#dad will just have to accept bread as that is all we will have when he wakes
maxaroniiiii · 1 month
i woke up on this earth to make bread and by god i am going to do that
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bluxb3rry · 11 months
❝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦!❞↳෴੭˚ ༘♡·˚₊˚ˑ༄ؘ 💜
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Hyunjin x male reader! He/him pronouns! English is not my frist language! More angst? idk ── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
In a world were only Kings and Queens rule, the money its the most important thing. Who has it, wins and who doesn’t, dies.
Thats what his father always told him, when he was just a little boy and inocent, afraid of the oh so called "real world", he was though how to steal and act, how to make People see him with pity only to steal their bread.
-Y/N, never try to take orders from someone else, only from me even if im dead-
His father was the reason he still steals, his father was the reason of why he fought, he stold, he ran and he got hurt in his name.
So, it was only fair to blame him in this situation.
-Y/N L/N, its funny seeing you like this right now, you promised to kill every single one of us by now, remeber?-one of the guards told him, while he was in the floor with blood coming out of his mouth.
-What a piece of shit, i wonder why that prince wants you still alive, you should die by now-
-fuck you-Y/N said
Then everything turned black.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
When he opened his eyes again, he felt tired and pain all over his body, looking at the ceiling and his gold details, with also a big painting of clouds in it. Already knowing where he was he just looked around, trying to find the window thats its hopefully open. He sat slowly in the bed, seeing his naked body with bandages and violet spots, when he touched them he felt more pain.
The door opened
-Y/n!-he heard an angelic voice, then he felt hands in his chest and how he was slowly being lay down to the bed again-you need to rest! stop trying to escape for once
-trying? i always escaped before you watched me again-he said smiling
-yeah well, you look worse now, you took longer to wake up-the male said, his long black hair being tied up while he looked at him.
-Hyunjin, i can't stay-
-but you can! you are safer in here, you have food, a room, warm water-he sighed-why do you always have to go and keep stealing?
Hyunjin turn away, looking for the food he brought in for him, bring in it more closer.
-my dad didn't like this style of living, you know that-he was interrupted by a biscuit in his mouth
-you say that every-fucking-time, im tired of that you know?-he started cutting the food, knowing that Y/n couldn't move his own arms-i...i miss having you here, being with you
Hyungjin felt your hands in his own, but didn't try to look
-you know, even if you are the one with power, they would kill you the moment they see you with me, if not for the gender is gonna be for who i am-
-i told you we could escape-
-i don't want you to live like me-
-but you just said!-Hyunjin shouted, but stopped, noticing how close you both were.
-i know...but we just can't, we aren't made for each other-Y/N ate a little bit more, and then stand up.
-you don't even kiss me anymore-Hyunjin looked at him-why? you can't even do that? you can't give me that satisfaction?
-if i do it, im afraid i won't be able to go-
-Then do it-Hyunjin got closer to you-kiss me, stay here, no one has to know, it can be our secret-
-if i stay, i could love you, but you would have to be with some lady to not make it that obvious, to have that heritage your father oh so wants-you looked at him-one way or the other we can't be happy
Silence took place, Hyunjin trying to think in another way while Y/N was suprised he didn't escaped yet.
-Just for this day, please-Hyunjin pleaded, holding your hands
-if i go tomorrow, its gonna be worse for you-
-just...-he sighed-let me have this joy for one day, let me imagine that we live in a world where you didn't have to live like this for some code, a world we are not gonna be hated for our love, a world were i can wake up and have you on my side-
-it's just gonna be a dream, love-
-well, let me dream-he kissed him
and you accept it
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
You were both kids when you met eatch other, he escaped from his castle with tears in his eyes and you found him, you hugged him while saying that "pretty people should not cry!" and made him laugh.
You played like kids, he remebers how he got all dirty, his white clothes being a big contrast with the dirt and your own clothes, in his eyes you were a free spirit that liked to do anything, he loved that form you, didn't even care that you were a boy.
After he came back from outside (not before a kiss in the cheeck as a goodbye from you) he told everything to his parents, his dad said he was just a kid and no boys could have such feelings, that he was just confused. When he cried to his mother and while she was hugging him, she told him "love is different for everyone, if you like that boy, then i guess is okay"
He escaped almost all days from the castle to look at you, to find you, it looked like everytime he find you, you changed a little bit more.
So, after some years, when you both stopped being kids and he knew everything you did, he said everything, his feelings, his worries, everything. All under the moon and stars.
You kissed him that day, you hugged him and said the same to him, but also saying the one thing he already knew.
"in a world like this, all we can wish is just gonna be a dream Hyunjin"
"then, let me sleep and dream it"
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Hyunjin woke up the next day, feeling the slight pain in his hips, and he touched his neck that was full of love marks, he smiled and then looked beside him, hoping to see you.
But the bed was to cold.
Your warmt wasn't even there, his smile dissapeard and then he looked the window, seeing it all open. He looked at the room, not seeing anytrace from you.
Then he looked at the little paper that was in the pillow beside him, were your head rested.
"i love you"
He laughed, he laughed and hide his face with his hands, slowly feeling the tears appearing and his laughs turning into sobbs while.
He just woke up from his dream after all.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
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unabashegirl · 9 months
Enticing 29 (HS)
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Summary: Harry is a young billionaire and CEO of his own company. He mostly keeps to himself, he is stern and very meticulous when it comes to business. He also likes to keep his personal life very private for the sake of his newly born son Oliver Styles. It isn't until he meets Y/N Y/L/N that everything changes. She becomes his new nanny after his previous one quits due to personal reasons. She is young, caring, and sweet. Will they ignore their feelings? Will Harry's girlfriend accept their love and leave them? Will she be able to cope with his busy agenda? What about Oliver's mother? Where is she? Who is she?
Author's note: Hello everyone, sorry this chapter is a bit late! I got caught up with a few things at home. As promised here is a new chapter of enticing. Happy reading. 
word count: 1.6K
— all chapters of enticing —
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Y/N stood in Gran station with a heavy heart as she waited for her mother to arrive from Philadelphia and to say that she was nervous was an understatement. She hadn’t seen her in so long. Y/N also needed to apologize for cutting her off her life so abruptly, and she was planning on it. She just didn’t know where to start.
Y/N smiled at her from warm away and waved. It was easy to spot her. Elizabeth and Y/N had the same color hair, same doe eyes, and same nose. It was as if Elizabeth had procreated with herself and not with her father. She was terribly similar to her mom as opposed to her little sister.
“Hey, you,” Elizabeth said as she dropped her bag and pulled her into a tight hug. Y/N hugged her back immediately and felt profound peace. She had missed her mother too much. She just wanted to make amends with her and wanted to share with her the news. Y/N was anxious. She was scared that her mother would turn her back on her especially now that she was pregnant and when she needed her the most.
“Hey Mom” She sniffed as they pulled away from each other.
“You look beautiful.” Elizabeth held her hands, “I’ve missed you” She admitted. Elizabeth knew that what had happened that night had been partially her fault. She knew that she never again should choose sides. She regretted it, especially after seeing the type of girl that her youngest daughter had developed into. She was very spoiled and felt very entitled just like Y/N had said that night.
“So do you! Come on let’s get something to eat.” Y/N hooked her arm with hers as they exited the train station.
It was a very sunny, autumn day in Manhattan, and even though the sun shone brightly, it was pretty cool due to the cold wind. Y/N decided to take Elizabeth to a small Italian restaurant by the apartment. She had been there before with Patrick, long before she was hired in the Styles’ household. Her mouth watered when thinking about their bruschetta and chicken Alfredo pasta.
“Are you finally going to tell me what’s going on with you?” Elizabeth asked after they had ordered their drinks and food.
“Yes” Y/N cleared her throat, “I just think we should first talk about what happened that night. I think it would be good for us to dissect it a bit, so we can move on”.  She explained her reasoning just as the waiter came back with their drinks and a basket of complimentary bread.
“That’s very mature of you. Let’s talk about it.”
“I’ll like to start with apologizing. It wasn’t my place to judge you or your way of parenting. I know that you are doing your best Violet, especially after Dad passed away and I moved away. I-I’m also sorry for cutting you out of my life, so abruptly and not writing or calling. I can only imagine how hard it must have all been for you.” Elizabeth’s eyes watered as she remembered the night after the flight that she spent crying. The remorse of kicking her daughter out of the house on Christmas night, ate her away every night. “Please don’t cry because I will cry too”.
“I want to apologize for kicking you out that night and for siding with your sister. I’m your mother I should have known better, and I should have handled the situation better. I certainly shouldn’t have sided with your sister. I also understand now what you were trying to say that night.  Most importantly, I accept your apology. I just want us to move forward and not look back.” Y/N agreed with Elizabeth as she dried her tears with a napkin. “I am happy you called and reached out. I didn’t do it sooner not because I didn’t miss you. I missed you terribly. I just didn’t call you because I was too proud. I’m sorry”.
Y/N reached out and held her hand over and across the table. She could tell that it had hurt her even more than it had hurt her. She wanted to take the pain all away. Elizabeth was everything that Y/N had. The only family that she had left after her father had passed away. She was her pillar, which she desperately needed now.
“I love you.”
“I love you more princess” Elizabeth smiled through her tears. She inhaled and exhaled loudly, feeling an immense weight off her shoulders. “I feel good”.  She giggled and Y/N wished that it stayed that way and that she began feeling better after she told her. “Now. Tell me! I am dying here”.
“Mom —” Y/N’s eyes filled with tears, and she choked up. She couldn’t believe the words that were about to leave her lips. “I am pregnant” she revealed.
Elizabeth wasn’t a woman that masked her emotions. She was a very blunt woman and preferred to apologize for saying aloud her thoughts and bottling them in and lying to the people she loved. She wasn’t surprised. From the tone that Y/N had called her that morning, she had supposed news just as big as this one.  Elizabeth was her mother. She could easily read her. For a second Elizabeth thought that Y/N was incredibly sick and that’s why she was calling to make amends. The last time that she had received the news in the same matter had been when Y/N’s father found out that he had cancer. After someone in the family dies from cancer. Every other piece of news becomes a walk in the park. She was relieved.
“Alright,” She nodded and took a sip out of her red wine. “How far along are you?”
“3 weeks? I am not that sure. I took one of those pregnancy tests at home” Y/N explained as she studied her face carefully, still scared that she would flip.
“First thing first we need to find an obstetrician and make you an appointment with them.” She reached out to her pursed and pulled out the red leather journal that she always carried with herself ever since Y/N was a little girl. She wrote important things on it and her thoughts which explained why she had hundredths at home. “Do you or the father have someone, particularly in mind?”
Y/N frantically shook her head at her mother.
“We also need to get your prenatal vitamins, but I am sure the doctor will prescribe you specific ones,” She wrote in her journal. “I guess we could see if my obstetrician can fit you in.” Elizabeth sighed as she thought of all the different things that her daughter would have to do to get prepared. “Is there something else that I should know? Who and where is the father?”
“I lost my job, and the father doesn’t know, and I don’t plan on telling him.”
“Why?” Elizabeth quickly asked, surprised by the choice that she had already taken. “Is he a married man? Is he an abuser? Why?”
“He already has a baby. He won’t want this one” Y/N frowned, “I don’t want him to reject the baby”.
“And this is just an assumption, honey?”
“I know him, Mom. He is just going to turn us away.”
“You are making a big mistake, Y/N. You are possibly depriving him of getting to know his child and raising him. I support you either way, but as a mother, it is my job to tell you that you could live with the consequences for the rest of your life, and they will only get worse” Elizabeth warned her, she didn’t know the mystery man, but he deserved to know. She knew that what his daughter was doing was wrong.
Y/N nodded and wiped her tears.
“I understand, and I’ll think about it” She nodded trying to compromise. “Anyway, enough about me! How is violet? A senior now, right?” Y/N asked just as their food was being served.
“She is fine. She has proven to be exceedingly difficult. She says she doesn’t want to go to college. I’ve had to stop her from dropping out before graduation.”  Y/N couldn’t believe what her mother was telling her about her youngest sister, but just as she was about to say something her phone interrupted them.
“Hello?” It was an incoming call, with no caller ID.
“Y/N. William here. I am finally able to get a hold of you. How are you?”
“Hey, William. Fine. You?” She had thought that it was an automated message and not one of Harry’s close friends. If she had known that it was William, then she wouldn’t have answered the call. She just hoped that he wasn’t calling to let her know something about Harry. She didn’t want to know anything.
“Pretty good” He shared, and it was quiet for a few seconds, “I am calling in regard to your job.”
“What about it? Is this about Harry? Because —”
“This call has nothing to do with Harry” William abruptly interrupted her “I am calling about the contract that you signed to work with us Y/N. I am calling to let you know that your job is still waiting for you and just to get an estimate as to when you can come in to start.” Click below and join our community on Patreon if you wish to continue reading Enticing and get access to 10 more chapters.
TAGLIST: @0oolookitsme, @happycupcakeenthusiast, @kennedywxlsh, @hsfics, @stylesbrock, @cuddlingwithharry, @sucker4angtt, @bluemoonedwings, @cherriesrae, @vornilla, @mellamolayla, @harryscurls21, @stilesissaved, @be-with-me-so-happily, @harryssattelitestomper, @jerseygirlinca, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @lomlolivia, @stylesfever, @daphnesutton
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
The Boy in the Window ~ Tommy Shelby x Reader (Series)
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Summary: (Y/N) thinks the boy her daughter sees in the window of the neighbouring house is nothing but a childish fantasy, after all, no one has lived there for years, but when she brings that boy to lunch, she realises that he is in fact very real, rather hungry and quite cold and above all- the son of none other than the infamous Tommy Shelby. Expect spoilers for Peaky Blinders Season 1-4.
Note:  Lets meet Charlie, shall we?  I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other. 
Here, you can find my [Masterlist] and the [Series Masterlist]
Warning: Canon conforming mention of violence. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. 
Requested: no
Wordcount: 4729
Part 1
Well, (Y/N) realised, he was certainly real. 
Very real in fact- and currently staring up at her with wide, bright blue eyes, made even brighter by the blue jumper he wore over a white shirt. 
His hair was as pale as the summer sun, but both their cheeks were rosy from the cold. Unlike Emma he wore no coat and no hat, and so a few stray snowflakes were melting in his hair. 
“That’s my Mummy!”, Emma told the boy. They seemed to be about of an age, her just a little bit taller than him but that said nothing, not when they were still so little. 
“Hello.”, he said shyly, stretching out his hand. 
 (Y/N) was still holding the bowl of soup and quickly set it down before turning back to the new arrival. 
“What are you doing here?”
Her own voice sounding uncommonly breathless, as if she had been the one running around in the snow, while she crouched down in front of him. 
“Emma said I could come for lunch with you…may I?”, he asked, glancing back to Emma for confirmation. 
“Please, Mummy!”
 (Y/N) only huffed and leaned against the counter. 
“Well, you’re here now.”, was all she managed to say. As her mins tried to process the developments, her body went into autopilot, pouring drink and serving soup and smearing butter on bread. 
Emma ate well, but he ate so quickly, he had finished his second bowl before she had finished her first. (Y/N)s own spoon didn’t touch her mouth. 
He was all wrong - the way he spoke, the way he was dressed, as if he stepped out of a story book page and into her kitchen. As if Colin Craven’s lively cousin had decided to step from the pages of The Secret Garden and chose to spend Christmas Day with them. 
“Is there dessert?”, he asked cautiously. 
“Dessert?”,  (Y/N) repeated. 
How many children in Birmingham asked for dessert? Or even know the meaning of the word?
“I don’t think so, but we have some biscuits. Would you like some?”
He nodded eagerly.
Clearing the plates and the bowl of soup away, (Y/N) went to fetch some from the biscuit tin. 
“And I got chocolates from Father Christmas!”, Emma announced.
“Chocolates?”, the boy asked. “Father Christmas didn’t get me any!”
Emma’s head shot over to where her mother was watching from a safe distance. 
“Don’t worry, Mummy. You were right. Father Christmas didn’t forget Charlie- he just got toys and no sweets."
Emma reached over and handed the boy - Charlie - a piece of chocolate, which he gladly accepted. 
“Charlie?”,  (Y/N) said cautiously, sitting down on the chair next to the boy. 
She made sure not to let her thundering heart affect her voice. The last thing she wanted was to frighten the boy. 
“Emma said you were in that house over there - is that right?”
He nodded, still chewing on the chocolate. 
“Well, how did you get there? Do you know?”
At once his eyes fell as his hands dropped into his lap. His fingers coiled into the fabric of his short trousers, which like everything about him, screamed that he did not belong here, in this place, let alone in this weather. 
“Dad said we had to go.”, he mumbled, his voice so soft,  (Y/N) had to lean in closer to hear. “Didn’t say where and I fell asleep in the car. Then he said that that’s our home now but we can go back in a bit.”
His fingers twisted the dark corduroy of his shorts. 
“How long is a bit?”, he asked, looking up at her with glassy eyes. 
It made her heart clench in her chest. She was never good when children got sad, and he asked her with such desperation, she yearned to make his pain go away. 
So she crouched down in front of him and placed her hand on his knee. 
“I don’t know, darling.”, she said truthfully. 
The first tears began to spill, but he did not start to sob, instead he just wept silently, sniffling. 
“Oh no, no need for that!”, she assured him. But he had mentioned his father and that was something. 
“Where’s your father now?”, she asked. 
“I-I don’t know…”, he admitted, his voice growing ever higher as the tears kept coming. “I don’t know where anyone is…I called for Frances but she didn’t come. She normally always comes!”
The tears coated his cheeks now, and his nose began to drip, as he struggled for air. 
“Where is she? Where is everyone?”
He threw himself forward, burying his face in his arms as he began to sob out right now. 
“Mummy!”, Emma gasped in shock, pushing herself back in her chair. 
(Y/N) shared her daughter’s sentiment and rushed to lift the boy up in her arms. 
He was heavier than Emma, but still not too heavy for her to carry. 
As soon as he felt her touch, arms wrapped around her, his hands coiling deeply into the fabric of her dress while he buried his head into the crook of her neck.
With one arm she held him up, the other rubbing circles on his back. 
For a while the cries got louder, turning into desperate wails, but she began to sway back and forth.
Slowly but surely, the hums of Emma’s favourite lullaby got through, turning the sobs back to sniffles. 
Still, he clung to her like a drowning man to a log. 
“I don’t know who Frances is, my darling.”, she admitted, stroking over the back of his head. “Is she your sister?”
He shook his head against her shoulder. 
Slowly, he lifted it to look at her. His cheeks were stained from tears and his eyes red from crying. 
“Emma?”, she asked. “Has he told you who Frances is?”
Her daughter shook her head. She had taken refuge behind her chair, clutching its back and watching from a safe distance. 
“Charlie, you have to help us a little bit. Who is Frances?”, she asked, running her fingers through his hair. 
“She takes care of me and of Dad when he’s there and of the house and she tells all the maids what to do.”
His voice was muffled against her shoulder, but she heard it just fine and it made her feel like someone had doused her in ice cold water. 
“You have maids?”, Emma gasped, daring to come closer, now that her curiosity had been sparked. “Like in a fairy palace?”
So she had picked up on it too. 
(Y/N) sat down and placed the boy on her lap. It wasn’t easy to pry him away from her shoulder, but when she didn’t fight as he clung to the front part of her dress, he tolerated it. Still, he glanced down at her and pouted, his lips quivering. 
“And you had to leave in the middle of the night?”
He gave a single nod. 
Oh no. 
“To wake up here?”
He nodded again. 
Taking a sharp breath, she leaned back in her chair and glared out at the building across the narrow space. 
She had never been a bother and so the Blinders had left her in peace. But that didn’t mean she did not know. After all, she had lived in this house before, years ago, before she had found and lost a husband, back when there were no whispers of cuttings and shootings and worse. 
In a way, these memories made them less scary to her than to those for whom they represented nothing but shadows and creatures of the dark, but at the same time (Y/N) Hale wasn’t foolish enough to imagine that a few childhood encounters was enough to keep her or Emma safe from their wrath and violence. 
But this was too much. Taking a child, for whatever scheme or plot was just plain evil. 
Her first reaction, the normal reaction, was to call the police, but that wouldn’t do. The police here were as much in the Blinder’s pockets as the men at the corner’s were, and all those in the factories, and at the docks. 
No police. Not here. She’d have to get away for that. 
“Where do you live, Charlie?”, she asked, stroking his hair out of his face. 
“In my house.”
“Do you know the city?”, she wanted to know, keeping her voice as lighthearted as possible. It wouldn’t do to worry the children. 
“Not in a city.”
“A village?”, she suggested. 
He shook his head once more. 
“Just our house.”
Must be a big house then, she thought, only confirming her suspicion. 
“It’s red and it’s got big stables.”
“Does it now?”, (Y/N) asked, realising she wouldn’t get further with it. 
Children went missing every day, but children dressed like that had people looking for them.
If she caught a train to London, she could ensure his safety. Of course, the Shelbys’ there had offices and factories and docks too, and probably their contacts in the police as well. But the disappearances of a boy like this - that would be too big for the Peaky Blinders to conceal in London.
Yes, London it was, and as quickly as possible. 
So she decided to try a different tactic. 
“What are your parents called?”
“Dad.”, he mumbled, coiling the fabric of her dress the same way he had done with his trousers earlier. 
“That’s what you call him.”, she told him, tapping the tip of his nose. 
“See, Emma calls me Mummy, but when I go to the shops, they call me Mrs. Hale because my name is (Y/N) Hale.”
That seemed to make sense to Charlie. She could practically hear the wheels turning in his  head. 
“Frances calls my Dad Mr. Shelby. But Lizzie calls him Tommy.”
For the second time that day, (Y/N) felt her stomach drop, only this time it was accompanied by an icy chill. 
"What do we do now, Mummy?", She asked. 
That was the question, wasn't it? 
So the boy wasn't some piece in one of the many Blinder's schemes, not the collateral to some Lordling's debts, or to sway some minister's hand. That was a relief at least because no one, least alone a child, deserved to be dragged into their world. 
But in a way it was his world, or his father's world at least. 
God help us. 
Not a kidnapping at least, but that still didn't explain why she would have Tommy Shelby's son of all people in her kitchen. Nor what she was to do now. 
It made no sense at all. 
He had gotten out- had gotten richer than the King, and nearly as powerful too, with a large house, and maids and servants. 
When he occasionally returned to Birmingham, he came in a Bently, and entered his multi-story modern office with the shining brass door knobs and uniformed valets. He had business in London and in Liverpool and in America and probably on the moon for all she knew. He had even received an honour from the King- that had sent the tongues wagging from here all the way to Greet, the same man whose likeness he had set ablaze all these years ago. 
But it had gotten quiet since then. 
There were still occasional beatings and smashed windows but no more fighting. After all, there was no one left to fight the Peaky Blinders. 
So why on earth would he return now, and bring his son with him?  
Perhaps to show him his roots, but that didn't make sense. News travelled fast and when almost three years ago, people whispered that Tommy Shelby had gone mad and had killed his entire family, fear had spread. In the end, they hadn't been killed, but arrested only to be released half a year later. But the rumours were they already had the ropes around their neck and had to beg Tommy on their knees for their lives. Some said they even had to kiss his feet, but (Y/N) thought that was a little far fetched. They never returned to Small Heath- forced out of the company so that King Thomas could rule alone. That was what Mrs. Sloan said. If they ever stepped foot in Birmingham again, he'd kill them himself, was what Mrs. Davies from the shops had heard. 
And she doubted he got homesick. He always was the one who wanted to get away, even as a boy vanishing for weeks at a time and leaving his family, mostly Ada, in a state. 
Once he almost hadn’t come back at all, she remembered. 
That still did not  explain why he would bring the boy here only to abandon him, in a place he didn't know, all alone without much food in winter. 
It was a cruel thing even to think- a sin, really, one so dark they didn’t even have to carve it in stone for people to know. 
Still, not many would put it past Tommy Shelby, not after all the cuttings and the killings and the shootings and the lootings and the burnings. There were stories and accounts, tales and rumours, whispers and shouts but they all taught one thing: To fear Thomas Shelby. 
But once upon a time (Y/N) had looked into those eyes and felt her heart break for him as she saw a boy, and not the man he had been forced to be. 
A lot had changed since then, but she refused to believe he would be capable of something like this. 
This was his son, for heaven's sake. 
And he wouldn't just leave him out to starve and freeze. 
I hope. 
If someone found something that was lost, one returned it and so (Y/N) gathered the children and crossed the courtyard to the house on Watery Lane. 
Charlie showed her that the back door had been unlocked, and let them in. As soon as they crossed the threshold, a chill went down her spine which was due to more than just the cold air. 
“Oh.”, Emma gasped, wrapping her arm around her leg. 
She felt it too, and even Charlie huddled closer to her .
(Y/N)s heart thundered in her chest as she stepped closer inside. 
“Hello?”, she called, listening to her own shaky breath as her voice bounced off of the walls. 
Neither Emma nor Charlie seemed all too keen to take the initiative and so it was up to her to lead the way. All the houses here had been built en masse, and so had the exact same layout, well apart from whatever those dark green doors that were as large as stable doors hid. 
Stepping into the hall she called out once more. Still, there was no answer, and no trace that anyone was here. 
“No one’s here!”, Emma remarked, looking around once more. “There are no shoes and no coats - look Mummy.”
She saw just fine, and swallowed the lump in her throat. But at the same time, she felt Charlie nudge ever closer as if he wanted to be absorbed into her.
“Don’t worry, darling!”, she told him, stroking over his head. “It’ll be just fine. Now why don’t we make ourselves comfortable?”
Comfortable in the house of the most dangerous family in Birmingham - which I just broke into with two small children. 
But what was the alternative?
They returned to the kitchen and she began to open the curtains to let the little natural light they could get in. 
Protecting the children under her coat for warmth, she opened the windows to let some fresh air in at least. As she fidgeted with the lock, her thumbs turned grey from the dust. 
With the air, the winter entered the house on Watery Lane, but (Y/N) had already felt the chill. She had never been here before, not in all these years, even before these walls had been tainted by the implications of what lay in the shadows. 
There were stories about ghosts and spirits that lingered in the walls, hidden between floorboards and furniture. If they weren’t regularly let out, they would collect and gather - and infect and drain the energy of those living around them. She did not doubt that these walls had housed many ghosts over the years. 
Goosebumps appeared all over her arms and back and when her teeth began to clatter, she closed the windows once more. 
“Now, let’s see about a fire.”
“Dad’s brought firewood upstairs.”, Charlie announced. 
The offer was tempting, but the last thing she wanted to do was go snooping around upstairs. Lord only knew what she might find. 
So she decided to make do with what she found downstairs. 
It caused a lot of smoke at first, but then it finally began to spread some warmth. 
She took her coat, and Emma’s too (Charlie had come without one) and hung them over the back of a chair. 
Charlie had run upstairs and brought down as many toys as he could carry, eager to show Emma. There were figures of horses with riders - Cowboys, by the look of it, and cars with shiny surfaces and sheer windows, with doors one could open.
They were brand new and undoubtedly expensive and soon the patterns on the round carpet had been converted to a landscape with rivers with dangerous currents, gaping cliffs and deep forests which were perilous for both rider and driver. 
As the children played, (Y/N) allowed herself to glance around. 
In the large cupboard behind the round desk, she could see countless plates and cups of old, occasionally chipped china. She knew that pattern from many kitchens around here. 
The table had many marks upon it, showing over a decade of use and one of the chairs wobbled slightly. The kitchen area was identical to the one she had back home, but there were no jars, no bowl with vegetables, no tin of christmas cookies. But instead a stain where something had burned into it. 
It almost looked normal. 
In a way, it could almost have been comfortable, if one had taken the time to give it a good scrubbing- and add some decorations maybe. If one had added life, and not just memory of it. 
As the children were lost in their play, she allowed herself to drown in a past time, when she had been a little girl with braids and bows in her hair and no knowledge of the world, nor what it would make of them. 
The faces in the picture frames on the walls were more familiar to her than the people would be now. She had left shortly after they had returned and had returned after they had already become too big for Small Heath. 
But in the pictures, they were familiar to her. There was even a picture of Mrs. Shelby. It was impossible to miss the part of the picture that had been cut away, even at the price of the dent it left on her shoulder where her husband’s hand had been resting once. 
She wondered what had happened to him - if he was still alive. After the war there had been talk for a little while that Arthur Shelby was back, but no one had really seen him, so even if he had, he didn’t stay.
Whatever memories she had of him were scarce - those of Mrs. Shelby burned far brighter in her mind. She had been beautiful, and kind, but sometimes she had looked at her with those eyes as if seeing more than just her face. Then, the change had happened and they had begun to fear the sounds and shadows that came from across the courtyard. There were chants behind the windows and whispers in the street. Then she had vanished for a few months and in that time, (Y/N)s little world had shattered completely, so she had paid the house across the courtyard little mind, even when Mrs. Shelby returned. Finn had barely been old enough to hold his own head up, when his mother died. And little older when his father left. 
Finn - he must almost be a man now, she thought, or on the best way there. But in her mind he was either the baby that screamed all night for weeks on end, or the scrappy child with a quick mouth and quicker hands. 
Three turned into four and then to five, but still there was no sound apart from the children playing, who had begun to transport marbles back and forth with the cars - a flourishing trade between the cowboys from the table-shade-valley and the others from the sofa-top-heights. 
When five turned into six, hunger struck again. 
“I’ll see what I can do.”
But there was nothing in the kitchen cabinets apart from cutlery and dust, and in the pantry she found an ice book which hadn’t been used in years and a box of biscuits that looked to be from the Golden Jubilee.
“I’ll have to go back to our house to prepare something.”, she announced. 
“Don’t leave me here!”, Charlie insisted, scrambling up from the carpet at lightning speed.
 “I wouldn’t dream of it.”, she said, before glancing around. 
In one of the drawers she found some pencils and writing paper (and also some bullets which she decided to ignore) and wrote a note, before taking both children and making her way back to her own home. 
Staring at the paper, she chose her words carefully. 
While they ate, her mind wandered back to all these empty cabinets and then to her own. She had taken care to fill them in advance, knowing how hectic these Christmas days could get. It wasn’t that she hadn’t already stretched her budget this month, with Emma’s presents and the Christmas food, but she couldn’t as well leave them with nothing.
But it just wasn’t right, and not the way they did things around here. Shelbys or not. One didn’t allow a child to stay in a house without anything. So she retrieved her basket and began to fill it. A bottle of milk, some tea, a handful of potatoes, carrots and some other vegetables would do. She gathered a few slices of bread and wrapped it in paper, before cutting off a piece of their butter. It was joined by a few eggs and a jar of marmalade. They wouldn’t notice that it was the smallest they had. 
In the other jars which she had already cleaned for their next use, she filled some flour and sugar. It wasn’t much, but it would get them through a few days. 
She also decided to add some biscuits wrapped in a red cloth, like the ones she had given away as Christmas goodies. Charlie liked them, after all. 
With the basket, she no longer had a hand free, but Emma seemed content by now to walk alone. Charlie, now wearing one of Emma’s coats (the black one which needed mending at the bottom) was glad to have her hand to hold. 
The second time around, the house felt a lot warmer, but she could still see the dust dance in the light. 
The children begun to play a game of marbles, as the clock kept ticking, and ticking and ticking. Almost as if it was mocking her. 
Soon, it was already far past Emma’s bedtime and both she and Charlie got fussy. But she couldn’t leave and put Emma to bed, while being here and watching Charlie. 
So (Y/N) chose to put them both on the sofa (which she had beaten the worst of the dust out of the pillows) next to each other. 
“A sleepover?”, Emma giggled, glancing at Charlie with wide eyes. 
“Only for a bit. I’m sure your father will be here very soon.”
Charlie didn’t look sure. And he didn’t share Emma’s excitement either. 
The two of them were so little, they could fit onto the sofa with no problem, and under the blanket she had brought. Duffie, still in Charlie’s arms, lay between them as she knelt down in front of them, smoothing down the fabric of her dress before she opened the book of fairy tales. 
Emma chose the one about The Seven Ravens, which was typical for she liked nothing more than stories of courageous girls. Charlie didn’t seem too keen, as the little girl in the fairy tale first encountered the cruel sun, and then the icy moon on her quest to find and rescue her brothers, nor did he like the gatekeeping dwarf too much, but when the girl had unlocked the door and entered, and when the seven ravens turned back into the boys they had been to crowd around their little sister, he breathed such a sigh of relief, she giggled. 
“It’s just a story.”, Emma giggled. 
“And they had a happy ending.”, (Y/N) reminded Charlie, stroking over his forehead. She didn’t miss how he leaned into it. 
“A song now please!”, Emma asked, snuggling into her pillow. 
“Which song would that be?”, (Y/N) asked. 
“You know!”, her daughter groaned and rolled her eyes. With a smile, (Y/N) shifted closer, stroking a strand of hair out of her face. 
“I gave my love a cherry that had no stone.”, she began.
“I gave my love a chicken that had no bone.
I gave my love a story that had no end. 
I gave my love a baby with no tears shed.”
(Y/N) did not have a singing voice, not a proper one. She sang for her daughter and she sang in church, but it wasn’t a voice meant for an audience. She could hold a tune but not leap to unknown heights or plummet into the depth with her voice like someone else might have done. 
Emma knew the answers to the questions asked in the second verse well by now, but Charlie did not and he was listening eagerly when the third verse came, his bright blue eyes, his father’s eyes, locked in on her. 
“A cherry when it’s blooming, it has no stone. 
A chicken in an eggshell, it has no bone. 
The story of ‘I love you’, it has no end. 
A baby when it’s sleeping has no tears to shed.”
With that, her song came to a close.
“Sleep now, my darling!”, she told Emma as she kissed her temple. “And you too, Charlie. I’ll be right there.”
He muttered a good night, but didn’t seem as content as Emma.
When nine turned to ten, she decided to forgo her resolve not to use anything in this house and made herself a cup of tea. After all, she had cleaned the kettle and the cups, and had brought the tea. 
But before long, ten turned to eleven, and there was nothing to do but listen to the crackling fire and the breathing of the sleeping children. And to wait of course. 
Even her own bedtime passed. She ought to be exhausted after the hassle of the last few days and the early morning thanks to Emma’s excitement. It already seemed like half a lifetime ago now. And yet, she couldn’t even begin to feel tired. It would be just like deciding to sleep in a lion’s cage. 
Midnight had come and only just gone, when she heard a car stop not too far away. 
Her heart began to thunder in her chest. 
The only people that dared to move around Small Heath at night were the Blinders, and of those only very few possessed a car. 
(Y/N) stood up and smoothed down her skirt. 
In her mind she had prepared her little speech over and over. 
Introduce yourself. Explain. Apologise. Leave. 
Just as she checked on the children once more, seeing the both of them fast asleep, she heard the faintest click, but then nothing. 
Perhaps I was mistaken, she thought. 
Just as she was about to enter the hall and check, the whole frame was filled out by a tall figure with broad shoulders made broader by his thick black winter coat. 
But she wasn’t looking at that, or even his face. 
The only thing she saw - the only thing she could see - was the pitch black barrel of his gun.
End of Part 1
[Here you can find: Part 2]
Thank you for reading! I’d be very grateful for feedback of any kind! If you are interested in more, here is my [Masterlist] and the [Series Masterlist]
Taglist: @lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads
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httyddragonfox · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel: Christianity slams vs My Defense
Let's get one thing straight first: I'm a fan of the show. It has an awesome person with my own sexuality in the cast (Alastor). It's not a constant string of dark humor and cussing and actually has a well concocted story with well built characters, unlike south park and family guy.
Of course...I am a christian. I've seen so people react to this that say "This is why Christianity is awful!" Ah ha ha...
I feel like I need to defend myself.
Yes, some branches of Christianity are very bigoted, strict, bias, and just horrible. I don't like associating with those people.
First of all: I'm protestant.
There's catholic and protestant.
Catholic believe in the trinity, and strict following of the bible and church going, of course they also believe the pope is someone who's word is god send, and do whatever their priests say will absolve them of their sins and get them and get them into heaven.
Protestants formed because they believed that people don't have the right to judge or absolve us, only god has that power. They are more believers of following religion and being devout on your own terms, that's why everyone has their own bible to read. Praying is more select and can be done whenever, anything to connect us to god.
Now for the sub branch, as some sub-branches of Protestantism are still pretty strict (I'm looking at you, 'god-fearing baptists')
My branch is called 'the United,' formed when several branches merged into one church. It's mainly Presbyterianism with some stuff added on, I still think Presbyterianism can be a bit strict, that's why I like my branch so much.
My branch considers you apart of the community even if you don't go to church all the time. They won't be mad at you if you don't go to sermons. You're allowed to pray at your own leisure and your own preference, I usually just give a dinner prayer every night.
They like it when you ask questions, because our main teaching is that the bible is interpretive. It was written a long time ago by people who had different views than we do today.
Our branch is super accepting of others, we don't even discuss the prospect of going to hell, so I'm starting to think we don't believe in it. If one is suffering, we don't blame them for their own suffering, we teach them god will still be there for them in their darkest moments.
Yes, my church is called the trinity, but I'm not sure how much we believe in it as we don't talk about it much. I grew up thinking Jesus was just God's son, like a demigod. Yeah, Jesus saved us, but we were taught he saved us from the strict society at the time who would kill people for the slightest moral wrong.
I grew up thinking the devil had nothing to do with the fall of man and it was just a snake being a jerk. I grew up thinking the devil and Satan worked for god to test people's faith and thus were not bad.
We don't uphold all the sacraments, just the bread and "wine" and Communion, not to mention baptism (it's not to save us from sin, it's to welcome us into the church. We don't believe in original sin).
My branch is about unconditional love and acceptance, taking religion in your own stride. We are taught to be a good person, that's all that matters. The commandments are an important lesson, (i.e. don't kill, don't steal, no adultery, don't lie, respect your parents and authority, ex).
Yeah my church upheld COVID laws, but that's because they didn't want their congregation getting sick. My mom and dad are pissy about it because they're anti government. I still have faith in them though.
TL;DR, People in the Hazbin hotel community say Christianity is the worst and full of bigoted, bias hypocrites. Don't hate on me please, because my church does preach unconditional love and acceptance.
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fandoms-in-law · 3 months
Ted Wheeler Knows Parenting
Summary: When Ted and Holly run into Steve and his father in Melvalds Ted has a few things to say about the other's parenting style. It ends up with Steve becoming a Wheeler and a lot of changes in that household.
Authors Notes: I've been working on this for a while, but between my days of recovery fic last month and some bad news I got this morning, I just want to post it, leave it where it is and focus on other stories that interest me. I'm going to make it a small series as while most of what I've written is post season 2 there's some bits for season 3 and 4 written too which I'm adding as oneshots.
I'm only posting this first bit here. If you want to read the rest of the series it'll be on AO3 here
According to Nancy, nobody's dad's asked as much as he did about school, so Ted accepted that she wanted him to stop.
Mike asserted it was weird that his dad spoke about his hobbies with so much pride so he reduced that amount within his kids hearing.
Then there was Holly just wanting someone to play dolls with and thrilled he'd keep playing when her friends were around because she said he kept the games fun.
He wasn't and wouldn't claim to be the perfect father but hearing Mike's friends claim he was absent in all but body was hurtful. This was how his eldest and middle child asked him to be, and he would be there for his kids friends too, as much as they let him or realised given their own father situations.
Then there was Steve Harrington. Ted didn't know how to react so acted how Karen's dad had, tried to look after Nancy. Even he was able to see Steve would be lost when he was faced with Karen mothering him, as if it was a foreign concept to him.
That reaction made a lot more sense considering the scene Ted and Holly were witnessing now, just outside the supermarket.
"Think about the mud you're putting our name through, Steven. Your mother has been asked multiple times if she should be looking after you at home and can't argue her cases without allusions being made. I thought you knew better than to cause this trouble." Richard was lecturing, gesturing over Steve's body as if to highlight flaws he wasn't stating.
Whatever Mr Harrington was continuing to say Ted ignored, leaning down to Holly who had also noticed Steve and was already looking for permission to go and say hi. For a while she never thought about it but after a few outings with Karen when others weren't so happy to be interrupted he'd made sure to explain to her to check with them if her friends looked busy. Steve however looked like Holly would be a welcome escape from his father so Ted gestured over, encouraging.
"Steve!" She called, excited and hurrying over.
Ted watched as his face lit up and his focus was set on Holly now, as well as the anger that darkened his father's face.
"Holly Jolly, Mr Wheeler, How are you? You been having an adventure?" Steve asked, focusing on the kid as Ted had known he would. Every time he was around it was the easiest way to get him away from Nancy for a bit to suggest Holly asks to play. That'd been how he'd given the 'don't hurt my daughter' talk months back.
"Dad's getting me sweets but sssshhhhh, Mum said I can't have them so we have to hide them when we're home." Holly explained, ignoring Richard clearing his throat since he was a stranger. "Are you getting sweets too?"
"My father says I can't. You're so lucky with yours, Holly Jolly. I've got to get bread and cheese and that's all I'm allowed." Steve's words were joking for Holly but there was something genuine under them that had Ted wondering just what restrictions the boy was facing aside from being criticised and yelled at in public.
He stepped forward, also ignoring Richard for the moment. "I'm sure we can share ours. It's been a while since you came over and I'm sure Karen would love to have you for dinner."
"That'd be-"
"Unacceptable." Richard Harrington interrupts. "Who are you to undermine my sons life?"
Ted looked at the man in judgement. He'd lived in Hawkins for all his life and everyone knew the Harrington's by name and school memories. This was one of the first times he'd encountered the man since school however and what he saw was lacking, both in appearance and impression from Steve's reactions. "Theodore Wheeler. Unlike you I actually know that inviting someone to dinner doesn't undermine them at all. You standing criticising him in front of Melvalds does however, undermines whatever good reputation the Harrington's have thanks entirely to Steve. I see he raised himself rather than you doing any actual work parenting."
Richard scoffed at that, "Good reputation? You call getting into fights good for our name?"
"My son was one of the kids he was protecting as you would know if you were ever home or paid any attention to the newspapers of Hawkins." Ted countered immediately. "Something I can see you'd never do. How about we go and greet Mrs Byers, ask if there are any remaining papers that include that report as well as the invitations for the esteemed Harrington's to make a comment. I doubt the reporters meant yelling in front of a supermarket about their son failing to what? Avoid getting bruises?"
"You have no right to judge me when you're leaving your child in irresponsible hands." Richard snarled, never noticing Steve's step away and attempting to distract Holly.
"Looks pretty responsible to me even if Steve hasn't more than proven himself to me and multiple families including the Chief of Police if I'm not mistaken." Ted replied coolly, turning to lead the way into the store, subtly gesturing for Steve to head down the candy aisle. This wasn't the argument for kids to have or listen to no matter how grown Steve acted.
Almost twenty minutes later, and after the discovery Joyce Byers wasn't working that shift, Ted went to find his kids, ears ringing with some of the words Richard used about his son and reeling with the knowledge that legally or not, for the moment, he had 4 kids.
Steve was watching the end of the aisle with anxious eyes, but had Holly happily holding a couple of toys and talking about a game she was playing. "Sorry for whatever my father said, Mr Wheeler. I hope he's not hurt you." he immediately began, giving the impression that if he wasn't still looking after Holly he'd have already been hurrying off.
"Don't apologise and since you're living with us now you can just call me Ted." He waved the apologies off, bending to his daughter. "Would you like that, Hols? Like Steve to be your big brother as well as Mike?"
"Living with-" Steve cut himself off from asking with a shake of his head. "Can you explain that to me more later?"
Ted nodded, "On the way home I will. Let's get the rest of this list and head off."
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I think we just went on a date? Maybe?
I’m a little confuffled to be honest. Also, is confuffled not a word? For some reason i really thought it was. Doesn’t matter though, the point is, I think me and Daisy might’ve just gone on a date. 
Oh yeah, it’s Purple anon btw.
So it’s like 11:30pm where I am now, and I spent the latter part of the afternoon and then the evening with her and now i’m lying in bed something just hit me.
We hang out a lot. Last year, when I came out to my parents, it got awkward. I got mad they didn’t accept me and they got mad that I was doing this to them when they’ve been so perfect to me, and so I decided not to go with them on our family holiday. I thought a bit of space would do us good. 
Usually, when we go on a family holiday my dad takes me to arcades. No matter how old you are, you should always love an arcade. But I haven’t been to one in a while, since I skipped out on the holiday and it felt dumb to travel to somewhere just for an arcade. 
Anyway, i’ve been stressed with revision and last week Daisy had asked me to make sure i was free this evening for something she had planned she wanted to do with me. That’s not uncommon of course. So today, at 4, we left our place and she took me to this park we love to go to. She used to try and feed the ducks here, but she took me once and I told her off for feeding them bread. I bought her duck food and now every four months or so we go out and feed the ducks. 
(I made enemies with this swan though- it’s a long story).
So, we fed the ducks and then she dragged me on this train, kinda far, to this city. Where she’d found an arcade. An arcade with all the games I love playing. (A mix of old fashioned arcade games like pac-man, skill games like mini-basketball, and childish two-pence machines- gotta have them all). 
I had the best night. It was amazing. 
(I won a bunch of tickets and got her this cute bear she’d been eying since we walked in… she blushed and got all cute). 
And then after we’d been there a while she took me to this restaurant i’ve been craving recently (it’s a chain and the one near us closed down recently, I must’ve mentioned missing it). 
The funny thing is I don’t even remember telling her I missed the arcade. That I really wanted something to calm me down at the moment, and that I wanted something silly like an arcade. 
It didn’t occur to me until I got in the shower once we were home, like an hour ago, and thought about the day. Not only did she notice all the things I missed, and tried (and succeeded) to make me this lovely day to cheer me up, but… it wasn’t exactly like we usually do things. 
Maybe i’m reading too much into it, it’s probably dumb to think she’d be into me anyway. It’s just, I like to think i’m observant (I got A and her partner together- and they were being STUPID- also the fact that she actually wrote you? Sneak, didn’t even tell me she had some old tumblr account) and I thought it felt different than usual.
But it’s stupid. It was weird cause I had the most fun i’ve had in a while and I felt really at ease, in a way I haven’t really when it comes to things to do with my parents lately. 
I know you said i’m “going to have to face their lack of acceptance for me at some point” and knowing A she probably told you my family are assholes or something, and you’re probably both right. 
Logically I know the way they’re treating me isn’t right. But I don’t know what the right way for me to treat them is? 
They’re still my support system. I still call my mum when i’m sad and my dad when i’ve broken something. And if I blow up on them now, they might not come back. I don’t know if i’m ready to be… alone. 
At least in that regard. 
But I don’t know, since i’ve been talking about it recently. With you, and A. It’s made me look out for it I guess. Have you seen heartstopper before? You know when Charlie and Nick have cute little moments and the little artsy flowers and leaf’s flow around them, and there’s little sparks in the air, it was like that.
Except maybe it was only like that for me. Maybe she didn’t feel anything at all. 
And my aunt, my mum told her about me when I came out to my parents. My mum basically just told the whole family. I thought she’d be cool since she’s a lot more modern than my parents. But she said to me i’d fuck up all my friendships and ruin my future if I jumped to conclusions and got crushes on my friends. Her husband, my uncle, he said it was assault, to view them like that. 
I don’t even think I view them like anything, you know, given i’m demi I barely even think about sex with people, so I guess it says something about where his head goes. 
And no matter how many times I have this conversation with people, they always end it saying they know only a man will fall in love with me and me with him and eventually I will “do it right”. 
I don’t know if I have a James Potter in me to channel, to be honest. But A, she always tells me that my doubts come from people whose opinions I know are wrong, so I should try and remember her words when i’m freaking out. Given she’s always right and all (at least that’s what she claims). 
So I don’t know, is it weird if I ask Daisy if it was a date? A very small part of me thinks it was supposed to be and I missed the memo. 
And if that’s the case then I really kinda suck.
I can hide my emotions damn well but the one thing I cannot hide is my blush, it’s very annoying. We were walking from the arcade and chatting about how much fun it was, she was picking a name for that bear I won her, and she laced our fingers together. 
SEE! Date behaviour right? Plus, the restaurant was quiet and she seemed happy and kinda nervous the whole time.
But what if i’m wrong? She’s a touchy person, maybe she just wanted contact. 
She’ll be so weirded out if I ask and then i’m wrong and it’ll be like- like my parents are right and i’m the weird one, like they say I am, bothering my friends and pressuring them. 
I don’t know. God I feel like i’m just shoving a bunch of shit on you now. It shouldn’t feel like this, because writing about Daisy, it’s easy, she’s beautiful and funny and adorable and literally the kindest person I know, but as soon as I try and explain how i’m feeling, my parents come up and then i’m suddenly being weird.
I guess that says something huh? Shit, maybe I need therapy. 
Ugh, who has the time though? “Therapy is for the weak hearted” - a quote courtesy of my parents. Though then again i’m not supposed to listening to them, am I? Damn, it’s like living on a seesaw in my mind or something, always going back and forth.
(also i’m totally half way thru a breakdown cause i just spent like 3 min searching up the word jigsaw again and again cause it felt wrong… before I remembered they’re called seesaws… so yeah)
AHHHHH the update I've been waiting for! Okay.
Hahaha yeah, A wrote to me. We're conspiring to get you together with Daisy :D
As far as your family....family is hard. I think it's possible for them to love you AND be homophobic assholes. I think it's possible for you to have had a great childhood AND not be supported now. But I just feel like you need to work on accepting that they're not as perfect as they seem, because if you don't, you might miss out on an opportunity to be with Daisy.
Okay, I need you to read this so carefully. If this wasn't a date, I need to seriously reevaluate so many things in my own life. Because YES this was a date.
Ask her. Ask her if it was a date!!! Please!!
(Also therapy=good. Ignore what your parents said.)
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redheadgleek · 11 months
Thoughts that I am processing
1) One of my coworkers moved to San Francisco in February. I thought we were pretty good friends - she invited me to her wedding last year. But I haven’t heard a word from her since she moved. I found out that she’s been texting regularly with others and some of them have visited her within the last month. I hate always having this insecurity about what I mean to others.
2) I’m going to have to confront my boss about something that she is wrong about tomorrow. It’s something that is affecting the care that I provide my patients, so I have to do it, but I hate confrontation and I’m not looking forward to it.
3) I went camping with my family in Yellowstone last week. There was a man camped a couple of spots down and the two of us exchanged conversations every night that we were there. He was good-looking with a warm smile. I haven't had a crush or an inkling of anything for more than 10 years on anybody. I blame reading The Moon By Night when I was 12 and impressionable for the lowering of my defenses because I always get romantic when camping. My dad ended up cock-blocking me from getting any contact information and he did not follow after me.
4) At the end of my vacation, I met up with my college friends for an evening - one of them was somebody that I hadn't seen in person for nearly 20 years. We had been friendly in college, I thought he was cute, but he had a long-term girlfriend, whom he married two weeks after graduating. They got divorced several years ago, I'm facebook friends with him, and I find him funny. I invited him to this party. He accepted. He's still cute. And divorced. And post-Mormon.
5) This old friend. His mom died last week, unexpectedly. I texted our group of friends (we call ourselves the Plethora) and arranged for succulents to be delivered to his house and a gift card to his favorite fast food place from college (I did not remember that this was his favorite. I'm not that creepy. I think.). None of this was under my name, it's all labeled from the Pleth.
6) I've thought about sending something from just me. A box of cookies. Some soup and bread (dealing with death as a single person just sucks). Test the waters maybe.
7) I might have until I heard about my old coworker being friendly with everybody but me.
8) I haven't had a crush in 10 years because hope devastates me.
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wander-wren · 1 year
i keep seeing shiver slander and as someone who has spent multiple years trying to get everyone i know to read that silly werewolf romance i NEED to list all the reasons i like it, thank you. out of context spoilers below the cut, if you care about that at all. this also devolved into whole series spoilers but it’s still mostly shiver
the text (in my paperback copy) is fucking blue. for the other books which are green/red/orange themed THE TEXT MATCHES this has nothing to do with the book i just think it slaps
speaking of design the og covers are better. color coded leaves and vines with a red blood spatter dot for the i. bc characters get shot a surprising amount. it’s cool sorry
grace is the first protag i ever read who was so relentlessly practical. she has her life plan. she’s very organized. she’s going to college. she doesn’t have time for parties. she’s me except she reads exclusively nonfiction and mystery
she’s like this bc her parents are artsy types and very neglectful, they never got past their college kid phases. actually this is super interesting taken next to something like the dreamer trilogy where art is literally magic. but childhood trauma count: 3
it’s 3 bc they’re so bad at being parents they let her get attacked by wolves as a kid and also she nearly died from being left in a car the following summer
sam is my baby boy. he loves books, he knows a ton of poetry but especially rilke, he bakes bread and makes origami birds to hang in his bedroom and he’s a musician
he was raised by a relentlessly practical but very caring werewolf dude after his parents tried to murder him for being a werewolf when he was seven. childhood trauma count: 4
do you see. do you see how they are each other’s opposites. except for the small detail that sam’s second dad loved him. fuck
beck is sam’s dad and he’s so fucking complicated but i adore him.
they both link their hands behind their head when they’re stressed. they make the same facial expressions. i. cannot. dad and son
cole st clair exists. he’s a canadian rockstar turned werewolf BY CHOICE and he and sam are incredibly at odds over this. cole is deeply suicidal and a genius and i am fascinated by him
i’m gonna get more unhinged. ready? small warning for a few gore mentions
just. shelby’s scar scene. torturing an alive bird by playing with it’s entrails. “it looked like hamburger when they bit me. it must be hell when we kill something. we must be the worst way to die”
but also: that blink and you miss it scene where she tries to tell sam pretending he can be normal is pointless and he should Accept his wolfishness and she’s fucking up his school papers and beck drags her out and tells her to remember where she came from, and if she ever says that to sam again he will send her back. and shes screaming. fuck. what the FUCK.
i’m gonna repeat that shelby
beck being the one who turned sam bc his wife died and he was selfish and stupid. goddamn
grace when she starts turning in linger. grace who just wants a nice apartment and a red coffee pot. it’s about holding onto the one inconsequential thing as a metaphor for stability/happiness
the first bathtub scene. fuck. FUCK. save your new boyfriend from turning wolf but you have to purposely trigger flashbacks to his childhood trauma. what the fuck
cole not believing in sam’s trauma and dragging him to the bathroom only for sam to have another flashback in front of him
fucking. jack’s death. he’s a dick but holy shit
the scene where sam plays his guitar in the bathtub and Is Okay. ohmygod my heart
beck talking to grace and telling her that sam is more human than the others and being a wolf is torture for him. he’s the best damn person beck knows and beck ruined him bc of his own selfishness and spent a decade trying to make up for it
childhood trauma count: 6 (i forgot to count shelby)
cole’s voicemails to isabel. dies
cole wants to die so so so much and all his internal monologues about it make me cry
grace and isabel reluctant friendship
i have no idea what book it is but that scene with isabel in the mexican restaurant trying to play normal with her family
that scene from i want to say linger where grace starts vomiting blood and when it’s over the first thing she says is “sam. my hair.” so sad and miserable and its not ABOUT her hair having gunk in it its. a metaphor. please
the fucking helicopter chase scene. it’s not even until book 3 but if there was an adaptation that is the one scene i would want to see
every scene with grace and her parents fucking breaks my heart bc they’re not breaking the law they’re just ignoring her. grace thinking that if she was less of a golden child they would pay attention to her and shes RIGHT bc as soon as she breaks the rules for sam….
isabel and her parents are also so. soo. no one has a healthy parental relationship not even beck and sam
SPEAKING OF WHEN BECK SHOWS UP WITH COLE AND VIKTOR AND SAM IS SO FUCKING BETRAYED? they chose this life but it’s hell for him, he can’t imagine forcing anyone into it
but also the fucking scene where jack kidnaps grace and she calls beck and pretends to have a normal conversation while he tries to get info about her location and jack’s intentions….that’s the scene that always makes me bawl idk why. beck is so reassuring
grace hating poetry until sam reads it to her
she exists in exactly one flashback where she and beck are fighting bc she killed someone (as a wolf) and beck is lecturing her and she’s like “this isn’t a life i’m a monster and i’ll cope how i damn well please” and beck tells her to leave and never come back. and he follows her into the backyard and shoots her.
grace in the mud pit in whatever book that was
to end on a happy note: sam and grace in the golden wood. sam and grace on their coffee/candy store date. grace crying when sam reads her poetry and finally understanding it/art for the first time. sam as a person in winter for the first time in a decade. i cry
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sugarpopss · 2 years
I’ve truly fallen head over heels for this side character so here’s some Gareth Emerson headcanons
Our man runs cold, like COLD cold. He’s a strong believer in the powers of layers. He’s also a huge heat sink
Isn’t super physically affectionate with his friends but does sit really close to them to leach their body heat (also bc it’s nice being close to the people you like or whatever)
It seems like pretty accepted fanon that he has quite a temper and struggles with getting a grip on it sometimes? Yeah I like that
That. That video um. This mans thighs and tummy. That is all. Y’all know what I mean.
Weak and I mean weak for hickies. You suck on that mans neck for half a second and he’s putty
Actually not one of those guys who can’t take care of themselves for shit. He doesn’t really enjoy cooking but he’s okay at it, usually washes his dishes. Doesn’t sort his laundry but does check the pockets
It also seems pretty agreed upon that he has sisters? I like him as the second youngest of four, the older two being twins or like a year apart, then Gareth like 5 years younger than them, and the youngest being around ten years younger than him
I’m thinking a kinda shit dad who either died or divorced around the time Gareth was nine or ten, and his mom remarried pretty quickly. The youngest sister is a half sister from his step father
He and Gareth have an okay relationship, it’s very much a ‘Hey kiddo! How’re ya?’ ‘Hi Daniel. I’m good.’ vibe
Always ten minutes late to everything because he underestimates how long it takes to get places. He’s always speeding or running because of this
Has a six step hair care routine that he follows to a T. It’s always super soft and shiny and bouncy. He probably has one of those nice detangler brushes
Love a soft pretzel, the type you get at the mall. He’s usually all for sharing food but not the pretzel, fuck off get your own
Signs his name in cursive but can’t actually write in it
Obviously he drums on every available surface, what else would we expect?
Not a cat or dog person. He says he doesn’t really get along with animals, but his little sister has a bunny and it loves him so 🤷‍♀��
Never makes his bed. Ever. Even when he changes the sheets he puts on the fitted sheet then throws everything else on top
Sci fi nerd. His favorite doctor is the 5th argue with the wall
Wants a cool piercing but is a bit scared of needles
Really good at making plans and arranging things so everyone’s schedules line up
Eddie may be the ‘leader’ but Gareth is the one who’s like ‘okay we need to be at the gig at this time which means we need to leave at this time and it takes this long to pack’
Generally the one who handles the logistics of plans. ‘Okay Jeff doesn’t have his car so I’ll pick him up and Eddie you need to leave early bc you have the equipment etc etc’
He’s really good at math but can’t write for shit. It’s not even his grammar or spelling it’s just the most boring, white bread writing ever. His essays put people to sleep
Like the golden Hollywood cheesy sci fi/horror movies
Honestly I just see him as this very sarcastic, logical guy and also I’m in love with him
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sunshinebarbie · 2 years
return 2 madness
characters: Eddie Munson x Female Reader  warnings: angst, sad eddie :(, some season 4 spoilers (read at own risk), blood, death, swearing. words: 7,574 info: After moving back to California just before the disappearance of Will Byers, you come back to Hawkin two years later to close your summer home with your family. However, since you been gone so much has happened and the once quiet little town that you found a summer romance and dreamed silly dreams becomes a full nightmare.
a/n: so this one is pretty lengthy if i’m being honest, i wanted to break it into parts but decided to just make a long story. I hope this one can be seen by everyone. it’s my attempt to get un-shadowbanned. but feedback is welcome!
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“would you care for a refill?” the waiter came up to your table displaying a pitcher of water.
“uh, sure” you politely accepted.
The water began to pour into the glass by the time your mom and sister showed up, “sorry to keep you waiting sweetheart” your mom sighed in annoyance.
“the traffic was backed up all the way for six blocks.” your sister groaned and dropped her coat into the waiters’ arms.
“it’s okay.” you assured them, “i already ordered my food, but I told them to bring it out with the rest of yours.” you took a long sip of your water.
“excuse me waiter!” your mom lifted her hand in the air catching the waiter’s attention. “this fork, is incredibly filthy, can you get me another one.” your mom handed it over.
“right away ma’am” the waiter bowed, took the fork and disappeared behind the velvet door at the end of the restaurant.
“I swear, this place is starting to become less classy each visit.” your mom mumbled as she fixed her napkin on her lap.
“speaking of unclassy.” she nibbled on the end of the bread from the basket in the middle of the table.
“your dad finally managed to close the deal on that eye sore of a summer home in Indiana.” she announced.
You nearly choked on your water as she mentioned it. You coughed and tried to compose yourself, “you mean the one in Hawkins?” you coughed out the words and patted your chest.
“yes, that one.” your mom replied
“don’t we still have some items there? Like grandma’s China set? Grandpa’s rocking chair he made himself?” you sat up and leaned on the table.
“I say just let them auction all the junk off.” your sister scoffed.
You shot her a glare and rolled your eyes.
“yes, we do, and no we can’t” your mom replied to both of you, “we are going to take a trip down there over the break and collect the things that are valuable, like the China, the chests full of vintage dresses, and the silver.” your mom took a sip of her wine.
“I suggest you both take your time to go through your items when we get there, we can’t bring it all back.” your mom huffed.
The food came in time to end the conversation, you stared at your lunch and fell into a deep thought of Hawkins, the last time you were there, the people you met, and most of all you thought of him, the last guy you thought you would have fell for, the guy who fell for you but you fell harder for him, the guy who would make this trip back one of the hardest if you see him.
Back in Hawkins, school was still in session, the cafeteria hall filled up with students carrying their own lunches, carrying trays from the lunch lines or just sitting with their friends enjoying a conversation and a few vending machine snacks.
Smack in the middle of the cafeteria sat Eddie Munson and his Hellfire Club. They roared with laughter that echoed off the walls of the crowded cafeteria.
“you see.” the leader Eddie dropped some 20-dollar bills on the table, “is how we get started with becoming the next Sabbath.” he grinned.
The two newest members looked at each other, puzzled at the sight of a few 20-dollar bills equaling maybe $60 total.
“That’s it?” one of the members Gareth spoke up. “we played the whole show” he picked up the money and scrunched it up.
“Meaning?” Eddie looked at his friend unamused.
“I think we should get a little more.” he dropped the bills back down.
“that would be a good idea...” Eddie shrugged and put a few bites of fruit in his mouth. “if we weren’t playing for a few local drunks on a Wednesday night” he threw some of the fruit at his friend.
“besides, we will get the money for a tour van even if it takes us one hundred thousand shows to get there.” Eddie assured his band.
His band smiled with enthusiasm. “or you can just ask your girlfriend, I'm sure daddy has extra pocket money.” Gareth joked.
“you mean EX-girlfriend" Jeff joked back.
Eddie looked at them both unamused.  
“Ex-Girlfriend?” Dustin looked over at Eddie, confused not that Eddie could pull a girl, but that he knew him for almost a year and barely knew he dated anyone.
“yeah, she dumped Eddie because he was too poor and lives in a trailer park.” Jeff teased making the entire table roar with laughter.  
Eddie grinned looking around the table at all the amusing faces that gawked at his former relationship. After allowing a few more seconds of the fun, Eddie smacked his palm against the table silencing everyone.
“we broke up” he pointed at each and every single person at the table. “because she was moving back to California.” Eddie scolded. “not because she was rich, not because I was poor...but because she was MOVING back to California.” he stood up and adjusted the rings on his fingers.
“I mean, I'm going to visit my girlfriend in California over Spring Break.” Mike chimed in. Eddie’s focus shot up to Mike and Dustin.
“oh are you now?” Eddie replied in a sardonic tone. Eddie slowly crept towards the two boys stopping when he was standing right behind them.
“I don’t-believe” Eddie leaned in “I ASKED!” he shouted before standing straight again.
“look it doesn’t matter anyway, because that is all in the past.” he pretended to wave the memories away.
“I have my eyes set on some new potential.” he smirked over at Chrissy who was sitting at her lunch table with friends.  
“and who knows!” Eddie raised his voice again and stood stoically in front of the table. “By this time after spring break, you will see me, in the arms of a new vixen.”  
His friends cheered him on, knowing when Eddie had his heart set one something or at least someone, 7 out of 10 times he got them, or maybe with you it was dumb luck.
Eddie’s smile slowly faded when he noticed his friends engaging into a new conversation, his thoughts taking him back to that fateful night, the night of the argument, the night he swore he never wanted to see the face of the girl who fell ever again.
In California, you sat in your room slowly packing enough for a week, but also leaving enough space to take the most valuable of valuables into so you could be assured they would be safe.
“I can’t believe we have to go back to that cesspool in Indiana.” your sister sighed in frustration as she plopped on your bed.
“I don’t know I’m pretty excited.” you mumbled.
“really?” your sister raised her eyebrows at you.
“I mean that one summer we spent there was pretty fun-” your voice trailed off.
“Please, mom spent half that summer asleep on valium, Dad was always at the lab and we didn’t even have reception for T.V” she complained.
“it’s not like we’re moving back” you rolled your eyes.
“god, if this is an attempt to move us back, I swear I will buy my own ticket back here to California.” she groaned.
You watched your sister sit up and grab her cassette player. “see you tomorrow.” she sighed.
“See you in Indiana” you joked earning a middle finger from your sister.
You finished packing and dropped your luggage on the floor, after changing into your pajamas you laid down and looked over at a small homemade trinket. “missmaideny/n” you smiled and twirled the figure in your hand.  
It was a made-up character that your ex Eddie made you when he missed your date to play a DnD campaign with his club.
You put the figure back on your night table and closed your eyes, by this time tomorrow you would be back in Hawkins, going back to where it all started and ended.
Back in Hawkins, Eddie already put his plan to gain Chrissy’s affection in motion. He would swoon her with his charming and playful demeanor and reel her in with the tricks he had up his sleeve of reminding her of their past history with one another.
He pretty much already had half the work done, the only slight problem was Jason, Chrissy’s current boyfriend.
But still, Chrissy was outside in the woods talking to Eddie and not finding comfort in Jason.
“I can’t believe it’s been so long” Chrissy covered her eyes in embarrassment after not recognizing Eddie.  
“well you can’t blame yourself, you are the queen of Hawkins.” Eddie gushed.
“how about, this...let’s catch up” Eddie shrugged.  
“you mean a date?” Chrissy’s eyes widen,  
“oh no, not that, that, that sounds so official” Eddie pretended to shiver off some grossness making Chrissy smile.
“just two friends getting know each other again.” he shrugged.
“i would love too.” Chrissy smiled, “tomorrow night?” she asked.
“oh, maybe Saturday?” Eddie bit his tongue, hoping to not push his luck.
“why?” Chrissy chuckled softly.
“My band is playing a show tomorrow, you see we’re saving up to get a tour van, so that way we can travel the rest of the world and soon every room in America will be filled with our music.” he jumped on the picnic table.  
Chrissy giggled in excitement and nodded “okay, Saturday” she smiled, “see you then” she waved Eddie off and returned back to the civilization that was Hawkin’s High.  
“step 1 done.” Eddie clapped his hand in triumph. Now all that was left was to get through one more day.
The plane from California to Indiana finally landed, and the drive to Hawkins was nerve wracking, you could feel an anxiety building up in your stomach the closer you knew you were to Hawkins.
“ugh, can you roll up the window please.” your sister groaned, “the air stinks of mold and dirt.”
You rolled your eyes and rolled up the window, although the pit of your stomach was in knots, something about returning to Hawkins felt almost like home.
The town of Hawkins didn’t change a bit, everything looked exactly the way it did the day you left, almost like a time capsule that was never opened and well preserved.
Your dad pulled up to the driveway and turned the engine off. “well, here she is.” he opened his door.
“summer home sweet summer home.” he joked,
“let’s just get this over with” your sister scoffed and headed up the stairs to the door.  
After your dad opened the front door, you walked and gawked at all the frozen in time items of the summer you spent in Hawkins which at this point seemed like years ago.
You walked into the Livingroom and smiled at the chair your grandpa carved and built himself. “dad” you turned to your father. “please tell me we can take grandpa’s chair” you gave him your puppy dog eyes.
“Absolutely not” your mom chimed in, “it’s bulky and will ruin the tile in our new home.” she added.
“but honey, my dad built it when he was 16 years old-” your dad and mom began to argue about what was “important” and what wasn’t. You ignored their bickering and headed upstairs, your sister was already shoving items into a trash bag but even she stopped after seeing an old stuffed animal she left behind.
You opened your room door and it was just the way you left it, the bed was still fixed, the white quilt was covered in a layer of brown dust.
The night stand had a pink lamp, and a wooden clock. You opened the dresser drawer and found pens, notes, papers, old gum and barrettes.  
You walked to the window and looked across the backyard at the guest house, many memories made in that guest house with Eddie.  
You remember sneaking him over and the both of you camping out in the guest house, just talking and pretending it was your own little home that you both would grow old in.
“mom said before we get started, let’s get some dinner.” you sister interrupted your thoughts.  
You put down your figure on the desk and followed your sister down the stairs where your parents were waiting.
Meanwhile, across town, some unspeakable things were about to happen.
Your mom and dad settled for the local diner, you were sat by the window right in the center of the restaurant.
“we’re going to try to finish this all by Monday” your mom scrunched her nose at the utensils in the white paper napkins.
“excuse me miss.” you mom tapped a women’s arm as she walked by “can I get a new fork this one is filthy” she gestured it over.
“it’s not filthy, it’s the water stains from it drying.” the lady argued back and walked away.
“i don’t think she works here mom” you whispered.
“like I said, we are going to finish this by Monday not a day later, the sooner we get out of this hell the better.” she scoffed
You shook your head and started to read the menu over, you looked up out the window as kids and teenagers walked by, just as you were about to look back at the menu your heart sank.
Standing across the street was Eddie and what looked to be a pretty girl with the curliest pony tail and the biggest beautiful eyes.
Eddie looked like he was trying to comfort her as he guided her into his van, you watched as he opened the door for her and helped her inside.
The both of them sped off down the street, ignoring the stop sign.
“sweetheart!” your mom’s voice brought you back, “the lady is here to take our order” she gestured to the waitress.
“oh, uh- just the classic dinner #2 please” you smiled handed her back the menu.  
“okay, two #4’s, one #9 and one #2” the lady jotted it down and walked away.
“I agree” you cleared your throat. “The sooner we leave Hawkins the better”
The next morning you were woken by your mom freaking out, her pacing the living room back and forth and her nails clacking against the counter tops as she walked by.
“what’s happening?” you sighed and rubbed your eyes.  
“apparently, a girl's body was found.” your sister answered as she sat down with a bowl of cereal.
“where?” you woke up instantly
“that trailer park across town.” she shrugged, “i mean only drug addicts and drunks live there so I'm not even surprised.” she laughed.
“that’s not funny” you sat up.  
“night one back in Hawkins, not even a full day and this happens.” your mom chewed on her nails
“mom, calm down.” you patted her back, “it was miles from us.” you assured her.
“i can’t it’s like the Night Stalker thing all over again” she snapped back.
“mom, the man who did those horrid things was caught, there is no way he is out.” you assured her.
“where’s dad?” you asked seeing your father was nowhere in sight. “went into town, to listen to the chief of police’s speech.” she reached into her purse and pulled out her valium and popped two in her mouth.
“mom I don’t think two is-” you tried to protest. “just go pack your things, we are leaving tomorrow!” she snapped and hurried into the kitchen to pack the China.
After about three hours of sorting, you decided to take a break. You walked outside into the front yard and sat on the tire swing that hung from the tree that covered the whole yard.
“i’m telling you right now it can’t be Eddie.” a voice spoke out grabbing your attention.
“Eddie?” you raised your eyebrows and slipped through the tire.
“because he couldn’t have done it.” the voice continued to defend Eddie.
“excuse me.” you interrupted grabbing the attention of a girl and boy arguing in the street.
“are you talking about Eddie Munson?” you asked  
“no,” “nope” they both replied simultaneously
“is he okay?” you grew concerned and approached them both.
“i’m sorry who are you?” the girl with the bright copper red hair asked furrowing her eyebrows.
“just an old friend to Eddie” you replied
The two looked at each other in disbelief. “I moved to California two years ago, in 1984” you added.
“wait.” the boy pointed at you, “you’re THE girl Eddie dated?” he asked enthusiastically.
“well we started as friends” you replied “but sure.” you shrugged.
“I think we can trust her” the boy pointed towards you.
“whatever, do you have a car?” the girl asked and looked at you, “well mine is still in California, but my mom just popped three valium and should drop in a few minutes, we can take hers.” you added.
“great! Let's go” the boy chuckled.  
You drove the two kids to the video store and they both jumped out and hurried in. They approached the two workers behind the counter and jumped over.
“are they robbing-” you hurried in in disbelief.
The door clang from the bell tied to the handle and everyone looked up at you, immediately you recognized Steve Harrington.
“no way.” he smiled, “y/n y/l/n?” his eyes widen.
“who is y/n?” the girl with the short hair asked.
“just-someone I knew awhile back.” Steve smiled “the one who convinced me to pursue Nancy” he added.
“and did it work out?” you smiled.
“no.” he replied, “no she kind of said she didn’t love me-?” his voice trailed off.
“No time for this, we have to find Eddie.” the younger boy interrupted.
“why are you looking for Eddie?” you asked and approached the counter.
“because he is being framed for murder and I know he is innocent” The boy replied.
“framed for murder?!” you shouted in disbelief.
“will you keep it down?” the red headed girl scolded.
“no, that’s-that’s not like Eddie” you defended him.
“exactly! Thank you.” the boy added.
“Dustin, is this really the time?” the girl gestured for him to keep looking.
“who are you looking for exactly?” Steve asked
“Reefer Rick” the girl and Dustin replied by once again in sync.
“wait Reefer Rick?” you furrowed your eyebrows, “when did Eddie get involved with Reefer Rick?” you crossed your arms.
“oh, you missed out on-a whole lot” Steve replied.
“can we just keep looking, we gotta find him before the cops do” the redheaded girl shouted.  
“I got an idea” the girl with the short hair smiled.
“okay so- who is who now?” you leaned into Steve. “Dustin, Max and Robin” Steve pointed to each person.
Finally after Robin’s idea pulled up the address of “Reefer Rick” you and Steve drove everyone to what looked like a lake house.
“he’s gotta be here somewhere.” everyone looked into the empty house. “how do we get him out of hiding?” Dustin asked.
“he could be anywhere, maybe not even here.” Robin argued back.
You could hear what sounded like shuffling coming from the shed where the boats were kept.
“did you guys here that?” you asked.
“what?” Steve asked, “at the boat shed.” you pointed and slowly walked over.
Steve opened the door and everyone filed inside, “looks pretty empty to me” Robin looked around
Steve then grabbed an oar and started to stab at a tarp covered boat.
“what are you doing?” Dustin asked “he could be under” Steve jabbed the tarp again. “then pull it off” Dustin suggested. “you pull it off-” but just as he was about to jab again out popped Eddie with a broken bottle in hand.
He shoved the sharp end against Steve’s throat as everyone shouted.
“no Eddie!” Dustin screamed, “he’s okay, he’s cool” he shouted.
You ran over and stood behind Robin. “put the oar down Steve.” Dustin suggested, Steve dropped the oar and Eddie pushed the bottle harder against his throat.
“Eddie” you called out and stepped out from behind Robin, Eddie looked over his facial features soften at the sight of you in the boat shed with him.
“put the weapon down.” you extended your hand and gestured how to drop it.
Eddie threw the bottle down and turned to you.
“y/n?” he stuttered your name in a whisper. In an instant Eddie ran into your arms, his wrapped around yours and his chin cradled into your neck.
“I thought you never wanted to see me again?” you joked and rubbed his back.
“when did you come back?” he asked.  
“two days ago.” you replied. “My dad sold the summer house so were moving out things out.” you answered him.
“Eddie, what’s going on?” you brushed his hair out of his face.
Eddie looked at everyone around him, “you wouldn’t believe me” he sat down and slumped his shoulders.
“try us.” Dustin replied.
After hearing Eddie’s story, and swearing to him that you would all find him a new safe place the five of you piled back into Steve’s car.
“we have to help him Steve.” you looked over as everyone settled in their seats.
“yeah, but with the whole town looking for him it will be hard-” Steve started the car.
“no I mean, we have to get him to a therapist, because-” “therapy?!” Dustin interrupted, “therapy isn’t going to do anything for him or anyone.” he argued.
“Dustin, take it easy.” Steve looked at him in the rearview mirror “she doesn’t know anything about any of this okay?” he defended you.
“about what?” you asked and looked at Dustin, “you know maybe it wasn’t such a smart idea to bring someone from the outside in on this” Max chimed in.
“oh please, try me.” you argued back.
“okay can everyone shut up!” Steve hit the steering wheel. “i mean, we might as well-” Steve looked at Dustin.
The atmosphere around the car was quiet but inside you heard tales from what sounded like a fantasy made up world.  
Stories of evil scientists coming from the facility where your dad used to work, of huge monsters and cloud like creatures.
“so you’re telling me that right now there is a world underneath our feet that looks like this one only no people are in it?” you asked and looked at your shoes.
“look, if it seems like unbelievable you can always leave.” Max huffed.
you looked over at the boat shed and sighed. “you know, if Eddie believes in this than so do I” you replied “because I trust Eddie.” you added.
“well good, then help us help him” Robin added.
“okay, let me go home and try to piece together something, maybe I can go through my dad’s filing cabinet and find something?” You shrugged.
The next three days you were left in silence, it seemed like you were taken out of the loop, the last interaction you had was with Robin when you gave her money to buy Eddie some food to eat in the boat shed.
It wasn’t until two more deaths happened that Steve finally came over to your house.
“Hey, we have a problem” he sighed, you looked at him and noticed he was wearing Eddie’s vest and he had a makeshift bandage over his abdomen.
You nodded and hurried to your room to grab a few items, as you headed back down stairs you looked into your sister’s room she was on her bed resorting through her trash bags and putting things in a real pile to keep and toss.
Your mom was asleep on the couch and your dad was back in California on an urgent call.
You couldn’t help but feel a turning in your stomach, like it would be the last time you would see them, yet you didn’t want to say your goodbyes because what if your anxiety was wrong. You whispered a silent “see you, love you” to your mom and followed Steve out the door.
Steve drove you to Max’s trailer which was across from Eddie’s uncle’s. There they told you the plan they came up with and how they would put it into action.
“wait, you’re telling me that you all think that going into that upside world and killing this Vecna person is the answer?” you crossed your arms.
“it’s not just the answer but it could solve everything!” Dustin added.
“and we know this will work—how?” you waved your hands.
“we don’t know if it will work or not” Nancy chimed in. “but it’s our best option” she added.
“over the past few days we have been going through so much hell, we almost lost Max, Steve got attacked after we found the gate into the upside down, and if the only way to stop this is to get into the upside down and destroy Vecna, then I say what other option do we have?” Nancy sighed.
You looked over at Eddie who looked scared shitless.
“okay count me in” you shrugged, Eddie looked up and walked over to the table.
“no, y/n you have no idea what were going up against” he protested. “hey, don’t worry about me, I'm pretty tough.” you smiled.
“do you have any weapons or any plan?” you turned back to everyone.
Eddie stood there in silence his mind racing with thoughts of both the best- and worst-case scenarios.
“we have a plan for weapons but it’s a little bit...dangerous” Robin answered you.
The plan lead you all to grand theft auto, buying guns at a gun expo and making homemade weapons that could “kill vecna”.  
After the team secured the weapons, and made their gear you all drove in the stolen RV to the trailer park.
Eddie sat nervously his fingers tapping against his spear handle.
“you okay?” you touched his hand earning a flinch.
“i just-” Eddie sighed. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go in there y/n I been in that world and-” “Eddie” you cut him off.
“your livelihood is at jeopardy here.” you reminded him “and we are set to prove your innocence and get your name cleared and if this is what we have to do then so be it.” you added.  
“i don’t really think I'm worth it.” Eddie confessed. “don’t be silly” you assured him, you laced your fingers with his and kept his focus. “anyone should be honored and lucky to help you.” you assured him.
“i mean, I didn’t think Steve Harrington or Nancy Wheeler would do any of this for me under any other circumstance.” he whispered to you making you laugh.
“i’m sure they would Eddie.” you squeezed his palm “i know I would.”  
Eddie smiled “really?”
“i would do anything for you Eddie Munson” you held his hand. Eddie looked at you, his eyes looking into yours trying to find some hidden lie in them.
“are you all ready?” Steve turned the RV off. “because once we start this plan, there is no turning back.” he added.
Everyone piled out of the RV and into the trailer.  You looked up at the mirrored reflection of what seemed to be Eddie’s uncle’s trailer. “okay, I'm getting second thoughts about y/n being here.” Eddie finally spoke up.
“what?” you turned immediately to face them.
“i second that” Dustin chimed in.
“really?” you crossed your arms, “i made it this far with you all, what the hell makes you think you can kick me out now?” you argued.
“because you really have no experience of what we’re going up against” Dustin argued back. “neither does Robin” you pointed to Robin who looked the other way.
“but Robin knows the plan, hell she came up with it.” Dustin continued.
“so? You make it sound like I don’t know the plan” you snapped back.  
“you have to know that this is real shit.” Dustin looked you in the eyes. “Real lives will be at stake” he added.
“is that supposed to scare me off?” you raised your eyebrows. “i know what’s at stake here so don’t you try to tell me what I do or do not know.”  
The entire group finally went silent “i’m going.” you added the last word.
“she’s going” Steve shrugged
“at least she knows.” Robin shrugged.  
“well who’s first?” you gestured to the sheet dangling from the ceiling.
One by one everyone jumped into what looked like a mirror reflection of the real world. You followed the rest of the group into the upside-down realm, falling in time to be caught by Eddie who was standing on top of the mattress.  
“thanks” you whispered to him, Eddie smiled and placed you down on your feet.
You followed everyone outside the Munson’s trailer #2 and looked around at this world. You gripped onto Eddie’s sleeve at the sound of a distance screeching.
Eddie looked at you and smiled a little feeling his cheek burn red. You noticed this and started to blush yourself.
“look, don’t try to be heroes okay?” Steve brought you both back from this sweet moment.
“don’t worry about that.” you replied to Steve, “we aren’t looking to have our faces in the Hawkins newspaper or anything.” you rolled your eyes.
Robin stifled her laugh and grabbed Steve “come on, let’s go.” Nancy patted his back.  
“so how are we going to do this?” you looked at Dustin and Eddie, “I have an idea.” Eddie snapped his fingers. “come on find loose metal trailer parts, we need to barricade the trailer.” he pointed you both in different directions.
You and Dustin began gathering materials and placed them in a pile by the porch. “going to let me in on the idea?” you asked as you handed Eddie some nails.
“this is just to make sure we are a little bit safer.” Eddie replied and nailed down some of the metal sheets into the trailer.
“I-uh” he chuckled. “what?” you asked feeling a little embarrassed.
“I just can’t believe you’re actually here doing this.” Eddie replied. “I didn’t think this would be your thing.” he shrugged.
“well, I can’t believe it either.” you softly chuckled, “what can I say, the things you do for Lo-” you stopped as Eddie looked at you. “-for a town you fell in love with” you cleared your throat.  
“the town huh?” Eddie’s shoulder slumped.
“i’m going to go help Dustin inside” you pointed and walked inside. Eddie waited until you disappeared before cursing under his breath.
The three of you set everything up, and waited patiently for the signal, the entire realm was quiet yet still thunderous.  
“y/n” Eddie leaned towards you, you looked at him and noticed a concern look on his face.
“promise me that if anything, you and Dustin will get out of here.” he whispered to not alarm Dustin who was focused on a nail sticking out of the tin wall.
“If “anything” really? Eddie?” you felt offended. “don’t talk like that, we are ALL getting out, You, Dustin, Steve, Robin, Nancy...” you looked over at Dustin. “this plan is going to work, we will leave this place and avenge Chrissy” you looked at Eddie who winced at the name.
You reached for Eddie’s hand and covered his rings with your palm and squeezed his fingers. “she liked you as much as you liked her Eddie.” you softly jabbed his arm with your elbow. “she looked at you like you were the answer to a prayer she only said in her sleep.”
Eddie looked at you and smiled before looking away.
“It’s time.” Dustin looked over at Eddie, Eddie nodded and stood up, grabbing his guitar and pulling the strap over his shoulder he looked down “this is for you Chrissy” he pointed almost like she was standing in front of him.
With a strum of the guitar strings, he began to play his favorite song.  
You could hear the screams of the Demobats over the sound of the amps. Dustin looked through the binoculars and shouted “it’s working!”  
You looked over at Eddie, his eyes were closed as he played with passion, you could tell he was envisioning Chrissy like he was playing a private concert for her in his mind. You would lie if you said it didn’t hurt you a little bit.
“Let’s GO!” Dustin shouted, the three of you jumped off the roof and ran into the trailer. The bats banged against the metal sheets having no way of getting in.
“hell yeah!” Eddie and Dustin high fived, but in mid celebration an echo filled the shell of the trailer. “uh Eddie” you pointed to the vents. “those things aren’t smart...are they?” you looked at Eddie with wide eyes.  
“Cover the VENT!” Eddie shouted, the three of you scrambled to find the hammer, nails and a piece of metal sheet.
Eddie pushed the metal sheet against the vent and felt the bats hitting the otherside.
“NAIL!” he shouted, you hurried and handed him the nail and he sealed it shut.
“are there any other vents?” Dustin asked.  
“the room!” Eddie shouted but it was too late the bats burst through the wooden door.
The three of you ran out of the trailer and all in different directions.  
You ran into an unlocked car and hid under the back seat.  
Eddie managed to find Dustin and they both ran back into the trailer. “where is y/n?” Eddie shouted looking around frantically.  
“i don’t know when we ran out she ran that way” Dustin pointed. The bats screeches echoed as the approached the trailer again. “find y/n!” Eddie instructed Dustin, “Find her, and both of you get back, I’ll buy us more time.” he grabbed a shield and spear and ran out the door.  
“Eddie wait!” Dustin shouted seeing him disappear into the dark.  
Dustin panicked as he looked around in the darkness not seeing any trace of you, “y/n!” he shouted as he ran around the trailer park, you could hear Dustin’s voice forcing you out of your hiding spot.
“Dustin!” you shouted in relief.
“come on let’s go!” he grabbed your hand and pulled you back into the trailer. Dustin motioned for you to go first, it was then you realized, Eddie wasn’t there.
“where’s Eddie?!” you panicked and looked around to see no one behind or beside you.
“He said to go on without him, he said he is going to buy more time.” Dustin replied in a panic.
“what?!” your eyes widen, you turned to hear the screeching of the demobats in the distance.
“Dustin, go home.” you instructed him.
“what? No.” Dustin protested, “look, Eddie would never forgive himself if anything happened to you, and neither would Steve.” you turned him back towards the gate to the real world.
“and Eddie would hate me if he knew I didn’t do anything to take you with me.” Dustin argued back.
“no he wouldn’t” you assured him “Eddie isn’t the hateful type, now go.” you pushed Dustin back towards the gate.
Dustin hesitated and looked at you with fear in his eyes. “I, promise” you touched his cheek softly, “i’m just going to get him and bring him right back, no hero stuff.” you assured him.
Dustin nodded hesitantly but then climbed back into the real world.
He watched with wide eyes as you disappeared out the front door in search of Eddie.
The Demobats screeches grew louder in anger, “screw it.” Dustin huffed and climbed back into the upside down.
“Eddie?!” you shouted as you ran the empty dark streets looking for him.
You spotted the Demobats swirling around a figure in the distance.
“Eddie!” you screamed and ran as fast as your feet could carry you. You could see that Eddie was surrounded, and the bats were about to enclose in for the kill.
“Eddie!” you screamed, and managed to trip over an object on the ground and hit the pavement pretty hard scraping your chin.
“ah” you hissed and looked at the object, it was the cord that hooked up to the amps above the Munson trailer.
You looked up seeing Eddie fighting best he could but was getting overrun.
You stood on your feet and hurried on top of the trailer. Searching frantically, you found the guitar hanging on by the body on the edge of the trailer.
Grabbing the guitar you held it in your hands, true you didn’t know how to play but anything was better than seeing Eddie being ripped to shreds.
“This is for you Eddie” you huffed, using your fingernails you strummed a loud chord that echoed across the field and got the attention of Eddie.
You strummed again this time with more power making a louder echo. The bats screamed loudly and hurried in your direction.
“y/n!” Eddie dropped his shield and hurried as fast as he could behind the bats.
“y/n?” Dustin burst through the trailer door, he looked over to see the bats heading back towards the trailer, and Eddie right behind them. Looking around Dustin’s focus shifted to the top of the trailer.
“y/n!!” Dustin screamed at the top of his lungs seeing you standing still as the cloud of blood thirsty bats ran into your body knocking you off the top of the roof.
“No!!!” Eddie screamed and ran faster.
“Y/N!” Dustin tried to fight off any bats. Dustin hit each one best he could, but lost you in swarm. The bats hissed and screeched as they all started to pile. But the moment Eddie showed up as if some miracle happened the bats stopped and dropped one by one like flies, some managed to fly off before meeting their demise.
“Y/N” Eddie called your name again and fell to his knees beside your body, his arms scooping you up and pulling you into his lap.  
“y/n.” Eddie looked at your body, bitten up by the Demobats. “it’s okay, you’ll be okay.” he assured you and lifted your shirt a bit to see the wounds were deep and some hit major arteries.
“Dustin! Find something, to stop the bleeding” Eddie demanded. But Dustin stayed, seeing that your skin was pale and the pool of blood by Eddie’s knees was enough to fill a bathtub.
"Ed-” your voice strained, feeling your blood pool at the back of your throat.
“no, please y/n” Eddie begged, his arms curling you closer to his body. “please don’t-” his eyes welled with tears. “Dustin!” Eddie shouted again.
“Eddie.” you smiled with blood filled teeth, “Eddie, I can see it.” you forced a chuckle. “I see our house.”
Eddie choked out a loud sob, remembering how you both talked about how you would inherit your dad’s summer home in Hawkin’s and move Eddie inside, and if his uncle wanted to join he would have the guest house in the back.
“it’s so beautiful Eddie” your voice shivered. Eddie could feel your breathing laboring, your eyes focusing into the darkness of the upside down.  
“it’s still going to happen y/n” Eddie sniffled, “because you’re not going to die here in this ugly place.” he added
“Eddie-” your voice choked out. “I’m here y/n” Eddie pressed his forehead to yours. “I-” you gurgled your blood, and then everything went silent, even with the thundering of the upside down.
“y/n?” Eddie sniffled, “Y/N!” he shook your body that suddenly got heavy in his arms.
“no, please. please” he begged looking up at Dustin “please!” he shouted his tears dripping down his chin.
“Eddie, we have to go.” Dustin sniffled. “come on.” Dustin knelt beside his friend and pried your lifeless body from his grip.
Eddie let go finally after holding on to the last bit of fabric on your shirt, he turned and grabbed onto Dustin, his face burying into Dustin’s armor, Dustin felt Eddie’s chest heave as he let out a loud and deafening scream of pain followed by a waterfall of tears. Dustin held his friend tightly, wishing that he could at least take some of that hurt from him and absorb it into himself.  
Two weeks had passed by and the town of Hawkins was still trying to cope with the “Earthquake”, Eddie still had to be in hiding and found refuge in your family’s summer home.
“Eddie?” Dustin knocked on the door to the bedroom where Eddie sat on the bed his rings pressed to his lips in a deep thought.
“Eddie, the Byers’ friend Argyle, he is heading back to California in an hour.” Dustin talked in an almost whisper. “he said are you still going to go with him?”
Eddie sat quiet still, his tears fighting to stay in his eyes instead of falling down. “will this feeling ever go away?” he finally broke the silence.
“what?” Dustin asked and sat on the other side of the mattress.
“this, feeling of- of nothingness.” Eddie leaned forward and grabbed the little figurine of missmaideny/n on the dresser.
“this feeling of false hope.” he curled the figure in his hand. “like every time this house creaks, or I hear someone talking outside, a part of me gets very happy because it thinks that y/n is going to walk in through that door, and we just forget this place, forget the world below our feet and just-be together.” he sniffled
“I don’t know Eddie” Dustin replied the tears welling up in his eyes as well.
“you know that summer y/n was here, the summer we first got together.” he wiped his tears away, “we would sit in the guest house, she would be leaning on me and would hold my hand.” Eddie stood up and looked out at the guest house that was caved in.
“and she would tell me all these plans that she was going to inherit this house, and she would move me in, and my uncle could stay in the guest house.” he chuckled “she said I could turn the garage into a place for the band to practice, and even give me my own room for my guitar.” he looked at Dustin with tear filled eyes.
Dustin felt the heaviness in the room, and it made him wish he had real power to go back and keep you and Eddie safe so that his friend could live out this dream.
“Even said the Hellfire Club could meet here and have our own room for campaigns.” Eddie sat back down.
“with all that talk, I always said she would be the one I would spend the rest of my life with.” he sniffled. “I even found my mom’s old wedding ring in a box in my uncle’s garage.” Eddie scoffed “who am I kidding, she wouldn’t have taken it. She would say it wasn’t “Eddie Munson” to give her a diamond.” he chuckled to stop the sniffles.
“but I gave it to her still.” Eddie opened the empty box and placed it on the dresser next to the figure. Dustin looked at the empty box and felt the tears fall down his cheek.
“I couldn’t see myself giving it to anyone else, ever.” Eddie stood up.
“Eddie” Dustin’s voice cracked grabbing the attention of his friend.
“I didn’t know y/n, as well as you, or Jeff or Gareth and Steve did.” he sniffled. “but I can tell that even if she could go back in time, she would make that decision again, and in every other dimension she would make that decision again.”
Eddie looked at Dustin, feeling his eyes well up again. “because she loved you Eddie.” Dustin choked out. “she had the chance to run, she had a chance to save herself but she didn’t.” Dustin continued. “when she seen you weren’t behind us she turned back around and ran back out there to you.” “her number one concern wasn’t herself, it was you.”
Eddie approached Dustin and wrapped one arm around him and pulled him into a half embrace. The two of them comforted one another in a hug before parting ways.  
“you would have loved her man.” Eddie wiped his face. “she looked mean but she loved everyone.” Eddie smiled, “she made sure the band had water during our sets, she made snacks for our DnD campaigns because she knew it took hours.” Eddie looked up towards the ceiling and sighed.
“i know she would have loved you too.” Eddie looked over at Dustin.
A horn honked outside that echoed in the hallow shell that was your old summer house.  
“looks like my ride is here.” Eddie looked out the window.
“you better come to California.” Eddie pointed to Dustin, “you know I will” Dustin smiled brightly.
Eddie walked over and embraced his friend one last time. “take care of those sheep for me okay?” he patted his back.
“I will.” Dustin assured him
Dustin watched in the driveway as Eddie and Argyle disappeared down the road in the bright yellow pizza van.
Just then his walkie talkie picked up a muffled voice. Dustin pulled the antenna up and lifted it higher to catch a better signal.
“Eh-” “wher-” “you?” the voice crackled.  
Dustin ran back inside the house and into the room he was just in with Eddie, the static cleared and he held the speaker up to his ear to finally hear the message loud and clear.
“Eddie? Where are you?” your voice called out on the other line before cutting off to static.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Dantes said, "I wish to die," and had chosen the manner of his death, and fearful of changing his mind, he had taken an oath to die. "When my morning and evening meals are brought," thought he, "I will cast them out of the window, and they will think that I have eaten them."
He kept his word; twice a day he cast out, through the barred aperture, the provisions his jailer brought him—at first gayly, then with deliberation, and at last with regret. Nothing but the recollection of his oath gave him strength to proceed. Hunger made viands once repugnant, now acceptable; he held the plate in his hand for an hour at a time, and gazed thoughtfully at the morsel of bad meat, of tainted fish, of black and mouldy bread. It was the last yearning for life contending with the resolution of despair; then his dungeon seemed less sombre, his prospects less desperate. He was still young—he was only four or five and twenty—he had nearly fifty years to live. What unforseen events might not open his prison door, and restore him to liberty? Then he raised to his lips the repast that, like a voluntary Tantalus, he refused himself; but he thought of his oath, and he would not break it. He persisted until, at last, he had not sufficient strength to rise and cast his supper out of the loophole. The next morning he could not see or hear; the jailer feared he was dangerously ill. Edmond hoped he was dying.
They both came immediately, M. Morrel bringing a doctor, and the doctor said it was inflammation of the bowels, and ordered him a limited diet. I was there, too, and I never shall forget the old man's smile at this prescription. From that time he received all who came; he had an excuse for not eating any more; the doctor had put him on a diet."
But availing himself of the doctor's order, the old man would not take any sustenance; at length (after nine days of despair and fasting), the old man died, cursing those who had caused his misery, and saying to Mercedes, 'If you ever see my Edmond again, tell him I die blessing him.' The abbe rose from his chair, made two turns round the chamber, and pressed his trembling hand against his parched throat. "And you believe he died"—
"Of hunger, sir, of hunger," said Caderousse. "I am as certain of it as that we two are Christians."
Dad Dantes died the same way Edmond nearly did: starvation. And while to an extent it was due to lack of money, he did have other options. No, he chose to die, just like Edmond.
That's not the only echo here by any means. Caderousse checking in on him and feeling pity but Dad Dantes disliking him and being unwilling to accept his attempt at comfort mimics Edmond's opinion of his jailer who did pity him to an extent as well. They both tried to trick the people around them in order to ensure no one stopped their suicide (Edmond by throwing the food out the window, Dad Dantes with the doctor's order). Their attitudes towards their starvation follow a similar path: first joy, then solemnity/despair, and finally regret/cursing those who caused this. Dad Dantes and Edmond both wanted revenge. They both prayed miserably and hopelessly. They both eventually assumed the other was probably dead.
Then we have the mirror images... Dad Dantes kept himself jailed in his rooms, refusing to leave; Edmond was unable to leave despite wishing for nothing more. Dad Dantes rejected his visitors, depriving himself of company; Edmond was going mad from loneliness and begging to be allowed to see other people. Dad Dantes sold off his belongings, gradually losing all the remnants of the career he'd once had; after meeting Faria, Edmond acquired more and more knowledge and even possessions. Edmond's suicide by starvation was called off due to the arrival of a father figure; Dad Dantes died with his last words for the son he never saw again. Probably the most heartbreaking one for me, however understandable it is... Dad Dantes was certain that he would be the first one his son would come to see if he could, while Edmond spent months after his escape in pursuit of the treasure first (of course, he was long dead by this time, and of course Edmond did go to his house first once he returned and even bought it again, but it still breaks my heart).
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Oops... (A.N.C x Batman Villains)
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Abigail had no idea where her father, Edward, was. However, if she was quick and didn't waste time then she could be in and out before he even knew. "Welcome, the Riddler." She waited a couple of seconds for the computer to load as she looked around the hideout. Sitting on the chair, she lifted her knees to her chest. He had clearly updated his computer since she had last seen it now that the set up looked completely different. Abby crinkled her brow as she looked over the multiple screens. She didn't bother to reader the pop ups, immediately closing each. For one in particular, she thought she was simply pressing 'okay' to an update. Oh how she was wrong. 
Copperhead had propped her legs upon on the desk and was lounging around when she heard a sudden ringing from the laptop beside her. It was the Ridder sending out an emergency call. Although she had no intention of helping, she was curious what could warrant a distress call from the Riddler of all people. She accepted and the chat opened. 
A girl, no older than seventeen was on the Riddler's computer. Seemingly oblivious to the call. 'Was Eddie hacked? LMAO!' -Deadshot. A response came quickly. 'Crane, why is your kid sending a distress call?' - Firefly. 'She isn't saying anything, is she okay!?' -Harley. 'Abby?' -Two-Face. 'Abs?' -Two-Face. Absolutely nothing. "She doesn't know what she's doing." -Scarecrow. "Do we try to get her attention?" -Bane. "Don't you dare, this is too good!" -Firefly. Abigail paused a flash of uncertainty flickered on her features before she went back to typing. "Is it even going to be as simple as just deleting browser history?" She muttered to herself. Abigail curled her upper lip. “Maybe I should just leave it so that he doesn't notice an empty history." She continued. Her eyes darted elsewhere on the screen. Her jaw dropped, her eyes wide. "Oh shit! I'm on a video call!" Abigail threw herself back against her chair. A mix of a scream and a laugh escaping her. "There it is.-" Two-Face. "Naughty naughty girl." -Copperhead. "Someone is in troubleeee!" -Ragdoll. Abigail roared with laughter. "Nooooooooo!" She screamed loudly before bursting into another fit of uncontrollable laughter. She wasn't oblivious to the irony that she was trying to sneakily use her fathers computer and instead contacts every known criminal who had been in contact with the Batman. Once she was able to speak, Abigail said between laughs. "You can't tell my dad!" "Which one?" -Two-Face. "One is already here." -Penguin. "Abigail, what are you doing?" -Scarecrow. "No, listen, I-" she cut herself off with a laugh. "-it's nothing bad I promise! I need you guys not to tell my dad I snuck on here!" Abigail didn't know how she bought everyone's silence but somehow even Jonathan was willing to stay quiet. Little did she know it was because the rogues knew better. It was only a matter of time before she was caught by the Riddler himself. 
Edward stormed into the kitchen. "Abigail! What did you do!?" Edward snapped. "I...I don't know." She looked at the cheese toastie in her hand. "I toasted the bread first and then I added the cheese-" "No! Abigail! What were you doing in my computer!?" "Who told!?" Abigail asked loudly. "Do you think I wouldn't notice two hundred dollars missing for a handbag!?" Jonathan rolled his eyes. So that's what his daughter was up to. Abigail stared at Edward, wide eyed. "Considering the rest of your money...no...no, I didn't." "I cancelled that order! Don't you ever do that again! I'm very disappointed in you!" She slumped with a groan. "I really wanted that." "You're lucky that's the end of it." Edward remarked. 
 A few nights later, Edward and Jonathan allowed Abigail to accompany them to the Iceberg Lounge and see the other rogues. "Well if it isn't my favourite niece!" Oswald grinned. "She's you're only niece...and not even by blood." Edward looked at him quizzically. Oswald ignored him. "I have a surprise for you!" "Oswald..." The Riddler narrowed his eyes on the Penguin in warning. Once again, the Riddler said suspiciously. 
Oswald returned with a fairly big box in his hand passing it to Abigail. Slightly confused, Abigail straightened and opened the box, looking into the box. "Uncle Oz!" Abigail shot up. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Jonathan leaned into Abigail to see before a faint smirk grew on his features. "What? What is it? What has he done?" Edward demanded. Abigail lifted the contents out of the box to reveal the very same bag she had previously ordered. Edward gasped. "Oswald!" Abigail hurried out of the booth to hug Oswald tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "She won't learn if you do that!" Edward snapped with a glare directed to Oswald who looked very pleased and smug. "What my niece wants, she gets." Oswald grinned.
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ladycatofwinterfell · 2 years
Ned and Cat having dinner with Hoster and Minisia after cat broke the news that they've been dating for some time now😅 I want an awkward dinner when one or both parents want to strangle Ned because he is going to be like his brother and that's not good enough for their daughter
Hoster and Minisa want to strangle Ned, Catelyn wants them to be happy for her, and Ned wants someone to tell him how he’s supposed to survive
When Catelyn kissed her father’s cheek she could still feel how he glared at Ned over her shoulder. Of course she had known he wouldn’t be happy that she dated another Stark after Brandon, but couldn’t he at least pretend for a little bit for her sake?
It had been almost five months since she officially started dating Ned and the previous night she had let her parents know of their relationship because she really had to. So they had invited her and Ned to their house for dinner, and Catelyn had dreaded it all day.
She went on to hug her mother as it was Ned’s turn to step up to her father. They had met before, several times, and Dad had never had anything against him before. On the contrary, he had expressed the opinion that Eddard Stark seemed to be a fine man. But the moment he had become aware of that Ned was dating his daughter he had turned against him.
“Mr. Tully” she heard Ned say. “Thank you for the invite.”
His voice was perfectly smooth, there was no sign of the nervousness she knew was there.
“We had to get a look of you, didn’t we?” Dad answered coolly.
“Dad” Catelyn sighed, leaving her mother’s embrace. “Can you please not?”
“He just wants what’s best for you, sweetheart” Mom said softly.
She reached out and swept a lock of hair out of Catelyn’s face, fastening it behind her ear.
“I can decide for myself what’s best for me.”
Mom tilted her head slightly and gave Catelyn a smile that radiated her belief of that given her history she couldn’t at all decide that for herself.
Once more Catelyn sighed with annoyance. She was a grown woman, not a child, could they not see that? And could they not see that Ned wasn’t at all like Brandon?
“You’re very welcome to our home, Ned” Mom continued, turning to Ned.
As if she hadn’t just insulted him.
“Thank you, Mrs. Tully” Ned said, ever a polite person.
Why hadn’t she just told her parents that they were unavailable that night and couldn’t have dinner with them? It would have been so easy.
Catelyn took Ned’s hand as they walked over to the table and took their seats. Tried to reassure him without saying it out loud. She could only hope he understood what she meant.
The silence that took hold of the room was terrible. Absolutely awful. They sat there and Catelyn tried to think of something to say but her mind was empty.
“How long have you been seeing my daughter?” Dad asked Ned, beginning to serve himself from the bowls on the table.
Fish stew with bread. She loved that food, but it was hard to appreciate it in that situation.
“Five months” Ned replied.
Dad then turned to Catelyn.
“Was it not six months ago you broke your engagement to Brandon?”
“It was” she said. “So there was a whole month in between those two things happening.”
She hadn’t touched Ned before breaking up with Brandon. She had done the right thing and waited. Approximately a day, but no one had to know that.
“Are you close with Brandon?” Mom asked.
She was still smiling, but the smile had an edge to it.
That time Ned hesitated a moment before answering, but when he spoke he didn’t look uncertain.
“Well, he’s my brother so I suppose I am.”
Brandon knew about it, and while he hadn’t been very happy about it in the beginning he had accepted it. Lyanna, on the other hand, had threatened to kill Catelyn if she ever found out she was only with Ned to get back at Brandon.
“Yes, of course.”
The question both Mom and Dad wanted to ask was hanging in the air. ‘Are you much like Brandon?’ They were very upset with Brandon for the public humiliation that had come from his cheating scandal. As was she, but she knew that Ned was nothing like him. She would have waited longer with telling them about her second Stark if it wasn’t for that she had another surprise and didn’t want to let them know about both things at the same time. She feared that would have given them both a heart attack.
“But you’ll be better than him, right?” Dad said.
He raised his eyebrows at Ned, leaned forward slightly and locked eyes with him. That couldn’t even be called a subtle threat.
“I have no intention of hurting your daughter” Ned told him. “None whatsoever, I only want her to be happy.”
Catelyn once more took his hand, squeezed it beneath the table.
“You Starks have no bright track record when it comes to making Cat happy” Dad snorted.
Could he never have any finesse at all, did it always have to be so blunt?
“Ned makes me very happy, otherwise he wouldn’t have been here right now!” Catelyn exclaimed. “Stop this.”
They would be stuck with him until they died, they just had to deal with it.
Ned didn’t say anything but she saw the tension in his body, she saw how he clenched his jaw. She didn’t want her parents to make her partner uncomfortable. Not that she was very comfortable either, but she knew how to handle them.
“We just–“ Mom began, but Catelyn interrupted her.
“Yes, you want what’s best for me and this is what’s best for me. Now can we eat and talk about something else?”
At first Dad looked like he would protest but Mom put an elbow into his side and then that conversation was over.
The rest of the dinner passed slowly, what was actually an hour felt like three. While they kept themselves polite, all four of them, the initial tension never seemed to leave. They spoke of the weather and work and sports but those pleasantries weren’t enough to erase the very obvious fact that her parents didn’t like her choice of partner.
It was a relief when they could say good evening and leave. When the door fell shut between them and she walked with Ned towards the end of the street where they had parked the car she just wanted the ground to swallow her whole.
“I’m so sorry for that, I didn’t know beforehand it would be so bad” she said.
Ned made a sound that was almost like laughter at that.
“Hoster will kill me once they find out you’re pregnant.”
“The plan is that he will warm up to you a little bit before it’s time to tell people I’m pregnant.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“He will. If not then he’ll at least tolerate you because you’re giving him grandchildren. This will work out, I promise you.”
She knew both her parents weren’t opposed at all to grandchildren. Despite that Edmure was ten. Thank the gods for that he hadn’t been there for the dinner, that would have been another hell to get through.
“If you say so” Ned sighed.
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littleragondin · 1 year
I have been tagged by @sparklyeyedhimbo thank you!
rules: name seven comfort films you love, and then tag seven people
- The Lord of the Ring Trilogy
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That one's an easy one. For a very long time, it was just the movie(s) I watched the most often across a year. I fell in love with The Fellowship of the Ring when I saw it at 10 in theatre, and I never came back. I know them by heart (both in French and English), and at this point putting them on just feels like coming home. It's the friendships, the hope through darkness, the love overcoming for me.
- Pride (2014)
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This one's based on a true story, it's beautiful and touching and has a fantastic soundtrack of course. I watch it when I want an uplifting story but I still need to cry (usually the Bread and Roses scene or Joe and Stef sharing the bed does it, but if not? I always cry at the end), and it makes me feel better about what we can do together. I also really like the friendships in that movie, somehow they make me miss having that irl the most.
- Constantine
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You know how they say the music you listen at 14/15 shapes your music tastes for life? That was the movie version for me. I was 15 when I saw it, and listen. Hear me out. Between Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, and Tilda Swinton (especially looking like this) ... well. I was very into it ok. I also love horror and supernatural so you know. I love the story, there is a really good sibling relationship (if sad), it has angels and demons and cross engraved bullets... it's an easy go-to when I want some action and fantastical stuffs.
- 8 Femmes
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It's a French jukebox musical about a murder, with a women-only cast for 99% of the movie. What not to love?? It's camp, the actresses are fantastic (it's an all star cast), I love the 50s feel of the whole thing, the songs are great, the characters are color coded ... I somehow always feel lighter after seeing this one, and find myself singing along all the time. (also come on, who wouldn't want to see Fanny Ardant and Catherine Deneuve make out in skirt suits?)
- Ai no Kotodama (2007)
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Ootani and Tachibana have been together since high school, now in college they live together, installed in a comfortable routine until a high school classmate reappears in their life and things... become complicated. This one is just… warm, and simple, and quiet. It's just a slice of life, the conflicts can be a little silly but some feel more grounded, there is a clear and sweet happy end, it always warms me up. I've seen it for the first time 13 years ago and I still think about it regularly. Also the two songs are great and still on my playlists, and the fashion now feels delightfully out of date (Ootani's hair hello <3).
- Big Eden
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I watched this one for the first time at a moment in my life where i was very lonely. I picked it up because I had seen some gifs on tumblr, I knew it had a happy ending, and I was starting to want to watch more story with adults. There are so many things to love in that beautiful movie, but usually I put it on for the warmth and acceptance of the community, for "Thing is, Pike, we want things to be nice for you, too, buddy." and the whole "Did we teach you shame?" speech and "I was just hoping you'd let yourself be found this time. I was hoping you'd let us find you. But you keep wandering and we can't." and just... yeah. This one is a comfort still when I feel lonely, or lost, removed from the people I love.
- Coraline
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I was already a huge fan of the book and of Henry Selick's work when my dad took me to see it for my 18th birthday. It's a beautiful movie, visually, with an incredible score (by Bruno Coulais), and a very strong adaptation of the novel imo. It's a little creepy, but the good guys win at the end, I love Coraline as a character, and as I said it's just SO pretty to look at? I never get bored by it.
If you're into it and no one asked you yet, I'll tag @scienceoftheidiot @benkaaoi @howdydowdy @troubled-mind @gillianthecat @heretherebedork and @sauvechouris !
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"-...No - Papyrus finally said, angrily shoving the bread in his mouth.
All the bitties at that table were deadly silent. 
Chara had reprimanded the king. THE KING. The more they got to know her, the more clear it was that that girl completely lacked common sense. She wasn't raised in a castle, sure, but even a peasant should know better than to tell a king to say "please", right?
While chewing on his bread, Papyrus did his best to hide just how pissed he was. People don't tell him what to do, not ever since he first sat on that golden throne (well, except for Sans sometimes, but he was his brother and a prince, so that was a totally different situation). What Chara did wasn't exactly a crime, but it had been completely unexpected and honestly infuriating. He almost told her to f*ck off.
The thing is, he had to win this girl. For the sake of his people. The past couple of days they had made progress in bonding while searching for that book and, if Papyrus flipped Chara now for something that stupid - because, seriously, it DIDN'T hurt - all that progress would be lost.
So the king took a deep breath after swallowing, forcing his rage away. He looked at the remaining bread before turning back to Chara.
-To be honest, I don't loaf it - a truthful grin began to reach his skull - But I'm sure it will get butter with practice.
-PAPYRUS!! - Sans immediately turned to his brother, scolding the king like only he was allowed to do.
-What? Crust me, I'm being serious. I'm bready to change one bad habit today.
For the perplexity of Sans, Chara was laughing. It wasn’t that polite giggle people usually force after a noble's bad joke, but a true, cheerful laughter.
-Oh no!! - the girl blurted, pressing one palm on her forehead, her body still shaking - Is that for real? I can't believe it, your majesty, but YOU'RE JUST LIKE MY DAD! He's always making puns like th…
Her voice vanished in the air, alongside her laughter or any sign it had been there in the first place. Chara's eyes were filled with distress when she excused herself and left the lunch table. A worried Papyrus followed right after her, not bothering to excuse himself.
The remaining monsters were in silence for only a few seconds before Napstaton broke it.
-Well, any chance she has daddy issues? Can we explore that?
-What the f*ck, man?!
-Hey, are you ok?
Papyrus reached the woman at the living room, while she was leading towards the front doors. Chara stopped to turn at him, then shook her head. She was not ok.
-I… My dad must be worried sick - she gulped, unconsciously hugging herself - I try not to think about him because it will do no good, it only makes me sad. Whenever that happens I rather go to the barrier. Looking for a way out is more useful than being sad and doing nothing. Excuse me.
Chara led to the doors, seeming absolutely determined. Papyrus followed her to the gardens, sighing.
-Chara… There's no way out. I've spent years doing exactly what you're doing before accepting that. I've tried hitting the barrier with swords, hammers, fire, rocks... We've spent all our gunpowder making a f*cking bomb once. It's no use. It's indestructible. Just give up. I did.
The human didn't even slow down.
-Maybe the barrier got weaker ever since you gave up - she talked over her shoulder - It's a slim chance, but I need to try.
The king stopped walking.
-Alright. I'm gonna be at the library when you're done.
He watched her walk away for a few seconds before going back inside.
Chara wouldn't be convinced with words, she would have to see it by herself. How long would it take until she is convinced? Would it also take years? If they don't ever fall in love, they will be trapped there forever. Eventually, Chara would have to accept that she might never see her father again. Just as he accepted he might never see the rest of the world again.
While leading to the library, Papyrus realized two of his habits would have to change that day.
One: he would start saying "please" to his servants. Maybe even "thank you", to avoid future reprimands.
Two: he wouldn't be making any more puns, at least not in front of her.
It makes Chara sad.
The only reason TAOAT!Papyrus doesn't make many puns anymore.
Tiny fact: Chara, the nobles and high rank servants mostly eat lunch and dinner together, just not breakfast. Everyone wakes up at different hours, so you have breakfast with whoever wakes up close to you. I guess Alphys and Sans would wake up first, then Toriel, Chara, Napstaton, Undyne and Papyrus, but that's not a rule.
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