#crossmare family
akaneodo · 1 month
Crossmare #20/ Crossmare family #6
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Even though thwy are married and have two children, Cross is still nervous that Nightmare will fall asleep on him
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terraelbus · 3 months
Incubux adored in childhood when fathers took him in their arms. He spread his arms to the sides, imitating an airplane, and parodied the sound of a propeller. Cross did it in a simple way, he lifted him up to his outstretched arms and slightly tossed him up. When Incubux asked Nightmare about this, he, without being distracted from his work, materialized tentacles and raised his son with them. He tossed, twisted in different directions, and then caught him close to the floor. Incubux glowed with happiness at such moments and laughed loudly. Well, it’s not difficult for Nightmare, the main thing is that his child is happy.
When Cross saw his husband playing with their son, he almost had a heart attack, Incubux was doing such crazy somersaults in the air. He scolded them both, forbidding them to do so, but they still continued to play like this in secret, so as not to disturb the overly nervous dad.
Инкубукс обожал в детстве , когда отцы брали его на руки. Он расправлял руки в стороны, изображая самолёт, и пародировал звук пропеллера. Кросс делал это по-простому, он поднимал его на вытянутые руки и слегка подбрасывал вверх. Когда же Инкубукс просил об этом Найтмера, тот, не отвлекаясь от дел, материализовал тентакли и поднимал ими сына. Он подбрасывал, крутил в разные стороны, а после ловил у самого пола. Инкубукс светился от счастья в такие моменты и громко смеялся. Ну а Найтмеру не сложно, главное, что ребёнок доволен.
Когда Кросс увидел, как его муж играет с их сыном, то чуть инфаркт не схватил, настолько безбашенные кульбиты Инкубукс вытворял в воздухе. Он отчитал их обоих, запретив так делать, но они всё равно продолжали так играть в тайне, чтобы не тревожить слишком нервного папу.
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sooouth · 1 year
i just bawled my eyes out over this stupid fic. god help me I'm so attached to these stupid skeletons--
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fandomsoda · 1 year
Intro/pinned post!!!
last updated: 4/30/24
Ok Welp I’m finally making one of these-
Most basic info about me can be found in my blog’s about (names, identity, pronouns, DNI), but here’s where I’m putting all the other stuff! First of all, here’s my pronouns page for those who want to know more about my exact pronouns/word boundaries!
Here’s my sona, Soda!
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Their full ref can be found here
Art usage rights: My art is fine to be reposted, but strictly with credit. Want to use it as an icon? Make it an edit or add something small for pfp purposes? You’re welcome to, but with permission, credit, clarification that you edited it, and as long as you’re not in my dni/use it for such purposes. Derogatory edits of my work are not permitted so don’t go marking everything up. Do not feed my artwork into ai software. Also do not directly feed my writing or own general text into an ai.
Requests?: Requests for art are a complicated thing and are simply a matter of what I do and do not want to do. Feel free to ask, but just know I may decline! This goes for moodboards and stimboards as well, but I’m much more likely to accept a mood/stimboard rather than art request!
AU/personal projects!: I have a handful of personal AU’s and projects and OC’s I’d like for people to check out and look at. (Also please please please ask about my characters and ask them stuff I wanna answer!) You are welcome to make fanart for any of them but I request that you stay on-model unless you are simplifying the design or the point of the piece is to reimagine the design/put the character into a new outfit. I don’t want to be overbearing but my designs mean a lot to me so I’d like them to stay how they are. People in my dni are not permitted to depict my characters in any way, shape, or form. Don’t touch my babies. Also- No, you may not use my characters in tournaments or polls. Those give me heavy anxiety and rsd to the point of literal nausea. Please keep your vile, Spartan popularity games away from my babies.
Personal projects masterpost
Please @ me in fan/inspired content! I want to see it!
I also know that I can often come off as aggressive and do stupid shit or say stupid shit. I have a lot of growing to do and I make a ton of mistakes. Please be patient and if you desire to call me out on by bullshit (which you absolutely should do) please be constructive and respectful. I struggle a lot with tone and accidentally upset people often. If I upset you, PLEASE let me know. I have no way of realizing if you don’t, please do not lie to me, tell me what’s wrong I promise I care and will try not to take it personally. =m=
Important note: While I may make suggestive jokes from time to time or touch vaguely on mature topics/talk about more mature media, this blog does not welcome nsfw blogs. Any and all interaction with me or my art that is nsfw in nature (inappropriate DM’s, comments, and reblogs) will be instantly blocked. We can joke, we can have fun, but I do not want any concerning behavior towards others or towards myself/my art on this blog. I know that many people who follow/are friends with me are minors and thus I will ensure that this space is not dangerous for them.
I also consume my media critically, even as a Homestuck enjoyer, I do not support Andrew Hussie and recognize the comic’s flaws, but I also love Homestuck for what it is at its core and how it changed my life. I also assume most people consume media critically and thus do not have any fandoms in my dni, but do know there are a good handful of them that I’m apprehensive about, but won’t block on sight.
On the topic of media consumption, I also like a lot of ships that others don’t, and will not tolerate hate. Crossmare has been my comfort pairing since long before Underverse season 2 was even out, and I am not ok with people who think it’s “inherently abusive”. As long as a pairing is not child x adult or family x family, I don’t believe it can be inherently abusive. As long as someone’s specific depiction of the ship isn’t abusive, they shouldn’t get flack for it. However, if you ARE someone who romanticizes abusive versions of these ships, please get out.
Also note that due to my nebularomanticism (arospec umbrella), I do not know what the fuck romantic love is supposed to feel like or look like, the lines between strong platonic bonds and romance are so blurry they barely exist for me, and such- all of my ships are queerplatonic in some way. I have never seen any ship as solely romantic and I don’t think I’m capable of that. But I also do not limit the types of intimacy I depict these characters having. If you’re not ok with queerplatonic kissing or holding hands or other forms of “romantic gestures” or if you think they can’t exist, get out.
Keep in mind that while my art and personal works ARE here, this blog IS a personal blog. I DO vent on here and often talk about personal topics. Be aware. And just because I share an opinion of mine doesn’t mean that I think it’s super important or right, it’s just how I feel. Just saying this because if you follow me you should be prepared to deal with what I post, and if you don’t like me that’s ok just leave.
Current blog status (important): tired and just. Trying right now, bare with me.
Below are my many userboxes (and blinkies, so flashing gif warning be cautious) that represent me! Check em out for more info!
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^ this user box specifically was made by @/ghostfish-stims!
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^ More info on that here
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^ this blinkie is made by @/pictionary!
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panda-of-the-trash · 6 months
Okay so I'm telling you this because why not
I know you ship Driller, but I have to ignore that for this. Moving on
Crossmare and EpicDream.
Imagine Cross going to Epic and says "DUDE! We're going to be bro-in-laws"
They start talking gushing about their partners, while Nightmare anr Dream are like "Holy shit, family meet ups are going to be like this EVERY YEAR"
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ph0enix-12 · 7 months
Pearls in the deep Masterpost
Leviathantale by @skumhuu
Author: Ph0enixAnimations
Rating: Teen and Up
Status: 12 chapters published. Arc 1 complete, arc 2 started (long hiatus)
Summary: The ocean is big, around 139 million square miles, this implies that the volume of the oceans is about 1.35 billion trillion liters.
The ocean is big, but apperently for some creatures, its not big enogh for everyone..
Who knew all creatures could be greedy and cruel? Can a young love blossom between two very different people in the midts of a war or will the hatred between sirens and leviathans prevail?
All Designs
Siren Designs
Villain Design
The birth of the twins
The royal family
Crossmare 1
Crossmare 2
Doodles 1
Doodles 2
The pilot
Five Lost Pearls
The quiet knight
A midnight stroll
The wedge
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siliconforbrains · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Relationships: Solar & Lunar, Implied Dreamtale Sans | Dream/Killer Sans (Undertale), Implied Cross Sans/Dreamtale Nightmare Sans (Undertale), Original Undertale Character(s) & Original Undertale Character(s), Gerson (Undertale) & Original Character(s) Characters: Original Undertale Character(s), Gerson (Undertale), Mentioned Cross Sans (Undertale) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Established Relationship, Lunar is Crossmare's kid, Solar is Driller's kid, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, (not by the main cast dw), Found Family, Original Character-centric, Caring Gerson, he's been taking care of these kids since they were created, and he's got some Wisdom(tm) to share with them, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Hopeful Ending, Unbetaed we die like my last braincell, Writober 2023, Prompt: Ace
Solar and Lunar have been a matching set ever since the day they were born. (Or, two kids who thought they had no one but themselves find out they have a family, and Gerson gets to share some Old Man Wisdom through the power of playing cards. Somehow, it all works out.)
Writober 2023 - Day 1: Ace
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Judging by the drawing to Noah you drew, I think it’s safe to assume you ship Crossmare.
How do you think the Crossmare and Driller cousins would get along?
Oh damn, I have no idea how long this ask has been here since I had to take a year-long break but, now that I am back...
Well, in reality, I am not a Crossmare shipper, my emphasis is mostly ErrorMare/NightError, but I respect anyone who ships Crossmare so I don't mind that much, hence why I drew Noah.
Now, to the other questions... The Driller shipkids will have good relations with the Crossmare shipkids but not a perfectly family like, Blenia is basically the terror of everyone (prank wise), Celia hates certain type of people (and she is comfortable mostly with murderous type of people), and probably Rohay will be the only one who mostly doesn't mind them and will have a decent communication.
However, if the Crossmare shipkids are mostly evil instead of neutral, Celia can have good terms with them and Blenia may not scare them away. Probably. She will use them as her teammates of pranking though.
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ze-fanatic14 · 2 years
Spy X Family but it's Crossmare
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akaneodo · 1 month
Crossmare family #7
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Yiang is jealus when somebody is with his brother (Incubux).
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kimojud · 6 years
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Nightcross family o3o Xenon belog to @chupim-untal Mizuki to me
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lover-of-skellies · 2 years
9, 10 Crossmare
Holy cow that was fast-!
9. Where do they go on their first family vacation?
10. What type of personalities do their kid(s) have?
9. For their first family vacation, I'm really not sure?... If it's mostly for the kids, then I could see them agreeing to take the little ones to a theme park or something (one that's appropriate for their ages, obviously). It'd be this big ordeal with a bunch of packing required, since Cross would insist that they stay in a super nice hotel while they're out (since I would imagine that Nightmare would need some time away from the castle every so often). Nightmare has a lot of anxiety when it comes to being in public and being around people, so he may be uncharacteristically clingy with Cross. He's very subtle about it, but still. Thankfully, I don't think Cross would mind it too much :P Cross is also 100% a dad who would let his kids ride around on his back/shoulders, if they got tired or their feet were sore after walking too much
10. I feel like at least one child would be Nightmare's little mini-me; quiet and introverted, observant, calculating, and a fan of reading/books. Meanwhile, there'd also have to be one who's more outgoing, playful yet slightly anxious, and a little knight in shining armor, like Cross. Idk, I'm a huge sucker for scenarios where the kids take on their parent's personalities and whatnot
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nightmarexcross · 2 years
Headcanon that the Crossmare family is Spanish so the kids call one of their parents “papi”
As someone who's first language it's spanish, and knowing that Joku and Jakie speak spanish too, this was so cute for me.
When a child cries for his "papi", the people around the kid know that their lives are going to end. So, no bullying for the kids or the papis are gonna get you. --Mod Error
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djcarnationsblog · 2 years
Yeah, this is exactly what it looks like. I’ve gotten around to making the page for Drabble Requests! Starting out small, since starting big would be downright torture-
To start things off, listing the fandoms I will be willing to write for!
Danganronpa (1,2,3, no UDG) Undertale Multiverse (I am rusty with this one, be warned-) Bungou Stray Dogs (Seasons 1-3, no Dead Apple yet, nothing from the manga yet) Isaac Beamer Versus the Supernatural Metal Family
Dr: Saiou/Ousai, Irumatsu, Komahina, Kaimaki, Naegami MF: Lif/Dee, Glam/Vicky UTMV: Errink, Drink, Crossmare, Bad Sans Poly, SciFell, HorrorLust, etc. BSD: Soukoku/Chuuzai, Shin Soukoku/AkuAtsu, Ranpoe IBVS: Isward, Drisaac, Chrevinstoph, Edwarry, Starry, Audrew
Dr: Gundham Tanaka, Teruteru Hanamura, Hifumi Yamada, Korekiyo Shinguuji BSD: Fyodor, Hirotsu, Guild members (Excluding Lucy)
I will only be accepting requests and writing requests every Friday to Saturday. After 10a.m. Saturday EST, no more requests will be taken until next week.
Fluff Angst Hurt/Comfort Hurt/No Comfort 16+-to-18+ Jokes, innuendos Third Person Aftermaths of Abuse (and on the rare occasions, the duration of)/Post-toxic relationships Phycological Torture Deep Discussions Character Study Gore LGBTQ+ Aus Headcanons
Nsfw Incest Sexism Racism Pedophilia
There is a possibility that some of the characters on the list of ones I won’t be writing would get taken off the list, since it’s more of an ‘I struggle to write them’ situation, although very much exclusive to Gundham, Korekiyo, Fyodor and Hirotsu. 
I will not tolerate or bend the rules if a request is placed after the designated time, if you are to do that, please know I will ignore it and will only accept if recent during the proper time. Do not place these off limit requests.
To place a request, make sure to write in the askbox ‘DJCDrabbleRequest’ before writing down said request, as well as the time it was sent.
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aceofspadesblog · 2 years
Crossmare Week Day 2 - Past and Future
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Cross belongs to Jakei
Crossmare Week
They were both abandoned.
He was seen as the bad guy for guarding what he was made to protect. They lashed out, ridiculed him, abused him. Every day was filled with either solitude or abuse. It was torture.
A part of him didn’t want to care about what they thought. Why should he strive for their approval? But at the same time, he was so tired of being hated. So he tried to prove them wrong. It didn’t work.
His touch was corruptive, burning away the golden and leaving only darkness behind. And they... they were angry. More angry than he had ever seen them before. And they were coming. 
He had had enough. If they thought he could only ever be bad, then that was what he would become. He would be the fuel for their nightmares. Well, if corpses could have nightmares. White phalanges reached for a black apple.
They screamed.
He was seen as nothing more than a pawn in someone else’s game. They manipulated his memories and realities, so even his family did not believe him. Every day was absolutely perfect. It was torture. 
A part of him wanted to fight. But how could he even dream of attacking his family and friends? They didn’t know anything was wrong, they would try to stop him. So he tried talking the human down. It didn’t work. 
The new scar burned his cheekbone as his family and friends attacked anyway. They thought killing the sociopath would solve everything. They didn’t know about the power he wielded.
He had had enough. If submitting was only going to cause more harm, then he would fight back and take what he wanted. Make a peaceful world for them all. Blasters fired as the white and red souls swirled together. 
It was silent.
They had found each other, many years later. Superior and subordinate at first, but it eventually evolved into so much more. Building each other up, facing their fears together, overcoming their weaknesses. They had learned to lower their defenses and let each other in. 
And now, as they completed a ceremony which many had previously thought impossible, they were excited for the possibilities to come. All of the new experiences. Domestic life in the castle. Adventures throughout the multiverse. Bickering with the gang. Exploring new AUs. Cultivating the garden. Finally defeating the Stars. Simply enjoying each others company. (And maybe, just maybe, a soulling of their own one day.)
Whatever the future has in store, they will face it and embrace it. Together.
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badsanses-quotes · 3 years
Have a small crossmare family moment for your soul-
Moonlight : Can we go out to get icecream?
Cross : Did you ask Nightmare ?
Moonlight : They said no.
Cross : Then why did you ask me?
MoonLight : He's not the boss of you.
Cross , internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
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