iireinarri · 14 days
If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
HI OMG IM SO SORRY FOR THE VERY LATE REPLY, IVE BEEN VERY BUSY BUT SURE! And since I'm a multishipper, I'll just list my top 5 ships out of fandoms I've been in
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FengCui: Feng Xiao x Cui Buqu (Wushuang/Peerless) - The reason I love this ship so much and is my top 1 out of all the shows and books ive read and watched is because I'm so in love with their dynamic, development, and interactions with each other. They first start of as rivals then gradually start to fall for each other with each case they work and time they spent togther. I also loved the fact that the author didn't use stereotypical tropes with the main cp. While its enemies to lovers, to me, it's enemies AND lovers because when they do get together, their dynamic didn't change and they still remained the same. And that's one of the reasons why I love this pair so much.
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2. Cezhou: Shen Zechuan x Xiao Chiye (Qiang Jin Jiu/Ballad of Sword and Wine) - I honestly debated if this should be my top 1 but I ultimately decided this would be my top 2 mainly bc I prefer fengcui's dynamic more, But of course, that doesn't make this ship any less great and amazing! In my opinion, this is enemies to lovers with sexual tension done right. I used to hate the trope enemies to lovers because of experience and personal things... But this ship changed my perspective on it a lot. Even though they got together early in the novel, they're still the ship that has the most amazing development and growth I've seen in such as a long time.
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3. Hualian: Xie Lian x Hua Cheng (Heaven Official's Blessing) - Ah yes... the classic. I had to put them at my top 3 because TGCF and hualian is what mainly got me into danmei and to this day, I still adore them with all my heart and I'll never ever forget how they made such a huge impact on me... They're like romeo and juliet but done right. They're also the couple that made my standards so unrealistic to the point that I think I'll never ever be able to find someone to love as much as how much they love each other... As much as they're unrealistic, they also made an impact on how I view love in general. I also relate to hua cheng when it comes to appearances because dawg... I am also so insecure of that as well... and when Hua Cheng is insecure about it and Xie Lian is just telling him that he's gorgeous and not ugly like he thinks he is just makes me want to cry because that validation and comforting words is what all of us insecure people need. Just having the reassurance that we're perfect just the way we are...
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4. Lucathy: Lucas x Athanasia De Alger Obelia/Athy (Who Made Me a Princess) - I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! Athy is so precious to me and I will protect her at all cost! And I love how their relationship just naturally progresses on the time the spent together and isn't just immediate love at first sight. And I also love how lucas went from "I'm going to watch this bc this is entertaining" to "If you ever hurt her, I'll destroy all of obelia" and bro... LUCAS IS SO WHIPPED FOR ATHY ITS SO FUNNY AHAHAH (Also reminds me on how Xiao Chiye is so whipped for Shen Zechuan but that's another time). And not only that, but I love how Lucas got back from his quest, heard about how Athy got humiliated, bro was like: "Should I kill him?" like bro did not care if it was her father, if someone did shit to her, he would deal with them.
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5. LoidYor: Loid Forger x Yor Forger (Spy x Family) - BRO I IMMEDIATELY FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS SHIP!! Assassin x Spy? OH HELL YEA! I've honestly been waiting for this kind of trope for such a long time lol. Not only that, but I low how yor is such a girlboss and protects her family even if it isn't real. I honestly really like their progression so far and I hope that they honestly become a family in the end... I have nothing really much to say about this ship because I haven't been keeping up with SXF but I really love them and they're trope because I haven't seen Assassin x Spy trope in fandoms I've been in.
So here are my ships! There are a lot more than these but I just decided to pick which ones that I really love the most and rank them by that. Anyways, thanks for reading this blog!
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cezhou-qjj · 2 years
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livraison420 · 2 years
Livraison weed,shit,beuh,coke jusqu'a ton domicile en main propre 💨💥 contact moi via 👉
#france #marseille #annexy-live #100daysofcode #cocaïne #drogue #shit #beuh #coke #lille #bordeaux #strasbourg #montpellier #nantes #livraison
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caitlynmeow · 3 months
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Donna knows her niece so well lmao
No, but really, Cassandra can't get more precious than this, she's so wholesome and adorable it's unreal.
Since she's easily influenced, baby must be protected at all costs!!
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yuziyou · 8 months
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QJJ by Tang Jiu Qing manhua official merch coming soon
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tinysmileyrose · 10 months
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our girl Meri!!
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Agent Ukelele. that's literally it.
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how Clef looks currently ~ Ukelele is fronting as of now, i made this so the Kondraki roleplayer knew how he looked.
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Ariyan getting her hair braided by Francis.
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Bright and Clef in wedding dresses ~ because of a conversation in a server, i had to draw it.
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Francis and Lilly but they're children and 4231 hasn't happened. text: lil guy!! her but nice
..tosses and runs away. i draw silly things and show to friends and i'm showing some here, cuz why not. these guys are silly :3 -Vesper
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big-o-ceanofficial · 1 month
Big Ocean (빅오션) - Glow | Show! MusicCore |
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Next month, a boy group called Big O!cean (빅오션) will be debuting with a remake of H.O.T's "Hope". As the members have hearing difficulties and their debut will be taking place on Korea's Day of People with Disabilities (April 20th), it's fitting that they will be including sign language in their remake.
As we all know, H.O.T has a history of including people who have disabilities in their work. "Outside Castle" and "When I Close My Eyes" are probably the most obvious examples of this. So, I think of all the folks to do a remake at this time, this one makes the most sense.
Just a quick note, the English name being used for this is "Glow", not "Light" or "Hope". Not the first time a remake has changed the title, but it kinda confused me until I went hunting looking for articles on Naver.
Hopefully, their debut goes well.
Source: 1, 2
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akatsuki-shin · 9 months
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yawnzzznnn · 1 month
@big-o-ceanoffical my blog made for just supporting Big O!cean(the first deaf group their really amazing and I recommend them!)
(also requests I'll get them done I just found out my childhood friend has been basically shit talking me with a girl I introduced him too)
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shandian-go · 4 months
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[PRE-ORDER] QJJ x Muling - 4.0 Merch
Deadline: March 1, 2024 at 9:00 PM EST
How to order
If you have never joined one of my group orders before, please read the Guide + FAQ and register before signing up!
To order, please go to the Order Site, select the ‘Pre-Orders’ category and browse for the item you’d like to order.
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reveriesofawriter · 4 months
book rambling don't mind me
the book kept saying anharion was his title... so was that also his name? did his name become a title when the Betrayal happened? does "anharion" translate to Betrayer or is that just what he's known as? was it a mistranslation from the old language? edit: I just reread the part where sarcean said he used to be called something else and now I feel like that's going to give away the whole ~is he the sun prince~ thing
I've seen some theories about the Collar and to what extent it actually controls james and like. as much as it would be less big and exciting to see it this way... what if the Collar is mostly symbolic? bc sarcean can talk people into doing what he wants anyway and james was obviously not immune to the charm (it's magnified for him even) well before will knew anything about himself or his powers so what if the collar was just a way to show other people that anharion belonged to him? but GOD if this moral stronghold of not wanting to manipulate james into kissing him and wanting him to do it of his own free will stops these boys from having a lil smooch for the majority of the third book I will Die
I've also seen people try to draw lines between will/sarcean and james/anharion as far as their past/present personalities and the consensus seems to be that will has a more clear line between himself and sarcean but I saw someone say it was more like intrusive thoughts and I think that's fascinating, also that will is seeing james and not anharion the betrayer when he looks at james but james in every sense is this cocky little asshole (affectionate) who flirts and uses his powers to take advantage of people while anharion in the past wasn't like that sooooo I think will isn't Seeing james as who he is I think he's seeing anharion for who he used to be before he turned against sarcean. which is so interesting when you think about will saying people shouldn't be judged by what they've done but what they can do
the tangled web of who hates who is so messy but I trust violet to, if not outright take will's side, then to convince the others to let him go like banish him or whatever instead of killing him right away (even if james's powers would physically protect him from that I just need violet to believe in him)
I'm still thinking about little 6 year old will setting a rich fucker's clothes on fire bc he laid his hands on a woman who was nice to him, how violet saved his life and he's spent every day after that trying to return the favor including using a newfound power he doesn't know how to control yet to set her free from a cage in another country
can't wait to see how the narratives shift when we get other perspectives on what the past was really like bc from what I can tell sarcean and the lady weren't really In Love they just had a fling one time
on that note I thought will was switched out for the girls somehow when they were kids but elizabeth was told her mother had a son before her and she believes that son is will, which would mean will is both blood of the lady and the dark king, which brings to question who his dad is bc they said it wasn't simon but I don't think his birth was a virgin mary situation, also I know sarcean got around but are will and simon's family related any closer than one ancestor thousands of years ago? is sinclair will's father?
I don't think tom and violet will fight to the death, tom may die in another way tho
what's the fourth kingdom and how does that pay into this? bc the first gate was in england the second was underwater somewhere and the third is in italy so the fourth...? on that note there must be more stewards alive who weren't in the hall when it was torn through, people who either left that life behind, or like cyprian at the beginning who didn't drink from the cup but still follow the lifestyle, or maybe like small covens of stewards who never went to the hall bc they found their own communities elsewhere idk it's just very eurocentric to think everyone from everywhere would meet up in this one place when the whole rest of the world exists
will needs some alone time after all this someone give him a safe place to rest and a hot drink
phillip and visander... and the unicorn....... love triangle of the ages... (I wonder if visander will find his way back into a man's body somehow or if he's stuck looking like katherine forever lol) (realistically. I don't think this man fucked his horse. but. metaphorically? metaphysically? whatever they had was probably as erotically charged as that magic scene right?)
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jojomaxine · 1 year
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old art of my slutty priest
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vctmsoflove · 10 months
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help girl this dude wants to murder AND fuck me!
i love them, the best enemies to lovers i’ve read (beside golden stage but comparing these two further wouldnt make sense since the books are so different imo)
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oceanwaves-chj · 2 months
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max-1999 · 2 months
A guide to upcoming new group, Big O!cean!
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Big O!cean
Under PARASTAR Entertainment
Currently 3 members
They want to create their own genre called S-Pop (sign language pop)
All members are hard of hearing, they have cochlear implants
Will debut April 20, 2024 with a remake of Glow by HOT
Twitter: Big_O_Cean
Instagram: big_ocean.official
YouTube: 빅오션 Big O!cean 세상에 하나뿐인 아이돌
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Park Hyunjin
Position: main vocalist
Birthday: October 24, 1999
Instagram: hyunjin_pick
Facts: developed hearing loss at age 2, admires Beethoven, has worn hearing aids since age 5
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Lee Chanyeon
Position: main rapper
Birthday: March 27, 1998
Instagram: chanyeon_I.3
Facts: he worked at a hospital, plays guitar
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Kim Jiseok
Position: main dancer, maknae
Birthday: March 5, 2003
Instagram: jiseok.1
Facts: he worked at a cafe, he likes modeling (and has been)
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