#but yeah i had to get it out because it infuriates me when people lack a basic understanding of what they are watching
murdererofthumbs · 1 year
Seeing reactions after this episode is actually slightly hysterical? It proves that this fandom can be so blind-sighted by characters relations, that they forget what show they are watching. Like, I have always been a self-proclaimed Roman-girl, because I find him compelling and extremely psychologically interesting, and like all of these characters, to a certain extent, I do empathise with him on the level of trauma that he went through. But why the fuck are people surprised that THIS is how he behaved in this episode is beyond me. Oh, suddenly Roman is dead to you because he behaved in the way that was very much consistent with who he is? That’s who all of these people are, like come on, what do we think we are watching here? You didn’t really think he will suddenly become a defender of democracy because it serves a greater good of the country? He was the one to fucking choose Mencken as a president, he cherry-picked him for Logan, because he knew that their views align, that Mencken will be a smart business decision. This whole thing is a transactional procedure - they needed to get someone who will be willing to serve their corrupt interests. Roman doesn’t see a problem in having fascist as a president, because he will never be touched by the consequences of having that kind of man in power. He is very much safe at the top of the mountain, and who the fuck cares what will happen to the peasants at the bottom of the chain? In this way, he imitates Logan the most, because in the end of the day, people are units to him, to all of them really, some of them are just more willing to admit this than others.
Also, like, “uuu, Roman was such a misogynist to Shiv this episode, he just didn’t listen to her at all”. Look, can we stop being delusional here for a second or is it some sort of selective memory situation? Roman is a misogynist. Kendall is a misogynist. Shiv, in fact, has a lot of internalised misogyny going on, and her being a woman never stopped her from pushing other women under the fucking bus, so let’s be real here for a second. And that is not to be said in defence of Roman, frankly nothing what I’m saying here is supposed to justify his behaviour in this or any other episode, but it’s more of like… reality check? I know that Roman’s self-destructive spiral and semi-decent behaviour at the beginning of this season might have clouded certain aspects of who he is, but please, go back to season 3 and count all the instances of him throwing misogynistic and, frequently incestuous jokes and innuendo, at Shiv? How many times he undermines her position on the basis of her being a woman? Or how Kendall, for that matter, uses similar arguments in 03x02? All the siblings use aspects of each other as weapons. Kendall is undermined because he is unstable, because he is a drug-addict, because he has a tendency of flying off on the cloud of mania, and crashing in the heap of depression. Shiv is crossed out because she is a woman, because she frankly has no real experience in the firm (which, although people might be super angry about that, because she is such a “girlboss” apparently, but this is a factual argument), because of her relationship to Tom and tendency to take several sides at the same time (with not much thought put into it). And Roman is frequently undermined because he is a freak and a pervert, because “there is something wrong with him”, because he is the weakest dog that is most easily manipulated, who crumples like a wet tissue if only to receive a bit of affection. They all weaponise their “weak” points against each other, because this dog-eats-dog mindset is focal to who they are as a family, to how they were brought up, to how Logan wanted them to be. So please, let’s not be surprised, when Roman suddenly uses misogyny as an argument against Shiv, because it’s not sudden at all, and it’s always been there.
I think what we have on our hands, is the same situation we had in 03x07 during Kendall’s birthday (and previous episode with Mencken), where some people are so outraged by Roman, and by his ability to shove the knife where it hurts, that they suddenly cross him out completely. Again, all these characters are bad people, there was never any doubt about that. They are compelling because of the complexities of their familial relationships, because of their childhood trauma and the consequences that this trauma has on them as adults. But they are still completely reprehensible as human beings, and I think some viewers forget about that and then get outraged when show about awful people features awful people. And I’m sure, either in next or final episode, something will happen and Roman will become sympathetic again, and he will regain his position as a “poor meow meow”, just as he did in the finale of season 3. Its always a fucking carousel with this character and people get sucked in and have their eye’s covered just to realise that nothing really changed, and nothing will change, because in this show people, at their core, remain the same.
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bookofmirth · 4 months
I've seen people say what Nesta does in the BC is a regression of her character and it honestly infuriates me bc her giving the mask away is so consistent with her character.
We have seen Nesta countless times beg people in power to help the innocent/humans (human queens in ACOMAF and HLs in the HL meeting). Each of these times she doesn't have any power to make any change and she's needing to rely on others to step up.
Yet here Bryce comes begging Nesta to help them and for the first time, she has the power to actually do something. I feel like she might have seen herself in Bryce in that moment. Like how could she say no?
Oh I like that take! You're right, if we look at Nesta's history, her lack of control and power was a really big reason why she used to lash out at people. But now she has the ability to help others and do something, she is the one who can use these objects and make decisions. Yeah in context she is young and relatively inexperienced, but she has wanted to help people in the past. Feyre had a positive influence on Nesta in that way. In acowar, Nesta didn't want to tell her story initially, but when she sees Feyre go out of her way to help the Summer Court when Hybern attacked, Nesta re-evaluates and understands that she can actually make a difference. And that it's something she wants to do.
I can see your point about Nesta seeing herself in Bryce. They also have a discussion prior to this whole mess when Nesta talks about how she used to be human. I'll have to comment on that when I reread but I think that the groundwork was laid there for Nesta to not necessarily trust Bryce, but for them to understand where the other is coming from. And in ways that maybe very few other people can.
I know that I am talking about Nesta lashing out in the past tense, but based on hofas, it is? Not to say that she doesn't stand up for herself because she absolutely does, but (and I will reread in a day or two and post updates) she doesn't say anything that is intentionally hurtful or cruel anymore.
(every time people use "BC" I think of my bookclub and I get confused about what characters are doing in my bookclub haha! It takes me a minute.)
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002yb · 11 months
Just saying
✨️Rockstar!Dick✨️ and ⚡️bodyguard!Jason⚡️
Slade having his own security company
Takes point with Dick as needed because Wayne Entertainment pays the prettiest penny (and lbr Slade is begrudingly charmed by Dick - the punkass fucker)
Scheduling conflict leaves Slade unable to partake as Dick's security detail; can't skip on current job, but won't pass on offered job, either
Reluctant and resigned to put his best underling on the job, but desperate times call for desperate measures: Jason
Specifically smaller!Jason. Who still had a rough upbringing on the streets and is a bit stunted for it.
Slade making the introduction
Dick immediately refusing
Jason bristling because fuck you
Meanwhile Dick's band/entourage/what-have-you cackles in the background because 1) Jason is petite and 2) there's no way Dick isn't going to try and fuck him
Dick is aware of this. So is Slade. Hence Slade's aforementioned reluctance and resignation. Jason is someone he trusts and has confidence in though. There are no safer hands for Dick to be in.
Meanwhile Jason is oblivious, thinking he's being refuted because of his stature.
'You will not fuck him.'
Jason startling because what the hell? Of course he won't fuck the client what even - only to realize that Slade is leveling with Dick, their client. Jason's flabbergasted. Absolutely floored because obviously Dick won't want to fuck him and -
Dick with his hands raised, smile cheeky as he laughs under his breath, shameless although he's been caught out, 'No promises.'
And Jason keeps his composure because professionalism, but he's also flustered because for fuck's sake, if only Slade or Dick knew that Jason has crushed on Dick from the start of his career; Jason would bend over for him right then and there fuuuuuuuuuck
Yeah, that's right. None of this 'never heard of you' nonsense. No 'I don't think you're all that good; prove me wrong,' plot line here. Just Jason trying to be a professional and Dick tormenting him throughout because Dick isn't a fool - he knows; he's no stranger to attraction.
They do keep it professional though hahaha. Flirting aside, it's just playful banter and fun. A slow burn where Jason plays bodyguard/caretaker/boyfriend.
Dick and the band/entourage/whatever being struck dumb when Jason lays down a threat that tries to charge Dick
Petiteness be damned, Jason is dangerous
And Dick is a client with nerves of steel, tbh. He really just watches unblinking in the face of oncoming disaster and Jason thinks it's weird af.
Dick claims it's because he's not worried; he has full confidence in Jason
Tbh though Dick can look after himself really well (has learned a lot from various people throughout his life, Slade included; thought about turning in the glitz and glam for law enforcement. Got relatively far with that, too, so. Security is more a precaution than anything; more eyes are better than just his, sometimes).
When Dick shares the above, Jason grimaces and complains that Dick has never been more unattractive, wanting to join ranks with pigs
Arguably Dick is already among pigs (music industry, entertainment as a whole)
Jason scoffs because Dick isn't wrong. WE arguably most ethical of the lot, but still lacking; he sees firsthand the workload put on Dick and it's infuriating
Anyway, bonding over Dick wanting to be a cop because why???
Dick open and honest that it's because of all the young people he encounters. Terrible life circumstances and he helps them with what he creates and being a distraction, but wants to do more than that; hates getting on stage knowing what he knows because he wants to help all these people who help him
Jason scowling because damn, there Dick goes becoming all attractive again
Jason admitting that he was actually a social worker before Slade picked him up
Which. What? Really?
Jason brushes Dick's interest off. It was a short lived career. Jason didn't even make it a quarter of a year before he was let go of for being 'too combative.'
'That's part of your charm.' Dick teases him and Jason scoffs, rolling his eyes and looking away, cheeks flushed
This has it's own little section because just like. Jason can't do anything about Dick's schedule, obviously. It drives him up a wall how Dick is run into the ground though.
What's more infuriating is that it's partly by choice that Dick does it. Those extra things Dick tacks into his day are so wholesomely good though that Jason can't protest.
Just Dick doing make-a-wish type things; taking time to meet and greet, charity events, etc.
Depending on when Dick has ten free minutes, he'll nap
Jason's shoulder and lap become designated pillows for said naps
Jason allows it if only because he sees Dick putting in all the work
Also - Jason chasing after Dick with food and snacks because when Dick gets going he stays going and get some fucking calories in omfg drink water or Jason will funnel it down his throat so help him
Unrelated notes:
Bodyguard!Jason who also writes poetry
He keeps it in a tiny book and doesn't share because he thinks it's embarrassing
Dick adores it though
Dick writes little music notes over top of them - rough melodies
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 11 months
Nobody's Fool: Chapter 17
Pairing: EddieXReader
Summary: You have bartended for years after you were forced to drop out of college due to family circumstances. You have dated your fair share of musicians, had your heart broken by one particular one, and have learned they are not be trusted. You have sworn off of them for the rest of your life. Then, one night, a new band plays at the bar, and against your better judgement, you can't help noticing the lead singer and guitar player. Could he possibly be different from the ones who came before him?
Warnings: 18+ Only due to eventual smut and language. There is also a toxic family relationship with a narcissistic mother if that is triggering for you.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28
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You had been working hard to avoid Sebastian for the last few hours. He kept lingering, popping up unpleasantly like a bill collector you’ve been avoiding for days. He was relentless, sending lude sexual comments your way or taking another shot at trying to remind you about how good you were together. Yeah, so good together that he had to find other people to fulfill his sexual needs. You were not falling for his shit again. He’d made you look like an idiot once and that was more than enough. You would walk past him, ignoring him, heading to a table or back behind the bar or into the storeroom, anything to get as far from him as possible. 
You had even gone so far as to send the blonde from earlier after him, hoping he would lose interest in you at the prospect of an easy lay he didn’t have to work that hard for. It worked for about fifteen minutes before he was back to lurking around, watching you. It was infuriating, trying to work as he just followed with his eyes, waiting for a chance to ambush you again.
You weren't sure how you would have responded if Sebastian had walked in here a couple months ago. Would you have tried to give him a second chance? You hoped not. But now? You knew all too well what a good guy actually looked like. Eddie was a good guy, and while you were still terrified of your feelings, of putting yourself out there again, you weren't willing to risk whatever it was you had with Eddie for this guy that you knew was a piece of shit. 
This thing with Eddie scared the hell out of you because you knew you were diving right off the side of the cliff with no parachute. You were heading straight for the ground at a rapid pace, about to shatter every bone in your body in a painful crash. How long would it take for him to get bored of you? How long until he looked around and realized he could do so much better than you? How long before he realized you just weren't worth all of the effort?
“You want me to punch him for you?” Joey asked, breaking through your thoughts. 
“No,” you sighed. “Really? You’re going to try to take him on? I love you Joey, but he’s got like six inches on you. I don’t need you getting hurt.”
Sebastian was no joke. He stood at six foot two, another trait that lended itself to him resembling a Greek God. He was muscular, not in a bulky bodybuilder way, but in a lean, toned kind of way. You had seen him in fights before when he was drunk and somebody was running their mouth, and you had never seen him lose one.
“I think I could take him,” Joey countered, sounding a bit hurt at your lack of faith in him.
“Maybe you could,” you agreed, “but it wouldn’t help anything and it would only create a problem for John. I don’t need you to lose your job for me. I just need to get through the next ten minutes so he can go away.”
The bar was closing down. Last call was twenty minutes ago. The patrons were slowly making their way out, the lack of drinks ending their fun for the night. You began wiping down the tables and stacking chairs, your body relaxing, every muscle loosening, now that you had made it. Sebastian would be heading out with his band and out of your eyesight. Hopefully out of your life for good this time.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed yours, spinning you around. Two arms crushed you against a rock hard body as lips you knew intimately found yours. Shock coursed through you at the sudden intrusion to your mind and body. You tried to bring your hands up to push him away from you, but his strong arms were pinning yours down at your sides.
Out of nowhere, the body holding yours was suddenly yanked away. You opened your eyes, just in time to see Eddie’s fist connecting with Sebastian’s jaw. Sebastian staggered back, surprise registering on his face at the attack. He stared at Eddie in fury and then launched himself, grabbing Eddie around the waist and tackling him to the ground.
“Shit!” John yelled as he came running over. “Guys, knock it off!”
You shook the shock off and ran forward, trying to help John pull them apart. You reached out but a flailing hand connected with your eye and you shrieked, falling back to the ground. Joey leapt over the bar, running to your side to see if you were okay.
“I’m fine, just…goddamn it!” you screamed. 
A couple of the guys from the plant, big guys, grabbed Eddie and Sebastian in bear hugs, lifting them away from each other. Both of them looked insane, their eyes wild with rage, their hair looking like they had stuck their fingers in electrical sockets. 
“You boys need to calm down!” John yelled. “I’m not going to have brawls in my bar. You want to keep this up, then you take it outside.”
“Gladly,” Eddie growled.
“Anytime,” Sebastian hissed.
“Fuck, both of you knock it off!” you yelled, getting back to your feet, still holding your eye.
Eddie glanced at you, suddenly realizing that you were hurt, eyes that had been dark with rage softening in concern. “Shit, are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” you shrieked. “Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“You were kissing him!” he yelled.
“I was not kissing him! He was kissing me!” you yelled back.
“Ahh…so this is who you got to replace me?” Sebastian sneered. “Really, dollface? This Eddie Van Halen knockoff? You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Who the hell are you?” Eddie demanded.
“He’s my ex,” you explained quietly.
“Your ex?” he questioned, understanding registering on his face. 
“Yeah,” Sebastian smirked, moving to you and slinging his arm around your shoulder. “Feeling nervous? I sure would be if I were my competition.”
“Shut up,” you shouted, shoving his arm away from you. “Seriously, get your fucking ego in check. Sebastian, just get the hell out of here.”
“You don’t mean that,” he argued, attempting his pouty lip again and you wanted to punch him this time. “Come on. You can’t be serious about choosing this dirtbag over me.”
“Dirtbag!?” Eddie yelled. “I’m guessing you’re the dick that is the reason she…”
“Jesus Christ! Everyone just shut up!” you yelled, desperate to stop Eddie from saying whatever it was that he was going to say. “Sebastian, seriously, just get the fuck out of here!”
Sebastian tried to argue but John stepped in, telling him he needed to leave before the cops were called. He complained, grumbling the entire way out about how he was the one who had been attacked. You felt relief flood through your body when the door closed and he was finally gone.
“Sweetheart, you know I love you, and I’m sorry I may have initiated all of this by allowing him to play,” John said, “but you need to get your boyfriends in check. I can’t have this shit in my bar.”
“Yeah, I know,” you sighed, pressing your fingers against your forehead, a throb working its way from your eye to the back. 
“You okay?” Joey asked.
“I’ll be fine,” you insisted, placing your hand on his arm. “Thank you. Do you think you could give me a ride home?”
“Of course.”
“Whoa,” Eddie interjected. “I thought I was giving you a ride home.”
“That was before you acted like a giant brute and came in here swinging!” you yelled. 
“Seriously?” he argued. “I walked in here and saw some blonde titan making out with you in the middle of the bar. What exactly was I supposed to do?”
“I don’t know,” you said, “maybe take a moment to assess the situation before fists start flying!”
“Assess the situation? I did assess the situation and I assessed that my girlfriend was kissing another dude! Forgive me for getting upset.”
“Girlfriend?” you asked in shock. Your brain was struggling to process that word. “Since when did we decide I was your girlfriend? I don’t remember that conversation! And I wasn’t kissing him! He grabbed me and kissed me!”
“I assumed you were my girlfriend. We’ve been seeing each other for a month. I didn’t know we had to officially state it,” Eddie explained. “And that’s all the more reason he deserved to be punched!”
“I can handle myself,” you seethed, glaring at him. “I’ve been handling him all night!”
“Oh, have you?” Eddie asked, his tone cold.
“Jesus, that’s nice,” you muttered. “I was avoiding him all night because I’m with you! I told him to go away. I told him to leave me alone. If you would have waited five goddamn seconds, you would have seen me bite his goddamn lip until it bled and tell him to fuck off. He cheated on me. He broke my heart. I am not interested in going down that road with him again.”
“Well, how was I supposed to know? You never want to tell me anything!” Eddie yelled. “I only know what I know about you because you’ve been forced to share. Trying to get to know you is like trying to invade fucking Mordor! Every time I get close, an army attacks and puts up new goddamn defenses and I have to find a whole different strategy! It’s, quite honestly, fucking exhausting.”
You paused, his words twisting something deep inside of you. “Well, if I’m so exhausting, then I’ll be more than happy to give you a break.”
“Whoa! Whoa! That’s not what I mean,” he said quickly, his tone taking on an edge of panic. “I don’t want a break. Look, this situation got out of control. Will you please just come with me back to my place so we can talk?”
You glanced from Eddie to Joey who had been watching your back and forth with rapt attention. His eyes were wide as he looked at you. 
“I can take you home if you want,” he offered.
You were so damn tired. This might go down as the longest night of your entire life. You weren't sure you had it in you to have some long conversation with Eddie. You also knew he wasn’t wrong. You did your best to still keep him at arm’s length whenever you could because as much as you liked him, you couldn’t stop that little fear that he was going to decide you weren't good enough one day. Maybe you owed it to him. 
“It’s fine,” you sighed. “I’ll go with Eddie.” Eddie’s face lit up. “But I’m telling you, I am exhausted and my eye hurts and I don’t have the energy to fight it out. Can we please just go back to your place and sleep and talk in the morning?”
“Whatever you want,” he said with a smile, walking over to you. His hand grabbed your hips, pulling you against him. “Can I at least hold you?”
You rolled your eyes, secretly pleased but not wanting to show it. 
“You’re hopeless,” you muttered softly, shaking your head.
The next morning, you and Eddie sat in his backyard with cups of coffee. He had stuck to his word. When they got to his place, he had gotten you some ice for your eye. You had helped him clean up a cut over his eyebrow and one above his lip. Then you had gone to bed, him holding you close, and you had slept like a damn baby wrapped in his arms. 
Now, you sat in two lawn chairs, you in a pair of his sweats and a Radiohead tee that he had let you borrow, him in his boxers and a Metallica tee. He looked so goddamn adorable when he woke up, his hair all over the place, his eyes heavy with sleep still. He had a bruise on his cheek and his lip was slightly puffy, but it didn’t detract from how gorgeous he was. You had quite a shiner this morning, which he had apologized for over and over, but you weren't even certain who had hit you. Nobody had meant to. 
“So, you want to tell me about him?” he asked, leaning forward in his chair, cupping his mug in his hands. 
No, you really didn’t. You didn’t want to relive it at all, let alone share it with him. You had been an idiot, and you didn’t want Eddie to know how you had allowed Sebastian to make a fool out of you. But you knew you owed him an explanation after last night.
“He was my boyfriend,” you shrugged. “We dated for about nine months. I thought he loved me. I was clearly wrong. He cheated on me with some chick. I walked in on them and we broke up.”
“Okay, well that was a very short summary,” Eddie sighed, leaning back. 
“I mean, what do you want me to say?” you asked with a shrug. “He tricked me. I allowed it. I was an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot,” Eddie stated. “Look, we’ve all trusted the wrong people. It’s easy to do when you’re in love with somebody. We get blinded by our feelings for them and we miss all of the signs that something’s not right. We assume the best about them when they don’t deserve it. That doesn’t make you an idiot. Shit, that just makes you human, princess.”
“I guess,” you muttered, hugging your knees into your chest, your chin resting on top. “I was so in love with him. I mean, I thought he was it for me. I pictured our future together. He was my everything, and then I walked in and he was pile driving some redhead on the bed he and I shared. He told me he loved me and he only wanted a relationship with me but that he needed variety when it came to sex. He wanted me to understand that. He might sleep around but he would always come home to me.”
“Well, that’s bullshit,” Eddie grumbled. “What the hell kind of relationship is that?”
“That’s what I thought. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t walk around, knowing he could be screwing any random girl at any time. Maybe I’m a prude or something, I don’t know, but I don’t want to share my guy with others.”
“You’re not a prude. When two people truly love each other, that should be enough.”
“Maybe, I don’t know,” you sighed.
“Do…do you still love him?” Eddie asked, his voice hesitant, possibly even a little nervous.
“I did for a long time,” you softly mumbled. “I was a mess for weeks after I found him with that girl. If it weren’t for Jen, I probably would have lost my job. She kicked me in the ass and refused to let me wallow for too long. John was amazing. I hadn’t shown up to work for a week, but he knew what had happened. I came in and he never said a word about it, just let me continue with my shift.”
You took a sip of coffee, allowing the warmth to seep into you, calming your nerves. You didn’t like talking about this with him. Being this open felt dangerous. It felt like walking into shark infested waters just hoping they wouldn’t notice you had an openly bleeding wound. 
“I did love him, but I don’t anymore,” you finally told him. “It took a long time to move on, but when I saw him last night, all I felt was disgust.”
Eddie looked pleased but like he was trying to hide it. He reached his hand out, taking yours and guided you over to his lap. You sat down and he wound his arms around you, his chin resting on your shoulder. 
“Good,” he whispered, “because there appeared to be some confusion last night that I really think we should clear up. So, I thought maybe I should officially ask so we both know where we stand. I don’t want to see other people, and I am hoping you don’t either. So, will you be my girlfriend?”
You laughed, “I know what I said last night but that sounds like such a silly question at our age.”
“Maybe it is, but will you?” he asked, those beautiful doe eyes gazing up into yours.
“Yeah,” you smiled, kissing him. “I think I can do that.”
“Excellent,” he grinned, his lips finding yours again. 
@tlclick73 @bebe07011 @emma77645 @corrodedcoffincumslut @babeyglo @kimmi-kat @bblunuh @vintagehellfire @hellfire--cult @avobabe87 @just-a-sewer-goblin @emilyslutface @micheledawn1975 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
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damagedintellect · 11 months
Dazai Osamu x reader
💌 Reading into the palms of isekai bullshit:
Chapter 7 💌  
Summary: You were no stranger to isekai bullshit. It’s not like you had a problem with it. The genre took over the anime scene for years now but you try to stay away from thinking about how you would handle the situation. The last time you thought about inserting yourself into your favorite show you wrote a 100k word xReader fic for your favorite characters and you didn’t want to spend all your time consumed by the brainrot again. Never again, you promised yourself that was the last time you’d let the devil on your shoulder win. You clicked on chapter 1 to start the adventure over again but when you opened your eyes and saw Dazai O-FUCKING-samu getting choked by Kunikida you honestly hoped it was a dream.  
Notes:   With Artfight slowing down on my end I have come to feed the hungry readers...also idk why this chapter turned out so angsty bc that wasn't the plan but yeah know what it sounds about right. Another isekai so I can play around with BSD like dolls.
★ Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] ★
💌 Word count: 2,286 💌 <= Previous Chapter | Next Chapter =>
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A few days later was the day Kunikida had a very important schedule to uphold. Everyone was left to their own devices and it was a nice change of pace compared to the past few weeks. Kunikida had left a few minutes ago while Ranpo was still complaining about the lack of snacks. You had mostly finished up your tasks for the day and were acting like you were still busy so Ranpo wouldn't bother you. It's been weeks since you were relieved of your snack fetching duties but you could feel him practically directing all of his grievances at you specifically. There were other people in the office. Why did it always have to be you who gets the snacks? Aside from Kunikida and Yosano, everyone else was here. You observe Dazai as he agonizes over not being able to ruin Kunikida's day yet. You still don't know what the hell happened the other night.
All you know is that Ranpo made a suggestive comment about it which didn't help you piece anything together. Dazai had been acting weirder than normal too. It's like he was having more mood swings than usual and you’re not sure how much of it is an act. You are also not the only one who's noticed the brunette’s weird behavior, even Atsushi said something about it. Although he thought you and Dazai had an argument because apparently the brunette would tense up at the mention of your name. Even more puzzling was that the moment you were left alone with Dazai he would act one of two ways. One being that he would reluctantly cling to your side, hovering over you like he was expecting or waiting for you to do something or two he would scoff and make some excuse, no matter how stupid, to disappear. Like he actually made it a point to tell you instead of just leaving like he has in the past. Almost like he was reasoning more with himself then having the goal be informing you of his absences. As much as it was intriguing it was almost hard to watch but you didn’t want to ask him about it because who knows what can of worms that will open and you weren’t ready.
Speaking of can of worms, Ranpo has been calling your name trying to get your attention. You slammed your hands on the desk standing up to look at your senpai. "Okay I get it, what snacks do you want?"
"Chips, pocky, ramune and you know what it feels like a melon pan kind of a day!" He smiles wide, kicking his feet up on his desk. Cocky bastard.
You rolled your eyes "So the works then got it," you looked at Dazai who was still moping. "Anyone else need me to pick up anything?" The room filled with a chorus of "No"'s as you grabbed your wallet and made your way out the door. The agency would reimburse you for Ranpo’s snack habits later.
Dazai watched you leave. It's been infuriating that you refused to ask about that night and seemed to brush it off like it didn't matter. So much for that confession of yours. He was aware that, yes, technically he wasn't supposed to know that. He promised you he wouldn't tell, but you told him yourself. He can't get over the fact you haven't picked up his bitterness on the subject or that you are blatantly ignoring it all together. He doesn't understand what your play is and moreover he can't get over the irrational thought of wanting to touch you. It has been driving him insane. He doesn’t get these kinds of impulses but since you shared your feelings with him he wants to be close to you in any way you’ll have him. You were also the one who saw through and called him out on his bullshit, not many could do that so why has that stopped? Is it because you need to see his palm again? Did the alcohol mess with your talent that badly? All he has is more questions and really no way of getting answers out of you unless he talks to you like a normal person. Dazai was by no means a normal person and what was the point if he wasn't supposed to know this information to begin with. If it was anyone else he wouldn't care about the confrontation or lack thereof but he does now and he hates it.
The sound of an incoming text rang out through the office. He looked over at your desk. It was your phone, you forgot it since you stormed off. He sighed, reaching for it. You would be back soon but he was bored and all of his attempts to shake up Kunikida weren’t working either. Was he losing his touch? If he sent Kunikida a message from your phone he would probably have a better chance at fooling the blonde. When he opened up the messenger he nearly dropped the phone as he read who the incoming text was from. 
Hey, I have time today if you wanted to do the thing
Dazai gripped the phone tightly, his knuckles turning white. Why was Chuuya messaging you and what was with that contact photo! You were both naked in bed. You looked like an ethereal being while the smug redhead was holding you like he owned you, giving Dazai eyes that were taunting him. It made his blood boil. Was this why you didn’t care to find out about that night? Was this all really just a game to you and how could you betray him with Chuuya of all people! Dazai grit his teeth. Realistically he shouldn't care so why does he feel like this? He knows how demented his line of thought was but for the first time he let his jealousy cloud his judgment. You guys weren't exclusive, heck you guys weren't even anything to begin with. Just two coworkers who sometimes hung out outside of work but still he felt it was a low blow. He needs to stop his train of thought before he does something he'll regret. His emotions were already festering by the time you finally made it back to the office. He felt that itch again, the sudden urge to touch you. Why? He didn't understand it at all.
You dropped the bag of snacks on Ranpo's desk hoping that the ramune crushed a bunch of chips. This is the last time you’d be going on his snack run or else you were going to- you know what you don’t know what you could do as a counter. Ranpo kind of has you by the balls since he knows your secret. You deflated once you realized that he could actually make your life a living hell if he wanted. “Enjoy.” you sigh slouching as you turn around colliding with someone as you were grabbed by the arm and hastily pulled into the infirmary. 
Dazai had dragged you across the office without a word. It was unsettling for the others to witness. Atsushi was concerned he'd never seen such a grim expression on Dazai before. Could it be because he failed at tricking Kunikida and he needed to take it out on someone else? "Shouldn't we stop them?" He asked warily but no one made a move. Everyone continued on like this was an everyday occurrence.
Ranpo only kicked back further into his chair, opening the bag of chips "Leave 'em. You might get scarred for life if you try to intervene." Ranpo rolled his eyes. This is what you get for playing with fire. Although he doesn't exactly know what Dazai saw on your phone, he does know that the two of you were a ticking time bomb and have been the whole week since the fall of the guild. He only hopes you know what you’re doing because babysitting you was not his job unless you were getting him more snacks.
As soon as the door locked, Dazai pushed you against the wall, easily pinning your wrist so you couldn't escape. His tone was dark. It would have made you shake with terror if it wasn't so hot. Right now, the position you were in, was a sexual fantasy of yours for sure. 
"What happened to not being so easy? Huh?" He accused you, almost demanding an answer. It was jarring to hear him be this intense. 
“Um, ow! I don’t even know wha-” He cut you off with a messy kiss, aggressively biting your bottom lip as if to say don’t lie to him. You actually had no idea what he was talking about. In fact you almost thought this was all of his pent up emotions from the past few days.
 "Such a pathetic lie when you throw yourself at anyone who gives you the slightest bit of attention. Tell me was I not-"
"Who am I throwing myself at if not you?" You spat back not waiting for him to finish his monologue. You were furious because from your point of view you have no idea what the fuck he's going on about. He's the one who's been acting strange. If anything you should be the one yelling at him for not talking with you if he had an issue. Although you should have seen that coming. Technically it's what he was doing right now so you guess he did get there eventually but still you were mildly flustered and enraged with the delivery.
Dazai was silently scanning your eyes. You weren't lying to him. His fingers were digging into your wrist and your heart rate remained the same. Your eyes were clear and there were no obvious tells that your statement was false. He fucked up. He was wrong. He knew he was from the start but the impulses were too much for the rational part of his brain to stop while he was ahead. This is why he distanced himself. He wasn't capable of having nice things. He's spent so long waiting for the other shoe to drop he can't even trust that things could be different this time. As he loosened his grip on you the words cascaded from his mouth. "Then why did you sleep with Chuuya?" It shouldn't hurt him but it made his heart clench just the same. Dazai has had his fair share of one night stands. Sometimes it was nice to feel a human connection with another person. It should be no different but this was you. When did you become so important to him?
Your eyes widened in shock. He saw the photo. The trap you had set up weeks ago. Dazai was jealous, it worked. That's why he'd been acting weird. How long has he kept this to himself? Was that why he wanted you to ask about that night and the things you don't remember? Before you could register your actions your body moved on its own to close the distance between you with a tender kiss. Caressing his face you looked him in the eyes. It was now or never.  "Dazai, I am in love with you! Chuuya was only trying to help make you jealous so I could gauge if you even remotely liked me back." You blurted it out in a huff as you watched his expression drop and become unreadable. 
"Well it's a shame I don't feel the same because right now I think I hate you the most." There was no emotion to his words and he practically vanished out of thin air. Dazai needed space while he figured out what was going on in his head. Isolation was the only thing he knew that would bring him said clarity. He doesn’t regret his word choice but he also doesn’t think hate was the right word for it. He was irritated for sure but he didn’t exactly hate you. He definitely hated the situation though. The brunette was still wondering how you managed to get under his skin like this. Now that he wasn’t in the same room as you he understands the train of thought behind the picture and how Chuuya’s involvement led to the prank. It was partially his fault you even met to begin with. This also answered his questions about the redhead after the encounter. Looking back this must be how the others feel when he pulls one over on them. It was not a pleasant feeling.
 The room spun around you in a blur. It took you longer than you would have preferred to get yourself together and rush out of the infirmary. All the others pretended to mind their own business but you didn’t see Dazai so he probably bailed out of the office. You had to fix this before it was too late. Although something in the back of your mind wasn’t adding up. Why now? If he knew about the picture since that night why was it only today that he brought it up in a blind furry? There had to have been something to trigger this reaction. You don’t bother making an excuse to leave the office but you do grab your phone from Dazai’s desk. It didn’t click until you were halfway down the stairs that you had left your phone on your desk so how did it end up on Dazai’s. You frantically checked your messages and sure enough there was one from Chuuya. You frowned as you messaged him back blatantly lying about the other’s reaction to the prank. On one hand it did work as intended but how did it end up like this?
★ ★ ★ Pervious Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]  ★ ★ ★
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
One of the most annoying 'Snape was obsessed with Lily' assumptions is that he only likes potions to impress her, and that everything written in the Prince's book was in fact Lily's own innovation and he was obsessively looking at her brewing them and noted what she did. It's so stupid bc it assumes Snape was an idiot at potions and he was an obsessive incel. Immediate nope-out bc they like to strip him of ANY good traits he has because he cant possibly be intelligent. The only theory worse than that one is the 'James was the real HBP' that one hurts in its idiocy.
I’ve noticed that Snape antis constantly say that “Snape apologists only like Snape because of the reveal about him and Lily in the last book” and claim that we ignore what he’s done in the 6 previous books but then they go and make every single fucking thing he’s done about Lily. Even when she has nothing to do with it (Snape bullying Neville, for example).
Snape did this? Because of Lily. Snape said that? Because of Lily. *insert random fact about Snape*? Oh, because of Lily, Snivellus only *insert the most completely-made-up-random-ass—crazily-popular-bullshit-headcanon-ever-that-gets-treated-like-canon* because of Lily. It’s either that or “because *insert random-ass-motivation.*” LIKE CAN Y’ALL STOP WITH THAT?
His personality does NOT revolve around Lily or James. Stop trying to twist motivations and strip characters (ayo) of their canonical talents and abilities in order to glorify another. I’m certain Marauder stans would get angry if people started saying that “James only liked and played Quidditch just to impress Lily” and that he had no legitimate talent (or smth like that), and rightfully so.
But honestly, no matter how much that “James is actually the half-blood Prince” infuriates me, I just love how Marauder stans realise Snape’s creativity and skill and they can’t stand greasy meanie Snivellus being so talented to the point where they transfer his traits to James. Their lack of material is genuinely pitiable. Severus’s skill is canon, where did they even get the idea that he did it for Lily? Did they not hear Slughorn’s words in HBP?
Plus, there are two more problems with the situation:
James was most likely at best mediocre at Potions, if he was at least good—good, not extraordinarily talented—he 100% would’ve gotten invited to the Slug club; he was a wealthy, popular, pureblood Quidditch star. That would’ve been enough for Slughorn to invite him. If James was at least good at Potions, Slughorn would’ve invited him, but he didn’t. And Slughorn only ever brought Lily up when talking about Harry’s talent in Potions, never mentioned James.
They’re basically admitting that they’re alright with horrible things being done if it’s their faves doing it. The whole “James is the half blood Prince” theory is just stupid, but if he was the one who wrote all the notes into the book then he was the one who created Sectumsempra, Levicorpus and all the other spells. They eat Snape alive for creating Sectumsempra and Levicorpus but it’s totally fine and even cool for James to have done it. I’ve even seen some make excuses and say “Oh well James probably did it for a good reason” 1. Oh yeah? like he did with Levicorpus… aka the spell he used to sexually assault another teenager? 2. then why doesn’t that same logic apply to Snape? Why is it only your fave, and not my fave who *gasps* isn’t a sex offender?🫢 One of Marauder stans’ most common arguments to defend James’s actions in SWM is “well Snape created the spell (Levicorpus)!” (as if that justifies SA but that’s not the point), so if they’re saying James created the spell then….. 😗
They always find the weirdest ways to play themselves it’s actually so hilarious.
I’m sorry for ranting, anon, those two claims just really bother me.
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obstinatecondolement · 10 months
I need to stop watching this one YouTuber, because every time she makes a video I just get infuriated by the claims she makes and the air of authority with which she makes them. In this particular instance, I'm highly dubious of the claim that adult women calling themselves "girls" is a new thing and that it's always and only driven by a lack of confidence in their own adulthood and/or a fear of ageing.
Like... I remember being a tiny, highly literal autistic child in the 90s and getting Very Annoyed with my mother for saying she was meeting "the girls" (her adult woman friends) or when she'd tell me to give "the girl" at the checkout her loyalty card while she loaded the trolley, because to me a girl was only ever a child and the casual inaccuracy was as infuriating as people calling fully five year old children "babies" (my mother ran a business from home selling baby slings and had been involved in a non-profit centred around breastfeeding and an advocacy/educational group for people who wanted to have home births for most of my childhood, so I knew from babies and someone who was old enough to go to school was no baby in my eyes). This wasn't a high minded objection about women being infantilised or anything, I just hated when people said The Wrong Thing because it confused me and I already was confused enough as it was, lol.
But yeah, it definitely doesn't seem to be a 2010s invention to call women girls in this way and that it's necessarily indicative of a lack of self belief or a Peter Pan syndrome thing? Also, not to be getting too far out of my lane, but it seems to be really... white to me to be like "women have never called themselves girls before and this is a thing we need to be very worried about now that they are suddenly doing it for the very first time!" Like. Girl is AAVE and has been for some time, as far as I can tell. Granted I am a white non-American non-linguist, but I've been exposed to American media for my entire life, and this does not seem remotely new to me. And I also feel like adult women calling themselves and their female peers "girl" is something that's been really normal for a long time in a lot of other cultures beyond Black American culture and my culture tbh, but I don't have citations or anything, so this is mostly just My Opinion based on vibes and impressions.
Ugh. Anyway. I feel like video essayists sometimes just... are wrong. Actually. And I have very strong feelings about people being wrong, lol.
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kubrickscube · 2 years
Sun signs but I'm rating them based on my first-hand experience with them
Do I really have to explain the title? Please, don't be offended if I said some things here. If you get offended, please refer to the title again. Thank you. Aries Sun: iambiased/10
I'm biased because I know so many Aries suns (with different Moon signs) that I think I can make an astrology observation about them. For context, in my father's side I have 6 cousins who are born in Aries season and we all have different moon signs. That is not including those Arians outside of my family that I know of.
Anyway, yeah. The reason why I give Aries suns this out of 10 is because, this might sound weird, but the majority of the Aries suns I know has a surprisingly long patience. If you see one in the wild, they are passive unless attacked verbally or physically. Likes to clean as well (I can vouch for this), I don't know why. Anyway, iambiased/10 for sharing the same braincell when you clump them together in a room.
Taurus Sun: 9/10
These people... I know I've said this before but they are too fucking nice for this world. They infuriate me with their kindness. This is the difference between a Pisces and Taurus when it comes to empathy, the former is kind to everyone but knows how to stop when done wrong. The latter won't be nice from the get-go but will offer you everything that they have once you passed the screening test. AND THEY WON'T ADMIT TO THEMSELVES THAT YOU'VE DONE THEM WRONG, they will turn a blind eye. (this is turning into a rant but who cares) anyway, 9/10 will protect them from parasites.
Gemini Sun:7/10
FUcking rad beings. They do be popping out from holes unexpectedly, or at least that's how they come into my life. Unhinged as well. It may be my preference, but I like how you can talk them for a few minutes then never talk again until a year passes by. 7/10 would like to be unhinged with them in public.
Cancer Sun: 9/10
You know that gif of Nicki Minaj hugging a kid? Yeah. They're Nicki Minaj and we (other Sun signs) are the kid. And when they miss you? They will make up the dumbest reason for you to visit or meet up with them. They're such dorks and I love them for it. Not a full on 10 because they can be clingy sometimes, almost to a point where they become naggers (Sorry. I still love y'all though)
Leo Sun: 5/10
Ugh. I'm torn between giving them a higher score and just dragging them because I had an ex who's a Leo and he's so controlling and toxic that he tainted my view on Leos after we broke up. The other Leos that I know are lovely, and the way they deliver the jokes never miss. I know one who's not a chatterbox (a big surprise huh?) but when he jumps in on a joke, his deadpan delivery never miss. 5/10 please continue to be a ray of sunshine.
Virgo Sun: 10/10
I might get hate for this, but Virgos are the personification of a test subject and the scientist at the same time. NOW LET ME EXPLAIN. Aside from my mother, there's this person who's a Virgo through and through, and whenever I stop by at their house he's always doing some shit to the point where I don't even question it. They're always calm whenever their surroundings is quiet, I'll give them that. 10/10 would test random shit with them.
Libra Sun: 3/10
I had a falling out with a Libra. I know some of you are lovely. 3/10.
Scorpio Sun: 9.9/10
I hate being in the same room as Scorpios because instead of our 2 braincells working together it becomes 1. My oldest sister is a Scorpio and whenever we meet our plans go on a tangent. My roasting powers are amplified whenever I'm with them, there's that. The reason why it's lacking that .1 is because they don't want others to know that they're really a softie.
Sagittarius Sun: ???/10
Again, the good and the bad are split in this one. I know a guy who stalked me for weeks after we did a ✨one-time thing✨. Then there's this guy who's quiet most of the time but acts goofy whenever he can. So so so understanding (except for the first guy I mentioned) it makes me cry. Also a ray of sunshine, but the source is coming from their wisdom. ???/10 would drink and chill with these guys.
Capricorn Sun: unhhh(respectful)/10
At first I hated Sea Goats. So arrogant, and they don't like the feeling of being wrong lol. Fucking know-it-alls, BUT then I realized that how they cope with failures is similar to mine. Why unhhh(respectful)/10? Because I married one
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Aquarius Sun: 10/10
OKAY so Aquarius peeps don't lie. How do I know? When I was in college, I had a friend who is a seminarian and we would always hangout and smoke cigarettes (don't do this) during lunchtime. And one time, out of nowhere, he showed me a picture of his girlfriend (not allowed, don't do this if you are one) and I thought he was joking so I brushed it off. 2 years later, he exited the seminary and he married his girlfriend. 10/10 slap me with your bluntness.
Pisces Sun: 5/10
I don't get Pisces suns. They confuse me most of the time and I hate it. They're the type to look you in the eye and then not talk about it. Is it a prophecy? Is it bullshit? Only Pisces knows. 5/10 please be clear because I don't know what you're talking about.
That's it. I hope you had fun reading my thoughts and experiences with each sign. Thank you for reading until the end. Some may be short as I think it is a bit revealing of who I am. Maybe I'll be more open in the future posts. Who knows? Not me.
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anti-dazai-blog · 2 years
I see you're interested in Dazai's treatment of Chuuya rn, but if you don't mind me ranting a bit about Akutagawa feel free to respond. First of all Akutagawa despite his edginess always felt like a really good character to me. During my first watch I didn't try to analyze the characters much, and the tone of the anime made me ignore a lot of the shit Dazai's done. But on my second watch (dw only watched it twice, second time in preparation for watching dead apple I'm not too obsessed haha) it started feeling wrong. I find Akutagawa relatable and he's an important character to me, and Dazai toying with him and his need for approval by giving the approval he wanted to Atsushi was almost uncomfortable to watch. If I had my own attempts to get approval from a person I admired shut down like this I'd crumble and die on the spot, not even being dramatic. The fact no one seems to talk about how he's essentially fueling Akutagawa's hate for Atsushi, which puts Atsushi in danger??? He doesn't care about Atsushi at all, regardless of what the fandom says (and shipping them gives me killing stalking vibes atp. The power imbalance is terrifying). I used to tolerate Dazai as a character but now he makes me angry. He's abusive as fuck both to Akutagawa and Atsushi, yet people mostly recognize his abuse towards Akutagawa.
Not to mention Akutagawa already somewhat freed himself from Dazai's influence (since he left port mafia). In a way he was probably healing just for Dazai to show up and flex that he got a new toy (person to abuse and feed his ego). When Akutagawa was forced to work with Atsushi (s2) and he didn't attempt to sacrifice everything to murder him... that was some serious character development. It showed him as a person healing from trauma and trying to become someone more than just Dazai's victim, forever manipulated to act in a way Dazai planned beforehand (somehow). And despite all this growth Dazai was still an asshole to him.
Oh and just a sidenote his constant half assed suicide attempts feel like a slap in the face to me, someone who attempted more than once. His bandages all over the body feel disrespectful as well. I'm certain there's no way he has so many injuries that need to be bandaged over at the same time. Hell, most wounds would require him to take the bandage off eventually for better healing. The fact he doesn't do it to me implies he doesn't have any injuries under the bandages at all.
I think I wouldn't hate Dazai this much if he wasn't so beloved in the fandom. I don't mind toxic/abusive characters, a well writen one is a delight to include in fanfics and whatnot. But the way his actions are excused and he's seen as sweet and caring (sadly stumbled upon dazai bf imagines) is infuriating.
Hope my rant is not too chaotic. I just saw some more bad headcanons in the tag and had to talk abt it. lol anyway sorry. Have a good day/night ♡
Anon, when I got your asks I saw it was really long, so I pulled out a few index cards to take notes on it. And now that I have, and my thoughts are decently organized, I’ll answer.
First off— feel free to send asks about any character at any time!! My current interest in Chuuya is only because the upcoming chapters are his first manga appearance, and I haven’t written about him in this series yet. Because of the fandom’s love for him (or rather, in this context it would be their love for soukoku [the ship]), I wanted to put a disclaimer about my personal stance and belief in Chuuya’s lack of guilt in any Dazai-related situation. 
Moving on to your ask-
You make a lot of really good points here. I’ll write my response in bullet point format, divided by the paragraphs of your ask.
Paragraph 1’s points-
yeah, the tone of the anime really pushes the viewer’s mind away from just how horrific Dazai’s actions are. It’s like those old sitcoms with laugh tracks— when people on YouTube finally get around to editing the laugh track out, it turns out that every joke is bad at best, and blatantly racist at worst. Except with bsd, instead of there being a bunch of bad jokes, it’s just a fun little two hour compilation of abuse, that’s supposed to be funny because the silly bandage man is doing it. I guess the bsd equivalent of editing out the laugh track would be replacing Dazai with someone who isn’t conventionally attractive.
I agree completely— nearly everything Dazai does is uncomfortable to watch. Not because it’s awful, but because it’s played off as a joke. Awful things happen in media (and in real life) all the time, but what turns it from awful to horrifying is when the witnesses of it (in this case, the audience) laughs along with the abuser instead of sympathizing with the victim. 
And to add on to what you’re saying— Dazai always sees people’s wants and needs, deepest desires, hopes, regrets, insecurities etc… and uses that knowledge to toy with people. It’s his favorite passtime. He doesn’t have a hobby. This is the one and only thing he does in his free time. 
Anon, I’m actively writing my analysis of Chapter 9 (which is 100% Akutagawa-centric, because he’s the only one to interact with Dazai in that chapter). And you just covered half the points I’m gonna make. He really is just fueling Akutagawa’s hatred of Atsushi in that scene, and the first thing Akutagawa does after leaving the dungeon is stab Atsushi straight through the chest. And remember, he’s supposed to be capturing the weretiger ALIVE. But Dazai had to intentionally make Akutagawa’s grievances with Atsushi a personal matter, rather than a professional one like it was prior to now.
Also, I’m very very proud of you for outright calling Dazai abusive, because you’re right and you should say it, and I don’t say it often enough. 
And yes, Dazai has absolutely no regard for Atsushi (or anyone else’s) safety. I think he would try to avoid allowing agency members to get killed, but other than that he really doesn’t care what happens to them.
Now onto paragraph 2 of your (very long but very great) ask-
I’ve always been curious about what Akutagawa was like in the time between Dazai leaving the mafia and Dazai resurfacing. I do have a slight headcanon that he healed a lot in that time, and made a lot of personal progress that was all undone when Dazai showed up again. Tbh I’d like to read a Light Novel on this topic— I’d love for Asagiri to show us how Akutagawa’s life looked a month before Dazai reappeared. 
As you point out, it’s definitely progress on Akutagawa’s part when he didn’t instinctively attack Atsushi in s2. But nonetheless, this is also a part of Dazai’s plan. If he attacks Atsushi, it’s a part of Dazai’s “set up a rivalry” plan. If he doesn’t, it’s a part of Dazai’s “and then the rivals work together” plan. Either way, no matter what he does, Dazai will go to sleep that night patting himself on the back for accomplishing exactly what he hoped to accomplish. Either way, it’s a lose-lose for Akutagawa, because no matter what he does he’ll be playing into Dazai’s hand. Unless, of course, he ditches Atsushi entirely. 
Paragraph 3-
YES YES I’M SO GLAD SOMEONE SAID IT!! I love you anon. Listen. Ok. Listen- I personally have never had to deal with depression and/or thoughts of suicide, so I felt like commenting on this topic would be inappropriate/ out of line for me. But I’ve had many friends who have tried to commit suicide. One of my close friends was in the hospital for almost a year from an attempt. And watching bsd make a joke of it felt.. wrong. But then I look around the fandom and see so many people using Dazai as a coping mechanism of sorts— I get it, he’s a character who many people find easy to like, and it can be nearly comforting in a way, for some people, to screenshot images of Dazai being Dazai and adding a caption of “he’s just like me fr!!” I know well that for people who are actually struggling with suicidal thoughts, it’s easier to find a character you relate to and work out stuff through that character than to have to self-analyze and self-reflect on uncomfortable topics. And I’d much rather have my friends tell my how much they’re “just like Dazai fr!!” than to have to hear all about how badly they wanna jump onto the tracks every time we’re waiting for a train. AND YET. As much as I understand the value of Dazai to many people. It’s not worth it. What’s the point of temporary comfort in a fictional character that’ll only perpetuate your thoughts and echo them back to you. If you wanna die, it’s not going to help that your favorite character does too. Maybe you’ll laugh about it before your death. Maybe your last words will be “he’s just like me fr!!”. And then what. Did it help you? Did it really help you to have someone fictional you relate to? No, it didn’t. Suicide’s not a joke. Silly bandage man should take off his silly bandages and stop making suicide a character gimmick.
Final point- fandoms are always ready to forgive their poor little meow meows. And Dazai is a lot of people’s poor little meow meow. So yeah, no matter what he does it’ll be forgiven. 
And that’s that! Excellent ask, anon!! It’s very well-phrased. I like it. 
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neonponders · 2 years
As bad as the writing on st is I really thought that the intention behind Billy's line to max about Lucas was incredibly clear. We learn later that max living up to Neil's rulebook decides when Billy is abused. Neil doesn't take her misbehavior out on her yet. But Billy knows Neil's rules and consequences more than anyone. As much as Billy takes his anger and resentment out on her, I genuinely can't see that line as anything but a warning. Not about how black people are bad so you need to stay away from them. It's about how Neil is racist and Billy knows he's violent. Lucas and Max could be in physical danger if Neil found out about them. If Neil throws around the f slur you can't convince me he doesn't throw around the n word too. The line is so specific- there are some people in this world that you learn to stay away from. The given circumstances point directly to Neil as that teacher.
You could call it a headcanon but if I was playing Billy I would have come up with this backstory for him anyway. Lines like that imply history. It could be that Billy has had to listen to Neil's racist comments in general his whole life, or maybe he tried having black friends in California as a kid. Neil would have been furious and the lesson was probably punctuated with violence. (I find it even more interesting if the incident that brought them to Indiana involved Billy being caught with another boy. Maybe that boy was white, maybe he wasn't. It all makes for a more fleshed out story either way.)
So I genuinely don't think that Billy pushing Lucas against the wall was racially motivated. It is entirely valid for Lucas and the rest of the kids to have perceived it that way. I probably would too. So anyway, you're totally right. There's no way Neil knows who Lucas is, but I think Billy was very clearly trying to keep it that way for all of their sakes.
Sorry for the million word character analysis. I just think Billy is so interesting and he had so much potential if he was written better. One day I'm gonna shake dacres hand and thank him for loving Billy as much as we do.
(I deleted my story post because I delete everything nowadays, but I think you're right in that Billy was trying to stop Max x Lucas from happening before it could blow up into a real issue.)
But yeah, I've been really looking back on my life and realizing that the racial stuff in this show is so careless and really shows a lack of actual experience.
The thing that really gets my cylinders firing is that no one talks about Billy being the Oldest Sibling™ and Max being the Youngest Sibling™.
(For anyone who missed my story from last night, it was when my best friend had a crush on a Black boy and had to break up with him because she discovered her father and brother were a threat to him.)
But this brings me to my own brother, who had to learn racial stuff the hard way. That's what Oldest Siblings do, they face the world alone and get the worst of everything. My brother was making friends with two black boys in my grandparents' neighborhood, and as soon as my white, Christian/conservative grandmother got wind of it, she unveiled some really nasty character traits to my brother.
But not to me. I'm the baby of the family. I'm the precious baby girl (she/they) who could do no wrong (jokes on her because I've dated Black people lol).
Clearly, this entire issue isn't just racial, it's also sexist, because girls are treated differently than boys. That's a different rant entirely.
Billy Hargrove is such an accidental love letter to eldest siblings who get super messed up because of the adult figures in their life, and Max is the poster child for younger siblings who get to watch all the mistakes and promptly avoid them.
It infuriates me how this show manages to create very real and complex characters, only to then write the plot around them so carelessly and shitty.
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anarcho-sexual · 21 days
hoooollly fuuuuuuck dude
it’s so agonizing
it’s so infuriating being smarter than 99% of the strangers I interact with
It’s miserable
I don’t know how these people come up with such utterly stupid things that make no sense & also aren’t connected in any way to what the topic is
It’s so agonizing & I don’t care if I’m being arrogant I wouldn’t say I’m smarter than someone if I weren’t.
No need to be afraid to interact with me cause I’ll think you’re stupid. I won’t most likely. If you’re just kind I have no issue with you.
But these strangers that I’m arguing with about significant things are so dumb I can hardly handle it
Some guy tried to tell me BLM, yes the entirety of the BLM movement, is dumb because George Floyd was a bad person & we all worship him like a hero. Then after I explained that nobody worships him, we all know he was a shithead, & that the state murdering people isn’t okay just because they’re bad people, this dumb cunt cake back & claimed once more that Americans worship George Floyd. But it wasn’t like refuting my claim. No it was just another statement of the idea that he is worshipped. He just doubled down. We’re all fucking morons for being upset that police murder people for the color of their skin just because George Floyd was a bad person. Like holy fuck. I wouldn’t care at all if another citizen murdered Floyd for being a domestic abuser (if that’s even true). Wouldn’t care & would say he deserved it. But it’s never okay for the police to break the damn law & murder someone. That will never be justice. Besides, the cops couldn’t have known everything about Floyd when they killed him. But it’s okay i guess to murder people for being black if you later find out they were a bad person.
I just can’t stand it. & that guy was from fucking SWEDEN!!!!!!! I thought they had a good education system in european countries ffs!! & he told me that people will break the hands of theives & kill domestic abusers (he kept saying woman abuser cause i guess that’s the only person it’s wrong to abuse idk). Yeah that’s right he fucking compared private citizens hurting “bad” people to agents of the American state murdering people extrajudicially.
Sometimes i think suicide would be better than having to keep interacting with people like this
once again, if you want to interact with me please don’t feel nervous. I won’t think you’re stupid. It’s just these people I argue with & I most likely only argue with right wingers because I have productive discussions with leftists. I won’t judge you unless you’re a bigot & I truly love interacting with kind people as well as making new friends. Just don’t choose to be stupid & we’re good. I’m talking the level of stupid it takes to read something I said & then respond as if I said something completely 100% different & unrelated to the topic at all. If you can comprehend words & sentences at the level of at least a 6 year old we’ll get along just fine I promise.
& like i said stupidity is a choice that’s why it makes me so angry. being ignorant is not always a choice. being uneducated is not always a choice, especially when it comes to lacking a formal education. but stupidity is always a choice. can’t stand it.
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greygilberti · 5 months
A Court of Mist and Fury spoilers ahead. Also, possible infuriating opinions:
Alright, I'm gonna say it: I'm reading A Court if Mist and Fury (64% finished) aaaaaand I find it very fucked up that Feyre just sent a note to Tamlin about her being gone. I love Rhysand and how he treats Feyre is MUCH better than Tamlin, but Tamlin at least deserves a face to face explanation of why she left. It's my opinion that cyclic behavior continues because there is no communication. The fact that the story between Feyre and Tamlin is being pushed forward because of a lack of communication is killing my soul.
Like yeah, she pointed out - in her own internal monolog- that he loved her until he got his powers and land back and then seemingly just wanted to keep her as a pet. Yeah, that's fucked up HOWEVER if you play along with it and don't speak up and give that person reasons and detail everything that is fucked up about the situation and how poorly you feel you're being treated then that person isn't going to know. And NO, I'm not saying she deserved that kind of treatment, but if he doesn't know to NOT treat her like that, how is he to change???
I GET - excuse me, I ASSUME - that what is being demonstrated is an abusive relationship between the 2 of them. I have known plenty of emotionally and mentally abusive people in my life - some of my favorite people are married to them and I have BEEN a victim - to understand this. You know what I feel needs to happen? Communication. When the problematic behavior starts or you realize what's happening, sit down with your partner, family member, or whoever it may be and detail the issues. Give them a chance, and when they don't change, that's when you pack your bags and leave. (I understand every real-life situation is different, but this is FICTION, and from what I remember, he never physically harmed her, and his behavior is more of an overbearing parent)
They BOTH have trauma from being under the mountain. Thus far, we haven't found out if Amarantha abused Tamlin the way she did Rhys in that time. We know that he wakes up with similar behavior to Feyre's, and neither of them help the other, so yeah, she got some explaining to do as well. (I understand it takes time, and not everyone wants to talk about trauma but not even holding him? We're never told that she made any attempts at comfort. They both just seemingly ignore one another). Maybe had she been like, "Hey baby, it would be really nice for you to be there with me. I kinda fucked my entire life and psyche up trying to free you and you can't even hold my hair back while I vomit. Oh yeah and I feel like the walls are closing in on me so maybe don't suggest I stay in the house all the time OH and my favorite thing in the world - painting - makes me wanna scream. I understand you have duties, but maybe we can help each other out somehow. " This is FICTION, they have indoor plumbing in a more or less medieval setting and you're telling me that an underdeveloped understanding of psychology and PTSD is where you draw the line?
I love the story EXCEPT for that. Facing the ones we love and telling them how their behavior HURTS and is DIFFICULT but if you can't tell your partner how they're unintentionally hurting you or how they can better help you, how are you going to do that with another potential partner? Yeah, Rhys and Feyre have the bond and he can gather info from that about how she's feeling but if that's the only reason he's a better partner then maybe Rhys isn't all that great??? I LOVE Rhys, but I also think that Talmin deserves better. He's not a bad guy, yeah he's made some shitty choices, but that's kinda what everyone does if their behavior isn't corrected.
And to everyone who's gonna be like "oh just wait, he's not actually that great. Him and Ianthe are scheming something blah blah blah" cool, imma find out eventually but my opinions still stand: there is no change in behavior without communication and I still want to rip my hair out every second that passes and Feyre and Tamlin don't actually sit down and talk.
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zurazakis · 5 months
hey! welcome to my long post where i complain about dragon age inquisition again 👍 literally don't even worry about it
the lack of even a bit of customisation regarding the inquisitor's origins truly is a downfall of inquisition's & generally the inquisitor kinda feels flat as a character. there are voice options but only two of them & i often find that dialogue options just don't fit what i want really, nor do they help toward making the inquisitor a character of their own. the war table operations related to the inquisitor's background could've easily been made actual quests with the sheer amount of pretty pointless quests that make the game longer & longer with very little reward for it (thinking of the sheer amount of quests just in the hinterlands. in my first playthrough i was stuck there for months because i just Did not want to get through that. it was my first dragon age game & it was very intimidating), but they're just... war table operations. & you kinda get nothing out of that. it's a real shame
the bits of custom dialogue they give to elven, qunari, dwarven & mage inquisitors are bare minimum when compared to the previous games. i enjoy that there are mage-specific choices for sit in judgement but they do kind of invariably suck (though if you're playing a shithole of a person then sure you can probably afford to make alexius tranquil). one of the few good things about these is that iirc you can get on cullen's case about him supporting you, a mage, but the inquisitor also has no real knowledge of what cullen has done & how bad it actually was so it's... yknow. kinda empty. also the way the class/race-specific dialogue is done in inquisition feels... very uh, "nonbinary character who is characterised by saying 'whoa did you just assume my pronouns???' ", which is probably not their intent (at least not fully & not everytime it happens) but it sure feels like it & god is it grating & frankly insulting at times. i'm used to fantasy microaggressions in dragon age games but in inquisition... grr.
& of course it's all coupled with quests like here lies the abyss which. just make the game not worth finishing. yes i've finished it five times but this isn't about these saves. it was a huge slap in the face to be faced with the alistair or hawke choice as a direct consequence of me doing whatever i could to help alistair keep living the happiest possible life he could have. it felt like a punishment for doing that & i know dragon age direction really likes to just make you regret doing good but this specific quest is the reason all my unfinished playthroughs are unfinished.
the flatness of the inquisitor makes it even more infuriating in that you, the player, have stakes in this but the inquisitor doesn't & cannot because they're just not allowed to have ties to either of them at all? or to have anything other than underwhelming dialogue options really lmao. you can't communicate much of anything during that quest through a character to who hawke & alistair are, yeah some important people probably, but they're still just... not people they really know. (wow haha wouldn't it be nice to have had more quests with them & also to have them as temporary companions... or something... haha..;..) at least having stroud as an easy out if you made alistair king or exiled him or whatever else spared me some anguish in my first playthrough (though i didn't know alistair at the time either so it probably wouldn't have meant anything to me).
also! as someone with ocs who have more specific backgrounds than what has been given to me by the games (like shamir, a formerly tranquil dreamer with a spirit friend - more akin to wynne than anders pre-tranquility but hope merged with him upon reaching for his mind. so basically. someone who could easily get alistair out of the fade. you know, his husband. someone who's also been friends with anders. you know. my hawke's boyfriend.) it does endlessly frustrate me that they're not willing to explore more daring options for what is & isn't possible to do. they literally have so many options to make things less miserable & they just refuse. & it's not even for the sake of narrative satisfaction! very few things in inquisition are narratively satisfying at all! so what's the point? what is the point of it all? if everything ends in misery anyway why did you make me do all this. it isn't cathartic or saddening it's upsetting & downright frustrating. i get nothing out of here lies the abyss
i don't know how to end this post. i'm just very peeved by . all this
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asakiooi · 9 months
Staying Overtime
Sonus Hli and Masahiro Fujikawa hours
It was dim in the room with her computer being the only light source. Sonus stretches in her seat, her legs extend and then she’s suddenly at the computer again. Her fingers move to clack against the keyboard swiftly and she focuses on the charts in front of her.
The clock ticks and reverbs in her ears. The skies that were previously blue now are pitch black behind her. It was late, and she knew that if she didn’t finish her now she’d get a lecture.
It was her fault of course, she was slacking. Not because she went out of her way to avoid her responsibilities, but because she simply sucked at understanding the components of the modern world. She did her best of course, and that’s gotten her here so far. Looks like she wouldn’t be able to stay awake to find out more information about the ‘force’.
Taylor and Elwyn went home already. Shane had to stay behind as usual, but even he wasn’t allowed the leniency of visiting his fellow colleagues in the same building, being a guard and all.
Sonus looked out at the window for the 20th time this hour. She purses her lips together and groans. With a large crack she collapses on her keyboard and groans louder this time.
Then a ding echoes on the floor. With a slight jump she rises up and peeks out of her cubicle. No one there, she thinks. She can’t really see of course, her cubicle is literally at the end corner of the floor. She sits back down and slowly begins to type again, this time a bit anxiously.
She types and types, looking over at the charts and tries to wrack her head around it. The concept of this, she thought, was infuriating. Good thing she didn’t have to do this forever, because-
“The hell are you still doing here?”
Sonus jumps in her seat again and yelps. She frantically looks around then finally finds a tall man standing next to her cubicle wall. His glasses glint from her screen light and his blond hair illuminates in her eyes.
’Fucks sake, it’s Masahiro.’
“Well?” He said impatiently.
“… I was just finishing up work, sir.” Sonus said without a hint of feeling.
Masahiro looks over at her screen and squints. His face immediately turns into that of a wrinkled egg, and he scoffs.
“With those kinds of stats? How the hell you even managed to get a place here surprises me.” He says with a menacing sigh and shakes his head.
“Is there something wrong with my stats, sir?” Sonus asked with a bit of annoyance.
Perhaps it was the lack of sleep, she shouldn’t be raising an attitude with a higher up after all. And besides, this one in particular loved to fire people.
Masahiro glances over at the screen and back to Sonus.
“Yeah. A lot.” Masahiro walks behind her and then stays silent.
“Then… can you help me figure out where the mistakes are, sir?” Sonus asks.
She didn’t know whether it was the overworking part of him wanting to get shit done or if he genuinely just wasn’t in the mood for fucking around, but she was surprised when he hovered over her closely and put a spare hand on her desk.
With an exasperated sigh he goes on to point out her mistakes and makes a comment whenever she makes another one in his presence. Occasionally he would lift up his finger to point out a stat and put it back down, which she noted. It was a sign. That he was willing to help her out and stay behind a little longer.
Eventually they both cleared out her messy chart and finally Sonus turned off her computer and began gathering her things. Masahiro stood tall once again and began walking off when Sonus called out to him.
“Thank you, sir.” She said with a bit of hesitance. She knew this man wasn’t the type to indulge in kindness or anything else positive for the matter. But nonetheless she tried.
Masahiro stops in his tracks. Then he walks again, this time he waves up his right hand with a motion and puts it back down. He acknowledged her.
He walks into the darkness with a ding in the distance and everything is quiet again. Sonus finishes up packing up her papers and begins to leave as well.
Masahiro walks onto the entrance floor. His belongings in his arm and keys ready in his hands. He silently strides out of the building with a masculine voice following behind him granting him a good night.
Shane stands closely and sniffs the air. He looks confused for a moment as Masahiro leaves but then returns to his usual stoic look. A ding is heard from the inside of the building and Shane looks in. Sonus is walking towards the entrance and spots him. She smiles then walks a little faster.
Shane waves and gives back a smaller smile. As Sonus finally makes it out of the building he asks her about her work. Sonus complains about not understanding charts while she talks to Shane, she waves her hand around in a dramatic manner and he chuckles.
During her parade he gets a whiff of a familiar fragrance and again contorts his face into confusion. Suddenly his mind flashes to Masahiro and he stops mid track.
Shane’s eyes switch to confusion, then to surprise, then to confusion again.
“Hello? Shane, you there?” Sonus asks while waving her hand in his face.
Shane snaps back to reality then blinks for a couple of moments. He looks to Sonus who is concerned and coughs a little. With a little nod he tells her to continue.
They both walk off together back to his car and as he’s about to get in he spots Masahiro in his. Shane stares. Masahiro stares.
Shane fucking cringes and visibly makes a face where his lips extend into his cheeks, neither upwards or downwards. Oh god, Shane thought. He’s gonna get the wrong idea.
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In Memoriam David Crosby
Just heard from a friend that David Crosby has passed. He's… an easier man to mourn than he was to live with, apparently. Some people are like that. More loveable dead than alive. It can't be easy to be one of those sorts of people. I'm sure all kinds of people he hurt and fucked over will be writing heartfelt and possibly equivocal tributes and remembrances.
Because he was brilliant and he was a genius and he was entitled and an asshole and traumatized and deeply, deeply fucked up in so many ways. Like the man literally deserved to die long before he actually did. It's well-known. He burned through a liver drinking and they gave him another one even though he didn't deserve one. Everyone knows it, he probably knew it. I don't know for sure. There's a movie about him I haven't seen.
In some way he was the most honest of the boomers, I think. Before everybody hated boomers, they hated Crosby, for the same reasons the boomers are the Awful Generation. (And yes it's not an age thing, boomer is a mindset, sometimes I act like a boomer, which is why I'm writing a eulogy to David Crosby now.) I still remember the first time I saw a T-shirt that said "Save the planet, kill a boomer", I still remember how much of a hard-on it gave me. I don't know what that says about me, but it definitely says something about me. I don't get hard-ons anymore and I'm glad. I got to transition. Just barely. I'm not sure I would have had the chance if I was a boomer. I mean yeah on the one hand it's "never too late" but it's a long long way from August to December, from 46 to 78. The days grow short when you reach September. That's what Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson said.
David Crosby, the guy who "grokked" Heinlein's repulsive misogynist take on polyamory and turned it into "Triad". David Crosby, who wrote "Almost Cut My Hair", a song about how long hair on guys was a symbol of political resistance and not queer at all actually. He was more than self-centered and arrogant - he was self-destructive. He knew it. He just couldn't quite figure out how not to be the asshole. As much as that's infuriating and pathetic, his total lack of empathy, I mean… at least he faced real, meaningful consequences. I like that. Most boomers don't.
His most assholish moments… I respect them in a weird way. He co-wrote Wooden Ships, about sailing off into the sunset leaving a wasted, ruined post-apocalyptic land behind. It was escapism. It was an abdication of responsibility. It's not too far off from the way I live my life. Someone, I forget who, you can find a cite if you like, once asked Crosby what about the people who didn't make it onto the ships. "Fuck 'em", he said. That was horrifying but it was honest. I don't know that Kantner would be that honest. I feel like Kantner maybe believed that the ships would have all the Best People, that it would be just and not be packed with privileged white people. Because sometimes "privilege" is just the difference between living and dying. Yeah, Crosby didn't deserve another liver. What was he supposed to do? Die because it would be "just" for him to do so? Somebody else could have had his liver. Somebody else deserved to live instead of him. Fuck 'em.
Croz. Desperate. Afraid. Oppositional. Defiant. He's a reflection of my own privilege, of my own unjustified, paranoid fear. It will always be part of me. I try to manage it better than he did. I have more opportunity, for all of his privilege, than he ever did. Chances he never had. The boomers were given the world and destroyed it, and those of us who follow in their wake have… what? I don't know. I don't have a word for it. Something, though. Something. My being, my existence, makes sense only now, in the Decline, the crepuscule, the approaching ruination of their world. Their cruelty, their callousness, emboldens me to renounce them, and their works, and their empty promises.
The song that means the most to me of his is "Laughing", from his solo debut If I Could Only Remember My Name. Here are the complete lyrics:
I thought I met a man Who said he knew a man Who knew what was going on
I was mistaken Only another stranger That I knew
And I thought that I'd found a light To guide me through My night and all this darkness
I was mistaken Only reflections of a shadow That I saw
And I thought I've seen someone Who seemed at last To know the truth
I was mistaken Only a child laughing In the sun
Did he actually understand? Did he realize the truth in the song? It's an old truth. The child is father of the man. Wordsworth. Van Dyke Parks. Fucking… David Clayton Thomas, right? The child laughing in the sun is the truth. That's the most we can ever know of the truth. I don't know. It took me a long time to understand that, but I understand it now. Did he? Does it matter? No. He was an asshole and he's dead now and it's a fucking great song.
Maybe David Crosby's name doesn't matter so much, but I remember it, I will remember it, as long as I live. His name is Cronos. He is the unrepentant monster who devours his own children, and we are the children who burst forth from his stomach. The day is cold and clear. I'm laughing. Why am I laughing? Because I fucking love being alive.
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write-not-to-think · 2 years
I like talking to you, it makes me feel nice and warm inside. I look at my phone every other time to see the little icon saying you've texted me, and it gets me through the day. I smile like I'm stupid every time I see your name popping on my screen, it would be infuriating if it wasn't such a lovely feeling. I like talking to you, exchanging ideas and thoughts, feelings even, though not feelings about each other of course, I like learning things about you, telling you about me ; it makes me realise I'm not the insecure kid I used to be, I'm actually confident and kinda well-adjusted ? I'm not second guessing every single text I send, I'm not overanalysing her every words, I'm not burrying myself in self-doubt and lack of self-esteem anymore, God I'm not even afraid to be myself and be honest about my insterests, even if that means that there are a lot of things we don't have in common, we can still get along even if we're very diferent, and it doesn't mean we're gonna stop talking if I don't like eveything you like. Damn. Took me a really long time to figure that out. I feel freer than I've ever felt, I'm allowing myself to actually flirt with someone by being my flawed, quirky self and doing what my instincts tell me without wondering if it might be weird or understood wrong and potentially ruin the relationship. I trust her to not think I'm not the person I've shown her I am, and if some of the meaning is somehow lost in translation, maybe that's okay, I don't have to worry so much. It's just a text. It's not that meaningfull.
And here I am, it's almost 1am and we're supposedly waiting for your friend to tell you when he's dropping the keys so we can set a time for our maybe date. I mean, we actually keep talking to each other because we like spending time getting to know each other, because this far in the night I don't think your friend is answering you anytime soon. And I don't feel slightly bad about that, I'm not questioning the reasons why she likes me, hell I'm not even questioning whether she even likes me or not, I'm getting the signals, and I know she's getting them too. That feels wonderful.
Fiction tought us we had to yearn for complicated, devastating love to feel fulfilled but... Yeah no, trusting people and not freaking out every second is definitely better.
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