#final boss entertainment
fridge-reviews · 1 year
Mini Games 7
The criteria for this is very simple, all of these games can be completed in three hours or under (without using exploits etc). The reason for this? Well I find that sometimes, often in fact, that people just don't have time to play a longer game. So I thought I'd show some of the shorter ones some love!
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Developer: Final Boss Entertainment Publisher: Final Boss Entertainment Rrp: £6.99 (Steam) Released: 30th September 2014
I've been noticing a trend of 'old school' inspired games lately, especially within the genre of the first person shooter. Many try to ape their predecessors by having a lower graphical fidelity or simplified mechanics. Wrack isn't one of these games, if anything this game reminds me more of Bulletstorm than something like Quake. While Wrack does have a story its clearly paper thin and only intended to be a flimsy justification for progressing the game. The thing is if you're playing this for the story you're really missing the point, this is about high scores and trying to build up combos and on that front it does a pretty decent job.
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If I do have a bone to pick with this game its that the enemies AI is extremely simplistic, every enemy will start to advance toward you once they see you, even if they have ranged weapons. This meant that in quite a few occasions I just stood around a corner to avoid projectiles and then hit anything that rounded it with a sword (usually killing in a single blow). This isn't a bad game by any means but for only eight pounds more you can buy Doom and get a longer more full and challenging experience. -------
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Developer: Bithell Games Publisher: Bithell Games Rrp: £4.79 (Steam) Released: 22nd May 2018 After the success of Subsurface Circular (and it was a success even if it wasn't all that well known) Mike Bithell is back with Quarantine Circular. Unbelievably this game was made a good two years before anyone had even heard of Covid-19 because it almost feels like this game was written for it. This game is set in the near future with humanity facing a global pandemic, one that seems set to wipe us out completely. However it seems that help has come from beyond the stars, or rather the vistor may help depending on your decisions.
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The whole game is over in just about two hours but I have to say it was a great two hours. I replayed this over and over again trying to get all the various scenarios.
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Developer: Colestia Publisher: Colestia Rrp: £3.99 Released: June 9th 2020 This game is a bit of a strange one, for starters its a thriller which isn't a genre something video games really manage to pull off often. The other thing that makes this game so unusual is that the events that you're investigating are all true. It's your job to piece together the actual international conspiracy that was happening during the Cold War and you'll be doing this by carefully searching through archives and using an evidence board to show how it all connects. The closes game I can think of that this is somewhat similar to is Her Story, because you're left to piece it together for yourself.
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It might not have been the intention of the developers (though I suspect it was) but even though I was only searching through files this game had me feeling a strange feeling of tension. Every so often you could hear the sound of people pulling boxes of evidence even though you know you're the only one in the room, security cameras move, suspicious looking cars appear in the street outside and drive off when you see them... it all adds to this odd feeling that you're being watched and that you might not be entirely safe. Nothing happened to me during my play time but it was damned effective at making me paranoid.
I'd say this game well worth a look for those of you looking for something just a bit different.
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Developer: Dreamlike Publisher: Dreamlike Rrp: £1.69 (Steam Released: 12th April 2021 I think this is the shortest game I've played in a quite a while, lasting a whole twenty five minutes and that was with me getting stuck for a moment. Chicken Holmes (no, I'm not writing the rest) is a escape the room style point and click adventure game.
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I've played a few games like this before however this one was made somewhat more difficult simply because of the translation or rather because of the poor translation. I'm not entirely sure what the native language of the developers are but I'm quite certain that they are either Spanish or Portugese speakers. Sadly whomever did the translation wasn't quite up for the task. There were a lot of grammatical errors and typo's that made the game a bit more difficult that it should have been and... well there is an entire section where there is no translation at all. It's near the end and its apparently some kind of movie line but its an untranslated one which meant that whatever it was referencing completely passed me by.
To be honest I'd not really bother with this game, I didn't hate the game but I didn't enjoy it either and there are far better games you can play for this price or even less.
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Developer: Onyx Lute Publisher: Onyx Lute Rrp: £3.99 (Humblebundle and Steam) Released: 18th November 2016 Putting it simply this game is just a bunch of small, yet challenging, jigsaw puzzles. Although rather than it being a jigsaw in the traditional sense you put together stained glass clock faces. Why clock faces? Honestly I haven't not a clue. What I can tell you though is that I found this game a joy to play, I just put a podcast on in the background and unwound.
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The thing is the music in the game is great too but I just really wanted to listen to my own stuff after a while and usually I'm not the sort of person who can do that with most games. This one though felt almost built for that kind of use. Mentally stimulating but not taxing to the point I'd really have concentrate.
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Decaying Godhood (Persona AU)
I've been rambling and throwing ideas for this AU for a good bit now, here's a much more cohesive post about it!
Shoutout to @the-squeege and @artekai for discussing ideas with me, it was super helpful o(*°▽°*)o
Spoiler warning for P3, P4, P5/P5R, P5S, and P5T!
So let’s meet the main characters and their arcana!
Nyx (Tower)
Ryoji (Death)
Izanami (Empress)
Izanagi (Emperor)
Yaldabaoth (Devil)
Satanael (Justice)
Emma (High Priestess)
Salmael (Lovers)
Azathoth (Hermit)
Adam (Strength)
I’m omitting Pandora, Nyarlathotep, Clockwork God, and Enlil since I haven’t played the games they’re from… I don’t know enough about them to include them properly.
I’m scrapping the usual typings and giving (almost) everyone new typings… mostly because I have no idea who I’d apply fire, wind, etc to, none of these guys scream any particular element. I’m still working out the typings but what I know for sure so far are the “typeless” ones:
Adam: Strictly physical attacks
Azathoth: He is strictly a healer in this, and has no offensive attacks
EMMA: Navigator, can occasionally use almighty attacks
I’m leaning toward making their typings relating to humans, somehow.
As for the plot, at least a quick summary of what I’m thinking so far… all of humanity has come to a standstill. As in, time has stopped progressing for them. However, effects of leaving a living thing out to the elements are still occurring. In other words, humans are kind of just rotting away. It’s a very slow, magic mixed with organic decay kind of process that’s going on here. The appearance of this rot becomes more and more obvious as our group of unlikely heroes progress.
The gods, with the exceptions of Nyx, Thanatos, and Izanagi are dead, so how does this work? For this AU, none of the final bosses really die… their physical forms are abolished and their concepts are left to wander a nothingness, endlessly reflecting on what they’ve done. For Adam’s case, he stuck with Maruki until he died, then he took on a human form and lived among people for many years. Now would be a good time to mention that this takes place years after the events of P5S, so any human characters are long gone.
Let’s start from the beginning of the AU. It focuses on Nyx, Ryoji, and both P3 protagonists. These four are kind of just in a white void. Ryoji is able to move freely, he can see, he could leave too, but doesn’t want to leave Minato and Minako. They’re depicted as statue-ish figures, with a few features a deity would have. Their positions after the events of P3 caused them to go from humans to some sort of gods themselves. They are still mostly human though, this is important for the start of the plot.
Nyx’s sealing is visualized here as having been chained to these two. Until now, she couldn’t move, she was paralyzed along with having actual restraints. Therefore she couldn’t see, her eyes were forced shut. She couldn’t speak either. She could hear though, and the only thing she could do was listen to Ryoji speak to Minato and Minako. Some days, he’d talk to them as if they were still around. Other times, she could hear him mourn. Initially, she didn’t understand it at all. Sure, that’s her kid, and she cared about him somewhat, but she didn’t understand why he’d cry about them so much. There’d be times too, where Ryoji would talk to her, usually it would be him saying he wishes she could understand humans like he did, or sometimes he’d yell at her. Over the course of years and years, Nyx comes to understand Ryoji’s feelings… somewhat, anyway.
This brings me back to the chains she has. Now, all of the sudden, she can see and move again. And these chains, which were once really short, are now much longer, allowing Nyx to walk pretty far from them. This happening is meant to show Minato and Minako’s humanity being affected by the Rot, which is causing them to lose their grip on Nyx.
Upon hearing some movement, Ryoji is quick to become aggressive, but Nyx is still disoriented from suddenly being able to see and speak again, so she doesn’t return any hostility. You can imagine the arguing taking place as they try to figure out what’s happening. After a while, they realize they are able to see into the human realm. That’s when they notice the state of humanity.
Of course, they don’t notice the Rot yet. These two are the first to venture into the human realm to investigate what is going on. It’s mostly Ryoji that wants to figure things out, he takes Nyx with him to keep an eye on her.
This brings me to the motivations of each of the characters… Ryoji going out of his way to help humans makes sense. He did live as one, and made a lot of friends who he cared a lot for. For others, they hate humanity (cough Yaldabaoth), so why’re they here? Simply put, after humans rot away, the realm of gods is next. Also worth mentioning, everyone now has a humanoid form (if they didn’t have one already), so this is something of a second chance for these guys too.
I’ll go through each character:
Nyx: After spending years only listening to Ryoji talk to the twins and voice his affections for humanity, she gains a better understanding of them and obtains a sense of self (much like how Thanatos/Death became Ryoji during P3). She feels like she owes it to Ryoji to help him now.
Izanami and Izanagi: After the events of P4, these two really didn’t feel like doing anything else… Izanami was unable to do much anyway. They are later dragged out of the realm of nothingness they were hanging out in. Izanagi’s time with Yu makes him far more inclined to help out, Izanami is a little heartbroken that after the Investigation Team proved humanity’s worth, they fell into this state.
Satanael: He ditches the Phantom Thieves after Yaldabaoth is taken care of, and left to go cause minor bouts of chaos, nothing too drastic. He doesn’t outright try to end humanity, he just likes “poking fun”, so when everything comes to a standstill, he’s alarmed. Satanael is more neutral compared to everyone else, he does care about mankind, not to the extent that Ryoji and Azathoth do, though. He doesn’t hate them either, so he (probably) helps them for a selfless reason.
Yaldabaoth: For sure is only saving humanity so he also doesn’t rot away. Perhaps by the end, he’s changed a bit, but now that he’s given a physical form again, who knows what he’ll get up to.
EMMA: Upon being defeated, she spent her time watching over Sophia and Ichinose. She chooses to help humanity because of how well the PTs treated Sophia.
Salmael: Toshiro’s anxiousness rubbed off on him a bit… As the god of stagnation, this halt in humanity seems like it’s his doing, but it isn’t. He ventures out thinking that he somehow accidentally did it, and is horrified by the Rot..
Azathoth and Adam: These two genuinely care for humanity, their motivations are completely selfless. While Azathoth can suspend his emotions, Adam spent more time with Maruki, living as a human for years, so he’s much more emotional over the whole situation.
None of these guys are able to have Personas, but are able to “summon” their deity forms as an extension of themselves (so there’s a split-consciousness situation happening). Awakenings are still required for them to be able to do this, though, similar to Persona awakenings.
This ability requires one to first of all realize that their status and power as a god is due to humanity’s perception of them, but then they also must accept that. Only then they can “break free” of their restricted humanoid forms to use their more powerful forms. These forms look similar to their in-game designs, but there’ll be some differences, as I want to give them fun new(ish) designs…
Acquiring this ability is much easier for some than others… Ryoji and Adam as an example, are really quick to accept this once they understand the idea initially, but then a few others refuse to accept that humans are responsible for their power.
As for enemies, Shadows are present due to humans being unable to pass properly. For major bosses, the Rot left some human bodies as empty husks that became aggressive. These husks are attracted to the power the gods have.
Some side characters I also want to include… Jose and Sophia run the shop that provides weapons and other equipment! There’s also the Velvet Room that has specifics I’m trying to figure out… I might make Yu and Ren the attendants.
I think that’s all I have for now! I’d still like to figure out the order in which each god joins the team… It starts with Ryoji and Nyx, Salmael probably second since he’s already out investigating (he can be the navigator before Emma joins), then it’s either Adam since he’s also around, or Emma. This is still a wip! So if anyone has any comments or anything, feel free to send an ask! I'm already doing some doodles for this so hopefully I'll have some art for it soon (❁´◡`❁)
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wist-eri · 2 months
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ma seong-un when he was younger, probably
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lion-sensei · 2 years
hey if you like hyper-competent “villainess” protags romancing sorta-evil-but-really-just-misunderstood last boss types with the occasional episode of crossdressing subterfuge consider reading the 7th Time Loop novels! Volume 2 out now digitally!!
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merrymorningofmay · 8 months
i. will not write volpe/cesare fic. i will listen to 'the garden' by the crane wives and not form sentences in my head
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drhu0806 · 1 year
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Normally I don't like isekais, but this one I definitely enjoyed a lot. The whole concept, while being one thats popular lately, is interesting and played out nicely. Aileen is a great heroine. She's got the personality of a typical villainess, but also the heart of a true heroine. The way she cares for Claude, the other friends, and all the demons makes my heart happy. Also, Claude is such a nice love interest. The author was really feeding those that love the misunderstood 'bad guy'. I also enjoyed how as we saw the story change in Aileen's favor, Lilia and Cedric became more villainous. Let's be honest though, Cedric was always a jerk...like not the kind of prince deserving of Aileen or even Lilia for that matter. All three arcs covered in the show had their own merits, though the third is my favorite. Aileen not giving up on Claude, not only because of her love for him, but also for the wellbeing of the demon kind was...chefs kiss... Also, don't get me started on how ADORABLE the demons were. I need me a Fenrir demon plushie...so cute! Overall, this was a very good show and I hope they make more seasons.
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lordsardine · 1 year
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rozzywell · 1 year
Beat sonic frontiers. Final thoughts: Game is very good, but the final bosses (hard mode) and last island's guardians are kinda lame. Open world was generally pretty fun, as were the cyber space levels. Appreciate the arcade mode for cyber space, but REALLY wish there was a way to refight titans and an arcade mode of sorts for guardians. Maybe a boss rush, too. But, overall, worth the $45 I spent on it. Interested to see where things go from here.
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shinigami-striker · 2 years
Armin Shimerman | Saturday, 11.05.2022
Shout-out to Armin Shimerman, the voice of our favorite intergalactic supervillain, Dr. Nefarious from the Ratchet & Clank series!
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asiantimes-world-news · 4 months
Bigg Boss season 17 Title Winner "Munawar Faruqui"
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jouxlskaard · 15 days
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elias in hades, perchance?
if tma were a hades-style roguelike I think it'd be entertaining to have elias just show up like a little bitch and give you tasks that eventually give you rewards. I don't think he'd show up as the final boss until much later on in the story (equivalent to the hades epilogue) where he'll become the eye's pupil and the player (presumably jon) has to kill him to stop the eyepocalypse or smth (don't question my thought process too much I haven't actually rationalised it all in my head yet lol)
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Tim: When will Ted himself...finally show up to the talk? Dick: The final boss. Jason: You guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right? Tim: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer!
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lvminy · 14 days
ft. Sunday, Gallagher, Gepard, Jing Yuan.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 cw. f!reader, oral male receiving ( sunday, mentions : gallagher, gepard )
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a... glory hole? that was a new concept for Sunday, but well, as the Oak family boss he should personally check whether the new Penacony entertainment establishment met the requirements.
what he did not expect was to get absolutely addicted to you. who happened to be the destined girl to give Mr. Sunday a little test, a little trial all free from charge, a gift from the owner himself.
the room being wiped clean from all unwanted eyes, all but the man himself, and the round hole where your pretty mouth could wrap around his cock. hesitation is what mostly existed in Sunday’s brain, although it quickly shut down when the pink tip of your tongue darted out to taste him, almost making his hand slam against the thin wall separating you both.
a pleasure like no other is what you’ve made him feel, turning him into some lust driven being where he aggressively rutted his hips against the wall, balls almost slapping with your chin if it weren’t because of the separation, but eons... how desperate Sunday needed to see your face, what expression would you have? blissed, cock drunk? perhaps even surprised or fearful to find yourself sucking Sunday’s cock, although the mere thought was enough to make him cum down your eager throat.
the establishment was approved in less than a day.
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although Gallagher enjoyed his job, serving drinks, chit chat with patrons who were more than eager to share bits of personal or interesting information and creating new, innovative drinks, he couldn’t deny the thrill and eagerness that surrounded the man upon the arrival of his shift’s end.
mindlessly playing with the lighter on his hand while his steps were casual and light through Penacony’s streets, steps that always guided him to one place, the gloryhole.
Gallagher had a favorite, of course, you happened to immediately capture his heart — and cock — merely from watching you bent and spread, that pretty pussy slick and almost begging for him.
he doesn’t really care if he’s fucking your throat or cunt, both are more than welcome for as long as you continue to make those tiny, muffled mewls. he likes to think you do them just for him, that you have somehow memorized the shape of his cock, the way each vein rubs against your pussy walls, the taste of his precum staining your tongue and gliding down your throat.
it’s a nice entertainment and stress reliever, but besides from a selfish reward, he does really enjoy how you silently cream his cock every single time.
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Gepard knew this wasn’t a good idea, he knew he should not have listened to the other guards speaking about this new underground club, but he was the captain, it was his duty to check whether all permits were in order.
big mistake. the blonde should have first asked Bronya about the paperwork instead of just rushing to the said place, and second of all, he definitely should have checked if it was indeed a club, not a gloryhole.
his cheeks are as pink as the neon lights outside, thinking he shouldn’t be there, he shouldn’t be intently staring at your exposed pussy and his cock definitely shouldn’t be drooling precum into his pants, twitching and straining against his pants. but he’s there, and somehow, back a few days later, wearing daily clothes now and thankfully the lady at the front counter didn’t seem impressed at the sight of the guard, perks of working above the surface.
it takes him a few days to build up the courage, to finally do more than just rub his thumb on your clit until you cum, to slide his condom wrapped cock across your slit, teasing himself until the tip accidentally catches against your hole, and then he just gives in, messily humping into your soft cunt that wraps around his cock just so prettily, so perfect and warm, you’re like heaven, and Gepard can’t help but wonder if you’d like to go out with him.
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Jing Yuan is really not ashamed of his sex life, but of course, as the general, he must still keep some appearances.
the subtle looking establishment is always ready to receive the silver haired man, with an extra tip to keep the hostess quiet about his whereabouts, and another extra so he gets to meet with you, his favorite girl.
never in his life has Jing Yuan been picky, but ever since he got a taste of you, — more like you got a taste of him — he couldn’t just give up on you so easily.
and you know it’s him, of course you do, he doesn’t need to speak, but his low, throaty chuckle and deep groans of pleasure are enough to give him away, besides, you always knew a man like the general was well packed, considering how easily he made your toes curl and eyes roll in sheer bliss.
he fucks like he fights, with all he got, with his hands on your hips almost leaving bruises, precisely thrusting into your soaked cunt that seemed to ooze more slick the more his cock drove into you. but there were times when he fucked deep but slow, almost making you sob and convulse around the fat girth of his cock, begging and sucking him deeper into your walls.
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greg-montgomery · 1 month
I would love a fic about Reid’s friend coming to visit him at work and as soon as Hotch lays eyes on her it’s love at first sight. But she’s like really girlie and bubbly so the rest of the team is so confused as to why Hotch is so whipped for her :)
“She said that to you?”
“Yeah…I mean the audacity of some people,” you said shaking your head. “I’ve had enough of her. And I promise you, next time I’m telling our manager.” As if to prove the harshness of your words you dropped on his desk a stapler you had been playing with to occupy your hands.
Spencer smiled, entertained as always from your stories involving your least favorite coworker.
“Anyway, enough with her. We can go now, right?”
“Yeah, just let me get all my stuff.”
A deep voice coming from behind you right before you opened your mouth stopped you from complaining. “Reid, that last report needs-
The fact that you turned around to search for the owner of that voice seemed to stop him from speaking any further.
You blinked softly at him melting under the man’s gaze. He was tall, handsome, and looked like he could easily kill you: just your type.  
“Hotch?” you heard your friend’s voice.
That was Hotch?
“You’re Hotch?
“Yeah,” he breathed out a laugh. “And you are?”
“Y/N,” Spencer introduced you to him. “Sorry, she’s just picking me up.”
“That’s alright,” Hotch replied to him while still looking into your eyes. “So I take it you’ve heard about me.”
“Only the best,” you giggled.
“Yes, I’m sure Reid has never complained to you about paperwork or having to work on a weekend,” he rolled his eyes, not entirely convinced.
“I haven’t!” Spencer defended himself.
Hotch laughed and a beautiful smile stuck on his face. No way this was the same man Spencer had talked to you about that ‘never smiled’ and ‘never blinked’.
“Um…you wanted to tell me something about a report?” your friend awkwardly positioned himself next to you trying to get Hotch’s attention.
“Right,” he said. “It’s…it’s fine. It can wait until tomorrow.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Do you see that?” Penelope whispered, grabbing Emily with one hand and JJ with the other.
“What is it?”
“Look,” she said pointing at you from afar.
“Who’s that?” Emily asked.
“And why is Hotch looking at her like he’s about to eat her?” JJ added.
“It’s Y/N, Reid’s best friend.”
“Oh…well good thing she’s not his girlfriend ‘cause…”
“Right?” Garcia said. “Oh my God, do you guys think they’re gonna fall in love? It would be so cute…they will start going on dates and we’re gonna get the weekends off!”
JJ tilted her head observing the pair of you. “You wouldn’t think that’s his type. She looks so…sunshine-y.”
“Well, I think that’s exactly what Hotch needs,” Emily said. “Some sunshine.”
“Why didn’t you tell me he was hot?” you asked when you were finally out of everyone’s sight.
“Ew…he’s like my dad!”
“To you!” you said opening your car door. “How am I supposed to drive now? My hands are shaking.”
“Because…of my boss?” Spencer asked, sounding confused.
You got into your seat and started giggling, covering your mouth with your hands. “Fuck,” you sighed moving your hands to cup your own cheeks feeling their heat. “This has never happened to me before. I think I just fell in love.”
Spencer gave you a side eye. “We’re still talking about Hotch, right?”
You bit your bottom lip and pulled a little card out of your pocket. “He gave me his number.”
“When did this even happen?”
“When you were putting your stuff in your bag.”
“So he likes you too?”
“I guess,” you smiled.
For a few moments the two of you stared at each other before bursting out in laughter.
“And I always thought Derek would be the one going after you.”
You let out a heavy sigh like a lovesick schoolgirl. “He’s really handsome, Spence.”
“He’s a good man too,” he said.
“So you approve?”
“I would never stand in the way between you and my father figure.”
“Shut up,” you laughed and started your car.
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incognit0slut · 5 months
Since hearing Streets by Doja cat (silhouette remix) I always thought if I ever had the chance to striptease for someone, that would definitely need to be the song playing in the background, the rhythm is so sensual. So can I request a smut with Spencer centered around this song?
Love your blog and tiktok edits, and congrats for reaching 3k! You deserve it!
tysm lovely hope you enjoy this🫶 (wc) 3.1k!
warnings: (MINORS DNI!) Reader is a stripper, lap dance, pantyjob, a lot of grinding lol
Play our fantasies
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The FBI agent visiting your workplace wants more from you than answers to his questions.
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…we play our fantasies out in real life ways…
"THE FBI IS WAITING FOR YOU," your boss said the moment you stepped down from the stage, his voice a low murmur amidst the pulsating beats of the club. Your clients varied from politicians to well-known celebrities, but you never had the chance to entertain an authority before.
Your boss rolled his eyes as he gripped your arm, navigating you to the VIP lounge. "He's not here for that."
"He's here to ask some questions," Teddy explained as he released his hold, motioning you to follow him. "Said he wanted to know about one of your regulars."
"My regulars? Who?"
He gave you a sideway glance as you both strode to the back area of the club. "Dennis."
You raised an eyebrow. "Dennis Meade?" You asked. "That lawyer? He hasn't even been here for over a month."
Your boss shrugged. "Maybe that's why the FBI is looking for him, only god knows where he is."
"It's always those quiet ones, huh?" You jested, your heels clacking on the marble floor. You stopped for a moment when you passed a wall that was covered with mirrors, fixing your hair through the reflection. When your boss noticed he was walking alone, he turned around and gave you a disapproved look.
"He's only here to ask you questions."
"I know." You smiled, delicately smearing off the subtle lipstick mark that had smudged over your lip line from the dance routine you performed on the pole earlier. Satisfied with how you looked, you made your way back to Teddy.
"Is he cute?" You asked playfully.
"I thought we weren't supposed to use our real names on the clock."
He sighed, the ambient lighting casting a soft glow on his exasperated expression as you both continued to walk down the hallway, the distant thump of music reverberating through the walls.
"Angel," he pressed sarcastically, emphasizing your stage name. "Doctor Spencer Reid is keeping his identity discreet, so don't attract any attention to him."
"Doctor?" You mused. "Thought he was a cop."
"FBI agent," he corrected.
"Tomato, Tomahto." You finally stopped at the entrance of the VIP area, a line of doors covered in drapes separating each private space. "Which one is he in?"
"Corner left at the end." He gave you a pointed look. "It's better to stay with him according to your usual private session, lessen any suspicion."
You smirked. Spending half an hour in a room with an authority sounded intriguing. Teddy rolled his eyes as he saw the look you gave him. "No funny business, Angel."
"Of course not, Teddy," you assured him, giving him the most innocent smile you could muster.
He shook his head and took a step back. "You're trouble."
With a playful wink, you pushed open the door to the VIP area and stepped into the dimly lit space. The ambiance shifted from the bustling energy of the club to a more intimate setting. The smell of burning wax filled your nose in the form of vanilla-scented candles as you made your way to the corner suite.
A man stood in the middle of the room, his scrutinizing eyes scanning the small platform in the corner with a pole planted on top of it, but as he heard your footsteps, he turned around and met your gaze.
Your eyes slowly assessed him. His features were sharp, his gaze piercing, and an air of confidence surrounded him. There was something magnetic about his presence, an unexpected allure that contradicted the stereotypical image of an FBI agent. You were never this close to an FBI agent before, but were they supposed to be this attractive?
As the door closed behind you, the muffled sounds of the club outside were replaced by a peculiar intimacy. Especially when his eyes roamed your body, taking in the lingerie top barely covering your breasts and the thin silk panties you chose to wear today.
"You must be Angel," he greeted, watching you intently. The dim light accentuated the subtle nuances of his expression.
"And you must be Doctor Spencer Reid," you replied, injecting a subtle hint of playfulness into your tone. "What brings the FBI to our humble abode?"
"Spencer, please." His lips then curved into a faint smile. "I'm here on official business. There's a matter I'd like to discuss with you."
"About Dennis Meade, I presume?"
His eyebrows raised slightly, acknowledging your astuteness. "You're well-informed."
"It's part of the job," you responded with a casual shrug. You took a moment to assess the situation before nodding towards the plush seating. "You should take a seat, Dr. Reid."
He did as he was told, but his eyes went wide when he noticed you stepping onto the platform instead of following him. "What are you doing?"
"I was told you didn't want your identity to be known," you said as you gripped the pole. "There are cameras everywhere; I'd say it would seem suspicious for the security to see I'm only talking when I should be working."
He watched as you started to move around the pole, your movements deliberate and gracefully controlled. The ambient lighting cast a subtle glow, creating a surreal atmosphere within the room. The pulsating music from the club outside, its tune slow and seductive, provided an unexpected rhythm in the closed space.
"This way, it seems like just another part of the show," you continued as you swayed your hips seductively. "Now, what did you want to discuss about Dennis?"
Spencer's gaze followed your every move and you watched as his tongue flickered along his bottom lips. "We believe he might be involved in something that requires our attention."
You leaned back, arching your back in a sultry pose. "Dennis hasn't been around here for a while. Why the sudden interest?"
"It's not the first time he's come under our radar," Spencer explained, his tone measured. "We're trying to locate him to gather more information."
"I can't say I know much about him," you replied. "There wasn't anything particularly noteworthy about him, at least not that I'm aware of."
Spencer absorbed the information, his expression thoughtful. But it was hard to keep his mind on the case he was supposed to be investigating when your moves became more daring as you leaned down, actuating your luscious hips that were barely covered with that thin string of fabric covering your sex. Then his mouth dried up as you turned around in front of him and fully bent over, exposing the delicious curve of your ass.
He tried to steady his breathing. "Any peculiar behavior… conversations, or associations you might recall might help."
You twirled around the pole again, a moment of contemplation before you spoke. "He kept to himself mostly. No unusual conversations that stood out. As for associations, he didn't seem to have any close ties with the regulars here. Just a quiet guy who enjoyed the performances."
"Especially yours?"
"Well, who wouldn't?" you teased, your gaze locking with his. "I do put on quite a show."
You threw your head back as you moved again and god, it was criminally sensual, the way you danced, unlike anything Spencer had ever seen before. He couldn't put into words the allure you possessed. When you ran a hand over your skin, dipping into every curve, he was unable to hold back any longer, drawn to you like a moth to a flame. 
"It seems that way," he murmured, his voice dangerously low as he leaned back in his seat.
His jaw then slacked open, heavy breaths being ragged out as he got a better look at you when you started to approach him. Your hair shone under the lights, red-painted lips ghosting upon your lips as you straddled his lap. You leaned into him, placing a knee on each side of his thigh to press into the thick, leather chair. 
"Is this also part of the show?" he softly asked.
You chuckled, the sound low and sultry, matching the tempo of the music. "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't." The palm of your hands slid over his arms, sending warmth along his skin even through the fabric of his shirt. "Depends on what you want it to be, Dr. Reid."
You swore you could see his muscles tense when your fingers glided over his shoulder, and with a sharp inhale, his head fell against the seating. He was even more handsome up close. He had soft skin, a sharp jaw covered with a soft stubble, and brown-colored eyes that shone underneath the fluorescent lights.
His breath caught as you moved in closer, the distance between you diminishing rapidly. The proximity between you two grew more intense, and his initial purpose of discussing the case became a distant memory. 
Your lips hovered close to his ear as you whispered, "Do you want me to continue?"
Spencer's mind raced as he struggled to maintain composure. The unexpected turn of events left him breathless, his professional facade gradually giving way to your seduction. It was as if his fantasies were playing out right before his eyes. Having you perched on his lap, the intimate proximity, the charged atmosphere—all of it seemed to align with his imagination.
Then a low, almost invisible, "Yes," escaped his lips.
The single word carried a weight that hung in the air as if the room itself was holding its breath. It was enough of an answer as you slowly lowered your hips. Your thighs parted for him, and you pressed your center against him, letting out a low gasp when you felt how hard he already was.
It shouldn't have surprised you, after all, it was the usual reaction to every man you had to entertain. Maybe it was the unfamiliar setting that had you growing hot; to be on someone's lap who was a high authority, someone who was here for work, someone who wasn't even paying for your time. Yet you couldn't help it, especially when his hands found your hips, urging you to move.
You obeyed, beginning to press your aching cunt against his bulge, rocking your hips softly back and forth. As you do, your silk panties slid over his pants, earning a hiss from his parted lips. You couldn't help but smirk as your palms pressed to his shoulders, offering stability as your hips rolled against his body.
You felt the warmth flooding between your thighs as you grind your folds against him, earning a few twitches of his hips in return. You would normally call in security if any of your clients touched you inappropriately. The club patrons could touch, but there was a policy of grabbing, holding, or leaving marks. 
And what Spencer was doing surpassed all the rules. One, he wasn't even a client, and two, you would be in trouble if you were caught enjoying this. Your job was to entertain people, not be entertained. Yet you were far too gone to think of the consequences. The fear of getting caught still weighed on your mind, but with your throbbing clit pressing to him as you rode him, the worries diminished faster than they could build.
You couldn’t deny the bliss that filled your body. Grinding against him had you lost in the moment, legs beginning to quiver as his fingers pressed into your hips harder, head falling back, curses pouring from his lips. His nails began to press to your flesh and it should have inflicted you pain, but instead, you were even more drawn to him that you reached for his belt.
"May I?" You whispered, eyes locking with his. He wasn't sure it was the wisest idea to submit to whatever plan you had in mind, but he found himself nodding, and a few moments later you were already busy undoing his pants.
Your fingers hook into the band of his briefs next, urging the fabric down with assistance from him as his hardened cock spring free. He bit down on his bottom lip, anticipating your every move a second before your fingers wrapped around his girth. Slipping your grip to his swollen, reddened tip, a hiss spilled from his parted lips, and then your palm slid back down his length as his hips pushed forward into your grasp.
"That—" He struggled to say, too focused on the way you dragged your palm up and down his length. "That feels good."
This earned you a smile. He felt thick and warm in your grip and your eyes instantly took in the sight; of his hard cock pulsing in your hand, of his brow creasing as you continued your movements. You watched as his tongue swiped over his lips again when your other hand reached for your panties, slipping the silk to the side, enough to ease his cock between your folds before adjusting the fabric back in its place.
You both let out a gasp at the feeling of him pressed to your flesh, trapped by the tight fabric holding him in place. You nearly lost your mind just as he did the moment you began to rock your hips once again. Juices dripping from your center made it effortless to slip back and forth over his cock, and with your arousal coating his flesh on the underside, and your silk panties caressing him on the other, he couldn't hold back any longer.
He held you in place as his hips met yours frantically. God, you were such a dream; Spencer couldn't believe this was happening. You were such a fantasy. Every moan escaping your lips seemed to cast a spell that held him captive. It was wrong of him to fully enjoy this, yet he couldn't help but be mesmerized by you.
The way you moved along his throbbing cock was such a sight to see. Or the way your head fell back as you satisfied yourself, your jaw slacking as you looked at him through hooded eyes. Your soft whimpers begin to flood his ears, and it urged him to give you more as he told you how fucking good you felt, how fucking wet you were, and how fucking beautiful you looked, even with your hair sticking onto your face from all the sweat.
Fingers brushed loose strands of hair from your eyes and it took so much of your self-control not to kiss him. Kissing your clients was another one of the policies, and it was something you shouldn't even consider of breaking, so instead you focused on the growing heat that stretched along your core.
Your hips increased their pace, rolling against him to offer the both of you relief, your clit swelling with a need for release as you felt his cock pulsing between your wet folds.
Your thighs began to shake around him, giving him the courage to pump his hips a few times, catching you off guard. Gasping, you arched your back, continuing to move your hips over his, using him to find release as his cock rested between your folds and the fabric of your silk panties. You felt yourself growing hot, needy, aroused, dripping along his length, making the sensation all the more electrifying.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, your entire body trembling. “I-I’m gonna come.” 
“Come,” he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. “Come on my cock, Angel. Let me feel you.” 
His words sent a rush of electricity through your body, out to every tingling limb and curled toe, and there was nothing you could do but lose the last shred of control you were holding onto. Your moans poured from your lips louder than before, but you had a hard time caring as the bliss swelled within you. 
You called out his name, again and again between desperate whimpers and gasps, thighs tightening around him as you rode out your orgasm, not slowing your pace until the wave washed over you.
When you relaxed against him, he took hold of your body, wrapping his arms around you as he began to thrust from below, fucking himself between your soaked folds and silk panties. After a few moments, you grew completely weak, allowing him to take control, allowing him to hold onto you, allowing him to use you to get off until the moment a sharp inhale filled your ears.
Thick ropes of white spilled from the hem of your panties, soaking through the fabric and coating your flesh. His breath stalled for a moment before he released another exhale, head falling back as his hips attempted to keep thrusting, yet he lost all momentum as the pleasure took hold of him.
You sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, surprised by the way his hands brush delicately over your hips, skimming across your lower back in a soothing motion. "What time do you get off tonight?"
You met his gaze. "Late, as usual," you replied, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. "Why do you ask?"
Spencer hesitated for a moment before answering, his hands still tracing soothing patterns on your back. 
"I was thinking... maybe we could continue this later," he admitted, his voice a low murmur. "In a more private setting."
You raised your eyebrows. "Is that part of the investigation, Dr. Reid?"
"It could be," A ghost of a smile touched his lips. "Or maybe I'm far from done with you."
“Oh?” Thoroughly amused, you hummed. "Is that so?"
He nodded and looked at you through half-lidded eyes. "Tell me what time you get off."
It wasn't a question anymore; it was a demand, and a shiver ran down your spine. 
God, you wanted to kiss him. You wanted to taste him, no, you needed to taste him. You had never craved someone as much as you did now. Maybe it was the unmistakable glint in his eye or the way he spoke to you then that had you caving in, or maybe it was the thought of his cock buried deep inside your cunt that your answer slipped off your tongue without much thought. 
It was too easy for you to tell him what time your shift ended when all you wanted was for him to fuck you senselessly.
"I finish at two," you quickly responded. 
Spencer's half-lidded eyes seemed to darken, his features betraying a hunger that mirrored your own desires. "Meet me at the back exit at two, then."
A coy smile played on your lips as you met his intense gaze. Honestly, you would let him fuck you right there and then, but you had to be patient. Time couldn't move faster than you wished. 
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