#buy hand tool sets online
hpalloy · 3 days
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
Organizing a workshop is virtually impossible. If you try to plan ahead, you’ll quickly find out that your amazing plan didn’t match with reality. Eventually, you will run out of bins before you run out of kinds of things, and the entire endeavour will go to hell in a hand-basket. Having one bin store two kinds of things is awful, maybe even more so than having a bin that stores one single lonely, unloved part that you nevertheless will hold onto until your next of kin have to throw it away for you on the afternoon after your funeral.
If you look online, you’ll find a lot of fancy, designer-esque photos of workshops. They’re clean. They’re sorted. They’re well-lit. Everything is within reach. The secret, explain the owners, is minimalism. Make sure you only have good stuff, and put it back where you take it out. What they don’t show you is the entire basement full of random garbage that they’ll spend a whole weekend in as soon as they realize that their grand plan didn’t include a security-bit Torx T8 driver.
Me, I have a very different strategy for this. I buy doubles, triples of tools. Back in the day, tools were expensive, and having two sets of screwdrivers was a ridiculous, bourgeois expense. You’d buy one set of screwdrivers and hold onto it forever. Nowadays, tools are cheap. Why would you bother spending all that time walking upstairs to go get a Phillips #2 from your workshop when you could just buy another $16 set from Home Depot and chuck it downstairs, vaguely close to where you might have to work on a badly-made, inexpensive clothes dryer?
If there is a downside to this behaviour, it’s that once you use every room in your house for tool storage, you give up all hope of ever being able to quickly locate tools at all. In a workshop, there are only a few logical places in which to lose a wrench. On the workbench. Under the workbench. Under another tool. Inside a project. Raccoon took it, the little bastard. In the rest of your house, who knows? Last week I found a 3/8″-drive stubby ratchet inside my furnace when I went to go change the filter.
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allsketchesnononsense · 2 months
i wanted to cosplay her at some point in the future but i’ve never tried my hand at prop making or anything of that matter really so i can’t wrap my head around any like basic concepts to make the psychopomp itself 😭😭
sorry for taking abit to answer, wanted to make sure I was at my PC to answer so I can give Exact Images n stuff of what I got/used
warning: you're gonna need some serious power tools for this. alotta bits I had to get help from my dad bc he has SO MANY hobbies that involve power tools lol
For the base:
you need a good helmet. n finding one of those ain't easy, so you're probs gonna haveta Make Do with something you can cut parts off of.
I used something like this, but cut off the parts that jut out at the ears and the lip at the front. The internal bit that keeps your Actual Head from touching the Actual Helmet is VERY helpful bc (atleast w/ mine) it wasnt a layer of foam or anything that'd be finnicky, it was just straps.
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theoretically could also use a cheap-y baseball helmet though obvi you still gotta Mutilate it
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For the accessories™:
The antannae are actual extendable radio antannae I harvested from an old boombox n another thing, but you can buy JUST the antannae online
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the megaphone/satellite dish bit my dad helped me cut n gut a car alarm type thing and attatch it w/ this silicone stuff he had on hand
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And the headphone pieces on the sides are a set of vintage radio headphones I found at a thrift store. these to be exact (they're not v rare n go for 10-30 bucks on ebay)
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Though any old, chunky headphones could easily work. These were just what I had on hand. And, as a useful thing, the metal prongs connecting to the headband were perfect to easily bolt in place on the helmet and keep them flexible for easy putting on and taking off. The little radio speaker-y bits on the outside I added my dad had laying around though obvi not 1000% Necessary
And that's all really for the easily bought supplies
The front plate is Literally just a chunk of sheet metal he happened to have on hand, and added the bolts to. The fifth bolt in the middle is the only Functional one that actually attatches to the helmet
And the bit keeping the wires in place is a piece of plastic we melted to shape, painted accordingly, then hot glued in place. Added the screws to make it look abit more Cohesive with the rest of it.
The staples specifically on mine are holes drilled then w/ v thin wire fed through and twisted and trimmed.
Some smaller seams n details I added with super glue since it gave a v subtle raised effect, and bc it cracked in shipping I had to super glue some of the cracks back together Anyways lmao
also had to do alot of spraypainting to get it the right color. Make sure to paint the "accessories" seperate before assembly bc trying to tape off everything could end up Annoying and that way the metal bolts and the plate can retain their orig metal color to add contrast.
Also make sure you get Matte paint, bc it'll look goofy shiny. Preferably something meant for outdoor use bc those will have the more gritty textures you're looking for n its easy to find.
For any extra scuffing n details I did some dry brushing w/ grey and black acrylic to add depth. Best way to do it imo is add some drybrush with a scrappy old paintbrush then wipe away some with a paper towel
or just use a paper towel with a v tiny, thinly spread bit of paint
Hopefully this helps atleast some!! If you need more detailed shots of my helmet for better reference just lemme know, I just dont feel like going to grab her rn for a photo shoot lmao
Good luck w/ your helmet!! n be sure to post it lots when you're done!!
It'll be sick as hell to see how your interpretation turns out!
just be careful bout wearing it too long
start seeing things you're not supposed to
knowing things you're not supposed to
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mariacallous · 3 months
In January, the CEOs of X, TikTok, Meta, Snap, and Discord testified in front of a congressional committee about child exploitation on their platforms. “Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us, I know you don’t mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands,” Senator Lindsey Graham said at the time.
Despite confrontational questioning from Graham and others about how many underage users were on their platforms, and what safeguards protected them, Zuckerberg and other executives weren’t questioned about the concerning practices of some parents who manage social media accounts on behalf of their young children. A New York Times investigation the month after the hearing found that some parents, mostly of girls, were amassing tens of thousands of followers for their children by posting suggestive images that can attract predators.
Now, Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan is demanding that tech companies account for the untold thousands of accounts that place girls as risk of exploitation on their platforms, through the actions of adult account-holders.
“These corporations must answer for how they are allowing young women and girls to be exploited on their platforms and what steps they will take in response,” Senator Hassan, who represents New Hampshire, told WIRED. “Young women should be able to express themselves online in safe environments that do not facilitate the monetization of potentially exploitative content.”
The Times investigation found that parents can readily bypass the age restrictions of social platforms that bar children under 13 from having accounts. Some parents use the accounts they set up for their children to essentially monetize their daughters by putting them to work as influencers, garnering discounts and sponsorship deals or pulling in advertising revenue.
More sinisterly, some of these accounts brought in money from people seeking sexual or suggestive material about young girls, some of whom were convicted sex offenders. Some of these followers are willing to pay for extra photos beyond those shared on a girl’s social media account, or for private chats or used clothing. Times reporters examined some 5,000 accounts of young girls run by their parents.
While the Times found that some of the parents also operated TikTok accounts, the phenomenon was most prevalent on Meta's Instagram. (X was not mentioned in the Times investigation, and the company claims that its underage user base constitutes less than 1 percent of its usership. WIRED has previously reported that the platform may not have the age verification systems needed to accurately make such a claim.)
“After the disturbing revelations about predators interacting with the posts of minors and even buying their worn clothing, it continues to be clear that social media companies are failing to keep our children safe,” says Senator Hassan.
Meta, TikTok, and X did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
In a statement to the Times about its earlier reporting, Meta spokesperson Andy Stone said that the company prevents “accounts exhibiting potentially suspicious behavior from using our monetization tools, and we plan to limit such accounts from accessing subscription content,” but that parents were ultimately responsible for the accounts.
In the letters sent to TikTok, X, and Meta, Hassan is asking companies to disclose whether they were aware of parents circumventing their age requirements, whether accounts of young girls are monetized—or have ads placed on them—by the platforms, and what active measures the companies have in place to detect these kinds of accounts.
The platforms have until April 8 to offer their responses.
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palidoozy-art · 2 years
Sorry if you’ve answered this before, but what website do you use to play DND? The map layouts and character tokens look really good and I’m hoping to have something similar for the online game I’m running with my friends.
No worries! I fuckin' love talking about D&D and my campaign, thank you for giving me the opportunity.
So for tools we use to play D&D -- we currently run D&D in Foundry. It has an up-front cost ($40, no subscription), but only requires a single license and then the DM can host it on their machine while everyone else connects. It has a TON of modules that allow you to customize it, including a DND beyond importer.
That said, it does cost, y'know, money. We switched to foundry for the post-Curse of Strahd campaign. Originally for Curse of Strahd we actually used roll20. Roll20 is free, but there were minor things that I didn't like about it that caused me to switch.
But if cost is your concern or you're just doing a oneshot and don't want to invest, go for roll20 imo. If you do, HIGHLY recommend you install the VTT enhancement suite and Beyond20 (if you use D&D Beyond) which improve the site immensely.
For the maps -- I vary what I use. I use the following tools and programs:
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator
Watabou's City Generator
My own hands
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator is what I usually use to create a baseline for a world map, including a first draft of town and country names. I'll treat it like a rough draft before taking it into photoshop, drawing over it, and adjusting it to my liking. I generated the base of my game's world map in Azgaar's before I drew over it and adjusted it to fit my needs.
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Watabou's City Generator is actually built into Azgaar's to some extent (click on any town name and it'll give you a link), but you can generate it manually, too! I used to use it to generate the city maps I'd give to my players. Here's an example of Thatking, the capital of Zarova (formerly Treteria). For reference -- the party fought the Queen here, and Kjosev died in the Citadel.
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Nowadays, when I build cities, I actually use the next website on the list -- Inkarnate. I'll might use Watabou's for a base, but I use Inkarnate for polish.
Inkarnate is extremely good at two things: cities, and open-world battlemaps. Here's the lizardfolk capital of Savegoria, Paign! It's where Yolihuali is from. I built it solely through Inkarnate.
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One of the things I like about Inkarnate is that it lets you adjust the hue/saturation of the little tokens you can put down, which I abused the HELL out of when I made battlemaps for Twilight Woods. Here's one of the random forest battle maps I made:
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Now that said: Inkarnate sucks ass at making rooms. There's allegedly something in the works to address this... but currently you have to place every wall manually, and it sucks. That's actually where Dungeondraft comes in.
Dungeondraft is a little more cartoony, but it's great at building interiors and rooms. Unlike Inkarnate, it's not through the internet -- it's just a program you buy. But I've found decent use out of it. I built the entire map for the University of Temir in it (note: this is a snippet, the map is enormous)
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And here's an example of the players' early bunkhouse, back when their town was underdeveloped! Both built using Dungeondraft.
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VERY VERY RARELY I'll hand-draw a battlemap. Usually this is done because I've already tried to build the map in other tools and I wasn't happy with it, or I couldn't get it to look like the vision in my head. For example, I drew the map to Tephelt's lair by hand (snippet below: it's too big to post)
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(Note: if it looks light, that's actually because I set up the lighting in Foundry. This is the equivalent of looking at a horror movie set with the lights on. Below is what it looks like in-game to my players, with Rahadin and Tephelt for size)
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i also drew this little sleepy town for some reason. i don't know why. i think literally for fun.
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For the tokens -- most of the ones you guys see I draw by hand. It's a decent amount of work, but my players love it. Plus I think they're cute. They are available for free and anyone can use them, as long as you don't claim credit or anything. The PSDs are included as well, so if you want to edit one or dig around in there, you can! Some of my favorites:
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Now that said I'll be totally honest: I do not hand-draw every token for my players. I can't. I already put a lot of work into the campaign, and I can't feasibly draw every token when it comes to random encounters. For those, I use Token Stamp 2 to create a token from an image!
Anyway, sorry this was long. I hope it's helpful. It gave me an opportunity at least to post some of the maps I make -- I usually don't post them.
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Free Piano: Haunted - Part 2
When you drive by the piano on the way home from a job across town, you almost don’t stop. But your kid’s been wanting to learn how to play—a desire that’s stuck around for the last few months, a rarity—and this one’s free. It needs some TLC and while you’ve no experience with instruments, you’re good with your hands. On impulse, you pull over. Soon enough, you’re loading the free piano into the back of your truck. You barely give a passing thought to the “haunted” part of the sign.
Perhaps you should have.
Inspiration post: Haunted Free Piano Pic
Modern, enemies to friends to lovers, ghosts/spirits/specters, male monster x male reader, M/M, Part 2 of 8
[Part One] Part Two
As you wash your dishes, your shed catches your eye through the window into the backyard. You’ve been busy the last couple weeks, since you picked up that piano and then stuck it in your shed so your kid didn’t see it, but maybe this weekend is the time to see if it's salvageable. 
You’ve done some research online and mostly you’ve figured out that paying to have it restored is definitely not on the table. You’re not broke, but between having your savings wiped out from the divorce and the move and the house and having to save for Kit’s college—you still feel too close to being one month of no work away from panic. And you know if it gets too bad, your ex might try to be petty and go for full custody. So that’s really not an option.
You’ve got time so hopefully, you can take the thing apart, polish it up, fix it up, and then put it all back together well enough that it's playable—then you can spend money on the actual lessons rather than just the instrument.
You stopped at the library earlier in the week between clients and printed out some of the information you need—wifi doesn’t reach to the shed and you didn’t like having your laptop out there. Iit always seemed like putting it down next to powertools was an unnecessarily risky move. 
Today the plan is to assess the damage, see if you have the right tools—drawing up a list of people you’ve worked with who might and might be willing to let you borrow them if you don’t—and make a list of what materials you might need to buy. Tomorrow or maybe even this afternoon you can head into town and start to budget how much all that might cost. You’re hoping spreading all this out over a few months will help minimize the impact on your wallet.
You get all the way to the shed when you realize you’re left your keys in the house. Putting down your papers and some of the tools from your truck at the entrance, you jog back to the house to grab them.
When you come back, you have to put a foot down on the folder with your research in it because the wind has just managed to blow it out from under the edge of the toolbox you’d put on top of it. As you lean down to pick it up, you swear you hear a faint echo of a voice saying, “…stuck in this truly awful little building for weeks…”
Frowning, you look around, but no one else seems to be in their yards. Shaking your head, you unlock the door. Peering inside, it's easy to tell no strange, snotty children have broken in. It must have been the strong wind blowing the sound of the TV from your neighbor’s house—you know Mrs. Mical’s AC is broken and she likes those PBS British shows that are always on. You’ve tried to tell her that the problem isn’t her with her air conditioning unit but rather with the woodchuck that lives under her deck constantly breaking it, but she won’t hear of it.
Setting everything down once inside, you decide to open the shutters for now—the wind’s been kicking up a lot today, but you’d appreciate the extra light. 
First, you survey the wood that makes up the outside of the piano, taking notes on what appears to be superficial damage and what appears warped enough that it might need replacement. You also take down all the measurements and some pictures with your phone, just so you have a record of what you started with. If this goes horribly wrong, maybe you’ll at least be able to track where it all went off the rails.
Eventually though, there’s no delaying having to push on to the actual piano inner workings—the part of this you have the least confidence about actually being able to do.  You flip up the fallboard to reveal the keys and try to take pictures of their condition—try because the fallboard keeps falling back down whenever you get your phone into position. You jump each time it does so, the bang somehow echoing in the small shed.
It always seems to be sitting securely when you flip it up, but eventually you resort to jamming some spare pieces of cardboard under the join to make it stay up. Wanting petty revenge against a piece of wood is stupid, no matter how much it seems like it’s out to annoy you—so the fact that you decide the next step is to unscrew and remove it entirely is just a coincidence.
You know you’ll be needing to deep clean the whole thing anyways so it just makes sense. After struggling for a few minutes and having to reconsult your printed out research and diagrams, you realize you have unscrew the bookend wood pieces on either end of the keyboard first and then you can take them and the fallboard off together. The screwdriver skids out more than it should—or so it seems to you—but soon enough you’re able to remove the whole thing entirely. Once those are off, you carefully put them to the side, sticky noting the three pieces in the process and then taking a picture of them all—the last thing you want to do is get confused over which piece is what. 
With that taken off, maybe it’s best to remove the entire top now too. You’re able to remove the hinges, but not before getting your fingers pinched. You even swear you got some sort of static shock from it which makes no sense whatsoever. Lifting the lid makes you nearly growl with effort, it's not even terribly thick and yet it feels so heavy.
To cap it off, the lid nearly lands on your foot when you try to lean it against the wall. You may not try to take apart a piano everyday, but you haven’t felt like such a newbie since you first became a contractor—no, since you were a kid helping Grandpa. It's kinda infuriating, how many little things seem to keep going wrong. Not to mention how sweaty you are given it's only been like an hour or so since you started. 
You take a deep breath, wipe off some sweat from your forehead, and turn to survey the piano. The inside is grimy—plenty of dust and cobwebs and lint. It looks worse than what had been under your grandparents couch when you first moved it. Maybe you should just be relieved nothing looks like it once was food and that there’s no actual bugs in it. 
At least that you’ve seen so far.
As you removed those other pieces, you noticed it seemed wobbly on its legs. You give it a bit of a shake and realize the legs will either have to be replaced or at least more securely reattached. Between that and needing good access to the pedals, you’ll need to jack the piano up—probably with two jacks. You frown as you make a mental note to borrow Jaime’s since you only have a small one. 
Time to bite the bullet and see if you can remove the keyboard with the hammers from the keybed as easily as some of the videos made it look. You pull on some gloves, not wanting any more pinches or cuts on your fingers. The keyslip is the first thing to remove if you wanna get at the keys and while it starts off a bit stuck, it slides up and out without you needing any tools so that’s something at least.
After at least five minutes of trying to carefully, but futilely, maneuver it out of the rest of the piano, a chill goes down your spine. Cold enough that goosebumps spread across your skin, and you look around as if trying to find the source. It seems to be the wind, which kicks up with surprising strength to blast cold air into your face along with a significant amount of dust from the opened piano.
You let go of the stuck keyboard—you’ve only managed to move it about half an inch out of the keybed—with a cry of annoyance, raising your hands to your eyes only to remember you’re wearing gloves covered in grime at the last second. With a rumble, you head out to go inside your house to clean off.
As soon as you step outside the shed, heat washes over you. You want to look to see if the sun just came out from behind a cloud or something, but your eyes are so watery from whatever just blew into them that you just focus on heading for your blurry backdoor.
You strip off your gloves and wash your hands in the sink before carefully wiping your streaming eyes. After a splash of water, they seem a little itchy but fine. You absentmindedly grab your phone and check the weather app, wondering if there’s some sort of cold front or storm rolling in, but to your bewilderment, there’s nothing of the sort.
You’re annoyed to find yourself frowning at your shed through the window again, just like this morning. And you feel like you havent actually accomplished that much since this morning. You pull your gloves back on decisively—you’re taking this first big step today even if it feels like the universe is against you. You’re nothing if not determined, willing to dig your heels in the second someone tries to shove you in the opposite direction. Spite might not be the best reason to lean into something—certainly not against something as amorphous and uncaring as a little breeze—but it's all you’ve got.
Marching back across your yard, you see the door, which you’d propped open with a rock, has somehow swung shut. You pull it back open, determined to wedge the rock in more securely only to curse under your breath when you see that all your papers are strewn all over the shed—likely by that same big burst of wind.
“Fuckin’ shit,” you mutter under your breath as you let the door close behind you. No more open doors, no more—you close the shutters of the closest windows rather violently—no more open windows. No wind allowed, you don’t care how hot it gets. 
You walk around brusquely, picking up papers and shoving them into the folder they should be in. You gather up the post-its too—blown off from the fallboard and lid, but you don’t bother putting them back on. There’s no chance they’d stick to anything anymore, not after landing on the dirty ground. You’re glad you took pictures and haven’t actually removed anything else yet.
By the time you’ve done that, you’re only mildly frustrated. You’re finally able to look at the piano and find that despite dust and dirt being blown into your face, it looks as dirty if not dirtier than before because of course it does. 
This time, you carefully check to make sure all the hammers are down—remembering that tip from a video you watched earlier in the week, and lift the keyframe with the keyboard, methodically wiggling it back and forth to pull it out. You heave a sigh of relief when it finally unsticks and grin triumphantly back at the piano, as if gloating about winning a game of tug of war. Deflating slightly when you realize how weirdly petty you’re acting to an inanimate object, survey the dirt and dust in the cavity left behind.
You grab a flashlight to see better since you no longer have much natural light and survey the strings. You frown as you run along each one. Unfortunately, keeping in line with the water damage on the wood of the lid, a number of the strings appear to have rusted in multiple places. Some have even snapped—it's likely a miracle that you didn’t manage to press the key for any of the broken ones and hear the damage in the first place. 
You feel some of your remaining hope dissipate as you survey the strings. Restringing an entire piano is without a doubt the most challenging—and therefore expensive—part of restoring a piano per your research. The material cost is not the problem—it's all about the skill and time needed to restring multiple strings without breaking anything.
You pull out your phone to begin taking pictures while you think. Maybe you shouldn’t try to restring the entire instrument. First figure out how many strings would need to be completely replaced, if any of the pins on the ends need replacement, if any can just be retied for the moment.
You have months and the kid doesn’t need a perfect piano to start with, right? If you can replace or retie enough of the main strings, then you can still get it in working order enough that any of the others you can replace as time goes by. This is probably still the cheapest way to give him a piano, it just might not be as functional as you’d hoped. 
After all that, you head over to your tools and pick up one that you think should help you remove a pin—you want to test out your equipment to see if you’ll need to get specialty tools, and how much those might cost if you do.  After checking your gloves and goggles, you select a pin to try. Following a particularly rusty string you know will have to go—and which is also already broken at the end—you start trying to loosen it.
It doesn’t seem to be working at first, unable to grip the pin correctly, so you discard it for a pair of pliers. Eventually that seems to work, but the string snaps in another place, causing your heart to race at the sound, and the pin you’re left with is deformed. You barely have a second or two to notice all that when a roar seems to come from the piano.
A violent burst of wind blows you back against the door with a thud while the lights flicker dramatically. You feel like your heart’s stopped beating entirely, your breath caught in your throat as a rushing, static-y sound builds, the air tight with pressure or repressed energy.
Before your eyes a silvery outline of a person defines itself, with white blue spots of lights where eyes might be. The final sputter of the lightbulb overhead lets them start out more as it opens its mouth to say, “How dare you defile this magnificent instrument!”
It swops closer and as it yells, the sound has a high-pitched re-verb to it like something sharp and cold has been drawn down your spine. It's enough of a jolt to get you moving though as your hand frantically feels along the door for the knob.
“I do not know where these vile machinations might lead,” it continues, seeming to get larger and more jagged as it grows more furious, “but I shall not suffer them quietly!”
It rears back as you’re finally able to turn the knob. It swoops down as you stumble and fall back onto the ground, bellowing, “BEGONE!” before it dissipates in the afternoon sunlight.
The door slams behind it, the click of the lock audible in the silence of your backyard.
You stay where you are, heart thundering your ears, breath coming in pants—pliers still clutched in your hand.
You’ve heard ghost stories all your life, but you hadn’t actually believed one way or another. You also aren’t the type to lie to yourself. And that had definitely been one angry ghost.
For some reason, that stupid sign taped to the piano came to mind and you can’t stop laughing. They’d even tried to warn you. Haunted, indeed. God, and you thought this project had been getting out of hand before. 
Because now you need to figure out how to deal with a ghost. 
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hiskillingjar · 7 months
Body Modification (Strade/MC)
day 17: body modification second person. cw (maybe) for a chest being referred to as 'breasts' and 'tits'
"You know that you can just buy these online?" 
Strade's voice was casual, almost playful, as if he was talking about what he had for lunch and not vaguely threatening you (as he often did), as he used his knife to slice open a package he was holding, sifting through it with a raised brow. 
"They don't even ask for a license or anything. Wild!" He continued with a laugh, fishing out what looked like...a set of needles. 
He held it up to the flickering light of the basement, his gaze scrutinous before he looked towards you again with a smirk. 
"I can only imagine the amount of adrenaline-hopped kids shoving these things into themselves. That's what we used to do, anyway."
You swallowed hard, looking from his eyes and to the pack of needles, sparkling and silver in the light, your brows knitting together in concern.
"What are you doing?" You asked, your voice unnervingly soft.
"Hmph," He let out another laugh, an (unfortunately) attractive huff through his nose before going back to his drawer of tools to look for something, a clatter of metal and tools loud in the small room as he sifted through it. "You don't have enough holes yet~"
Your face flushed bright red and you felt your brain start to short-circuit just thinking about what he could be planning, shivering and trembling in the cool air of the basement.
"S-Strade..." You muttered, trying so hard to stay calm but barely able to stop your teeth from chattering. "What are you doing?"
"Shaking already, eh?" He said with a little click of his tongue, fishing out a sharp pair of pliers and facing you again. "Don't be such a baby. You've gone through way worse than this."
You were silent as he paced across the basement and to the support beam that you were tied to (as you often were), staring down at you hungrily.
"You know, I like it when you're less docile..." He continued, his voice a little softer as he lowered himself down to one knee and yanked your shirt up your chest in a clenched fist, dragging you closer to his own body and exposing your breasts all in one go. "You're a lot more fun. I like when you're fun."
"Mmf..." You shivered a little more, yanking at your bondage, as he set down his tools and reached forward to run his thumb over one of your nipples, watching indulgently as the little nub hardened and swelled. 
You took in a sharp inhale and bit your lip hard to keep from making any more sounds, trembling as your chest felt all the more sensitive.
It felt so... forbidden. And so good.
If Strade's intent was to torture you, he was failing spectacularly.
"Feel good?" Strade asked after a moment, leaning in to bring his face closer to yours. "You can admit it, you know. I like making you feel good, too." 
"Nnnh..." You gasped again when Strade started to circle his thumb around your nipple, stimulating the sensitive spot and clearly relishing in just how much you were reacting to it, your breathing growing heavier and your mouth open with each desperate gasp. "P-Please..."
"Please?" Strade raised a brow with a slight smirk, gently pinching the swelling nub, between his thumb and pointer finger. “Please what, fraulein? Please keep going, please stop?” 
You barely even registered what he was saying, hissing through your teeth as your eyes squeezed shut and you pressed yourself closer to Strade’s larger body. You were so lost to sensation now, so caught up in the burning pleasures, your body trembling as Strade's fingers worked on your chest.
"Mm, I think that's pretty good..." Strade mumbled to himself quietly, almost too quiet for you to hear, before taking the pair of pliers in hand and closing the metal teeth on your sensitive nipple.
The second you felt the tight squeeze of the pliers, your eyes shot open and a harsh cry was forced from your lips, the pain causing your body to instinctively try to pull away from Strade's, though the support beam prevented you from going anywhere.
Strade didn't stop himself from giving the pliers a teasing little tug, a mean smile on his face as you screamed, a tear rolling down your cheek at the pain. It certainly wasn't the worst thing you had felt, not by a long shot, but even so, it was hideously painful.
"Very nice. Very nice, indeed." Strade hummed with an indulgent smile. "Now..." After swapping the pliers to the hand still clutching your shirt (yanking your sore breast up a little higher), he reached over to the set of needles and fished one out of the little baggie, the point sharp and dangerous as he lined it up with the swollen flesh of your nipple. 
Your body immediately went still at the sharp point, your wide eyes unblinking as you stared at him, waiting for the pain.
"I always liked piercings," He said casually, like he was just having a regular conversation. "I dated a guy in my twenties who was covered with them, you know, he was this alternative queer in Berlin with piercings and tattoos all over, and they'd always make me crazy. Of course, that was before I killed him." He laughed again, pressing a little more against the needle, a bead of blood welling to the surface as he did so. “He was the perfect guy, then.”
You grit your teeth together, still pulling at your bondage and waiting for the pain, but still, there was nothing...nothing.
"You're already pretty close to perfect in my eyes," Strade continued, with just a touch of affection in his hungry eyes, affection that might have been genuine had he not been threatening you with a needle. "Let's get you even closer, hm?"
He didn't bother counting you in, nor waiting for your guard to drop fully before he pushed the needle into the reddened flesh.
You yelped loudly in pain as blood instantly welled up to the wound and trailed down your breast. Your body was shaking and fighting against the ropes, though to no avail. 
He knew better now not to tie you down so loosely.
After fishing for what looked like a slim metal hoop from his bag of tools, he then pulled the needle from your flesh and slid the open hoop through the freshly bleeding hole with a surprising amount of care, his fingers twisting on the delicate metal ball at the end of the hoop like he'd done it before.
And maybe he had.
"There!" Strade pulled his hands back with a triumphant grin, admiring the new piercing that adorned your shuddering chest. "It's pretty cute...and your little tits are all puffy and sensitive now, eh?" He then teased, leaning forward and running a blood-spotted finger over the new piercing through your chest, stimulating it while it was now so painfully sensitive.
You couldn't answer, your muscles spasming in pleasure (in pain) as Strade's fingers trailed over the new jewelry, his other hand reaching up to palm your unmarred breast. 
The pain was still there, because of course it was, but it was now just another way to heighten the overwhelming sensations that were coursing through your body.
"Hhhh..." You moaned softly (to Strade’s evident albeit deeply pleased surprise) as he touched you, starting to stimulate your other nipple with a hungry look. "D-do you think you should... do the other one?"
"Mm, I think that's an excellent idea, fraulein ," Strade purred with a broader smile, running his tongue along your jaw, his wet teeth pressing a smile into your neck.
"Let's get right to it."
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katyspersonal · 9 months
When you started drawing? And how? Your works are so detailed and you feel the perspective so Q_Q Your drawing of old hunter from DLC is incredibly cool, I am looking respectfully
Oh- You mean this ( x ) one? Haha, yeah, it was an art commission, so I tried to give it the best I could... Though maybe using something I was paid for as a chance to practice perspective was a little irresponcible :') But the customer was happy, and this is what matters!
To be honest, I've been drawing for as long as I can remember...? I have quite the regrets about having basically none of my drawings from childhood survive, because it's been a LOT. But I've been going over the top with details, colors and settings since the age of like, 4-5 I think? I recall the caretakers at kindergarden REALLY loving my drawing of underwater, because I killed it with variety of fish and seaweed, despite having no references or knowledge! Also, fun fact - the very first art criticism of my life from me was towards a girl that colored every woman in her coloring book as blonde with blue eyes! I criticized her saying that there were other colors for people and that it was boring to be so samey dsfjjdshfsd Had to apologize, but.. yeah, it was the ultimate "I've always been this way" moment if I've seen one. :')
I used to visit classes to practice my drawing in elementary school, though! But it was mostly environment and animals, when I was more interested in drawing people at that time! The period from 8 to 12 years was the one where I kept creating OCs obsessively, and stories for them, and I've had like 6 comics I've been drawing and coloring at the same time (mostly comedy + fantasy)! I think what really inspired me to start creating the comics and characters that were mostly young girls with elemental powers was the Russian comic, Rainbow Knights x) (Журнал "Юла", припоминаешь? хд) I was obsessed with it, and I was obsessed with excuse to use more colors, effects and nature/elemental aesthetic. And yes, it was all trdaitional! I love using crayons, markers, pens and pencils for coloring. My clumsy hands were never good for paintbrushes... I moved more onto digital around the age of 14. It was when I've found a summer job, and earned enough money to buy a tablet! So.. I started prioritize digital art since then! But it had the form of me first drawing something on the paper, and then scanning and fixing/lining/coloring it on the computer for a LONG time! Well, it was taking some time to get used to, as well, so I also had some drawings I did with my mouse and vector tool in PS or SAI, like this:
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It is one of the only few remaining "ancient" ones, since most of them got lost forever on the old hard drive! ...I still HAVE this hard drive, I just have no idea how to extract anything from it.. It is kinda broken :U But if I get my hands on very old doodles trapped there, I will share!
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^ I believe this was the first doodle that I did 100% on the computer AND with the tablet! Without mouse, without first drawing traditonally and then digitally, but just on the computer, from start to finish! But it was still hard to do, so I kept with the use of paper and pencil for some more while. Like- I hoped I'd find some old drawings for this ask, but all I found were traditional versions of some of my drawings!
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You could tell that using traditional paper + pencil were beneficial for anatomy and proportions. And that I used to be better at that, VERY much better. And that it was sorta... easier to 'get lost' in the process? It was a simpler life when not only I was far less depressed and broken, not only I had more spare time in schoo/uni years, but also just... I did not feel burnt out. Or guilty over the fact of not finishing new drawing "fast enough" (and thus, looking like a loser). I also had less things online to drain my spare time, less distractions... I kinda miss that time, really...
All in all, I've never learned to draw PROPERLY. I was self-taught but not studying too hard, mostly I was just analysing art of artists I loved to improve my own, and asking advice from good artists to fix this or that! Hence, my skill used to be better! Year 2015-16 was my most productive year artistically! I've been drawing a bunch of (then) popular cartoon stuff, as well as TONS of fanart for Rick and Morty RP community, and all the things were sooooo bright, colorful and full of energy...
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And now meet the man that sorta ended my art career :^) I've picked interest in Mark (Endlish localisation called him Marx and I hate it lol), and that pulled me into the rest of K1rby. Except I could not actually play anything (besides 64 Crystal Shards that I emulated), so I compensated with letsplays and anime. And Super Paper Mario was a side obsession. xD But.... yeah, since MARK, dark ages for my art started. No, no, my art was good! Awesome, even! I kept people begging me to "please draw K1rby again" for years since fandom shifting! Words like, 'no one ever cared about this universe and characters the same way you do'... But! Drawing 'creatures' for 2-3 years completely destroyed my prior (already loose) knowledge of human anatomy and proportions, and I am still struggling to recover that former skill! :')
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Finally, year later, around February/March 2021, I've gotten pulled into Bloodb0rne! Badly. And thanks to Mic0lash. Huh, it is always some madman, isn't it? xD But I felt very self-consious about my art... I felt like serious, detailed, dark and beautiful atmosphere of BB deserved better than my "overly cutesy" and "tone-deaf" art.... annnnd if this sounds like something I'd never say, but rather as an unfair criticism from some antsy reddit-ish asshole? It is because it is EXACTLY what it was! :')
But in either case, the Doll was the first time I've used paper and pencil again in many years. I felt so... alive? I recall the feeling I could only describe as 'blood returned in my veins' but spiritual, you know? It felt like so much fun! To remember how to draw traditonally, to break out of my 'round cutesy' comfort zone- heck, I even downloaded brushes for my SAI for the first time in my life, just to color the characters better! Learned new coloring style, too: usually my coloring was very rigid and relying on very concrete colors for shadow and base.. but from this point on, I prioritized more 'chaotic' approach, as I felt it was more appropriate!
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....and so, now we are here. x)
You could tell that some of the things I am just used to persisted, and that colorful, "childish" energy is still slipping through the cracks. Soulsb0rne games are ideal for how my mind works... but perhaps not for how my soul works. There is just something in me that craves that sillyness, overly colorful designs and settings, and maybe ER is closer to that aesthetic? Yeah, had I not been criticized on my art harshly upon joining BB, maybe my art would've been way more cute and 'free'! I always loved drawing many details, but something about the route I've taken about drawing made it very heavy. My brain short-circuits at the AMOUNT of the details I keep in mind, yet I can't rest unless I got it "at least 90% correct", even when it is a darn shitpost ;-; I will figure out what went wrong compared with the way I used to draw humans..... someday.
Thank you for asking, though! Ha! Honorable mention: tons of shitposty comics and doodles I kept drawing in classes, both school and uni! x)
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deathbyautopilot · 1 year
"Beyond the Physical" - Redefining the "Body" Through Glitch Feminism
Written by Paniz 🪐
I was eleven when I developed my first online avatar. The girls in my class had spent all of the recess huddled on the playground discussing “MovieStar Planet”, and how they were going to visit each other’s homes after school for a “virtual party”. For those of you who weren’t tween girls in the early 2010s, Movie Star Planet is an online social game where users get to create an avatar of a “movie star”, which can be customized by buying clothes and home decor. Users of the game get to interact in various “chatrooms”, where they can give each other autographs and send messages, while also playing games.
Of course, similar to any insecure pre-teen I was struck with an intense sense of FOMO, and I knew I had to be part of this new social space. I spent the entire evening huddled at my older sister’s desktop computer, trying to make an avatar that embodied everything that was cool at the time. Naturally, my avatar had to have purple hair, a nose piercing, draped in an all-black outfit that resembled something Lady Gaga wore to the Much Music Video Awards a week prior. A seemingly insignificant memory in the mosaic of online experiences that defined my teen-hood could be identified as a catalyst for my journey through digital self-expression. 
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image from Vewn's kittykat96
In her introduction to Glitch-Feminism, Legacy Russel reflects on her early experiences in online chatrooms.
“There was no pressing pause, no reprieve; the world around me never let me forget these identifiers. Yet online I could be whatever I wanted” (Russel 12).
Eventually, my digital interests transformed from the chatrooms of Movie Star Planet to interacting with Tumblr and Twitter users that shared my interest in musical artists. Online, there was a sense of escape from the restraints placed on my physical existence. I could transform myself through different usernames and display photos. I had a choice in how I was perceived. In the offline world, I felt crushed by the judgemental gaze of white heteronormative ideals. There was shame associated with my race, gender, and sexuality, all tying back to a physical body. Russels shares similar experiences, identifying the digital world as a tool for the subversion of the socio-cultural restraints on gender, sexuality, and race.
“Subversion came via digital remix searching for those sites of experimentation where I explore my true self, open and ready to be read by those who spoke my language” (Russel 13).
This act of non-performance pushes back on the idea that the body fits within a specific binary, instead, Glitch Feminism aims to present the body as something more abstract. Though Queer, female-identifying, and POC people have always found ways to create their own spaces through subversion, online settings offer new ways to detach from the binary. Within online spaces, the lines between masculine and feminine have the potential to be blurred, giving rise to new opportunities for exploration. 
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Most recently, there has been an influx of online artists who have been using social media as a tool to create digital worlds that redefine the bounds of the body. Russels identifies the use of the internet as a creative tool as an integral aspect of Glitch Feminism, where the lens of the artist is prioritized in the attempt to redefine the body. Increasing in popularity is the artist, Sotce. Through the use of online platforms like Patreon and Instagram, Sotce, whose real name is Amelia, describes her online identity as 
“an ongoing dance, a push and pull between being human and being holy” - Sotce
In the image below Sotce compares this transformation to the difference between a real hand and an online cursor. Her work attempts to understand how digital spaces redefine the idea of “the artist”.
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Similarly, California-based comic artist, Yumi Sakugawa, has been using Instagram as a way to share her personal reflections, inspiring more radical ways of looking at existence. Her work also embodies Glitch Feminism’s core beliefs, specifically the critique of the pressures placed by binaries. In the image posted on her Instagram below, she encourages viewers to embrace new ways of being, instead of shrinking themselves to fit in another person’s world.
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In many ways, marginalized communities have shrunk themselves in order to survive in a world that has repeatedly attempted to control their bodies. Legacy Russell’s Glitch Feminism exists for anyone who wants to reclaim and reinvent the body using the digital realm. It exists for the little girls on Movie Star Planet who never knew they had a choice in who and what they could be.
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hpalloy · 7 days
Demystifying the Club Hammer with Handle: A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to construction, renovation, or even DIY projects, having the right tools can make all the difference. Among the essential tools found in a tradesperson's arsenal is the club hammer with handle. This sturdy and versatile tool serves various purposes, from driving stakes to breaking up concrete. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the anatomy, uses, and benefits of the club hammer with handle.
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aces-and-angels · 1 year
An It Lives Within Holiday Special: Lincoln Edition 🎁
Title: Handmade 
A/N: Slowly, but surely, we’re keeping the ball rolling lol. This one was inspired by a couple of HC’s I made earlier. Enjoy 🖤🖤🖤 (LPS and @linkysmommy here’s my overdue olive branch lmaoo)
Pairing: Lincoln x MC (M!Rowan)
Summary: A bonus scene for ILW by @itlivesproject; Rowan decides to make something for Lincoln. 
Warnings: minor reference to blood, language, sex
nsfw below, minors dni 
“Fuck,” Rowan hissed out in pain. A small pool of blood began to well up where he pricked himself with the needle. Again. Over the past three hours, he injured himself at least once with every tool in front of him; some minor burns from a glue gun, a stinging cut from a utility knife, and now this.
“Maybe I should-” 
“No, Connor,” he huffed, cutting him off. “ I want to do this myself.”
“I understand that, but you’re running out of fingers to cut,” he gestured towards his hands. Rowan glanced down, taking note of the several bandages that covered his skin.  
“I’m almost done,” he mumbled sheepishly, picking up the needle once more to continue to sew. 
“You’re really not, though. You still have to stitch the other side.”
“Oh my God,” he groaned, throwing the piece of leather onto the table. “Why is this so hard?!” 
“You’re a beginner and you chose one of the hardest templates from my shop.” 
Rowan rolled his eyes at him. “That was a rhetorical question, jackass.”
“Sorry,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes flicked over to the side table. “Hand me that scrap leather over there.”
“I already told you-” 
“I’m not making it for you,” Connor interrupted, “but I can’t keep watching you hurt yourself. I’m gonna show you a better a technique.” He settled into the chair next to him, grabbing his tool kit from the shelf above. “First, let’s take care of that cut. I can’t have you bleeding all over my supplies.”
“Your concern is touching,” Rowan deadpanned, holding out his finger so Connor could apply another band-aid. 
After two botched attempts and one long walk around the cabin to calm himself down, Rowan figured out how to make a wallet. The sky had turned dark by the time he set down his tools. Holding the finished product in his hands, he admired his work. The dye he had applied left a light brown stain to the leather, its color warm with undertones of red. His finger ran along the smooth edges, checking for any bumps he needed to sand down. Finding none, he flipped it over. His eyes scanned the small mark he carved out in the lower right corner. L.M. His thumb stroked along the hollow groove of the letters. “He’s going to love it,” Connor clapped him on the back. 
“You think so?” 
“No doubt. This design is really popular with my customers,” he encouraged further. Rowan bit back a smile. While out on one of their dates, he had noticed how worn out his wallet was. The material was tattered, and the clasp was dangerously close to falling off completely. He originally planned on buying one online for him. Then, he remembered his roommate owned an art store. 
“Thanks again, Connor. I couldn’t have done this without you.” 
“I know,” he smirked. His boisterous laugh filled the room as Rowan shoved him. “It’s no trouble, really. I love this kind of stuff. When are you going to give it to him?” 
“We’re going to a concert next week, so probably then.”
One week later, Lincoln picked him up from the cabin. Together, they rode on his motorcycle to a concert venue just outside Westchester. The drive was quiet, aside from the steady thrum of the engine. Rowan’s arms were wrapped around Lincoln’s waist, his chest flushed against his back. Normally, he loved their rides; the gust of wind that hit his face, the faint, earthy scent of Lincoln’s skin, the rush of adrenaline that flooded his veins as they weaved through traffic. 
But he couldn’t enjoy any of that. Not while he was constantly imagining his gift falling onto the road. There was no way for him to physically check his pockets, so he settled for awkwardly clamping his elbows to his sides.
Once they hit a red light, Rowan’s hand flew to his waist. Relief washed through him as he felt the shape of the wallet over his jeans. “Am I driving too fast?” Lincoln asked over his shoulder.
"No, why?”
“You seem jumpy.”
“I-I’m fine,” he answered shakily. 
“You sure? I can slow down,” he offered, taking one hand off the handle to squeeze his. Lincoln’s thumb ran over his knuckles. The familiar roughness of his skin settled Rowan’s nerves. He exhaled, releasing the breath he was holding. 
“I’m sure.” He squeezed his hand back. That seemed to be enough to ease Lincoln’s worry. 
“Alright. Just let me know if that changes.” 
“Aw, look who cares about me,” he teased, a smirk tugging on his lip. 
“Shut up.” Chuckling, Lincoln playfully swatted his arm. The cars ahead of them slowly started to move as the light switched to green. Rowan quickly tucked the wallet further into his pocket before adjusting his hold on Lincoln’s waist. 
It only took three more stops for them to reach their destination. Rowan got a clear view of the venue as they turned into the parking lot. In the middle of a grassy field was a stage underneath a large, white tent. Their decision to leave early had paid off. The crowd was sparse, leaving them plenty of room to find a spot near the front. Hand in hand, they walked into the field, the weight of Lincoln’s gift hitting his thigh with each step. His free hand anxiously twitched toward his pocket. He wondered how Lincoln would react. Would he like the color? Was it weird to give him something like this? 
“Do you want anything?” Lincoln’s voice snapped him out of his trance. 
“Huh?” He’d been so lost in thought that he didn’t realize that they’d reached the front of the barricade. 
Lincoln nodded at a smaller tent to their left. “They’re selling drinks over there. Want one?” 
“Oh, uh- sure. Maybe in a bit,” he replied, chewing on his lip. It was now or never. “There’s something I need to do first.” Confusion marked Lincoln’s features, his brow furrowing as Rowan pulled his hand away.
“Is something wrong?”
“No!” he blurted out. “I just- I have this thing...”
Lincoln’s brows furrowed even more. “A thing? Did you forget to do something?”
“Ugh, no- that didn’t come out right,” he grumbled. Taking a quick breath, he tried again. “I have something for you.”
“What is it?” 
“Close your eyes,” he instructed. Obediently, Lincoln’s eyes slipped shut. Without his gaze on him, Rowan pulled the wallet out of his pocket. He ran his thumb along the carved L.M. once. Then twice. A seed of doubt crept back into his mind. Yesterday’s pride morphed into insecurity over his work. I should’ve just bought one online. It would’ve been nicer. Who makes a wallet for someone?? He’s gonna think I’m-
"Uh- Ro? How long am I supposed to keep my eyes shut?” 
“Sorry, um, keep them closed for a bit more. A-and hold your hand out for me.”
“You’re not pranking me, right?” 
“No pranks, I swear. Just give me your hand.” 
“Alright, I’m trusting you,” he sighed, extending his arm out. “But if it’s something gross, I will not hesitate to throw it at you.” 
Rowan let out a small laugh at his threat, feeling some of the tension leave his body. “Good thing I have fast reflexes,” he quipped back.
“I’m kidding,” he reassured. Despite their friendly banter, there was still a tremble in Rowan’s hand. His fingers gripped the wallet tightly, afraid of completing the exchange. He closed his own eyes, attempting to steel his nerves. Connor’s words rang through his head. “He’s going to love it.” 
He’s going to love it, Rowan repeated to himself. Before he could convince himself otherwise, he loosened his grip, letting the wallet fall out of his grasp. 
“Oh,” Lincoln gasped, his eyes snapping open the instant the leather touched his skin. Rowan watched him with bated breath, trying to gauge his reaction. The murmurs of the crowd around them faded, replaced by the deafening pound of his heart. Lincoln stood motionless, his mouth slightly agape as he stared down at his gift. 
Why isn’t he saying anything? Rowan chewed on his bottom lip, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. The silence between them was unbearable. Tentatively, Lincoln put his other hand over the wallet, covering it completely. Great. He hates it so much he doesn’t even want to look at it. I knew it. I should’ve just gotten the one-
“You... you made this?” Lincoln breathed out.
Rowan’s face burned from embarrassment. “Was it that obvious?” His shame prevented him for picking up on his boyfriend’s tone. Instead, he focused on counting the blades of grass around his feet. “I-it was a stupid idea,” he mumbled, unable to look at him. His fingers nervously twisted his sleeve as he continued to speak. “I just... yours looked so tattered- and Connor had extra leather, s-so I thought-” Lincoln cut off his ramblings, lifting his chin back up to his face. Before he could react, Lincoln kissed him hard. 
His shoulders tensed as his mouth pressed against his. A moment passed, then he was kissing him back with fervor. A low groan rattled in Rowan’s throat as Lincoln’s fingers tangled through his hair. His own hands reached up to clutch the collar of his shirt. Their lips greedily chased each other, becoming more and more heated as they moved as one. It was the type of kiss that would’ve been more appropriate behind closed doors. But Rowan’s need for decorum disappeared in a mesh of teeth and tongue. Only when his lungs were desperate for air did they pull apart, their chests heaving. “So -hah- does this mean you like it?” 
“I love it,” he rasped, the effect of their kiss still evident in his voice. Rowan’s eyes fluttered open, taking in the flush on Lincoln’s cheeks and his swollen lips. His breath hitched at the loving gaze his boyfriend directed at him. Lincoln’s fingers continued to lazily play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. “You did all this for me?” 
“There’s actually more,” Rowan hinted, pulling himself out of his hold. He bit back a laugh as Lincoln eagerly flipped the wallet open. His features softened immediately when he saw what was inside.
“It’s us,” he awed. 
“I found that disposable camera you were looking for and developed the film,” he explained softly. “That one was my favorite.”
“I can see why,” he murmured. There was something reverent about the way Lincoln’s fingers traced along his present. Tender, even. It was almost like he couldn’t stop. Rowan found it all endearing, even if he couldn’t figure out why Lincoln seemed so entranced. Maybe he likes the texture, he guessed. Whatever daze he was in lifted, at least long enough for Lincoln to transfer the contents of his old wallet to his new one. “I won’t be needing this anymore,” he announced cheerily, throwing his old wallet in the trash.
“I can’t believe you used that thing for so long.” 
“I would’ve gotten a new one eventually. My incredibly thoughtful boyfriend just beat me to it,” he praised, leaning in to peck his cheek. 
“Sounds like a great guy,” he smirked.
“Oh, he is. That, and so much more.” His sincerity left Rowan flustered. The tips of his ears felt hot. 
“I’ll take that drink now,” he cleared his throat. 
“Sure thing, babe,” Lincoln chuckled, grabbing his hand to walk over to the concession stand.
The rest of the concert was a blur. Rowan barely paid attention to the performers on stage, distracted by how openly affectionate Lincoln had gotten. He clung to him throughout the whole set, his arms firmly wrapped around his chest. From the way he nuzzled into the crook of his neck, Rowan wasn’t sure if he actually watched any of the show. But his sweet, gentle kisses felt too good for him to care. The music came second to the blissful hums Lincoln made against his skin. 
His amorous mood lasted well into the night (not that Rowan was complaining). He all but begged him to stay over, claiming that he ‘accidentally’ missed the turn for Connor’s cabin. They fell onto the bed, leaving a pile of clothes forgotten on the floor. Lincoln’s fingers intertwined with his; his breath was hot and heavy against his ear. “Let me take care of you tonight.” Rowan shuddered, his skin tingling wherever Lincoln’s hands roamed, his mouth trailing right behind it. The ache between his legs grew the longer he teased him.
“Lincoln... please-” 
“Tell me what you want.” 
“You,” he panted, rolling his hips against his thigh. “I need you. Now.”
“I’m all yours, love.” Rowan lost himself in the euphoric feeling of their limbs tangling together. Their shared pleasure echoed throughout the room. Quiet moans gradually transformed into loud, strangled cries. Every inch of their bodies was intimately pressed against each other. It was never enough and too much all at once. Rowan’s nails dug into his back, his muscles tensing as Lincoln pounded into that spot inside him over and over. The steady thump of the headboard hitting the wall lost its rhythm as their movements turned frantic.  “Oh shit- baby, I- I’m- I’m gonna-” 
“Me too,” Lincoln choked out, his head dropping to his shoulder. His teeth sunk into his flesh. The sharp pain sent Rowan tumbling over the edge. Writhing beneath him, he gripped the sheets tightly as he continued to fuck him through his orgasm. “Give it to me, baby,” he groaned, wrapping his legs tighter around his waist. “Make me yours.” With that, his lover came with a shattered gasp.
“Oh- Rowan!”
The following morning, they went to a nearby coffee shop. As Lincoln ordered their drinks, Rowan observed the soft smile that appeared on his face when he pulled out his new wallet. The way his hand lingered in his pocket for longer than necessary as he tucked it back in also didn’t go unnoticed. His actions puzzled him. Did he really like the material that much? He recalled how instantaneous his reaction was when he first received it, which raised another thought in his mind. “Babe, I have a question.”
“Shoot.” Lincoln set down his mug, giving him his full attention.
“Yesterday, when I gave you your present... How’d you know that I made it?”
A knowing grin spread on his lips, which he hid as he lifted his mug back up to his mouth. “Lucky guess,” he answered simply. Rowan knew him well enough to recognize that he wasn’t telling him the whole truth. But he decided to let it go for now. 
“Alright, just wondering.” 
Lincoln McQuoid: “Basically, I can sense things that have been touched by the power. Monsters, artifacts, people...  I can see impressions and feel emotions, but the more disconnected from the Power something is and the more disconnected emotionally I am from it, the vaguer the impressions will be.”
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blacktobackmesa · 2 years
Why SpeedrunStreamer!Bubby?
So, if you’ve read the Streamman series or seen my posts, you’ll know that I decided that after being extracted from the game and starting a new life in a custom program, Bubby starts doing speedrun streams on Twitch. This may seem like a strange character choice, especially when Bubby’s not exactly the character most closely tied to video games. As such, I thought I’d share some details about where this concept came from and how this goes down.
Canon Basis
Bubby may not talk about games and game culture all the time, but he's not completely tech illiterate. He's one of the few characters in HLVRAI who uses the term "pog" in its modern context (though both characters do so incorrectly)
Pertaining to speedrunning: the Rocket Launch scene. We don't know exactly what Bubby sees when he takes the rocket into "outer space", but given the outcome of Coomer clearing the skybox earlier, it can be inferred that Bubby catches a glimpse of what's outside of the map. Unlike Coomer, however, Bubby doesn't respond to this with outward fear. In fact, he's fascinated, and chooses to "go back" for another look. Game breakage does not upset him, it just makes him curious.
"I need to perfect my run."
After living in the facility for ?? years with a constant schedule and job to do, Bubby's going to need to occupy his time now that he's more or less retired. He loves trains, so he's probably one of those guys with a model railway in his basement, but he's also got a hunger for learning new things and accomplishing great tasks.
One of the ways he's coming to terms with being an AI is by taking advantage of what he can do that someone not living in a computer can't. It doesn't come as naturally to him as it does to Benrey and G-Man, who can more or less warp reality, and he doesn't have the same knack with computers as Darnold.
Then one night when they're all watching shit together Gordon shows them the notorious Super Mario 64 Watch Out for Rolling Rocks 1/2 A-Press explanation video. The flood of technical terms and methods makes Bubby feel like he did when he was on the rocket, and he needs to see more. New Obsession Unlocked
Bubby is used to attention. He doesn't need to be the center of the world all the time (though he definitely did when he was younger) but he's accustomed to being in groups. Now he's living in a neighborhood with a small handful of people. He needs interaction with other people, but there just aren't really other people around. Joining an online community lets him talk to people, and doing so by setting up a twitch channel means he can interact with people on his own terms by showing off doing things he likes.
Gotta make money to buy new games somehow. Plus he wants to feel like he's living independently and making his own living for once
Depending on the game Bubby will do his runs either playing traditionally or by physically inserting himself into the game ACAB Stream-style. Both require very different skillsets and a lot of practice! He gets the best viewership for the physical ones, but they're a lot more taxing on him so he chooses them carefully.
Darnold does producer work for him. Look he's the Computers Guy and it's neat work.
He's set a couple WRs in various categories. Unfortunately, he does not qualify for most leaderboards, as it's up for debate if his runs count as scripted or tool assisted. Since, y'know. He's a program.
"Tool assisted? The fuck did you call me?"
As a workaround he made his own category, Bubby%. This has not been accepted by many leaderboards since competition is nonexistent.
He recognizes that many of his viewers are there for the novelty of watching someone they don't perceive as human play video games. Sadly, he's used to that sort of perception, but at least that means it's not a deal breaker.
For every person who sees him as a curiosity for being an AI, there's at least one other who sees him as a curiosity for being over 65 and playing, like, Super Metroid and Spelunky. And another viewer who thinks he's a vtuber hoax but likes the content.
Not all of his streams are speedruns, he does some casual stuff too. Sometimes he'll fuck around with party games with Coomer or do gmod stuff with Benrey.
He didn't tell Gordon about his channel for several months. Not for any personal reasons, he just likes to have secrets.
His chat has a running joke of speculating when he'll finally stream Half Life. He cracks a lot of jokes about it, but he's never going to do it. That experience is something extremely personal, and he's not going through it for someone's entertainment. Not again.
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demonfox38 · 8 months
Completed - Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen
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Don't worry, guys. I know what I'm doing.
I suppose this will surprise nobody, but I always have some kind of portable game console in my purse. This is usually a Nintendo DS, given its ability to play both DS and Game Boy Advance games. In its carrying case, I have a few staple comfort games, like:
"Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls"
The Castlevania Double Pack (Containing "Harmony of Dissonance" and "Aria of Sorrow")
"Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow"
"Pokémon FireRed" and/or "LeafGreen"
Now, my copies of "Pokémon FireRed" and "Pokémon LeafGreen" were purchased second-hand online. (If you decide to go that route—don't buy Game Boy Advance games unless they show you the game's circuit board. No need to pay stupid amounts of money for a counterfeit.) Out of curiosity, I opened up both games to see how far the player had gotten. Both shared the same character name (Dylan), so I assumed that the owner had been trying to beat both games. "LeafGreen" had stopped just outside of the first gym, so I felt no remorse in wiping that one out. "FireRed," however? That one had literally stopped right before Victory Road. Like…what? He was right at the finish line!
So, I beat them both. Like, not simultaneously, but over the last year or so.
Damned if I didn't have a surprise struggle at the end!
You know, as someone who was in the target demographic for this series, I may be assuming that the reader (i.e., you!) may already know quite a bit about this set of games. But, that's a wrong assumption to make. If you are unaware, "Pokémon FireRed" and "Pokémon LeafGreen" are Game Boy Advance remakes of the original "Pokémon" games ("Red"/"Green" in Japan, "Red"/"Blue" elsewhere. There is a Japanese "Pokémon Blue," but that is both its own thing and the root code source for the international releases of the first "Pokémon" games. Yeah, it's like that!) Its existence is both an update/remix to the original massively popular game, as well as a way to implement catching Generation 1 and 2 Pokémon without making backwards compatibility to the previous Game Boy games. It's also now in this weird situation where getting Pokémon from the original games is technically easier than getting them from this. I mean, if you bought digital copies of "Red"/"Blue" and "Gold"/"Silver", anyway.
Look, man. Catching 'em all is a mess. And frankly, a lie.
I originally bounced off the Generation 3 "Pokémon" games because…well, frankly, I was pissed that there wasn't a Game Boy to Game Boy Advance transfer system. That, and I wasn't big on the ability system that was added in. Also, Gen 3 is slow and grindy. Like, I'm sure I'd have problems with Gens 1 and 2 if I went back, but I still have the tools to speed them up (i.e., "Pokémon Stadium" games, glitch knowledge, and a Game Shark.) Long story short, there wasn't a reason for me to play them then. Now, I've at least got a DS and some incentive to yoink Pokémon from these games using their backwards compatibility, if I wanted to do that. But, then again, that's relying on the DS to 3DS transfers working correctly, storage systems not being discontinued, etc.
Pokémon is suffering. Heartbreak, too. (Like, I'm sorry man, but your "Gold"/"Silver"/"Crystal" batteries are toast by now. Our teams are gone. Head to Lavender Town and work it out.)
What's the goal of "Pokémon FireRed"/"LeafGreen"? Allegedly, capturing as many of the little Pokéjerks as possible, then raising them into a fighting team to propel you through eight gyms and a final trainer gauntlet, proving your superiority at Pokéhusbandry. It's not a task you can accomplish alone. By trading with other people (or at least, other copies of the games), you can fill out your Pokédex and experience different styles of play, often at an accelerated pace. Hypothetically, you'd need three people coordinating with each other to successfully accomplish this task. Which, God knows I can't get that locally. But, I do have a Game Boy Advance, a Game Boy Advance SP, a transfer cable, and a terrifying knowledge of Excel spreadsheets, so given enough time, I can get a lot done on my own.
Look. I know I'm a Gen 1 Pokémon player. I know the stereotypes that come with that. But man, I can't for the life of me see where people would pick Gen 3 as their favorite Pokémon generation. At least 4 onward had Internet connectivity. I applaud 6's addition of Fairy type, if for no other reason than to make Dragon type trainers panic (and for The Pokémon Company to consistently freak out and hit the Steel/Dragon type combo button). "Pokémon Legends Arceus" is also the realest experience, man. Garbage boss fights, but such a cool loop.
What's my point? Well, Pokémon games are the best when you either have other people to play with or access to an array of cheating devices and/or services. Barring that, boy, are the older games a slog.
I grew up in Nowhere, Iowa. You think I had access to any of the specialty events that would unlock extra legendary and mythical Pokémon? I barely had access to people that would talk to me. I even lost access to a GameStop, so I can't even get them now. Regional-based special events are not in the cards for me. Like, obviously, don't cheat in competitive circles or against other people, but do what you've gotta do to fix the gremlins in your brain, otherwise. (There are many nice Discord servers to help you out with that, too.) Plus, cheating taught me hexadecimal and address/value manipulation! Just a little casual computer science course in the wild!
This isn't being much of an evaluation, is it?
Well, I think it helps you to know where I'm coming from, regarding my activities with these games.
If you were like the millions of kids that played "Pokémon Red"/"Blue" from 1997-2000, you can probably beat "Pokémon FireRed"/"LeafGreen" in your sleep. There are a few curve balls that you will hit regarding getting a drink to the Saffron City security guard and the whole Sevii Islands addition in the latter half. Otherwise, it's just rinse and repeat, but in higher fidelity. (I do think it's strange that they didn't modify the original Pokémon babysitters to have the breeding capabilities as well, but it's nice that there's at least one location where you can get your little critters to mash.) Moltres also gets moved out to a mountain in the Sevii Islands, so don't panic if you can't find it on Victory Road. Also, the game will give you a spin at nabbing one of the Legendary Beasts, so that's definitely worth saving a Master Ball for.
You know. Assuming the kid that previously owned your game DIDN'T ALREADY USE IT.
I can't go forward without discussing the agony that was hunting Raikou without a Master Ball. Like, I did it before in Gen 2, right? You paralyze it, False Swipe it down to 1 HP, then track it as it runs off via the Pokédex or whatever tools you have available for watching its location. "Pokémon FireRed"/"LeafGreen" has a critical bug with both Raikou and Entei that make hunting them especially miserable. If either of these two Pokémon use Roar, it will not only terminate the battle, but wipe them out from the game, forcing you to reset or lose them for good. Like, it's a 40-50 hour deep bug to find, but man, it's aggravating. Imagine not knowing about that and losing them to that oversight.
Also, fiddling with the moveset of various Pokémon did scratch me a little bit, at one point. Apparently, some funny guy thought having the higher-level Vulpixes in Route 7 losing their ability to use Ember was a good idea. Why did you think I picked them up before, Funny Guy? I got a Grass gym to beat and want a Fire type to do it with!
Whaddya mean I'm supposed to use a Flying type Pokémon? That's dull, man. (Although, I did have a fondness for Dodrio this time around. Hooray for the Runaway ability and getting through dungeons ASAP!) 
...do I even bring up the one time I saw a shiny Pokémon and lost it because it was in the Safari Park, and I was stuck using that shitty system? Because that sucked, man. Not that I really needed another Nidoran♀️, but it's hard on a person to have that happen.
You know what I did like and ended up using quite a lot? The VS Seeker item. It was nice to go back and fight trainers. More XP, more money. Good. There was a particular set of Fighting-type trainers before Mt. Ember that I used to really drill up stats. So, thanks for that, game!
The weird thing about discussing this game is that I don't really want to talk about its functionality as much as I want to talk about reflections I had during the "LeafGreen" replay and finishing off the previous "FireRed" file. I mean, what can I say at this point? Game kinda slow, trades make it go faster, bugs not helpful, glad Bulbapedia exists. Got it. I'm going to use the next chunk just to reminisce about the passage of time. That may be more illuminating than anything else I can say regarding these games.
Gen 2 was so right to make both the Dark type and breeding a thing. Just a whole A+ idea there.
I don't get why people are freaked out by Lavender Town. It's a burial ground. Why are you surprised that there are ghost Pokémon here? You know what's actually screwed up? The Pokémon Mansion on Cinnabar Island. It's gutted, being actively picked over by thieves and scientists, and filled to the brim with goopy monsters that were likely created as a result of experiments with Mew and Mewtwo going horribly wrong. And there's a gym key in here. Why? Did Blaine put it down here as a gauntlet for warning other trainers, or did some other scientist drop it (possibly after getting eaten by a Muk)? Also, that power plant is nuts, too. Why did it get abandoned, anyway? Was it because Zapdos did something, or did it just like having a free lunch and roosted there?
Man, the political structure of the Pokémon League is bonkers. You'd really think there would be more complaints about the lack of access to the Saffron City and Cinnabar Island gyms. Get a gardener for Vermilion and Celadon, while they're at it. Not to mention the whole "oops, the final gym leader was a major criminal" fiasco. Is no one paying attention? Hello? Why does a ten-year-old have to act as the judicial system around here? I mean, it's all stuff to make gameplay happen, but I resent having to use Cut and Flash (see below.) Or, maybe I'm now appreciating more of the active role other trainers have in future games a little bit more. It's nice to have at least one other person go, "Wait a minute. This is dangerous. Let me help you punch this gang/cult leader/tech prick in the throat."
God bless the latter games going "You know what? We're done with HMs." Because man, I'm done with HMs, too. Surf, Fly, and Strength get a pass for at least being halfway decent in battle. Trash moves, otherwise. (Okay, Waterfall is fine, too. I just find it irritating to saddle my Water-type Pokémon with map moves.)
Man, how many of these monsters are part poison in this generation? 33? God. Entirely too much. No wonder Psychic types dominated this generation. Poison types even outnumber Water Pokémon here! (I mean, not by much. By one. But, still, that's weird.) Someone's gotta get the EPA on this region. Or, whatever the Japanese equivalent of the EPA is.
At this point, "Pokémon FireRed"/"LeafGreen" are games that are difficult to recommend, especially to anyone that was born after the year 2000. Technology's progressed far enough that you'll either have better access to the original version through a digital storefront or—more likely, what you want—better ways to get older Pokémon. Otherwise, it's cost-prohibitive and requires multiple copies/playthroughs to get even remotely close to the old end goal of a completed Pokédex. Even getting to the in-game special events now requires cheat devices. Not that I'm against that, but that's expensive too, man.
I mean, if you want to spend, like, $400-$500 dollars on cheating devices, consoles, games, and connecting devices for this particular experience, that's up to you. (Not that I spent anywhere around that; I've got an electronic hoard built up over the decades, remember.) But, honestly? Coming from a retro fanatic? You can get a better experience today.
By that, I mean you can probably still find a good copy of "Ultra Sun"/"Ultra Moon" and a 3DS for a half-way decent price. "Pokémon Legends Arceus," too. Maybe "Sword"/"Shield." I guess "Scarlet"/"Violet" also has DLC now, but geez. Not sure I'm down to spend $40 USD for that.
Pokémon is pain. Also, fiscally irresponsible.
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blamebrampton · 2 years
A thing I wish I had started much younger was learning how to fix more things. I started with a decent base – clothes, tack, basic household stuff – and added bicycles fairly early on (and yes, I can change a car tyre and do some basic mechanics on old cars and tractors, even though I don’t drive, because those are basic farm skills), but a lot of my repair skills were only learned after I was 30, or even 40 and I still often find things I don’t have the skills to fix. Some I never will (my phone), but others I want to (the peeling veneer on my front door).
Sometimes mending is meditative, like the darning on this scarf where a neighbourhood dog accidentally tore it (excuse the cat hairs). Sometimes it is a gift, like being able to get my neighbour’s bike back on the road. Almost always, it is a better use of time and resources than getting rid of the broken thing and getting a new one.
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When something breaks now, I will often try to fix it. Sometimes I already have the skills. Sometimes I can jury rig a fix with textile or leather skills. Others I’m still learning. I sat down and worked my way through a knot book a few years back, which was no end of help as I’d forgotten how much you can get done with string, plus I ended up learning how to make nets properly. The month after next I am doing a carpentry class, because it is embarrassing how few woodworking skills I have.
Some fixes are embarrassingly simple, but I only realise I can do them when I google ‘how to fix…’ Very often the ones in this set are done with glues: special glues for fixing the split seam on my Wellingtons, two-part epoxies for the table I had to take apart to move, which will fill the gaps rather than me needing to chisel and sand them smooth. Glue chemistry is amazing. Did you know you can use a bike tyre patch to fix a small hole in your wellies? I learned that on YouTube last Tuesday.
I don’t know that I’ve saved a lot of money — I tend to buy a few tools every time I learn a skill; really should have started with metalwork and carpentry and then I could have made a lot of them — but I’ve saved a lot of treasured things, and while on some the repairs are invisible, on others, I can see that I was there, that I added to the life and story of that object.
So if you have the confidence in your hands, the next time something breaks, see if you can fix it. Google, YouTube and online libraries make it easier than ever. And if you don’t have confidence in your hands, see if you have a local Repair Cafe, where there might be someone who can fix it for you and perhaps help you learn enough to do it yourself next time. Because if you start learning how to do this stuff when you’re young, you’re going to be unstoppable by the time you’re my age.
(One caveat: unless you love darning, only ever darn your favourite socks. It takes for flipping ever and most socks are cheap. Those hours weaving in toes or heels could be spent making something cool, shagging or reading.)
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chroniclesofrain · 9 months
"Gen-Z Diaries: Navigating Daily Life in the Digital Age"
Looking back at my daily routine, I can't help but admit how deeply technology has embedded itself into my daily existence. As an individual living in the digital age and a part of Generation Z, I was born with technology all around me. It's just the way life has always been for me.
How I start my day
I begin my day by waking up to the sound of my smartphone's alarm. When the loud alarm on my phone goes off, it signals my brain that I should start my day. I remember my mom once described how she would set an alarm on an actual clock. But now, traditional alarm clocks are a thing of the past since smartphones have these kinds of applications built-in to make life more convenient.
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Productivity and academic
After getting myself ready for the day, I dive into working on the stuff I need to get done––academic or chore. My phone, tablet, laptop, and several software programs have evolved into my go-to working tools. For instance, Canvas, Gmeet, Gmail, and Zoom are examples of collaborative technologies that have changed the way I communicate with friends, peers, and family. Despite remotely studying and not personally seeing my blockmates and friends, technology brought connectivity to my life. Fortunately, whenever we have onsite classes, navigating or GPS applications direct me through my commute. Generally, It shows me real-time updates on traffic as well as suggestions on faster routes to avoid heavy traffic.
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Primary health companion
Whenever I have extra time on my hands, I try my best to work out. Recently, I got a smartwatch with a fitness tracker app, and it has been nudging me to stand on my feet and move. Consequently, I found myself prioritizing my well-being and moving more often since it amazes me whenever it displays my progress.
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Aside from working out, streaming movies is what keeps me busy. Streaming services such as Netflix and Disney+ have given me endless options of content to explore and watch. Furthermore, online shopping has also become a part of my regular activity. Admittedly, the ease of browsing for the items I need, adding them to my cart, and having them delivered right in front of my door amazes me. Additionally, mobile banking and cash app wallets such as Gcsh made managing finances easier. Generally, it eases the way I pay for the items I buy online or whenever I forget to bring cash with me.
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As the day draws to a close, I get ready before retiring to my bed. I then turn on a decent film or television show that will help me relax and easily sleep. Last but not least, I always make sure my alarm is set so I won't be late for my day tomorrow. And that's how my day-to-day activities go.
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Technology has transformed how I manage my daily routines, but sometimes, I can't help but ponder and miss the days when technology was only a form of entertainment for me. Although it served as my timekeeper, guide, and connection to the outside world that brings convenience, efficiency, connectivity, and such, I always remind myself not to be overdependent on technology.
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clementinecrane · 2 years
 My second fill for my bingo card over at @thepassifloradiscord . This time I borrowed my boys from Say The Words So Often. The prompt was gardening. 
    WhiteWolf: Did you get the tulips?
    Jaskier pulled out his phone and smiled at the message, shifting the bag of tulip bulbs in his arms so he could type back.
    Dandelion: Yep, I’m in the checkout line right now. Should be there soon babe.
    Jaskier moved forward in line and placed the bag of bulbs onto the conveyor belt tucking a divider on either side of them before scooching forward a bit. It wasn’t long before he was at the register paying for them, and soon after that he was heading out to his car and plugging the garden’s location into the gps on his phone. He pulled out of the parking lot and was on his way. 
    It had been Geralt’s idea to buy an allotment at the local community garden. They’d started out with a few succulents in Geralt’s apartment, and then branched out into various herbs. Soon they’d ended up with their own little garden, but Roach had taken to digging at some of it and so the decision had been made to get their own section of garden plots outside instead. 
    Soon enough he was pulling into the parking lot out front of the garden plots. Geralt was standing out front waiting for him, and when he pulled up he turned to smile at him as he got out of the car. Jaskier hurried over to him, tulip bulbs in hand, and kissed him in greeting.
    “Okay, you have everything else we need?” Jaskier asked.
    “Yup, I think so,” Geralt lifted up the bag of tools he’d brought with him to show Jaskier.
    “So where are we?” Jaskier asked, following Geralt into the gardens.
    “We are….back here,” Geralt led Jaskier over to a small raised bed in the far back.
    There was a small placard on the side of the bed that read Geralt Morhen. Jaskier smiled at that, and knelt down beside the bed, and Geralt set the bag of tools down beside him. He took out the shears and used them to open the bag of tulip bulbs while Geralt began digging holes in the bed itself. Once he had a few dug, he reached over and grabbed a few bulbs out of the bag and set one in each hole before smoothing the dirt over the tops of them. He offered the shovel to Jaskier who took it happily and began making holes of his own.
        “Thank you for doing this,” Jaskier said, “it reminds me of being a kid and planting tulips with my mom in the garden in the front of the house, around the base of the maple tree.”
    Geralt smiled at him, “You know…that house is up for sale right now.”
    “What? My childhood home? How do you know that?” Jaskier asked incredulously.
    “I’ve been keeping an eye on it online in case it ever went for sale, since I know how much you loved that house,” Geralt shrugged, “if I bought it…would you want to move in with me?”
    Jaskier set another bulb down into the last of the holes he’d dug and smoothed the dirt over the tops of the bulbs. He turned to Geralt with a huge smile on his face.
    “Of course I would!” Jaskier grinned like mad at Geralt and shuffled over on his knees to his side so he could wrap his arms around his neck, “I love you so much.”
    Geralt wrapped his arms around Jaskier’s waist and hugged him tightly, “I love you too, Dandelion.”
    With that, they continued on planting bulbs while Geralt called the real estate agent in charge of selling the house to set up an appointment to go see it. When they’d finished planting, they gathered up the empty bulb bag and their tools and headed back to the parking lot. Jaskier was looking forward to resuming the tradition of planting tulips out front of his childhood home next year. This time, with his Wolf.
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