#cursed healer Constantine
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All my one piece ocs with the animals that represent them!! 💞💞
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nocturnerpg · 7 months
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A new coterie has been added and the roles for the PEACEKEEPERS have been updated as well, courtesy of Aramis and Bellinor Constantine! Kindly refer to the following information below.
✛  EVERNIGHT GOVERNANCE. Evernight’s governance for all appearances is a monarchy. The Undying King’s rule is absolute, His word the divine law. All citizenry shall bow before their King if they do not wish to meet a terrible fate.
However, this power is not maintained by one man alone. If one digs into the workings of Evernight's government (and live to tell the tale) they will find that the Undying King is a spider at the center of an intricate spy network with webs that spill out from the kingdom to all of La Patrie. Anyone privy to the King’s affairs knows well enough that the Peacekeeper General and Keeper of The Seals sits at the same level of power as the King, while the other keepers sit just below them in regards to the weight of their voices at the political table. Below are the keepers and figures that are key to Evernight's running and maintenance.
AVAILABLE ROLES. THE PROGENITOR: Bellinor Constantine KEEPER OF THE GREAT SEALS: Aramis KEEPER OF BLOOD: (head of all human affairs in Evernight, overseer of the Evernight blood supply) (0/1) KEEPER OF HISTORY: (head archivist and historian of Evernight) (0/1) KEEPER OF MAGIC: (powerful witch who survived centuries of persecution, fem role) (0/1) THE VITAL FIGURES OF EVERNIGHT. THE FOUR ELEMENTS: Manipulators of nature, protectors of the city, must be scholars. THE NYMPH: (water, 0/1) THE WHISPER / THE GALE: (air, 0/1) THE CORNERSTONE: (earth, 0/1) THE FIREBREATHER / HELLRAISER: (fire, 0/1) THE WILD HUNT. Formed well before the rise of the Undying King, The Wild Hunt is a band of nightmares wrapped in flesh. In the world before daysdeath, its members were gatherers of information, exchanging their hoard of secrets with each other to serve their own individual and unified gains. After daysdeath, their goals shifted to support the Undying King and the kingdom that was promised under his reign. Most of La Patrie, and the rest of the world, believe The Wild Hunt to be pure fantasy. Their arguments hang on the premise that its members are some kind of fable that mythologizes a moral teaching or a region’s history. Their names were used to frighten, warn, and teach. In some cases, they were used as curses or jokes. It was only after daysdeath that belief in their existence grew. Currently there are numerous conflicting reports that obscure who and what they are and their existence is still questioned by a majority of the world. For the fair citizens of La Patrie, they only have the whispers they tell themselves and their children about the ghosts that haunt them. THE SPECTRE: (The Wild Hunt’s current leader, fem role, requires some conversation with Aramis' typist!) (0/1) BLOODY MARY: (0/1) THE BELL WITCH: (0/1) THE WHITE LADY: (0/1) THE EXORCIST: (0/1) THE RIPPER: (0/1) THE SAINT: (0/1)
✛  PEACEKEEPERS. (updated) Peacekeepers are the Undying King’s anointed law enforcement for the city of Evernight. Made of vampire warriors to keep the peace, aspiring trainees undergo a rigorous form of training before they are deemed worthy to serve the Undying King and his kingdom. Although, like any other common soldier, some are a little more corrupt than others.
As per the writers, the carrd for Evernight's Governance is currently being finalized. We will update our pages accordingly once we have the link.
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[6/7] the healers → katheryn porter [constantine 2005]
It’s both a blessing and curse to feel everything so deeply.
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thatapostateboy · 5 years
colourful charade
Pairing: None, just platonic Constantin and de Sardet
Word Count: 1835
Synopsis: A fic about a young de Sardet, her more exasperated mother and an introduction. (I wrote most of this on my phone so please forgive any errors) 
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It was the day after her sixteenth birthday that Genevieve de Sardet broke a man’s nose for the first time. There had been plenty of times before that incident where it had been an option she had considered; any number of cruel boys or even crueller adults at court took the opportunity to pass comment on the curling green mark upon her cheek, coming up with increasingly more ludicrous reasons for its existence; an infection, a curse, the true beginning of the Malichor.
It had angered her so much, to listen to people who did not know her judging her for something that she had been born with. Her relation to the royal family saved her any public ridicule, but it was the whispers behind her back that truly hurt her more. It was for that reason that her mother had trained her young how to always strive towards diplomacy. She was a lady of the court, niece to the Prince D’Orsay, she would need to know how to navigate the delicate dealings and political backstabbings that came with that role.
From a young age, she took to those lessons with great enthusiasm, finding a talent within herself for the intrigue and game of it all. She never truly agreed with the secrecy and the way that the nobility clung to their titles even at the expense of the major populace, but she loved knowing how to play them to get what she wanted.
It didn’t stop many of the rumours, but whatever words spread, everyone held a respect for the young Lady de Sardet, for so quickly learning how to play.
And yet, none of it mattered in that moment that she stood in her mother’s room, her usually tidy hair falling loose from her braids, mud on her dress. It was not a fully unusual state of dress, having been a tearaway child, always running off on adventures with her cousin. But the true part that stood out was that her hand was swollen and shaking in pain, a smear of someone else’s blood still on it.
Princess de Sardet let out a heavy sigh as she took in the sight of her daughter, “The guards tell me you punched a boy.”
Genevieve looked away dejectedly. Of course the guards had been the ones to tell on her. The members of the Coin Guard were some of the only people in the palace that she could never wrap her head around. The only way of making this whole incident go away would have been to pay them, but unfortunately, they answered to her mother and her uncle before her.
“I thought I taught you well,” she said, “What is the one thing I told you always to remember, my child?”
“That we are meant to use our words before anything else,” Genevieve muttered.
“And yet, you broke a boy’s nose, and injured your poor hand in the process,” she gestured to her daughter’s shaking hand.
Genevieve let out a huff, trying to defend herself, “But Mother…”
Princess de Sardet put her hand up to quiet her child, “Darling, you are a lady, not a soldier. Whatever happened, it is not your duty to take such actions.”
“But-” she tried to interject to no avail.
“We will have to organise some sort of apology to appease the boy’s family before news of this spreads too far, perhaps an opportunistic marriage arrangement or a position at court or-”
“I had no choice!” she blurted out.
Her mother’s eyebrows raised high, “I’m sorry?”
“Constantin and I had a break between our lessons, so we decided to venture into the city for a few hours. We were careful, we didn’t wear our recognisable clothes. We thought it would be fun to sneak into the Coin Tavern. We had a drink together, we weren’t bothering anyone, when suddenly this boy came up to us. He was a few years older, but I recognised him as the eldest son of the Laval family. Unfortunately, he had recognised us as well, and thought he would take the opportunity whilst he was well into his cups and away from the court to openly tell me in front of the entire tavern what he thought of me. He called me a cursed bitch who wasn’t even worthy of being downstairs with the tavern whores. He told me that his younger brother had contracted the malichor and wondered if slitting my throat would cure him,” she told her.
“That wretched boy. I will ensure he pays for this public scene, I promise you that,” her mother nodded, deep in thought, “So that is when you punched him?”
“Not entirely,” Genevieve said, “It was then that dear Constantin attempted to come to my rescue. He denounced him, threatened to have his tongue for the threats against his fair cousin, and told him that he would regret ever laying eyes on me. At which point the Laval boy laughed and told Constantin that he was a weaselly little bastard and his father would disown him before he ever disappointed everyone enough to take the throne. He then knocked Constantin to the ground and was going to attack him. I grabbed my mug and threw it at him to get his attention away from Constantin… And that is when I punched him.”
“I see.”
Her mother rose from her desk and paced to the window looking out across her view of the city, quiet for a long moment.
Genevieve took a deep breath, but held her head high, “I know my duty, mother, and my duty will always be to protect Constantin. Through whatever means necessary. It wasn’t the situation for words, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. If you wish to punish me for that, I will accept it, but I will not regret my actions.”
The Princess de Sardet turned to look back at her daughter, letting out a drawn out sigh, “I need time to think on this. For now, return to your room and I will make sure someone sees to your hand… But thank you for telling me the truth. I will make sure appropriate punishments are dealt out.”
It was later that evening as she sat curled up in her armchair by the fire reading a book, that she heard her door open. She smiled to herself, not even looking up. There was only one person who ever came in without knocking.
“Good evening, dear cousin,” she said.
“My fair cousin, I have been desperate to come here to speak with you,” Constantin said, eagerly taking his usual seat in the chair opposite hers, “Once we were hauled back here by the guards, and then separated to be lectured by our mothers, I haven’t had the time to thank you.”
She set her book down, “You don’t need to thank me.”
“I do,” he nodded, “Had you not been there with me, I do not know what would have happened.”
“You wouldn’t have started a fight with a boy nearly twice the size of you,” she pointed out with a smirk.
“The brute started it himself when he insulted you,” he said, “I could not stand to hear him say such foul things about you.”
“I can handle myself, Constantin,” she reminded him.
“I know, but we look after each other. It’s what we do… Though you are more likely to be the one looking after me. My lucky star. Always there to pull me out of my fires… I cannot believe that you truly broke his nose,” he said with a hum of laughter.
“And near broke my hand doing it,” she said, raising her bandaged hand. A healer had dealt with it for her, but had told her to rest it for the evening to prevent any further damage.
“Has your mother doled out any punishment yet?” he asked, “My father was furious, hearing that I was nearly part of a bar brawl in broad daylight. He was in the middle of lecturing me about disappointment and responsibility when your mother came in to talk to him. He sent me to my room and I’ve not heard a thing since.”
“Neither have I,” she admitted, “I’m starting to find this lack of clarity worse than any punishment they come up with.”
It was then that a soft knock came at the door. Genevieve rose to her feet, calling out for them to enter.
Her mother swept into the room, greeting her nephew with a respectful nod.
“The Prince and I have been in discussion,” she told them, “The Laval boy has received his due justice for his actions in the tavern. It is safe to say that their family is now in disgrace for so openly insulting and nearly assaulting the prince’s son and niece. As for the two of you… Though you prevented a worse fight from occurring, you both still snuck out of the palace without informing anyone, spent the afternoon in a tavern, and then injured a young man of the nobility. Whatever your intentions, this is something that cannot be ignored. You will both gather in the courtyard immediately after breakfast tomorrow.”
“What for?” Genevieve asked.
“You will find out in the morning. For now, rest well, both of you. You have a long day ahead of you,” she said with a quirk of her eyebrow and she left the room, leaving the two cousins staring at each other dumb-founded.
The next morning after an awkwardly quiet breakfast, the pair made their way to the courtyard as instructed, neither of them knowing what to expect. They found the Princess de Sardet waiting for them with a man of the Coin Guard, older than them by ten years, dark hair shorn at the sides, scars marking his face.
“If my endless instruction on the matters of court cannot keep you both from trouble after all these years, you both need to know what to do when trouble finds you,” she said, then looked to the man beside her, “This is Kurt, our Master of Arms. He will be taking on your combat instruction from now on.”
Both Genevieve and Constantin’s eyes went wide as they looked from him to her.
“Combat?” Constantin asked, voice dry.
“Yes, dearest nephew,” she nodded, “You must both be prepared for whatever life may throw at you. Your lessons with Kurt will be worked into your daily schedule, but you will be with him all day today. Learn from him. His lessons may one day save your life.”
She gave a regarding nod to Kurt, who returned it with, then she left them in the courtyard with him. They both looked at each other before Kurt let out a gruff chuckle, folding his arms across his chest.
“So, Your Excellencies,” he said, “I hear that someone needs to teach you dainties how to properly break a man’s nose without breaking your hand… Let’s get started.”
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orianess · 5 years
Figure I should send you a shipping ask too since I helped you spam telltale, but what's an au idea you have for Macdalton?? Also ship rates 1-10 for Macdalton and mcdanno?
Well thank you for including me I always enjoy it 👍. My rating of these two ships is so high it’s probably a tie for 9 out of 10. Because truth is when I like a ship I’m either all in or not but if I had to pick one over the other McDanno is like an 8.5 I guess? Idk I just love these guys so much my heart is like a high voltage meter always rocking off the scale when I think about them. As for AUs I’ll tell you about the three I’m working on right now because they all demand my attention at random intervals and all think they should be written first. AU one I’ve mentioned before is my reverse fairytale au with Mac who’s a cursed werewolf (a wolf all days but the night of the full moon he’s human) and he goes for help from Jack who is an empathic healer/dabbler in magic or a warlock for a lack of better terms (think John Constantine like abilities but really small scale) and they work together to break Mac’s curse. The second one is my bodyguard AU with superstar Mac and ex military bodyguard Jack who slowburn style fall in love with each other while they try to stay a step ahead of Mac’s determined stalker Murdoc. The third is a newer idea and still in early development but it’s AU of cannon. The idea is that when Jack goes to hunt Kovacs, Mac is kidnapped and presumed KIA only to be discovered working with Murdoc and he seems to have no idea who Jack is. So kicks off a cat and mouse hunt of Jack trying to save Mac, if there’s any left to save. What about you? Any AUs you’d like to share @rai-knightshade,?
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firesoulstuff · 6 years
Could you do a Captain Canary Snow White AU?
*sighs* sorry this took so long, it kind of took on a life of it’s own.
True Love’s Kiss (Part 1)
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16213211/chapters/37894727
Another day come, another day he’s spent doing more than his share of work. Haircut and Pretty are supposed to be helping him, but the bastards were up late last night “stargazing”, they must’ve never come in and they haven’t been seen since. He isn’t too worried about them, Amaya’s claiming not to have any idea where they are but there’s no way they really snuck passed her. Something’s up, but he’s decided he’s not going to worry about it until sundown when the work’s done.
“This the last of it?” Jax asks, dumping what he’s got for wood into their wheelbarrow.
Mick takes a look at it, and then looks back at the forest around them and the setting sun. They could stand to get more, but he doesn’t exactly relish another trip out here in the dark. He can make a few good items with what they’ve gathered today to sell in town next week, and he’s sure Amaya will have some cloth for him. It won’t be as much as he’d like, but it’ll do.
“Yeah,” he grumbles, moving for the wheelbarrow and Jax’s face breaks out in a grin. At thirteen he’s still got enough childlike innocence and energy to be ready to run off after a long day of work, a quality Mick wishes he didn’t know was going to disappear soon enough.
They make it back to the cottage just as the sun’s going down, and Mick parks the wheelbarrow while Jax races into the house. He looks up at the sky to make sure it isn’t going to rain, and it’s not, so he isn’t dragging the wood all the way to their little shed in the back.
Amaya is there to greet him with a smile and a kiss on the cheek as soon as he enters the house, which only further cements his suspicions that she and their two resident headaches are up to something. But he still can’t bring himself to mind.
“How was your day?” She asks.
“Fine,” he hums, “You?”
He hums again, this time a little more thoughtfully, and reaches out to place his hand along the side of her protruding abdomen.
“And… how’s the little guy doing?”
She chuckles at his question, looking down at her stomach and placing her own hand not far from his.
“She is just fine.” Mick can’t help but to smirk at his wife’s insistence that their child is a girl. Personally he doesn’t care one way or the other, in fact he would be overjoyed to have a little girl every bit as beautiful and headstrong as her mother. In truth the only reason he keeps referring to their baby as a boy is because it’s fun to watch Amaya contradict him, and he’s pretty sure that is also the reason she’s convinced it’s a girl.
Anyway, she leads him into the cottage where he makes it about three steps, just enough for her to move and close the door behind him, before he stops in his tracks.
He knew he should’ve been worrying earlier.
Standing there in the center of their little living area is not only the two missing idiots, but also the town’s newest resident nutcase, John Constantine.
“What’s the zombie whisperer doing here?” He asks, to which Amaya smacks lightly at his arm, but their guest only grins like a sly cat.
“Ain’t just zombies I deal in, Mate.” He chuckles, and of course Haircut decides now is a good time to cut in.
“He’s going to help us wake Sara up.”
Of all the naive crap to ever come out of that moron’s mouth.
“She’s cursed,” he barks in reminder, taking a few stalking steps closer until he’s almost nose to nose with Constantine. “And no offence, Mate, but I don’t see you as being the one to break it.”
No, there’s only one person in this world who has the power to wake Sara from her eternal sleep, and he died before she was ever cursed.
“I don’t intend to,” the supposed warlock tells him, and then he spins on his heel, heading over to the bed of hay and blankets in the corner where Sara’s been for nearly three years now.
Before Mick can physically yank their visitor away from her he sits himself on the floor, and only then does Mick notice that someone has brought out Leonard’s sword.
“But I do intend to find out if the one who can is still out there.”
Now Mick wants to throw him out of the house. Leonard’s dead, since long before Sara was cursed. He went out hunting one day, never came back, and all they found of him was his sword and a scrap of bloodied fabric. According to not only the warlock who cursed her, but Amaya and the town healer as well, only true love’s kiss can wake Sara, and her true love is gone.
For some reason, and he really never will know what, he doesn’t pick Constantine up by the collar of his shirt and toss him out into the mud. Instead he stands by and lets the idiot sprinkle his salt and other bizarre things around the sword and place candles along the edges of his strange circle. He doesn’t even say anything as the nutcase lights the candles and then starts chanting, though he does take note of everyone else watching intently and rolls his eyes.
The sword starts glowing, which Mick will admit is a little unexpected, and then Constantine opens his eyes to reveal they’ve turned completely white and are even glowing a bit themselves. Then the glowing stops, and his irises and pupils reappear.
“He’s alive,” The man hums, voice thick as though he’s just been possessed or something, and Mick very nearly calls bull on the claim. “He’s under The Oculus spring.”
That’s what stops Mick.
“Under it?” He questions, his mind reeling, because the spring is impossible to pass. The treacherous waters killing anyone who dares to try, there’s a string of bodies to prove it. It’s also where they lost track of…
“I keep trying to tell people, things are almost never as they seem.” Constantine grumbles as he gets to his feet. “Good luck.”
With that he starts heading for the door, like he didn’t just tell them all that Snart is alive and that means there is a chance Sara could be brought back to them.
“How can he be under the spring?” Mick snaps before their guest can make it outside the house. He can’t just leave, not after dropping something like that on them, something Mick isn’t entirely sure he believes. He wants to believe it, sure, but it’s impossible. Isn’t it?
“I don’t know Mate,” Constantine says as he turns around. “All I know is I reached out to his spirit and that’s where it led me, to some cave behind the falls and below the surface of the spring, and he doesn’t have the aura of a dead man.”
With that he leaves, everyone watching the door long after it’s closed, and then one by one they all turn to look at Sara.
“I thought I’d find you out here.”
Mick looks up at the sound of his wife’s voice. It’s late, too late for any of them to be awake, but after tonight he doubts anyone is actually sleeping.
After Constantine left, and they all got over their shock, the main room had quickly become the epicenter of a shouting match. Haircut and Pretty were adamant that they’re leaving first thing in the morning to bring Snart home. Hell, they tried to march out right then and there. Mick had to remind them that The Oculus was where they lost Darhk’s trail back when he first cursed Sara. Even if they do find him he’ll have the upper hand, they need to at least get some sleep before coming up with a plan that won’t get them killed.
“Are you going with them?” Amaya asks, carefully lowering herself to sit next to him on the fallen log, her eyes falling onto the fire he’s constructed for himself.
He looks at her with hesitation and sorrow, his gaze falling to her round belly, and of course she rolls her eyes.
“I’ll be fine,” she promises him. “You won’t be gone long, and somebody needs to make sure Ray and Nate don’t get themselves, or your best friend, killed.”
His best friend.
She sounds so sure that he’s alive, something Mick still isn’t certain he believes. But, if there’s a chance…
He leans over and presses a firm, loving kiss onto Amaya’s lips. A thank you and an assurance all at once.
“But I want to help!” Jax all but whines in protest the next morning as Mick, Ray, and Nate pack up what they can carry on their back in regards to food and weapons.
“You gotta stay here,” Mick grumbles, not even looking up from his own bag.
Jax may be getting older, but that doesn’t mean he’s old enough to go on a mission like this. Besides, if they do find Snart and bring him home then the first thing Sara will do upon waking up will be wring his neck for allowing Jax to go with them to face down Darhk.
“I said no.” He practically snaps at the kid’s decision to keep pushing, and now that he’s looking at those sad brown eyes Mick finds himself sighing.
“Look,” he starts, a little more gently, and he places a hand on the kid’s shoulder. “We’ve all got jobs to do here. My job is to keep Haircut and Pretty from screwing up and getting themselves cursed, lord knows we’d never find anybody to wake them up. We’re gonna be gone a few days, so your job needs to be to take care of things here; you need to watch over Amaya and Sara.”
Jax looks up at that, eyes wide, like he can’t believe he’s being trusted with so much responsibility. Amaya isn’t helpless, of course, but even she’ll admit that she’s needed a little extra help lately, and Mick knows she’ll understand him using her as an excuse to get Jax to comply with staying.
“Can I trust you with that?”
Jax nods eagerly, and with a smirk Mick ruffles his hair before he tosses his bag over his shoulder. He kisses Amaya goodbye, promising to be back soon one more time, and then heads out the door with the two nincompoops.
Constantine had better know what he’s talking about.
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ao3feed-kylerayner · 7 years
by Tempestas_D_Uzu
"Just as you became the opposite of Tom Riddle, his daughter became the opposite of you. And if she succeeds in her goals, the End will come for all life on Earth."
Words: 2748, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Bouquet, Part 6 of A Steaming Pile of Crossovers
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, The Flash (Comics), DCU (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Death (Harry Potter), Black Flash (DCU), Harry Potter, Wally West, Delphi (Harry Potter), Original Female Character(s), Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Jai West, Iris West II, Teddy Lupin, Justice League - Character, Teen Titans - Character, Young Justice - Character, Bart Allen, Damian Wayne, Original Male Character(s), M'gann M'orzz, Colin Wilkes, Kid Flash, Impulse - Character, Robin, Flash (DCU), Miss Martian, Milagro Reyes, Green Lantern, Abuse - Character, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Mar'i Grayson, Nightstar, John Constantine, Zachary Zatara, Zatanna Zatara, Dick Grayson, Batman
Relationships: Harry Potter/Wally West, female Harry Potter/Wally West, Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Bart Allen/Jinx, Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley
Additional Tags: Female Harry Potter, Genderbending, Master of Death Harry Potter, Swearing, Jai West is Kid Flash, Irey West is Impulse, Dick Grayson is Batman, Damian Wayne is Robin, Original Superhero Children, Harry Potter Next Generation, Justice League Next Generation, Magical Cults, Prophesy, The Personification of Death, Seeing the past, Funeral Flowers, Dark, Dark Magic, Dark like whoa, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Auror Teddy Lupin, Healer Draco Malfoy, Baker Harry Potter, Harry Potter is Azalea Potter, Sassing Death, Child Death, Bart Allen is Mercury, Wally West is The Flash, Child Abduction, Minister of Magic Hermione Granger, Professor Neville Longbottom, Milagro Reyes is a Green Lantern, Milagro Reyes inherited Hal's ring, teenage heroes, teenage crushes, Speed Force, Missing Persons
read on AO3: http://ift.tt/2j7ofvR via IFTTT
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I'm working on smth fun but does anyone wanna know anything about any of my One piece OCs?
(my inbox is open😸)
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For your OP OCs thingy!!!!! Can you answer 2 and 18 for Wren???? And also if you don't mind pronouns for the four of them?? Bc I wanna talk abt them properly <3333 Thank youuu 💖💖💖
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Wren is my beloved,, they were actually my first one piece oc!!
2:"How old is your oc?"
They're 28 pre time skip and 30 post timeskip!😸
18:"What animal do they resemble?"
They are a zoan devil fruit user! They are associated with/can turn into a Cockatiel parrot!🦜🦜
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As for the pronouns question:
Wren uses they/them,
Electra uses she/her,
Constantine uses he/him,
And Cyrus uses he/him and they/them!
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Bitter Choco decoration but it's my one piece ocs!!!!!
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It would be interesting to see 17 13 and 18 for all 4 of your OCs ❤️
Ok so late reply cuz I was busy yesterday, but tysm for asking!!! 🤧🤧🤧💕💕💕💕
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13)"Do they chew ice?"
Yes I think they would.
17)"What role would your character be in a family?"
Definitely the weird gay uncle/cousin.
18)"What animal do they resemble?"
I've answered this for Wren but, they are a Zoan devil fruit user and they resemble/can transform into a Cockatiel parrot! ^^
13)"Do they chew ice?"
No, I think she tried it once but didn't like it,,
17)"What role would your character be in a family?"
Older sister that always takes responsibility for her younger siblings feels awful whenever she fails them in any way.
18)"What animal do they resemble?"
She's a Manta ray fishman! So yea!! Little sea pancakes...💞💞💞
13)"Do they chew ice?"
Absolutely not.
17)"What role would your character be in a family?"
He is canonically, the estranged queer older brother that still reaches out to help if his siblings need help but doesn't want anything to do w the family name.
18)"What animal do they resemble?"
A white albino hare, yk the ones,, that look like they've witnessed unspeakable horrors💕💕
13)"Do they chew ice?"
Yes, straight out of the freezer. He would just eat fistfuls of snow if given the opportunity.
17)"What role would your character be in a family?"
Youngest sibling. You can tell. 😸
18)"What animal do they resemble?"
A lemon shark!! He has a tattoo of one on his back!
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I’m really interested in questions 1,4 and 5 for all four of your OCs but if you only answer for one that’s also okay :)
All of them look so cool!!!
Ngl this ask made my day I'm so happy ppl are genuinely interested in my silly little characters.... qwqq
Ofc I'm answering for all four ehehehheheheh
Ok so in order,
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1)"What is your character's birthday?"
January 20th
4)"What would be your character's nationality?"
They'd be Greek! 🇬🇷
5)"What number is your character associated with?"
Number 3!!
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1)"What is your character's birthday?"
Her birthday is on June 11th💕
4)"What would be your character's nationality?"
Electra would also be Greek! 😸😸🇬🇷
5)"What number is your character associated with?"
The number 7!
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1)"What is your character's birthday?"
March 15th :3
4)"What would be your character's nationality?"
He's Italian xD 🇮🇹
5)"What number is your character associated with?"
Constantine's number would be 2
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1)"What is your character's birthday?"
Cyrus's birthday is on October 3rd😌😌
4)"What would be your character's nationality?"
He'd be German 🇩🇪
5)"What number is your character associated with?"
He loves 13, he's convinced it's lucky for him specifically 🤸🤸
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