lovelyz-diary · 11 months
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170901 Lovelyz Yoo Jiae at Chungju Jikji Music Concert © 시작하는사랑 do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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calico-cat-jm · 7 months
Jimin was seen in Chungju at Suanbo Onsen, filming an MV🤍
🗣️: "My sister lives in Chungju, and yesterday, Jimin went to Suanbo Onsen to film an MV! He filmed in foreign countries, but I think he also filmed in Korea~~!!!
The person who saw him was speechless and said that he didn't seem like he was from this world, very handsome... The dancers who accompanied him also looked like celebrities.... The person who saw Jimin was very jealous....ㅠ
I know my sister is a native of Chungju and she told me today that it was filmed in the Suanbo Onsen area".
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 9 months
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day 162/548 of hobi's military service
these selcas were posted on 140826 with the captions:
Despite the rainy weather, thank you so much to the ARMYs who cheered for us with strength!!!! It was fun today in Chungju!!!!! I'm going to go to Chungju again later kkeyab! @,@
Hello, this is Jin who got the first tweet stolen from Hope-ie. Thank you too all those who came to our Chungju performance today ㅠㅠ Thank you so much. You can't get sick from getting wet from the rain, okay? Rest up lots at home, drink honey water, and cozy up underneath the blankets, okay?
(trans cr: wonnie @ bts-trans x and x)
Danger performance from that day:
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neocatharsis · 5 months
Korea’s Best City NCT threatening the position of Chungju | EP.23 NCT 127 TAEYONG&JUNGWOO
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daffyjjk · 25 days
This might be old news, but with PJM2 on the way, it's worth mentioning again. According to the original poster, Jimin was seen in Chungju at Suanbo Onsen, filming a music video. Excuse me if I get a topless jimin in a hot tub I will cease to exist 🤗
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foxcassius · 11 months
should be asleep by this time on a sunday night, but i am thinking about how much i am looking forward to my next job. mostly just because i will have so much time outside of the job. i will be getting paid a lot less, yes. but i will have time to actually finish knitting my autumn sweaters in time for autumn. i will be able to set aside some time in every day to sit down and write until the timer goes off—BEFORE i even go to work! i really hope i will have the time and personal energy to cook more often. i want to make soup! i want to even think about having the time to bake! i will be able to go outside at 10:30 am on cool october days, which is one of the most important things in the world to me that i havent been able to do in years. imagine! i will be taking bike rides at 10:30 am in october! chungju has a lovely-looking little arboretum, too. i am so excited. money be damned, i think this job might be the one.
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mobiused · 2 years
Kim Lip & Chuu Reporting on the Chungju Flooding (200807)
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Unification Church/FFWPU makes false claims over photo to promote Moon as a ‘hero.’
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Moon himself claimed to have carried Chung-hwa Pak for 600 miles!
Won-pil Kim, Bo Hi Pak, Hyo Jin Moon and Jin-hun Yong all repeated the lie.
From 1983, when the photo (above) surfaced in a newspaper story (see below), the Unification Church leaders always knew it was not of Moon and Pak. But they decided to use it for propaganda, regardless of the truth.
Three men made the journey from Pyongyang in North Korea to Kyongju in the winter of 1950-51: Sun Myung Moon, Won-pil Kim and Chung-hwa Pak. Pak remained in Kyongju – for a couple of years – while Moon and Kim continued on to Busan on the south coast. The Unification Church frequently STILL claim this photo is of Moon carrying Chung-hwa Pak to Yongmae Island. The detour to Yongmae Island never happened either! Won-pil Kim was forced to remove the photo from his testimony book – and he had been one of the three refugees! He repeated his false testimony all over the world.
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▲ The photo was taken on Jan 14th 1951 by Cpl J.J. McGinty of the US Army. The caption at a Korean War exhibition in Seoul reads “A Korean carries his aged father across the icy Han River at Chungju, Korea, in their flight to the South to escape the onrushing Chinese Communist Forces.”
중공군의 공격으로 국군과 유엔군은 다시 첨수하였습니다. 중공군 의 공격을 피하려고 총주의 남한강물 건너 더 남쪽으로 가려는 한피란민ol 연로하신 아버지를 업고 차디찬 강물을 걸어서 건너고 있습니다. 일자: 1951년 1월 14일       자료: (사)월드피스자유연합
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▲ The profile photo of Moon praying (above) was taken at Heung-in Dong in about 1955. Comparing the facial profiles of Moon and the refugee carrying his father, it is clear that Moon is not in the photo. Moon was 30 at the time of the journey. The refugees are both older than Moon and Pak were in 1950.
Chung-hwa Pak explains how he first saw the photo: “One day in 1983, the international department of the church contacted me. They asked me to stop by because they had some questions to ask. They showed me a picture in the Choong Ang Ilbo newspaper. It was a picture of a man carrying another man on his back, and they were crossing a river. They asked me whether it was a picture of Moon carrying me on his back. I answered them that we had no chance to take any pictures at that time. I never crossed any river on Moon’s back. They said nothing and I thought that was the end of it.”
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▲ Here is the photo, published on October 24, 1983 in a memoir about the Korean War in The Joong-ang Ilbo 中央日報.
Chung-hwa Pak explains how his ankle was fractured – his leg was not broken:
“One day [in Pyongyang] I was surrounded by a gang of thugs who called themselves a security force. They were just thugs who joined the North Korean side when it was in control, and later swapped to the opposite side. They said, “You were a real communist who served as a company commander in the North Korean army. We will kill you!” Then some of them struck my leg with hammers. My ankle was fractured and I couldn’t move. I thought that my life was going to end there. An unexpected twist of fate saved me. Fortunately, I was saved by Korean Military Police. I was questioned, but because I had been imprisoned in North Korea I was soon released. All the other prisoners were executed. They were shot. I was a black belt in judo, but I really needed to get treatment for my injury. There were no hospitals in Pyongyang that were functioning.”
Hyo Jin Moon gave a sermon based on the invented story: Inheriting God’s Heart And True Parents’ Heart
April 28, 1991    Belvedere, New York
When he was carrying that person on his back he tried to compare himself to … it’s bothersome sometimes to think of some of the people who were with Father in the beginning. Anyway … many of you have seen those pictures of Father carrying Mr. Pak. He was carrying that person across the seabed [to Yongmae Island] a distance of about six kilometers.
I’ll try to tell you later the circumstances surrounding it. I’ll try to explain it in the video. He had literally to carry this person even though his own physical condition, just coming out of prison, was not good. All through his time in prison he utilized his imagination, thinking.. “I must overcome no matter how difficult it is.” He gave himself inspiration. He relied on his imagination to see that his work was incomparable to the kind of suffering God was facing. He really tried to think about God’s heart and tried to visualize the suffering of God. Based on the visuals that he created with his imagination about God, he overcame all those difficulties, even when he was carrying Mr. Pak. Of course it was physically difficult; he had just come out of Hungnam prison, living under those circumstances for almost three years. Obviously, he was not in shape physically to carry anybody for that long distance, let alone across a slippery, muddy seabed. Try to put yourself in that situation. But he thought to himself, “I’m not carrying a man, I’m not feeling this physical pain.” While he was carrying this person he tried to think about God’s heart. He imagined, ‘This load is nothing compared to what I must bear in order to complete the mission of restoring humanity. This is nothing compared to what I must face later on.” Based on that idea, relying on his pure imagination, Father drew a pure rationale to help him persevere through all kinds of hardship.
Ultimately they reached their destination, but couldn’t find any boat to travel down to South Korea [Inchon] and he had to walk back carrying this man again. He had to travel the same course again. It’s just unbelievable that anybody in that situation, indebted to a person in that way, would ever forget their gratitude. But this person, he rejected Father later on. I guess he couldn’t bear the persecution that he was receiving from all around him. He couldn’t take it so he left. That’s the course of Father. In a way that is the essence of his life. Over and over. People who were to assist and support Father rejected him because of their own individual lack of understanding.
Through these difficult times Father relied on his imagination. He believed in the ideal world. He believed that what he imagined would one day come true.
(LINK to Hyo Jin’s sermon)
Chung-hwa Pak said, in a 1993 interview in Seoul, that on the way south Moon had only carried him a couple of times, and each time for only around 400 yards, during the entire journey from Pyongyang to Kyongju. Pak clearly said that Moon had never carried him across any water.
Michael Breen recounts just two incidents of Moon carrying Pak in his book, Sun Myung Moon, the early years – on pages 129 and 135.
Here is how Moon boasts about his achievement: The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love
January 15, 1984 – Tarrytown, New York“Upon the victory of my prison experience, I can claim the foundation for the fatherland. After being liberated by United Nations forces, I carried Mr. Chun Hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea. Most people aren’t even able to go beyond their own needs, but I showed the example of serving others by carrying Mr. Pak for that distance.”
Here are the words of Bo Hi Pak in an interview in the documentary “Emperor of the Universe” which was broadcast in 2000:
Narrator: “His followers speak with awe of how he carried an injured man across Korea.”
Bo Hi Pak: “roughly 200 miles walking and walking in a mountain he carried him on the back. 80kg man on the back, all the way to the south. To me alone that shows him the messiah to me.”
Michael Breen’s description in his book ‘Sun Myung Moon, the early years’ (pages 135-136) is no doubt much closer to the truth than the words of Moon and Bo Hi Pak:
“From Jechon, they took the old road, which used to be the main communication link from Seoul to the south-east in the days before the railroad. It took seven to eight hours one day to struggle over the Moongyeong Pass, at the boundary of North Chungchong and North Kyongsang provinces. Kim carried the bicycle, and Moon carried Pak up the steep, icy track, which was covered in fresh snow. At the top of the pass, they walked through the ancient gate. They stopped at the town of Caun. Pak’s leg was improving and from here, he was able to ride the bicycle without being pushed. …
With Pak now able to walk, they travelled rapidly southwards, through Andong, Uiseong, and Yongcheon. They arrived one evening at Koncheon, near the historic town of Kyongju. …
Moon and Kim Won-pil [left Pak behind in Kyongju and] continued on to Ulsan, a fishing port on the east coast. There they bought train tickets, and travelled the last fifty kilometres of their journey to Pusan in two hours. They rode up front, clinging on to the front of the engine. They arrived at Choryung Station in Pusan, cold and hungry, on January 27, 1951.
However, on pages 129-130 Breen does include a version of the Yongmae Island story which he most probably got from Won-pil Kim.
Here is what Jin-hun Yong presented in 2011. He has known for decades that Moon, Kim and Pak never went to Yongmae Island.
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How much can these Unification Church leaders be trusted?
Won-pil Kim was inconsistent with his lies. His own testimony book had to be revised and a replacement rushed out.
Won-pil Kim was a blatant liar
The UC Yongmae Island Fake Story
Young-oon Kim lied. She said Sun Myung Moon was “a pure virgin until the age of 40”
Should Bo Hi Pak be charged with the crime of perjury for his Fraser testimony of 1978?
Bo Hi Pak Contradicts Himself
Sun Myung Moon: “How do you know I’m not the world’s worst con man or swindler?”
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loonavrsl · 4 months
240226 Chuu Can Do It "Cheongju VS Chungju 😁"
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240226 chuucandoit Instagram post
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editsty · 5 months
Korea’s Best City NCT threatening the position of Chungju | EP.23 NCT 127. TAEYONG&JUNGWOO
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lovelyz-diary · 11 months
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170901 Lovelyz Yoo Jiae and Ryu Sujeong at Chungju Jikji Music Concert © 시작하는사랑 do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 2 months
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day 114/548 of namjoon's military service
this selca was posted on 140826 with the caption:
Chungju MuSim River ~!~ Despite the bad weather, thank you so, so much to the ARMYs who cheered for us. Eumhaha get home safely
(trans cr: wonnie @ bts-trans)
Danger performance from that day:
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pampikgibidik-blog · 11 months
Crash Landing On You Dizisi Nerede Çekildi/BujoPunch
Crash Landing On You Güney Kore Çekim Yerleri Hallasan Ulusal Parkı, Jeju Adası Hallasan Ulusal Parkı, Jeju Adası Yoon Se-Ri”nin yamaç paraşütü ile iniş yaptığı yer. Chungju Tangeum Gölü Gökkuşağı Köprüsü Chungju Tangeum Gölü Gökkuşağı Köprüsü Seo Dan ve Alberto Kiss Alberto ile Dan”ın buluştukları ve güzel kiss sahnesini gördüğümüz köprü. Taean Gerçekten varolduğuna inanamadığım bu Köy…
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junkyiu · 11 months
{ 𝗯𝗮𝗯 𝘀𝗮𝘁𝘂 : 𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗻 } 
dalam galaksi dongeng yang enigmatik, Kim Junkyu tuan tanah chungju-si, korea selatan lahir pada satu hari di sembilan september dua ribu. kilauannya bagaikan mantra, memancarkan sinar keemasan bagi TREASURE. menyalakan jiwa dengan melodinya. frasa dari bibirnya bagai serbuk peri, membawa sihir. dibalik tatapan tersemat wawasan magis syair dongeng epik yang kekal melintasi zaman.
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foxcassius · 11 months
my summer vacation at le current job starts in 2 weeks and jiwon and i are going to chungju during it to find an apartment and next year he plans to move into the apartment we find as well idk. lots of hope tonight. there's not so terribly long left at this place and with some recent developments its not too terrible on the day-to-day. 5 working weeks are nothing truly. i dont have food poisoning anymore. lets have a good week everybody !!
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pionia-milly · 11 months
Watch "여수여행 필수코스 여수 케이블카" on YouTube
Yeosu, Jeolla province, Korea ( my Cheongju brother go to Yeosu or Budan alo for fun time and I went to park with my brother couplevI heard lotvofvdoundbof Jeolla or Gysangdo provinces Saturday which is slang for standard Korean sound so many young generation are living in Chungcheongdo province from Jeolla and Chungcheongdo Provinces. Cheongju's next city is Yongin City and easy to go Seoul by fast train I think 45 minute or by bus is fun trip but 1 more hour but fun because no traffic and open sight made me fun and a bus driver were very kind. Most drivers are Korea's New generation Korean call them X generation and I saw a stewardess too she worked Seoul from Chungju city. Fun thing is this, you can rent land and make fruit garden for start business in chubuk innovation city and Yeosu is famous about night view and food but not far from Chungcheongdo province and Yeongju, Gyeongsangdo province is right next. It is fun city like Yeosu city but close with Metropolitan city
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