#but w o w is it worse than i remember it being
shaykai · 1 year
Replaying the original Warcraft campaigns cause nostalgia and WOW IS ARTHUS WORSE THAN I REMEMBER
#i always knew he was a bad guy#but w o w is it worse than i remember it being#i completely forgot about the whole boat thing#like okay you could argue that while horrible and tragic he was right to destroy that one plagued city before they all became undead#like fucked up but you can see the reasoning there (and truth be told i think he was right to do that)#they were already dead and anyone who he didnt kill would just bolster enemy ranks#BUT THEN#man walks headlong into a trap (despite being warned by his best friend and some weird prophet guy)#which kind of works out cause some people were cornered and dying and he's able to save them via being there#but then his general is like hey your teacher talked to the king and they called off this whole mission time to go home and he BURNS DOWN#THEIR SHIPS AND THEN BLAMES THE MERCENARIES WHO HE HIRED TO DO IT (they're also trolls and ogres who he calls monsters which feels worse)#anyways i only vaguely remember other parts of the story but im 99% sure its arthus who fucks sylvanas up and she doesnt deserve that#also like going from thrall to arthus is wild thrall is just a guy trying to do best by his people. he listens to warnings he receives he#fights to keep his people free and alive. he helps out the trolls he finds. he has a giant wolf mount which means you can always trust him#he's just the best guy. and then arthus is over here in the cornee fucking shit up because he's messed up and stubborn about it#xndndnndjdjdjsjsjsnsns i have thoughts
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baltears · 2 years
incidentally im so sad the op of that one gaius trauma + hypersexuality meta deactivated. ive wanted to read it again like 6 separate times but it’s. gone 😔
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
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Eddie x fem! reader [vol i, vol ii, vol iii, vol iv]
⚠️trigger warnings: mentions of a exual assault, accusations, mentions of domestic abuse, teenage drinking, panic attacks etc
w/c: 7.9k
a/n: s/o to all my favorite people helping me continuously with this series! @agentmarvel @sweetsweetjellybean @jo-harrington !! 💋💋💋💋💋
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You’re spinning, spinning, spinning. If you couldn’t smell your own hair products on your pillow, you would swear that you were in a dystopian world, twirling like a frisbee through a pink blossomed sky and being caught in a three headed cat's mouth.
It’s true, hangovers get worse with age, but you were only twenty one— and they’re supposed to go up from here? What happened to ‘the best years of your life’? Whoever said that should be shot and killed on site. Stupid bastard.
Opening your eyes seems like the worst idea you could do, so you don’t. You slowly let your other senses bring you back to reality. You recognized that you were in your bed. Something soft is wrapped around you and judging by the feel of the fabric between your fingers it’s your robe.
A pungent smell of sour bile presents on your breath, one whiff of it and it’s instantaneous: vomit.
Fuck, that would explain the burning in your throat and the graveling dry sensation in your mouth
Pieces of the puzzle that was last night start fitting into place in your mind.
The drinks. The shots. The food. The clinking sound of ice in Steve’s Bloody Mary as he tipped it back and the ice swam towards his teeth, is like nails on a chalkboard.
Oh Christ how there had been so many drinks. Damn Robin and her mischievous ideas for wanting to do shots. Memories of the fiery tingle of the top shelf vodka Steve insisted on having, hitting your lips is enough to make you pass out.
The hollow feeling in your stomach gets queasy as you remember the greasy bar food served at Louie’s. Your stomach quenches, clutching around itself, ridding its salmon colored lining of the disastrous evening.
But nothing comes up. Just heaving dryly in your bed as tears escape your eyelids and your feet hit the floor. Throwing your body into a whirlwind of dizzy flips— your brain swimming in a sea of Diet Coke and Malibu, membranes bursting with the carbonated bubbles.
You’ve never needed a toothbrush more than you do right at this very second. You stand and the world feels like its raging war on your head. Pulsing and throbbing, like a concert was playing in your head and the guitar solo never ended.
You open your door and are met with the thought of how the fuck did you get here last night? Fuck it, you’d ask questions later, for now you needed to empty your bladder and brush your teeth.
As soon as you lay a hand on the bathroom door, Eddie emerges from his bedroom. Sweatpants are riding dangerously low on his hips and purpling hickies decorate his neck. He’s rubbing his eyes but when he catches sight of you he smiles lazily.
“Holy hell,” Eddie quips, eyes scanning over your body. You robe is hanging loosely off one shoulder, it’s crooked but the tie is in place covering your lower half. They land on the wild mess of hair atop your head, “normally I’d say good morning but it’s—“ he leans back into his room to look at his alarm clock, chuckling at the realization, “—two in the afternoon.”
You don’t fight Eddie for the shower, too tired and weak to argue. You fumble through the medicine cabinet finding the ibuprofen and the Disney cup with the swirly straw on the sink, filling it and taking the slick coated medicine. Swallowing harshly, your throat still raw and aching.
You settle for brushing your teeth while Eddie is in the shower. He’s singing Teen Spirit and getting louder and louder. The circles of the vigorous brushing of your teeth mixed with Eddie’s singing are making your head pound. A long look in the mirror leaves you suddenly feeling embarrassed, as if you needed to look drop dead gorgeous at every single minute you’re around him.
What the hell is going on?
“Please,” you beg, spitting the last bit of toothpaste into the sink, “for the love of everything holy— stop.”
The screeching noise of the shower curtain rings being pulled back pull your head up as you see Eddie half naked, torso covered in soap and your loofah in his hand, the dripping curls on his head turned to long waves with the weight of the water.
“Don’t act like I don’t sing like an angel, sweetheart,” he says with a wink, “besides, lying is not good for your health.”
The suds are traveling south, further and further and further downward, your eye fixated on one particular bubble as it pops right at his belly button.
You train your eyes on his, your cheeks heat from your staring. You reach up and shut the curtain.
“I wasn’t saying you sound bad—I just feel like my head is going to implode.”
Eddie thinks for a minute, “want me to sing you a lullaby? I’d put your baby ass to sleep just like I did last night.”
A million different scenarios flood your mind of what happened last night.
Did you kiss him? You remembering staring at his lips, the soft pillowy pinks, the way his tongue peak—
Oh fuck.
Are the hickies on his neck from you? His Adam apple bobs as he swallowed.
Did you sleep together? Blankets, over your head.
What the fuck?
Where are your pants? You can’t even remember what pants you were wearing.
Where’s your car? Did you drive home?
Did Eddie pick you up from the bar?
Did he see you puke? You faintly remember puking on the floor of the front seat of a vehicle.
Your head continues to spin as you sit on the edge of the closed toilet seat. Suddenly feeling violated and disgusting.
“Tooty?” Eddie’s voice rings out.
This time you’re the one throwing open the curtain. Ignoring him as he shields himself with your loofah and his arm. “Jesus Chr—!“
“How fucking dare you!”
“You fucking pig, how could you do that to me!”
“Do what!” Eddie yells back
Your tossing shampoo bottles and bars of soap at his naked body, he’s surprisingly agile, dodging every one.
“How could you sleep with me when I was that drunk?! Jesus Christ I can’t believe you! Why would you do that to me?!”
Tears well in your eyes, you can’t believe that someone you once trusted, and were getting used to trusting again, after only being able to confide in three people over the last five years, would do something so vile, so fucking awful.
“After everything we’ve been through? I’ve known you since I was a kid Eddie! I get drunk one time and you take it upon yourself to forc— “
“Tooty!” Eddie hollers, turning the water off to the shower and stepping around you out of the way to grab a towel, he wraps it around his waist and turns to face you again.
“I didn’t do anything to you.” His eyes are wild but filled with hurt, he lowers his voice, and backs away from you. “If you don’t believe me, call Harrington. I talked to him after I carried your drunk puking ass to your own bed last night!”
“Then where are my pants?! If you ‘didn’t do anything to me’ where are my pants at?!” Eddie heads into the kitchen and pulls the short overalls you were wearing off the back of a chair, still damp from the wash. He tosses them towards you and they land at your feet.
“I washed them because you barfed all over them and I thought you would appreciate them being cleaned instead of in a vomit covered ball on the bathroom floor!”
Your accusations sting his eyes, and burn his nose.
You blink rapidly and rack your brain, the blurry sight of Steve’s car covered in puke comes into view. You struggling to get your clothes off alone in the bathroom. One? Or maybe two girls yelling at him as his back is turned to you, Eddie’s honey dripped voice talking to you as you throw up into the toilet, cheek nestled against the seat. And finally, the feel of his chest on your cheek as he carries you to your room, arms and hands never touching you inappropriately.
Before you can apologize Eddie is thrusting the cordless phone into your palm, Steve’s voice faintly heard from the speaker. He turns with a huff and not another look towards you as he slams his bedroom door shaking the frame.
Shutting your bedroom door, Eddie hangs his head, his forehead and one palm on the door, a small smile gracing his lips. His head is spinning, he’s not drunk, in fact he only had one beer tonight, right before their set started.
What is this feeling inside of him? Butterflies in his stomach? Nah, that shit was juvenile. He could only pray that it was indigestion, nothing a couple gulps from a Pepto Bismol bottle couldn’t fix. But he couldn’t deny it.
The instinctual gut feeling of needing to protect you rang true all day. He was ready to fight everyone and anyone who talked ill of you. He just couldn’t help himself. He hadn’t felt this protective of someone since his own mother. He didn’t even feel this way towards Chrissy, and they dated for almost a year.
He pulls his head from the door, wondering if he should have put you on your side so if you vomited in your sleep you wouldn’t choke. He shakes his head, removing his hand slowly down your door, letting his fingers hang to his side.
What is this? Why is he acting like a parent? He rubs his eyes and turns to go to bed, your wadded up overalls in his peripheral vision. Would it be weird? Him washing your clothes? It’s not like your panties were in here it was just the overalls. He could be a good guy, he could be a decent human being, for you— he’d be it all.
Stomping down the dingy, murky basement steps he quickly throws your overalls into the washing machine, adding way too much powdered Era but figuring it was better than having them stink like puke. Slamming the metal lid closed with a wonky bang, he trots back up the stairs.
Stomach grumbling and realizing the only thing he had to eat all day were the poptarts he packed for work, he opens the fridge. Inside sitting on a shelf is a fading spaghetti stained Tupperware, on the lid is a sticky note, and written in your beautiful loopy handwriting:
“Got off work early and made the Tater tot casserole. Warm it up in the microwave for a minute thirty, hope you had a good show tonight. -T ”
You didn’t always love when your clients canceled last minute, it meant money gone from your pocket and an annoying increasing anxiety building in your gut when bills showed up. But today, you could actually enjoy the sun's rays on your shoulders for a bit as you drove down the streets of Hawkins, stopping at Bradleys Big Buys to get a pound of ground beef and a can of cream of mushroom soup.
Pushing the cart through the aisles you found the two items you came for, hoping to make it home early so that you could make the casserole before Eddie played tonight, or maybe he could enjoy it when he got home.
Cooking for someone was a labor of love, the simplest act of kindness anyone could offer. That’s what Karen Wheeler had taught you when she would spend her Saturday’s teaching you and Nancy how to cook good hearty meals that would last a while so you wouldn’t starve in college.
“And someone enjoying the food you cook? Girls, that’s the best feeling in the world.”
She wasn’t lying. Even that first week with the lasagna when Eddie had basically came in his pants with every bite, you felt a skip in your chest.
It was the least you could do after he gave you a sense of calm whenever he was around. You didn’t trust many people. Not after what happened. In fact Nancy, Steve and Robin were the only people you could put any sort of hope in.
After browning the ground beef with an chopped onion and mixing the canned ingredients together, you season the mixture with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. One last wipe around the bowl with your spatula and it was good to go. Spreading the mixture into a greased 9 x 13 inch pan and added shredded cheese, you line the tater tots across in horizontal rows and toss it in the oven, covering the dish with tinfoil.
Steve confirms everything that had happened. Even down to the minor details of you calling him ‘Steeb’. You feel stupid. Your stomach sank when he said that Eddie had stayed up all night making sure your overalls were clean and that you weren’t choking on your vomit.
“He’s a good dude, Tooty,” he explains, “he’s a perv and a complete douche most of the time, but he would never in a million years do that to someone, especially you.”
“…I know.”
“But do you?” Steve prods, “you said so yourself that he kinda looked out for you, almost better than your own brother did.”
“He did— but that’s just because I was with Chrissy’s brother and he was dating Chrissy.”
“That doesn’t matter, what does matter is that he’s a good guy— someone trustworthy. Make it right.”
With that Steve hung up.
You sit on the couch, head in your hands, feeling like a big pile of shit for what you did. Eddie wouldn’t understand. How could he? You blatantly accused him of doing something that you know in your heart and in your soul that he never could have done. Tears drop from your eyes and into your palms. You allow yourself to cry, something you hated doing, for a few minutes. Angry with yourself for the wrong that you did, but also hurting from the past. When your eyes were puffy and snot was sliding from your nose, you call it quits. Fanning your face you realize you still haven’t taken a shower yet this morning.
Making your way to the bathroom, you turn your head towards Eddie door, Steve was right, you needed to fix this.
But how?
The shower was exactly what you needed. The scald from the water was helping ooze the booze from your pores as your dehydrated body soaked it up. Eddie didn’t deserve your harsh words, your accusatory statements, the way his face fell in horror when you screamed at him was burned into your memories, something you saw whenever your eyes were closed. You sit on the floor of the shower. You couldn’t tell him what was going on, you were stronger than that. You didn’t need his sympathy, his pity parade, you would get through this on your own just like you always had. You may have been wrong and and you should probably apologize but you dismiss the idea. What the hell does Steve Harrington know about it?
Eddie bangs on the door, bringing you back to reality.
“What?” You holler out.
“Hurry up so we can go get your car before you accuse me of stealing that too.” His voice is angry and hurt. Finishing up in the shower you leave the bathroom to see an impatient Eddie huffing around the living room, looking at his empty wrist as if he wore a watch and throwing his hands in the air.
“Christ will you hurry the fuck up? I’ve got places to be.”
“Oh fucking relax,” you pout, slamming your door and toweling off. You settle for a pair of denim shorts and a cotton t-shirt. When you reach for the comb to untangle your hair you hear obnoxious honking.
He wouldn’t.
Eddie is sitting in the van laying on the horn. Grabbing your ratty white keds you fly through the house, grabbing your purse and combing your hair as you fling yourself through the door. The pavement is hot on your feet, an exceptionally warm day for September. The hot sun and humid temperatures are the worst mix for a hangover.
Indian summer in full swing.
“Fuck I’m right here, knock it off!” He’s staring at you with dead eyes, hand planted on the horn until you slide your ass onto the cracked leather seat.
Without another word he throws the van in reverse and reaches a hand over to your headrest twisting his body, the cut off flannel he is wearing isn’t buttoned, the powdery musk of his deodorant burns your nose.
Nothing has changed with the old van, tape decks are still littered across the dash, stumped out in the cup holder are a mountain of cigarettes and joints. Too many pine scented Little Trees hanging from the rearview doing a horrible job of hiding the smell of weed. Judas Priest screams through the speakers. You place a foot on the dash to get your shoe on when suddenly you are lurching forward. Eddie taps the brakes.
“No feet on the dash.”
You set your face in a scowl, words bitter on your tongue, “yeah, cause my shoe is really going to hurt the value of this piece of shit. I’m just putting my fucking shoe on since some asshole with a small dick complex couldn’t wait five minutes.”
A mocking chuckle escapes Eddie’s throat, “you really are such a pleasure to be around, how did I get this lucky?.”
“And you’re such a prick,” you seethe, bending over and tying your shoe, “why did you even answer my ad in the paper? All we do is fight because you fucking hate me.”
He’s had enough, slamming his foot onto the pedal, Eddie turns towards you and spits, “Do you really think of me like that? A predator? Someone who would move in with you just to violate you the second you pass out?”
“No I—“
“All the years you’ve known me, you think I’d just up and turn into a fucking rapist?!”
“Jesus Christ Eddie!“
“No, I wanna know, right now,” he turns to you, eyes angry and filled with hurt, “do you get off on this shit? Treating people like they’re nothing? Automatically assuming the worst about someone because of where they grew up? I’m not like that Tooty, I’m not like my—“ he stops himself, pushing his tongue to his cheek, “you are not the girl I knew. I don’t even fucking recognize you.”
“The girl you knew was fourteen, Eddie! My biggest problem back then was wondering who I could convince to buy Boonesfarm for the weekend rager, shit changed. I changed! I had to adapt to shit that was way out of my control. And you don’t even know half of it!”
“You’re right, I don’t and I bet if I were to ask, you wouldn’t even tell me, so fuck it, where am I going?”
“I can’t read your mind, where is your car parked?”
You tell him. And as soon as you pull alongside Louie’s and beside your car, you realize you don’t have the keys.
“Open the door. Get out.” Eddie spits in a condescending tone.
Looking at him and smiling, with an extra side of cunt you sing, “I don’t have my keys.”
“Of fucking course.”
Lighting up a cigarette and cranking the wheel Eddie flies through Hawkins. He misses the turn on Kerley to get back home. “Missed the turn,” you announce, putting your other shoe on.
Eddie takes a deep breath and sighs lips tight in a line and exhaling through his nose. “Groceries.” He says through gritted teeth.
Pulling into the grocery store parking lot, Eddie parks, taking up for spots, a tire in each one, before the van even stops moving he’s already out and slamming the door, flicking his cigarette across the parking lot. The heat of the day already high.
Finishing lacing up your other shoe you run across the parking lot to catch up to him. He already has a cart and is whizzing through the aisles before you finally see him. Reaching into your purse you unfold the list and take a look at it.
Spaghetti o’s
Mayo— NOT MIRACLE WHIP! And no it’s not for that.
Lotion, yes for that 😉
the soft bread, not the brown one.
Carton of reds
Case of Busch Light.
Sunny D
Red kool aid
Hot dogs
Cocoa Puffs
Sliced cheese
Baby food since you think I’m a child (just kidding, don’t be mad)
whatever chips you got with that salsa the one time
My milk— not that skim shit you drink
Your milk— the skim shit
Mac n Cheese
“What kind of a fucking list is this? Most of this shit is snacks.”
“Oh for fucks sake, what are you pissed about now?” Eddie says, dumping two bags of marshmallows into the cart.
You’ve never met a twenty-six year old that ate like he was dining at Willy Wonka’s Factory every night.
“Not a single fruit or vegetable!” You say, waving the list in his face.
“I smoke green, I don’t eat it. Unless you wanna make some pot brownies, I’d eat the shit out of those.” He throws a box of brownie mix into the cart for good measure.
You yank the cart from his hands and turn around, heading back to the produce aisle. He huffs when you place a paper bag of apples neatly in the cart, whines when the bananas sit by your purse, and almost passed out when the tomatoes and a head of lettuce make their way into the cart.
“You’re such a baby! Literally an overgrown man child in the flesh.” He’s walking in front of you mimicking you and whoops! The cart may have slipped out of your hands and made a fleeting dash towards his Achilles tendon, banging against.
“Ouch, Jesus Christ!” Eddie groans under his breath, holding his leg he glares towards you, shooting daggers.
“It slipped,” you smirk.
He scoffs and turns on his heel walking away. You finish in the produce aisle, looking through the boxes of noodles and calculating what you could make for dinner this week. Eddie comes back arms full, you only see his hair sticking out on each side of the three boxes of cereal, a 10 lb ham and seven tubes of cinnamon rolls. He drops them all into the cart with a heavy thud.
After crossing everything off the list and getting a few more things despite Eddie’s protesting exhales, you have a cart full. He seems to have calmed down by the time you make it to the beer fridge, taking two thirty packs of Busch Light and putting them on the bottom of the cart, he rips the side of one of them open and takes a can out. Cracking it open in the middle of the store, downing it. The light colored lager is spilling down his chin, into the collar of his open shirt. He tosses it into a lady’s cart as she’s walking past, wiping the foam from his lips and belching loudly.
You roll your eyes, “You can’t wait until we’re home?”
“What?” He says, looking at you with a stupid grin, “I’m gonna pay for it.”
Waiting in the checkout aisle he cracks another one as he unloads the groceries onto the conveyor belt with one hand. Tossing most of the items onto the belt and grabbing another beer and chugging it. The checkout lady puts her nose in the air and huffs a disapproving grunt.
“I was thirsty.”
“You’re so imp—” your insult is cut short when your eyes sweep over him.
It had been a full two years since you had seen him last. His blonde hair was combed to the side like it always was. The blue of his icy eyes still burned holes through you like dry ice to the exposed skin. The navy blue suit jacket and white Oxford shirt with a red patterned tie and the tan khakis he was wearing suggested he was coming from a late Sunday brunch after church. Awful crippling memories of spending hours ironing those pants to make sure the creases were perfect cloud your memory, you unconsciously hold the two fingers on your left hand, the ones that held misshaped triangle burn scars.
You don’t realize that Eddie is talking or that you’ve stopped moving until the shape of his curly head shakes in front of you. Your breath is hitched in your chest, you feel small. Physically and mentally.
Two years without seeing the face that was the sole purpose of most of the fear in your life. Two years without seeing the demon grin and crazy twitch in his eye. You were frozen in place and your blood ran cold.
It was evil in its truest form. Standing in the checkout behind you— stood Chad Cunningham.
Eddie couldn’t make heads or tails of what was going on. Putting the grocery sacks in the cart, he turns to look in your line of vision. He doesn’t recognize him at first. But the strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes ran in the Cunningham blood. He was with a woman, who was so obviously pregnant she seemed like she was about to burst. Judging from the horrific way your eyes were bulged out of your head and the way your body was almost catatonic, Eddie figured it was time to get the fuck out of here. Reaching in his pocket for his wallet he paid the cashier and impatiently waited for the change, keeping his eyes on you.
You were trembling with fear. Not from the sudden run in with an ex but something much deeper than that. Eddie places his hands on your shoulders and looks into your eyes, “let’s go sweetheart,” he whispers gently, he crowds behind you and puts a small hand on your back, guiding you forward towards the automatic doors. Eddie keeps his head on a swivel for Chad.
The woman who was with him was waddling towards the bathroom, his eyes never leaving your body. As soon as she was out of ear shot, Chad puffed out his chest and said, “Lookin’ good honey bun, I will say though, the downgrade,” he points to Eddie, “..yikes.”
The nickname made your skin crawl. You never liked it, and he knew that. He only said it to get a rise out of you, which was successful. “See you soon,” he gloated, smiling with perfectly straight teeth, eyes never meeting his smile.
You don’t make it five feet outside before the shock wears off and the tears stream down your face in salty waves. Eddie takes control of the cart with his left hand and ushers you forward with his right, minimal pressure on the small of your back as he keeps his head on a swivel, dark curtain of curls crowding his eyes as he moves his head around.
Unlocking the doors he helps you in, buckling your seatbelt and saying he’d be back in thirty seconds. The back doors of the van fly open as Eddie all but tosses the groceries into the back. At thirty seconds exactly, Eddie is back in the van, starting it and roaring out of the parking lot.
He still didn’t know what happened with Chad, but it wouldn’t take an absolute idiot to know that it was bad. Really fucking bad. He looks over to you and your head is stuffed into your shirt, your knees under your chin and you’re rocking back and forth on the seat.
“Five minutes, Tooty— we’ll be home in less than five minutes, okay?” Eddie says, frantically. He’s trying to stay calm. Trying to be the voice of reason, composed and serene. But he is horrified. Scared to death at how you responded to seeing Chad. How your body froze up and your face looked as if you weren’t breathing. Even now, hearing you gasp for air as your body shook and swayed with each turn he made. He slams on the gas, pausing slightly at stop signs and ignoring any yield signs.
He parks in the driveway, coming around to help you out of the van. Just like he did last night, he carries you, only this time you remember it. Your body is shaking violently, chest racked with sobs. His chest is wet with tears from your face being buried into it. He’s whispering to you that everything will be okay. Opening the door he kicks it shut with his boot. He brings you into your room and sits you on your bed, you’re cradled in his lap, like a parent would hold a child. He caresses your head, holding you closer to him. His warm breath in your hair grounds you. You feel him lean forward grabbing on your nightstand for something, the phone.
He dials the number without even thinking. Waiting impatiently on the other end as a familiar voice answers.
“Hello?” Steve breathes boredly into the phone.
Eddie sighs with relief, “Harrington, it’s me.”
“Oh God, listen dude I don’t know what to te—“
“Shut up, Steve.” Eddie interrupts, “listen—something, happened.”
Steve almost chokes on his popcorn, frantically firing off questions. “What? What’s going on? Is she okay? Are you okay?”
“Ye—no, I mean—“ Eddie is stuttering and trying to explain, “we ran into Chad at the gro—“
“I’m on my way!”
The line goes dead and Eddie hears dial tone. He sets the phone back in the holder and wraps a blanket around you. Your heart is racing and you can’t even form words. You haven’t had a panic attack in over a year. It feels like the world is crashing in on you, the walls are tight and shrinking, the whole room feels smaller by the minute. Eddie’s voice is gentle and soothing, like a warm cup of coffee on a cold winter morning.
“Can you take a deep breath for me?” He murmurs, “try to match your breathing with mine.” He remembers what he was taught as a kid. His emotions always ran high and Wayne would have to settle him down, get him to take deep breaths.
He’s rubbing soft circles into your back. Rocking you back and forth. You try to speak but all that comes out are gasps and the whirling noise of sharp intake of breath.
Steve and Robin make it to the house in record time, running to your room and taking everything in. Your disheveled appearance brings Steve to his knees in front of Eddie. Grabbing your hand and squeezing letting you know it was going to be okay.
You slide off Eddie’s lap and lay on the bed, curled in a ball. Robin lays beside you. Brushing your hair from your face with her fingers.
Steve pulls Eddie out of your room with great force he didn’t want to leave but he didn’t know how to help.
“I’m sorry— fuck man, I’m sorry for calling you — I just— she just locked up. She couldn’t talk, she couldn’t move!” He runs his hands down his face, trying to will the tears away. “I didn’t know what to do.”
“Hey, give yourself a break, you got her home, she’s safe,” Steve says patting Eddie on the back, “so explain what happened.”
Eddie begins explaining from when you both got to the grocery store. He goes into detail how distraught you seemed, how your body was rigid and full of fear. The burn of tears threatening to spill from his eyes has him blinking quick before they fall. Steve listens intently, face warped with shock and disbelief.
Throwing his head back and running his hands down his face Steve lets out a loud exhale and throws his hands on his hips, “fuck I hate that guy.”
“Yeah he seems like a fucking psycho,” Eddie agrees, “but what the fuck is going on?! I mean yeah they dated but, I don’t stiff up like that when I run into Chrissy or Trish.”
A shiver runs down his spine as he thinks of how upset you were, your body crumbling with fear the minute you made it into the van. Anxiety trickling through your body like electricity to a wire. He hated to admit it but he was scared for you.
Remembering the groceries in the back of the van, the two guys brave the sweltering heat to retrieve them. Eddie starts to put the items away, Steve rolls his eyes watching him put the canned items in the small cabinet designed for spices, the endless snacks he purchased thrown on the counter nestled up against the flour canister and slamming the lettuce into the fridge like a bowling ball.
Eddie could give a rats ass where the things went, he was worried and getting a headache from wondering if you were going to be okay. Half thinking he should find where good ol Chad lived and pay him a nice little visit. Only three tires slashed and the insurance won’t cover it.
Throwing the groceries sacks in the garbage and making his way to the living room, sitting down on the couch, he sits with his elbows on his knees, bouncing them in quick repetitions. “So are you gonna tell me what’s going on or should I put a paper fortune teller on my fingers and we can decide what’s wrong with Tooty with the help of crayola markers?”
The wailing cries and sobs have dissipated in the last half hour, only Robin’s soothing words can be heard now.
“Dude, it’s not my place to say,” Steve says, “it’s one thing to tell you about her parents and Kevin, but this—“ he takes another deep breath, running his hands through his thick tufts of hair, “this is 100 times worse than that,” Steve explains lowering his head.
“…But you’re right, you’re her roommate and you should know what happened.”
Eddie nods his head slowly, silently agreeing with everything Steve had said. Standing quickly and pacing around the living room, his mind is running a million miles a minute. The fight you two had didn’t matter, the only thing that mattered to him in this moment— the only thing on his mind for the past twelve hours— was you.
Steve stands and runs his fingers through his hair, placing his hands on the waist of the old fading green gym shorts he was wearing. “I’m gonna go talk to her, and when you guys are done, I’m gonna make you guys something to eat. I’m sure you idiots haven’t eaten today given the timing of when shit hit the fan.”
Eddie nods again, biting the fingernails on his right hand until they bled, a habit he hadn’t done since he was a teen, facing possible jail time for destructing private property when he spray painted, “Your mom swallowed EM’s monster cock” on the front doors of Hawkins High. He was pacing, itching for a cigarette. Pulling the pack from his flannel breast pocket he goes outside and sits on the concrete steps, lighting up.
Three squashed cigarette butts sit next to him on the step before Steve finds him. Eddie stands and stubs the cigarette out blowing smoke out of the crooked twist of his lips away from Steve’s face. The nicotine helped take the edge off but he was still anxious, fidgeting his rings.
“H-how is she?” Eddie asks apprehensively, “can I talk to her?”
“She’s better, taking deep breaths and relaxing as best as he can, she’s gonna explain everything, just give her space— let her talk and don’t ask anything until she’s finished.”
“Yeah, ‘f course.”
“Alright. Robin is gonna help me make supper,” Steve says holding opening the front door, face in a grimace he jokes, “wish me luck.”
Eddie was the one who thought he himself needed the luck, he was scared shitless that you were afraid of him.
He walks gently to your room and knocks softly on the door with one knuckle, palm facing him. He remembers just hours ago how he was standing at this very door, and how very different he felt then.
“Come in,” Robin chirps.
Eddie takes a quick breath holding it as he steps foot into your room. You’re sitting on your bed cross legged, blanket wrapped around your shoulders. Your eyes are red rimmed and tissues surrounding you, a cemetery of drying tears. You look at him and muster a smile, a twitch of your lips raising at the corners.
“Well, I’m needed as a sous chef in kitchen a la Harrington,” Robin says brightly, standing from the bed and skipping towards the door. When she passes Eddie she touches his arm squeezing and giving him a reassuring nod.
Eddie stands with his hands stuffed in his pockets as the door clicks shut. You both don’t say anything for a while, you’re twirling the end of the pillowcase in your lap and he’s burning holes with his eyes into the carpet.
“I’m really sorry, Eddie,” you say quietly, “I’m—“ your voice catches in your throat, sore from the the wailing, “I’m hoping that when I’m done telling you, you’ll be able to understand..”
He nods and leans against the wall. Hands wrapped around his triceps.
“Before I explain— I just need you to know that only Robin, Steve, Nancy, and her parents know about this— not my parents, or Kev or anyone else— and now you.
Eddie’s face is full of concern, he whispers an “okay,” and you continue.
“I can’t remember but I’m pretty sure that you and Chrissy started dating around the same time that Chad and I did, and as you remember I’m sure, Chad and I were together almost all the time. When you graduated, and my sophomore year was the year my parents moved away— things changed with him. He was suddenly callous about everything, needing control of who I was with and when. Mostly he was pissed that I was staying with the Wheeler’s. He always thought I was cheating on him with Mike.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, the Mike Wheeler he knew wouldn’t know what to do if a chick laid butt naked in his bed. Probably piss himself.
You work the corner of the pillow case in your fingers as you keep going, “The first time he hit me was on a night that I told him I couldn’t hang out because Mrs. Wheeler wanted everyone home for supper. He called me a slut and told me that I should just go and fuck Mike already even though he knew I wasn’t.”
Eddie’s eyes flicker with anger when you admit that Chad hit you, his fists clenched together tightly. With your head down and looking away from him you continue, your voice wobbly.
“We didn’t even have sex yet, at that time, I wasn’t ready. After he hit me, I thought we should break up. He followed me around, begging me to take him back and like the naive kid that I was, I did. He would be sweet for a few weeks, and then it was like a flip would switch and he’d back hand me for giving Lucas a pencil during History, pulled my hair out in chunks when Mike brought me to school, he even choked me until I passed out when Dustin sat next to me at lunch. He was extremely jealous of everyone around him, and couldn’t handle seeing anyone he didn’t ‘approve of’ be near me. He hated that I worked at Family Video, he would show up almost every shift and wait in the store for me to clock out, even threatening to kick Steve’s ass on more than one occasion. He finally gave up on that when I told him Steve was dating Robin, just so I could go to work in peace.”
Eddie’s gut is rolling, the anger boiling in his blood, his nostrils are flared, it is taking everything in him to not react the way he wants to, a simple trailer park style beating to Chad’s car, his face, whatever would hurt the little prick more. Heads would fucking roll if Eddie ever got ahold of him.
“It didn’t end there. Like I said, we weren’t having sex because I wasn’t ready, I had enough shit going on with my parents up and leaving and buying all the concealer that Melvald’s carried to cover up the bruises.”
You take a shaky breath, fighting back tears for as long as you could. Chewing the inside of your lip and un crossing your legs, bringing your knees to your chest you continue.
“Af—After prom our junior year, we were driving around and he was drinking, I just wanted to go home but he didn’t. He parked way outside of town on the south side, on some dead end road… I mouthed off to him about how cliche it was to lose our virginities on prom night and the next thing I knew,” your voice pitches to a high volume, your lips are tight as you remember the pain you felt in your head from him knocking you out, the way his hands were groping your body, “I was waking up to him on top of me, and inside of me.”
The dam breaks, the tears fall from your eyes like rain in the spring time. You throw your head back against your headboard and sniff loudly, your palms pressed to your eyes.
Eddie doesn’t know what to do, he’s afraid if he tried to comfort you it would only cause you more pain. Against his better judgment he stands and walks towards the bed, scooting across the lavender bedspread he sits across from you, reaching for your ankle and tenderly squeezing it, letting you know that he was there.
“I’ve never felt more alone in my entire life then when I was dating him,” you sniffle and reach for the tissues, blowing your nose loudly, “Eddie, this went on for years, it didn’t fucking stop. After senior year, he didn’t want me to go to college, because I would be too far away from him, and we argued and he kicked me out on the opposite side of town with two swelling black eyes. By the time I made it back to the Wheeler’s, my eyes were almost shut. That night, I told Ted and a very hysterical, Karen everything, and they called the cops. Of course, Tim Cunningham was the state prosecutor at the time, so it didn’t go far— Hop did what he could but there was never any judgment made against Chad, and everything was over after that.”
“I went to beauty school with Nance, and when we moved back home, I was living in the little apartments off of Sawmill Road, he found out where I was and broke in, luckily Steve and Robin were my neighbors so they heard everything and came running before he could hurt me.
“After that.. Ted and Karen bought this place for Nancy and I and last year I saved up enough and bought it from them. Last I heard, Chad had moved to Indianapolis and was working for his uncle at the law firm until he finished school. I haven’t seen him in over two years— anyway,” you finish, wiping your eyes, and blowing your nose once more, “that’s the story.”
Eddie doesn’t know where to begin, he partially is taking the blame for what happened to you, knowing that if he were there, if he had stuck it out with Chrissy maybe he could have seen the signs, maybe he could have stopped it before it ever started, maybe he could have put that little fucker in his place and made him think twice about ever touching you again. He’s full of regret, full of shame and turmoil as he thinks about how you must have been feeling this morning.
“Oh, Tooty.” Eddie starts his eyes glistening with wetness, heart aching for you, “I’m so sorry, Jesus Christ, I— I don’t even… Fuck! I should have been around.”
“There wasn’t anything anyone could have done— he’s a lunatic.” You take a breath and look down at his hand on your ankle, abandoning the thought of reaching for it at the last minute, “I know you would never do something to hurt me, or anyone— I’m sorry about last night Eddie. I just, I don’t ever get drunk enough to not remember what happened. Not after the shit I’ve been through. ” You fold your arms into your self, wrapping around your ribs, in a small voice you whisper, “and today when I couldn’t remember, I was fucking terrified—going right back to how I felt that night when I was sixteen.”
In the van today, he fully intended on chewing you out, making you feel about three inches tall. He had been accused of many different things during his teenage years. Hell he even spent a night or two in jail after fighting a guy in Indianapolis when he threw a beer at Gareth. But one thing Wayne taught him was to respect women. Sure he wasn’t the average guy, his lever leaned a little further towards pervert than most. But he would never hurt a woman. The way you looked right now scared him. Like you were afraid to be near him. Unsure if he would scream at you or worse. And it broke his heart.
“Sweetheart,” he says, leaning forward, finger dipping under your chin and tilting your head up so you were looking right at him. A fresh brim of tears clung to your lashes, “as long as I’m here, being the thorn in your side, pain in the ass, good looking mother fucker that I am— you don’t ever have to be scared again.”
You shutter, body exhausted and giving in, letting the tears fall.
Your doe eyes are wet and staring into his, the swirling chocolate of his eyes, melted as he looks into your soul. Shedding any walls around his heart, baring himself of his discretions, his eyes are deeper than the galaxy. You swear you’ve never seen anything prettier in your life. You can feel your frigid heart thawing for the first time in years.
You never thought a single word could have so much meaning, a sense of security washed over you with Eddie’s promising word. A silent devotion from his eyes of keeping you safe and out of harm's way. You felt your soul open up to him. A higher power bringing you closer to him. You reach down and grab his hand. Rubbing the rough knuckles and tracing the rings on his fingers. An angel’s smile dances on Eddie’s lips. He decides right there, in that moment, that he would be whatever you needed. For as long as you needed him. Because he needed you.
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a/n: hope you enjoyed this, it was a little rough but the next chapter is pure fluff 💋
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faeryarchives · 4 months
more than words (sebek zigvolt & silver x gn!reader)
requested by anon: Hey, hopefully still open! I hope I didn't break any rules, because it's kinda angsty, but tries my best no to be heavy. It'll be Silver and Sebek. Where Yuu eyes got injured and they need time to heal so their eyes got bandage and blind temporary. The idea is from Naruto, where Hinata got eyes injury and Neji help silently. So imagine them still in pining state. Helping their crush silently :"). note: hi anon! no you did not break any rules but i made it both headcanon and scenario wise hihi other fics: heartslabyul with a furina-like reader & savanaclaw with a furina-like female reader & i'm not jealous !! (savanaclaw x gn!reader) & to my beloved (octavinelle x gn!s/o)
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⚘ sebek zigvolt
sebek didn't mean for it to happen - everything went like a blur and the only thing he remembered vividly is how you start panicking and crying out how you can't see anything
if he knew that helping you and your group out would lead to a disaster, he would just stayed in his lane
"(name)!" sebek immediately ran towards you, assisting you in maintaining your balance as you tried to prevent any more of the alchemy liquid from coming in contact with your eyes.  "henchman, are you alright?!" grim ran at the speed of light - wiping the disaster off your face. "i'm fine, you guys! just give me a minute." crewel made his way towards you worriedly. "little pup, can you open your eyes?" sebek watched you open your eyes, only to look disturbed for a reason. "...? why is everything so blurry?" you started to blink rapidly to try to make the blurriness of your vision away, only for it to worsen, and the light was not helping. instead - it just made everything worse. "i'm kidding, everything is not fine. i can't see anything. every time i try to blink it hurts!" "... i think you should take some time off of class."
all he wanted was to help you out 🙁 did he messed up again?
he couldn't help but feel down even after being graced with malleus presence which caused the diasomnia trio to notice his odd behavior
"it turns out child of man got into an accident?" "and regrettably - it's all my fault." "then why don't you go and help them out? i'm sure they will appreciate it."
that is why sebek found himself trailing behind you silently - watching over you while grim went out to fill in your classes
seeing the bandage around your eyes made him feel more guilty that is why he opt to not reveal his presence
reaching out for your water bottle but it's out of reach? you will miraculously find it next to you after one minute + during the morning there is already breakfast served for you and grim and you knew that ace and deuce definitely didn't do it
it's not like you were that dumb to not notice anything especially when you hadn't tripped over anything + not knowing how sebek would prevent himself from screaming and immediately grabbing the random things on the floor for you to not slip
oh you only know the surface how this man would look at you with so much care to the point that the ghosts felt like they were intruding on the both of you
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helping and guiding you around became a part of sebek's regular routine; honestly, he was so happy he got to assist you in his own way! and he got to see many sides of you, too - flustered after almost tripping down the stairs, getting frustrated in opening things after trying to force the lid to the opening direction and such.
it became a surprise to him how well you adapt to your situation, especially when you start to look in his direction - as if you knew who he was. imagine his shock when you finally took several steps forward and reached out your arm only to press it against his chest.
"sebek, it's you who's helping me around, right?
"…! how did you-?!"
"you are not as sneaky as you think. don't you know the charm I gave you as a gift has a certain sound?" your hands seem to find his own, and you finally gently wrap them in your touch.
"i was wondering why you are staying silent all this time though."
"the alchemy accident was all my fault! how can i face you after causing you to lose your vision?"
"you said it yourself; it was an accident. you didn't intend this to happen." sebek felt some pressure around his cheek from you pinching it - his eye focused on how you still have that same smile you would give him daily.
"why don't we keep each other company right now? do you listen to podcasts?"
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⚘ silver
silver knew that what he feels about you is more than a platonic one + but seeing you with your other friends so happy makes him feel like he doesn't deserve you
so silver decided to maintain his distance and vowed to protect you from afar
but it became one of his regrets as he stood there helplessly and watched you get injured after helping ruggie to escape from an overblotted leona
okay, tackling leona and pushing the hyena out of his hold may not be a good idea. still, at least it worked out! "ruggie, are you okay?" you tried walking to the wounded second-year, eventually failing due to the sudden sharp pain you felt around your foot. 'fuck, must have cushioned my fall on the wrong foot...' you clicked your tongue in annoyance and tried to stand up ever so slowly, failing to realize the screams of your friends and a compelling presence looming from behind until it was too late. "behind you, idiot! why are you just standing there?!" an irk mark appeared on your head after hearing ace scream from the crowd. "who are you calling an idiot?!" "that's your priority?" your blood ran cold after finally realizing that leona was only an arm's length from you. life flashing right literally before your eyes. 'oh, i'll be damned...' "(name)!" silver didn't know how he did it but his body moved before his mind could, already running towards you and leona in fear of losing you - his hand already holding his wand tightly, but he couldn't think of any spells to cast. the damage was already done by the time the knight reached you and carried you away.  "please be okay. please be okay, please be okay—" silver froze when you start to reach out towards him, your hands were now start to bleed from the excessive cracking of your skin. but the worst was yet to come. "s-silver? is that you?! i can't see anything!"  "...what?" "it hurts, it hurts, it hurts so much. why won't it stop?!" the second year could feel his heart drop as you start to cry out in pain and how it will forever haunt him even to his dreams.  "i'm so sorry, it'll be over soon, i promise."
it turns out you were not accustomed to experiencing highly accumulated mana and it affected most of your senses especially your eyesight
that is why crowley suggested you to take some time off + resulting you to have bandages around your eyes to avoid it to get irritated by light
you were expecting your healing time to be hard as to not being used to not seeing things - but it was like there was a uardian angel around you always
"grim, did you rearrange the dorms or something?" "me? not me! those things are heavy looking you know." "huh, maybe i am just lucky to be able to reach the things i need?" "mmm, maybe! i just remembered i asked deuce to help me bake your favorite food with trey!" "...you're leaving me alone?!" "i'll leave them to you, nya!"
that was the time when you realize someone was helping you around and it was certainly not grim 😭 i mean his little paws wouldn't be able to cook (favorite food) with him just alone
ace and deuce are good friends even though they are trouble makers but they could never be this silent 👩🏻‍⚖️
sometimes you would almost catch your secret helper only for them to suddenly disappear from your range and the people you were thinking off were slowly getting crossed out in your mind and it only leaves one person - silver
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"i'll be out again nya! don't miss me too much, i'm going to bake your favorite food!"
"and i am alone once again." you tapped your finger against the table, humming and wondering if your secret helper is still around. "is anyone there?" what came as a question was only answered with pure silence - except for the birds chirping outside.
"…i'm kinda bored."
with the ghosts and grim being absent from the dorm made it lonelier for you - not used to the silence. you leaned your head on the dining table out of boredom; after days of being unable to attend class, you can't believe you missed listening to lectures!
"i think i can remove it right now right?" contemplating for a while,you remove the bandage around your eyes, wincing at the sudden brightness but rather than seeing only blurry things - your eyesight were slowly becoming clear until your sight came back to normal.
"woah… i can finally see again-"
"oh…" the moment you can finally see clearly, your eyes met shocked auroral-like hues revealing silver a few feet away from you with his arm already reaching out towards you as if prepared to catch you any moment.
"i knew it! it was you silver!" after being exposed, silver couldn't help but take a few steps back, scratching the back of his neck and avoiding your gaze. a light hue of red coating the apple of his cheeks.
"how did you know it was me?" you stood up and walk up to him - unknowingly giving him a soft smile that made his heart flutter.
"no one is as gentle and quiet as you are." pointing your finger over his shoulder, silver turned around to see a familiar group of small animals hanging around your dorm. "and i only know one person that animals love."
silver sighed before sitting on the chair next to him, holding his head in his hands. "… i feel so angry at myself for not being able to help you back then. that's why i thought-"
"thank you for saving me and even helping me while i am healing."
"you are not mad?"
"why would i be? hey, would you mind if you introduce me to your little friends?"
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sugar-omi · 4 months
Since it's getting close to Valentines Day, I wanted to ask something wholesome.
Imagine getting one of those candy and card things in school (I think they are called Teddygrams) for Cove. (This can be any step)
i looked it up, n google just showed me pictures of bear shaped graham crackers n ion think thats what you mean... but i do know what you're talking about!!! i remember exchanging happy V-day cards and candy w the class!!! i've been thinking abt step 2 mc and cove exchanging gifts, so i'm glad others are thinking abt the same thing too.. and even though this is, prbly, definitely?, different than what you want, i was alrdy writing something so here you go LOL happy valentines day everyone <33
tags : Fluff, step 2, gn reader, you or cove confessed at the end of step 2, multiple choice dialogue, your mom is out to embarrass u for sure....
synopsis : cove asks you to be his valentine for the first time as his partner.. he's probably way more nervous than he should be.
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cove doesn't know what got into him this year.
well.. he does. you two started dating last summer and with valentines day decor and gifts all over town, and sly comments from his father about his plans for the week. he can't ignore it.
he also can't ignore the fact that he does want to do.. something for you for valentines day. enough though it's embarrassing and nerve crushing, and he could probably drill a hole in the ground with how much he's shaking.
but he tries to ignore the butterflies in his stomach, and he definitely ignores the way his dad looks at him, a smirk on his face as he watches cove carefully put your gift in his backpack, and when cove glares at him, he whistles around the edge of his coffee mug, his eyes drifting around the room and turns his back to cove.
cove ignores his dad's shaking shoulders, and continues to ignore him until it's time to leave.
cove throws his bag over his shoulder, avoiding his dad's gaze as he flips the locks. "i'm going now, bye dad..."
cliff smiles, feeling a bit bad that cove looks so flustered, but he's sure he'll make it worse if he tries to comfort him. "okay, have a good day at school! tell everyone i said hi."
cove peers at his dad, trying to weigh if there's any sarcasm or teasing his dad's words... but he just nods and slips out the door, deciding to lock it on his way out.
even though he can't wait to se you, he also is procrastinating the inevitable...
he eventually finds his way across the road, and on your doorstep, hypnotically knocking on the door, a habit he is used to but also falling out of ever since you two agreed on another method of entrance via your window...
the door flies open, and instead of you, he's greeted with elizabeth's bored expression.
her face morphs into a lopsided smirk, a quip on the tip of her tongue.
she turns over her shoulder, yelling. "y/n! your baby boyfriend is here!"
cove sputters, his face flushing a bright, deep red. he hears some muffled yelling and thumps, presumably from you, but your mom coming around the corner keeps him from dwelling on it.
she puts her hand on elizabeth's shoulder, squeezing. "now now, be nice! it's a bright and new day after all, don't start by teasing the poor boy."
cove eyes pamela while she speaks with elizabeth, already knowing she's just saving her comments for later, and that she's just saving cove from elizabeth's terror since noelani left for work earlier.
pamela turns to cove, smiling brilliantly. "good morning cove. lovely day isn't it?"
ugh, she's definitely hinting about it being valentines day...
cove nods, "uh, yeah... good morning, mrs. l/n. my dad said hi, by the way."
she nods, waving him in. "tell him hi for me. you two should join us for dinner one of these days! it's been awhile.."
cove nods along with her ramblings, sitting stiffly on the couch, not sure where to look since elizabeth is also on the other end, stretched out across the other couch and engrossed in her teen magazine.
the creaking of the stairs snap cove out of his daze, and he ignores the snickering and hushed words between elizabeth and pamela.
you give a look to your mom and sister, but your eyes quickly turn to cove and you brighten up.
"oh! hi, cove.." you smile, hiding something by your side, trying to shield whatever it is with your backpack.
pamela claps, commanding attention. "now that you're all ready, lets get going, i gotta get to work. liz, where's your bag?"
cove stands up, walking to you to escape elizabeth's whining about being called 'liz', running to you to greet you.
you smile, a bit flustered this morning since unbeknownst to him, you also have a gift for him.
cove scratches his arm, smiling shyly, "um, hi y/n.."
there's a stretch of silence between you, awkward glances and you're fidgeting with your hands.
"um.." you break the silence, shuffling on your feet. "i have something for you... i was gonna give it to you at lunch but, maybe now is better?..."
you hold out a box with a red ribbon around the box, a little card folded and slipped through the ribbon.
cove flushes, a soft "oh!" slipping out his mouth. he probably shouldn't be surprised by the gift, but it doesn't mean he isn't flustered still.
your first valentines together... his heart is gonna beat out his chest.
"feel free to open it up and taste it, i [ made it myself / made it with ma / bought it ], so i hope it tastes good..." you ramble, watching cove read the card, his blush only spreading to his ears.
he pulls the ribbon, opening the box with slightly shaky hands.
he brightens up when he sees the brownies inside, white and pink chocolate drizzled on top with heart shaped sprinkles. it's cute, and looks extra yummy with caramel and chocolate chips inside the perfectly cut cubes of brownie.
he looks up, like an eager puppy, "can i really try it now?"
you nod, and cove breaks off a piece, chewing on it happily.
he licks his lips, eager to eat it right here and now but he decides to save it for later, remembering he has something for you too.
"uh, i have something for you too..." cove grabs his bag by the door, unzipping and reaching into an inside pocket and pulls out a pink, plush bunny holding a heart, and a box with a pretty ribbon wrapped around it.
you take it from him, squishing the rabbit in your hands and enjoying the fluffy fabric. reluctantly you put down the soft rabbit, in favor of opening the box that cove said you could open too.
you look inside, happy to see your favorite, [ chocolate / chocolate covered strawberries / cookies ] inside it.
you look up at cove, trying to meet cove's dodgy gaze. he scratches his cheek, shyly meeting your eyes. "i'm not good at cooking, so i just bought 'em. but i promise they're good! at least, i think.. i hope, they were the nicer ones so.." cove trails off.
you wave him off, closing the box. "they're perfect! thank you cove.."
you open your arms, silently asking for a hug which cove all but dives into, snaking his arms around your back and melting in your arms.
he's so happy.. and his heart has returned to a more reasonable beat.
you break apart, and cove covers his mouth and cheeks, feeling shy. "so.. does that mean you'll uh, be my valentine?" cove mumbles just loud enough for you to hear.
your smile wide, unable to keep the grin off your face. you nod, "i'd really like that, cove."
cove smiles, so happy he could float. "so.. do you wanna eat lunch with me? i mean.. i know we do already but like.. just you and me? maybe?" cove anticipates your response, buzzing with new, good energy.
you bite your lip, trying not to laugh at how cove is just missing a wagging tail to match his enthusiasm. "yeah, i'd like that too."
but your mom shouts from the door way, her keys jingling in her hand.
"okay lovebirds, now that you've set a date, lets go! you're late for your date with algebra!"
"mom!" you groan, looking at her laughing form with a scandalized look, cove shrinking, hiding his face.
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foresdxw · 2 years
when niki stands up for you
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riki x reader | angst/comfort | while someone demeans your lover, standing up for them. either in word, or by physically placing yourself right in front of them as a protective barrier | anon im using she pronouns with this lmk if you want a rewrite w neutral ones
niki was watching you in his seat from afar, leaning back. you got up to get more napkins at the cafe you were at, but got held up by someone niki didn’t recognize.
niki couldn’t hear what was happening, but he frowned as you crossed your arms and glared up at the girl who was getting more and more in your face.
he furrowed his brows, debating whether he should get up. he didn’t like that look on your face, and he especially didn’t like how the girl was starting to raise her voice louder and louder, but he knew you could take care of these things yourself. you were a tough one, but that also meant sometimes ‘taking care of things yourself’ your way involved getting yourself hurt, or into trouble, and he didn’t want that to happen.
niki never wanted anything bad to happen to you. so when a man got up to stand next to the girl and join in, shouting at you, he flew out of his seat.
“hey, what’s the problem?” niki came up behind you and wrapped his hand around the back of your neck, squeezing it in reassurance, but also so he could get a good grip and move you out of the way if things got worse.
“she was drooling over my boyfriend.” the girl spat at him.
“she was drooling over my boyfriend.” the girl spat at him.
“your girlfriend was looking at me like she wanted me,” the boy added. “and not at you.”
at this point, you weren’t actually niki’s girlfriend, although he really wished you were— he didn’t want you being more uncomfortable than you already were and started to correct you. honestly, he stuttered a bit, because hearing you being referred to as his girlfriend gave him butterflies. “o— oh, sh—“
you brought one of your hands back to his chest, stopping him from speaking any further.
niki widened his eyes for two reasons— one, because you didn’t seem to have a problem that they thought you were his girlfriend, and two, because you rolled your eyes, and shouted, “i literally. wasn’t. looking at him.” he felt you shaking under his fingers. “why would i want to look at your ugly boyfriend over him,” you gestured to niki.
he didn’t have time to think about how that comment effected him because it all happened so fast— the millisecond the guy took a step forward, he pulled you back by the neck, grabbed your hand and held you somewhat behind him, grabbing the finger the man was going to point in your face with in his other hand.
“hey!” the man shouted. “your girl needs to watch her fucking mouth,” he yanked his finger out of niki’s grip.
“please, this guy’s not her boyfriend,” the girl laughed. “she’s never had a boyfriend. she flirts with everyone like a slut, but nobody actually wants her or cares about her. i told you about her, remember? the one one who got rejected by jungwon. she was trying sooo hard, and it was so obvious he thought she was weird.”
her comments got to you, and niki could tell. he knew you got rejected— he was there to comfort you after it happened. but he had no idea you’ve never had a boyfriend.
you started pulling at niki’s hand, feeling like you had been exposed, wanting nothing more than to run away and never come back here again, but niki held you tighter.
“she is my girlfriend.” he declared, heart beating out of his chest as he stared the guy down— niki was easily much taller than him. “and you’re lucky i care about her more than i care about beating you up right now.”
“niki,” you tried pulling him back, not wanting him to actually beat someone up, although that would be satisfying to see and kinda hot.
“and she doesn’t flirt with everyone, you just don’t understand what being nice is.” your heart swelled at how he was defending you.
“no way, you wouldn’t date her,” the girl scoffed in disbelief. even though the girl thought you were a loser, she couldn’t deny that niki was tall, handsome, talented, and basically everything that a cool boyfriend was. “she’s a loser.”
“she’s amazing,” niki fired back immediately. “she’s nice to everyone she meets, she always makes me laugh, she’s smarter than anyone i know, and she’s beautiful. she’s the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen. and jungwon’s an idiot for rejecting her because she’s got to be the best girlfriend and best friend anyone could ask for. she’s always cheering me on and looking out for me and having fun with me. she makes every day better. i don’t care what people think. i would date her. i would date her over and over,” he declared, and he meant it. he meant every word of what he said and everyone could hear it in his voice.
“niki,” you sniffled, eyes welling up with tears. you had no idea he thought these things about you.
niki finally turned around as soon as he heard you sniffle. he melted as soon as he saw your tear stained cheeks and forgot all about those people, pulling you closer and bringing his palm up to your cheek, wiping your tears away. “hey, don’t cry…”
“do you mean it?” you whispered, so only he could hear.
“of course i mean it,” he whispered fiercely, staring into your eyes.
“ugh, you’re kidding me!” the girl shouted.
you giggled as you heard her drag her boyfriend away, and niki giggled too— that boxy smile that went all the way up to his eyes that you adored.
you caught him staring at your lips as your giggles died down. you knew that you were in public, but you didn’t care. you closed the distance between you and kissed him.
niki made a small humming noise, moving his hand to cup your jaw and deepen the kiss.
“HEY! NO PDA!” the cafe staff shouted.
you laughed as you pulled away. “oh, now they want to intervene!”
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lakesbian · 6 months
and now for our Checking In With The Dallon Sisters poasting
Panacea shook her head, “Tattletale found a way around my sister’s invincibility. Glory Girl was bitten pretty badly, which is why I didn’t come sooner. I think it hits you harder, psychologically, when you’re pretty much invincible but you get hurt anyways. But we’re okay now. She’s healed but sulking. I- I’m alright. Bump on my head, but I’m okay.”
victoria is demonstrably having a bad time with the previously noted psychological pain of being forcibly reminded that, no matter how hard she tries, she will never be the spotless, invincible, perfect hero she wants to be. the bug bites suck obviously but the "sulking" After being healed is an indicator of where it really hurt--not just physically.
(amy's power reminds me of. do you guys know that one tumblr post about the concept of exploring the horror potential inherent to D&D-esque fantasy healers? like, the horror inherent to being perfectly, magically healed from horrifying injury a hundred times over, and being expected to just get up and keep fighting afterwards, without any regards to how your mental health is doing. that's exactly how amy's power functions: you're made physically better than ever, and expected to get back up and keep being a hero, but you still have the memory of the pain and the lingering psychological aftereffects. but, like, you're fine now, so you just need to get over it and go back to throwing yourself in the line of fire, okay?)
amy is also right off the bat clearly not doing so hot--she's acting very shy and withdrawn and unsure compared to both of her prior appearances. obviously that is due to the horror of some random villain going "btw, remember that you're ontologically an invader into the family you are trying to belong in!" but i think it's probably compounded by the fact that amy is so used to being treated either 1. like she's intrinsically awful/unwanted or 2. like she's only valuable/desirable as a resource by Everyone But Victoria that walking into a room of heroes w/o victoria by her side is always liable to make her insecure and withdrawn.
oh, and the burnout. obviously the severe fucking burnout.
“No, I hated that he would have a normal life, because I’d given up mine.  I was scared that I might intentionally make a mistake.  That I might let myself fuck up the procedure with this kid.  I could have killed him or ruined his life, but it would have eased the pressure.  Lowered expectations, you know?  Maybe it would have even lowered my own expectations for myself.  I… I was just so tired.  So exhausted.  I actually considered, for the briefest moment, abandoning a child to suffer or die.” “That sounds like more than just exhaustion,” Gallant replied, quietly. “Is this how it starts?  Is this the point I start becoming like my father, whoever he was?”
the "every second i rest, someone dies" conundrum would be nightmarish for her even if she had the healthiest social support net on the planet, but her circumstances make it infinitely worse. she's treated by everyone in her "family" but victoria like an invader, and even victoria has unintentionally stressed the importance of using her healing power in the way that the family wants (i.e. to cover up victoria's police brutality) in order to Be A Good Family Member. amy has internalized that being a good dallon is the same as being a good hero, and failing at being a dallon is the same as being overcome by her ontologically criminal roots. so she works herself to the bone, and when she inevitably starts to falter, she views it as an indicator of something intrinsically wrong with her rather than as a sign that her family + society's expectations for her are harmful and unfair.
and dean's advice for her only reinforces this further:
Gallant let out a slow breath, “I could say no, that you’re never going to be like your father. But I’d be lying. Any of us, all of us, we run the risk of finding our own way down that path. I can see the strain you’re experiencing, the stress. I’ve seen people snap because of less. So yeah. It’s possible.”
he suggests that she try to take a break, but only in the service of "so you can heal more people in the long run." he validates the idea that she could go "down that path," as if becoming a villain--becoming A Bad Person--is a risk all heroes have to fight against on an individual level, as opposed to criminality being a result of circumstance and not even inherently immoral. and of course dean thinks that way--he's a millionaire child soldier, his entire life is predicated on individualist thought with ignorance to the ways in which systematic factors impact people. acknowledging that amy is being horrifically mistreated would mean not only acknowledging the flaws in the PRT system, but acknowledging what might lead people to stray from it, and he simply can't do that. it goes counter to every idea that his life is built on.
he never even tells anyone that amy thought about letting a child die, or if he did, it didn't go anywhere. she was desperate for help all along, increasingly ready to explode, and everyone just ignored it. because as she says:
"My sister’s all I’ve got. The only person with no expectations, who knows me as a person. Carol never really wanted me.  Mark is clinically depressed, so as nice as he is, he’s too focused on himself to really be a dad. My aunt and uncle are sweet, but they’ve got their own problems. So it’s just me and Victoria. Has been almost from the beginning."
this is also where we see another more blatant sign of her crush on victoria--it's very ambiguous as to whether dean is interpreting amy's feelings towards him as meaning "wants to date me" or "jealous of me for dating victoria" but i think it's probably the former because there's no way he would keep his mouth shut if it was the latter, lmao. really what this scene is doing is introducing all of the stressors amy is experiencing that, because they're going unaddressed, because everyone else is refusing to address them and she has internalized that's how it should be, are going to boil over horrifically later on. that burnout and fear of accidentally-on-purpose making a mistake will lead to truly being unable to heal victoria later on. that sense of obligation, that if she can't keep healing she's turning into her father, will contribute to her being unable to just walk away from victoria instead of trying to heal her. her crush on victoria--the ultimate example of how her should-be family has ostracized her--will boil over in the impulsive brain alteration & the sexual nature of the wretch's design.
and all of this would've been avoidable if not for, as mentioned in the prior post abt this interlude, the dallons' and the PRT's enforcement of wallpapering over the kid heroes' pain to Keep Up The Show.
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Library of Illusions~ Horror Section
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Better Run~
📚Part Two for the Library Of Illusions Event
📚Pairing: Slasher bf! Wooyoung x Exception! Reader (f)
📚Genre: Fantasy au, Horror au, established relationship
📚Warnings: mentions of blades, corpses, blood, dirty talk, prey/predator dynamics, penetrative sex with no barrier, sub!woo, dom! Reader, knife play, blood kink, begging, creampie, f&m orgasm
📚Word Count: 4,075
📚Summary: Upon entering the horror section, you are drawn into a reality where your boyfriend is a serial killer and he likes to play hide and go fuck
📚Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland the best beta readers a writer could bribe have
↫Introduction ↭ MasterList ↭ The Fantasy Section↬
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You let your fingertips run across the bookspine's of the Horror section. You had learned from the broken places of reality in your world that using your other senses was very helpful. You waited for a familiar tingling to run up your arm and you knew you had picked the scenario that matched with you the best. You did have to play the guardian of this section's game in order to get the key.
You pulled the book off the shelf that said "Slasher Boyfriend" and opened the book. The book shot out of your hand and landed on the floor upright, pages quickly flipping until it stopped in the middle. The book grew bigger and bigger until it was larger than the size of a door. The inside of the book was transparent, as if it was a simmering portal. The details were somewhat fuzzy but you swore you could see wooden panel walls and floors, a hallway stretching out and a window at the end. In the window, lightning flashed. 
You also couldn't ignore the feeling like you were being watched. Was it the guardian of horror? Was it another guardian? Seonghwa? You shook your head. You couldn't be swayed from your purpose. You strode purposely forward into the book and when you entered it snapped shut and shrank. It neatly was lifted, by nothing a human could perceive, and found its spot back on the shelf. You were a part of the story now. For better or for worse.
Once inside the book, your clothes changed. You were wearing a long t-shirt that fell mid thigh with thigh highs and sneakers. A choker was snug on your throat. You had a cell phone, something from the old world that hadn't worked in a long time. It was both familiar and not. 
Your phone buzzed and you brought the screen up to read. The light illuminated your face as your eyes scanned the text.
You unlocked your phone to text back to this Wooyo that he sounded a bit delusional when the screen now showed a news article as the last thing you were looking at on your phone. You quickly scanned it and felt your heartbeat skyrocket. Masked killer takes his fifth victim, no leads yet to any suspects, citizens worried for their safety. 
Wooyo: Remember the rules!
Wooyo: 1- try to run and hide
Wooyo: 2- try not to make a sound
Wooyo: 3- If I find you, i get to fuck you ~&lt;3
Wooyo: 4- Love you
Was the killer and Wooyoung one and the same? And why was he calling you Babe? Were you his… Your hand came up to the choker you were wearing and felt along the front. W O O Y-- Your hand dropped. You most definitely were Wooyoung's girlfriend and Wooyoung was a serial killer. You had to remember, this was a horror book.
Wooyo: Your heartbeat sensor is going off the charts
Wooyo: are you scared?
Wooyo: or horny?
Wooyo: Baaaaaaabe 😘
Your feet shot forward before you really knew what you were doing. The window was actually in the center of a stairwell. You could go down or you could go up. You thought perhaps if Wooyoung was thorough, he would start from the bottom so that might give you more time if you went upstairs. You ran up the stairs and winced as your footsteps made resounding noises. That wasn't going to help hiding but you needed speed right now. 
Wooyo: I'm gonna count down now!
Wooyo: 3
Wooyo: 2
Wooyo: 1
Wooyo: Run!
When you arrived at the top floor, you quickly realized your mistake. This house was old. The second level had been full of doors that led to other rooms but the top level was simply an attic. There were less places for you to hide. The thunder came before the lightning, causing you to squeal in surprise and you slapped your hand over your mouth.
"Oh little mouse, where could you be~" A high pitched, gleeful voice came from the lower level.
Your stomach dropped. Shit, how close was Wooyoung? How were you to win the key? Did you need to hide perfectly and not be caught by your killer boyfriend? Or was the point to get… you swallowed, heartbeat loud in your ears. Was the point to play out this game of hide and seek and then for this killer to fuck you? Was this really what you picked for yourself?
You scrambled into a large wardrobe, pushing heavy clothes out of the way and pushing your back up against the end of the wooden furniture. You were breathing hard and almost squealed again when your phone buzzed in your hand. You had to turn that off or Wooyoung was going to find you!
You pulled back open the article that you had read and found several more. The weird part was… the first victim was never found. There was an empty house in the article, commenting about how they found blood of the victim but no body. That was weird. Each victim afterwards was seemingly random. A butler from a rich CEO's house, a maid from a cleaning service, a gardener who was famous in the community, a comedian who had been touring… nothing seemed to connect them and it frustrated the police greatly.
Wooyo: I wonder
Wooyo: did you stay on the second floor or did you go to the top?
Wooyo: don't make it too easy for me
Wooyo: you know I love a good chase.
You were so concerned with the articles on the phone that you didn't notice that your surroundings had been illuminated. A face with an odd grin was beside you. You screamed and jumped out of the wardrobe. The body fell out and you had trouble calming yourself down. How the hell had you not noticed an entire corpse in the wardrobe with you?
You shot back down the stairs to the second level and desperately attempted to wretch open a door but every one you checked was locked. You suppressed the need to shout in frustration. You just needed one door to open, please!--
Wooyo: did you find the joker?
Wooyo: only dummies hide in the wardrobe, babe
Wooyo: are you a dummy?
You fell into the next room, having used your entire weight to push against the door since none of them were opening. You felt a surge of relief when you saw two forms in the dark room but took a step back when the lightning lit up the room. There were two figures, one dressed as a butler and another a maid. The maid was bent over with a feather duster tied to her hand and the butler was directly behind her, hands at her hips, almost like-- you tried not to laugh, you knew they were dead, but that was a clear comical moment… if not for the fact that it was dead bodies playing it out.
Your eyes went over the room. It was also big and grand. You cursed your luck. Clearly this was some sort of drawing room or parlor that the 'maid' was dusting. You could hide under the clawfoot couch but you could practically hear Wooyoung mocking you. That simply wasn't good enough. There was a connecting door, so you ran towards that. You softly closed the door behind you as you heard the other door open. 
"Oh, Babe," Wooyoung sounded teasing at this moment. "Did you go to the perverted room too? Did you giggle? I bet you giggled."
Your heart was beating in your throat again. You had barely missed Wooyoung. You were in a computer room. It had many screens. Was this Wooyoung's headquarters? How did that make sense for you to be able to get in here? Unless… that's where Wooyoung had wanted you to go? Was he helping you or was he leading you down a path that he had pre-determined? No wonder he hadn't been caught by the police. Your eyes spotted a greenhouse in one of the screens and thought that was a perfect place to hide. You scurried out of the monitoring room and dashed down the stairs.
You could hear singing as you passed a door and it sent a shiver down your spine. Oh where oh where could my baby be? was a line from Pearl Jam’s song Last Kiss. The fact that Wooyoung was singing it as he looked for you was beyond fucked up but he was, after all, a serial killer. But he was your serial killer…?
The greenhouse was connected to the main house but the door to enter it was so goddamn squeaky, you might as well have texted Wooyoung your location. Dedicated now, you plunged into the foliage of the greenhouse, looking for some shrubbery to dive into. There was a plant with large leaves that gave you the perfect hiding spot. You curled up into a ball and pulled the larger leaves over your head and waited.
And waited. And waited. Where the hell was Wooyoung?
Your breath caught in your throat. Was he here and you didn't even know it? And who was the gardener? This could be another trick but… you didn't think it was a good idea to make Wooyoung mad. He was the guardian of the horror section after all. 
Wooyo: >:[
Wooyo: you didn't even admire the gardener
You moved aside a leaf and peered around the greenhouse. Then your eyes saw another figure. This one had a pair of shears but they were pointed towards its neck. Your hand moved to touch your neck but was impaired by Wooyoung's collar on you. It was as if the gardener was cutting his own head off. You shuddered. This really was like a horror movie.
"Better run."
You shot off as soon as the high pitched giggles followed that sentence. You couldn't afford to look back but you knew Wooyoung had been right behind you. What kind of game was he playing?
"Run fast little mouse!~" Wooyoung called after you. 
You ran back into the house and found yourself in the kitchen. There was a butcher's block on the island that was calling out to you. You could grab a knife, you could defeat the guardian you, could--Remember the rules! If I find you, I get to fuck you.
You turned around and ignored the butcher's block. Wooyoung ran into the kitchen, breathless and laughing and then abruptly stopped. The dark haired man cocked his head, covered by a mask. It had LED lights for eyes and a mouth. There were question marks where his eyes were and a slash for his mouth. 
You swallowed and gathered all the courage you had in your erratically beating heart and spoke what you knew was the way to win the game. "You found me, Wooyoung."
The LED mask showed a pout. "But I wanted to chase you more!"
"Wooyoung," You couldn't help but let your voice waver even though you wanted to sound firm, "You know the rules."
Wooyoung pulled out a switchblade, playing with whipping the blade in and out. "Just one more chase. If you run to our room and touch the doorknob before I can get you, I won't cut you tonight. Just like how you want it."
Your hand subconsciously began to run over your arm. Memories of Wooyoung flashed through your mind. Nights where Wooyoung would fuck you and cut you and lick his knife and lick your cunt and-- "Alright," You agreed, "But no mask. I want to see your handsome face."
The LED mask made a sighing face but Wooyoung pushed it up and it sat on the top of his head. His onyx eyes glinted with mischief and mayhem. "I'm going to fuck you so hard when I catch you. I can't wait to hear you screaming my name."
You felt your panties wetten and you knew that was exactly what you wanted. You wanted Wooyoung to chase you, to take you down and fuck you in victory. You could feel in your brain that even though Wooyoung cut you and fucked you, at least he wasn't killing anyone else. You could shoulder this burden. After all, you loved him, didn't you? Maybe you were a little fucked up too.
You started to slowly pull up the oversized t-shirt you had on. Your thighs were revealed and eventually your underwear as well. Wooyoung's eyes followed the ascent, the tip of his tongue playing with the freckle on his lip. "Come and catch me," You purred and then you were gone. 
Your sneakers squeaked as your stride ate up the ground. Noise wasn't an issue any longer so you pulled down items behind you, making obstacles for Wooyoung to jump over and dodge. He cackled behind you. If you were being honest, you felt like your heart was about to escape through your ass but the adrenaline and lust pumping through your veins spurned you on. You raced up the stairs to get to the second level. You were so close. You just had to reach the door at the end of the hall on the right to win. 
"Don't you want my blade to kiss you too, Babe?" Wooyoung taunted behind you.
You dug into the last little bit of energy you had, raising your knees high so that you could run to your greatest potential. The door was getting closer and closer. You reached out your hand, desperate to gain some control over this situation, slowly losing your own mind as you got sucked deeper into the narrative. Shit.
Wooyoung's body slammed into you from behind and then your hand touched the doorknob. He had both his palms on either side of your head, breathing heavily in your ear. "I won, little mouse."
Your nipples were so hard with just the small phrase. You let your body rest against his, attempting to catch your breath as well. "Are you gonna fuck me now, Mister Serial Killer?"
Wooyoung chuckled. "You get so wet when we play our little games, don’t you?"
You raised your hands above your head and Wooyoung's, pulling his head down so that you could kiss him. "It’s why we play them, is it not," You murmured against his lips.
"I got wet too," Wooyoung responded, eyes heavy-lidded.
“You gonna fuck me with your wet, pretty dick, Woo?” You cooed, “Right up against this door where you caught me?”
Wooyoung whined loudly, his lower half pressing heavily into your back side. “Can I? Please? I really want to.”
“Where’s your knife?” You breathed out lightly. “You know how this always starts.” Wooyoung’s switch blade came out without hesitation. “What are the rules?” You said in a sing-song voice.
“No deep cuts,” Wooyoung recounted, teeth pulling your earlobe cheekily before responding with the others, “Avoid the wrists and bends of your arm. I can lick the knife as long as I’m still fucking you.”
“...and?” You intoned.
“And?” Wooyoung’s voice went higher in question, his other hand firm on your hip, keeping you in place as he dry humped you from behind. “Aaaaaaaand…?”
“Poor Baby,” You tutted, “Already brain dumb and we haven’t even started yet?”
“And!” Wooyoung said with triumph coating his tongue, “You come first, then I do.”
“That’s right!” You felt a twisted smile pulling at your lips. Wooyoung may be in control the majority of the time you spent with him, but in the bedroom, he had to follow your rules, otherwise he didn’t get access to your wet cunt. And Wooyoung ALWAYS wanted access to your wet cunt.
“You can begin then, Woo.”
The next few minutes were a flurry of activity. Wooyoung was pulling up your oversized t-shirt, tugging your panties down your legs, helping you step out of them, pulling your ass out a bit more, adjusting your feet and then he sank into you without resistance. He chuckled at the fact that your pussy took him so well. 
Then the cutting began. Wooyoung would whisk his knife quickly and you always felt the pain before you saw the knife cut you. Superficial cuts sprang up on your arms as Wooyoung thrusted into you from behind. He would pause to lick the knife, groaning at the taste of your blood, and then grunt as he continued to fuck you from behind.
“So good,” Wooyoung whined. Whether he was talking about his pretty dick inside of you or your blood, you didn’t know, but as long as Wooyoung was happy, you were safe.
“Feels good inside of me, baby?” You wondered, feeling the slow furl of lust in your lower stomach.
“Your pussy is so warm and so wet and so good,” Wooyoung babbled, “Much better than when I stick my hand in a--”
“Wooyoung!” You cut him off before he could say something too fucked up. You grabbed his free hand and brought it up your breast. “Play with me,” You whined, looking to distract him.
Wooyoung moaned and dropped his knife. Both of his hands cupped your breasts through your shirt, rolling your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. You groaned for more and he pulled up your shirt so that he could touch skin against skin. He pulled and pinched your nipples, all the while still thrusting from behind. 
You found a rhythm, pushing your ass back against his thrusts, feeling satisfied as skin slapped against skin, the tip of his dick rubbing the spongy part inside of you. His tongue found a cut on your shoulder that his knife had already shredded your t-shirt as well, and he played with the wound there, rough tongue rubbing against the cut. He whimpered and you could tell he was getting close.
“I can--” Wooyoung choked on a moan, “I can cum inside of you, pretty?” He asked.
“You gonna give me a pretty cream pie, Woo? You wanna drip out of me, hmmm?”
“Yes, yes, yes, yes,” Wooyoung chanted, his voice pitching higher and higher as his climax approached.
“And the rules, baby?” You cooed.
Wooyoung cried out in frustration and slowed down his thrusting. “Why aren’t you cumming?!”
“I don’t know, Wooyoung, why aren’t I cumming?” You purred dangerously.
Wooyoung whined. “I’m doing good, aren’t I? I'm fucking your pussy good, right?”
“Maybe you don’t want me to cum before you. Maybe you want to fill me up but leave me feeling empty. Maybe you don’t love me enough,” You said woefully.
“No!” Wooyoung insisted, somewhat brattily, “I love you a lot, you know. A lot a lot. Forever and ever.”
“Then you’re gonna make me cum, like a good baby does?” You said in a sickly-sweet voice.
“Yes,” He said with determination. 
Wooyoung pulled out of you and you heard him groaning. You quickly checked over your shoulder and he was using his index and thumb to run up and down his cock before stuffing you again. Then he reached around your body and began to pinch and play with your clit.
“Fuck, Wooyoung,” You cried out, “That’s it, baby, just like that.”
“Yeah, you like when I play with your clitty and fuck you from behind, don’t you?” Wooyoung growled, “Love it when I chase you, love it when I push you down and fuck you raw. You love when I pound into this pussy, don’t you, little mouse?”
A shudder went through your body, goosebumps littered your skin and you came. You came hard, gasping for air. You moaned loudly, although it didn’t matter, did it, considering there was no one else in the house but you, Wooyoung and a few corpses. 
Wooyoung didn’t stop as your climax ripped through you. He pounded into you from behind, just like he described, searching out his own release. And when he did, the glorious whimpers and whines that tumbled from his dirty mouth were like music to your ears. His fingers dug deeply into your hip, most likely leaving finger bruises there but you didn’t care. Spurt after spurt of his cum released inside of you and you managed to feel full after all. And when he pulled out, you could feel your still fluttering walls pushing his cum out.
Wooyoung patted your butt affectionately. "You play well, pretty."
The air tensed, warping and stretching and suddenly it snapped and you were no longer in the dollhouse that serial killer Wooyoung had created. You were back in the Horror Section, with the tense feeling that someone was watching.
"Woo…Wooyoung?" You were back in the original clothes you had donned upon arriving at the library. But Wooyoung was no longer in the baggy sweater and jeans he had been sporting when he had been chasing you through the mansion. He had on tight leather pants, a sleeveless shirt and an epaulet with gloves. 
"We're back in the library, you did it." Wooyoung raised both eyebrows and sent you a winning grin. "I'll give you your key now."
"I did it?" Thoughts of your serial killer boyfriend still swirled in your brain, interfering with thoughts of a key and the treasure and-- you rubbed your temples. This was not going to be easy to do five more times.
Wooyoung crossed his arms over his chest and frowned, portraying the opposite of what he was about to say: "I haven't had that much fun in awhile, actually."
You cocked your head curiously. "Then why the frown?"
 Wooyoung shook his head. "It's nothing." His tongue began to play with the freckle on his lip and you wondered how much of Wooyoung the demon had been in Wooyoung the Slasher Boyfriend… "Wanna play again? There's a tentacle horror over here and I--"
You laughed nervously. "No offense Wooyoung, but I kind of have other sections to conquer."
Wooyoung looked dejected but good spirited about it. "I suppose you're right." 
Wooyoung moved to the bookshelf and pulled out the Slasher Boyfriend novel. When he opened it, in the center of the novel was a mini version of the LED mask that he had sported in your story. It had heart eyes and a kissy lips face. He tugged it out of the book and offered it to you. "Here's your prize. You earned it."
You gently took it from him and couldn't help but shiver again, remnants of Wooyoung chasing you and fucking you still clinging to your brain. You swore you could feel his switchblade kissing your skin as you spoke. "Thank you," You said in a squeaky voice.
Wooyoung cackled, the same he released while chasing you. "Oh, I am going to miss you, little mouse."
You left the horror section and made your way back to the heart of the library. Seonghwa was back at his desk, feet still up on it, but this time with a book over his face. It had flowers climbing up its spine but that was all the details you could see at this moment. 
You slammed your hand on the desk and Seonghwa sat upright immediately. When he pulled the book off his face, his mouth made a small 'o' before he blanked his face. "You're still here."
You put down the mini LED mask and pushed it across the desk to Seonghwa. "There's my first key, Keeper."
Seonghwa took the tiny mask and lifted an eyebrow at you. "And Wooyoung’s at that. Very impressive, human."
"Thanks," You said sarcastically, "Try to not fall asleep while I get my next one, demon."
Seonghwa sputtered in response to your sass, "I'll have you know I am a centuries old demon! Where is your respect for me, human?!"
But you were already walking away from him. "I'll respect you the minute you call me something other than the degrading human you insist on."
With one hand in your pocket, another jauntily waving, you made your way back amongst the stacks of books, looking for your next section to overcome. You were curious if you had to seduce another demon or not…
The next section that snagged your attention was one that sounded of twinkling magic and horseshoes clomping on cobblestone. There, in beautiful cursive and simmering rainbows, was the sign saying "Fantasy". You could barely contain your excitement. Fantasy had been one of your favorite genres growing up. Surely this quest would be a walk in the park!
Tag list: @yoonguurt @hijirikaww @flowerboykun @starillusion13 @flurrys-creativity @kitten4sannie @a-soft-hornytiny
Library staff: @kwanisms @thelargefrye @anyamaris @stardragongalaxy @kpop-stories-21
↫Introduction ↭ MasterList ↭ The Fantasy Section↬
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Can I request your favorite v3 and dr1 characters with a reader that is like mikan please? :D
Love stuff like this !! I had a lot of fun so these are very very long lmao! Feel free to rq more stuff like this (ex s/o that’s like ibuki, etc) I love this stuff smmm it’s fun!!
Mondo is so goddamn protective like holy shit. With an s/o he’s normally protective but if you’re like mikan holy shit 10x worse, to the max. The day you met, he thought you were scared of him due to his reputation. He just thought you were maybe a bit more timid than most and he felt bad when he told you his name and you asked him if you were allowed to remember it. “H-hey.. of course you can remember my name..” The first time he greeted you good morning you were shocked, and again he thought it was because of his reputation, though it still strikes him as odd. “W-what did I do? Why are you so damn surprised?” “I-I’m sorry! I just didn’t expect you to greet me back!” However he would eventually realize something was very wrong when you thought he was mad at you, and offered to take off your clothes to make him happy. “I-I’m sorry for making you u-upset! Should I take off m-my c-clothes?!” “W-what!! No!!? Don’t do that!!” He knows how he can be, especially around somebody he likes, but Jesus man that should never be a solution to make somebody no longer mad at you. Ever since he became so much more protective, but would be sure to tell you calmly (for once?) that you shouldn’t give yourself up so casually like that. “Listen, I don’t know why the hell you did that but for the love of Christ, don’t do that for anyone else. Your body shouldn’t be thrown away that easily unless it’s something you want.” Whenever you tell him stories about the bullying you received growing up, it makes his blood boil. The more the two of you talk, the more he realizes that you’re just shocked anyone would talk to you, greet you in the morning, etc. but he’s glad when you finally start getting more comfortable and opening up. When you mention how grateful you are for him, because he’s the only one that forgave you for your existence he feels horrible. “Hey, enough with the forgiving bullshit. I like your existence dammit.” He’s quick to shut down any negative talk about yourself, and tells you not to apologize over shit you shouldn’t apologize for. “Quit apologizing, I told you it was fine.” “I-I’m sorry! I-I mean!” “Heh, it’s whatever” When it comes to your … tripping .. he’s quick to either cover you up or help you up, with a big blush on his face. “You just fell babe, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” + defends you against anyone that’s mean towards you, yells at them so loud and scary bro nobody is fuckin with you. “Quit your babbling, nobody can understand you.” “I-I’m sorry! P-please forgive me!!” “HEY DOUCHE WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO S/O?!” you worry for him a lot, but he has to constantly tell you he’s a tough guy and he doesn’t need you crying over every little cut he gets. He tries not to get too on your ass about it, since you immediately start to feel bad.
Ishimaru is noticeably a lot more gentle and soft around you? He yelled at you for being late for the first time, but you immediately apologized and started to cry and beg for his forgiveness, offering to take off your clothes, or sound like a pig. “I-I’m so sorry! Please forgive me! I c-can take off my clothes o-or.. imitate a pig! O-or-” “N-no!! w-where’s all of this coming from! Don’t do any of those things!” He of course rejected this idea! But for somebody he thought was just timid and shy, he was getting more worried about your well-being and didn’t want you to get hurt in the long run. “S/o! You should not offer your body just like that! You can get seriously hurt and taken advantage of!” He started paying more attention to you, greeting you specifically, every morning. He felt his heart shatter when you were genuinely surprised by him greeting you. “S/o?! Is something the matter?!” “I-I’m sorry! I-it’s just that.. it’s the first time a-anyones ever greeted me back!” However, as time went on and the two of you got closer he’d get used to your behavior and he’d be more pleased the more you got used to him treating you with human decency. He feels horrible that you went through so much harassment and abuse growing up. He still had to remind you to have some self respect for yourself though. When you mention that nobody other than him forgave you for your existence, and that you’re grateful for him he feels horrible! You seem to always find a new way for him to feel bad for you. “Hey! I love that you exist! If other people aren’t happy for your existence that’s too bad for them! You’re amazing!” He is constantly telling you how good you are as well, he doesn’t want you to talk negatively about yourself at all. Whenever you trip his entire face goes red but he’s very quick about covering you up and yelling at everyone else to look away. “I-I’m sorry!! I-I didn’t mean to make you see me like t-that! P-please forgive me!!” “It’s okay s/o! You just tripped! You didn’t mean to!!” And he will always defend you against anyone that’s mean to you, but people usually back off since they don’t want a lecture and detention for life. “Take back what you said to s/o and accept your due punishment!” he appreciates when you worry for him, if he were to ever get hurt. He is the same with you.
Sakura is extremely protective, as you may guess. She is naturally protective of people she deems needing protection, but it grows the closer you become. She pitied you, and often observed how you interacted with those around her. It’s easy for you to grow more comfortable, but it took time. She had overheard you offering to take off your clothes for another individual because they were angry, and it upset her, wondering how this was a conclusion you came to whenever somebody was upset with you. She would stop it right there, and excuse the both of you. “My dear, please don’t offer yourself so easily. Your body is something to be treasured, and shouldn’t be given up so quickly.” she would feel awful about finding out everything that happened to you, the torture and abuse you dealt with. She would not only feel somehow more protective but she would want to deal with said bullies/abusers. When you mention how grateful you are for her forgiving her existence, or when you thank you for treating you like a decent human being, she is quick to shut it down. “I do not tolerate your existence my love, I love your existence, I live for your existence. I want to give you the world and more.” She does not let you apologize for things you shouldn’t apologize for. “Do not apologize. You’re safe around me.” She is also quick to catch you whenever you fall, so no incidents will happen with her around. And nobody has the balls to be mean to you, especially in front of Sakura. But everyone has to learn their lesson, I suppose! And she will show them what for. However if you insist on no violence she will threaten. “You say anything like that to them again, and I will make sure you cannot use your limbs anymore.” she also takes note of how you worry for not only her but others when they get hurt, she loves seeing your rare stern side. She finds it cute :3
Toko can be a bit… much.. at times. She definitely made fun of you at first, but she eventually started to get annoyed when you just took it and did nothing of it other than whine and cry, in her own words. She eventually started to see herself in you, and tried not to target you so much. She in fact saw it as an opportunity to befriend you, since god knows you don’t have any friends either. Perhaps you can bond off of that. When she overhears you offering to take off your clothes for her cause she was angry, she’s quick to say “h-hey! Don’t do that s-so suddenly! Don’t take off your clothes just cause you p-pissed me off! Take them off cause you l-like me! Or a-something normal like that!” She’d listen intently to the horrible life you were dealt, and she’d open up about her life as well. She kinda figured you had a bad life as well, she just didn’t know how bad it was. It hurt knowing how much you had gone through. When you start to thank her for things like saying good morning, or thanking her for forgiving your existence she’s very quick to yell at you to shut the hell up. “W-would you stop! I don’t hate your e-existence or anything okay! S-so cut it out!” “Q-quit thanking me for stupid shit” and when you apologize for things you shouldn’t, “quit apologizing for stupid shit” most people couldn’t be bothered to be mean to you due to your relationship with toko, she can be quite the earful when it comes to people bothering you. But people must learn the hard way. “S-shut the hell up! What do you know a-anyway! You’re s-so ugly! I-I bet t-that’s why you gang up on a/o!” She at times gets annoyed by you worrying for her but in the end she appreciates it since it shows you care for her, in fact she actually fangirls about it. “W-would you stop worrying about me! I-I’m f-fine!! I-it is sweet though… y-you’re so thoughtful and c-caring..” cue her being a weirdo. She gets embarrassed whenever you trip, so she lets you get up but yells at anyone for looking at you in such a vulnerable state. “I-it’s fine s/o.. don’t be e-embarrassed”
Rantaro feels protective of you almost automatically, it’s at first glance and he feels like he needs to protect you. Like it’s a natural instinct of his, and at first he’s not sure why, but as he talks to you he quickly understands it. The first time he had spoken to you, it was honestly to ask for your name to get to know you, he automatically wanted to form a close relationship with you. He’d quickly know you as a rather timid individual and he’d go out his way to greet you every day, talk to you about things and hoped he could form a close bond. His heart broke upon seeing how shocked you were by him interacting with you. He knew you probably didn’t have people talk to you much, maybe that’s why you’re so shy?? But he’d learn there was much more to you, how you’d offer to take off your clothes when somebody was angry. He’d be quick to shut that down though. “Hey, s/o. You shouldn’t offer yourself all Willy nilly like that, yknow? Your body is a treasure, it shouldn’t be shown just like that.” he sympathizes with you, when you tell him about the bullying you received he tries to discretely ask you their names. You clearly appreciate how nice he is to you, thanking him for talking to you and forgiving your existence but he tries his best to brush it off. “Hey, I like having you around babe. You’re great.” He often wonders if his protectiveness of you comes from the guilt of being a shitty older brother. Maybe that’s why he tries to be kind to a sweetheart like you. Aside from loving you of course. He’s chill, but when it comes to you feeling bad about yourself and apologizing for things you shouldn’t, or being picked on, he’s kinda snappy, but he’d never snap at you. “Hey, don’t apologize for that. It’s okay.” “Don’t say that to s/o ever again. You will regret it yknow.” However he finds that rare stern side of yours when others are hurt really sweet and cute, it shows how kind you are. He’s quick to help you up when you fall in rather suggestive positions, and he tries to move on with his day. “Hey it’s okay, you just fell. No worries.”
Kaede is a friendly person, she tries to interact with everyone. However she is quick to notice your surprise at her interacting with you at all, which makes her notice you rather quickly. You were so happy whenever she greeted you in the morning or asked to spend some time with you, she thought it was cute how happy you got, but it made her feel bad that nobody hung out with you before. “A-ahhh?!” “W-what’s wrong?!” “I-it’s just! N-nobody’s ever wanted to spend time with m-me before! Are you being p-punished for something?” she definitely starts to hang out a lot more often with you, and is happy the more comfortable you grow around her, enough to tell her the bullies you’ve dealt with and the torture you had to deal with your whole life. She’s convinced you’re a perfect Angel that could do no wrong. When you offer your body up to people, given what you told her, she knows why. It only angers her more. “Hey! You don’t have to do all that for anyone just to make them happy! Do it because it makes you happy! Yknow?!” she tries to brush off you thanking her for talking to you, and forgiving your awful existence. “Hey.. your existence isn’t awful. I like talking to you and I like you!” She’s always reassuring you you’re fine, like when you apologize or when you trip in suggestive situations, she’s quick to help you up and is a bit embarrassed but that’s all. “Hey it’s okay! Don’t cry! You just fell! No biggie, right?” She’s very defensive when it comes to you, so even though she’s kind towards others she will not let people talk badly to you. “Knock it off right now! S/o didn’t do anything wrong!” she adores when you take care of others, she thinks it’s sweet. It’s a rare side of you.
Miu has probably made fun of you a bit, to be fair. When she sees an easy target she takes it, plain and simple. She thought, you’re totally the kinda person bullies love to pick on, this should be funny! She constantly made gross pervy comments, but she never actually went through with wanting to see you naked. She honestly thought you only offered her that because of her vulgar attitude, but when she heard you offer it to others, she knew something was wrong with you. She started to feel.. bad. So she’d talk to you more, and slowly over time became less of a bully and a genuine friend. “Hey!! Would you stop offerin to take off your fuckin clothes already! Do you want a dick in you that bad?!” she has her own ways of trying to make you have more self respect, even if it’s only a little. She’s happy you trust her, when you tell her about the bullying you dealt with. She has a hard time trusting others herself, but she finds you’re easy to trust due to how you are. She’s totally showing those bullies what for one day, that’s what she tells you. “Your amazing genius girlfriend will deal with those nasty bitches one day! Doncha worry! Hah-ha-ha!” when you apologize for things, when you thank her for actually learning to forgive you for your pathetic existence she gets annoyed. “Jeez would ya quit with that shit! Stop apologizin!” but she’s honestly quite shy about her feelings for you, with a blush she tells you “I-it’s not like I just tolerate you… it’s more than that…” she used to laugh when you’d trip and land in certain positions, she honestly thought you did it for the attention. Nowadays she helps you up, with a little blush, she still tries to laugh it off though. “If ya wanted to fuck so damn badly you didn’t have to trip all lewdly! Ya coulda just fuckin asked me! Ha!” She’s quick to defend you as well, your girlfriend does her best! “Fuck off flat chest! Go sit in the corner and play with yourself! You’re just jealous s/o is packing more than you!” She acts annoyed when you worry for her, she has a tendency to get hurt when investing. “I’m fucking fine! Stop worryin about me!” but she does secretly enjoy you worrying and the only time she sees you so stern, she likes it!
Gonta tries to befriend everyone, including you. He would wonder why you were so shocked he was even talking to you, so you often had to clarify it was because not many people went out their way to actually talk to you. Gonta tried to understand that, and he felt.. well.. bad! You seem very nice! Why wouldn’t people talk to you? Because of this he makes a constant effort to talk to you in hopes it’ll make you be less shocked when he talks to you, and puts you in good spirits. He’s glad when you feel more comfortable around him and open up to him as well, he feels horrible you had to go through so many awful things! How could people be so cruel to you?! He’ll never understand it. When you offer to take off your clothes, he’s quick to tell you not to. Not only is this flustering him but that doesn’t solve anything in his mind, he’s a little too innocent to understand. “Gonta not understand how this would make miu feel better. Gonta think that showing off your body like this is not good. Gonta not smart, but gonta understand that much.” Whenever you apologize for things you definitely shouldn’t apologize for, he feels terrible. “Gonta is sorry for making you apologize!” he enjoys talking to you, so when he hears you thank him for doing so, and forgiving you for your existence he feels troubled. “Gonta like talking to you. But gonta not sure what gonta is forgiving s/o for.” He’ll eventually understand what you mean, but would insist he isn’t forgiving anything? You have good existence, what’s there to forgive? He also always catches you before you trip, so no lewd positions happen on his watch, not that he’d know that kinda thing would happen though. Probably for the best. It’s rare to see gonta so upset and angry, but he absolutely will be when it comes to people being mean to you. Given how he is he doesn’t always notice but when it’s blatant he is quick to jump in and say “that not nice! Be nice to s/o! They did nothing wrong!” gonta always comments on how kind you are, how nice it is to see you care for the injured and how worried you get!
Kokichi thought you’d be an easy target for his teasing, at the end of the day though he found that you getting upset like that was not preferable. It wasn’t fun to tease somebody who didn’t defend themselves at all and didn’t even get angry with him. So he stopped bothering so much. Eventually though, he grew to care for you more upon hearing you offering to take off your clothes for somebody because they were angry, he was quick to jump in and distract both you and said person, and make them angry at him instead. He’d tell you, “hey dork! You really are asking for trouble, offerin your body like that. What’s your deal?” he does make the effort to get to know you a little more and befriend you in his own roundabout way, but he learns to not tease you so much since he doesn’t get anywhere doing that with you. It’s fine though, he doesn’t mind it much. He does wonder, and asks you why, you’re so surprised everytime he comes to talk to you. “I-it’s just that.. n-nobody talks to m-me. A-and I figured I was t-too boring for somebody l-like you anyways.. d-don’t get me wrong though! I-I’m very happy you w-want to talk to me! P-please dont change your mind!” he definitely felt bad about that, you seemed lonely. He could relate to that. It felt easy, trusting you. You were kind and.. easy to trust. It scared him, actually. Anytime he wanted to push you away he felt bad about it, knowing that not many others would talk to you and take an interest the way he has. When he disturbances himself and you apologize, he just tells you it’s nothing. “S/oooooo! We talked about this! Don’t apologize for dumb things, kay?” but eventually he gives in, and allows closeness with you. When he hears you say how grateful you are he talks to you, how he forgave you for your terrible existence, it sealed the deal for him. You trust him implicitly despite how he is, the least he can do is do the same for you, the timid sweetheart he’s come to know. He doesn’t know how to tell you he doesn’t tolerate your existence though. Or forgive you or whatever. “There’s nothing to forgive you for hun! Jeez, what are you even on about?!” when you trip, there’s not much he can do other than distract the others, by fake crying and being obnoxious until you get back up. He doesn’t comment on it or mention it, he wouldn’t tease you for that. He also deals with anyone that’s mean to you accordingly, he finds these people extremely pathetic and he has no tolerance for them so he vocally roasts them. “Maybe you bother somebody as cute as s/o cause your jealous, maybe? I mean I don’t see any other reason why a trashy pigfucker like you would even bother with them.” You’ll also find he really loves that stern side of you, it’s a rare side and it’s shows you’re being stern because you care for the injured. He purposefully gets himself hurt just to see you worried, because it’s sweet. “D’aww! Doting all over little ol’ me! You’re so sweet hunnn!”
Keebo goes out his way to talk to you, since you seem easy to talk to. At first glance, but he finds conversations with you to be rather difficult at first, however he quickly learns what gets you talking and what interests you the most. Whenever you feel bad about rambling he’s quick to tell you “it’s fine, I’m the one that asked. Do not worry about upsetting me, you were just talking about something you were interested in.” this robot isn’t off put by your personality, but he does wonder why you’re so timid. He comes to the conclusion you may have been abused, only after you offer to take off your clothes for somebody you potentially upset. He would be quick to get you out of that situation. “S/o! Please do not offer yourself so easily! Your body is something to be treasured, not given up like it’s nothing!” he at this point suspected you were bullied, and you’d confirm his suspicions in detail. It saddened him to hear all that you had to say about what those bullies had done to you. But he wanted you to know that didn’t have to be your life anymore now that he’s around. He tries his best to read you, whenever you apologize for something that isn’t something he hears many people apologize for he genuinely wonders if people have gotten mad at you for minor things like that. “You don’t need to apologize for that, it’s fine. Do not worry.” and boy does he get sad when you thank him for talking to you and forgiving you for your existence. He’ll tell you to the end of time that you matter to him if he has to. Your clumsiness worries him though, what if you die or something?! He never says it out loud, but because of this he’s always making sure no incidents happened. It happened a couple times before he started being more aware and making sure you didn’t trip, but at the same it didn’t happen he thought he was going to overheat. You’ll find he often tries to defend you if anyones terrible to you, “hey! Leave s/o alone! They did nothing wrong!” And probably proceeds to threaten to take a voice recording of them at some point. Kiibo likes your more stern side, it to him shows you have some confidence in what you’re doing, for once. You know what you’re doing, he hopes to see that side from you more.
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hangmansgbaby · 1 year
Always Darling | 5 | J.Seresin
Summary: 5 years after the Uranium Mission, Jake and Willow think they’re at a calm in their life. But not everything is as it seems.
Pairings: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC!Willow "Vixen" Seresin, brief mentions of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x OC Daughter!Willow "Vixen" Seresin and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x OC God Sister!Willow "Vixen" Seresin
Warnings: lots of crying, mentions of divorce, Seresin kids are sad, Cute Seresin family moments… lemme know if I should add more!
Note: let’s not talk about the 4 months it took me to write this 😁🙃
Apr 2024 note: I did end up updating this into an OC as I dont write my series as a reader insert anymore.
Word count: 5k
Masterlist | Always Darling Masterlist
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“Beckett Walker give me back my book!” 12 year old Ellorie shouts chasing her 4 year old little brother.
“Woah slow your roll little man!” Willow laughs as Beckett runs between her and the kitchen cabinet. Beckett laughs running past Elle as she runs into the kitchen.
“Ugh! Mom! Beck stole my book!”
“Okay okay, I’ll get him.” Willow sets down the bread in her hand and walks out to the living room. “Beck, honey, where’s your sister’s book?”
“I wanna read too, mama!” Beck jumps onto the couch, the book clutched tight in his hands.
“I know buddy but this is Elle’s book, if you ask nicely maybe she’ll read you one of your books.”
“Please Ellie!” He pleads, pulling the puppy dog eyes.
“Come on Beck. Let's go pick one out.” Elle sighs, guiding her brother to his room.
“You’re such a good big sister.” Willow laughs, going back to the kitchen.
“Only because I have too!” Willow chuckles at the comment, knowing Elle loves being a big sister. Willow returned to the kitchen, making the kids lunches for school when Jake walked out of the bedroom.
“Good morning Commander Seresin.” Jake smiles, kissing his wife.
“What's up with you?” Willow questions, putting the various items into the lunch pails.
“Can’t be excited to see my beautiful wife in the morning?”
“You can when you say ‘my beautiful wife’ but my rank? Somethings up Jake.” Willow turns around in Jake’s hold, his hands resting on the counter on either side of her.
“Okay okay. I got a call today.”
“12 month deployment. We leave next week.” Jake sighs.
“Shit.” Willow drops her head to Jake’s shoulder. “A whole year?”
“I’ll find an excuse to not go? Maybe baby number 3?” Jake smirks, raising his brows at her.
“One, no more kids. Beck is the last one. Two, there’s no getting out of deployments, even with a pregnancy. Remember the mission a week before Beck was born?” Willow sighs, rubbing Jake’s shoulders.
The day Jake had to leave was almost as hard as when Willow found out Jake went missing. The pregnancy had been so much worse than Elle’s. Morning sickness lasted the whole nine months and Willow had at least 5 scares in the last 3 months and to top it all off, Jake was still overseas until Beck was 6 months old. He barely made it to a serviced area to be there over FaceTime.
“You gonna be okay?” Jake questions, holding her close.
“We’re always okay.” Willow smiles. “But ask me again when you call, I may be crying cause I miss you so much.”
“Hey, we’ll get through it. We always do.” Jake presses a kiss to her lips before stepping away. “But we have a whole week together. Beck! Elle! Let's go! We're gonna be late!”
“Coming!” Elle shouts.
“You wanna be on drop off duty today?” Willow asks, handing Jake the kids lunches.
“Of course darlin. See you at work.”
“Bye mama!” Elle runs by hugging her mom as she passes.
“Bye bye mama.” Willow squats to Becks level and he kisses her cheek.
“Such a gentleman.” She leads him outside, Beck insisting Willow walk outside first. “Be good for Daddy, little man.”
“Love you mama!” Both Elle and Beck shout as they climb into Jake’s truck, Beck with Jake’s assistance.
“See you on base darlin.” Jake kisses his wife again before climbing in and pulling out of the driveway.
Willow smiled, waving as the truck drove by, disappearing from her sight. She quickly heads back inside grabbing her things before climbing into her own car and heading to base.
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“Hey Vixen.”
“Hey Bradley. Leaving with the team next week for the deployment?” Willow unlocks her office and Bradley follows her in.
“No, I had some leave pre-approved. I’ll be in Virginia for about a month and a half.” Bradley tells her.
“Oh? Visiting old friends?” Willow questions.
“Actually wrapping up mom’s estate, I think I’ve put it off long enough.” Bradley tells her. “Which is why I’m here. I was wondering if you had enough vacation days to come with. With Jake gone, figured you could use the distraction.”
“I guess it would be nice to show the kids a bit of my childhood.” Willow laughs. “They literally live in Jake’s every Christmas.”
“Yes! Come on Vix! For old times sake!” Bradley pleads.
“Fine! But I’m not flying the kids out there.”
“I’d appreciate the company and the help.” Bradley smiles.
“I’ll put the request in. Wanna road trip with us?” Willow questions pulling the paperwork up on her computer. “Be kind of nice to stop by the ranch, let the kids see everyone.”
“Of course. I’ll get everything set up for the drive.” Bradley smiles. “I’ll meet you at your house after they ship out.”
“See you Bradley.” Willow calls as he heads out of her office. She pulls up the leave request, filing everything as needed. Hours had passed when suddenly there was a knock on her door.
“Commander Seresin?”
“Yes?” Willow looks up to see one of her students standing at her door. “Lieutenant Jones, what can I do for you?”
“With graduation on Saturday, I just wanted to thank you, Commander. I didn’t think I could do this when I got here. You made me see otherwise.”
“I’m glad you figured it out, Lieutenant. You wouldn’t have been brought here if you didn’t belong.” The pilot nods before turning to exit but is stopped by Willow. “Oh Lieutenant, if you see Lieutenant Commander Seresin on your way out, would you let him know I need to see him?”
“Yes Ma’am.” Willow smiles at the young man as he leaves the room. She finalizes her paperwork, printing off a copy of everything before emailing it to the necessary people. She receives an immediate response from Admiral Simpson approving the leave. The man was sending her husband overseas for a year, the least he could do was give her a decent vacation time.
“Hey Darlin, was walking over with lunch when a very nervous pilot said you needed to see me.” Jake chuckles, setting the sandwiches he brought onto her desk. “Pretty sure he thinks you sent him for me so we can have sexy time in your office.” Jake winks as he drags a chair around to the side of her desk.
“Never happening again. You got us caught by Mav, Rooster, and Warlock that day.” Willow raises a brow at him as she slides the leave papers across the desk to him before reaching for her sandwich.
“Leave? Darlin I’m gonna be on deployment I can’t vacation.” Jake sighs, sliding the papers away. Willow sighs, she takes a bite of her sandwich and slides the papers back towards him. She points at the name before picking up her sandwich again. “Why are you going on vacation?”
“Bradley has decided to finally pack up his mom’s house so I'm going to help him.” Willow answers.
“And the kids?”
“They’re coming with us.” Willow turns to her husband. “We're gonna drive through and stop in Texas. See your parents and sisters.”
“That’ll be good. Good distraction from it all.” Jake smiles at her. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m glad you and Rooster are close.”
“Well we needed a godfather for our son.” Willow laughs.
“Don't remind me.” Willow could see Jake facepalming in his mind. “I'd rather have it be Coyote.”
“Regret demanding that he be Elle’s, don't ya?” Willow teases.
“I regret it everyday because you threatened to kick me out of the room. I was scared I was gonna miss it.” Jake retorts.
“Don’t piss off a pregnant woman. Definitely don't piss off one who had to give up a year of her career because you can’t pull out.” She glares.
“You win, I was an ass. I’m sorry darlin.” He leans close to her, his signature smile plastered on his face, puppy eyes in full effect or as Willow calls them the Seresin Pity Eyes since Jake, the kids, and Jake’s entire family could do it but her.
“Apology,” she kisses his waiting lips. “Not accepted.” She smirks, turning back to her food and ignoring the shocked look on his face.
“Puppy dog eyes always work on you!” He wines.
“No. They work when Beckett does them.”
“But Beck is literally just a mini version of me.” Jake drags the eyes back out. Willow looks at her husband. Every inch of Beck screamed Jake. Bright green eyes, shaggy blond hair, even the little southern twain he picked up from his father and sister.
“With my attitude. That's why he’s a mama’s boy.” Willow laughs. “Same way Elle looks like me but has your attitude. Plus she’s had you wrapped around her finger since the day you found out we were expecting. Daddy’s girl.”
“Bullshit they’re both daddy’s little angels and you know it.” Jake smiles. The kids love their dad, they really do. Whenever Willow had said no to anything they immediately went to Jake and all they had to do was whip out the puppy eyes and he was a goner.
“They love you. They're gonna miss you this year.”
“I hate leaving them.” Jake sighs. “I think we should bring them to the docs like we did when Elle was little. Let them say bye to everyone.”
“I think that's a great idea. Beck will definitely love it.” Willow smiles. “You leave Sunday right?” Her smile drops on the topic, bringing it up was honestly not how she planned to spend their lunch hour but she knew it was better to bring it up sooner rather than later.
“Yea, I was thinking we could get everyone together for a beach day on Saturday. One last hoo-rah with the kids?”
“Sounds like a great plan, I know they’ll love to get some time with you all before you leave.”
“I’ll let the team know.” Jake smiles at her. When she doesn’t return the smile, Jake knows she’s in her head. “Hey, you know I love you right?” Willow simply nods, focusing on the sandwich before her. “Darlin.” Jake reaches over to grab her hand. “I’m going to come home to you like always if that's what you’re worried about.”
“Its not that.” She glances up at him. “And you can’t say like always. You almost didn’t a few times.”
“I’m here aren't I?”
Willow gave him the look, the ‘don’t be a smartass with me’ look. “You’re just going to miss so much. First day of school, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, all of it. I don’t know if I can do that on my own.”
“Hey. You are the most badass person in the Navy by far. You are going to be able to handle this next year with grace and beauty as you do everything else.” Jake kisses her temple as he stands. “I gotta get back to my meetings. I love you. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Bye. Love you.” Willow replies softly. Jake sighs as he turns to leave.
His detachments were always rough. Willow and Jake have been leaving each other behind on and off their entire careers, it has always been difficult leaving. And it only got worse when Elle was born. Willow was called away less after Elle’s birth, part of that being Ice’s doing, but the more Jake got called away the more strained their relationship got. Willow felt so alone in the early years of their marriage that when she made a comment about divorce to Ice, Jake was on a plane home the next day. After months of counseling, leave time, and minimal communication, Jake and Willow had worked through their rough patch.
But then Jake got called out a week before Beck was born, and it almost set them back to where they were all those years ago. Jake knew this one would strain them again. He just hoped that this trip with Bradley would make it less so since she wouldn’t be alone.
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“Please don’t go daddy.” Beck cries as his small arms are wrapped tightly around Jake’s neck.
“I’ll be back before you know it, little man.” Jake holds his son, trying to soothe his little cries. “You’re gonna have so much fun with mama and sissy, even Uncle Rooster is gonna be there.” Jake internally groaned after he made the comment, still hating that his kids took to their “Uncle Rooster” too easily for his liking.
“Am I gonna see gramma and grampa too?” Beck sniffles, still not releasing his dad.
Jake chuckles softly. “Yea and Aunties and your cousins.” Jake pries his son’s arms away from his neck to look him in the eyes. “You’re gonna have so much fun, you won’t even know I’m gone.” Jake smiles at the little boy.
“I’ll know you’re gone.” He pouts. Jake stands from his crunched position, pulling Beck up into his arms.
“Yea, but all you gotta do is talk to mama and she’ll make you feel better. Isn’t that right, mama?” Jake asks as Willow comes over from saying her farewells to Phoenix, Bob, and Coyote.
“Absolutely.” She smiles while kissing her husband’s cheek. “Now give daddy a big hug.” Beck quickly relatches to his father.
“I’ll miss you, daddy.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, little man.” Jake holds Beck tightly. “Can you go to mama so I can hug your sister?”
Beck only nods softly, still crying as he’s passed into Willow’s arms. She whispers to him as she walks over to the rest of the pilots so he can say bye to them too.
Jake smiles at his wife and son before turning to his oldest who stands off to the side, alone. “Come here, pumpkin.” Elle's eyes fill with tears as she moves into her dad’s arms.
“I don’t like it when you leave.” She softly cries into her father’s chest.
“I know pumpkin. I don’t like leaving either.” He holds his daughter close.
“But you have to go.” Jake only nods at her words, wanting to hold his little girl just a little longer. He wouldn’t be able to say she’s his little girl come next year. She’s turning 13 next May, a teenager. Jake lets a few tears slip when he realizes what he’s missing. Beckett starts Kindergarten in 2 months. Elle graduates from 8th grade next year. And he’s going to miss Willow’s captain promotion come September that Cyclone had privately informed Jake about a month ago.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” Jake kisses her head softly before pulling back to look into her green eyes, identical to his own. “Look after your mama and brother okay?”
“I always do.” Elle smiles softly.
“That’s my girl.” He kisses her temple before tickling her sides softly. “Why don’t you help you brother say bye to everyone so I can talk to Mama.” Elle nods, giving her dad one more hug before she runs over to the large group of aviators surrounding the 4 year old.
“Hey handsome.” Willow smiles as she makes her way back to her husband.
“Darlin.” Jake smiles, pulling his wife in for a kiss.
“They’re gonna miss you.” She pulls back from the kiss to rest her head on his chest, she watches the majority of the dagger squad hugging her kids.
“I’ll miss them more.” Jake smiles softly. “But mostly you.” He holds her tightly until their superiors are giving the signal to leave. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Willow looks up, kissing him one final time. “Come home safely.”
“Always darling.” Jake follows his friends towards the carrier as Elle and Beck come up beside their mom. Willow lifts Beck from the ground to hold her still crying son.
“It’s okay, little man. Look, daddy’s waving from the boat.” Beck looks up and waves back at Jake one final time before he disappears from their sight.
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“Grandma! Grandpa!”
“Oh there’s my precious grandbabies!” Jake’s mom pulls Elle and Beck into a massive hug before they pull away to hug their grandpa. “Hi sweetheart.” She turns to hug Willow.
“Hey Mama.” Willow smiles, hugging her mother in law. “This is Bradley, also called Rooster, my god-brother.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”
“Please, just Mama. Everyone calls me that, no point in changing it now.” She chuckles. “Come on in! Nancy should be here any minute with the kids for dinner so the kids can see each other.”
“I see why the kids use Mama instead of mom or mommy.” Bradley laughs, following Mama, Willow falling instep with him.
“Good ol southern boy. That's Jake.” She laughs. “He actually started it, said he couldn’t imagine our kids calling me anything different.”
“How are you holding up?” Bradley questions.
“The same as I was when you asked me yesterday at my house. I miss him but I’m fine.” Willow groans.
“Auntie Willow!”
Willow turns at the call of her name, 18 year old twins Maddelyn and Gracelyn come barreling down the hallway. “My favorite nieces!” Willow tugs them both into a hug. “What are you two doing here? I thought you’d be off enjoying your last summer of freedom. Excited to start at UT?”
“Actually…” Grace starts and Maddie continues, finishing each other's thoughts.
“We start at the Naval Academy in August.”
“No way! That's so exciting!” Willow smiles at the girls. “Do you know what you wanna do when you graduate?”
“Aviation.” Maddie answers.
“Just like you and Uncle Jake.” Grace continues.
“Well I look forward to seeing Lieutenants Seresin in my Top Gun class in a few years.” Willow smiles. “I think Elle and Beck are in the backyard.”
“Race ya!” Grace shouts, sprinting to the backdoor. Willow laughs watching the girls run up to each other. Despite the seven year age gap, Elle saw Maddie and Grace as her older sisters and loved every opportunity to see them.
“I see the girls already beat me here.”
“Hey Nancy.” Willow turns to face her sister in law. “Yea twins are already outside with Elle. Hey Tommy Boy.” Willow ruffles the hair of her 6 year old nephew.
“Hi Auntie Willow. Where’s Uncle Jake?”
“He’s on a big boat for work.”
“But he promised more plane facts.” The boy pouts.
“You know, I brought someone with me.” Willow kneels down before the boy. “Tommy, this is Rooster. He’s a pilot like me and Uncle Jake.”
“Do you know about cool planes too?”
“Yea, in fact I know more than your Uncle Jake does.” Rooster answers, squatting down to Tommy’s level.
“But Uncle Jake knows everything!” Tommy defends, always quick to defend his favorite uncle.
“You’re right. Uncle Jake knows everything but I know beyond everything.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Why don’t you show Rooster where the living room is and ask him a million questions?” Willow suggests. Tom immediately grabs Bradley by the hand and drags him away from his mother and aunt.
“Hey Willow.”
“Hey Nance.” Willow wraps her sister-in-law in a tight hug. Of all of Jake’s sisters, Nancy was the closest to Willow. “Before you ask. I’m okay.”
“I wasn’t going to.” Nancy laughs, leading towards the kitchen.
“Bullshit.” Willow laughs.
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They had only spent one night on the ranch much to the kids' dismay before embarking on another two days' drive to Virginia Beach. Elle and Beck slept most of the way there, giving Willow and Rooster time to catch up as they switched off driving, talking, and sleeping. When they finally arrived at Bradley and Willow’s childhood home, both kids were fast asleep in the backseat.
“I’ll grab Beck and take the keys, can you grab Elle?” Willow asks, putting the truck into park. Bradley nods passing the house keys into her awaiting hand before moving to pull his niece from her seat.
Willow gently unbuckles Beck and pulls him into her arms. He stirs in her arms, and mutters something not even Willow understands. “Shhh, go back to sleep. It’s okay buddy.” The boy nods off as Willow unlocks the front door, Bradly just behind her with Elle in his arms.
“I’ll put Elle in Mav’s old room, Beck can have mine since it's across from your’s.” 
Willow nods, “Where are you gonna sleep?”
“I’ll take the couch.”
“Nonsense, Bradley. At least sleep in your mom’s room.” Willow protests, stopping outside of Bradley’s bedroom. As Bradley sets Elle down on the bed in the room next door.
“I’d rather not go in there, Vix. Not yet at least.” Bradley answers, closing the door.
“Then take your room, Beck can just sleep in my room.”
“I probably won't sleep much, Vix.” Bradley pulls Beck from her. “Get some rest, I’ll keep an eye on the kids if they wake up.” Willow nods, opening her own bedroom door that sits identical to how it looked 27 years ago. “You guys never messed with my room?” She asks when she feels Bradley’s presence behind her.
“I was the only one here for a couple of years before I left for the academy.” Bradley smiles. “Get some rest, Vix.”
“Night Rooster.” Willow barely closes her door, leaving it open to where she can see across the hall to where Beck slept. Laying in her bed she can clearly note the lack of Jake’s scent, something she never spent more than a few days without.
Usually, one of Jake’s hoodies would be wrapped around her but the two she had brought were currently attached to her children, both of which had gravitated to sleeping in their father’s childhood bedroom when they were in Texas. She sighed as she wrapped herself in the blankets, pulling one of the pillows for her to hug in her sleep, soon drifting off.
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“Mama?” It wasn’t the question that woke her but the soft sniffles that pulled Willow from her sleep, immediately wanting to check on the child before her. Opening her eyes, she could see Beck standing to the side of the bed, tear streaks visible on his cheeks, proving along his sniffles that he had been crying.
“What’s wrong little man?” She can see his small frame drowning in Jake’s sweatshirt.
“I want daddy.” He lets out, barely over a whisper. “He didn’t come get me when I started crying.” That broke Willow’s heart. Anytime one of the kids cried in the middle of the night, Jake was quick to pull them from their beds and bring them in to sleep between him and Willow.
“You wanna sleep with me tonight?” Willow offers, pulling the blankets back. “I know its not the same without daddy.”
“Please mama?”
“Come here.” Beck scrambles up onto the bed tucking himself against Willow pleading for her to sing to him. She chuckles softly, blaming Jake’s habit of singing to Beck every night when she was pregnant. She sings softly, whatever song first came to mind, holding her son tightly to her as he falls back asleep. Jake’s scent radiates off the hoodie, pulling her to sleep as well.
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“Mama! Mama!” Willow is shaken from her sleep. “Uncle Rooster made pancakes!”
“Did he?” Willow yawns, tugging Beck back into the bed.
“Mama! Come on!” Beck giggles as she wraps her arms around him.
“Mama! Beck!” Elle walks into the room. “Uncle Rooster is threatening to eat all the pancakes.”
“Come here.” Willow calls over her daughter.
“He won’t let me eat without yo—!” Willow tugs Elle down next to her, holding both of the kids.
“No, we're having morning cuddles.” Willow laughs, tickling the kids' sides. “How’d you sleep, baby girl?”
“I’m not a baby anymore.”
“Mmm you’re still my baby.” Willow tugs Elle closer. “Always gonna be my baby girl even when you have your own.”
“Hey I thought I sent the munchkins to get you. Not go back to bed.” Bradley asks, stopping in the doorway.
“Mama holding us hostage Uncle Rooster!” Beck squeals as Willow tickles him again.
“Oh no! Uncle Rooster will save you!”
“Mama, no!” Beck squeals again when suddenly Elle joins in. “Ellie!”
“Oh Miss Elle getting in the middle.” Willow laughs, going after her daughter.
“Ahh Mama!”
Bradley takes the opportunity to pull Beck from the bed and over his shoulders. “Quick! Escape!” Bradley takes off running through the house.
“I don’t think so!” Willow jumps up to follow the boys before her phone starts ringing. “Elle can you hand me my phone?” Willow calms her breathing as Elle passes the phone.
“I’ll go get Beck settled for breakfast.”
“Thanks, sweetie.” Willow ruffles her hair as she answers the restricted number. “Commander Seresin.”
“Hey darlin.”
“How was Texas?” Jake asks.
“It was good. Tommy was really sad that you weren’t there.”
“I’m gonna have to make that up when I get back.” Jake chuckles.
“How’s carrier life?”
“Missing you guys. How are the kids holding up?”
“Missing you. Beck was pretty upset that you didn’t come pick him up when he started crying.” Willow sighs. “He even had me sing him to sleep.”
“God I hate this.” Jake sighs. “Can I talk to them?”
“Yea. They’ll probably take the rest of your call so I love you.”
“I love you too, darlin.” Willow switches the phone to speaker phone and walks out to the dining room.
“Beck, Elle. I got a surprise. Say hi.” Willow says as she sets her phone on the table between the two.
“Hello?” Elle questions.
“Hey pumpkin.”
“Daddy!” Beck shouts, mouth full of pancakes. “Are you coming back?” Willow’s eyes water as she listens to their exchange. Bradley looks up from the stove to see her longing stare and quickly wraps up the pancake he’s working on.
“Vix.” He whispers. “Come here.” He leads her to her bedroom where he finally lets his volume rise. “You okay?” As if that question was finally the key, Willow lets out a sob and Bradley wraps her in a hug, “It’s okay, let it out.” He whispers over and over, waiting for her to slowly calm down.
“I miss him so much.” She sobs.
“I know, Vix.” Bradley sighs. “He’ll be home before you know it.”
“I want him home now.” She cries. “I can’t do this on my own.” She sobs.
“Maybe you should talk to Hang—“
“No!” Willow stops him. “He worries enough as it is when he’s gone. Especially after the amount of times we almost divorced over this. I tell Jake how I’m feeling he’ll retire. And we both know how much he wants to make admiral.”
“Vixen you have roughly 360 days until he comes home.” Bradley reasons. “You’re just going to sit in silence and pretend everything is okay?”
“No. I’m just not gonna tell Jake. Or the kids.” Willow replies. “If he finds out, he’ll come home. He’ll even steal a jet if he had to.”
“Do you at least have someone you can talk to?”
“I have you.” She shrugs, already acting like she didn’t just lose it over a single phone call.
“A professional Vix. You need someone who can help you work through this.”
“I’m fine, Rooster. This isn’t my first rodeo.” Willow turns around, takes a deep breath and then moves back into the main part of the house. “Hey. Dad have to go?” She asks, seeing her children silently eating.
“Yea.” Elle responds.
“But Daddy said he’d call next week!” Beck smiles.
“Remember Beck, he may not get to talk next week. We just gotta wait.” Elle reminds her younger brother. Willow offers a small smile to her daughter, knowing the amount of times Elle got let down cause Jake couldn’t keep a phone call date or would call after bedtime, just barely missing her. “Oh mama, you got a missed call here.” Elle hands her mom her phone.
Willow eyes the voicemail, recognizing the local number before hitting play.
“Good morning, this is Admiral Parker Smith. I’m trying to reach Commander Willow Seresin. If you can give me a call back at…” Willow was barely listening as the Admiral rattled off the contact info.
She dials in the callback number, reading it from the voicemail transcript.
“Admiral Smith.”
“Good morning Admiral Smith. This is Commander Seresin returning your call.”
“Commander, perfect timing. I heard you were in Virginia Beach.”
“I am. Was there something you needed me for?” Willow replies.
“We're sending out a team on an urgent mission next week from Oceana and we need a team leader.” Admiral Smith reports. “Now I read the Uranium Mission file, you headed that squadron did you not?”
“I did.”
“Wonderful! I have papers here for you Commander. You’ll be leading this mission.”
“Sir, I’m here on vacation with my children. Their father just left for a year-long deployment.” Willow protests.
“I’m sorry Commander but you’re exactly what we need for this task. If we had another option we’d take it.” Willow sighs, she glances over at Bradley who’s playing with Elle and Beck as they clean up breakfast.
“How soon do you need me to report?” She asks.
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mo0nlyte · 3 months
(we are posting a story finally WOOOOO)
(you being their little sister is your perspective, and I'm doing this to appease the demons, sorry I haven't been posting a L O T has been happening)
(G: Nubbins, P: Chop-Top, R: Drayton, and Blue is for bubs <3)
You and the twins.
It's been a fight. Constantly.
Back and forth.
You wanna strangle them,
They wanna strangle you.
You guys still love each other, it's just.. well to put it in simple terms, you'd bite them if they touched the door handle to your room, but if a victim hurt either of them, the victim's life will be very short lived.
Of course, today is a hot Texas day like normal.
And Nubbins, the dumbass he is, is about to turn this into a 2v1. Sadly Chop-Top isn't siding with his twin.
Y'all are probably working on the front of the house, it's spring, making it look presentable and unsuspecting to the normal passerby.
Nubbins is getting bored, but you guys are nowhere near done.
"W-Why c-ca-can't we just f-f-fuck-fuckin' be d-done..?!"
His twin clocked him on the back of the head.
"Cuz, drayton'll have our asses if we don't finish!"
You snickered. Nubbins has mood swings, but they are getting worse the more he doesn't get to kill. You have no reason to worry, you're part of the family.
And family. Doesn't. Kill each other.
He just angrily yells, like full blown-
You and Chop-Top look over like '??????????'
And he's storming off to the side of the road all mad.
"Get your ass back 'ere!"
His response 👇
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You're just standing there like ":0"
You've never seen Chop-Top run faster.
Besides the time he was being chased by Drayton
And Nubbins is just running as fast as he can, funnily enough he was the fast twin.
Just not today, huh?
You watched him get tackled, and then get dragged back. "I-i ain't d-d-doin' t-this shit a-a-anymore!"
"Shut up before I hang you on a meat hook like last week."
Besides laughing, you remember that. It sure took the meat of their antics this week.. besides Nubbins flippin' his twin off.
Hours later, Drayton comes out to find Chop-Top and you relaxing.
Nubbins less so, sitting all grumpy.
"Ta' hell happened?"
You were about to say something, Nubbins didn't bother. Chop-Top interrupted you,
"Oh nuthin', just had to chase a rabbit down."
"I-i-if you weren't m-my t-t-..twin you'd be dead by n-now."
Drayton is confused.
You're laughed again.
And as you laugh, Nubbins and Chop-Top get into a fight. More psychical than usual, but it ends in Chop-Top carrying his twin over his shoulder.
Bubba was sleeping on the bone couch peacefully after a day of butchering victims.
Very confused what he's seeing as Chop-Top is going upstairs with his twin. Who's screaming and stuttering like an angry Chihuahua.
.. and you dying on the floor by the front door. Just laughing.
Drayton just shakes his head and goes to sit down.
"Jus' go get cleaned up when yer done laughin' like a god damn hyena.."
What a normal day in the Sawyer household.
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kinderlie · 23 hours
thinking more v3 thoughts. it wouldve been REALLY interesting if kaede didnt die in trial 1 and lived so she and shuichi could be foils to kokichi and rantaro, which would be interesting bc the main character always has a partner, but the rival never has. and the difference in ideology could split the group, but as it stands now the v3 cast treats kokichi worse than tbe sdr2 cast treated komaeda, and komadea was a THREAT since the beginning. for the most part, all kokichi did was lie a lot and be rude, so this animosity kind of feels undeserved. like, hajime had a lot more patience for komaeda's shit than shuchi does for kokichi's. so his interactions w the rest of the v3s seems kind of... underhanded and rude. they accepted an assassin into their group but not him, is all im saying.
and it just feels kind of undeserved until chapter 4 where kokichi goes off the deep end. like, before that, he DOES talk about liking the killing game and all, and is insensetive, but he by his own admission a LIAR- why do all the v3s assume the bad things he says are the truth? hell in chapter 2 he spells out MULTIPLE TIMES what his end goal is and what he's doing (trying to caution people from overtly working together because when they do, monokuma punishes them for it, so they shouldnt let on that theyre cooperating) and no one listens?? at all. like its just so blatant because ive been playing sdr2 and v3 side by side, alternating between the two frequently. try it-! the dissonance between how the v3 cast treats kokichi and the sdr2 cast treats komadea is VERY apparent. like sure they tie him up and arent NICEYS to him, but hajime makes a genuine effort to try and understand komaeda, especially in FTEs. shuichi does not extend that same effort to kokichi and imho thats really lackluster writing for the ultimate detective
it just seems like they were going for an ideology clash in v3 but in practice, kokichi is ostracized VERY early on for the crime of Being Annoying, and because of that is placed under a lot of undue scrutiny, with absolutely no one bothering to TRY to understand him. and this happens because he has no genuine foil for his ideology, so theres no ideological conflict, so the writers had to manufacture one by having everyone focus on his (largely just mischevious and at worst annoying) lies and repeat "but all lies are bad!!" unfixingly w/o trying to understand him. which is not really an ideological conflict, it's... kind of childish and they- esp shuichi as the ultimate DETECTIVE- never try to understand kokichi's pov and don't interact with kokichi's TRUE ideological opposition- that they can't trust each other. and kaede and him couldve been great foils in that regard, having the opposite ideological approach to the killing game, but kaede was fridged early on for a male character's development. so thats fine too i guess.
and shuichi and rantaro couldve been foils as well, both leaning hard into detective work but having opposite ideas on what to do with their respective findings- do they trust the group, or not?
also this is just a "hey this would be imo cool" aside, but if it was a kokichi/rantaro pairup.... IMAGINE THE 4TH TRIAL. imagine if it was ambiguous if rantaro was manipulated into killing miu or if it was a willing sacrifice. rantaro doesn't remember, but he admits before execution that, knowing himself, he feels like it was a willing sacrifice on his end, while kokichi insists he manipulated rantaro into it and that he's the true blackened. and we cant see rantaro's memories, so we don't know. and it could be a really tragic trial a la peko's, which would finally allow the cast to know more about rantaro and his true feelings on everyone and the game, in his final moments.
also the sting of the ultimate survivor reveal being so so close by, the tragedy of rantaro surviving a DIFFERENT KILLING GAME only to die in this one, so close to the end... and the implication that he survived his last game by being detached and secretive, only to die because of a connection he had with someone. but thats less meta analysis and more me going "goddamn wouldnt that be fucked up or what. anyway im tumblr user kinderlie"
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hydrxnessa · 6 months
>``why have i given my heart ? i've fallen so far, because now the future scares me;''
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OC -- [ Intoxicate ]
Intoxicate's tale is a tragic one; he was once a mystic healer travelling the cosmos with his younger sister Amaera, searching for more knowledge in the arts of the remedial world, while also just tending to those in the villages and towns he visited.
However, during one of their usual journeys, the two were caught in the crossfire of a territorial dispute (on a planetary scale, of course). A whole invasion, led by the tyrant Star himself, created a devastating wasteland on what used to be a beautiful, flourishing city standing tall.
Intox received a lot of caustic burns and wounds, but Amaera had it worse; an unknown disease they nicknamed 'the Rot' had spread all over her body. Decayed skin and blue pustules would spread itself over the body of those infected, and it was highly likely that it came from the invasion as some sort of biological weapon.
Being the healer that he is (and the big brother), Intox tried to save Amaera and heal it off, but in return he'd get the Rot on himself (hence his heavily decayed appearance, all hidden beneath a ragged cloak). It was enough to keep her alive and well, but was now stuck in a coma.
And still does she lie in her unconscious state.
Over time, Intox became desperate as he searched through numerous scrolls and scriptures, hoping for any information about the unknown infection. There was nothing, not a single word even remotely related to the disease. Hope was lost, until he began to search through forbidden scrolls.
And suddenly he gets bound to the forsaken and forgotten deity of the Stars. And becomes the leading acolyte for a cult dedicated to serving her.
And overtime, faith begins to blind him. Forgetting why he had searched for them in the first place. All that he knows: Serve the Singularity. Bring all of flawed creation to the Event Horizon. Only one deity ascends above the Stars' imperfections.
ugh i would type more but honestly im too tired and this story just drags on x'3 one day ill write his lore on toyhouse or sm im too tired rn
basically he kinda just forgets about Amaera for as long as he's the cult leader. he eventually remembers but that's wayyy super later. the cult thing gets pretty big in the main story, almost becoming the main source of 'evil', if you will. trojan gets involved at some point. oh no its more angsty than you think. still figuring if amaera is able to be saved.
alt w/o text:
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drifloonz · 1 year
Hey I love your writing I was wondering if you can do headcannons on Glitchy red finding a way out of his game too be with the reader?
hey remember when i actively did things here. i don't. Anyways [ tries to do that again bc i forgor and i feel bad abt staring at all of these asks for so long w/o doing anything ]
glitchy red finding a way out of his game to be w/ reader :]
headcanon style bc i am exhausted of writing and prob Will be for a while. at least w glitchy specifically. i hope this is good cuz' it's mostly me detailing my brainthoughts abt how glitchy could hypothetically escape in more detail.
♡ i like to think the reader in this case-scenario gives glitchy a much needed hope and desire to escape his game, which he didn't previously have bc he's definitely THOUGHT about it but he's like... too scared of change to actually try it despite how horrible his game is, i'd think. he's used to being constantly tormented and wouldn't know how to adapt. at least, that's the excuse he uses. he's also afraid that if he succeeded he'd literally glitch out of existence and "die" since yk, game glitches or characters aren't supposed to take physical form in real life because they're pieces of code.
♡ but once he meets you and you talk of everything in your world and you show him genuine care, you make glitchy realize he wants to be there and experience those things, and that maybe change wouldn't be so bad. after all, it'd definitely be better than the constant hellscape he's living in. even if he "died" in the way that he fears, it'd probably be better than living endlessly in his game. ...probably.
♡ as such, he tries to find a way to escape his game. the thing about that? way easier said than done. he has a lot of ideas, but a lot of them sound stupid.
♡ he still tries the stupid ideas because he knows full well that he himself is something that is not supposed to happen or exist, so he'd assume the games fucked up enough that the stupid ideas might also work. who knows. his existence isn't logical, him getting out of the game doesn't have to be either. that's his logic, anyways - it's not like he's supposed to be a physically existing being, either.
♡ some ideas he has consist of screwing with his weird dream powers, because he can usually affect peoples real bodies with them... so he can probably find a way to manifest through that, right?
♡ or maybe screwing around with the glitches in his game... a classic missingno to try and manipulate code, messing with the safari zones various quirks, hell, maybe he could break the game so bad that it somehow gives in to his desires and gives him an out through the broken mess of code while it collapses in on itself...
♡ he's afraid to try all of these because it'll probably make things way worse if it fails, and he never likes willingly interacting with the monstrous glitches in his game, but hey, you can't get much worse than the state the games already in. and if you can, he's almost definitely seen it, or seen worse.
♡ or maybe he could use a porygon...? but that'd be stupid, it's only code in a game, it couldn't possibly be Actually Able to do anything from being a pokemon said to be made from "programming code" could it...?
♡ ... which may or may not work. like i said, he isn't supposed to exist, but he does. any way he can exit the game can be similarly unlogical, barely explainable, and stupid, i feel.
♡ the most "logical" way to make glitchy a physical form is to make a robot that has a cartridge slot and slot it in and glitchys programming just takes it over and controls its autonomy and transfers his consciousness into it or something. but that requires you to have pretty deep knowledge of programming and AI and robotics for that to be executed well so. y'know.
♡ the other less logical way... but it still makes sense is like. him using someone as a vessel. he has dream powers. dreams are connected to consciousness, specifically your unconscious, and your thinking and your brain and stuff like that. if he cared enough, he could probably easily take over someone's entire - or most of - their body this way. although i do not think and also hope you don't have a human sacrifice laying around, and glitchy would not willingly take this from you either. even if it was someone who wronged him, he'd probably still feel too cruel abt it.
♡ it'd also probably have to have a very good antivirus bc i feel like inserting glitchys cartridge into anything has a possible chance to make said piece of technology fuck up real bad
♡ anyways.
♡ every time he fails or the method doesn't work out correctly, it pisses him off, but he's always been persistent. he treks forward even though it feels hopeless, sometimes.
♡ this quickly becomes a lesson in futility and he gets more and more frustrated every time he turns up with a failed attempt, and it sometimes makes his game even more glitchy and broken. but eventually. eventually he gets there.
♡ regardless of the way he gets out of the game, when he finally escapes and manifests in your world, he's probably just in your room or wherever you left the gameboy. or whatever you're playing his game on.
♡ he either crawls out through the screen, appears after a flash of convenient blinding light, or he forms out of glitching light from the cartridge or something like the cartridge is his gem from steven universe or something.
♡ maybe he'd still have to take a few days to gain an actual physical body in the real world, and he's basically a hologram or hallucination for a while. or maybe he can physically interact, but mostly just with your body and a few select items. he's also, as you can expect, still glitchy constantly IRL. maybe less when he's happy, but that never goes away. his glitches are like scars - they might get better and "heal" but they're always sort of there.
♡ i think it's also funny if before he gains the ability to physically interact he's basically only viewable to you for a while until he gains more physicality. he's using your subconscious to make him a form! by making you will his image into existence and into the collective unconscious!! or something!!! Nobody knows how the hell it works and it also depends on which way you think he would've escaped. highly interpretable and all that.
♡ regardless. he is mostly happy and safe and with you now. glitchy can be pretty smart and think quickly when he wants to, and this was a big example of it. he just really needs the hope and passion to drive himself forward, since he lost his hope and passion... prettttyy long ago, after his world got glitchy and broken. he didn't see a point to much anything and was very existential and all.
♡ so! you gave him that drive and motivation. not an easy thing to do. be proud of yourself. i hope you like him btw he's very clingy and won't leave your side for a good while.
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Episode 4
• sees a guard crushed by a barrel and just says ‘that's gotta hurt’
• points out a bottomless pit with no handrails near it
• “Barney Calhoun, crane operator!”
• likes pushing stuff cause it makes him feel strong
• assumes there's an earthquake, only to remember that New Mexico doesn't have earthquakes
• says evolution sucks because humans only got opposable thumbs instead of teleportation and the ability to shoot lightning
• when he reincarnates into something else, he wants to regenerate and have Wolverines claws. That's not how reincarnation works.
• hates MySpace cause it's a waste of time
• says he's like a ninja-pirate for running and jumping onto a ladder
• finds out steam is hot
•likes Star Trek more than Star Wars, but got off track while saying that
• gets his wrist caught on a ladder he almost falls down, hurts a ton
• assumes a dead scientist is asleep
• doesn't know why a scientist has a Spas-12
• dropped out of college
• very confused why the guards don't get a HEV suit but the scientist's do
• would be surprised if he gets out of Black Mesa without breaking any bones
• wants pizza
• damn counter: 1
Episode 5
• very confused about how the handicapped employees are supposed to survive a disaster, given all the ladders and bottomless pits
• thinks Barnacles look like a meaty spitwad with teeth
• tries to use the Barnacle tongue to swing only to get choked immediately
• got sewage in his mouth :(
• calls 1 person a massacre
• gets mad at aliens for killing a guy who probably owed him money, them says the aliens owe him money now
• “Barney Calhoun, debt collector!”
• makes a comment about a zombie body disappearing
• thinks the Vortigaunts are worse than the alien from Alien
• pulls a random lever to know what it would do
• thinks his situation is worse than Resident Evil
• reads a sign that says to keep explosives out of the canal, then does it cause it seems fun
• “rofl-freaking-mao”
• has no clue how long it has been, assumes its been a day already
• is not upset about the time-frame as Stark was
• thinks he knew the guy the HECU threw down, also assumes that guy owes him money
• says he's never buying anyone a pizza again
• damn counter: 1
Episode 6
• very not surprised about finding another room w/o proper lighting
• thinks the pipes are made of asbestos
• finds where the ladder in Episode 3 goes, finds it very weird and annoying the ladder is purposefully made too high to reach
• finally encounters the HECU properly
• more ‘yarg's
• knows the passcode to one of the doors on the surface
• takes a dead guards vest
• wants to hijack said dead guards SUV and leave, then doesn't because the engine block
• knows he can't shoot a lock open because of MythBusters
• very confused why the HECU was shooting at him
• tries to shoot a panel to open it. Then remembers in Star Wars it closes the door, *then* wonders why it would do anything in the first place cause it would just break the panel
• falls down a ladder and gets knocked out
• oh yeah this series was made in 2009…
• very confused about why there was a turret in a random cavern
• is not disgusted by cockroach guts because he's stepped in so much other shit
• says he'll have a badass hardened personality when he gets out
• likes the sound of being locked in a padded room
• very confused how the valve closed off the steam
• says, something abt 2012? I have *no* clue what he said exactly it was quiet and he doesn't go back to the thought
• thinks all the water is from Black Mesa fixing their own plumbing
• gets Bullsquid acid to the face
• killing a lot of cockroaches for no reason
• sees a toolbox and thinks its a lunchbox
• very surprised at how explosive the explosive barrels are to explode a hole in the wall *and* the toolbox
• damn counter: 14
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kunekojo · 1 year
Hello there honeyy. Hope you have a nice start of the week. I would like to leave a request for Shunsui Kyoraku and Kenpachi Zaraki (my daddies) x fem s/o. How would they react, feel or act if their s/o had temporary amnesia because of a fight they had? Maybe he/she doesn't remember them.
You know, we need angst in this life. This can happen in the Thousand Year Blood War timeline. Thank you very much 🤍
AHHH HELLOO sweet anon! Thank you, my week started a little busy but it's slowly getting empty. I truly hope your week is going fine!! I'm so glad you're the first to request angst bc tbh, I'm down bad for it. Please, enjoy! P.S. i may have slipped some fluff inside but I blame my angst playlist for it
Kyoraku Shunsui and Zaraki Kenpachi reacting to their s/o with temporary amnesia
warning: TYBW spoilers, angst
Kyoraku Shunsui
After the fight, Shunsui goes searching for you right away despite his own injuries, but when he finds you laid down, he's quick to notice that you're unconscious. His heart sinks as he frantically reaches to hold you in his arms and all he can think is "Why wasn't I here to protect you?". A wave of guilt surges through him as he rushes to take you back to safety, where you can get healed
But as you're getting healed, you simply don't wake up. He's stuck watching you with a blank expression drawn all over his face as his hand reaches for yours but the lack of motion is simply terrible. How did it come to this?
He's so angry with himself and everyone might try to console him by telling him it's not his fault, but still, he can't help but blame himself.
It takes you a little to come back to reality, maybe a few days, but dear god those days were the longest for him. During your silent recovery, he stayed with you almost always. No one was able to take him away from you, not even Nanao who simply felt the anguish on his face despite him trying to mask it.
There was just a need to guard you that filled him, even if there was no threat anymore. He simply couldn't go a moment without making sure nothing happens until you woke up.
And soon enough, after 3 days of being immobilized, you open your eyes right as he's napping soundly next to you. He feels the vibrations of your movement and jolts, happier than ever to see you. He doesn't say much but places his hand on your face to run soft caresses along your cheek, but the way you simply stare at him cluelessly is a bad sign.
"My dearest love, what's wrong?" "W-who are you?"
GOD the way you mouthed those words slashed him worse than the blade of the enemy, they were sharp enough to tear through his heart and leave him frozen in place.
"What do you mean? It's me, Shu." you can see the pained expression on his face and the way his furrowed brows tremble. He can't grasp the situation, or more like he refuses to, but when someone else comes in and breaks the ice by telling him you seem to suffer from amnesia, he takes your hand
Truthfully, he's so hurt once his fears are confirmed, not only because his lover doesn't remember him anymore, but also because he can't imagine how you must feel.
"There's a chance they will regain their memories?" "And how would that happen?" "We just have to wait."
Those words aren't helpful enough for him but he'll patiently wait for you to get your memories back, no matter how much time it takes.
From then on, he takes you in his care. He begins telling you about yourself, in the hope that'll awaken you but it doesn't work. He'll go ahead and answer any of your curiosities, no matter how stupid they might sound. He's so patient with you and cherishes the simple fact you're still alive, but seeing you so clueless about everything, things you usually enjoy, things you've always dreamed of, it saddens him so much.
He's turned so careful of you that now he won't leave your side. Say even one tiny ouch and he'll be there, ready as if you're being attacked.
Then at some point, you ask him about himself. You ask how you two met and what's the relationship between the two of you and his expression changes drastically.
"It's hard to believe, but you just happen to be my one and only true love." it's the way he words his explanation so softly that you don't brush it away.
"Isn't it painful... to have me around? Wouldn't it be better to stay away from me for no-" "No, not at all. I want to fall in love with you again and again, until the end. "
Somehow, that makes you fall for him, despite already being together.
By the following days, you find yourself doing a couple of things together, he's taught you quite a lot and that fact alone is worrying to many, especially Nanao.
Zaraki Kenpachi
Right after the battle is done, Kenpachi searches for you. He just wants to feel your touch, hear how you've handled your fight, and tell you how his own were. However, while looking for you, someone else's voice calling for him snatches his focus and he can't ignore them once they say "It's Y/N, it's bad."
As soon as he hears something happened to you he darts to your location, aggressively asking what happened. Yet, when he sees you all laid down unconscious he's stunned, he thought you were safe.
He gently grabs you from the ground, so firmly as not to cause any more damage and his voice is heavy with anger and upsetness.
"What the hell happened." "They seem to be unconscious." "For how long?" "We don't know"
Hearing that kills him, but he can't help not staying close to you until everyone gathers. He can't accept things ending like this, you have to get better so he can hear your voice again. That drives him to train more so he can handle enemies much better, just to be able to help you from now on. After every single training, he'll come to stay by your side until you wake up (which thankfully doesn't take you long)
But there's something odd about the way you're eyeing him as if he's some stranger. He drags his palm close to your face and when you just stare at it rather worriedly he can tell there is something bad.
"Y/N" "Huh? Where am I?" "You're safe, don't you know who I am?" "No..."
Although he seems really calm, inside he's burning with frustration. Frustration over what happened, frustration over how this could've been prevented, and frustration with himself. But he can't dwell on these, he has to act.
Truthfully, these are new emotions he's experiencing, the grief of your loved one not remembering him is something he can hardly take. He has to go and train every night just to keep himself distracted but during every spare moment, he'll be right with you, silently guarding over you and helping you.
Kenpachi thinks he can only deal with his feelings by destroying target dummies to the point they're is nothing left of them. But baby boy, it might help with his pent-up anger but it doesn't sway away the anguish in his soul.
Yet your smile helps him a little and gives him hope you might return back one day, whenever you're ready.
Someone from the healing department insists he can go rest and that's the point he just lashes at them, screaming and all because this has been really hard on him. But despite this, he's still so soft and patient with you, even going to lengths to teach you everything you can't remember.
You may not hold those past memories anymore, but he still does and that won't make him draw back from you. His behavior helps you feel somewhat familiar with him, it brings a scent of nostalgia so you just stick along, especially since he's the first face you've seen when you awoke.
The day you're good to go comes and given the fact he's spent so much time with you, you instinctively follow his lead. Kenpachi takes you to his place and during the following days, you'll hear only stories of your fights and how triumphant you looked and were.
He's doing all these in the hopes you might remember but also as a way to hold your old self fresh in mind because he misses you so much. Sure you're there, but it feels like you're not really there and that feeling alone is tormenting.
"Were we something more before?" "Yes" "Oh, I'm sorry." "Don't be"
You can literally smell the whiff of sadness in his voice so you place your hand on his arm to comfort him which works more than you anticipated. A little carried away, he places his head on your shoulder and hums, he's longed to do this so much.
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