#cg logan sanders
dannyisdone · 2 years
Day 15: Candy
“Wait, Logan, one more time, where are we going?” Thomas asked as he was dragged through the mindscape, a sensation he was still only recently getting used to.
“Lost the last big person to chocolate.” Logan explained as he readjusted the falling goggles on his face. Yeah, that’s what Logan had said a minute ago, and it still clarified nothing for Thomas. 
“Logan, what are you--” 
“Pat! I got him!” Logan interrupted, pulling Thomas into a living room. And for all Thomas’s initial confusion, upon seeing the living room, it felt like it cleared up fairly quickly. 
Sitting in various locations in the living room were some of the sides, clearly in various states of regression and sitting in front of bags of Halloween candy. Thomas had known that some of his sides had planned on regressing and trick-or-treating, so that wasn’t all that surprising. What was a shock was that all of them seemed to have regressed!
Firstly, the twins were seated near the television on the floor. Thomas could clearly hear them arguing over who had gotten the most candy. Thomas had known those two were going to be little together the moment the idea had been brought up. The twins enjoyed being little together, much to the chagrin of whoever was in charge of them, since they tended to get into baby fights. 
“I got 340 pieces of candy, and you only got 320! That means I got more!” Roman argued as Remus ripped open a mini bag of skittles. 
“Nuh uh ‘cause you’re not counting all these!” Remus argued back just as he managed to get the bag open, sending a skittles rolling off in every which way. 
“That’s not how that works!” Roman disputed, but dug through his own pillowcase and pulled out a pack of skittles himself and started opening it as Remus crawled around the room, looking for his loose candy. 
He crawled all the way to Virgil, who was sitting on the floor by the couch. Even from his distance, Thomas could see how sticky Virgil’s hand looked. As some of the skittles rolled towards Virgil, the little one squealed and picked them off the floor and--
“No no, baby, yucky!” Thomas hurried over attempting to intervene, but Virgil was already putting floor candy in his mouth, smiling happily and humming in delight. Remus whined. 
“Roman! He ate some of mine! It still counts!” Remus complained as he crawled back. As Thomas approached, Virgil smiled up at him sweetly, holding up his bag. 
“Tho! Loo’!” Virgil held up the bag for Thomas to look inside, mostly finding a lot of loose candy and already opened packaging. Thomas smiled down at the toddler, though it was a bit strained. 
“Did you eat all that candy already, Vee?” Thomas asked, kneeling down. 
“No, Janus and him shared a bag.” Logan explained. He had walked over and held in his hand a wet napkin. Thomas took in gratefully and began to clean up the sticky mess from Virgil’s hand and face, much to the little one’s distress.
“Vee was too scared to go up to the houses, so he and Janus shared.” Logan explained. Thomas peered over at his Logical side as he spoke, wondering if he was still regressed or not. 
“What about you? Where’s your candy?” Thomas asked as he finished cleaning up his anxiety. Virgil whined when Thomas wasn’t looking at him anymore, and started to pat his face. 
“I don’t like candy.” Logan admitted. “So I gave it t’Patton.” He explained. Thomas nodded, but didn’t have much time to question it as Virgil grew fussy. Thomas sighed and relented. 
“Okay bud, stand up and I’ll pick you up.” Thomas said. Virgil gurgled happily and clumsily stood up on his feet. Thomas lifted Virgil up and adjusted him on his hip. It was a good thing his sides were just figments of his Imagination and not actual adult sized men. 
“My M&M’s only had 10! Why did yours have 11?!” Thomas heard Roman whine. He looked over at the twins. 
“Roman, that’s just how candy packaging is, you probably have one that has more than Remus.” He tried to appease. 
“Nuh uh! No way he does!” Remus argued, and it only seemed to spur more arguing between the two. Thomas sighed once more. How had all of them regressed?!
“Who was big with you guys?” Thomas asked, ignoring Virgil as he whined and reached for his candy bag he had left on the floor. 
“Well, I was a little big for a while, but that was only ‘cause I was nervous.” Logan admitted, his face turning a bit pink. Thomas nodded, and smiled at Logan, hoping to convey he was proud of his logical side for being vulnerable. “And Patton was big big, but then he started eating sweets, and he didn’t stay big for very long after.” Logan continued to explain. 
“Where is he now?” Thomas asked, finally bending down and picking up Virgil’s candy bag and handing it to him. Logan shrugged. 
“He was here when I left.” He explained, looking around. Thomas grew a bit worried at that, until Roman piped up. 
“He’s behind the couch with Janus.” He helpefully explained as he counted his candies again. 
“Oh! I also getta count Janus’s candy ‘cause he took all my yellow ones!” Remus argued, standing up and hurrying over to the couch. 
“Nuh uh! You gave them away then!” Roman argued, also standing up. Everyone made their way over to the couch, and Thomas peered behind it to find his two remaining sides. 
“‘Mas!” Janus looked up and smiled at Thomas, lots of yellow candies and wrappers sitting in his lap. 
“Hi.” Patton squeaked as he looked up. His face was covered in chocolate, and unlike the other sides that were all dressed in their pajamas, Patton still wore his blue sweater and tight pants. Thomas couldn’t stop himself from awwing at the sight. His Morality must have tired really hard to stay big if he hadn’t even had the chance to change. 
Remus counted under his breath, before cheering. 
“Janus has 32 candies, which means I win!” He declared, already running back to his candy bag. 
“Some of those was his! You don’t get to count them all!” Roman yelled, chasing after his twin. 
“Bellow!” Janus babbled, holding up a yellow box of Dots candy. Virgil’s eyes grew wide with want, and he reached out towards it, almost topping Thomas over. 
“Oh geez, okay, I think it’s time for all my sides to go to bed.” Thomas called out as he bent down for Virgil to get the candy. The twins both let out audible whines, but didn’t argue. Which Thomas was grateful for. 
“Wait, I forgot--” Logan gasped, before running towards the kitchen. Thomas was about to intervene, worried that he was trying to avoid bedtime, but then Logan ran back in with another pillow case of candy. 
“Oh good, more sugar.” Thomas said teasingly. “Whose bag is that?” He asked. 
“It’s for you.” Logan said with a small smile. Thomas was surprised. 
“Oh yeah! We tricked or treated for you too!” Roman explained, rushing over, his bag gripped in his hand. 
“Yeah! I got you the most candy though.” Remus added, which was immediately refuted by Roman. 
“Janus took all the yellow ones out though.” Logan explained as he handed the bag to Thomas. At hearing his name, Janus looked up again. 
“‘M ‘bellow.” Was his only comment to that. 
“That was…very kind of you guys,” Thomas said genuinely touched that his sides thought about him. “Thank you…Now, let’s get to bed.” Thomas explained, setting the candy down. He knew he would have to get them to bed soon, or else they might begin to question why Thomas wasn’t eating any of the candy that was made up in his own head. 
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puppycatremus · 4 days
regressor logan and cg roman
my lovelies!! i think ti would be so good for both of them and they would be a wonderful duo! regressed logan would look at cg roman with stars in his eyes i just know it
little logan definitely admires the heck out of roman 🥹 and ofc roman is like devouring all the affection <3 logan regressing and making roman a handmade card and being like “i tried to be creative like you!” and roman is fully weeping
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littlecloudprince · 8 months
The Little Duke
Summary: "Love this:-)♥️ Can I please request secret regressor Remus (0-3) where no one is aware that he does it? Please and thanks 😊" Request by gamblerezra (on AO3), hope I did your request justice! And sorry it took me so long to get it out ^^'
Warnings: Mentions of accidents/bedwetting, auditorial hallucinations, a meltdown scene, brief mention of blood (very, very brief, not graphic at all), skin injury/rash
A/N: …So remember how I said I'd try to be more consistent with my writing? Well, as it turns out, writer's block and executive dysfunction disagreed! I am still updating this tho, so yeah! I promise you guys, I really am trying! Time just goes by so darn fast! But I'm always open for requests!
Remus woke up small and wet. It wasn't unusual, it had been happening for a while now. Usually he just went back to sleep, and dealt with it later, when he was bigger again. He didn't know what it was or why it was happening, but he knew he couldn't go to the others. They'd think he's gross. They wouldn't like it. They wouldn't like him. They'd think he was doing it to annoy or disturb them. But he wasn't! He wasn't doing it on purpose, he didn't even know what it was!
Remus sat up, he didn't want to sleep anymore. But he had to. He was wet, and he couldn't do anything about it like this. But Remus wasn't sleepy! He huffed to himself, not knowing what to do. Why was he like this? He tried to reach out to Thomas, to have him do something, anything that could help. But nothing happened. He tried again, still nothing. He huffed, laying back down. Guess there was no other choice.
Thomas woke up to an unusual feeling. He shifted lightly, before freezing like a deer in headlights. He sat up, heart beating in his chest like a mini drum. He peeled back the covers, his face flushing bright red once they were fully off of him. No. No, he hadn't. There was no way, he couldn't have! He's an adult goddamnit, this just doesn't happen!
"Care to explain why I'm up at—" Virgil grumbled, words drying on his tongue as he processed what was going on.
"I—" Thomas started, feeling so embarrassed that tears were threatening to form in his eyes.
"You wet the bed??" Roman rose up. Thomas could only nod meekly, rapidly trying to blink away the stubborn tears in his eyes.
"I didn't mean to!" he squeaked.
"Aw, kiddo, it's okay! Accidents happen, even to adults! Let's get this cleaned up, okay?" Patton rose up as well. Thomas nodded, taking a few deep breaths and wiping his eyes.
"You— You're right. Sorry," he breathed out.
"Nothing to apologise for hun," Patton soothed.
"Yeah. Sorry. I mean— Y'know."
Right as Thomas got out of bed, it was Logan's turn to rise up.
"First step; strip the bed," he reminded.
"I know, Logan, thank you," Thomas smiled weakly.
"After you're done with that, you're taking a bubble bath," Janus appeared to give his two cents.
"Sure, Jan. Thanks," Thomas attempted to smile again. As he went on about stripping his bed, the Sides all sunk down one by one. No one noticed that one of them hadn't popped up at all.
Back in the Mind Palace, Remus had woken up, only to discover that he was still small. He didn't understand, he was supposed to be back to his big self by now! And he really, really didn't want to sleep anymore! He huffed, deciding to get out of bed. Maybe he could find something to do while he waited? He could just stay in his room all day, it's not like the others would notice anyway. His bed would have to wait, but Remus didn't mind too much, he'd just clean it before going to sleep. Maybe.
Remus looked around his room, trying to find something to do. He wanted to colour! Or draw! But all the art supplies were in Roman's room. Hm. Remus flicked his wrist, attempting to summon himself some crayons and a colouring book, but nothing happened. Remus growled quietly, scratching at his inner thighs. Why were they burning and scratchy? And now Remus' tummy growled, too! There was no way he could sneak in the kitchen without getting caught. They'd yell at him. Usually, he didn't mind, but today, he really didn't want to be yelled at. He just wanted... Well, he didn't even know what he wanted. Remus' tummy felt rotten, and not in the way he liked, either!
"They don't like you," a voice said.
"I know," Remus replied. This wasn't the first time he heard voices, it happened a lot. Usually it didn't bother him, but today was different.
"They'd be better off without you."
"You sound like the Emo," Remus shot back. The voice chuckled coldly.
"You really don't get it, do you?"
"Go 'way."
"You want them. You want them to want you. But they won't. They never will, will they?" the voice taunted.
"Go 'way!" Remus stomped his foot for good measure. He hated the way his bottom lip wobbled, and how his vision blurred as salty tears welled in his eyes. He hated feeling weak.
"They left you. They're not coming back. They have a new family now. Without you."
"They don't need you anymore. *He* doesn't need you anymore. He hates you," the voice kept going, mercilessly jabbing at Remus' sensitive spots. Remus saw two strips of colour take form. Yellow and purple. Janus and Virgil. They stared down at the duke, disgust shining in their eyes. They wouldn't speak, only staring menacingly.
"Stop!" Remus closed his eyes and covered his ears, firmly pressing his hands on them in a desperate attempt to silence the voice. He fell on his knees, curling up to be as small as possible.
In the meanwhile, Thomas was trying to work on songwriting, but something kept gnawing at him. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. It bothered him. He had gone to the bathroom before going to sleep, like he always did. He hadn't drunk too much water, or anything else for that matter, and his dream wasn't particularly scary. So why had he wet the bed? What was wrong with him?
"You're not making any progress, Thomas," Logan pointed out after rising up.
"I… I know. Sorry. Just…" Thomas trailed off.
"About what?"
"Just… Ah, you know, nevermind. It doesn't matter," Thomas shook his head a bit.
"If it bothers you, it does matter," Logan stated.
"Is there something wrong with me?" Thomas bit his lip. He looked up from his notebook, but avoided Logan's eyes.
"Why would you think that?"
"I mean…" Thomas didn't finish his sentence. He bit his lip, his gaze wandering uncertainly.
"I just…" his voice wavered, and he swallowed thickly as he felt a lump growing in his throat. He rapidly blinked his eyes, not wanting Logan to see him cry. He didn't even know why his tear ducts were threatening to betray him, there was no reason to cry. It was… illogical. Thomas let out a shaky sigh, hiding his face in his hands.
"Hey…" Logan sat across his host, unsure what to do.
In the Mind Palace, Remus was getting closer and closer to meltdown territory. It was getting harder to breathe, the voice was getting louder, and the burning and itching of his tighs was getting to be unbearable. He hated this. He hated this, he hated this, he hated this! Remus let out a scream, fiercely ripping his pants off before aggressively scratching at his inner thighs. Angry tears burned in his eyes as he reached for the first object he could reach, before throwing it at the general direction of the taunting voice.
"SHUT UP!" Remus shrieked, clawing at his ears for a moment before throwing himself on the ground, shrieking incoherently as his thighs demanded to be scratched again. There was a knock at Remus' door, causing his hands to fly from his thighs right back to his ears as the sound pounded at his eardrums.
"NO!" he screamed, throwing whatever object he could get his hands on toward the door.
"Ow!" Patton yelped, getting hit in the face with an empty deodorant container. He rubbed at the tip of his nose, processing what was happening. He flinched as he realised the state the still shrieking little duke was in.
"Hey…" he entered the room, and sat on the floor, making sure to give Remus some space. He reached out to the red-faced boy, carefully stroking his hand once. When Remus didn't protest, Patton continued, slowly but effectively getting the toddler to calm down.
"There ya go, Dad's here buddy, Dad's gotcha…" he coo'd gently. By now Remus had completely stopped screaming, but silent tears were still running down his face, his anger melting down to sadness. He reached his little hands out, choking back sobs, a quiet whine escaping his throat.
"Aww, you want Dad to pick you up?" Remus didn't answer verbally, instead just clenching his fists in the 'grabby hands' motion. Patton took the cue, and gently picked the boy up. Remus winced as his thighs pressed against the fabric of Patton's clothes. He had scratched them so vigorously that they were now completely raw, dried up blood covering his fingernails.
"You poor thing! Dad thinks you need a bath, hun. And then, once you're all squeaky clean, we'll put some lotion on your thighs so the hurt will go away. That sound good?" Patton murmured softly upon inspecting Remus' thighs closer. The boy nodded, rubbing his eyes, exhausted from his meltdown.
"What got you so itchy in the first place?" the fatherly Side asked. Remus just shrugged, not quite sure himself. Patton looked around, only now noticing the pants on the floor.
"…Oh," he understood now, the lingering smell in the room making more sense. Truthfully, he had not paid much attention to it at first. It was Remus' room, it was subject to strange smells, and generally, it was better to not ask questions. By now the other Sides had learned to tune it out. Now, however, was not the time to dwell on that.
"Well," Patton said, "let's get you cleaned up!"
Some time later, as Patton had finally gotten the freshly-bathed toddler in a pull-up and t-shirt, and the washing machine running, he felt the ever-so-familiar tug of someone, likely Thomas, summoning him. So, Remus on his hip, he sank down.
"Oh! Logan! Did you need me for something?" Patton asked, surprised to see that it hadn't been Thomas who summoned him.
"I…" Logan started, his words drying on his tongue as he processed the fact that Patton was holding what appeared to be a toddler.
"Is that… Is that Remus?"
"…Why is he a toddler?"
"No clue! So what's up?" Patton asked.
"Right, well, Thomas is experiencing a sort of… emotional crisis, and that's not exactly my area of expertise. I figured you would be able to help," Logan explained, gesturing to the host, still hunched over the desk, hiding behind his hands.
"Huh, okay," Patton frowned a little before walking to Thomas.
"Hey, buddy…" he started, gently laying a hand on his host's back. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing, just…" Thomas trailed off, taking a breath and rubbing his face before turning to look at Patton. His eyes were a little shiny, and he seemed exhausted. His brows furrowed in confusion once his brain registered the toddler Patton was holding.
"Remus," Patton explained.
"I don't know either, I just found him like this."
…How small is he?" Logan asked, furrowing his brows as well as he thought.
"Can't be older than two, I don't think. Poor guy had wet the bed, so we had a bit of a bath, and got some lotion on that nasty rash," Patton explained, gently moving Remus' legs a little so the other two could see how red and raw they were.
"Is… Is that why I…" Thomas trailed off, too embarrassed to say it outloud.
"Of course!" Logan suddenly explained, smacking his forehead as the realisation dawned on him.
"Remus' regression must've had a side effect in affecting you, Thomas!"
"A *Side* effect? Eh?" Patton grinned.
"…Yes? I'm not sure what you're implying here, Patton."
"It's- It's a pun, just ignore it," Thomas shook his head a bit.
"…Anyway, we can't leave a two-year-old on his own. I trust you'd be willing to care for him until we figure out a way to get him back to his adult self, Patton?" Logan said, raising his eyebrow slightly.
"Oh! Uh… Of course!" Patton tried his best to conceal his surprise, quickly regaining his composure and giving Logan a grin. Taking care of Remus couldn't be *that* hard!
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goldenlittleroyal · 4 months
Huzzah, Sanders Sides agere!
I see both Patton and Roman as flips, and ship them heavily, so here's a drabble of headcanons! 🌟
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cg!Patton and small!Roman
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roman is a flip, and regresses to either 2-4 or 7-9 depending on the day!
lots and lots of outdoor play and adventures! but also a lot of quiet time indoors in patton's room whenever roman is upset.
patton provides roman with limitless amounts of crayons, chalk, paint, and anything his heart desires to create with. roman is EXTRA creative when he's tiny, tapping into that childlike whimsy again.
roman goes up to patton wanting fairy-tales be read to him, as the prince he demands it! (even though patton would read them to him no matter what.) roman's favorite is the storybook version of disney's beauty and the beast.
roman loves to watch every disney animated movie in huge marathons, and patton makes them popcorn and snacks for sometimes weekend-long regression and film binging sessions.
roman and patton both wear their onsies when they spend time regressing!
roman can sometimes get angry or really sad, and he throws big loud tantrums that tire him out really badly. patton waits them out patiently, then swoops him up to take to bed for snuggles and comforting words. other caregivers might call that behavior bratty, but patton understands it too well to ever be mad at roman, especially when he's small.
patton loves to play toys with roman, whether it's plushies or paper dolls or action figures, he really enjoys indulging roman's storytelling drive!
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cg!Roman and small!Patton
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patton is a flip, and both an age regressor and a pet regressor! he regresses to around 6-8, and he's a frog regressor.
pat is a hyper, and i mean HYPER kiddo, and it's even worse when he's in froggie mode.
roman loves to set up 'dates of fun' where he plans a whole list of activities to keep patton busy the whole day. he includes arts and crafts enough to fill up hours at a time, movies, books to be read to him, and much more. patton's energy is always wiped out by the end!
patton loves the winnie the pooh books when he's small, they're immensely comforting to him.
patton is VERY cuddly and affectionate during regression, and roman is definitely not complaining about the extra love!
patton mostly wears even comfier clothes than usual, like big sweaters over shorts or his onesie! roman does like to draw him into games of dress-up in the imagination, though, dressing patton in very nice princely clothing for them to play games in.
patton can occasionally involuntarily regress as well, and those are much less happy times. he gets very, very sad and gloomy, tending to stay in bed the whole day curled around his blankets with his pacifier.
roman tries to give him space when he needs it, but the moment patton asks for comfort, roman jumps to action to brighten his day in any way he can manage. patton may be very nostalgic, but how much he loves and is loved by roman helps keep him grounded during the bad times.
roman will take patton to the imagination and imagine up a biiiig pond or pool for him to play in in his smaller lilypadton form! lots of things to hop on and dive through.
lilypadton will try to hit roman in the face with his tongue, 100% of the time, roman better keep his reflexes good.
roman gives in to little patton's puppy eyes so easily that he regularly accidentally lets him eat himself sick on sweets and baked goods. "mom i phrew up" moments directed at logan galore between the two of them.
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agerefandom · 11 months
Fanfiction Masterpost
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In the current absence of AO3, may I remind everyone that my fanfictions are accessible on tumblr? ;p
If you'd like a full list of my writing, including both headcanons and fanfictions, my story page is accessible on desktop but I think some mobile users may have trouble accessing it! So here's a mobile-friendly version of my fanfictions.
Animaniacs  Yakko To The Rescue: big brother!Yakko with regressor!reader 
Avatar:The Last Airbender Flourishing in Sunlight: cg!Zuko and regressor!Katara, post-canon
Be More Chill Safety In Numbers: regressor!Rich, worried Jeremy
Boku No Hero Academia Sound and Silence: domestic regressor!Aizawa and cg!HizashiSomething Wrong: regressor!Katsuki gets cornered by Izuku and doesn’t react well (heavy fic)  Class Outing: Izuku regresses while at the mall with Class 1A
Calvin and Hobbes Old Friends: regressor!Calvin with Hobbes
Critical Role (C2) Books and Pigments: regressor!Jester and regressor!Caleb playdate Picking Up The Pieces: struggling regressor!Caleb and helpful Caduceus  Through Anything: regressor!Beau and Jester, doing Yasha’s hair
Death Note Restrained: Classification!AU with regressor!Light struggling in confinement 
Doctor Who The TARDIS Playroom: regressor!Thirteenth Doctor and an unexpected Graham
Good Omens  Evenings Of Eternity: regressor!Crowley, cg!Aziraphale (chapter two)  Mornings and Knights: sequel to the above story 
Harry Potter What Family Is: regressor!reader and their cgs, Remus and Sirius Golden Slumbers: regressor!reader, big brother!Harry Potter, and cg!Fred Weasley (cglre terminology) 
Hazbin Hotel Angels At The Window: regressor!Reader and caregivers!Vaggie and Charlie
Hetalia Bedtime Tears: Human AU, regressor!Italy with cg!Japan&Germany 
Homestuck Cupcakes and Moms: regressor!Dave and his mom Roxy  >Dirk: Regress: self-indulgent Dirk regression Big Brother, Little Brother: regressor!Dave and regressor!Dirk, regressing together for the first time, cg!Roxy and John.  Simple Days: minific with regressor!June and cg!Rose
The Magnus Archives Song of the Hive: regressor!Jane Prentiss horror story 
Marvel Quiet Days: cg!Natasha and regressor!reader drabble Kitchen Friends: regressor!reader (he/him) and cg!Bucky/Steve
Les Miserables Calling You Home: regressor!Enjolras and caregiver!Grantaire
Minecraft  It Takes A Village: regressor!reader in a minecraft world, ft. cg!villagers and curious enderman 
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812  Natasha is Young: regressor!Natasha and cg!Helene
Night In The Woods Shapes and Friends: regressor!Mae with Gregg and Angus
Ouran High School Host Club  To Weather The Storm: Tamaki finds out that Haruhi regresses (cglre terminology)  Taking Care of Mori: regressor!Mori and cg!Hunny, ft. observant!Haruhi Fancy Tuna and Frantic Texts: regressor!Haruhi, cgs Tamaki and Kyoya (cglre terminology) 
Pinky and the Brain The Joy of Theatre: Pinky puts on a play, Brain indulges him All The Great Men: Brain is having a hard day: Pinky does his best to help Yakko To The Rescue: regressor!reader and their big brother Yakko 
Phantom of the Opera Forever More: regressor!Erik and cg!Christine, established dynamic
Resident Evil VIII Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To: regressor!reader (she/her) and cg!Dimitrescu (cglre terminology)
Sanders Sides Just Plane Overwhelmed: regressor!Virgil and cg!Patton on a stressful plane ride The Playtime Solution: regressor!Logan needs a break, cg!Patton To The Moon And Back: regressor!Logan, cg!Roman
Steven Universe Safe and Sound: regressor!Steven tries to stop regressing, cg!Crystal Gems (also rewritten here with transfem Steven going by Stephanie)  system/REGRESS.Steven: a rewrite of the Spinel fight, the rejeuvenator works on Steven and Amethyst is the one who has to collect all her regressed friends
Twilight Cold Palms, Warm Words: regressor!reader with cg!Alice and Jasper Sugar Sweet: baby-regressor!reader with established cg!Alice and Jasper  The Doctor’s Office: regressor!reader with cg!Carlisle  Home Sweet Home: Carlisle and Esme as parents, the other Cullens as regressors with varied age ranges Baby Steps: regressor!Bella with caregiver!Charlie (cw depression) 
Undertale A Story For Sans: regressor!Sans is exhausted, and Papyrus is worried Sweet Pea and Papyrus: cg!Papyrus and a regressor!reader who’s had a bad day 
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tsukishimasbaby · 5 months
Katniss Everdeen-
THG Agere Headcanons Part II
Peeta Mellark-
THG Agere Headcanons Part II
Gale Hawthorne-
Nothing yet…
Finnick Odair-
THG Agere Headcanons Part II
Johanna Mason-
Nothing yet…
Beetee Latier-
Nothing yet…
Haymitch Abernathy-
Nothing yet…
Coriolanus Snow-
THG Agere Headcanons Part I
Lucy Gray Baird-
THG Agere Headcanons Part I
Sejanus Plinth-
THG Agere Headcanons Part I
Percy Jackson-
PJO Agere Headcanons Part I
Annabeth Chase-
PJO Agere Headcanons Part I
Grover Underwood-
Nothing yet…
Luke Castellan-
Luke & Clarisse With a Little Who’s 5-9
Clarisse La Rue-
Luke & Clarisse With a Little Who’s 5-9
Jason Grace-
PJO Agere Headcanons Part I
Piper McLean-
Nothing yet…
Frank Zhang-
Nothing yet…
Hazel Levesque-
Nothing yet…
Leo Valdez-
Nothing yet…
Nico di Angelo-
Nothing yet…
Will Solace-
Nothing yet…
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano-
Nothing yet…
Thalia Grace-
Nothing yet…
Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos-
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Hazbin Hotel
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Vaggie Agere Headcanons
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Angel Dust (I RARELY write for him!)-
Hazbin Hotel Agere Headcanons
Vox CG Headcanons
Vox w/ a Reader with an Oral Fixation
Helluva Boss
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Sanders Sides
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya-
Nothing yet…
Shoto Todoroki-
Nothing yet…
Tenya Iida-
Nothing yet…
Ochaco Uraraka-
Nothing yet…
Katsuki Bakugo-
Nothing yet…
Eijiro Kirishima-
Nothing yet…
Denki Kaminari-
Nothing yet…
Mina Ashido-
Nothing yet…
Kyoka Jiro-
Nothing yet…
Momo Yaoyorozu-
Nothing yet…
Hitoshi Shinso-
Nothing yet…
Mirio Togata-
Nothing yet…
Tamaki Amajiki-
Nothing yet…
Nejire Hado-
Nothing yet…
Toshinori Yagi/All Might-
Nothing yet…
Shota Aizawa-
Nothing yet…
Hizashi Yamada-
Nothing yet…
Shoyo Hinata-
Nothing yet…
Tobio Kageyama-
Nothing yet…
Kei Tsukishima-
Nothing yet…
Tadashi Yamaguchi-
Nothing yet…
Ryūnosuke Tanaka-
Nothing yet…
Yū Nisinoya-
Nothing yet…
Asahi Azumane-
Nothing yet…
Kōshi Sugawara-
Nothing yet…
Daichi Sawamura-
Nothing yet…
Tetsurō Kuroo-
Nothing yet…
Kenma Kozume-
Nothing yet…
Toru Oikawa-
Nothing yet…
Hajime Iwaizumi-
Nothing yet…
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tomas sanders
I'll call it more a hyper fixation then cute gay shit but I've been recently watching a lot of Thomas Sanders and more sanderside than his other content Patton is a CG or a little you could not tell me otherwise, Virgil is definitely a trauma regressor for me, Roman CG ,and also Logan CG
could somebody explain to me why I grew attached to Patton yeah he has a wonderful lovely cute adorable personality but something drew me into like him and I don't know what it is, btw I feel virgil is relatable and Roman is my creativity when I drink too much grape juice
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pacisandpuzzles · 6 months
Header ID: the sky littered with stars and a shooting star. /end ID
Icon ID: a drawing of Logan Sanders from Sanders Sides in his unicorn onesie, cuddling a pillow. /end ID
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MAIN: @transfemlogan (SFW, but sometimes has content not suitable for children (ex. cursing, etc))
The name's Revenge or Revy. Any neopronouns. I am an 19 year old black and latino disabled queer.
I am not an age regressor, nor am I a caregiver, but age regression is a small special interest of mine! I really enjoy agere sanders sides content and wanted a blog to post and reblog agere content within the fandom, as I have a hard time finding some. All agere, petre, & other types of regression welcome here!
I am a big fan of age regressor Logan with CG Janus and/or Virgil and that will be primarily what I talk about, but this blog will have all sorts of dynamics.
Asks are always open. Let me know if you need something tagged.
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Tags (link)
Fic Masterlist (if I ever post any fics)
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Header: unsplash / Icon: littleboy-logan / Song in bio: bubble tea by dark cat / divider: saradika
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littlejazzy · 2 years
Hi jazzy! I’m a regressor that likes to wear diapies and I was wondering if you had any ( sfw of course ) omo diaper agere ao3 fics? Ones you particularly like? I love to read fics like that because they make me feel so small and safe :)
you came to the right place!
some of these simply have the character wear diapers, while others have them use them, so don't forget to check the tags for whatever you're comfortable with!
Picnic by SailorChibi - Marvel - Baby!Tony and CG!Steve in Littles Are Known!AU - This one is sooo comfy. Steve gets Tony ready for a picnic with all their friends :)
Little Q verse by SailorChibi - James Bond - Toddler!Q and CG!Bond -Small series, the first two are comfy little pieces, while the third has some ~drama~ with a happy ending! Really really good!
Little Accidents, Big Developments by babyjellyfish (arrestjellyfish) - Sanders Sides - Kiddo!Roman and Baby!Virgil with CG!Logan and Patton - Virgil starts to have accidents while regressed and comes to terms with wearing diapers. SO good. Also, Roman's an age dreamer, and it's written so well!
Care and Comfort by AchillesMonkey - Agents of Shield - Baby!Skye/Daisy, Toddler!Jemma, Kiddo!Fitz, and Kid!Hunter with CG!Coulson and May - Another series! If you're a fan of the show, it's a great read. Made in 2016, so all you need to know what's going on is up to season four.
with kisses and a tootsie roll by blueblueelectricblue - The Good Place - Toddler!Eleanor with CG!Tahani - Eleanor has an accident and Tahani helps her handle it.
Time Heals All Wounds by tonytalks1456 - Stranger Things - Baby!Billy with CG!Steve in a Littles are Known!AU - After denying his classification, Billy drops. Hard. Good news is, best babysitter around Steve is here to help :)
Oh! If you're cool with reader-inserts, there's No. (Icky Thoughts and Kicking Walls) by radiowavemisfit - Marvel - Toddler!Reader and CG!Steve (and implied sibling!Tony) - Reader has trouble articulating that they feel bad in a constructive way, so they sit in time-out until everyone comes to an understanding
and also Sugary Sweet by agerefandom (tazia101) - Twilight - Baby!Reader and CG!Alice and Jasper - A comfy, happy morning with your vampire caregivers :)
happy reading!
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dannyisdone · 2 years
I think my brain prevents me from writing sad Patton stuff for more than a few tries, and that's a feature not a flaw.
“Are you ready to show off your pretty dress, Pat?”
Logan had been waiting outside of Pat’s bathroom door for a few minutes, waiting for his little one to finish getting ready. She had insisted that they could do it all on their own, even if they were regressed, and Logan had trusted her. But the longer it took, the less and less convinced. He was about to open the door and check on them himself, when suddenly, the door opened, and Pat’s head peeked through.
“I don’t wanna go anymore…” Pat whispered quietly, her voice close to tears. Logan frowned stepping forward.
“How come? Janus was really looking forward to playing with you.” Logan explained. They had been planning the little dress up playdate for a while now, and Pat had been so excited for their new fairy dress. It was a lovely baby blue, and Roman had even crafted beautiful nylon wings to match.
“I-I wanna wear my kitty instead,” Pat whimpered, but Logan wasn’t quite convinced. All week Pat had spoke nonstop about her dress, both in headspace and out of it. She thought it was absolutely lovely and gushed about the lace and how pretty it was going to make them feel. Logan would of course find Pat’s cat onesie if that’s what they really wanted to wear, but the change felt sudden, and Pat wasn’t one for sudden change.
“Is that how you really feel?” Logan asked, and caught Pat’s lip begin to wobble, and tears filled their eyes.
“Oh, Pat…” Logan whispered as his worries were confirmed. Pat ran out of the bathroom and towards Logan, hugging him tightly. Logan was quick to meet her efforts and wrapped his arms aroun their waist, ignoring the unpleasant feeling of tears seeping into his shirt in favor of comforting his little one. He noticed that Pat was wearing the dress, and it seemed to fit them, which was a positive thing. He wasn’t sure then why exactly she was so distraught.
“It looks so lovely on you, dear.” Logan said.
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ts-agere-stuff · 3 years
Agere 4
Tw- I don’t think any apply, but let me know if there are some!
summary- Janus wakes up and takes Remus from a call, then Roman and Logan have a 1 on 1 chat.
Chapters- 1, 2, 3, 4
Janus woke up two hours later and gasped, quickly disconnecting.
‘Hey?’ Virgil asked in DMs.
They rubbed at their face, then tried to sit up, not having the energy to really.
‘You okay?’
‘I’m gonna shower.’ Janus typed, still curled up in a ball.
‘That’s good. Are you big now?’
‘You saw me sleep, didn’t you?’
‘That doesn’t answer the question, Dee.’
‘Janus*.’ Janus corrected.
‘You’re still avoiding the question.’
‘I’m old enough to shower.’
Virgil sighed and nodded to himself, ‘fine, just be careful.’
Janus finished that conversation and went to Patton’s about 20 DMs of him finding the character limit and using it to send the most amount of “I love you”s or heart emojis that he could. Janus sent a single heart back and Patton sent a blushing emoji, making them smile. 
Janus finally went to shower and dealt with everything, washing their face too. They got dressed in the most comfortable outfit they could and went back to bed, flopping back on. They grabbed their computer and hopped onto the group world with Roman and Logan still playing. Janus joined VC with them and hummed a greeting.
Logan and Roman said their usual hellos, now more quiet than usual. 
Janus laughed gently, “I’m not like that anymore. I’m fine.”
“We know.” Logan still said in a soft voice.
“Remus is though.” Roman shrugged.
“Oh.” Janus mumbled, trying not to make too much noise with their keyboard. Janus checked Roman’s pronouns again quickly, then hummed, “is he okay?”
“Oh yeah.” Roman shrugged, “he’s just watching me play.”
“Hiiii, Dee!” Remus laughed, “good deedee?”
“Mhm.” Janus hummed something. 
Remus nodded and rubbed at his own eyes, “summer sucks!”
Logan hummed, “yes, its much too humid.”
“Pollen can go bye bye.”
“No, Remus, it can’t. Nothing can re-”
“Bye! Bye!”
Roman started laughing, “chiiiill! Give me a minute to enjoy being the older brother.”
“You’re noooot!”
“Now I am, though.”
“Noooo-” Remus held back laughter.
Logan hummed, “I mean, mentally, he is the older brother.”
Janus faked a gasp, “Oh, dear, It seems you no longer have that point in your favor.”
“That’s stupid!” Remus whined, moving in a way that would make Roman’s character fall off a cliff, knocking him down to half health.
“Remus!” Roman jumped and gently nudged Remus, “cut it out.”
Janus hummed, “Remus, do you want some extra attention as the little brother?”
“Uh-huh!” Remus started clapping. 
“Can you join on your phone so we don’t have to deal with these, hm, how should I say it?”
“That’s the word,” Janus agreed.
“Hey!” Roman and Logan both said at once. 
Janus laughed and called Remus on discord, which Remus answered and went to another room. 
Roman went to the AFK spot by the mob spawner while he rubbed his own face, humming a bit. Logan and him weren’t the best at keeping up a conversation together, but just sitting here on call was enough for him.
“So you regress too?” 
Apparently it wasn’t enough for Logan, though. 
“Shush.” Roman rolled his eyes, messing with his own fingers. 
“Roman, I think almost everyone regresses in the server, you don’t have to worry about it.”
“Everyone except you? That’s a bit hard to believe.” Roman snapped back.
“You’re either suggesting someone is faking it or that I am hiding it?” Logan continued chopping down the trees they needed for wood, seemingly bored.
Roman took a moment, then started clicking his bracelet against the desk, “No. I’m… It’s different, you know.”
“How?” Logan gave a dry laugh, “Because you’re annoying?” He teased, knowing Roman didn’t mind.
“Because I’m the server manager and- Logan, you’ve already heard how intimidating I apparently am.”
“Which only confuses me more, you don’t want to be imposing, but you don’t want to show your softer side?”
“Exactly!” Roman nodded to himself, “I have to be soft enough for the princess to let me save them, but not too much that they fall in love with me, you know. That isn’t safe, you know.”
Logan sighed, “What if I help?”
“Help what?”
“Help you take care of yourself while you regress.”
Roman hesitated for a moment, “Logan-”
“Well, I am close enough that I could just go over there if you need that.”
Roman ran a hand through his own hair, “you aren’t driving over here to deal with that of all things.”
“I’m sure Remus would happily pay for the gas.” “Loooooo-” Roman whined, “Come oooooon-”
Logan tilted his head, “What?” 
“You’d get here at like 5 am.”
“You say that like you won’t be up after that.”
That got a smile and chuckle from Logan. “No, unless you have any actually sincere things to say against it, I will be coming over. Now, what things do you need?”
Roman ran his fingers over his own bracelets, “I’m probably going to- you know- before you get here.”
“That’ll be okay. I can stay on call with you if you wish. I don’t want you to have to regress alone.”
Roman nodded, then got out of the afk area. “You sure?”
Logan logged off and started grabbing things to stay for the weekend, “Roman, you haven’t been doing well. If you need someone there in order to be better, then I’ll happily help. Humans need social interaction, you can’t be completely independent. Understood?”
“Mhm.” Roman pet himself, “got it.”
Logan nodded, “I’m probably going to be silent most of the way, just fair warning.”
“Don’t care.” Roman started working on his farm, focusing on that.
“I’m on my way.” Logan sighed, and made sure everything was ready, then went to his car, getting in, connecting it to the car, “What shall we do when I get there?”
Roman hummed happily and tapped on his keyboard more, “I have coloring books.”
“What of, dear?” Logan asked softly, making Roman giggle and hum, then start ranting about all of the things they would do. 
Hey! If you want to see my new writing for MCYT agere, its over on @dsmp-agere-stuff  Its just started so there’s not much there, but I will try to post on it as often as I can, along with this story on this blog.
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littlecloudprince · 1 year
Bears Aren't Green! ...Or Are They?
Summary: Logan doesn't understand why Patton is colouring his bear green. In point of fact, bears aren't green! But what if it's an imaginary bear? Can they be green?
Warnings: A meltdown scene, not super graphic, but it is a meltdown
A/N: Agere Logan, Roman and Patton angst-turned-fluff with a slice of tween!agere Remus because yes :3
Logan, Roman and Patton were all colouring together. Logan was colouring a picture of a spaceship, Roman was colouring in a little prince, and Patton's picture was a bear. Logan was colouring his picture the same colours as his toy spaceship, blue and red, because it made sense. Roman was colouring the prince's cape red, and the crown yellow. That made sense too. What didn't make sense, however, was that Patton was colouring his bear green.
"In point of fact, bears aren't green," Logan stated. Patton looked up from his paper.
"They're usually brown or black. Or white. But never green," Logan continued. Patton turned to Roman, unsure what to do.
"You can colour your bear green if you want to, Patton," Roman assured the youngest one.
"But they're not green!" Logan argued. He was getting frustrated, not understanding how a bear could possibly be green.
"Imaginary bears can be green, Logan," Roman explained. Logan frowned.
"But... It's wrong! He's colouring it wrong!" Logan pointed to Patton. At this point, the youngest one had stopped colouring the bear. He didn't want to make Logan upset by doing it wrong. He hugged his frog plushie close to his chest, silent tears dwelling in his eyes.
"You're making Patton upset, Logan," Roman reprimanded, moving closer to Patton so that he could give him a hug.
"But bears aren't green!" Logan crossed his arms stubbornly.
"Patton can colour his bear whatever colour he wants to, Logan!" Roman jumped to the youngest one's defense.
"But... Bears aren't green! He's doing it wrong!" Logan repeated his previous argument, too frustrated and confused to be able to come up with a new one.
"You can't do it wrong, there's no rules to colouring!" Roman argued. Logan didn't know how to put his thoughts into words anymore. Instead, he huffed, frustrated tears dwelling into his eyes. Roman sighed. It was his duty, as the oldest, to settle this. Only...he didn't know how.
"Logan, why do you care so much about what colour the bear is?" he asked. He wanted to understand the middle one's point of view.
"Not green," Logan muttered, his frustration and confusion limiting his vocabulary.
"Why not?"
"Not! Green!" Logan yelled, grabbing the green crayon and chucking it with all his might. It went flying to the wall, and split in half.
"Logan! You know we don't throw stuff!" Roman reprimanded, as Patton hid behind the oldest Little.
"What's going on here, what's all this ruckus?" Janus asked from the doorway, having been alerted by the noise.
"Not! Green! Not! Green! Not! Green!" Logan kept repeating like a broken record, banging his temples with his fists.
"We were colouring, and then Logan got upset because bears aren't green, and then Patton got upset that Logan got upset, and now I don't know what to do!" Roman explained, the pressure getting him to tear up now as well.
"I'm sure you did your best, my little prince. Let the grown-ups handle it now," Janus gently pet Roman's head. The snake summoned Virgil for help, and with that, the caregivers set to help the Littles. Virgil took Logan to his designated Quiet Room to calm down, meanwhile Janus stayed in the nursery with Roman and Patton.
"Think you could tell me what got you so upset?" Virgil asked the now calmed down Logan. They were both sitting on bean bags, and fidgeting with Tangles. Virgil's was black and purple, whereas Logan's was metallic indigo. Logan also had a weighted lap pad on his lap.
"Not green," Logan muttered.
"Bears aren't green?" Virgil confirmed, having been filled in on what had happened by Janus. Logan nodded.
"Did it confuse you that Patton was colouring his bear green?" Virgil asked.
"Not green!"
"Alright, I hear you. And you're right, real bears aren't green," Virgil spoke gently. Logan nodded again, keeping his eyes to his Tangle. He was glad someone was understanding him.
"But you know, the cool thing about imaginary bears is that they can be whatever colour you want! Even green," the emo continued.
"If you want to colour your pictures accurate to the real world, that's totally cool. But if Patton wants to colour his pictures differently, that's okay too. Right?" Virgil concluded. Logan nodded hesitantly. The caregiver didn't fail to catch that.
"Tell me what's going on in that little head of yours," he said. Logan stayed quiet, tensing slightly.
"Is it hard to put it into words?" Virgil sympathised. Logan nodded, relaxing again.
"How about this?" Virgil pulled out his phone, opening it to an AAC app that he had installed. He offered it to Logan, but to his surprise, the boy shook his head.
"No?" the caregiver asked. Logan shook his head again. Virgil pocketed his phone, not quite sure how to go from here. For a moment, they both sat in silence, fidgeting with their respective Tangles.
"Why green?" Logan suddenly broke the silence.
"Oh, why did Patton colour his bear green?" Virgil confirmed Logan's question again, receiving a nod in response.
"Hm, well, I don't know. Do you think he needs a reason?" the emo gently encouraged Logan to think. The child thought for a moment, before shrugging uncertainly.
"Could he have wanted to colour his bear like Clover?" Virgil helped out. Logan processed for a moment before nodding slightly. It did make sense that Patton would want to colour the bear like his plushie. The small Logic's eyebrows furrowed as his shoulders slumped, his gaze fixating somewhere between his lap and the Tangle between his fingers. Virgil took note of this.
"What's wrong?" he gently asked. Logan didn't answer right away, needing some time to collect his swarming thoughts.
"M I... M I bad?" he mumbled, looking up in the caregiver's eyes for just a moment before averting his gaze again, eye contact still being too uncomfortable.
"No, of course you're not bad, bud! You just got confused is all, mistakes happen," Virgil assured the little boy.
"Don't like making mistakes..."
"Aw, I know. But you know, you could fix it by apologising to Patton." Logan perked up slightly at Virgil's suggestion.
"I might have an idea," Virgil smiled surreptitiously.
Some time passed before Virgil and Logan returned to the nursery room. Patton and Roman were contently building a castle out of some blocks, Patton mainly cuddling with Clover and occasionally handing Roman a block. The youngest one was surrounded by plushies, amongst them the frog from earlier. Janus was watching over the two with Remus by his side, the latter having regressed to a tween and now entertaining himself with his iPad.
"Patton? Logan has something he'd like to say to you," Virgil gently announced their entrance. Patton tentatively looked up as everyone else was snapped out of their bubbles too.
"Um," Logan started, cluthing a piece of paper and a green crayon behind his back.
"Go on, it's okay," the caregiver encouraged softly.
Logan took a careful step forward, taking a deep breath.
"I'm– I'm sorry!" he blurted out, taking another breath before continuing; "I'm not as good as Ro-Ro, but... here," he held out the card from behind his back. Patton reached for the card, curiously looking it over. When he noticed that there was text, he held it out to Roman.
"Ead?" he mumbled behind his pacifier.
"Of course I'll read it for you!" the prince said, taking the card in his own hands and holding it so that the both of them could see.
"It says: 'I'm sorry I made you upset. I didn't mean to. I didn't understand you wanted to colour Clover.' signed, Logan," Roman read outloud.
"And look! It's you and Clover!" the six-year-old pointed to the picture Logan had drawn, receiving a happy noise and a few hand flaps from the two-year-old.
"And... I'm sorry I broke the crayon. Vee helped me get you a new one. It's the exact same colour as Clover, so you can colour a new picture of her," Logan spoke nervously, holding out the new green crayon. Patton carefully took the crayon, carefully looking it over.
"What do we say?" Roman prompted softly.
"Ankoo!" Patton squeaked, before carefully standing up and toddling to Logan, holding out his arms. The four-year-old opened his arms, letting the toddler collide into him.
"Wuvoo!" the two-year-old declared, squeezing Logan tightly. Logan had to process for a moment before realising to answer the hug. He smiled in relief, his eyes glistening slightly.
"...I love you too."
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axolittleahgase · 4 years
Comfort Items
(Unsympathetic Patton warning!)
Virgil came to the dark sides sobbing and regressed again. He explained to them through tears that Patton had yelled at him for misunderstanding something. Logan helped get his breathing under control as Janus and Remus got everything ready for a cuddle session. Virgil pulled at Logan's tie, "Wear." The cutest thing about baby Virgil is that he loved playing dress up. Wearing his cg's clothes became a confort to him. Logam took off his tie and put it loosely around Virgil's neck, also handing him a pair of fake glasses that looked like his. With a wave of his hand, Virgil changed his nose piercing to one that looks pike a mustache and put a white streak in his hair. Janus stopped by and grinned before putting Virgil in his hat and cape. Virgil flapped the cape with a small giggle, "I'm bat!" Remus kissed the top of Virgil's head, "You're our baby bat." Once the pillow fort was made around the TV, the four of them climbed inside. Virgil laid on top of Janus, head on his chest, as Logan and Remus snuggled up by their side. Logan hit play on The Black Cauldron and Virgil smiled as Remus ran a hand through his hair. Hus cg's would never yell over a misunderstanding or get angry when he couldn't talk. They're always there for him.
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agerefandom · 1 year
Top 10: Tumblr vs. AO3
Just felt like doing some statistics with my work!! Comparing AO3 popular fics vs. tumblr popular fics and seeing what I found out: thought other people might be interested as well! Ramblings about patterns and causes are under the ‘read more’ :P 
AO3 (by kudos): 
Class Outing: BNHA, regressor!Izuku (1247 kudos) 
Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To: Resident Evil, regressor!reader, caregiver!Lady Dimitrescu (759 kudos) 
Cold Palms, Warm Heart: Twilight, regressor!reader, caregivers!Alice and Jasper (573 kudos) 
The Doctor’s Office: Twilight, regressor!reader, caregiver!Carlisle (403 kudos) 
Kitchen Friends: Marvel, regressor!reader, caregiver!Steve and Bucky (336 kudos) 
Sound and Silence: BNHA, regressor!Aizawa, cg!Hizashi (321 kudos)
Restrained: Death Note, regressor!Light, caregiver!L (309 kudos)
A Story For Sans: regressor!Sans, caregiver!Papyrus (278 kudos) 
Home Sweet Home: caregivers!Carlisle and Esme, regressor!Cullens (273 kudos) 
To Weather The Storm: caregiver!Tamaki, regressor!Haruhi (238 kudos) 
Tumblr (fics only): 
Class Outing (167 notes) 
Cold Palms, Warm Heart (159 notes)
The Playtime Solution: Sanders Sides, regressor!Logan (159 notes)
The Doctor’s Office (150 notes) 
Sugary Sweet: Twilight, regressor!reader, cg!Jasper and Alice (150 notes) 
Kitchen Friends (125 notes) 
Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To (116 notes)
What Family Is: Harry Potter, regressor!reader, cg!Remus and Sirius (116 notes) 
Just Plane Overwhelmed: Sanders Sides, regressor!Virgil (111 notes) 
Golden Slumbers: Harry Potter, regressor!reader and Harry, cg!Fred (110 notes) 
Overall Tumblr Top 10:
Caregiver Valerie Frizzle headcanons & moodboard (409 notes)
Writing Prompts 2019 / 2022 (290/365 notes)
Caregivers Tiana and Naveen headcanons (244 notes)
Caregiver Jack Skellington moodboard (229 notes)
Caregiver Morticia Addams moodboard (224 notes)
Regressor Wybie Moodboard (205 notes)
Caregiver Bruno Madrigal headcanons (201 notes)
Caregiver Jack Skellington headcanons (191 notes)
Caregivers Sundrop and Moondrop headcanons (189 notes)
Caregiver Belle headcanons (182 notes)
This was really interesting!! 
Re: overall tumblr top 10: I think it’s funny that my throwaway moodboards are often some of the most popular content on my blog. Things I’m just like ‘ooh I gotta make this’ are mixed in with requests, I think that’s interesting! Ms. Frizzle just blowing away the competition, that’s amazing and I love it. Nothing is even close to how popular she is, and she deserves it. Jack Skellington coming onto the list twice? Come through king, I would love to write a full fic in Halloweentown sometime. 
Generally, the more ‘alternative’ characters seem to get a lot more attention on my blog: The Pumpkin King, Morticia, Wybie, Sundrop and Moondrop... Tiana and Naveen really snuck up there though! 
Moving onto the more direct fic comparison: 
....well this made me realize that I never published my Sanders Sides fics from this blog on AO3, whoops 
Setting that aside, fics with angst and plot tend to do better on AO3, while fluffy stories do better on tumblr: Sugary Sweet doesn’t even hit my top 10 on AO3 and it’s one of the fluffiest fics I’ve ever written, coming in at #5 on the tumblr list 
On the other hand, Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To is by far one of my best performing fics on AO3, but comes in at number 6 (tied with another fic) on tumblr, probably because it features a lot of action and gore alongside the fluffy agere elements, same for Restrained showing up on the AO3 top but not tumblr’s. 
My Harry Potter fics do way better on tumblr, which is interesting? Maybe Harry Potter fans are still reading their fics on independent forums? Or Harry Potter folks on AO3 don’t cross over much with the agere crowd. (Or maybe they’re just overloaded with /reader fics) I haven’t been actually into the HP community since around 2011 so I’m not sure what’s up there. 
Big shoutout to Class Outing for dominating the top of both lists: BNHA is such a big fandom that it makes sense, and I wrote that fic on @agere-fandom-time, which I think got more interaction than this blog: it seems like people are more comfortable interacting with a group-run blog, rather than an individual writer. Or maybe that’s a natural consequence of more writers putting out more consistent content, letting the blog get bigger. I’m not sure! Either way, even if I’m not into BNHA anymore, I feel like it’s a good piece of my writing, so I’m happy for it to be my top spot. 
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littleboy-logan · 2 years
Tumblr media
im sobbing, your honor :,)
it’s them <3 i worked hard on this so y’all had better appreciate it lmao (also i drew long haired blonde janus because frankly i can’t even remember how to draw him any other way ksjdkdkdk)
if you like this, please reblog! likes don’t do anything for posts because tumblr’s algorithm doesn’t take like count into consideration so reblogs are the best way to help artists!!! basically liking art without reblogging is a direct insult <3
(people liking without reblogging is a. huge issue on my main art blog so 🙃)
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 420 Words
Summary: Based off this post I made earlier.
Warnings: Fighting Mention, Anxiety Attack Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Quiet Around The Baby
The room is loud. So incredibly loud. Virgil had long since stopped being able to understand what the fight was about. Roman and Logan were loud, so were Remus and Patton. Janus was caught in the middle, trying almost desperately to put an end to the fights, and Thomas was trying to figure out what was happening.
He looked between Janus, his ex-caregiver, and Patton, his current one. Neither of them even looked at him to check on him even though they both knew he hated loud noises. His eyes got blurry with tears and he looked around at the other sides.
Everyone was so loud, he felt a sob choke its way out and, before long, he was crying and everyone had stopped fighting to direct their attention to him. He hiccupped as Roman offered him a paci and a teddy bear. He grabbed for him and let Roman place his new bear and paci in his hands before picking him up and sitting down on the stairs holding him.
“It’s okay, Virgil. Deep breaths with me.” He shook, clinging onto Roman and his new bear, already teething at his paci.
“He’s shaking.” Logan sounded sad, he made everyone sad, he hiccupped tears again.
“It’s your fault, you’re next to him, you should’ve known!” Remus accused. Virgil hid away in Roman’s arms, shaking more and trying not to keep crying but his whimpers were slowly turning back into crying.
“No, no, don’t cry.” Janus sat beside Roman, fingers going through his hair. “You’re not in trouble.” Janus assured him.
“No, Logan is!” Remus snapped. Virgil choked a sob back.
“Ow!” Remus grunted as Janus’ foot bolted out to take out his own, causing him to fall to the ground.
“Shut up, you’re scaring him.” Janus threateningly hissed at him. Virgil peeked at Remus, seeing him look at him and he hid his eyes away again, scared Remus would get mad at Janus and yell again.
“Virgie, I’m sorry.” Remus apologized softly. Virgil wiped his eyes with his hoodie covered hands.
“You’re alright, little guy. We’re sorry for scaring you.” Patton apologized.
“How about we put on Nightmare Before Christmas?” Thomas offered, already queuing the movie on the television. Virgil looked up at him and happily squealed, jumping on and tugging at Roman.
“Yeah, we can watch, little one.” Roman held him as he stood and sat them on the couch to watch the movie, everyone else eventually joining and Virgil happily watching until he eventually fell asleep against Roman.
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