#charles the hedgehog
eggseabutter · 9 months
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jadeandroses · 7 months
This might be the Hispanic in me showing, but one of my headcanons about Sonic’s bio family is essentially, “all of your possible parents are now a huge extended family, and no one knows which one of them you spawned from”
Hear me out.
This works best if Jules, Aleena, and Paulie are siblings. Chuck’s their eldest brother, while Brenda and Bernadette married in—but they’re all very close. Brenda and Aleena had their kids at about the same time (I’m talking days, if not hours, apart), and while Brenda only had one, Aleena shocked the family with three.
(Alternatively, Aleena only had two, and one of them was born to Bernadette—again, around the same time. That’s largely irrelevant, though.)
So naturally, you’ve got a very confused mom getting wheeled to the nursery to see her babies, like:
“I thought you said there were only three.”
A hapless nurse, or possibly Jules: “…Yes?”
Aleena, shaking: “Then why are there four of them???”
Whoever their parents are, Tania grows up very, very close with Sonic, Manic, and Sonia. They’re effectively siblings despite being born cousins. Naturally, everyone in the family leads very busy lives—and whether you imagine them in a royal household, in the midst of a rebellion, or as commoners in peacetime, that doesn’t matter much either. They’re family, they have each other—which means that if one of them has to to work a particular night, someone else is babysitting their kids that night. And they all do it to each other, so it evens out.
(Except for Chuck. Chuck has no kids of his own. He insists he get to help because he loves his nieces, nephews, and siblings, but Chuck will get paid for babysitting.)
They’re not alone, either. Longclaw is functionally the matriarch/cryptid of the family—no one knows for sure how old she is or how she’s related to them, but they do know she’s lived through two wars, two virus outbreaks, and despite her kind demeanor, has epic tales of the time she fought Black Doom with a spear. Maddie was once friends with somebody’s cousin, and while that cousin is long gone, she and Tom are now too close to the family to leave, and always organize the family potlucks because no one else wants to. And Sonic and Sonia’s adoptive parents from Underground—haven’t thought about them long enough to have names for them yet—are here too. They’re aunts and uncles who are slightly more well off than the rest of the family, so if there’s ever financial trouble, and they catch wind of it, they’ll always race to the struggling one’s doorstep with a warm meal and a modest gift of money, hidden in a couch cushion.
The point is, they’re close. They rely on each other a lot. Somebody would always be available to take the kids. The kids would need not look very far to find loving arms to hold them, or teach them about the world, or patch up a scraped knee or two. Or eight.
And the moment Sonic brings home Tails?
Well, they’re already shuffling four kids between them. What’s a fifth, in the midst of all this chaos?
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happyheidi · 1 year
#ohh come here little ghost!#take a stroll through my blog#or better yet#go looking for Charles the hedgehog!#he’s lost on his trip through tumblr - or maybe he’s content in some weird fandom and we should just let him stay there…#let’s hope he comes to visit us one day#lol @ me thinking anyone even knows what or who I’m talking about
...So, being a Sonic fan, whenever someone says "[insert name here] the hedgehog" I have to know who they're talking about. Who is your Charles the Hedgehog?
Hahah I love that! I’m thinking of THIS brave little tumblr traveler of an hedgehog 🦔
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pajulammas · 1 year
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An illustration from the fifth chapter of Prophecy of Chaos, an alternate universe fanfic by me and my bestie @tillytilli!
The fic can be read here!
Twitter | DeviantART
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jmantheangel2 · 6 months
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On Mobius; Jack Marten meets Sonic’s Family House at the New Mobotropolis.
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cuntiestmobianpoll · 9 months
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dreaminginmysoup · 10 months
starline and uncle chuck making out sloppy style. you agree.
and then they [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] which after they take a break they decide to [REDACTED] with [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] while [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
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im-just-a-dumb-gay · 7 months
Sonic au of au lol
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I didn't draw them but Fang is Donald, Jet is Daisy, Sally is Webby, Tiara the Manx is Beakley, and Vector is Launchpad. Still figuring out the others.
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hunter-husky · 9 months
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Two Old Coots
Bro go back to your wife
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sonicjustbecause · 7 months
Two sonic character who are not canon, and that I like...
Charles the hedgehog...
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Unfortunately we will not see him anymore. I like this old, wise hedgehog scientist...
And Agent Stone
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There is art around where he is drawn in classic and modern sonic style. Dressed like Eggman, but with a blue coat instead of red. I didn't like characters like Snively, Starline, Grounder, Scratch, Bocoe, Decoe, Cubot, Orbot, (maybe i save just Bokkun, funny but useless, I don't miss him), they lack of Charisma. Agent Stone is cool, maybe what i like most about him is his loyalty top Eggman, this makes him more dangerous. I hope to see him as a cartoon character someday.
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ftwkcomic · 1 year
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The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Pg 48
It's been a while since I've seen Knuckles, he's lost weight. STICKS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! GET OUT!! Alright, alright, jeez you don't have to yell at me. Hope you guys enjoy. c: Portfolio: https://ftwkcomicbooks.myportfolio.com
Socials and comms info https://ftwkcomic.carrd.co/
Posted using PostyBirb
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eggseabutter · 1 year
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He’s getting a bath
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thedellenedblunters · 11 months
Sonic Headcanon's (Part 4)
Silver's parents were Scientists who invented time travel in order to help others understand the past. However, they were murdered by Eggman NEGA when Silver was young (Around 6-7 years old) for their time travel research.
Rouge grew up being raised by a single mother. Her father left her mom after she was born, and they lived together in poverty. Rouge became a thief and later G.U.N spy to provide for her mom.
Sonic grew up as an orphan and was raised by his uncle Chuck. One day Sonic got bored with the quaint mundanity of living on Christmas Island and left for adventure elsewhere. When Sonic came back from his adventures (Sonic 1, Sonic CD, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 and Knuckles) Uncle Chuck had died of an apparent terminal illness he had been hiding for quite some time. Not being there when Chuck died remains Sonic's greatest regret in life.
The reason why Amy Rose isn't called Amy the Hedgehog is because she was adopted by humans. Rose is the surname of the family that adopted her.
To cope with the loneliness of being on an isolated island, Knuckles has taken up Chao raising and gardening as hobbies.
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krissiedeathyart · 1 year
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pajulammas · 1 year
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[Prophecy of Chaos AU] Supporting characters from the Resistance and the reference sheets for their outfits!
Chuck’s Eggman Legion uniform designed by me; the rest of the outfits are designed by @tillytilli​
Height chart:
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The fic can be read here!
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Random (important) facts about my Au pt.3
(thanks to the amazing people on the Shard server)
Shard, as the older brother can be a bit annoying, but he cares about Mex and whenever Mex needs him, he's there to help.
On the other hand Mex is mainly annoyed with Shard, but still is really happy to have him as a brother (he just rarely shows it).
Mex and Shard are a special species? of mobians called robians. They’re organic, but can transform into robots. No one, besides their close ones knows about it.
Robians were killed off, Shard and Mex are the only ones left (or are they ;))
Jules is also one too, but hasn’t told them (yet)
If someone found out, they would freak out 
Sonia and Manic know about it and are cool with it
Mex and Shard (mostly Shard) give them piggy back rides (even though their fathers don’t approve of it)
Shard has faster healing and regeneration than other mobians
Mex’s hobbies are playing guitar, long walks in the garden or the forest (usually alone), also fighting and occasionally just talking with Shard
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