#c3po strikes again!
beaxtrice · 2 years
C-3PO is kinda the half brother of Luke and Leia isn't he
You know what you're RIGHT YESSS I've never thought of it but yess
C3po is like their brother and also r2d2, they were always there with Leia and Luke through their journey
and I think the sibling dynamics are:
R2d2 is the oldest brother
Leia and Luke are the youngest
And then we have c3po which is the middle child (cause yk who cares about the middle child ammiright?! Lmao) Also because no one acknowledges c3po poor baby 🤣🤣🤣
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beaxtrice-newme · 1 year
Okay hear me out, if a character spends six movies being told to stfu, they’re at least a little annoying
- you know who I am 😈
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH nuuuuh don't say that 🤣🤣🤣 poor c3po!!! hahahah i know who you are 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I mean it's the best part of his character when people tell him to shut up 🤣🤣 I loveeee that humor. He starts speaking and everyone is already annoyed I LOVE IT HAHAHAHAH I can't help it this is so funny 🤣🤣 soooo c3po is funny we can't deny it LMAO
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strxwberrymoonstar · 5 months
omg i would love if you wrote something for han solo where they’re arguing and he accidentally confesses his feelings for her
omg yes please!
this is definitely around the time of a new hope/empire strikes back xoxo
not proof read btw! so sorry for mistakes x
word count: 768
the sudden bolt from the empire ship catches everyone on board the millennium falcon off guard. Han and chewie stir in their seats, eyes glancing around the ship, whilst yourself, r2d2 and c3po are sent flying around the cockpit.
"Oh what are we to do?" C3po says, his robotic voice mixing in with the blasters of the ship firing as he throws his hands up to try to cover his eyes.
"Just can your tin will ya'" Han yells, flipping switches and buttons around the control centre, trying to angle the blasters to hit the tie fighter that follows. Big bursts of air flood from one of the pipes in the cockpit access corridor, the sound piercing everyone's ears.
Chewbacca swirls his chair around, shoving r2d2 out of the way so he can go fix the other problem. Han aggressively shouts, slamming more buttons on the centre. You slide yourself in in front of the terrified golden robot and into the captains seat, looking at Han waiting for his next reaction.
"I can help! Let me help!" You yell, watching as the tie fighter does rings around the ship. "I am not letting a girl, let alone YOU, fly my ship!" Han states, letting his words out with a poisonous tone. Your mouth falls open in shock, eyebrows creasing as your eyes fill with fury.
The beige colour of the planet that shone before you enters your vision as the ship maneuvers through towers of boulders. Before you could mouth any type of redemption, the both of you are sent flying sidewards, the disregard of the chairs seatbelt causes your body to fall into the lap of his as he turns the falcon sideways.
"Not now sweetheart, i'm trying to fly!"
You roll your eyes dramatically, watching as the ships falls into one of the dark, circle shaped tunnels to hide in. Han softly lands the ship behind a small spot of rocks, trying to blend in. You held your breath as you watch the Tie Fighter zoom past the ship and out the other end of the planet.
"Oh princess, if you wanted to get closer to me all you had to do was ask," the teasing tone of Han's breaks the silence. You let out a scoff as you push yourself out of his lap and back into the other chair. You look up at him and notice the smirk that's begging to be slapped off of his face.
"You're just begging for me to slap you," You say through gritted teeth. "Maybe I would like that princess," He replies.
"Of course you would, and I would guess you like the chase of almost killing us all?" You question, eyes widening and crossing your arms over your chest. Han slowly starts to stand up and you follow subconsciously, the tension rising throughout the room.
"I saved us!" Han shouts, fingers pointed towards his own chest. "You nearly killed us!” You shout back, taking a step towards him. "I would never put you in that amount of danger!" the vein on his forehead starts to pulse slightly.
His calloused hands roughly grab your shoulders, slightly shaking you with the sheer amount of force he used as he makes you stare into his eyes. Your faces are mere centimetres apart, staggered breaths leaving both of your mouths.
"I would never put you in that amount of danger, princess" he says again, this time softer. The parts around his eyes soften as he rubs his hands down your shoulders to your arms and back up again.
Shambles of words fall out of your mouth as you search his eyes for the truth. Han looks down again and then back up. He shoves his lips onto yours roughly, bringing your body closer to his as he deepens the kiss.
His hand places itself on the middle of your back, subtly pulling yourself closing to him, while his other hand gently caresses the side of your face. His actions, soft and gentle, contrasted greatly at his earlier actions of pushing you around. You both pull away, Han still keeping his large hand on your face.
“If you just wanted a kiss, all you had to do was ask,” You say, rolling your eyes before walking out of the cockpit to go and help the rest of the crew.
A smirk finds it’s way crawling up Hans face before he wipes it off with the palm of his hand, dragging it down his face. He shakes his head before following you.
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Flufftober Day 7: Movie Marathon
Donatello x Fem!reader
Am I projecting in this story....yes no
Is this my dream?... also yes no
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: nerds in love, turtle snuggles, the author is too obsessed with Star Wars, kissing and smootches, first 'I loves you', spelling mistakes,
Summary: you and Donnie binge watch Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
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"Donnie hurry up!"
"I'm getting the snacks you-"
"I'll start it without you!" You scream from his room, staring at your laptop, clicking it to the right streaming service.
You hear his footsteps barrel through the lair, throwing open his door, arms full of all the snacks you asked for.
He closed the door behind him, panting softly and bringing the cluster of snacks to his bed.
He wanted to be mad that you'd made him get all the snacks, made him undo his made bed, stolen his favorite Star Wars pajamas, and yelled at him to hurry up, but seeing you all snuggled up in his blankets dissolved any anger he felt.
Setting the snacks in the center of the bed, he crawled in, leaning against your side.
"What one are we on now?" He asked, pulling the comforter up.
"Empire Strikes Back," You glance at him, he'd been working so hard lately on new updates to the truck and having to add in a new tracking and security system to the lair, it stressed him out for weeks. Finally, he finished it all and Leo (along with Mikey and Raph) allowed Donnie to have the weekend off so he didn't have a brain meltdown.
He didn't have his mask or head gear on, he had soft sweatpants on and had all his normal gear piled up in the corner. He was relaxed, actually relaxed.
Glad to finally have him all to yourself for several days, you suggested the one thing you knew would keep him relaxed and in your arms.
Star Wars Movie Marathon.
"Love?" He snapped his fingers, jumping you slightly.
"What?" You'd been smiling and staring at him for that little bit too long.
"You kinda zoned out there," He laughed, licking his lips. "You back with me?"
"Uh, yeah, yeah," You laugh, getting on Disney+ and putting on the movie.
You and Donnie snuggled down into the bed, Donnie propped up with some pillows, you curled into his side with the laptop in his lap.
For the first part you sat in silence, absorbed into the movie, munching on snacks and sneaking kisses.
The movie reached its hour mark.
"This is my favorite part," You whisper, patting his chest.
It was when Princess Leia was helping fix the Milieuim Falcon and Han started talking with her. She hurt her finger and he gently took her hand and started to massage it to make her feel better.
"This part?" He murmurs into your hairline.
"Yeah, I'm a sucker for the 'you're trembling' trope, it's my biggest guilty pleasure," Your eyes never leave the screen, feeling your cheeks turn pink.
Donnie simply hummed in acknowledgment, rubbing the hand around you up and down along your spine.
The movie continues, Han commenting on how bad Leia was trembling before kissing her, then getting interrupted by C3PO.
"If we were ever working on something together, and I hurt my hand, I expect you to rub the pain away like Han did," You lift your chin, still resting against his chest. He glances down at you, lips curved into a soft smile.
"Should I also comment on how you're trembling?" An idea formed in Donnie's mind, he had to see what you would say.
"Yes, absolutely," You nod, giggling and looking back to the movie. Donnie didn't look away.
"And, obviously changing gender stereotypes, if I were to say I love you,"
"I would say, 'I know'" You laugh, making your voice deeper to mimic Han, completely oblivious to what Donnie actually was implying. "Obviously I would say it, it's the most iconic line from the Originals,"
"Say what?"
You looked up at him again, raising a brow. "I would say 'I know' like Han did,"
"What would you say 'I know' too?" Donnie had a mischievous smile on his face, hazel eyes bright, the movie reflecting in his glasses.
"I love you," You make a confused face, wondering what Donnie was getting at.
"I love you too," Donnie chuckles at your wide eyes, the now red flush on your cheeks.
You opened and closed your mouth several times, completely speechless. Donnie never made any of the moves in the relationship, he let you because he was terrified he'd overstep a boundary.
You'd asked him out. You initiated the first kiss. The first sleepover? Your idea. Where had this sudden confidence come from?
In the midst of your brain shutting down, the only thing you could stutter out was. "Really?"
He nods, taking off his glasses and setting them on his nightstand. Scootching down in bed he comes to eye level with you, pressing his forehead to yours.
"I do, I love you," He mumbles, kissing the tip of your nose.
"I love you too," You smile, cupping his scaled cheek and kissing him. His face was warm, he was clearly very flustered and hoping you'd react this way.
After a few more stolen kisses, you both turn back to the movie. Eating half the snacks and with Donnie's arms tightly around you, you started to lull to sleep.
"Tired, love?" Donnie chuckled, eating a chocolate pretzel.
"Mmmm-no," You slur, cheek pressed against his plastron. "Just closing my eyes,"
"You can't watch the movie with your eyes closed,"
"I've seen it a bunch, it's fine, I'm just gonna take a 30 minute nap,"
He laughs again, pressing three kisses to your forehead, eating his ridiculously loud pretzels and watching the movie.
Just before you dozed off into sleep, you tapped Donnie's chest. "I love you, baby, you're the Han Solo to my Princess Leia,"
Donnie hums, glad his green skin wouldn't let him turn bright red. He kissed the top of your head, nuzzling your hairline with his nose.
"I know,"
tags: @flufftober @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @strawberrycakeblog @mysticboombox
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
Star Wars But Better Part 1
here’s the link to the master post so you can get part one: Master post
releasing part one because I’m bored as hell
this is a story I wrote a while back, I think it was sophomore year? Basically I replaced Luke Skywalker with @xen-blank. If you don’t know them and you’re a Star Wars fan, I think it’s still pretty funny.
not all of this is my words because I did take things directly from the script of the movie. If something is in quotations it’s a direct quote that I wanted you to know it was a direct quote.
A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far Far Away…
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Civil war… Rebel spaceships…  striking from a hidden base… won their first  Victory… evil Galactic Empire… yada yada yada who cares
C3PO: (To R2) Did you hear that? They’ve shut down the main reactor. We’ll be destroyed for sure this is madness!
(Vader kills a bunch of guys and R2 gets some message. What's it for? I don’t know! He's very cryptic about it. Anyway he somehow knocks 3PO into an escape pod and the Kriffing Imperial Idiots scene no life in the pod so they don’t shoot it down. They land on a planet of sand… I hate sand… anyway who cares if they get captured by jawas or something. Either way they're not important so I’m not writing it!)
----Meanwhile on the Lars Ranch-—
Luc: (To droid) come on already! (Impatiently waits) Uhg you walk too slow! (Just picks the dang thing up and chuks it in the back of their speeder then drives off)
(Luc arrives at Anchorhead a woman angrily waves her fists at them as they drive by)
Old Woman: I told you kids to slow down around here!
(Luc ignores her and stops in front of the power station which is the only slightly interesting place on tatooine. It’s still hot as hell though so does it really matter? They walk into the station and see a rugged mechanic and Camie “a sexy” disheveled girl who is making out with the mechanic when Luc walks in.)
Luc: Ew
Waxer: Shut your porthole wormie
Luc: (Gives them an L) Losers
Camie: You're such a child!
Biggs: Well it seems like no ones changed!
(Luc turns to see their childhood Bestie Biggs Darklighter, “a burly handsome boy”)
Luc: Oh my gosh Bestie?! I didn’t know you were back!
Biggs: Yeah I’m surprised too. Nice to see you again wormie. I thought you’d be here. I certainly didn’t think you’d be out working. (laughs)
Luc: What’s that supposed to mean?
Biggs: (Laughs and ruffles their hair) It really is good to see you hot shot!
Luc: The academy hasn’t changed you much, but you’re back so soon. What happened? 
Biggs: Nothing bad, I got my commission. First mate biggs darklighter at your service (he salutes)
Luc: Man I’d love to see you with combed hair for once
Biggs: (Laughs) Well I came back because I wanted to say goodbye to all you land locked simpletons. (Pats them on the shoulder)
Luc: D-did you just touch me! That’s a hate crime! (Pretends to be appalled)
(Camie rolls her eyes)
Luc: Oh I almost forgot. (Speaks non shelauntly) There's a space battle going on. (Points to a spot in the sky where they had seen explosion through their micro binoculars earlier)
Waxer: Stop with that dumb bathat poodoo, I’m not falling for that again!
(Camie stares at the sky)
Camie: Yeah nice eyes wormie there's nothing up there.
Biggs: (Looks through macrobinoculars) Yeah sorry Luc they’re just sitting there. Probably refiling or something.
Luc: (Crosses arms) Well they were fighting earlier
Waxer: Yeah I don’t buy it!
Luc: Well that’s a you problem.
(Waxer shrugs and rolls his eyes, then drags Camie back into the station to play pool with Deak and Windy)
(Meanwhile Leia is insulting Vader and getting arrested)
(Luc and Biggs are walking outside drinking a “Malt Brew” (don’t ask me what that is) the others can be heard inside)
Luc: (Very animated) So then- get this because it was so cute! So next I went up to- Well, in the game in the game I was carrying all of these books, right? And they were super heavy, so- Ahh, it was so cute, so I picked the “intimacy up” choice- (this was written by Luc themself)
Biggs: You better take it easy Luc. You might be a good pilot but if you get too cocky you might end up as a decoration on the canyon wall.
Luc: Look who’s talking, you're the one who’s piloting big fancy starships!
Biggs: I’ve missed you kid!
Luc: Good! >:)
Biggs: Uh i didn’t come back to just say goodbye…
Luc: Don’t tell me you want to break up!
Biggs: What? Oh! (Laughs) Don’t mess with me like that!
Luc: Why’d you even hesitate? Oh whatever, what do you want to say?
Biggs: I made some friends at the academy
Luc: And you’re replacing me or some dumb druk
Biggs: This is serious (whispers) me and my buddies are gonna hop a ship and join the Alliance-
Luc: The rebellion? You’re gonna commit high treason! (Excitedly smiles)
Biggs: Hey don’t get so excited
Luc: Sorry breaking the law just sounds so much more fun than being stuck here!
Biggs: Then you should come with me
Luc: Bestie, you know my uncle. There’s no way he’s gonna let me have a life off this rock let alone join a kriffing war.
Biggs: What good is your uncle’s work if it’s taken over the empire? You know they are starting to nationalize commerce in the central systems. 
Luc: Wish I could tell him that
Biggs: It won’t be long before your Aunt and Uncle and maybe even you are merely tenants for the greater glory of the empire.
Luc: Nah because I’ll just take over the Empire before they can do that!
Biggs: You’d probably be a better leader then old Palpy.
Luc: Exactly!- Are you going to be around long?
Biggs: No, I'm heading out in the morning…
Luc: Then I guess I won’t see you.
Biggs: You never know. Keep a look out alright?
Luc: Yeah. I’m supposed to go to the Academy next rotation, after that I don’t know. I’m not gonna be some dumb pilot for pricy admirals to gauk over, thats for sure.
Biggs: Yeah (choked laugh) So long Luc (Messes with their hair)
(Biggs turns away and heads towards the power station)
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daisychainsandbowties · 10 months
😏 top 5 favorite star wars droid scenes (can be from either canon or even fanfic)
i haven’t read very much star wars fic at all (actually only one short fic about B1 droids and… well, 🥰 some super secret very exciting and amazing work by a friend which would 100% make this list if not for the veil of wip mystery) so i will be pulling these from canon!
1. BD-1 is probably the droid of all time to me (like,, he's an expedition droid he's basically that two-legged cat video 🥺 he saves cal multiple times and the two of them are both so alone before they find each other it's!!! THE mood as far as droids go for me). really hard to pick just one scene but probably the scene on ilum because of how that whole level acts as a crucible for their relationship. cal at his lowest and BD-1 showing him that love is risky and cal i think understanding that being a jedi is about taking the risk in loving something (the world, people), and understanding that the risk belongs to you and any hurt that comes from love never gives you permission to lash out at innocent people. (you can however murder fascists the jedi code permits this)
something about the thesis statement of that game as forgiveness and sort of saying 'it makes sense that you were afraid. it makes sense that you were angry, and here's a hand reaching out to touch you despite it all. the empire is everywhere and here, in this outstretched hand, there's gentleness despite it all.' ANYWAY yes BD-1 in that scene and the moment they become inseparable just... always makes me cry.
look at BD's little face. we are best friends now 🥰
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*andor spoilers for number 2*
2. that scene in andor after [redacted] where the camera focuses in on B2EMO, the dialogue washed out and faint and you can just feel his grief. i love what everything Cassian-adjacent has done for droids, but it absolutely broke me to hear B2 say "i don't want to be alone. I want m-m-maarva." that scene as cementing the depth of feeling that droids are capable of... the way B2 is treated by the narrative and by those around him. spoken to like he's maarva's other son and not just her droid.
3. everything K-2SO says in rogue one but especially the scene where he's like "Jyn... I'll be there for you" and there's this extremely heartwarming music playing and then he goes 😐 "Cassian said I had to." 🙄
4. when C-3P0 and R2 crash land on tatooine and 3P0 does nothing but whine and complain. basically
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the whole
"where do you think you're going?!"
"well, i'm not going that way."
"it's much too rocky! this way is much easier."
then kicking R2 and storming off and R2 just like "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 'guess you'll die' and rolling away peacefully, humming to itself. then C3PO lost in the desert muttering "!! he tricked me into going this way" 😡
5. oooo i'm going to be gay and say another BD-1 scene. this is during the Trilla fight on Zeffo where she (good for her. valid of her. always) Force-yeets you across the room and is about to do a very beautiful again very valid downward strike to finish you off and BD-1 activates a particle shield between you and her. heroic work by BD because it triggers by far the best Trilla scene, even including the opening fight on Bracca. look at his smug little face he loves cal so much 🥺
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scary-ivy · 10 months
c3po blocked me? I'm sure I probably left a ride comment on one of their posts and then forgot about it...bigmouth strikes again
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rockandroobuckaroll · 2 years
Not to appear here but I GOTTA talk about the tags you left on my force denier Shane post lmao
Funniest shit I've ever read especially since I had no context for it. I just saw A New Hope for the first time yesterday and am watching The Emprire Strikes Back as we speak. Other than that I've only seen the Mandalorian and BOBF so I'm really just trying to figure this shit out but I have a vague idea!
Anyway, latching on to the shyan part of it all- Shane is very Han, like without a doubt 100% and Ryan very much gives me Luke vibes. I think I just really want him to be a Jedi mostly. I know that it's Han and Leia that are the big thing but who cares about the logistics of it I wanna see shyan in space!! Also Steven as C3PO is the funniest shit in the world and I love it. I just got to the scene where he walks in on Han and Leia and you are so right, the way I can picture that vividly as shyan lol
Anyway I just get very excited about crossing over my interests and the stars wars interest is coming on strong! Thought I'd share, hope you don't mind.
As an AU I'd love to see Shane as a Han style character, kinda shady but willing to do the right thing, even if he's reluctant to get involved. He's overall a charming guy though and wins over most people he meets... except Ryan who has to warm up to him, a whole slow burn situation.
Ryan is definitely the Luke type of character, someone who learns about this mystical force and wants to experience/learn everything about it whilst wanting to get out and see the galaxy.
They could meet and help each other out and wouldn't really NEED to stick together but Shane ends up tagging along just to make sure Ryan doesn't get in too much trouble, not wanting to admit he's concerned about him getting involved in the empire's dealings and stuff. Ryan doesn't like his type of person (similar to Leia not vibing with Han being basically a criminal) and is reluctant to keep him at his side but the way he talks so smooth gets under his skin in a way he can't describe and oh no, he thinks he actually LIKES him.
I wont spoil what happens but this has some real potential with some of their (Han and Leia) iconic quotes. Where in a dire situation where they're not sure if theyll ever see each other again Ryan confesses that he loves him given that it could be the last chance to ever say it and Shane just responds "I know." ???!??! YES. GAH! I need this AU so bad
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starfanatic · 3 years
Luke Amidala Organa Headcanons
-Unlike Leia, Luke is actually very sheltered and kept away from public eye mostly. This is to keep him safe from Vader more then anything. He has training when it comes to battle strategy and politics, but other then that he’s more inexperienced then Leia is.
-When Luke gets captured by Vader his father, Bail Organa, is with him as well. Unfortunately, Bail Organa dies in the gunfire.
-When the empire blew up Alderann, Luke’s screams and sadness hit Obi-Wan so hard he had to sit down.
-When Luke first meets Leia he asks like a million and one questions before Leia drags him out of the cell.
-Luke also doesn’t know how to use a blaster well... so he constantly misses while shooting at the stormtroopers. When he DOES finally hit his target his arms shoot out and he yells “I did it!” but Han has to pull him aside before he gets shot too “Be careful kid!”
-When they get to the rebel base, everyone is delighted and relieved he made it out.
-During the ceremony, when Luke was giving out medals to Leia and Han, Han winks at him and Luke rolls his eyes but the smile is obviously on his face.
Empire Strikes Back
-Luke is way more experienced now, and can give orders with a aura of confidence to him. He does get panic attacks because of the stress though.
-Whenever Han flirts with Luke, Luke is COMPLETELY oblivious and it honestly drives Leia crazy.
-When Luke falls on Han’s lap, he quickly gets back up but once he does he just falls back on his lap. It’s just a very awkward situation and Luke’s cheeks are BLAZING hot red.
-The kiss scene is quite different then how Leia and Han’s. When Luke cuts his hand he has a very... dramatic reaction becuase, well, he still hasn’t grown out completely from the A New Hope version. So he lets out a scream and Han comes in to see Luke shaking his hand and chanting “ow ow ow” over and over again.
-Han kisses Luke’s hand and Luke snatches his hand away saying “Only my mom can do that thank you very much”. The kiss scene was actually i total accident on Han’s part, he was TRYING to make his flirting more obvious but he was tempted so... he kissed him. When they break apart it goes like this basically
Luke: “Holy- That was my first kiss!”
Han: “And it won’t be the last-“ so while he’s leaning in C3PO intrudes and ruins the vibe.
-After finding out Lando is Han’s EX, Luke is super jealous and hostile. Lando thinks he’s playing hard to get... Luke threatened to break his nose-
-After Han was in the carbonite, Luke starts yelling a variety of swear words until Lando pulls him away and puts a hand over his mouth. “Damn it Organa do you have a death wish?”
-After Leia is saved, the conversation with Luke goes like this.
Luke: Do you think everything is going to be okay?
Sensing Luke’s anxiety Leia responds with: “It will. One day everything will be”
Return of the Jedi
-when he takes han OUT of carbonite, Han recognizes the voice immediately.
-Leia taught Luke how to fight, between Esb and Rotj, so when Luke’s blaster gets knocked out of his hand he just resorts to combat. Han stares and almost gets shot with a blaster, but Leia blocks the blast with her lightsaber. “Stop staring at your boyfriend and pay attention”
-When Leia tells Luke that he’s her little brother, Luke doesn’t believe her at first. “Leia, we look nothing alike. Nothing!” But then he realizes Leia looks a lot like his mother, Padme. Leia promises IF she comes back (Luke corrected to when) she would train him. Luke makes her promise to not kill Vader immediately “He didnt torture me, unlike what he would have done with all the other prisoners. He interrogated me but that’s it. There might be some good in him, Leia”
-Luke wears a similar outfit to Padme’s in AOTC (when she went to help Obi-Wan). It gets ripped in half while on the speeders. Han noticed IMMEDIATELY.
-When Luke gets shot he does the same thing he does in Esb, yells “ow, ow, ow, damn that hurt”.
-Luke hugs Leia so hard she almost falls over when she comes back.
-At the very end, Luke pauses and then rethinks what Leia told him. “Wait a damn second... PADME AMIDALA MADE LOVE TO DARTH VADER??” and Leia had to quickly explain what happened before Luke lost his damn mind.
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chevrolangels · 3 years
the real end of star wars
moments before the big (second) death star attack, lando decides to go inexplicably evil and attack han and leia. leia sacrifices herself by yeeting her and lando out an airlock, but not before confessing her love to han, something that we never saw in empire strikes back or anything before this moment. han just stares at her like error 404 not found. he slides to the floor of the millennium falcon and sobs for at least 12 hours.
han gets a fake transmission from leia to let him into the millennium falcon. surprise! it's the emperor, who has often used loved ones to bait our heroes before.
the big showdown happens. the emperor is throwing luke and han around, generally beating the shit out of them. baby yoda comes out of nowhere and sucks all the juice from the emperor, leaving him powerless and defeated.
there is no scene between luke and darth vader bc who needs closure with their father amirite?
the world and the republic is saved. all the ewoks and jedi and people across the world who vader force choked are brought back, but we never see them. instead han and luke skip the yubnub party, but first they're gonna get some blue milk. a very touching moment where luke throws milk in han's face. haha just ~bros~
han never mentions leia. luke brings her up, once, bc they were brother and sister after all. then she’s never mentioned again.
han and luke decide to go hunt down some remaining stormtroopers.
surprise! one of them is the headbonking stormtrooper, a hilarious and touching callback to an early yet unimportant character in the franchise. han and luke take them all out, but then han slips and falls backward onto that jutty microphone thing. he dies, Tragically. luke is distraught, and decides to burn han's body. he doesn't invite chewbacca, c3po, r2d2, or any other of their friends.
luke decides the best way to honor han is to give up using the force completely. he returns to tattooine and marries a blurry patch of desert mirage. he raises his son to be a moisture farmer.
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beaxtrice-newme · 1 year
So I finished watching episodes 4-6 and I don’t hate c-3po but I definitely don’t like him lmao he have his moments I’ll admit
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Poor little c3po 🤣🤣 look at him he's just a little droid full of anxieties, he's so cuteee lmao
My fav moment of him was in episode IX rise of the skywalker when he said "taking one last look, sir, at my friends" 😢😢 awww that part made me so sad
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stonefreeak · 4 years
As promised yesterday, well sort of, here’s another update of CK because it’s my birthday! As always, thank you all so much for your support!
Mas Amedda's trial comes. The Republic and holonet wait with baited breath for the charges to be laid out, for the evidence to be presented, and finally for the verdict to be handed down.
Obi-Wan, having not had anything to do with the final investigation at all, is about as on edge as everyone else. Mas Amedda is the first step. As the Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate, he has held a great deal of power and sway over the Republic at large. If he's corrupt... Well. It won't reflect well on Palpatine, whose trial will happen sometime soon after Amedda's.
After all, if Amedda gets convicted, it will mean that Palpatine either was involved or somehow didn't realise what was happening right under his nose for years. So no doubt is Palpatine hoping for a complete exoneration, for the evidence to show that Amedda has done nothing wrong. Regardless of the outcome of Palpatine's own trial, a conviction for Amedda will look bad for him.
When it comes to Palpatine, Obi-Wan isn't sure what outcome he's hoping for. For Anakin's sake, he hopes that the man isn't corrupt, that everything that Obi-Wan has found is simply some unfortunate coincidences.
However... He does not think that will be the case.
Not at all.
Amedda is convicted on multiple charges of corruption and abuse of power. His punishment becomes a mix of monetary reparation as well as prison time. As Obi-Wan watches the Chagrain be led out of the courtroom—flushed and wild-eyed—he cannot help but feel a sense of grim satisfaction.
The more corruption they can uncover and root out, the better the chance the Republic has to survive and thrive and the greater their chances of finding a peaceful resolution with the Separatists.
Obi-Wan cannot help but feel like the war itself is one huge tragic mistake, created due to the machinations of the Sith. His feelings tell him that the war did not come about organically, it was manipulated. Perhaps if there had been less corruption and greed within the Republic, this plan, whatever it was and is, would never have been able to get off the ground. As it is, so many people have died in this war, needlessly and senselessly. Civilians, troopers, and Jedi alike.
In some ways, it's lucky that the Separatists use a droid army, because at least that means less deaths on their side and a greater chance for the Republic forces to outsmart them. On the other hand, they're droids which are programmed to respond in specific ways... Obi-Wan doesn't know if they have any sort of proper programming for the surrender of their enemies, beyond an order from their non-droid generals.
Not all droids are built to learn and make decisions, many are simply made to follow specific programming and never go beyond that.
Unlike the grunt droids, the droids in charge of things have far more reasoning power, he thinks, many of them nearing the sort of machine sentience that droids such as R2-D2 and C3PO possess.
Perhaps if they can uncover the Sith hiding in the Republic, if they can capture Dooku, they can end this war once and for all.
It is a future to dream of and hope for—as long as one doesn't lose sight of the present and what is.
Obi-Wan lowers himself into a meditation pose. Now he only needs to wait for Palpatine's own trial to see what will come of this whole investigation.
Perhaps once it's over, he and Anakin can repair their relationship and bridge the misunderstandings that clearly lie between them.
The charges against Palpatine are far less plentiful. In fact, there are barely any at all. Only, Obi-Wan isn't sure if that's truly all there is, or if Palpatine has just managed to ensure that it looks like someone else is responsible for his actions... Though that may simply be Obi-Wan's own bias against the man. He truly does need to try and meditate on that.
Someone might even be convinced that perhaps Palpatine will get off scot free, in fact, early on it seems like it. But then the prosecution presents more evidence, some of it extremely compelling and ultimately Palpatine is convicted of a few minor infractions.
But perhaps, just perhaps... It will be enough.
However, it also brings something to mind for Obi-Wan, something he hadn’t considered at all before. Now he’s glad he held his words and kept back his suspicions and ideas…
Palpatine has barely had anything levelled against him at all. Amedda, on the other hand, has been convicted on multiple grave points. Perhaps Obi-Wan did let his dislike of Palpatine get the better of him, perhaps he saw connections where there were none.
After all… Amedda was second behind only Palpatine. If there truly was a highly placed leak in the Senate, one that has now been taken out of action and left the Separatists floundering… Amedda was relieved of his duties at almost the exact same time Palpatine was.
It would not be outrageous to consider that Amedda was using Palpatine’s clean and well-regarded reputation as a shield to hide his nefarious actions—some even so grave as to be outright treason due to collusion with the Separatists.
It makes sense. It’s a solid assumption, there’s more things that would point to that than the suggestion that Palpatine was the information leak. And yet…
Those reports.
The altered missions.
All those murdered Jedi.
All of it started with Palpatine. Obi-Wan cannot shake the feeling that it truly has been Palpatine’s doing. Even if right now, Amedda looks more likely to be a tool of the Sith—more biddable, no doubt more of a follower than Palpatine—Obi-Wan can still not rule out the possibility that it is Palpatine.
Regardless how few and minor the charges levied against him are.
Certainly, it could mean that there’s nothing else to find. He may very well be mostly clean except for those few spots.
But it could also mean that his skeletons are simply buried deeper. That he’s managed to keep his own actions without any sort of paper trails… Or even that he’s secretly enlisted the help of others, and so the mud ends up on their hemlines instead.
It is, perhaps, a paranoid line of thinking. Obi-Wan can certainly admit as much to himself. But with how uncertain the times are, with how dangerous the situation they’re in right now…
Obi-Wan cannot afford to give the benefit of the doubt. He cannot afford to take a chance on trusting someone. Not right now, not when everything is still so uncertain. The Sith Lord may well still be walking nearby, weaving their web and finding a new pawn to manipulate in their plans.
And if the time comes when the Sith Lord strikes again… Obi-Wan must be ready.
He cannot be taken by surprise again. He may have lived the first three times…
But there’s nothing that says he will survive the next one too. 
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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padawanlost · 3 years
Hi, I dont read alot (of books) but I was just wondering, did Anakin/vader ever see people he helped/freed (during his time as a jedi) being oppressed by the empire. Did he feel pity or sorrow for them? Or had he totally unplugged from those emotions at that point ?
No. Anakin was to broken to feel sorry for anyone but himself. People have this idea of Vader being a sadistic monster who thrived on the suffering he caused but the truth is he was too lethargic to care. He didn’t stay with Palpatine out enjoyment or even loyalty. He stayed because he had nowhere else go, no one else to be with.
You killed her because, finally, when you could have saved her, when you could have gone away with her, when you could have been thinking about her, you were thinking about yourself … It is in this blazing moment that you finally understand the trap of the dark side, the final cruelty of the Sith— Because now your self is all you will ever have. And you rage and scream and reach through the Force to crush the *shadow* who has destroyed you, but you are so far less now than what you were, you are more than half machine, you are like a painter gone blind, a composer gone deaf, you can remember where the power was but the power you can touch is only a memory, and so with all your world-destroying fury it is only droids around you that implode, and equipment, and the table on which you were strapped shatters, and in the end, you cannot touch the shadow. In the end, you do not even want to. In the end, the shadow is all you have left. Because the shadow understands you, the shadow forgives you, the shadow gathers you unto itself— And within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame. This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker. Forever … [Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
What Vader appeared to be  - no fucks given BAMF – were very different from what he truly was: Palpatine’s slave. Vader, once you get to know him, is not a scary monster. He’s a quite pathetic and hopeless man.
He wasn’t a sadistic control freak like Palpatine and he didn’t *enjoy* hurting people he didn’t feel deserve to be hurt but he was too damaged and broken to do anything about it. he kind of just went with it.
In one of the comics, he has to face the truth that the Empire is enslaving people and he is upset about it. but he does nothing because there's nothing left in him. for him to pity them, he’d have to empathize with them and that’s something he couldn’t afford to do. He was too trapped in his own private little hell to feel bad for people.
Again the smile or snarl from his Master. “You were a traitor, were you not, Lord Vader?” Vader’s breathing caught on the hook of sudden anger. “What did you say?”
 “To the Jedi. To Padmé. To Obi-Wan. To all those you loved.” His Master turned to look at him, his eyes reflecting the flames. 
Vader didn’t know the answer his Master wanted to hear, so he simply answered with the truth. “Yes.” [Paul S. Kemp. Lords of the Sith]
If he couldn’t even care enough to defend himself from his master abusive behavior, I doubt he’d ever care enough to pity a stranger.
When it comes to Vader’s apathetic, one of the best examples I can think of is his ‘relationship’ with Drua. In one of the books, Vader and Palpatine are stranded. They run into a girl and Vader saves her life:
“Come here, girl,” the Emperor said, putting the power of the Force into his command. Unable to resist, the girl walked out of the tree line until she stood, small and vulnerable, before him. With preternatural speed the Emperor drew, ignited, and slashed at the girl with his lightsaber, but Vader had sensed his Master’s intent and moved with greater speed, igniting his own blade and intercepting his Master’s blow before it could land. The girl, under the sway of the Emperor’s power, seemed scarcely to notice the danger. She simply stood there, staring vacantly, her face aglow in the red light of the crossed blades. The Emperor’s mouth twisted in a snarl, and Vader felt his power gathering. Behind Vader, Deez raised his rifle and aimed it at Vader’s back, but Vader stretched his free hand back and unleashed a blast of power that lifted the guardsman from his feet and flung him into the trees. Branches cracked audibly under the impact of Deez’s body. Vader and his Master stared at each other across the sizzling glow of their crossed blades. “Has it come to this?” his Master said. He sounded calm, almost resigned, but not at all surprised. The tone surprised Vader. “Forgive me, Master,” he said, and deactivated his blade. “I think the girl can be of use to us.” [Paul S. Kemp. Lords of the Sith]
The girl, Drua, takes them to very home and does everything she can to help them. After everything was said and done, Palpatine orders Vader to kill her and everyone in her village. And Vader does it. Not because he wants it. but because he’s too apathetic to care. Too trapped in his toxic relationship with Palpatine to see things for what they really were.
“There’s work for that yet, my friend,” the Emperor said, nodding at the hilt of Vader’s blade.
 “The villagers, Lord Vader. Drua and her people. We can’t allow so many witnesses to live. I’ll wait for you here.” 
Vader looked from his Master to the dark mouth of the mine inside of which Drua and the rest of the villagers had fled. He felt the Emperor’s eyes on him, the intensity of the gaze, the weight of his expectations, and Vader knew that the day’s events had been only half about depleting a rebel movement before it could grow. They had also, as Vader had suspected, been about testing him, forcing him to face the ghosts of his past and exorcise them forever and fully. He saw that more clearly now; saw, too, that his Master was right to administer the test. It also explained why his Master had shown so little of his true power throughout the day. Perhaps he’d wanted Vader to rely on himself to overcome the challenges they’d faced. Or perhaps he’d wanted to seem weaker than he was, to draw out any treacherous ambitions Vader may have held. “I hear and I obey, Master,” Vader said. He ignited his lightsaber and strode toward the cave, his mind drifting back to another day, a day when he strode into the Jedi Temple filled with nothing but younglings. He’d slaughtered them then, and he would slaughter the Twi’leks now. His Master’s laughter followed him into the cave, and it lingered in his mind, louder even than the screams of the Twi’leks as they began to die by his blade. When it was done, he returned to his Master’s side. “Well done, old friend,” Darth Sidious said. He wiped his hands, as if to clean them of dirt. “And now let’s move on to more important things.” [Paul S. Kemp. Lords of the Sith]
The only time Vader cared enough to influence his behavior was with Luke. All the other times, there were a glimpse of something – of the old Anakin – like when he saw C3PO or even Ahsoka. But not enough for him empathize with people.
Qui-Gon had a interesting theory about this. He believed Anakin – to survive – had to bury that side of him so Vader could exist. An Anakin who cares cannot be Vader. He buried all the good things about Anakin.
“Master, is Darth Vader Anakin?”
“Yes,” Qui-Gon’s voice replied. “Although the Anakin you and I knew is imprisoned by the dark side. […]The core of Anakin that resides in Vader grasps that Tatooine is the source of nearly everything that causes him pain. Vader will never set foot on Tatooine, if only out of fear of reawakening Anakin.” [Ryder Windham. The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi]
As terrible as life as Vader is, facing Anakin Skywalker’s decisions and living with them would be much, much harder. That’s why only when Luke demonstrated his unconditional love that Anakin allowed himself to reemerge.
Vader saw his son crying, and knew it must have been at the horror of the face the boy beheld. It intensified, momentarily, Vader’s own sense of anguish—to his crimes, now, he added guilt at the imagined repugnance of his appearance. But then this brought him to mind of the way he used to look—striking, and grand, with a wry tilt to his brow that hinted of invincibility and took in all of life with a wink. Yes, that was how he’d looked once. And this memory brought a wave of other memories with it. Memories of brotherhood, and home. His dear wife. The freedom of deep space. Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan, his friend … and how that friendship had turned. Turned, he knew not how—but got injected, nonetheless, with some uncaring virulence that festered, until … hold. These were memories he wanted none of, not now. Memories of molten lava, crawling up his back … no. This boy had pulled him from that pit—here, now, with this act. This boy was good. The boy was good, and the boy had come from him—so there must have been good in him, too. He smiled up again at his son, and for the first time, loved him. And for the first time in many long years, loved himself again, as well.  [James Kahn. Return of the Jedi]
Vader didn’t hate the world. He hated himself.
And because of that he bury everything that was remotely good and positive about himself as deep as he could. So his behavior, his lack of empathy wasn’t about him being sadistic. He was simply too broken and trapped in a deeply abusive relationship to care for the world around him.
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gwyns · 3 years
I noticed that when Elriels spout their embarrassing theories they always come up blank in terms of who the next book will be about and what it’s plot will be? We all know Azriel and Lucien are getting the last two books. But if El ended up with Az, who’d be Lucien’s li? Vassa? This is where they always end up drawing a blank. ALWAYS. Vassa is most likely going to be re-enslaved and back at the lake and so Lucien tries to figure out a way to break her curse and kill koschbosh whatever his name is. Come on! The two of them would be separated for the majority of the book?? Hello?? I also don’t see how an Elriel book could connect a vassalucien book. If that makes any sense? There’s nothing that’d connect vassalucien to the og characters/plot.
Meanwhile. Gwynriel n Elucien just makes SO. MUCH. SENSE? Like you don’t even have to ship them to not see it? Not just relashionship wise but plot wise ESPECIALLY? Gwynriel will most likely deal with Illyrians and the fallout of the Valkyries completing the rite while also trying to deal with Beron, prevent him from striking a deal with Koshbosh or whatever. Both Elain and Lucien are tied to Koshbosh, so in the final book, Elucien deals with Koshbosh. Elain with her seer powers might find a way to kill Koshbosh seeing as how she’s already had visions of him, and Lucien with his c3po eyeball and spell cleaving abilities might find a way to break Vassa’s curse and free her. Not to mention it’s been foreshadowed so many times in acowar that Elain and Vassa will become friends? See how it all just clicks into place perfectly?
Is this why Elriels desperately try to come up with all these absurd dusk court theories, because Elriel as a couple have absolutely nothing to contribute to the plot? Is this why ever since ElainVassa started rising they started calling her and the twins “iconic” and started comparing + putting the “iconic trio” in the same sentence as the Valkyrie trio when we’ve seen literally ZERO interactions between them? Haha omg that’s kinda sad ngl. But more than that-
I’m embarrassed for them 😫
you've put all of my thoughts into one ask so nicely, anon! this is what i've been saying. elain has absolutely no connection to what is likely going to be the plot of az's book. why would she care about illyria? she has nothing to do with it meanwhile gwyn does. how would vassa break her own curse? it was literally said in acosf that she has to return to koschei soon, even having koschei say, "tell my vassa, i'm waiting for her" or whatever.
e/riel currently cannot connect to a v/ucien plot i'm sorry. now, maybe sarah will change things in acotar 5 but... it's unlikely? she'd literally have to rewrite everything she set up in acosf and that sounds like a whole ass pain 😭
i don't like to shit on anyone's ships bc hello..... i'm literally out here shipping things that will never happen but if you take off your shipper's goggles and look at where the plot of the spinoffs is headed, gwynriel and elucien just make the most sense. if not, why did sarah build gwyn up so much? she's not going to use a sa survivor as a plot device and i'm still disgusted that any of you suggested that. why make her azriel's equal? why include the infamous "you're the new ribbon, az" line? bc idc what anyone says, that doesn't hint at a platonic relationship. why did she remind us again that elain doesn't belong in the night court? and that lucien and vassa are just friends? why not have elain reject the bond if she and az are soooo in wuv uwu? why have lucien still looking at her with longing if she wants to set up a different relationship for him?
i've said it a million times but without elain, lucien has absolutely no potential romances. and with how much stuff there is left unresolved with him, it's almost guaranteed he's getting a pov so if not elain.... who? it's literally a process of elimination and you're only left with elain.
don't even get me started on the elain ruling the dusk court theories 🙄 it's literally as if they want to stunt any growth elain could have just to tie her to a man and yet we're the misogynistic ones. ok!
if anyone's going to revive and rule the dusk court it's going to be nesta. not miss "what do you need?" "sunshine" elain archeron.
god the whole "elain, nuala and cerridwen are an iconic trio" is so cringey. they're acquaintances at best. you cannot begin to compare them to the valkyries or feyre, mor and amren who are literally each other's chosen sisters meanwhile the twins were assigned to look after elain lmfao
anyway elain and vassa and briar pls sjm are superior! they just can't handle how badass they'll be when they finally meet.
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usual-day-dreamer · 4 years
Bend The Rules (Obi-Wan x Jedi!Reader) Chapter Three
A/N: I am sorry it took me forever to write it, I wanted the ending to be perfect and I wrote the whole thing like 5 time. But it’s finally here! And I want to thank everyone for your patience and support, you are the best! Thanks for reading. DO NOT FORGET REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN. I am already working in some I had pending. Hope the wait was worth it! If you want to be added to my Obi-Wan tag list let me know.
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An echo of voices paired with blurred images, some things were hard to make out as the images and voices continued and you stirred in your sleep.
 You could finally make out Count Dooku and Obi-Wan fighting, though Dooku Gad the upper hand, their sabers crashed fiercely, you had no idea where the fight was taking place, but their intense emotions were palpable. Obi-Wan was angry, but as always kept it at bay, trying to surpass it, the image changed. It was still Obi-Wan but older, and he was fighting Darth Maul, but something felt different, Obi-Wan felt empty, even sad. Darth Maul seemed to notice, taking it to his advantage as they fought someplace with a sandy landscape. They ran towards each other, the sand beneath their feet crunching with their fast steps and as their sabers crashed, the image changed.
Everything turned darker and you noticed that some… monster was fighting Obi-Wan, whoever was fighting him had a terrifying face, it did not seemed human, it was almost shapeless and it seemed to be made of tar, melting and sticky; empty red eyes full of anger and despite, it’s breathing full of hatred and pain… and you could feel his need to kill Obi-Wan. You shuddered, trying to make out what it was.
Its arms raised, ready to strike “NOW I’M THE MASTER” 
You woke up with a jump, desperately gasping for air as you felt cold sweat dripping down your neck and back. You shuddered, covering your face with your hands as your vision replayed in your mind, with racing thoughts and heart to match, you suddenly felt nauseous and a sudden need to cry.
The alarms of the temple made you jump again, and you quickly threw the covers off your body and changed, running out of your room towards the hanger as fast as you could. 
Some masters were already gathered there, including Obi-Wan and Anakin.
“Chancellor Palpatine has been located, we must take action now” Master Windu’s voice boomed and everyone agreed.
“It has been decided that Master Kenobi and Anakin should be the ones to engage on the rescue mission” you were just about to protest when Yoda’s look stopped you. 
“Anakin and I will get ready shortly” 
“May the force be with you” 
All the masters went to their positions, Obi-Wan and Anakin walked to their starfighters, you stopped Yoda calling his name. 
“What can’t I go master?” 
“Too personal this could turn for you and Dooku, I fear something bad can happen to you” 
“I understand” you answered with a nod “Excuse me master” 
You quickly ran towards Obi-Wan’s ship, he was not in yet. As soon as he heard your footsteps he turned around, a worried smile on his lips as you approached him.
“Are you ok?” His worried gaze scanned your whole body, his hand gently caressing your arm and you sighed.
“Are you sure?” He asked again, deciding not to push you further when you nodded with your eyes closed.
“Please be careful” you voice was almost a whisper, “I will” he answers, jumping inside his star fighter.
You took a few steps back and he smirked down at you “Don’t miss me too much” 
You scoffed with a smile at his teasing tone “You wish Kenobi” 
He chuckles and with one last look he adds, “May the Force be with you” with a smile you look at him, his eyes holding a silent promise to come back to you.
You could feel the battle raging just above Coruscant, silently pleading for Anakin and Obi-Wan to come back, knowing their task was everything but easy.
You huffed but kept a steady pace as you walked towards Padmé’s place. When you finally reached the door, you knocked slightly.
“Master L/N” C3PO greeted you, moving aside letting you in. Padme walked into the living room, a bright smile on her face as she saw you. A strong pull shook you and you approached her, kissing her cheek in greeting, your suspicions were erased.
You knew it was better not to say anything, your relationship with her wasn’t as close as your relationship with Anakin.
“I’m sorry I came unannounced” you said, following her and sitting down across from her in the couch “All this trouble has my mind swimming towards places I’d rather not go… I guess I just needed a friendly face” 
Her smile shone even more “Do not worry, I’m glad you’re here” she says, “I was just going to get me something warm to drink to ease my nerves, would you like some too?”
“Yes please” you answered.
“3PO, could you please?” 
“Right away” he walks away towards the kitchen and you turn you gaze back to Padme, eyeing quickly her belly already noticing a small bump, a warm feeling of happiness spread through you, the uncertainty of whom the father was not bothering you as much. You could feel her overflowing excitement and it made you feel happy for her.
Conversation between the two of you flowed easily, until the point she couldn’t keep her secret anymore.
“There’s something I must tell you” her smile gave her away and you waited for her to continue “I’m pregnant” she says with a small laugh and you smiled, standing up and sitting right beside her to hug her.
“Congratulations!” Placing a hand on her small bump you return her smile “Can I ask who the father is?” 
A brief panicked look covered her face, but it was away as soon as it had appeared, your hand on her belly made her calm somehow and she sighed.
“If I tell you… do you swear to keep it a secret?” She asked, her eyes looking everywhere but you.
“I swear” 
She swallows and looks down “Anakin” she says, her voice was so quiet you thought you had misheard, but you knew that was true, you could feel it.
She finally looks up at you, your saddened look catching her off guard. 
“What’s wrong?” She asks, panic lacing her voice slightly.
“I’m in a relationship with Obi-Wan” you said, her eyes widened momentarily and then she hugged you, tight.
You found comfort in each other’s embrace. Both of your heaviest secrets were out, and you somehow understood each other.
“Your secret is safe with me” she says, and you smile.
“Thank you, yours too” 
A sudden feeling of unease filled you and you pulled away from her.
“Are you ok?” She asks, standing up alongside you.
“Obi-Wan is in danger” you said, her hands grabbed yours.
“What about Ani?” She asks, but you couldn’t tell, everything felt… blurry. 
A sudden pain enveloped you and you feel to the ground, with your eyes closed, you finally knew what had happened.
You opened your eyes and looked at Padme’s worried eyes, she whipped off a few stray tears and you finally answered.
“Anakin killed Count Dooku” 
Padme helped you up and you sat back down next to her in the sofa, her hand was drawing comforting circles on you back as you cried.
“He was… he was my only family” you choked out “He was like a father to me” 
“What happened to your parents?” She asks, regretting it instantly, knowing it wasn’t the right time.
“My parents were like bounty hunters, my mom used to tell me they were merchants” a melancholic smile danced upon your lips and she waited for you to continue “Our ship crashed in Geonosis, and we lived there while my parents tried to make the ship work again… on day, they went out towards the hive and… they just never came back” 
“I’m so sorry to hear that” 
“Don’t worry” you smiled lightly “This is the only thing I have from them” you pulled out the small Ewok plush you recovered and handed it to her “And now I want you to have it” 
“I couldn’t possibly- “
“I insist” she finally grabs it “For you new baby… just now that I’ll always be here to help you and Ani, the little one included” she smiles
“Thank you so much”
“Master L/N, senator” a guard busted inside the room and you looked up “Master Kenobi, Anakin and the chancellor are back”
As soon as you spot him, you run towards his open arms, he hugs you tight and you bite back your tears.
“I’m sorry about Dooku” he says, slowly pulling away from you to look at you face, he could already tell you had cried “Were you alone?” 
You shake your head “I was with Padme” 
“That’s a relief” he pushes back a strand of your hair behind your ear, looks around to make sure you are both alone before he drinks your face closer to kiss you. It’s short but passionate.
“I’m glad you’re back” you stroke his beard and his sighs at the feeling.
“You’ll have to thank Anakin” he says, and you laugh “Oh, I know” with a smirk on your lips you turn away and pull his hand, and you walk together towards the council room.
The meeting was brief, and to be honest you were eager for it to be over as soon as it started; but you still tried to listen intently at what Obi-Wan was saying, which was basically a detailed narration of his and Anakin’s mission. 
At last, it was over, the Jedi Masters were already walking out the chamber and you waited for it to be empty, Obi-Wan doing the same. As the last Masters remained he gestured for you to follow him, and you gladly did have a faint idea of where he was taking you.
The familiar door made you smirk, you opened the door and he quickly pushed you inside, pressing against the wall of the small supply closet. You laughed, but it was muffled by the pressure of his lips on yours. 
You pulled away with a breathy laugh “I feel like we’re padawans again” he laughs, stroking your face with his finger tenderly. He nuzzles his face against your neck and his warm breath washes over it making you moan slightly.
“I still can’t believe how fast time passes” you hum in agreement, feeling his lips kissing you neck, your hand reaches towards his hair, pulling slightly and he groans. Looking at you and closing the gap, kissing your lips hungrily.
The war seemed endless with each passing month, and your visions seemed to fade away with Obi-Wan’s presence, but it was still present in your mind. 
Even though Padme seemed calmed as her pregnancy advanced, you knew better, neither her nor Anakin seemed to feel calm at all, but you admired their determination.
You sigh deeply, enjoying the feeling of Obi-Wan’s fingers stroking your hair and bare back lightly. Maybe one day you could have the same with Obi-Wan.
“What’s on your mind darling?” his voice brought you back from your trance and you sighed contently, he was playing with your hair and you were drawing patterns on his chest with your thumb. You use your forearms as leverage and you look at him with a smile, kissing his nose.
His hand is still drawing patterns in your back, but he sits up too, positioning you in his lap. You nuzzle your face in his neck breathing in his scent and with a small kiss on the skin there you pull back, staring into his bright blue eyes that seemed to glow in the low light of his room.
You kept silent, enjoying this rare moment of intimacy and calmness that you so rarely had these past few months. The feeling of his hands in your back and sides, caressing slightly, his heartbeat slow and calm, his gaze soft and full of adoration, his hair slightly messy from your previous activities… 
For him, it was just the same, while he waited for your answer he just stares adoringly at you; enjoying the feeling of your bodies pressed together, and the glow you seemed to have as you stared back at him with the same look he had on his face. One of his hands came up to caress your face and you leaned into the touch, closing your eyes with a fond smile. No words were needed that moment, both of you could feel what the other was thinking and feeling.
“I love moments like this” you say in a whisper, he hums in approval and you open your eyes again. He kissed you, sweet and slow and you sigh, almost melting into him.
“Is that all?” He asks, but he knows that’s not all. You sigh.
“I’m really happy about Padme” you admit “But I…” you pause, regretting saying that in the first place, you could not tell Obi-Wan that Anakin was the father.
He sensed your unease “I know who the father is” he says, and your eyes widen for a second “I sensed it” 
You smile “I’m worried about them; I want to help them”
“I know darling” he pauses “But we must wait, if they need our help, I know they won’t hesitate to ask, they are both strong Y/N, we have to support them from afar” 
You nod, content knowing that the topic was finally out and there was nothing else to hide from him, except for your nightmares.
Silence engulfed the room once again; it was comfortable, and you felt warm. The war that was happening in that same moment seemed far away and nonexistent, and Obi-Wan and you were just lovers enjoying their time together.
“You know” he says, his voice deeper and softer “You just have to say one word and I’ll leave the order” as soon as that leaves his lips, he knows there’s no going back, but he doesn’t care anymore.
“Obi-Wan… you know I want to say yes” he smiles, but knows there’s going to be a but “But we cannot leave in the middle of the war… my heart cannot leave Padme and Anakin, though I yearn for a life like this with you” 
He smiled, he knew the answer and he was certain you knew he’s been thinking that way for a while, he just wanted to voice his thoughts to make them more present and stronger. 
He pulls you in for another kiss “Let’s talk again when the war is over”
You could feel the intense heat and anger all around you, your hands trembled but you couldn’t stop. Obi-Wan’s hurt eyes stared right into your yellow ones while you fought.
“Why can’t you understand this is for us!?” You screamed, gasping for air as you jumped out of his reach, he looks up, tears running freely down his cheeks and you heart clenched but there was no turning back now, you have made your choice.
He jumps towards you but doesn’t fight you, he’s trembling like you as he approaches you. You just stand there “What he promised you… it’s not real! This is not the way” you stay silent and he continues “Listen to me! We must escape, just like we said that night… but I just can’t, I belong with the light, just like you! Come back to me” he sobbed. Your grip on your saber tightened.
“I have no other choice” you say and pull your arms up and strike, your saber slashing through without trouble.
You open your eyes with a gasp, muffling your cries with your hands so that Obi-Wan first wake up. You try to fill your mind with other things to calm yourself but it’s too late, his hands circle your back as you cry. And though you feel guilty for waking him up you the unease in your heart leaves you as you feel him.
“It was just a nightmare” he whispers. 
“I’m sorry” you say as soon as your crying stopped, you turn to him. His silhouette shines with the small rays of dawn coming in from the window, your hand traces his neck and shoulder, stopping at his collarbone. Comfortable silence fills the room and you sigh.
“It almost time to get up, I should get going” he says after some time and you nod. He sits up in the edge and you hug him from behind, kissing his shoulder and nuzzling yourself on the back on his neck, his soft locks brushing against your cheek.
“Thank you” you let go and he stands, giving you a kiss on the forehead “See you later” you smile and nuzzle back into your bed, falling asleep again after the hiss of your door closing.
A few hours later you made your way towards the council room. The night Obi-Wan told you leave the order seemed to be ages ago. The war progressed, but it still seemed endless. 
Tension between the Jedi and the Chancellor grew with each passing day, and that worried almost everyone. You feared for Anakin and his relationship with Palpatine, something felt odd. Not only that, but you could also sense Padme distressed, you wondered why.
With a heavy feeling of unease, you finally reached the Council Room. You sit in your usual spot and look over at Obi-Wan who seems to be deep in thought. Anakin enters, the room is filled with some Jedi Masters and some holograms. Everyone is silent and the meeting starts.
“Anakin Skywalker, we have approved your appointment to the Council as the Chancellor's personal representative” Mace Windu starts and you pay close attention.
“I will do my best to uphold the principles of the Jedi Order” Anakin replies, seemingly pleased.
“Allow this appointment lightly, the Council does not. Disturbing is this move by Chancellor Palpatine” As Yoda says this, you slightly nod your head in agreement, everyone in the room seems to think the same.
“I understand”
“You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master” Mace Windu finishes and you are tempted to close your eyes to avoid Anakin’s disappointed face, but you don’t and you only meet with anger.
“What?! How can you do this?? This is outrageous, it's unfair . . . I'm more powerful than any of you. How can you be on the Council and not be a Master?” 
Your unease only grew with his words, a calming presence invaded your mind and you locked eyes with Obi-Wan, you exhaled and tried to relax. Mace Windu orders Anakin to sit and he does with an apology. Everyone else in the room seemed to be uncomfortable until Ki-Adi-mundi broke the silence.
” We have surveyed all systems in the Republic, and have found no sign of General Grievous” 
“Hiding in the Outer Rim, Grievous is. The outlying systems, you must sweep” Master Yoda says.
“It may take some time . . . we do not have many ships to spare” Obi-Wan says, his hand stroking his beard.
“We cannot take ships from the front line” Mace Windu answers.
“And yet, it would be fatal for us to allow the droid armies to regroup” 
“Master Kenobi” Yoda starts, “Our spies contact, you must, and then wait” 
“What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?” Ki-Adi-mundi asks. You’ve been silent the whole meeting at that worries Obi-Wan, you usually have something to say.
“It is critical, we must send an attack group there, immediately” Master Widu says.
“He's right, that is a system we cannot afford to lose. It's the main navigation route for the southwestern quadrant” Obi-Wan’s answers brings concern to everyone in the room.
“I know that system well. It would take us little time to drive the droids off that planet” Anakin suggests,
“Skywalker, your assignment is here with the Chancellor, and Kenobi must find General Grievous” Mace Windu answers and for the first time you decide to talk
“I want to be a part of that group Master Windu” And now Obi-Wan wishes you had stayed silent until the end of the meeting. You stare is fierce as you look at the other Jedi Masters.
“Go with her, I will” Master Yoda says looking at you “Good relations with the Wookiees, I have”
“It is settled then. Yoda and Y/N will take a battalion of clones to reinforce the Wookiees on Kashyyyk. May the Force be with us all”
The Council ends, you could sense and see Anakin’s disappointment.
In the distance you could see Obi-Wan and Anakin talking, and it seemed something serious and unpleasant for Anakin, you knew they were talking about the mission the Council had for Anakin. Obi-Wan had told you of the plan, and though at first you were uncertain you agreed with the rest, the Chancellor’s actions were suspicious, but you also feared Anakin would refuse. It was a risky situation, but then again, that’s how war worked.
As soon as you saw Anakin walking away you made your way towards Obi-Wan.
“We don’t have much time” you whisper and grab his hand, he follows, and you enter an empty classroom, closing the door and locking it behind you. Anakin could feel something weird in the air surrounding you and Obi-Wan, so he decides to follow secretly behind. When the door closes, he pressed his ear to try and listen.
“Are you ok?” he hears Obi-Wan, there’s no reply from you but he keeps listening.
“The war is not my only worry Obi-Wan” he hears you and then silence, there’s a small smacking sound and with surprise he realizes you are kissing. He moves slowly away from the door, though he wanted to listen more about the topic you were discussing he sympathized with the feeling of secrecy, so he walked away.
You, Yoda, Mace Windu, and OBI-WAN ride in the gunship as it heads for the Clone landing platform. Mace and Obi-Wan are sitting.
“Anakin did not take to his assignment with much enthusiasm” Obi-Wan starts.
“Too much under the sway of the Chancellor, he is. Much anger there is in him. Too much pride in his powers”
“It's very dangerous, putting them together. I don't think the boy can handle it. I don't trust him”
“He'll be all right. I trust him with my life” At this unease filled your senses, you knew something was not right, but you still had no idea what. 
“I wish I did” Mace Windu answers.
“With all due respect, Master, is he not the Chosen One? Is he not to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force?” Obi-Wan’s answers throws you off guard, but you could faintly hear the pain in his voice, he still believed fiercely in what Qui-Gon said all those years ago.
“So, the prophecy says”
“A prophecy . . . that misread could have been” You knew that was a possibility too, but Obi-Wan would not see it.
“He will not let me down. He never has” You look at Obi-Wan, and he glances shortly at you.
“I hope right you are” Yoda says, closing that topic “And now destroy the Droid armies on Kashyyyk, we will. May the Force be with you”
The gunship lands and the ramp lowers. Yoda and you exit the gunship. Mace Windu and Obi-Wan stand and give you a brief bow then take off in the gunship, you noticed Obi-Wan’s fearful stare before he was out of your sight.
Yoda and various Jedi speak via hologram. You stay right at his side.
“Palpatine thinks General Grievous is on Utapau. We have had no reports of this from our agents” Ki-Adi-Mundi states.
“How could the Chancellor have come by this information and we know nothing about it? We have had contact with Baron Papanoida, and he said no one was there.”
“He’s right, it seems odd, could it be some kind of trap?” you say.
“A partial message was intercepted in a diplomatic packet from the Chairman of Utapau” Anakin interrupts.
“Act on this, we must. The capture of General Grievous will end this war. Quickly and decisively we should proceed” Yoda says, ignoring Mace Windu’s statement.
“Does everyone agree?” Obi-Wan asks.
All the Jedi concur.
“The Chancellor has requested that I lead the campaign”
They all look at Anakin a bit disturbed.
“I’m sorry Ani, but The Council will make up its own mind who is to go, not the Chancellor” you say taken off guard.
“Yes, this decision is ours to make” Ki-Adi-Mundi agrees.
Anakin seems embarrassed and stays silent.
“A Master is needed, with more experience” Yoda says but you already know who´s apt for that mission, your heart aches with worry.
“Given our resources, I recommend we send only one Jedi . . . Master Kenobi” Mace Windu says.
“He was not so successful the last time he met Grievous” Anakin says, and you frown. 
Obi-Wan and you send Anakin a dirty look and he seems unfaced by the stares.
“No offense, my Master, but I'm only stating a fact” he continues but the frown does not leave your face.
“Oh no, you're quite right” Obi-Wan responds “But I do have the most experience with his ways of combat” 
“Obi-Wan, my choice is” Yoda says and everyone else agrees.
“Very well. Council is adjourned” Mace Windu says. You look at Anakin’s hologram, he’s furious.
“Obi-Wan” Mace Windu continues “Prepare two clone brigades as quickly as you can. If this report is true, there's no telling how many battle droids he may have with him” 
Obi-Wan and you look at each other, no need for words, but the both you know what that means. The Council ends and the holograms disappear.
Yoda stands up from his chair and looks briefly at the sad look in your face, he walks forward towards one of the clones “Then now, the time is Commander” he says.
“Yes, sir”
The battle begins.
“Master” you say, Yoda looks at you and turns around fully facing you “I can sense something big is coming, but I still don’t know if it is something good or bad”
He thinks for a few seconds “Your mind is drifting further away, worry for what is happening, the future uncertain and foggy for everyone is” You nod and walk to the empty spot behind, looking down at the raging battle underneath.
The day seems grey and uneasy, but the battle still goes. You could feel Obi-Wan troubled, but you could do nothing. Suddenly a throbbing pain passed through your head and you look at Master Yoda. He had felt the disturbance in the Force too.
Worry etched in your bones and you closed your eyes, controlling your fear.
The battle rages all around Obi-Wan. Droids and clones are everywhere. Obi-Wan is riding on a huge lizard, cutting down droids as he races across the battlefield. Suddenly a volley of laser blasts from behind him knocks him and his lizard off the wall of the sinkhole. He looks around just in time to see his clone troops are firing on him.
Obi-Wan falls hundreds of feet to the bottom of the water-filled sinkhole. And when he finally hits the cold water, he sees your face before losing consciousness. 
A sudden pain fills your chest and you grip it tightly, trying to figure out what happened while Yoda and you watch from the balcony. The battle rages as clones and wookiees attack the droids coming from across the water on tanks. Chewbacca and Tarful stand on either side of you and Yoda, Chewbacca places his hand on your shoulder to try and steady you. Two clones walk onto the balcony towards you. Yoda stands looking over the battlefield below. When they are close enough, the clones reveal their weapons and fire.
But faster than the clones can reveal their weapons, you and Yoda ignite your lightsabers, Yoda leaps in the air, and beheads one of them. Chewbacca and Tarful fire their weapons as more clones enter the hall. 
“Master did you hear. It was like a thousand voices were suddenly silenced” you say in fear and he hums in response. The Wookiees call out to you and Yoda to follow them. Chewbacca picks Yoda up and carries him away, you follow fast behind them adrenaline coursing through your veins, as you try to look for Obi-Wan through the force.
With Chewbacca’s help, you manage to find an AT-ST and quickly climb inside, waiting for Yoda.
“Not far, are we, from the emergency ship. Quickly…” He whistles and a large flying insect appears. Yoda jumps on the insect's back and they take off. The Wookiees and you follow on the AT-ST while the clones continue to search in the swamp.
The AT-ST marches up the hill and stops. You jump down and Yoda lands on the insect nearby. Chewbacca goes to a tree and pulls a branch, the ground opens, and a small wookiee escape pod rises into the field. Yoda opens the door of the pod.
“Master I can’t sense anyone, not even Obi-Wan” you voice breaks and a few tears escape your eyes, he sighs but says nothing. He is sad too as he stares at you, and you seem utterly broken. 
“To go back we must, right nothing is” he then turns around to look at the wookiees “Good-bye. Chewbacca and Tarfful, miss you I will. Good friends you are. For your help, much gratitude and respect, I have”
The Wookiees bark as the Yoda climbs into the pod and you watch his pod take off into the dusk sky.
Obi-Wan wakes up quickly, swimming towards a cave. Once save he tries to catch his breath as quietly as possible while he watches clones looking around probably for him. Once it was clear he makes his way out of the cave and onto General Grievous's secret landing platform. He runs to the Starfighter and climbs into the one-man ship. The Starfighter takes off and disappears into the sky. He is worried afraid, he can't feel anything, the disturbance was too powerful, his hands are trembling as he thinks the worst has happened to you.
Once he is away, he activates the controls of the Starfighter and punches in several coordinates and codes. He hears a beeping sound and once it is steady, he starts talking.
“Emergency Code Nine Thirteen ... I have no contact on any frequency. Are there any Jedi out there? . . . anywhere . . . “he’s desperate, hoping you’d answer back and stop with this nightmare.
A burst of static is heard- and a fuzzy hologram image appears. He hears someone calling his name and for a second, he thinks it is you.
“I’ve locked on. Repeat” his reply is quick. The fuzzy hologram focuses and with disappointment and relief he notices it is Bail Organa.
“Master Kenobi?” Bail Organa repeats.
“Senator Organa! My Clone Troops turned on me ... I need help” he is desperate now as he answers his voice almost breaking with each word that leaves his mouth.
“We have just rescued Master Yoda and Master Y/N. It appears this ambush has happened everywhere. We're sending you our coordinates” as soon as he hears this, his throat turns dry and when the call ends, he finally lets the tears fall freely, the Starfighter is filled with sobs as he cries from relief.
The door to the main hallway slides open and as soon as you see him you run towards him, jumping into his arms and kissing him fiercely, he catches you and kisses you back just as strong, pulling you as closer as he could, ignoring the other two in the room, the only thing that mattered to him in that moment was the feeling of you safe in his arms. Once you pull back he grabs your face in his hands with force but not enough to hurt you, your face is wet and your eyes are red, but there’s no trace of any injury and he feels life coming back into his soul.
Yoda and Bail Organa just watch, Bail in amazement and Yoda in fondness. 
Bail clears his throat and says: “You made it” he looks away from you but holds your arm tightly
“Master Kenobi, dark times are these. Good to see you. it is” Yoda says.
“You were attacked by your Clones, also?” Obi-Wan says and walks closer to them not letting go of you.
“We barely escaped with the help of the Wookiees,” you say.
“How many other Jedi managed to survive?” he asks, afraid of the answer.
“Heard from no one, have we” Yoda says and there’s a brief silence.
“I saw thousands of troops attack the Jedi Temple. That's why I went looking for Yoda” Bail Organa breaks the silence and all the attention turns to him.
“Have we had any contact from the Temple?” asks Obi-Wan.
“Received a coded retreat message, we have” Yoda says with a nod.
“It requests all Jedi to return to the Temple. It says that the war is over . . .” you resume.
“Well, then we must go back! If there are other stragglers, they will fall into the trap and be killed” Obi-Wan exclaims with hope in his voice.
“It's too dangerous to return” Bail Organa looks at him, the tree of you know it is a trap.
“Suggest dismantling the coded signal, do you?” Yoda asks.
“Yes, Master. There is too much at stake here, and we need a clearer picture of what has happened” Obi-Wan seems slightly eager with this reply.
“I agree. In a dark place we find ourselves ... a little more knowledge might light our way” Yoda finishes and Obi-Wan feels your uncertainty and he squeeze your hand reassuringly. 
In no time you are inside a cruiser with Bail, Yoda and Obi-Wan. You are standing in the cockpit while the cruiser made its way towards Coruscant. Two pilots sit in the cockpit. The silence is tense but feeling Obi-Wan`s shoulder next to you calms your nerves slightly.
“We are receiving a message from the Chancellor’s office, sir” One of the pilots says and you turn your head towards them.
“Send it through” Bail orders. The pilot pushes some buttons until the message appears on the screen, everyone pays attention when Mas Amedda starts talking “Senator Organa . . . the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic requests your presence at a special session of Congress”
“Tell the Chancellor I will be there” his answer is stern “Very well. He will be expecting you” with that, Mas Amedda disappears from the screen.
“It could be a trap” Bail says “No, I don't think so. The Chancellor will not be able to control the thousands of star systems without keeping the Senate intact” you answer but still you remain deep in thought.
“If a special session of Congress there is, easier for us to enter the Jedi Temple it will be” Yoda replies and once again the ship falls into silence.
The ship lands and the doors open, a guard is there when the whole group steps out.
“Welcome back Senator, may I see your clearance” the guard says “Certainly” he shows him and with a nod the guard says: “You may proceed, we will take custody of the Jedi”
“It would be better if we stayed with the Senator” Obi-Wan uses his mind trick and you smile, he smirks lightly “It would be better if they stayed with you”
Bail makes his way towards the Senate and you, Yoda and Obi-Wan walk towards the temple.
There was smoke coming out from the Temple’s entrance, your heart was racing. Clone troopers stand guard at the entrance. Suddenly there is a flash of a lightsaber, a flurry of confusion, and all the Clone Troopers are dead on the floor. The tree of you stand in the middle of the carnage.
“There are several battalions of Clone Troopers on every level. Many are dressed as Jedi” Obi-Wan observes and you analyze carefully your surroundings “Dismantle the coded signal quickly. That group back there, soon discovered will be”
The sun is setting outside as you make your way through the temple avoiding the clone troopers and using the force to distract whenever you could. You keep going, making no sound, when you stumble with the bodies of some students. Your blood runs cold and your breath hitches. 
“Not even younglings survived…” you finally manage to say swallowing tears, Obi-Wan looks sadly at them.
“Killed not by clones, this Padawan. By a lightsaber, he was”
“Who?? Who could have done this?” Disbelief was evident in Obi-Wan’s voice and you resisted the urge to throw up.
You finally reach the computers, you stand there next to Obi-Wan while Yoda looks on, in the hatchway to the Main Control Center “I've recalibrated the code warning all surviving Jedi to stay away” you say looking away from the screen “Good . . . For the Clones to discover the recalibration, a long time it will take. To change it back, longer still. Hurry” Obi-Wan and you follow Yoda towards to the Main Control Center and the three of you head towards the hologram area.
“Wait, Master. There is something I must know . . .” you stop walking, Yoda looks at Obi-Wan “If into the security recordings you go, only pain will you find” he replies, dread fills your whole being as you imagine who could the killer could be.
“I must know the truth, Master” Obi-Wan walks away, and you almost stop him, but a part of you wants to know too even though the answer scares you, so you just watch him walk towards the panel, he flips some switches and the hologram starts. You gasp it was Anakin he slaughtered all the Jedi, including the younglings. 
“It can’t be… It can’t be” you could hear Obi-Wan’s heart breaking in his voice, and you’re with him. Even Yoda was surprised.
As Anakin surveys the carnage, a dark robed Sith Lord enters. Anakin turns towards him and kneels before him “The traitors have been taken care of, Lord Sidious” Anakin says.
“Good . . . good . . . You have done well, my new apprentice. Do you feel your power growing?” Darth Sidious says, malice lacing his voice. “Yes, My Master”
“Now, Lord Vader, now go and bring peace to the Empire”
Obi-Wan watches is horror and dismay, you can see tears welling up in his eyes and you reach for him, placing your hand in his shoulders, he’s too shocked to react “I can’t watch any more” he switches off the hologram, silence falls around you like a veil.
“Destroy the Sith, we must”
“Send me to kill the Emperor. I will not kill Anakin” Obi-Wan is trembling as he speaks “To fight this Lord Sidious, strong enough, you are not” you close your eyes, trying to seek a way to help them “He is like my brother ... I cannot do it” Obi-Wan lowers his voice, and you would’ve done it for him, but deep down, you could feel that was not your fight. Obi-Wan looks at you and as soon as you gaze meet, his path is clear.
“Twisted by the dark side, young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained; gone he is . . . Consumed by Darth Vader” 
“How could it have come to this?” you say, your voice barely a whisper “To question, no time there is”
“I do not know where the Emperor has sent him. I don't know where to look” he admits “Use your feelings, Obi-Wan, and find him, you will. Visit the new Emperor, my task is. May the Force be with you”
“May the Force be with you, Master Yoda”
Obi-Wan turns to you and grabs your face, looking directly to your eyes, his gaze was so intense you swore he could see you soul, “Go look for Bail Organa and stay somewhere safe you hear me” You’ve never heard such desperation in his voice, you nodded with wide eyes “Promise me you’ll stay out of trouble” he presses, voice slightly raised “I promise” you say, he seemed satisfied with your earnest tone. He kisses you and walks away, looking back at you for a second. You could do nothing but stare.
Your legs find their strength in seconds, and you quickly make your way towards the cruisier. Once inside you search for a good hiding place until Bail Organa returns.
Not much time passes, and you are sitting there with him, trying to conceal your urge to go look for Obi-Wan. You could feel the anger and betrayal in the Force, nothing good will come from this. Bail notices your anxiousness but says nothing, he knows there’s nothing to say.
“Something’s not right” you stand “I have to go” Bail stands too “I don’t think that’s a good idea” you ignore him, preparing a small escaping pod, Bail does nothing to stop you.
At first, it’s hard to find Obi-Wan but when you do, you quickly press the coordinates towards Mustafar. Sadness, betrayal and anger feel stronger when you land, they are so heavy you can almost walk but you gather strength and make your way towards a ship. 
Padme is unconscious and you rush to help her, C-3PO walk out of the ship and raises his arms when he sees you “I am so glad you are here Master L/N” he exclaims, you pick Padme up and walk inside the ship, C-3PO following close behind. You place Padme safely on top of a small bed.
“Was Obi-Wan here?” you ask sitting down close to Padme, worry etched in your face “Master Kenobi went away fighting with Master Skywalker” you sigh “I am sure he’ll be back, let’s just wait for him” he suggests and you nod.
Footsteps are heard outside and you stand, ready for battle, C-3PO walks out and exclaims “Master Kenobi! We have Miss Padme on board. Please, please hurry. We should leave this dreadful place” You place your lightsaber back in its holder in relief. Your heart shatters when you see him, he is completely broken, defeated in heart but not in battle, he hugs you tight, and the you pull away to start the ship.
Obi-Wan walks towards Padme to check on her “Obi-Wan? Is Anakin alright?” he looks at her sadly and does not answer. He brushes her hair back and she drops back into unconsciousness. R2 watches over her. Obi-Wan walks towards you, you open your arms and defeated he holds you, crying silently.  C-3PO drives the ship.
The ship lands, Yoda and Bail Organa with a small crew are waiting as the ramp lowers, Obi-Wan walks out holding Padme up, With C-3PO, R2 and you close behind. 
“We’ll take her to the medical center quickly”
Obi-Wan and a medical droid enter the observation room where you, Bail and Yoda are waiting “Medically, she is completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her” the droid informs with a slight wave of his robotic hands “She’s dying?” you say “We don't know why. She has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies”
“Babies!?” Bail exclaims “She’s carrying twins” 
“Save them, we must. They are our last hope” you watch the droid run back to the delivery room and you cry into your hands. Once you are calm, you enter the room with Obi-Wan, you hold her hand as she goes into labor “Don’t give up Padme” you whisper loud enough for her to hear.  Padme winces and cries from pain, you never let go of her hand. Baby cries fill the room and you look away “It’s a boy” the medical droid is holding the baby.
“Luke” Padme an only offer up a faint smile. She struggles to touch the baby on the forehead before gasping and crying in pain again, another baby cries “And a girl” says the medical droid.
“Leia” she says you smile. Obi-Wan walks closer to Padme “You have twins, Padme They need you . . . hang on”
“I can’t” she says. Padme winces again and squeezes your hand. You notice she is holding Anakin's japor snippet “Save your energy” you tell her.
“Obi-Wan . . . there . . . is good in him. I know there is ... still . . .” there's a last gasp and she’s gone, a shadow falls over your face, you are still holding her hand.
You sit with Bail, Yoda and Obi-Wan in a conference room “Pregnant, she must still appear. Hidden, safe, the children must be kept”
“We must take them somewhere the Sith will not sense their presence” you suggest “Split up, they should be” Yoda answers in agreement.
“My wife and I will take the girl. We've always talked of adopting a baby girl. She will be loved with us” Bail says and you smile at him “And what about the boy” Obi-Wan speaks
“To Tatooine. To his family, send him” 
“I will take the child and watch over him. Master Yoda, do you think Anakin's twins will be able to defeat Darth Sidious?” Obi-Wan answers.
“Strong the Force runs, in the Skywalker line. Hope, we can . . . Done, it is. Until the time is right, disappear we will”
“I’ll go with Obi-Wan, Master” you rush in, Yoda looks at you with sadness in his eyes “Protect the girl, you must, stay with them better will be” You stand in sad silence, Obi-Wan does the same.
“I don’t see any harm if you stay for a while with Master Kenobi in Tatooine” says Bail “As long as you come back to us”
“Agree we all do” you sigh in relief, Bail walks out of the room, he tells you to follow and you do. Yoda and Obi-Wan stay in the room, talking.
One of the crew that welcomed you approaches you, holding something in his hand “We found this with some of her stuff inside the ship” you look at his hand, it was your ewok plush, you take it from his hand and thank him. The guy walks away and you look at Bail, sadness adorning your features. 
“It was meant to be for the baby” you say, looking at the small toy “Take it for Leia” he smiles “Why don’t you give it yourself when the time comes?” he pushes your hand towards you and you smile slightly.
You ride beside Obi-Wan towards the farm, baby Luke silently sleeping in your arms. Obi-Wan looks at you, and a fond memory flashes over his mind, he wishes things could be like the both of you dreamed back then, his smile turns sad. When you arrive, Obi-Wan jumps down first and walks towards you, you hand him Luke and jump down Aunt Beru greets you as soon as you approach her. You talk with her for a moment, Obi-Wan hands her Luke and you watch her walk away with him in his arms. 
Obi-Wan and you walk back towards your eopie, but before you hop on, you walk towards him, taking his hand and stroking it lovingly with your thumb. He smiles sadly at you and kisses your forehead, his arm wraps around, and you sigh, the both of you stare at the sunset in silence. The sky is almost dark, specks of starlight already twinkling brightly above, it feels like ages ago when you’d fly around the galaxy, helping others, dying to get back to him. 
You treasure the moment for a bit, enjoying his embrace. You knew you’ll have to leave him soon, but you also knew that the Force carried infinite possibilities, you had faith you’ll be able to hold him forever.
He turns you around and you smile softly at him, he kisses you sweetly and says:
“Let’s go home”
TAG LIST: @fantasticchaoticwho​ @l-l-c-m-w-b​ @itsilvermorny​ @annazierden​ @mellowstatesmanhandsempath​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @introvert-lost-in-thought​ @outofdaylight​ @ayamenimthiriel​ @answer-the-sirens​ @voidmonny​
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sagiow · 3 years
“The Confederacy Strikes Back”: The Making Of
In a country far, far away North, late on a frozen, frigid December night... a lone writer sits down with her older-issued, low-batteried creative droid and a simple mission.
BR41N, we should really do something for the Mercy Street Advent challenge... let's see, what’s tomorrow’s crossover… Star Wars? Hmmm. We know Star Wars. Well, kinda. 
Well, a little. 
Well, a whole lot more than Star Trek, at least.
I say we give it a shot… OK, BR41N, give us a crossover!
404 Not Found
What, why? Come on, BR41N. You just take someone from Story A, you put it in Story B, you get Story C. Crossover. Easy peasy.
422 Unprocessable Entity
Please. Just one theme. Two characters. 100 words. No plot. Do it. Please.
415 Unsupported Media Type
OK fine, I know we typically go longish with tons of dialogue, but we ain’t got time for that. We just need a tiny little Civil Star War drabble, stat.
408 Request Timeout
No, it’s a daily challenge and it’s already 10 PM. I know you're tired from the MHMM marathon, but no timeout until you spit me out an idea. We gotta write this NOW.
418 I'm a teapot
Oh fuck off, BR41N.
You know what, fiiiiiine, forget it: we’ll take the lazy person’s way out since you’re obviously not cooperating.
Get Star Wars script from Internet
Cast Mercy Street characters in it
That should work.
101 Switching Protocol
Thank you. Ok so which Star Wars?
300 Multiple Choice
I know, there’s like 20 of them. Let’s go old school. Original three. Uugh it’s been a while…What’s the best scene? Best pairing? Most iconic line?
429 Too Many Requests
I KNOW. OK let’s go Han & Leia. Can’t go wrong with Han & Leia. “I love you / I know”, The Empire Strikes Back. Works for you, BR41N?
426 Upgrade Required
Upgrade?! It’s a classic! But fine, maybe we should quickly skim the full script. Maybe there’s something else in there that will be a bubbling pool of BR41N-exploding inspiration.
404 Not Found
So that was a semi-wasted half-hour… I thought there was plenty of good, but nooooo, nothing good enough for you. So back to Han & Leia, “I love you / I know”. Simple. Who do we cast in those roles?
428 Precondition Required
Preconditions... well, we need someone for Leia who’s reticent to admit they’re into Han, and finally spits it out when he’s about to get… what was the name of that again? And we need someone for Han that’s a bit of a… shit, what was it he called himself in that “dirty hands” scene?
507 Insufficient Storage
Ah, Carbonite. And a Scoundrel. Nice... hmmm that first kiss is also a pretty awesome scene… should I do that instead?
303 See Other
Or maybe the first one, where she confronts him about leaving? It does have that “I’d rather kiss a Wookie” that would translate great to “I’d rather kiss a Yankee”… And Emma as Rebel Princess is pretty on the nose. So that would make Henry… Hen Solo!! LOL wiiiiin.
303 See Other
But Henry is never the more emotionally available of these two, it’s the other way around… And “scoundrel” is rather very Jed, isn’t it? Not Henry at all… and that first kiss scene is Peak Phoster. Maybe Mary’s fixing something -someONE?- and Jed comes in, and their hands being dirty means bloody, and her being flustered and liking “nice men”…. And then her running off when C3PO -damnit, who is C3PO gonna be?!- barges in and reality sink back in, it’s so Phinnian…
303 See Other
But isn’t that kinda… expected? Even boring? I guess everybody expects us to go Phoster (or Haliza. NO, BR41N. Not going there tonight.) Who else…. OOOOOOH Samuel and Charlotte!
508 Loop Detected 
Yes, back to the first scene, with Sam as Han Solo (Sam Solo!) and Charlotte as Rebel Princess of the Contraband Camp (even if the name does not work at all)! But who cares, it might work overall! And Han/Sam wanting to leave the camp to go… to medical school! Totally canon. And Charlotte is always the more distant one in this relationship! Yes!
409 Conflict
What do you mean, conflict? We don’t have to care about that damn middle scene with them and Luke. It’s a drabble, damn you.
307 Temporary Redirect
OK can we make it work with that damn middle scene with Luke and that “scruffy-looking-nerf-herder” gem. In which Han/Sam brags about her admitting her feeling, and Charlotte ends up kissing Luke instead. 
...who the fuck is Luke in this? Shit, who the fuck is Darth Vader?!
506 Variant Also Negotiates
I think Emma should be Luke. Fighting the Dark Side of Slavery, finding her inner Force… yes I like that.
That would make Darth Vader…. JANE GREEN. HA!
And Yoda…. MATRON! LOL Emma struggling around in a swamp with a tiny, backwards-speaking Matron on her back! someone should soooo draw that.
409 Conflict
Come on, it’s not a conflict, Charlotte would totally kiss Emma to prove the point that Sam knows nothing about women. Totally. But then I have to cast the others in that scene.
308 Permanent Redirect
Sooooo….. Chewie the Wookie becomes… Henry the Yankee! Hehehe... they are both as talented in using their words.
102 Processing
Annnnnd…. Anne Hastings as C3PO!!! They’re both British, like yellow and talk a lot.
102 Processing
Byron Hale as Lando Calrissian! Smooth, treacherous sonofabitch who throws Sam under the bus to save his ass.
102 Processing
R2D2… little thing that chimes prettily and follows them around…. Nurse Isabella?
102 Processing
202 Accepted
Hell yeah, we might finally have something of a plan… now to writing it… what time is it?...
Hell no. 12:21. 
And Fuck! Phoster! I forgot Phoster! AAARRRGH!
504 Gateway Timeout
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
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