#curly drabbles
moonstruckme · 9 months
Hii! I really love ur writing<3
Could i request Sirius black x fem!reader where her hair is really fluffy but after she has showered her hair is like kindy wavy-ish but she brushes it out and it becomes really fluffy. But then Sirius sees that and is like "u have curly hair" but reader is like "nope". So sirius convinces her and shows her his hair routine and it turns out she does have curly hair and all the fluff and everything?
English is not my first languages so I hope that I'm being clear about what i mean😭 sorry for any mistakes.
Feel free to ignore this if you want<33
No worries my love, this was super clear! I didn't learn how to make my curly hair look good until a few years ago, so this was sooo relatable haha! Thanks for requesting :)
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
Sirius knocks as you step out of his shower, drying off one leg and then the other with the towel he’d given you. 
“Sorry, angel, could I get in there for a sec?” He calls through the door. “I forgot my moisturizer.” 
“Sure, just a minute,” you reply, quickly toweling off before wrapping yourself in a robe. “Okay, you’re good.” 
“Thanks,” Sirius says, steam whooshing out as he opens the door. He grabs a little jar from the counter, toting it about before starting back the way he came, but he stops before he reaches the door. Sirius looks at you for a moment, his lips curving slightly upward into one of those soft smiles you love so much. “You look so pretty like this,” he says.  
You give him a tiny grin in return, pulling the robe tighter over your body self-consciously. “Thanks, Siri.” 
“Is…” his eyebrows come together. “Is that what your hair always looks like when it’s wet?”
You look down at your ends, half expecting them to be purple from the expression on your boyfriend’s face. “Um, yeah?”
He crosses his arms, tongue pressing into his cheek thoughtfully. “And what do you usually do to it after you shower?”
“I dunno.” You pick your discarded towel up again. “Brush it? That’s it, really.” 
You start to run the towel over your hair, scrubbing out the moisture, and Sirius lunges for you as if you’re holding a weapon to your head instead. “No, stop!”
“You can’t rub it like that.” He snatches the towel from you, something like offense in his tone. “That’s nearly the worst thing you can do for curly hair.” 
You raise your eyebrows at him. “Well then lucky for me that I don’t have curly hair.” 
“I think you do,” Sirius says, hanging the towel on a hook. “Or wavy, at least. Look at it right now, it looks almost like mine.” 
The mirror is too foggy to see in, but you don’t need to. “It’s not like yours, though,” you say, a touch of envy creeping into your voice. “Yours is so pretty and shiny. You’ve seen mine, it gets all frizzy when it’s dry.” 
“Okay, compliment heard and accepted.” Sirius grins at you. “But I think your hair just gets like that because you brush it, darling. Let me play with it, please?”
You hesitate. You’ve always shied away from messing with your hair because, as much as it frustrates you, you know how to deal with it the way it is. Oil, buns, plaits. You’d rather have the devil you know than whatever might result from angering it. 
But Sirius does seem to know an impressive amount about hair care. His counter is littered with products that testify to that. And you don’t think he’s right, but if he is, and your hair could look anything like his…
“Fine,” you sigh, and Sirius beams at you, taking you by the shoulders and bringing you in front of the mirror. 
“Alright, I’m gonna talk you through it, dollface,” he promises. “I mean, I’ll do it for you every time you shower if you want me to, but I’ll give you the details just in case you wanna know later.”
He begins by rewetting your hair under the faucet, instructing you to only brush it while it’s sopping wet. He introduces you to leave-in conditioner, curl cream, mousse, telling you what each of them do and weaving them into your locks with skilled fingers. You can’t help but admire the concentrated set of his brows as he works, the way his dark hair gleams under the fluorescent light. However this turns out, you like having his hands in your hair like this. You might ask him to do it again just for that. 
“There we go,” he says, affixing one of his t-shirts to hold your hair close to your head. “We’ll leave that on for a bit, and when it comes off we should have a decent idea of how it’s gonna look when it’s dry.” 
You smile at him, and Sirius fixes you with a look that’s unbelievably fond. “Normally, this is when I do my skin routine, while I’ve got my hair out of the way,” he says, speaking softly though there’s no one else around to hear. “Want me to do yours for you, lovely girl?”
You feel your face warm, but you don’t care if he sees, the affection between you too great to be a well-kept secret. “That’d be nice, thanks.” 
Sirius’ touch is gentle as he goes over your face with a warm washcloth, smoothing your various products into your skin while you do your best not to preen.
“So pretty,” he murmurs once he’s done, planting a kiss on your freshly moisturized cheek. You wouldn’t be surprised if you were glowing from the inside out.
You chase him, capturing his lips with yours, and the both of you giggle at the absurdity of it, kissing whilst sitting on his bathroom counter, you all wet in a robe and him fully clothed. 
“Alright,” Sirius says, stroking your jaw as a consolation when he breaks the kiss. “I think your hair should be ready to come down.” 
You find yourself almost excited as he unwraps the t-shirt from your hair, tracking the progress of his grin while he squeezes the last bits of moisture from your ends before taking you by the shoulders.
“Okay,” he says soberly, looking at you with mock gravitas. “Are you ready to see?” 
You roll your eyes whilst you nod, and he turns you. The fog has faded from the mirror, so you’re able to see yourself clearly as your mouth actually drops open. Your hair is still damp, but even so, the bottom half falls in loose waves, the ends curling just slightly. It’s smooth, and shiny, and nothing like you thought it had the potential to be. 
“Not bad, right?” Sirius sounds smug, but you can feel his excitement as he watches your reaction. “I might use less heavy products in the future, and more mousse, but—”
You spin around, wrapping him in a hug. He laughs, arms coming around your back with just as much enthusiasm. 
“It looks so pretty, Siri,” you gush. “Thank you so much!”
“I’ve always said you’re the prettiest girl in the world,” he sounds exasperated, but his grip tightens on you warmly, “so I really don’t see why you’re acting so surprised.”
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noirflms · 11 months
୧ ˚₊ LUCKY RITUAL — sakusa kiyoomi
it’s your and his thing before he goes to stand on the court and win the game.
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kiyoomi is not an affectionate man, yet he had his heart out to you – all yours to keep. he isn’t a big fan of his love in the public, a rather private escapade is what love is to him. from kisses he steals from you away from the eyes of the paparazzi in the bounds of your shared home is love to him – not the way that miya atsumu has a new girl on his arm every now and then.
it was not easy for you to make the man open up to you. it was way difficult that you had thought it will be. he was sheltered, a boy bound to his very own bubble and not letting anyone enter it. he hated when anyone crossed this bubble of his – even his cousin komori was cautious of it.
it was not in him let someone in so easily. he was a man within his walls, a man who didn’t like others to enter in them. but that changed when he met you.
you were rather eccentric and quite the opposite of him. you were open when he was so hard to read, you loved people and he hated them. you were like the sun while he was the moon and he wasn’t far away from this ideal prospect which he had created in his mind. to him – you were never meant to be his, yet here he is now, surrounded by his teammates in the locker rooms who kiss their partners with a goal to win in mind.
“ you’re thinking too hard , omi. ” he is brought of his stupor at the sound of your voice. you stand beside him with his hand holding onto yours. he has no heart to let go yet and you make out when his grip on your hand turn tighter and you don’t miss the chance to squeeze it in reassurance.
“ you make me think too hard. ” he musters, his voice muffled due to the mask he wears and the words sure do make your eyes widen but you soon your lips break into a huge grin. the sound of your chuckles makes his eyes soften as he looks at you, his thumbs drawing circles on the back of your hand – a thing he does when he feels nervous around many every now and then.
“ you’ll do good. i know. ”
your words make him sigh. it’s heavy as it takes through his whole body. he washes out the noisy teammates of his as he leans down to rest his head on your shoulder. he hates the way you make him feel and he certainly hates the butterflies you give him even after all these years. he feels your fingers brush through his curly tuft of hair and another sigh of relief is released.
the sound of the loud voice of the announcer echoes through the locker room. all players of his team ready to head out, assuring their partners they’ll be fine, they’ll be good. it is then all are pouring out of the room, calls of kiyoomi’s name are said aloud, telling him to be quick, hinata waving his hand at you and so does bokuto with a huge smile on his face, atsumu being pulled by the ear by their captain as he waves at you with a pain stricken look while sakusa watches it all.
as all walk out, it is you and him that are left behind. he has hands still on your waist, he doesn’t want to move. but he knows he has to, he has to rush out their and win, be the good ol’ sakusa kiyoomi he has always been.
“ will you win? ” your voice makes his eyes turn to you, his fingers are turning to pull his mask off, and amidst the silence his lips land on yours, he gets the taste of your cherry chapstick – it is always the one you wear to his matches. it is your and his little ritual before the match, to share a kiss before he smashes his opponents in the court.
it’s a lucky ritual of his, one he never forgets to do before any match. it took him a while to turn accustomed to it, but he likes it, he likes the way he gets to kiss you with the rush of adrenaline in him before the match, he likes it when a kiss shared with you ignites him whole. he likes to kiss you is all and that he is something he’d never deny. your laugh into the kiss finding it sudden, and you know his lips would smell off your cherry chapstick as well.
“ of course, i’ve got my luck with me. ”
that is all you hear before he steals a kiss of your lips and is rushing through the hallway to his team as you laugh looking at the tall man in a hurry. he’s always been like this, yet it is you who makes him a man like this and he would never change a thing about this.
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highlighter sakusa >>>>
NOIRFLMS 2023 ! all rights reserved - plagiarism is a crime , do not translate my works without permission. REBLOG MORE PLEASE !
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skzoolandia · 1 year
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Producer Chan in his element
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thornsnvultures · 11 months
eddie munson x curly haired!reader
cw: lightly nsft (no minors, 18+), baby/marriage mention at the end but I kept stuff pretty gender neutral, <500 words
Eddie prides himself on taking good care of his curls. He uses shampoo AND conditioner. Not those 3 in 1 combination bottles like every other guy. He has dedicated washing days so he doesn't dry out his curls. He even uses a leave-in conditioner that smells like coconuts!
He wasn't perfect, he still had bad hair days now and then and he definitely doesn't have the dedication to style like Steve "The Hair" Harrington. But he took pride in how he looked in his own way.
And he thanks his luscious locks every day for helping him meet you.
As corny as it was, you and Eddie had reached for the same tub of moisturizing conditioner at the same time and your eyes met in the Walmart beauty aisle. At meet cute he thought only the likes of Harrington would ever achieve.
Eddie was stunned speechless. Your curls were even prettier than his. Their glossy shine and bouncy texture wowed him, and made his dick hard, which he should've probably been concerned about. But then you smiled and laughed and apologized for bumping into him and Eddie knew he was in love.
He let you have it, but only if you gave him your number. So you reached into your bag for a pen and scribbled it on his hand. Eddie started at it, shocked that his line actually worked.
He called you later that night, too excited to wait any longer and before he knew it he had a date.
It's been months since then, since your first date, and now Eddie knows for sure that he loves you. You, who helps him wash his hair when he's too tired to bother. You, with your special hair wraps and satin pillowcases.
He bought you new ones just last week. A fancy brand that put a hefty dent in his wallet, but it was worth it seeing you smile. That and he felt guilty after accidentally, uh...ruining your last ones.
Eddie loves laying in the tub with you on days when you don't want to wash, your curls piled up on top of your head. He lets you put his hair up too, knotted in a bump on the back of his head with a soft scrunchie. He takes his time with you in those moments, takes care of you with soft, soapy hands that slip under the water to play with pebbled nipples and dimpled skin. Your laughter turns to sighs under the bubbles. Eddie buries his face in your curls and breathes you in, rocks against you as you twist and writhe under his fingers.
Later, when you're warm and tucked in his arms, all lotioned up and smelling so sweet, Eddie thinks about keeping you for forever. Picturing little curly-headed babies running around. Teaching them to love their curls too. He falls asleep with a smile on his face, and a ring tucked in the bottom of his sock drawer.
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mrsackermannx · 1 year
all about: levi and your curly hair…
for my curly people <3
tags: curly haired reader/and or poc reader, suggestive themes (breeding kink, mild sex), bullying mentions, micro aggressions, small ocd mention for levi, modern au! and dad! levi, fluffy drabble, afab reader but no specific body part mentions.
wc: 1.2k
the first thing levi noticed about you was your hair, the way your curls glinted in the morning sun. whether it was tied back, or your curls were framing your face and falling in hypnotising waves. there was something about it that drove him crazy.
when you and levi finally moved in together, he watched curiously as you replaced both your pillowcases with silk ones. changed his hair towel to a micro fibre one, and stacked up your products on the shower shelf. that’s why you always smelled so fucking good, your deep masque, your conditioner, curl cream, all of it smelt so fucking amazing. it smelt like you and he loved it.
he even bought travel sizes of your conditioners for when he went away on business trips, just so he could smell you when he was away.
one time you told levi about the teasing you recieved through school, people calling your hair messy, wild, telling you should brush it out, straighten it. he was livid, how fucking dare they, “it’s perfect as it is.”
when you told him the flip side, people always asking to touch it, your lip curled when he said, “how stupid, you’re not an animal, people don’t ask to do that with straight hair.”
“….they were jealous. your hair is beautiful there’s nothing messy about it.”
levi started to notice how people compliment curly hair, ‘so cool’ ‘wow it’s so crazy!’ just like you’d discussed with him. he hated that you’ve ever felt pressed to flatten your pretty curls away with heat because of stupid comments such as these amongst other things.
the idea of someone reaching out to touch you or your hair made his blood boil.
levi too thought the handling of another’s hair was intimate and or laced with love, he loved the care his mother would take with his hair as a child, making it neat for him, because otherwise he could not sleep knowing it was slightly uneven.
as an adult, levi came to quickly discover that he couldn’t relax without coiling his fingers through your curls at least once a day, watching them spring beautifully. even if it was just one. it was funny because you never thought you would like somebody playing with your hair, but you loved when levi did it, love in his fingertips, a lazy smile on his lips. springing his favourite curls while you cuddled after a long day.
he remembers the first time you moved his hand to your hair, feeling your locks fall against his fingers, he rubbed at your scalp, smiling at the way you relaxed. he didn’t want to make it a big deal, but his heat was thudding. you’d been together not even six months yet, but this was more intimate than hand-holding to him.
carefully, he played with the curly lengths, gently, not tugging his fingers through it, no—he handled it with care. “your hair is so pretty,” he whispered, kissing your forehead. you tore your eyes away from the movie, your gaze softened.
Your mouth opened and then closed, before you simply smiled, “…thank you, levi.”
he switched you below him, your curls fanned about the sofa cushions, levi thought you looked like a princess, “im so fucking lucky, you are the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.”
that night as you made love, you urged levi to slot his fingers through the strands above your nape and pull. he did so, delighting in the way you moaned, melting into your embrace, telling you how beautiful you were and how good you were taking him.
the first time levi washed your hair was after years of living together, when all the possible walls between a couple had dissolved. you were more comfortable with levi than you were alone and vice versa.
one week, you were swamped with work, tossing your hair into a ponytail every morning. levi noticed because he loves when your curls are out and free, they’re gorgeous. but he knows it’s a lot of work sometimes. so when you sighed as your finger caught a knot, tossing aside your silk scrunchie. he had already made his mind up.
levi had been watching youtube tutorials for this very moment. “want me to wash it for you?” he asked, tentatively.
“huh? you sure?” you answered, eyes shining.
“let me. it’s good i get the practise. plus, you know how to wash mine,” he shrugged simply, a sweet smile on his lips. “it’s no different, i should know how to take care of your hair too,” he added firmly, kissing your knuckles—hearing no complaints.
you nodded. and god were you shocked with how well levi had done. you were confused at first because he did it a little differently to you. slathering conditioner through your mid-lengths before his fingers worked your scalp, washing away the bubbles of your clarifying shampoo.
he watched your face scrunch curiously.
“it’s good to condition your hair before, so when the shampoo rinses through. your hair won’t get too dry.”
levi knew what he was talking about and it was fucking hot. “been reading up on this?”
“maybe,” he purred, detangling your hair tip to root. “ends to roots, just like you taught me,” he hummed cockily, working in your stylers with fínese.
“so pretty,” he murmured, though completely to himself, his fingers smoothing frizz away as he clumped your curls together with your wet brush. cupping each section and scrunching it into your microfibre towel, before squishing the water out.
“sorry, my hair takes so long,” you mumbled. levi normally waited for you to wash your hair, but he’s clingy even if he won’t admit it to anyone other than you.
“ill do it for you from now on, if you’ll let me.”
“if you don’t mind,” your cheeks were on fire, other than sex there was nothing more intimate than this.
“of course i don’t—i want to.”
when your hair was dried, you couldn’t believe how good it looked, you’d never seen it look so fucking good in fact. you’d gotten compliments all week, and a few people even stopped to ask of your routine.
you grew to love these rituals, it made you closer, you didn’t have to spend hours in the bathroom, moodily detangling your hair anymore. levi was an earnest learner as always. some soft music, candles, levi oiled your scalp, braided your hair before bed, massaged in your shampoo, come to think of it, you’d always washed his hair when you showered, he was right. why would it be any different?
“y’know earlier, you said—it’s good to get practise, what did you mean?”
he laid you down beneath him, pressing suggestive kisses along your jaw, “what’d’you think, sweetheart?”
you locked your arms around his neck, “well…when we’ve got curly haired brats running around here, i want to be able to-“
you pulled his lips down onto yours, and in minutes you were nothing but boneless and hoarse beneath him. “i love you, thank you for accepting every part of me.”
“i love all of you, down to every perfect detail.” he thrusted harder and delighted in your sounds.
“im ready f-for you to!”
he pressed his palm against your stomach, “how long have we wanted to do this,” he moaned, “how long have you wanted my cum in here?” his fingers worked on your clit.
“so so fucking long!”
when you both had your first daughter, levi exclusively handled her hair in the mornings, doing the prettiest hairstyles with butterfly clips and hair pins. the teachers all cooed at levi when he did the school run, “…told us that daddy does her hair, is that right?”
they all crushed on him, so so hard.
levi grinned, pointing to his curly haired wife leant against the car, “mmhm, mommy’s too.”
he grinned as you waved over, already planning the detour to your favourite car sex spot.
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phoxphenex · 1 year
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jeno sighing against your lips as you run your fingers through his new curly hair and covering his face and neck in quick little kisses <3
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lavendarniko · 9 months
Vash Wolfwood Meryl Milly x poc!reader (Curly wash day)
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For the longest time on your adventures with the Trigun Squad you’ve always ensured to reach a city and book an Inn every Sunday. Today would have been no different except you are exhausted and fed up and do not want to put in the effort to care for your hair. Your body is sore and your muscles ache at the thought of the washing and the products and the styling. You just wanted the day to be over but you couldn’t end it- not yet. You take a room key and hand off the rest to Meryl, already on the verge of tears as you open the door and chuck your travel sack onto a bed. You start to silently cry as you sit on the bed and fish out your hair products.
Vash (the loveliest sunflower 🌻):
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Vash went to check on you immediately and the moment Vash steps into the room he already knows. The man simply picks you up and hauls you off into the bathroom even if you protest.
This man is surprisingly -not really since he’s had over a century to learn all sorts of shit- adept at washing through your hair. He does it all with what I call “salon hands” just working it in so well that it’s essentially a scalp massage, that leaves you dozing off. Coming in and out of consciousness to find him finger combing through your curls, ever so lovingly scrunching product into your hair, his every touch so sweet and gentle
You finally start to pay more attention when he takes your hair shirt and gently scrunches your curls mostly dry. He combs the products through your hair. Only to again find yourself surprised as he combs your hair tip to top without you having to even explain it.
The gentle action brings you to tears as he continues to brush your hair. “Jeez, am I really doing that bad a job, (Y/N)?”, he sheepishly asks. You wipe away your tears, “No, I just haven’t- it’s been so long since anyone- No one’s done my hair for me since I was little…”
Now that Vash has prompted you into talking, neither of you can shut up. The two of you cycle through topics as he takes his time to do your hair just like you like it. You’ve never heard him this soft spoken doing any task as he twists and ties off sections of your hair giving it a fun braided off ponytail look to it.
“So how does the front part of your coat work?”, you ask as he finishes up a braid, “If I undo all the buttons will it just flop off?” “No, the collar would stay since it’s actually attached to the coat”, Vash replies as he ties off the braid, “and you’d have to unbutton the waist part too for it to just flop open.” You make a small hum as you thought about it, only to start laughing at the mental image.
Most weeks you and Vash use your wash days to be closer with each other, it just serves as a good way to check on each other and talk with each other. On the rougher weeks it’s such a simple way to help him feel like he’s doing some good. And for you, to help pull him from whatever self-loathing spiral he’s in.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (El Woowoo 🐺):
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He doesn’t come to check on you immediately, instead leaving you to stew and cry for a while. When he does finally come to the room you, he finds you shaking as you try to roughly comb through your hair. He takes the comb from your hands with a huff. “Don’t do that. Are you trying to rip your hair out?” He doesn’t pull an answer out of you as you continue to softly gasp and cry.
He acts so annoyed about helping you, huffing and puffing as he helps to comb through your tangled curly hair, but he does find it surprisingly meditative like counting rosary beads.The simple motion of holding a section of hair and combing it through tip to top and once more top to bottom for good measure Wolfwood finds relaxing. (Although if you mention anything about it he’ll simply deny it or not reply at all.)
I don’t think Wolfwood knows how to do much more than braids, plaids (not attached to the scalp braids), and plaid-like twists from his time at the orphanage. He’s not going to ask you what style you want. He’s gonna pick, like it or not.
“Well? You got anything to say?”, he’ll prompt once more. “Thank you, Wolfwood. I owe you at least a lollipop” “Damn right you do”, he says with a tone that’s so teasing and so him. You can’t see him but you hear his smile, “You’re done crying right?” “Yea…” you smile back.
There are times after where Wolfwood will ask if you need help- please tell him yes the man just wants to brush your hair again. He will make you sit between his knees, it secretly makes him feel like he’s at the orphanage doing one of the little one’s hair again.
It's mostly a silent activity. However, depending on how much hair you have he might whine about it. He hates sectioning your hair just to brush it out. Instead he brushes, twists, and ties off the section that he was holding. Don’t expect it to be even sections either. Also RIP to your small rubber bands he’s either breaking them or shooting them across the room. (“It’s not on purpose I swear”)
Meryl (tiniest badass 💗):
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When Meryl finally makes it to the room to check on you, you’re a sobbing mess as you try to tackle the disaster that is your hair. She takes your hand and leads you to a chair, taking the comb from your hands. She gathers your products and hair supplies and places them on the table.
This might come as a shock, but Meryl doesn’t know the basics of hair care besides you have to brush it and wash it. So you do have to instruct Meryl through it all. But she learns quickly
You have to tell her how certain products work and in what order to put them in but she does it all with the cutest expression (one i think she would have accidentally gotten from Milly) where she pokes her tongue out between her lips as she tries her best to absorb the information.
When Meryl gets to brush your hair she goes top to bottom, but stops immediately when you wince in pain. She apologizes so quickly, “Jeez (Y/N) I see why you were crying. This does seem like a lot”
You and Meryl make merry as you chat about the various hairstyles you’ve had over your lifetime. “I used to have long hair before I joined the Bernardelli Insurance society” “Really?”, you exclaim. “Yeah, but it was a hassle. I’ve got no clue how Milly deals with it.” “You know…”, you trail off, “I can’t imagine you or Milly looking any different than you do now.” “No?” You start to shake your head then stop, “No, short hair really suits you Meryl” She laughs and it makes your heart race, her laugh is everything to you. The sound really brightens up your day. You begin to slouch as she takes her time to really try and brush your hair through in a way that won’t hurt you or rip your hair.
Meryl doesn’t do your hair often, but she does take the time to sit with you as you do your hair. Slowly, she learns how to do your hair until she’s one day comfortable enough to do it for you. You thank her every time and find it the perfect excuse to be close to her before you're ready to reveal just how in love with her you really are.
Milly (My beloved ❣️):
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Milly goes to find you immediately. As soon as she’s given the key she leaves to check on you. She could see it on your face long before you all arrived into town. Milly has been trying her best, offering more hugs, and even offering a share of her pudding (my angel) so it breaks her heart when she sees you crying as you pull out all your hair products from your bag.
Milly forces (politely asks) you to get into the bath and let her handle it. She takes care of stripping your clothes and running the bath. She takes care to scrub you down of the desert sand, her every action done with care.
She doesn’t really know how to care for your hair type but she takes the time to read instructions on the bottles, washing your hair thoroughly and sweetly rinsing it outgoing ever so careful as to not let it sting your eyes. Any bottles without instructions she simply asks you how to use it or how much to use.
“(Y/n)”, she asks as she holds up the bottle, “How much do you need?” You look back at her bleary eyed as you respond, “I use just enough to fill my palm, sometimes a little less…” “Oh (Y?n), don’t fall asleep yet”, she scrubs your scalp with the shampoo, “I don’t know much of the conditioner I should be using.” You just smile at her, Milly is too sweet for you to resist hugging with your wet body. It makes her squeal as it soaks her clothes.
After Milly dries you and herself she carefully picks up and reads through the other bottles and jars of your hair products. She picks up a moisturizing jar and you watch her carefully read the label as you sit on a chair. She gets a large dollop and begins to foam it up between her hands. Then, to your surprise, she finger-combs it through your hair. “Wow (Y/n) this smells so sweet, and it looks just like pudding!” It draws a laugh out of you.
I would say Milly definitely knows how to brush your hair. Her long hair has a tendency to get knots and snags after a night’s sleep. So she sections it off and brushes your hair tip to root with a gentle touch. She would probably braid it off after she’s done with that particular section. If you always wear it in a particular way, she’ll have you walk her through it. If you put fun decorations in it she’ll ask to use them in your hair. Overall it becomes a fun way to include Milly into your self-care day. You find yourself including her more and more, allowing her to play and style with your hair more often than you do.
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Obsessed with Thad cornering Kon one day and begging him to talk to Bart about taking better care of his curly hair. Because Kon, a curly boy, actually takes care of his hair and it shows.
Thad: conner, you need to talk to your boyfriend about his hair. his hair 'routine' is abominably atrocious.
Kon: Doesn't he just 'fall in a sink?'
Thad: it's worse, he uses that two-in-one shit.
Kon: It's way better than what he was doing, did he tell you about how he used Dawn dish soap when he first showed up in this time?
Thad: visibly recoiling:: no. and he's lost about 10% of my respect just for that.
Kon: So he has about 70% of your respect now considering the last time you docked respect points.
Thad: it's more than others but it's about to go down again if he doesn't start taking serious care of his hair.
Kon: Why do I have to talk to him about his hair? It's fine!
Thad: our hair is curly, conner. curly! you know how much work curly hair needs!
Kon: Well, yeah I do. But I also sort of like the floof Bart rocks.
Thad: ... your tastes are barbaric.
Kon: Oh yeah? Says the dude who uses a steaming flatiron to burn their curls straight every day!
Thad: i have a hair routine which is methodical and carefully executed with hair health in mind despite my harsher methods. bart just strives for whatever method is the quickest without considering the long-term damage where sometimes 'falling in a sink' is his only routine. seriously. help him.
Kon: It really killed you when you were pretending to be Bart and you had to adopt his hair routine, didn't it?
Thad: it took my hair 8 months to recover...
Note: Thad's lowercase speech is intentional.
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druid-boy-punk · 2 months
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a bit of a study of my favorite fugitive and criminal <3
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Because clearly my weekend plans have dissolved into doing nothing more than just immersing myself in all your fics & no matter how many there are I'm sure it'll never be enough. Can I please request Happy & "My wide needs that for her hair ..."
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You decided to spend your weekend reading my stuff! Oh my little heart!!
Drabble Masterlist
First Dibs
Contains: Fluff, mild violence.
304 words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed
Happy's trip to the store doesn't go all that well
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Happy breathed a sigh of relief, you had been complaining about your itching scalp for days but the aloe you usually put in a soothing mask had been out of stock. He had to travel to Oakland to get it but as he placed it in his basket, someone walked by and tried to take it without him seeing while his attention was back on the shelves.
Happy grabbed the person's wrist and it was clear it was from someone old enough to know better so he squeezed hard, "ow, what the fuck man?"
Happy met his eyes, he was in his early twenties, "why did you take that out of my basket?"
The manchild pulled his hand away, "I got sunburnt, I need it more than you, just get the cheap brand." Happy stepped close to the man, his face a mask of almost stoic anger.
"My wife needs that for her hair, I had it first so remove your hand or you'll regret it."
Something about Happy, whether it was his face or tone had to man slinking back into his skin, "sorry man, but your wife seems like a bit of a…"
The punch had him falling to the ground, "I hope your skin falls off you stupid pig." Happy looked around, no one dared say a word knowing who Happy was.
Happy returned to the house and presented you with the bottle with a smile, "you want some help with that little girl?"
You nodded, "please, your fingers are so much better at scratching than mine."
Happy huffed, "you are saying I need lotion?"
You giggled, "no my love, you're just good with your fingers is all."
Happy's eyes went dark, "yeah, you said the same thing last night."
You slapped his chest in jest, "you are such an infant."
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stargazer56 · 14 days
@schittscreekdrabblechallenge and for everyone who loves Noah's curls.
David hears Marcy recounting a behind the scenes tale about Patrick’s high school production of Peter Pan, but his entire being is laser-focused on the photo in front of him, and the auburn curls spilling out from underneath the moss green hat. His fiancé has curly hair. Marcy’s words fade into the background as his eyes bounce between the photo album on the table and Patrick on the deck talking to Clint. Marcy flips the page and David draws in a sharp breath at the bounty of curls before him. He needs to convince Patrick to grow out his hair.
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strawberyy-cows · 1 year
no rings[e.m.]
✰ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut(minors dni), oral(m recieving), unsexy hair pulling
✰ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
✰ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: .3k words
✰ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Eddie's hands get stuck in your hair and you ban rings during sex
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You and Eddie were hanging out completely innocently in his van. Then he got horny because of course he did. He's always horny.
That's how you ended up on your knees in the back of Eddie's van with his hands wrapped in your hair while your mouth was wrapped around his cock.
You used one of your free hands to stroke what you couldn't fit in your mouth. You wanted him to enjoy himself.
And he was for a bit.
Until he tried moving his hand to make you look up at him.
His rings had tangled in your hair and he internally panicked. He used his other hand to try and get the rings off but he couldn't so now he started to panic.
He guessed the panic was evident on his face when you looked up and stopped. You took him out of your mouth and stared at him, confused.
"You okay there?"
"So... babe... theoretically... What if my rings got stuck in you hair?" He asked nervously.
Your eyes widened and your hands flew to your previously neat-ish hair. "Edward Munson! What the fuck?"
Eddie looked mortified. "I didn't mean to!" He said loudly, finally slipping his index finger out of his ring. He kept accidentally pulling your hair and you though he was going to rip out a giant chunk of your hair.
You glared at your boyfriend as he frantically tried pulling his stuck fingers out of his rings. "If I have to cut my hair I'm castrating you." You said angrily.
He was able to get the rest of his fingers out, laughing triumphantly and holding his rings up. "I got 'e- oh..." His pride was quickly smashed when he saw your expression.
"No more rings."
"Okay..." He said guiltily.
✰ 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @sw34terw34ther
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adrunkskeletonsduck · 2 years
➜ Pairing: Padme Amidala x POC!reader
➜ Warnings: Gn!reader, curlyhaired!reader, fluff, not proofread
➜ Word Count: 0.6k
➜ Notes: I wasn’t planning to post this but yk, just trying to show my fellow poc and curly haired bbys some love 😪
Sᴛᴀʀᴡᴀʀs Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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You flicked off the light to the bathroom with a sigh, you were more than ready to collapse into Padme’s arms and fall asleep after such a long day. Your feet padded softly on the tile floor, through the doorway of the conjoined bedroom and bathroom, and into the carpet of the bedroom. She was already wrapped up in the covers, scrolling a holopad with a focused frown like she did every night as you crawled in next to her.  
It was a rare occasion that the both of you came home while the other was awake. Often times she’d stay late at the senate building, working on a new bill or a way to get more votes on a certain one. Both your lines of work were very demanding and it left you both with little time for each other, but you made it work.  
Without missing a beat, Padme set the device down and turned to you, slithering her arms around you and letting your head rest on her chest. Your eyes slipped shut and you allowed yourself to lay there for a moment, basking in her comforting presence. She took the bottle of argan oil from your hand gently and leaned down to kiss your temple.  
“Do you need me to oil your hair?” she asked softly, taking note to your exhausted state. You gave a small nod, pushing yourself up from the laying position you were in to sit up properly. She sat up as well, sitting on her knees and inching closer to you until your back was pressed up against her chest. Flicking open the bottle and drizzling some oil onto her hand she got to work, soft hands massaging your skull carefully, working the oil into the roots of your hair. You sighed and leaned into her; your eyes fluttering shut as you focused on the pleasant sensation that seemed to melt away the frustrations and stress of the day.  
You almost whined when she removed her hands, drizzling a tad bit more oil onto her palms and running her hands over and in between thick spirals of curls. Running her hands over your hair one last time and letting it go, watching as your curls bounced back onto your shoulders, she asked 
“You feeling a little better now?” One thing that had become very clear as your relationship had progressed was how much your hair meant to you. Padme wasn’t sure why, but it seemed to hold an almost spiritual importance to you. She admired how well you took care of it, investing much of your time and energy into keeping it healthy and only allowing select few people to touch it, play with it and cut it.  
 You let out a hum of confirmation in reply to which she smiled at, getting up to go wash her hands and return the bottle of argan oil to its place in the bathroom cabinet. You layed back down, tucking yourself under the covers and waiting for her to come back. It wasn’t long before she was sliding into bed next to you, laying her head on your chest in a way that her body was draped over you, and sliding her arms around your neck loosely, while you wrapped an arm around her hip. You pulled the blanket up higher, and she nuzzled into you. 
Cool air wafted in from the open window, carrying in the sounds of passing by speeders and street chatter that filled the silence in your shared bedroom as the two of you held each other.  
“Goodnight my love,” she whispered to you, feeling her eye lids growing heavy. You barley had enough energy to whisper back a response, 
“Goodnight Padme.”  
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godcomplexrat · 2 months
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Thinking on getting an undercut for the summer to deal with all this better🤔
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Steam Powered Blinders
Birmingham Arrival
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Tw: mentions of the automatons getting treated like inanimate objects, vintage! Rabbit, misgendering.
The crates had just been shipped inland, no return address, no markings to identify them and no idea to who they're supposed to go. All that stood on the large boxes was the city's name. Birmingham.
The boxes were shipped through the gypsy river lines because of this strange lack of information regarding them, so obviously on the inland River docks, they had to pop them open to see what was inside.
"You better come see for yourself!" Curly prattled, leading Tommy, Arthur and John to Charlie's yard. "You won't believe me if I just tell you!" He's jittery and Tommy isn't sure why. It seems out of character for the other.
When they get to Charlie's yard, they find Charlie looking worried as well, standing by the stable doors. "What's the matter, Charlie?" Tommy says as he ends up standing beside his uncle. Arthur and John idle a few steps behind the two of them, trying to see out into the yard, as if it may hold the answer.
"You see, Tommy, we got this strange shipment. Three crates with just the city's name on them, nothing else. We opened them to see what it was, and well, three metal men climbed out!" Charlie explained, nodding his head towards the yard.
Tommy had to think about that for a moment. Metal men? That sounded all too familiar. When he follows Charlie's line of sight, his own lands on three familiar faces. That's what he meant by 'Metal men' then.
"Not to worry, Charlie. We know these guys," Tommy says, casual as ever. He lights his cigarette before leaving the small barn and heading over to where three Automatons were seemingly playing. Well, two were playing, the third seemed distracted by their surroundings.
"Spine!" Tommy greets as he approaches them. He's not so sure of the others names, they were in different camps, but he knew Spine the longest. They were in the same unit on the front lines in France. The Spine, pulled from his thoughts, visibly relaxes once he sees a familiar face.
"Sergeant-major, oh thank goodness for a familiar face," The Spine said, stretching out his hand in a friendly greeting. He knew they weren't in France anymore, but he still felt the need to address him by his title.
"Just Tommy is fine. What are you three doing here?" He asks, allowing the handshake as easily as breathing. Arthur and John seemingly have followed him and them talking attracted Rabbit and Jon's attention.
"Okay, uh, Tommy it is then. It seems we've been shipped to the wrong continent," Spine starts, but Rabbit hops up behind him and looking over his shoulder, says, "Yeah, we're supposed to be in San-Diego! This ain't San-Diego!"
"No, this is Birmingham, boys," Tommy answers the obvious. Or was it so obvious to people who have never been there? Who knows.
"Tommy, these are my siblings, Rabbit and The Jon," Spine introduces, gesturing to the two of them as he names them. Rabbit stares at Tommy over Spine's shoulder, but doesn't move, while Jon just gives a smile and a friendly wave.
"Oh, it's just you guys!" Arthur rumbles happily from behind Tommy. John looks a little lost, but Spine happily greets Arthur as well.
"Let's get out of the immediate public and see what's happened for you to end up here," Tommy suggests, throwing his cigarette to the side and turning to head out of the yard. Arthur and John glance between him and the automatons.
Spine shrugs and starts to follow him, Rabbit skeptically following along. The Jon just shrugs and follows after his siblings happily.
"Where are we gonna go?" Spine asks as Arthur and John fall into step at the back of the group.
"To our house in Small Heath. It's not very big, so we'll likely be a bit cramped until we can find a place for you to comfortably stay, but it's better than nothing for now," Tommy answers, lighting another cigarette.
Spine can't help but notice the heavy smoking habit. He hadn't always smoked this much, but ever since the tunnel collapsed..... Well, he can't really blame Tommy for it, really.
Charlie and Curly are left staring in confusion at the backs of the three brothers and the three metal men walking away from the yard, presumably to their home or a pub somewhere.
(Disclaimer, I know Rabbit is trans and I swear I'm not misgendering her to be a dick. This is in 1919, when she still had her vintage look, so they mistake her for a man. This will be corrected in future chapters and/or when one of her brothers is the narrator.)
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~The Plan~
"If I asked you to kiss me in this room full of people, would you do it?"
Curly x reader
You weren't usually the type to party by lately you had been trying to come out of your shell. Maybe if you explored outside your comfort zone you wouldn't be stuck pining after an unrequited love.
You had been friends with Angela for nearly two years now. You had met in school, and though you seemed like unlikely buddies it seemed you two had a good connection going. One thing led to another and you two were almost always attached to the hips. Being friends with Angela Shepard though had it's ups and downs.
Sure, having the protection of a whole gang was nice, but you didn't need it. You weren't a fighter. You avoided conflict actually, but it was nice to know that Angela had them all keep an eye out for you anyways. As your best friend though, she knew more then you wanted her to. It started a while ago, when exactly, you don't remember. It was late, it was rainy, and there was nothing but fog and the sound of drunk greasers and socs alike racing their cars down the empty streets. You were trying to head home despite how dark it was but Angela insisted that her brother, Curly, accompanied you on your walk.
In hindsight you weren't sure if you wanted to thank Angela for giving you and him alone time to kick off your relentless stress of falling for him or to, you weren't sure, kick her in the shin? Despite the fact she made him walk with you that one night, how was she to know you'd fall for her own brother? It wasn't her fault, no, and you couldn't blame your best friend. In fact, you weren't planning on ever telling her in fear that it would ruin your relationship if she knew, but when she found out from your not so subtle staring and red cheeks, she was ecstatic.
Someone she adored liked her brother? And on top of that, that person was a good influence? It was almost too good to be true for the female Shepard. And with a sea of squeals and her begging for details, she got to work. You didn't ask her to, no, but the brunette insisted on helping. You only hoped that you wouldn't make a fool of yourself in the process.
So here you were, awkwardly standing around at a party with a glass in your hands. You had never drank before, but with enough coaxing from Angela, and the fact that she made you look absolutely amazing tonight, you decided to at least take a few drinks. For her and her plan...
Alright, so maybe you were trying to make yourself tipsy enough to blame it on alcohol if it went wrong.
Angela had some work to do of her own though. Leaving you to slowly drink your beverage in the corner she set off through the sea of people to find her brother. Of course, he was right at home amongst the other hoods, partying, drinking, even throwing in some gambling with the pool table.
With a tap to his shoulder though, he raised an eyebrow as his seemingly sober sister approached, pulling him down to whisper in his ear. His dark blue eyes had flicked from her over to the crowd within moments, staring off in thought before a smirk broke onto his face. A few nods later he shouted to his buddies that he'd be back, yet only a couple heard him.
Minutes had passed and you weren't sure how to feel. Nervous? Anxious? Overwhelmed? There was no way this would work. Curly would laugh in your face and then it'd be nothing but awkward. Sometimes you felt as if he flirted with you just to tease or to joke around, perhaps he never actually flirted with you. Maybe he never meant a single thing he had said and just needed to fluster you to make him feel better. That was it, wasn't it? You were so obviously fallen for him that he used you as an ego booster.
As a wave of fear and perhaps nausea passed you decided to down the rest of your drink, feeling the warmth spread after it hit your tongue. Where had Angela even gone? She was away for a while now and you were starting to wonder if something happened.
Just as your eyes glossed over the people though, standing in your tippy toes to see a hand slid across your waist. Flinching back, you snapped your head to the culprit.
"Curls?! You scared the shit outta me!" You told him, a hand to your chest.
"Hah, you're so adorable when you're scared." He commented, his hand gracing your jaw as he teasingly looked down at you. "What the hell are you doing here, doll?"
"Angela." You mentioned as he leaned closer to hear you over all the noise. Luckily the corner you were in was just empty enough that you didn't have to yell everything. "She uh, well, she really wanted me to come with so..."
As you trailed off you noticed Curly nod his head slightly, his tongue brushing across his teeth under his lips.
"Yeah, she told me that you were looking for me. Said you had something to say." He mentioned with a cocky little brow raise. Taking a sip from his own alcohol, he gave a small hum before nodding to you. "That true?"
Your stomach lurched, your mouth snapping closed, your lips pursing together as you thought. It was an awkward pause and even worse due to your lack of looking in his direction.
"Um, well...yeah, I suppose that was the plan." You mumbled the last part, unsure if he even heard you.
"Well, go on. I don't have all night, babydoll." He spoke, but the way he said it made you blush slightly. He was teasing you yet again just to get a rise out of you.
"Look...Curly." you spoke before sighing, deciding to be bold and take his own glass right from his hand and down that one too. Your dumbass was sure to have a nasty hangover tomorrow.
"Hey, what the hell, Y/n?" Curly growled slightly, but his eye raise wasn't that of a pissed of variety. It was of a mixture of annoyance and amusement if anything.
"Curly, if I asked you to kiss me in this room full of people, would you do it?" You looked up at him, eyes searching his for something. Anything, hell even disgust just as long as you knew how he felt.
The pause was painful, that was for sure, but Curly needed a second. Yeah, he was a dirty egotistical flirt, but Curly wasn't the type to just willy nilly kiss someone in front of everyone. He wasn't as big on PDA as some others in his gang. Giving a sigh though, he knew you needed answer, so, preparing himself for a second his hand grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him as he bent down, lips connecting with yours.
And like that there was silence. You didn't hear anymore of the drunken hollers and laughs. You just closed your eyes and focused on the moment before it was gone, Curly pulling away and looking down at your blushing face.
"C'mon. I'll walk you home, you're going to have a hell of a time in the mornin'." He spoke softly, looking out to the people one last time before rolling his eyes, his sister and a few other gang members smirking and giving him kissy faces. He definitely wouldn't hear the end of that for a long while.
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