#celestial observer
highseas-swede · 7 months
I feel like we as a fandom don't talk enough about Aziraphale's newspaper in this scene.
I feel like this is totally made up by Aziraphale. I considered that it might actually just be a heaven newspaper, but... well just look at those articles:
"Archive of rare old books discovered in attic in Oxfordshire" "Good Deeds Pay Off for Local Man" "New serpent statue revealed to the public" (Someone's thinking of Crowley being statuesque!)
I need to see if I can actually get a screenshot good enough to read these
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
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ineffabildaddy · 7 months
open call for good omens fan project: celestial observer + infernal times
go read this post and reblog by @highseas-swede and @ineffable-suffering, featuring the pictures below, about the newspapers that crowley and aziraphale respectively appear with in good omens!!!
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these could be genuine publications by heaven and hell respectively; alternatively, the appearance and contents might be subconsciously thought up by crowley and/or aziraphale. either way, i thought it might be fun to try and create a fan-made version of these newspapers ourselves! our approach with regards to these two theories can be agreed upon once interest is gauged - maybe one paper can be thought up by one of them and miracled into being at the last minute, and the other can be published by heaven or hell itself.
contributions could be inspired by:
the headlines and photos on the newspapers that appear in the show
our own ideas, bearing in mind what we know about heaven and hell in the good omens universe and their respective relationships with earth
attempts to mimic/parody the content of the guardian/the observer and the times, the real newspapers that these fictional newspapers are referencing
a combination of the above
would anyone be interested in contributing to the writing and/or the visual design of this project? i’d also love it if someone helped me oversee it. if you’re up for it, please respond to this post in your preferred way and i'll work on getting the wheels in motion!
p.s. thank you @icanbeurangle and @greenthena for expressing interest already!!!
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thorns-and-rosewings · 3 months
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My part of an Art Trade with @miwachan2 with a pic of her Observer Moon! :)
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epicstoriestime · 11 months
A Celestial Observer's Future Report: Triumph of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity
  Introduction As an extraterrestrial observer from a distant realm, I eagerly turn my gaze toward the future of humanity. With awe and wonder, I present this celestial report, chronicling Earth’s remarkable odyssey in incorporating the boundless potentials of equality, diversity, and inclusivity. Join me now as we embark on a cosmic exploration together.   The Celestial Perspective: A…
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they love newspapers
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+ snake vision bonus:
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illustratus · 9 months
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"Totale Sonnenfinsternis." The Total Solar Eclipse on 8 July, 1842 by Adalbert Stifter
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toyastales · 9 months
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I'm over the moon for you!
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astoldbytode · 4 months
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✨💑 Navigating the Dance of 7th House Synastry: Planets, Nodes, and Ascendant 💑✨
Sun in the 7th House:
🌟 Illuminating partnership, bringing warmth and vitality to shared connections.
Moon in the 7th House:
🌙 Emotionally attuned to each other, fostering a deep sense of togetherness.
Mercury in the 7th House:
🗣️ Communication takes center stage, creating a harmonious exchange of ideas.
Venus in the 7th House:
💖 Experience love's beauty, find mutual admiration in shared values.
Mars in the 7th House:
⚡ Dynamic energy in partnerships, navigate assertiveness and collaboration.
Jupiter in the 7th House:
🌠 Expand together, seeking growth and abundance in shared experiences.
Saturn in the 7th House:
🪐 Building a solid foundation, commitment through challenges for lasting bonds.
Uranus in the 7th House:
⚡ Unpredictable dynamics, electrifying connection with potential surprises.
Neptune in the 7th House:
🌊 Dreamy romanticism, navigate illusions for a deep soul connection.
Pluto in the 7th House:
🔥 Transformative partnerships, facing intense changes for evolution.
North Node in the 7th House:
🌟 Soul growth through relationships, a karmic journey toward partnership.
South Node in the 7th House:
🌀 Release past patterns, embrace growth and independence in connections.
Ascendant in the 7th House:
🌅 Your outer self merges with partnership dynamics, shaping the relationship's essence.
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val-of-the-north · 11 months
The insidiousness of Kin in Bloodborne
The game makes a clear distinction between the earthly, beastly nature of mankind and the higher, more sophisticated and advanced inhuman evolution offered by the stars, with one being feared and hated by almost everyone but a small group of irreverents and the other being the goal of most organizations in the setting. They crave the superior knowledge that the stars, sea and Great Ones can offer them and in their selfishness they drag the entire population through the mud, subjecting them to the Scourge that turns them into the reviled, de-evoluted monsters that infest Yharnam.
But there’s something to be noted when analyzing the result of their attempts at ascension... most Kin we see are horrifying and animalistic monsters, no better than the beasts that devour the population. Take for example the Brainsuckers. Their lust for insight isn’t too dissimilar from that of blood-drunk men for their precious healing blood. They do everything in their power to feed themselves on more insight, more knowledge... and for what? In their current state, it’s more of a craving than a meaningful pursuit. And their locations are rather telling too, as most of them are found in the base of operation of the Choir. How were these men of science any different than the commoners they deem blinded by beastly idiocy? All those sacrifices to turn into addicts themselves.
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We also see the Fluorescent Flowers, beings who are undeniably kin but... there seems to be nothing intelligent about them. They are ultimately just predators, luring in prey with their flower-like bait. Whatever ritual or experiment made those certainly didn’t lead to a greater understanding of the cosmos. The Scholars of Byrgenwerth themselves have long since turned into mindless sludge who attacks anything they don’t recognize, drifting away in a Nightmare far from their old world. Gardens of Eyes are also just monsters who instinctively attack us despite their supposed higher intellect.
Perhaps the Celestial Emissaries are the only ones not relegated to the role of mindless fiend yet even that is debatable. While we see their individuality still persist somewhat after the transformation (Arianna even remains passive and never retaliates unlike the others) as shown when we breach into Iosefka’s Clinic from the backside, for how long will that last? The other Emissaries we see are exactly like all other Kin, attacking us on sight and sparing no grace for anyone who approaches, showing no sign of their past humanity. And even if they do retain their intelligence somewhat, the same happens to certain beasts, like the Afflicted Beggar. Despite his condition he is capable of complex thinking, more complex than even most Kin we see, and he is able to feel things too.
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Other attempts at evolution fail spectacularly and turn people into hungry monsters. Adeline, the only patient of the Research Hall conscious enough to address us is starving for Brain Fluid, and her hunger gets ravenous fast. The fact she is restrained as hard as she is seems to hint that she’d get violent, and we see many patients getting violent and even animalistic at times.
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Or think of the Nightmare Apostles, once cultists of some kind, now turned to mindless spiders. The only one with a head on his shoulders and a brain to match is Patches, though he seems to be an explicit exception to the rule. [x]
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No matter what, the thirst for knowledge remains the same... a thirst, a primal urge. Beastly idiocy goes both ways, but the stuck-up researchers of Yharnam don’t see it, and that’s their fatal mistake.
In the end, they were no better than the poor population. Just as clueless and obsessed with the very thing that was eating away at their humanity... but while the commoners despaired at this fate in the case of beasthood, these madmen wanted it and ruined countless lives to achieve it. Ultimately, it’s hard to feel sorry for them. They got what they wanted in their short-sightedness: absolute oblivion of the self.
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zamjd · 8 months
TW: Vibrant/Saturated colors!!!
I wonder what he lookin' at?
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Observer!Eclipse by @miwachan2 I wanted to make them more of an eyestrain than they already were C:< (the perspective is kinda off bcs I didn't think of the FOV, I only noticed when I was doing line-art and I didn't bother adjusting it cause I've gone too far crying I also didn't draw the backround w/ a reference so- Crying even more)
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dintrimeatarot · 10 months
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. - Carl Jung
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suannesnowrose · 3 months
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Hurt his hand ,but Moon fixed it :3
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admiralgiggles · 2 months
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My homemade filter was not without its flaws at first. To fix the light leak, I used some duct tape, and then a little bit of crop and heal turned this into a pretty okay shot.
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*This concludes my solar eclipse broadcast.
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 3 months
Manifest YOUR Dreams with the Mercury, Saturn Cazimi in Pisces
     On Feb. 28, we have a rare planetary event, involving the coming together of three major celestial bodies, and it's an exceptionally potent day to set intention to manifest your BIGGEST DREAM.
     The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn join forces in mystical Pisces, creating a cocktail of dreamy, committed energy. This is the apex of this week, the bond-making, oath-taking opportunity for commitment I was talking about earlier. With Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, joining the Sun and Saturn, our thoughts and ideas become infused with a sense of purpose and clarity. This alignment encourages us to articulate our dreams and ideals with conviction, to speak our truth with courage and authenticity. This transit is like a portal to your most aspirational ambitions, urging you to step through the door, step into your power and take charge of your destiny.
     The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn conjunction in Pisces, along with the Saturn cazimi, create a potent planetary portal that calls for introspection, commitment, and surrender. Pisces, the dreamy and intuitive sign that lives for imagining things beyond this world, invites you to dive deep into the waters of your subconscious and connect with something you can’t see, touch, or feel but can only sense. With the Sun illuminating your path, Mercury sharpening your mental faculties, and Saturn grounding your ambitions, this alignment encourages you to make a solemn oath to your dreams and ideals.
     Saturn, the ambitious & stern planet of discipline, limits and promises kept, brings a sense of responsibility to the mix, urging you to take your commitments seriously. Under the influence of the Saturn cazimi, you may feel a powerful urge–or a swelling, cascading concentration—to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to a cause or vision that resonates deeply with your dreams, feelings, and inner artiste. This cosmic conjunction reminds you that true success requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to surrender to something greater than yourself.
Learn MORE about this potent cazimi on The Cosmic Almanac
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steelhipdesign · 2 years
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I've been watching videos on those beautiful Russian jewelled eggs. Can't mention the name - trademarked. I wanted to create my own version in wood and metal embellishments, adding a tiny LED smaller than a grain of rice within the "sun" crystal bead. The wire leads are finer than a strand of hair so soldering is tricky. As you can see in the photos the battery pack is in the base and both the top and bottom plates can be opened. I wanted it to sit on the legs with the battery pack exposed so it can easily be turned on and off, so there is a notch for the cord to run in the base plate. It takes two CR2032 that are easy to find. I'm still not at the skill level for USB power source.
It's ticked all the boxes for my art: industrial, steampunk aesthetic, science, space, light up, lots of whimsy and unique. I stained the wooden egg to a darker tone. I avoided glue with most of the decoration pinned, riveted and screwed into place. Although it looks delicate - it can be handled. To undo the top part of the egg it should be turned open. I installed two knobs on the internal top plate and a finger grip on the base. Unfortunately I had to fix the planets and sun in place due to the lighting.
This is a prototype so it took many hours to build, not counting the hours working out all the problems with the electrics. But I'm happy with the finished product and will list it in my Etsy shop. The next one will be smaller with a vintage aluminium stamped earth and moon if it will fit.
Fellow builders who are interested most of the brass and copper embellishments from vintage jewellery findings from US sellers. The "star map" points are rivet heads. Although I am learning how to turn wood, I bought the wooden egg as a blank and it came with four other "nesting" eggs inside. Now I'm thinking about doing an egg for each planet.....
Thank you for your interest in my work! I really do appreciate all the hearts, shares and follows. It inspires me to create everyday.
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