#chiss jackie
klarionthewizard · 9 months
OC Mundane Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me, @musewrangler!
Rules: Pick an oc you'd like to talk about and answer the questions for them! Then tag ten people, or as many as you can. 'Underdeveloped character I adopted' is fine, too! Absolutely no pressure to play, though.
Also, if some of it can't apply to your ocs, just answer what would be the answer - like if they're in a historical setting, they likely can't watch movies, but what is a movie they'd like?
(Also, most people have many ocs, so feel free to retag people and answer as many times as you get tagged! Or get really wild and just answer for as many ocs as you'd like! :D)
What is their favorite movie?
What is their favorite season?
What do they find annoying?
How would they like to spend their Christmas or equivalent holiday?
Do they play an instrument? If so, what? How good are they at it?
What's their favorite meal to eat?
Do they have a favorite video game or board game?
Do they celebrate their birthday?
What's their bedtime routine?
What's an oc (or canon character) that they like to spend time around? What do they tend to do together?
Okay, so this was really hard to just pick one, so I'm absolutely welcome to being retagged. But for brevity's sake, I went with Mitr'óq'thisoá, core name: Róqthi, from my AU August soulmate prompt fill. He's a chiss oc named with @shakespeareaddict's amazing chiss naming process.
Favorite Movie: In a galaxy far far away? His favorite is definitely some goofy chiss martial arts film. In our galaxy... probably a Jackie Chan film. The Spy Next Door, maybe.
Favorite Season: Winter. Róqthi annoys the fuck out of his husband by insisting it's not really that cold out and wearing shorts in the snow. Eriadu winters are a lot milder than Csillan winters.
Something He Finds Annoying: The smell of cedarwood. He hates it.
How He Spends Lifeday: Flirting with the non-family lifeday party guests (Róqthi is a bit of a flirt and he and his husband are poly). If he's seriously interested, Róqthi and his husband might go on a date with the man later in the evening.
Instruments: No. Just No. He tried once. Thrawn has banned him from making another attempt.
Favorite Meal: A plate of oysters and a Daiquiri. He likes a lot of sea food but Róqthi's very possessive over his oysters. He is also a very big fan of cocktails. Something that contains his favorite seafood and his favorite cocktail? Very big hit.
Video or Boardgame: Róqthi loves this very obscure game that involves naming famous paintings and pretending to be an art collector. Sadly, it requires four people and no one will play it with him and Thrawn anymore.
Birthday: If he's on the ISD-Zephyr, not really beyond a few holocalls and gifts. If he's at home, he gets a big birthday party and flirts with all the guests.
Bedtime Routine: If Róqthi's at home with his husband, he showers, gets Cormac to braid his hair, ambles aimlessly around the room until Cormac finishes changing and gets into bed, and then immediately joins him and falls asleep. If he's on the ISD-Zephyr, he tends to shower, throw his hair up in a messy bun, and bury himself under a mound of heated weighted blankets
Someone They Spend Time With: In this Au, Thrawn has a number of Chiss protoges after the formation of an Imperial-Ascendency alliance. Thrawn mentors him a lot and also critiques Róqthi's paintings.
Alright, gentle tagging @chaosgoblinhours, @shakespeareaddict, @zeldurz, @madelgard, @ari-leah-arts, @nerdypipsqueak, @alex-dax, @pianopadawan, and @musewrangler (bc I desperately want to know how a drunk henley would answer these. Or Hatley.)
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kentuckycaverats · 1 year
Put your playlist on shuffle and post the ten songs that come first!
tagged by @chiss-ticism and @vtmgremlin
she - dodie
jackie and wilson - live in america - spring/summer 2015 - hozier
it's thursday night (critical role theme) - critical role
the main character - will wood
would you - pink sweat$
makin' a move - lady bri
montreal - penelope scott
legally blonde - remix - legally blonde the musical
salvation - christabelle marbun
care free - jpro
tagging @eric-the-bmo @lgbtmi @m4rloe5 ! but only if you wanna for funsies
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voidendron · 4 years
To Have a Name
One-Shot, 815 Words Star Wars AU
(( Not my best writing, but I’ve had pretty bad writer’s block lately so I’m just glad to have something down ^^” ))
Warnings: Swearing, Arguing Characters: Chase Brody, Jackieboy Man, Jameson Jackson, Dr. Schneeplestein
“What’s got his pants in a twist?” The Chiss—Jackie—followed the retreating Marvin with his eyes. Marvin’s hands were curled into tight fists, gait stiff, with a protective arm around Sami’s shoulders as he practically dragged them along. “Not like strangers or something?”
Chase shook his head. “I told him you’d be here… No. No, he’s taken your—both of your—current ah…residence, on my ship personally. He really ain’t fond’a Imps—” a sharp look at Jameson, “—or Rebels,” his eyes shifted to Jackie.
Jackie huffed as his brows scrunched. “Okay, the war ended years ago? And I get why he wouldn’t be happy about Jackson, but me?”
Chase had to resist the urge to curl his lip in a snarl. “Buddy, you’re actin’ like Rebels could do no wrong. Not my place to tell their story, but he’s got a right to hate both of you. Both sides are gonna be fucked up in any war, no matter how ‘good’ they claim to be or think they are.”
“Our morals are being questioned by a smuggler as if he is any better.” Jameson shook his head. Chase could see the Human thinking—literally. Something on his AJ^6 lit up and blinked a few times. The Bothan could only roll his eyes at whatever calculations the man might be running.
“Says the dud who’s on parole for all the crap you did during the war?” God, he couldn’t wait to get those two off his ship. “Keep it up and I’ll up my price to get you to your senators or whoever it was. You’re on my ship and those Mandos are my friends. Not you.”
“We want this ‘partnership’ over with just as much as you do.” Jackie leaned back in his sea. “But we’re stuck together for now—”
“Well I mean. The airlock is always an option?”
“—and you’ll be paid to smuggle us onto the next planet under that gang’s nose. Just deal with us a little longer?”
The Bothan huffed, but what other choice did he have? These men were data couriers for powerful people regardless of how…how insufferable the two could be. At least he was getting paid for it.
“Fine. Whatever. But can I ask ya to at least name your droid? I don’t like callin ‘em by serial numbers or models.”
Jameson blinked slowly while his (however unwilling) companion arched a brow. “It’s a droid,” the Human finally said. “Why would it need a name?”
“Cause he wants one?”
“He…wants one?”
Jackie scratched the back of his head. “You’ve gotta be making this up. Droids can’t want stuff, can they?”
“He told Beeper,” Chase nodded to his astromech that was connected to the ship’s main console, piloting while he was turned away, “and I agree. Every droid should have a name.”
Jackie pinched the bridge of his nose. “Even if that’s so, it’s not even our droid to name. It was lent to us ‘cause it has a portion of the data we need to deliver. Soon as that’s done we’re returning it to its owner.”
“While you’re on my ship, he’s gonna have a name.” Chase stomped his foot right then and there, boot clinking over the metal floor. “If you’re not gonna name him, I will. What’s his serial number?”
“Ah. SN-334, Sir.”
Chase’s fur stood on end when the droid spoke from behind him. If it was possible for a droid to look nervous, this one certainly did. “Chase, not Sir,” he corrected. “And…what can we do with that number, eh? SN-334…” He said it aloud a few times, tried combining sounds. As Basic wasn’t his first language, his tongue slipped on the first letters, but he…actually kind of liked the sound of it.
“How ‘bout ‘Schneep’?”
The medical droid definitely perked up at that. Chase did the closest thing he could to a grin (it’s admittedly pretty difficult with a snout) and patted the droid on the arm.
“What do ya say? ‘Schneep.’ I like it. Seems he does, too!”
Jackie actually chuckled. That might have been the first time he’d smiled, let alone laughed, since Chase had been hired to transport them. “Schneep, huh. Yeah, guess we could call it that. …Y’know, I think it fits. Who’d have thought? Jackson?”
“I am not even permitted near the droid. I have no reason to speak to it, nor use a name for it. Call it what you want.” Jameson’s vocoder clicked as he finished speaking and crossed his arms. Well. Guess that’s the end of any conversation with him, Chase thought as his nose scrunched.
“Schneep it is, then?” He looked to the droid, who was nodding. God, he wished they could make expressions. Chase so wanted to see the huge grin he could just imagine the droid making right then. “Heh, Schneep it is. I like it.”
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voidsdesignvault · 4 years
Tumblr media
JACKIEBOY MAN Star Wars Crossover
Sehnaj’akk’eedara (core name “Jackie”) served as a Y-Wing pilot during the Galactic Civil War. While never holding a very high rank himself during the war (commanding officers deemed him too reckless), he often followed right at his squadron leader’s side during dogfights. Almost stupidly brave in protecting his team from rival fighters, it’s a wonder how he didn’t go down in an explosion in his Y-Wing.
After the war, he chose to keep flying and acts as a data courier for information too sensitive to be sent over transmissions.
other stuff + design notes below the cut
--Do not copy, edit, or repost my works. Reblogs are appreciated!--
technically his core name should be “Jakkee” as it is in his full name, but since humans still couldn’t pronounce it right, he spells his core name as “Jackie” instead
as a Chiss, his eyes glow faintly. they also get darker/brighter depending on oxygen content of a planet’s atmosphere. the more oxygen-rich, the darker they get and vice versa
he didn’t want to work with Jameson, but it was more or less forced on him when he accepted a carrier job. the data he needed to take to multiple recipients was separated, some impossible for him to get without a hacker, so Jameson was released from prison under a strict parole to help Jackie
speaking of Jameson, since he was a former Imperial, the two really don’t get along at first. sometimes it seems like they argue just for the sake of arguing
he doesn’t like droids that are built to look “too human.” they give him the heebie-jeebies 
because his species evolved underground on his home planet, he’s likely sensitive to sun/really bright lights
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voidendron · 4 years
Ooo! "Did you just hiss at me?" With Star Wars Marvin and anyone else? :0
Okay. Maybe Jackie was messing with something he shouldn’t have been messing with. But in his defense, he’d always wanted to see an electrostaff up close.
…Well. Without being on the receiving side of one of the charged ends, at least.
It wasn’t often that the Mandalorian left one of his weapons laying around, and Jackie just wanted to look. He wasn’t hurting anything by doing so, right? Besides, Marvin had done the same with Jackie’s old pilot helmet only to scoff at it and knock a fist against the side of his own in a “this is a helmet” sort of way before stalking off.
Running his hand over the weapon’s shaft, he jumped when it sparked to life—literally. The ends were alive with purple electricity and Jackie barely managed to shift it before he could shock himself.
Chase’s astromech beeped angrily when it startled the little guy, then it went zipping off toward the cockpit. Probably to tattle on him.
“Uh… Sorry?” He grimaced as he heard a crash shortly thereafter—probably Beeper running into something or someone on its way to complain to Chase.
The weapon being forcefully wrenched from his hands had him jumping again, and all he could offer to the glowering visor above him was a sheepish grin.
“In my defense, you left it out.”
A sharp hiss left the Mandalorian as he turned the weapon off and slung it over his shoulder.
Jackie, with his mouth left hanging open as he processed the sound, could only furrow his brows. “…Did you just hiss at me?”
It hadn’t been the annoyed hiss a Human (or Chiss) could make by exhaling through clenched teeth. It was a legitimate, lowkey scary as hell, hiss. The Chiss blinked dumbly up at the Mandalorian. The Mandalorian he’d thought was Human, but apparently not.
“You just hissed at me! I thought you were Human!”
Chase busted out laughing from the entrance to the storage room that had been seconding as Jackie and Jameson’s “bedroom” (the repurposed junker was really lacking in the sleeping quarters department).
“Dude, do you not pay attention to stuff? Humans don’t have furred fingers or retractable claws.”
At that, Marvin flexed his fingers. The ends of his gloves had been cut off, messily so, and Jackie could see the razor-sharp claws clear as day when they caught the light. It was followed by a growl bubbling in the man’s chest. “Don’t touch my shit.”
“Hey, I thought all Mandos were Human!” In Jackie’s defense, he’d come from a planet beyond the Outer Rim. He’d never even heard of a Mandalorian until he’d made his way into the galaxy. How was he supposed to know besides what he’d heard from others?
He could almost imagine Marvin rolling his eyes as he mimed strangling the Chiss. “Most are Human. But it’s a culture. Not a species. You dense—”
“Okay, there’s not gonna be any fights on my ship.” Chase nudged Marvin back a step—it was almost funny to see the far, far shorter Bothan as the one taking charge. “Beeper’s already upset an’ I don’t think Slink’ll be too happy if he has to come off his charger to separate you two. Or, even better, none of you are gonna be happy if I call Jameson instead.”
They both grumbled under their breath in answer.
“That’s the spirit!”
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voidendron · 4 years
Star wars AU, bragging competition. Like a chill night on the starship and they're all trying to outdo each other with stories.
(( set later than previous SW fics where they actually like. can stand each other. it ended up WAY longer than I anticipated, but So. Worth it. It was a lot of fun :D ))
Words: 2′327Warnings: Alcohol, Drunkenness (mild), Swearing
Chase had dropped off a prettylarge shipment earlier, which left the cargo bay of his ship withplenty of room. With an empty crate acting as a makeshift table, theyall sat around it, some with more distance between them than others.It had been Chase’s idea, because of course it had been.
Jackie was looking at his drinkskeptically (probably wondering if Chase had come by it legally ornot) while Sam pouted at the fact Marvin wouldn’t let them haveany. …Which was funny considering that, while they were theyoungest there, they were as much an adult as the rest of them.Jameson had waved off the offer, not wanting to remove hisvocoder—vocabulator?—whatever it was; Chase had heard multiplenames used for the things.
Chase might have been a littletipsy at that point and he could feel Schneep eyeing him. He waswatching himself, though, and at least his astromech could pilotwhile he was unable.
“Anyway,”the Bothan said as he threw a hand up, “that’s how I accidentallypissed off a governor and got an assassin sent after me!”
Marvinmade a noise akin to some sort of hissing laugh. “I think I’vegot more questions than I started with.”
“Yeah…”Jackie took a testing sip of his drink as he leaned back against anempty pallet. “What was that part about getting stuck in the wrongvent again?”
“Doesn’tmatter—mytime’s up! Who can one-up that?”Chase pulled his best rendition of a grin that he could with a snoutfull of sharp teeth.
“Eh,I’ll give it a shot.” Marvin adjusted his legs and patted hishelmet to make sure it was still resting at his thigh. “This wasback when Sami was a teenager, but… Heh. You remember that Acklay?”
Theyounger Mandalorian immediately perked up and started grinning. “Youtold that story for weeksafter!”
“Hey,that’s where I earned my signet—‘course I’d keep telling it!”
“Acklay…”Jackie rubbed at his chin. “You mean those freaky six-leggedbuggers that try to spear ya?”
Marvingrinned; his feline fangs were even sharper than Chase’s andglinted in the light from overhead. “Oh, yeah. And those legs aresharp,dammit.” He traced a line over his breastplate up to his shoulderand added, “Got a nastyscarhere from it, and proud of it!”
“Sowhat about the Acklay?” Schneep actually…tilted his head alittle. God was he expressive for a droid.
“Allright. Let’s see if this one-ups Chase’s ship-crash of anexperience, huh?” He took a swig of his drink, then settled backcomfortably. “I did a lot of our clan’s supply runs—especiallyif it was into dangerous territory. I had to go to Felucia for someplant. Not a botanist, so don’t remember what it was or what it wasused for, but whatever. We needed it and that’s all you need toknow about that.
“So,I was searching for this plant, watching my back for dangerous fauna,and then I heard it.” He gnashed his teeth together, making poorSami jump at the noise. “It was aboveme,on one of the…root-things all over the place. Just watching me. Andthe thing was huge.I’d only seen them from a distance until that point, but one goodstrike would’ve speared one of its legs straight through me.
“Whenit shifted, the entire root creaked under it. It must’ve beenwaiting there long before I got there ‘cause there was no way Iwouldn’t have heard it walk up there.” He muttered something inMando’a and chuckled to himself. “So I did what any impulsiveMandalorian would do and started shooting at it.”
Jamesonstartled Chase—as well as some of the others by the looks ofit—when he suddenly piped in. He hadn’t expected the guy toactually listen enough to contribute. “Acklays have exoskeletons. Ablaster such as you carry would do little.”
Marvinfrowned a little at Jameson, but at least he wasn’t baring histeeth this time. For once? “Yeah. And I remembered that fact onlywhen it lumbered off the damn root and nearly speared me under it.
“Thatwas back before I got my jetpack, and carried a vibroblade instead ofmy electrostaff.” He patted said weapon where it laid next to him.“So I was stuck on the ground with somethin’ a whole lot fasterthan me, with more reach, and those fuckers are scary agile, too. Iwas alone with the only things I’d have a chance with being a fewgrenades and my blade.”
Jackiearched a brow. “…You say that like ‘a few’ grenades are justa casual thing.”
“Well,yeah.Mandalorians are usually armed to the teeth.”
“Fangs,”Chase corrected with a chuckle. “’Cause you’re a Cathar, soyou’ve got fangs.”
Marvinjust snorted. “Someone get him to bed—”
“—I’mnot that drunk—!”
“—Anyway.So I’ve got this Acklay that’s way bigger than me trying to knockme over, spear me, chomp me, whatever it can. It broke some of mystraps, so I was left without a breastplate or right pauldron, lostone of my blasters, I’m dragging my sash in my hands since that gotcut, too, and I reallywantedto keep my grenades with me, all while I’m trying not to let thisthing make a meal of me and it’s screeching in my ear.
“SoI’m trying to duck around plants and dive for areas it can’t fit,but it just plows through or destroys them to leave me flounderingfor a new spot. I can see my ship, but this thing’s driving mefarther and farther from it, then I trip, and all I see is one of itslegs poised to impale me. I roll, but it still catches me,” hetraces the line on his chest again, “so now I’m bleeding, can’tmove one arm, and this thing reaches down to chomp me, catches myother pauldron instead and pulls it off so I scramble to my feet.
“I’mcovered in mud and pollen and my own blood, my visor’s so filthy Ican barely see. I pull a grenade off my sash and activate it, ‘causeat that point I’m thinking I’m about to die and I’m desperate.So I throw the fucker, and the Acklay snatches it out of the air andswallows it.
“Boom. Iwatched the thing get blown apart, grabbed my stuff and the plantafter looking around for it again, and beelined it for my ship.”
Samshook their head and grinned. “When he got back to camp he was amess.He was dragging the armor that was pulled off by its straps and hadhis arm against his chest. His collar bone had been broken and hedidn’t even sling his arm! The medical droid scolded himso bad. Andthe first thing he does? Pull off his helmet, grin a hugegrin,and give the plant to our leader all proud of himself!”
“Hey,I had a right to be proud!” Marvin turned to show the marks on hispauldron; sure enough, it was an Acklay head. “That’s how Iearned my signet!”
“…Damn.”Chase shook his head. “I’ve heard those things can kill groups oftrained soldiers if they’re caught off guard.”
“Impressive,”Schneep agreed. “Very impressive!”
“So.Anyone wanna one-up that?” the Cathar challenged.
Jackieshook his head. “I thought I had a story. No way it tops that.”
“Let’shear it anyway!” Chase said.
“Yes,please,” the droid agreed.
“Eh.Well.” He rubbed the back of his head. In the dimmed light of thecargo bay, it was almost eerie the way his red eyes glowed as he castthem around the room. “I was in my Y-Wing when Vader joined abattle?”
Chasechoked on his drink and was left coughing for a solid thirty seconds.“You survived anencounter with him?!”
“Ispotted his TIE from a distance, but it didn’t really…register?that it looked a little different from the rest? Soon as my squadleader saw it, I swear I was gonna go deaf. She flipped.Out. Orderingthe squad to retreat immediately.It was right about then that a star destroyer came outta hyperspace.
“Weknew that was it. We didn’t have a chanceofwinning that battle, so we fell back in the hopes of not losingmultiple squads.” Jackie frowned. “Half my squad was killed—allgood men, friends—when Vader showed up. Pretty sure he’s the onewho got to ‘em. I’d never been so terrified.  Heh. And I nevereven got close to it—just saw it on the other side of the battle.Even now, I don’t think anything’s scared me so damn bad asseein’ that one TIE.
“Iwouldn’t fly for daysafter that, and none of us would shut up about seeing it. We didn’twin that battle, but surviving that sorta encounter at least deservessome bragging rights. Right?”
“Wow!”Sam leaned forward, hands on their knees. “I’ve only ever heardstories of him, but that sounds scary!” They were…grinning, asthey said it. Of course they were, Chase thought with a chuckle. Heswore those two Mandalorians were addicted to danger. Maybe he was alittle, too, but hey.
“Okay,we’ve got a game goin’ now,” Jackie said. “Someone’s gottago next.”
Schneepshuffled awkwardly, then offered, “I was stolen by pirates?”
“Hey,now.” The Chiss frowned despite the story he’d just told. “Werescued you. Can’t hold that over our heads forever.”
“Oh,no, no!” He put up his hands, shook his head. “You saved me fromthe third time! But I’ve been stolen before.”
“…Third time?”
“Bypirates, yes.”
“Thatimplies you’ve been stolen by things other than pirates, too,”Marvin muttered with a huffed laugh.
“Dude,”Chase grinned, “you’ve gottellus about the first time. Or second—whichever’s more interesting.Please?”
Thearms set into Schneep’s back for more fine-tuned work shifted andclattered and his eyes brightened a bit. Maybe he couldn’t makefacial expressions, but he had other ways of showing how he felt. Itwas frankly adorable how expressive he actually was.
“Thishappened during the Clone Wars. I was a Republic medical droid—”
“I…hadforgotten how old you were,” Jameson said.
Jackiescoffed. “Youforgotsomething? You’ve got like. A literalcomputerattached to your head.”
“Itdidn’t seem like important information, so I disregarded it.”
“Guys,”Chase scolded, “don’t interrupt him.”
Hisextra arms fidgeted even as he tried to remain still. “I had beenstationed at a small outpost to tend to the Clones there. It was toosmall and not well-defended—in a very bad location, as well. Verybad planning overall. That is what I was told. Pirates were able tooverwhelm it.
“Theytook hostages, stole the droids and supplies, and fled back to theirship before reinforcements arrived.” He put his hands on his hipslike he was disappointed, but also chuckled. “They tried to shortme out! But they shocked themselves instead—is very funny toremember. They cursed and jumped around while their little machinezipped and zapped. The astromechs they stole found it hilarious andwould not stop chittering!”
Chaselaughed. That seemed to make Schneep a little more confident—hewasn’t used to talking so much about himself, it was clear, but theBothan hoped he would start loosening up like this more often.
“Thepirates were incompetent. They overwhelmed the outpost with sheernumber and firepower, but I swear, far dumber than a battle droid.The Clones complimented one with insults—right to his face!—andhe took it as genuine!
“Theyfloundered around each other like the fish out of water! Oneaccidentally released one of the Clones and the poor man was soconfused that he just sat there waiting to be cuffed again, andanother nearly shot his buddy while cleaning a blaster and having itgo off. It was maddening! They wanted to sell us droids and ransomthe Clones, but the truly frustrating part was watching them all bethe idiots! I do not even think we were worried for our ownwell-being they were so nonsensical!”
Mostof them were laughing, now. Even Jameson had his head tilted like hejust couldn’t make sense of pirates. One of the lights on his AJ^6was even blinking very, veryslowly.
“Dude.”It took Chase a couple tries to actually get any proper words outthrough snickers, “I’m actually afraid of the answer, but… Howbadly did you embarrass them to get away?”
Thedroid cupped his hands over his face and laughed again. “The Clonestricked them into undoing their binds, but they were still locked inthe cell. So the astromechs—they ambushed a pirate and stole thekey from him!”
“Oh,god. Didthey not know how freaking feistymechscan be?! You don’t tick them off—‘speciallynot a group of ‘em!”
“Apparentlynot! They zipped and zapped and pinched until they got the key andreleased the Clones, and then they took over the ship! The pirateswere locked out of the cockpit and the mechs found us the nearestRepublic fleet. We all had such a hard time believing it actuallyhappened—and no one would believe us!They could not believe someone could possibly be thatincompetent!”
Samilooked like they were having a hard time breathing they were laughingso hard, and both Jackie and Marvin had covered their faces.
“…Ithink Schneep wins for most entertaining story,” Chase suggested.The others only nodded. “Unless Jameson..?”
“Ihave nothing interesting to tell.”
“…Oh-kay.Our dear droid with the freakin’ comedy goldofdumb pirate stories wins.”
Schneepclasped his hands together, something in his chest chirping.
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voidendron · 4 years
I've started getting a handle on the Star Wars AU Septic bois and it makes me happy! I’ve been changing quite a few things from my original plans for it, but they’re all coming together really nicely imo <3
uh...it’ll be under the cut because it got long ^^”
some things may still change, but for now this is what I’ve got!
Chase’s species is Bothan and he’s a smuggler, though he doesn’t actually use the term “smuggler,” himself. Literally everyone else does for him, but hey. His crew consists of three droids (Bolt, Beeper, and Slink) and two Corellian hound littermates (Kye and Sophe). He tends to prefer the presence of droids over people. Originally the only Septic he knew was Anti because he had a bounty on him for dodging payments, but he later met Marvin and Sam by chance and they’ve been friends since.
He was adopted by an Ithorian couple as an infant. His parents had a tendency to take in orphans, so Chase has five other siblings with only one of them being their parents’ biological kid. From oldest to youngest his other siblings are a brother (Ithorian, the biological kid), sister (Twi’lek), sister (Nautolon), Chase, brother (Quaran), brother (Human). I don’t have names figured out for his siblings yet, but his Twi’lek sister is married and has two kids; she lives on Ryloth, so if he ever mentions going there it’s probably to visit her. Their parents used to live in Coruscant’s lower levels, so they knew infants/toddlers wouldn’t last long on their own before they were picked up by someone undesirable, so they took it upon themselves to adopt these kids. As such, Ithorese is actually Chase’s native language and he doesn’t know any Bothese, and he has kind of an odd accent paired with throaty/growly way of speaking.
He stayed neutral throughout the war, smuggling for whatever side offered the best pay for the job. He tends to be indifferent toward former Imperials/Rebels after the war and gets annoyed when Jackie and Jameson fight.
Marv’s species is Cathar, which is a feline humanoid. He’s also a Mandalorian and one of two survivors of Clan Magniif. He’s extremely protective of Sami (”Sam”), the other survivor from his clan and holds a grudge against both Rebels and Imperials for the deaths of their people. He only knew Sam and Angus (leader of a rival clan) to start off, then later met Chase by chance. Didn’t like him at first, but the smuggler quickly grew on him.
He was found in a destroyed Cathar settlement as a toddler, so Magniif’s leader took him in as a foundling. He was raised by Mandalorian customs as one of the clan’s own and remains loyal to it even after its destruction. He’s also extremely impulsive and thinks with his fists instead of his head.
During the war, Magniif tried to stay out of things, but was eventually talked into helping a Rebel cell. That resulted in the Empire making an example of them and wiping out most of the clan. After the war, he and Sam take whatever odd jobs they can for supplies or credits.
Full name Sehnaj’akk’eedara, Jackie’s a Chiss, which look mostly human besides blue or silver skin, blue/black/silver hair, and glowing red eyes (Jackie has blue skin with darker blue hair). He’s known for being reckless and protective to the point of risking his own health.
While more typical of his people to be Empire or non-aligned, he agreed with the Rebels’ standpoint and joined them with no questions asked. It did take them a while to start trusting him, but he was eventually granted his own Y-Wing and made part of a squadron of fighters. Because Chiss weren’t known for being part of the rebellion, there were a few instances that Jackie was sent to sneak into Imperial territory to steal something or tell his comrades how best to attack an outpost.
Primarily though, he was a pilot during the war who protected Rebel supply ships. After it ended, he became a data courier for info too sensitive to be sent over transmissions. That’s how he met Jameson and Schneep, then eventually Chase, Marvin, and Sam.
Also, fun fact: He saw Vader in his TIE once and flipped out about it for days after because “Oh my god I could have DIED” if his squad leader hadn’t ordered an immediate retreat.
A Human from Coruscant, Jameson had once been a politician’s right hand. He was known for blackmailing the senator’s opponents and doing shady business with bounty hunters, but nothing could ever be proved to pin the charges on him.
When he joined the Empire, he started as a spy, then a hacker, then eventually was granted an officer’s rank and took charge of a small espionage group. While only a low-ranking officer, Jameson (JSE-815) and his team often had their stations changed to whatever outpost or battle cruiser needed their aid. After his promotion, he rarely went on the field himself for spying and instead stayed behind to work at computers with his hackers.
During a Rebel raid on an outpost he was stationed at, Jameson ended up taking charge of the troopers when the colonel was gone (he’d taken a large group of troopers to attack the Rebels’ base, which turned out to be something they’d planned, and left the outpost ill-protected). Only having experience leading espionage, Jameson’s tactics were quickly overwhelmed and he and a few others ended up cornered in the command room. In a last-ditch effort to protect the information in the computers from falling into enemy hands, he and the remaining Imperials detonated grenades to destroy the information completely. Jameson hadn’t expected to survive; he received damage to his neck and now uses a vocoder to speak, lost three limbs (both legs, right arm), and received internal damage that required organ replacement. Shortly after the event, he also got an AJ^6 to improve his productivity, though at the consequence of affecting/limiting his personality.
After the Empire lost the war, he was sent to Sunspot Prison. He was later released a few years later under strict parole to aid Jackie with a mission that needed a hacker. He’s not fond of his current companions, but at least he’s not in a cell.
Schneep (SN-334) is a modified surgical droid and was built shortly before the Battle of Geonosis and purchased as a Republic droid. He started out with a very flat personality as programmed in the factory that built him, but the more his owner joked with him and encouraged him to think for himself, the more he started to develop his own personality. He quickly latched onto sarcasm and grumpiness. His owner found it hilarious. His patients...not so much.
Throughout the Clone Wars, he’d receive a tweak here, an upgrade there, until it eventually came to the point it was hard to tell what his base model was (2-1B surgical droid), and sometimes even unclear whether or not he was actually a surgical droid. His programming was even modified to allow him to defend his patients if they were in danger (big no-no and cancelled the warranty on him). The first time he sawed a B1 battle droid’s head off was certainly a shock--to both the other droid and his patient.
After his original owner was killed in the war, he ended up passed around a lot, eventually somehow found himself under a Rebel general, then an intelligence gatherer after the war. So he somehow survived not one, but two wars and has never even had a memory wipe. 
Now carrying a piece of the divided information Jackie and Jameson need to deliver, he was sent with them. It wasn’t until eventually meeting Chase that Schneep was finally given a name instead of being called by his serial number.
Anti Septik is a bounty hunter of unknown species and planetary origin (though is believed to be a Rattataki from what glimpses of his skin have been seen). He wears a full suit of armor to hide his identity, and uses a universal translator to hide both his voice and accent. He’s ruthless, can find ways to track a contract down no matter where they go, and seemingly can’t die. A former partner claims she saw a target nearly cut Anti’s head off, but he got right back up and started shooting. 
Nothing is known of his past, but any hunters who’ve worked with him before refuse to do so again. He’s greedy and bloodthirsty; if a target is wanted dead or alive, he’ll kill them every time whether they’re ready to surrender or not, and has killed partners to get their half of the earnings, too. 
He has a green lightsaber that he stole from the body of a Jedi killed in one of the Temples after Order 66. He uses it more for show, keeping it hanging at his hip most of the time, but knows how to use it if he needs it.
I don’t have much on Angus or Sam yet (besides they’re both Human and Mandalorians, and that Sam lost an eye during a training bought), and I’d like to add Jacques and at least some Ipliers. However, the only one I have any ideas for is Host; the rest I’ll have to figure out!
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voidendron · 4 years
For the Star Wars AU, you could always have the googles and bing as androids and maybe at some point Bing becomes a part of Chase’s crew?? Also do you think you’re gonna have any of the egos have the force?
I think I got the Googles figured out (I’ve been going through lists of humanoid species for hours and found one I like for them), but I really like that idea for Bing! He’d make a nice addition to the crew
Google’s going to be an Arkanian (”Arkanians considered themselves the pinnacle of evolution, and as such many were distinctly arrogant. Arkanian scientists had been experts in genetic manipulation for millennia”) because I thought that bit fit him and it could be interesting to work with. He’s a cyborg, though to a much more mild degree than Jameson, and the Upgades will be his Clones! Google has a broader focus in the sciences, while the Upgrades all have specific focuses (Oliver = biomedical engineer, Red = weapons engineer, Green = anthropologist). Red is also a cyborg; he had one of his weapons blew up on him so whoops ^^”
Since Host is a Miraluka, he’s Force-sensitive as a default. His species looks human, but they lack eyes and instead use the Force to “see.” Dark might also be if I can find a fitting species for him (I’ve been considering Chiss because Admiral Thrawn’s voice gave me huge Dark vibes and I can’t shake the mental image of Dark as one; Chiss is also what Jackie is). I’ve also been debating if Jackie and/or Marvin should be? I’m having a hard time deciding with those two, though!
If that’s the case, Jackie doesn’t know he’s Force-sensitive, while Marvin wouldn’t care and actively try to hide it. His clan never encountered Sith or Jedi (at least not in its previous leader’s lifetime), but he’s still not fond of the idea of either of them, and they’re what he’d associate the Force with, so he’d definitely try to hide it.
So yeah, if anyone has opinions for Marv or Jackie being Force-sensitive, I’d love to hear! I’ve been trying to decide since starting the AU XD
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voidendron · 4 years
Oh my gosh, Dark as a Chiss would be amazing, especially since he has the same vibes as Admiral Thrawn (it's been a while since I read the books about him, but I think I can recall that he has the same cunning mindset that Dark has). Also, an added bonus is that the blue skin/red eyes combo matches the aesthetic of Dark's aura.
Right??? I’d been watching the Rebels cartoon for the first time a little after starting the AU, and the moment I heard Thrawn’s voice and saw how he acted I just couldn’t stop thinking of Dark (and yeah, their colors are just a plus in this case)! Also, since Chiss have super long names, “Dark” is totally believable as a core name for one. I’d just have to come up with a Chiss-sounding name like I did for Jackie~
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voidendron · 4 years
Story Time
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One-Shot, 2′327 Words Star Wars AU
(( the formatting got fucky and hard to read for mobile, can’t get it to fix itself, so reposting as a text post instead of answer in an attempt to get it to work.
set later than previous SW fics where they actually like. can stand each other. it ended up WAY longer than I anticipated, but So. Worth it. It was a lot of fun :D ))
Warnings: Alcohol, Drunkenness (mild), Swearing Characters: Chase Brody, Jackieboy Man, Jameson Jackson, Marvin the Magnificent, Dr. Schneeplestein, Septic Eye Sam
Chase had dropped off a pretty large shipment earlier, which left the cargo bay of his ship with plenty of room. With an empty crate acting as a makeshift table, they all sat around it, some with more distance between them than others. It had been Chase’s idea, because of course it had been.
Jackie was looking at his drink skeptically (probably wondering if Chase had come by it legally or not) while Sam pouted at the fact Marvin wouldn’t let them have any. …Which was funny considering that, while they were the youngest there, they were as much an adult as the rest of them. Jameson had waved off the offer, not wanting to remove his vocoder—vocabulator?—whatever it was; Chase had heard multiple names used for the things.
Chase might have been a little tipsy at that point and he could feel Schneep eyeing him. He was watching himself, though, and at least his astromech could pilot while he was unable.
“Anyway,” the Bothan said as he threw a hand up, “that’s how I accidentally pissed off a governor and got an assassin sent after me!”
Marvin made a noise akin to some sort of hissing laugh. “I think I’ve got more questions than I started with.”
“Yeah…” Jackie took a testing sip of his drink as he leaned back against an empty pallet. “What was that part about getting stuck in the wrong vent again?”
“Doesn’t matter—my time’s up! Who can one-up that?” Chase pulled his best rendition of a grin that he could with a snout full of sharp teeth.
“Eh, I’ll give it a shot.” Marvin adjusted his legs and patted his helmet to make sure it was still resting at his thigh. “This was back when Sami was a teenager, but… Heh. You remember that Acklay?”
The younger Mandalorian immediately perked up and started grinning. “You told that story for weeks after!”
“Hey, that’s where I earned my signet—‘course I’d keep telling it!”
“Acklay…” Jackie rubbed at his chin. “You mean those freaky six-legged buggers that try to spear ya?”
Marvin grinned; his feline fangs were even sharper than Chase’s and glinted in the light from overhead. “Oh, yeah. And those legs are sharp, dammit.” He traced a line over his breastplate up to his shoulder and added, “Got a nasty scar here from it, and proud of it!”
“So what about the Acklay?” Schneep actually…tilted his head a little. God was he expressive for a droid.
“All right. Let’s see if this one-ups Chase’s ship-crash of an experience, huh?” He took a swig of his drink, then settled back comfortably. “I did a lot of our clan’s supply runs—especially if it was into dangerous territory. I had to go to Felucia for some plant. Not a botanist, so don’t remember what it was or what it was used for, but whatever. We needed it and that’s all you need to know about that.
“So, I was searching for this plant, watching my back for dangerous fauna, and then I heard it.” He gnashed his teeth together, making poor Sami jump at the noise. “It was above me, on one of the…root-things all over the place. Just watching me. And the thing was huge. I’d only seen them from a distance until that point, but one good strike would’ve speared one of its legs straight through me.
“When it shifted, the entire root creaked under it. It must’ve been waiting there long before I got there ‘cause there was no way I wouldn’t have heard it walk up there.” He muttered something in Mando’a and chuckled to himself. “So I did what any impulsive Mandalorian would do and started shooting at it.”
Jameson startled Chase—as well as some of the others by the looks of it—when he suddenly piped in. He hadn’t expected the guy to actually listen enough to contribute. “Acklays have exoskeletons. A blaster such as you carry would do little.”
Marvin frowned a little at Jameson, but at least he wasn’t baring his teeth this time. For once? “Yeah. And I remembered that fact only when it lumbered off the damn root and nearly speared me under it.
“That was back before I got my jetpack, and carried a vibroblade instead of my electrostaff.” He patted said weapon where it laid next to him. “So I was stuck on the ground with somethin’ a whole lot faster than me, with more reach, and those fuckers are scary agile, too. I was alone with the only things I’d have a chance with being a few grenades and my blade.”
Jackie arched a brow. “…You say that like ‘a few’ grenades are just a casual thing.”
“Well, yeah. Mandalorians are usually armed to the teeth.”
“Fangs,” Chase corrected with a chuckle. “’Cause you’re a Cathar, so you’ve got fangs.”
Marvin just snorted. “Someone get him to bed—”
“—I’m not that drunk—!”
“—Anyway. So I’ve got this Acklay that’s way bigger than me trying to knock me over, spear me, chomp me, whatever it can. It broke some of my straps, so I was left without a breastplate or right pauldron, lost one of my blasters, I’m dragging my sash in my hands since that got cut, too, and I really wanted to keep my grenades with me, all while I’m trying not to let this thing make a meal of me and it’s screeching in my ear.
“So I’m trying to duck around plants and dive for areas it can’t fit, but it just plows through or destroys them to leave me floundering for a new spot. I can see my ship, but this thing’s driving me farther and farther from it, then I trip, and all I see is one of its legs poised to impale me. I roll, but it still catches me,” he traces the line on his chest again, “so now I’m bleeding, can’t move one arm, and this thing reaches down to chomp me, catches my other pauldron instead and pulls it off so I scramble to my feet.
“I’m covered in mud and pollen and my own blood, my visor’s so filthy I can barely see. I pull a grenade off my sash and activate it, ‘cause at that point I’m thinking I’m about to die and I’m desperate. So I throw the fucker, and the Acklay snatches it out of the air and swallows it.
“Boom. I watched the thing get blown apart, grabbed my stuff and the plant after looking around for it again, and beelined it for my ship.”
Sam shook their head and grinned. “When he got back to camp he was a mess. He was dragging the armor that was pulled off by its straps and had his arm against his chest. His collar bone had been broken and he didn’t even sling his arm! The medical droid scolded him so bad. And the first thing he does? Pull off his helmet, grin a huge grin, and give the plant to our leader all proud of himself!”
“Hey, I had a right to be proud!” Marvin turned to show the marks on his pauldron; sure enough, it was an Acklay head. “That’s how I earned my signet!”
“…Damn.” Chase shook his head. “I’ve heard those things can kill groups of trained soldiers if they’re caught off guard.”
“Impressive,” Schneep agreed. “Very impressive!”
“So. Anyone wanna one-up that?” the Cathar challenged.
Jackie shook his head. “I thought I had a story. No way it tops that.”
“Let’s hear it anyway!” Chase said.
“Yes, please,” the droid agreed.
“Eh. Well.” He rubbed the back of his head. In the dimmed light of the cargo bay, it was almost eerie the way his red eyes glowed as he cast them around the room. “I was in my Y-Wing when Vader joined a battle?”
Chase choked on his drink and was left coughing for a solid thirty seconds. “You survived an encounter with him?!”
“I spotted his TIE from a distance, but it didn’t really…register? that it looked a little different from the rest? Soon as my squad leader saw it, I swear I was gonna go deaf. She flipped. Out. Ordering the squad to retreat immediately. It was right about then that a star destroyer came outta hyperspace.
“We knew that was it. We didn’t have a chance of winning that battle, so we fell back in the hopes of not losing multiple squads.” Jackie frowned. “Half my squad was killed—all good men, friends—when Vader showed up. Pretty sure he’s the one who got to ‘em. I’d never been so terrified.  Heh. And I never even got close to it—just saw it on the other side of the battle. Even now, I don’t think anything’s scared me so damn bad as seein’ that one TIE.
“I wouldn’t fly for days after that, and none of us would shut up about seeing it. We didn’t win that battle, but surviving that sorta encounter at least deserves some bragging rights. Right?”
“Wow!” Sam leaned forward, hands on their knees. “I’ve only ever heard stories of him, but that sounds scary!” They were…grinning, as they said it. Of course they were, Chase thought with a chuckle. He swore those two Mandalorians were addicted to danger. Maybe he was a little, too, but hey.
“Okay, we’ve got a game goin’ now,” Jackie said. “Someone’s gotta go next.”
Schneep shuffled awkwardly, then offered, “I was stolen by pirates?”
“Hey, now.” The Chiss frowned despite the story he’d just told. “We rescued you. Can’t hold that over our heads forever.”
“Oh, no, no!” He put up his hands, shook his head. “You saved me from the third time! But I’ve been stolen before.”
“…Third time?”
“By pirates, yes.”
“That implies you’ve been stolen by things other than pirates, too,” Marvin muttered with a huffed laugh.
“Dude,” Chase grinned, “you’ve got tell us about the first time. Or second—whichever’s more interesting. Please?”
The arms set into Schneep’s back for more fine-tuned work shifted and clattered and his eyes brightened a bit. Maybe he couldn’t make facial expressions, but he had other ways of showing how he felt. It was frankly adorable how expressive he actually was.
“This happened during the Clone Wars. I was a Republic medical droid—”
“I…had forgotten how old you were,” Jameson said.
Jackie scoffed. “You forgot something? You’ve got like. A literal computer attached to your head.”
“It didn’t seem like important information, so I disregarded it.”
“Guys,” Chase scolded, “don’t interrupt him.”
His extra arms fidgeted even as he tried to remain still. “I had been stationed at a small outpost to tend to the Clones there. It was too small and not well-defended—in a very bad location, as well. Very bad planning overall. That is what I was told. Pirates were able to overwhelm it.
“They took hostages, stole the droids and supplies, and fled back to their ship before reinforcements arrived.” He put his hands on his hips like he was disappointed, but also chuckled. “They tried to short me out! But they shocked themselves instead—is very funny to remember. They cursed and jumped around while their little machine zipped and zapped. The astromechs they stole found it hilarious and would not stop chittering!”
Chase laughed. That seemed to make Schneep a little more confident—he wasn’t used to talking so much about himself, it was clear, but the Bothan hoped he would start loosening up like this more often.
“The pirates were incompetent. They overwhelmed the outpost with sheer number and firepower, but I swear, far dumber than a battle droid. The Clones complimented one with insults—right to his face!—and he took it as genuine!
“They floundered around each other like the fish out of water! One accidentally released one of the Clones and the poor man was so confused that he just sat there waiting to be cuffed again, and another nearly shot his buddy while cleaning a blaster and having it go off. It was maddening! They wanted to sell us droids and ransom the Clones, but the truly frustrating part was watching them all be the idiots! I do not even think we were worried for our own well-being they were so nonsensical!”
Most of them were laughing, now. Even Jameson had his head tilted like he just couldn’t make sense of pirates. One of the lights on his AJ^6 was even blinking very, very slowly.
“Dude.” It took Chase a couple tries to actually get any proper words out through snickers, “I’m actually afraid of the answer, but… How badly did you embarrass them to get away?”
The droid cupped his hands over his face and laughed again. “The Clones tricked them into undoing their binds, but they were still locked in the cell. So the astromechs—they ambushed a pirate and stole the key from him!”
“Oh, god. Did they not know how freaking feisty mechs can be?! You don’t tick them off—‘specially not a group of ‘em!”
“Apparently not! They zipped and zapped and pinched until they got the key and released the Clones, and then they took over the ship! The pirates were locked out of the cockpit and the mechs found us the nearest Republic fleet. We all had such a hard time believing it actually happened—and no one would believe us! They could not believe someone could possibly be that incompetent!”
Sami looked like they were having a hard time breathing they were laughing so hard, and both Jackie and Marvin had covered their faces.
“…I think Schneep wins for most entertaining story,” Chase suggested. The others only nodded. “Unless Jameson..?”
“I have nothing interesting to tell.”
“…Oh-kay. Our dear droid with the freakin’ comedy gold of dumb pirate stories wins.”
Schneep clasped his hands together, something in his chest chirping.
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voidendron · 4 years
Star Wars AU (Septics & Ipliers)
Going to list species and roles here for everyone in the AU!
I do have a more in-depth list for the Septics, but this will just be short and sweet for ease. AU tends to jump around the timeline depending on what I’m in the mood to write, but main stuff is set a few years after Galactic Civil War’s end
Key: Name - Species - Role/Job * = Force-sensitive + = undecided on Force-sensitive or not Striked = Former role from during war
Chase - Bothan - Smuggler
+Jackie - Chiss - Rebel Pilot => Data Courier
Schneep - Modified Medical Droid (Base Model: 2-1B surgical droid)
Jameson - Human (Cyborg) - Imperial Commander => Data Courier
+Marvin - Cathar - Mandalorian Warrior (Clan Magniif)
Anti - Unknown (Suspected Rattataki) - Bounty Hunter
Sam - Human - Mandalorian Warrior (Clan Magniif)
Angus - Human - Mandalorian Clan Leader (Clan Venat)
*Host - Miraluka - Archivist
Google - Arkanian (Cyborg) - Scientist (Broad Focus)
Oliver - Arkanian Clone - Biomedical Engineer
Red - Arkanian Clone (Cyborg) - Weapons Engineer
Green - Arkanian Clone - Anthropologist
Bing - Droid (still figuring out model) - ??? => Chase’s Crew
Jim Twins - Humans - Reporters
+Dark - Chiss - Imperial Spy? Inquisitor? => Assassin(?)
Illinois - Human? Trandoshan? - Mercenary? Smuggler?
Magnum - ??? (Cyborg) - Pirate
Yancy - ??? Twi’lek? Nautolan? - Entertainer (Singer/Dancer), In Prison
Anyone not listed I’ve had 0 ideas for, but this is what I think I’ve got so far, and some of these may still change if there’s something I like better.
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voidendron · 4 years
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no I’m totally not very heavily considering a Star Wars AU with the Septic boys and had to draw Chase in it what are you talking about???
so yeah. here’s a super messy sketch with an outfit and pets that will need heavily edited in the digital version because I just wanted to get the idea down
Jameson is human in it; Marvin and Anti are presumed human but wear full suits of armor so the others aren’t completely sure; Chase, Jackie, and Henrik aren’t human (Chase is a bothan, Jackie a chiss, and Hen’s a 2-1B surgical droid) and I’m not sure about what timeline I’m going with yet, but it’ll probably be sometime after the fall of the Empire
I’ve already got a ton of information written down for them so yeah ^^” I’m in a Star Wars kick if it’s not obvious. not sure if I’ll write anything for it or keep it to art, but. yeah ^^”
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