#cyclonus comforting tailgate and swerve
favesgrave · 2 years
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when i first read i don't think i really paid close attention to this panel because of shock but now i'm focusing on just how defeated everyone looks
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Okay okay I saw that ur requests are open soo
Mtmte(?) Buddy that’s like blurr tall, slim but also spiky here and there, a former Decepticon. Now in rodimus gang, still getting use to things. Usually found with Magnus . Rodimus still very interested in buddy (cybertronian) they come off as quiet, introverted but rather talkative with other former decepticons, also likes to climb weird places blending in everywhere.
(Add any character u want in it I’m happy w whatever)
Buddy is the perfect combination of cat behavior and hedgehog/Porcupine.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Ex-con who comes off as quiet but is chatty with other Ex-con's with Ultra Magnus, Rodimus Prime, and Nautica
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
Buddy had chosen to quit the Cons a little halfway through the war. They changed their mind after seeing the realities of the Decepticon was doing to other planets such as Earth.
Of course, it had been a tough period of transition full of questioning, but soon enough they had integrated themselves as an Autobot.
Then the war ended.
When Buddy heard about the Lost Light, they jumped at the chance to get off world.
But there was still a lot of Con prejudice against any ex-con.
Buddy opted to stay quiet.
It didn’t help that their frame had some… spikier areas than most Bots as well as their habit of climbing up and perching in weird places.
Their friends thought they knew Buddy as this quiet bot who didn’t like to talk too much.
Until they truly saw them in their most comfortable state.
Talking with other ex-cons.
Ultra Magnus
Magnus is a bit confused that Buddy went from silently standing by his side to chatting up a storm with Cyclonus at Swerve’s.
It was as if a switch flipped with Buddy.
“Hey Cyclonus! How’s everything been?”--Buddy
“Really? Cause I heard from a little birdy that you might need some help.”--Buddy
“It concerns a certain minibot and what to give him a gift.”--Buddy
“…It was Whirl wasn’t?”--Cyclonus
“I can not reveal how may or may not have said such things?”--Buddy
“What are you—”--Cyclonus
“I’m glad you ask! I have a whole list of things we can do for Tailgate!”--Buddy
“That won’t be necessary—”--Cyclonus
“I got paid for this, all services are going to be spent. Now number one…”--Buddy
“Cyclonus giving Magnus a look of ‘What happened to your quiet friend?’
Magnus looking at him with ‘I don’t know, and Whirl is the main suspect.’
Magnus didn’t understand it at first.
Maybe the two of them had history before they became a Autobot. But that didn’t make any sense giving that Buddy joined the Autobots before Cyclonus came.
Magnus just stood by and waited while Cyclonus just stood by listening to Buddy.
When Tailgate showed up, Buddy excused themselves and moved back to Magnus.
“Sorry for that Magnus.”--Buddy
“It is all right… but I have to ask, did you know Cyclonus before?”--Magnus
“No, but I heard around that he was an Ex-Con or something and I wanted to get to know him a bit more from the last time.”--Buddy
“Last time?”--Magnus
“Yeah, I accidentally scared him from the vents and nearly got sliced in half. Ratchet was not happy about that.”--Buddy
“Lucky for my spikes it didn’t cause too much damage.”—Buddy
“Why where you in the vents?”—Magnus
“… I like feeling tall…”--Buddy
Rodimus Prime
The two of them met up with Drift on the way to the med bay.
First it was a conversation between Rodimus and Drift; that turned into Buddy, Drift, and Rodimus; that turned into Buddy and Drift.
“So, what happen next?”--Buddy
“Well, it was the three of us against these nasty guys—”--Drift
“Shh! Continue.”--Buddy
“With my sword I cut down the enemies that were getting too close. Too close you get you infected.”--Drift
“Then what happened? You said Pipes got spewed right?”--Buddy
“He did get infected.”--Drift
“Poor Pipes.”--Buddy
Rodimus is a little surprised seeing how well his two friends clicked in such little time.
Usually, Buddy warmed up to any bot he introduced after a couple of hours.
Drift had beaten them in less than 5 minutes.
When they drop Drift by the med bay, Rodimus does ask Buddy if they knew Drift back when they were a Con.
“No, I didn’t know him while I was with the Decepticons.”--Buddy
“Really? Could have fooled me.”--Rodimus
“Well, being ex-cons does help find some common ground.”--Buddy
“I guess—”--Rodimus
Buddy jumping high in freight and getting stuck in a nearby high panel from their spikes.
“… Can someone help me please?”--Buddy
Whirl getting out a data pad and quickly snapping a picture.
“Can you send that to me?”--Rodimus
Nautica doesn’t think too much about Buddy chatting with Megatron while they where waiting for Rodimus to show up for the meeting.
She was trying to start up a conversation with ravage when they both noticed how much chattier Buddy was.
Nautica was surprised to see her quiet friend be so chatty all of a sudden. It took her weeks for them to even hold a normal conversation!
“You see that?”--Nautica
“Yes? Its just Buddy and Megatron.”--Ravage
“Yes, but Buddy is the one doing most of the talking.”--Nautica
“And? Its nothing new.”--Ravage
“Yes. They tend to be a bit more of a motor mouth when they are around Con’s they used to know and ex-cons.”--Ravage
They have history with Megatron?”--Nautica
Rodimus running into the room with an airhorn.
Buddy jumping on top of Megatron and into the vents.
“Sorry Buddy! You can come down now!”--Rodimus
“I can’t!”--Buddy
“Don’t be like that. I am sure Rodimus is sorry for the scare, there is no need to be childish.”--Megatron
“No, I mean I can’t!”--Buddy
Ravage jumping on Megatron and into the vents.
Buddy curled up in a ball with their spikes impaling the vents.
“…Yeah, their stuck. Nautica call Ratchet or Skids here.”--ravage
“Don’t worry Buddy! Help is on the way!”—Nautica
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rawmeknockout · 7 months
Can I get tailgate having an absolute blast topping a very exited human while an emotionally confused but still horny cyclonus watches
Tailgate was more than pleased with your enthusiastic agreement; his engine had revved so loudly that Swerve looked over from his post behind the bar while mumbling with Ratchet. You had never thought the two to be such gossipy friends. It would be a lie to say you weren’t giddy to finally scratch the itch of curiosity. Too many of your nights have been spent pondering the frames of your closest friends, despite the icky invasive feeling it gave you. Although, starting with Tailgate might have been a mistake.
While you had first thought Tailgate to be more of an excitable kid at spark, you now think it’s fair to call him a shithead deviant instead. He’s all too comfortable leering at you from above, his frame so much bigger than you thought it would be, while his servos hold you fast by the waist as he opens you up on his chubby spike. Unlike your crew-mates, you don’t make it a habit to get up close and touchy with mechs. Being so close to the minibot really puts into perspective just how small you are, how easily he could crush you. His chassis is bulky and broad under your hands, fingers spread apart and still unable to cover the large expanse of armor. A gasp rattles your chest at the metal of his hips meeting your thighs.
You can at least be proud that you know exactly how smug Tailgate looks, despite his unconventional face structure. The bright blue light, blending and wavering into near whiteness from how charged up he is, forces you to look away; more from modesty than from the light itself. But then you’re met with the sight of Cyclonus watching you; red optics dark by contrast, watching with unwavering interest. His gaze is drawn to the point where you and Tailgate meet, his spike filling you completely. Tailgate thrusts into you with cautious slowness, happy to fuck you at a snail’s pace just to be close to you. You have to wonder if he’s is always this much of a bully to his conjunx, happy to demand Cyclonus kneel beside the bed and simply watch.
No touching himself or you.
It makes your heart and body ache for him. He’s always been nothing but polite and steadfast, loyal and assuring even when you thought he was terrifying. You have a hard time holding his gaze, squirming from the attention of both mechs on you. Tailgate presses his mouth guard to your neck, a pitchy, staticky giggle leaving his vocalizer. The sound of his demented little laughter instantly pulls a laugh from you, too. Partly nervous, partly genuine from the absurdity of Tailgate.
Your light laughter is broken up by the sound of Cyclonus’ powerful engine, a servo covering the furious flush on his grim faceplate. Oh, you see why Taikgate bullies him so.
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i-starcreamed · 1 year
Ok so it is implied in my mind that any human on the lost light would be zippin around on roller skates. And when on roller skates you can theoretically hold onto the back of a vehicle to ZOOM ( = skitching = skate + hitching.) So THE QUESTION IS silly little headcanons for a human reader skitching w Rodimus / Tailgate / Swerve my beloved / anyone w a vehicular alt mode? Idk I just thought that would be fun :3
new uh, format I think. hopefully, this works. anyways this was really fun and they're a little short bc I struggled writing something different for each one, but I'm very happy with it
[ human!reader
post includes: Rodimus, Tailgate, and Swerve]
MTMTE Rodimus
oh you're gonna have to hang on real tight
when you said zoom, that's exactly what this guy is gonna do
tries to get you to do tricks as you're skitching, did not go well the first time (he skid to a stop you crashed face-first into him)
after that he was a lot more careful and gave you a heads up
He still tries to get you to do tricks though, you both impress the rest of the crew quite often
It quickly became this favorite thing to do after the first time, constantly coming up to you and transforming with a "need a ride?" and happily agreeing when you're the one to ask him.
Probably gets a little jealous when you ask someone that isn't him
Expect a lot of close calls but he would never get you hurt on purpose, Ultra Magnus begs you to wear some kind of protective gear
MTMTE Tailgate
Originally hesitant when you asked him, are you sure you want to go with him? What if you get hurt, he'll never forgive himself??
After plenty of reassurance though, he agreed and found it quite fun
Laughing and giggling as you two travel along the halls together, very cute 10/10
Cue Cyclonus watching you two with intrigue, zooming away with wide smiles on your faces, he too tries to hide a small smile at the scene
something tells me he drives in little circles to be silly
If you get hurt somehow he starts panicking and accidentally transforms back to pick you up and ask if you're okay. The only problem is that he forgets you were still attached and you go shooting up into the air
very normal and civilized skitching buddy but will zoom through the LL if you ask him to
MTMTE Swerve
He desperately wishes you could deliver drinks with him around his bar while skitching, how cool would it be if you two just drove around and handed bots their drinks one after the other?
So excited though, also has a lot of fun as you join him and cruise with him around the ship
He for sure convinces you to be silly around the ship, messing with Magnus or other bots and just as quickly leaving the room unnoticed
I think he also accidentally transforms while you're still holding onto him. You're like, screaming as you hold onto him for dear life and he keeps turning around in circles trying to find you (you swinging around and begging for him to stop moving)
Despite all the silly shenanigans, he still obviously goes out of his way to make sure you're safe and comfortable.
Probably tells you about the latest drama or stories as you're cruising around to keep you entertained, also because Swerve tells you everything
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cyber-streak-2 · 11 months
Swerve: What’s it like being tall? Is it nice? Can you reach comfortably for anything?
Cyclonus: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Tailgate: It was one time!
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tinydefector · 2 months
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bots that act like cats. cock their helms like cats. nuzzle other bots like cats oughhh and like cats they scare the ever living shit out of people because their footsteps are so fucking imperceptible.
cat I'm talking about is pororowl🙉
(I hope you get better soon :D !!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
All I can think is that it's only some of the bots, very specifically some of the speedsters.
Drift as is, is a very quiet footed bot, and he can just sneak up on you and pounce. And he pursed so loud when he was content, he and Rodimus were nightmares together.
Imagine: ratchet busy working, and next thing he just hears things hitting the floor. He turns around to see Rodimus with his helm tilted, looking smug. "Rodimus, so help me. I will make your next service like the Pits of Tarn if you break anything else"
Ratchet halfway in recharge when Drift comes in and flops onto him, it makes him groan in annoyance but his servo comes up to scratch Drift's helm and the loud purring starts. It actually helps Ratchet sleep.
Ravage megatron tends to fall asleep to Ravages purring it's a comfort during the restless nights.
Swerve has realised just how agile some of the speedsters are with catching glasses before they can hit the floor.
Tarn is another who purs alot despite how much he hates it, it's a deep low Pur and it has almost the opposite effect to his voice, its a healing effect that only Nickel had the pleasure of witnessing. (afterall there's a belief your cats purring can heal)
Shockwaves also purs but it isn't something he remembers anymore, shadowplay took his memory of it. But sometimes little glimpse sneak back through.
Shockwave would Pur when around people he trusted and cared for, his students, outliers and Orion. It was his way of showing gratitude.
And Prowl, everything about this bot screams cat, he doesn't like people but even when he does its only on his terms, he's agile quick, firey protective even if he tries to play it off that he doesn't like you. If you ever have the pleasure of sleep near him you will have him curl around you and Pur slowly.
Bots who can pur: Drift, Rodimus, Prowl, Mirage, Knockout, Ravage, Tarn, Cyclonus, Shockwave, Soundwave, Pharma, scourge, Jazz, Skids, Smokescreen,
Bots who static Rumble: Megatron, Breakdown,Rumble, Frenzy, Iornhide, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Swerve, Tailgate, optimus, Ultra Magnus, Beachcomber
Bots who churp: Thundercracker, Skywarp, Starscream, Blitzwing, Astrotrain, Bumblebee, Powerglide, Seaspray, Jetfire/skyfire, whirl
Whirling noises: Rewind, Perceptor, First aid, Chromedome, Brainstorm, Rung (this also includes the bots that churp)
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crying-fantasies · 6 months
Almost lost dreams
Before you completed the conjunx ritual with Whirl, before you even thought about opening to the idea of you two having something else with Tailgate and Cyclonus too, or even before you were sure what your relationship with Whirl was when you two had Jr. by accident, a lot of things happened in that amount of time.
This is story from then.
"You're quite good at this" there is no malice in your voice, maybe a tiny tint of surprised amusement in how he knows how to put his servos, or in the way he moves his body just right to keep the little protoform on his arms rest in deep sleep, since the last cycles you've been struggling with the little one, trying to ease the crying, only to have Tailgate come and say "give me" to do his new found magic.
Were you a bit reluctant to live with Whirl's friends in their house with him? Yes, you felt like a burden, was it good so far? Totally so.
"I've a little practice with kids" he seems fond of baby, as you have been calling the tiny surprise, you know it isn't a good name but it's better than the names Whirl called the sparkling so far; you know Tailgate doing what is supposed to be your job is surpassing any boundaries you have ever put with him in order of not be a pest in his house for him and his conjunx, "back in the Lost Light, Rodimus' sparkling, Sunset, was once this little and adorable before" baby snuggles to his chest armor, her optics are off, her new formed intake doing little sounds that are far from words; the idea, the memories, make static appear on his visor, a loving expression appearing, he seems almost sad, "Sunset's carrier let me take care of him, Rewind and Swerve too!" He says the name with familiarity, happy to remember that person, "taught us how to do it and how humans get their young to sleep, it was easier to us with our size, other humans also taught everyone little tricks, heh, even Ultra Magnus learned a bit"
You didn't know the person or the names he says after, just knew that it was a human, and be grateful for having the patience to let Tailgate know how to help you now.
Every help and kindness is welcomed, since Whirl practically bailed on you when baby's face finally formed, he was happy, calling you to see the sparklings face finally forming, "Come on, fleshy, you are going to miss it!", he was happy, his optic showing his excitement, his antenna moving around with his body almost jumping in excitement, then he just stopped and beginning to say "no" multiple times before starting to shout it, shoving baby to TikTok's arms, who was nearer, without any care, the femme shouted every insult she knew, asking where he was going when Whirl took on his alt-mode to get away as fast as he could, it took everyone by surprise, especially you, who could only see with fear how TikTok gave you baby back, who was now crying hard, before going with Cyclonus to look out for Whirl.
From that, it has been almost an entire week, Tailgate choose to stay with you, help you in almost silence the first days, let you cry if you wanted, try to understand your situation, which, in a way, you do, you wouldn't be in a relationship this long with Whirl whiteout knowing what happened with him, what they do to him, looking at baby now, who somehow has a more round face, makes you remember your own, but the rest isn't part of your features.
Those can only come from Whirl.
"I'm grateful, then" you are whispering to this point, baby seems to be comfortable enough to sleep with the intake open, even then, you can see there is more to it, in the way he looks at your child, digits giving gently strokes to the little helm on his servo, your eyes opened wide, somehow connecting dots, "Tailgate?"
"Did you want one?" The words escape your mouth before thinking twice, every movement stops, as if he has been pointed out for it, "I mean, if you don't want to talk about it-"
"We, I mean" he stops, looking at you almost in fear, "we wanted one, me, Cyclonus and..." He doesn't say much, only looking at you, sadness overcomes him, static collecting again on his visor, "when Sunset was forged, we really thought we could... But then, then it happened, and we lost..."
You put a hand on his shoulder, or where you can reach, knowing what happened, and somehow you can now understand how Tailgate and Cyclonus know better than Whirl himself how to hold you when you need help or what things you can really eat, the way they know a little bit more about human behavior not in the way most bots do, you can't be sure how to describe it if not for the word intimate.
Baby started to cry again, most like little whimpers, new formed servos reaching up for something to hold, that being your hand, Tailgate started to rock baby in his arms again.
"I didn't know" you start, as if it would really be worth it, "I'm sorry", somehow, the way he and Cyclonus care for your child is different now, and it makes you sick in the stomach how Tailgate stops his little crisis to be strong for you.
"We didn't tell you, it's fine"
It isn't, it really isn't, but you're still grateful for them, when Cyclonus returns with Whirl along you are grateful again, asking for forgiveness when you see how the first one is covered in bruises and dents, your stupid boyfriend has the guts of saying: "I'm gone for a few days and now I'm forgotten" that earns him the devil's eye from you and TikTok, you call on his name and while he isn't scared of you, Whirl indeed is scared of what you could do now with baby in your arms before you pass her to Tailgate again.
The confrontation isn't normal, nothing about it or what you've with him really is, at some point you ask him if baby looks like him, the him before what they did, and his silence is answer enough.
"It's not baby's fault", you start, almost crying, and he looks the other way, "It's not her fault and you know it"
"I do" he sounds tired and that makes you feel anger even when you wouldn't, but, can't you really be angry when everything pointed that he was about to abandon you with your child because he didn't want to see her? That you were about to be left alone again?
"Then why?" He doesn't answer, just looks at you, he is exhausted, you are, too, and the answer is laid out in front of you, "can you at least go and see her?" This is a breaking point, you know that if he chooses to leave again that's it, and a part inside of you fears it, Whirl is a mess, a chaotic disgrace that your family hates and you can't do much than live with it, accept it, because you love who he is, so far you have done a great job, but now that it involves your child you are putting all the opportunities you can give him down and see if he takes at least one.
"Don't order me around, flesh bag-"
"Can you go and see her?!" You are shouting, you don't do it, not normally, it's strange enough to make his optic go wide and even tremble, he doesn't move.
It's the bizarre image and sound that really makes him took on the opportunity, and it's what makes you be relieved when you return to him with your child in arms and Whirl is still there.
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archie-sunshine · 6 months
So, What Now?(Rehabili/Cohabi-Tation)
Chapter 3: In Which the Robots are Fucking Ballin’
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FIC TAGS: Eventual Whirl/Cyclonus/Tailgate, Cyclonus/Tailgate, polyamory, slowburn romance, mutual pining, slice of life, fluff, comedy, eventual smut(planned for later chapters), sappy mushy lovey stuff, polycue, May eventually have illustrations
The Lost Light has a brand new universe to explore! But everyone's still tired from the old one! In the interim between wacky hijinks, a solution is offered to those bored to death by peacetime- Why form a club about it or renovate your hab suite of course!
Whirl doesn't know how he feels about all the pep. And even worse, he doesn't know how to feel about Cyclonus and Tailgate wanting him to join in on their clean slate. 
Chapter 1 Here! Chapter 2 Here!
Author's Notes: I think that all robots should get to play basketball as a treat. I also think they should be objectively bad at basketball to keep them humble.
CHAPTER TAGS: Humour, fluff, robots playing sports, robots being bad at sports, background Rewind/Chromedome(as god intended), banter, rivalries flaring up but in a fun way.
“And that, in its simplest form, is how you play ‘Baskets Ball’!” 
Whirl squinted at Rodimus, peeking over Nautica’s shoulder where the would-be sports team stood to get a better look at him. He was holding a kind of flimsy looking rubber ball, occasionally bouncing it against the newly fitted gymnasium floor with a satisfying ‘Phoonk!’. 
“Any questions?” Rodimus posed to the group, glancing around the crowd. 
Whirl raised a claw. “Considering that some bots here can turn into aircrafts, what’s the rules about alt modes?” 
Rodimus set his intake in an unamused line for a second, before venting and smiling big. “No transforming, no alt modes, just some friendly sport between bots!” He said, bouncing- or he thought he called it dribbling- the ball again. “Let’s pick teams shall we? Five to a team!” 
Rodimus stepped back to let the group disperse and talk amongst themselves. Immediately, Whirl shuffled up beside Cyclonus, who in turn was shuffled beside Tailgate. Whirl waved a bit at Chromedome, who nodded in acknowledgement. Whirl looked around for a second, trying to spot Rewind.
Chromedome chuckled and pointed at a set of bleachers behind him. “Not his bag. He’s just here to record, he’s doing it for all the clubs.” 
Rewind waved at him from his spot in the wings, sitting comfortably next to Swerve- the team’s referee, a wise choice considering he was the only one who had ever actually watched a game of ‘baskets ball’. 
Whirl waved back. “He’s gonna have a lot to record then, there’s gonna be loads of these.” 
Whirl turned back around as Chromedome chuckled in agreement, facing the other couple as they welcomed one of those lousy ex-cons onto the team. Lousy as in bad at being a ‘con, of course. Fuelpump? Was his name fuelpump?
“Welcome to the team Fulcrum.” Cyclonus said in that weirdly formal kind of way, pinning Fulcrum (OH! Yeah Fulcrum) with that intense stare. 
Fulcrum cycled his optics, glancing around and offering a kind of weak smile. “Yeah man- thanks-” 
Cyclonus then turned to Whirl, who fell in beside him quietly. He nodded curtly at him, turning his red optics on the competing team with a firm edge to his brow. 
“Sizing up the competition, Teeeeeammmate~?” Whirl sing-songed, leaning his helm down until he was nearly touching cheeks with him. 
“Mm.” Cyclonus grunted. 
Whirl flicked his gaze over to the other five bots. Nautica, Skids, Velocity, First Aid, and Blaster. He glanced back at Cyclonus, who was now rubbing a contemplative digit against his chin. Whirl copied him with a claw and a high pitched scratching noise against his own helm. 
“The odds are even here… We should consider their collective and individual strengths before we proceed.” He mused. Whirl nodded slowly, considering the easiest route to swinging First Aid by the pede joint directly into Blaster’s knees. 
“Aren’t you taking it a bit seriously?” Chromedome pointed out. 
Tailgate hopped from pede to pede, optics big. “We’re going to mop the floor with them, they’ll never play baskets ball again.” He muttered to himself. 
“Alright big guy, take a vent-” Chromedome started, cut off by the sudden sound of a whistle being blown. The groups turned to face the source of the sound, a very amused Rodimus with a silver whistle between his dentas. 
“Arright teamsh!” He called, before spitting out the whistle. “To your positions, who wants to do the tip off?” Wordlessly, Cyclonus walked to the middle of the court, facing down against Nautica as they both took an athletic stance. Whirl glanced at Tailgate, expecting some swooning, only to find the little bot vibrating in anticipation completely devoid of any affection. Had there been an ounce of love on the court, it had been traded out in favour of pure, athletic focus. Snickering, he glanced back at cyclonus, appreciating the couple’s mirrored intensity and taking up a stance along with them. Rodimus held the ball up high with one servo, replacing the whistle between his teeth. Whirl watched him countdown his digits on his free hand with straining anticipation.
In a flash of indigo and magenta, Nautica snapped up the ball out of the air, ducking under Cyclonus’s arm and rushing for the opposing team’s net. She grinned broadly, ducking another swipe from Cyclonus’s servo attempting another grasp for the ball. 
From the bleachers, Swerve shouted, “DRIBBLE! Ya can’t just carry the ball!!!” Nautica’s helm twisted briefly to look at him.
“Oh-! Sorry-” she started, clumsily spiking the ball against the ground, and directly into Tailgate’s chassis.
“I GOT IT!” He shrieked, awkwardly beginning to dribble the ball forwards across the court. Whirl took up his flank, looming a bit over him and glancing over his own shoulders. 
It was in the instant that he had taken to peek at what Cyclonus was doing that he crashed directly into Skids’ chest, the two of them stumbling backwards as Tailgate made a break for it between the taller mech’s legs. 
“Oi- sneaky fragger-!!” Skids shouted stiltedly, just as Whirl jogged after the minibot. 
He was making considerable progress considering his size and inefficient dribbling. The ball would bounce a couple times away from Tailgate as he stumbled forwards to nab it back in his servos. He caught it back, letting out an almost involuntary cackle as he mirrored the stance Rodimus had taken and popped up on his pedes for a shot at the net.
The ball thunked against Velocity’s chassis, quickly cradled in her servos as she fumbled to begin dribbling. 
Whirl spun around to follow after her, catching up and passing her but giving a wide berth as Chromedome flanked her other side. 
“Er- Over to you!” She chirped out, bouncing the ball down to First Aid, who had slinked his way over to their half of the court. Just as the ball hit the ground, Whirl jerked a servo out, widening his pincers to welcome the ball home-
The sound of squeaking rubber and grinding metal pedes on the concrete floor of the gymnasium game to a sudden halt. Whirl stared long and hard at the burst rubber now hanging from his claws. He picked it slowly off one of his digits. 
Tailgate jogged up to him, peering up at the spent ball in his hands. “Uhm, Rodimus?” He called, turning to glance around for their ‘coach’. 
Rodimus glanced up from his conversation with Rewind, finally noting the presence of the popped ball. “Oh- Sorry Whirl-” 
“Ball’s kinda flimsy.” Whirl said, jokingly attempting to dribble it, letting it hit the floor with a pathetic smack. “Want me to sit this one out, coach?” 
“Maybe it would be for the-” Rodimus started.
Cyclonus cleared his vocalizer. “Perhaps Whirl would be best suited to a defensive position.” he boomed, raising his voice just under a shout with a formality that was kind of weird. 
Whirl squinted a little bit at Cyclonus. “Aw- and miss all the fun on the front lines, you wound me, ‘clonus, you wound me bad.” He gave cyclonus one big puppydog optic. 
“We could fit some rubber tips over your claws, if you want.” Chromedome offered, reaching a servo towards his talons. Whirl snatched his servos back to his chassis, squinting at the broader bot for a second before rolling his optic. 
“Yeesh- fine I’ll play defense or whatever.” He grumbled. 
“Alright! Let’s start over, then.” Rodimus barked, wandering over to a metal cage full of auxiliary baskets balls. Whirl fell back towards the underside of the hanging net. After a few kliks of reset, Cyclonus returned by his side as Fulcrum reached the center of the court for the tip off. 
“Thanks for gettin me stuck with you.” Whirl whispered at Cyclonus, raising his servos and dropping into a slightly lower stance. “I thought you’d be chasing TG around the court, not me.” 
“I know when to pick my battles.” Cyclonus said dryly, mirroring his stance. Whirl could almost see his servo instinctively twitch towards a sword at his back, before coming to rest held around his abdomen. 
Whirl rolled his optic. “I know when to pick my battles!” He mocked under his vent, wagging his helm back and forth a little before focusing up.
The whistle blew, cut off this time as Fulcrum lunged for the ball, half knocking over First Aid with a hipcheck. 
“Hey-!” The medic started, cut off by Fulcrum’s even louder exclamation of “ACCIDENT!” The scavenger zig zagged down the court, skidding to a stop in his tracks facing down against Blaster, arms outstretched to guard either side of him. 
Whirl’s optic twitched a bit, glancing at Cyclonus for a prompt. Cyclonus didn’t budge. Whirl swallowed a frustrated groan and hopped from foot to foot in anticipation. 
“I’m open!” Chromedome shouted over the clanking metal din. Fulcrum tossed the ball over Blaster’s shoulder, landing it in the mnemosurgeon’s waiting servos. 
Whirl fidgetted, clicking his talons together as Skids shuffled backwards towards their side of the court in anticipation of a lob his way. Defense was BORING. Whirl’s pedes clacked against the floor impatiently, his frame practically vibrating with pent up energy. 
There was a loud, rattling ‘DONK’ as the ball bounced off the corner of the backboard, falling into Nautica’s servos. She wasted no time in dribbling her way over towards their half of the court, bounce-passing the ball over to Skids, who quickly flipped around with the ball in hand, prepared to make his shot. 
Whirl’s optic shrunk to a point, all harnessed energy releasing in one sharp movement. “GYAHH!” Whirl cried, slamming his elbow joint up between skids servos and sending the ball flying straight up. It pinged off the ceiling, slamming down directly into the floor in front of Tailgate. The minibot swung his arms out immediately, almost by instinct grasping hold of the ball as it drove up into his chassis. 
“IGOTIT!!” He shouted, hugging the ball to his chassis as he absorbed the excess kinetic energy skidding him backwards towards the opposing teams net. 
The little bot clumsily dribbled closer to the net, crouching down tight. There was a flash of glowing energy from his visor, before Tailgate leapt upwards with a force so great it left cracks in the gymnasium floor. Two hearty white servos dunked the baskets ball directly through the hoop. 
Tailgate whooped and hollered, swinging on the rim of the net as the sparsely gathered crowd joined tailgate and his team in cheering. 
Again, the whistle was cut off, this time by Rewind smacking at Rodimus’s arms with a free servo- the other occupied in trying to cover his audials. 
“NIIIICE PLAY!” Rodimus called, giving a big stupid thumbs up and a polite round of applause. “Take a second and we’ll contin-”
“I’d like to come down now!” Tailgate interrupted. The bot still hung from the hoop, kicking his pedes lightly as he swung gently back and forth. 
Cyclonus jogged across the court, hopping up and gathering his conjunx in his arms to carry him back. 
Whirl side opticed them, catching their hushed little exchange.
“You would have been fine just letting go.” 
“And miss out on being carried?” 
That remark made cyclonus crack a quiet smile, his chassis rumbling with a chuckle as the two of them bumped their fore-helms together. 
Whirl rolled his optic, turning away from the two of them. Sickening, truly, they just let them get away with that in public? He felt a pang of something in his tanks, watching them canoodle like that. It was probably annoyance, definitely not anything deeper… or uglier than that. 
Cyclonus set Tailgate down with a little squeeze on his shoulder pad. He then shifted back to his position defending the net beside Whirl, nodding at him quietly. 
“... Good play.” Cyclonus murmured, clipped like he had tried to hold it in as he sank back into a defensive stance.
“Don’t hurt yourself biting back that compliment.” Whirl scoffed back. 
“Bet there could have been a better one.” Cyclonus added, turning a blazing optic to Whirl. 
Whirl felt a little flare in his spark, that familiar urge to compete blooming in his tanks in that way only Cyclonus’s stupid challenging could draw out of him. 
“I’d like to see you try and top it.” Whirl hissed, craning his neck to get his optic right in Cyclonus’s personal space again. 
FWWEEEEE-*smack* “Ow-! fine! God-!”
It had been a while since something had gotten Whirl to break a coolant. Baskets ball certainly did it though. 
“Wheeeeeew, that was a workout, huh?” Tailgate huffed, vents going wild as he exited the gymnasium. He bounded cheerily down the hall, flanked by Cyclonus and whirl, both of whom were producing coolant considerably more than their Outlier companion. 
“It was fun, but I dunno if I’m gonna be so cool playing babysitter for the net…” Whirl grumbled a bit, enviously eyeing Tailgate. He’d gotten to bound around the court the whole game while Whirl had been practically exploding with potential energy. Not fair at all.
“You made a fine defense.” Cyclonus observed. Whirl met his optics. Cyclonus’s dermas imperceptibly quirked up at the corner. “Just a fine one though.” 
Whirl’s engine flared, his propellers taking a few indignant cycles as he pinned the mech with his optic. “I made the best defense, nobody’s ever defended like me even a little bit, nobody’s ever DREAMED-”
“Ahhh, hab at last!” Tailgate sighed, trotting up to the familiar purple door and tapping at the access pad. The door slid open and Cyclonus sauntered inside past Tailgate. 
Whirl went to follow him but paused for a moment. 
Tailgate walked into the suite, no goodbye, no ‘see you later’. Whirl cautiously plodded forwards. 
“You coming?” Tailgate asked, as if it was obvious. 
Whirl cycled his vocalizer a bit, searching for something to say. 
“This doesn’t look like my hab suite.” He retorted sarcastically. 
“Yeah, but it’s late anyway, come on, we can talk shop about our baskets ball game over some engex.” Tailgate said, all matter of fact like it was something they’d all agreed on. 
Whirl glanced around, catching a peek of the window on the back wall of their new communal space. It was hard to tell, but he supposed it was a little late. 
“... alright, but just for a little while, huh?” Whirl begrudgingly agreed, stepping in through the open door. It closed with a soft hiss behind him.
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swervenation · 1 year
Swerve x Human Liaison Part 4 (*^▽^*)
It’s shorter than the other chapters - I think I’m gonna just post a scene at a time. Very happy to get back on this. I have so much planned you have no idea.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ?
The next day, you sheepishly waited near the observation deck. An hour had slipped by as you deliberated over your outfit, and you even considered ringing up Rung or Magnus for a second opinion. It felt like your future hung on your ability to convince Tailgate you were worth keeping around. You leaned against a wall outside the deck, trying to minimize yourself, as you craned your neck to watch for the bot. Then you saw the looming purple silhouette … you had forgotten that Cyclonus was accompanying the two of you. Tailgate on his own had been intimidating enough. Before you imploded, you recalled some parting advice your psychiatrist had given you: try not to assume the worst. The worst was your first impression: that Cyclonus was here to sabotage this outing and protect Tailgate from you, knowing you were such a creep. With slow, deep breaths, you recentered yourself. This was likely no different from all the other times you saw them together. 
The pair were close enough to spot you now - despite having no visible face, you could tell Tailgate was beaming. In order to avoid cardiac arrest, you focused on him and didn’t look up to his partner yet. But Tailgate was surely not going to judge you as harshly as you feared. He called out your name happily as he approached, then, when he was right in front of you, he turned back to Cyclonus and asked, “Wait - what was that human thing Swerve showed us?” The random mention of that name made something inside you explode. Wordlessly, the tall mech knelt down and extended his hand to greet you. As you took his sharp digits in your hand, you were comforted enough to look up and find his expression to be relaxed, but ever so slightly warm.
When you first boarded the Lost Light, you couldn’t have realized what a handshake would come to mean to you. It was a small, human gesture, and it’s not like you were missing it before Swerve first extended it to you … but now it meant that whoever offered it to you cared about you enough to learn the custom. (Or, somebody cared enough to teach them.)
The icy grip of panic in your chest relaxed slowly and fell away as you performed the same gesture with the very enthusiastic Tailgate. He expressed how happy he was to receive your message and immediately started to correct your apparent misperceptions of the crew, starting with his partner. Cyclonus, according to him, was every bit as badass as he appeared, but only on the battlefield. "Trust me, he's a big sweetheart!" Tailgate hugged his leg and, although he turned his face away, you could see something of a smile on that face.
 Without further ado, the three of you stepped into the observation deck. You were instantly overcome by the enormity of your surroundings. You generally stuck to a strict routine, too apprehensive to go exploring. Habsuite to work to Swerve’s to habsuite to work etc etc. It had been as though your entire reality was contained within these walls. Seeing the stars around you through the crystal clear glass was overwhelmingly sublime. You drank it all in with wonder. 
 Swerve happened to be passing through the observation deck to get to his appointment with Rung. Finally, he was about to spill the beans about you. He'd been quiet about this crush for so long, it was more than he could handle. He was pondering if he should answer the typical therapy questions Rung was going to ask to start or if he should just start talking about you as soon as he entered the room - then he spotted you. Your head was tilted back and your eyes were wide in amazement as you slowly twirled around the room, absorbing as much of the Universe as you could. The stars gleamed as little pinpricks of light on your ever curious eyes. Swerve stood frozen in awe before his sense took hold of him and he quietly tried to sneak past the three of you. 
Swerve couldn't escape Cyclonus's attention, though, as he cocked an eyebrow at the minibot. Then, with the slightest hint of a smirk, he greeted him. “Hello, Swerve.”
Tailgate turned to see his friend and you just about jumped through the deck’s glass ceiling. Quickly, you scrambled behind Tailgate and tried to look as casual as possible while carefully observing him outside of his natural habitat. 
“Oh, hey, Cyc. Didn’t see ya there,” he almost winced. “Hey, Tailgate, hi, y/n.” He pronounced your name with a hesitance, as though he were bracing himself for something. Your head swam to hear him acknowledge you.
“Hi, Swerve! What are you doing here?” Tailgate asked.
“I was just passing through on my way to …” thinking quickly, he stumbled into the most high IQ 4-D chess move possible. “... To the Med Bay. Ratchet needs me.”
“Are you okay?!” you interrupted with concern, jumping out from behind Tailgate despite yourself.
“Yes! Yeah, I’m great. Thank you for asking!” there was a note of genuine appreciation in that. “But, anyways, Ratchet needs my help. Ratchet’s such an amazing medic, did you know that? Have you met him? He’s practically the best doctor in the Universe. So, yeah, he just asked if I could stop by and help him.”
You cocked your head in curiosity. What would a bartender be doing in a med bay?
“Does someone else have Cybercrosis?” Tailgate guessed. 
“YES, exactly, that’s it. He needs me to, like, supervise the treatment. Make sure he’s doing it right. Man, I still can’t believe I invented the cure for that. That’s crazy.”
“Cybercrosis?” You couldn’t quite tell if he was joking.
“Cybercrosis is … nasty. Paralysis, blindness, amnesia, until your spark shrinks into nothing. Primus,” Tailgate shuddered as his visor dimmed, “You would not beLIEVE how much it sucks.”  
“Yup, it was an uncurable and 100% fatal disease for millions of years. But Tailgate got it a few years back, and I fixed him up. First one to do so. It was pretty much a death sentence, but that didn’t stop me.”
“Wait - is this sarcasm?”
“I wish I could tell you he was exaggerating,” Cyclonus admitted, “But I’m afraid that’s all true.”
“Yeah, nobody would think your friendly neighborhood bartender would actually turn out to be a life-saving doctor,” Swerve said, putting his servos on his hips confidently, looking heroically away from you and into the distance, “But here I am.”
“Skin doctor,” Tailgate clarified.
“Life-saving skin doctor,” Swerve corrected him. 
“Wow,” you said breathlessly, “That’s amazing.” Your head was spinning. You were trying to process this paradigm shift. You found him impressive just as a bartender - but he’s also a life-saving (skin) doctor? He was far out of your league. 
“Thanks!” he responded cheerfully with a small crackle in his voice. His face lit up with that gentle blue glow. “Anyways, I should get going. Can’t keep Ratchet waiting. See you around!” With that, he transformed and shot out of the room. Cyclonus noted that Med Bay was in the opposite direction, but didn’t say anything about it.
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loveofbots · 1 year
Headcanons where reader gets their wisdom teeth removed because mine are and I’m VERY nervous about it
Human!GN!reader, can be read as platonic or romantic
Warnings: mention of surgery
- he’s already very scared of doctors, so you going to get your teeth removed? Yikes. Luckily, this guy has seen enough sit-coms to know what you’ll be like once you’re out of it.
- soft foods, painkillers, blankets and lots of water. As much as Swerve usually likes pulling of shenanigans with you, this time he’s gonna be the responsible bot and make you stay put. Swerve will keep you entertained though, don’t worry!
- if you need to hold his servo going in he’s absolutely fine with that. Honestly he’s holding yours more because he’s afraid of the doctors office.
- solid words of encouragement. “You’ll be fine. You’re in safe hands. I’ll be right outside so you can find me afterwards.”
- honest to Primus he asks Ratchet how you’re doing like 58 times. He cares so much about you.
- Swerve refuses to let you walk, you either get carried by him or ride in his alt mode. Cares for you for the next three days. Takes time off work actually, but all of the Lost Light care about you, so Trailcutter can deal with not having a drink for a few days.
Tailgate (ft. Cyclonus):
- oh no, oh baby. He’s just as nervous as you are. But he tries to remember to put on a brave face for you. Please excuse him if it slips, he’s just so caring about you.
- definitely tries to cheer you up beforehand! And downloads a bunch of silly movies you guys can watch after. He’ll even make Cyclonus watch with you if that’s what you want.
- he gives you a big hug before you go in. “This is your protection hug! It will make sure nothing bad happens to you while you’re in there!”
- afterwards, if you’re feeling down, he’ll do his best to just hold you. Luckily Cyclonus had the foresight to predict this, so had blankets, water, and soft foods ready for you.
- you’re definitely having a sleepover in his habsuite. No questions, Tailgate’s anxiety would not let him sleep if you were in your own hab. So for a few days, you get to hang out with Tailgate and Cyclonus!
Fort Max:
- he knows you’ll be ok, but he understands why you’re afraid. Being on an operating table reminds him of Garrus-9. Even though he knows that’s not the case, he can’t help the inkling of doubt.
- to combat this, he employs a few strategies. One, he creates a little timeline for your recovery. He doesn’t know much about oral surgery, so he has First Aid help him out when creating a recovery plan. Once it’s all mapped out and gone over with you, this big giant lays it on thick.
- hugs galore, he wants you to feel safe. Kind reassuring words. “It’s alright, it’s just a small procedure and you’ll be right back in my arms before you know it.”
- he would walk in with you if you needed it, but he leaves you with a comfort object so you never feel alone. When you come out, he’s all ready for you. Massive hands would cradle you as he gives you an ice pack for the swelling. And he even got you some soft human foods.
- encourages you not to speak much. He know it must be uncomfortable, even with painkillers. So instead he offers you a book or a tv show he can watch or read with you, happy that you’re with him and resting.
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blubrown9637 · 1 year
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I’ve finally got around to making Dinobots sparkling Ocs, and after several redesigns I’m really happy with these!
They do exist in my lost light au btw! When Tailgate and Cyclonus experimented with making Gale without an hotspot. So Grimlock Asked(more like demand) Brainstorm to somehow find a way to make more dinobots without a hotspot as well as without having a partner.
So Brainstorm after watching some of swerve’s earth movies got the bright idea to create an Dinobot from an egg somehow, with the help of Grimlocks dna of course. AND IT WORKED! (Sorta) Bam was created then after few hundred years later so was Spittake and so forth.
Bam The Brontosaurus : Bam is the eldest at 400+ years old! (In my au Sparklings age like normal humans then after age 18 their body starts aging like a normal cybertonian) she is very kind and patient with her siblings and can come across very motherly. She often helps Grimlock “tame” the kids when things go south.
Though Bam is a Dinobot she doesn’t talk in 3rd person like Grimlock most of the time. This is probably due to the fact that she grew up around other cybertonians like her good friend Gale. She is also very smart as well, some tease she should be Queen of the Dinos some day!
Spittake The Dilophosaurus: He is the second oldest at age 12, and he honestly lives up to his name. He’s definitely a kind of shit disturber and hates when things are to “peaceful” in the Habsuite. Most of the chaotic things happening on the ship are usually caused by him, especially when he creates his artwork on the walls of the ship.
Spittake is able to use the colorful tar that constantly comes from his body and use it to create art! Though pretty on the surface, if it leaks into your optics or any kind of pores it can create very strong hallucinations. Victims of this have been Magnus, Grimlock, trailcutter and Prowl. All on accident of course!
Spittake may seem like a troublesome mech king but he’s actually a sweetheart who would do anything for his friends and family! He’s mostly seen make arts and crafts with Gala and Ten.
Hit The Raptor: she is the second youngest at 4 years old, The only way I can describe Hit perfectly is that she’s kind of a mix between Amy rose from sonic and Angelica from rugrats if that makes any sense? She definitely bratty and usually gets what she wants most of the time. She’s also a huge daddy’s girl, so whenever Spittake or some bots mean to her she’ll always run to Grimlock.
Hits a girly girl despite her tomboyish behavior sometimes. Her favorite color is pink and she always wants to play dress up with someone. Also Gala is her best friend so don’t be mean to her either unless you wanna see her true wrath.
Crash The Spinosaurus: crash is the youngest at 3 years old, there is much to say about him yet but that he feels more comfortable in his alt form instead. All of the next Gen dinobots stayed in their alt forms as Sparklings but Crash is taking a bit more time than usual.
He’s a very energetic and happy sparkling, even though he can’t say full words. He has a bad habit with biting things and bots occasionally, but it’s just his form of teething. Also he likes Gala…a lot! ;)
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minorisato · 3 months
and if it's discovered, what'll happen to this?
transformers, original work / psymags / wc: 555 / warnings: NA / notes: this is SHAMELESS self insert x canon fic.
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Psyber is staring at him, optics wide and mouth agape, which is not abnormal. It’s the fact that other people are also staring at him which causes Betamax to believe he’s fucked up greatly. “Do the others not know?” He asks, tilting his helm, and Psyber grits hys dentae, shaking like hy’s struggling not to choke out the tape player.
“They didn’t,” Psyber grits out, “until now.”
“Magnus?” Swerve asks, cleaning a glass, looking some flavour of confused. “Like, Magnus, Magnus. The same Magnus who keeps throwing you in the brig for minor infractions. That Magnus.”
“Yes,” Psyber turns hys helm to the bartender, blush covering hys faceplates. “Yes, that Magnus.”
“Oh, that’s kind of cute, actually!” Tailgate claps his servos together. Cyclonus shrugs. “Sure, Magnus can be. Uh, tough? Rough? But it’s still cute. It’s nice to have someone you look forward to seeing.” At that, the purple mech rubs his arm.
“Hey,” Rewind taps Psyber’s shoulder, and when the laptop turns around, hy’s met with a blinking red light. Primus. “Every mech wants to know, do you get thrown in the brig on purpose just so you can talk to Magnus more?”
“Shut up!” Psyber hisses, and pushes the minibot away. “Everyone needs to shut up immediately forever.”
“I kinda agree with Tailgate, actually,” Chromedome shrugs, “I think it’s sweet.”
“Please, please shut up.”
“I’m really so sorry,” Betamax tells the laptop, rubbing hys tower gently in some form of comfort or consolation. “I really thought everyone else already knew. I wrote it down in my notebook, even, so that I wouldn’t be the only one who didn’t know.”
Psyber sighs. “No, it’s okay. I should’ve made it clearer that it was a secret.” Hy pauses. “You might want to, uh, add that in, to your notebook. So that more people don’t find out.”
Betamax nods, pulling out his notebook and a small ink pen. “I guess we’re lucky Magnus isn’t around, this could have gone way worse.”
Psyber rests hys helm on hys servo. “Yeah, it could’ve gone–”
“Lucky Magnus wasn’t around for what?” A voice asks, and Psyber’s helm snaps upright, and then to the source of the voice, and oh god he’s right there. “What are you all doing?”
“Nothing!” Psyber shouts, and then immediately regrets it.
“Psyber, what did you do?”
“Hy didn’t do anything!” Betamax assures the larger, waving his servos around. “Seriously, wwe were all just joking around. Hy actually didn’t do anything this time.”
Magnus raises an optical ridge, looking down at the tape player. “I’m not certain I can trust you, specifically, with that.”
“Ultra Magnus, really, Psyber didn’t do anything,” Tailgate pipes up, servos clasped together. “We were all just joking around. Honest.”
Magnus looks down at the minibot, seeming to consider this. After a few moments he sighs, and looks back up at Psyber. “You’re lucky I trust Tailgate,” he tells the laptop. “Surely you wouldn’t mind continuing your joking while I’m here, if that really is the case.”
Rewind chuckles, still recording. “Oh no, of course not, sir. We’d love for you to join us.”
“Rewind I am going to kill you,” Psyber hisses.
Betamax, again, waves around his servos. “Hy’s joking! Hy’s joking.” Betamax turns and lightly punches Psyber in the arm. “Totally joking. Talking stupid.”
Psyber huffs. “Yeah, talking stupid.”
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uselessmacrowave · 29 days
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whirl x shy reader praise headcanons
whirl x stage frightened reader comfort headcanons
whirl x reader headcanons
ratchet x shy reader praise headcanons
ratchet x reader headcanons
brainstorm x shy reader praise headcanons
brainstorm x stage frightened reader comfort headcanons
rodimus x reader nsfw (bdsm)
rodimus x stage frightened reader comfort headcanons
swerve x reader amica sparkbonding
swerve love letter
ultra magnus love letter
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cyclonus x tailgate x reader comfort headcanons
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i-starcreamed · 1 year
Swerve x Reader with a similar personality
Swerve x Badass Cybertronian!Reader
One Bed Trope with human!reader
Shattered Glass!Swerve x Con!Reader
Swerve x Cybertronian!reader who finds him charming
Skitching HCs
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
Whirl x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
Tarn x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
Rodimus x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
One Bed Trope with human!reader
Skitching HCs
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Drift x Cybertronian!Reader who can transform into a weapon
Drift helps human!Reader dye their hair
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Skitching HCs
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Helping human!reader get ready for a party
Cybertronian!reader hides a fatal injury-angst
One Bed Trope with human!reader
Ratchet celebrating their human partner's graduation
Comforting human!reader
Bee x Cybertronian!reader he thought was dead
Optimus Prime
Optimus celebrating their human partner's graduation
Smokescreen celebrating their human partner's graduation
Comforting human!reader
Comforting human!reader
Comforting human!reader
Megatrons child HCs
Starscream x Cybertronian!Reader that stands up for him
S/O with a soft spot for animals and nature
Tarantulas x human!reader
Mirage x human!reader drabble
Mirage x starfire-like reader
Optimus Prime
Optimus x starfire-like reader
Bumblebee x starfire-like reader
Scourge x human!reader
Downfall, MotorRaid, A-Strike dating HCs
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cyber-streak-2 · 10 months
IDW Cygate, G1 Starscream and Earthspark Twitch accidentally hurting Human Reader
(IDW1/MTMTE) Cygate, (G1) Starscream, & (TFES) Twitch accidentally hurting Human Reader:
Twitch Malto
{She wasn’t that sure on what had happened, she didn’t really see it. She knew she’d been training/practicing... and then she heard you cry out in pain.}
{She’s quick to stop, and hurries over to you, as well as the others. You’re obviously in pain- even if you try to ignore it or something.}
{Twitch is quick to try and get you some help, which she—along with you—discover that your foot is fractured.}
{She quickly decides to help you out with some stuff to make up for accidentally hurting you. Although you can tell her if you do want her to help out or not.}
{One of the first things she did was apologize- she really didn’t mean for that to happen, and she wasn’t sure how it even did. She’s relieved when you accept it, but she still feels a little bad.}
{She’s going to try and make sure that she won’t hurt you anymore, even if it’s an accident- that she’ll be more careful.}
{He wanted to hurt Megatron- he meant to hurt Megatron- not the only human that he actually happened to like.}
{He’d pointed his null-rays at the leader, but Ravage had decided to try and stop him- which accidentally caused him to shoot you, instead.}
{Starscream isn’t really sure what to do- this had been happening during a battle with the Autobots, so the ‘Bots themselves do something instead. Take you to get help.}
{He tries to act that he doesn’t care too much/that it’s not bothering him... but, he’s worried. He just tries to make sure the others don’t know that- he’s long since failed at convincing himself that he doesn’t care.}
{He’ll fly by the hospital you were taken to, but can’t really get that close to actually see you- since the Autobots are there a lot, too.}
{It was mostly Tailgate who ended up (accidentally) harming you, but Cyclonus was apart of it. Either way, the damage was done- the most major was a sprained arm and a little concussion.}
{All three of you don’t really know how any of this happened- there was just a lot of panic/distress before you got hurt.}
{Before the two of them or anybody else are allowed to see you, Cyclonus tries to discuss what happened with Tailgate+try to comfort him.}
{And when they both finally can see you... they both apologize, but Tailgate does it quite a lot- he’s just worried for you, and he didn’t mean to cause what happened, honest.}
{While you’re recovering, Tailgate offers some options for you- like the three of you watching movies together he got from Swerve, listening to Cyclonus sing, etc.}
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ao3feed-skystar · 4 months
Oh Did I Not Tell You?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CrjYm6Z by TheLoveCooklol After several long and arduous hours lasting well over a day, Skyfire’s and Starscream’s sparklings were finally born and after three days, they were finally released from the hospital with a clean bill of health. But as it turns out, in the midst of their excitement and anticipation for their children to be born, they had forgotten to tell their friends that Starscream was in labor, and now they have to break the news to them three days late that they were born. And Starscream does so in true Starscream fashion. __ This is apart of the previous Recovery Route oneshot, but it does not have to be read to understand this one. Also, just to clarify, the works in this series are not in chronological order. Words: 1717, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Recovery Route Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers: Prime Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Other Characters: Jetfire | Skyfire (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers), Original Seeker Character(s) (Transformers), Swerve (Transformers), Tailgate (Transformers), Cyclonus (Transformers), Blurr (Transformers), Kiloton (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock, Hot Rod (Transformers), Windblade (Transformers), Whirl (Transformers), First Aid (Transformers), Nautica (Transformers), Skids (Transformers), Chromia (Transformers), Other(s) Relationships: Jetfire | Skyfire/Starscream (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock/Hot Rod, Cyclonus/Tailgate (Transformers) Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Transformer Sparklings, Mech Preg (Transformers), Light-Hearted, Comfort No Hurt, Family Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Childbirth (mentioned), IDW themes in the form of the characters are their designs + personalities, But there is no Lost Light, groupchats, Short & Sweet, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Out of Character, Maybe - Freeform, no clue, SKYSTAR FANS TAKE SOME FLUFF, BECAUSE THERE IS TOO MUCH ANGST IN THAT TAG, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CrjYm6Z
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