costine di maiale in padella alla crema di curry / pan-fried pork ribs with curry cream
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cristiandisabatino · 7 months
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18arte · 1 year
food italia
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lucadea · 5 months
Suon Nuong le costine in Vietnam
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Suon Nuong le costine in Vietnam. Le costine di maiale sono molto tipiche anche in Vietnam. Queste erano ovviamente cotte alla griglia. Non erano male e, per fortuna, sono riuscito a farle cuocere con poca salsa piccante. Anche la vista non era da meno: tutte le costolette cosparse di semini e di salsa al tamarindo. Ti piace la cucina vietnamita ed asiatica?  Suon Nuong the pork ribs in Vietnam - Suon Nuong les côtes de porc au Vietnam - Suon Nuong las costillas de cerdo en Vietnam - Suon Nuong as costelas de porco no Vietnã - Suon Nuong die Schweinerippchen in Vietnam - Suon Nương sườn heo Việt Nam - Suon Nuong 越南排骨 - ベトナムのポークリブ、スオンヌオン Read the full article
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manifestocarnivoro · 10 months
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Cosa c’è di meglio di una bella grigliata a Ferragosto con gli amici? Da sempre sinonimo di convivialità, condivisione e buonumore, la grigliata di carne è quasi d’obbligo. E la carne di maiale in questo frangente diventa protagonista trasformata in salsicce, spiedini, braciole, fettine di coppa o di pancetta, tutti tagli non solo super gustosi, ma che si prestano anche alla perfezione per questo tipo di cottura. Considerata una tipologia di cottura aggressiva, che fa perdere sostanze nutritive alla carne con formazione di composti tossici, in realtà basta seguire alcuni accorgimenti affinché la grigliata sia assolutamente salutare e priva di rischi. Ad esempio, è stato dimostrato che la marinatura prima della cottura della carne di maiale nella birra, soprattutto in quella scura più ricca di antiossidanti, riduce di oltre la metà la formazione di idrocarburi policiclici aromatici, ovvero le sostanze dannose che si formano quando i cibi si bruciacchiano. La marinatura è quindi un passo fondamentale da fare prima di grigliare, perché inumidire la carne fa da schermo protettivo che permette di farle affrontare meglio le alte temperature. Tra quelle migliori per la carne di maiale, oltre alla birra, troviamo quella agli agrumi, con vino bianco, le emulsioni con olio, limone, sale, paprica, oppure con salsa di soia, miele di acacia, zenzero e peperoncino. L’aggiunta di spezie ed erbe aromatiche ricche di sostanze antiossidanti, come rosmarino, salvia e timo non solo dà sapore, ma potenzia la neutralizzazione delle sostanze nocive che si formano con una cottura sbagliata, come quella a contatto con le fiamme vive. Per una grigliata di successo è infatti fondamentale che le braci siano coperte da una polvere bianca senza la presenza di fuoco vivo, che è la causa di carbonizzazione di qualsiasi alimento venga posto sulla griglia, rendendolo pericoloso per la salute. Anche la scelta della giusta legna è uno step importante: la legna infatti non deve provenire da pini e abeti, che danno legna resinosa che rilascia sostanze tossiche col fuoco. Ottime invece la legna di faggio, vite, ciliegio, oppure quelle più forti di ulivo, frassino e quercia che conferiscono anche aromi particolari alla carne. Per concludere, bisogna scegliere il giusto abbinamento con altri ingredienti: perfetta ad esempio è la combinazione con verdure ricche di vitamina C e antiossidanti, come pomodori, cipolle, melanzane, peperoni crudi o frutta come kiwi, fragole, ananas e pompelmo rosa. Queste facilitano l’assorbimento del ferro della carne di maiale, oltre a portare definitivamente a zero i rischi legati ad una cottura sbagliata. L’estate è il periodo migliore, vista la grande varietà di frutta e verdura a disposizione con cui accompagnare la carne di maiale. Per finire, si può accompagnare il tutto con un vino, meglio se rosso leggero e fresco, dall’aroma fruttato, che esalta senza coprire il sapore della grigliata di maiale (assosuini.it).
E ora alle griglie. Buon Ferragosto a tutti!
Fonte: Eurocarni 8/23
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podbbqcast · 10 months
GIà, la prima volta... e chi se la scorda! La mia prima volta e senza scottarmi! a parte questo, nell'episodio vedremo alcuni semplici idee da fare per chi è alle prime armi. Senza andare nel dettaglio, giusto una carrellata di spunti per poi farsi ispirare. Ringrazio Luca di BBQOOL, noto youtuber e fonte di ispirazione per chi come me, brancola nel buio e cerca la luce in fondo al... BBQ! Vi lascio i link alla sua pagina Youtube Youtube - @BBQool Alcune sue ricette per costine di maiale Costine di Maiale in mezz'ora Costine di Maiale per il RIBS DAY ITALY
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la-cucina-di-agnese · 2 years
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Oggi due costine fatte in padella, con vino e rosmarino e tanto amore... ________________________ #lacucinadiagnese #food #foodporn #foodlover #foodblogger #foodphotography #foodstagram #cucina #cooking #instayum #instalike #sbav #eat #foodfollowerfree #costine https://www.instagram.com/p/CfYqXFNLJa-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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frenchcurious · 3 months
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Maserati 450S Costin-Zagato 1957. - source Amazing Classic Cars
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eightyonekilograms · 9 months
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probably the difference between #26 and #30 is so small this is just statistical noise, but this still sort of feels like an indication of how completely dead the old order is and how miserable we can expect the next couple decades to be.
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guy60660 · 22 days
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Alexandru Costin | House of Spoils
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eyesaremosa1cs · 7 months
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A Simon Costin for Alexander McQueen headdress, 'Dante' collection, Autumn-Winter 1996-97
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cantsayidont · 8 months
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August 1940. Perhaps the most important Superman story never published: In the summer of 1940, Jerry Siegel wrote a complete script for a 26-page Superman epic (the length of two normal Superman stories of this period) in which Superman is weakened by a passing meteor of radioactive metal from the destroyed planet Krypton, here called "K-Metal." That alone would have been noteworthy, but that's far from all. Later in the story, Superman reveals his true identity to the survivors of a mine cave-in, including Lois Lane!
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The other three witnesses are subsequently killed, but Lois now knows the truth. She and Superman then have the following conversation:
LOIS: Now I begin to see. Your attitude of cowardliness as Clark Kent-- It was just a screen to keep the world from learning who you really are! But there's one thing I must know: Was your--er--affection for me, in your role as Clark, also a pretense? SUPERMAN: THAT was the genuine article, Lois! LOIS: How foolish you were not to let me in on the secret! You should have known you could trust me! Why-- Don't you realize-- I might even be of great help to you? SUPERMAN: You're right! There were many times when I could have used the assistance of a confederate. Why didn't I think of it before? LOIS: Then it's settled! We're to be--partners! SUPERMAN: Yes -- partners!
It isn't quite so easy, however. After returning to Metropolis, Lois tells Clark, "I just remembered how long you've secretly been laughing at me! I don't like to be laughed at, Clark Kent-- But-- I'll assist you… Only for the good of humanity, however!"
Most of the art for this story was completed, or nearly completed, by Joe Shuster's shop artists before National-DC pulled the plug. The exact reasons are now unknown, although the most likely explanation is that the story just seemed like too much of a shift in the established dynamics of the Superman strip, which was by then running in newspapers and on the radio as well as in the comics. K-Metal, renamed Kryptonite, resurfaced in a 1943 radio storyline, which borrows some elements from this script, but Kryptonite wouldn't appear in the comics until 1949, and it wouldn't be until decades later that Lois Lane really and truly learned the secret.
For background on this story, see Mark Waid's article in ALTER EGO #26 (July 2003). The Superman Through the Ages website has a nearly complete recreation of the full story, done by modern artists (in color) based on the surviving pages of original art and Siegel's script, which Waid had carefully retyped using the same kind of typewriter Siegel used.
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gacougnol · 10 months
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Alexandru Costin
Born Free
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Considering how rapidly the right's "war on woke" is expanding, it was perhaps inevitable: Self-identified "mama bears" on a Texas school board are angry that a classroom had a poster showing people of different races holding hands. Last week, the school board in Conroe, Texas, a small city north of Houston, turned the right-wing mania for censorship into a dark parody of itself. At issue? A poster that seemed to imply that interracial friendship is possible.
According to ABC 13 Eyewitness News in Houston, things started when school trustee Melissa Dungan declared that she had spoken to parents who were upset about "displays of personal ideologies in classrooms." When pressed for an example, according to the news report, "Dungan referred to a first grade student whose parent claimed they were so upset by a poster showing hands of people of different races, that they transferred classrooms."
"I wish I was shocked," Dungan said of the poster. "I am aware these trends have been happening for many years."
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Some other members of the school board did, in fact, argue that there was nothing objectionable about such a poster. But Dungan was backed up by another trustee, Misty Odenweller, who insisted that the depiction of uh, race-mixing was in some way a "violation of the law." The two women are part of "Mama Bears Rising," a secretive far-right group fueling the book-banning mania in Conroe and the surrounding area. At least 59 books have been banned due to their efforts.
When another trustee asked Dungan if she personally objected to an illustration of cross-racial friendship, she demurred, simply declaring that she was just trying to avoid "situations like that." Situations like what, exactly? She didn't say.
Dungan's behavior is a perfect illustration of the "anti-woke" tap dance. The person alleging nefarious wokeness never admits to their own bigotry, instead pretending that they're reacting to "woke" people who are "pushing" an agenda, in this case through innocuous poster art.
Of course, the entire premise of the argument is rooted in bigotry, as this example shows. It presumes that the feelings of real or imagined bigots who might take umbrage at such an image are of paramount importance, and that everyone else's freedoms must be curtailed to appease them.
It's tempting to shrug it off as one-off weirdness from Nowheresville, Texas. But while this was an especially ham-fisted example, it's part of a well-funded nationwide effort, led by a group of interlocking far-right groups, aimed at destroying modernity, undermining democracy and imposing authoritarian government against the will of most Americans.
Donald Trump sucks up most of the oxygen in the discussion about rising American fascism, but even without him, this movement is powerful and widespread, and it's using these local culture-war skirmishes battles to seize even more power. And old-fashioned racism, the kind on display in Conroe, is very much at the center of it all.
Last week, the New Republic published a lengthy and terrifying investigative article by Katherine Stewart about the Claremont Institute, once a vaguely respectable conservative think tank and now among the leading right-wing organizations pushing the anti-education and anti-democratic agenda below the surface of the Conroe incident.
One of the many Claremont alumni Stewart profiles is Christopher Rufo, who spearheaded the recent hysteria over "critical race theory" in education. In reality, critical race theory was an approach used in law schools and other graduate-level academic spaces, and had basically nothing to do with public schools.
Rufo's ingenious idea was to turn it into a catch-all scare term that could be used to demonize any and all forms of anti-racist education, even something as previously noncontroversial as a poster depicting interracial friendship.
The far-right, anti-democratic politics of the Claremont Institute are so grotesque that many readers will dismiss them as preposterous, but it's all carefully documented and disturbingly real. As Stewart chronicles, Claremont has promoted the work of Costin Alamariu, who holds a PhD in philosophy from Yale and writes under the name "Bronze Age Pervert." He has declared that the "liberation of women" is an "infection" that requires "the most terrible convulsions and the most thorough purgative measures."
A frequent contributor to Claremont's online journal, who writes under the name "Raw Egg Nationalist," argues that "men and women shouldn't work together in the same spaces" and describes the Black Lives Matter protesters of 2020 as "hideously ugly, malformed people." Claremont-associated blogger Curtis Yarvin argues (in Stewart's words) that "America needs a king, a dictator with total military power." Claremont's most famous associate is board member and former law professor John Eastman, now known as "Co-Conspirator 2" in the indictment against Donald Trump for attempting to overthrow the U.S. government.
Because of their tight link to the book-banning efforts, the relatively new but suspiciously wealthy group Moms for Liberty has received massive media attention in the past couple of years. Even so, the group's radical ideology has not really been covered in most mainstream news coverage, which tends to portray the Moms as a bunch of overzealous church ladies. As Flux editor Matthew Sheffield, Media Matters vice president Julie Millican and researcher Olivia Little explained in a recent "Theory of Change" podcast, however, underneath the facade of "Christian moms" is some startling far-right radicalism.
For instance, while it was widely reported that a Moms for Liberty pamphlet from one branch was caught quoting Adolf Hitler, the group was able to spin that as a misunderstanding and a mistake. But at their summit a few days later, speaker Tiffany Justice yelled, "I stand with that mom" — the one who quoted Hitler — while the audience whooped its approval.
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Moms for Liberty has heavily promoted trainings for conservative activists on how to take over school boards, which ought to make clear how we should understand stories like this one, which just sound like a racist tantrum in a Texas suburb. These aren't random or isolated events — they're part of a large, well-organized and well-financed attack on public education across the country.
Mama Bears Rising, the group that fueled the Conroe school board takeover, in unsurprisingly discreet about its connections to the larger national movement for censorship. But screenshots of online communications by local anti-censorship activists suggests that it's no coincidence that the books targeted for censorship in Conroe are the same ones that show up on book-ban lists across the country. Mama Bears Rising is drawing on the same playbook that's being disseminated nationwide through a well-funded network of Christian nationalist activists.
These days, it's almost never just one nutty lady at a school board meeting. It's about a movement with a committed ideology, that has deep connections to Donald Trump's campaign to end democracy.
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nofatclips · 5 months
Veneficium by Lacuna Coil from the Live From The Apocalypse livestream/album
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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Maserati 450S Costin-Zagato 1957. - source Amazing Classic Cars.
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