Diccionario mundifinista parte 45 (sí, olvidé publicarlo en tiempo y forma):
Adultez: Enfermedad que aqueja a lxs niñxs, hasta el momento no se ha encontrado una cura.
Chiste: Mi vida cuando la ven desde afuera.
Chorrear: Utilizar tu verga como si fueras Pollock (definición robada vilmente a joeovario).
Ciencia: Religión laica.
Circunvalación: Todas las vueltas que das en lugar de decir las cosas de frente, claras y sin adornos.
Claridad: Hablar sin hacer ninguna circunvalación. // Ciudad habitada solo por personas que se llaman Clara.
Cláusula: Dentro de la normativa vigente y el marco de la ley, cada una de las cosas que le molestaban a tu novix y que vos nunca te enteraste de que le molestaban y ahora te deja justamente por todo eso.
Clínica: En mi caso cualquier lugar que venda alcohol.
Cobarde: Que tiene miedo de hacer algo y no lo hace por esa razón. // Persona que corre más rápido que quien cuenta la historia.
Coherencia: y la ballena pasó volando sobre tu ventana subterránea mientras masticaba a un ser humano en descomposición En la luna del sol.
Compartir: Todo lo que evita hacer un/a egoísta.
Comprender: Es todo lo contrario a lo que hace tu ex cuando quiere volver.
Conciencia: Lo primero que hay que tirar antes de dedicarse a la política.
Conflictiva: Persona que no se da cuenta de que tengo razón.
Copa: Vaso donde jamás se sirve agua.
Cortesía: Amabilidad en desuso.
Corteza: Capa que rodea tu corazón luego de que sufre varias puñaladas, una vez que sana.
Farmacia: Cualquier lugar que venda drogas.
Final: Punto exacto donde termina la mentira del “para siempre”.
Incompetente: Persona que fracasó en todas las áreas y por eso se dedica a la política.
Inseguro: Creo que tengo la definición de esta palabra pero no estoy convencido del todo de que sea la correcta.
Político: Eufemismo para hipócrita.
Robo: Lo que hace la persona a la que le prestaste un libro.
Secreto: Mi cara.
Sincero: Eufemismo para mentiroso.
Valiente: Que tiene miedo de hacer algo y lo hace igual.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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sambuchito · 1 month
igual a veces soy el tiktok de cuando sos gay pero fuiste a colegio catolico entonces sos medio conserva porque no banco el poliamor cierren ese antro ya los conozco a uds putos con apego evitativo
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airlockfailure · 9 months
To everyone who has tagged me in a Last Line Challenge
I'm so sorry. Life is a mess. I will get to them eventually??? Maybe??
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peydro4-abogados · 9 months
Cláusula de confidencialidad en contratos laborales: ¿Cómo funciona?
Cláusula de confidencialidad en contratos laborales: ⁙ en QUÉ consisten y qué debes saber al respecto así como cuándo puede ser abusiva
Cuando se firma un contrato de trabajo, generalmente, se asocia una cláusula de confidencialidad. A continuación, te acercamos cómo funciona, y los demás aspectos que has de saber precisamente sobre esta cláusula de confidencialidad en contratos laborales. Qué es la cláusula de confidencialidad en contratos laborales Lo primero es saber en qué consiste este tipo de cláusula. Se trata de una…
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puntosegurospain · 2 months
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¿Qué son las cláusulas limitativas en los contratos de seguro?
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anditwentlikethis · 2 months
*delulu mode on, outfit de palhaça vestido* e se eu disser que até não acho completamente impossível o Gyokeres ficar no Sporting para o ano? Ele está a 'explodir' para o mundo do futebol aqui esta época, toda a gente o ama, ele claramente também gosta de nós, este ano estamos a ser competitivos por troféus e a jogar bom futebol e (a não ser que aconteça uma grande desgraça nos próximos 9 jogos) para a próxima época vamos jogar a champions.
A não ser que alguém bata os 100 milhões de euros da cláusula, o Sporting pode não vendê-lo e apesar de de certeza ir ter propostas dos chamados tubarões europeus ele pode querer ficar cá durante pelo menos mais um ano, num clube que já conhece, onde é adorado pelas pessoas e com a oportunidade de se estrear na champions e lutar por mais títulos
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estudioabogacia · 9 months
Disertante: Dr. Esteban Otero
por: Colegio de Escribanos de Corrientes Canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@colegiodeescribanosdecorri2881 https://youtu.be/YutGlBcXWLw Read the full article
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caostalgia · 1 year
Entre a las oficinas de mi corazón, en un piso basto, vacío y enorme aún un secretario trabajaba arduamente con montañas de papeleo. Todo estaba lleno de polvo y arrumado, así que decidí Acercarme y hablar conmigo mismo.
- Benvenido a las oficina general sentimental, que bueno tenerle de vuelta señor ¿en qué le puedo ayudar?
Me senté y seguí el protocolo
- Si hola, venia porque me estoy abriendo emocionalmente nuevamente y hay 2 personas en particular que me me influencian mucho de manera emocional. Así que queria leer las clausulas del contrato y condiciones de volver a ser alguien emocional.
- Entiendo, supongo que tendrá dudas. ¿Es la primera vez que siente esto?
- En este caso si. Me refiero, eh tenido amistades y aventuras anteriormente pero no después de todo lo sucedido.
- No sé preocupe acá le enseñó un contrato estándar de emocionalidad para mejores amigos/as, refuerzo de amistades con una guía muy clara de responsabilidad afectiva, incluso tiene un folleto sobre relaciones poliamorosas
- Bueno, la verdad me lo esperaba peor veo que tiene muchos beneficios
- Permítame decirle que abrirse emocionalmente tiene muchos beneficios como puede ver, nuestro trabajo es una de las conexiones más profundas que puede tener con otra persona, permite compartir y crear una zona de confort emocional que además es un apoyo en la vida y en definitiva le permite crear una estructura positiva que le empuja a sacar lo mejor de si mismo además claro, sin mencionar el sexo.
Estaba atónito frente a tan perfecta propuesta pero.... No todo es tan perfecto.
- Ya... ¿Pero las condiciones? Porque me imagino que con tales beneficios algunas reglas deben tener.
Pregunte algo desconfiado
- Hombre claro, las normales. Tenemos la de; trabajar la relación, no darla por sentada, honestidad, cariño, escuchar a la otra persona.
La fidelidad viene para dos por defecto pero como ya le mencioné anteriormente podemos hacer un anexo poliamoroso si está interesado.
- Nada nada hombre lo de la monogamia lo tengo bastante claro. ¿Pero que garantía me ofrecen ustedes para saber que tendré un beneficio emocional?
- A ver ¿garantia como tal? Por la experiencia que tenemos y la mala vida crediticia emocional. Pocas son las garantías que podemos darle, pero esto no significa que no sea una inversión muy interesante para usted, porque poniendo lo poco que tiene, el retorno de la inversión puede ser altísimo
- ¿Incluso si sale mal y rompo el contrato?
- Si, porque la reintegración viene bonificada hasta en el peor de los casos, por ejemplo:
obtiene aprendizajes de las personas, madurez, lecciones de vida. Además la propia experiencia sentimental le da algo de crédito para minimizar futuras penalizaciones por ruptura de contrato.
- ¿Penalizaciones? ¿Que penalizaciones? ¿Es la letra pequeña que está acá abajo?
- No no no, nada eso no es nada. Apenas un par de cositas que no tienen que ocurrir pero...
Inmediatamente me interrumpí y hablé casi gritando leyendo la penalizaciones.
- "Ansiedad, irá, depresión, sensación de abandono, celos, perdida del apetito, deshidratación ocular, vision negativa de la vida, perdida de autoestima, miedo a volver a intentarlo" ¡¿Pero esto que es?!
- A ver, calma. Recuerde sobretodo las bonificaciones.
- No, mira yo paso, esto es una locura.
- Pero vamos a ver, ¿tu crees que la vida te dará las cosas gratis?
- No, pero...
- A ver niño, si quieres los máximos beneficios de esta experiencia tienes que jugartela un poco, hacer un sacrificio, en eso consiste vivir.
¿Te quedarás toda la vida preguntándote cómo será el amor de tu vida? o ¿si quizás estás personas que te influyen podrían llegar a ser tus mejores amigos? ¿En vez de ir y averiguarlo y descubrir quienes son? y sobretodo, ¿quien eres tu?
Me mire a los ojos... Nunca me había visto tan vacío e insípido. Me pare de la silla, me di la mano, cerré la conversación con un frío y seco.
- Si, me quedaré solo toda la vida...
Me di media vuelta y mientras caminaba me destruía el hecho de que jamás sentiré algo bonito, jamás tendré una conexión y jamas.... volveré a tener felicidad, pues una cosa es lo que queremos y otra lo que necesitamos. Salí de mis emociones nuevamente, sin intención de abrir esa puerta en un largo tiempo de nuevo.
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gwaedhannen · 5 months
End of Year Fic Recs
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Open tag courtesy of @grey-gazania. No-pressure tagging everyone here and anyone else who wants to participate.
All Tolkien stuff. Mind the tags on AO3. Nothing Explicit but some Mature.
5 series/multichapter fics:
1. sir, take it easy by @exercise-of-trust (Maglor, Finrod, Celegorm, Maglor/Maglor's Wife)
“I thought you were adamant that no music was bad. And what would do you suggest, that we go back to Ráincë’s parallels in fifth, or Ambalincë’s discant exercises in fourth? Those were old before either of us were born, and you know it.” “I am not saying it is bad. I am saying that to me it sounds like all the fiends of Morgoth, but worse, because the fiends of Morgoth were not taking a clausula I wrote for my parents’ anniversary and mangling it. However, as its inclusion in this anthology shows, there are other people who like it, and while I do not understand it, I am not about to give up my Neldor or my Palecéva because the wind of scholarly opinion has blown against them from time to time.”
2. Spun by Grace by SpaceWall (Galadriel, Lúthien, Maeglin)
“Did you see them? The kinslayers who took your Nana? Who tried to take you?” “Ada says I did, but I don’t remember them. I don’t remember anything, except Nana screaming.” “Did your Ada say anything after? Aside from telling you to hide and stay safe.” The child nodded, bravely, and said in as clear a voice as he could manage. “He said they took Nana because she was bad. He said she was a kinslayer like them, and I had kinslayer blood in me, and they’d take me too if I wasn’t good.”
3. An Oral History of Dying in the Dagor Bragollach by Beleriand Death Trip (too many characters to list)
Please note that all participants were recently rehoused, but not extremely recently (this is regarded as unethical in our field). They have all had the opportunity to reflect on historical events after their death, both during their stay in the Halls and after being rehoused. We do not regard this as “contamination” of their recollection for our purposes, but rather as part of the normal process of narrative formation.
4. Foresight by @aotearoa20 (Fëanor and sons)
“He’s so small,” he said, not softly, “Such a beautiful baby.” “I know. He’s mine.” Fëanáro glared, he dared not do anything else. “You should appreciate it while it lasts,” when he smiled and the scar on his lip twisted strangely, “He’ll not be either for long.”
5. The Hazards of Love by @aipilosse (Finrod/Amarië, Anairë, Findis, Elwing)
Excerpt from The Empty House by Vatharwë Lelyindë held herself straight and tall, undaunted by Helluinon’s greater height. “You, my Lord, are free to live as you would, but others bear chains you cannot see. You speak of oaths and bonds, and yet you must see that when an oath comes in conflict, it is yours that is always the greater, and the other party must always acquiesce. So it is with me, so was it with your mother, your younger brother, and even your dearest friend!
5 single-chapter fics/one-shots:
Raised by Wolves by @warrioreowynofrohan (Elrond, Elros, Gil-Galad, Maglor, Maedhros)
“I hate him, and I do not hate him. Or, I do not hate him for cruelties. I hate him for kindnesses.”
2. The Hope of Love: Eärendil and Elwing as Symbols of Romance in Popular Culture by @imakemywings (Elwing/Eärendil)
Capping off these mesmerizing performances is Elwing’s final speech to the Teleri of Aman, a moment so fascinating that it has become the basis of many other dramatic confrontations throughout popular media. Almost anyone will recognize the line “I plead my hope,” or even its more extended version “Oh ye of foreign shores, I plead my hope. Let my home not be crushed ‘neath the boot of Bauglir,” even with no familiarity with the film. The passion of Torthoriel’s performance here has brought many a moviegoer to tears and captures a moment few had before bothered with—Elwing’s part in gaining the aid of Aman.
3. the bones of small contention by @quixoticanarchy (Celegorm, Oromë)
“You see, evil haunts a hungry man. If he eats his fill, he is called immoral; if he refuses, he will starve honorably. But free is the man who realizes that there is no satiety to be had, and equally there is no reward waiting in starvation. If my end shall be evil regardless, then my deeds matter not. I may eat as I please, and in that transgression, I find some shadow of liberation. A kind of laughter, almost - a light and wild feeling, like the moment after releasing an arrow, or the moment after the plunge off a cliff. You would not understand.”
4. all the daughters of my father's house (and all the brothers too) by Chestnut_pod (Fin-Galad)
These are the things ladies are, in the songs that are told of Finduilas and Niënor, her mirror: Love. Beauty. Laughter. Inconstance. Haunting. Sorrow. Screaming. Silence. In fact, the tales are not told of them. They are merely there. Many songs are written of Gil-Galad. Centuries after his death, Hobbit-children learn to sing of him.
5. Fire From The Ashes by @herenortherenearnorfar (Nienna, a Balrog)
“There is a terrible pain to conciousness,” Nienna acknowledges. She has not yet let go. “I just want to be an instrument.” Coals glow bright for a moment in the wind and then fade. “I was made to remake worlds, not feel this guilt.”
5 oldies but goodies (fair warning these are all liable to make you cry):
1. The legacy of a failure by from_the_wood (Frodo, Merry's Granddaughter, Merry, Pippin, Sam)
That's the thing with despair: it wants to erase everything, all of you, all that had been, or could have been - kind word, memory, hope for the future - but it cannot do so. It cannot. It should not.
2. An Oral History of the End of Innocence by @ceescedasticity (House of Olwë, Galadriel)
I think Hawser Road probably had the highest proportion of… Noldor swung their swords at a moving group and hit Noldor. Lindar shot arrows into crowds and hit Lindar. Noldor tried to ride down Lindar and also rode down Noldor. Lindar trying to get away trampled Lindar. Torches everywhere — I have never been so grateful the city is mostly stone, but wagons set on fire, sheds and stalls and barrels set on fire, there were some wooden additions… Panicked horses. Panicked cows, of all things, who brings cows when you're fleeing the gods to fight another god. There was so much screaming.
3. The One With All The Birds by @clothonono (Elwing/Eärendil, Elrond, Nerdanel, Sons of Fëanor)
What was her desire? "I desire my father, given back to me again," she said. "And my mother, and my brothers too. And my people, and my home, and all the years of my children's lives. Can the Lords of the West grant me this?" No one answered. Everyone knew the answer. "Equally I might desire that my enemy be punished. Let him go to the Halls of Mandos, whence none escape. Let me know that he is prisoned, so that I may gladly walk free." Is this your desire? "No," said Elwing. "I already told you my desire. Let justice be done. There is no vengeance that will satisfy me; there is no redress that can restore to me my father, my mother, my brothers, my home, and my children. There is nothing I want that he or you can give to me."
4. To Love What Is Mortal by @astridbecks (Lúthien/Thuringwethil)
Splintering pain as she was torn apart, yet as she parted beneath the hands of Lúthien there was a curious want mingled with the agony – strip me of this darkness, lay bare my soul, remake me – break me – and she had known pain before, had always known pain, but this was new and different and somehow right. (hurt me, because I deserve it. break me and make me as clean as you.)
5. woman into bird by @arrivisting (Elwing/Eärendil, Idril, Tuor, Elrond, Elros)
This is the best gift parents doomed to die can give their half-elven children, after all: to spare them the sight of their ends.
5 of mine from 2023:
1. Kill the Flame (Galadriel, the whole 3rd Finwean generation)
For Angrod, laughing at everything and everyone. You were an ass but you were our ass. You taught me patience, however little you meant to! For Aegnor, firebrand of our family. You saved me when the cold of the Ice tore into my heart. From you, I learned when to burn, and when to smoulder. For Finrod, dearest brother. What can I say? What words would suffice? Your ring’s bearer is worthy of his ancestors. I miss you. I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you.
2. The Myth Hanging Heavy Over You (Elrond & Elwing)
He sends radiant wings, dark hair streaked with silver, a queen’s pride, laughter among the waves, lembas, handkerchiefs. He receives home, with such ardentness that he weeps for a week.
3. Sorrow Beyond Words, Collected Testimony of the War of Wrath (Finarfin, Lalwen)
The Valar said that he could no longer twist elves into orcs even by the time of his first imprisonment, but from the conditions there, from the bodies we pulled out…I don’t think he cared. Every torture, every debasement, every abomination against the Eruchîn that could be imagined. For each we thought might survive if we got them to the surface, there were five who wouldn’t, and ten corpses.
4. Shall we look at the moon, my little loon? (Aerin, Aerin's mother)
Aerin stands in her mother’s dress before the looking glass, eyes unseeing. Hitheth adorns her with the jewelry which will be her dowry, the only riches of her house, the last gift of the elves who vanished into the mists as if they never were.
5. Still-untitled "What if Fëanor took the Helcaraxë" AU (Círdan, Thingol (for now))
It's still Y.T. 1497. Morgoth hasn't had centuries to innovate his siege technology, but Círdan's cities also haven't been rebuilt with Noldor walls. The Grey Annals says Fëanáro's host arrives some seven solar years after Melian raises the Girdle. (Yes if we go by the usual "1 tree year = 9.582 solar years" then it could've been upwards of 25 solar years since the Darkening in 1495 before the landing at Losgar.) (I hate Tolkien's timelines sometimes.)
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locutus-sum · 2 days
The reason why our man tully is so damn funny is because this bloke will drop a heroic clausula into his speech just to make a balls joke which in itself takes some egregios testes
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2goldensnitches · 12 days
Kuwait dissolved its parliament rn, which i’m sure will bode well for the stability of the gulf 🙃
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airlockfailure · 11 months
Hi hi, just wondering if you might be able to do the Domestic Meme for Toast/Sicle/Bisk at some time? (Perhaps after Clausulae 😏, and if you have the energy 🤭 - no rush!!)
I'm LOVING them so much in Clausulae and would love to know your head canon for when they are able to be domestic (and safe?? 🤞🏻), or whenever they have downtime. They are so incredibly in love, and I can't get enough of them. (。◕‿◕。)
Also, you can't tell me that Sicle *isn't* the one who asks to get ice cream like a 5 year old 🍦 🤣
There's a Domestic Meme?! 🤯
Sicle and Bisk: McDonald's Mcdonald's Mcdonald's!!! Toast: -pulls up to the drive through- Sicle and Bisk: Yay McDonald's! Toast: One black coffee please.
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cajon-desastre · 1 year
Una compañera dice que hay cambio de actitud ahora porque Sam no sale con una rubia y porque Cait no sale con su marido diciendo dónde está , debido creo a su hijo ? Mi pregunta es , porque con este niño este cambio ahora ?? Ellos ya tienen hijos ....que crees está pasando diferente ??
"A colleague says that there is a change in attitude now because Sam does not go out with a blonde and because Cait does not go out with her husband saying where he is, because I think of his son? My question is, why with this child this change now?? They already have children….what do you think is happening differently??"
Hi, anon
Regardless of whether you believe there is one child or several, this has not been the cause of the change, but it is still curious how both sides of the fence have realized that the rules of the game have changed. The swan song of the prepared sightings was the paparazzi walk in NY with Monika Clarke that nobody believed, and that happened in 2022, the Balfe baby was born in 2021.
Now there are likes, six degrees of separation in following, a very intrusive fandom (with a very big imagination) and we already have a romantic relationship.
It is the law of minimum effort and it will be others who do the work (see, again, very imaginative bloggers with airs of Sherlock Holmes and wanting to stir and be relevant).
Buuuuut there is another factor that has not been taken into account and that is that there have been negotiations with the new seasons of which, up to now, we know a few things: executive producers, four-day workdays and economic benefits, of course.
Could it have been a new clause that, as of the new contract, will now no longer lend itself to promoting that three-ring circus?
And not just Sam, but also Cait has been in deep hiding since Belfast's wild promotion and she too is not walking or promoting a 'husband' who is currently unemployed again. And before someone nuances this, no, companies created on paper and without any significant movement, do not count as work.
So here we are. What we see is a low-key life, working on his projects and not fostering or hinting at any tinged relationships.
The promotion of the new season and the film is about to start, it will be the litmus test to see if the change is authentic or has only been a mirage.
Hola, Anon
Independientemente de que creas que hay un niño o varios, este no ha sido el causante del cambio, pero no deja de ser curioso cómo ambos lados de la valla se han dado cuenta de que las reglas del juego han cambiado. El canto del cisne de los avistamientos preparados fue el paseo de paparazzi en NY con Monika Clarke que nadie se creyó, y eso sucedió en 2022, el bebé Balfe nació en 2021.
Ahora son likes, seguimientos de seis grados de separación, un fandom muy intrusivo (con una imaginación muy grande) y ya tenemos una relación romántica.
Es la ley del minimo esfuerzo y ya serán otros los que hagan el trabajo (vease, otra vez, blogueros muy imaginativos con ínfulas de Sherlock Holmes y con ganas de remover y ser relevantes).
Peeero hay otro factor que no se ha tenido en cuenta y es que ha habido negociaciones con las nuevas temporadas de las que, hasta el momento, sabemos unas cuantas cosas: productores ejecutivos, jornadas labolares de cuatro días y beneficios económicos, claro.
¿Puede haber sido una nueva clausula que, a partir del nuevo contrato, ahora ya no se prestará a fomentar ese circo de tres pistas?
Y no sólo Sam, también Cait ha estado muy escondida desde la promoción salvaje de Belfast y tampoco está desfilando ni promoviendo a un "marido" que, actualmente, se ha vuelto a quedar en paro. Y antes de que alguien matice esto, no, las empresas creadas en papel y sin ningún movimiento significativo, no cuentan como trabajo.
Entonces, aquí estamos. Lo que vemos es una vida discreta, trabajando en sus proyectos y no fomentando ni insinuando ninguna relación teñida.
La promoción de la nueva temporada y de la película está a punto de empezar, será la prueba de fuego para comprobar si el cambio es auténtico o sólo ha sido un espejismo.
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cherrywritter · 2 months
Senhor Fox - Background
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1ª semana de junho
Tinha seis meses para realizar um estágio de excelência dentro da Empresa Wayne. Era período de férias e o melhor momento para me dedicar quase que integralmente aos negócios da família. Papai havia conversado comigo sobre, pois não estava apenas estagiando em advocacia, mas também em medicina e precisava conciliar meus horários para que não houvesse problemas.
Seria treinada e supervisionada pelo melhor naquela empresa. O senhor Fox se ofereceu para ensinar tudo que fosse necessário para que eu entendesse como a empresa funcionava, assim como os contratos, os fechamentos, processos jurídicos, nossas regras e toda a relação com os diretores e acionistas. Isso incluía clausulas e tramites legais os quais ambas as partes deveriam se comprometer e cumprir.
- Vamos começar pelas papeladas mais simples. Quero que filtre essa documentação e veja se corresponde com as diretrizes da empresa. Depois, se houver erros, marque-os e corrigiremos juntos.
- Só isso? – O questiono. Era muito simples e rápido de resolver. Pelo menos a parte de filtrar e revisar.
- É um processo demorado, senhorita Wayne. Estou com papeladas acumuladas por meses.
Em menos de duas horas consegui revisar toda a papelada acumulada pelo senhor Fox devido ao tanto de tarefas urgentes que ele realizou durante os meses. Na verdade, ele necessitava muito mais do que um estagiário ao lado dele. Ao menos dois ou três assistentes para o seu departamento seria de bom tom para ajudar a resolver o acumulo, principalmente se for apenas para revisar e marcar os erros.
- Precisa que eu peça seu almoço, senhor Fox?
- Acredito que tenha muito trabalho a fazer. – Sorri. – O que foi, senhorita Wayne?
- Já finalizei a papelada que o senhor me entregou e tomei a liberdade de pegar as demais. Tudo já está revisado e marcado.
O senhor Fox paralisou por instantes. Papai não fez questão de anunciar ao amigo quem eu realmente era e, até então, a doce filha era apenas superdotada. O sorriso daquele senhor se alargou após perceber que ele havia ponderado. Seus pensamentos ligavam todos os pontos entre Batman, a corporação e os pequenos pedidos inusitados de equipamentos individuais de locomoção. Segurei meu riso enquanto via tudo aquilo.
- Seu pai tem o talento em encontrar pessoas como você, senhorita Wayne.
- Vamos dizer que foi mais um belo acaso chamado Coringa que ocorreu em março de dois mil e vinte. – Ri.
- Ele quis pregar uma peça em mim. – Disse se levantando e vindo até mim. Senhor Fox, com seu grande carisma, segurou minhas mãos, deu pequenos tapinhas e sorriu. – Acho que tenho muito mais a aprender com você e com sua família do que imaginava.
- Iremos aprender juntos, senhor Fox. Deseja que eu faça mais alguma coisa?
- Decorou todas as regras e diretrizes?
- Claro! Só preciso tocar em qualquer computador e todas as informações automaticamente são transferidas para a minha memória e eu apenas organizo e realizo o processo. - Interessante. – Ele olhou para o relógio e ponderou mais uma vez. – Tenho reunião as quinze com o financeiro. Vamos almoçar e resolvermos essas documentações. Na verdade, senhorita Wayne, tenho um desafio que lhe dará grande visibilidade nesta empresa.
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anditwentlikethis · 7 months
orgulhosa de dizer que eu sou Gonçalo Inácio stan desde 2020
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estudioabogacia · 10 months
Contratos de consumo
Contratos de consumo y cláusulas abusivas: ¿qué debemos tener en cuenta?
La Dra. Valeria Vaccaro explica los detalles a tener en cuenta al celebrar contratos de consumo, que se enmarcan dentro de la ley de Defensa al consumidor, y la diferencia con los contratos entre consumidores.
Por: Conclusión TV Canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@conclusion.diario.digital https://youtu.be/itQJQWQgNc8 Read the full article
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