bruwudershaft · 4 months
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some things can't be fixed by just some "sorry" some things can't be fixed with being sorry some things can't just be fixed
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jell-o101 · 6 months
OH BOY I AM HEAVILY DEBATING THIS BUT OH WELL. Both outcomes are angsty as hell but still give off a bittersweet result. Now, I want you guys to make the decision for me to utilize in Luigi’s Escape Plan
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wyrdle · 13 days
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Faithful Liar
Quick and dirty shuji ikutsuki centric comic.
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nemisisnemi · 6 months
Firstly, here's the ugly crying Lilia
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we need to get the peepaw out of the way before everything else
(sorry lilia ily but this drawing did not do you justice)
also I can't draw dragons, sooo uh...sorry to baby Malleus too
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orangechickenpillow · 7 months
Me watching s1 Viktor being a sad, shy little cutie pie: I can't wait for this man to go feral
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psychedelic-ink · 6 days
do I dare do kinktober this year?
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nyaskitten · 1 year
fuck (New Dragons Rising Premiere Info)
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Apparently, some episodes of Dragons Rising will be airing in a French theater on May 24th, at around 3 PM, and chances are someone's gonna wanna record it and spoil it because that's just what some people LOOOOVE doing in the Ninjago fandom for SOME reason
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avengers-rule103 · 2 years
Nancy and Steve, openning the Victor Creel house door together, opening doors, taking down barriers, letting each other in, the SYMBOLISM. we love that for them. 🥰👏👏👏
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depoteka · 3 months
i finished crocheting something yesterday and now i dunno what to crochet next and i got so used to crocheting all the time that i dunno what to do with my hands now
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icyrose-cat · 6 months
am i that much of a big name around here...
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
Clock time is at 11:57
(Hands stuck at 12 and 11 in numerals)
Black nail at 2
Blue nail at 8
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
To think the only time they played red desert live on full was before the song was even out it's insane.
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the-travelling-witch · 8 months
good day to everyone, i’ve been procrastinating on cleaning the kitchen and have not been productive in any other way either (* ̄▽ ̄)b
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gohjuo · 5 months
💐 + reverse 😘����
send 💐 to ask my muse on a date ( send reverse for my muse to ask yours on a date ) / selectively accepting
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OLD TRADITIONS, old traditions. they are nothing but routines that cement people into a comfortability, a couch that one eases themselves into & sinks into once relaxed. a reliance on something that breeds routines, but sometimes they are meant to broke. satoru sprinkles a freshness to his elders ways of thinking, but it doesn't mean they welcome this change. they are too prideful in their reasoning of right & wrong, the obsession of how things must be done finds itself buried further than the tattoos that stain his flesh. it irks him, but there's only a few people who are slowly rallying alongside satoru. there is one particular person that rises above the rest.
his grin is wide with the adrenaline pumping in his veins. azure oculars hidden beneath dark circular shades hide the wildness that settles in. a predator marking it's claws onto it's victim & ready to maul it's food into nothing. the only thing left would be the carcass of a barely breathing human & satoru doesn't shy away from the blood that splatters onto the collar of his suit. ❛ah, that was designer. guess we'll find out if i can still make charges against a missing person. ❜
VIOLENCE has always been held in satoru's hands, it defines a part of his livelihood, part of his inheritance that he is to conquer. it's the ichor that stains against his pallor calloused knuckles, it's the way that he regards few lives so important. satoru never finds himself concerned with the merit of the lives that are on the receiving end of the pain he produces. violence lives in the form of a six foot three man with the sweet tooth that lingers after a fight. he revels in it, a plant siphoning it's energy off the sunlight producing the necessary nutrients it needs.
fifteen minutes later there's an envelope slipped into his suit pocket with the correct funds. lithe fingers takes the moment to unwrap the lollipop in his pocket & stick into his mouth. the ocean observes the unharmed bouquet that is left on the table, he reaches for it & thinks that suguru would be fond of this. a softer smile graces his countenance like watercolor hitting a canvas. satoru clutches onto it as if he had just discovered a long lost treasure before walking out the door. he knows who is waiting for him. satoru knows he looks good even in the blood of his enemies. the raven haired man is enjoying a quiet smoke, a defense against someone who might try to weasel their way through. ❛ told you i got this handled, but i got you a little something. for being so patient with me.❜ a brief pause before he decides to elaborate.
❛ wanna go on a date with me? ❜ he flashes the flowers in front of him, petals of pinks & white roses along with violet lilies hide his mouth. he shifts the sucker in his mouth to the side, tongue tasting more of the manufactured sugar that brings him a different type of joy. ❛ nothing more romantic than this.❜
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lixzwithapen · 1 year
They sleep at night
Less fright
Less fight
More light
At night
Heart wide open
Spread thin
I'm in
It again
When am I?
Don't cry
Don't die
Don't you dare
For my mind
Be kind
They sleep at night
I might
But the light is so bright
At night
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tea-understands · 1 year
looks like I won't be able to do the only thing which I really like doing about my job. they want to give those responsibilities to my colleague.
sure, I have a lot on my plate. and of course nobody wants to touch most of the other stuff I'm responsible for bc it's complicated and boring. but guess what. now and then I too deserve an easy task. as a treat. only bc I'm great at handling complicated issues, I should get to deal with easy ones as well.
unfortunately there isn't much I can do about it. they're already negotiating my colleague's pay rise and I guess she needs the money.
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