#concrete technology
an-asuryampasya · 2 years
man one of these days I'll cave and end up making a post that romanticises the heck out of concrete
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nnctales · 1 year
Bendable Concrete Block: A Revolution in Construction Material
Introduction In the vast realm of construction materials, a revolution is taking place: bendable concrete blocks. Imagine a world where concrete – a brittle, rigid material – can flex and self-repair. Sounds like a fantasy, right? However, researchers and engineers are turning this dream into reality, using a remarkable fusion of innovation, scientific discovery, and technological application.…
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dduane · 1 year
This is soooooo interesting. The Romans were the ancient world’s materials-technology engineers par excellence: this is just another example of it. 
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engnrsblog · 2 years
Creep in Concrete - What are the Factors?
Creep in Concrete – What are the Factors?
When concrete is loaded, the structure undergoes elastic and inelastic distortions. Elastic distortions do incontinently after the concrete is subordinated to a given cargo, according to Hooke’s Law. Inelastic distortions increase with time as the concrete gests a sustained cargo. This inelastic distortion, also known as creep, increases at a dwindling rate during the lading period. During the…
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53v3nfrn5 · 5 months
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‘Concrete Stereo’ (1983) Crafted by: Ron Arad
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tygerland · 4 months
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Margaret Bourke-White Fort Peck Dam, Montana. 1936.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
Also ppl aren't gonna like to hear this but afaict the only currently existing legal form that has requisite variety to deal with copyright attribution in the age of AI image generation - *besides "fanfiction's illegal now and the ATF has your IP fucko"* - likely involves blockchain (or some other immutable distributed ledger)
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 months
My professor, expecting a normal and informative final exam (written)
Have you heard about our lord and saviour
Roman Concrete?
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ancientorigins · 1 year
The latest finding in the ongoing saga of discovering the secrets of the ridiculously durable Roman concrete is that its composition allowed it to self-heal. Unbelievable stuff!
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i learned that the life expectancy of reinforced concrete is 50-100 years (x)
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night-for-night · 5 months
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construction - jersey city, new jersey - yashica mg-1 & 400 iso color film - developed at eliz digital & scanned with minolta dimage dual iii
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deva-arts · 1 month
Emelia sent this , as a suggestion of what she thinks your world looks like.
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This is Taken from 'Ghostrunner' , a game on steam.
Dark, desolate streets overrun by Technology, and tags. Maybe the lower-income side of the city. Maybe your world is not unapologetically futuristic. But it's a neat thought. She had this type of area in mind when she heard of your little world. And wanted to give me an idea about an expansive and futuristic stage for a story.
So cool! I always loved this aesthetic... Ah... You can smell the human rights violations...
As for my story, we will eventually see what their cities look like :]
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Breakthrough to Circular and Emission-Free Building - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/breakthrough-to-circular-and-emission-free-building-technology-org/
Breakthrough to Circular and Emission-Free Building - Technology Org
The building industry faces enormous challenges. By 2050, the built environment must not only be emission-free, but also circular.
Within the NWA programme titled ‘Transition to a circular and emission-free building industry’, UT is contributing to research to facilitate the transition required to meet these challenges. UT researcher Marc van den Berg (Faculty of Engineering Technology) and colleagues are focusing on the digital aspects of supporting material reuse and recycling processes as part of this research.
Building – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license)
Renovation projects are complex challenges characterised by intensive decision-making and organisational activities. Such projects connect a variety of otherwise fragmented disciplines, including designers, builders and demolition companies.
Crucial for fostering more circular renovation practices with lower emissions is the availability of information on reusable materials and design strategies which factor in the preservation of existing value.
Collaborative, Digitised and Integral Processes to Achieve Circular and Emission-Free Renovation (PACER)
The PACER (Collaborative, Digitised and Integral Processes to Achieve Circular and Emission-Free Renovation) project, in which UT is represented, aims to provide collaborative, digitised, integral processes, tools, and legal and economic frameworks to achieve circular and emission-free renovation practices.
Dutch Research Agenda (NWA)
This programme of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) focuses on existing buildings and invites interdisciplinary consortia to investigate how buildings can be renovated in a circular and emission-free manner by studying a concrete case at the street or neighbourhood level. Societal and technical perspectives of circular and emission-free construction are jointly included.
Transition of the construction sector
The aim of the thematic NWA programme titled ‘Transition to a circular and emission-free building industry’ is to achieve breakthroughs and develop action perspectives that contribute to the transition of the building industry, primarily in relation to renovation projects. The NWA programme is organised in association with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, NWO and the Taskforce for Applied Research SIA.
Within the NWA programme, two broad multidisciplinary consortia will spend the next five years carrying out research to advance the transition to circular and emission-free building, with significant involvement of professional experts in the sector. The total funding awarded under the programme is approximately €2,865,000.
Read also the press release accompanying Marc van den Berg’s PhD research titled: ‘UT provides tools for circular demolition and design of buildings (utwente.nl)’
Source: University of Twente
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arcticdementor · 5 months
For a clear example of how mere knowledge that something was once possible, surviving examples of a thing, or even partial records of production are of very limited benefit in rediscovering how to manufacture a lost technology, look no further than Roman concrete.
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saltedsolenoid · 1 year
grababing yiu!! didi yiu know that in that one picturue i saw the creator of witchKs heart drawing. claire laugh in hiragan ahshe llaugh in katakakan WHICHC SIMTHE FORGH WOROD SNAND AHSHEHE ISIS SUSPSPOED TO BE TRAVAVELR SO HE’S SUSPPSOED TO NOT NATIV EOAMGUAGEE IS THEHRE???
i like to think about how many languages Ashe must have learned in his travels. The witch's heart is an important myth from many cultures, and so Ashe has no real limits to where he could find it. He may label himself as a traveler, but he's a wanderer, knowing what he wants but not knowing where to find it or if it's even a thing.
But that's likely a huge driving factor for the way he speaks! Like you said, he's not from around here, but passes through almost everywhere. He's picked up bits of accents and slang from all over, but holds true to his native way of speaking (perhaps out of fear of forgetting his family?) -- explaining why he's often seen to speak strangely at times.
But he's probably not a native speaker of the language, or at least the dialect that Claire, Sirius, and Noel speak.
Wilardo's a similar but slightly different case, actually, due to his travels literally across the world, and I think he symbolizes what Ashe is fated to become: a hopeless wanderer with only a goal and not a place.
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SNAP if youre going to stream tmrw then uhh what platform are you streaming on 👉👈
IF THINGS GO RIGHT i'll be streaming on picarto here starting at around 3PM EST and going for about two hours or so (3PM ~ 5PM) ♪(´▽`) i'll make sure to let people know beforehand though- i dont want a repeat of last time(;´x`)
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