#but we all know he gay for z
lavendersartistry · 2 months
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Space Riders AU - @onyxonline
POV: The extra fruity captain goes to Imbeko and meets the buff panther lady that's apparently the princess of the planet
Onyx said DogDay a bi disaster so I did a funny-
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zeb-z · 9 months
Cellbit comparing himself to Frodo from LOTR for like ten minutes in a desperate analogy to let Bad know he’s being blackmailed by the federation, then at the end of it all going “yknow, Frodo is gay. Like really gay. Absolutely gay” he’s so real for that
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statementlou · 11 months
hello :) could you maybe explain a little bit how dan wootton blackmailed louis?
ugh sorry for taking a while to get to this. The problem is I feel like the only two ways to answer this are by spending a week and a half of full time labor sifting through old posts and evidence to get every detail right and lay out an airtight case, or to halfass something very serious, and so I felt a little stuck. So since I can't seem to find a good halfway point, apologies but here is the half assed version, if you want to get into it more I invite you to do your own deep dive or talk to other people, but here's how I remember things. Louis has almost never on video explicitly said things about Larry not being real and/or anything negative about fans and their theories (mostly the opposite), up until the last couple years when he obviously decided to make a major change he didn't talk about Freddie much at all let alone saying he was his kid, honestly not that much about Eleanor even; except for in two major interviews with Dan Wootton, each of which lined up with a serious traumatic Tomlinson family event that they managed to keep out of the tabloids until the very end (Jay's illness and Fizzy's struggles with substance abuse). After the fact of those events a lot of small things that didn't make sense at the time came together to look very much like Louis traded those interviews (and those answers) for having his family's private matters kept private. Story trading of this kind is a publicly known real thing that happens, and there were various clues that suggested he was being leaned on about those stories to lend legitimacy to the idea that it was something that happened in these cases. Given what we know about Dan Wootton and how he operates even before the recent flood of information and even more now, I think it's more than likely that he has been holding the threat of outing Louis (as he has done to many other public figures) over his head for over a decade, and has used his family's tragic struggles to get Louis to dance like a fucking puppet for him and I will REJOICE at his downfall when it comes whether it is now or 20 years from now... because someday it will, he has made too many enemies to stay above it forever
#I did start to try to deep dive before I realized it was too much#but I was reminded that when Louis was doing txf as a judge while fizzy was struggling#many people thought he had been pressured somehow into it; later when we knew what had been going on people were like#oh maybe he just wanted to be close to home to deal with fizzy stuff or somethng#but also: keeping fizzy stuff quiet would potentially be the info we didn't have at that time that could answer that q too of what they use#given the DW🤝simon jones🤝simon cowell cursed connections#(for the newbies: simon jones aka DWs bestie is Louis' publicist for no apparent reason even now long after he has gotten free of the rest#of the modest/syco/simon cowell shitshow)#anyway another example of story trading in our fandom is zayn's baby sister's teen pregnancy#which was known to the fandom early on but kept super quiet by respectful fans- during this time Z did some unprecedented actual interviews#for no obvious reason#and then iirc pretty much the day she turned 17 a very lowkey article reported on her marrying her bf and mentioning a pregnancy#but as if it was recent not like 7 months along#and even when she gave birth soon after it was all kind of... glossed over and around and not reported until a little later#blah blah blah#I felt like it was weird to talk about this for some reason but when I thought about it#I don't know if it matters. Like maybe talking about him not being a dad and being gay or whatever at all is bad#but assuming we're doing that anyway. why not talk about the struggles around that#and the creeps holding it over his head#dan wootton
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othercrossee · 1 year
If u search up twink on the internet that one fucking picture of joshua will show up
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dragonlands · 8 months
There's so much negativity around Izzy's death so I wanted to address some of the points I keep seeing thrown around.
"Izzy's death was pointless"
No, he just had his big speech about how basically they can kill him but they cannot kill the movement. That is a clear paraller to a lot of real life protestors of unjustice. He died protecting the community, he died so the community could go on.
"Izzy's death made his healing pointless"
No it didn't. Healing is always good, feeling happiness and belonging are ALWAYS worth it. We never know how long we've got, doesn't mean we gotta stop trying to be better or happier. His healing was still real. It still mattered.
"Izzy's character arc was left unfinished, it's bad writing"
Oh my god. If you open any writing guide about how to write impactful deaths, and the first thing that comes up is to leave some part of their arc unfinished. And his arc did go through quite a beautiful line, sure there could've been more but his story didn't end like, mid arc. As a writer, of course you want to make the audience sad when a character dies. It's good storytelling. Good stories are supposed to make us feel.
"Izzy died on the arms of his abuser"
Where the hell did this idea come from? Ed and Izzy have been in a toxic codependent relationship way before this show started. You could argue that Izzy was Ed's abuser, but that is not the argument I want to make here. Yes, we saw Ed driven to madness shoot Izzy on screen, but we know Izzy's the one that forced him to be Blackbeart when he didn't want it anymore. There's turmoil all around them. But the final moment is them finally meeting as people, not as components of Blackbeard.
"Izzy's death was unnecessarily awful"
His death was sad, yes, but it was quite beautiful as far as deaths go. He was surrounded by family who cared for him. He was loved, and accepted as he is. He knew his legacy will be carried on.
"They killed off the only character that showed us healing is never too late"
Did we watch the same show? That begins with then unhappy 40+ year old Stede deciding it's finally time to reach for his dreams? Where we see Blackbeard slowly gaining back his humanity? Where Black Pete starts off as toxically masculine dude but ends up in a soft gay marriage? Where most of the crew wanted to mutiny but then they realized being soft is good, actually. Jim's whole purpose in life being revenge but them learning to let that go and instead concentrate on love and fun and family. And so on. Izzy's arc is beautiful, but he's not the only person healing who thought it was too late already.
"Izzy's death was bury your gays trope"
No, what, no. In a pirate show where everyobody is queer some queer people will die. Bury your gays is about only having one or few queer characters and killing them off while the straights get their happily ever afters. This is so far from that.
Also, I want people to be aware of the phenomenon, where creators of diverse shows are subjected to more critism than those of non diverse shows. If this intrests you, Sarah Z on Youtube made a great video on it called Double standards and diverse media. Our flag means death has given us so much, queer love story with a happily ever after, finding community, nonbinary character. And the creators have always been so kind to fans, so let's show them tht kindness back. Because critizicing this one aspect can easily turn to seeming like the whole story is just unwanted. That stories like Ed and Stede's aren't worth telling. And I'm so aftraid that will happen, when just now for the first time in years we are finally getting queer stories.
Also, I understand people are sad. I am sad too - Izzy was an amazing character and his death was sad but that's just. Good writing. You can grieve, but trying to turn it into a moral or dramaturgy issue is just not a good look. And attacking the creators of this wonderful show is just horrible.
Remember - this fandom is a safe space ship 🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈
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6esiree · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel x GN! Reader Who Makes a Group Chat
Summary: The title is pretty self-explanatory, but basically the reader, who is Gen Z, makes a group chat for everybody in the hotel. I used that episode where they’re doing trust exercises (but I changed it to bonding to be more fitting). I also accidentally made it a little bit of Husk x Reader…but I guess it’s mostly implied?
Warnings: Uhh, swearing.
Bonding—one of the most difficult obstacles Charlie had yet to overcome. While she got along with everybody just fine, trusting them from the moment they set foot in the Hazbin Hotel, nobody else could seem to do the same, especially as their personalities constantly clashed with each other.
When it came to you, well, you were actually a pleasant person to be around with. If anybody had anything bad to say about you, it would probably be the way you acted, which was rather…different than what they were accustomed to. I mean, you were one of the newest and youngest residents in the hotel, having just died a few months ago at the whopping age of 21. Could they really blame you?
Exhibit A:
“Gay son or thot daughter?” You asked Husk after finishing your second cocktail, innocently swinging your legs back and forth as you anticipated his response.
“Alright, I think you’ve had enough, dollface,” Husk said, withdrawing the paw that held the cocktail he had just whipped up for you, leaving you pouting.
Exhibit B:
“Iron deficiency gang stand up,” You said as you quickly got up from the couch, your knees instantly buckling underneath you. “Oh SHIT!”
“Fucking hell!” Angel Dust screeched, catching you before your face could meet the ground.
Exhibit C:
“Sometimes I fill the room with negative energy because I don’t want to be there,” You said as you stood next to Alastor, trying to get along with the smiling man.
“Alright, I’m off to Cannibal Town! I believe Rosie needed something,” Alastor quickly announced before walking out.
Yeah, you were definitely something else, but that’s exactly why Charlie liked you. Even though she and the rest struggled to understand your humor or some of the things you said in general, it was nice to have you around.
So, when it came to overcoming the lack of bonding among the Hazbin Hotel’s residents, the Princess of Hell turned to you, especially after Angel Dust decided to bring all of you to try out bondage…of all the fucking things.
“Hey, Y/N—Oh, oh my goodness,” Charlie winced as a sinner approached her, trying to entice her by dangling some fuzzy handcuffs in front of her face. “No thank you! Sorry. Anyway, uh, I was wondering if you had any ideas to bring everyone together? Something less…like this?”
You stood in front of Husk, who had sought refuge behind you after Niffty appeared next to him with a whip in her hand, excited to punish some “bad boys.” Not like you could do much to conceal him, especially considering that you were about Vaggie’s height, but the little demon did avoid you after you took pity on a roach and threw it out the hotel, sparing it from her wrath.
“Really? Oh, shit! Okay, um, let me think for a moment,” You said, happy that she had asked you to suggest something, “Errr, you know what always helped me get closer to people? A group chat. I know it sounds kind of stupid, but like, I think it would be a nice way for us to slowly get to know each other!”
“Oh, yes! Okay, sure, we can try that out!” Charlie gasped, clasping her hands together, but then she frowned, “Wait, what about Alastor? He won’t be able to participate since he doesn’t use a phone.”
“Doesn’t seem like a problem to me,” Husk spoke up, obviously content with the idea of the Radio Demon being absent from one thing in his life.
“I mean, he’s not even here right now,” You shrugged, agreeing with Husk, who shot you a thankful smile, “I’m pretty sure he’d say no anyway.”
Charlie sighed, but you were right. Alastor avoided technology like the plague, especially Voxtech. He wouldn’t be able to join a group chat even if he had a flip phone—which he definitely didn’t.
“I guess you have a point,” Charlie said, already starting towards the exit of this place, “Alright, let’s get out of here. Come on!”
“Booooo! You guys are boring,” Angel Dust said, dragging Niffty with him, who was the only one sad about leaving. “Except for Niffty, of course. She gets it.”
Back at the hotel, all of you sat in the parlor, exchanging phone numbers with each other. Creating a group chat was supposed to be a simple task, but for some damn reason, y’all were struggling. Sir Pentious forgot his phone number, so you had to help him out with that, and Niffty kept getting side-tracked every time a roach appeared before she could take out her phone.
Everyone else did just fine, thankfully, Husk even handing you his phone to avoid the hassle—which was on light mode (gross). Anyway, big mistake on his part because you decided to take 0.5 photos of yourself when he wasn’t looking, setting one as his lock screen. You tried not to laugh as you handed the cat-demon his phone back, leaving it unlocked so he wouldn’t notice right away.
“Okay, soooo, there! Done,” You said, successfully adding everybody to a group chat on SMS.
“Who said hello? I cannot tell,” Sir Pentious asked as soon as you sent a message.
“Damnit, Pentious. Hand me your phone again,” You said, getting up and taking a seat next to the serpent so you could show him how to name each of his contacts.
“Look, if you tap here then go to info, you’ll be able to name your contacts,” You demonstrated, Pentious staring at you blankly, “But I guess I’ll do it myself, just to be quicker.”
After that, everything was good. The only one who doubted a group chat would work was Vaggie, but as the days passed by, she realized it was much easier to communicate that way. Charlie was having a blast, reacting to every message that was sent with a heart, Pentious used emojis like the precious little man he was, Angel usually sent links from Sinstagram and Envee that he found funny, Husk responded sometimes, but with the most dry texts known to mankind, and Niffty, well, she forgot there was a group chat. Whenever she was reminded of its existence, however, she just sent pictures of the bugs she killed. You always reacted with a sad face.
“Can you stop saying “Congratulations” and “Happy Birthday”,” Vaggie announced as she descended the stairs alongside Charlie, looking at you specifically.
“Why are you glaring at me? I’m not the one spamming it!” You said, turning around to see Angel snickering on the couch, confetti and balloons popping up every time any one of you opened the group chat.
“Yeah, but you taught him how to do it!” Vaggie grumbled.
“Come on, Vaggie, it’s not their fault,” Charlie said, looking at you apologetically before disappearing to the kitchen to get breakfast.
“See? Charlie said I’m not at fault,” You said, but she didn’t back down.
“For real, though, I didn’t think he’d abuse it. Would you have, Husk?” You turned to the cat-demon in hopes that he would defend you too.
“I ain’t helping you until you show me how to change my lock screen,” Husk grunted, his phone lighting up every time Angel sent a new message, the 0.5 photo of your face popping up.
“Okay, then! That’s fine,” You shrugged, Husk rolling his eyes in response. “I can take care of myself.”
“If you really wanted to change it, you would have searched it up,” Angel said from the parlor, setting down his phone much to Vaggie’s delight. “Just admit you like looking at their face, kitty.”
Husk growled, the bottle of cheap booze in his hand slightly cracking in his grip. Vaggie couldn’t be bothered to intervene, disappearing to the kitchen as well.
“Call me kitty one more time and I’ll jam this bottle down your throat,” Husk threatened, but Angel only laughed in response.
“Sure, whatever,” Angel said, shooting you two a wink as he got up from the couch and stretched, looking down at his phone as it vibrated, “I’d argue with ya more on that, but Val’s calling. Maybe we can continue this conversation after work.”
“Hey! Well, apparently you like looking at me too, because your lock screen has been my face all along,” You said with a mischievous smile.
“Yeah, I would have noticed—” Angel said as he looked down at his phone, turning it off and on, “Wait, what the fuck? How—WHEN DID YOU DO THIS?”
“I have my ways,” You shrugged, Husk chuckling as Angel stormed out of the hotel mumbling in disbelief, fixing to change his lock screen.
There was a moment of silence shared between the two of you when the front doors of the Hazbin Hotel closed behind the spider, the only sound bouncing off the walls being the clanging of plates and utensils in the kitchen. You had already eaten earlier, so you stayed at the bar, enjoying the cat-demon’s presence.
“You’re something else, y’know,” Husk suddenly said, looking at you as he languidly sipped at his drink.
“I know,” You laughed, reaching for his phone, “Here, let me change your lock screen for you.”
A paw landed on your hand, catching you off guard. You looked up at Husk, wondering why he had stopped you.
“If I wanted to change it, I would have,” Husk said, his claws lightly dragging along your skin as he withdrew his phone from your grasp. “I ain’t stupid.”
Oh, man. Your face was suddenly hot.
“I, uh, I didn’t think—” You started, Husk quirking a brow at you. “You know what? Shut up!”
“You alright, dollface?” Husk asked.
His tail swished back and forth behind him, causing small drafts of wind to caress your ankles. Husk was obviously amused by how easily he had flustered you—the slick fuck. No longer wanting to satisfy him, you decided to be your usual self.
“Yes, I’m alright! But are you?” You shot back, Husk blinking in confusion.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Clearly you’re not because your phone is on light mode,” You continued, “That’s absolutely disgusting.”
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emo-batboy · 4 months
i'd like the chart thanks!
Also, there's another person who wants to rp Leo, can they?
Okay a few people are asking for the chart so here’s the current chart!! (I took out some characters that are still not as fleshed out. That includes Nathan, Ria, Nina, Ashley, Zoe, Ray, Maggie, and the hater and Metropolis characters, but they’re all filler characters rn)
A Wild Battinson Character Lore Continuity
- Felicity
- Oldest of the bunch, right between Millennial and Gen Z
- Works at an office, besties with everyone there. Corporate girlie (does use the term girlboss)
- Like if a Gothamite/Bruce Wayne fan was swiftie-coded?
- She has a pet pitbull, you know that kind of white girl
- Tatum
- Goth U, Comp Sci major
- Keeps everyone he knows online at arms length so we don’t know much, has a small close knit friend group irl but he’s also mutuals with everybody on twitter because he’s that kinda guy yk?
- But they’re slowly convincing him. He’s getting there
- Marzia
- Oh god poor Marzia
- Italian, born in Northern Italy, English is her second language but you wouldn’t be able to tell if it weren’t for her slight accent
- Biggest Bruce Wayne stan, will go feral, but only gets replies from him at the worst moments possible
- *snorts like cocaine* “Please don’t do cocaine” is my personal favorite
- Goth U, she gives art major vibes but tacked on a double major in psychology last minute so now she’s staying a fifth year
- Reads smut, writes smut, part of the poetry club, def on booktok, you know the type
- Alejandro
- Runs an ice cream stand in the park on the weekends when it’s warm enough
- Bi, Dating Leo (pfp is them holding hands because he’s a whipped son of a bitch)
- He’s like if that normal-looking kind of athletic guy who always wore sweatshirts and basketball shorts to class just suddenly mentioned he had a boyfriend one day.
- He’s straight-coded but more specifically “the straight guy that gay guys have crushes on against their better judgement”-coded
- Knew the whole time he was bi but never REALLY liked a guy until Leo 🥺. whenever he looks at Leo, he’s got those madly in love eyes
- Thinks Batman is hot and suffers constant torment from Leo (who has a crush on Bruce) because of it
- Ale just wants to be bench pressed is that too much to ask? But It’s his fault he’s a twunk dating a twink so—
- Goth U, Really interested in tech stuff but he’s actually a sports medicine major. He wants to be a physical therapist for athletes
- Cannot hold his liquor
- Smile Watch
- Who knows
- It’s a mystery
- Lela
- Goth Girl
- BFF’s with Nico (goth girl, e-boy solidarity)
- Also good friends with Natalie, they lined up all their gen Ed’s together
- Chill in a Morticia Addams kinda way. She is Morticia Addams actually
- Mom owns a convenience store, she helps out after classes a lot
- Studied for the MCAT, did pretty well, she wants to be a doctor (probably neurosurgeon but it depends on what internship she gets)
- Currently completing the undergrad to grad program at Goth University with a masters in public health
- Natalie
- Former intern, now ASSISTANT at Wayne Press
- Got the job because she impressed Bruce with her good reporting skills, now works mostly on organizing press releases and maintaining Bruce’s public image
- Great at her job because she knows social media and Bruce Wayne Stans the best (she is one obv)
- (Babysits Bruce when Alfred is busy, how did this happen, why is this her job now? She’s tired of his shit lol)
- Still technically working part-time because she hasn’t gotten her degree yet, but she’s set to work full time after she graduates Goth U in May
- Sometimes while sitting at her desk she just gets that perspective shift where she’s like “how did I get here” Bruce Wayne Stans’ dreams do come true
- Caleb 🤡
- Literally 18/19 but aging faster than humanly possible with the stress he’s under
- Used to work at Bat Burger, left because the babysitting gig required more time
- Lives with his aunt who’s already retired (used to live alone, she never had kids or a husband so she’s loaded) He’s staying cuz his parents are super busy and travel for work :) and guess what crime-filled alley their window overlooks? I’ll give you one guess
- Babysits Tim, used to be a less serious gig but his parents have been out of town a lot lately (just vacationing without their child 🙄) and thankfully Caleb lives right across from their swanky apartment so he’s practically a nanny now (read: older sibling/third parent)
- Took a ton of childcare courses for this job and now he’s kind of interested in working at a daycare maybe? If Tim doesn’t kill him in his sleep first
- Recently graduated Goth High, now takes online classes at Goth Community College while deciding what to do with his life
- Jarod
- Recently graduated Goth High, now taking a gap year before starting GothU in the fall. Him and Caleb were always in the same classes so they’re super close (they’re the youngest)
- Future Comp Sci/English major (he wants to be a video game writer)
- Has a younger sister, and technically the oldest child but spiritually he’s the middle child.
- His parents and Priyanka’s parents are close friends so he kind of grew up seeing Priyanka as an older sister. That’s why they’re Like That.
- Literally so fed up with Priyanka, it’s not even funny (yes it is) but the second you’re rude to Priyanka, he will deck you, watch yourself
- Katie (Sweater Thief)
- ER Nurse at Gotham General Hospital, mostly does night shifts
- Gives chronically online energy when she’s online, but everyone in real life wouldn’t suspect a thing because she’s so good at having her life together (the code switch will give you whiplash)
- Surprisingly older than most of the others despite being Like That.
- Literally graduated with a 4.2 GPA how tf?
- BFF’s with Leo then became BFF’s with Ale too after they started dating (she is slowly corrupting Ale and I think that’s beautiful)
- Creator of the Babygirl Bruce Wayne Agenda and PROUD
- Priyanka
- Works at coffee shop owned by her mom called Caffe Mood. She plans to run it one day. Currently a barista
- Goth U, business major (accounting)
- Bilingual, knows Hindi
- Despite being gay, She is allowed to think Bruce Wayne is hot, that is her Right
- Mad fucking crush on Georgia, calls her Georgie. Intends to never tell a soul. Will fail miserably
- Dead fucking set on the idea that Batman’s a vampire
- But she thinks everyone’s a vampire so—
- Her parents and Jarod’s parents are close friends so she kind of grew up seeing Jarod as a younger brother. That’s why they’re Like That
- Jarod is constantly on her nerves, wtf Jarod (but be mean to him and she’ll kill you)
- Leo
- Works at bookstore called Gotham City Bookstore
- Gay, Dating Alejandro
- Twink (derogatory)
- Swears his gaydar is the most accurate there is (always wrong)
- Made being gay his entire personality because he had an identity crisis in middle school and proceeded to have a massive crush on some straight guy all of high school (that guy was Ale, Leo’s gaydar is so off)
- BFF’s with Katie despite being a few years younger. They were in a high school production of Sweeney Todd together and the rest was history
- Calls every single celebrity gay as a joke, Ale reigns him in if he’s getting too out of hand
- Used to have a mad celebrity crush on Bruce, still kinda (definitely) does
- Attends GothU, undecided for a while but ultimately settled on mathematics because it’s ironically his best subject
- One of those mf’s that needs to be held back at all costs, god help Ale
- Rose 🌹
- Works a tailoring job full time
- Good friends with Felicity, she’s like the black cat to Felicity’s golden retriever
- 70% super nice and chill, 30% wild card party girl
- Gets drinks with friends a lot, tweets when drunk but no one can tell the difference. It’s amazing
- Does not seem horny, is horny. But like normal about it? If that’s a thing
- Nico
- Kinda plays the straight man of the group if the straight man was emo
- BFF’s with Lela (e-boy, goth girl solidarity)
- KING of twitter roasts. He makes memes to end lives.
- Pansexual, single, and probably writing bad poetry in his diary about it but don’t tell anyone
- Goth U, actually dunno the major. Probs public health with Lela but doesn’t want to be a doctor. More like research parallel to social sciences
- Has a 8/9yo sister named Madelaine whom he would die for despite not expecting to be an older brother so late in the game (what were his parents thinking)
- Has tea parties with her and all that jazz. She steals his eyeliner and chain accessories all the time, also she’s friends with Dick and Barbie (yes, Barbara Gordon) so sometimes he watches over their play dates
- He’s a “tough emo boy” so he totally doesn’t laugh at Madelaine’s puns. He’s a bitch ass liar
- Kellyanne
- GothU, marine biology. Transferred from GCCC with an associates degree to save money but now she’s got a full ride cuz of the WE higher education fund
- More recent Bruce Stan
- Pretty poor upbringing, that’s how she met Bruce Wayne. He bought her whole family groceries one night after her card declined at the convenience store trying to buy dinner
- Now she’s in it for the long haul :)
- Lia
- GothU, fashion merchandising
- Older sister also attends Goth U, but she’s in med school
- More recent Bruce Wayne stan, still not particularly in with the culture and jokes but getting there
- Friends with Georgia and Elizabeth irl. Elizabeth was in the same sorority before graduating first. Got to know Georgia after Lia found her dog with Bruce at the park outside GothU. They party together now
- Elizabeth
- Graduated GothU last May and worked an internship at LexCorp, immediately regretted it but snagged a job at WE (thank god)
- Now works as a research assistant at Wayne Tech in the R&D department for commercial products
- Didn’t really get the whole Bruce Wayne Stan thing until Bruce Wayne personally wished her a happy birthday?? The man is so sweet?
- Absolutely loves her job but still screams at rubber ducks over faulty code in her little cubicle, but that’s the industry she chose so it’s a give and take
- Met Natalie through Stan twitter and now they DM each other about working at Wayne Enterprises
- Doesn’t post much on twitter but follows the main Bruce Stan accounts, irl friends with Lia and Georgia
- Georgia
- Has a dog named Bean
- GothU, majoring in like three languages, polyglot (including Hindi 😏)
- Works at a retail home decor kinda store (home goods?)
- So lesbian-coded, but does not know it yet. Priyanka is her gay awakening. She is now a regular at Caffe Mood (She thinks she just likes the coffee (yeah right))
- Works at Goth U’s admissions department over the summer too
- Once got drunk and locked herself onto a roof by accident, ended up hanging out with Batman (he offered to break into her apartment for her but she said “nah”)
- Jane
- Works at Wayne Enterprises
- Runs bring your kid to work day (idk what her actual job is but she’s an Essential Worker, okay?)
- Very sweet, 10/10, looks on the bright side but never in a toxic positivity way
- Super social too, became work friends with Bruce because she’s nice but not draining to his social battery? They have lunch on occasion
- Watched the Graysons die with Bruce, call that trauma bonding
- Watched her toxic ex’s car burn to a crisp after a joker spree and took a selfie with it (she can have a little revenge, as a treat)
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happypotato48 · 28 days
Wandee Goodday EP 2 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
"Previously on Wandee Goodday Z. Doctor Wandee set his eyes on Mr. perfect Doctor Ter, but before the battle even starts our hero Dee got hit with the "I only like women." now after humiliated defeat, Dee rise up to meet his new challenger Yor-yak Phadetseuk. can our hero finally get to taste delicious victory or it he going to forever be consign to life of vanillaness. find out in this episode of Wandee Goodday Z!"
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To zab or not to zab? an age old question, asks to themself by every repressed Homos that ever live.
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Bitch! you just got offered free dick. and this hunk of a dick nonetheless. get off your high horse and go ride this bull of a man instead!
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So you people probably figured this out by now. but yes Fluke is a really poppular thai boy name for millennials and gen z. i literally knew like 10+ different Flukes form just my school days alone.
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Cher can you share your man with me. pretty please 🥺
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Fuck you! how dare you wink your god dang eyebrow like that! เห็นใจคนไม่มีผัวหน่อยสิครับ.
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Men, can't kill them, can't live without them.
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Ok wtf, how is this dumb horny show give me the feels right now. Ohhhh those eyes, god damn those eyes. it's like staring into a hazy morning field touched by a gentle first daylight. i wish i could get lost in them forever..... anyway Hot man me likey!
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I don't go there but Yak fursuit game is weak. forking amature smh.
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Tank tops! hubba hubba. thank you show for putting all the men in tank tops. i will forever be in your debt.
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No thank you. i really don't like this trope of a character getting saves from sa that so prevalent in BL and romance genre in general.
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This man is a husband material, Dee. you better not break this poor man's heart. or i swear to all the lords of hell, i will bring down calamity on your ass.
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Oh hello stereotypical gossipy gay. your kind was one of the first queer representations we got on thai tv. you walked so these BL boys could run, thank you for your service.
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He's so beautiful. i love him and his magnificent eyebrows so much.
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Cool grandma! i love her style so much. also loved that she asked Dee how the hell he still can't find a man. freaking savage.
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จะเอาหัวเอาหางหรือจะเอากลางตลอดตัว ก็ได้จ่ะ.
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"Moan harder" and "play with that longer" i'm fucking dead. this is so hot! ahhhh yessss i love this so much. this is how you do sexy. other BLs take some fucking notes!
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This is so fucking tender. my heart is melted.
Oh my, this Ep whewwww. the tenderness expressed by Yak is something that i didn't know i needed, but i'm 100% loving every goddamn second of it. Great is such a great actor (pun intended.) and this version of Yak is already better than his book counterpart.
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When Eddie gets stressed, about anything, he makes grilled cheese and tomato soup. It was what Wayne gave him the first night he stayed with him (Eddie was six, but that doesn't make the memory any less impactful). So Eddie makes grilled cheese when he's stressed, it's his comfort meal.
Eddie just wanted to cry. He'd spent the last two nights working at his friend Gareth's tattoo parlor (he's proud to be a jack-of-all-trades, and after his two-year apprenticeship he was damn good at tattooing), then working on the story for his most recent game project. Sleep was a distant memory, and Steve was working overtime at the hospital, so he couldn't even cuddle his favorite person. He just sat on the couch, staring at his favorite armchair like it held the answers to his struggle. He's struggling just to keep himself from going to dark places, and then-
Steve stumbles out of his room. Steve had messaged that he'd gotten home earlier than expected, but it was using perfect grammar so Eddie knows it had been a rough day. (Steve liked to text like a teenager straight from a high school textbook; "to annoy my little brother" he would claim, but he thought it was funny) And Steve is not dressed in his sleeping pajamas, he's wearing the shortest shorts known to man and an enormously oversized Hawkins PD sweatshirt. Eddie instantly forgets about being upset or grilled cheese or even that he's supposed to filter his thoughts.
"Gay- I mean, hey, Steve, how're you to thighs-night, tonight!" He stammers, and Steve rubs his eye with one of his sweater paws, that bastard.
"Three twelve hour shifts and there was a car accident outside. I'm clinically dead for the next week." Steve had the gall to yawn, scratching at his tummy and shuffling to the kitchen. "'M hungry, what should we make?"
Eddie can't articulate his preferred meal, he has a perfect view of Steve's unfairly perfect ass, currently at his eye level (thank you, La-Z-Boy chair, Eddie knew he was right when he said that it would change his life), and Steve is already dropping ingredients onto the counter. "Nevermind, I want cheese."
"Soup, too?"
"Aww, Ed's, you had a tough day too? We can make brownies. And watch the Chucky movie?"
"Sweetheart, it's called Child's Play." Eddie tried to focus on a rant, but that stupid fucking nurse arched to pop his back and showed off a strip of his tummy. "I'm too gay for this." He mutters frantically.
Steve makes him grilled cheese and heats up some tomato soup from a can, but once he pulls brownies out of the oven, he conks out on the sofa, swaddled in a blanket he crocheted with cute little pokemon. Eddie almost cries, twice, but ultimately he just takes fifty pictures and adds it to the "Too Fucking Cute" folder in his phone. (Spoiler: it's full of Steve. He's even got a picture of Steve cuddling a stuffed Baymax)
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minothtime · 6 months
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hello tumblr people this is my opinion on the prisoners
YUNO/KAZUI: yeah yeah the social themes and consequences of their actions blah blah blah. afaik they didn't kill nobody ms yuno had a secretive risky abortion and mr kazui told his wife he's gay and then she presumably killed herself is that his fault? no she should've reacted better next
FUUTA/SHIDOU: afaik neither directly killed anyone, shidou just pressured families into offering bodies for science so he could use them for his personal purposes which while shitty and a crime not murder, and fuuta was a stupid teenager + wracked with guilt over his actions. both were shitty but not as bad as [bottom two tiers].
MAHIRU/ES: Need to learn more about Mahiru's entire situation bc i genuinely don't know what's going on at all (mutually abusive relationships don't exist bc abuse comes from power imbalance). I'm just v nosy about Es like what's their whole deal why did they break down when kotoko said they were being a bad warden are they also a prisoner in here what's going on
MIKOTO/AMANE: Fuck if i know how to handle these two people. Mikoto's whole ordeal is NOT for me to talk about and it's a MESS and same w amane it just feels that whatever we vote her it's bad i just want her to be happy :(
KOTOKO: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU little ms hypocrisy she tries to put milgram's psychological violence and her physical violence at the same level when one is unavoidable and the other one is PERFECTLY AVOIDABLE. she believes to be some kind of angel of retribution when she's now shown her true colors and is going DOWNNN idc i kinda liked her at first but she's fallen off HARD. her ass needs a fucking muzzle and some more restraints bc it's clear she's delusional as FUCK
Muu/Haruka: muu's case is she's a bitch and when she was served her just desserts she broke down and killed someone like fuck her entitled ass. Haruka's thing is he's neurodivergent and a minor well guess what i too am neurodivergent and when i was a minor i suffered more than jesus on the cross and i didn't kill SHIT not even ANTS so maybe he should get it checked. buh-bye.
JACKALOPE: he's cute but i lowkey hate him. where the fuck is he now. why is he here. too mysterious too cryptic i need him GONE.
Once again this is my vibes and how I think things went so "oh but I think x and y and we don't know z" ok maybe you don't but I personally am omniscient . Skill issue
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
getting to know the genz!driver
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pairing: the genz!driver oc
summary: getting to know the genz!driver
warnings: none :)
note: welcome and have a seat, let’s get to know our beloved driver of the z generation
masterlist / taglist
i imagine our beloved driver to be 18/19 years old
the driver was born female and identifies as one
we all know she does not have a drivers licens
her driving number is 90, just because
she is ruthless and most times let’s her intrusive thoughts win
her best friends on the grid are definitely lando, george, mick, carlos and charles
her grid dads are lewis and seb
and we know that danny just kind of overtook the role as her older grid brother
she is the sunshine of them all, like there is not one person who doesn’t like her
even christian horner thinks highly of her (he wouldn’t tell that to the media though)
she drives for a mediocre team, but for that she performs extremely well, most times in the points
yuki and pierre are her gay dads, always mentioning to them how they remind her of a couple
she hangs out with the wags in the paddock, like carmen and lily are her besties
she is pure chaos
like evil chaos
but also good chaos, do you know what i mean?
she has brown long hair, but usually doesn’t do much with it
she likes to listen to music all the time, it calms her anxiety
outside of the paddock she likes to draw and sing, oh and she has a youtube channel about her life as a female f1 driver
she has no siblings :( but all of the drivers are like older brothers to her
she definitely raced with mick in prema
mick and her are besties! michael has definitely helped your parents with racing stuff
she did karting with charles, max, mick etc.
she is not tall, taller than yuki for sure, but after that… she is not taller than anyone on the grid
lissie mackintosh are absolute besties, she’s always so excited to be interviewed with her and their interviews always turn out so funny
mostly they don’t chat about the race or f1, but they gossip
her and lissie have started an organisation together with susie wolff, that helps young female drivers to race
she is definitely involved with the f1 academy
attending races if her schedule allows her to, only zandvoort possible
but she knows all the girls and supports them
susie is her favourite wag, we all know why
our genz!driver is something special and we all love her for that
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23
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izzyspussy · 9 months
Rating Ted Lasso Characters Based On If They'd Respect My Pronouns (Correctly)
Roy "We Stayed At GAY Til 3AM And Then We Had Crepes With Some Drag Queens" Kent: 11/10 no fucking shit. He would defend me from misgendering also, even if we weren't friends. He's the very embodiment of that guy who fought the trans guy and then fought the authority figure who scolded him for hitting a girl.
Nate "Genius (Code for Autistic)" Shelley: 11/10 are you kidding. If only quarantine had happened in his universe he'd have pronouns too. Also his girlfriend obviously already does.
Jamie "Prettyboy" Tartt: 11/10 duh. No, he doesn't know off the top of his head what part of speech a pronoun is, but only because nothing in the universe could matter less. And much like Roy, if he saw someone else being contrarian for the purposes of being a prick for absolutely no earthly reason, he would be eager to do something about it.
Keeley "Just The Tip" Jones: 11/10 did you see her. Never have I personally received more solidarity than from (butches and) full tilt Barbie Girl femmes like Keeley. She may be cis and she wears "women's" clothes, but she's still doing drag every day. She gets it.
Colin "Right by This Pink Triangle?" Hughes: 11/10 obviously. He would be so good at not making a big deal out of doing it correctly himself or correcting others, because he knows what it's like to just want to live your authentic life without being a spectacle.
Coach "You Should See Him In Drag" Beard: 11/10 which you should've guessed. Look at him. Look at him with your heart. You know he has pronouns you've never even heard of that he takes out for special occasions.
Ted "We Don't Not Care" Lasso: 11/10 why is this even a question. Practically the entirety of Ted's goals in life are to be respectful and kind and help others do the same. Sometimes that's hard and he fucks it up, but this is easy. C'mon.
Sam "Social Justice Warrior" Obisanya: 11/10 like. Obviously. I have nothing else to say, like. Obviously. Obviously.
Bumber-"Impending Class War"-catch: 11/10. If anything, given the opportunity, he would encourage me to have more pronouns.
Dani "Joy" Rojas: 11/10. These are getting very simple now, and require less and less explanation. He promotes joy. What else do you want.
Rebecca "Ask Your Daughter What It Means" Welton: 11/10. She's a cutthroat and a genuine feminist. She doesn't care if a bunch of freaks are scared of strangers' genitals, and she's certainly not going to let something so petty get in her own way.
Jan "I've Run Out of Fun Epithets For Everyone And He Wouldn't Mind This Unfun One That's Blunt About That Fact" Maas: 11/10 of course. There's no logical, moral, or social reason not to, and there is a wealth of evidence supporting gender affirming behavior.
Isaac McAdoo: 11/10. And he would (unnecessarily) instruct all the other lads to do it too. He might struggle with it at first if we had known each other previous to my transition, but not out of malice or negligence, and once he got on track he'd stay there for life.
Leslie Higgins: 11/10. He's a jazz musician with ten thousand gen Z children. He knows at least as many trans people already as any natural member of the queer community.
The Rest of The Lads: 11/10. We all know this to be true. Next.
Georgie Tartt: 11/10. Have you seen her son. She's prepared for this.
Sharon Fieldstone: 11/10. Have you seen her do her job. She's good at it.
Dottie Lasso: 9/10. Her heart's in the right place and that matters! She is inescapably Midwestern in both the good ways and the bad ways, though.
Jake: 8/10. Have you seen him do his job. He's bad at it.
Rupert Mannion: 6/10. He's a trans inclusive misogynist lmao. He also will treat correct pronoun usage as a privilege if he gets butthurt enough.
James Tartt: 3/10. He'd respect a trans man who performed masculinity to his standards, but he is definitely afraid of girlymen and women who are better than him (most women).
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nitpickrider · 7 months
a bit silly, but if you had to fill an Avengers roster, who would you pick?
Wooof, oh me oh my. Let's lay down some ground rules before I do this. 1). Only people who have been Avengers at some previous point in time. Doesn't narrow it down a LOT but this list would be a jigsaw of my favorite Z-Listers otherwise 2). Limiting it to seven people. That's the magic number with superhero teams and it gives me a reason to stop
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Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America: Sometimes you just cannot beat a classic and when it comes to Avengers line ups there is no one that I think is more integral than Captain America. The pathos that he brings to the table no matter what character he is interacting with is palpable and reading through his first big volume has given me a deep respect and love for the character. He's our leader for sure, the axis of solid, steady service I can hang my weirder picks on.
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Dr. Walter Newell AKA Stingray: You all saw this coming and don't act like you didn't. One of my favorite if not my FAVORITE Marvel Characters of all time. He's a doctor with an interesting specialization. His "I'm only a part time superhero" hangup is even funnier and more interesting if forced into the limelight on THE hero team. Not to mention he comes with his own swanky Hydrobase we can use for an HQ and with his wife and four kids running around underfoot we have the kind of domestic adorability I think any good team needs.
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Miguel Santos AKA Living Lightning: The first time I can ever remember reading about a comic book hero being gay, as just like, part of who they are. A tiny detail in their rich inner life. Not to mention the less respect a character gets the more I want to lift them up on my shoulders. He could be the sweetheart with a little chip on his shoulder from not getting the respect his objectively awesome powers objectively deserve.
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Angelica Jones AKA Firestar: Something you may not know about me. The first piece of media that really opened my eyes as to the potential and depth and scope of the Marvel Universe was Spiderman and His Amazing Friends. It was cheesy, it was cheap and yet Angelica was the first character that I felt SPECIAL for knowing and caring about. She's happy, she's passionate, her simple classic costume kicks ass and the New Warriors need their goddamn respect. 'Nuff said.
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Sersi, Just Sersi: What little I have seen of this character fucking FASCINATES me. This woman is chaos incarnate. It's like she is actively making on the fly decisions with everyone she meets whether she's going to kill them, screw them, turn them into a small mammal or some combination of the three. She's *Instant Plot Complication Just Add Water* because she saw a butterfly and that somehow translates to her blowing the entire team's cover.
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Dane Whitman AKA The Black Knight: I love everything about him. I love his vibe, I love the fact that his backstory is built partially around recontextualizing the lore of a mostly forgotten Atlas fantasy comic. I love that he has a wickedly evil cursed blade that comes with the side effect of basically holding him hostage to a heroic moral code. And on top of that he's a dorky intellectual who can't see a social cue if it's blaring at him from oncoming traffic.
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Jennifer Walters AKA She-Hulk: ...I do not feel the need to explain or justify this choice. YOU know Jen is awesome. *I* know Jen is awesome. She-Hulk does not need justification. She shows up in stories and makes them better by existing. Also yes this is the bodytype I'd use. Yes, I have an addiction. No, I don't feel the need to explain that either. RESERVISTS: Characters I really like but either don't know enough about or don't think they make good Avengers
Marc Spector and System AKA Moon Knight: One of my favorite dudes but does NOT play well with others. Was interesting for about 10 seconds as a member of the West Coast team but I'd prefer he never touch the ranks again.
Flint Marko AKA Sandman: Marvel did Sandman fucking dirty by never letting him fully reform and be the good guy. I want Sandman to be the good guy dammit
Maria de Guadalupe Santiago AKA Silverclaw: I know literally nothing about her outside of reference books but her powers are dope and I dig her vibe.
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gorelesbian · 3 days
Please, tell me your top ten most disturbing books you’ve read. I honestly need recommendations.
thank you very much for asking!!! <3 some of these are so nasty that i feel the need for a disclaimer; i read disturbing horror (sometimes. can't stomach it continiously) when i get bored of everything since i know for sure it'll be stimulating and never boring. these are those books in no particular order!
the troop by nick cutter is about a troop of boy group scouts and their scoutmaster who are camping on an island when a fucked up parasite starts spreading. the body horror and animal cruelty/death in this are beyond insane, the turtle scene haunts me. i gave it 5/5 stars.
any man by amber tamblyn is one of my favourite books ever but i've never dared recommend it to anyone. it's about the male victims of a female serial rapist and genital mutilator. it's extremely harrowing and disturbing but i knew after 30 pages this would be a 5 star read for me, some of the best writing i've ever read. i gave it 5/5 stars. fun fact: amber tamblyn is also the girl who dies in the opening scene of the ring (2002)!
tampa by alissa nutting is about a woman who starts working as a teacher at a high school just to seduce and have sex with (rape) preteen boys. it's written from her perspective and it is extremely unpleasant to be inside her head. absolutely disgusting but also very well written. i gave it 4/5 stars.
earthlings by sayaka murata is about a young girl who has convinced herself that she is an alien from another planet to cope with the horrific abuse she going through. this book goes places i couldn't explain if i tried. i expected this to not be that disturbing and insane since it's quite popular but i was very wrong! i gave it 4/5 stars.
exquisite corpse by poppy z brite is about two gay necrophilic cannibalistic serial killers on the loose and their victims. it's set during the 1980s aids crisis which is very interesting. not much else to say about this one honestly! lot of nasty things happen! i gave it 3/5 stars.
tender is the flesh by agustina bazterrica is about a world in which animal meat has become unsafe for humans so we have started breeding and keeping humans for consumption. maybe not as disturbing as the other books on here but really interesting portrayal of the meat industry and how society treats minorities aka people they deem as "less human" than themselves. i gave it 4/5 stars.
gone to see the river man by kristopher triana is about a woman who has started a relationship with an imprisoned serial killer and has agreed to go on a quest for him. i was stressed as hell throughout this because she brings her mentally disabled sister with her who has no idea what's going on and i massively feared for her wellbeing. it actually wasn't disturbing at all until about 80% through and then it starts smacking you across the face. yikes! i gave it 3/5 stars.
things have gotten worse since we last spoke by eric larocca is about two women who meet online and quickly get involved in a very intense and fucked up relationship. goes pretty hard on the body horror and animal cruelty and baby cruelty. jesus christ. i gave it 4/5 stars.
to be devoured by sara tantlinger is about a woman who becomes obsessed with the thought of being a vulture and finding out what rotting flesh tastes like. she goes further and further to try and find out the vultures' secrets. now THIS is real weird girl swag. i gave it 4/5 stars.
i ran out of novels help. the most disturbing manga i've read is brutal: confessions of a homicide investigator by kei koga and ryo izawa which is about a homicide investigator who secretly punishes the criminals he encounters. this is very brutal. for example he finds a guy who raped a woman and he shoves a stake up his ass. i gave it 4/5 stars.
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notabeanie · 8 months
I remember seeing this quote about Susan Sontag, after she wrote Notes On Camp (tone marker: one of the most famous queer treatises in history) when everyone was speculating, wait what the fuck is Susan Sontag a leSBiAn ? Is she BiSExuAL ? (Tone marker: Da VInkY?) Is she allowed write about this?? And I forget who said it but there's this quote that's like, "Does the author of Notes On Camp even need to come out?"
Like, the book was so obviously queer, so obviously and intentionally centred the interests and wellbeing and knowledge of the queer community, that like 1) it couldn't not betray her queerness (which ofc it turned out she was in private) and 2) it didn't matter because her personal identity was irrelevant to the heavy lifting her writing was doing. Like if the work is queer, like deeply textually and subtextually queer, intentionally queer, and it's having a positive impact on the queer community, then that work is queer regardless of who made it and how publically queer they are or are not.
(And also ftr being openly queer is not a guarantee of your work being actually meaningfully queer, either. We know this because Pete Buttigieg exists.)
Anywas I think about that quote literally all the time. Like with Con O'Neil before he came out, or Taika Waiti. Occasionally people will jump all over some minutiae some celebrity said in an interview and pick apart how publically gay you have to be to say x or y, and it's homophobic to say z unless you're gay, or we're gonna willfully misinterpret everything you say. Or whatever. But what about when we're talking about people who have been hiring queer people, creating queer stories, for in some cases decades?
Like Con O'Neil has been playing beautiful well rounded queer people since before a lot of y'all were born. And did he ofc ultimately come out, yeah. But did he have to? What did it change, really? Does the actor who originated Izzy Hands and Val Uncle and Michael Scarborough Ahoy! have to come out? Does a producer and star of Our Flag Means Death have to come out? Why does the author of Notes On Camp need to come out? And for whose benefit?
Like ok listen at some point idk if you're on the lease at gay house but you've been sleeping on the couch long enough that you do just live here now. It just seems plain rude not to let you get your mail delivered.
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adorethedistance · 2 years
Media Day - Trevor Zegras x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing (?), the word “psychopath”.
Words: 659
Summary: What a great day to be an aspiring photographer on media day when your model keeps flirting with you.
A/n: I caved. 
“One nitro cold brew you psychopath,” I say to my boss as I set his Starbucks order on our little tech cart, careful to avoid spilling on anything.
“Why am I a psychopath?”
“You’re drinking a nitro cold brew. That’s, like, the second biggest red flag drink you could get.”
“What’s the first?”
“Vanilla bean frappe.” John shakes his head whilst switching lenses on the biggest DSLR I’ve ever seen.
“You’re drinking an iced drink on the literal ice.”
“Iced drinks are for the girls, gays, and ‘they’s it’s inevitable,” I say, grabbing a fresh battery for the camera. John places a smaller lens on the body before removing the strap from his neck. He then extends the object to me in invitation.
“You want to be a photographer someday, right?” I nod slowly. “Show me whatcha got, kid.”
A small smile is the last little encouragement John gives me before handing over the camera. Okay, game time. As I turn to ask John who’s next, I hear the familiar sound of someone running onto the ice.
“Hey, John.”
“How ya doing, Z?”
“Can’t complain. Who’s this?”
“This is my PA…”
“Y/n,” I offer my hand to shake. Holy shit he’s beautiful.
“She’s gonna grab some headshots of you before we record anything.”
“Can I have you stand on that ‘X’ for me,” I gesture to the markings on the ice and he gently skates over to it. Knowing John’s process after hearing it all day, I begin to instruct him as John had with the other guys earlier in the day. “Actually, I want to try something… Could you kneel on the ice for me?” Trevor smirks and complies.
“Anything for you, princess,” he teases with a wink. I brush off the remark, rolling my eyes,
“Hush.” John laughs at my response and Trevor’s defeat. He doesn’t seem phased.
“Keep your body facing the net and turn only your head to look at me.” Trevor follows my directions and looking into his sea-glass eyes through the viewfinder stops me in my tracks. I need to focus but the way he’s looking at me gives me butterflies. Long dark lashes frame his light eyes that glisten like the shimmering ice beneath us. Nothing but the sound of faint, shallow breaths exists between us. The studio lights on the ice create a soft halo around his head; small flyaways cath the lighting to then hold it around his face like a beautiful painting placed inside a magnificent frame. He is Michelangelo’s David.
“Chin down,” I instruct before snapping the picture. The shot appears on the monitor behind us and I look back to see John inspecting the headshot. It’s a damn good shot and john knows it too. I smirk and snap a few more just for good measure. “Small smile, mmm not like that.”
“What do you mean not like that?”
“Has no one ever taught you to smile?”
“Apparently not.”
“Okay so you take your little finger and bite down on it horizontally and that’s the distance you should have between your teeth when you smile.”
“Oh really?!”
“Yeah, your teeth shouldn’t tou-” I cut myself off, “You’re fucking with me.”
“No, not at all!” I pause skeptically. I truly can’t tell if he’s being sincere or not.
“Just smile so I can take the goddamn picture.” Trevor laughs at my frustration and I seize the opportunity to snap some pictures. “Perfect.”
“These look great, Y/n. I’ll take it from here,” John says as he picks up the videography camera to grab some action shots. I move away from Trevor as I begin to switch the lenses, knowing John will use this camera again for the hyper-close-ups. “Thank you,” John says only to me before approaching Trevor to give him direction.
“Looks good, Z. Your smile has really improved!” He teases.
“Light work when I have such a good view.”
“Stop flirting with my PA!”
A/n: I know I used to not like Trevor but lately he’s been kinda fine and I see it soooo I’m coping by writing. Also I’m not enthralled with the Z fics that exist right now (of course I’ll still read and appreciate them) so I did what I always do when I’m in this predicament and that is write my own. Probably more to come with the way things are going right now.
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