#comics annotations
saydesole · 1 month
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Book Bouquet
I would cry If someone gifted me with one knowing I'm a book junkie
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writing-for-life · 24 days
The Sandman Timeline
As printed in The Annotated Sandman 4 (2015)
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As promised, @tickldpnk8 and @ambiently-80s-gay with food for thought and possible additions/corrections for yours. Managed to do this very quickly before running out again, so sorry for the bad photos. It’s all perfectly readable though if you zoom in.
A few thoughts: Overture is largely missing from this one, too, but the events are hinted at, and it’s much more complete than anything else out there, plus it’s official.
You still need to take a few things with a grain of salt though (like the Little Endless ;)).
Killalla is mentioned as “millions of years ago”, but that’s not to be understood as only a few millions. It’s more likely 3 to 4 billion years ago since Sol (our sun) was very young in The Heart of a Star, and our Sun is 4.5 billion years old. So I’d put that closer to 4 billion years.
As we can see here, the first vortex is presumed to have happened after Killalla, not before. What aeons exactly mean in this context, we’ll never know. If it happened before or after Alianora is hard to tell. My hunch is before, but that’s really just a hunch.
Alianora was after Killalla, not before. Delirium is still well and truly Delight in The Heart of a Star, but she can’t help Morpheus when the Old Gods take over the Dreaming because she is changing. Plus, there’s already bad blood between Desire and Dream.
Despair is killed after Delight has changed to Delirium, the date given here is 100,000 BC. This was already visible at Despair’s funeral btw, because it was Delirium attending, not Delight.
There are many, many other really good dates in here, from Calliope/Orpheus to historical events, to Morpheus’ death, which was in January 1994 🥺
Hope it helps out 🙂
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tumblr remind me to “annotate” heartstoppet v 5 when i’m free
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couchtaro · 1 year
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When one of your party members is a fox-god turned mortal, some quotes just hit different
An old comic I made at the end of last year in anticipation for our beloved found family corn field simulator D&D campaign, affectionately referred to as Planar Pringles. Ties and bonds are a colossal theme in this one, and I’m very unwell about it in the best way
DM is @bacoj8
RedFennec is @lorebreaker
Yancy is @coffeecakecafe
Theseus is @eaudecrow
Izen is @justabitscrewy
And Phaela is meeeeeeee
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zeedikay · 1 year
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There could be something else here, but who knows what the future brings?
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currentlyinflames · 9 months
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Same pose too
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internetwerewolf · 1 year
Umm uhhhh anyone want to see my collection of various copies of Frankenstein (I have like. 20)
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wizardnuke · 3 months
walked into the study room and was informed that the boys asked our english prof his opinions on the writing skills of the squad and i for the illustrious title of "gifted writer" said with Emotion
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Things that make me a real star wars fan:
the og battlefront games are some of my favorite games ever
I've read over 100 of the books
I've read most of the pre-disney star wars comics, including the strips from the 70s and 80s, and many of the post Disney comics
I played all the Lego star wars games as a kid and then paid to play them again with the Skywalker saga
the 2003 clone wars specials are some of my favorite animated media ever, and I've watched the clone wars series several times over
I rewatch the OT and PT about every 3 months and actually force people to celebrate may the 4th and may the 6 with me
I own star wars Lego sets. Yes the small ones, but even those are overpriced. Still own them though.
I've watched most of the Disney+ cashgrabs shows
when I went to comic con the only thing I bought was a han solo art print that I got signed by the artist (I then left early because I have autism and had an autistic meltdown. I haven't gone to a convention since but I want to try them again, so if you're autistic give me tips you use at conventions pls!!)
i own the star wars archive books
i have several of the newer star wars games
Things that make me a fake star wars fan:
i constantly forget jango fett's name
i think that both luke and mara jade are gay and each other's beards.
one time at dnd i was talking about star wars and referred to basic as common
i call jizz jazz
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nofollowgame · 1 year
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A Cult Classic
🔶 You can now play No Follow :: File #000008 :: Browser game for computer about the internet of yore & w/e else 🔶 File Synopsis :: Wes critiques your original fiction. Seo infiltrates a Spider-worshiping cult. Midi reunites with the anime webring. Java gets banned from a local restaurant. Huh? What's with all these toolbars?! 🔶 Play from the beginning
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sadiewayne · 5 months
im about to put in hours of work, annotate a whole book, compile probably too many screenshots, and write a long post all about one topic for a total of 4 people to see
and who says im not dedicated to my craft of shitposting
in reality i am procrastinating from writing an essay
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x-manson-annotated · 10 days
X-Manson Annotated Chapter Two - Part Seven - CAPE CITADEL
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The following section discusses the Cape Citadel incident as portrayed in the X-Manson AU. It's something of a retelling of the events of X-Men #1 (1963). By this point, The Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and the cult surrounding it have existed for a year. 
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Okay, here he's placing it after the death of Kennedy. In our universe, John F. Kennedy died on November 22, 1963, meaning the incident most likely took place in December. Below is a list of presidents in chronological order provided by Doctor Benway's notes.
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This section doesn't merit its own post, but I will bring this up as details become relevant. Here we notice two things: 1. JFK's death resulted in Johnson becoming president as per usual. 2. The Vietnam War ended in 1964. Earlier on Erich mistakes the year this took place as being in '64. 
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I mean, You all saw the cover of X-Men #1, you know they don't not look like bumblebees a little bit. The whole thing would be incredibly goofy if they weren't actively doing a terrorism to Erich.
You'll notice in the next section that the entire o5 are intact and Henry is with them. So his statement of not being close with them often is a lie. A great, big, goddamn lie.
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Right here, Erich makes an error in his internal continuity. He ended the war in 1964, the year he mistook it for initially.
If Xavier was influencing their minds, maybe the version of the events in X-Men #1 that play out are what the military men believed themselves to be experiencing.
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1. Jean attacking with psionics. 2. Scott attacking with force beams. 3. Bobby attacking with ice. These are three now that we can say definitively were at the scene of the attack. Bobby is dead, Jean has had her mind hollowed by Xavier, and Scott was executed by the state.
I think that that perhaps Erich doesn't recall Warren or Hank is either because he genuinely doesn't remember them or because they're the only ones alive who could pursue legal action for unverifiable claims. Then again, the documentary doesn't seem all too worried about being sued by Hank, so it's possible that his ass wasn't too useful in the attack.
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This is the real USS Philadelphia. I'm not entirely sure why it was used in this story like this, because it wouldn't have existed at the time of the story. But, maybe this is just a minor example of the timeline being far different from our own.
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I like that John is surprised by this. it paints the picture of a well-meaning, but kind of stupid liberal. John's failure to recognize how this, coupled with America already not trusting Erich as a foreigner would inflame people's prejudice.
Xavier hoping it would cause anti-mutant backlash is interesting, it serves two purposes:
1.It promotes his insane idealogy of believing that there's going to be a race war between humans and mutants where mutants will come out on top. 2. This will draw more mutants to his school, hoping to find refuge from the resulting bigotry. The soldiers for his race war and a farm of mutant organs to harvest and study. This is where the Manson aspect of the title really comes into full display.
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monster-noises · 5 months
doing some file organizing tonight and I found some old writing and you know! it's not bad! it's not like Wow Amazing but like
you could work with this as a draft, it's charming, it's got a Voice to it that fits the story I was working on really well... It's making me miss writing a little bit
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the-unspeakable-tsar · 8 months
X-Manson by Doctor Benway - Annotated by Tsar
X-Manson or X-Mansion is an X-Men fanfiction written by someone under the username Dr Benway; because there is no discussion of it online, I have decided to annotate it piece by piece to dissect it via Tumblr. If you are interested in helping, please message me with things that i have missed or questions. My text notes will be like this but in pink, while Benway's story will be written in white. I will mark text with the story in red like this to drive attention to narration points that will be important later.
The annotations begin underneath the keep reading break.
Part 2
Her room is very small. It is 12 feet by 10 feet, not including the bathroom that was once a closet. Along one wall there is a steel kitchenette unit that was once lime green. It contains a sink and a refrigerator that is so small that it puts the place in violation of the building codes. Next to the kitchenette is a small table with a kitchen chair. There are papers on the table, neatly stacked. They are the weekly problem sets turned in by 231 first year physics students at the University of Saskatchewan, where she works as a teaching assistant. There is a cheque on the table as well, still in its envelope. It is for a very small amount of money, less than half of what the alcoholic prostitute downstairs collects on Disability.
The "she" in question is Kitty Pryde of the X-Men. The sets of 231 first year physics papers are in reference to how Kitty was portrayed as exceptionally bright, gifted even in her earliest appearances.
She also sleeps in the room. There is a small bed in one corner that she sits on. There is a plastic milk crate in one corner. A 13 inch colour television and a VCR sit on the crate. The remainder of the room is filled in by bookcases. There are two that block the two windows, nailed into place with two-by-fours. The bookcases are filled with expensive books on physics that were borrowed or stolen from a number of prairie university libraries. There is another bookcase and a file cabinet blocking the door, which is also sealed off by two-by-fours. None of this stops her from getting in and out. Her landlord could care less, as long as he gets his cheque each week. Not that he would complain if he did enter. The entire room and its attached bathroom are spotlessly clean from the orange shag carpet to the offwhite spackled ceiling.
She sits on the bed. She is of average height for a woman, 64 inches tall. Her brown hair is cut short, very short. She is slight, the kind of slightness that comes from potential fatal illnesses of psychological origin. She stares. It unnerves people, drives them away. The only ones who don't notice are the ex-psychiatric patients who live in her house and her street. She is the only person who is not living there because she has no other choice.
No-one is upset now by her staring, because she is alone and staring at the television. It is tuned to the local CBC affiliate. The National has just finished, and now there will be a documentary. She is going to watch the documentary. On her table is the receipt from the counselling centre, where she went when she discovered that the documentary was going to be shown uncut.
The credits come on, indicating that the film had been produced by Film Four International, Canal Plus, RAI, ZdF, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. It is a film about the United States of America.
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zeedikay · 1 year
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I might have lost the main tournament, but at least we can try out spectator rounds...
Drew this a few weeks ago, I didn’t mean to post it on the Funny Weed Day, but I’ll take the pun.
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forevercloudnine · 2 years
What are you’re thoughts on clayface joining the bat family?
So having NOW read Basil's reformation arc, I think his interactions with the bat family proper in Batwoman and Detective Comics were interesting, but I think as a status quo I enjoy more where he ended up in Ram V's Catwoman run. Even a reformed villain should get to be something of a wild card (and on a meta level, I think Selina deserves a shapeshifter wild card more than Bruce, who despite being brought down to "millionaire" in Tynion's run still has all the toys a vigilante could ever need).
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But in terms of having a sympathetic Clayface join the bat family, I think I'd prefer Preston Payne over Basil Karlo. Preston's degenerative metahuman condition was always more interesting than the "if he makes himself look normal too often he'll die!" handwave Basil got in Rebirth, and his extremely limited abilities mean that he wouldn't just be a "Get Out of Jail" free card plot device for Batman to use if he reformed.
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