sidequestzone · 8 months
Postgame.19: A Bewitching Revolution
Postgame.19: A Bewitching Revolution
Welcome back to Postgame, Sidequest’s monthly, formerly Patreon-exclusive podcast, where the editors lay down hot takes on cold games. This month, Melissa, Zora, Zainabb, and Naseem have taken a book club-style approach to A Bewitching Revolution, a short game by Colestia in which you play a witch inspiring a city to cast off capitalism and embrace mutual aid.
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fridge-reviews · 1 year
Mini Games 7
The criteria for this is very simple, all of these games can be completed in three hours or under (without using exploits etc). The reason for this? Well I find that sometimes, often in fact, that people just don't have time to play a longer game. So I thought I'd show some of the shorter ones some love!
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Developer: Final Boss Entertainment Publisher: Final Boss Entertainment Rrp: £6.99 (Steam) Released: 30th September 2014
I've been noticing a trend of 'old school' inspired games lately, especially within the genre of the first person shooter. Many try to ape their predecessors by having a lower graphical fidelity or simplified mechanics. Wrack isn't one of these games, if anything this game reminds me more of Bulletstorm than something like Quake. While Wrack does have a story its clearly paper thin and only intended to be a flimsy justification for progressing the game. The thing is if you're playing this for the story you're really missing the point, this is about high scores and trying to build up combos and on that front it does a pretty decent job.
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If I do have a bone to pick with this game its that the enemies AI is extremely simplistic, every enemy will start to advance toward you once they see you, even if they have ranged weapons. This meant that in quite a few occasions I just stood around a corner to avoid projectiles and then hit anything that rounded it with a sword (usually killing in a single blow). This isn't a bad game by any means but for only eight pounds more you can buy Doom and get a longer more full and challenging experience. -------
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Developer: Bithell Games Publisher: Bithell Games Rrp: £4.79 (Steam) Released: 22nd May 2018 After the success of Subsurface Circular (and it was a success even if it wasn't all that well known) Mike Bithell is back with Quarantine Circular. Unbelievably this game was made a good two years before anyone had even heard of Covid-19 because it almost feels like this game was written for it. This game is set in the near future with humanity facing a global pandemic, one that seems set to wipe us out completely. However it seems that help has come from beyond the stars, or rather the vistor may help depending on your decisions.
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The whole game is over in just about two hours but I have to say it was a great two hours. I replayed this over and over again trying to get all the various scenarios.
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Developer: Colestia Publisher: Colestia Rrp: £3.99 Released: June 9th 2020 This game is a bit of a strange one, for starters its a thriller which isn't a genre something video games really manage to pull off often. The other thing that makes this game so unusual is that the events that you're investigating are all true. It's your job to piece together the actual international conspiracy that was happening during the Cold War and you'll be doing this by carefully searching through archives and using an evidence board to show how it all connects. The closes game I can think of that this is somewhat similar to is Her Story, because you're left to piece it together for yourself.
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It might not have been the intention of the developers (though I suspect it was) but even though I was only searching through files this game had me feeling a strange feeling of tension. Every so often you could hear the sound of people pulling boxes of evidence even though you know you're the only one in the room, security cameras move, suspicious looking cars appear in the street outside and drive off when you see them... it all adds to this odd feeling that you're being watched and that you might not be entirely safe. Nothing happened to me during my play time but it was damned effective at making me paranoid.
I'd say this game well worth a look for those of you looking for something just a bit different.
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Developer: Dreamlike Publisher: Dreamlike Rrp: £1.69 (Steam Released: 12th April 2021 I think this is the shortest game I've played in a quite a while, lasting a whole twenty five minutes and that was with me getting stuck for a moment. Chicken Holmes (no, I'm not writing the rest) is a escape the room style point and click adventure game.
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I've played a few games like this before however this one was made somewhat more difficult simply because of the translation or rather because of the poor translation. I'm not entirely sure what the native language of the developers are but I'm quite certain that they are either Spanish or Portugese speakers. Sadly whomever did the translation wasn't quite up for the task. There were a lot of grammatical errors and typo's that made the game a bit more difficult that it should have been and... well there is an entire section where there is no translation at all. It's near the end and its apparently some kind of movie line but its an untranslated one which meant that whatever it was referencing completely passed me by.
To be honest I'd not really bother with this game, I didn't hate the game but I didn't enjoy it either and there are far better games you can play for this price or even less.
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Developer: Onyx Lute Publisher: Onyx Lute Rrp: £3.99 (Humblebundle and Steam) Released: 18th November 2016 Putting it simply this game is just a bunch of small, yet challenging, jigsaw puzzles. Although rather than it being a jigsaw in the traditional sense you put together stained glass clock faces. Why clock faces? Honestly I haven't not a clue. What I can tell you though is that I found this game a joy to play, I just put a podcast on in the background and unwound.
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The thing is the music in the game is great too but I just really wanted to listen to my own stuff after a while and usually I'm not the sort of person who can do that with most games. This one though felt almost built for that kind of use. Mentally stimulating but not taxing to the point I'd really have concentrate.
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colestiaregion · 3 years
Glamalama [Normal]
El Pokémon Mullido
Habilidades: Ignorante (1), ??? (Oculta)
Glamalama (glá-ma-lá-ma) es un Pokémon de tipo normal y está inspirado en una combinación de llama y alpaca.
» No son una amenaza, pero si te atreves a desafiarlos no dudarán en usar su movimiento Ascuas o Salmuera. Su lana es mullida y suave, son muy usados para la ropa y puedes sobrevivir una noche helada en las montañas. Se juntan en rebaños. Para proteger a sus crías se reúnen alrededor de ellos para formar un escudo cálido. 
(No disponible)
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pixelrender · 4 years
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I admit I’m posting this not because of the exciting premise of you uncovering a real cold war conspiracy. I find these brown on brown screenshots very appealing. They drag me in 70s and murky archives perfectly. The upcoming game itself has a great name (A Hand with Many Fingers) a demo, which everyone can try here. I follow Colestia for almost a year now and this probably is his most polished project with most appealing visuals and deep gameplay. I’m hyped for the full release.
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niche-gamer · 6 years
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New Indie Game Tries Again to Create Socialist Utopia in New City-Sim http://nichegamer.com/2017/12/14/new-indie-game-tries-again-to-create-socialist-utopia-in-new-city-sim/
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scentedluminarysoul · 2 years
This is awesome! Go play it!
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solidandsound · 4 years
Annual video game retrospective 2019 here! we!! go!!!
In 2018 I didn’t buy many new games because there wasn’t much coming out that interested me. This year I actively avoided buying new releases, for a couple of reasons. First, money. I have very little of it, so spending 80 bucks on a game is rarely feasible. Second, I have had too many bad experiences with new games coming out at substandard quality only to be patched up later or, even worse, have the fixes sold as separate DLC. Final Fantasy XV was a big example and, this year, Kingdom Hearts III was another. Thanks Square.
I’ve been a huge KH fan since elementary school, so I was excited to see how the stories of all my beloved characters would resolve. Unfortunately, Nomura seems more interested in baiting the next thing than providing any sort of resolution, making KHIII easily my biggest disappointment this year.
The only other game I bought brand new this year was Anodyne 2 which was, in contrast to KHIII, a beautiful, refreshing experience I recommend for everyone. It is certainly my GOTY for 2019 (not that it has much competition since I played only a handful of 2019 games overall). AAA gaming only gets worse and worse, but indie stuff like Anodyne 2 keeps getting better.
I also played Untitled Goose Game (didn’t buy with my own money) which was a delight, and A Bewitching Revolution (bought a few months after release) which instilled me with hope. I’d been meaning to get into Colestia’s games for a while, which I finally did this year. My favourite was probably Croatan which, like A Bewitching Revolution, is frank about how terrible the world seems and still made me feel hopeful. You owe it to yourself to check out Colestia’s stuff. I will hopefully play They Came From a Communist Planet in 2020.
Games from years past that I enjoyed this year include The Last Guardian which is, in my opinion, the best game by Team Ico; Jet Set Radio, which was surprisingly political; Attack of the Friday Monsters! which captures perfectly what being a child feels like and is one of the games everyone should play before retiring their 3DSes; Mass Effect Andromeda which is maybe my favourite Mass Effect game? It certainly had some of my favourite character relationship moments; Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, my new favourite Fire Emblem game for its down to earth character writing; SteamWorld Heist which has no business being as charming as it is, and is greatly helped by the excellent music from Steam Powered Giraffe; every Uncharted after the first one, finally. These games only get better as they go, and I’m also glad they ended the series in a strong spot; Prey which was so compelling and spooky and dynamic; and Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn which makes the DW formula fresh by having such a large roster of mobile suits and pilots to play as.
One wrinkle in my game collection this year was the advent of the Epic Games store. They release a free game or two each week, which means that I have a ton of new additions to my backlog despite trying not to buy anything new. Of course I’m thankful I get to play cool games like Minit and Axiom Verge, but a part of me is frustrated my number of games to be played is going up instead of down. It does mean I have basically no reason to buy new games other than the specific things I really want, though.
All in all I beat 61 games this year (or maybe closer to 40 if you don’t count the really tiny indie experiences). In 2020 I’d like to prioritize some older games, and at least cross any games released before the year 2000 off my backlog. When faced with a barrage of new games, the least I can do is finish off the old ones. I also have some games I’ve received as gifts over the years that I feel bad about leaving unplayed for so long. And of course there are some games released more recently that I would like to play if given the chance, like Fire Emblem: Three Houses and SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays, and some 2020 releases to look forward to, like The Last of Us Part II and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.
PS I made two games myself! Please play them! davisgsee.itch.io
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Build a socialist utopia out of the ashes of late capitalism
Free to play (Windows, Mac, Linux, Web)
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herboline-blog · 7 years
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Colestia, con la monacolina K del arroz de levadura roja que contribuye a mantener niveles normales de colesterol sanguíneo ❤️❤️ Piensa con el corazón, disponible en nuestra tienda online ⬆️www.herboline.com⬆️ #herboline_shop #ecotienda #ventaonline #colesterol #colestia #corazon #salud #bienestar #eco #bio #suplementos #saludnatural #medicinanatural
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This is a short and simple puzzle game about the problems of capitalism and how serious system change must target foundational elements rather than just the most obvious short term problems.  I would love to see more games like this in the future. Video games are such a good potential medium for showcasing systems and how those systems can be changed - allowing us to potentially conceptualize alternate societal models which are difficult to grasp in more traditional mediums. 
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leftpress · 6 years
Post Capitalism by Colestia is a short city-building and puzzle game about finding the weak links in capitalism and replacing them with alternatives in order to create a functional socialist society. It’s this week’s Indie Pick.
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imaluap · 6 years
A prototype of what a post-capitalist world would look like. And I came across few more stuff made by the same team here: https://itch.io/profile/colestia
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tomorrowedblog · 4 years
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A Hand With Many Fingers is out today
A Hand With Many Fingers, the new game from Colestia, is out today.
Unravel a real conspiracy from deep within the CIA’s archives. Search classified documents and follow new leads in this non-linear investigative thriller.
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colestiaregion · 3 years
Lanburn [Fuego - Fanstasma]
El Pokémon Luz mala
Habilidades: Levitación (1), Iluminación (2), Absorbe fuego(Oculta)
Lanburn (lán-bern) es un Pokémon de tipo fuego-fantasma. Está basado en el fuego fatuo (luz mala).
» Vagan libremente en ciénagas. Se ha ganado el nombre de "velas fantasmales", puesto que iluminan y su misteriosa presencia asusta a los entrenadores y viajeros, sobre todo en las oscuras noches. Se dice que se originó en las cenizas del incendio de la Torre Quemada donde Ho-oh resucitó a los perros legendarios. Para evitar quemar a la naturaleza, se convierte en una llama azul.
Curiosidades: está diseñado por lila mercede.
Arte conceptual de Lanburn (anteriormente llamado Firelentern) hecho por lila mercede.
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Lanburn junto a la líder de gimnasio Lila y otros Pokémon (Electrowill, Ferfix y Middle)
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pixelrender · 5 years
3 November releases
Either I’m getting out of touch or November was an underwhelming month for games. I know about few small and micro releases, but I don’t know about a single game released this month, which I was hyped about before. There was Disco Elysium, but that game managed to miss my attention completely despite the promise being more than interesting. I guess it has something to do with my lack of interest in Planetscape Torment or anything inspired by it. Still, there’s some rather deliciously looking stuff on shelves and some games worth mentioning here or in separate posts. I placed one of the games from Colestia on my list in May, so I don’t see any need to talk about They Came from a Communist Planet. But I like that the dev’s relentless about his message, which is quite a revolutionary one and also positive. It’s important to have inspiring games like this. Ofc, you can download it for free. A new game from Zachtronics dropped in early access. MOLEK-SYNTEZ’s looks really good imo. There’s something intriguing about the total nerdness of these fake science games, which are also filled with art. The trailer is personal, the guy is a junkie and I want to be him for a moment. Still There reminds me of Papers, Please, but in space. That’s great! But it’s also a story-driven experience and I’m more for visuals. Still, I think it’s a release worth mentioning.
1. Nanopesos
This is barely a game or a simulation. It’s an accusation of capitalism in Chile. By no means It’s chill down there. People get paid too little to live full lives. And while I lead an almost comfortable life up here in Europe, it’s really important to see this, to unmask evil. For me this is even more important than communist dreams of Colestia, It’s important to confront gaming audiences with real issues and it doesn’t matter that the game, isn’t fun. It learned me something and for me it presents a way more important item in Camila Gormaz’s portfolio than critically acclaimed Long Gone Days (I’m still waiting for someone to convince me to play it). Ofc an important piece like this is a freebie (download here!
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2. Spring Falls
I only read about this game earlier today, while doing some extra research for this. It looks like a pleasant affair. In this game, nature is a solvable puzzle. If only things were that easy! It might not be the most scientific of games, but it’s semi-contemplative nature surely makes you think about things outside (yeah, it’s nature again). Sounds for the game were recorded in wild locations. I just see this as my kind of game to spend two wet afternoons with and get ready for things incoming (everyday apocalypse).  If you have an iPhone, it’s a mobile game too. Read more at the official website.
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3. No Players Online
Some major media wrote about this little game (gem?), which was created for the fable PS1 Haunted Jam. This makes it a horror, but from what I read No Players Online isn’t about avoiding monsters, it’s about avoiding reality. That seems to be an interesting area for a game, medium known for it’s escapism, to tap into. It’s a complex meta project for a 10 minutes long jam entry. I haven’t got around to play it yet, but I sure as hell will. You can download the game here. I would recommend to check other PS1 Haunted Jam entries as well, some of them look mighty interesting.
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stormiepetrel · 5 years
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Dystopias seem to dominate representations of future in videogames. Whether post-apocalyptic or cyberpunk, they provide a perfect backdrop for individualistic fantasies of destruction and survival. As the real world catches up with the most pessimistic predictions, we want to highlight games that prefigure better futures. Join us for a night of eco utopias, afro-futurist visions, cyberqueer adventures, joyful insurrections, and fully automated communisms.
Works by: Hyphen-Labs /// Space Backyard /// Colestia /// Porpentine & Rook /// Molleindustria /// Pixel Pushers Union 512
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