#character wiki template
sugar-plum-senpai · 4 months
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Fanfic Writer Notion Template | Notion Template for Fanfiction Writers | Writing Notion Template | WIP Organizer Template
Hello! I'm very excited to finally share the Notion template I've created for fanfic writers!
Admittedly, I am more of a fanfiction reader than a fanfiction writer, but I wanted to try my hand at creating this Notion template. That being said, I'm not sure if I've organized the template in a way that is super helpful or makes sense for a writer, so any advice/suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated! I am definitely planning on revising the template - this is a very early iteration.
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions! :)
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knxfesck · 1 year
so was nobody gonna tell me how horrendous carrd is to use if you're trying to make anything more than an about me or was I just supposed to find that out myself
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pixieinablazeofglory · 3 months
im fucking insane so here is this haikyuu birthday calendar i made
not sure if anyone has done this yet. if not, 0/10 i do not recommend; this shit took HOURS
idk why anyone would want a calendar of EVERY SINGLE haikyuu character that has a confirmed birthday but i made one anyway. you're welcome (?)
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credits: all info from the haikyuu wiki (don't blame me if i missed anyone or got anything wrong lmao); the images are all official anime screenshots (provided by the wiki); and the calendar template itself is from canva by the creator @/dekart001 but i edited it a lot myself.
lemme know if i got anything wrong and i will maybe change it lol (im traumatized)
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drunkenskunk · 23 days
Did you name your mech after an old Texas soda that you can only find in Texas and like two other states near it????
As it happens: no! There are two reasons for the name.
Reason 1: Watsonian
The "official" name (or at least as much as anyone remembers) is R4GE MACHINE, because the serial number starts with R4, and it is a GMS Everest. However, "Big Red" is what everyone calls the mech, because it is big and chunky for a size 1, and it is covered in a billion different shades of red paint. The reason it's so big and chunky is because it used to be a Sagarmatha when it was built midway through the Hercynian Crisis, and, due to necessity, had to be downgraded to a smaller chassis after the Union Civil War.
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(I need to update these sprites. I never got around to coloring them properly, except for the one red pixel for the optics, and I still need to add the Hunchback boombox on the right shoulder that houses the Leviathan heavy assault cannon.)
There is also a COMP/CON unit within the mech that calls itself RED. It's been online for the entire length of the mechs existence, and has embedded itself so thoroughly in the system hardware that it is impossible to get rid of it, no matter how many parts are replaced. The "personality" of this COMP/CON can be summarized "What if BT-7274, but he just kept losing pilots after Lastimosa?"
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It is currently unknown - both in universe and otherwise - if there is any genuine paracausal tech hidden somewhere in the guts of Big Red, and that's why the COMP/CON is Like That... or maybe this is just what happens to what should be a non-sapient computer program when you keep it online for close to 500 years.
Reason 2: Doylist
Red is an old character of mine that I adapted into a mech for this Lancer game. Sort of. The mech has become something significantly different than the original character, because the reason for the COMP/CON's aggression is a version of robot PTSD: he has lost so many pilots over the years, and is determined not to lose another.
The original Red, however, is... well, take a look.
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Red - at least, the original iteration of the character - was something I made when I was a very angry teenager. And I think it shows.
Red is like if the chaos god Khorne and the eldar's Kaela Mensha Kaine from Warhammer hatefucked and had an equally hateful baby. Red is a creature of unfiltered aggression. It is destructive rage manifest. It hates everything and everyone, and will not be satisfied until everything it hates is gone. Which is everything. The is no reason or justification or meaning for this hatred, and nothing to explain why it butchers and kills and destroys and murders its way across the stars; it simply IS.
And it cannot be contained.
That wedge-shaped hunk of metal on its head is not armor: it is all that remains of the last prison built in a desperate effort to stop its rampage. Red could get rid of the hunk of metal obscuring its vision at any time, but deliberately chooses to keep it in place as a cruel mockery of any and all who stand against it.
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Two different starting points, two radically different stories, two different "individuals," but still technically the same character. At least, as far as I'm concerned.
I do this kind of thing all the time. Or... y'know, I did, back when my hands worked regularly. I make a character, turn them into a base template "starting point," and then slowly rework them into a new iteration, to fit whatever purpose I need to suit whatever setting I put them in.
So no, Big Red is not named after a soda lol
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develop-your-oc · 27 days
Your blog has been so helpful with my oc developing journey! Thank you for putting so much time into collecting resources and the like! I did have a question, if you wouldn't mind answering, but how do you use Obsidian for sorting/recording your oc data? It's a little daunting and I've found myself constantly going over the info and trying to format everything. It's maddening. Thank you again for your hard work and time! <3
It's awesome that you've found this blog to be helpful! Thank you so much for telling me! 💖 (it ain't much but it's honest work dot jpeg)
Obsidian as a program is daunting especially if you're not familiar with similar applications (OneNote, Evernote, Joplin, etc.), but somehow I have completely forgotten how frustrating it was to get started from a blank page, even though I spent years struggling with that frustration. Here's a basic rundown of what I do!
Folders and basic setup are as follows:
Within one vault, I use multiple folders. One folder contains my templates, lists and other data, prompts, and so on. There are individual files for each original setting within this folder in order to take quick notes to be sorted later or keep reminders. Other files in this folder include ideas for future character names and other writing ideas.
Each setting has its own folder where everything related to it is stored, with OCs being the star of the show at the top level. There are several subfolders filled with notes, completed prompts, drabbles, lore, codex entries, etc.
One of the subfolders is for files regarding characters that my OCs interact with but aren't mine (a roleplay partner's OC, a game NPC, etc.) to store notes and other useful information for later reference, like a wiki page built only for myself.
As for the OCs themselves:
Each OC has its own file within the folder of their setting where a template holds their information. This template is vague enough to be useful in most settings, and simple enough to allow editing as needed.
The template begins as a simple formatted list of basics as you would expect (identity, appearance, occupation, etc.), as well as likes, dislikes, hobbies, skills, virtues, and flaws.
All friends, family, lovers, and so on are listed with a very brief description of how they are connected to my OC.
There are sections beneath the list for all the substantial information. — Background: everything from before their story begins. From before the arrival of you, the creator, if that makes sense. — Going Forward: from the beginning of their story, to the end (if there is one), and into the future beyond that. — Trivia: tidbits of information and facts that don't fit anywhere else. — Timeline: a chronological list with dates and concise details. Additional information is sorted into one of the other sections, the destination based on where the information would be most relevant. — Relationships: important relationships are detailed here. — Notes: the anything goes catch-all. Less about the character and more about you, like a reminder ("name their childhood pet!") or something worth noting ("my first OC!").
If the character is still in its concept phase, I stick to bullet point notes and update with the template later as needed.
Other things I'd like to mention:
There's more functionality within Obsidian than what I use, but I'm happy with my methods for now.
I make heavy use of bullet points, tab indents, and the little arrow that pops up to open or close lengthy sections as needed.
I never fill out the entire template at once, or ever; some sections remain empty permanently and some characters remain bullet points. It is what it is!
I keep the files for all the OCs that are currently rotting my brain open in tabs at the top! 🥰
Sometimes a folder is a genre and is instead used for multiple settings, such as all my OCs from the various farming simulation games I play sharing the same folder.
Relationships can sometimes be easier as their own page, particularly if it involves more than two characters, such as families and their dynamics.
This is a brief description of how I do things for myself. This works for me, but may not work for you. I tend to make up a bunch of silly little rules for myself, so please take this as inspiration rather than instruction. If this is confusing or you would like more help, anon, please DM me again and I'll work on visual examples and better explanations. Thanks again, and I hope this helps!
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solradguy · 1 month
What’s been the most fun and/or challenging part of working on the wiki? Also is there anything that still needs to be worked on that other people can help with?
THE CODE KILLED ME. So the wiki has a template that automagically puts this cool little Wikipedia help thingy next to Japanese text (the "?" on the end) in infoboxes and by command in text using some {{wiggly boys}} code:
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And we wanted to try to get the Korean stuff on the wiki too because it's the second most officially supported language behind English and there's a bunch of cool exclusive Korean GG stuff no one's ever documented before. But there wasn't a module like this to help out with Korean text like there is for Japanese text.
I put one together based on the Japanese template's code and it was a nightmare. I was fighting for my life in the template trenches. It works though!! I did get it after a while!!
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Shoutout to the Final Fantasy Wiki for the original JP template code and to the Dragon Blaze Wiki for seemingly being the only other English language wiki out there that cares about Korean text lol I don't know anything about Korean writing beyond super basic stuff (like what "hangul" is) so I had to do research into that alongside trying to learn wiki code.
The most fun part was probably getting GG World together, honestly. We couldn't believe that no one had actually transcribed those anywhere online before. Well, there was a file compiled by Lux for Revelator, but we wanted to transcribe these as-presented in the games and we couldn't use Lux's file since the goofy typos and some lore oopsies had been edited haha
Toxic and Elk have hauled ass getting those entries ripped and added. Major shoutout to them. I got the base layouts together and they went to town lol It's so cool seeing it all together now. We even started getting the official languages besides English and Korean added for Strive too.
As for what someone could do to help........ There's.... a lot...... Of the 4,532 image files currently on the wiki, only a very small handful of them were organized into categories when we forked. Here's the page of all the files currently not in a category: https://guiltygear.wiki.gg/wiki/Special:UncategorizedFiles
And all of the image categories they need to be sorted into. Note the subcategories under some of them: https://guiltygear.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Images
I think I made the correct amount of categories for stuff but there may be one missing here or there. There were a lot and it was hard keeping track of them lol Feel free to holler at me on here or on my talk page over on the wiki if you need something made. I'm solradguy on the wiki.
These major character pages are also either entirely lacking citations or only have maybe 1 or 2 on the entire page (bad!!): Johnny, Chipp, Kliff, Baiken, Venom, Jam, Robo-Ky, Slayer, Sin, Izuna, Dr. Paradigm, Valentine, Bedman?, Answer, Haehyun, Elphelt, Giovanna, Happy Chaos, Asuka R♯
Swapping out the vague "GG World" citations on the wiki with the correct entry would be very helpful too. Like some pages will cite something and it just says "GG World" instead of " 'Axl Low' Xrd Rev2 GG World entry" or whatever relevant entry is needed.
If you know Korean, we also need to have the romaja added for the GG World entries. None of us knows Korean well enough to do that so not a single one has it filled in lol.... We were planning on using Revised Romanization of Korean since it's the official South Korean romanization system but if there's one that's more commonly used/accepted that's cool too (like how Hepburn is used for Japanese more often than the official Kunrei-shiki romanization)
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 months
hiii im here to outsource work 🎉
SO. the yohaji wiki. u may have heard of it. u may have even seen it and thought "wow what the fuck this is totally empty what piece of shit wiki editors" well its me. the piece of shit wiki editor who made it back in 2018 and never did much with it.
long story short (mostly bc impending anime) i wanted to actually work on filling out the wiki finally and while i was at it moved the wiki to miraheze bc of a variety of reasons. (its still very much a wip i only started working on it 4 days ago)
anyway. preamble over
i need YOUR help
to get nice images for the wiki, specifically good fullbody ones (or good halfbody ones), heres sort of a visual guide ⬇️
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and upload them to this google drive! (more than one image per character is okay, in fact its very welcome)
how else can i help?
and im so glad you're so eager to help! nothing much else right now since i still have to iron out all the css and html, but i do have the characters page done, you can take a look through that and add or improve to the descriptions there (try to go for a more objective tone, look at other wikis to see how their character descriptions are like)
and if you know your way around wikitext, you could also copy the preexisting characters' templates and make pages for the characters who dont have pages yet
also, if you want to write chapter summaries for the volume pages, that's also very welcome!
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juvnvalen · 4 months
♡Tennant Yandere Profile♡
Tennant me go aoooga, as per usaualt is late dont mind typos ALSO her name is ADA???? i was looking through her wiki stuff omg she looks like an ada (I lovingingly despise her) also trying to work on writing characters correctly but me head thonk bad zionks :(
Also! added dbd to my character list ughughguhg huntress i wub
Pairing: Tennant x GN Darling; FxGN
TW: Yandere themes, Kidnapping, NSFT, Obligatory tennant warning, Ooc behavior.
Credit for template: @/Cinnamonest
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♡What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave? Ada is extremely deceptive towards her darling, you won’t know the full extent of her affections unless she wants you too. She’s a con, and her skills won’t go wasted on her darling. Ada’s courting of her darling is very forward, she’s able to seduce women easily so she believes her darling shouldn’t be any different. She gets a rush from being around her darling, she thrives off of the chase almost as much as Ada does with the catch. She feels a rare comfort from her darling’s presence, one she hasn’t felt in so long and she won’t let that go. Ada still continues out her scams on rich women, but with different intentions. With the new comfort of her darling Ada no longer feels the want of a new body in her bed every week, soly leaning on her s/o for the much needed comfort they provide now. ♡How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so? She will only resort to kidnapping if her courting fails. Ada isn’t quick to take her darling, she prefers a darling who wants to be with her, but if all her tactics fail she has no choice but to act. ♡How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? Ada is very apologetic after she's taken her darling, but that won’t make her any more lenient. Starting off her darling can expect to be heavily restrained in the beginning, she only offers freedoms once she sees her darling can behave. Whilst it's not easy to escape Ada by any means, it's far from impossible. She often leaves you alone, whether or not she trusts you enough unbound depends on how well behaved you've been. In the beginning there won’t be much punishment for attempted escapes and defiance, but the more you act out the more likely she is to punish you. She could never bring herself to hit you as punishment, but you can expect things like isolation and starvation.
♡How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate? Trying to trick Ada is nearly pointless, chances are she sees through what you're trying to do. Depending on how innocent your manipulation is depends on whether she punishes you for it. It's best not to try, the cons outweigh the pros.
♡How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied? She’s more lenient with a well behaved darling, the more willing you are to give her affections the more willing she is to give you freedoms. Her darling can expect things like less restraints when they can show Ada just how well behaved they can be. Ada is happy to provide books and more lavish items for her darling, as long as they don’t bring up the question of freedom to her. 
♡What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use? Ada doesn’t have many rules, but she’s strict about the ones she does have. You obviously can’t attempt to leave her, or mention wanting to, she loves you but she just doesn’t want to hear it. If you use violence against her, as much as she doesn’t want to, she will retaliate if you force her hand. Her punishments affect her darling more mentally than they do physically, and she won’t lay a hand on her darling unless they start it. If her darling decides to act up they can expect their privileges to be revoked temporarily or taken away all together. For more severe infractions she’ll fall back on starving her darling, not to the extent it would affect her darling long term physically of course. She rarely uses isolation unless she believes she absolutely needs to, she doesn’t like being apart from her darling much, but if she believes it's necessary for them to learn she will.
♡How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way? Typically she’ll resort to intimidation to scare the offender off, but if they decided to be persistent she’d have no issue just killing them.
♡How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like? Ada is very slow to anger, it takes a lot to push past her limits. Rarely ever is it her darling who sets her off, however when it is she never lets her darling see it.
♡Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them? She definitely doesn’t see you as an equal, you’re like a pet to her. You’re with her for her own comfort, whether you like it or not of course. She’ll hear what you’d like to say to an extent, but she’ll only pay so much heed to your words.
♡How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you? As much as she’d like for her feelings to be reciprocated, it's not something she's immediately worried about. She's confident she can make you love her over time. ♡General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality? She has a high sex drive and she's very forward with her darling about it. Ada expects and needs sexual attention from her darling, and she absolutely thrives off of it. ♡How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness? Ada wouldn’t think of touching her darling without their full consent, sex for her is meant to be something passionate, and an unwilling darling would take away most of the enjoyment for her. ♡What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill? She doesn’t have any hard fetishes or kinks, but she is open to trying most things with her darling. Ada does prefer to give pleasure more than she does receiving it, though she occasionally lets her darling pleasure her. ♡What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use? She wouldn’t use anything sexual to punish her darling, she has plenty of other methods she could use that she prefers more. ♡What body parts of their darling do they like the most? She absolutely loves every inch of her darling’s body, but if asked she’d never admit to having a favorite part, but she just can’t get enough of her darling’s breasts. 
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tempkiriri · 2 days
HeroTV Database: Grand Opening
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Warning: Default White with black text colouring (we couldn't prepare custom colours before launch) might be hard on the eyes. Please switch to dark mode which reverses these colours if the harsh white makes your eyes hurt, though it will also invert most colours of most templates and also desaturate some brighter images. We will be working on a proper theme and custom dark mode going forward, including exempting the templates to a colour change. You can opt into the cosmos skin in your user settings, which uses the new red & gold colourscheme and is easier on the eyes + overall design looks similar to fandom, but it's dark mode is brighter so don't use dark mode on it. Also, link colour only works if you haven't clicked on it if using vector skin. Yes, we are scrambling for a fix as I type.
But anyway, please start going here. All the information on the old wiki is on this one as well + new info will be added. If you wish to contribute, you will need a miraheze account. We still need plots for the S1 episodes and character pages have chunks missing, we can't do this alone. We would love your help!
And Happy Birthday, Pao-lin!
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stormistargazer · 10 days
Sim Character Sheet | Canva Template
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Sul sul!
After searching for character sheets to use in my sims legacy, most of the templates I found either cost money, weren't quite what I was looking for, or were no longer available; so I decided to whip up my own in Canva!
I've implemented places for Home & Aspiration, Traits, Career, and two additional options: Loves and Highlights. There are image placeholders for each section so that all you have to do is drag in your images.
These templates are 100% free & editable to your needs! Feel free to remove the watermark within the template and credit is optional—I only ask that you don't claim these as your own.
More info & resources under the cut!
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I took some inspiration from CosmiCamos's character sheet, but sadly the link is no longer available.
Deathbypufferfish's Build-a-Sim Icon Pack for icons (traits, aspirations, etc)
Luniversims's Icon Packs for individual expansion/game/stuff packs
Sims Wiki page for world icons (click on a world within the list and a circular icon for the world is at the beginning of the article)
This Sims font to use within in the template like I did
And that's it! Enjoy, and happy simming! 😊
(P.S if you use these, I'd love to see your sims! Tag me @stormistargazer)
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Do you know what's going on with the twst cards lately, first the ca Leona card groovy then tsum kalim then masterchef Leona and now the puppet Leona card all look whitewashed. I'm black and we do not look like that in harsh lighting or at least that white
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Hey, please take a look at this post! It addresses the same issue, popular speculations as to why this has been happening lately, and (most importantly!) includes resources + advice for what you can do in response if you want to let the devs know you're displeased with certain content. Just be aware that the template letters linked use Kalim and Jamil's names; you will need to swap those out for Leona's, Jack's (I believe some have said that his Club Wear Groovy looks off in coloration too), etc. if you are writing about a different character. You can easily find the Japanese names of each character online or on the TWST fandom-run wikis.
I hope that this helps!! ^^
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sugar-plum-senpai · 1 month
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The green version of my Fanfic Writer Notion Template!
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bg3screenshotdump · 4 months
About Mods for BG3
Baldur's gate 3 is still getting updated, we never know how mods previously installed will behave when the next update roll out, so keep in mind that modding your saves is a risk, you might loose your save, corrupt something, or as it happened to a lot of people, get locked out of new update things ( like the new kissing animations which are broken for some people ) so be aware of this when installing mods
Installing mods for BG3:
first thing first, use the bg3 mod manager NOT vortex, Vortex is known to cause issues with some bg3 mods.
here is a tutorial on how to setup and use the BG3MM
here is to download the latest release of BG3MM
your first installed mod is going to be the Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Fixer , it is mandatory for the grand majority of mods, if you ever modded your game only to be greeted by a weird party of naked men instead of the character creation screen, that's because you didn't have the mod fixer, so love yourself, install it.
now your game is set to be modded, go to Nexus and go nuts!
(note that reading the mod description before you install a mod is the still the best way to know how to avoid a conflict and install a mod properly ! )
Making mods for BG3
first the tools :
Islib toolkit
BG3 multitool
notepad ++
blender ( i use the 3.6.4 version personally )
Norbyte's BG3 GR2 importer/exporter
padme's blender addons
and here are some tutorials i've found that are very good to learn the basics
Padme4000 's BG3 Install GR2 plugin then Import and Export example
hair mods:
Padme4000 's BG3 Creating Hairs Post Patch 9
Bububull's how to set up a hairstyle mod using my blank template ( only shows the code part )
armor/outfits : ( some of the code parts are outdated, but all the rest is very useful )
Druundev's How to make custom armour for BG3 - Part 1 MESHES
Druundev's How to make custom armour for BG3 - Part 2 TEXTURES
Druundev's How to make custom armour for BG3 - Part 3 FINAL
Adding Cloth Physics to any Armor
bg3 wiki 's modding ressources is a well of knowledge ! and FULL of very useful informations
If you can ☕Support me on Ko-Fi ☕ it helps a lot!
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thatwritingho · 10 months
Metalocalypse OC Wiki
@chordsykat ​ and I have been hard at work this past week to get the site to a good place, and it’s finally time for me to announce...
The Metalocalypse Original Characters Wiki is now open!
It’s a great way to not only participate in the mtl OC community, but to build a solid profile and bio for your OCs! It’s a page all your own to organize info, build a backstory, and just generally talk about your character(s) as much as you want!
Anyone with a mtl oc can participate! Just follow the link above or here and add pages for your characters and fanworks! There’s no limit on the number of OCs you can add. Wikis like this rely on users just like you contributing!
Never used wiki before? Don’t worry, we have a helpful guide for creating pages, templates for pages, and even a video tutorial to walk you through it! You can also ask either myself or chordsykat if you have any questions or need help!
If you’re still unable or hesitant to create your own page, we also have a Character Submission Form you can fill out to have the page added for you by an admin!
We are still working on things here and there to add to the site, and will continue to do so as it grows. If you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
I really look forward to continuing to build and grow the Metalocalypse OC community together!
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junnopons · 1 year
a guide to writing your sp
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Before we continue, I wanna remind everyone real quick that you don’t need a template to script. You don’t even need a script, subliminals, or whatever. This is just for people, including me, who want to script as their method and don’t know where to start. This doesn’t have to be used for scripting an sp specifically. Feel free to use this to script your ideal self or whatever your heart desires. Also, to answer some questions about manifesting a sp in general (feel free to skip this, as this is probably gonna be the longest part of the blog 😭)
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Q) what point of view do I need to write my script in? A) there isn’t any specific rule for how you write your script, except the rules you give yourself. feel free to write it however you wish
Q) does this person need to be in my life currently in order for me to manifest them? A) not at all. whether you want to manifest your childhood bestie, a complete stranger you met only yesterday, or a rando that looks, acts, and feels just like your favorite fictional character. you are truly limitless in who and what you can manifest
Q) how long will it take? A) as long as you want! 1 day, 12 years, 38 hours, 3 minutes, whatever! It’s just like manifesting something smaller like food or a phone. Although, if you still have doubts about your manifestation coming to you at the time you want I’d recommend working on self concept or repeating affirmations. You don’t have to though, ofc
Q) what if my sp is taken/not interested/or something else? A) now, with the knowledge of this being a rather controversial topic in the community feel free to take my opinion with a grain of salt. I personally don’t like messing with people’s relationships or feelings for any sort of gain, so I’d take that situation as an opportunity to manifest an even better version of your sp. this way no one gets hurt in the situation and you and your past sp can live happily
Q) what if I’m manifesting a fictional character/someone like a fictional character? How will that work? A) now, see I can’t exactly tell you the specifics of how it works (because tbh I don’t really know the specifics,) but I like to think about manifesting a fictional sp in two ways. 1. There are about 8 billion people on this earth right now. One of those 8 billion people are bound to have exactly your requirements, no matter how detailed or how simple they are. 2. There are countless amounts of realities, and just like when you script for reality shifting when you manifest you are also technically shifting to a reality with your desires. So what makes manifesting an sp any different
Feel free to send asks about anything else concerning this topic, I’ll be very happy to answer. Although, please don’t be rude or spam. That’s such a vibe killer (and no one wants to be a vibe killer). And with that, let’s discuss the guide to writing your sp.
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With writing an sp I like to imagine it as writing a wiki page of an official character (or writing an introduction to an original character of yours). The way you write it won’t make a difference, but I like writing mine with lots of details. Something like
name | age | sexuality | gender | zodiac | workplace/occupation | nationality | ethnicity | extra extra extra
Next comes the appearance part. Personally I like to make sure my appearance part is detailed to help with visualization. I also like to make my sps look somewhat close to known celebrities. That way when wanting to visualize them I can use various forms of media. For example, if you’re sp looks a lot like Felix form stray kids feel free to use edits of him to visualize. There are many ways of writing an sp’s physical description. Such as
“my sp looks like Felix from straykids with yuzuru hanyu’s body “ or “my sp has *very specific facial feature from one celebrity* with *another specific facial feature from another celebrity*” or simply write it like “my sp has brown dyed hair with emerald green eyes”
You can also leave this part blank like every other part of your script. The possibilities are endless.
Then, I like to go into the backstory and personality. I do it in the same group of paragraphs personally because I like to see how the backstory affects the person I’m writing about to make sure it’s pretty realistic. I like writing this part in 3rd person, but feel free to write it anyway you choose to. Also feel free to take this as seriously as you want to. For those, like me, who need a backstory idea or help with writing what characteristics your sp might have because of their experiences I recommend visiting the “one stop for writers” website.
After that, I like to get into one of the fun parts, my sp’s relationship with others. Whether it’s their relationship with their mother, the relationship with your friends, or the relationship with your family. Just don’t forget to write about yourself.
Personally I like writing my sp’s relationships something like this: “[Name] and their mother unfortunately do not get along that well, mainly due to *blah blah blah blah*” but ofc you can always make it less detailed too. Something like “Sp’s relationship with mother - neutral” will work just as good. Allow whatever’s up there to fill in the gaps for you
I don’t necessarily believe you have to script anything after that. I like adding more things such as personal style, how we meet, talents and skills, inspirations, etc,. But nothing on here or on the guide is mandatory. As long as you have a basic idea of how you want your sp to be you don’t need all of this. And so with that, I think it’s time for me to go. Do note that this blog with always be updated in case I find spelling mistakes or new information, but if you have any questions about this part or any part of the guide don’t be afraid to ask. With that, I’m logging off. Peace.
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Im editing character profiles :3
Here's Jokull's!
I wanted to add a section with important parts and some ask hints. I might try and play with a wiki-like template again because i'm worried it might become cluttered eventually but that's a problem for future me. feel free to tell me what yall think
Also sorry for a lack of updates, haven't had too much time to work on blog stuff but the next post is almost finished, hope to get it done for next week at least wahoo
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