#chimo friends
forlornmelody · 6 months
Bury A Friend: Chapter 2 -- Say it, spit it out, what is it exactly?
Rating: Explicit (previous and future chapters have smut)
Ship: Jayrose, Roseroy, eventual poly dynamics.
AO3 Link: Here
Summary:  As Rose's employers tighten the net around them, she has a harder and harder time hiding her feelings for Roy from Jason.
Note: Aaaah, one of the scenes for this fic was DIRECTLY inspired from the fic's namesake, and was one of the first scenes I wrote for this fic. In my head, anyway. So excited to finally share it with y'all.
Two days after the first kidnapping, Rose’s in the same room, but this time her captors didn’t bother with the bag. No, a blunt-force knock out proved much more efficient. Someone else might have died. Rose, on the other hand, has a killer headache. On the bright side, she isn’t going to have a headache for much longer.
“I’m disappointed in you, Wilson.” Why do they always have to monologue? “So much potential gone to waste.” Seriously, Rose has a fucking supervillain for a father. She’s suffered enough monologues to last her a lifetime. 
Rose breathes in and out, focusing on her breath the way Joey taught her to meditate, staring down the barrel of the gun as if there’s a light at the end of it. 
Rose blinks, watching as the woman in front of her, her former employer, flops face first onto the table, blood spilling from her forehead across the steel surface. She blinks again as Jason opens the door from the other side of the two-way mirror, Roy right on his heels. 
“You really thought we were gonna let them kill you?” Roy says as Jason slashes through the zip tie holding her wrists. 
“Maybe you should have.”
“Maybe they should have made the glass bulletproof,” Jason mutters as Roy helps her up.
None of them return to the safe house, as it’s no longer safe. Rather than take any of their vehicles, or those belonging to Bruce Wayne–too many chances of being tracked–they decide to hotwire a generic chimo van. Roy wins rock paper scissors, and so he breaks in with a trick arrow, and hotwires the ignition with both Jason and Rose watching over his shoulder. 
“Really-Roy-toy? You’re making a huge mess.”
“We’re only using it once, Jaybird.”
Rose’s head knocks back against her headrest. “Ugh. I could’ve done it faster.”
Roy wipes his brow. She wonders what it would be like to watch it drip down his chest. “Not all of us are blessed with visions, Rose.”
“You mean cursed.” 
Jason shoots him a look. Gritting his teeth, Roy says nothing at first, then sighs. “Sorry. Could I get some space here?”
“C’mon. Ginger Snaps needs more room to work his magic.” Jason and Rose snicker together as they exit the van in search of tacos. It’s Tuesday, after all. 
There’s a taco truck around the corner. There’s also a line ten people deep.
“Fuck. Maybe we can order delivery?” Rose spins on her heels, but Jason grasps her shoulder, stopping her. 
He leans over, his whisper stirring her hair, and making her shiver. “And how would we explain Roy hotwiring a van to the driver?”
“He lost the keys. And we don’t want to pay for a locksmith.”
“Delivery would also take longer.”
“I know how we can pass the time.” Rose waggles her eyebrows playfully, leaning her head on Jason’s shoulder. 
Jason runs his hands through his hair, and it makes her want to mess it up even more. Pull on it until he hisses with pleasure. His shirt pulls up with the motion, exposing a delicious sliver of skin. Rose traces it with her finger and he bats her hand away. “Rose.” 
“C’mon.” She grins, giving him a lingering kiss. “No “we almost died so we’re gonna fuck in an alley” sex?”
He matches her grin, despite himself. “Not yet.” He pushes her to arm’s length. “If we’re gonna keep doing this, you have to promise me something.”
“Mm, weird way to ask for a safe word, but okay. I’m game.”
“No,” he snorts. “No more secrets.”
“Rose. Please. Promise me.” He takes both her hands in his own, kissing them like they’re in some historical drama. The sop.
But it gets under her skin regardless. “Okay. I promise.” 
Just when Rose starts to squirm, her phone buzzes with a text message. 
Van’s ready. I want carnitas with extra guac. 
Y’know. Maybe this whole running from death thing is overrated. Maybe Rose is going to save her ex-employers the trouble of taking her out. Anything to avoid this. 
The hotel is full of people–good, yes. More crowds to disappear into. More guests for the staff to pay attention to. More noise to mask the sound of their voices. Only one problem, really.
There’s only one room left in this entire hotel. And it’s a fucking honeymoon suite. Only one king-sized bed for the three of them. Oh, an entire kitchenette and a fully stocked fridge. But only one fucking bed. Rose is going to murder someone.
“I could sleep on the couch,” Roy volunteers.
“Absolutely not,” Jason and Rose snap. 
The room is too hot to sleep in, even with the AC. These stupid fucking synthetic sheets that feel so luxurious until you’re fucking baking like a cake beneath them. And so, Rose spends the night sandwiched between two very hot guys (in both senses of the word) and she can’t do a thing about it. Facing Jason to ignore Roy and his Old Spice aroma does nothing. And her fucking boyfriend falls right asleep. 
She must’ve passed out sometime before dawn, because Rose wakes wrapped in Roy’s arms. If only Rose can extricate herself before Jason wakes–and that’s when she smells french toast. Rose looks up just in time to meet Jason’s eyes, watching her. Does it bother him? She can’t tell. Jason and his fucking poker face. “Hungry?” he asks.
In more ways than you know. Fuck. Does she wake Roy up? Does she let him get his beauty sleep? (Like the fucker needs it.) Rose is almost about to move regardless when his murmur stirs the nape on her neck. Roy tightens his hold, as if she’s a full-size teddy bear.
“Might as well wake him up, unless you want to spend the entire morning in bed.” Jason says neutrally over the sizzle of the frying pan. Is he suggesting—?
Rose stammers, “I swear I woke up like this. I didn’t–” She pries Roy’s arm off her middle and slips out of bed like she’s bypassing security. 
A ghost of a smile appears on Jason’s face as he focuses on the french toast. “Roy’s a total cuddle bug. You look cute together.”
Her heart hammers in her chest, and her cheeks flush. Really? She mouths, too afraid to avoid the question out loud. You think so? Instead, she darts to the kitchen and pulls Jason into a kiss, breakfast be damned. 
“Mm,” Jason kisses back, briefly, before pulling back. “You’re in a good mood. Something happen in your dreams?”
Rose searches for a suitable answer, but Roy breaks the silence first.
“Huh? What’d I miss? Mm…you cookin’, Jaybird? Save s’me f’rme.” Roy twists in the sheets, tangling himself up further. 
Rose is in the middle of coming up with a convincing lie when the vision hits her. Sighting lasers. The countertop peppered with bullets. Jason’s head knocked back by a bullet in the forehead. Red circles blooming on the sheets covering Roy’s body. “Get down!” she shrieks. 
Both Jason and Roy duck. They know better than to hesitate when Rose uses that tone. She sees the lasers a second time–in real time, and the sound of the bullets hitting and cracking the granite above their heads. The ping of bullets going through the pots and the frying pans. “Should we call security?” Roy yells over the din, still in his boxers. 
“Don’t bother. They would have been called by now.” If hotel security was on their side. Which it isn’t. 
“Shut the fuck up, both of you.” Rose needs to concentrate. Lean into her adrenaline rush. Her dad once said she had a brain like a computer. She just needed to use it. 
Use it. 
Rose waits for a break in the covering fire, grabbing the bag of ice they stuck in the freezer, dumping it on the frying pan. Sorry, Jason. The ice cubes crack and hiss, filling the room with steam, the grease spilling over and catching fire, following the steam with smoke. She needs the phone. But not for a phone call. She pitches the phone at one goon’s head, shattering his visor and knocking him back. The base she rips out of the wall and strangles the next guard with the cord. 
C’mon, c’mon. Always living three seconds in the future means she’s always waiting. Waiting. Waiting. 
BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. Jason found his pistols. Twang. And the hiss of a smoke-bomb arrow. But it doesn’t hit its target in time. Rose hears the SMACK of a body hitting the kitchen floor. She doesn’t wait. She lunges, grabbing the last goon and ramming him against the counter. Jason stops firing, and the smoke slowly clears.
Roy’s on the ground, and he’s not moving. Shit. Rose should have seen it coming. She should have blocked it. At least she heals on her own. There’s blood trailing down the side of his temple.  C’mon, c’mon. Pressing her fingers against his neck, Rose bites her lip as she waits for his heartbeat. It’s faint, but it’s there. “Jason, get some cold water.”
The moment the water hits him, Roy shoots back up with a gasp, and Rose has to hold his shoulders down to keep him from rising too fast. “Easy. You got hit pretty hard.”
Blinking several times, Roy slurs “Rose? Why’re there three’f you?” 
Fuck, she could cry night now. “Shut up.” And then she’s kissing him. Maybe it’s the fact he could’ve died. Maybe it’s the way he’s sloppily kissing back. Or maybe it’s those energy drinks he’s always pounding–Roy tastes so sweet. 
And then he pulls back, bumping his head on the floor. “Ow.” He opens his eyes, looking up at her. “We shouldn’” Roy’s blue eyes pop against his flushed cheeks, and they slide to the right, drawing Rose’s attention to the man watching this entire exchange. Her boyfriend. Shit. Fuck. Fuck.
“Jason,” Rose says quicky. 
He holds up his hand. “Can we talk? In private?”
The air leaves her lungs. Rose manages to nod, stuffing her hoodie under Roy’s head. “Stay.” She mutters, dragging herself out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. Jason shuts the door behind them.
“Jason, I wasn’t thinking. I was just happy he’s okay.”
He watches her with his goddamn poker face. Why couldn’t he just be angry? Like a normal person? “Was that all?” 
“I swear.”
Jason shakes his head. “Rose, you promised. No more secrets.”
“I’m not keeping any! I told you about my employer–my ex-employer.”
“I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about Roy.”
“There’s nothing about Roy!”
Jason’s face finally breaks–his eyebrows crinkle and his eyes waver, but otherwise he keeps that perfect Wayne composure. “Rose. Please.” He swallows. “I know this isn’t the first time.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She can’t lose him. Not like this. “It won’t happen again, I promise.”
Releasing the breath he was holding, Jason runs his hand through his hair. “Rose. Listen. Please. Do what you want with Roy. Just don’t hurt him.”
“But–” I love you, she finishes in her head. “I want to stay with you.” Yeah. Safer to say that instead. 
His eyes light up as he brushes his thumb across her cheek. “Why does it have to be one or the other?”
“Huh?” Rose’s brain short circuits. 
Jason reaches for her hand, squeezing it. “Who says you have to choose between us?” He falters before she can answer. “Well, Roy might.” Licking his lips nervously, he adds softly, “but I won’t.”
“You mean it?” Rose squeezes his hand, and Jason opens his mouth to answer her.
“Guys?” Roy calls out groggily from the living room.
“Shit, Roy!” They tumble back into the living room together.
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thefvrious · 11 months
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@ghostsxagain -> first five asks get a kiss
The night had moved forward exactly how Enrique had envisioned it. It had been a good idea to forego bringing a date to prom, for the lot of them to just pool their resources and attend their last hoorah! together as friends. It took away all the stress of the evening, and there were plenty of them to go through, to dance with. He had a slow dance with Maya, with Nayeli, with Joaquin, even if the latter had been a giggle pot the whole fucking time.
Enrique had enticed Joaquin to leave the rest of the party and come outside in the heat of late spring to enjoy a blunt he'd brought. Really, it was just an excuse to get alone with Quino -- he'd been thinking about it all evening. As they passed the blunt between them and Quique listened to whatever it was that Chimo was rambling about now, the older boy was overcome with a sensation that had been building like a tidal wave inside of him.
After exhaling a cloud of smoke, Enrique stepped in and closed the gap between them, his shiny-toed foot right between Chimo's sneakered ones. He didn't give either of them a moment to react or think -- if he had, perhaps he would have realized it was a bad idea, would've realized that this wasn't at all what Joaquin wanted. But he could only think of himself, of the way he felt after a few wine coolers in the back of the limo and now this blunt, riding on a high for how he'd been slowly feeling for Joaquin for months and months now, marinating in it. Before he knew it, their lips were together and he was kissing Chimo, though all too short-lived because Quino was taking a step back, looking at him very confusedly.
Dazed, Enrique blinked, stepped back too, ran his fingers through already wild curls, and offered Joaquin a winning smile with shining lips. "Sorry, sorry... read the room, Quique. I, uh, don't know why I did that? Blame it on the weed, the alcohol your Papi stashed in the cooler. My bad..." He held up his hands in supplication, still smiling. "Don't vanquish me to some other realm, Chimo."
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danishkhan786 · 2 years
beach house wedding
Welcome to Treasure by the Sea Resort
Chimo, Jalisco, Mexico
"A Paradise on Earth that makes your Soul Smile"
A secret extravagance resort worked with adoration that you can feel, with sees that will amaze you, food that will make your sense of taste sing, administration that will cause you to feel like sovereignty and energy that will stir your spirit and cause you to feel more invigorated than any other time!
Norma's Treasure by the Sea Journey
Treasure by the Sea was worked with love and truth be told, the vision and improvement was done by one astounding woman by the name of Norma Alicia Tovar Hernandez.
Norma was brought into the world in Refugia, Cabo Corrientes which is simply generally near the town of Chimo. The district is all nearby land, and all compelled by the neighborhood Cabo Corrientes. During a huge piece of her life, Norma was a viable restauranteur and connoisseur expert setting up likely the best Mexican cooking that anybody could expect to find.
Everything was working out emphatically for Norma and her life when setback struck her and she lost her soul mate suddenly. She was lost so the neighborhood her a land bundle on the beach front in Chimo for her to get one more start for herself along with her young people.
Norma had a fantasy of a beautiful sea side house with rooms to rent so they started and kicked things off with herself and the help of a few dear friends. They started moving soil and shakes each and every bucket. This was in 2011 while the endeavor and the new trip began and at the time there was no sea side wherever in Chimo, basically a lot of rocks so the district should be gotten liberated from the stones to put the foundation down.
Various who see the property wonder who the designer was, well it was Norma and she kept all of the plans to her, she could see the property clearly to her and knew definitively precise thing to do, she had a fantasy of 7 phenomenal rooms each with their own bathroom with excess ordinary districts, pool, kitchen, bar and huge deck locale for participating in the viewpoints and focusing on the traces of the water making some waves in and out of town and rocks under. Norma could see definitively careful thing she expected to do in all of a sort room by making each one fairly extraordinary.
The several all worked vivaciously countless days and slowly watched the design happen as expected after the fundamental year. It was a long journey up to this point, at this point this got her mind a long way from incident and just looked at gain and the award close to the end. Countless years they continued to work steadfastly changing and adding every lavishness you can imagine to the house so every guest would have a see any problems with blowing experience when they visited Treasure by the Sea.
Yet again it was the completion of year 4 and the sea side property is essentially gotten done, she then, decided to get some more land and stretch out the property to the mountain above so she started clearing and building the second piece of Treasure by the Sea Resort, again the resulting stage was done exactly the same way, every stone to the mountain by and by called Happy Hill. It includes 5 noteworthy cabins/bequests, 2 pools, a bar, shared kitchen and lots of ordinary outside space that all have sees that will flabbergast you.
Cabo Corrientes
Cabo Corrientes would one agree that one is of those places that you might have known about anyway rarely does anybody anytime go, considering the way that… nobody knows where it is? The request that ought to be addressed is how and how is it that you could have to go there?
From a genuine perspective, Cabo Corrientes means "cape streams". One clarification is a consequence of significant solid areas for the on that piece of the delta. Cabo Corrientes starts at the point around 30 miles South and East of Puerto Vallarta and stretches out the entire way to the far southern spot where you will find an old guide that is at this point practical.
Cabo Corrientes is a locale that integrates around 75 kilometers of magnificent, void and only occasionally visited beaches likewise a movement of mountain towns eastward. The chief little section of Cabo Corrientes starts just southward of Boca de Tomatlan and happen for certain miles to the little ocean side town Tehuamixtle, the district has a couple of waterfront fishing towns and shores like Yelapa, Las Ánimas, Quimixto, and Chimo.
More Information: https://treasurebythesearesort.com/
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rankertopgoogle · 2 years
healing retreat mexico
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 Welcome to Treasure by the Sea Resort
Chimo, Jalisco, Mexico
"A Paradise on Earth that makes your Soul Smile"
A secret extravagance resort worked with adoration that you can feel, with sees that will amaze you, food that will make your sense of taste sing, administration that will cause you to feel like sovereignty and energy that will stir your spirit and cause you to feel more invigorated than any other time!
 Norma's Treasure by the Sea Journey
Treasure by the Sea was worked with love and truth be told, the vision and improvement was done by one astounding woman by the name of Norma Alicia Tovar Hernandez.
Norma was brought into the world in Refugia, Cabo Corrientes which is simply generally near the town of Chimo. The district is all nearby land, and all compelled by the neighborhood Cabo Corrientes. During a huge piece of her life, Norma was a viable restauranteur and connoisseur expert setting up likely the best Mexican cooking that anybody could expect to find.
Everything was working out emphatically for Norma and her life when setback struck her and she lost her soul mate suddenly. She was lost so the neighborhood her a land bundle on the beach front in Chimo for her to get one more start for herself along with her young people.
Norma had a fantasy of a beautiful sea side house with rooms to rent so they started and kicked things off with herself and the help of a few dear friends. They started moving soil and shakes each and every bucket. This was in 2011 while the endeavor and the new trip began and at the time there was no sea side wherever in Chimo, basically a lot of rocks so the district should be gotten liberated from the stones to put the foundation down.
Various who see the property wonder who the designer was, well it was Norma and she kept all of the plans to her, she could see the property clearly to her and knew definitively precise thing to do, she had a fantasy of 7 phenomenal rooms each with their own bathroom with excess ordinary districts, pool, kitchen, bar and huge deck locale for participating in the viewpoints and focusing on the traces of the water making some waves in and out of town and rocks under. Norma could see definitively careful thing she expected to do in all of a sort room by making each one fairly extraordinary.
The several all worked vivaciously countless days and slowly watched the design happen as expected after the fundamental year. It was a long journey up to this point, at this point this got her mind a long way from incident and just looked at gain and the award close to the end. Countless years they continued to work steadfastly changing and adding every lavishness you can imagine to the house so every guest would have a see any problems with blowing experience when they visited Treasure by the Sea.
Yet again it was the completion of year 4 and the sea side property is essentially gotten done, she then, decided to get some more land and stretch out the property to the mountain above so she started clearing and building the second piece of Treasure by the Sea Resort, again the resulting stage was done exactly the same way, every stone to the mountain by and by called Happy Hill. It includes 5 noteworthy cabins/bequests, 2 pools, a bar, shared kitchen and lots of ordinary outside space that all have sees that will flabbergast you.
 Cabo Corrientes
Cabo Corrientes would one agree that one is of those places that you might have known about anyway rarely does anybody anytime go, considering the way that… nobody knows where it is? The request that ought to be addressed is how and how is it that you could have to go there?
From a genuine perspective, Cabo Corrientes means "cape streams". One clarification is a consequence of significant solid areas for the on that piece of the delta. Cabo Corrientes starts at the point around 30 miles South and East of Puerto Vallarta and stretches out the entire way to the far southern spot where you will find an old guide that is at this point practical.
Cabo Corrientes is a locale that integrates around 75 kilometers of magnificent, void and only occasionally visited beaches likewise a movement of mountain towns eastward. The chief little section of Cabo Corrientes starts just southward of Boca de Tomatlan and happen for certain miles to the little ocean side town Tehuamixtle, the district has a couple of waterfront fishing towns and shores like Yelapa, Las Ánimas, Quimixto, and Chimo.
 More Information: https://treasurebythesearesort.com/
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japan-esque · 6 years
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monster-asylum · 6 years
Hello everyone!!! So I've been trying to figure something out. Has anyone ever purchased a kigu mask from Nukopan? And if so, does anyone know how exactly to do it and if it's possible? I'm new to this animegao Kigu mask stuff, and I'm primarily interested in the bjd styled ones (I'm also interested in the cyclops girls looking ones, if anyone knows anything about where one might be able to get one of those I'd greatly appreciate that information as well). But yeah, if anyone know anything about that please message me or comment!! Keep in mind I'm just a beginner here!
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{The first two mask are by Nukopan, the last I'm not sure but I figured why not include it}
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CHIMO St. Patty’s Day
submitted by me
Calling all of you MUTUALS - let’s make some art
Here’s my thought/vision/whatever... DM me a word or simple sentence tied to a memory that haunts you... it’s that simple. It can be anything you are willing to share. A shitty failed relationship or break up, a pet’s death, a forgotten best friend... or happier memories like your first kiss, best vacation, or the first time you heard ‘I love you’ and believed it... I’ll try to convert it into a mixtape cover. 
Let’s collaborate and see what pops out the other end :)
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dovebuffy92 · 2 years
Spoilers Below
In Julia Season One Episode Seven, ” Foie Gras,” directed by Jenee LaMarque, Julia Child’s (Sarah Lancashire) bubble is burst by Feminist icon Betty Friedan (Tracee Chimo Pallero) during a New York-based gala honoring The French Chef.
Julia takes her husband Paul Cushing Child (David Hyde Pierce), best friend Avis DeVoto (Bebe Neuwirth), and book editor Judith Jones (Fiona Glascott) to the public television New York gala. They go along with The French Chef’s director-producer Russ Morash (Fran Kranz), producer Alice Naman (Brittany Bradford), and WGBH President Hunter Fox (Robert Joy). Sadly, Paul develops low-grade flu during their trip, leaving him unable to go to lunch at a fabulous French restaurant with Julia. Thankfully he musters up the strength to attend the gala to support his wife.
Julia dines at the French restaurant with Judith and her boss, President of Alfred A. Knopf Inc Blanche Knopf (Judith Light). Judith spends the lunch trying to prove Julia’s value as a cookbook author to Blanche. However, Blanche finds Julia’s enthusiasm for food annoying. She is not impressed with Julia’s television career, but she sells the importance of the author finishing her second cookbook. The author doesn’t seem bothered by Blanche’s tense remarks but feels the sting of a sexist comment by the restaurant’s head chef Andre. Meanwhile, Avis uses Paul’s sickness as an excuse not to go on her first date since her husband died. Sparks fly during Alice’s blind date with a newly minted lawyer.
Judith confronts Blanche about why she was so rude to Julia. Blanche tells Judith off for wasting precious time editing Julia’s “frivolous” cookbooks instead of focusing on her legacy as an award-winning novel editor. Later they all meet up for the gala, where Julia delivers a beautiful speech about how The French Chef is a “travel program” that allows homemakers to explore new worlds through cooking. Julia hopes that her love for life infects her audience.
Julia rides an emotional and intellectual rollercoaster throughout ” Foie Gras,” starting with her working lunch at a French restaurant. She revels in her delicious mouth-watering meal when the chef Andre comes over to their table. Andre warmly greets repeat customers Blanche and Judith. Julia compliments the chef’s cooking gushing that it’s as good as any meal she has had in Europe. Andre takes the compliment to heart. Julia doesn’t even have to introduce herself because he recognizes her from The French Chef. He loves the television show—Julia giggles in glee that people in the culinary world know her.
The two joke that because Andre was born in France that he is the real “French Chef.” Julia spreads laughter and happiness wherever she travels. Andre praises Julia telling her how many of his customers ask him to cook dishes from her program. He has even been able to move sweetbread because of The French Chef. Judith pointedly stares at Blanche, delighted that now there is proof of the importance of her friend’s show. Julia feels on top of the world with an incredible chef cheering her on.
Andre poisons the celebratory mood by asking her for a favor. He begs Julia to leave “the real cooking to the men.” Julia’s face falls as Andre argues that women don’t belong in restaurants, no matter their culinary education or accomplishments. Then, he walks away, leaving Julia in a state of shock. The table turns silent until Blanche dryly offers to pay the check.
Julia Season One executive producers Daniel Goldfarb and Christopher Keyser have stated that one of the questions the series explores is if Julia Child represents feminism or traditional values of femininity. ” Foie Gras” delves into this during her explosive conversation with Betty Friedan.
The eighth episode, in many ways, argues that Julia is a feminist icon. While delivering the speech, Julia highlights all the incredible women she brought with her during her journey into stardom. The television personality invites her best friend Avis to the gala and publicly thanks her for her contribution to The French Chef even though she doesn’t officially work for WGBH. She acknowledges Judith for taking the time out of her busy schedule working with intellectual novelists like John Updike to edit Mastering the Art of French Cooking.
Finally, Julia calls young producer Alice, a future television innovator. She fought for Alice to become an official producer on The French Chef when no one else was awarding the younger woman for all her hard work. Julia advocates for other women all the time.
Julia Child is essentially one of the creative producers of The French Chef. She designs the “menu” for each season, writes all the scrips, takes part in greenlighting editing, and essentially invented the idea of a cooking television show. Julia Child represents The French Chef because her personality and culinary skills are why it’s popular. Julia works hard on her television show while co-writing another cookbook and taking care of her husband. However, Betty Friedan makes excellent points about how the television personality has made it harder for women to succeed.
During a conversation about Betty’s new book, The Feminine Mystique, the feminist shares that she doesn’t think “Julia is a good example” to other women. Betty argues The French Chef traps wives in the kitchen because of the amount of work it takes to create these elaborate French dishes. The thirty-minute television show creates the illusion that these meals don’t take days to cook and hours to clean up.
Betty believes that Julia has made it so that homemakers now must cook dishes worthy of three Michelin stars for their husbands, making it challenging to complete their other domestic duties. These women don’t have the time to travel or even dream of pursuing a career. Betty’s comments bring to light issues that Julia has never considered. Julia leaves the ballroom feeling heartbroken, realizing for the first time that some people hate what she stands for.
Does Julia’s perfect 1950’s housewife image make her a symbol of an archaic time? Or does the “French Chef” who heads her own television show make her an ideal example of a 1960s modern woman? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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sashibunbun · 3 years
So the Chris-chan thing
You know 2 weeks on, I think I may have changed my mind on Chris-chan.
Oh no, not horror at somebody (depending on route), who is 2786-2844 miles (44 83.623- 4576.974 km) by driving away from me doing something abhorrent to their family member whose actions don’t affect me in any way,
No, not the fact that you’re having dumbass arguments over how to refer to Chris-chan.
I think it was literally 2 days after the latest US Weekly-like or People-like focus on a literal nobody broke the latest “news” about their personal Brad Pitt-Jennifer Anniston obsession.
A little warning, if you’ve tied up your personality in lolcow following or shit like it, your ego is going to be bruised, because there’s a reason I used two celebrity gossip mags and their obsession from 1998 to the present.
Before this I thought, these guys are a little creepy, but not any different than the type of people who glance over the same said magazines, and were just in the normal person boat following a person who became a meme.
Now. I think the nicest I can put it is, that you’re in the same boat as the people who actually read and care about what’s in those magazine, though frankly I’ve been being pushed towards it’s somehow worse.
What boat is that, you’re shallow, braindead, unfulfilled losers. You’re somehow worse than bored, middle aged, housewives who likely haven’t had an orgasm since at least the mid fucking 90s.
But frankly I’d rather be around the housewives than you all. They know that nobody outside their little circle gives two shits about Brad-Jennifer, because they, you know, have at least something resembling a personality. You absolute troglodytes have spent a decade and a half basically following all the Us Weekly and People articles. But instead of following the mag’s obsession with two celebrities who broke up around the start of W.’s second term, you targeted somebody who is a literal nobody. And I mean this with the fullest possible malice...
You’re a bunch of fucking losers. 
No I don’t care what Chris-chan did. 
Oh I’m supportive of it if I don’t care? No, I’m fucking normal, not somebody that brings shame on the entire concept of pond scum (sorry to pond scum, somehow you’re more useful and have more of a personality. You do you funky little algae and cyanobacteria).
Oh we should shame this sort of shit? How about this, we should shame your paparazzi, celebrity gossip tabloid, cyberstalking, best part of you slid down you momma’s ass crack and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress asses. Because frankly Chris-chan’s daily life affects me and others far less than the fact that we have a rather large group of people like you, that somehow make me think that the paparazzi and celebrity gossip tabloid producers are better people. Let me spell it our for you those two are in the area I’d say barely count as people. Like fuck the lowest I consider people is like ChiMos, Serail Killers, Paparazzi, Celebrity Gossip Mag Editor, Celebrity Gossip Mag “Reporter”, and Ambulance Chasing Lawyers. And you absolute fucking jackasses have somehow managed to worm your way right in between guys who get off on killing people and people who want pictures of Tyler Durden and want articles 16 years on about his relationship with Rachel from Friends.
Fuck what Chris-chan did, nobody in reality cares. Take a lesson from your gossip mag reading moms, and shut the fuck up or think about how you fucking look, especially when you’re targeting people over stupid ass shit.
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tea-intheworld · 4 years
I finished typing up my hand written manuscript for a sci-fi fantasy novel tentatively called Udan’s Children (possibly the trilogy title, who knows). @dczwrites​ posted about her characters using a design link and I followed it to do the same for Udan’s Children because I wanted to celebrate. Character designs and description below the line.
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Ani, full name Rajani, is a fixer for the Onikana of the 9th ward, aka Hell. Fixer is grounder slang for an assassin (hence the blood). Recently promoted to Raksha, gives her a chance to find her daughter that was taken from her by the Politico. She passes the time she isn’t fixing by doing drag, drinking acid, and chasing tail. 
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Thana also lives in the 9th ward, but has a career less filled with blood. She is what we would call a community organizer, but for her it’s necessity. With the help of her friend Weed, they attempt to lift up the grounders around them and report on the oppression of the Politico. Udan gives her a prophecy that overthrows her life and brings her into contact with Ani.
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Ciela is a 14yo recently transferred from a family home to a work home. The work home she lives in is known as the gratitude girls, essentially call girls for the rich and powerful of the city. The scar on her face (best I could find in the app but not exact) is from a fire that sent her to the family homes when she was young. She escapes the gratitude girls when a rich Aerius ‘adopts’ her to work for him in the city.
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Kaja isn’t introduced until the end of this book, but will play a major role in the next stories and technically has been playing a role in the background here. Ze is the warden of the 3rd ward and runs an elite militia to protect zer citizens, aka the snakes. Ze has been working closely with Thana, Weed, and Chimo to stem the oppression of the Politico.
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Chimo is the warden of the 8th ward. They are also a bit of a holy person within the religion, seen as a reincarnation of the ninth as they are nonbinary. This app doesn’t quite capture them, I imagine them to be super tall and broader. The white above their eyes are nine glass beads inserted under their skin. Chimo works with Thana and Weed but also helps Ani later in the story.
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Rook is the warden of the 9th ward, aka Hell, and Ani’s boss. He is less feminine than this makes him look, but he is very dapper. When he promotes her to Raksha it’s because he has a secret plan to improve his station in life: to become an Aerius (the people who live high above the lower city in the upper city (imaginative I know)). A benefactor in the Politico, Wei, hires him to help eliminate his competition.
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Weed is just a tired hacker who is doing his best. He mostly lives inside his and Thana’s loft working on the network, either searching for political prisoners, finding evidence of Politico misdoings, or broadcasting his radio show over the network (aka podcast, lbr). He is too smart for this world and his own good. But he is devoted to Thana and the grounders, he will do whatever it takes to help them.
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bartallenisbae · 5 years
Ging Freecss x reader
I don’t own anything
Warning: Reference some description of sex
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“I want what I can’t have,” he said looking off into the distance while his son was looking at him feeling her stare at him oddly.
He wasn’t lying to his son. He was honest as he could be though he could tell his son didn’t listen to the part of information of his mom in the voicemail he left him a while ago so he didn’t tell his son about her.
Gon was...surprising. He could read people. Always could but Gon...well no doubt about it he surprised him. When he first met him he thought Gon would either be mad or happy. He cried. He cried about Kite. As he thought of that while talking to his son he smiled seeing her though his son was a replica of him.
20-year-old Ging sat looking at the new island he found. It was off the map but not by much. He could see people fishing. So they had adapted like everyone else.
As he landed he sat looking at the new trees he saw humans gathered. They must think of him as a threat. He put his hands up to show he came in peace. They must not get new people much though it was surprising.
“Hey I’m not here to bring any harm.” They looked around other people in confusion. They must not understand him. They were all different looking besides people who were obviously related. Some had dark skin and some had pale and some had tan skin and many different other kinds but everyone had highlighted hair with different highlights. All of them.
They started to talk in a different language. Well this wasn’t as fun as he thought. He sighed before the leader had started to calm everyone down. The leader seemed older. Whoever the oldest must be known as the wisest. The leader pointed at a Ging and spoke again in the unknown language which started to cause Ging to twitch rub his forehead.
“Look I don’t know what your saying,” He needed to start getting used to this if he wanted to travel more. The leader nodded.
“We...learn your...language,” He didn’t expect them to learn so fast. They must be slightly more advanced than he thought. He should figure out why soon.
“That’s great. My name is Ging.”
“Ging,” They all started to mumble his name. He slowly explained that he was just studying the island and meant no harm to them. Luckily they were kind and let him stay with him though after learning about their culture it appeared that they were more advanced from a certain fruit they all ate and depended on for years. The fruit was called Chimo. It has the nutrients to advance the brain. After a few generations eating the fruit the next babies didn’t need to eat the fruit to be as advanced as their descendants. It also explains how they all have highlighted hair though newborn babies didn’t have highlighted hair until they are a few months.
They also had formed arranged marriages for their children by the time they were born, which is why parents were very protective of their children when they were teens around people their age of a different gender. He noticed especially though even with them being so kind letting him stay in one small house they made for him they still didn’t fully trust him as they kept him away from any of the young women which he didn’t have to much of a problem since he wasn’t to much of a perv.
While he was studying an unknown plant he heard and felt someone watching him. He sighed and didn’t even turn knowing someone was there.
“ I can feel you watching me,” he heard a young woman gasp and show her head behind a tree. He turned to see her and saw a young woman around 18-years-old smiling at him in innocence and curiosity. She had (your skin color) and (e/c) and (h/c) with her ends being highlighted dark green.
“Hi, I’m (y/n),” He then remembered seeing her planting in the farms with her family who had her highlighted dark green hair ends. Ging smiled at her.
“What are you doing here?” She rubbed the back of her head with a wide smile.
“ My mama said I couldn’t be near you and I was curious. What’s it like where your from? What do you do?” No one from the island was even curious so it surprised him that she wanted to know about him, he smirked.
“Why would a good girl like you want to know about me,” She didn’t even blush at the flirty comment. She was so naive...it was cute.
“I just want to know more,” she said with a smile, he patted a spot next to him and she sat next to him. They talked for hours. He learned that the reason the parents kept any teen girls and young women away from him and any other young men that weren’t arranged to them is because if any woman was found deflowered away from any man that wasn’t their engagement then the girl would never be married to anyone and the man would be killed. They were pretty serious. When the young woman was 21-years-old they were married to the first man born before her except if they were related.
He told her about hunters, the food he had tasted, and other things. She realized she stayed longer than she thought.
She ran home which he watched as she snuck in through the window. He saw and felt her parents though in the room she snuck through and saw them talk to her and read their lips seeing they asked her where she was and looked her up and down seeing if they saw any marks or anything.
They kept her in tighter security which was just watched her more though she always seemed to find him. It honestly made her more adorable. After staying there for a few months he honestly wasn’t bored yet. Because of that girl. She was very entertaining since he always liked knowing how she got out of her parents sight everyday. (Y/n) always surprised him with how she could escape.
“I went through my window after lying to my brother and Mama and Papa by telling them I was sick,”
“I snuck past my brother while he was talking to a friend,”
“I got to sneak past my family while they were working,”
She always found a way to find him. Sometimes he would purposely hide a bit and she found him.
As they sat looking at the stars (y/n) expanded what they called them and why. Ging never really was into anyone but (y/n) just made him smile. Did he love her? Now that’s a strong word. Did he like her? Yeah he would say so.
As she talked he smiled and leaned closer to her which as usual she didn’t notice in her naiveness. She turned to look at him and then realized how close he was.
“Ging...do you ever think I can leave the island?” She asked, he smiled
“It’s all up to you. Whatever you want to do, do it,” She kisses him and responded by kissing her back which lead to things going further. Now Ging wasn’t a virgin but he always had protection with the other two who he never saw after and forgot about but he forgot about protection and things got so heated and everything felt so nice with her moaning and her tightness with her under him he never wanted it to end and neither did she with what he heard ;). He didn’t forget her later on.
“Ging, that was amazing,” she said laying her naked sweaty body on him coming down from their high. He chuckled with his arm on her naked back. They both laid there in silence only hearing them catch their breath.
Well as he says. He wants what he can’t have.
Things continued with her sneaking out during the day to see him. Sometimes they would make out, rarely they would sleep together at night but most the time they talked. That is however until one day.
“I’m pregnant,” She said while they were both sat just out of the blue surprising him.
“ Your kidding,” he could feel the sweat forming from his forehead. She shook her head and laid her hand made dress to show her stomach which had a baby bump around 2 months.
“I...just ignored it. I ignored the morning sickness, the weight gain, the wider hips, the constant need to go to the bathroom, and then the late periods,” Ging remembered the fact they didn’t have pregnancy tests. They learned from going to their doctor which they called the healer. Everyone knew who everyone was engaged too and when they were supposed to be married so if the healer found out she was pregnant then things would start to go down hill. He could leave sure but she was too much fun to leave yet.
“So have you gone to the healer yet?” He asked, she shook her head no.
“No, I don’t know if I can.” She said with her eyes full of worry. He sighed and relaxed a bit, though it was only a bit.
“I can tell if you are, come here,” he said, she nodded remembering him mentioning how his world had learned of Nen and other abilities. She walked to him and he took a breath before seeing if there was another life source...and there was.
“Yeah, your pregnant,” he said, she tensed up in fear. He could feel her start to tear up
“I don’t want you to die,” She said, he chuckled a bit
“Are you kidding? That’s what your worried about? I can take care of myself but right now I think we should worry about you, how about we leave?” She started to stop crying from sadness and was more confused.
“Leave?” Ging smiled
“Yeah, leave. I have enough information about this place. I’ve just stayed because you're fun to be around.” She smiled brightly a bit.
“Well go back to your house and get your stuff and meet me at my ship.” He said, he wondered if she would question him if he would leave her before she got there but of course she had to surprise him.
“Ok,” She turned running which oddly he wanted to tell her not to run. Why would he care...ok yeah that could hurt the baby. It felt weird to think about more concern to others. Man he was a douchebag.
When (Y/n) was at her house her parents walked into her room while she was packing.
“(Y/n) why are you packing and where have you been?” (Y/n)’s parents asked in their native tongue while (y/n) finished packing.
“I’m going with Ging. I was with him and told him I was pregnant so he’s taking me with him.” Her parents froze at their daughter’s honest plain out answer. She was too honest for her own good. To curious for her own good. Never was afraid to ask for answers.
While they tried to understand the information they were given seconds ago (y/n) walked past them. When she was out the door she heard her family start to try to follow her so she ran knowing soon the whole village would try to catch her. As she ran, she felt...excitement. The wind in her hair and the thought of not knowing if she would be caught though she then realized Ging could be in danger if she was to slow.
As she saw Ging standing near the ship she waved at him and Ging noticed immediately the crowd behind her. Ging ran and picked (y/n) up bridal style running back to ship in a few seconds. (Y/n) snuggled into Gings chest as she saw the ship leaving her island. She was free. She was going to be able to explore.
“How’s it feel being free?” Ging asked looking down at her. She smiled up at him.
“It feels great,” Ging laughed, (y/n) smiled up at him again. Ging gently put her down and she kissed his cheek as she put her hand on her baby bump.
“So...she your girlfriend?” Wdwune asked teasingly as the 4 months pregnant (y/n) playing a video game for the first time in the other room.
“No we are just having some fun,” Ging grumbled, Wdwune laughed finally having something to make fun of Ging for.
“I guess a little too much fun,” Ging rolled his eyes not bothering to continue that conversation
“Listen I didn’t come here just to get ridiculed. We aren’t anything serious. We’re just having fun and now she’s pregnant. I’ve stayed so far because she’s just interesting ok?” Wdwune looked at Ging smirking at his friend.
“Your a real douche bag you know that?” Wdwune said
As they both left Wdwune’s house (y/n) smiled after playing video games for so long.
“That was so fun! Ging can we go again sometime? Are there more video games like that? Are there any video games where you can actually go into a video game?” Ging smiled at her.
“I actually made a game like that but it’s too dangerous for you to go into,” she frowned and looked down
“But it sounds like fun,” Ging smiled at her and put his arm around her.
“AHHHHHH,” (Y/n) screamed in pain while holding Gings hand. Her 9 month baby bump was about to pop. She had never felt so much pain in her life. Ging had gritted his teeth in pain of her grip.
“Hey don’t be so harsh on my hand there,”
“YOU DON’T GET TO TALK,” she yelled at Ging, the doctor then spoke
“Ok your doing great sweetheart now we need you to push one more time.” (Y/n) pushed hearing something cry out and felt the pain vanish though felt that her body was sore.
“Congratulations it’s a baby boy,” the doctor said giving the baby to a nurse. The doctor then looked to see if (y/n) broke anything and saw too much blood.
“We need more doctors. There’s too much blood,” Ging felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Fear. Why? He was just having fun. Yeah she was beautiful,funny,naive, and a million other things but this wasn’t anything serious, right? A nurse gave Ging his son following the doctor.
“We need you to leave for now,” he nodded leaving to go to the room they said they could dry in. His son had his black hair but he felt when he was older he would have green highlighted ends. One nurse asked him for his son's name.
“Gon...Gon Freecss,”
After a few hours, a nurse came to Ging saying he could see her but it was probably the last time he could because she was dying. He held Gon tightly to him as he walked to the room. (Y/n) was laying on a bed. She looked pale. Deadly pale.
He didn’t know what to say. She should be looking at him smiling but she wasn’t. She should be looking at Gon and holding but she couldn’t. She should be asking questions about Gon. She should be clinging onto him as he looked at Gon.
“I...love you,” he felt himself start to cry for the first time in years. He heard the beeping stop and everything was silent.
“He’s back!” Someone said to Mito.
“Ging,” Meto ran outside to see her cousin holding a baby that looked identical to Ging but had green highlights starting to appear from his ends.
“Where the hell have you been? What have you been doing? Who is that? Why do you have a baby? Is it yours? What’s going on?” Mito asked practically screaming. Ging just stood there waiting for her to calm down.
“This is my son Gon. His mother and I...well things didn’t work out.” Ging turned not explaining anything except for the small information he left behind.
The rest of the recording he left Gon.
“If you want to learn about your mother keep going but if you don’t want to learn about her then just stop the tape…………..Ok so you want to know about your mom? She was Outgoing, curious,smart, and everything you could ask for...I wish I wasn’t such a dumb ass then maybe I would have appreciated more before she passed away. She’s dead Gon so you shouldn’t go looking for her. She’s was one of the rare few people I loved. My family and your mom were the only ones I’ve loved Gon.”
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danganronpauntitled · 4 years
Danganronpa Untitled:Character Info
Hanake Gemu-Ultimate Gamer
Blood type:*in progress
Personality: Hanake is a tad bit arrogant but tries to be a bit nice to people he likes but can come off as a bit harsh to people he dislikes
Sumato Chimo-Ultimate intellect
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Is sweet but a bit actually very awkward and nervous,as well as as little confidence in their answers.
Ikari- ultimate lucky student
Blood type:B+
Birthday: 6/24
Personality: Very Intimidating (which is true) to most people but once you get to know her she is very kind hearted and will protect you at any cost
Akishi Joyu-Ultimate actress
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Sweet with a hint of arrogance in her knowledge.She can put up a fight but usually it isn’t the best idea due to her fame from being in a popular family.
Yagin Heibon’na-ultimate mediocrity
Blood type:*inprogress*
Personality:Just done with the world only a couple of people can leave him with a smirk
Jota Damasu-Ultimate trickster
Weight: 95lb
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Loves to play tricks on her friends but when times get tough she secretly helps her friends without the co headmasters knowing her soft side.
Kona Sosharu-ultimate socialist
Blood type:*in progress
Personality:Hot-headed when her friends get hurt and also takes risks a lot which isn’t good as it sounds in a killing game...
Raitu Yaku-Ultimate baker
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:An interesting eccentric little baker who has the greatest taste yet if anyone leaves a half of her pastry she will go berserk..
Okondo Toraburu-Ultimate troublemaker
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Hot-headed at almost everyone as well as being messed up in the head (you’ll see).Will act very depressed or very positive when high (don’t so drugs kids)
Janyaka Nise-Ultimate Fan
Blood type-*in progress*
Birthday- 2/14
Personality-Is a sucker for romance especially for some famous celebrities, Janyaka however acts very harsh to most of her classmates.
Nakoru Ai-Ultimate Charismatic
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Very arrogant yet he is very uneducated and will get confused often however he does have a kind heart.
Mako Fuun-Ultimate Unlucky student
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Very knowledgeable about getting hurt, Will keep her classmates from doing anything that’ll get themselves hurt (mom friend :) )
Ruzuka Roripopp-Ultimate confectionist
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:A very quiet person due to him always having a lollipop in his mouth but when he does remove his lollipop it isn’t a nice thing to see..
Wuta Hottososu(Wuta 2)-Ultimate exterme eater
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Wuta 2 having to be under Wuta’s shadow is more quiet yet when he does speak its either to help a case or to share a tragic eating story
Wuta Jokku-Ultimate Athlete
Blood type:*in progress*
Personality:Wuta is very arrogant and rude to his classmates and will force them to do all the case work and then take the credit for being the best due to him always wanting to be #1.
Damagaya Niho-Ultimate Japanese Enthusiast(fancy term so we won’t call him a weeb)
Blood type: *in progress*
Personality:One of the only people to cheer Yagin up so he is a bright guy who tries to use his knowledge of anime to help solve cases.Also he reference many anime as well as wears a ninja outfit and a familiar headband just to prove it.
*This post will be updated frequently*
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thegreatpikminzx789 · 4 years
A Gathering at Jail Rock - Etrian Odyssey Mobile Mythos - Chapter 2 - Thrice the Additions
Previous Chapter|Next Chapter (TBA)
Summary: Chimo leads Eli and Sothym to where her friends were waiting, and introduces them to the prince and medic. But even after the introductions, their little plight from hours earlier catches up...
"Ugh, this crowd is so tough to see through! Move it already!"
Chimo groaned in disgust after trying for several seconds to see if her friend was in the crowd, or beyond it. The sounds of the conversations between explorers waiting in line were quite loud, as the lines were separate, but altogether, it was quite hard to hear any single individual. One would have to be very close to another just to hear them.
The prince and Sothym can see many variety of classes and races here than in the carriage. Some with canine-like ears, bunny-like ears, anthropomorphic animals, people with pointed ears longer than anyone else, and a couple of them having some sort of large coffins associated with them. Then, some classes like medics, hexers, and even some sovereigns were among them. A lot of what the white haired prince saw, were completely new to him. He wished he had the time to look more into their classes in books.
The pink haired landsknecht tried several more times to get people to move out of the way so she can see through. Despite her persistence, they hardly budged, only moving when someone way in front of them moved up.
"I don't think they can hear you, Chimo..." Eli concluded, after her last attempt of trying failed.
"To be fair," Sothym began. "It is kind of hard to hear anyone above the chatter here..."
Moments after she spoke, the three of them heard barking, but whereas Sothym and Eli were unable to determine where it came from, Chimo seemed to determine where it was coming from.
"Ah, that must be Flow!" Chimo gasped, jumping a bit in joy as she can still hear Flow's barking.
That's the name of my pet!" The landsknecht responded, moving two people aside to make room for Sothym and Eli to follow her.
"Come on!"
Not wanting to question her means of getting around a crowd as big as this, the medic and prince followed her through, eventually getting to an area less crowded and noisy than the building inside. Chimo knelt on one knee as a blue wolf approached and licked her cheek, causing her to giggle with glee.
"H-hey, cut it out, Flow!"
Eli had to take a few seconds looking at the beast before being blunt with what he was about to say. "I...thought that was a dog, not a wolf."
After all, all he ever saw in the kingdom were dogs, not wolves. His mother told him that wild wolves don't make for very good pets, because they kill livestock. Hell, even a few cases his father had were regarding this case alone when he was young, so he had no idea that such a possibility existed until now.
"Well, there are such things as pet wolves." The black haired medic began. "There's also pet bears, pet tigers, and even pet pandas. People say that they're not tamable, but in my opinion, they just flat out never bothered to try having one for themselves."
Sothym couldn't help but giggle in response to Eli. "I know it sounds weird, but those exist. Those are the Beast Classes, to be precise."
"O-Okay... That's something I didn't know." Eli gulped, taking a deep breath so as to recompose himself a bit.
Beast classes... At least it only applied to those four, but who the hell knows what else could've fallen under that class category had more found their way into that category. Before he could flick aside his hair again, he felt something cold touch his right hand, seeing the wolf he saw earlier sniffing it, before circling around him and Sothym. He noted that the wolf seemed to be wearing a shield of some sort on its back.
"This is Flow, my pet wolf." Chimo introduced, seeing Flow circle around the two of them. "He's quite the protector to boot. I've even given him a custom-made gun that he can use to fight back."
A custom-made gun? For a wolf? For something that already has a class?
"W-Why would you do that?" Eli questioned, very much worried about his safety with trusting an animal with a gun.
Chimo patted her leg a few times to get Flow's attention and got him to sit down. "See, Flow lost his sharp claws when I found him wonderin' about my hometown." The landsknecht pointed to Flow's paws, seeing that they were clipped off.
"So in order to compromise for it, I made him the gun for him to use. Unfortunately, he has to stand still to precisely aim and shoot at something, but we're workin' on shooting while moving." Chimo continued, showing the prince and medic the custom-made mechanism for using the gun.
Thankfully, there wasn't any gun placed anywhere visible beyond what the shield hid. Some of the strings that were dangling far above the ground seemed to indicate that when placed into position, will fire upon being pulled. From the marks of teeth that seemed to indent the gold ring the string is attached to, it seemed that Flow had to pull with his head to shoot at a single target. All of this was hidden beneath the shield he had on his back.
A most impressive feat, in Eli's eyes. Perhaps when they gather more people, they could help with developing a way to make Flow be able to move and shoot without being a standing target.
"Most interesting... How long did it take you to make?" Sothym inquired, as the landsknecht placed the shield back on Flow's back and stood up.
"It was a very expensive project, but it happened about three years ago, back when me and Flow first met." Chimo explained, groaning not long afterward. "My wallet was feeling pretty damn empty just trying to replace the parts that kept breaking."
As if the wolf wasn't already striving to get to know Eli, he felt his hand getting licked by Flow, looking down to see the wolf doing his thing, as if he was trained like a puppy.
"I think Flow likes you, already~" Chimo's voice reached Eli's ears, as he looked up to see her smiling at Flow and Eli, as the prince slowly rubs his hand through Flow's fur. The wolf panted as he allowed the prince to do so.
"Took you awhile, Chimo."
A quiet voice that Chimo was all to familiar with, turns to see a Vessel with red hair, eyes, and black skin approach him. He also had a scythe placed on his back, but thankfully, due to its machinations, the blade part is tucked away. "Sorry, things happened and..." Chimo scratched the back of her head, almost as if apologizing for being late.
Which, to be fair, she was kind of distracted by trying to grab some Pugilists' Ental away, ended up being saved by Eli, and was roped into being part of a guild by the very same man who saved her. Honestly, time can fly whenever things go unexpected.
"Well, looking for guild members didn't go exactly as planned. But these two are looking for more members!"
The landsknecht motioned to Sothym and Eli, as the Vessel's eyes turned to gaze to the white haired hero and black haired medic. He seemed to scan them for what seemed like an eternity, before seeming to nod at what Chimo was able to find. Even if it was entirely random luck that she just so happen to ran into the two of them to the Vessel's point of view.
Chimo grabbed the Vessel's hand and brought him over, surprising the man from his silent pondering. Sothym, upon noticing Chimo bringing someone over to introduce them to, tugs at Eli's cape and gets his attention, as Flow quickly retreats back to Chimo's side.
"Eli, Sothym, this is Tenma; a Vessel who came far away and we ended up bumping into each other one day and becoming friends." She introduced, letting go of Tenma's hand as she spoke.
Eli had to scan Tenma top to bottom to make sure it wasn't his eyes playing tricks when it came to seeing how much muscle Tenma had in his arms. Even the weapon of choice seemed a bit off to him.
"He looks...a bit frail. Is carrying that scythe any good for him?" The prince had to inquire, to which the Vessel immediately took as a sign to counteract.
"Hey chump." Tenma huffed. "Just because I look weak doesn't mean this scythe is for show. I can handle holding a scythe all on my own; I've practiced ever since I was entrusted with this scythe."
"Tenma, believe it or not, is remarkably strong in terms of physical strength. Which is quite a rarity among the Vessel race, if I must say so." Chimo added, hinting that what Tenma said was true, and that Chimo has seen that strength before.
Tenma grabbed his weapon and activated it for the sake of a demonstration. His stance was firm once the blade was unsheathed, posing there with the scythe open for a few seconds before deactivating the scythe and placing it back on his back. "See? Perfectly capable of wielding a scythe." The Vessel sighed, flicking the hair in front of his left eye, only to have it fall back in place.
"Most interesting..." Sothym mused to herself. "If I was a researcher, I'd jog that down, but I'm not, so..."
Looking over to Sothym like she had something to say for a moment, Eli outstretched his hand to Tenma. "Well, would you like to join us, Tenma?"
"Not like I got any other choice in the matter. If Chimo trusts you, then I'll stay by her side." Tenma groaned after thinking about it for a bit.
"But," The Vessel continued. "If you so much as think of betraying us, this scythe will have your head."
Eli shuddered and gulped from the threat the Vessel had proclaimed to him. "Heeeey, maybe we shouldn't resort to threats, Tenma. They wouldn't betray us, I promise." Chimo exclaimed, wanting everybody to get along without issue.
Tenma relaxed a bit as he turned to Chimo. "I know, but you never know what kind of thoughts people hide until they tell you in the act." The Vessel tried to explain himself before he was approached by Sothym.
"Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you and all that jazz. We should get our tickets before we forget." Sothym hummed, pointing back to a line that was running out of explorers in a line.
With a nod from the group, they head over to get their tickets without issue.
"Thank you for your purchase. The boat heading to Jail Rock will arrive in two hours, so please standby." The man giving out the tickets explained, which made Chimo groan as they left the line.
"More waiting... What're we supposed to do, now? We've done, like, every introductory thing in the book!"
Tenma glanced Chimo a confused look. "Are you sure about that, Chimo?"
"I dunno, Tenma, don't quote me on that..." Chimo placed a hand on her chin, trying to think of something to do to pass some time.
Well, two hours would easily go by with a nap, from Eli's perspective. But there had to be something to do. Standing around, easily won't accomplish much, aside from hurting their legs from standing up too much.
"Well, grabbing some food to snack on while we travel on boat isn't a terrible idea. I assume all of us must be getting hungry." Sothym addressed, seeing Chimo quickly look through her bag to find nothing small she stashed away to eat.
The prince had ran out of his food supply hours ago when he was running away from home, and although he hadn't felt hungry in some time, he was getting to that point of needing food. The walk from the food district and buying enough food- within their budget, should be more than enough to stall some time before they have to head back. Anything to waste a potential full day of waiting around.
"Everyone! To the food district!" Chimo exclaimed as she ran past the group.
Tenma sighs before yelling at the landsknecht, "Other way, Chimo!"
Luckily, she did hear that, and stopped to turn around, walking past the group in the direction that Tenma pointed.
"Oops, my bad." She chuckled, as Tenma mumbled about something incomprehensible to the princes' ears before the group followed the landsknecht to the food district.
Sothym looked at the food supplies the group gathered once they spent enough time looking for fresh food. "Meat, vegetables, fruits, bread... Not too bad for our first outing, though I wish you would've helped with the Ental payment, Chimo." Sothym noted, since she noticed that she was paying very little when it came to buying food.
"Hey, I have an important reason why I'm saving up my Ental, Sothym." Chimo responded defensively, to which the medic can only sigh in annoyance, not wanting to discuss it any further. She turned to see Eli, who had a...bag of sardines?
"...Why do you have a bag of sardines?" Sothym inquired.
Eli shifted his arm that carried the bag as he looked at Sothym. "Cause I wanted to try and cook fish. Plus, it's our food backup supply!" He explained, being at least honest with trying to do more than just the constant training he had growing up.
"A food supply that may not last for all of us..." The red haired Vessel argued, not seeing how a bag of sardines would be a good enough backup supply.
"Trust me, it'll totally save the day one of these days. You never know what the power of fish may bring." Eli hummed, totally confident sounding to himself, but sounding completely ridiculous to the others.
Flow turned his head in confusion, and Chimo could only shrug in response to Flow's confusion. Whatever was going through Eli's head on what he believed and didn't believe, Chimo found it strange that he'd think fish can do anything as remarkable as that. If it was a fish monster, totally. But these were just regular fish from the ocean, not monsters from the labyrinth.
"Eli, you sound like a child who just believed some random thing his friend told him that totally isn't a thing. Just how ridiculous can you get?" Sothym groaned, as she and Eli began to argue back and forth.
Chimo placed her arms behind her head as she leaned up against a building, making sure not to have the bags of food be behind her. "Those two are quite the pair." She commented, hearing Tenma huff a bit.
"Yeah... Just as long as they don't argue in their sleep..." He started, but trailed off as he wanted to listen in.
"Eli, for one, a bag of fish at that size-"
"There they are!"
Sothym, Eli, and Chimo freeze up as they turn to see both Ira and Gori coming right at them, moving aside any ignorant people that were in the way. It hadn't even been two hours yet, and here they are, looking for more trouble. And from the looks on their faces, they were quite mad.
"Ack! They're back!" Eli screamed, nearly losing the bag of sardines as he catches it and held it in his arms. Sothym shook off her flinched state, and made sure Eli was following her.
"Make a run for it!" She exclaimed to Tenma, who was completely confused on what was happening.
"Wha-Whoa!" He tried to ask, but didn't had any chance to continue as his hand was grabbed by Chimo, who wanted to get the hell away from the Pugilists as fast as she can. Flow ran beside his owner, who had to be wary not to turn sharply and possibly trip on him.
"Where do ye think ye're goin' punk?!" Gori shouted, which started to cause a little of a panic in the food district as everybody scattered around, thinking they were after them. Tenma soon felt his hand be free from Chimo's grip, as he looked at the black haired medic, questions running through his head.
"Who the hell are they, and why are they chasing us?!" Tenma questioned, seeing Sothym look back behind her before glancing at the Vessel.
"I'll tell you later! Right now, we gotta lose them somehow!" Sothym insisted, wanting to focus on escaping again and answering questions later.
Glancing ahead, she spotted three paths that branch off to different areas. "Everyone! Split up and try and lose them!" The medic explained loud enough for everyone to hear, seeing them nod in response.
Sothym continued forwards, while Flow, Tenma, and Chimo turned right. Eli turned left, purely because he didn't want Sothym to end up taking the brunt of the Pugilists' rage, too. The twins soon arrived, but upon looking upon the three paths, they were a bit thrown off until Ira spotted Eli's cape vanishing behind a building. He notified the other Pugilist with a silent point in direction and the twins headed down the same path Eli took.
Eli could hear their huge steps, each step feeling like an earthquake was slowly approaching him. He tried to look back to see if he can see where the Pugilists were, but soon hits something solid and and grunts in pain, before looking to see that there was a huge wall in front of him. And there wasn't a single path along the way that he noted of.
"Uh oh..." Eli gulped, turning as he hears the Pugilists fast approaching. The two of them stopped just short of a couple of feet away, panting and breathing from all the running they did, before recomposing themselves menacingly.
"Alright you brat. You may have escaped us the first time..."
"But there's no way you're doing it a second time!"
Eli pressed up against the wall, seeing them take a few steps closer towards him. He had to think of some way to get out of this... Maybe trying to convince them would work?
"Uuuuhhh... C-Can't we just-"
"If you're thinkin' of tryin' to convince us, it ain't gonna work, buckaroo!" Ira interrupted, seeing what Eli was attempting to do from a mile away.
Well, that plan clearly didn't work if they can predict it. Thinking back on his words... He looked at his bag of sardines, then, gathering the strength to throw something, grabbed onto the bag and threw it at Ira.
...Who catches it rather easily. Eli stood there looking like he was befuddled and confused.
"...I was...honestly hoping you'd just take the hit and fall..." Eli blinked, leaning back against the wall now that his only means of defense was in the hands of the enemy.
The twin Pugilists had a look of confusion upon looking at the bag full of fishes. "Sardines...? You think something like this will do us any harm?" Ira questioned, before ripping open a part of the bag with his finger, big enough for the two of them to grab at least a handful of fish.
"Well how about you try them for a spell?!" The Pugilists threw a few sardines at Eli, as he couldn't dodge them in time. He got pelted with sardines for a little bit before they stopped.
"D'ooooh, come oooon... I just BOUGHT these clothes...!" Eli groaned, smelling the fish that were around him. Though maybe it could've been the garbage they were next to...
"Well boohoo! A couple o' fish ain't gonna do HARM to you!" Ira mocked, before throwing the bag behind him, as a few sardines fell out from the bag, all but a few amount remained in the bag.
The pugilists then cracked their knuckles and readied their gauntlets. "Not unless we beat you up for intervening in that fight earlier!" Gori yelled, as they approach him.
"C-Crap... what was that Hero cloning spell again...? Um..."
As Eli tried to remember, a robed figure lands in front of him, stopping the Pugilists in their place. He seemed to be a bit taller than the prince himself...and he wasn't sure why.
"What now?" Ira growled, as Gori stepped towards the figure.
"Come on, this is just gettin' pretty annoy-"
Before the Pugilist can finish, the robed figure threw some jars at them, as the two of them recoiled and stepped back from the jars exploding on them. The green haired Pugilist began to yawn. "...Actually, I think it's time for our scheduled nap, Ira."
"I think... you're... right..."
With that, the twin Pugilists fell to the ground, sound asleep. Eli cautiously approached the robed figure, standing beside them as he looked down on the pugilists. He glanced at the figure looking at him and struggled a bit to find the words to say.
"Oh... w-well, um... Thank you, sir?" Eli thanked, a little confused on if he was going to reply. The silence between them was getting a little too tense for the princes' liking. "I-If you'll excuse me, I'll-"
Eli tries to leave past the Pugilists to get his bag of sardines, but several spears appear from nowhere and pin him to the nearest wall. "W-What's the meaning of this?! What's going on?!" He yelled, as he tried to move around to no avail.
The figure's robe moved all on its own, seeming to change into a long cape of sorts, as the figure's appearance was made clear. A tall man wearing black clothes, almost akin to that of royalty, white hair, and red eyes. He also noted that his skin color was much like his own.
"I must say, I have to thank these bumbling Pugilists for leading me right to you. Saved me the trouble of huntin' you down on that boat in broad daylight." The man began, looking down on the Pugilists that he put to sleep earlier.
Hunting...? Who exactly was...
"W-Wait, y-you're a-!" Eli soon gasped at the realization. He was quite literally staring at an assassin. Who seemed to be quite highly of spears.
The man smirked a little. "So, you do have some knowledge about assassins... Fairly knowledgeable, for a runaway prince." He scoffed, as he stood before the pinned prince.
"I am Ragna De Valvatorez. But just Ragna would suffice..." Ragna began, introducing himself to the white haired prince.
"...Not that it will matter to you anyways. I've come to claim my prize, and just trying to think of the ways I can kill you was so tough to decide, I couldn't decide on just one..." The man continued, snapping his fingers as he made a spear appear in his hand; much akin to a Highlander's spear than the spears that pinned Eli down.
Eli knew he was in danger, but he couldn't muster the courage to scream for help. Even if he did, it would've been in vain. And he thought he'd meet his end by his guards, not by an assassin... All that was on his mind was escaping, somehow... Perhaps this man would be more swayed than the Pugilists...
"So, farewell, Prince Eli of-"
Something stopped Ragna from fully striking Eli. Something about the smell felt...off, to Ragna. He tries to home in on the smell, getting close and getting a whiff of the smell emanating off of Eli. Although he was getting rather uncomfortably close to Eli's personal space.
" U-Um, what are you doing...?" The prince questioned, seeing him open his eyes and noticed how close he was, before backing away a few steps.
"Ah, I'm sorry, I just...caught whiff of a familiar smell." Ragna replied, trying to pinpoint something that smelled familiar to him. "Something like...sardines..."
Eli blinked a few several times, before recalling the thing he was attempting to reach earlier before being pinned. "Well," The prince began. "I tried to smack those Pugilists you put to sleep earlier with a bag of sardines, and-"
"A...bag of sardines?"
That apparently was all that Ragna needed to know. The man followed the smell a bit more, seeming to be a bit aimless in his search, before Eli tapped his shoulder and pointed to the bag near the Pugilists. Ragna's expression beamed with delight, immediately rushing over to the bag, picking it up in his arms.
"Oh, delightful day indeed!" His voice, suddenly more cheery and delighted than the intimidating cold, haughty voice he had seconds earlier, echoed through the alleyway. He quickly vanishes for a few seconds, before appearing near the pinned prince, with small plate of food on a miniature table that appeared to fold its legs inward. The plate, filled with meat, vegetables, and the sardines from the bag he swiped, had such a delightful aroma, Eli tried to move towards the plate himself, before remembering that he was pinned.
The assailant began to eat the food in front of him, leaving Eli to stay in place, pondering how the hell he could turn this situation around before he goes back to killing him for real. Gulping, he asked, "Um... are you...a big fan of seafood, or...?"
Ragna swallowed the food in his mouth before he turned his slightly towards the prince. "Nonsense! I just love the taste of sardines whenever I combine it with food! It's a rather great substitute than drinking human blood, these days..."
"Human...blood...?" Eli gulped, trying to desperately to remember the name of those who turn into bats, and drink from human blood. It took about several minutes, but he recalled back on his fathers' words, when he was still alive... The red eyes, fangs, the clothes that Ragna bore; there was no shadow of a doubt that Ragna is a vampire.
He had only seen them in certain books; each records of the vampire kind having reports of different hair color, yet their eyes, attire, and fangs were the only key indicators to identify a vampire. It wasn't until his great great great grandfather's age where one can identify a vampire merely by seeing smoke rise from the vampire when they are exposed to the sun's rays. Still...there must be something Eli can do to survive another day.
"W-Well, um... I-If I may suggest, there, there could be something we can discuss, i-if you're up to it...
"Oh do you...?" The vampire sharply turned his head, glancing at Eli with a stare that the prince could only describe as a paralyzing glance, as he seemed to stop moving when he looked at him. Ragna stood up, grabbing his food as he took a bite of it as he approached the prince.
His cloak seemed to form a makeshift chair, as the vampire sat down and continued to stare at the prince. The way the cloak moved reminded Eli of several Hexers that he had seen on his way out of his kingdom. "Normally, when a target tries to bargain with me, they usually end up getting away and not fulfilling their promise, giving me all the more reason to kill them the next time we met. Why should you be the exception?" The assailant continued, taking another bite afterward.
"Just listen to me, please..." Eli pleaded with every ounce in his voice, seeming like it had no effect on the vampire. Ragna scanned Eli from head to toe, seeing that he wasn't really moving all that much, as he expected the runaway prince to be doing so right about now. Was this man bold enough to attempt to convince that his life was worth living for than the bounty that Ragna undertook?
It was interesting to the vampire, as he crossed his legs and leaned back against the makeshift chair. "Very well, then." Ragna declared. "Explain yourself, runaway prince."
"First of, it's Eli." Eli sighed, getting rather tired of the vampire assassin addressing him by his runaway status. "Second...perhaps I can give you something that you haven't accepted before, e-even if it's a higher Ental ratio!" He continued, seeming to blurt out, at the time, a dud idea that was doomed to fail.
Ragna raises an eyebrow as he places the fork down, his full attention being on the prince and whatever the heck the prince said. "Explain yourself, prince." He demanded.
"Well, what if we made a...a promise, of sorts?" Eli gulped, a little nervous to continue on. "Y-You let me live, a-and in return, we can explore Jail Rock and get you the biggest supply of sardines the world has ever seen?"
Silence filled the air for what seemed to be an eternity, before Ragna laughed at Eli's mere suggestion. "That's just rich," Ragna sighed as he settled back to being serious. "You, trying to get the biggest supply of sardines in the world? That'd be the entire population, mate!"
"I know," The white haired prince groaned. "But I don't know what else to give you. Some of the items I have are personal belongings that my family gave me, and-"
The sound of Ira's groaning seemed to indicate that they were waking up. Both Eli and Ragna turned to look at the twin Pugilists, seeing them using each other as a means of standing up. Before long, they noticed Eli and Ragna.
"Oi, who the bloody hell are you?!" Gori questioned Ragna, who seemed to remain silent.
"Never mind him, Gori. That meddlesome prince is pinned and ripe for the punishment!" Ira pointed out, as Gori grinned with delight.
Where they intending to finish off Ragna's job for him...?
"Meddlesome pests!" With a sudden declaration from Ragna, the spears removed themselves from the wall pinning Eli, turning his attention to the Pugilists and throws a lot more spears towards them, sending them flying to the faraway building, pinning them and catching them off guard.
Eli was stunned at what Ragna had done. At least he was relieved that his life wouldn't end then and there. After checking for any holes in his cape, he stood up and approached Ragna. "R-Ragna... T-Thank you."
Ragna merely huffed a sigh, finding it pointless for the prince to thank him. "Don't mention it. Just keeping a promise." He replied, as Eli lets out a silent gasp in surprise to his last sentence.
"A-Anyway, we better find my friends. They should still be around here somewhere." Eli exclaimed, as he heads back through the alleyway that he had went through, as Ragna puts up a hood of sorts and followed Eli, passing by the two pinned Pugilists.
"Oi! Get back 'ere!" Ira yelled, struggling to move from his position.
"You know, when ye really think about it, this isn't that bad." Gori began.
Ira growled as he tried pulling his arm forward, only to have it be restrained to the wall. "Can it, Gori! We're never gonna catch them in time!"
"Hey, hey, relax, bro! We'll get them!" Gori insisted. "...Just probably less stealthy than last time."
That sentence only threw Ira into a fit. "LESS stealthy?! What the bloody hell do ya mean 'less stealthy'?!"
The twin Pugilists begin to argue, hardly even moving from the spot they were in to give chase to Eli and Ragna, more intent on trying to figure out their next move...if they ever stop arguing, that is.
"Where the hell did that fool go...?" Tenma groaned, looking around with Chimo, Flow, and Sothym in an attempt to find the white haired man.
Chimo placed a finger on her chin as the group stopped moving. "I honestly thought he was right behind us..." She pondered, more than likely doubting her thought process several minutes ago.
Sothym was a bit quiet, almost as if in deep concentration. "You don't think those Pugilists could've-"
A familiar voice rang in everyone's ears, stopping Sothym mid-sentence. Eli, along with a robed figure, approached the group as Chimo hugs the prince. "Thank the gods you're OK!" Chimo breathed a sigh of relief.
A smile came to Eli's face, glad that the friends he made so far weren't the ones to just abandon him after what he nearly went through. Sothym tried to decipher who the robed figure is, hearing Flow growl a bit. "So uh, mind introducing your robed friend to us?" Sothym inquired, as Eli heard the man beside him sigh.
"I suppose this robe does feel to boldish to wear in the shade of the sun." Ragna scoffed, snapping his fingers as the robe begins to contort and move on its own, forming back to the vampire's cape.
"What the-?!" Sothym, Tenma, and Chimo exclaimed at once, quite surprised at the reveal. To think that Eli had found a vampire in a city like this...
It didn't take Chimo long to recover from her shocked expression. "Holy crap Eli! What can't you do?!" She beamed, excitement flowing in her voice.
"Never mind that," Sothym began, her gaze fixated on the prince. "How the hell did you manage to escape from the Pugilists?"
With a groan, Eli explained how he brought the Pugilists into the alleyway he was in, and how Ragna, after some last minute decision making, tagged along and pinned the Pugilists to a wall as a means of stalling for time. The red haired Vessel tried desperately to grasp the situation the prince had described.
"So," Tenma started, having some time to comprehend Eli's story. "In exchange for keeping you alive, you're not only bringing him with us, but are going to get more sardines for him...?"
Eli nodded in response. "Apparently it's his favorite food topping." The prince commented, hearing Ragna exclaim 'hey' in response, not liking that little fact to be blurted aloud. Of course, Eli couldn't help but chuckle.
"Well...it's certainly nice to meet you, Ragna." Sothym began, her more serious side coming out again. "The name's Sothym." She introduced herself properly to the vampire, shaking his hand before moving aside as Chimo took her place.
Although Chimo outstretched her hand first, it took Ragna a few seconds to decide if he wanted to shake hands again or not. He merely did one out of mere instinct, so Ragna didn't understand why he was suddenly hesitating now. But knowing that it'd probably be rude to leave someone without shaking their hand, the vampire lets out a sigh as he begins to shake the landsknecht's hand.
"I'm Chimo, and this is Flow, my pet wolf!" Chimo introduced, as Flow took several seconds to sniff Ragna, before letting out a bark. The two separated from the handshake as the vampire glances over to the Vessel.
Noticing the attention, the Vessel glanced up a bit, staring at the vampire assassin. "And I'm Tenma." Tenma introduced, looking back at something he was seeing in the corner of his eye. "A pleasure to meet you, I guess." He continued, starting to sound a bit cold to the vampire in front of him.
The vampire would've snapped at Tenma for not paying full attention to him, but he let it slide just this once, given that they are just introducing each other. "Well, it certainly is wonderful to meet the runaway princes' friends." Ragna spoke aloud, unaware of what he just declared, as Chimo's gasp of realization quickly made the vampire regret it quite quickly.
"Ohmigosh, nobody told me that Eli's a pr-!!!"
Chimo was silenced by Sothym and Ragna, as both of their hands covered the landsknecht's mouth. "Keep it down for fucks sake." Sothym whispered, wanting the landsknecht to be more quiet on how she spoke that sentence. Once she and Ragna got the landsknecht's assurance that she'll keep her voice down, they moved their hands away, permitting the landsknecht to speak again.
"E-Eli's a prince...?" Chimo whispered at a volume the group can hear, without having other people eavesdropping in on.
"I'll be honest," Tenma began. "He doesn't seem to be a prince with the get up he has."
Sothym placed a hand on her hip as her eyes gazed at the red haired Vessel. "Exactly what I had said to him earlier when we met." She recalled, back when Chimo was also on the same carriage as her and Eli. "We tried to make him blend in with the general public, but I guess it was just crazy enough to have an assassin join us."
Ragna could only smirk at the Medic's comment. "Just as long as nobody else with ill intent knows about Eli's status, things should be relatively fine." At least, the vampire had hoped no one else would dare to kill his original target. If they did, they'd have to go through him, first.
"Attention; the boat to Jail Rock will arrive soon. Please head to the port as soon as possible."
The announcer's voice rang through several speakers, catching everyone's attention, especially catching the shopkeepers off a bit. "Repeat, the boat to Jail Rock will be arriving soon." The voice repeated, before seeming to hang up, as the other explorers started to hurry up whatever they were doing prior to the announcement.
"Ack, it's getting close! We better go!" Chimo yelped, rushing off in the wrong direction at first, before recalling the path to the dock.
Tenma gained a surprise face as he notice Chimo almost spilling the bags of food they bought, as he began to run after the landsknecht. "Wait a second Chimo, don't spill the food we got!" He yelled, as Flow began to tail the Vessel and its owner.
"Well, a sixth guild member isn't what I expected," Sothym pondered aloud. "But unless we get four more, I wouldn't say that we'd have enough for a set of ten explorers for our guild." She continued, positive that there would barely be the time to get some other guild members before they enter Jail Rock.
Eli gave the Medic an assuring pat on her back. "It'll be fine, Sothym. Everything will work out all on its own...in due time." He said, starting to doubt his own word choice at the end.
"And here I thought I was the most serious one of the group..." Sothym groaned, face palming and shaking her head, before taking a deep breath and began to follow everyone else, who were quite ahead of them. "Come on, you two; that boat won't wait all day."
No need to tell them twice. Eli began to walk beside Sothym as Ragna covers himself with his robe and followed the two of them. Jail Rock was calling, and they didn't want to try and keep it from being as delayed as possible.
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japan-esque · 6 years
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sherala007 · 5 years
Suicide Hotlines
I know with this being a global community we all know people from all over.  I’m choosing to share this here since I have a friend at work from Jamaica who still has friends and family there, one of which is seriously talking about suicide.  I’m choosing to share all the hotline numbers I’ve been able to find so if someone needs help you can find it.  Do Not Give Up!  You are Loved!  I was going to put this list under a read more but I changed my mind.  Numbers obtained from this site:  http://www.suicidestop.com/call_a_hotline.html
Hotline: 0021 3983 2000 58
Centro de Valorizacion de la Vida Samaritanos
Hotline: 054 022 3493 0430
Hotline E-mail:[email protected]
Centro de Atencíon al Familiar del Suicida
Hotline: (054-011) 4758 2554
S.O.S. Un Amigo Anonimo
Hotline: (054 011) 4783 8888
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Hotline: 902 500 002
Programa de Prevención, Atención y Posvención del Suicidio
Hotline: (054 011) 4664 1936
Trust Social Work and Sociological Research Centre
Hotline: (2) 538194 / (2) 538197
The Samaritans, Subiaco
Hotline: 08 9381 5555
Youth Hotline: 08 9388 2500
Toll free number: 1800 198 313
Lifelink Samaritans
Hotline: 03 63 31 3355
Samaritans of Albany, WA
Hotline: 08 98 422776
Lifeline Australia
Hotline: 13 11 14
Rat auf Draht
Hotline: 147
Hotline: 01713 3374
The Crisis Centre
Hotline: 328-0922, 322-4999
National Hotline
Helpline: 322-2763
Helpline: 0097 161 199 188
Helpline: 0097 161 199 260
Helpline: 0097 161 199 191
Helpline: 0097 161 199 334
Kaan Pete Roi
Helpline (Grameenphone): 01779554391, 01779554392
Helpline (Airtel): 01688709965, 01688709966
Helpline (Banglalink): 01985275286
Helpline (Robi): 01852035634
Samaritans of  Barbados  
Helpline: (246) 4299999
Helpline: 106
Le Centre de Prévention du Suicide
Helpline: 0800 32 123
Youth Helpline : 102
Vlaams Expertisecentrum Suïcidepreventie
Helpline: 1813
Telefono de la Esperanza
Hotline (Cochabamba) : (00 591 4) 4 25 42 42
Hotline Email: [email protected]
Hotline (La Paz) : 75288084
Hotline Email: [email protected]
Helpline: 3911270
CVV Sao Paulo - National Association
Hotline: 55 11 31514109                Hotline: (16) 636 4111
Hotline: (91) 3223-0074                 Hotline: (71) 244 6936
Hotline: (31) 334-4111                   Hotline: (93) 522-0050
Hotline: (65) 321 4111                   Hotline: (11) 4972 4111
Hotline: (41) 342 4111                   Hotline: (13) 234 4111
Hotline: (85) 3465-1010                 Hotline: (11) 448 4111
Hotline: (62) 223 4041                   Hotline: (11) 744 4111
Hotline: (83) 241 4111                   Hotline: (16) 272 4111
Hotline: (84) 3 221 4111                Hotline: (21) 2604-4332
Hotline: (51) 224 6111                  Hotline: (17) 233 4111
Hotline: (21) 233 9191                   Hotline: (12) 321 4111
Hotline: (21) 236 0536                   Hotline: (41) 3381-5986
Hotline: (27) 223 4111                   Hotline: (11) 247 4111
Hotline: (19) 460 4111                  Hotline: (11) 5754111
Hotline: (16) 236 4111                  Hotline: (11) 6197-4111
Hotline: (31) 444 1818                   Hotline: (11) 577 4111
Hotline: 47 329 4111                     Hotline: (11) 825 4111
Hotline: (61) 326 4111                   Hotline: (11) 3242-4111
Hotline: (83) 321-4441                 Hotline: (11) 883 4111
Hotline: (19) 272-7777                   Hotline: (15) 232 4111
Hotline: +55 (67) 383 4112            Hotline: (12) 233-4111
Hotline: (48) 422 4111                 Hotline: (21) 2208-9898
Hotline: (16) 3721-4111                 Hotline: (34) 3317-4111
Hotline: (11) 6440-4111                 Hotline: (34) 3212-7583
Hotline: (19) 451 4111                   Hotline: (24) 3343-7666
Hotline: (11) 7782 4111                 Hotline: (13) 3467 4111
Hotline: (21) 2613-4141                 Hotline: (43) 3356-411
Hotline: (51) 3065-4111                 Hotline: (081) 3231-4141
Hotline: (19) 422 4111                   Hotline: (81) 3421-7311
Hotline: (24) 3360-9685
AMA - Porto Alegre
Hotline: +55 51 211 2888
Hotline: (055) 222 6811
Hotline: 188
Sofia Hotline
Hotline: 0035 9249 17 223
Hotline : 981 76 86
Hotline: 958 50 00
Hotline: 073 177
Hotline: 936 24 44
Hotline: 946 11 56
Distress Centres Ontario
Hotline: +1 (905) 688 3711
Hotline: 905 734 1212 / 905 382 0689
Hotline: +1 (905) 459 7777
Hotline: 1 800 465 4442
Hotline: +1 (905) 433 1121
Hotline: +1 (416) 247 5426
Hotline: 1 888 371 8485
Hotline: +1 (416) 636 9610
Hotline: +1 (905) 525 8611
Hotline: +1 (519) 667-6711
Hotline: +1 (905) 877-1211
Hotline: +1 (905) 849 4541
Hotline: +1 (613) 238 3311
Hotline: +1 (613) 741 6433
Hotline: 1 800 567 9699
Hotline: +1 (905) 278 7208
Hotline: +1 (519) 336 3000
Hotline: +1 (416) 408 4357
Hotline: +1 (519) 745 1166
Hotline: +1 (519) 821 3760
Hotline: +1 (519) 256-5000
Hotline: +1 (613) 544 1771
Suicide Action Montreal
Hotline: (514) 723 4000
Chimo Helpline Inc.
Hotline: Fredericton Area: 450-HELP (4357)
Hotline: Toll free provincial helpline: 1-800-667-5005
Distress Line of Southwestern Alberta (Canada)
Hotline: 403 327 7905
Trans Lifeline
Hotline: (877) 565-8860
Cape Verde
Hotline (Int): nil
Central African Republic
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Hotline: (00 56 42) 22 12 00
Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center Hotline
Hotline: Free: 0800-810-1117
Hotline: Mobile/IP/extension users: 010-8295-1332
Lifeline Shanghai
Hotline: (21) 63798990
Lifeline Yanji
Hotline: (0433) 273 9595
Telefono de la Esperanza
Hotline (Barranquilla): (00 57 5) 372 27 27
Hotline Email: [email protected]
Hotline (Bogota): (57-1) 323 24 25
Hotline Email: [email protected]
Hotline (Medellin): (00 57 4) 284 66 00
Hotline Email: [email protected]
Hotline (San Juan de Pasto): 3016326701
Hotline Email: [email protected]
Costa Rica
Hotline: 506-253-5439
Cote d'Ivoire
Hotline (Int): nil
Plavi Telefon
Hotline: (01) 4833-888
Hotline: 532 348 14 49
Cyprus Samaritans
Hotline: +357 77 77 72 67
Hotline: 0809 1122 / Military 2345
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Czech Republic
Modrá Linka
Hotline: +420 549241010
Hotline: +420 608902401
Linka bezpečí
Hotline: 116 111
Pražská linka důvěry
Hotline: 222 580 697
Linka důvěry Ostrava
Hotline: 596 618 908
Hotline: 737 267 939
Linka duševní tísně Most
Hotline: 476 701 444
Skype: ldt.most
Linka důvěry DKC
Hotline: 241 484 149
Skype: ld_dkc
Linka bezpečí
Hotline: 116111 (děti a mládež)
Prague Hotline: 004 202 460 80 718
Hotline: +45 70 201 201
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline: 333 (Emergency)
Dominican Republic
Hotline (Int): nil
Telefono De La Esperanza
Hotline: 593 2 6000 477
Hotline: (593) 2 2923327
Hotline Email: [email protected]
East Timor
Hotline (Int): nil
Befrienders Cairo
Hotline: 762 1602/3
Hotline: 762 2381
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
El Salvador
Hotline: 911 / 132 (Emergency)
Equatorial Guinea
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Eluliin (Estonian Lifeline)
Hotline: +372 6558088
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Hotline: 126
Hotline: 127
Hotline: 911 (Emergency)
Ba Methodist Lifeline Counselling Service
Hotline: (0679) 670565
Wesley Church Counselling Services (Lifeline)
Hotline: (0679) 302998
Itsemurhien ehkäisykeskus, SOS - palvelu
Hotline: 09-731391
Hotline: 040-5032199
Suomen Mielenterveysseura
Hotline: 01019 5202
SOS Help
Hotline: 01 46 21 46 46
S.O.S Amitié
Hotline: 01 42 96 26 26
Suicide Ecoute
Hotline: 01 45 39 40 00
E.P.E. idF. Fil Sante Jeunes
Hotline: 0800 235 236
Fédération S.O.S Amitié France
Hotline: (+33) (0)1 40 09 15 22
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline 117 / 116 (Emergency)
Hotline (Int): nil
British Armed Forces Link (Germany)
Hotline: 0800 181 0771 (to Samaritans)
Hotline: 0800 181 0772 (to Samaritans)
International Helpline Berlin
Hotline: 030-44 01 06 07
Hotline: Russian service: 030-44 01 06 06
Telefonseelsorge Deutschland
Hotline: 0800 1110 111
Hotline: 0800 1110 222
Nummer gegen Kummer
Hottline (adults): 0800 111 0 550
Hotline (children): 0800 111 0 333
Hotline: 2332 444 71279
Klimaka NGO
Hotline: 1018
Hotline: 911 (Emergency)
Hotline: nil
Hotline: 122 (Emergency)
Hotline: 112 (Emergency)
Guyana Inter-agency Suicide Prevention Hotline
Telephone numbers (+592) 223-0001, 223-0009, 600-7896, 623-4444 Email: [email protected] BBM PINS: 2BE55649, 2BE56020 Twitter: guyanaagency, WhatsApp: +592-600-7896, 592- 623-4444 FaceBook: Guyana Interagency Suicide Prevention Help Line
Hotline: 114 / 116 (Emergency)
Hotline: 504-237-3623
Hong Kong
The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong
Hotline: 2389 2222
The Samaritans Hong Kong
Hotline: 2896 0000
T.E.S. Miskolc
Hotline: (46) 323 888
SOS Telefon Lelkisegely Alapitvany
Hotline: (62) 420 111
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Magyar Lelki Elsősegély Telefonszolgálatok Szövetségével
Hotline: 116 123
Kek Vonal
Hotline: 116-111
Hotline: 1717
Lifeline Foundation
Hotline: +91 33 2474 4704
Hotline: +91 33 2474 5886
Hotline: 2474 5255
Fortis Healthcare Helpline (open 24hrs a day)
Hotline: +91 83 7680 4102
Hotline: +91 22 2754 6669
Hotline Email: [email protected]
Hotline: +91-413-339999
Hotline: +91 40 7904646
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Hotline: +91 79 2630 5544
Hotline: +91 79 2630 0222
Hotline: +91 (0) 44 2464 0050
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
The Samaritans Sahara
Hotline: +91-22-2307 3451
Hotline: 2338 9090
MAITHRI - Cochin
Hotline: +91 239 6272
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Hotline: 500-454
Government Hotline: 119
Saveyourselves .id
Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 813 14988214 (Alif)
+62 812 87877479 (Bibi)
+62 812 90704035 (Bondhan)
+62 822 46514726 (Novia)
+62 812 85651224 (Sabillah)
Jawa Barat
Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 822 46033788 (Ana)
+62 813 12011131 (Ilyas)
+62 813 88818145 (Marsha)
+62 821 37453862 (Tika)
Jawa Timur
Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 813 33512967 (Rosa)
+62 813 36388728 (Vini)
+62 812 26436448 (Michael)
+62 822 32048659 (Maria)
+62 821 39237856 (Liyah)
Jawa Tengah
Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 812 216388199 (Dias)
+62 812 16388283 (Ega)
+62 812 31319448 (Lusi)
+62 812 25828826 (Dini)
+62 812 91081619 (Arin)
Hotline: 00989127181037
Hotline: 112 / 911 (Emergency)
Samaritans UK & ROI
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 (UK - local rate)
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92 (UK minicom)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 90 (ROI local rate)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 91 (ROI minicom)
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Pieta House
-In Ballyfermot
Phone: 01-6235606
-In Cork
Phone: 021-4341400
-In Finglas
Phone: 01-8140774
-In Kerry
Phone: 066-7163660
-In Lucan
Phone: 01-6010000
-In Midwest
Phone: 061-484444
-In Roscrea
Phone: 0505-22568
-In Tallaght
Phone: 087-9368633/01-6200020
-In West
Phone: 093-25586
"ERAN" (-ï"øò)
Hotline: 1201
Hotline abroad: 972-9-8891333
Hotline abroad: 972-76-8844400
Samaritans - ONLUS
Hotline: 800 86 00 22
Telefono Amico Italia
Hotline: 199 284 284
Telefono Azzurro
Hotline:1-888-429-KARE (5273)
Befrienders International, Tokyo
Hotline: +81 (0) 3 5286 9090
BI Suicide Prevention Centre, Osaka
Hotline: +81 (0) 6 4395 4343
Tell Lifeline
Hotline: Counselling: 03 5774 0992
Hotline: Face to Face: 03 3498 0231
Hotline: Amman: 0096 262 508 900
           0096 262 508 902
           0096 262 508 903
           0096 262 508 904
           0096 262 508 939
           0096 262 508 941
Hotline (Int): nil
Befrienders Kenya
Hotline: 020 2051323
SMS: 00254 707 633 692, 00254 733 656 262, 00254 775 388 222
Hotline (Int): nil
Korea North
Hotline (Int): nil
Korea South
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
371 67222922
371 27722292
Hotline: 1564  [12 pm (noon) to 2 am]
Hotline (Int): nil
Lifeline Liberia
Hotline: 6534308
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Vaikų linija (Child line)
Hotline: 116 111
Jaunimo linija (Youth line)
Hotline: 8 800 28888
Vilties linija (Hope line)
Hotline: 116 123
Pagalbos moterims linija (Women’s line)
Hotline: 8 800 66366
Linija Doverija (Support for Russian-speaking clients)
Hotline: 8 800 77277
SOS Détresse – Hëllef iwwer Telefon
Hotline: 454545
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Befrienders Malacca
Hotline: (06) 284 2500
Befrienders Penang
Hotline: (04) 281 5161
Hotline: (04) 281 1108
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
The Befrienders Kuala Lumpur
Hotline: (03) 7956 8144
Hotline: (03) 7956 8145
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Befrienders Ipoh
Hotline: (05) 547 7933
Hotline: (05) 547 7599
Befrienders Seremban
Hotline: 06 7653588
Hotline: 06 7653589
Lifeline Association of Malaysia
Hotline: (063) 92850039
Hotline: (063) 92850279
Hotline: (063) 92850049
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Appogg Supportline 179
Hotline: 179
Marshall Islands
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline: 112 (Emergency)
Hotline (Int): nil
Befrienders, Mauritius
Hotline: 46 48 889
Hotline: 800 93 93
Hotline: 525-510-2550
Programa Salvemos Una Vida - 9453777
SAPTEL - 018004727835
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Centre d'Etude et de Prévention du Suicide
Hotline: 022 382 42 42
Sourire de Reda (Befrienders Casablanca)
Hotline: 212 (5) 22 87 47 40
Hotline: 212 (6) 62 58 95 70
Hotline (Int): nil
Myanmar (Burma)
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
The Netherlands
British Armed Forces Link (Netherlands)
Hotline: 0602 222 88 (to Samaritans)
Foundation 113Online
Hotline: 0900-113 0 113
New Zealand
National Depression Initiative
Hotline: 0800 111 757
SMS: 5626
Hotline: 0800 376633
SMS: 234
Lifeline Auckland
Hotline: (09) 522 2999
Hotline: (03) 578 2333
Hotline: (06) 379 8442
Lifeline National Office
Hotline: (64) 03 353 1136
Lifeline Christchurch
Hotline: (03) 366 6743
Hotline: (03) 474 9111
Hotline: (07) 838 0719
Hotline: (03) 214 4889
Hotline: (03) 546 8899
Hotline: (06) 758 6333
Hawkes Bay
Hotline: (06) 835 3300
South Canterbury
Hotline: (03) 684 4666
Hotline: (09) 437 5055
Samaritans Hutt Valley (inc)
Hotline: (04) 586 1048
Samaritans of Manawatu Inc.
Hotline: (06) 358 2442
Rotorua Lifelink/Youthline
Hotline: (07) 348 0567
Hotline: (7) 348 0566
Hotline: (7) 348 0565
Samaritans of Tauranga
Hotline: (07) 578 1002
Samaritans of Wanganui
Hotline: (06) 345 5090
Samaritans of Wellington
Hotline: (04) 473 9739
Samaritans of  Horowhenua
Hotline: (06) 368 2122
Hotline: 505-268-6171
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Kirkens SOS i Norge (Landssekretariatet)
Hotline: +47 815 33 300
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline: 15 / 115 (Emergency)
Hotline (Int): nil
Palestinian State*
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Papua New Guinea
Hotline (Day time only): 675 326 0011
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
The Philippines
Manila Lifeline Centre
Hotline: (02) 8969191
Hotline: Mobile phone: 0917 854 9191
Olsztynski Telefon Zaufania 'Anonimowy Przyjaciel
Hotline: 52 70 000
Hotline: 52 70 988
Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje
Hotline: 116 111
Voz de Apoio
Hotline: (+351) 225 50 60 70
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Telefone SOS Palavra Amiga
Hotline: (232) 42 42 82
Linha SOS-Estudante
Hotline: (808) 200 204
Telefone da Amizade Porto
Hotline: 22 832 35 35
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Hotline (Int): nil
Romanian Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Alianţa Română de Prevenţie a Suicidului)
Hotline: 0800 801 200
Website: http://www.antisuicid.com
Samaritans (Cherepovets)
Hotline: 007 (8202) 577-577
Youth Crisis Line
Hotline: (7) 0942 224 621
Hotline (Int): nil
St. Kitts & Nevis
Hotline: 911 (Emergency)
St. Lucia
Hotline: 452 -5433 / 458-2433
St. Vincent & The Grenadines
Hotline (Int): nil
SRCE Novi Sad
Hotline: (+381) 21-6623-393
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Linja Telefonike e Ndihmës (KOAPS)
Hotline: (044) 08080
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
SOS Telephone
Hotline: 037 23 025
San Marino
Hotline (Int): nil
Sao Tome & Principe
Hotline (Int): nil
Saudi Arabia
Psychological Counseling Contact Center
Hotline: 920 03 33 60
Hotline: 112 / 911 (Emergency)
Hotline (Int): nil
SRCE Novi Sad
Hotline: (+381) 21-6623-393
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Linja Telefonike e Ndihmës (KOAPS)
Hotline: (044) 08080
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
SOS Telephone
Hotline: 037 23 025
Centar Srce
Hotline: 0800 300 303
Hotline (Int): nil
Sierra Leone
Hotline (Int): nil
Samaritans of Singapore
Hotline: 1800- 221 4444
Linka detskej istoty
Hotline: 0800 – 112 112
Hotline (Int): nil
Solomon Islands
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
South Africa
Childline South Africa
Hotline: 08000 55 555
Befrienders South Africa
Hotline: 051 444 5691
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Befrienders Botshabelo
Hotline: + 27 (0) 51 532 1100
Befrienders Setshabelo
Hotline: 051 430 3555
Befrienders Kwa Nobuhle
Hotline: +27 (0) 41 977 3003
Befrienders Mitchell's Plain
Hotline: +27 (0) 21 371 1481
Befrienders Uitenhage
Hotline: +27 (0) 41 922 0068
Befrienders Umkomaas
Hotline: +27 (0) 39 979 5741
Befrienders Bloemfontein
Hotline: 051 444 5000
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Lifeline Southern Africa
Hotline: 0861 322 322
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)
Hotline: 0800 567 567
SMS: 31393
South Korea
Love-Line (Sarang - Jonwha) Counselling Centre
Hotline: (2) 715 8600
Hotline: (2) 716 8600
Hotline: (2) 717 8600
Hotline: (2) 718 8600
Hotline: (064) 52 9191
Hotline: (0441) 847-9191
Hotline: (0652) 86-9191
Hotline: (032) 421 9191
Hotline: (032) 663-9191
Hotline: (0562) 72-9191
Hotline: (0344) 915-9191
Hotline: (0525) 21-9191
Hotline: (0522) 67-9191
Hotline: (051) 807-9191
Lifeline National Office
Hotline: (82) 51 804 0896
West Seoul Saengmyung Eui Chunhwa
Hotline: (81) 2 2649 9232/4
Hotline: (02) 916-9191
Hotline: (053) 475-9191
Hotline: (042) 254-9191
South Sudan
Hotline (Int): nil
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Hotline: 902500002
St. Vincent
Hotline: (784) 456 1044
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo - Bandarawela
Hotline: 011 057 2222662
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo - Colombo
Hotline: 011 2692 909
Hotline: 011 2 683 555
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo - Panduwasnuwara
Hotline: 037 2291718
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo - Kandy
Hotline: (081) 2234 806
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo - Matale
Hotline: 066 2223521
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo - Panadura
Hotline: (038) 2235291
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo - Colombo South
Hotline: 011 401 094
Hotline: 011 4 404 536
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo 'Mel Medura'
Hotline: 011 2694665
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Befrienders Khartoum
Hotline: (249) 11-555-253
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Nagon att tala med Samaritans
Hotline: (46) 31 711 2400
Nationella Hjälplinjen
Hotline: 020 22 00 60
La Main Tendue
Hotline: 143
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Hotline: +41 (0) 27 321 21 21
Hotline (Int): nil
Taiwan Suicide Prevention Center
Hotline: 0800 788 995
Taiwan Lieline International
Hotline: 1995
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Samaritans of Thailand
Hotline: (02) 713-6793
E-mail Helpline: [email protected]
Samaritans of Chiang Mai
Hotline: (53) 225 977/8
Hotline (Int): nil
Lifeline Tonga
Hotline: 23000
Hotline: 25144
Trinidad & Tobago
Hotline: (868) 645 2800 / 645 6616
Families in Action
24-Hour Hotline: 628-2333
24-Hour Hotline: 131 or 800-4321
Hotline (Int): nil
Emergency Hotline: 182
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline: 0800 200 600  (Mon. - Fri, 8am to 7pm)
Telephone of confidence "Stavropyghion-058" Lviv
Hotline: 058
Odessa Confidence Telephone Service
Hotline: 0487 327715
Hotline: 0482 226565
United Arab Emirates
Hotline: 800 46342 (For Indian Expats)
Other: nil
United Kingdom
Samaritans UK & ROI
Hotline: 116123  (free call from mobile and landline)
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 (UK - local rate)
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92 (UK minicom)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 90 (ROI - local rate)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 91 (ROI minicom)
HOPELineUK (for under 35 yrs)
Hotline: 0800 068 41 41
SMS: 07786 209697
Get Connected (for under 25 yrs)
Hotline: 0808 808 4994
SMS: 80849
Rehab 4 Addiction (Addiction Helpline - open 24/7)
Hotline: 0800 140 4690
Mobile: 0345 222 3508
International: +44 345 222 3508
United States of America
Hotline: 1-800-784-2433
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
The Trevor Project (LGBT)
Hotline: 1 866 488 7386
International Suicide Prevention
Hotline: 702 743 4340
Hotline: 919 231 4525
Hotline: 1 877 235 4525
Trans Lifeline
Hotline: (877) 565-8860
Crisis Text Line
TEXT: Text START to 741-741
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Vatican City (Holy See)
Hotline (Int): nil
Telefono de la Esperanza
Hotline: 0241-8433308
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline (Int): nil
National Council of Samaritans
Hotline: (9) 650 00
Harare Samaritans
Hotline: (4) 726 468 - (4) 722 000
Hotline: Toll-free: 080 12 333 333
The Samaritans
Hotline: (20) 635 59
1 note · View note
Tumblr media
CHIMO Panther Pride Day
submitted by me
Calling all of you MUTUALS - let’s make some art
Here’s my thought/vision/whatever... DM me a word or simple sentence tied to a memory that haunts you... it’s that simple. It can be anything you are willing to share. A shitty failed relationship or break up, a pet’s death, a forgotten best friend... or happier memories like your first kiss, best vacation, or the first time you heard ‘I love you’ and believed it... I’ll try to convert it into a mixtape cover. 
Let’s collaborate and see what pops out the other end :)
16 notes · View notes