#closest she ever got to being hot was when wearing tux
themoonking · 1 year
i think all the sapphic girls who go wild over the thirteenth doctor are out of their gourd. besties she’s so average looking and dresses like a thirteen year old’s pinterest board. have you never seen another woman.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
How about super tomboyish reader who is almost like a brother to the members so doing anything to them just feels weird? And imagine how whipped they'd be to finally see you wear a toght fitting dress that shows off your beautiful curves 🥴✌🏼
OK you didnt specify with format i should write but imma just write it as a headcanon,,, because it seems fitting! SO LEGO
warnings; fem!reader, swearing, non-idol!au, highschool!au
so your closest friend group consisted of 8 guys
you've known them since kindergarden pretty much and you never felt different because you were a girl
quite the contrary, you were comfortable! and so you naturally grew into what your family described as a "tomboy"
but something was around the corner
p r o m
you hated the thought of even going
it was going to be filled with people you never wanted to see ever again after graduation, bad club music and too sweet punch
but you couldnt hate it either since the rest of the boys were so excited, wanting to confess to some girls and get them to be their prom date
[Jisungie] guys, dark blue or burgundy tux?
[mongmong] burgundy? are you fucking 5? dark blue all the way
[Jisungie] i think you should bro
[chan-wolf] but real talk guys, what flowers do girls like
[Jisungie] AYE y/n!!! TELL US
[y/n] i dont know? roses?
[hyunjinnie] roses seems too,,, funeral,,,
[foxdude] but real talk,,, what is y/n gonna wear
[binniebinnie] I WANNA KNOW THIS ONE
[lixie] ayo changbin i thought you were sleeping, get on the game in 5
[binniebinnie] i was sleeping before my mom started beating me with the vacuum BUT SURE
[mongmong] you probably deserved it, have you seen your room? those monster cans have centuries of dust on them
[foxdude] shut the fuck up everyone, wanna know what y/n gonna wear
[y/n] tbh i dont have a flying fucking clue, my mom wants me to wear a dress
[hyunjinnie] at least she looks better than you
[chan-wolf] when was the last time you wore a dress? wasnt it like kindergarden? lmao
[y/n] ,,, oh shit you're right,,,
[Jisungie] what if y/n is hot in a dress?
[foxdude] get out the groupchat you fucking perv
[mongmong] another mf that deserves it, can changbins mom beat jisung with the vacuum as well?
[lixie] i would pay to see that lmfao
[chan-wolf] well,,, you have to wear something cause you're coming to prom with us!
[Jisungie] well obviously she has to wear something ;))
[hyunjinnie] OUT!! NOW!!!
[User 'Jisungie' has been removed from '9 dudes']
[mongmong] finally some peace
[chan-wolf] you'll look good in whatever you wear y/n! the important part is that you feel good about yourself!
[y/n] thank you chan, really!
you put your phone away, sighing as you looked out the window
what the fuck should you do?
days later your mom knocks on your door as you're playing games with felix
she's holding a long red dress and you just stare at her in disgust before saying something quick to felix and turning off the game
"y/n, it will look great on you! just try it on, for your mom!"
you sighed, taking the dress from her and shutting the door behind you and starting to undress, you could at least try it you thought.
when you put it on it felt,,, odd,,,, but not,,, horrible?
your walking and posture could use some work since you didnt really know how to sit in such a dress
but it looked alright!! NOT HORRIBLE!! YAY!!
your mom was awed >:((
immedietly grabbing her phone and snapping a pic in typical mom fashion from some odd angle
the day of prom you couldn't sit still, shaking your leg as you scrolled mindlessly through your phone
all the boys were coming to pick you up since you lived closest to the prom venue
they were all so cute greeting your parents with the utmost respect and standing all dapper and trying to be cool like 8 douchy highschoolers but failing miserably
you heard some bustling of noises and small talk, deciding that it was time to head down to the living room but barely breathing from how tight the dress was
how you were gonna dance in it still remained a mystery.
you looked down the stairs and started walking down slowly, startling jisung that was walking by the staircase
"who the f- y/n?!"
the other boys came rushing as they heard jisungs uproar, their jaws dropping to the floor
they barely recognised you
"why the fuck are you guys staring like that?"
you say, convincing them that it is indeed y/n that was standing before them
you had a body-ody-ody that was usually covered by boxy hoodies and oversized pants
but this dress displayed it all, ass and tits
not like,,, too much but just enough,,,
some of them didnt know where to look, not wanting to weird you out
whilst some were openly staring (cough jisung and changbin cough)
which felt FUCKING WEIRD you obviously had to punch some sense into them
all and all,,, it ended up being a really memorable night! it wasnt as highschool cringe as you thought it would be, espescially since you got to spend it together with your best friends in the entire world.
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Stark’s Girl
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part 012/015 “something new”
previous part // next part
word count 3.2k
an: this was the dress inspiration and tux look referenced at one point in this part. btw this was finished awhile ago and i forgot to post it? :(
The world post-blip saw a lot of changes. And with you being out of the loop already, there were some important changes you wanted to make sure you didn’t forget.
Natasha became the backbone of the Avengers (though some including you would argue she always had been.) She was the one who stayed at the Compound and worked through the intel she received from the team who was not only spread out over the world, but in space. Yeah you were still getting used to that too.
Steve wasn’t in the game anymore. Not as much, really. He was still Captain America (he’d always be Captain America), but he took a more direct approach with helping people. The last you knew he was running a help group in the city for those who needed the support.
Tony did something that changed your life along with his. He started his own family. A few months after the snap, he was walking by your side through Central Park when he broke the news to you that Pepper and him were going through with the weeding in two weeks. You were shocked, but happy of course.
“We just don’t want to wait anymore,” Tony told you. “Can’t ask her to wait forever on me.”
It was beautiful. Like you pointed out before, Tony liked to be dramatic. But you couldn’t help but shed a tear at seeing your new sister-in-law come down the aisle. Their vows were very much themselves, shared jokes that only they understood (something about 12% Tony told her at the altar.) The only downside to their wedding was going stag, and also having to see Steve there.
Ever since you were hit with the memories of what happened the night of your parents crash, you had these moments of, for lack of a better phrase, pure unfiltered anger. Though those moments were far and few now that you were back to a “normal” life (as normal as this could be) you still found yourself zoning out on occasion. And that wasn’t safe. You couldn’t help but swirl the flute of champagne around as your mind drifted off to your last episode.
It was night time, on a full moon no less. The air had a slight chill to it, enough to where you could see the hot breath of air released from your victim. They ran, jumping over the foliage that covered the ground. They were frantic, which made this easier for you. You moved slowly as they tripped over a branch, sliding across the cold ground as you towered over them. The woman cried out, crawling over the leaves scattered over the ground. She didn’t turn to face you until you came to a stop at her feet. You didn’t even recognize the tears in her eyes.
“Пожалуйста,” (Please) she begged you. Your dead set eyes didn’t budge as she pushed herself up to a seated position. “Почему вы это делаете?” (Why are you doing this?)
You clenched your fist by your side, the anger coming up to a boil. “Ты меня не помнишь?” (You don’t remember me?) She shook her head and your eye twitched. You crouched down to look her in the eye and tilted your head. “Ты сказал мне, что поможешь мне почувствовать себя лучше ... И что моя семья идет за мной.” (You told me you’d help me feel better.. And that my family was coming for me.)
Something registered over her face. Fear. Recognition. It all laced together in a paled look on her face.
You stood again as she began to cry. You heard her pleas as you moved behind her, pulling the rope from your hip. Your gloved hands wrapped both ends over your knuckle so it was tight, and in a snap pulled it over her neck. She gasped and writhed under the pressure, but you never once flinched. You never felt her body stop, or her breaths for that matter, and didn’t snap out of it until you were in the shower. You were just standing under the water, which was laced with red, mumbling to yourself.
“I hope you remember them.”
A hand came down on your shoulder. You did your best to hide your jump, but Tony noticed. He didn’t say anything, but he did see it. He gave you a squeeze and you reached your free hand up to place over it. “I’m glad you’re back.”
“Me too,” you told him. You could see Pepper through the dancing crowd, and you smiled a bit. “You should be dancing with your wife.”
“And you should be enjoying yourself,” Tony replied.
“I will when you do,” you poked at him. He gave your hand a kiss before disappearing past the bodies. You rubbed at your neck and set your drink down at the table before playing with the fabric of your dress. The one slit up your leg was a good choice on Natasha’s part. But it all felt too stuffy. Beautiful lilac color, but just a little too tight around your--
“Didn’t come with anyone?” an all too familiar voice asked you. You flattened the fabric back down and let out a little sigh.
“I don’t really.. Know anyone who wasn’t already coming,” you said. Steve stood before you in a dark suit and lacked the black striped tie he was wearing earlier. He nodded but you shrugged. “I just met Wong though. He’s nice.”
“Yeah he is,” Steve replied. You noticed the song change, something a little slower paced. The lights dimmed down a bit and you shifted a bit in your seat. “Would you like to dance?”
You thought it over for a moment. It seemed like the dance floor was packed, barely anyone was left amongst the tables, and you rubbed your arm. “I don’t really know how to..”
There was a hint of a smile, enough to make your stomach twist, and he offered his hand to you. “Lucky for you I’m a professional.”
You bit back a smile, and slowly placed your hand in his. Steve helped you stand and he led you out to the floor. There was enough space for the two of you, and he turned back to face you. The hand that engulfed yours tightened a bit, his fingers gently grazed over the back of your hand. Your other hand floated over his arm and rested on his shoulder, and you felt his other hand on your waist.
Steve led, taking a step to the side and you followed. You were closer than you would have preferred, but with a glance around the room the lack of space seemed standard. You felt like you were gliding across the floor and you looked back at your partner. “I had no idea you had such a talent.”
“Ah well I had promised Nat I would be prepared the next time I asked someone to dance,” he explained. Steve suddenly removed his hand from your waist and twirled you around. When you met his gaze again you had a raised brow, and when he pulled you back into him you laughed a bit.
“Kudos to her then,” you said barely above a whisper. You felt his fingers seem to rub against your side, and then he spoke softly.
“I would do anything for my best gal.”
There were some more changes that quickly followed within that year.
Tony really started a family. Pepper gave birth to the cutest little girl, and they ended up naming her Morgan. Who had known such a small thing could make you feel so much? You fell in love with her as soon as Tony placed her in your arms. He was teary eyed as he reached out and stroked his finger over her chubby cheek.
You knew he would do anything for this girl. And you were right behind him on that.
It was actually at her first birthday party (though this was more a party for the adults then her) was the next time you saw Steve and Natasha. Her hair was grown out, the fiery red tint mixing in with the previous white dye job. You could see the bags under her eyes and the tension in her shoulders, but after a few drinks she was much more relaxed. Pepper had put Morgan down for a nap, which left Tony, Nat, and you all mingling in a circle while Steve kept his distance.
You were grateful not to have eyes on the back of your head, but you could feel Steve’s burning into you. Tony seemingly got distracted by Pepper, excusing himself from the small and intimate group to aid his wife. Natasha glanced at you from the corner of her eye, taking a sip of the beer in her hand. “So what are you doing nowadays?”
“Besides the occasional diaper change?.. Not much. It’s quiet out here.”
It was true. Tony and Pepper relocated to a cabin outside of the city and the hustle and bustle. You loved Tony, loved being around them both, but you couldn’t help but feel out of place. Or like a bother even. This was Tony’s time to connect to his new family, and you couldn’t help but feel you were intruding. While your thoughts wandered off, Natasha nodded a bit, resting her closest arm to you on the back of the couch, shifting a bit to face you better. “If you wanted.. I could always use your help back at the Compound.”
You glanced back the way Tony had disappeared back into their home. You knew by the way you described it that it was his, not yours, and slowly you nodded. Before you spoke you could see Steve almost smile a bit to himself before turning his back to you. “I.. I think that would be good.”
It’s been four years since the Snap. That was really all the biggest changes you had experienced or felt you needed to catch people up on. Breaking the news to Tony that you were moving back to New York and going back to work with Natasha was a bitter pill for him to swallow, but you reassured him you’d be fine. You needed something to focus your mind on, and he understood for the most part. There was a moment though that made you nearly back out, and Tony had definitely caught it that time.
Something had played on tv that night as you helped Tony wash the dinner dishes. Morgan should’ve been in bed by then, Pepper probably waiting for Tony to join her, but Tony truly hadn’t adjusted to using normal appliances. He set off the faucet spray three times, which was two less than last week, so you took over washing duties while he dried. You had only caught a notion of what was being said on the television, but the news anchor speaking made you stop. Tony was chatting next to you, but you turned around to look at the television, only to see the flash of the story playing.
There was a body found in the woods in Russia of a woman in her mid fifties, who was strangled to death with what was identified as rope found nearby. The area was clean of any evidence, especially given how long the body was out there before hunting season started and a couple happened upon it, but it could be linked to three other murders reported on in the last 6 years. You don’t know what happened, but Tony placing his hand on your shoulder was what set you off.
The emptiness that would swallow your mind fell upon you like a curtain closing on a play. Tony would later tell you that the light in your eyes disappeared, and it was as if you didn’t know him. He said that you had very successfully removed his hand from you and shoved him back in the cabinets, rattling the dishes inside. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt him, but it was enough to stun him for a few moments and give you time to desperately escape.
Tony said it took him a few moments to regain his composure, but the worry he felt propelled him out the cabin and out of earshot of Pepper’s calls for him. He wasn’t far behind you, and his calls of your name resulted in nothing but quick looks back at him, but one thing was clear to him: you weren’t okay. The next thing you remembered was something hitting your shoulder in a small jolt, which later Tony confirmed was a shock from his watch (still in testing), and him hovering over you in the darkness.
It was enough to make him concerned about you going through with your decision to rejoin Natasha. But for you it was enough to solidify your decision.
“Tony I don’t want to.. Do that around Morgan,” you whispered to him, careful with your words. “Besides you need this time with them. And I’m sure Pepper needs you more right now.”
“I can’t knowingly let you leave without even knowing what the hell is going on with you,” Tony whispered yelled at you. “You’ve avoided this conversation for two weeks, can’t you tell me what’s going on?”
You narrowed your glare at him but he only matched you. After a few seconds you grumbled in surrender and rested the last piece of clothing you were folding and walked towards the back door. Tony carefully placed Morgan into the low crib before following you outside. You faced the lake, the breeze pushing past you and into the house  in a cool breeze, and Tony came up by your side and rested his hip against the railing.
“Talk to me,” he urged you. You sighed and finally faced him, resting your hip as well on the railing.
“After learning the truth I’ve been having these.. Episodes,” you told him. “It’s like a blanket falls over me and I can’t find my way out of it until something else pulls it off. And by that time I’m not where I remember I was. Time has passed, something has happened.”
“How many times has this happened?”
“Last time made five,” you admitted guiltily. “I don’t know what causes it, or how to stop it.. But being busy, keeping my mind on track, seems to help the most.”
Tony thought your words over, before nodding to himself and looking out to the lake. You followed his lead and looked back out to the setting sun, the breeze and chirps of birds lulling the silence, before Tony spoke again.
“If you go you have to check in with me,” Tony compromised. “I’m going to make sure FRIDAY sends me updates on your brain waves, try and figure out what triggers it if it happens again.”
You smiled to yourself and linked your arm through his and came to rest your head against his shoulder. “You’re truly the best brother I could’ve asked for.”
Tony let out a pfft noise, before lifting his arm to wrap around your shoulder. He placed a chaste kiss to your forehead as you both stared out at the lake. “We’ll get through this together.”
Tony wouldn’t admit this to anyone, especially you, but after you departed for the city he made a house call a few days later. Tony stood before the apartment door unsure if this was the best idea, and ready to flee if no one came in 10 more seconds. But when he heard the footsteps on the other side he let out a sigh and mumbled to himself. “This is for her sake Tony.”
The door opened to reveal his former friend. Steve Rogers looked nearly the same as the last time he saw him at Morgan’s party (which he was only invited to because of Pepper and Natasha.) Full beard, tired eyes, and a surprised expression. “Tony?”
Tony motioned between the two of them with the glasses he pulled off while waiting. “We need to talk.”
Steve took a moment to think it over before nodding and stepping aside for Tony to enter. Tony carefully took a step in, taking in the environment and really noticing how.. Empty it all felt. Steve closed and latched the door behind his guest, which made Tony look back at him. “Should maybe leave that unlock in case anything happens.”
“I don’t think that would be necessary,” Steve replied. But either way he unlocked the latch before looking back at Tony. “But if it makes you more comfortable.”
“It was more for you then for me,” Tony replied back. Steve smiled a bit and nodded, and Tony tapped his hand with his glasses. “Gotta say the place hasn’t come along that much since you showed Pepper the photos.”
“You saw those?” Steve asked and Tony shrugged. Steve looked around and sighed a bit. “Was never planning on settling down here, but things change.”
Tony wondered if the sentiment was in regards to his sister. More than likely it was but he chose to ignore it. He didn’t even want to think about the unsettling feeling he had when he thought about how Steve handled things all those years ago. “I wanted to come and talk to you about something.. Personal.”
Steve raised a brow and crossed his arms over his chest. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes and no,” Tony sighed. He sat himself down on the couch in Steve’s plainly decorated living room, and unbuttoned his jacket in the process. “Not sure if you are aware given you aren’t in the game anymore, but Natasha invited my sister back to the Compound.. And she said yes.”
“Natasha may have mentioned it,” Steve carefully said.
“Figured as much, “ Tony replied. “Which is great, fine with me. I know she’s been feeling stuck recently.. But something happened a couple weeks ago.”
Steve’s posture changed and it unsettled Tony. But he had to punish that aside for now. This wasn’t about him and his feelings. “Is she okay?”
“I don’t know,” Tony answered in almost a whisper. Steve’s face visibly fell in a frown and concern. “She’s apparently been experiencing black outs. Aggression. I don’t know how to help her from so far away.. So I came to ask a favor.”
Steve nodded and took a step closer. “Whatever you need Tony.”
“Check in on her will you? But not in a prying way so she thinks I set you up to it.. Be a friend, “ Tony asked. Steve nodded and Tony stood, smoothing his clothes again. “Just please.. Let me know if something happens.”
“I promise,” Steve told him. He led Tony back to the door, opening it for him to exit. But Tony stopped after making it out to the hallway and turned back around pointing a finger at Steve’s chest.
“So help me Rogers.. Don’t go and mess with her feelings again or I will come here and finish what we started in Siberia.”
Steve didn’t even get a chance to respond before Tony slid his glasses back on and disappeared back towards the stairs. Instead Steve shut his door and stood there for a moment to think to himself. He was going to make sure he made it up not only to Tony, but to you. 
This would be the start of something new.
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ya-boi-is-spaced · 4 years
Klance fic ideas: Cinderella AU
Okay so this has probably been done before but I had some ideas. This is more loosely based around Cinderella and I love it so here goes:
Keith is the dumb prince duh
Keith is complaining to Pidge, his butler, about not finding any of his marriage offers attractive
Side note: just like in the show Pidge is a girl who pretends to be a dude to sneak into the garrison, or in this case, the castle. She snuck in bc Matt is a knight and he's also kindof a dumbass so she wants to look out for him
Pidge is heckin smart obviously and asks: "Hey what about dudes?"
Keith is dumbstruck. He'd never thought about it before.
Then he thinks about it.
"My dear friend, I have reason to believe you might like dudes."
Keith's a blushing mess but looks at Pidge and says: "I think... I think you may be right..."
K: "What do I do?! How am I ever going to meet the right guy if I can only ever be seen flirting with chicks?!"
Thus is born the Ball.
P: "Throw a bigass Ball for the whole kingdom and sneak away with a hot guy who's also into guys. Simple."
K: "NOT SIMPLE!! ....but you may be onto something..."
So they plan to throw a Ball and invite the whole kingdom.
They obviously tell Shiro, because Shiro is awesome and also a raging homosexual.
Poor Shiro's in the same boat
He is definitely NOT smitten with his butler Adam. Who also happens to be a badass knight.
He's 100% on board and they convince their parents to let them host a Ball so they can get to know their citizens and form a good relationship with their kingdom.
Krolia and Texas agree, because obviously Texas was just gonna go with whatever his badass amazing wife Queen said, and she's awesome so she said yes, so then they get to planning and it's awesome.
More on Texas and Krolia: Texas is born into the royal family, Krolia was a general in their army. Texas fell in love with Krolia, and thankfully she returned his feelings bc he was absolutely head over heels for this wonderful woman. She might have also been very smitten with the big hearted young prince. They got married and had Shiro then Keith. They're very good to their people and Texas has always had a great relationship with his kingdom. He loves and cares for all of them very much. He does his best to assure everyone is employed, housed, fed, and doing well in general. He spends a lot of his spare time in the villages helping his people. Krolia allows this because she's always been better at handling diplomatic things, so it's a win-win for the both of them and they're both very happy with their jobs. It's a very good kingdom bc I said rights for the royals and they made good decisions for their people.
Keith, Pidge, and Shiro decide on a masquerade ball so that it'll be easier for them to sneak away.
The plan is set and they begin preparations.
Shiro decides he's finally going to confess his love to Adam at the ball once they can slip away from the crowd.
Pidge, having lived in the village nearby, had some connections to the common folk and can make her special preparations under the radar of the castle's staff
Coran, Allura, and Hunk are witches in the same coven as Pidge, so that's exactly who she goes to for advice.
Coran & Allura's backstory: Coran is an eccentric older Man who was secretly the lover of Alfor, a witch and healer in the village. Allura is Alfor's daughter. Coran is the only parent she's ever known because her mother died in childbirth (which is why Alfor began practicing witchcraft and healing, so that no one else had to share his pain of losing someone to misfortune) and Alfor was hanged for witchcraft when Allura was too young to remember him. Coran, being Allura's godfather and therefore next of kin, adopted her and claimed to know nothing of Alfor's participation with witchcraft. He raised her and taught her about magic and the good it can bring and to stay away from the dark magic.
Pidge decides to make Keith a good luck charm to ease his nerves about the whole ordeal.
Hunk decides he's going to do the same thing for his closest friend, who is excited and nervous about attending the ball.
Can you guess who that is? Let's backtrack for a minute.
Lance is a peasant and lives with his bigass family who love him very much. They're all tailors.
But he's a closeted raging bisexual who happens to love dresses and makeup and men just as much as the next maiden
He can't always show his love of fashion, which sucks.
His mother knows her son's vanity well, and buys him a pair of simple silver earrings for his birthday about two years ago
It's his favorite thing that he owns and he hasn't taken them off since his mother pieced his ears for him on his 17th birthday
He's ecstatic when his family receives the invitation letter.
It states that all members of the household are welcome and encouraged to attend the Royal Masquerade Ball hosted by the Princes. The Queen and King will be in attendance as well, and the royal family is beyond ecstatic to welcome the kingdom into their home for a night of dancing and fun.
Hell yeah, Lance loves dressing up and dancing and fun
Lance also lo- ADMIRES- ahem. Yes. Admires the younger prince very much.
He's quiet and kindof mysterious and broody, but something about that just does it for Lance
Lance is determined to capture the prince's attention. He's had his fair share of crushes, but he's never felt his heartstrings pulled like he does when it comes to Prince Keith.
Lance assumes Prince Keith is probably straight (thank you, heteronormativity) and decides to go to Hunk for help with his crazy idea.
Hunk loves and supports Lance, even when he's being crazy, and goes along with it.
And Hunk is a witch. So he's gonna work his magic on Lance.
In preparation for the ball, Hunk and Lance spend hours practicing the spell and getting Lance's measurements right.
Hunk (and his family and his lovely girlfriend Shay) is one of the caterers for the event.
There's no way the royal chefs would be able to prepare that much food, so a bunch of chefs from the kingdom stepped up to help
Lance's whole family is booked making outfits for other villagers too. Of course they save time to make their own outfits as well.
Lance has always loved being the center of attention so his outfit, his hair, everything has to be perfect.
Hunk agrees that his best friend is going to outshine even the royal family
He's so proud of his bestie and so happy to help him like how Lance helped him with Shay (long story short, Lance is the best wingman ever) and Hunk wants to return the favor)
Lance makes himself a gorgeous blue tux for Hunk to enchant so he looks equally as stunning when the magic inevitably wears off.
Remember that good luck charm mentioned earlier? Hunk decides to give Lance luck from head to toe, so he gifts Lance with a silver hairpiece encrusted with sapphires to match prized silver earrings, and heels made of Opal.
Lance is awestruck and cries to Hunk about how he's the best man in the whole world ("I'd marry you myself if I could, Hunk. Seriously, Shay might just have to share." XD)
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gerec · 6 years
Emma’s Birthday/Holiday Party and Erik’s Stupid Face
I don’t know why but I absolutely love writing fics about/set during big parties, especially birthdays or during the holidays as an excuse to throw everybody together for shenanigans! Anyway, here’s 1400 words of a modern au for @lachatblanche, featuring Charles and his childhood bestie Tony Stark. It has all our (hers and mine) favourite tropes including:
- Tony and Charles and Emma as filthy rich, emotionally damaged childhood best friends - Avengers crossovers - Erik as the asshole ex Charles can’t get over - Charles with a VHG (very hot guy) expressly to make Erik green with jealousy  - Still have powers au where everyone exists but nobody is a superhero
He’s been in the car for ten minutes when his cell starts ringing, blasting AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ loud enough to jolt him from his half comatose state. 
“Oh my god I just landed,” Charles groans into his state-of-the-art, Stark issued phone slash satellite GPS slash probable supercomputer, “can’t whatever this is wait until I get home? Preferably after I throw myself face first into my bed for the next twenty four hours?”
“No can do, Charles-y my boy,” is the answer he gets, which – to be fair – is exactly the answer he’d expect from his best and oldest friend. “It’s T minus nine hours until Emma’s party and you’re nowhere near ready for a full scale, Frost patented holiday extravaganza.”
A week ago it had seemed like a brilliant idea, catching a ride back to New York on Tony’s private jet, after wrapping his semester as guest lecturer at Oxford. He would make it back in time for Emma’s birthday, and then spend the rest of the holidays binging on Netflix and Chinese take-out. But the last forty eight hours had turned out to be an absolute slog, trying to tie up so many loose ends that he can barely keep his eyes open, and the last thing he wants to do now is get all dressed up and go to a glitzy, high profile party—
“Do you think I could get away with a no show?” he asks, heaving a tired sigh when Tony starts laughing, entirely unsympathetic and not at all helpful. “I mean, how painful do you think it’ll be on a scale of one to ten? When I’m being murdered by Emma in cold blood.”
“She’ll kill you, resurrect you and then kill you again,” Tony replies, which is ridiculous and also, not that far from the truth. “Listen, all you have to do is make an appearance, kiss the birthday girl and drink some champagne…we used to party much, much harder on way less sleep.”
“God, Tony that was over ten years ago! I have an actual career these days, and responsibilities, and—”
“Stop, stop, you’re killing me here, Charles,” Tony interjects. “If I can do it than you can do it too! In case you’ve forgotten I am also a very important person, making big decisions and doing all the grown up things!”  
Charles scoffs. “You mean you have Pepper handling all your actual work while you tinker in your lab day and night. And unless you’re willing to let me hire her away—”
“No! You get your own Pepper, Xavier! She’s a thousand percent off limits I mean it—”
He closes his eyes and tilts his head back with a sigh, content to listen to Tony go off on a tangent about his PA. It’s a little funny, how the man is still in such ridiculous denial over his very intense, very possessive feelings for Pepper; though hopefully, Tony figures it out soon – by New Year’s ideally – or Charles is going to lose his shirt in the gang’s betting pool.
“—are you even listening to me? Charles? Did you fall asleep?”
“No, no sorry just resting my eyes,” he answers, and Tony huffs with feigned annoyance, before launching into another tirade about Charles acting like a boring old man. The whole thing is inexplicably soothing and familiar, making him realize just how much he’s been missing his sister and his closest friends in the months he’s been away. 
Still, there’s no good reason to give in to Tony’s machinations without putting up at least a token fight.
“I don’t have anything to wear. My tux was ruined remember? And I haven’t had the chance to get a new one yet.”
“Emma picked one out for you and my tailor’s on his way over with it. He’ll get you fitted and do the alterations there.”
“My hair’s a right mess. I need to get it cut.”
“Raven’s got a guy. She’s bringing him over.”
“Food? Sleep? I’m in no shape for—”
Tony cuts him off before he can finish. “Done and done. Food will be delivered and you have five hours to nap. That leaves you four hours to shower, shave and get dolled up for the party. My car’s coming to get you at seven p.m. sharp.”
Charles can’t help it; he laughs and laughs at the absurd, military-like precision of Tony’s whole ‘get Charles to the party’ operation. “Did you happen to get me a date too? Is someone going to be gift wrapped and hand delivered to my door at nineteen hundred hours?”
He’s kidding of course, because even Tony wouldn’t go so far as to set him up with a blind date within his first twenty four hours back on U.S. soil. But then—
“Actually, yeah. I know a guy. Handsome, artist, ex-Army Captain. Too bland for me but he’s right up your alley. You’ve got a thing about good manners.”
It takes a moment for Charles to actually register the words, before his mind catches up to the implication of what Tony’s just said. “Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. I’m in absolutely no shape to meet new people. Especially hot new people I might want to make a good first impression on. And possibly take home some other time I’m not feeling like death warmed over for sex.”
There’s a pause on the other end of the line, and then a considering hum before Tony decides to drop the proverbial bomb. “Are you sure? ‘Cause your ex is coming tonight.”
Charles doesn’t whine – though it’s a near thing – but he does groan pitifully, leaning forward to bang his head on the back of the front passenger seat. “Why? Why did you guys invite him? You know how I get around Erik, especially after a few drinks—”
“Hey it wasn’t me! Emma invited him, ‘cause I guess they’re still friends or some shit. You have only yourself to blame though, with all that ‘it’s fine that we broke up you guys don’t have to pick sides or stop being friends with him’ crap. You know if you just told her how you really feel she’ll stab him in the heart with her stiletto heel and serve it to you on a silver platter.”
“She’s a telepath too! I shouldn’t have to tell her…” It’s a weak assed excuse and he knows it.
“Whatever. Are you sure you don’t want a hot date? You and I both know that bastard’s going to bring someone young and flashy to try and make you jealous, and you’re going to totally fall for it again like you did last time and the time before that. And then you’re going to end up having hate sex with him again, even though you swore it would never, ever happen, until the next time it happens and you—"
“Ugh please shut up; you’re the worst friend I’ve ever had in my entire life!”
Tony snorts. “You mean I’m the best friend you’ve ever had or will ever have, because who else would line up a bona fide sex god for you to piss off your stupid ex-boyfriend? Me that’s who. Now are you in or not?”
“Send me a picture,” he says and promptly hangs up, cutting Tony off before he can remind Charles what a mess his life has become, and how he really shouldn’t have tried to take the high road after the messy breakup ten months ago.
The cell pings then, three, four, five times in rapid succession; no doubt the pictures of said blind date as Charles requested. His interest is half-hearted at best, that is, until he gets an eyeful of sweaty, muscle-y biceps in the very first image, a side shot of a tall, blond, very well built man making mincemeat out of the swaying punching bag. The next shot is even better, showing the front of the man as he’s jogging towards the camera, t-shirt slightly too tight over his bulging chest and arms. He’s absolutely, positively, drop dead gorgeous, and Charles can’t wait to walk into Emma’s party, arm-in-arm with his very own Adonis come to life.
It does not give him a hot surge of vicious satisfaction, imagining the sour expression on Erik’s stupid face.
He sends Tony a quick text. Name?
Steve Rogers. Rank Captain. Retired, US Army.
Charles scrubs his face and chuckles as he types his reply. 
I’m in.
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ruckystarnes · 6 years
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Aspersion - Chapter One
Warnings: slight sexual themes
Words: 1,388
A/N: French would be used throughout the story.
Chapter One | Chapter Two
To Leena, there were a few upsides about wearing a dress for this kind of occasion: movement and, there was another, right? Maybe there was only one, and movement being the only thing. It gave range of motion, and, since it was short, no way of tripping. The downsides? No way to hide a weapon, but that's nothing to be dependent on. Natasha trained her to use her whole body and the things that were around in the environment. Her brown eyes searched the room, noting the candles were actual candles, so solid wax could leave a mark, so could the mantle clock, if it wasn't fixed.
“Stop being obvious,” the voice next to her whispered, as the hand on her hip tightened its grip.
“I’m not,” she hissed, her eyes meeting the woman’s across the way, forcing a smile.
“Relax, I got your back.”
“I know, Étienne. It’s just, this is the closest we’ve come in the last month.” It wasn’t like she didn’t enjoy his company, it was just that she hated being the damsel in distress, depending on a man to take care of her. “I’m itching for something.”
“Easy, petite renarde,” he chuckled, “We’ll go home soon.”
Never had had a mission that lasted this long before, and this was the first time she was on a mission with Steve.  Usually she would be excited about fighting alongside him, but doing recon undercover? Not so much. At least this time they got to pose as a married couple, but this presented something new for her. She actually had to listen to her boss because was on the mission with her. It was easier to defy him when they could only communicate over coms, and not to mention the sneaking out was a breese before as well. Leena’s thoughts were interrupted by the woman she first laid eyes on, who was now staring at her that made Leena feel uncomfortable.
“Uh, Steve?” she whispered, “I think Edonia Desmarais made us.” Sure enough the petite blonde was eyeing them with scrutiny, her focus was the tall beefcake next to her, which didn’t surprise her. “Told you I should have been here with someone like Sam or Clint. They’re not so recognizable. Even with the beard, you’re still Steve Rogers.”
“Well, I guess we are in for a fun night then, right chéri?” he chuckled as he let go of her arm. “Maybe we’ll be stateside by morning.”
The alarm went off in an annoying string of beeps. Leena rolled over and slammed her hand down on the snooze button then rolled back to snuggle into the warm body next to me. A groan escaped her lips when it moved away from her causing the person it belonged to chuckle.
"Wake up, chéri. You don't want to keep Fury waiting."
She groaned again, pulling the covers up over my head.  "Sorry Captain, your chéri thinks she might be coming down with something," she muttered into the pillow. Leena waited for his rebuttal, but instead of voicing it, she felt his hand on her hip under the sheet, gripping it ever-so firmly, eliciting a whine from her.
"Steve, just five more minutes. We just got back from France not even four hours ago, let alone fell asleep what felt like minutes ago."
"And who's fault is that?" he said, the smirk could be heard through the words His fingers grazed her skin just above her shorts, bringing forth a hum of contentment.
"She blame you," Leena sighed, removing the material from her head to look at him. The smirk was there on his face, blue eyes shining with amusement. “You and your incredible body in that tux, covered in dirt, sweat, and blood.” A small groan followed with a bite to her lower lip as she pulled the image up in her brain.
"You're the one who initiated," he chuckled, leaning down to kiss her forehead, his fingers continued their path up her ribs. His touch on her bare skin sent zings of electricity through every nerve she had.
"And you're the one that tempted me," she retorted, biting her lip harder than before as his fingers moved to her stomach and further up to the valley between her breasts. "Vous serez la mort de moi," she moaned as his hand covered one mound, kneading it gently. Her back arched off the bed, her fingers carding though his blond locks to bring him closer to her, locking their lips in a slow, deep kiss. This man was intoxicating and made things so very hard to do when they needed to be done. She shifted her body, pressing it flush against his as her leg hooked over his hip. What she found there made her moan, nipping his lip.
"We need to get going Lena," he groaned, removing her leg before rolling out of bed. He walked into the en suite and she rubbed her eyes before admiring his naked stride.
"Next time, I vote for one more night in Bordeaux," she called to him as she got out of bed and walked to the closet. She stripped out of her pajamas and noticed a dark bruise forming on her left thigh.
"I didn't notice that last night," Steve said from the doorway of the bathroom, already in his slacks for work.
"Well the lights were off," she smirked, laying the clothes on the bed and walked up to him. "Won't be a mission without a bruise or two." She slipped by him to use the shower but his large hands gripped her waist and lifted to set her on the countertop. A small yelp sounded from her as her hot skin met the cold marble. He stooped down, his fingers running over the marked skin and placed a light kiss on darkened skin, sending a shiver up her spine.
Steve stood up, smirking. "Later," he whispered, his index finger tapped the tip of her nose causing it to scrunch it up. "Get in the shower or we'll be late."
"Yes, Sir," she drawled out, eyes fixed on his as her lips curled into a smile. There was no denying what he was thinking about as she looked into his eyes: his pupils were dilated and the normal cerulean blue was now deep and dark. Fingers wrapped around his wrist, pulling him closer so she could wrap her legs around his waist. A gentle hand pulled him down into a heated kiss. Calloused hands found their way to her waist, fingers digging into the flesh; he tried his best to stay in control but once her fingertips lightly grazed his extremely toned stomach, he pulled away, lifting her in the process.
"Damn it, Lena," he growled, his fingers digging into her ass. "Fury is going to kill us for being late."
"I'll make it worth your while," she smirked and she leaned into whisper, "Je vais même parler en Français, Monsieur." Before she could give him a kiss, he tossed her back onto the bed causing her to giggle. She knew how to get him distracted from work, and it was working. Slow movements were made from both of them, a common thing they both hated: being rushed. She watched as he slowly undid the button of his slacks, making her lick her lips with anticipation.
“Tu ferais mieux, petite renarde," he replied, moving to cover her body with his, making her smirk even more as she felt his arousal against her thigh. There were things about him that surprised her, and him having a language kink was the best of all. The job came with knowledge of languages, and Steve knew a few of his own. So, yeah. She wasn’t playing fair when she promised to speak French, but he could have said no, even if it killed him to say it.
He peppered kisses along her neck, slowly moving towards the sweet spot behind her ear, moving himself to let a hand slide between them, fingers slipping through wet folds and teeth dug into the juncture of her neck.
"Bien sûr monsieur," she moaned, as her back arched into him, her own fingers digging into his broad shoulders as her legs fell open for him. Yeah, Fury was going to be pissed, but it'll be worth it.
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xxmadsxoxo · 7 years
How to get on Santa’s Nice List.
{Part one}
Pairing: Buck Barnes x Reader
Pre warning: Fluff, Fluff, and some more fluff
Warnings: Swearing, and probably bad punctuation because I’m using my phone.
Summary: you moved in with your best friends apartment around 3 years ago, and found out she has one hot neighbor. Only problem is he is a huge smart mouth, and he always has jokes. Worst thing of all is he is a huge flirt, the boy could make your face warm up with a look. One day he gave you a snarky comment (to no surprise.) but you decided in spirit of the holiday to challenge him. No, smart mouth, or dirty jokes for the rest of November lets see if he can get on Santa’s nice list.
This is for (@lovelynemesis) Sam’s rockin’ around the Christmas tree writing challenge!
29. ”Ho! Ho! Ho!” “Honey don’t insult yourself that way.”
/3 Years ago/
As much as I love the cold, it’s not fun to be in it for hours when you have nowhere to go. It had been 5 hours of me walking around calling every person I could think up to help me out, but since the holidays were coming up nobody wanted some old high school buddy to come stay over for a few nights.
I almost lost hope before scrolling down my contacts and finding Natasha’s name. I though about it for a few minutes, she didn’t know me too well and she is probably very skeptical of her friends. I prayed she’d help me out and pressed the call button.
Shivering from the hours of being in friking icy air, waiting for her to pick up as people pass me staring. They are probably thinking the worst of me. To be fair I did get kicked out in my pjs, and a heavy jacket. All my clothes in one bag, and utilitys, I learned to pack small with how much I moved around. People grow tired of me quick, and I have this sarcasm that people don’t understand and take personally. It has always gotten me into big trouble.
“Nat! Oh thank god you picked up.”
“Yeah uh, who is this?”
“It’s Y/n, from stark industries? Granted it was some time ago.”
“Oh. OHH, Oh my god hey.”
“I was wondering if you could help me out girl.”
“What kind of help do you need?”
“I just need a place to stay for a few nights, just till’ I find another place. I will be out before Thanksgiving!”
“Where are you? I’ll come get you.”
“I’m where the rockafeller tree is gonna be put up.”
“Alright stay there I’m on my way.”
“Thank you so much!”
\1 year ago\
It’s been 1 year of living with Nat, she has been the kindest to me since she picked me up that night I almost turned into a popsicle. She’s been like a sister to me, and she said that she loves to have a girl to gossip to when she comes home. Although It’s been hard getting used to her coming back from a mission and, being totally locked away from the world. Sometimes she comes back from a mission with a new bottle of champagne, and other times she just walks straight to her room and doesn’t come out for hours. I understand for the most part, if I fought aliens and psychotic Germans I’d lock myself away too. She said that some of her friends from the agency stay in this appartment building as well, but I’ve never been good at first impressions. Nat, is the only person who actually talked to me when I worked at Stark industries. Other than Stark of course, but Nat just clicked with me that’s why we are still good friends today.
I never planned on meeting any of the other agents, that is until Christmas Eve.. Somehow Nat got me to dress up, and got me to go to Starks annual Christmas party. Now I’m sitting at the bar, in a dress that I hate myself in, downing vodka like it’s water. Nat is having a great time on the dance floor with a bunch of superheroes, and god I wish that I had the confidence to talk to one of them. Even if I could talk to one of them, I’m just a normal person they have fought alien wars. Let’s be honest here the closest thing to a war that I have been in, was when I got into a bar fight with a hooker and I smashed her head into the wall. I was drunk as piss, but damn I put up a good fight. My thoughts were interrupted when a husky voice asked the bartender for another bottle whiskey, I slowly look over not to draw attention to myself.
“Why you sitting alone over here?”
“I’m sorry?”
I look up getting full view of this guy, and damn was he hot. He had chestnut brown hair that was pulled back in a bun, and he was wearing a navy blue tux. He had gorgeous eyes, ocean blue, and plump lips that you wanna bite. I realized I was staring and quickly looked at my empty shot glass.
“Well, I mean Nat is over there and you’re over here. Why?”
“Oh, uh I’ve never really been a social person.”
I look at all the different types of alcohol as a small distraction to keep me from being weird, as he continues the conversation.
“Huh, me either I couldn’t even tell you how Steve dragged me here.”
“Steve? As in-“
“Steve Rogers? Also known as Captain America? Yeah.”
You look up at him in amazement, you knew that Nat worked with them butwho is this guy and why is Steve dragging a normal hottie to a party like this.
“Wow, so you’re a super soilder too or something?”
“You could say that.”
The waiter brings the bottle, and sets on the bar, the man looks over and winks at you. Quickly grabbing the whiskey he starts Walking away.
“Hey you, wait!”
He stops and turns around in confusion.
“Yeah?” He chuckles
“Can I join you?”
“Sure doll.”
The nickname makes you smile, and makes your heart flutter.
“Names Bucky by the way.”
You reach your hand out, and give a welcoming smile.
“I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you.”
He shakes your hand, and you can feel your face warm up from the way he looks at you.
“NAT! Did you steal my favorite leggings again?? You know the ones that make my ass look great?”
“No! I think they’re in the dryer!”
I run to the laundry room and whip the dryer open, searching through all my black clothes for leggings. Ripping them from the dryer.
I put them on and walk into the living room.
“Damn, what’s the looking cute for?”
“Going to the bar tonight, figured since I hate the holidays I might as well get plastered and forget them.”
“Oh no! You aren’t to go to the bar without me or our friendly neighbor Bucky.“
“I don’t need a chaperone.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Do you really want a List?”
“Okay no, but it can’t be Bucky.”
“What why not?”
“Because Bucky always has somethin’ to say about my ass, or something snarky to say about my drinking.”
“I mean, you do have a nice ass and you also do drink a lot.”
“Thank you, and no I don’t.”
You flip your hair and walk down the hall to your room.
“Yeah, yeah!”
I take one last look in the mirror, and love it for once. I touch up my lip gloss, and give my hair one last fluff before walking to the front door. Realizing Nat isn’t ready yet, I think of making an escape. I grab the apartment keys as quietly as possible, and open the door slowly. I make it into the hallway succeeding in closing the door silently, just as I turn to walk down the stairs. Well that is until I hit a brick wall or atleast that’s what it felt like, nearly falling back he catches me.
“Sorry doll, you okay?”
He helps me stand straight, and I push him off of me straightening out my shirt.
“I’m fine thanks. You frikin’ brick wall.”
He chuckles lightly
“It wasn’t a compliment Barnes.”
Yes, Barnes as in Bucky Barnes, also known as the super hot dude from the Christmas party that seemed 100% normal. Yeah, he’s our neighbor and it seems he’s always with us, even when you don’t want him to be. It’s not that I don’t like him, or that I don’t want him around! He’s a great guy, but he has this thing about himself he’s always go something to say about what I wear, and he’s more sarcastic than I am.
“Right, well why are you all dressed up love?”
Oh, and he does this thing where he calls me a ton of cute little nicknames, and I wanna melt everytime. I look up at him and give him a cold fake smile.
“I’m going out.”
I try to push past him and walk away, but he grabs my forearm.
“Alone? In that? Are you trying to pick up every asshole in the club?”
Just as I was about to slap him Natasha walks out looking as pissed as ever. I look at Bucky and put on the fakest laugh to make it seem like I came out to talk to him.
She pushes Barnes out the way and gives you a death stare.
You give her an innocent look, but Nat can’t be fooled.
“You tried making a fuckin’ run for it didn’t you?”
“No, I came out to talk to Buck.”
Bucky steps forward with a finger up ready to say something, but Natasha puts her hand in front of his face without even looking at him.
“Save it Barnes. Y/n What the hell.”
Part 2
This is going to be a couple of parts, but I hope you guys like it so far! I’ll try to get the next part up as soon as possible. Tags: @ailynalonso15 @starkxpotts @libbymouse
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fuckyeahevanrwood · 7 years
Our May Cover Star Evan Rachel Wood On Feminism, Westworld And Singing Happy Songs
When celebrities bring their significant others on-set, it can go one of two ways: That person can become a de facto bodyguard, creating an impenetrable wall between the “famous” and the rest of us, or, as in the case of Evan Rachel Wood, that person can put said celeb at ease, allowing us to see him or her in a way we wouldn’t otherwise.
Wood, who arrived at the Los Angeles photo studio so unobtrusively that she’d already been in hair and makeup for 10 minutes by the time we realized she was there, brought along her new fiancé (and bandmate—more on that later), Zach Villa. Neither Wood nor Villa is a loud personality, but there was one moment, somewhere around the second look of the day, when the leather-clad Villa got pretty animated. “You...whoa. Just so cool. Rad.” He’d just had a look at Wood in the photographer’s monitor, and you could see his brain making the leap from the woman he knows and sees every day to the “star” in that photograph, and it was wonderful to see that he was in awe of and excited for her.  
Of course, Wood has had many such moments in the past year or so. She’s hardly an unknown (she has been acting since she was a child and got her first Golden Globe nomination at 17 for Thirteen), and her work as an android in HBO’s Westworld as well as her new-found outspokenness around issues of sexual violence, gender fluidity and sexuality have propelled her past indie-cool status and firmly onto the A-list. All of this has also finally moved her beyond being “that girl who dated Marilyn Manson when he was 36 and she was 19.”
That doesn’t mean, however, that she spends all day dodging selfie-crazed fans of the show, which returns for a second season in 2018. “I almost never get recognized because Dolores and I look so drastically different,” says the 29-year-old with some satisfaction. And it’s true: Wrapped in a menswear-style coat, her hair short and two-toned, Wood couldn’t be further from the long-haired, Victorian-dress-wearing character she plays onscreen.
As we chat on a leather sofa while the crew clears up after the shoot, I feel like I’m finally forming an impression of Wood that’s stronger than “she changed the photographer’s electro playlist for a Bowie-heavy option from her own phone.” She wasn’t shy, exactly, throughout the day, but she wasn’t extroverted either, heading for her phone or talking quietly to Villa between takes.
And here’s the surprising thing: For someone whose public persona can sometimes read a bit “serious” (which is not a bad thing, to be clear), Wood has a lightness and a sunniness to her. It reads almost like relief, like someone taking advantage of his or her freedom and running with it. For example: Wood told me she’d been waiting for years to wear a suit to an awards show, and the time felt “right” for this year’s Golden Globes (and the SAGs just after that).
“When you’re nominated for best actress, usually every-one is like, ‘What dress is she going to wear?’ and I just kind of wanted to surprise people and completely go the other route.” For Wood, it was less an anti-dress statement than a pro-sartorial-choice move. (Also: We’re still not over that Altuzarra tux.) And as for why the timing was right....
You say you were a changed person after season one of Westworld. “Dolores’ journey was about finding her true self and facing trauma and her past. That was a catalyst in me opening up about my experiences. [Wood is a rape survivor.] Playing her got me to face a lot. Life was imitating art. By the end of that show, I did feel like I was standing on firmer ground and that I had conquered certain fears. I was owning it in a different way. I was less afraid and less ashamed.”
It sometimes feels that as a woman, especially in this political climate, you’re never going to win by playing according to any set of rules, so you may as well do your own thing. “I just felt the gloves come off and I was done. You need to be vocal and be yourself and keep fighting.”
What effect has speaking so publicly about some pretty personal stuff had on your more private relationships? “I’ve been able to talk about it in a new way—from a place of strength rather than still kind of going through it. And there are still good days and bad days. That stuff never fully goes away. Even when the response is positive, it’s still overwhelming because people start opening up to you about their experiences and that’s really heavy. But it’s kind of like how I felt when I had my son, where it was like ‘All right, now you get to take your experiences and turn them into lessons and you get to kind of be there for him instead of just wallowing in your thing.’”
Has your son’s life changed with all of this new attention? “Bless him. He’s a gypsy by proxy because his parents are. He’s only three now, but he’s starting to understand. He hears one of my songs and he knows that that’s me, and he has seen me on TV and he’s starting to put the pieces together. His parents are very different. My ex-husband [actor Jamie Bell] is lovely and very British and straightedge, and then he’s got this glam-rock weirdo for a mom.”
What do you think he thinks of it all? “He said something to me that was so profound I wanted to put it on a T-shirt. I was just poking fun at him lovingly one day and I said, ‘You’re weird,’ and he said, ‘I’m not weird. I’m playing.’ And I was like, that’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever heard. I’m not weird, I’m just playing. That’s my motto for life from now on.”
You’ve also recently relocated to Nashville. “L.A. is wonderful, and it has given me so many amazing things, but I’ve also got a lot of demons here. I was ready to break it up a little bit. I wanted to give my kid some grass to run around on. Again, he’s got two actor parents. I was like, ‘You don’t need to live in L.A. full-time. Let’s go somewhere a little “normal” for a bit.’”
You grew up in North Carolina, so obviously you have roots there, but I’m fascinated that you chose the South. If anywhere is deeply conformist, deeply traditional, it’s there. “That’s how I was raised too. But it’s not all like that. I am in a more progressive city. But there’s a part of me that also believes in going where you’re needed. And if I can be there, bringing something else to the table or engaging the conversation or speaking up when I need to speak up, then that’s also important. I don’t want to run scared. It’s definitely interesting at times, sure, but for the most part, it has been positive.”
When is it “interesting”? “There was one incident where I think somebody showed me a picture and he was comparing Hillary Clinton and Chelsea to Melania and Ivanka. He was like, ‘God, dodged a bullet, right?’ and laughing. I was like, ‘What are you talking about?’ He was like, ‘Which ones would you rather have? The hot ones or the ugly ones?’ and I was like, ‘I think I would rather be valued for what’s in my mind, especially if I were in that position, but it’s cool if what is important to you is that you want to have sex with them in your mind. That’s all on you, man, and that’s super-messed-up, but I’m just going to leave this conversation now.’ I had to walk away.”
If you could rearrange the world, start it all over, what would it look like? “Honestly, I don’t even really want to change people that much. I want to make sure everyone’s got access to affordable health care and things that help people stay alive and sane and taken care of on a base level. And then, seriously, I don’t care what you believe. Just let everyone live the way that they choose to live and let’s not try to force our ideals on everybody else.”
There’s a fatigue that comes with being combative all the time. “I also don’t want to be a hypocrite. If that’s what you believe, I so strongly disagree, but I’m not going to hate you for it. I’m not getting mad at you unless you’re harming somebody against their will or taking away rights or meddling in people’s lives.”
Do you ever feel like there are people who hate you for what you represent? “Some think that feminism is about hating men, and they hate you for that. I love men. I have a son—I actually want a world where we can all be equal and I’m not held back because of my gender. It’s not a movement against men! It sucks that the word ‘feminism’ is so tainted. Also, I’m in the LGBT community [Wood identifies as bisexual], and you’re told a lot that you’re going to hell and you’re a terrible person. People think that it’s a movement and we’re trying to destroy society. It’s intense.”
Changing gears a little…you’re in a band with your fiancé called Rebel and a Basketcase. “We’re a baby band. My first love was singing and music, and it still kind of is. I love acting, and it’s a deep, deep love. But music is like my religion. If I didn’t have music, I would die.”
And David Bowie is your high priest? “For real. I’m not a religious person, but music is so transcendent for me. It’s the closest I feel to whatever God is. That’s why it took me so long to actually do because I held it close. It’s so precious that I was like, ‘If I’m not Radiohead, I’m not doing it. If it’s not the best thing ever, I can’t.’ And I was like, ‘Stop, you love doing it, there’s a place for it and you can make positive, fun music and that’s okay.’”
The public knows a lot of intense, heavy stuff about you. But what else is there? Like, what do you read on the Internet, for instance? “I’m a psychology, self-help, spirituality geek, probably because I have had so many ups and downs in my own life. It’s something I just get super-nerdy about. I love learning about the mind and how that connects to our souls.”
What’s the coolest thing you’ve learned lately? “I was just having a conversation with somebody last night about alternate dimensions and how there’s a mirror version of you in another dimension. There are many versions of you, and there’s a theory that you can pop in and out of these dimensions. It’s so amusing. I love at least having the conversation, being a bit agnostic in that way.”
So what is the mirror version of you doing? “Who knows? This could be the mirror version of me for all I know. I could be just hopping back and forth through time. [Laughs] People reading this will think I’m crazy.”
But cool. “I think there’s heavy stuff around me because I have built a career out of heavy movies and pushing the boundaries in that way and doing things that make people go ‘Whoa, where were you when you did that scene? Do you want to talk about it?’ I guess I’m just finally in a place where I can be like, ‘Sure, what do you want to know?’ But that’s another reason the music that we make is really uplifting—because I do so much heavy stuff onscreen, if I had to also go onstage and sing about heartbreaking things and how terrible the world is, I would die.” [Laughs]
A lot of musicians say writing a happy song is way harder than writing a sad one. “It’s easier to focus on the bad stuff, you know, than to pull yourself up and sing about something nice. Our new single is called ‘Today,’ and it’s just a big battle cry about not letting the dark forces ruin your day. You make today and you make the changes, and as long as you’re here and you’re fighting, you’re going to be okay. I’m excited for people to hear that song. I think it’s a really good time for it.”
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Liz felt all warm up during the whole day, probably because of the soft, cozy, cotton scarf around her neck. It was actually Red’s scarf. One of the articles she kept “stealing” from him. She had to admit the man had an exquisite taste in clothes, no matter how ridiculously expensive they were, but secretly, she took them mostly because had Red’s scent in them. It was the closest thing to have him snuggled around her permanently. Of course Red didn’t know that…”and didn’t need to know it” she thought blushing.
The need of Raymond Reddington in her life was everything. Long time ago he had claimed a place in her life, when they met that day in the secret location of the Post Office, the day when her whole life changed and turned upside down; but what he really earned was a place in her heart, first as the most important person in her life in a total ambiguous sense, then as her lover and soulmate.
She LOVED him. That was true, and scary as hell when she figured out herself, because the Concierge of the Crime wasn’t an easy person to love, not because his frightening persona, but for the man behind that, a man that had suffered too much, that carried a heavy weight on his shoulders, that felt worthless himself.
But she had fell, and fell hard. So she had finally convinced him, they could lick each other wounds…TOGETHER, and as he was already so helplessly (beyond recovery) IN LOVED with her, it was a matter of time he would give up… a matter of time, and super-hot making outs and groping sessions. The sex was a plus. They honestly behaved like two horny teenagers; her office’s desk, chair, walls, floor, his car, his multiples safe houses, the exteriors, every part of their shared flat had been witnesses of their passion…and still were.
So yes, he had become her reality and she was happy with that.
-You have it? - It was his greeting to Dembe - Exactly that one?-
Dembe nodded, slightly smiling. He hadn’t seen Red that nervous in a while; last time was when he told him about his decision to start a romantic relationship with Elizabeth, with shining and hopeful eyes. He recalled having patted his back with a “Finally!!!”, and a broad smile.
-Hmm... You think it’s too soon? – Red swallowed, suddenly his throat dry, waiting for his best friend’s answer.
-Raymond, you two had loved each other for a long time, even before you knew it, and had been through a lot, she is happy with you I can tell, and she is your HEART- replied the big dark-skinned man- So no, I don’t think it’s too soon-
Red exhaled loudly and smiled.
-Okay! Let me see it- he stretched his arm, taking the bag Dembe was handing him.
-Ah…and I need a hand with the decorations-
To say the night was being marvelous was an understatement. Red REALLY knew his thing. This date was being one of the most outstanding ever, having to compete with a long and extravagant list of those including: Valentine’s in Paris, making love with the Eiffel Tower peeking through the balcony of their hotel’s room; long walks in Santorini, holding hands carefree, discovering secret places; a beach day in Cayo Largo del Sur, the Cuban sun tanning their skins, first time in water and a lot of Piña Coladas; a serenade in Mexico, not understanding the half of the song, but heartwarming nevertheless.
The night was Halloween, and Liz had to admit she’d never had a date in these days. The restaurant was richly decorated for the season; other guests were formally dressed but then and there were a few brushes of a costume. Liz was wearing a long, stunning, red dress with a pronounced cleavage, which hugged her in all the right places. And Reddington looked all delicious in that black tux and a white bow (her last minute’s gift).
They danced for a long time, while talked about nothing, laughing merrily with inside jokes, a few times of silence when they looked into the other’s eyes, kissing each other, and from time to time Liz blushed with the Red’s lustful remarks and shameless touches.
The dinner was exquisite, although they didn’t remember exactly what they ate, Red all too busy adjusting himself and trying to avoid the shudders, while Liz kept teasing him licking the ice cream spoon, her left foot currently between his thighs, rubbing softly his erection.
They took a cab to home, and midway he offered they could walk the two remaining blocks to the house. She agreed, and holding hands they paced, relaxing in the cool air of the night, from time to time bumping with groups of kids in “trick or treat” mission, and having fun with the curious costumes.
When they arrived at home, he stopped her in front of the door.
-Hmm…I have a surprise for you Lizzie- he said coyly.
-A surprise? I thought the date was your present- she replied amazed.
-Oh…it was part of it, but the other part is right there- he said pointing the door.
-Red, you’re going to make feel guilty, I just bought you a bow tie, sorry I forgot our anniversary, and here you come with your fancy date and more presents- she responded mortified.
-It’s okay Lizzie - he said soothing, caressing her arms gently – I loved your bow tie, and was very useful tonight. Please, close your eyes and let me lead you-
She did what she was said, and felt Red tug her hand leading the way. A pleasant smell of cedar, vanilla, roses and sandalwood invaded her nostrils. Next thing was the unfamiliar texture of the carpet, like she was stepping on something feathery.
-You can open your eyes now sweetheart- whispered Red behind her.
The first thing she noticed was the darkness, she was in the living room, no furniture around, but now splendid decorated with aromatic candlelit pumpkins everywhere, with the loveliest drawings in those: the classical smiling pumpkin, the annoyed one, and sweet messages like: “Love you to the moon and back”, “Happy Anniversary”, “Be mine forever”, “Have my babes”, etc. There were some paper ghosts in every corner and a huge fake spiderweb hanging from the wall claiming “Happy Halloween Boo”. And then she noticed the carpet was covered on red rose petals.
-Raymond this is AWESO…- she exclaimed excited, turning around to be left wordless when she saw him bent knee on the floor - W…What are you doing?- she stuttered.
He took her hands in his, looking up at her, a part of him scared as hell she run away, and she melt in his gaze full of love and adoration and uncertainty.
-Elizabeth…I think never has been a mystery the way I felt for you, but after we got together that feeling has intensified a hundred times. You’re all I dreamt you would be and more, much more, and every time you laugh, and kiss me and tell me you love me back you make of me the happiest man in the world. I LOVE you and I’m afraid of a lot of things but not to tell you I can’t live without you. Lizzie…would you marry me? - he stretched his arm offering the velvet box in his hand.
A pregnant moment of silence filled the room. Liz still speechless and wide eyed. Suddenly she laughed. Red looked downcast.
-You…you’re proposing to me in Halloween – she said amazed.
-What? You said you like pumpkins- he replied all puppy eyes.
-Oh my god, sometimes you’re such a dork! - She grinned broadly, and threw herself to him, causing Red fell backwards, and her over him. She kissed him roughly, her hands on his neck, still smiling against his lips, forgetting the uncomfortable heels.
She leaned back, and laughed harder when she saw the lipstick stains all over his mouth and cheeks. He looked elated. A soft smile tugged at his lips. He lifted his hand to caress her cheek.
-So…that’s a yes?-
She looked into those hopeful eyes again, and was sure what her answer would be.
-Yes! - she said touching his swelled- stained lower lip - I’ll marry you Raymond Reddington. You’re mine forever – She kissed him again, this time more thoroughly.
Red surrounded her with his arms and rolled them around, he in the top. He leaned back and gazed her, his hands caressing her dress covered body, this time not lustful just worshipping.
-I love you Elizabeth, and I’m going to do anything in my reach to make you happy-
-I’m already happy you silly! YOU make me happy! I love you Raymond-
They kissed each other, and she couldn’t help to giggle again.
-Oh my…you proposed to me in Halloween-
This time, he laughed too.
3 AM
-Red- she patted his arm lightly- Raymond wake up, I need to tell you something- she whispered in the moonlight lit room.
-Hmm- he yawned - W…What…What? Did you hear something? – Red straightened up suddenly on the bed – awareness all over in his feature.
-No, no…it’s not that- Liz appeased him.
Red exhaled softly and lay down next to her again.
-What is it then? - he mumbled, hugging her.
-I want to keep my last name –
-What? – Raymond yawned, sleep reaching him again.
-When we marry… I want to my keep my last name - she replied coyly, looking up to the ceiling.
There was a few seconds of silence, when Liz felt him tense against her, sensing his stare in her face, her heart quicken and her nerves ablaze. Then, he relaxed.
-What? Okay? - She turned her head to face him, his eyes already closed – You sure?-
-Yes, don’t get me wrong, I’d love you adopt my last name but wouldn’t be very wise you would be called after the four most- wanted-
Silence filled the space again, just to be broken a few seconds later.
-Well, I was actually thinking about a Keen-Reddington sort of-
-Okay – he replied again, this time coming closer to kiss her cheek.
-So…you prefer this way? - Liz pushed.
-Lizzie, it’s very late…go to sleep- he slurred on her shoulder.
-Oh Red, but this is important…-
-Lizzie! If you don’t get sleep right now, I’m going to make love to you all night, and I promise you I’m going to leave you that sore you’ll have to take tomorrow off…and then, maybe, we can talk about this-
Again, quietness filled the room.
-Okay, let’s do it! - she exclaimed enthusiastically.
-Oww…Elizabeth!!! You’re insatiable- he growled, and they both burst in laughing.
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