#commander ahsoka
twinterrors29 · 10 days
Ahsoka is a young ambush predator, and does not handle the 'hurry up and wait' pace of life between battles well at all
so Rex develops a game for her:
Rex will discreetly tag one of the troopers with the equivalent of a space kick me sign on the back, and Ahsoka then has to isolate them from the herd and pounce
not only does this serve as Enrichment in his Commander's Enclosure, it's also a good test of his men's situational awareness
not to mention, it's a good mechanism for a little petty revenge every now and then
he'll occasionally also 'loan her out' to Wolffe or Cody as a chance to stress-test their own troopers' level of vigilance (and give Torrent a break from her reign of terror)
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phantasm-echo · 18 days
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Cody and Obi-Wan are such parents—
they mean so much to me ;-;
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terapsina · 1 year
Please explain your reasoning in the tags and may the Force be with you.
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mroddmod · 1 month
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tried the blind color palette challenge a few times with some suggested characters :))
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The War Is Not Over 
captain rex  👑
art : @5healthMONO
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lightasthesun · 3 months
RotS novel: This story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It is already over. Nothing can be done to change it.
Star Wars fans: *pulling up a chair* *opening a google doc* *opening photoshop* *picking up a pencil and some paper* *creating fanfilms* *manifesting a hc so hard it's made canon*
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sokadraws · 1 year
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I drew this almost two months ago but I have nothing more to post🥲
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131-vr · 30 days
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Cody still does not like tea. You could tell I put all of my efforts into Obis hands, then I gave up on Cody. 
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womp-womp-chomp-chomp · 7 months
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Tag yourself, I’m anakin
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multifandomnonsense · 1 month
Luke: I remember back when I knew Obi-Wan as old Ben he used used to live with his roommate Cody who I’m pretty sure was his husband
Ahsoka: *spits out drink* wHAT
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twinterrors29 · 3 months
Jedi Padawans have the classic sitcom bag-of-flour baby assignment to ensure they're prepared to look after young ones in emergency situations
this assessment is not one of the many canceled or postponed during the war
which means that when Ahsoka is abruptly deployed dirtside along with her Master, Grandmaster, and the 501st, she had to scramble to find an appropriate babysitter for her sack of flour
desperate, she tossed it to Commander Cody, who was staying aboard the Negotiator to oversee the campaign, with only a frantic list of the required steps to take care of it while she was gone
when she returns several days later, Cody has painted the sack 212th gold and constructed a sling to carry it around on his front while he keeps his hands free for work
judging by the rank pins attached to the front, the sack of flour is now a lieutenant
once Obi-Wan's heart eyes abate enough, though, it becomes clear to him that Cody and the 212th troopers have not understood that the sack of flour is not, in fact, a literal Jedi tubie
and none of the Jedi or their siblings in the 501st have the heart to correct them, so they let them keep the thing, stomping on the feet of anyone who tries to ask too many questions about their new mascot
once the war ends, Obi-Wan discreetly replaces the sack with a Jedi chrecheling in the middle of the night, having resigned himself to raising another too-young-Padawan
Reva, for her part, is all to happy to gleefully coat herself in flour for the occasion
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phereshift · 2 months
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my (and my friends) emotional support plushie pile...
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anstarwar · 2 months
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Commission for the lovely @dreamerkath
Shh they’re resting after a long day
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chiliger · 1 year
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It’s a sign of affection.
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omaano · 5 months
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Winter fun with the 212th and adjacent headaches :3
Happy Holidays and New Years @wanderingjedihistorian I hope you'll like this❤️ (how does it feel to be the recipient of all my codywan-related drawings XD?) Jedi are horrible disasters when you put them on ice and I will not be convinced otherwise.
Thank you @starwarsfandomfests for organizing this exchange! ❤️
Close ups under the
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Could I have detailed out any one of these on its own and be done with it? Most likely. Did I get overwelmed with all the cool reference pictures I had found once I decided what I will draw, and then couldn't pick? Absolutely. Will I still draw Cody and Obi-Wan the first time I'll have time for a personal project next year even though I don't want to see them ever again? You know me and can recognize patterns, of course that is what I will do XD
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
I'm just gonna leave this here 🤗
"Do you think it hurt?" The question had been eating Wolffe alive, ever since he had deserted the Empire and realised what he did.
Rex turned to him, "Did what hurt, Wolffe?"
"The general..." Wolffe couldn't bring himself to say anymore, as he felt the bitter bile stir in his stomach.
"No," Rex tried to sound reassuring, tried to sound like everything will be alright when it ultimately won't and will never be, "I think it was quick, painless."
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