#clearly it’s environmental
citizenmoe · 1 year
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tried to read a normal book but bsd follows me wherever i go…
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hoofpeet · 1 year
Re: archeops imitating voices: what if it learned to say cute things like “hello”, “wanna treat?” And “I love you”
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Ough.. I feel like having a large & dumb bird be able to talk could backfire in some ways
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fairyroses · 1 year
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— SMALLVILLE, “Hug” (1.11)
+ bonus
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cheddar-baby · 2 years
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chromaticramblings · 11 months
if you feel guilty about something you love because it contributes to capitalism:
capitalism needs you to be tired. it needs you to be so exhausted that you can barely think of anything outside of work, so that you can’t imagine how things could be better.
if you do things you love, you keep that energy for yourself. that’s energy you can turn outwards. that’s energy you can use to grow and help others and be human.
obviously we wanna harm reduce. obviously in an ideal world, that thing you love has zero negative impact. but you can’t work towards that world if you aren’t working on liberating yourself first.
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Clive my wheelchair cannot go up the stairs Gimme Ramp
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Yes, this is... an ongoing effort. Unfortunately, you can't just build a ramp directly next to the steps. For the obvious problem of "that's a 45 degree incline, you will go rolling right back down it."
We have been pushing to put a ramp wrapping gradually around the elevated land Naranja-Uva is on, but that also has its drawbacks, namely that it would be still incredibly long (though better than 'nothing but service Gardevoir') and require some heavy demolitions. And collide with the stairs somewhat.
As such, we have also been considering cutting into the ground below the courtyard to create an elevator that might bring students directly into the school. But that, too, is a project with some controversy about it ("destroying historical land", and yet again, heavy demolition), and high costs the board enjoys griping about, though the endeavor is perfectly worthy.
If you are interested, @accessabilityanon has done quite incredible work in the area; we have been making progress within the Academy (with a new lobby elevator) but yet struggle with the exterior. Or rather, differing opinions about what to do with the exterior. For now, stopgaps are unfortunately the most agreed-upon alternative, so we have Gardevoir capable of teleporting students to the highest level of the steps and back and, for those more uncomfortable with teleportation, accessible Flying Taxis.
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wild-at-mind · 4 months
You, individually, do not have the power to save Palestine.
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bitchfitch · 5 months
idk one fun quirks about my specific brand of brain snakes is that I get Incredibly guilty anytime I mention being Hispanic/Latino/Chicano/whatever because it's stealing valor.... from my own blood family.
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rationalisms · 1 year
been thinking a lot about this specific phenomenon that's hard to put into words (so bear with me) where the technological limitations of the medium at the time a work of art was created are sometimes exactly the thing that helps lend it the atmosphere that makes it so compelling. and how sometimes superior technology is, despite the progress that's been made in so many ways, entirely unable to capture that same atmosphere for a multitude of reasons.
like, there's that brian eno quote ("whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium will surely become its signature") that gets at some of what i mean, but not all of it.
i'm thinking about video games in particular, the way the forward march of technology does open new avenues but at the same time it inherently disappears older technologies and their aesthetics in the process, which is so tragic to me. and of course there's always nostalgia-driven attempts to recreate them, but those recreations inherently can't ever be entirely faithful to the specific charm of those older technologies and their drawbacks. (pixel art is a good example because sure, there's pixel art games being made now, but on modern LCDs they just won't ever look the same as they did on fuzzy CRTs; the fuzziness of the image made the pixel art come alive in a way modern TVs just can't.)
and this is extra amplified if games are set in a specific real world period or trying to emulate a specific real world aesthetic. because there's a little golden window of time where a game's technical limitations and the resulting art direction, and the period of time the game is meant to be set in, can perfectly compliment each other, like some sort of time prism. and any games made after that point can still do a good job at capturing the aesthetic of the era, but they won't ever be able to harness the inherent authenticity and atmosphere that e.g. noughties games and their 5 polygons can lend to a game set in the noughties.
there's no real solution to this and i'm obviously not advocating that we should be stopping any and all technological progress in favour of preserving certain aesthetics in amber, but it's still really melancholy that this is all so transitory. but i guess on the other hand we do get to enjoy those moments when technology and art/narrative can converge in the exact way they need to.
anyway, this was all just a really longwinded way to say that persona 4 is actually the best video game of all time. sorry if you thought this was about literally anything else
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aeide-thea · 8 months
(okay the crotch sashiko post is making me a little insane bc like. huge love and respect for visible mending but i gotta say i would Not personally wear a pair of pants out in public ft. a swathe of bright yellow Xs drawing onlookers' attention to my groin unless i really and truly had no other option????)
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icharchivist · 2 months
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fucked up that this whole thing is more relevant now than it was in 1997 huh.
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projectcatzo · 1 year
It’s always “Spy Fox in Dry Cereal” and never “Spy Fox in Operation Ozone,” and I’m SICK OF IT
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Is anyone irked by that weird line in season 2 about Sam’s family being rich from bitcoin investments..?
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semercury · 6 months
i'm so bad at writing action scenes...
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punk-raphaelite · 1 year
Just spent the entire day uploading random jpegs, mp3s, pdfs and other digital detritus to a 2003 eMac for my senior studio crit tomorrow
I am not sure my profs will like it or get it and I’m nervous!
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true-blue-sonic · 11 months
The first couple of times Silver went to the past it was coming from a fiery hellscape future, so he would've been somehow adapted to air with lots of smoke and several toxic gases. And since allergies tend to develop when you're never exposed to something, imagine the pollen allergies. Clear air but it's full of plant matter pfffffff
I like to think Silver joined the world of the past for real in late summer, when the pollen are less bad... so imagine his surprise when literally three-fourths of a year later, suddenly the very air around him is being all evil and attacking his airways for no reason. Scandalous! Outrageous!! Sonic meanwhile takes one look at his teary red eyes and running nose and comes back five minutes later with a hearty dose of antihistamines XD
Poor Silver would be even more miserable because he loves seeing the gorgeous flowers and new greenery after winter, so it's especially heinous that those are trying their hardest to keep him away through sheer bad luck. It's a good thing allergy medicine seems to be effective, so he can still enjoy everything in all its glory! But he quickly learns to always keep a package of tissues on his person, just in case he ends up in a bout of endless nose-blowing. And he might be just a little bit relieved when summer rolls around and the pollen become less bad!
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