#ch: kylo ren
kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
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And since today is my 7 year kylux-versary, I’m going to give the first tease of my upcoming (likely to be) final kylux fic
12 chapters, estimated final wordcount at over 50k, started in December 2019, and today I’m excited to show you a moodboard and reveal the title. Stay tuned for more teases as it gets closer to completion!
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clonehub · 1 year
i have to remember when i critique star wars as being v liberal my def of liberal is farther right i think than other people's definitions of it are
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fcalty · 2 months
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❝ those were not my orders. ❞
@thirdsght ❤️️'d
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aspitefulwriter · 10 months
(Poe Dameron x AFAB!reader)
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warnings: reader punches people again, also spoilers…but character death. my bad, y’all. kylo ren is a little bitch
word count: ~5.1k
author’s note: running running and running running and running running and RUNNING RUNNING.
and for new folks, i post on ao3 first, so be on the lookout :))
Series Masterlist
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By the time Poe had managed to get outside, hoping to at least catch your tail, you were long gone. He chances one of the private locations he knows of where high profile people associated with the First Order land, but when he gets there, the lot is empty spare a few pre-Imperial ships that couldn’t take off even if they tried. Aggravation grates at his mind as he kicks at the dirt beneath his feet, deciding just to go back to base.
Taking the tumultuous trip back to his ship and ultimately back to base was short yet also seemed endless. The lead to Senator Camboon had been a fantastic one scrounged up out of thin air by Leia, and the guilt for not getting him weighed heavily on Poe. As he stepped out of his undercover jet, he first sets his eyes on BB-8, who spins circles around him not only physically, but he also just doesn’t stop talking.
He rubs his droid’s head apologetically, “Yeah, I know buddy. I promise I’ll try to find a way next time.” When he looks up from BB, Leia stands at the entrance to the hangar, hands clasped behind her back. As he walks up to her, an entire list of apologies on the tip of his tongue, Leia flicks her wrist, seamlessly silencing them.
She sighs, searching his face as he takes a deep breath, planning to apologize anyway.
“A part of me already knew that you wouldn’t come back with him, but I can’t say I’m not disappointed.”
Scratch the apology. “Already knew?” He scoffs, “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
She turns to him, “Poe, you’re a great man and an even better pilot, but you’re still just a man.”
“That’s not fai—”
“I know exactly who took Senator Camboon, so I know it’s not right for me to be upset. Still, sometimes you make it very hard to be tolerant.”
His eyebrows furrow, “You know who she is?” She nods, chewing the inside of her cheek.
Her voice is soft and low as she leans in, “She’s a commander of Canis Squad. They’re usually sent for high status missions, so imagine my surprise when the mission log was intercepted by one of my constituents on Coruscant and I see her name as lead.”
He tuts and crosses his arms, “All the times I’ve flown to fight against the Order and this is the first time I’ve heard about a lethal squadron? Can’t say that’s fair.”
“That’s what intel is for, Poe Dameron,” She grins at him cheekily and he matches her grin, shaking his head slightly. Something doesn’t seem right, though.
“If she’s the commander of a squad like that and set up in a silencer, why would they send her to get a senator for the New Republic?” He pensively rests his fingers against his lips.
Her eyebrows furrow, “I’m not sure.” Poe hums in return, trying to think of any difference you might have had since the last time you saw each other, but nothing comes up. Though to be fair, he didn’t really know you all that well.
“Well, if I see her again I can throw in some razzle dazzle and convince her to join us.” He winks at Leia as she gives him a small smile and he walks out of the hangar, BB-8 back to asking about how it went, causing Poe’s thoughts to trail back to you. Would it really be possible to get you to join?
That night, he and his squad are scattered around a caf table, several drinks floating in their systems. Poe opens his eyes and sits up, “I have to tell you guys something.”
They stop their separate conversations and take drinks from their mugs, looking at him expectantly.
“I wasn’t alone…those few days I was stranded.” All he got was silence and blank stares before they burst out laughing.
“You think we didn’t know that? How else would we have been able to get our hands on a TIE silencer if you were alone?” Karé chuckles, hitting the shoulder of Jessika while she laughs along.
“And there’s no way you would’ve survived there alone.” Snap follows, taking another sip from his drink to hide his grin.
He rolls his eyes before he looks at Snap, “I’m perfectly capable alone,” he pauses and looks between them all, “But seriously– you guys weren’t a little curious?”
Karé lets out a small groan, “Fine, I’ll bite. What do you want to talk about so badly?” She teases.
“I think we might be able to get a First Order pilot on our side.”
At that, his crew all turned their heads to them, mouths falling open and eyes wide.
“What do you mean?” L’ulo speaks up, almost suspiciously.
“Exactly what I just said.” Poe zones in, having already thought about his argument to get her on this side, “Think about it…we could have a pilot that knows some of the best maneuvers in the galaxy–behind my own, of course–knows the ins and outs of the First Order–”
Jess interrupts him, “That’s what I thought you said. Poe...First. Order. Run that back through your head again. There’s no way that she’d accept the Resistance without running back information about us to her superiors.” The rest of the table nods their heads, agreeing with her.
Poe runs his hand along his face as he thinks back to your actions on the planet, “You guys didn’t spend any time with her, you don’t know her.”
“Do you?” L’ulo asks pensively.
Poe gulps, “I–I mean not really, but, who can honestly say that they’ve met a First Order officer that let them go? Twice.”
“Okay, you have a point, but how are you going to do it?” Snap asks over his mug, nearly finished with his drink.
“I haven’t really thought that far.” At that, the table snickers at him, and Poe grins wide.
“You’re being demoted.” The sentence rings in your ears as your eyes blur Kylo Ren out of focus. “Be lucky you’re half your father, or else you’d be floating in space with a blaster shot through the head.” He pauses like he’s baiting you to interrupt him, but you’re frozen in place.
He stalks closer to you, “Did you think I didn’t know?” At that, your eyes unblur and you peer at him with confusion.
His mask garbles out a scoff, “Helping the Resistance. Twice.” He stabs at your chest with his finger before pulling away, “It’s treasonous behavior that deserves far of a worse punishment than a demotion…a captain of all things.” He turns from you and you can feel the familiar clench of your muscles as the Kylo begins to constrict the matter around your body, but he stops.
“They give you too many chances.” Unsure of what to do, you stay in place.
“Leave!” He yells, lightsaber activating, and you all but jog out of the room.
Once out, you let out the breaths you were holding in and as if on autopilot, you start your way down the hallway. The sound of Kylo Ren’s tantrum echoing through the halls and masking the your footsteps as your legs carry you to some unknown destination. Your mind swirled with thoughts, a void of hatred and anger as you could feel the foundations of everything you thought you knew crumbling at your feet. You put so much blood, sweat, and tears into the Order and because you enacted in self-preservation, you’re being punished? You guess you could understand how Ren could figure out the first time you met Poe, but the second?
The club was unassociated with the First Order; you only knew a few of the staff due to previous run-ins, but you were certain they weren’t on the Order’s payroll. That left only one person, and based on conversations you had on the ship and on Coruscant, you couldn’t believe she’d report you for keeping someone alive.
And yes, you were angry–insanely so–but a part of you commends the idea she stooped so low to, what you can only assume, grab herself a promotion. From then on, you put a mission behind your legs as you raced to where your usurper should be.
When you get to the training room and see Jazkrin chatting to the rest of your crew, any part of you that admired her move wipes out of existence. Those that were facing toward you looked as you make a bee-line straight to her. Not knowing what they were looking at, she turns slowly and as she sets her eyes on you, her face turns smug. That flames the fire blazing in you and you swing your arm back, punching the look right off of her face and tackling her to the ground.
You get a few good punches in before you’re pulled off, “You’re a kriffing rat!” Jazkrin sits in the cone of your rage, vision focused on her as she teeters up from the floor, massaging her jaw.
She rolls her eyes and drops her hand, “I did what I had to do. You let yourself grow weak.”
“Really? Did my fists hit a little too soft for you? Did you want me to try again?” She sneers.
“Obviously that’s not the issue,” She says exasperatingly, pointing to her face, “You’re not right as the leader anymore, your calls are putting the First Order in danger.”
You start to laugh sarcastically, “Because I let one guy go?”
“Yes, exactly!” She throws her hands up, “ If you let one go, how many more will you allow to pass? They’re already growing stronger, you’re just letting them keep the fuel.”
“It was a debt! We saved each other’s lives!” You yell, yanking your arms out of the grasp of whoever pulled you off of her.
Jazkrin crosses her arms, “The fact you care about a debt proves you don’t belong as commander any longer.” You look between all the faces that stare at you, all of them saying nothing to back up your integrity for the years you’ve served as their leader and you scoff.
“Good day, Captain.” Jazkrin calls to your back smugly.
You roll your eyes to the ceiling, biting your cheek as you smile before you look back at her, “And good luck to you out there, Commander. Let’s hope you don’t break under the pressure.” Her eyes narrow as you take one last look at all the faces you used to call your team and shake your head, then leave to your quarters.
When you get there, you flop your back onto your bed as you spread your arms and legs. You think back to helping Poe and you fly your hands up to cover your face. Jazkrin was right… Kriffing idiot. Why didn’t you just kill him? You’ve never honored pleas or deals in the past, especially when it came to enemies of the First Order. What made him so special? You turn onto your back, keeping that question at the forefront of your mind as your eyes close and you fall asleep.
You had lost track of time. The days passed in a long repeat– you’d wake up exhausted, down a caf to fix the exhaustion, be exhausted that the caf wasn’t working, go to the station you were assigned, skip lunch, get more exhausted, work more, try to eat dinner, then go to sleep exhausted…repeat.
After you came back from your suspension on some backwater planet due to hitting Commander Jazkrin, it had been difficult to adjust to the exhaustion that being around the peers on this base causes. Some who respected her ideas made your life hell by doing minuscule tasks that left you running around the ship, and it felt like you were a child again dealing with the bullies in flight school. But eventually, you got used to it and days started to become a little easier; though some were easier than others, today being one.
Much to your surprise, you were given an off day and were using it to work out in the workout center, having forgoed working out in your quarters to escape from being trapped in your thoughts. It was typically empty, and having a rest from constant eyes was lifting your spirits. You could probably sleep well tonight.
Unfortunately, that mood quickly turned sour after seeing a familiar face walk through the door.
You had tried to ignore him, turning your face from the path he was taking straight to you in an attempt to deter him, but it was foolish.
It was obvious he was here to talk to you—there was no other reason Denel would be in the ship’s shared center since pilots had their own at their disposal.
“I know I shouldn’t be talking to you,” a pained look causes his eyebrows to pull together, lips pursed and downturned, “But I’d rather you hear from one of us than by Kylo Ren or someone else.”
You waited as he took a deep breath and ran his hand over his head. “Kole died. Today.”
A low gasp escaped you before you could stop it. “How?”
He waited to speak, eyes moving all around the room, “The squad was doing a simple training exercise. Command said the sector was in the clear and so we all let our guard slip when we were pulling some turns.”
“Before we knew it, we were surrounded– no one got any warnings, and Jazkrin froze. So we all separated and dealt with as many as we could at one time.” No warnings?
“Did you recognize anything about the ships that attacked you?” he shakes his head.
“Eventually we got down to the last few, Jazkrin had started to give us orders but they were unclear.”
He shudders, “The orders she gave me and Kole sounded similar through comms and…” he chokes down a sob, “And I shot him… I-I killed Kole.” As if on instinct you pull him into a hug as silent sobs wrack his body. You hold him tightly, not sure how to express comfort for the unimaginable guilt he must feel. Minutes pass before he pulls away and wipes his cheeks on his shoulders.
“I’m confused. Were you guys not spatially aware of where you were while fighting? Did Kole pull a move he didn’t broadcast?”
He nods solemnly and sniffles while keeping his eyes locked on the floor, “I don’t know what I’m going to do or what’s going to happen to me. And I can’t help but to think that whatever does happen is deserved.”
Your eyebrows pull together, “Hey, no. What happened today was not your fault. I want that to be perfectly clear.” Before you can continue, he interrupts you.
“I hit the trigger.”
“Yeah, you did,” his bottom lip begins to quiver, “But you did so under command. If her directions weren’t clear and you didn’t know he was approaching, that’s on her and her alone.”
This time he scoffs, saying your name, “They teach us to have quick reflexes. You drilled fast reflexes into us, I’d hardly say it’s on her alone.”
You laugh a little, lifting a hand to his upper arm and tilting your head to meet his eyes head-on.
“It’s been a while since you were forced to deal with my training.” You let your smile and arm fall, maintaining eye contact, “Denel...It’s on her. Don’t take the blame like this.”
He squeezes his eyes shut, sniffling once again before you pull him into a hug again.
However, because you can never have a slow day to recuperate, the moment is ruined by Captain Phasma and a horde of other stormtroopers that march behind her. You shove him away and take a few steps back as Captain Phasma audibly chuckles, the sound reverberating off of the equipment and walls.
“You can’t help but to be drawn to people who wish harm on the First Order, can you Captain?”
Your eyebrows draw together, “Wish harm? Phasma, it was an accident–”
“Spare me the monologue.”
“TN-3459, you’re under arrest for killing a member of the First Order. Do not fight, or else you may end up worse than what is needed.” Denel gives you a distant look as three stroomtroopers gather around him and pull him along; you stare at Phasma incredulously.
“You can’t be serious!” Everyone ignores you as they file Denel out of the room and you’re left standing alone in the middle of the workout center.
Denel taken? Jazkrin throwing your crew to doom after a wrongful promotion? Kole dead? Given the list of superiors above your team is short, you immediately think of Kylo Ren and his disdain for you. He’s the only one who actively prays for your downfall, and what better way than to see everything you’ve taken care of for years fall around you?
Barreling through base, any person you pass is asked (yelled at) about Ren’s whereabouts. The bastard thinks he can play little mind games while you take it like a good girl, but you did not get to be Commander so young by lying down and taking abuse.
The steam from the door announces your visit, but you don’t wait for it to fizzle out, “You’re pathetic, Ren!”
The stormtroopers standing guard snap to attention and draw their weapons to point at you, which Ren immediately quells with a wave of his hand.
Other than that, he gives you no reaction. “You’re out of line, Captain.”
“Why are you playing with my squad’s lives like they’re puppets?”
“Your squad?”
“Yes, my squad. I know you sent for that ambush, probably that pirate ship too months ago, and I know you promoted Jazkrin on purpose.” He stands unmoving for a few seconds before turning to face you, tutting a few times.
“You must’ve been hiding your intelligence from me.”
Rage fills your body and you sneer at him. “How dare you–whatever problem you have with me does not deserve to be put on them.” Ren starts to leisurely walk to you before stopping and moving his head to where his mouth would rest by your ear.
“Did you know I’ve dreamed about crushing your skull a thousand times over, wishing for your incessant voice to stop?”
“Maybe do us all a favor then, yeah? Take out the root of the problem and everything that’s wrong will be fixed.”
He hums lowly, pulling away from you and clasping his hands behind his back, “You have no idea of the power behind the voices that want to keep you here.”
That stumps you. “What? What do you mean?”
Silence fills the air as you study Kylo, eagerly waiting for an answer.
“I doubt you’ll ever find out.” He signals the troopers.
“Take her back to her quarters and set up guard. Make sure no one leaves or enters.” When they grasp your arms, you squirm to get out as you continue to stare at him. You manage to break out of one arm and go dead weight to make it harder to pull you.
Biting back a gag, you muster the most pleading voice you can, “Commander Ren, please. At least put someone else in command. Jazkrin will run the squad into the ground.” The troopers lift your weight more and are able to get you to move again, dragging your legs along the ground as you're forced out of the room.
The last thing you hear before the door shuts is, “To think I was impressed you put it together.”
The hold on you gets tighter and tighter as you struggle more, Ren’s words bouncing in your head and essentially confirming what you had known. Of course he was using your squad to get back at you considering he couldn’t touch your life–for whatever reason.
Playing with the lives of your pilots, some of the biggest assets to the First Order, because of some itch he has to scratch regarding you makes you shake in rage.
Your pilots …Denel. He was taken into custody, and will likely be tortured by Ren just to scratch that itch. You have to get him. You have to escape.
Still slack in the trooper’s arms, you concoct the beginnings of a plan to escape from this sarlacc pit. Based on what you know from previously caught traitors…using that word liberally right now… he should have about two more days until Ren has exhausted him enough. That gives you a small window of time to see guard changes and finalize your plan.
Before you know it, your door is opened and you’re thrown in without a glance, having to catch yourself to not hit your head. Just as you’re about to look at them and glare, the door closes, officially blocking you off from the rest of the ship.
With a huge sigh, you hang your head back and cover your face with your hands. Truly, what had you even done? And why couldn’t you ever get a break? Every other officer or leader was given time off, although sparingly, to pursue relaxation. But in the past almost year, everything seemed to be collapsing around you, squeezing the air out of you as it fell, determined to put you into the ground.
Your hands fall back to your side as you look between the refresher and your bed, picking between the two becoming one of the hardest choices you’ve had to make today. A shower would probably let you sleep better, plus you did work out today…so a shower it is.
You strip your clothes from your body as you make your way to the refresher, not caring enough if your room is considered untidy to the few people who may be allowed to enter or at least look inside. You don’t even spare a glance at the mirror as you walk past it, turning on the shower and not waiting for it to heat up, the shock of the cold seamlessly being replaced by a comforting warmth that lulls your eyelids. You quickly wash yourself, the prospect of getting into bed rapidly taking over your thoughts. When you get out and dry yourself off, you pull on your military-issued sleepwear and slump onto your bed, taking a look at your clock before your eyes close and you become dead to the world.
Hours later, you wake up with a start. Your room is left exactly how you left it, the only thing that changed being the time on the clock. 20:09. When you looked at the clock last it had been around 16:00, so knowing you hadn’t slept longer quelled the guilt in you for so eagerly going to sleep when you had someone you needed to rescue.
As if on cue, a stormtrooper opens your door, and without passing the frame, sets the tray of food they brought down to the ground before shutting you off again. Your stomach grumbles and you heavily consider grabbing the tray from the floor before paranoia of being drugged changes your mind. However, you still tread over to the door, grabbing the utensils and then toeing the tray away before sitting with your ear to the door.
You sit like that for hours, silence and the low hum of the ship mostly being the only thing you hear. At times the hum is comforting and you have to jolt yourself awake to keep the threat of sleep at bay. So far you heard one guard change, which was at 00:00, and as you hear more footsteps approaching at 06:00, you stand up and slide the tray back to where it was put. You slide into bed as soon as your door glides open again, a scoff coming from the stormtrooper as they pick up your dinner and replace it with breakfast.
You continue to lie in bed, pulling your plan together as you twirl the utensils you were given between your fingers. As you finalize it, you think to yourself that it wouldn’t be a good idea to go into space, much less another planet dressed in sleepwear, so you change into your all-black leisure outfit and some shoes so that you be both prepared and in place when you land.
Now all you had to do was wait.
Eventually, they bring you dinner, and at that point you were poised to strike. As soon as the stormtrooper brought it, you took the handle of the spoon and jammed it into the weak point of the armor covering their knee, followed by a kick to the ground. They groan as they fall and you take their blaster, aiming it at the guards who were alerted by the groan of their counterpart, drawing their own weapons. You manage to shoot one before they can do anything, but you duck and roll away from the other, who retaliates with a blaster shot. You land a kick to the side of their knee, faltering them, and you take the chance to shoot a hole through their chest.
You grab their blaster too and take off running to the interrogation rooms, alarms now blaring through the halls as the people you run past let out exclamations and yelps of surprise. Some take the chance to run after you too, but leap for cover as you shoot behind you.
You’re panting as you reach the interrogation wing, quickly glancing through all the windows before your eyes settle on a dazed Denel strapped to a chair. Smacking the button, the door opens with a cloud of smoke and causes him to flinch.
“Hey, hey, it’s me.” His eyes bolt open.
“Wha-How are you here? Why?” His voice is strained as if he’s been yelling for hours straight, which he probably has.
You rush over to him, focusing on getting him out of the straps as your fingers shake, unable to steady themselves enough to grip. Taking a deep breath, ignoring the heavy eyes on you that wait for your response, and you restart your attempt to get the straps undone, successful this time.
“I’m getting you out. You don’t deserve to die because of someone else’s faults.”
You manage to get all of the straps undone and you hoist him up to lean against you as he recovers feeling back into his limbs. Silently, you hand over the blaster to him, which he grips tightly in his free hand.
“Let’s go.”
The two of you exit the room and make your way down the hall, but you stop, hearing the sound of multiple soldiers as their feet meet the ground at a run. You pull Denel behind a panel that faces away from the approaching crowd, crossing your fingers that they won’t look to their side to see the two of you hiding. With bated breath, you wait for the stormtroopers to come and go. Denel starts to shift his weight off of you, but you still keep your hands on him to make sure he doesn’t fall once you start to run again. Once the troopers have finally passed, you meet Denel’s eyes and suck in a breath, moving out of your hiding spot and continuing your run to get to a ship.
When you pull him in the opposite direction of the TIE fighters, he shoots you a confused look.
“Where are you going?”
You give him one back, “The supply hangar. You don’t think they’ll expect us to try to get in a fighter?”
His face relaxes out of the confusion as he thinks about it, “You’re right, there’s going to be less resistance going there than there will be in the fighter hangar.”
“See, I wasn’t a commander for nothing.” You smile at him and he gives you an unknown look in return. As you pass another corner, a crowd of troopers sees you making your escape and they all let the lasers of their blasters fly.
You narrowly miss the wall of fire as the two of you hide behind another panel, shooting back and hitting a few in the front. Denel soon joins you and the numbers in the crowd rapidly fall. Thank kriff for those horrible helmets. As the last one falls, you tap your partner and move, running light on your feet so you don’t signal another emergency patrol.
When you get to the hangar, you poke your head in and glance around, seeing the odd custodian here and there unloading a ship on the far corner of the hangar, away from the small line of ships without a crew. You signal Denel to follow you, motioning with your head to the line. He gives you a single nod and you turn your head back to your destination, keeping your eyes peeled for someone that might see you as you crouch and move lightly to keep noise at a minimum.
In perhaps the luckiest thing to happen to you so far, no one notices you, and you both load onto the carrier and head up to the cockpit, frantically beginning the takeoff sequence as Denel joins your efforts.
“You ready?” He gives you a look filled with trepidation as he opens his mouth, eyebrows beginning to pull together.
You interrupt any thought of surrender, “Either Kylo kills us or we die escaping.”
He breathes out deeply, nodding his head and closing his eyes, “Yeah, yeah I know that. Let’s do this.”
You do a tight-lipped smile as you look away from him and press the button to kickstart the engine. At that, the personnel unloading supplies snap their heads to you, running and waving their arms as you pull the controls toward the exit, steadily increasing speed.
A few levels above you Kylo waits eagerly for a moment he dreamed of, aware that you’re still on the ship but unaware you’re about to break through the exit. Naively, he held to his faith that the stormtroopers would either catch you or you’d be led into his presence in the hangar–but he put too much hope into them.
As he feels your signature getting weaker in proximity, he twists around and sees a cargo ship fly close to the fighter exit, knowing that it must be you.
“Get them!” He yells, voice ricocheting off of the walls as available pilots scramble to get into their TIE fighters. However, just as the first few breach the field to chase you, your ship enters hyperspace and far out of his grasp.
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juniperwoodwell · 1 year
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Ch. 1| Ch. 2| Ch. 3 |
Kylo Ren x F!Reader
Word count: 4k
summary:As a Captain in the First Order, Y/N has never been one to bring attention to herself unless it was commanding her squadron. What happens when a personal hobby make's her prey to one of the most feared men in the universe?
A/n: There will be a Masterlist so you can keep track of the chapter's and the posting of these chapters won't be consistent I apologize. I started college recently and am most occupied with that. There will be a tag list so lmk if you want to be added.
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"So? What did he say" Y/n asked the man who stood before her.
"It's been approved, but you only have an hour each day for one week. Then you are to return to your regular duties after that period is over," The man spoke calmly as he watched Y/n's eyes light up in excitement; Y/n pumped her fist in the air victoriously.
"Yes! Thank you, Father- I...I mean, Sir." She quickly corrected herself, but the man's face was just as happy as hers had been moments before.
"Little Sunflower, You don't need to call me Sir. You know that." He gently scolded,
"Mr. Sienor, You're needed for a Field test." A woman entered the room; she was his secretary, whom Y/n knew as Joyce.
"Yes, Thank you. Let them know I'm on my way." He dismissed Joyce and turned back to Y/n. "Now. You should also go; you start the inspection today and need to be in the hangar in twenty minutes."
"Okay. Be safe, Dad. And Tell mom I said hello." Raith nodded and left the room, Y/n soon leaving after him.
 The walk to the hangar typically took thirty minutes, but Y/n had a deadline, and she didn't want to be late. Upon arriving, Y/n was introduced to three engineers; one was a tall blonde man whose name she'd already forgotten, and another was a more petite brunette woman with thick-framed glasses whose name had also slipped her mind. She was briefed on the rules and regulations about what she would do. She was mostly there for personal reasons, but because she knew the ship like the back of her hand from the blueprints her father allowed her, the engineers asked her to do complete inspections on them and tell them if they'd missed anything in their checks and post-fight reports. It was a win-win situation. They got a temporary engineer, and she got to look over her favorite TIE model. The TIE/vn space superiority fighter, Or as most would call it. The TIE Silencer.
As Y/n stood with her hands on her hips in Infront of the brilliant ship, she observed every detail from the ground. She noticed some dents and scrapes on the hull.
"You must be the pilot they were speaking about." The low distorted voice seemed to startle the woman, who quickly turned around to address him; him...Kylo Ren, one of the most feared men in the galaxy.
 "uh. Yes. Sir, Capitan Y/n Sienor of the Special Forces." Spoke quickly and formally.
"Impulse." Her call sign rolled through the voice modulator like an animalistic growl.
"...You've heard of me then, Sir." A simple nod was the only response she received; assuming he was done talking, she turned back to the ship.
 A moment passed, and the distorted voice returned beside her. "Tell me everything you know about this ship, Capitan."
Y/n froze; she hadn't expected him to ask her such a question but obediently replied,
"Well, Sir. She's a prototype TIE/vn space superiority fighter with a twin-ion engine. Her maximum acceleration is four-thousand-five-hundred G's, Maximum atmospheric speed is one-thousand-eight-hundred and fifty kph. She's equipped with the torplex fight computer, two sensor arrays, four targeting sensors, and of course, life support. She was specifically designed for the use of the most elite in the first order. Her manufacturer is Sienar-jaemus Fleet Systems. She's fifty-seven feet long, twenty-five feet wide, and twelve feet tall. My favorite thing about her is how quiet she is." Once again, silence filled the tense air, and the looming figure caused Y/n to feel more anxious than she'd like to admit.
 "Impressive. But if you know it so well. Why do you need to study it?"He asked, turning his head towards her.
 "Selfishly. Personal reason, Sir. I was able to test fly one of the earlier models of this, and I was immediately enamored by it. But I wasn't able to study it like I had other models in the past, and when I heard that this one was here on the starkiller base, I asked my father to do me a favor. I'm not entirely sure who flies this beauty, but they're obviously of high rank and an exceptional pilot. She's not an easy one to fly." She turned her head towards him,
 "I know. It's mine." The shock on Y/n's face could have been comical without the slight tinge of fear she felt.
 "Oh. Wow, Must be an honor then" Her voice was dangerously close to wavering.
 "I approved your inspection under certain circumstances; I trust the engineers have briefed you on it." A nod from Y/n as she stood still like a statue. "You are to report your findings to the chief engineer after every shift. Be sure to make your reports detailed." Ending on that, Kylo Ren turned and left the hangar, leaving Y/n alone with her startled thoughts. 'Had he come here just to Interrogate me?'
The petite brunette woman made her way over to Y/n; surprise was written all over her features.
"Are you alright?" She asked, concern dripping off her words.
"Yes. I'm completely fine. I should start my inspection. I appreciate your concern, but it is unnecessary." Y/n spoke flatly as she began to climb into the cockpit of the TIE, surprised by how well-kept the ship was; apart from a few minor scratches, it was in peak condition.
 After inspecting the cockpit, she looked at the wings. The design of this TIE was aggressive and gave off a sense of power. The perfect ship for Kylo Ren, she thought to herself.
After that, the blonde engineer came over to let her know her hour was up. She thanked him and wrote a report; she left the hangar when she finished.
"Ah, look. Princess is back." A man with tanned skin and messy black hair spoke from his seat in the special forces lounge.
"Shut it, Cal. Where's the boss?" Y/n said sharply, ignoring the teasing from her squadron mates. "In his office like always." The man, Cal, replied. Y/n gave him a nod and then walked to the big red door in the back of the lounge. She opened the door, and as it slid up, she saw a figure clad In red armor.
 "Major. Do you have a moment?" Her voice was calm, but there was a tinge of anxiety.
"Of course, Come in." She did; the Major asked her to sit across from his desk. "What seems to be the matter?" He asked as he sat in his chair. Y/n fiddled with the hem of her captain's uniform,
 "I assume you're already aware of my temporary assignment. If I knew it would be approved, I would have asked your permission, Sir. I apologize for not doing so." A chuckle from the man before washed away the fear of punishment.
"If this assignment is to help the First Order succeed, then you have no reason to apologize. You're an expert when It comes to The TIE Starfighters. You have helped improve the ships tenfold. If you can do that here under my authority, then who am I to stop you." He spoke as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
"Of course, Thank you, Sir." She stood as he dismissed her.
The three Pilots who Y/n was closest to were all standing by the door when she exited.
 "You know these rooms are sound proof right?" the group shrugged; a taller woman in a tightfitting First Order undershirt and a pair of mechanics pants laid her hand on Y/n's shoulder.
"So...You're Inspecting Kylo Ren's ship? What's it like? Is it falling apart on the inside?" She joked,
"Miya! You Knew whose ship it was!?" Y/n asked, surprised.
"Uh. Yeah, Y/n. He's currently the only high-ranking officer who has a TIE Silencer." As they spoke, the door that Y/n was standing in front of opened, and the man in red spoke up,
"What are you all doing standing around? Don't you have work to do?" He asked, his voice stern but softened when he spoke to Y/n. "Don't you have a meeting with Phasma soon?" Y/n was startled by the realization and looked at her watch.
"Oh shoot. You're right. Okay, gotta go. Thank you for the reminder, Sir." she nodded to everyone and left the lounge room.
On her way to the conference room, she stopped by her quarters to grab her First Order mandatory captain's cap. She'd prefer not to get scolded by Hux for Improper military etiquette again. As she arrived at the conference room, she recognized the shiny platinum build
"Capitan Phasma," Y/n greeted formally. Phasma responded with a tort nod. Y/n liked to believe that she and Phasma were on good terms, Captains don't usually get along, but from the few conversations she's had with her, she knows Phasma, at the most, tolerates her.
"Are we early?" Y/n spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper, and Phasma looked down at her, nodding her head.
"There is one more person we're waiting for, H-"
"Hux...Fantastic." Y/n said dryly, Y/n had never been the military type, but she erased All expression from her face and stood at attention when she heard the annoyingly noticeable footsteps of General Armitage Hux.
"Capitans." He said with the same disdain he always used for anyone below him.
 "General." The women said in sync.
 Hux entered the conference room, and the two women followed after. The meeting started with the standard formalities and questions about Phasma's troopers and Y/n's new squadron, which she was teaching.
"Capitan Sienor, One more thing has been added to your new assignment. Kylo Ren has requested that he spectate the inspections on his ship. He will be joining you every hour for the next week." Shock snuck up onto Y/n's face, but it left as soon as it came.
 "Yes, Sir." She tightened her fists that were sitting in her lap. Phasma and Hux spoke some more, and the time seemed to fly by. When the meeting was over, they followed the same routine as when they came in: Hux, Phasma, and Y/n.
 It felt like there was a heavy weight now placed on Y/n's shoulders as she walked back to her quarters; she hadn't noticed the heavy footsteps behind her, and the daze she was in only seemed to snap away once she realized someone had placed their hand on her shoulder when she turned around she stared at the platinum giant with a forced smile.
"How can I help you, Capitan?"
"I need to speak with you. Do you have a moment?"
This behavior from Phasma would be very out of character to anyone who wasn't Y/n. They had lengthy conversations about work almost every two weeks if something was irritating them and they needed to let off some steam.
"Oh, Yeah. Of course. Come in," Y/n spoke as she walked to her door and opened it. Y/n offered Phasma a seat as she grabbed herself a glass of water.
"So, To what do I owe this visit?" She asked as she sat across from Phasma.
 "I know how you feel about Kylo Ren. I could sense your unease earlier; I want you to be extra cautious. You're a good leader; losing you would be a shame because of him and his temper tantrums." Phasma spoke easily as if she were speaking to one of her troopers. Had she not realized she had just said one of the kindest things Y/n had ever heard from anyone since she joined the first order?
Their conversation lasted about ten minutes before Phasma left; when the door closed, Y/n sighed. It was close to dinner time, and she took a quick shower before heading to the cafeteria.
"Y/n!" A voice called out to her as she entered the large room
"Callisto." she responded dryly, shrugging off the arm that was placed around her shoulders.
"Aw, come on. Don't be like that. Is this about me teasing you earlier? Because if it was, I hope you know I wasn't trying to hurt you. I'm sorry if I did-" He was cut off by Y/n placing her pointer finger against his lips, shutting him up
" You talk too much. And no, it has nothing to do with your teasing. I got used to that years ago." removing her hand from his face, she turned away and went to grab food. Hopefully, she tried to escape him, but he followed her like a lost pup.
 "What is it then? You know you can talk to me." He assured.
Callisto was a nice-ish guy, but he could be very annoying if he wanted to, so it was best to give him what he wanted.
"My new assignment isn't going to be as fun as I originally thought," Y/n sighed as she filled her plate and made her way to a seat, Cal mirroring her and sitting across from her.
"Originally thought what?" The gentle voice of Miya graced the small group's ears as she sat down next to Y/n.
"My assignment." Y/n tried her best to avoid this conversation, but her friends were persistent.
"Yeah? What about it?" Miya asked.
"Kylo Ren is spectating her investigations." A deep voice and strong figure appeared next to Cal.
"Shit! Ian. Where do you even come from!?" Cal cursed, startled by their soft-spoken friend.
"Of course, you'd know Killian." Miya rolled her eyes,
Killian knew a lot of dirt on a lot of people. Let's just say if you have a secret...He knows it.
"Teachers Pet." Y/n spat annoyedly,
"Princess." Killian replied in the same tone.
"Wait- So, really? Kylo Ren is spectating your investigations? Why?" Cal asked, stuffing his face with food.
"I don't know...Maybe he's worried I'll break something?" Y/n's tone was defeated, she did the best she could to stay as far away as possible from Kylo Ren, and now she has to spend an hour a day with him for the next week.
"I heard some of the techs say he looked you up," Killian spoke up
"Looked me up?"
"Yeah, You know. Like where you came from, How long you've been with the First Order, and your skill set."
 The look Y/n had given Killian was one full of disbelief.
"You're kidding me. Why the Hell would he need to know all that about her?" Miya asks, after being silent for the most part of the conversation.
"How should I know? I don't know everything, Miya."
"Well, you sure damn well act like it." The two bickered like an old married couple sometimes.
"Guys. Knock it off. Let's try not to draw attention to ourselves, please." Y/n spoke up as she slid her plate in front of her before standing from her seat.
 "Where are you going?" Cal asked, gently grabbing her wrist; she looked down and sighed.
"I gotta report to the Chief Engineer before the end of my shift."
"Okay, Just take it easy," he said as he squeezed her wrist before letting her go.
"She's gonna be alright, right?" Y/n heard Cal ask the group; she assumed that both Miya and Killian just shrugged since neither responded.
Taking a deep breath, Y/n knocked on the door to the Chief Engineers' Office, The door opened, and a small, frail-looking older woman stood in the doorway.
 "You must be Capitan Sienar. I'm Chief Engineer Kesta; Kylo Ren was just telling me the details of your temporary assignment-" The woman was still talking, but Y/n had zoned her out as she stared at the large frame of Kylo Ren; he stared out the transparasteel window that looked over the hangar.How had I not realized his presence before? Why was he here? He never said he'd be here, too; what in the world is happening?- Her panicked thoughts were cut short when Kesta waved her hand in front of her face.
"Hello? Captain? Are you listening?"
"Hm..? Oh, Yes, sorry. Long day" Y/n said with an apologetic smile.
 "Yes...I understand; why don't you come in and give me your report so you can clock out as soon as possible." The older woman held out her arm as she welcomed Y/n into the room. "You can take a seat if you'd like," She offered, but Y/n shook her head, doing her best to ignore the gaze she could feel drilling into the back of her skull.
 "I'd prefer to stand." She said softly; the woman nodded, and Y/n began her report.
Halfway through, she was interrupted by the voice that always sent a shiver down her spine.
"Why are you so curious about this TIE model?" The voice asked; it was closer than she thought it'd be, and in her surprise, she spun around quickly, only to be met with Kylo Ren mere inches away. If she wasn't scared before, she definitely was now.
She swallowed harshly before she answered,
"L-Like I said before, Sir. I was only able to test fly one, and years before, when I worked closely with my father; he used to let me study the new Model TIE. This is currently the only Model I haven't studied." She kept her explanation as short as possible.
"Your Father had to pull a lot of strings to get you this opportunity. What make's you think you deserve it?" He asked; Y/n was practically screaming to leave. This interrogation was becoming a bit much for her liking.
"Because I'm a good engineer, Sir. And I'm also a Pilot. If I can possibly help the first order in making more advanced starfighters in the future, I'd like to do my part." a false sense of confidence flowed through her as she spoke, hoping to mask any anxiety that was trying to seep through her voice.
"Tomorrow, you will show me how to reprogram the flight computer."
"Yes, Sir- Wait...Is something wrong with it? The fight controls were specifically made for you, I assume. Did they mess something up?" Y/n's fear and anxiety were forgotten when her brain started to work out possible scenarios,
"No. I want to see if you can take something apart and put it back together again perfectly as your reputation precedes you." Y/n gawked at him in disbelief. He wanted her to completely erase his specific fight controls and reprogram them to be exactly how it was before. Was he crazy!? She had no idea what his specifications were or how he preferred the distance of the controls. This was a big task with little to no information; He was setting her up to fail.
"With all due respect, Sir. I wouldn't be able to complete that task successfully in an hour."
 A low hum came from the man in front of her. "And why's that?"
Was he stupid? He couldn't be; he was doing this on purpose. He's testing me. She thought. "Because Sir. I have no prior experience with your specific flight controls. I would need at least two hours or maybe even three to become familiar with them, let alone memorize them enough to reprogram them."
 "I see." a tense silence filled the air, Kylo turned away from her and walked back to the window. Y/n looked over her shoulder to see that Kesta was no longer in sight; she must have booked it out of there. Yeah, me too. She admitted, wishing she could do the same.
 "I'll give you the next three days to study my fight controls; on the fifth day, you will reprogram it." He paused as he turned back towards her. "The last two days, you will be free to study the ship as you please without my spectating. But. Only if you reprogram the controls to their original state or there will be consequences. Do you understand?" His voice roared deeply in that dull distorted tone it always had. But somehow, this time was different. It sparked something warm and unfamiliar deep in the pit of her stomach. Was it terror?
Holy Shit. He's actually crazy.
There were a million different possibilities; a lot of programming and engineering goes into customizing flight controls. In the past, all...Or most TIE Starfighters were programmed the same way, so you only really needed to learn how to fly one to fly any version. But the TIE Silencer was customized to its test pilots' specific comfortability with the controls. Y/n's was even programmed when she test flown it. And she's only got three hours in three days.
She inhaled sharply, anxiety striking her like a sword. She dug her nails into her palms as she shut her eyes quickly. This might not seem like much to most people, but to Y/n, it was one of the worst things that could happen in her career. Was studying this dang ship that important? Could she back out now?
"Capitan." the low distorted voice echoed in the room, and Y/n looked up at him. Her eyes were glossed over, and her shoulders were tense. She knew the consequences of what would happen if she somehow failed this assignment; it had all been too good to be true.
"Y-yes, Sir. I understand." Her fists were shaking as she mustered the strength to keep herself calm.
"Good. You are dismissed." Once those words left him, y/n had turned around and went as calmly as possible before rushing back to her room.
Y/n's room was connected to the S.F.'s Lounge, so when she walked in, Miya, Cal, and Killian had all been relaxing from the end of their shifts. Cal and Maya were playing a card game, and Ian was going over field reports on the couch.
"Hey, She's back," Cal said when he noticed the door open, his tone cheerful.
"Oh good, I was getting worried," Miya spoke, standing up to walk over to Y/n.
"No, you weren't," Killian mumbled under his breath; as Miya got closer, Y/n took a step back.
"Hey, Are you alright? Did something happen?" Concern laced her voice which caught the attention of the men.
"N-No. I'm fine, Miya. Just tired. I'd really like to head to bed." she tried stepping around her, but Cal stepped in front of her blocking her path.
"You're not fine. You look like someone just told you your pet died or something." Y/n shook her head at his response.
"It's about Kylo Ren. No one makes her anxious like he does." Killian spoke up from his spot on the couch.
 "Come on, Talk to us like you always do. You always have something to say." Cal tried to encourage her, but she shook her head. She was close to crying when he tilted his head to look into her eyes. That had never happened before; she's always been so strong. This threw him off, guard.
 "Did he hurt you?" Cal asked quickly. Miya looked at him like his head had grown ten sizes.
"Why'd you ask that, Cal?" She asked. Y/n bit her lip as she looked at Cal, begging him with her eyes not to say anything, but he didn't get it.
 "She looks like she's about to cry..." he said softly, looking up at Miya.
 "Y/n/n, What happened? I swear if he put his hands on you-" The taller woman threatened
"No. Guys. It's fine. This assignment just turns out to be my guillotine, and Kylo Ren is my executioner." She spoke softly; the small group looked at her, both confused and concerned.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Ian asked. Y/n sighed and walked over to the couch, plopping down on it and allowing it to take away her stress.
"Kylo Ren has decided to test my intelligence on TIE Fighters."
"Okay?" Miya asked as she pulled a chair from a nearby table, and Cal leaned against the wall.
"You know how TIE Silencers were all programmed to their specific Pilots?" The group nodded, allowing her to continue.
 "Well. He wants me to memorize his specific flight controls, erase them, and reprogram them perfectly to the last detail. I only have three days, which- before you ask, yes. That's technically only three hours. The day after, I will have to reprogram it. If I do it correctly, he will allow me to study the TIE without his spectating for the last two days." Y/n heaved a heavy sigh, relaxing on the couch.
 "What are you so worried about?" Ian asked, turning his head to look at her
 "Yeah, I mean, come on, Y/n. You're probably the only person, minus your father, who knows the most about TIE Fighters. This should be a breeze for you." Cal spoke, pushing himself off the wall and sitting on the floor in front of her.
"I had maybe an hour or less to become familiar with my own specified flight controls, which was one of the most difficult things I've done to date. He expects me to memorize his and then Perfectly replicate it!?" She sat up, fear replaced with irritation and anger. "Do you know what could-Will happen if I manage to get ONE thing wrong!? I'd be killed for sure, Or worse. Fired." She threw her arms up in the air, then crossed them over her chest. "He's absolutely horrible." She hissed out and stood up. "I'm going to bed."
 No one dared to stop her; they knew the weight on her shoulders was heavy; they just wished she wouldn't carry it all on her own.
Stepping into her room, she sighed for the umpteenth time. She walked over to her bathroom mirror. She barely recognized herself; the stress in her eyes was deep, and her shoulders were slumped defeatedly. All this from one day? Ignoring it, she stripped and stepped into the shower, hoping to wash it away.
 As the hot water relaxed her muscles, she recalled how this day had started.
 "Y/n, I'm not sure this is a good idea. I know you've wanted to study this ship, but is it really appropriate to do it on a First Order base?" Her father asked,
"I'm sure it'd be fine; it's not like I'm going to steal it or mess with the controls." She spoke, trying her best to persuade her father.
"Alright. I'll see what I can do. BUT. These people are our best customers. If they say yes, you must obey any rules they may set. You'll be representing not only yourself but also me and my company. Do you understand?" His voice faded out; she could no longer remember the rest of the conversation.
 Too much happened today, she thought as she leaned back against the shower wall.
"Did it count if the rules meant life or death?" She asked herself. After the shower, she changed and lay down on her bed.
She prayed to anyone who was listening that tomorrow would never come.
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inayaluic · 2 months
seeing you tonight (it's a bad idea, right?)
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A Reylo Hockey Textfic
(WIP, Ch. 2/?)
Ben never meant to keep his identity a secret from his discord friends - especially Rey. It just sort of happened.
But now he was stuck. How was he supposed to explain that Kylo Ren was really Ben Solo - the star defenseman for the Chandrila Sabres?
Read it on AO3
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everren · 8 months
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To Search the Ends of Time
A Vampire Reylo AU by @everren & @ev3rmichelle
Rated E | Alternating POV | Ch 5/14
The history books remember the papacy of Snoke - the so-called Occult Pope - as a reign of terror. Kylo Ren is only interested in what came before.
For four hundred years, he has stalked the world, searching for the ancient alchemy once wielded by Snoke to defy death and bind him to the earth in an eternity of bloodshed. With it, he will take back what was stolen from him.
But when a new lead takes him to the most unexpected of places, he is forced to confront the possibility that not all is as it seems.
Perhaps the past is not as cold and dead as he thought. Perhaps no one is ever really gone.
A Dracula-inspired Reylo AU, set in an alternate version of our world, in which love can span centuries and blood can conquer death.
'Still Falls the Night' - Kylo - Odd chapters
'Still Falls the Rain' - Rey - Even chapters
The Professor
The Scholar
The Museum
The Past
The Palazzo - 🩸 NEW CHAPTER! 🩸
The End - Coming soon!
The Climax - Coming soon!
The Beginning - Coming soon!
The Hunt - Coming soon!
The Thrill - Coming soon!
The Kill - Coming soon!
The Darkness - Coming soon!
The Light - Coming soon!
The One - Coming soon!
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enkisstories · 4 months
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Battle for Batuu - now officially round 3
The streets of Black Spire felt harder, the sun somehow colder, despite it being summer now, when Tina returned to work the day after the trials.
Accompanied by her droids, B-0-B, and IT-08, she went to see Lt. Agnon for another special mission assignment.
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Daniel: “Explain to me again, Lord Ren, in plain words, how your plan to intimidate the locals by means of the public executions has resulted in our rule over Batuu becoming uncontested. Like, how it would discourage rebel spys from sneaking up right at our door...”
Kylo: “Don’t try me, Daniel! I’m warning you!”
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Kylo: “See? CH-100 has the situation under control.”
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Kylo: “My plan was sound. The military goofed up - again.”
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Daniel: “Have you ever considered that we may have picked the wrong side, Eightball?”
IT-08: “Intriguing. What gives you that idea?”
Daniel: “Ours seems to be losing!”
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readingreylo · 2 years
Summer Reylo Fics
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I know, I know, I know -- Summer is almost over 🙃
Balm by asongforjonsa | Explicit | 2k | Oneshot | PWP | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Beach house, Sunburn | Friends to lovers | Nasty sunburn | Ben POV | " Ben's got a terrible sunburn, and Rey has just what he needs to feel better."
sharp-dressed man by audreyii_fic | @audreyii-fic | Explicit | 3k | Oneshot | PWP | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime | Neighbors | Enemies to lovers | Misunderstandings | Pining | Multi POV | "Kylo's stuff keeps getting shipped to Rey's apartment, and the resultant miscommunications threaten to destroy their lives -- or, you know, at least their summer."
melatonin by sevenofreylo | @sevenofreylo | Explicit | 3k | One shot | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: School vacation, Summer cottage | Enemies-to-lovers | Bullying | Teenagers(?) | Awkward virgins | Masturbation | no p-in-v | Bunkbeds | Rey POV | "Rey can’t sleep, not with Luke’s nephew in the same room."
🥵 Dog Day Open Hydrant by LinearA | @linearla | Explicit | 4k | One Shot | PWP | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Unbearable heat, Fire hydrant, Ice cream | Strangers to Lovers | Antagonism | Fireman!Ben Solo | It's too hot for this shit | One Night stand ??? | Ben POV | "Ben's come to close an open hydrant. The kids playing in it don't want him to, and a pretty girl on the street is backing them up."
Summer by ianixela | @ianixela | Explicit | 5k | One shot | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summer fling, School vacation, Hiking, Swimming | Audulty | Neighbors | Alcoholism | Physical Abuse | Spousal Rape (not explict) | Angst | HEA | Rey POV | "Rey is too young. Too young when she marries to an older man she doesn't love. Too young when she moves in that big empty house. Too young and she yet she feels a million years old. Rey might be too young, but Ben Solo is just her age though. And he's just moved next door."
Sweet Home by Violetwilson | @violetwilson | Explicit | 8k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Humid heat, Cicadas | Strangers to lovers | Southern USA | One night stand | Good samaritan | Waffle House | There was only one bed | Rey POV | Rey helps out a handsome stranger stranded in town-- by letting him sleep in her bed.
that green light, i want it by SecretReyloTrash | @lyresandlasers | Explicit | 9.8k | Two shot | PWP | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Unbearable heat | Strangers | Random hook up | Public Sex | Public Transportation | Communting | ch 1 Ben POV | ch 2 Rey POV | "Maybe it’s being baked alive inside public transport, but there’s something dreamy about her, unreal. Or too real, in a time that he paid little attention to the people around him, just music or a book or staring at the streets out the window. He accepts the impulse. The closeness of her, her bare shoulders, the way her clothes fit over her skin. He tries to prevent his legs from brushing hers, but it’s the fit of the tiny seat and his large body. But she doesn’t glare at him when it happens, like some women do. She doesn’t flinch away, like she’s been burned. Ben has a long commute home. Rey enjoys the ride."
Thirty One by ianixela | Explicit | 11k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summer fling | Coffee shop | Montreal | Stranger to lovers | Unplanned pregnancy | Rock star!Kylo Ren | Heartbreak | HEA | Multi POV | "Ben Solo needs a break from "Kylo Ren", his rockstar alter-ego. The first flight out of Los Angeles takes him...to Canada, where the young woman he meets on an early Summer morning flips his entire life upside down, in the hardest, and ultimately best of ways."
They don't get your soul or your fire by CoinToYourWitcher | Explicit | 11k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, small town, fire season/wildfires, thunder storms | Romantic Mystery | Firefirghter!Ben Solo | Childhood Angst | Enemies-to-lovers | Falling in love | Secrets | Angst | Bittersweet HEA | Character death | Multi POV | Rey is working the fire look out this summer and firefighter Ben is keeping an eye on her. A past tragedy links them together but Rey is oblivious and Ben wants to keep it that way.
💖 your boots beneath my bed by irridesca | @earstwo | Explicit | 12.5k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Summer vibes: summertime, Roughing it/camping, Waterhole/oasis | Ranching | Cowboys | Strangers to friends to lovers | hair braiding | smut | Rey POV | After the death of her former boss, Rey gets a job as a wrangler at Skywalker Ranch-- where she crosses paths with the prickly forman Ben Solo.
The Long Summer by deedreamer | @deedreamer | Explicit | 13k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: School Vacation, Sticky heat, Skinny dipping, Sunburn | Older brother's best friend | Sexting | Sexual Tension | College students | Garage Band | Multi POV | "He’s Rey's older brother's best friend. He watched her grow up and still teases her mercilessly. It's summer break, and the heat finally gets to Rey as she works up the nerve to flirt with Ben Solo -- the boy she grew up with who's quite suddenly become a man. Soon, she's skinny dipping, swapping secret dirty texts, and thinking all kinds of insane thoughts. And then one day, Ben sends Rey a picture of his perfect, huge... Whoa. Damn, boy. DAMN! Now, Rey can think of nothing else but getting her mouth on him. EVERYWHERE."
Orion by ianixela | Explicit | 14k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Desert | Strangers to lovers | Slowish burn | Photojournalist!Rey | Guide!Ben Solo | Ex-military!Ben Solo | Amputee!Ben Solo | PTSD | Implied/referenced abortion | Past Adultry | Desert | Oasis | Stranged togther | HEA | Reylo Baby | Rey POV | "Rey Niima finds herself in the Saharan desert trying to heal wounds from her life, and Ben Solo is there too, fixing himself along the way."
The Lazy River by NoeticEdda | Explicit | 16k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Public pool, Swimming | Strangers to lovers | Overactive imagination | Humor | Crack-ish | Lifeguard!Ben | Undercover agent!Ben Solo | College student!Rey | Strangers-to-lovers | Rey POV | Rey has too much time in her hands this summer, lazing around the local water park before grad school, and becomes convinced that the new lifeguard is a spy.
Something From Nothing by lifeofsnark | Explicit | 18k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Fireworks, Hurricane | Flashbacks | Growing up together | Friends to lovers | PTSD | Amputee!Ben Solo | Family Drama | Multi POV |  Ben returns from his naval service missing a hand and missing a purpose in life. While reclimatizing at his uncle's ranch he runs into childhood friend Rey who now builds tiny houses.
💖 between two lives by neonheartbeat | Explicit | 31k | complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Scorching heat, Bonfire, Outdoor sex | Strangers to lovers | Fashion Model!Rey | Mechanic!Ben Solo | PTSD | military backstory | sexual disfunction | psychological trauma | Rey POV | Rey Niima, a model driving from Chicago to New York, finds herself broken down in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, without any way to fix her rented car. Ben Solo, the big, silent, resident jack-of-all-trades in Kirby, a town with almost two hundred people, happens to come across her on the road, and offers her a place to wait for a tow, but Ben has a secret he's not willing to share, and Rey is determined to find out what it is...
💖Just You by charcuterie | @chimichangasaredelicious | Explicit | 35k | WIP | Last updated: 2022-05-29 | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Countryside | Neighbours | texting | Strangers to friends to lovers | Banter | Pianist!Ben | shitty-childhood-angst | multi POV | Rey and Ben are two strangers, across an alley way, who bond over Ben's piano playing. Their souls connect before they even see each other's faces. When they finally do meet face to face sparks fly! or Two imperfect people who fall in love over texting and piano music drifting across the alleyway.
rain shadow, evergreen by frak-all (or_ryn) | Explicit | 33k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: summertime, national parks, tourists, swimming, camping | Enemies-to-lovers | Road trip | Rey POV | Rey is road tripping to Portland and stopping at the Parks along the way, but she keep running into an asshole in a black RV...
💖 Cupcake Wars by crossingwinter | @shmisolo | Explicit | 36k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Unbearable heat, Beach day | Enemies-to-lovers | Bakers | Rivals | Hate Sex | Rey POV | Entirely by accident, Rey ends up fucking someone who works for Snoke's Cupcakery. She's just blowing off steam. It doesn't mean anything at all. It certainly won't come back to bite her in the ass. | or Rey and Ben work at rival bakeries, and are hooking up for hate sex on the side. What starts as casual slowly becomes anything but.
Out of Water by AquaWolfGirl | @aquawolfgirl | Explicit | 39k | WIP | Last updated: 2021-08-04 | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Lake house | Mermaids | Enemies to friends to lovers | Food Porn | Ben POV | "When ex-rocker Kylo Ren buys a lakehouse, he expected to relax near where he spent his summers as Ben Solo. He expected peace and quiet, with fresh fish and lazy days spent enjoying the sun. He most certainly didn't expect for a vicious mermaid to insist this part of the lake is hers, and to get the fuck out."
😘👌The Worst of Me by hajerika | Mature | 45k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Destination Wedding, Beach, Hiking | Wedding | Tropical Island | Drunk Hook up | Antagonism | Past Finn/Rey | Strangers-to-lovers | Feral!Rey | idiot!Ben Solo | Friend group dynamic | Drama | Character Study | Personal Growth | Rey POV | Multi POV | "Rey did not anticipate that she’d be having sex this weekend, but she really should have. It’s a wedding, her ex is here with his new girlfriend, and she’s a single woman in her twenties with low self-esteem. I mean, honestly, go figure. But if anyone had told her that it would be with Ben Solo - her boss’s son, her ex’s worst enemy, and the bane of pretty much everybody’s existence - she would’ve laughed in their stupid face."
💖 here grow the roses by neonheartbeat | @urulokid | Explicit | 46k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Outdoor sex, Farm life | English countryside | City girl meets farm boy | Strangers to lovers | author/poet!Rey | Mute!Ben Solo | Virgin!Ben solo | Shitty-childhood-angst | Past abuse | Rey POV | T.S. Eliot Prize winner Rey Palpatine is intrigued by the mute caretaker of her late grandfathers country estate. As she gets to know Ben and his demons Rey must reflect on her own past as she struggles to write a new book of poetry.
for what it's worth (it was worth all the while) by tayloremrose (need ao3 account to read) | @earstwo | Explicit | 53k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, summer camp(and all that entails!), swimming, hiking, Texas heat, fireworks | Enemies-to-friends-to-lovers | Boss/employee dynamic | Past child abuse | Mention of domestic abuse | Character Growth | Underage drinking | ANGST | Mistunderstandings | HEA | Rey POV | "Rey flies to Texas from the UK to be a summer camp counselor at Skywalker Ranch. Ben is the prickly new Summer Camp Director with a complicated past."
Summer Heat by IshaRen | Explicit | 56k | incomplete | Alternate Modern AU | A/B/O | Alpha x Beta | Summer Vibes: summertime, cabin on a lake | Strangers to lovers | Slowburn | Loneliness | Discrimination | Angst | Canada | Multi POV | "A lonely young woman arrives at the cottage she inherited from her grandfather on a remote lake in northern Ontario, to find her neighbour is a rare Alpha, a relic of the old days when humans were ruled by their designation. Across a long hot summer, they connect over their shared history, and she finds that the past may not be as far away as she assumed." | Incomplete but absolutely worth the read
endless summer afternoon by SecretReyloTrash | @lyresandlasers | Explicit | 63k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Swimming, Pool sex, Hammock sex | Roommates | Adopted siblings vibes | Secret relationship | Past substance abuse | Alcoholism | Homlessness | ANGST | Asshole!kylo Ren | trying-his-best!Han Solo | Father figure!Han | HEA | Rey POV | Rey moves into Han's spare room only for his estranged son to return from rehab. | Ch 1-6 are main fic Rey POV, ch 7 is xmas epilogue from Ben POV,
is this called home by reylonly | @reylonly | Explicit | 67k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: School vacation, BBQ, Swimming | A/B/O | alpha x omega | Boss/employee dynamic | Neighbors | Mutual Pining | Secret relationship | Nanny!rey | College student!rey | Single dad!Ben solo | Professor!solo | Multi POV | Rey embarks on a secret relationship with her neighbor Ben, whose son she has been minding this summer while she is home from college. Their connection is undeniable but Rey struggles with loving Ben (and his son) and wanting a future for herself outside of her designation.
🤣 Peacock by AttackoftheDarkCurses | Explicit | 72k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Swimming, BBQ, Camping | Neighbors | Rivals to lovers | Pranks | Misunderstandings | Fake relationship | Multi POV | Rey and Rose move in nextdoor to Ben and his whole world is turned upside down. A prank war escalates into a fake engagement. Now they are playing chicken with a marriage. Who will back down first?
May Divorce Be With You by SpaceWaffleHouse | Explicit | 83k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Outdoor wedding, Beach wedding | Strangers to friends to lovers | Bets and wagers | Wedding planner!Ben Solo | Divorce Lawyer!Rey | Weddings | Romance | Wedding!Porn (think Four Weddings) | Side Rose/Jannah | Rey POV | Drinking buddies Rey and Ben make a wager about whether true love really exists. As Ben takes her to more and more weddings that he has planned Rey's cynical view of love (shaped by being a divorce lawyer) takes a sharp left turn. She is without-a-doubt going to lose this bet... because she is falling hopelessly in love with Ben Solo.
💖The Heart of Hate by SevenBetter | Explicit | 119k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Ice Cream, Beach town, Outdoor wedding | Multi POV | Enemies to Lovers | Hate Sex | Neighbors | Small Buisness Owners | Rey owns an Ice Cream Parlor | Ben makes Whiskey | Secret Relationship(s) | Ben is a terrible communicator | Rey is aggressively cheerful | Family Drama | Angst | Personal Growth | Falling in Love | Dramatic Family Thanksgiving | 80s Prom | Secrets revealed! | HEA | Side pairings: Hux/Phasma, Finn/Rose, Poe/Zorii | Rey POV | Multi POV | "Rey and Ben are each hard-working small business owners in a quiet beach town, determined to succeed, whose feuding and fighting lead to one other F-word that they also do together."
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veggieheist · 1 year
Ch 92 is UP!!
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Kylo Ren was supposed to go to Jakku to find  information on Luke's whereabouts, but the Force-sensitive girl in the  slaver's auction was too interesting to leave behind. Rey has only  ever known the life of a slave on Jakku, bought and sold from master to  master, but the mysterious and terrifying creature who now owns her is  like no master she's ever had before.
    Chapter 92: A Beep in the Night      (excerpt below)
   Rey laid awake in her bed, unsure how long she’d been trying to get her heartbeat under control, but she knew if she didn’t find sleep soon she was going to be miserable in the morning.
   She just couldn’t believe that she’d said all of those things to Lord Ren.       He had obviously not wanted to speak about Visser Ren at all, and she could understand why. Lord Tomaxx had basically forced their master’s hand by mentioning the dead Knight to her, and Rey knew that confirming that he’d killed his comrade—his best friend—even if justified, must have been difficult for Lord Ren. Not to mention reliving those memories on top of it all.
  Rey understood why he’d wanted to keep it a secret, because she tried to avoid talking about Nybian for much the same reason: It’s difficult to talk about something you carry so much grief and guilt over.
  Rey wasn’t exactly sure how she knew this about him—Lord Ren was still incredibly hard to read—but after seeing the memory of Nybian she’d gotten a Feeling, which had led to something of an epiphany. And as she’d (continue reading on AO3)
Chapter 1: The Auction  */* Chapter 91: Speaking of Ghosts 
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lackingspace · 1 year
Lesson in Silence (Kylo Ren X Reader X Knights)
Lesson 4
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Just reader having a semi-panic attack and all that would entail. Nothing really graphic.
Author note: I bet you'd thought you'd seen the last of star wars. Surprise.
✧・゚: *✧・゚
AO3 Link: Lesson 4
Prev Ch: Lesson 3
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Recap: He pulled his hand away and pried your grip off him before pushing away, "It's a threat." Your back was still glued to the wall as he slowly backed away. You couldn't move as you watched his form head to the same door his comrades had left. He stopped short of the door and spoke, "We'll see who you are," he hit the button to open the panel, "Arms technician."
Your head rocked back to rest against the wall as the door slid shut. 
Your eyes were locked to the spot Vicrul had briefly stopped before the durasteel concealed him. Breath sticking in your throat as sweat trickles down your back all the while anticipation making a home on your insides. An altogether unpleasant sensation that had your stomach clenched tight waiting for something– anything, to happen. Your heart pitter-pattering out of control with the mix of apprehension and the heat Vicrul left burning beneath it all.
After a time of standing there, back glued to the wall with bated breath sure that there was something else to come, nothing came. You didn't want to trust it. Today was the worst day you'd had in a long while, so why wouldn't the force turn from bad to worse. But nothing happened…at least not yet.
You were more than half expecting that all three of the knights were about to walk back in any second. They'd reveal this was some sort of elaborate ploy for their amusement and that they'd known what you were the moment you'd walked into the gym. 
Better yet, maybe it was taking so long because they'd left only to gather with their entire ensemble, Commander Ren included, before they stormed back into the gym to split you open. Both figuratively and literally. Dissecting any and all information the commander deemed of interest. 
The thoughts floated through your scattered brain, kicking your slowly calming panic back to life. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt that the master of the knights of Ren would find the things inside your head very interesting. 
You couldn't help but imagine his wrath. Breath hitching and eyes widened as your mind warred with itself. If you stayed glued to this wall and they came back, there wouldn't be anything pleasant about that interaction. Trying to convince your muscles they weren't made of stone wasn't working. Likely a form of shock mixed with the still present fear and anxiety. Mind split between rational thinking and the conjured scenario of being cornered again.
Commander Ren would probably look at you with a little less hatred than an actual Jedi– or worse, a resistance member. But being Jedi adjacent, no matter that the association was outside of your control, he'd surely still consider that an offense punishable by death.
A shiver ran down your spine, dampening some of the residual heat Vicrul had left coursing through your blood. Your eyes fluttered closed thinking of the said knight.
You'd misjudged him– Grossly misjudged him. It made your skin crawl to think that you'd essentially walked straight into the proverbial krayt dragon's mouth on a silver platter. You could be stupid, like anyone else, but this was by far the most careless you'd been in years.
It didn't matter that the threat of the Commander clouded your judgment. At least, it shouldn't have. Your master's voice hissed in the back of your mind of how weak you were. Clenching a fist had her voice die, but she was right. Misdirection was your greatest asset, a cloak you wore daily. You should have recognized the way the force dripped off of him. Force influencing your feelings should have been another red flag of the danger he posed. 
Jaw clenching as a taunting imitation of your master's cruel laughter rang in the back of your consciousness. You hadn't realized he was a walking death sentence and instead, you'd fawned over him like a schoolgirl. If you could be that inaccurate with an apprentice…had you also misjudged their master? 
Throttling your force presence made everything feel muted…like you were moving through the world with a blanket of fog obscuring things that used to be sharp-edged. Could your senses have dulled more than you'd realized? Teeth grinding as you questioned everything. Was your assessment of the Commander even close?
If he was a master of the art, he could have slipped in unnoticed or disguised his true intentions with a lazy mental touch. Your chest tightened and blood chilled– he was the master of the Knights of Ren, a Sith. He was lethal, deadly, manipulative..it was more than plausible…but your gut instinct, the force within you, didn't sit right.
There was only ever one person that had slipped into your mind so masterfully. You'd never felt his breach, any caress, or pushing against your mental shields. You'd only heard the sound of his voice and felt the way his presence spread like poison. Clenching your eyes hard in an attempt to stifle that train of thought. You didn't need to rouse his attention and you'd had enough for today. 
No, you were sure the Commander hadn't felt sinister when he'd brushed against you. The way he'd caressed your mental boundaries wasn't unpleasant either. There was a grace in the way it washed over you even. He'd distinctly felt like a lothcat at one point, but a nexu was probably a better description. Grace, dexterity, power. That fits the Commander, he even had a nexu's temper. 
The way he'd pressed against you hadn't even felt suspicious or invasive. He was amused more than anything else, especially with what you'd thought about Vicrul. There wasn't anything to indicate that he suspected you of anything beyond being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Besides, if the others also suspected you then why leave you alone? Majority rule and all that. They risked the chance of letting you slip away.… Unless they wanted to see what you'd do? Where you'd go or who you'd contact…
If you were in their place it'd be a good tactic if you were suspected to be a member of a larger group, like the rebels. It hadn't felt like they were suspicious of you for that particular crime. But the Commander had made Vicrul test you for something…
Forehead wrinkled in thought, he'd certainly asked his apprentice to push you…but from the crackling delight, you'd felt it came off more of a jab for amusement than to actually assess you for allegiance. Maybe that was more of a test for Vicrul than you. He hadn't realized what the swirling of the force around you meant…and Cardo had said the Commander taught him to influence other's emotions. Maybe that was more recent than you realized.
Your muscles were slowly starting to relax from their rigidness. Either way, whatever the commander's reasons for testing you, his temper hadn't flared. Of that you were certain. Even muted, you'd been drowned in his waves of rage before. Your master had constantly condemned you for how emotional you were, but she would have deemed the Commander a lost cause. He never held back or masked his anger– but then why would he, being Sith? It was power after all.
Your mind began to settle. You could trust his rage. If he'd broached the inner workings of your mind, he wouldn't have been able to conceal the spike of rage that would have rolled off him. Which meant those nerve-tingling caresses were as deep as he'd dug. Vicrul was the special case with his damned sensitivity. Either of you would make a good example of how the force was nuanced– spawning different affinities for interaction and interpretation.
Although, his parting threat more than ensured he'd reveal his suspicion at some point– whatever those suspicions were. So if he hadn't snitched yet, there was only a finite amount of time before the Commander heard something about you. 
It'd be beyond foolish to think he'd keep something like that from his master for long. Even if by some stroke of luck he held back, master's had a way of pulling things from their apprentices. You'd know. 
Once it came to light, you wouldn't have to question if the Commander had peeked into your mind, he'd slice it open. You could see it now– being dragged into some nondescript interrogation room, Commander Ren prying into you in every way possible until you were no more than a broken thing at his feet. 
He'd reel all the information you'd buried into the depths of your mind back to the surface. Picking you apart until he found exactly what made you tick. 
Once the Commander saw what you'd hidden away, you couldn't imagine him leaving you alive. Too much of a threat for that.
Your overactive mind, or the force, provided a vivid image of the scene. The Commander would be towering and massive, flanked by Vicrul. Your thighs clenched, somehow Vicrul looked even more delicious standing next to his master. 
There was a cocktail of anticipation and thrill that swirled in your gut. An exasperated sigh left your parted lips. The shock and fear were finally subsiding, but something far worse and more moronic was taking its place- lust. 
The idea of dark leathers wrapped around an even darker presence had heat slithering back into your lower stomach. The image of master and apprentice sparked goosebumps along your arms and it wasn't from fear. The knight really must have knocked something loose in your brain or you really needed to get laid.
Damn, Vicrul. The thought didn't hold any real conviction, just a resignation that served to pull you away from the panic-driven scenarios and back into reality. At least there was no one storming in. You still had your freedom– for now.
The adrenaline had finally puttered out, muscles no longer locked up. Letting yourself fully sag back against the wall until you slid down into a heap on the floor. The hum of silence was your only companion as you tried to decide your next move.  
There were going to be more moments like this. Even if Vicrul hadn't been here today, Cardo would have picked up the slack to make your life hell. Now that he knew who you were, he would have come knocking on the armory door at some point. At least you wouldn't have had this lust-addled brain.
Tilting your head back to rest against the wall as your gaze lifted to the barren durasteel ceiling. A sense of unease settled through you at the empty chill of the room and your thoughts.
Being in the First Order had always been risky. You knew that. It'd been something you'd considered and still made the decision that it was the best option. 
Master's first lesson reared its head– safety was a lie. For as much disdain you held for her, the lessons she imparted were begrudgingly relevant. 
Vicrul had only reminded you of that fact. He'd noticed you in a way no one else would have. As muted as you were, he'd still felt the subtle pull you gave off. The slightest current shift within a moving stream. Your jaw clenched as frustration spiked, fuck him.
Poor choice of words on your part because your thighs clenched tight. You really would have fucked him if that's where it went after Cardo and Trudgen left. Even knowing he wouldn't drop this, not with the need for answers you sparked. You would have let him bend you whichever way he liked. Still would.
If he made good on his promise– threat– you'd ask for more. A nagging feeling told you he'd be able to satisfy you. An itch you weren't aware needed scratching until he was directing you to it. 
Knocking your head softly against the wall at the sentiment. As true as it may be, you didn't need to focus on that. Master would have struck you down herself had she been here. Especially if she knew how eagerly you'd spread your legs for someone like him.
The thought had a sense of acceptance slowly unfurled in your chest. You were always her greatest failure, at least you were still consistent in that. Fist clenching as you really tried to feel bad about how many lines you'd crossed, lessons ignored, and discipline abandoned in your dance with the three knights. 
There wasn't anything you could change about what you'd done. Shouldn't be sitting here focusing on it so much. All you could do was figure out where to go. With the burning between your thighs and clenched thighs, it'd probably be in your best interest to get laid as soon as possible. You'd still fuck Vicrul if he offered, but at least you'd have a clearer head.
There were a few different partners you had on the station. Nothing serious or particularly satisfying, but it'd take the edge off. You'd need to be as alert as you could for whenever your next run-in might be. Leaving base wasn't an option at this point. At least not something as drastic as stealing a ship and skipping to the next system.
No, your loud mouth stole that option. It'd be too odd if you were suddenly gone. Even if it was just Cardo seeking you out for a new mod, you couldn't just be gone. They'd know something was off. Especially if Albrekh couldn't reach you. That'd be the equivalent of you admitting something was worth hiding. They'd hunt you just for running.
You could request a transfer off base. Make up something about work relationships breaking down. Possible bad break up causing you to be inefficient or in a hostile environment….That route would take time though. Something you might not have, but you'd have to risk it if you'd wanted it believable. 
There was no way Hux would approve your transfer as your work stood now. Gu'il wouldn't either. You'd need months to let your production suffer and appear disorganized. Small mistakes here and there causing your work quality to slip. Signs that you were under some kind of stress without causing too many red flags. 
It could work if you played it right. It all hinged on being able to survive whatever came next with the knights. 
The click of a fan humming to life cut through the buzzing silence as your mind settled on the plan. If you wanted a fighting chance, getting laid was your first course of action. 
Who to pick though? You shuffled through your options mentally, pursing your lips. Fero was probably the best option. He was another arms technician, but typically worked the mid-shift. 
You hadn't noticed him getting cozy with anyone recently, so he'd probably be open to a hook-up. The two of you were friendly and you'd made it clear it was just stress relief and he'd been fine with keeping it that way.
He'd probably still have a few more hours before shift end, but if you headed back to the shop you could work on the sniper like you'd wanted and then have a quickie if he was game for it. 
Mind settled and emotions back in place, you pushed yourself up off the ground. You'd make a pit stop by the mess hall and grab something quick. You'd shoot Fero a message asking if he was at the shop or out on the station somewhere and go from there. 
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venushasvixens · 1 year
Ch. 5 Escape - Baneful Royal (Kylo Ren x Reader)
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[A/N] so the last time I had posted for this fic, it was a hot minute ago. And when I say hot minute, I mean about close to a year. SO with that being said, here is the 5th chapter. This one was kinda hiding underneath a bunch of commission files so finding it now was very nice. If you would like to read more Kylo fics from me, I have a Masterlist link in my bio, as well as a A03 and wattpad under the same name. Thank y’all for reading <3
There was no time to feel guilt. 
There was no time to feel anything. 
You were ushered without a thought. Running on autopilot, the disturbing sounds of a city thrown into chaos were drowned out with your focus elsewhere. Cate’s arm was looped into yours, the cloaked figure of Kylo walked in front of you without assistance or care. The deed was done, and the next step was approaching soon. 
Pushed into a carrier, it wasn't until you felt the deep rumble of the ship coming to life that you finally came back to the present. Seated and strapped in, you glanced around you to see Cate at her place behind you. On her side, two guards of Ren stood like stone, waiting patiently. For what, you didn't know. 
Voices spit out necessary actions for takeoff, with a confirmation greeting. A captain’s seat sat in the middle, with Kylo planted firmly. With each acknowledgment of action, he nodded. A shake, and you were off into the air and into the atmosphere. 
“What’s happening now?” You turned to Cate. “Where are we going?” 
You knew of your certain protection, but nothing else after. Had you left when the Colonel told you to, maybe you wouldn't have been labeled a possible enemy to the planet. Gone off quietly, you might have still been on Naboo. You showed yourself rather idiotically. With a hand out in offer, any chance of going home was thrown out the window. 
Cate looked straight ahead blankly, ignoring your asking gaze.
“I said where are we going?” You asked. Ignored, you watched as Cate’s pupils flashed quickly to her side, towards the knights. Turning back in your chair, you realized. You sabotaged her mission, and any other advice or word could further deepen a possible and serious “demotion”. 
Watching as Naboo faded away in the side windows, you were startled with Kylo's sudden announcement. “On our arrival, we are to ignite engines for light speed on route to Coruscant immediately.” 
“This wasn't part of the plan.” You said aloud, shocked. “I didn’t agree to this part.” 
“Then what was, councilwoman?” Kylo called to the reluctant voice. “Had you listened, we wouldn’t be taking the actions that we are now.” 
“I wonder with whose help.” You spat back. The newly deceased governor was right. There was an argument wherever you went. 
“The option to go back and drop you off is always open. But, I hope you realize that actions will have consequences.” He stated, almost tauntingly. “It would be a shame to see your head on a spike.” 
“A favor was given for the good of the people.” 
“They won’t see it that way.” He sneered, leather glove squeaking. “The truth is soon to come out. Where are you going to go when that does happen?” 
It was best to shut up. 
With many to witness, the assassination of a government official was without a doubt a high profiled crime to commit. To accompany the ill news, the revelation of a colleague and former head of state with her hand in his murder would surely send embarrassment to the planet. More harm was caused than good. 
Maybe it was the smartest idea to escape. 
You shut your eyes tightly as you the grim thought of Abie and Sara finding out. You lied to them both. Hatred was a driving factor, but not murder. You prayed that they could one day forgive you. It was probably going to take a long time to do. 
You saw the faint reflection of the Finalizer bounce off the glass panels, indicating your destination was close. 
“The Supreme Leader’s secondary vessel requesting permission to dock, copy.”  
“Permission granted.” A modulated voice rang out. “Prepare to unload.” 
The last First Order ship you had visited was nothing compared to this. The vast high ceilings towered over all, with as many small ships docked neatly into the walls. Officials ran amok, hurrying to finish a job or to clear the way. The ship jostled as it landed, causing you to tussle in your seat. 
“Wow.” You whispered. 
“I believe it is time to disembark, councilwoman.” You heard Kylo say, taking off his seatbelt. You did the same, standing up as gracefully as you could. 
You felt the faint brush of Kylo’s cloak graze your leg. Standing next to you, but not fixated on you. His presence felt overpowering, like he had done this many times before. The adrenaline was still rushing in you, garnering you to shake and quiver slightly. 
As the hatch opened, you saw two single file lines on either side of stormtroopers. They stood with their blasters in hands, looking straight ahead in respect. As you inched forward, you caught eye of a special trooper. Tall and donned in shining silver, this stormtrooper was like no other. A black cape hung over one shoulder, with a red line trimmed on its hem. With no eyes to look into, you could only imagine what kind of a being they were. Their air was grand, big shoes that were filed with fear and respect. 
“Welcome back, sir.” They said to Kylo. Their feminine tone was evident in their voice, clear and orderly. You had no thoughts, except one. If they are a she, then that is one big woman. 
Still in awe, you almost missed the silver commander’s next question. “Have we acquired the subject?” 
“Affirmative, Captain.” Kylo replied, walking next to her. 
“Hold on, subject?!” You called out, still two steps behind them. You tried to rush to Kylo, desperate for answers. Before you could reach him, gloved hands pulled you by your forearms and held you back. You glanced at them both, visors staring down menacingly at you. With Cate’s footsteps echoing off the ramp, the image of her strode in front of your person. Still blank. 
“You are to be escorted onto the ship until we hit lightspeed.” Was all she said before turning and joining Kylo. 
Your head dropped. All of this felt fake. Nothing of it felt real at all. Not even an hour ago, you were home. With a skip in your step about the future and being free of the thorn in your side, only to be replaced with another. Slowly and painfully, it was going to be hard to dig this one out. 
A First Order vessel. Shooting out of the sector and into the inner Rim. The death of a political official and your life as you know it. All within a short amount of time. The time to process it began as you were escorted out of the hangar and into the ship itself. 
You felt like you were hit with a ton of bricks. 
The hallways bustled with every employee of the Order, rushing to unknown locations. The memo of lightspeed must’ve been ordered quickly. All of their heads were down as you passed them, averting their eyes from walking cloaks of darkness on either of your side. 
You clasped your hands in front, careful to take note from those around you. You glanced up at the Knights, whose boots clanked almost like the Supreme Leader’s. There was emptiness to their step, like strictly programmed droids who were on the way to the next task. 
“Are you both allowed to talk to me?” You asked, looking up at one of them. They continued in silence. “I see. Maybe a vow of silence.” 
You felt the need to press further. It looked like a risky attempt to talk to monsters carrying you to your death. Risky, or maybe sad. 
“Those weapons look menacing. Serious damage to anyone that crosses you.” 
“Good, I didn’t want to talk to you bucketheads anyways.” You muttered, rather disappointed from the one sided talk. 
You heard the same leather squeak from them like you did with Kylo earlier. You looked down at one gripping his weapon rather tightly. You swallowed, yet taking another que. At least it relieved some of the stress you were carrying, saying that. Sad that they were in your path of insult, but then again, you would swiftly be met with a blade in your throat. 
The tight hallway grew to a broader area, full with more First Order personnel. Stormtroopers guarded every corner, standing at full attention. The knights beelined you to two sets of blast doors, with people bustling about. Most walked in and out, in pairs or with a holopad in hand. When coming into their sight, there was another hush among them. But this time, there were slivers of notice. Gawked at wasn’t new to you, but the setting was. 
The blast doors opened, revealing the bridge of the ship. Various stations were hard at work operating the ins and outs of the ship’s defense and operation. So focused, there was no acknowledgment of your presence. There was a quick conclusion that if they were looking anywhere besides their screen, they would be shot on sight. 
Ahead of you were the giant windows out looking at Naboo. It felt like a screen, seeing your home from miles above the surface. Growing bigger as you were walked further in, you couldn't help but tear up just a little. 
These conflicting feelings of justifying your dark deed for the good of the planet and your own wounded morals clashed against one another, fighting for the dominance of your stand. You had sickened you, the need to fill your own selfish gain. Moment of passion destroyed your life as you had known it. Now it was time to pay the consequences, but stubborn as you were, it was going to be hard to accept it. 
“You are to wait here. Our Master will join shortly.” One Knight croaked, voice startling you out of your moment of sentiment. 
They backed up some, keeping their distance. The blast doors opened again, this time the flamed hair general jaunting towards you. You flipped around, taking in a deep sigh. Bound to be on an official First Order ship, you had to at least expect to see him sooner or later. 
“Ah, councilwoman.” He shot you a grim, wide smile. “We meet again, under some unfortunate circumstances.” 
“Unfortunate, indeed.” You replied, gripping your hands tightly. “Where’s the Supreme Leader?” 
“Oh come now, at least give me a chat.” He feigned disappointment mockingly. “After all, this is my setting, my domain. I am more than welcoming.” 
“I’ve been told, or rather talked over, that we are to be out of this sector any minute now.” You said. “The Supreme Leader cannot possibly be holding out on an escape.” 
“I wouldn’t call it an escape, councilwoman. However, we may just have a chance at some resolution to the chaos that put us here in the first place?” Hux raised his brows. 
You tried to read his face to see if it had some truth. You silently hoped that you weren't being pushed into another set up. Peace with Naboo was what you so desperately strived for. It would calm your worried mind. If it meant that you could never return to maintain harmony, you would take it. But not without heartbreak. 
“Then let us try.” Hux finished, turning his back to you as he continued with his recent assessment for departure. How acutely they all listened, hanging on to every quip and jeer he threw out in his words. Still able to take orders under such stress, unlike you did. “Annoying as this inconvenience is.” 
“I did what I did for a reason. You would too if you were pushed so far.” You snarled back. “Would you have done it too?” 
Hux glared at you, his face changing so slightly. Eyes softened, almost to sympathize. Human as you both were, maybe it did cross his mind of holding himself out from the rest. He glanced up. The doors opened and Kylo glided in. The scowl came back and so was the top general of the First Order. 
“I give commands and follow orders.” He said. “I see no reason for such emotion.” 
“It's a proper system for a machine to work. There's a purpose for it.” Kylo followed up, his helmet still on. “But we are not droids.” 
“And you encouraged it.” You said to him, staring into his dark visor. “I'm not the only one at fault here.” 
“Who said it was not the right thing?” You heard Kylo said lowly in his helmet. Moving closer to you, his voice was soft enough to not be picked up by the vocoder. “Put trust in that decision, (Y/n).” 
Biting down on your lip, losing your focus on him. 
“Put trust in me.” 
A beep sounded off loudly on the bridge. “This is the Security Force of Naboo requesting urgent communication with your vessel.” 
Breathing in deeply, you felt as if your heart was going to burst out of your chest. Thumping loudly, rhythmically against your rib cage, you would rather your heart did some damage right now. Anything to avoid this, avoid your betrayal. 
“Stay here. Leave communication to us.” Kylo said. “You will not move from your spot, unless I say otherwise.” 
“I will not move from this spot unles you say otherwise.” Aghast at the loss of control of your body, your feet planted where they stayed. Frozen once more. 
“Holograph transmission, sir. Permission to accept?” A controller asked from their position. 
Permission granted.” 
Kylo and Hux stood in front of the transmission circle, their fronts lighting up with the familiar blue light. You drew in your breath as you saw the Queen, standing solemnly with Abie at her side. The Queen conveyed a deep seriousness you knew deep inside her. Dormant, having been cast aside when the council had done it for her. It wasn’t the childlike display of fear that was present. No. It was the face of a proper monarch, ready to take on her new challenge for her people. 
“Appearance is everything,” you told her. “They won’t just take your words into consideration.” 
For a brief moment, the creeping anxiety of your situation disappeared. In its place, was pride. Just for a second. Abie, on the other hand. A different story. His anger seethed off of him, being well seen from almost everyone on the bridge. 
“Your Majesty, to what we owe the pleasure of your company?” Hux said. 
“There is none, General. I would like to be told of the reason for my urgent return to the palace, with my home in disarray and chaos. Our Governor slain and my councilwoman nowhere to be seen.” She proclaimed. “Even with our arms open to your presence in our desperate hour, we are repaid with nothing but hardship.” 
“Although a controversial decision, your majesty, it was the right one.” Kylo began, taking over for Hux. After all, who wouldn’t want to hear the murderer tell his side of the story? “Let's face the clearer picture. Governor Sillin was a joke to Naboo. A laughing stock to the galaxy. So in fairness, the First Order did what was the preferable outcome.” 
“Did this outcome happened to include the disappearance of Councilwoman (L/N)?” Queen Revisalla snapped back, her tone grew sharp. “Full control is what you strive for, then so be it. But I ask, no I demand that she be returned alive and unharmed.” 
“I see.” Kylo replied, feigning a deep thought. “I’m afraid I cannot allow for the release of her into your hands.” 
“And why?” Revisalla asked, the tension from her and Abie grew even more. “This is beyond ridiculous. To capture a government official and a former monarch is a serious crime.” 
“That does not matter to us, as you can tell your majesty.” Hux cut in, clasping his hands behind his back. “We did ask for full allegiance in order for help from our forces. Young as you are, do try to take a smarter route and think of this as a small price for our assistance.” 
How badly you wanted to break free of your place and take down Hux as well. You wouldn’t need a saber for this, only your bare hands. 
“I understand your emotions, your majesty. “Kylo stepped forward. “There is a shared understanding when something dear is taken away from us. It becomes a driving force, our mindset. Sometimes for the better.” 
You gazed at the queen. Her eyes glanced down, in deepful thought. It wounded deeply as you saw her face drift into each possibility and hard decision. Everything was spilling over. Whatever was to happen next was going to determine your place. Your life was on the line. And so were the million lives on the planet. 
“I will not back down without a fight for this.” Revisalla spoke clearly. “We will bring her back, with your help or not. I will see to it that she is returned home alive.” 
Your breath was knocked out of you. There was a vague idea on what kind of response that would be. 
“So be it.” Kylo said. 
“As you left us no choice your majesty, we must do what is necessary.” Hux proclaimed, turning to the rest of the bridge. “All personnel to their stations. Deploy the TIEs. Let's make sure the message is sent.” 
“Yes, sir.” The voiced response was swift, echoing in your ears as the worst had to come. Still frozen to your spot, there was no way physically that you could try to stop this. But you were going to try. You heaved as you struggled to move. The fight response in you cried out to be released. 
“Wait, no!” You screamed. Suddenly, as if to be let off a chain, you stumbled forward. Catching your step, you rushed to the hologram, panting. Revisalla took a sudden intake of breath, surprised. So did Abie. Shaking your head, you held up your hands. “You don’t want to do this. Please do not do this.” 
“Halt the deployment of TIEs.” Hux commanded. Your adrenaline dropped in relief. 
“Is your safety compromised, Lady (Y/n)?” The queen asked you. Abie’s appearance could’ve looked just like yours, relieved but shaken. 
“No, I’m fine. I’m okay.” You breathed. “I beg your majesty to listen. One person to an entire people, it cannot happen.” 
“Excellent point.” Hux mumbled. 
You ignored his remark as you tried to find the right words. “I am not worth it. If this is where my path leads me, this is where I stay. I need you to understand that.” 
Revisalla swallowed, her fingers slightly tugging on her long sleeve. Not only were you talking to her, but to your heartbroken friend as well. He looked down, so still you thought the hologram was frozen. 
“I understand. Efforts in the future to retrieve your person will be permanently terminated.” Strong and loud, you felt the tug of loss. You were now officially a subject to the First Order. 
You nodded. 
“Before our communication is severed, there is something I need to ask of you.” Revisalla added. “There are words of your involvement in the death of the governor.” 
You felt Kylo’s presence flair behind you. His air taunted you as the cold truth was about to be let loose in the open. This was a moment that he was waiting for, as if he was waiting for the downfall of your life. 
“Is there truth to this?” She finally said. 
You looked back at Kylo. As it pained you to say, this truly meant there was no way to return back to home. The tie would be forever severed. The planet would be safe. Abie and Sara would be safe. The queen will be safe. And maybe peace will find its way back to Naboo, with a brighter future for everyone. The one you so longed to see.
“Yes.” You replied firmly. “I killed Sillin.” 
Abie’s shoulders fell in defeat. Revisalla nodded solemnly. The disappointment from both of them radiated strongly.“I-“ 
“There you have it, your majesty. Loud and clear.” You were cut off from Hux. “It is now time that we make our departure from the sector.” 
“I bid you all farewell.” Revisalla’s tone was monotonous, professional. Just another goodbye to visiting “diplomats”. The hologram faded and you were left with the sight of Naboo once again. 
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aspitefulwriter · 9 months
(Poe Dameron x AFAB!reader)
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warnings: a shove that can be considered physical abuse? i try to clear up that it’s not okay though. won’t happen again 🫡 light mention of SA because people listen to rumors
author’s note: i usually post on ao3 first!! also, so sorry about this wait. i started my first week of classes and i’m a stem senior….it’s rough out there y’all lol
word count: ~4.7k (i’m apparently incapable of writing less)
Series Masterlist
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Something must be rooting for you.
It seemed with each challenge you faced where certain death was imminent, you slid by with hardly a scratch on your body.
Common sense tells you that ordinary humans escaping from a locked down militia base with Kylo Ren on board should not leave alive, yet you and Denel were able to bolt into hyperspace without incident.
Common sense also tells you that flying in an Order-affiliated cargo jet that was reported stolen should not be easily sold off after landing on Corellia. You ignored the coincidences at first, but it was getting harder to ignore.
The blankets and clothes lining the blackmarket you were in served as red flags, waving in the breeze as you and Denel followed a sketchy lead to a secret Resistance rendezvous where new recruits were loading onto transport to their base, the two of you hardly being asked questions to verify your intentions. From that point, your alert system had been on overdrive, allowing you to catch the occasional nervous glances sent your way as they fidgeted.
Perhaps coincidences aren’t really coincidences, you think to yourself, keeping your eyes trained on the people that fill the craft and the thoughts to yourself. Though, after landing on D’Qar the few suspicions you had were answered as Leia Organa makes her way over to you now. However, one was still left unanswered.
“How did you know?” Denel looks between the two of you questioningly.
She gives you a sly smile, one side of her lips going higher than the other, “It’s my job to know.”
You repress a scowl, displeased she brushed off your question,“Let me rephrase…How long did you know?”
“I would guess just as soon as you entered hyperdrive.” Given she’s likely to brush your question of ‘how’ off again, you breathe out a defeated sigh and relax the tenseness that’s been building since the blackmarket back on Corellia.
“Well, then you must have some sort of plan for us. What can we do to help?”
She gives a close-lipped smile that seems genuine, her eyes glowing with mischief, “Before we get to any of my plans, we have to make sure we’re on the same page. Though I’m sure I won’t be disappointed— I’ve heard great stories about you.” Your eyebrows pull together in questioning, but she doesn’t acknowledge it as she motions to two people who had been standing a few steps behind her since she first stepped into the unloading zone.
“We’ll have to keep our eyes on you two for a few days,” You look between the two of them before looking at Denel to see his reaction where he—much to your surprise—doesn’t show much.
“This is Tantin and Venon. They’ll be your guards.” She motions at each one, signaling their respective name. You drag your eyes back to them and appraise them.
Upon your assessment, you see Tantin looks less than happy to be there— you’d say even bordering on disgust; on the other hand, Venon stands closed off and emotionless beside him. Both of them hold a change of clothes that resemble the same shade of beige.
“Before room placement I’ll need you two to change under supervision and go through a quick search,” Denel scoffs out, and when he does Leia’s eyes stick to him, “There’s no such thing as too safe and we have many lives to protect. You understand, yes?”
Denel speaks up, “You just said that you heard great stories about her, why breach our privacy like that?” You look over at him with a tight look like a parent would give their child, ridiculing him for the ridiculous question. You look away from him with a tsk when he ignores you. Obviously they need to search the First Order defects, you prideful idiot.
“It’s like you said, there are too many lives at stake. We understand.” You say, glancing back at Denel whose nostrils flare in disdain as he still keeps his gaze from yours.
“I’m glad. I’ll see the two of you again when you get settled. We’re happy to have you here.” Giving a single nod with a smile, she walks from the zone that is now empty, spare your duo and the guards. Tantin releases a displeased hum and motions for you to follow, then leading you to a bland room that only holds a table.
“One at a time, we don’t need you conspiring.” Venon says, and at that Denel stalks forward to go first.
Tantin holds the clothes he has out, which must be meant for Denel and he snags them, muttering under his breath.
“Like we have anywhere else to go.”
As you wait for your turn, you lean on the wall and study the guards that are now silently murmuring between themselves. You strain to listen in, letting your nosiness overpower your want to be quickly accepted. Reasonably you know that being so obvious won’t score you any points on the likeability scale…but they’re not doing too hot on yours either.
Giving up, you put your attention elsewhere, looking up and down the long and narrow walls of the hall you’re in. It’s empty, which is a little bizarre given how many people seemed to be around when you landed, but you’re already ahead of the game today in ignoring things so might as well continue it.
You’re snapped back into this dimension when the door next to you opens and Denel shifts out of the room, the guards stopping their whispers. You push yourself off of the wall, getting your clothes that are outstretched from Venon’s single hand and letting the door close behind you. While changing you let your mind wander to the ineptitude of your guards, especially their inability to listen to make sure the people they think are spies aren’t doing anything suspicious. Their options for people really must be short…it makes you wonder how they’ve stood up to the power of the Order this long.
The thought amuses you, and you pick up your pile of old clothes with a ghost of a smile that promptly gets more pronounced when you see Denel being patted down, his heated glare transfixed on you. He rolls his eyes, turning his head to look away from you. Honestly, you can’t wait for what choice words he’ll use with you later.
When Venon sees you’re out, she motions for you to get up on the wall. You throw the clothes in your hand to Denel’s pile and spread your hands up on the wall, situating your body so that she can pat you down.
“This good for you?”
Without responding, she starts to slide her hands across you in standard procedure. When she gets to check between your buttcrack you jump slightly.
“At least take me out to dinner first.” She scoffs as Denel chokes back a laugh, covering his mouth now that he’s off of the wall.
“It’s protocol,” she says, voice monotone.
“If that’s the excuse you wanna use…” you mumble.
Once both of you were cleared, you follow your guards down the hallway to what must be the residence hall since more people are starting to fill the previously empty space.
You look over to Denel, who’s combing his eyes across the people in the hall, some that aren’t human, “You alright?”
Snapping his eyes over to you, he gives you a pursed smile, “Being patted down wasn’t all that great, but it was better than I thought I’d be.” Your eyebrows pull together in question.
“I thought we’d have to strip down in front of them and have them check us that way.” He shudders, an exaggerated grimace on his face that you laugh at, causing your guards to spare glances back at you two.
“I think if they had to do that, Tantin might have thrown up. Did you see the look he was giving us when he was behind Leia?” He nods, joining your laughing, but he goes silent for a second.
“Is that why you didn’t say anything about the search?”
You shrug at his question, “I thought they’d strip us too, but it’s either this or Ren. Not only that, but they think we’re spies.” Mulling over your words, he lightly rubs at his neck as his eyes stare off to somewhere behind you.
“Yeah…” At that, your conversation lulls and you turn your attention back to the guards as they stop in front of a door.
Venon points at Denel with her index finger, “You,” She pauses, pointing back at the room with her thumb, “This’ll be your room. Do whatever you want, but just know that Tantin’s following your every move.”
Denel gives you a sparing glance before he walks into his room, Tantin following closely behind him.
When the door shuts, Venon motions for you to follow her, “Let’s go.”
It’s a silent walk, and it seems with each step Venon’s body strings up a little tighter–almost like spring being crushed. You look over at her, becoming increasingly aware of her body language. Is she going to say anything? It’s like she’s legitimately coiling within herself.
When she abruptly stops, she glares at you and smashes the panel next to her, opening the door. Just as you’re about to step through the door, partially tickled at her collapsing display of faux emotionlessness, her spring is finally released.
“I don’t know why we have to waste our resources on you,” she growls out, “I don’t know what they see in you.” Biting back a laugh at the familiarity of the sentence, your face remains light and amused as you look at her.
“Are you saying I should care what you think?” You ask, moving to lean against the doorway with your arms crossed.
She looks a little confused by your response, seemingly anticipating something else before she sets back into her (what you hope isn’t) best intimidating glare.
“My word carries a lot of weight regarding your position in this organization, you really want to see where not caring will take you?”
“Is that what you’re going with? A threat?”
“It seems like it’s needed, yes.”
You don’t hold back the laugh this time, “Okay, well earlier you said you don’t know what they see in me,” You finger quote the ‘they,’ “So that leads me to believe someone else’s words carry a lot more weight than yours do.” She looks at you in surprise at your rebuttal, her face then pulling into a scowl.
“So I’m not going to be concerned what my guard…Vee something…thinks about me. Much less if she has to fall into childish threats because she doesn’t agree with others’ decisions.” You uncross your arms and push off the wall, making your way into your new room.
“I’m going to relax now,” You pause in the doorway, keeping eye contact, “Since running away from the First Order doesn’t give you time for much rest.” You try to emphasize that you’re no longer affiliated with the group before you go through the door the rest of the way and walk to the bed, falling down with a big sigh.
You look at the open door, half expecting to see Venon walk through, but she never does.
Later that day, you’re sat at a table with Denel and the guards in the cafeteria, one of them being the replacement for Venon after she had stepped down from her post following your conversation. From the time he introduced himself, you knew you’d like him a little better than the last one. He actually seemed to keep everything to himself.
As you pick at your food in disinterest, tuned out from Denel chatting with the guards, you feel eyes on you and look up to find none other than Poe Dameron absentmindedly staring as the people at his table start following his line of sight. You let your face drop into a scowl, not wanting to have any more drama surrounding your arrival that having him staring would surely bring. You take your eyes off of him but can’t help but to glance back.
Just as you do, he looks away blinking as his eyes refocus on the group he sits with, playing off his silence as his table hangs onto every word. You hum to yourself as you look away again, a revelation falling on you. It seems like everywhere he goes there’s a crowd of people that vie for his attention.
It kind of hurts your ego that you fell for the charm too by letting him go more than he deserved…but that’s water under the bridge, especially if you’re sitting at this table right now because of him. Taking a sip from your cup, you look at your group as you continue thinking about your situation. You imagine he probably said something to the General, which you’re more than grateful for.
A smile starts to build on your lips as you set your cup down and glance up at him. The game of trades going between you doesn’t look like it’ll be stopping anytime soon.
Your eyes catch each other before his shoulder is tapped and it’s ripped away, the person whispering in his ear before he quickly gets up, excuses himself, and vanishes from the room.
Coming back to the land of the living, you hear a snap by your head and turn to look at the source, seeing Denel and the other two looking at you in confusion.
“I was asking you if you wanted to check out the hangars and see what they have here?”
“Sure, yeah. I was done anyway,” You pick up the barely touched plate as you stand up, Denel and the others mirroring you as you get ready to leave.
“You wanted to see me, General?”
Poe stands at parade rest in front of Leia’s desk, waiting for her to talk, her back facing him as she looks at the screens around her.
“Ever since our new arrivals this morning we’ve started to get some varying unrest around the base.” She turns to look at him and matches his posture. His eyebrows pull together at her words.
“Well we knew that people really wouldn’t like the idea at first, but if they just saw what I saw then they would come around.”
She nods appreciatively, eyes shifting to the datapad that just dinged with an alert before looking back at him, pausing.
“Which is why I called you in here, Poe.”
“Oh?” He relaxes his posture at the use of his first name, knowing the conversation will be a little less professional.
She continues, “Your commander’s guard just stepped down after what she says was an altercation that got out of control.” He brings his hand up to absentmindedly rub at his jaw, gazing off and thinking about how you didn’t look hurt in the cafeteria…in fact you looked happier than he’d ever seen you.
“I want you to be the replacement.” His eyes snap to her, letting out a disbelieving chortle as he’s taken from his thoughts.
“Wait—me? I don’t exactly have the time for guard duty. Not to mention, she already has a guard?” She waves him off, turning back around to the screens.
“You’re both pilots, she’s familiar with you, and other than me you are much more open to the change than anyone else. I can hardly think of a better reason to put you together.”
He hums, acknowledging her reasons, “Guess I don’t have a choice then?”
She looks back at him, a sly smile on her face that he reciprocates. What has he just been wrapped into?
Whispers and blurry images circle around your head, soft a feminine voice telling you to hide, the sound of ships landing, beams of red light. And then nothing but a black void. It surrounds you, choking you with the never ending emptiness. It felt still…too still.
You look down at yourself as you start to feel things touching you, your fingers dancing on the long, sheer gray dress that flows down your form into the ankle-deep water your bare feet stand in.
“What?” You mumble to yourself in confusion.
Silence is the only thing that responds to you.
Moments later, that’s torn away as the silence is replaced by a piercing scream that quakes through your head, causing your vision to blur as you crumble to the ground and clench your hands over your head. You’re unaware you’re screaming too until you’re pulled awake by it, sweat drenching your body as you heave, looking to your guard that scrambles awake from the sleep he was catching on the couch.
He gives you a panicked look, “Wha- Are you okay?”
Letting out a shaking breath, you nod, “Nightmare.” He nods, a concerned look still in his eye as he settles back on the couch, keeping his eyes on you. You fall back into your pillows, turning your head to glance at the clock. It was still a few hours until you were meant to get up, but you highly doubt you’ll be able to fall asleep after that.
What was it? Never in your life had you had such a planet-shattering dream. In fact, you pride yourself on the ability of dreamless sleep. Others would complain about how they would keep them up and because you were unable to empathize, you’d punish them when they would make a mistake due to the lack of rest. Now you regret ever doing it (kind of).
The dream just felt so…real. The scream splintered your head like lightning on a tree; you could still feel the pulses in your head, a headache building with every heartbeat. You roll to your side and glance at your guard briefly (you couldn’t remember his name), seeing that he fell back asleep. You breathe out from your nose, closing your eyes to try and chase the few extra hours like him.
However, you pass the rest of the hours left like that, sleep not coming to you given your mind stays stumped on the meaning of the dream and specifically why now?
It was still stuck in your mind as you made your way to the cafeteria, even while grabbing your rations and sitting at the table you designated as yours. You’ve so far said nothing to your guard or Denel, neither bringing up your soured mood; the guard didn’t even bring up last night after you had walked from the refresher this morning, eyebags settled under your eyes.
Taking a glance at the table Poe likes to frequent, you see he’s missing and your mood sours a little more.
Throughout the day that trend continued.
The first time you heard it, you were tuned out and walking back to your room after breakfast, hoping to catch a quick nap before one of your mandatory assessments.
“I heard General Organa turned a blind eye because Dameron has a real close relationship with her,” You tuned into the conversation at the mention of Poe and looked at the two casually posted in the hallway, the one who just spoke lightly hitting their friend in the ribs with their elbow.
“Who knew the clones were so easy?” The other said, and they both snickered as they looked at you, not expecting you to be looking back. At that they guiltily look away, but you’ve already stopped in your tracks, your guard nearly slamming into you.
“You wanna repeat that back to me?” Heavy harshness laced into your voice.
Their eyes widened and they walked away slowly, words stumbling on each other, “I–We–it was just a rumor, it’s probably not true.”
Your eyebrows pulled together, “Probably?” Before you could continue, they were nearly to the corner of the hallway in the blink of an eye, and just as you stepped off to chase them, your guard gripped your arm, shaking his head. You tsked, yanking your arm from his hold and continued your way to your room.
The next time, you were at your mechanical assessment, bent over a droid’s transportation system that had been said to be faulty. After your first hour there, you were reminded you’re glad that you can’t speak binary–however, you could speak basic. Regrettable, given when people spoke in it, it tended to light your fuse.
It was currently one of those times. 34 minutes (yes you were counting) had passed since a pilot started loudly discussing you with her mechanic, the two of them underneath her X-wing repairing Maker-knows-what since they’re paying you more attention than it. You look up to your guard and see that he’s absentmindedly picking at his nails, seemingly not tuning into the conversation. What is with this place?
“And Fara said he had sex with her. I mean..we all know how he is, but the First Order girl? She had to have done something to him.” The pilot lets out a disgusted noise and you glance up at them from your position, rolling your eyes.
“There’s no telling what was on that planet. One of my buddies got some weird dust out of the cockpit and ran it through the spectrometer. It couldn’t even register it!” The mechanic exclaimed as the pilot gasped.
“Maker, she probably took advantage of him. That poor guy.” They let out disappointed sighs and you slam your hands to the table, the small wrench you were holding clattering against the metal as you storm out of the hangar you were in, droid and guard yelling after you. They really want to imply you took advantage of Poe? If anything, they should be counting their lucky stars that you didn’t take advantage of your crew arriving first while he was asleep. Then they wouldn’t have their precious golden boy sitting alive in his nice little X-wing with his nice little squad on his nice little base.
As you're about to step off the tarmac to escape into solitude on a hill somewhere, you find an entire squadron of pilots appraising you with malice, snickering amongst themselves. That’s when your last sliver of good will blows away with the wind that whips around your body from the jets that land meters away from where the squadron stands.
You quickly change your destination, subbing the distant hill for the hangar that Poe’s squadron uses, where they are all so conveniently climbing from their ships after their training session, the droids not yet docking them.
The few who see you stare at you in curious wonder as you make a bee-line to Poe. Seeing as half his squadron is staring behind him, he goes to turn around but is shoved forward with a good amount of force, a noise escaping his mouth as he stumbles to right himself.
“What are you telling people?!” You yell, anger coursing through your veins, and Poe whips around to face you, bewilderment etched onto his face.
“What are you even talking about?!” He yells back, exasperatingly throwing his hands in the air.
“Just in the past few hours, I’ve been subjected to nothing but hatred and petty gossip about how I’ve taken advantage of you or gotten implicative stares like they know something’s happened between us.” You briefly pause, watching his expressions, “It’s tiring having left the undying pettiness of the Order just to come here and get it from the Resistance. Had I known it would be like this, the thought of coming here wouldn’t have even crossed my mind,” You cover your face with your hands, tears of anger threatening to fall from your eyes, “I can’t believe I thought it would be better he–”
“Hey hey hey,” Poe interrupts you, hand moving to touch your shoulder apprehensively, “I’m so sorry that’s happening to you, I have no idea where it came from.” You take a deep breath at his words, trying to stabilize yourself from the manic rant you were falling into and willing the tears to suck back up into your eyes. Once they do, you let your hands fall to your side.
“Listen, I’ll ask around and try to clear it up, okay? Does that sound good?” You nod, adjusting the clothes on your body that start to feel like they’re suffocating you as you become hyper aware of all the eyes on the pair of you.
Your eyes shift from his, cheeks burning, “Sorry...about the push. That was really out of line.”
He steps his right foot out, the hip popping out in turn as he then perches a hand on his waist and cocks his head. A curl falls into his face, an intrusive thought that tells you to push it back into the rest of his curls surfacing to the front of your thoughts. It kind of takes you aback, burning your cheeks even hotter.
“I’m glad you see the forceful shove was out of line,” he lets out a light laugh, “Hopefully you don’t do it again.”
You start to back away slowly, eyebrows pulling together sympathetically, “I’m super sorry, it won’t happen again,” You do an ‘X’ over your heart, “Promise.” He gives you a pursed smile in acknowledgement, which makes you sharply turn around and quickly race to make your way to your guard that stands at the entrance of the hangar.
Poe watches as you leave, the guard that temporarily takes his place saying a few choice words that you ignore before you both disappear around the corner. He sighs as he rights his position and turns around. When he does, his squadron and other onlookers snap into action, an awkward cough escaping a few of them as they pretend they didn’t stop everything to listen in. Snap lets out a whistle before he starts to shed out of his gear and Poe glances at him with a deadpan look.
“You’ve got a lot to handle there, Dameron.”
“Pftt, I learned my lesson on Coruscant,” he says, pulling off the rest of the gear, while Snap chuckles.
Even though that was Snap’s first meeting with you, he already saw how much of a handful you are. The thought makes Poe laugh when he finally takes up his guard position the next morning and you sheepishly step from your door holding a caf, offering it to him.
He takes it from you and studies your face, the corner of his lip upturned, “When did you get this?”
He watches as your tenseness washes away.
“A spy never tells their secrets,” You wink, lips curling into a grin to match the one that Poe has before it’s wiped from his face when your sentence registers.
“One, that’s not funny. And two, I’m so happy to know our internal defenses are so strong that a spy can safely stay here,” he says sarcastically, taking the cup of caf and bringing it to his lips and taking a sip.
Giving you an incredulous look, he glances between you and the cup, “How’d you know the way I like my caf?”
You go to respond, but he interrupts you, “Wait let me guess—a spy never tells their secret.” The laugh you give him takes him aback, making his cheeks start to burn at how heart-stopping it is (much to his dismay).
“I’m teaching you well, Dameron,” the door closes after you retreat back into your room, the fire still burning brightly on his cheeks as your laugh echoes in his head. He quickly blinks to bring himself back to the ground, subconsciously letting the corner of his mouth upturn as he thinks just how well that sentence fits with him. Because yes, while it is really mildly distressing, he finds that you’re steadily teaching him.
Like right now as he sips the drink in his hand, he learns he’s never had good caf until now because you gave it to him with a smile. He’s learning he likes to watch the way your expressions change faster than a switch based on the words of who you’re listening to.
And his favorite lesson is the one that never ends; it’s the one where each interaction with you leaves an imprint on his mind, your face and your voice gluing themselves into every available crevice. Yeah…you’re definitely teaching him well.
He brings the cup of caf to his lips, taking a sip and savoring the taste as it slides down his throat.
Oh man this is going to be hard.
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they are reunited <3
can i just say i was cackling during the pat down scene? like yeah..it may not fit with reader…but i was delirious when i wrote it and just decided to keep it in because it’s the funniest shit ever.
also side note, i was writing between classes one day and an acquaintance sat next to me and started talking to me. totally forgot to spam click out of everything and i’m pretty sure they saw my star wars research 😃👍🏻 (ha ha i hope they don’t perceive me)
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juniperwoodwell · 1 year
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Ch. 1|Ch. 2| Ch. 3 |
Kylo Ren x F! Reader
word count:4k
Warning(s):Cursing, use of Y/n.
Summary:As a Captain in the First Order, Y/N has never been one to bring attention to herself unless it was commanding her squadron. What happens when a personal hobby make's her prey to one of the most feared men in the universe?
A/N:I have a taglist now of lmk if you'd like to be added,you can message me or comment down below. Also lmk if you like this '•••••••' divider or if I should just keep it normal.
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The loud blaring sound of her alarm clock startled Y/n awake; She sat up in her bed, a groan leaving her lips as she shut off the alarm. "Okay. It's just an hour; You'll be fine," she tried to encourage herself as she got dressed and ready for work. First, she had a small class with the squadron she was teaching, not to be mistaken for her special forces squadron. Usually, she'd go to the cafeteria for breakfast, but she wanted to avoid as much social interaction for as long as possible. So she grabbed a protein bar from the lounge before leaving for the class.
When she arrived, Phasma was there, which was strange since she usually stuck to her troopers.
"Um...Captain. How may I help you?" Y/n made herself as professional as possible
"Kylo Ren has tasked me to teach your class and asks that you go to the hangar immediately."
Oh, you have to be kidding me. I do not have time for this. Y/n nodded and left the room, making her way to the hangar; when she arrived, the two engineers she met yesterday came up to her; frightened. That's when the smell of chard, burning metal reached her nose.
"Shit-" She cursed under her breath. "What happened?" She asked.
The tall blonde pointed to one of the terminals; it was a mangled mess of wire and metal. But what she focused on was Kylo Ren's fiery red lightsaber. Clearing her throat, she swallowed her fear and approached him.
"Sir?" Her voice was cautious; she stayed a few feet from him. The sound of his heavy breathing crackled through the voice modulator. His saber switched off, and he turned to her.
"You're late."
"You changed my schedule"
"You should have been advised last night."
"Well. I wasn't, so I apologize if my unknowingly tardiness has messed with your schedule." She sassed
"If I were you, I'd be very careful with how you address me, Capitan." His voice was low, and anger seemed to seep from his figure. Y/n straightened up. What is wrong with me? I know it's early, but am I losing my mind? Clearing her throat, she nodded.
"Yes, Sir. I apologize." She spoke curtly.
He put his saber back on his hip and then spoke, "You have thirty minutes today, so I suggest you start now."
"B-But, Sir. That's not what the-"
"This assignment goes exactly how I say it does. So either you do as you're told or face the consciences."
That threat brought back all the anxiety from the day before. Any bit of her normal self was washed away and replaced by this foreigner called fear.
 "Yes, Sir. Right away." She spoke quickly and climbed into the TIE Silencers cockpit.
When she sat in the seat, she realized her feet didn't quite reach the pedals. "Oh. Right. He's a lot bigger than I am. Gotta remember that." She mumbled to herself; when she looked out the windshield, She froze.
He was standing there...Watching her. She expected it to be like a scare tactic, and he'd be off to the side somewhere doing who knows what. "Not creepy at all, Sir," She said under her breath; since the entrance hatch was still open, she didn't know how much he could hear. Unaware of his special abilities.
Once she settled her nerves, she leaned forward in her seat to reach the ship's flight computer; she then took out her datapad from the left side pocket of her uniform and connected it to the flight computer. She was surprised to see that the algorithm was set up almost identically to hers, but of course, the big complicated stuff was different. No...of course, it wouldn't be that easy, but it did make it easier on her.
"Okay, first things first. Gotta prioritize the main components," She spoke to herself as she scrolled through the computer's terminal; she groaned at all the numbers and red lettering. This is going to take forever. Then an idea popped into her head. Well...he never said I couldn't make a copy and then study it later.
Without a second thought, she quickly downloaded a copy of the computer's schematics onto her datapad; she had five minutes left when the download finished;
looking up from the computer, she saw him there, still staring at her.
Judging her every move.
Watching her from under that terrifying mask.
She looked at her watch before she unplugged the tablet, putting it back in its original place before she climbed out of the cockpit.
"I'm done, sir," she spoke formally as she approached him. Keeping enough distance. He nodded a silent dismissal.
As she walked passed him, he grabbed her forearm, stopping her in her tracks.
He leaned in close to her ear.
"If I didn't know any better, captain, I would assume you just stole important information from the first order." His voice distorted and low as he spoke.
Y/n swallowed harshly. "Sir. You never said I couldn't study the flight computer information after hours. I don't want to mess anything up,"
 Kylo hummed and let go of her arm. "Use that information wisely." he began to walk towards his ship but stopped when Y/n spoke up,
"Why did you change my schedule?" She asked abruptly.
"I have a meeting to attend to off base. You'll go back to your assigned schedule tomorrow," he spoke honestly; the modulator did little to hide the sincerity
"Oh. Uh. well, then, good luck, sir." She turned and left the hangar.
"I'm sorry, he did what?" Miya asked as Y/n sat down at their lunch table.
"He changed my schedule and then got pissed off because I was late. Apparently, I got a message in the middle of the night from an informant, but I didn't see it until after I arrived to see the aftermath his temper tantrum." Y/n sighed as she ate.
The three stared at her.
"You can still back out now, right?" Cal asked, but before she could respond, Killian answered for her,
"No. She has a target over her head now. If she tried to back out, she'd not only disappoint her father, but she'd most likely get fired, or worse, Kylo Ren would have a fit and kill her."
Everyone's attention was now on killian; Y/n stared at him in fear. She hadn't even thought about the possibility of disappointing her dad. and Killian was right; if she slipped up, she'd be killed.
Y/n put her head on the table, and Miya placed her hand on her back.
"Lesson learned if you have a hobby that could potentially get you stuck in a situation between life and death. Just let it go. It's not worth it." Y/n mumbled before sitting, "I'm gonna head back to the lounge and do some work. I gotta study this dang ship without the actual ship." she groaned as she stood up.
"But you barely ate anything," Cal spoke, standing up as well.
"I'll eat more at dinner. I promise." She lied with a gentle smile; she wasn't planning on going to dinner. She'd eat a few protein bars and be all set.
This assignment was too important, not only for herself but for her father and his company.
While she was retreating to the lounge, she ran into Phasma.
"Hello, Capitan," Y/n gave her a slight nod and a smile.
"You're alive." She spoke plainly;
Y/n nodded, laughing dryly, "Just barely. I know it was an order, but thank you anyway for teaching my class."
Phasma nodded, "Of course."
Their conversation ended as they parted ways.
The low voice of Major Elrik startled Y/n when she entered the lounge.
"Y-Yes, Sir,"
"My office, Now."
Oh shit. She nodded and followed him into his office.
"You are beginning to make me worried. I got word that you were late to your new assignment, which in turn caused Kylo Ren to have a tantrum, destroying one of the terminals."
"T-That wasn't my fault, Sir."
"Kylo Ren changed my schedule in the middle of the night, and I didn't see the message until it was too late." Her voice started confident but slowly deflated, and so did her demeanor.
Elrik sighed.
"The first order enjoys leaving out any information that could hurt their reputation." Elrik sat down at his desk and motioned for her to sit. "Kylo Ren has gone to the supremacy to meet with Supreme Leader Snoke, and he wanted me to inform you that he will not be back until late after your scheduled time when he returns; you will do your one hour then." Y/n nodded,
"Are you doing alright?" he asked; Y/n looked up from her lap.
"Yes, Sir. I'm doing just fine." She gave him a half-hearted smile.
"I know this assignment is a lot more than you signed up for, and I also know how you can get when you're overwhelmed. It's not a secret that Kylo Ren causes you to become anxious. If I knew he would do this, I would have said something. But I believe that you can complete this assignment without fail."
"At least someone does." she sighed,
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"I-...I just think he and everyone else believes I'll fail. The man is sadistic; I think he got bored and is now using me as a play toy." she joked dryly
"You think far too much, Y/n."
"I know, Sir. May I be dismissed? I have a lot to study" The major nodded, and Y/n stood up from her seat, Heading to her room.
She sat down at her small desk and opened up her datapad; as she looked over the first page, she unbuttoned her work shirt, leaving her in a black short-sleeved undershirt and her work pants, rolling her shoulders; She began to focus intently on the plans and coding in front of her, taking notes on her personal tablet.
Four hours of studying passed by when a knock on the door interrupted her,
"Yes? Come in," She spoke, pulling away from the desk to stretch; Cal poked his head into the room.
"Hey. How's it going?"
Y/n groaned.
"That bad, huh?"
She nodded and stood up from her chair,
"It's just a lot of words and numbers that I haven't studied in a few years; It's a good refresher, though."
Cal nodded and sat down on the edge of Y/n's bed
"You know it's almost time for dinner, right? You promised to eat."
Y/n sighed. "I know, Cal. But this is too important, and I have a full day tomorrow, with three flight training, a meeting with Hux, then another meeting with some higher-ups about flight strategies. I have to study this as much as I can. Missing a few meals isn't going to hurt." She sat back down in her seat, turning her tablet back on.
"Don't neglect your needs because some asshole decided you need to prove yourself to him." Cal stood up, frustration lingering in his voice.
"Cal." She warned,
"Don't. 'Cal' me, Y/n Seinar. You are amazing a what you do; everyone knows that. Your name is important to so many people, and the resistance shivers when they hear your call sign. This prick is toying with you, and you shouldn't stand for it. He's bringing you down to nothing. You are usually so strong and glowing with confidence, and he's made you anxious and scared. He has no right to do that-"
"Callisto. Shut up." Y/n forcefully stood from her seat; her face was red with anger and annoyance. Not because of Cal but because she knew he was right.
"Get out."
"Y-Y/n, I-I"
"Out. Now."
Callisto sighed and left the room.
When the door closed, a quiet whimper left her lips
Why is this happening? I know it's his ship, but couldn't he have just left me alone for the week? He knows my reputation and all that I've done for the first order. What was his plan here? To knock me down a peg? No. This was a challenge. A game. Well...I suppose two can play. She sat on her bed and thought for a while.
If Kylo wasn't going to return late into the night, that meant she'd have plenty of time to take notes and possibly make copies of the information she already had. Sure, in the academy, this would count as cheating, but we're no longer there now, are we?
Nodding to herself, she stood up from the bed and fixed her shirt, then walked out to the lounge.
"Dinner, anyone?" She asked; Miya, Killian, and Callisto turned their heads to her.
Capitan Y/n Seinar was back. For now, at least.
She had nothing to fear as long as he was gone, right?
"Geez, does this stuff ever get better?" She asked rhetorically as she ate, Cal chuckled,
Miya shook her head. "Why would it? The first Order spends their money on more equipment and ships than on any decent food."
"Wonder if the higher-ranking officers get better food than this?"
"Wouldn't that mean Y/n would be getting better food?" Kil asks, responding to Cal's question.
Y/n put her head down as the three looked at her, pretending to be occupied with her mush.
"Y/n?" Miya nudges her side; Y/n groaned and looked up at them
 "...Yes. Cal's right. Starting at Capitan, the food gets served to your quarters or to the higher ups mess hall. It's of better quality than anything served here."
"Then why aren't you eating that food?" Miya asked,
"Because...I asked them not to send me any." She says plainly.
"Because I didn't want to eat alone, Alright?" The table erupted in laughter, no one caring if they disturbed anyone.
"Aww, that is so sweet!" Cal teased, and Y/n shot him a glare; he put his hands up in defense and chuckled.
"I just knew you guys would be completely lost without me here. That's the real reason," she tried to play it off.
"Mhm, Sure it is," Miya poked y/n's side playfully.
Then slowly, the group grew silent as they all ate, small conversations here and there but none of any importance.
As Y/n was walking out of the cafeteria, Killian gently grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her to the side
"Killian- What're you"
"Shush. Just listen. I didn't want to say this with the others around, but you need to hear it. Kylo Ren is on the supremacy right now. He didn't take his silencer." Y/n's eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
"Then why-"
"I'm not sure, but if you want to study it physically, you should go now. I'll spot you in case someone were to notice. I know the engineers will be ending their shifts soon. Don't you have to meet with the Chief, Kesta?"
"Yeah, I can do that now, actually, and by the time I'm finished, the engineers would be changing shifts. We can meet up at the lounge and go from there." Killian nodded,
"Alright, send me a message when you're on your way."
"Okay. Oh, and thank you, Killian. This will be very helpful."
"I know," he chuckled, "I prefer you getting in slight trouble than getting killed."
Miya rushed over to them and grabbed Killian's arm.
"Hey. We had a deal. No more scheming with Y/n. That almost got all four of us fired."
"We're not scheming, Miya. I was just discussing something with her."
"What? Are you my wife or something?" Miya looked at him, shocked, and held up her left hand.
"Actually. Yeah, I will be." The thin ring glittered in the harsh hallway light. Miya and Kilian had gotten engaged years before they joined the first order.
They made a promise that once the resistance was defeated, they'd leave and get married, buy a house on some distant planet and live happily ever after. Or at least that's how Miya said it one night when they all had a few too many drinks.
Y/n snorted out a laugh as she began to walk away.
"Hey, No, get back here, Y/n."
"Nope, Sorry, Kil. You dug that grave, so lay in it."
"Where are you going?" Cal asks as he walked over to the other two.
"Got a meeting. I'll see you guys later" Y/n waved goodbye.
"Ah, Capitan. It's nice to see you again." Kesta's motherly voice welcomed y/n into the room. She was glad to see Kylo was nowhere to be seen.
"I hope you're aware that today I only had half an hour to look over the ship, and I got too preoccupied to write out a report. I will write one out tonight and send it to you in the morning."
"That won't be necessary."
"And why not?" Y/n asked with a raised brow.
"Kylo Ren already sent in a report before he left." Y/n's eyes grew wide.
 Did he realize I didn't do a report? Why would he write out a report for something he didn't do? Did he write out that I practically stole a copy of the computer's hard drive information?
That last thought chilled her to the bone; if anyone found out about that, she'd certainly get suspended. She swallowed harshly.
Even if he was away, he still managed to make her anxious. Prick.
"Just give me a quick review of everything you went over today then you may go."
The conversation lasted maybe fifteen minutes.
Y/n sent Killian a message that she was done, walking down the hallway. Killian was standing outside the door to the lounge.
"You ready to go?" He asked as she walked up to him; she nodded calmly but practically jumped out of her skin when Miya showed up behind Killian.
"Go where?" She asked, her arms crossed over her full chest. Killian groaned and turned around.
"It's none of your business Mai. I just need Y/n to do a favor for me." That wasn't too far from the truth, although he was technically doing a favor for her.
"It is definitely my business if my fiancé and best friend are going off somewhere together, alone."
"I didn't think you were the jealous type. Miya. But I assure you it's not what you think." Y/n teased as she tried to reason, but Miya put her hand up.
"It's exactly what I think it is. You two are going to Kylo Ren's ship so Y/n can study it after hours"
"How'd you-"
"Because Cal and I were thinking the same thing. We went by the Hangar earlier today and saw his ship was still there even though he already left." Miya sighed. "It's suspicious, Y/n. What if he's expecting you to go there? I mean, they were very adamant that you only have access to it for an hour and that you are under no circumstance allowed to board that ship without permission or outside the designated timeframe." Y/n sighed, knowing Miya was right.
But this was a special circumstance.
"Miya. I have to. I need as much experience with that thing as much as possible; I don't have time for rules. Kylo will literally kill me if I don't get this thing right. The least Hux or anyone else can do is fire me. I prefer my life over my job, even if I love it." Miya sighed and opened the door to the lounge, calling out to Cal.
He looked at everyone and rolled his eyes.
"We're doing something stupid again, aren't we?"
"Pretty much."
 He pursed his lips and sighed. "Alright. Let's go."
"Okay. This is a really dumb idea. Do you seriously need this overtime?" Cal asked.
"Oh, don't be a wimp. Come on." Y/n sassed as they entered the hangar. She made a beeline for the Silencer. "You guys, keep an eye out. I'll try to be only an hour." They all nodded and then watched as she climbed into the cockpit.
She was surprised to see that she was still allowed access to the flight computer.
Maybe he just didn't feel like changing it.
"Ok. Flight controls...Programmed the same way as mine. Easy to remember. Targeting...not so easy, so let's start there."
The hour flew by quickly; Y/n looked out the transparasteel windshield to see her friends talking quietly, not too far from the ship. To anyone, it just looked like pilots talking about work-related stuff.
Her mind drifted to her conversation earlier with Kylo
"If I didn't know any better, captain, I would assume you just stole important information from the first order."
"Sir. You never said I couldn't study the flight computer information after hours. I don't want to mess anything up"
"Use that information wisely."
"Why did you change my schedule?"
"I have a meeting to attend to off base. You'll go back to your assigned schedule tomorrow."
"Oh. Uh. Well then, good luck, sir."
She groaned; rolling her eyes. Gook luck? Seriously? And what was up with that whole 'If I didn't know better' shit?
She sighed; the words "Use that information wisely" echoed in her mind as she climbed out of the cockpit.
"Alright, I'm done; I made a good handful of notes for the difficult stuff. Of course, I'll need to spend more time tomorrow. But I have enough to get the majority of it studied tonight." Y/n spoke as she walked up to the group. They all nodded and then headed back to the lounge with no complications. Thank the Maker.
Y/n collapsed onto the couch; exhaustedly, she sighed, "Thank you, guys."
"Of course."
"What're friends for."
"Trespassing, apparently," Everyone laughed quietly, not wanting to disturb any of their other squad mates.
Y/n closed her eyes as she leaned back on the couch; a few minutes of sleep won't hurt...right?
Yes. Yes, it does hurt.
Her alarm rudely blared; she was in her bed. When did she get there? Did someone move her here? "Shit!" she cursed as she jumped out of bed, smacking her alarm off, still in her clothes from yesterday.
 "Why the hell did you guys let me sleep?" She asked, storming into the lounge.
"We tried waking you up, but you were dead asleep. Cal moved you to your room. You needed it anyways." Killian said from the couch.
"No. I needed to study my notes. Now I barely have any time to do anything off schedule."
"Speaking of schedule. Don't you have flight training in about twenty minutes?" He asked. Y/n looked at the clock and cursed again.
"Yeah, Thanks for reminding me." She turned around and walked back into her room, quickly changing into her fight suit. The armor would be unnecessary today since she was just showing basic maneuvers.
The cold air slammed against her skin as she walked out onto the tarmac where her squadron was positioned for the day. "Now, listen up. We have a lot of work to do today. I don't want any distractions, and I want you all focused on the tasks at hand. We'll be learning basic maneuvers with the TIE/fo space superiority fighter, just known as the First Order Tie Fighter. You already know how to fly, but you don't know your offense and defense yet, and that's what I plan on teaching you today."
Her squadron was small, but with her teaching, they'd most likely become some of the best TIE fighters in their generation. Most of these fighters couldn't have been more than fourteen or sixteen. Y/n cared for them like family even if she wasn't supposed to, Y/n was kind, and she wasn't afraid to show it. Especially to children.
 "Captian." A boy with platinum blonde hair with almond eyes walked up to Y/n. This was Dante. He was recruited into the first order and was also the oldest in the group, eighteen. Y/n hummed as she looked over her datapad,
"Ma'am, General Hux wanted me to inform you that your meeting with him is canceled."
"Really?" she asked while scrolling through her tablet; there it was, a notification that the meeting was canceled.
"Well, Good...I have some free time today." She mumbled to herself
"Ma'am?" Dante asked; Y/n shook her head and offered him a smile.
"Why aren't you in your flight suit?"
"I'm getting it resized. I had a growth spurt recently." Ooh. I knew something was different,
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You were busy with your new assignment, and I don't have a datapad as you do." Y/n nodded
"Well, you know you won't be able to fly this class without it, right?" Dante nodded,
"Yes, Ma'am. I know. And I am fully aware of the consequences."
 "Consequences? Dante, I've never once punished you or anyone else in this squadron. What consequences?" Y/n was so surprised that she had to take a step back.
She didn't believe in the First Order's scare tactics; She believed that the best way to make good soldiers is to befriend them and give them a reason for fighting. Hux hated that, and Y/n knew it; that's one of the reasons she did it. Just to piss him off.
"You really don't pay attention to your notifications, do you ma'am?" He asked, and Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Well. Dante. I've been a bit busy these last three days, you little punk."
"What is making you so busy that you can't even focus on your normal tasks" Kylo Ren. That's what.
"My new assignment has been a lot more difficult than I said it would be"
"Oh. I heard that you were working on Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer"
"Your brother needs to learn to keep his mouth shut."
 "So it's true then?"
"Dante, you know I can't discuss this stuff with you." The boy sighed.
"Then why can Killi tell me all this stuff?"
"Because Killian is your brother. I am your squad leader. You see the difference, don't you?" Dante nodded
"Yes, Ma'am"
Now about those consequences, going through her notifications, she saw another addressed from Hux.
 "What the fuck?" The message was an order for Y/n to start using proper First Order disciplinary actions. "Oh, that coward. He canceled the meeting because he knew that this would piss me off." Y/n looked at Dante, "You will not be punished, Dante."
This will not stand. I was given this squadron to test a new way of making loyal soldiers; he has no right to do this.
After the training, Y/n went to where Phasma taught her squadron
"Capitan Seinar. What a pleasure it is to see you," Phasma spat sarcastically, not very fond of having her training interrupted.
"Did you know of Hux's decision to have me enforce proper disciplinary actions with my squadron?"
 "No, I wasn't aware. But I have told you to enforce some discipline" Y/n rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest
"So you're saying it's my fault?"
 "Of course it is. You thought you could get away with just being nice. This is the first order Y/n. Kindness doesn't exist here."
"I know. You're right, but we both know Hux's way is insufficient. My way is working; they have loyalty stronger than any other squadron on this base.
"Why don't you go talk to Hux then?" Y/n looked at Phasma as though she'd grown a second head
"Are you crazy?"
"I mean, the only way for this to be solved is by confronting him on the matter; I mean, you were given that opportunity by the supreme leader. Unless the enforcement is ordered by the supreme leader, then Hux has no power over how you teach and lead your squadron."
she's got a point, but confrontation isn't my strong suit.
"Yeah...I think about it. Thank you, sorry to disturb your training."
With those parting words, she left the area, and confidently walked to the command center but stopped in Infront of the door.
Hux didn't intimidate her as Kylo did, but he was still a high-ranking officer, so she had to play her cards right.
"...Nope." Sighing, she turned around and walked back the way she came. Coward. "Shit. I wasted that hour..." She mumbled to herself.
The rest of the day went by with barely any complications; Y/n missed lunch and was on the way to the cafeteria for dinner when a trooper called out to her
"Capitan Seinar, Kylo Ren has returned and requests you meet him in the hangar." She looked at the trooper and sighed
"Now?" she asked; the trooper nodded
"Alright. Thank you," she grumbled as she turned away from her earlier destination, Great. Now I've got to deal with him.
"Sir. I apologize if I'm late."
She addressed the looming figure as he stood in Infront of his ship, his back to her.
"You're right on time."
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inayaluic · 20 days
seeing you tonight (it's a bad idea, right?) - update
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A Reylo Hockey Textfic AU
(E, WIP, Ch. 5/10)
Ben never meant to keep his identity a secret from his discord friends - especially Rey. It just sort of happened.
But now he was stuck. How was he supposed to explain that Kylo Ren was really Ben Solo - the star defenseman for the Chandrila Sabres?
Read it on AO3
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aaveena · 1 year
About as Real as Tofurky
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“Wonderful,” she said. “Our son, Ben, will be joining us this year. We never know if he’ll be able to - his work schedule is always too unpredictable - but he has assured me that he’ll make it in time for dessert.”
“That’s nice,” Rey said. 
She wondered what kind of desserts they would have. Pumpkin pie? Pecan? Bread pudding? Her mouth was already watering at all of the possibilities.
“I’ve been trying to get him to come by the garage for ages now. I think the two of you would really get along. He’s single, you know?”
Rey’s heart dropped into her stomach. Normally, she would have been able to smell a set-up (especially one as distinctly unsubtle as this) from a mile away but she’d been distracted by swirling, sugar-coated daydreams. 
Leia was an evil genius. A mastermind.
🍂Rated E 
🦃Holiday Fake Dating 
🍂CH 1/1 | 10.9k
Rey employs the services of Twitter user Kylo Ren to avoid being set up with Leia and Han's son over Thanksgiving. What could go wrong?
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