#cyclical living
of-ether · 3 months
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another cycle 🔄
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caribwitch · 2 months
I’ve been eating way more healthy fats this week (olive oil w bread, olives, avocados, keifer, homemade granola made with butter and coconut oil, salmon, etc.) and I noticed how more manageable my luteal phase has been. 👀👀
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itsthebethblogever · 1 month
Water fasting: why, when, and how?
Though I am no nutritionalist, I have compiled just a quick outline of what my water fast consisted of as well as some of the reasonings behind doing it, and the aftercare. I was inspired to do a water fast after hearing many female friends of mine talk about how much they loved it - how they felt their most creative and energetic, some even claiming to feel an euphoric high. During my Vision Quest back in October 2023, I also did a 3 day water fast; however, that felt different, as I was less focused on the health effects and more on the spiritual side. As I remember the lack of eating being way easier than I thought, I was hopeful that doing it again would prove to be the same result. Spoiler alert: it totally was.
To give my body a break to allow itself to clean and purify itself. Our body begins to burn white fat into brown fat, stem cell growth is stimulated, our dopamine system gets a reset, diseased cells get a chance to be flushed out while white blood cells increase and have time to do their reparative work.
Ancestrally, when we would go on a hunt, this is a period where we would not be eating. This would allow us to be lighter, more agile, and put us into a more focused state. Then, in the spiritual sense, it gives us more space to dedicate our energy towards something else. Cultures and religions worldwide practice fasting for various reasons - Yom Kippur, for example, is the Jewish day of atoning for our sins. Growing up, the decision to fast was always optional (and then encouraged after you had your bar/bat mitzvah (age 13 for boys and in some communities, age 12 for girls). After I had my Bat Mitzvah, I chose to fast as I wanted to be a part of what the community was doing. This day was spent home from school and usually doing homework with my friends at temple while services were going on. Because of this, I know doing a 24 hour fast is totally doable, and many people report the first 24 hours is the hardest. I can attest that to be true - this is the first day where you wake up and think “aw man, my stomach just grumbled and I can’t do anything about it”. This is when you reach for some water, use that to fill yourself up, and find something else to do to distract yourself.
After my bleed, before ovulation. Can also be done after ovulation as long as it’s finished before bleed time. When I don’t have much to do so I’m not stressing about needing energy.
I found Dr. Mindy Pelz on YouTube when looking up advice for how to fast as a woman and am now a fan of her podcast, The Resetter Podcast. Here is a video where she explains when women should fast. I like it because she has visuals and is very clear and concise! Then, if you want more detail, I’d recommend this podcast where she is interviewed and talks about the benefits (she says that it has helped women who had been struggling with fertility to become pregnant! And help heal people with PCOS!), do’s and don’ts of fasting, and what goes on in our bodies hormonally.
The first day was when I thought the most about food. Day two was pretty breezy, I’d say the easiest of them all. I woke up feeling quite energized! My theory is that I feel like my tendency to eat at night makes my body get less rest as it sleeps. This meant waking up with a fully charged battery made me feel much more rested! On the third day, I was getting more head rushes if I got up too quickly, and did not feel as energetic. Every morning I stuck to my ~half an hour morning yoga/pilates practice as my exercise, and was doing minimal walking besides that. I had some goals for what I wanted to do with my time, like finish a few projects, practice guitar, meditate, then my evenings were spent reading or chatting with the people at the campsite where I was staying.
It is recommended to decrease the amount of carbohydrates you eat three-four days before the fast so your body already gets used to burning fats for energy (instead of carbs). Though, I did not do this. Take my advice, I don’t need it! Hahahaha. Anyway, from Monday until the evening of Wednesday, my water fast looked like this:
* morning cuppa: herbal tea (I chose ginger and lemongrass) with a capful of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of salt, and a few teaspoons of MCT coconut oil
* water
* black coffee with MCT oil
* water
* water
* water
* herbal tea
Water fasting makes it sound like you can ONLY drink water, when in reality, the emphasis is keeping yourself in a fasted state. This means your blood sugar does not rise and your body can go into ketosis, where it burns fats as fuel instead of carbs. This is why Vinnie from Jersey Shore ate just the pepperoni and cheese off the pizza that one episode - he did not want to break his state of ketosis with the carbs of the dough.
Truly another big reason I wanted to fast is because I love the extra time it gives me in the day. It feels so spacious to not have to think about what to eat, cook it, eat it, clean up… because that’s actually a large portion of the day if you eat three meals! Instead, any time I feel hunger, I take a swig of water and the moment passes. I love knowing how optional food is, as well. This helps when I am going about my day and feel hunger arise. If I can survive three days on water, it makes any other time in my life pale in comparison! It lowers my anxiety about eating since I know what I am capable of.
After the fast, it is recommended to eat mainly broths and soups for the first 48 hours. The idea is to remain in ketosis for longer, so stick to proteins, fats, and cooked vegetables (steamed or boiled so the fiber is easier for your body to digest). Introducing fruits and carbohydrates comes in later.
I broke the fast with:
First: half cup of water, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice.
Second: one cup of bone broth*
*I love “Best of the Bone” brand here in Australia. It’s about $30 AUD and lasts me around two months. All I do is heat up some water, pour it in a mug, scoop out about a half tablespoon or so of the concentrated broth, and stir it in. Best way to coat the intestines to prepare for food and it is sooo delicious! I’ve tried every flavor and can say my favorite is the bio-fermented coconut, lemon myrtle, Tumeric, and papaya leaf one.
Third: boiled broccolini with an organic beef hamburger patty*, kimchi, avocado, and goat cheese. I boiled the broccolini then sautéed it with some coconut oil, salt, and pepper. Everything I served with a bit of ghee** on the side.
*Note: I do NOT recommend breaking the fast with beef like I did. After doing more research, I would have stuck to a more lean kind of protein, like fish or egg or chicken, as I think my body freaked out with the beef. For vegetarians, pea protein was specifically recommended. I actually had painful diarrhea and believe it was either the meat or the goat cheese that my intestines were not ready for. Whoops. So please, learn from my mistake :-D
**This is the first time I purchased ghee for myself - I had had it before in small amounts to test and see how my stomach reacted (I am lactose intolerant, not very sensitive though) and always felt fine! It’s like butter as it’s made from cows milk, but has a lot less lactose. The reason is because its made by melting butter, separating it into liquid fat and milk fat, and then they toss out the milk fat so just the pure fat remains.
How did it feel to eat for the first time in 3 days? INCREDIBLE. It felt so different to be so intentional with choosing every ingredient. Another thing I loved was that I knew exactly what was in my body, so that if I ate something that made my stomach feel funny, I could repeat the same meal and take out an ingredient to experiment. This is a great blank slate to test for intolerances!
As I said before, something I ate did not agree with me, so later I tried just eating goat cheese to see if it was that, or the hamburger. The goat cheese felt fine, and later since I’ve eaten a hamburger happily, so it could have been too much, too soon.
For the next days, I had miso soup with a boiled egg, kimchi, and whatever random vegetable I had boiled with it (one day it was a carrot and a seaweed snack pack, another a squash, another a sweet potato) for breakfast, lunch was quinoa with smoked salmon, avocado, and cooked random vegetables (spinach, bell pepper). I actually didn’t really eat dinner the first day, I just had more broth and snacked on some fermented goodies like olives, kimchi, plus guacamole. The second night, I had two bananas with cashew butter inside. For break the fast recipe inspiration, I found this website (I love it for its clear visuals and concise information, can you see a pattern?), so feel free to check it out and borrow from them! Their tofu, protein powder, and chia seed pudding is now a favorite of mine - I had never thought to blend tofu!
Hopefully this has inspired you to give a prolonged fast a try! It has helped me to be more conscious about what I am eating and slow down to think: what do I actually need? Also, I liked aligning it with where I am in my cycle, as anything I do that helps me tune in with my body makes me feel more cyclical and empowered.
Feel free to share your stories and reactions with me! If you know something from your lived experience that you think would be beneficial to add, I’d love to hear it and add it to this post :-)
Lots of love to you and your beautiful body!! Xx
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pennydreddfull · 1 year
3.8 Timthriall an tsaoil, nó, timthriall na mBan
In Chapter Three, Part Eight, I will be discussing something that has captivated me for the longest time, and that I have finally gotten around to researching and discovering the beauty of. I am talking about Cyclical Living. I cannot wait to share what I have discovered with you, from reading the book ‘Do Less’ by the powerhouse that is Kate Northrup. What is Cyclical Living? Cyclical living…
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thesexypolitico · 1 year
The Sexy Politico talks about menstrual cycles and learns about Cyclical Living with Lisa Jara
This episode of the Sexy Politico Jackie interviews Lisa Jara, a Menstrual Health Specialist & Soul-based Life Coach.  Lisa and I talked about society’s fear and shame about menstruation, and we discussed period poverty a little bit.  Lisa taught me about cyclical living and how we need to attune to the cycles of our bodies.   If you want to learn more about Lisa, check out her links…
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socialistexan · 1 year
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"Why he was conducting the survey wasn't completely clear"
Well that dog whistle is loud and clear to my trans ass. The reason is eliminationist. Full stop. It's to make us even more second class citizens than we currently are. To push us further into the margins. To make is pariahs to distract from their disasterous policies. To direct the fears and anxieties of the public on to us and have them do the dirty work of eliminating us. The history of politicians targeting an extremely small minority to demonize is... Well, do I even need to say it?
And I'll reiterate: it was never about "protecting kids." Nearly all University students are adults. That excuse is dead, the mask is off.
If you give even the smallest shit about trans people as just human beings that deserve rights and even just to be alive then you have to do something. Anything. We are begging you.
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slimynematode · 8 months
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after the house fire
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
By implying that children are too stupid and rude to learn about the world and learn how the world works and how to interact with others, you are casting responsibility away from the people who are responsible for that child's upbringing and placing the blame on the children (who don't have the autonomy given to them to be allowed to decide what they want) who can't help what they do and do not learn, often.
If the children aren't okay, then investigate why before turning to thought-terminating clichés of, "Well, the kids are just stupid and dumb and aren't even worth the effort because they're lazy!"
#youth liberation#i was really bothered when i saw this clip where this person was saying almost verbatim that...#...'kids [these days] are too STUPID and they're teachers are scared!'...#...why is the blame placed on the kids who have no control over school curriculum and what their home life is like or if they have money...#...it's because when you place the blame on the people with no power or control you don't have the responsibility to change circumstances..#...you essentially keep the status quo while simultaneously belittling a group of vulnerable people...#...and thus you feed into the cyclical nature of the broken education system#the kids these days AREN'T okay but it ISN'T THEIR FAULT...#...it's the fault of late-stage capitalism and poorly-funded education and a world that wasn't even built with them in mind...#...they had NO PART in the creation of the world which is hostile to their entire existence#don't mind the incorrect usage of their in the second tag i was so focused on how pissed i was#also remember how a good chunk of these kids lived through *checks notes* the fucking PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN#which was a clown show in terms of supporting kids and their parent/s#some places handled lockdown in the US better than others but holy fuck in my area at least it was a nightmare#what do you expect from parents who are now working full-time and teaching part/full-time and parenting full-time?#what support exactly are you expecting they recieved? because you'll likely find they got either a little or NONE#hilarious that i used the wrong their in a post subtweeting about education LOL#look i was focused on how PISSED i was lol cut me some slack here
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mueritos · 10 months
I find it funny you post things about the wrong people becoming therapists yet you want to be a social worker and actively defend rapists and abusers 💀
CW: mentions of SA/cycles of abuse.
you must think you're really clever. the therapy industry has a huge amount of problems (like any other industry built on service to other humans, like the medical industry), and i think even the people who want to work within the therapy field (whether as a psychiatrist, a counselor, a therapist, a social worker, a sex therapist, etc) can still critique the many issues within it, mainly the racism, eurocentrinism, and the individualistic values that much of talk therapy promotes. I don't know where you got the second part of your statement, because not only is it widely inaccurate of what I was thinking of doing in social work, it also is just not a great idea to hold about people who work with people who do harm.
there are therapists/social workers who work exclusively with cops/law enforcement, and ethically those people CANNOT work with people who are victims of law enforcement or people who "break the law" (incarcerated folks). It just doesn't work, because if you work with both, it can create a conflict of interest. this is the same with people who work with victims of assault (SA or not). these therapists/etc who work with victims of assault/abuse CANNOT work with abusers. The same is vice versa, as in people who work with those who do serious harm cannot work with their victims.
I think your self righteousness is misplaced. You clearly have a lot of work to do in regards to removing your own feelings and judgement from the work that many therapists and social workers do. I don't know if you know this, but everyone (yes, even people who do serious harm) are deserving of basic human necessities, like oh i don't know. Housing, healthcare, or therapy. It is not my job as a future social worker to judge people, that is wickedly different from holding someone accountable. Judging is like sending someone to prison for 25 years, further removing them from the communities and resources that could generate accountability. Further, no one can hold anyone accountable unless said person consents to being held accountable. There are different procedures for whether they do or not. My job, as a future social worker, is to help people, because I believe all people deserve to ask for help and receive the help that they need.
Not sure if you know, but I'm against incarceration/punishment. I believe we hold punishment as the way to "teach people a lesson", but if you do not work with people and actively step in and disrupt cycles of trauma (housing crisis, hunger, substance abuse, interpersonal abuse, racism, ableism, etc), you will only find that people re-offend unless they are given the resources they need to be better. Yes, there are people who genuinely want to do harm, but harm does not exist in a vacuum, and if you are unwilling to acknowledge that, then I genuinely wish compassion to anyone who slips up around you and shows you that anyone is capable of any level of harm.
People who do serious harm are victims of the same cycle abuse as everyone else. You white knuckling your self righteous black and white morality is the reason why you cannot understand that even the worst kinds of people deserve the same access to care as victims of harm. You think that people who work with individuals who do harm as them defending them, when the reality is many of us with the brains built to do this kind of work want to stop this harm and correct abusive behavior. Unfortunately for you, people are capable of change. No one is asking you to like anyone or their actions (because I don't have to like the people I work with either, freak), but what people like me are asking you is to accept the fact that all people do harm, and when people are given the community and resources to, they can change for the better and recognize the serious harm they have caused.
Not everyone who goes into this work wants to aim their energy into the "socially acceptable" work. I think social justice morality and the sanitization of revolutionary politics has rotted our brains into believing that we must do and be the most "woke" person ever, channeling our energy into victims of harm. But what we fail to recognize through that is that some people would rather divest their energy into de-radicalization of fascists, or others want to put their energy into theory, others want to learn how to connect with the land and be sustainable, and others want to learn how to help others. And just like them, there are people who are willing enough to use their skills and compassion for conflict/resolution, accountability practices, and to help those who have harmed. Because, unfortunate for you, activists should NOT be juggling being the theorist, farmer, therapist, spiritualist, leader, mediator, protestor, rioter, etc and etc. Some people are simply built to put their energy into what they are good at. This doesn't mean that the farmer does not encourage the theorist to continue thinking and writing their theory. And I am sure the theorist, one who cannot farm and till, is grateful for the skills the farmer brings once dinner comes around.
it's funny really because I still am not sure about what I want my focus to be in social work, and for you to assume that I am "defending" abusers/rapists by thinking about working in extremely hostile, tense, and exhausting environments in the attempt to disrupt cycles of violence is me "defending" these individuals...it just reveals more about you than myself, anon. Many people already work with abusers/rapists (many of those therapists being victims of abuse/SA as well), so you may as well call the ones who are actually doing the work rn "defenders" of abuse. see how that bodes for you.
that's all I have to say.
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countv0ncunt · 5 months
my neighbor and i are in a cycle. they play house md loudly. i hear foreman's voice and decide that i need to watch house later. they hear me playing house. they decide they need to watch house later. i hear foreman's voice and begin to crave house. so i watch house on top volume. they hear me playing house and decide to watch it too. i hear foreman's voice and begin to crave house. so i watch house loudly. they watch house loudly. i watch house loudly. they watch house loudly. i watch house loudly. they watch house loudly. i watch house loudly. they watch house loudly. i watch house loudly. they watch house loudly. i watch house loudly. they watch house loudly. i watch house loudly. they watch house loudly. i watch house loudly. they watch house loudly. i watch hous—
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pleasestophoney · 5 months
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And Eurydice was a young girl, but she'd seen how the world was.
When she fell, she fell in spite of herself:
In love with Orpheus
This was inspired by the incredibly talented @shrylia 's illustration of Eurydice, and by a text post that I saw on pinterest that compared Eurydice and Katniss Everdeen. Unfortunately, I did not save the pin, but I will update this post if I am able to find the op for it!
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of-ether · 4 months
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bts from this mornings yoga flow.
the pre ovulation sexual energy is so intense 🌸
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caribwitch · 22 days
One thing I have begun to pray for (and need to keep praying for actively) are soul nourishing friendships/life long sisterhood with other women who live in their divine feminine energy. I need that sweet connection where I can pour and be poured into. I see myself in community with sisters who I can cook with, workout and increase our flexibility together, sit barefoot in grass together, pour tea and laugh hysterically from the deep core our p*ssies, plan trips and hikes with, comb each other’s hair, etc.
I’ve been unearthing deep emotions that have been buried as my moon closes out🌙🩸It’s felt like an intense death cycle. I’ve wailed, screamed, bawled, howled - I let it all out. It was harrowing in the moment to witness myself release unrestrained and raw. I honestly haven’t witnessed anything quite like it. Yet, in the midst of it, I breathed into my heart and muscled the power in my voice to claim all the good that lays on the other side. There’s power in surrender, vulnerability, and destruction. It’s all apart of the process. It’s a potent expression of Goddess. It’s been so empowering to REALLY understand this as I come into my own and deprogram misconceptions about Goddess. There’s shadow, there’s miniature deaths, reflection, grief, tears and pain. To create, there must be a clearing, a destruction of the old.
Mmm…. It’s the sliver between seemingly impossible emotional pain and the next breath where I find myself shifting fully into reclaiming optimism for all the beautiful things in life I will experience and receive. It’s the rawest portal to plant my seeds and water them with my tears.
In 36 hours I found myself in the city at a yoga/flexibility class, mildly sore in the heart but still present. I laid down all my frustrations, leaned into the energy of the room filled with beautiful feminine souls. We stretched, breathed, cheered each other on. I went deeper into my splits (getting closer omg). I reached a new milestone of doing open-legged forward folds and back bends. I feel one step closer to the friendships I want. The women were spiritually inclined and dedicated to improving their physical health and sensuality. I laughed, I prayed, I had the yummiest, sweetest smoothie ever and got hugs. I’ll keep caring for my energy, I honor my sensitivities at this current phase. However, the potent shift between painful release and sweet gain reminds me to find power in surrendering. When the pendulum swings low, it’s a sign that the highs and euphoric times are directly behind it. And so, I hold on to myself, to the Most High God. Oh womanhood, you humble me so.
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ambyandony · 15 days
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Came across this again and figured I’d finally clean it up since I don’t think about silly little angurio the unintentional serial killer nearly enough. And then I drew more because I love him
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ft. Zatta
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golvio · 1 year
I feel like a lot of BotW AUs where they work with Ganondorf just has Zelda as the designated Team Mom who has to be the sensible one who hates fun and has taken it upon herself to babysit The Boys.
I’d like to see one story where Link and Kohga bond over being the minders of their respective legendary demigods, only to realize Ganondorf and Zelda have been suspiciously quiet, so they go look for them to make sure they haven’t killed each other.
They find their protectorates resolving a disagreement by sending two battlebots they constructed out of rocks and twigs into symbolic ritual combat and cheering when their makeshift champions bonk into each other like that one scene from “The Simpson Gene.”
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thegodcomplcx · 4 months
love love love how utterly selfish elevenamy becomes for each other. amy deifies eleven and then demands that he always live up to her standards. he can’t just be a person, he has to be her saint/god/father. he has a responsibility to her. okay so she made him into a god, he’s going to act like it. eleven does whatever he wants to amy whether she likes it or not. she’s always little amelia to him, someone that he gets to push around and to use to prop up his ego. he’ll emotionally manipulate her, he’ll make her wait for him. because he can. because she lets him. because there is nothing unforgivable between them.
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