#ch: finn
fiovske · 2 years
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remember me, I ask; remember me, i sing give me back my heart, you wingless thing
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kittyhq · 7 days
📲 huddy
kitty: i think we should do something. @finnhuddy
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sleepingsun-if · 1 year
If you're still taking asks from the list you reblogged the other day, 🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies? for everyone, or if that's too much just for Elias and for Finn before he disappeared? and after he disappeared, if it's not too spoilery.
(I'm really excited about your IF and interested in learning about the characters, so I might send in a few more of these! Don't worry about answering them all, though!)
(thank you so much for asking these!! and sorry that it took me so long to answer them lol)
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
for elias:
cooking. this man loves cooking, he loves baking, he loves things related to it. it's definitely his love language, but he'll also take every opportunity he can to show off his skills
movies. he's a big movie nerd and it's almost impossible to watch anything with him if you're a casual watcher because he will always find something to criticize (the rest of the cast hates him for it)
reading - but mostly comic books and shitty romance novels - he claims to be hate-reading them, but deep down he kinda enjoys it
for finn, his hobbies didn't really change much before and after he disappeared, just the intensity in which he enjoyed them, but:
astronomy. he loves space, he loves the stars. him and mc would lay down in his backyard for hours at night, and he'd be pointing out constellations and the stories behind them and their names
knitting, oddly enough. he likes having things to do with his hands, and before his disappearance, he would do small things, like embroider his clothes, or give his friends and family embroidered gifts, but after he left he picked up knitting as a way to destress, and he's very good at it.
he collects... things. all kinds of things. it goes both for him and riss - they're a bit like magpies, and if they see something shiny on the ground, they will pick it up and take it home. he has an impressive empty alcohol bottle collection - he doesn't drink as much as he used to, but if it has a nice bottle, he will be buying it.
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jschristine · 2 years
Lacey: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Cameron: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Lacey: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
Ben: Actually I did the math, Cam would have $225, not $0.15.
Finn: if i had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Lacey: While you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Finn: sry i only have a dollar
Lacey: :(
Ben: Hey, I just realized Cam would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Finn: if i had $22,500 i would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
Ben: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Annabeth: Yeah and he wants soda and apply juice
Hannah: Apply juice to what
Travis: directly to the forehead
Cameron: Great chat everyone.
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lanshappycorner · 1 month
I saw your post. I wonder if you could draw your favorite scene from your fic, Unfortunately Anyone?
These so many scene that want to make you smiled. Like Finn shocked at Carpaccio words "I think I could fall in love with you" and Margarette celebrating Carpaccio 'coming of spring'.
hi !! hmm idk if i have a favorite scene actually, but i do have a couple that i like! in the end i decided to draw the scene from chapter 1 where carpaccio crumples a piece of paper and throws it at finn in his embarrassment ❤️
also shameless promo for anyone curious about the fic it's this one
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miauwenn · 16 days
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happy birthday Neil Finn!! idk if an active split enz / crowded house fandom really exists on tumblr but i thought i'd post this over here too
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cardboardfeet · 3 months
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Finn Ames for the world . to me <3.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 4 months
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❝ Audrey Beiste was absolutely no stranger to bullying or how cruel other people could be. Having lived with her aunt Shannon, known to most others as Coach Beiste, since she was seven and her father had gone to jail, she had always known very well what other people thought of her and the only family she really had. She had heard people mocking her aunt for the way she looked and sounded, calling her every single mean name in the book and, when it was adults who were doing the insulting, only smiling condescendingly when young Audrey had attempted to stick up for her auntie. And Audrey herself was no stranger to taunts and insults, either; she’d been being bullied for her size since she could remember, mocked with loud pig snorts or yelled suggestions to eat a salad almost every time she walked down the school halls.
She’d never let it affect her, however, at least not the cruel words directed at her; Audrey was the kind of person to always choose kindness and sunshine, and she did her best to honor that principle, constantly having a sweet smile on her face and a positive comment on her lips, even when those around her rolled their eyes at it and went right back to insulting her. The only pain or anger she ever allowed herself to show, outside of defending her aunt against people who were old enough to know better than to be so rude, was in the pages of her songwriting notebook, in the lyrics she spent most of her free time jotting down and singing out loud to make sure they sounded right. She put her pain into those lyrics and kept the notebook that housed them close to her heart, knowing in her soul that one day she would turn them into actual songs that could be used to prove wrong all the bullies that had told her she would never amount to anything.
When her aunt decides to take a job offer to coach a struggling football team in Ohio, Audrey hopes for a fresh start, a place where she and her aunt can begin again away from those who tormented them. But her illusions of the grass being greener in Lima are quickly shattered when she starts attending McKinley High - a fatphobic word painted on her new locker and a slushy in her face ruining one of her favorite sweaters will do that to a person. Desperately trying to find a place where she can be free of judgement, Audrey auditions to join the school’s glee club, and there she finds a great deal of drama and divas, but also a group of people who love music as much as she does and who accept her as she is, because they’re all freaks in the eyes of the rest of the school, after all.
However, it’s also there that Audrey quickly develops a crush on one Finn Hudson, an awkward football player with a heart of gold, and the first boy who’s ever called Audrey pretty. But of course, there’s also the issue of Finn already having a girlfriend as well as a complicated relationship with his cheerleader ex, and anyway, someone like him would never go for someone like Audrey, even if they’re part of the same chaotic, unusual found family… right? ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @oneirataxia-girl, @ocappreciationtag.
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claymorexpunisher · 6 months
Brats Have More Fun (Ch.4/?) (18+ Fic)
Disclaimer: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy this cheesy porno! 🥂
Pairing(s): Finn Balor/Fem. Reader
Summary: Bratty Reader has a tough day at work and takes it out on Finn. Sometimes punishments aren't what a bratty sub needs, and luckily Finn knows that...
Tag(s): 18+, bratting, Dom/sub dynamic, oral sex (f receiving), a bit of angst, fluff.
Chapter Word Count: 1,090
Prev. Part
I tried not to think about the incredibly shitty day I had at work today.
I really did.
But the second I got home to my boyfriend and Dom, Finn who had a couple of days off from his own job, I knew it was hopeless.
I was irritated with my now former boss and with the rest of the world, and Finn was unfortunately going to have to deal with it.
Still, I greeted my boyfriend when I walked into our home, kissing him on the lips and answering vaguely when he asked how work was.
Finn could tell that something was off. It was written all over our faces and Finn wasn’t having my attitude.
I didn’t wanna talk about it. I didn’t even wanna think about it.
But my brain and my mouth had other plans and Finn was going to get to the bottom of it.
“Grab me a water while you’re in there, babe.” He said as I walked towards our kitchen.
That… that set me off.
I usually took orders at work.
From customers, from my boss, etc.
So, for me, putting up a bit of a fight at home with my boyfriend/Dom felt like the most natural thing in the world.
But Finn would quickly realize that today was different.
I was looking for some release that I knew I should ask Finn for, but I just didn’t know how.
“Why don’t you get up and get it yourself?” I scoffed, immediately feeling terrible.
Yet secretly a spark of excitement erupted in my chest as I heard Finn’s footsteps immediately following me into the kitchen.
“What?” I heard him ask.
“You heard me, Sir. Get it your damned self. I’m not your maid.” I responded, shrugging as my defiant gaze met his stormy features.
“Who said anything about you being my ma-…” Finn trailed off, suddenly grabbing my wrists.
He practically dragged me to our room, quite literally kicking and screaming, before he picked up my wriggling body and carried me the rest of the way.
I let out a soft ‘oof’ as Finn deposited me unceremoniously onto the bed, both of us starting to pant as we struggled for control until he straddled my torso.
He had much more muscle than I did, and honestly, the day at work left me too exhausted to really put up a fight.
Another red flag for him.
“Are you ready to talk, love?” Finn asked softly, in a sweet tone I wasn’t really prepared for.
I could feel a knot in my throat, and I immediately cleared it away, willing my eyes not to water and Finn’s eyes softened even more, making me even angrier. But I knew it wasn’t gonna last.  
“Talk about what, Finn?” I snapped but it was as half hearted as the warning Finn replied with.
“Enough… I know something’s wrong, darlin’. Was it your boss? Did he do something?” He asked and that opened up the floodgates.
Tears poured and poured from my eyes and onto the pillowcase at an alarming rate no matter how much I wiped my eyes once Finn let my wrists go.
He carefully lifted himself off my torso and pulled me closer to his chest and I felt myself melt almost immediately.
“…I quit. I couldn’t take his shit anymore, so I quit.” I finally confessed. “Now what the fuck am I gonna do? I hated that job- he was a raging dickhead but-“ I sobbed but Finn gently shushed me and kissed the crown of my head several times.
“Now, we’re gonna calm down, and you’re gonna relax-“ Finn said, his tone and gaze now playful as I shot up from his chest to look at him.
He never did take life all that seriously and that was partly why I was head over heels for him.
In this moment I needed the reminder that things would be fine. And that I did the right thing in quitting.
He chuckled, rubbing my arms and my back.
“Lay back, love.”
For once I did what I was told, though I was still slightly perturbed by the fact that I wasn’t being punished.
I let Finn peel off the pj’s I had changed into upon returning home early from work and I softly bit my lip as he slowly spread my legs, trailing soft kisses along my inner thighs and along my abdomen.
His beard grazed over my ticklish stomach, making it visibly flutter and causing him to smile.
I matched his smile as I looked down at him and I grasped one of his hands in mine, gasping softly as his mouth began to trail over my waiting pussy.
My eyes fluttered shut and my back arched as Finn’s tongue teased along the outside of my pussy before he brought his tongue up toward my clit and back again, chuckling as I let out a soft whine.
But I didn’t urge him forward.
No, I wanted to bask in this for once.
The slower pace felt like a nice change of pace despite my impatience, and I secretly loved the way Finn was taking care of me, making my accelerated thoughts settle and focus on something much, much better, and sweeter.
I sighed deeply, sinking into our bed as his mouth finally closed over my clit, sucking lightly even as his tongue began circling that little, tiny switch that made my toes curl.
“Fuck…” I whined, clutching Finn’s hand firmly with one hand and holding the back of his head with the other and he slowly and with all the patience in the world, tasted me.
“There we go… I know you need to destress, love, and I’m happy to do that for you.” he said, pulling his mouth away from between my legs momentarily and replacing it with his fingers.
I could feel his eyes on me without even looking and when I opened my eyes for all of a second and locked them with his.
My thighs trembled at the sight of Finn’s quirked lips as his fingers slowly pumped in out of my inviting pussy.
“I’m such a good Dom- such a good boyfriend. Aren’t I, baby?” Finn chuckled as my body began to writhe even more.
“The best...!” I moaned.
As I finally reached my peak with a choked off scream, a kaleidoscope of colors exploded behind my eyelids as Finn mouth slowly toyed with my clit once again, intensifying the onslaught of sensations coursing through my body…
Next Part
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livefinn · 1 year
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well... if you insist...
i present to you, why chapters 120 through 122 of mashle changed my life:
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@zabberzim I hope this scratched the itch
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clonehub · 1 year
star wars fan boys need to accept that george lucas is not coming back and the average star wars fan needs to accept that john boyega is not coming back. the pleas/demands that they return expose, to me, a severe lack of self awareness and even selfishness regarding these people and the reasons they left in the first place. John's reasons for getting shoved out are worse obviously so im gonna focus on that
he faced anti-Black racism for years. YEARS. from 2015 until tros, it's been mess after mess and raciallly motivated hrassment incident after racially motivated harassment incident. white women were obsessed with trying to smear his name. he couldn't say anything about himself or co stars or star wars without it getting twisted out of context. the fandom hated him. no amount of currently-vocal support for Finn stories or JB himself is going to change the fact that that shit's traumatizing. Black people leave countries, jobs, schools, fandoms, book clubs, fucking anything over anti Blackness, and in general once they leave they don't come back.
because you know what? can any of you even guarantee that JB would get protection and support from his costars or LF or disney itself once the racism inevitably starts again (bc it will). Can any of you guarantee that Finn will get the story he deserves? They had literal years to do it right the first time. years. the ST started when I was in highschool and i was halfway through a degree in college when TROS came out. star wars fans are just as antiBlack now as they were back then. just respect that he doesn't want to come back lmao.
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fiovske · 2 years
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character sheet of Finn, a fragmented bird on the lookout for entire pieces of aer that's missing.
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kittyhq · 5 days
i'm honored to be number one.
ur a babe.
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sleepingsun-if · 2 years
Can they flip a pancake? How good are they at the art of cooking? <3
LUCE definitely can and will. they've been living alone for a while, which means that they need to have some sort of cooking skills. they're not a pro by any means, but there's a few signature dishes they can make. if MC enjoys that kinda thing, they would definitely spend a lot of time cooking together.
EDEN is... not awful at cooking. she probably can't flip a pancake though. she can make, like, a salad maybe. between her an her brother, elias has always been the one who cooked, so she would much rather help out in the kitchen instead. (elias would always put her on dish washing duty which she absolutely hates)
ELIAS can, will and will force you to watch. out of the 5 (+ MC) he is by far the best at cooking, though he personally prefers baking. if their parents hadn't been dead set on him and eden going to the same school, he 100% would've gone to culinary school. he genuinely loves it; it gives him something to do with his hands, and that man is always fidgeting, and cooking for someone is a nice way of showing others you appreciate them and he is not good with words.
FINN was an absolute disaster when he was younger. im talking burning pasta level of disaster. living by himself and hanging out with elias a lot, he's learned some things, but he is definitely not to be trusted with cooking a meal by himself, or without supervision. (he tried to make a birthday cake for MC one year and his mother banned him from the kitchen afterwards)
RISS can, but they'd rather not. she's almost always had to fend for herself, and she had to cook, obviously, but never really enjoyed it. over the years they've also accumulated some health issues, so sometimes spending time in the kitchen simply isn't an option. however, at the moment she's living with elias, ehich means they don't have to worry about it that much.
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houseofwisteria · 5 months
FINN & SAGE @lcstinfantasy
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" KNOCK KNOCK. Hey, buddy, I'm sorry I'm late I had a little accident last night and slept through my alarm. " Which is code for I got cornered sticking my nose into something I shouldn't have and had to jump out of a damn window. Which left a fat bruise on his size. He figures his friend is here since the door was unlocked, but he can't find anybody when he searches the house. Only her when he went upstairs. " Oh. Hello. Are you... the only one here? " He looks back down the hall. " Hey! " Nothing. It was worth a shot though. " Where's your dad? I was supposed to take him to the airport.
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favcharacterpoll · 10 months
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Finn Mertens (aka Finn the Human) from Adventure Time faces John F. Kennedy from Clone High. Who do you like more?
Finn Propaganda:
"The best cartoon protagonist ever, me and my sister call him 'THE character of all time' every time we watch adventure time"
JFK Propaganda:
"NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENS TO THE KENNEDYS also the new clone high season came out today. JFK is my little baby boy i love him so much"
"ok at this point i’m just submitting characters from lord & miller movies/shows"
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