be hiding in the same town Mai wanted to keep-#Lily safe. so she gave her a tiny rock that contains Maipett powers (Mai likes to keep them on her belt for decoration) and showed her-#basic attacks to at least keep Lily safe in case she gets attacked by a shadow and Mai happens to not be there#after a while tho Abby (Lily's roommate and childhood friend) finds out about her friends' powers and she thinks it's soo cool and things#but Lily and Mai especially aren't so cool about it cus pretty much all the situation is supposed to be a secret#so they and abby make a promise: Abby gets a magical gem and of course some lessons how to use it's powers and she keeps the secret#Abby agrees and she joins the group (that remains unnamed until the others join)#Toddy and Maggi were found by Charlie in the meantime. Charlie saved them both from a shadow attack and so Mai decided to give them-#magical rocks aswell with the deal that Charlie was the one to teach them about their powers this time#Toddy decides to name the group “The Shadowseekers” to reference mai and Charlie's literal job#and yeah they go on adventures around the city™ and sorroundings beating shadow's ass and learning to use their powers and work together#while also keeping the secret#idk it came up to me like some minutes ago#fnafhs
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keikakudom · 3 months
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I decided to make a HH AU cause...y'know....anyway.... now introducing
Reset Resort! A Hotelier Vox AU
- you already know, it's a hotel Vox AU.....but not quite what you're thinking. Kind of a swap between Alastor and Vox, it focuses on the butterfly effects of this single change, rather than a full reversal.
- Most things are kinda(?) the same. Except the hotel is not as run-down and quite more successful. As if S1’s hotel started with S2's reputation and building. It's also more modern/sleek and closer to your typical strip hotel.  Much more busy with additional residents coming in and out. Think Vegas-style. It has way too many amenities than necessary, and it's actually an enjoyable place to hang out , but the message for "redemption" might be a bit....lost.
- It’s supposed to be a place where Sinners can (lightly) indulge in their vices without risk of falling into a soul-binding deal on their road to recovery.
- In this AU, movement between Sinners/Winners has been proven. NOT redemption yet. With this “concrete” evidence, Vox considers it "purely a business investment" to sponsor the hotel.
- Because of this "proof", Heaven has granted Hell/Charlie a grace period of an extra year with no exterminations, so long as they continue to monitor the process and Hell provides further progress and evidence of redemption.
Vox is there for the start up of the hotel with Charlie. He sponsors her project with his reach and expertise. His personality is much more subdued, his TV persona taking center stage, except for rare occasions. His temper is not as bad as in-canon. AKA, he’s much more fake and corny in this AU.
Charlie is slightly more mature and realistic in this AU. She studies redemption seriously and notes behavioral patterns/is much more patient and careful with the process. With Vox being extremely efficient and taking over the managerial/facility side of the resort, she is able to dedicate her time fully towards the redemption of sinners and being a therapist. She is still overzealous sometimes because she knows that if nobody else will show enthusiasm/push sinners to do better, then nobody will.
- Vox tried to manipulate Charlie very early on when they first met, and Charlie ended up realizing his kindness was just for his own benefit and has been wary of that fact ever since.
- Their relationship is like: she knows he’s reliable and will do everything she asks, but is doubtful/sad that he’s ingenuine. Vox thinks Charlie looks at him with pity and absolutely HATES it, but he still plays carefully so he can do a repeat and build up her trust again. Doesn't like Vaggie for a similar reason. They just think he's another misguided sinner in need. Neither have fully grasped the idea that most Sinners chose to do-evil(which he certainly has). 
- Vox holds a contract with Lucifer. What for? Well... let's say that they're on good terms and are friends. They meet with each other once a week (where Lucifer gets social interaction and updates on Charlie). 
I already have sketches for Alastor and Vaggie planned out in this AU~
It's less of a full "reversal" and more so one swap and the butterfly effect that follows. This AU has been my brainchild for a few weeks, so PLEASEEE I'd love to answer any questions or asks....
My AU tag is #au: reset resort
All information can be found under there! Until I make a masterpost or something.
Old design under the cut:
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words-of-wolf · 3 months
Having some Thoughts once more.
Specifically thinking about self-policing identity. Obviously policing others is a huge issue in the alterhuman and adjacent communities, but setting up my soap box here to talk about how we internalise the need to police identity.
Putting a cut here because god do I need to stop writing these walls of text that people then have to scroll past for eternity even if they're not interested in reading it asjdkhjksah !!
When I was a teen, I saw otherkin and therians self-policing and I respected them. I thought they were really strong for doing that; I thought it was necessary, and that the only way we could ever be accepted as a community is if we leaned hard into minimising our experiences, making things "palatable". It wasn't a conscious belief, but it was very present.
So that's what I emulated. Any discussion of my experiences, or my feelings, usually would get a lot of reassurances sprinkled in there: "this is just my beliefs", "it's okay if you don't believe this too", "I know this sounds far-fetched", "this is just my internal identity".
I thought that made me sound reasonable and respectable. Maybe it even did.
But nowadays, I see people doing this kind of thing - minimising their experiences, adding disclaimers, policing themselves - and mostly it just makes me feel sad for them. Not in a condescending way, cause I've been there, I know how it feels to believe you've gotta make yourself sound "reasonable" to be respected. But I don't feel respect for that attitude, it just makes me sad.
And now, I'm here growing into a version of myself where I finally start to feel like I'm an adult, and I finally start to feel like I'm myself in a way unhindered by that constant fear and self-regulation, and I can see plain as day how much the self-policing doesn't actually work.
Cause you could present the weirdest, most outlandish identity possible to someone, but if you don't make a big deal out of it they probably won't either. Casual but unapologetic is, I think, the best way to go. You don't always have to hide yourself. (Obviously, take time to judge your situation first, but, same goes for most things outside of "the norm").
But presenting yourself as some vulnerable thing who has to placate any aggression before it even happens - well, that just makes people uncomfortable, and the mean ones will single you out as a target for it more than they'd do with someone who's just kinda "whatever" about the whole situation.
And the same thing goes for if you have an identity that feels weird by alterhuman standards, y'know? Chill but unapologetic will get you far. You'll feel more comfortable in yourself, too. Cause when everything you say is minimised, you can start to internalise that too - and it can make you feel like embracing your identity wholeheartedly is a bad thing, or like your own perception of self should have the same uncertainty to it that your descriptions of it do.
I think... the desire and impulse to self-police and minimise is not something you can just "switch off". But I hope reading this can get the ball rolling for those of you out there who struggle with this in the same way I did!
You don't need to police yourself. You don't need to censor yourself.
Doing this doesn't help the community, and it doesn't increase our standing and validity in the eyes of people on the outside. At best, it does nothing; at worst, it makes us seem uncertain, nervous, and an easy target.
And doing this hurts yourself. It affects things in ways that are hard to even see, but take it from someone who's experienced it: these feelings can pierce so, so deep.
You don't need to apologise for who you are. I don't care how "weird" your identity or experiences are - it's you, it's who you are, nobody can touch that. And if you're genuine about it, people will accept you for it, and sometimes gravitate towards you, even; particularly the others who feel the same way, who are the "weird ones" among the weirdos.
Cause when you're unapologetic, when you're genuine in a way that's not flavoured by fear, you kinda... become a safe space. You create an atmosphere around you that gives other people permission to do the same. To just be themselves, without the uncertainty and fear.
And that's really special! It's important.
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mauesartetc · 6 months
Redrawing Shadiversity's AI Piece
For context, check out this post here. This is, uh... It's a doozy.
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Let's start with the main character of the image. The girl's pose looks very awkward and unrealistic for what she's doing. Her feet are dragging in two different directions that don't indicate the direction she's jumping in, and it looks like her top half is getting blown back in a wind tunnel. According to one of the reblogs on the post that introduced me to this thing, the pose wasn't the generator's doing, but the artist's. "He drew the girl and photoshopped in a picture of a lizard and a picture of a church and had the image generator "refine" it."
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I sincerely doubt he used any kind of photo reference for this drawing, as it'd be uncomfortable for anyone's spine to curve backward like that while they're leaping forward and swinging a heavy sword. That just looks painful.
Let's explore some ways we could make the pose look more believable.
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I think I'll go with a pose that's close to the original but makes a bit more sense.
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It obviously doesn't have the same level of... "polish" the AI version does (we'll get to that in a minute), but the tilt of the spine looks much more natural for the direction she's leaping in and the way she's holding the sword.
Now that we have that out of the way, let's analyze more of the image as a whole.
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AI art handles detail in a way that looks good to the untrained eye, but falls apart in the eyes of experienced artists. These clothing folds, for example. There's no logic to the way they're shaped, and the shirt is randomly tight around the chest when it's loose everywhere else. Then there are the scales brought into sharp focus despite the rest of the dragon being blurred, the blood drips that look like stalactites, and so on and so forth. I'm sure there are things I missed, as well. If y'all find them, let me know in the comments!
Something to note about the sketches I made before the finished drawing: They kinda suck. And that's the point. The early stages of a drawing aren't meant to look pristine with perfect anatomy (not to say the finished product is anywhere near perfect, but still). What they are meant to have is energy. Purpose. Life. But AI bros are so afraid to make any "bad" drawings that they don't draw at all (or in cases like Shad's, they only draw the bare minimum).
I didn't make this post to dunk on AI prompters, but to encourage them to put in the necessary work that will improve their skills. And no, I'm sorry, typing words into a box won't make anyone a better artist. It might make them better at describing what they want when they commission an artist, but by and large it's like lifting a feather when you want to gain muscle instead of, y'know, lifting actual weights.
Obviously machine learning isn't going anywhere and it'd be nice to use as a tool to make different steps of the art process more efficient. It's good for silly memes, I guess. But we shouldn't treat the images it spits out as masterpieces, and, importantly, businesses shouldn't use it to replace real people.
Anyway, it's pretty easy to go to the store with five bucks and come back with a decent sketchpad and pens/pencils. Not to mention art programs like Krita and Blender are FREE, and there are plenty of tutorials on Youtube. Just sayin'.
Get drawing.
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love-toxin · 2 years
knowing me, knowing you - eddie munson & steve harrington
plot: new boyfriends eddie and steve overhear jason trying to ask angelface out, and they know they have to rescue you--not just because they're your friends, but because they can't let him steal you away from them and hurt you...even if you're not theirs, yet.
cws: established steddie, hurt/comfort, throuple, tw: homophobia, derogatory use of 'queer', bullying, threats, manipulation, jason's a huge dickhead, protective steve, mild violence, confessions, jealousy, threeway mutual pining, friends to lovers, eddie pov, fem reader.
word count: 2.6k
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"...So we should go on a date, then. I'll take you to dinner."
Eddie sidles up quietly against the wall, risking a peek around the corner to check before he waves Steve over. Yep, Wheeler was right–there you are, leaning against the school outside with Jason fucking Carver, who cannot physically get any closer to you without it being considered a felony.
"No shit," Steve pokes his head out over his boyfriend's, whispering incredulously because Eddie knows he can't believe it either. Of course, the one person in the school that they both despise the most is making a move on you. Steve rubs Eddie's shoulder, hoping to soothe him as the two of them watch from their position of relative safety.
"Um, aren't you…aren't you and Chrissy..?" Jason shakes his head at you, but he's still smiling like he's still got it all under control.
"Nah, she…I heard she's been sleeping around. So I dumped her–girls like that aren't worth it. Not like you."
"That's not true!" Eddie whispers–he knows Chrissy, she's a sweet girl, and she definitely dumped him because he made one too many awful comments about her appearance. What a fucking liar. But he maybe says it a touch too loudly, because Jason's brow raises and just as he turns to look around, Steve grabs Eddie by the collar and yanks him back around the wall to hide. But once they hear you start talking again, they both slowly sneak a peek once more, knowing that Jason's eyes will be on you and you alone.
"Thank you, uh, I'm flattered, but…"
"But? Is there a but? C'mon, just one date." Such a pushy bastard, it's annoying enough to Eddie, but looking up he can see that Steve's practically got steam coming out of his ears. You fidget with your sleeve, the bag slung over your shoulder swaying as you do so while you try not to look him directly in the eye. "You're so cute when you get shy. C'mon, babe."
Oh, that "babe" is almost enough for Eddie to go fucking berserk, and he can feel that Steve is feeling the same–but they both agreed not to intervene unless it was totally necessary. They might be totally whipped for you, but they're not your babysitters and they both know that if they start acting like it, you'll just end up resenting them. Plus, the three of you are good friends right now, and you're one of the very few that doesn't think them dating is weird or somehow related to the devil, so to mess that up would result in a lot of nights moping around and watching sad movies in each other's laps that neither of them are emotionally prepared for at the moment.
"Y'know, we could even do some more stuff if you wanted…a little birdie told me that you have yet to lose something." You look scared. This is nowhere near good. Steve's hand digs into his shoulder, hard.
"It's okay to be inexperienced, babe. I can show you how to do it…show you how to make love. You can trust me–even if that's all you want, I'll let you use me for it." How manipulative can he be? Eddie knows there's no way you would ever do something like that, but he can also see now that Jason really just wants to get into your pants. Figures, he doesn't deserve your kindness or any part of you, so he's just scraping to get whatever he can, like a rat–and it gets worse when Jason starts touching your face, trying to get you to look at him. Steve quietly growls a "don't" from above him, kind of like a dog getting territorial. It's kinda hot, if he's being honest…focus. He has to focus.
"I'm not a virgin,"
You finally breathe, your eyes flicking up to meet the blond's whose hand is still on your chin.
"And you're not my type. Sorry." You gently push his hand away, and wait with shaky hands for him to back off. But both Eddie and Steve's anger increases when he just dips his face closer to you, almost like he's gonna kiss you–Eddie has to put a hand on Steve's chest to stop him from lunging forward, whispering a "Stevie, calm down!" quiet enough that neither you nor Jason notice while you're in your own little world.
"What do you mean by that? Explain it to me, so I can understand." His voice is low, but angry, fury simmering just below the surface like he's close to blowing up. But if he thinks he can just intimidate you into doing what he wants, then he's got another thing coming.
"What…What is there to explain? You're a bully. You're cruel. I saw what you did to Gareth's hand," Your brow furrows–god, you're so pretty when you're mad–and Eddie finds himself breathless as you raise your hand to your chest and push him, just hard enough for Jason to take a step back with an incredulous look on his face. "And you're always calling my friend a freak."
"Who, Munson? He is a freak! Why would you even want to be friends with someone like him? You're too good for that."
"No, I'm too good for you." Jason just shakes his head in disbelief, a scoff on his lips. Eddie's chest is so tight, heart beating so fast at the protectiveness in your voice as you say his name. "Eddie's my friend. He's sweet, and he would do anything for his friends. He's nothing like you–and that's why I like him."
You like him. He's on cloud nine right now, he wouldn't even notice if the world was ending. All his dreams are coming true, even if he never imagined Jason would be involved with them at all.
"You like that queer? Are you fucking serious?"
"Shut up! You're a cunt, Jason!" You shove him again, hard this time, your words spit with venom and your fists shaking with anger. But he's so proud of you for stepping away, you're so mature, and you don't even look back at him as you start walking towards the side of the building where they're hiding–until you stop suddenly, and Eddie realizes that Jason's grabbing you by the wrist to drag you back to him.
"You do not walk away from me, you understand that?!"
"Let go of me! I'm gonna tell-" Jason slaps a hand over your mouth, and yanks you close enough that your faces are only a few inches from each other. Too close.
"Who's gonna believe you?" Your eyes widen, and it is far past the last straw. Steve is shouldering past him and dashing towards the scene before Eddie even realizes he's gone from his side.
With the kind of strength that befits a former high school athlete, Steve runs up and wedges himself between you two so he can shove Jason off, breaking his grip and sending him stumbling back while your friend stands protectively over you. You look a little dazed, confused, but when Eddie hustles over to take your arm in his and soothe you, it sets in that you're safe and you gladly melt into his embrace. You're so warm, and you're scared, but…he just can't help thinking about how soft you feel against his chest.
"You touch her again, and I'll make sure you regret it."
"The fuck are you doing here, Harrington?" Jason spits, flushed and clearly jumped up from getting interrupted. Eddie doesn't even want to think about what would have happened if Wheeler hadn't tipped them off, what Jason might have done to you if they weren't here–but if he somehow wasn't sure before that he always wants to be there for you, then he absolutely does now.
"Oh, y'know, hanging out. Seeing some old friends. Defending pretty girls against creepy douchebags. Whatever strikes my fancy." Jason's eyes slide over to Eddie, who feels and probably looks a lot braver with Steve in between them. He can feel you tense up against him when Steve says that, and he pulls his arms tighter around you to hug you closer. It's relieving to feel that you're comfortable with him, enough that you're clinging to his jacket and subtly nuzzling even deeper into him.
"What was that you said, again? 'Who's gonna believe you'? I think the school counselor would love to hear that. Probably would have to let the basketball coach know, though. And you can say bye bye to the rest of the season." Steve sounds so confident when he's ripping him apart, it's honestly kind of…well, it's not something you might find attractive, but Eddie certainly does, and by the awed look in your eyes he can sense that you feel the same. "Gimme a reason, dude, cause I would love to kick your ass right now."
Jason looks between all three of you, frustrated and wounded by the blow Steve's managed to deal him, but the intensity only lasts a couple seconds. Because before long, he's made his choice, and he brushes you all off and stalks away with his hands shoved in the pockets of his letterman jacket.
"Oh, Jason! Almost forgot!" Both you and Eddie are surprised to see him actually stop and turn his head when Steve calls out to him, his glare violent enough that all three of you can almost feel the holes burning through you. "You ever get near my boyfriend again, or Hellfire, or her, I'll rip you many, many new ones. You just gimme the word, big boy."
Jason says nothing, just spits, and gives all three of you the finger which Steve gladly returns before he turns and disappears through the door into the school. By the time Steve moves to walk back towards you two, Eddie's loosened his hug to let you slip out, but you're still clutching at his arm like it's a pier in a storm.
"Don't be scared, honey. You're okay." Steve affectionately rubs your head, ruffling your hair a bit in the process. But he's a lot more gentle than when he does it to Dustin or the other kids, careful, and fortunately so when you've still got such a disturbed expression.
"I..I thought he was gonna.."
"He won't. Stevie's got us–look how strong he is." Eddie smiles over at you, and rubs the hand you've got gripping his sleeve so you can feel his rings against your skin.
"Did you, um…I don't know how much you heard of that.."
"Well, we got to hear you call him a cunt. That was fun." Your eyes turn back to Eddie, big and doe-like, and god, there's rarely been a time he's wanted to kiss you more than he does right now. "...And I heard what you said about me."
Fear strikes across your face, and you quickly avert your gaze from him like it's too much to even meet his eyes. He hates how shaky you still are, even when the danger has passed–he never wants you to be afraid of him, scared of what he's gonna say next. Ever.
"I-I…Eddie, I…I don't want to ruin what we have. And I…Steve, I'm sorry I-" Your voice is trembling, and even though your head is turned away he can clearly tell you're on the brink of tears. But that's when Steve pipes up, a hand brushing your cheek as he guides you to look up at him.
"You had a crush on me, right?" You stutter, taken aback by his query, but he just keeps going. "You were younger, I remember. I was a senior. You used to wear your hair like,"
He motions around his head, trying to charade his way into describing it before his hands land on his hips.
"Like that. It was cute."
Eddie knows you're not nearly as close with Steve–you would definitely be considered friends, but you mostly know Harrington through him and you haven't spent much time together alone. Before they started going out, that fact would relieve him. He didn't even know that you and Steve knew each other before you all started hanging out.
"Listen, Eddie's not gonna say it, but he likes you. And I like you. And from what I can tell, you might feel the same. So," He raises both hands up to show he's being vulnerable, and steps around you to stand closer to Eddie's side. "If you don't, that's totally cool. We can pretend none of this happened–but if you do, and you don't mind sharing, well…we can stop running after you like lost puppies to make sure you're okay."
You're speechless, clearly. Your eyes dart from one boy to the next, searching for some sign that they're gonna burst into laughter and admit that it was all an elaborate prank. But all Eddie does is keep stroking your hand, until you slowly release it from his jacket and let him take hold of it.
"Is…this really happening? This isn't a dream, right?" You're the one who's incredulous now, and the two of them look between each other as a spark of fear ignites. It's just now occurring to Eddie and his boyfriend both that they might have made a huge mistake by saying this right now.
"I…y'know what, now I'm thinking this might have been a bad time to say all that. I'm sorry, I just, seeing you scared like that-"
"Did you mean it?" You interrupt Steve's near-frantic babbling, your eyes now intense in a way that Eddie has to mentally slap himself to not find as incredibly hot.
"Well yeah, of course. We mean it, right Eds?"
"Damn right." You look between the two of them. Are you still questioning, he wonders? Will you walk away, thinking they were liars this whole time, just waiting for a chance to make fun of you?
"Do you…wanna get some dinner?" Only now does your question come out as meek, soft, just like the absolute goddess that first came to Eddie to ask if you could get something from the theatre while Hellfire club was in session. He still remembers that day so fondly, the way the club members teased him for how gently he spoke to you and how he paused the game for a whole ten minutes just to explain what they were doing to you. And the first time you got frustrated with him, yelled at him for something stupid he did that he doesn't even remember anymore, and how whipped he realized he was when he witnessed how forceful you were when you were worried about him.
"Oh, like…now?" Steve's voice breaks him from his reverie, he didn't even realize he was staring at you, or that your eyes flicked over to stare right back.
"Yeah." You bite your lip. Mercy.
"Yes," Eddie sighs, his eyes totally fixated on you, like he's already lovesick. "Anywhere you want. I'll pay for yours."
"Think again, Munson. Keep your money, I'll cover everyone's. C'mon, beautiful." He snaps his fingers in front of Eddie's face to bring him back to reality, drawing a giggle out of you in the process as he loops an arm around your waist and leads you away towards his car. He might have been left behind, if he wasn't still holding your hand–you give him a tug to pull him along with you, and he hurries up to walk on your opposite side from Steve.
It might be impossible to tell what's gonna happen next, what you're gonna say when you all sit down at a booth at the diner and have the conversation that he's been waiting so long to have–but it doesn't matter, none of it does. Because all those nights of lying awake with Stevie and talking to each other about you, about how perfect it would be to pull you into their little universe with them…now, it might be possible for it to all come true. There's a chance. And that's more than either of them could ever ask for from an angel like you.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
A part of Luffy's character I think is kinda overlooked or at least not taken too seriously is his views on violence. I often see people joke on how he was kind to Otama but pretty harsh on Momonosuke, but I think that not many people realise how he is really just doing the same thing that Garp used to do on him.
Its very clear that Luffy uses two types of violences. There is the "friendly" "affectionate" violence, and there is the serious, actually dangerous one. In the first instance is what we often see between him and his crewmates, they exchange beatings and other stuff (mostly from Nami lmao) and while it can be attributed to the slapstick like nature of One Piece's humor, it goes much deeper than that. Garp used his "fist of love" on Luffy all of the time, Luffy was used to this kind of stuff from an early age, and it was normalised to him.
An example of this is that scene in Dressrosa when after that long headed grandpa (forgot his name) explained why he hated Garp and Luffy told him that his reasoning was ridiculus because Luffy was hit way more times but never held a grudge. (Its also true that Luffy does reconise Garp's parenting as being too extreme tho, since in Amazon Lily he espressed not wanting to recall the nights he spent alone in the jungle. But at least when it came to acts of violence directelly from him he was fine with it.)
HOWEVER Luffy also knew actually bad violence from an early age, the one that was meant to kill him. He obviously freaked out when Ace and Sabo wanted to kill him, and of course he was genuenly scared when the Bluejam pirates kidnapped him and Ace. Luffy clearly has a neat distinction in mind when it comes to this type of stuff. And what we see with Momonosuke was an example of the remnants of Garp's tough love and Luffy's genuine and benevolent desire for Momo to be a great man.
I wanted to add some stuff, but I think you explained it pretty well. Honestly, I obviously don't agree with those methods of raising somebody, but due to it being a world of pirates in which they actually have to act with a bit of tough love and violence, I think it's not that bad. I think what makes Garp's "training" and "tough love" bad is the fact that he did it for the wrong reasons. He wanted Luffy to be a marine and tbh most of the times we've seen Garp acting like that around Luffy weren't even necessary for training. I can get behind tough love in a show about pirates, obviously, but not when there are more reasons behind that than just "you need to protect yourself / train" like Garp forcing Luffy to be what he wanted to be, and not letting him follow his dream. Which, you know, I get it because being a marine would be safer, but it was obvious that it was hurting Luffy. And Garp didn't even have the decency to at least take care of the kid himself, he just left him all alone and then had the audacity to keep treating him like that as if he had the right to use tough love on him. Like-- Zeff and Sanji also use tough love but Zeff doesn't leave Sanji alone nor tortures him and stops when it's too much. I think Garp doesn't. Maybe that's just how I perceive it.
But yeah- Luffy's views on violence are really influenced by Garp's way of raising him. Honestly, I think it's pretty normal (once again saying, especially around pirates because they do not have usual relationships and dynamics) in the crew to use violence like that between them. Nami hitting Luffy or, y'know, in general the crew is like that and they use tough love a lot. But it isn't serious?? Like. They're pirates. They fight. They're violent. We need to keep that in mind first. But also, it's not only tough love that they use and that's only occasional and not a thing that happens all the time. But Luffy recognizes that as tough love and that's why he acts like that with Momo. But tbh? Luffy does it, like, insanely better with Momo. Better than Garp for sure. He treats him that way because he recognizes that, even thought Momo is still a kid, he has a responsibility and he will hate himself even more if he doesn't grow up quickly to face it, Luffy helps Momo realize some crucial stuff about him using tough love but also never leaves him on his own and he's always by his side being a brother when he needs it. He's empathetic and a sweetheart to him too, he's just harsh when Momo needs to be stronger and that's the only way Luffy has of telling him. He doesn't treat Otama like that because she doesn't need it. She's just a kid. The only times in which he's harsh around her is when it comes to Ace's death, and he's just being realistic about it because dancing around it will only make it hurt more and he thinks that ripping off the band-aid is better than being careful with it. Because that's how his brain works. Dead people don't come back, and he has been aware of that ever since he was Tama's age, so...
Anyway, the thing with Luffy and violence is that he turns the way Garp raised him and how his crew acts around each other into a way of putting some sense of responsibility/reality into the kids he meets because if they have to grow up fast, better be ready for that with somebody that knows how it feels like.
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Soul Eater characters and their MLP Gen 4 equivalents
i will be disregarding all ships and familial relationships for this purely because it would make it WAY too complicated and this is my silly little haha. i already put too much thought into it, i cannot burden my mind with the restraint of familial and romantic relations.
first up, the main 7 characters. starting with the one who inspired this all:
Maka as Twilight Sparkle
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she's got the wings, she's got the book smart, she's got the power of friendship on her side, it's perfect. this was all started b/c while rewatching the anime, we joked that Maka's dubbed voice sounded like Twilight. this one is the strongest comparison, it gets worse from here.
Soul as Spike
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no offense to Soul, but he's usually secondary to Maka most of the time. snarky, sassy, and often asking questions. also, his name is Spike, Soul's got spiky hair, it makes sense.
Black☆Star as Rainbow Dash
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cocky, proud, super strong, fast, and blue!! a lot of their development revolves around like valuing other people (Black☆Star is more about like,,,, becoming his own person but y'know) also they both have scratchy voices.
Tsubaki as Fluttershy
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calm and mild mannered, but also on occasion has the ability to go apeshit. befriends someone who is quite strong and obnoxious that most characters find annoying.
Death the Kid as Rarity
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obsessive about appearances and has a particularly fancy way of talking. pale?? distinctive hair. makes sense.
Patty as Pinkie Pie
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no explanation necessary.
Liz as Apple Jack
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older sister figure! blonde and realistic, kinda tough and used to having to work for stuff (though Liz doesn't have to do it too much anymore now that she and patty are chilling w/ Kid) also, AJ was the only one left of the mane 6 lol.
Crona as Princess Luna
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obviously the moon connection, duh. dark aesthetic, doesn't understand other people, and gets kinda possessed by madness!! which leads into my next choice
Kishin Asura as Nightmare Moon
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evil!! but also because they were a bit misunderstood. spreads their powers across the entire world. possesses someone who is also part of them. lives on the moon.
Lord Death as Princess Celestia
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tall and a god figure, but also kind of royalty? super OP but also we barely get to see them fight or use their powers ever so that our lovely main characters can be the ones to defeat the big bad. questionable morals at times.
Stein as Discord
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crazy ass bitch!! tall and a slightly concerning amount of people simp for them. looks stitched together, stuff sticking out of their heads.
Marie as Princess Cadance
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Ox as Snips
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weird hair,,,,,,,,,,
Harvar as Snails
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tall?? Harvar's a spear so he's tall by default. he's also gold-ish when he's in weapon form so that counts, also pointy b/c unicorn and spear.
Jackie as Octavia
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Jackie has to be Octavia b/c her name is based off of cellist Jacqueline du Pré and even though Jackie doesn't play cello, this is who she must be to fulfill her destiny. also, they both have dark hair.
Kim as DJ Pon 3 (Vinyl Scratch)
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gay. unicorn, so she has magic like a witch
Kilik and the Pots as the Cutie Mark Crusaders
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there's three of them and they are inseparable. do not separate them. Kilik can be Sweetie Belle b/c he's standing in the middle.
Sid as Big Mac
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man of few words. super strong and ,,,,,,, angular?? idk they're both kinda blocky. sad eyes,,,,,,,, UNDERRATED.
Naigus as Zecora
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doctor!!! also if i was a pony, i would have a crush on Zecora. i have a crush on Naigus. this is my reasoning.
Medusa as Chrysalis
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evil. weird and confusing hair!! dark aesthetic with one accent color. insanely manipulative, undeniably slaying.
Arachne as The Storm King
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this one comes as a suggestion from Tumblr mutual (and my literal current college suite mate) @xaltiide she says that this guy is "the big bad" but isn't doing Most of the bad stuff in comparison to the other villains.
and finally, my grand finale
Giriko and Justin as Flim and Flam
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they suck!!!! they suck SO BAD!!!!!!!! and they're evil. HORRIBLE.
anyways, happy April fools everyone. i finished the last half of this post while an edible kicked in on a Friday night and i feel like that probably shows in what i have created, but i will stand by this.
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ferretseal · 2 months
I didn't want to draw last night because my shoulder was acting up
So I don't have drawings right now.
But I'm going to put some of my clown world building up. "Clown" is used as a blanket term for all types mentioned here, but I do explain a little about my thought process.
Anyway, a world where clowns(and any related person) are their own species. Complete with magical abilities.
So there's this clown in a circus(basically a large, traveling, preforming family). She's the smallest and youngest of the family, and her name is Big-Top(it's a contradicting name, but that's not too uncommon because it's funny)
She has an elephant that's actually a living plushie familiar thing. She made it, and with a little bit of magic it can come to life and become a full sized elephant. It's called Patchwork and it's what she performs with when she's not with her family or being the one selling treats and stuff.
General Magic includes, but is not limited to: pocket dimensions, bubble/balloon craft, "sound board", and y'know, classic clown stuff.
She falls in love with a mime. Mimes are mute(often by choice/traditions), and monochrome (black and white basically), and have strange magic that they can basically conjure up anything they want, but they must act it out and its always invisible. But these things can act on other people if the mime wants them to. Sometimes when the items come in contact with traditional clown magic they can become visible in grey scale, and even more rare they have colors. Mimes also have names, but they're not really known to anyone who's not fluent in mime. But ours is dubbed "Ruffles" by Big-Top's family because they got tired of calling him Mime, and he has unique ruffles on his sleeves and pant legs.
Mimes and clowns are like polar opposites, but also infuriatingly similar, and often don't get along, but at this point they're somewhat civil. Sometimes there's individuals who are friendly, but Big-Top and Ruffles are an anomaly and kinda have a forbidden romance thing going on.
I like the idea of a loud, boisterous and colorful person, and the silent, monochrome partner (but they're both joyful and playful) And Ruffles, for a mime, is "loud". He uses overly exaggerated charades to communicate (as mimes do), so to them he's pretty much yelling all the time.
Big-Top's family!
Her oldest sibling moved away when she was younger, and she doesn't really know them, but she does know that they now work at an amusement park in a Troup there. (A Troup is basically a non family circus that occasionally travels but traveling isn't necessary).
Her older sister(about 4 ish years older than her)is a performer who is often paired with Big-Top. Her name is Topsy-turvy because she does a unique act of doing anything in a handstand, the best one is when she does rope walking.
Then there's Big-Shot(about a year older than Big-Top), the middle brother who's actually a strong man, so he's y'know, HUGE.
(The parents had a naming scheme, if you can't tell.)
The parents are the ringleaders of this group, and are basically in charge. They're Candy(mom) and Casey(dad) and they're your typical clowns.
Then there's Uncle Buffo, he's the lion tamer and has a small army of plush animals that are the same kind of thing as Patchwork.
There's Auntie Velvet who does horse tricks, and her sister Auntie Bingo with her dogs and seals.
Then there's the cousins, Buffo and Velvets twins, Curly and Cheery. They're too young to perform, about 7 ish(clowns start performing at arpund 10-12, depending on the family) so they took over Big-Top's job of selling treats. Curly sells cotton candy and popcorn white Cherry does drinks like pop and slushies.
There's also Nanners, who's a cousin somewhere but to whom is kinda unclear, but they sell things like hotdogs, shaved ice, and makes sure the twins are being safe with the equipment.
Other stuff!
All types of clowns/jesters/mimes need a higher sugar intake than a human. Sugar is fuel and they need extra for the magic. Though mimes seem to prefer extra carbs instead (blame the French.). Big-Top's family keeps bottles of sugar water around and use it like Gatorade during shows. Big-Top herself also often snacks on cotton candy, while Big-Shot prefers marshmallows and Topsy-turvy enjoys hard candy.
Clowns cannot conjure up items, but can make nearly endless pocket dimensions.
They don't really use pens, unless they're the glittery kind, but tend to use markers or those large kids crayons for writing. It's fun.
Play is an important part of clown life. It's a need. You need to play. A clown that doesn't play has something very wrong with them. Even those with depression play, even if it's just passively talking though an improv game. If a clown doesn't play, it could go clinically insane. It's as important as sleep.
There are clowns in other professions though. Doctors, accountants, ect. They still look clown like, hair and face, but they just dress normally lol.
The face paint isn't actually paint. They're markings that are unique to the clown/mime. They cannot be removed. They develop and change with age though (babies are born without them, and should start showing their first marks at around 1 or 2 years old).
Any and all animals (apart from a few outliers with domestic dogs) in a clown run circus are the living plush animals like patchwork. This means that Uncle Buffo's animals aren't actually dangerous and the taming is just a trained act. They're actually very friendly and docile. Wanna have a picture with a tiger? Yup it's safe! Want a painting from patchwork? No problem, he likes to. They're living toys playing, and so no animals are harmed, and transportation is easy, they just get reverted back to a regular sized plushie and put in a toy chest.
Clowns have slightly longer, slightly pointed ears compared to humans, think of like a DND half elf. They're purely looks, but olden jesters are assumed to have had true elf ears that were mobile.
There are currently three types of clowns that stem from Jesters: Clowns(and any sub set such as sad and scary, as well as other unique roles that are magic based such as strong men (see Big-Shot)), Mimes, and magicians (slight of hand magic tricks). There are overlap between the three but each one has a distinct style and culture.
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(Contains spoilers) Alright so. I've watched the Megamix and MickeyJoTheatre's initial impressions video on youtube and. Y'know what, here are all my positive thoughts about stexlo so far:
Oh my god. Oh my god I'm so gay for both Greaseball and Electra. Al Knott's voice is GREAT.
Rusty and Pearl's interactions are cute, they kinda remind me of miis in Tomodachi Life if that makes sense? (Which is admittedly both a positive and a negative to me but still)
I know it's a bop but honestly I'm happy about Dinah's Disco being cut. It never made sense (Since when has Dinah cared about whistling? She could have a thousand other reasons to not want to race with Electra, and whistling was always Pearl's thing) and it had this weird moment of coded transphobia that always made me uncomfortable when otherwise Dinah is one of my favorite characters.
It sounds like Slick Oil is in the role of Post-2018 Bochum Caboose, and it's hard to say with such limited information still, but I feel like I'm not gonna dislike Slick Oil nearly as much, because it doesn't feel like they're pretending to be a character they're not, if that makes sense? Like, they still have Wide Smile but hopefully (and probably) the lyrics have been changed enough to make it feel more distinct.
I love all the coaches' designs, especially the blue and pink checkered one (which I'm GUESSING is Dinah but I'm not 100% sure).
Also Momma's design. She looks great.
In general I can best describe the costumes as "growing on me." I said these would be my positive thoughts, so: I like the colors and the holographic and shiny materials, and for the most part I like the silhouettes. I don't think it's strictly necessary that they look like real train cars, same way it's not necessary that the cats in Cats look like real cats (even if I prefer it when they do).
I love Control (and their bedroom!) being on stage. They cast several kids as Control, and I'm guessing that's so that none of them have to work too many nights in a row.
Coda of Freight is one of my favorite songs, glad to see it there.
I'm excited to find out more about Hydra! Their song sounds very threatening! But honestly I'm here for it!
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
wouldn't it be extremely funny if Lloyd acts lowkey flustered/starstruck when around Noviel, but absolutely acts casual around Javier, and everyone literally knows that this means Lloyd has a crush on Noviel but also the fact that it's just so obvious that he and Javier are a couple(tho they both don't know it yet), so the internal thoughts they all have go like;
Noviel: This man is a treasure, i will protect you and ensure you live happily no matter what it takes, and btw i know about your little crush on me, that's cute, but i know your heart has been taken, not by me but the Javier from this world....
Javier: How DARE- whoever the hell that other knight is, toy with Lloyd's feelings like this, at first i really didn't think he existed but to think that he never showed up at all the other times Lloyd was in danger, never being there when Lloyd needed support the most, and Lloyd's being too forgiving and affectionate for a man like that-
Lloyd: Man i have to be really careful about my actions around Noviel, and if anything happens, i know Javier would not hesitate to intervene, but until then, i can now utilize two javiers for a more efficient construction procedure-
the frontera residents: ah yes, local dumbasses that have emotional constipation and unbridled body language, what a joy to see the troubles of the youth😌✨✨
Bonus points if Noviel doesn't call Lloy "master" just to piss off Javier even more, but moreso bc Lloyd insisted on the two of them to be on equal footing, also forgive me for coming back i swear i can say more than just rant about this au znnxsnndbd
that would be so funny oh my god like of crouse these two idiots are a couple just look at them. gay as fuck for each other both of them.
but then noviel arrives and suddenly lloyd is just. gone for this man. like he thinks he's being subtle about how cool and awesome and hot he sorta finds noviel but he's not. he really isn't. he just sorta finds himself looking at noviel and seeking his approval in what he's about to do at times, both because noviel does know more about the world than he does and because. well. he is the protagonist. he just has that effect, even on him. and he's like,,, really handsome. like a lot. javier is already lloyd's standard and this is javier but older. like honestly it's not even his fault y'know. and he can use them both for construction work this is gonna save them so much time and money-
and javier hateeees that, just absolutely despises it, lloyd has never once in his life sought the good opinion of someone, he barely tells javier his plans before they're already in the middle of following them and now suddenly this guy thinks he can just appear?? out of nowhere?? and change all of that?? thinks he has the right to give his opinion on their plans??? when he hadn't ever before helped in anything they went through before?? when they really needed the support?? who the fuck does he think he is?? javier is lloyd's knight, he is the one who is in charge of protecting him, he was the one who worked his ass off to keep lloyd alive, he fought monsters, traitors, a knight of hell and a bone dragon alongside him that's his best friend young master dammit >:[
he'd be so pissed off whenever noviel did even the smallest flirty remark because it's so clear he isn't serious about it, he's just having fun with lloyd's obvious affection and admiration for him and how dare he
and noviel just finds all of this sorta cute and amusing, because yes, he can tell lloyd sort of has a crush on him, and it's been a long time since he cared about those kind of things, but it is kinda adorable how lloyd sometimes follows him like a puppy and ask his opinion on what he's going to do and how easily he flushes the moment noviel flirts even the slightest bit back. so maybe he sometimes shows off a little more than what's necessary. just a bit. but like it's also obvious javier and lloyd have something going on, and he's not that much of an asshole as to steal his younger self's love so he's content with making lloyd blush a little with very simple gestures and support him in every way he can. and if it pisses off javier that's also a bonus <3
"the troubles of the youth" askjdka pleaseee y'know they are treating this as their own personal telenovela asjdads. it's so good to see their young master experimenting one of the more normal issues of life, after all that hard work he did to save the estate, he deserves a bit of romantic drama in his life. as a treat.
(god do you think there are sides, like some think that javier and lloyd are absolutely dating and it is so rude of noviel to be so forward with lloyd, like, javier is stanting right there smh. meanwhile other people think javier absolutely lost his chance for waiting too long and now lloyd has gone and fallen for a dashing mysterious new knight, so sad, so tragic, oh well these things happen. and then there's the very few people who think lloyd should just get two boyfriends and hurry up about it. like me <3 ahsdhkas)
HSADHKA NOVIEL CALLING LLOYD BY HIS NAME YES!! and lloyd coming from a culture where calling someone without any honorifics isn't something very done but still insisting on noviel just calling him by his name because he wants to be closer to him,,,, yeyeye i love that a lot <33
do not apologize i love this so much it's unreal!! i have so much fun thinking about this au (as you can probably tell kajskd), thank you so much for sharing it with me!!!
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thebottomfromhell · 8 months
hi I absolutely love your writing!!! may I request the upper moons walking in/hearing reader singing a love song that they're so sure is about them, along with their reactions?
not necessary to add, but it'd be funny if reader had that song playing in their head over and over due to how in love they are while in the middle of a meeting with muzan and him going "what the fuck, who is this for, you're pathetic"
thank you so much for your time!
My brain after reading this ask in bethesda game quest format: *skyrim quest initiation drums* Find a song that at least have love included that represents the Uppermoons.
I loved this concept, call me cringe or whatever but if you have never liked a musical song (movie songs included, don't you go on denial. If you liked disney the stfu) or appreciate a good Opera (the LUNGS these people have, try singing in a threater loud enough for everyone to hear you without a mic, I dare you), then you're missing something.
I'm very sorry for the wait, I hope you like this one too. Thank you for the request too, it's something different and I had fun with it.
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Uppermoons and GN reader confessing over a song (Musical AU with modern music and spotify/music youtube)
Songs used: [vid with lyrics + translation if needed]
Gyutaro - Your love is my drug (Kesha)
Gyokko - Prisoner (Jeffree Star)
Sekido - Dark red (Steve Lacy)
Karaku - Perro fiel (Shakira ft. Nicky Jam)
Urogi - Balada (Gusttavo Lima)
Aizetsu - Name of love (Bebe Rexha and Martin Garrix)
Nakime - Boyfriend (Dove Cameron)
Akaza - Love story (Indila)
Douma - Shut up and listen (Nicholas Bonnin)
Kokushibou - Tsuki no curse (Reika Okina)
Warnings: My broken taste in music, sexual content mentioned (in song), sexual content implied, slight drug use mentioned (in song), Akaza sings in french and slight angst, yandere behavior (in song),
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"Maybe I need some rehab. Or maybe just need some sleep. I got a sick obsession. I'm seein' it in my dreams." Holy SHIT you listen Kesha? He listens Kesha too! His sister was the one to introduce him to the artist and, he admits, the songs are very catchy. "What you got, boy, is hard to find! I think about all the time.I'm all strung out, my heart is fried. I just can't get you off my mind" "Your love is my drug" is not really his favorite from her, "blah blah blah" and "cannibal" take that prize by far (no, it's not because it's fun to sing as if he was high, he doesn't sing... at all... no, Daki, he just said he would not-)
"Because your love, your love! Your love is my drug! Your love, your love, your love!" Fuck. He really didn't mean to, he just... did it. You look at him surprised, you didn't even know he was around. Still you laugh a bit with him as he keeps singing as he forces you into his shoulder and back like he does with Daki. "I said your love, your love, your love is my drug! Your love, your love, your love!" He moves slightly, careful not to drop you, he just looks so active and joyful.
You are addicted to this side of him to, this one it barely shows, that side of him that is actually fun to be with, chaotic and messy the same way he is intimate and caring. This is your guy. "But left to my own devices I'm addicted, it's a crisis. My friends think I've gone crazy." He interrupts again. "OH! I like this part! My judgment's getting kinda hazy. My steeze is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a lovesick crackhead." You let him keep singing, until it gets to a part that is important to you, in ehich you get off Gyutaro to cup his face in your hands, making eye contact.
"I don't care what people say. The rush is worth the price I pay. I get so high when you're with me. But crash and crave you when you leave." There, you got it, you see his eyes glow a little as he keeps looking at you, face blushing. He gets it. He always gets it, even when he doesn't want to. "Wow. Ne, just... wow. This song is perfect for you, y'know?" You chuckle a little at that. "How about you? Do you also feel like that?" He looks at the other side a bit embarrased before nodding. "I do, ne. The song is good. Really good." Maybe that is why you spend the rest of the night singing it, along with other songs from Kesha. It was lovely (Also, he nails it at blah blah blah), you wilk repite it again.
"I got no regrets. And I remember the day that we met. There was no way that I could forget you.So I followed you home. And I waited 'til you were alone." Ok, Gyokko doesn't even own a home, staying at the house of his victims for a week or so doesn't count, even if you have followed him to one or two of them. He was the one to invite you, the behaviors of this song is not yours. If it had to be someone's, it would be Gyokko's. "And I know this seems so wrong. But I'm just a lovesick criminal."
"Oh! I knew you had good taste, but this is amazing!" You never stfu faster than that, closing your mouth the second you heard Gyokko's voice. You turn around and he seems... cheerful. "You can arrest me, baby, I don't wanna leave. Lock me up, throw away the key. I don't care if I'm in trouble deep. I'm addicted to your love." He keeps singing it, moving with the beat. You knew the song was his taste, but you didn't expect this outcome. "I love that song. One of my favorites. And the fact that you love it too! It's magnificent!" Still, if he is aware of the main reason you like the song, he doesn't let it show.
"I'll be your prisoner. I'll be your prisoner tonight." You keep goin, not knowing if it's to pretend nothing happened or if you are just vibing with it, but you both keep going. "I, I, I, I'm under your spell. And I just can't get enough!" You don't talk about it until you finish the song, but... you will, you can sense it. But you can also see Gyokko smiling, enjoying the time with you. "I'm prepared for all the consequences." "Believe me, I have the worst intentions." "I'm prepared for all the consequences! Believe me, believe me!"
You will be fine.
Sekido is NOT going to apologize, he never even thought about it. Sure, he was rude to you and maybe crossed a line or two, but you made him angry first. You also crossed the line this time! He doesn't even remember what you said to each other, but he remember it was bad. Why would he apologize if he is wondering if he even should forgive you. "Something bad is 'bout to happen to me. I don't know it, but I feel it coming. Might be so sad, might leave my nose running. I just hope she don't wanna leave me." He stopped when he heard your voice.
Sekido was never the one to plead, he was never the one to even ask for things. He is by far the most prideful of the clones. But if you were actually to go, to leave- "Don't you give me up, please don't give up. Honey, I belong with you, and only you, baby. Only you, my girl, only you, babe. Only you, darling, only you, babe. Only you, my girl, only you, babe. Only you, darling, only you." Wouldn't he beg like this, so pitiful and needy, because even if he doesn't want to admit it... he loves you. "Y/N."
He interrupts you, making you just realize he is there. "Is this... how you feel. Or am I reading this wrong?" He gets close slowly, but you can't really answer. You also don't want to be the one to apologize first, to admit you need him as much as he needs you without knowing what he is feeling. After some seconds of silence Sekido looks away and starts singing what you just sand, but more like a murmur, if the lips separated less then it would onlu be a hum. "Don't you give me up, please don't give up. Honey, I belong with you, and only you, baby." It sounds sincere. It is.
None of you apologizes, you both just keep... singing and huming. Just staying together, not wanting to leave. At all.
"C'mon, what were you humming, hot-stuff? I heard you just now. I promise not to laugh even if it's a lame virging song." He is teasing you. Of course he is, but he won't leave you alone until you obey. "How about you sing it? Since the song is clearly stuck in your head." How did he actually convince you? Only Karaku knows, but in the end you do as he says. Maybe you wanted this, to take it out of your chest. He has no way you actually think about him everytime you hum this song. Is like conffesing without actually doing so. "Aquí estás. Ya no puedes detenerte. ¿Dónde vas? Si estoy loco por tenerte." He seems to recognize the song, raising an eyebrow while smirking. "¿Cómo lo iba a saber? Que te vería otra vez. Tú me confundes no sé qué hacer...." You stop.
This is embarrasing, you better leav- "Yo lo que quiero es pasarla bien. Yo tengo miedo de que me guste, y me haga enloquecer. Si eso pasa yo seguiré. Contigo aquí como un perro fiel." Oh.... oh. He likes the song, and you don't know why, but that alone raises your confidence. Specially when he grabs your hand to make you spin around, as if dancing, laughing cheerfuly and loudly when you follow the lead. "Yo tengo miedo de que me guste, y me haga enloquecer." "Like that! Keep it up." You do, sometimes he moves as if to dance, mostly keeping himself roamimg around you, interrupting to sing himself or cheer up at times.
"Dicen que tú eres peligrosa. No le hago caso a esas cosas. Dime qué está pasando. Me tienes como un loco, soy un loco enamorado, eh." "Crazy man in love", that parts come from your heart, because you are in love. He puts one hand behind your head and the other in your waist before going the next part. "Quiero saber cuánto me vas a insistir. Y hasta dónde llegarías por mí. Siento mucho la espera. Pero valdrá la pena cuando te esté besando." "When I kiss you", and he just finishes the verse by doing so. And damn if it isn't worth every damn second of yearning. He speaks again after pulling apart, only inches away from your face. "Best love confession ever, hot-stuff. Very nice to use a "romantic" language. Keep coming for me and I'll keep you as mine, got it?"
What else were you meant to do but nod? Damn, you don't have to be a genius to know where the night is going. And you are going to like it.
For context... You were singing, only to stop when Urogi appeared from the sky. Now he has been following you "C'mon, sing again. PLISS? I like that song, I promise. I just want to hear you sing it." It took less than an hour of whining and puppy-eyes to convince you.
"Eu já lavei o meu carro, regulei o som. Já 'tá tudo preparado, vem que o brega é bom. Menina fica a vontade, entre e faça a festa. Me liga mais tarde, vou adorar, vamos nessa" And Urogi interrupts, to your surprise, singing the next part as he flies around you, grabbing your hands in his, exagerating movements as if dancing. "Gata, me liga, mais tarde tem balada! Quero curtir com você na madrugada! Dançar, pular até o Sol raiar! C'MON, IT'S YOUR TURN Y/N!" You follow the song and repear that same fragment before Urogi steals the next part again.
"O tchê tcherere tchê tchê! Tcherere tchê tchê! Tchê, tchê, tchê!" The song barely says anything at all. It's barely has content, but... it fits Urogi. It's more a thing of vibe than of actual words. "Se você me olhar vou querer te pegar. E depois namorar, curtição. Que hoje vai rolar." Really, it's simple, the song could be sintesized in a "let's party and if I catch your eye let's stay together the whole night", but it's cheerful, full of joy, very light... very Urogi. Maybe that is why you like it.
You are unsure if Urogi gets what you are really feeling, but he gets completely the song. And he does want to stay with you and have fun the whole night. It's a win. You will be able to explain things to him later, but for now. "Gusttavo Lima!"
"If I told you this was only gonna hurt. If I warned you that the fire's gonna burn. Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first? Do it all in the name of love?" Just after you finish that part you feel a hand on your shoulder, you turn around to see Aizetsu. You blush at the realization he found you singing, though he is blushing too. "Would you mind if I sing with you?" He doesn't explain himself futher as he asks shyly, you can only nod as he takes a breath to continue the song.
"Would you let me lead you even when you're blind? In the darkness, in the middle of the night. In the silence, when there's no one by your side." He looks at you as if waiting you to join, smiling softly as he offers his hand. "Would you call in the name of love?" You take it. "In the name of love, name of love. In the name of love, name of love. In the name of." You basically also hum together the instrumental, in a softer version. You spare glances on each other, deep and adoring.
"When there's madness, when there's poison in your head." It's almost as if you were actually talking. "When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed." You sure get that Aizetsu means it. Every word of it, that is why he wanted to sing with you. "I will hold you in the depths of your despair." "And it's all in the name of love" And so. "I wanna testify." "Scream in the holy light." "You bring me back to life." And it's all in the name of love. That you look at each other, hold your hands, talk. Because you do talk once you both finish.
"I love you a lot. Do you.. it would make me sad if you were not singing for me like I was singing for you.... but I would unders-" you must interrupt him "I was singing for you too." He smiles softly at you. "Can.... can I kiss you? Please?" No, because you kiss him first. What a lovely song, lovely night, and lovely romance.
"I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did. Up all night, I won't quit." Not the type of melody Nakime is used to, the opposite, but it's a nice song. "Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him. I could be such a gentleman." You sing with the most care, because you know she is watching, she is hearing, even if you can't see her. This is her castle, after all.
You know what you are doing, the message that you are giving. Nakime loves music, what better way to confess than with a song. And this is a song which just... vibes with her. You have no idea if she has ever heard it before, but it seems it doesn't matter. "I don't need to tell you twice. All the ways he can't suffice. If I could give you some advice. I would leave with me tonight." It doesn't, because she is talented in her art. So she plays the biwa, making a beat for you to follow. "The universe must have divined this, mmm, mmm. Ladies first, baby, I insist."
"I could be a better boyfriend than him. I could do the shit that he never did. Up all night, I won't quit. Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him. I could be such a gentleman." She sings this part with you, using the biwa to also change the settings. It gets a bit dizzy, but you love the display. She is very proud of her power. "Plus all my clothes would fit." She sings that part alone once you are both in the same room.
You look at her, she smiles at you. Seeing you are not going to sing anymore, she speaks. "I liked your song. Let's do this again some time. It's a date." She says, just before leaving you in your home. A date... you are proud of yourself, that's it. The lesbian power of the song did it trick, like you knew it would. You. Won.
Akaza doesn't know why he hasn't shown himself, he just... got lost in the song. It's one he knows, the melody,, the lyrics, the meaning... "Il n'est pas fou. Il l'aime c'est tout. Il la voit partout. Il l'attend debout. Debout une rose à la main. Non, non plus rien ne le retient." It's a lovely song, he can't think other way to describe it that is not deppressing, to be honest, and he doesn't want to think this song as sad, even if his chest aches a bit with it. "Dans sa love story!" "It's a love story", as said before, he knows the lyrics, he knows the meaning, and Akaza likes it. You keep singing for a while before even realizing he is there, but one second you open your eyes and turn around, facing the golden eyes.
"Em... how long have you been standing there?" You ask embarrased, blushing as Akaza also has some red in his cheeks. He doesn't answer your question, just takes some steps forward to grab gently yet firm, somehow desesperate, your hands into his. "Can you please keep singing? Please?" He asks twice, looking away as he whispers the secon pleading. You decide to just keep singing. "Je serai riche. Et je t'offrirai tout mon or. Et si tu t'en fiches. Je t'attendrai sur le port. Et si tu m'ignores...." "And if you ignore me...."
You know, you have seen, that Akaza is mourning, yearning, or something. You don't know, he himself doesn't know, but that nostalgia and melancholy.... sometimes you feel it takes him away from you. That is why you didn't want him to listen you sing about him, to confess. Because you are unsure id he will "Je t'offrirai mon dernier souffle de vie." "Give you the las breath of my life" and yet he keeps singing for you without letting your hands go. "Dans ma love story!"
"Et il y a toi..." Akaza waits for you to continue, tender and adoring eyes, "Et il y a moi." Yes! There is you. There is! And you are hopeful Akaza is there, is here, too."Et personne n'y croit. Mais l'amour fait d'un fou un roi. Et si tu m'ignores.... J'me battrai encore et encore!" "C'est ta love story!" You take that as a confession, and it shows in your blushed face and adoring eyes, he seems to agree in it. "C'est ta love story!" And of course, you join. "C'est l'histoire d'une vie! Love story!" You just look at each other, not bothering with the world, and giving in to tentation. You both kiss.
(And actually have to talk things through AFTER, you know? This is not a musical, as romantic as it was.)
"Shut up and listen. Look at my eyes, don't tell me lies. I need you to tell me truth." You started singing on your own, but Douma got in the room, looking curious. He doesn't move besides closing the door besides him, doesn't speak, just... stands ghere, watching you. But part of you feels like he is urging for more. It's hard to tell, because he always urging for more of everything. "You gotta be clear, tell me the details. I gotta know as much as it hurts. I need you to tell me the truth." More violence, food, attention, power, sensations, pain... it's unclear most of the times. It becomes really hard to tell if he actually likes you.
"Bet you like it when I show up in a gown. Let my body work it out, slow your grind. Don't tell me to stop it, just let me on top and. Baby, you want it, yeah." He sings after you repeat the same part, maybe he hust wanted to do that. If it's because he wants to share the song with you or if he is just messing around... Douma himself probably isn't 100% sure. "When you tie me, do it slow, forget the time. Move position, take me south, ease your mind. Don't tell me to stop it, just let me on top and. Baby, you want it, yeah." He goes to grab you, to press his body against you. He understands the lyrics, not being able to recognize emotions doesn't make him stupid or inmune to sex. This is probably how the night will end.
Maybe it's better that way. "Slow it down if you need to, oh. Show me how just to please you. Ooh, work it out in the sheets. Do me and see through, I want to you feel you." Staying safe, showing intimacy in a way Douma can actually understand it, instead of leaving him guessing and wondering how he should feel. How a normal human, even a normal demon, would feel. You wish these things could be explainede with words in a language Douma fully knows. But the language is not the problem, nor is Douma or you.
You spend the night together, limbs tangling both bodies. Douma is content, satified, you too. Even if you feel like there a lot more things to say, but there is hardly a moment or a way to do so....
"Tsuki no kaasu tsumetai yume no naka de....." If you ask Kokushibou, music that is not in japanese is not real music. He is stuck in his own ass, always too focused on tradition and hierarchy and how japan is the "raising sun" blah blah blah. Sometimes he gets very annoying like that, to the point loving him does feel like a curse. "Kotoba no nai sekai de. Bokura wa ai wo kataru. Itsuka kimi ni todoku made..." wait a sec- Kokushibou is behind you, isn't he? You turn around and yep, he is. "Kokushibou-san...."
He keeps quiet for a while, like always, until he finally thinks he has something worth saying. "I like that song. Can you keep singing for me?" You really wanted to say no, but you also wanted to sing for him. After all, this song is recorded in your mind just for him. "Tsuki no kaasu. Tsumetai yume no naka kara. Kimi wo tooku tsuresaritakute. Dokomade yukeru. Ai wo shinjite ii basho made." Maybe another person, demon or human, would have joined and singed with you. Kokushibou did not.
"Dokomade yukeru. Ai wo shinjite ii basho made. Yoru no mukou futari dake de." Ypu finished the song for him, barely getting any reaction. This song is really perfect for you both. "Thank you for singing for me." He barely understands, it's not a surprise for you to have to actually explain it. "I did it because that is how I feel about you." Silence again, you are more than used to it. Kokushibou is not a person of intimacy, of sharing feelings, he clearly doesn't know how to answer back, and part of you feels guilty for putting him in the situation of having to. "I see."
He leaves after that, and you know he will evade you for at least a week or two from know own. If you are lucky he will want to talk about it after that and tell you he feels the same. But until then... it's a "Moon's curse in this icy dream."
Muzan: And then Nakime is going to su-
*Song from above starts playing in the background*
Muzan: Excu- *looking around* ..... Who is playing....?
Akaza: Is something wrong, Muzan-sama?
Muzan: Am I the only one hearing this?
Gyutaro: ..... I don't hear anything.
Nakime: Sorry.
Kokushibou: Hmn?
. . .
Y/N humming with the song on their head: Mhmnhmnhmn mhn hmn hmn mhn.
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hollowsart · 3 months
I had to make the Morbius variant of Acedia into its own post, but here's some funny concepts n stuff I came up with while working on her with a friend.
Warning for topics with slight discussion and mentions of blood and vampirism.. cuz this is about a vampire lol
enjoy my thought process minus my friend's input that helped with a little back-and-forth to come up with this stuff:
tfw you're just trying to get some fruit, but this weird ominous looking older man doesn't hesitate when he sees you holding the last perfect honey crisp apple in the whole store.
goth as a subculture apparently didn't exist until the 80s in the UK with the introduction of a specific genre of music. the subculture itself is just heavily music based. it's not fashion based, although most who listen to the music will end up wearing clothes that reflect the music or the styles of those who made the music.
But that's not to say Old Man Morbius couldn't dress very dated and have a more victorian style of dress. gives him that "gothic" look
he stands out from the rest of society at the time in the 50s and he doesn't do much outside of getting necessities and then going back to his penthouse.
there were rumors that he was a vampire, mostly from the younger crowds and some older folks who loved to gossip. Acedia didn't believe it, thought it was rude to spread such things about people without any real proof…. but it didn't stop her from feeling nervous.
boi howdy was she wrong to think he wasn't a vampire.
He followed her from the store and dragged her into an alley and attacked…. taking the dang apple she bought as he fled.
Acedia hating the taste of blood, but the vampire-ness is CRAVING IT.
I think we need a better explanation for "LIVING vampire" as currently, vampirism technically means you're kinda dead tbh. you're dead and you're reanimated differently than a zombie.
I did have a concept where vampires can still eat and drink other things besides JUST blood.
They can eat raw meats and possibly blood sausages, too. they lean a bit further into being carnivorous, but they're not cannibals (not to say there isn't at least one or two vampires who may or may not have gone cannibalistic due to some kind of trauma, but y'know--)
Vampires can go out during the day, but they require coverage from the sun. umbrellas, extra long gloves, big ole hats with massive brims. pants, long sleeves, long dress, etc.
most tend to be nocturnal, but will go diurnal if necessary or for any number of reasons they may have for being awake during the daytime. (like keeping up appearances and trying not to seem so out of place to the regular humans they live around)
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Morbius!Acedia is a silly fun "non villain" addition to this whole sinistersona concept.
she has no desire to cause harm and, much like Earth-4622's Morbius, she is more of a street-level hero. She uses this for good, not evil. and has her own issues to deal with outside of that world's "Spider-Man"
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Acedia: (airhead extraordinaire)
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you're not special, Morbius.
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me, who knows I'm hungry and should get something to eat yet is still sitting there taking +1 damage every 3 minutes that I'm NOT getting up to get food: …….maybe.. I already AM a living vampire? ..just without the desire to drink blood?
me meeting Morbius and he's like "I haven't had blood in 3 days, I am going to kill someone--"
me: ? only 3 days? the last time I had blood was uhh… 4? 5? days ago?
Morbius: Morbius, now feeling terrified, knowing I'm a variant of him: ….How are you still speaking to me?
me: I have other means of food that tastes better than blood. smells better, too.
I get hungry fast, but I still sit there and tolerate the pain. sometimes I'll drink something to kill the hunger pains. that helps me pass the time.
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outworldletters · 6 months
Morning, Sunshine!
Are you reading this just as you wake? Or getting ready to hit the sack? Either way, you light up my world, so I'm gonna kick off these letter thingies like this! Darkness ain't a thing when you're on my mind!
Aww, I got kinda sappy. But shhh, keep it on the down-low, alright? I am a total tough cookie. A badass oni-cookie!
I'm gonna write to you every day when you're away. So, if this ever bugs you, you better keep me closer.
Look, the thing is, I know you want to paint instead of burying your pretty face in books. So, I thought, maybe I could paint your beautiful smile in a way only this Oni-king can? So, what do ya say? Do you want to hear a story?
There was once a tarantula, living alone and minding her business in a dark corner.
If you were a little critter, what do you think you would be? You look all soft and fluffy like a moth, and strong and fierce like a big ol' tarantula. Yeah, I know, it's weird. They're both bugs, but you remind me of a mix of both.
What?! But tarantulas are beautiful and elegant! And it's not all about looks. They're calm and quiet like you, but will attack if threatened. And... Yeah, I think it's still a compliment.
I'm my own sorta of spider, ain't I? I weave words into a web that catches a cutie like you!
I'm sorry, that was bad. Hahaha.
Anyway! I was telling you a story.
The little tarantula was a pretty tough girl, but sometimes even the best of us wish we had someone to talk to and share our troubles. So, this little spider decided to give herself a little challenge: she'd use her skills to make two gifts, and then offer them to the first person she met.
The first gift was a fluffy blanket of her finest silk, soft as soft can be... and the other was the most fiddly poison.
Well, the first person that met little Miss Tarantula took the bait of the soft, fluffy blanket, thinking it was the greatest gift ever given. So, he went back to her cozy corner, tucked himself into the blanket and was lulled to sleep, never to wake up…
But, the second person to meet up with her... chose the bite. And even if it made them sweat and shake and want to scream, it cured them all of their woes and worries. They could finally live free, free of all fear and pain.
The point is, sometimes what appears as the greatest thing ever isn't really what you need; what you need isn't always what it looks like. It's about making a choice between what looks like the most comforting, perfect thing in the world, or picking something scary but necessary to move forward.
It's about knowing what you really need and making that call, not settling for something just because it looks safe. I get that, y'know? I get it, Sunshine.
I am not angry or sad because you left.
You didn't want to make that choice... But you did, didn't you? You took the bite. I know you're worried about whether we made the right call. But I have no doubts.
I'm proud of ya. You're brave, for leaving everything you know and choosing to honor your Vision.
Listen, the distance is hard on both of us, no doubt about it. But you, me, us? We got this. There ain't nothing keeping us apart. Not when our bond is this strong.
After all, if you were not strong enough to take the bite, you would never choose to date me either. So I am glad this is who you are.
It ain't everyone's jam to date an Oni, y'know? But it's the rough parts of me that make you laugh and get excited, isn't it? Like the first time you met me and I showed you my collection of beetles, and they started crawling all over you. But anyways, I'm rambling.
The thing is, the tarantula from that story? Yeah, I don’t like her a bit.
That little spider was trying to trick that second person into showing trust, right? That's why she did that whole “bite or blanket” routine. It was almost like she cared about what people thought more than making her own choices.
You and I, we choose to be vulnerable to each other, no matter what. I'm never afraid to admit my fears or to tell you when I'm feeling hurt or upset. And you can always tell me what's bothering you, so we can work together and figure it out. Right?
I gotta tell ya, I was scared, too, when I knew you had to leave. I was worried sick that once you got settled with your new studies, you'd forget all about me.
It's just my paranoia, y'know? It's the thought that I'll wake up one day, and you'll suddenly tell me about a more attractive, more... polished guy you met at school. And... that you wouldn't want to be with the guy with the horns and the fangs after all.
Even just writing about it makes me sick to my stomach, it's just-
Do you think I'm too rough around the edges for you? Am I holding you back?
I mean, you're a smart person going off to a big school and learning so much, and what do I bring to the table? A big heart? A loud mouth? It just feels like there's something inside you that needs much more than what I can offer.
I am not like that tarantula at all. That's cuz I'm me. I don't need to try to trick people or test them to make them take a bite from me. What you see is what you get from me.
And what I offer you is love, Sunshine. A love you wouldn't have to look hard to find. I wouldn't try to trick ya into showing you my affection. I can be rough, or I can be gentle, but it's always honest.
All your quirks, your insecurities, your talents, I would love every bit of it. And I would do my best to keep your chin up when you're feeling down. I wanna be the one you come to with good news, and the one who comforts you when you're feeling lonely. And most of all, I want to make you smile.
You're gonna do great. You'll make new friends and make all these dreams of yours come true. You'll keep growing, learning, taking the risks you want to take. If it ever gets tough, remember, I'm right here. I'll be your comfort cushion, your warm blanket. I'll be whatever you need, right? Just tell me, and I'll be there, okay?
I guess in the end, it's just about showing your heart, no tricks or tests, no tests or traps... Just being honest and loving, huh? Heh, and it ain't so complicated after all. But hey, if you'll allow it, please accept this gift.
The softest blanket ever: my strong arms!
You can always count on me. Even if I'm far away, it's so easy to make it feel like I'm holding you in my arms all over again.
Just remember... I will never, ever let you walk alone.
Arataki “horns over heels for you” Itto
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
I personally feel the best implementation of a "dark moment" in Sonic was with Tikal's flashback of Chaos wiping out Pachacamac's tribe.
Mostly because it's fundementally necessary to the game's themes of the consequences that come from greed and cycles of violence (kinda hard to make a point about these things if you don't show people being greedy and violent, thus causing normally peaceful creatures like Chaos to turn violent as a result), and also because it didn't completely overplay its hand with the kind of franchise this is (we don't see Pachacamac and his men being slaughtered and there's only just enough focus put into them stomping over Tikal and the Chao without making it feel like glorified torture porn).
I suppose another example would be Emerl's death. Concept-wise it's probably the darkest thing ever put into a Sonic game, forcing you to kill a character that you pretty much raised like a son because he's lost all control. It certainly helps that Emerl was y'know, a character with his own depth, so you feel for his plight
Yeah, I can agree with that. Shahra's complicated relationship with Erazor was also handled with a good level of tactfulness. (I do have issues with Battle's plotting, but that's due to unrelated factors, like how cutscenes can drag on and kill the pacing in a game that already suffers from repetition-based tedium.)
That's the thing the "So you want no story/no stakes???" crowd don't seem to get. Yes, I do want a story, and I do give credit to dark elements when they're done well. But there's the key phrase: done well. I'm not going to give a shit story with a pretentiously miserable tone a free pass just because people think Dark automatically means Deep. If I did that, it'd be a disservice to balanced stories that actually tried.
This is Sonic the Hedgehog. A talking Mickey Mouse hedgehog that runs fast. There are some things that just do not work in a franchise like this. That's not something that needs to be rectified, it just means you have to work with the material instead of against it. Focus on serious elements that compliment this franchise's themes, and works to its strengths, instead of throwing a fit and accusing anyone who doesn't like torture porn of being an *insert ableism here* who wants nothing but Baldy McNosehair.
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