#dan covey
xokittydaily · 3 months
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TO ALL THE KITTY’S APPRECIATION WEEK DAY 1 (2/11) | Favorite moment with her dad
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 11 months
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sweetbuckybarnes · 2 years
Peter Kavinsky + Lara Jean Song-Covey
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You broke my heart, Covey
Broken Bones
Bridget Jones's Baby
What if...?
Lara Jean's Nephew
Junior Prom
Senior Year Ski Trip
10 Year Reunion
Eve Song Survives
Break my heart, Covey
12 Tapes for a Penny
Board Games
Always and Forever, Lara Jean
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pop-culturalist · 6 months
Writer-Director Jennifer Cram Talks Sick Girl, Collaborating with Nina Dobrev, Celebrating Female Friendships, and More
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geekcavepodcast · 7 months
Sick Girl Trailer
Wren is terrified of losing her friends as they are all growing up, so she lies about having cancer. Because that will work out soooo well. Actually, it probably will. Seems like one of those movies.
Sick Girl stars Nina Dobrev, Brandon Mychal Smith, Sherry Cola, Stephanie Koenig, Hayley Magnus, Ray McKinnon, Dan Bakkedahl, and Wendi Mclendon-Covey.
Sick Girl releases on digital and on demand on October 20, 2023.
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gizantara · 2 months
Bahasa Kasih
(Disclaimer: sebelum membaca ini, ada baiknya baca dulu resume sebelumnya tentang empati, di bawah postingan ini)
Selalu, setiap ditanya sama temen, "Za, love language kamu apa?" jawabanku adalah, "love language tuh cara kita memperlakukan atau cara kita ingin diperlakukan?"
Respon mereka balik nanya, "loh memangnya beda?" dan aku jawab, "beda, aku suka nge-WoA ke orang lain tapi sedikit geli kalau orang nge-WoA ke aku. Paling seneng nomor satu di AoS-in."
Nah jadinya ini nyambung ke bahasannya Zarry Hendrik waktu diundang ke podcast Bloom Media.
Beliau bilang, sering kita mengasosiasikan:
Word of Affirmation = puitis Act of Service = romantis
Romantis itu sebenernya pilihan. Ini selaras dengan tulisanku sebelumnya tentang compassionate empathy yang menyangkut tindakan seseorang, apakah dia memilih untuk menambah kebahagiaan atau nggak. Jadi seseorang gak bisa ngeklaim dirinya, "aku mah nggak romantis". Itu mah cuma nggak memilih jadi romantis aja. Entah terlalu malas ngeluarin effort untuk memahami dan berempati, atau gengsi dan geli nunjukin compassionate-nya. Cuek itu kan gak selamanya bisa dipakai jadi alibi (misalnya "kepribadiannya emang cuek") soalnya cuek itu pilihan juga.
Nah, kembali ke pembahasan mengenai love language, cinta itu sebenarnya adalah memberikan yang dianya nyaman, bukan yang kitanya nyaman. Nyambung lagi kan ke prinsip empatinya Stephen Covey, "seek first to understand, then to be understood".
Maka cinta adalah keputusan untuk mendahulukan kenyamanan orang lain. Selama dia nggak bisa nangkep sesuatu sebagai rasa sayang, berarti kita memang nggak sayang. Karena jika sayang, kita akan mengusahakan sesuatu untuk dapat dia cerna sebagai rasa sayang.
Dan salah satu sifat dari mencintai itu adalah tidak memaksa. Balik ke ulasan tentang niat baik di resume sebelumnya, bahwa memaksakan ngelakuin love bombing dengan bentuk yang seseorang nggak suka, jatuhnya malah annoying. Gak akan dapat dicerna sebagai bentuk cinta.
Tambahan lagi, dari postingan Pastor Raguel Lewi:
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Karena cinta itu universal, jadi menarik kalau konsep ini diaplikasikan dalam hubungan 'abid-ma'bud (hamba-Tuan).
Idenya, cinta itu kan tadi diartikan sebagai aksi, tindakan, konsistensi, compassionate, keputusan untuk menambah kesenangan (atau dalam konteks bertuhan jadi keridhaan) yang didasari oleh kepercayaan (trust) dan pemahaman di level tertentu (understanding).
Sekarang kalau cinta didefinisikan dengan kata dedikasi, kata dedikasi sendiri bersinonim dengan penghambaan di KBBI. Nggak cuma itu, kata "Ilah" sendiri sebenarnya artinya adalah cinta. Jadi make sense kalau konsep empati, love language, compassionate, trust, dsb. diaplikasikan dalam praktek bertuhan. Nggak akan jauh beda.
Kalau dalam konteks bertuhan, tentu kita juga harus ada di level pemahaman yang benar dan baik tentang Allah (understanding with cognitive empathy). Siapa Dia, bagaimana sifat Dia, apa yang Dia mau dari kita, love language-nya Dia apa, dsb. Coba kenali Dia sebagaimana Dia memperkenalkan diri.
Dia nggak suka disalahpahami. Dia nggak suka manusia dengan asumsinya (suuzon) atau ekspektasinya (over husnuzon) malah melewatkan proses understanding itu sendiri. Maka sebenarnya pemutus overthinking terbaik adalah trust. Kepercayaan bahwa Dia Maha Bijaksana atas setiap keputusan-Nya dan Maha Understanding kepada hamba-Nya. Lagipula tidak pernah ada perintah untuk berprasangka baik terhadap Allah. Yang ada adalah perintah untuk menguatkan keimanan bagi orang-orang yang beriman (4:136). Sikap kita yang mempertanyakan keputusan-Nya dan menghakimi-Nya adalah akibat kita salah paham, tidak mengenal-Nya dengan baik.
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Sebenarnya, Dia pun nggak susah kok untuk kita pahami. Sign-nya udah jelas, ada di kitabullah dan sunatullah. Contoh manusia yang paling peka terhadap sign-nya juga udah ada, Rasulullah saw. Adapun aktivitas memahami paling baik adalah dengan cara membaca (iqra, perintah pertama) terutama membaca surat-Nya, serta berpikir (aktivitas yang paling banyak dimention di surat-Nya).
Tinggal kitanya aja mau effort atau nggak, mau peka (berempati) atau nggak, mau nyontoh atau nggak. Gak usah alibi. Compassionate itu pilihan, cuek juga pilihan. Jangan sampai, saking lamanya kita bersikap non-compassionate, malah termasuk kaya di ayat ini:
"Demikianlah Allah mengunci hati orang-orang yang tidak (mau) memahami." (QS. Ar-Rum (30) : 59)
Bahas konsep bertuhannya nanti lagi deh aku lanjut. Aku juga belum eksplorasi ayat lebih jauh dan harus connecting dot by dot untuk mengelaborasinya. Sejauh ini, segini dulu ya resume dari aku.
Btw, aku sangat merekomendasikan pembaca di sini untuk follow (@raguellewi) di Instagram karena insight beliau sangat menarik dan membuka pikiran. Untuk versi Islami dan perempuannya, ada juga Dr. Aisah Dahlan. Beliau-beliau ini, dengan pemahamannya mengenai manusia, dapat menyelamatkan banyak rumah tangga keluarga di Indonesia.
Dan.. nggak tabu kok membahas hal-hal seperti ini sebelum menikah (dalam kadar secukupnya). Anggap saja bekal. Dan justru yang utama, dapat dipraktikan dengan orang-orang terdekat di hari ini. Dengan empati yang lebih terkonsep secara ajeg, kita dapat bersikap lebih manusiawi dan dapat memanusiakan manusia.
— Giza dan usaha menyimpan pemahaman-pemahaman baru. Sumber tercantum di alt gambar.
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movienized-com · 2 months
Sick Girl
Sick Girl (2023) #JenniferCram #NinaDobrev #BrandonMychalSmith #SherryCola #StephanieKoenig #HayleyMagnus Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (Oktober) Genre: Comedy Regie: Jennifer Cram Hauptrollen: Nina Dobrev, Brandon Mychal Smith, Sherry Cola, Stephanie Koenig, Hayley Magnus, Ray McKinnon, Dan Bakkedahl, Wendi Mclendon-Covey … Filmbeschreibung: Als Wren Pepper (Nina Dobrev) spürt, dass ihr die engsten Freunde entgleiten, lässt sie eine kleine Notlüge los, die sich zu einem kolossalen, lebensverändernden Ereignis…
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ismidi · 3 months
Friday Contemplation by Mentor
Ada 4 Pertanyaan akan diajukan di alam barzakh yang harus menjadi fokus kita menjadi pondasi rencana hidup yang tepat
Diriwayatkan dari HR. Ahmad dan Abu Dawud Miskhat al-Masabih 13
"Dan dua malaikat datang kepadanya, lalu duduklah mereka di sisinya, dan mereka berkata kepadanya,
1. Siapakah Tuhanmu?' Ia menjawab, 'Tuhan saya adalah Allah.'
2. Mereka bertanya lagi, 'Apa agamamu?' Ia menjawab, 'Agamaku adalah Islam.'
3. Kemudian mereka bertanya lagi, 'Apa pendapatmu tentang orang yang diutus di antara kamu?' Ia menjawab, 'Dia adalah Rasul Allah (Nabi Muhammad SAW).'
4. Mereka bertanya lagi, ‘Dari mana kamu tahu informasi tentang profil Nabi itu?' Ia menjawab, 'Saya membaca Kitab Allah, dan saya percaya padanya dan membenarkannya.'
Lalu mereka berseru, 'Dia telah benar, hamba-Ku ini telah benar!' Maka dari langit dipanggil suara, 'Hamba-Ku ini telah berkata benar, bukalah baginya pintu dari surga.' Dan diperlihatkan kepadanya pintu surga, dan wanginya disampaikan padanya dari surga. Kemudian pintu surga itu dibukakan baginya, dan matanya diperluas penglihatannya di dalam surga.”
Kemudian ada 5 Pertanyaan akan diajukan di Yaumul Hisab
dan kelima pertanyaan puncak ini harus menjadi bahan visi-misi di dunia.
"Kaki seorang anak Adam tidak akan beranjak dari hadapan Tuhan pada Hari Kiamat hingga dia ditanya tentang lima hal:
1. Usianya dan bagaimana dia menghabiskannya
2. Masa mudanya dan bagaimana dia mengisinya
3. Harta yang dia peroleh dari mana
4. Bagaimana dia menghabiskannya
5. Serta apa yang telah dia kerjakan dari ilmu yang telah diketahuinya”
HR. Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2416 & Abu Barzah and Abu Sa'eed
Itulah yang seharusnya menjadi fondasi dari tujuan hidup yang kita semua perjuangkan. Ini bukan sekedar ‘Memulai dari akhir’-nya Stephen Covey, atau ‘Why’-nya Simon Sinek, atau IKIGAI-nya orang-orang Jepang, atau ‘Thinking Big’-nya David J. Schwartz, atau teori ‘Self Actualisation’-nya Marslow.
Tapi ini adalah filosofi hidup Muslim yang sudah diajarkan Rasulullah 14 abad lalu.
Bahwa setiap Muslim, terserah apakah dia bermental baja atuapun tempe, apakah dia berpendidikan tinggi ataupun buta huruf, yang jelas dia harus mempersiapkan jawaban yang mantap untuk hari akhir, di Yaumul Hisab.
Dan jawaban terbaik adalah “Ahsanu ‘Amala’ (QS. Al Mulk: 2)
Mengutip tulisan mentor yang jadi membuat merenung lebih lama. Panduan hidup seorang muslim sudah diajarkan dari 14 abad lalu bukan teori-teori yang lahir ngetrend di zaman now. Semoga ini menjadi awal yang baik untuk selalu bisa mengevaluasi setiap kontribusi dan niat dalam setiap aktivitas yang dikerjakan.
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d-criss-news · 1 year
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cosplaycounselor: Last post for today. 😂 So much Hollywood royalty in one night! Come see all these famous faces! . .Disenchanted Friends Alan Menken (Legendary Disney Music Composer) Dan Hennah (Disenchanted Production Designer)  Mychal-Bella Bowman (Actress in "Underground Railroad") Rachel Covey (Morgan from the 1st Enchanted movie) Patrick Starrr (Youtuber/ Makeup Artist) Jordan Rodrigues (Actor in "Bring it on: Worldwide" & "Lady Bird") Darren Criss (Actor in "Glee) . . . Stream #Disenchanted on @ disneyplus on November 18th! . . 👸🏻 Snow White from Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves .👗 @secrethoneyofficial .💁🏻‍♀️ @wigsandwhatsits .🍿 @ disneyenchanted Premiere .🎥 El Capitan Theater: 6838 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028 Enchanted, Disenchanted, Snow White, Disney Cosplayers, celebrity, selfies, autographs, Hollywood, red carpet, premiere
___________________________ followyu #snowwhite #snowwhitecosplay #secrethoney #snowwhiteandthesevendwarfs #disneyinsta #disneyprincess #princesslifestyle #princesslove #princess #onceuponatime #fairytale #alanmenken #glee ##disneylegend #celebrtityselfie
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bethaven · 4 months
#23 XO Kitty
Plot: Kitty have been in a long distance relationship with Dae for a while when she´s finally accepted into KISS, his boarding school in Seoul, Korea. After she convinced her father and stepmother to let her go she's on her way to surprise Dae. But things don't turn out the way she imagined, turns out there are things Dae haven't told her, her roomate is horrible and the school is not what she expected. To complicate things further, Dae might not be the only one who wants to catch her attention. On top of that, she's starting to find out things about her departed mother, who used to attend the school.
Years: 2023-
Seasons: 1 (renewed for a season 2)
My story: I came into this series from sort of a strange angle, since I haven't seen the To all the boys-films (where Kitty originates from) yet. When it poped up in my suggestions-list at Netflix I thought the idea of a young person moving to a land far away for love sounded thrilling, so I started to watch it. I like the characters and their backstories and I look forward to knowing more about all of them in the next season(s?). I often wish I was as bold as Kitty.
Teachable moments: Kitty's quite impulsive and emotionally driven, it's sometimes her strength but maybe even more it complicates things for her. Is it worth it? Probably.
Best character: Yuri's caught between a rock and a hard place, in life in general but with love in particular. Her frustration about her loved one being taken away from her is heartbreaking and shows us how queer love is still not fully accepted. I love how her realtionship with Kitty develops from frenemies to BFF's, and if you ask Kitty - something more. Her standing up against her parents and following her heart is inspiring.
Best episode: "TIL" (S1E7). It's intriguing, exciting and gut wrenching when Kitty and Yuri tries to unravel secrets. But are they ready to deal with the truth?
Best quote: "Did I just let my youngest daughter go to Korea to have sex with her boyfriend?" (Dan Covey, Kitty's father)
Fun fact: Same as her character, actor Anna Cathcart who plays Kitty, was moving away from home for the first time when she was in Korea filming XO Kitty. According to herself, it helped her in her role as Kitty.
If you like this you might also like: XO Kitty is a spinoff from To all the boys-films, where Kitty is lead roll Lara Jean's little sister. Others you might like are Never have I ever, Ginny and Georgia, Emily in Paris and Angus, thongs and perfect snogging.
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xokittydaily · 2 months
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TO ALL THE KITTY’S APPRECIATION WEEK DAY 2 (2/12) | Favorite moment with Trina
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
History of the World, Part II | Trailer
The mini-series sequel to Mel Brooks’ History of the World, Part I film will premiere on Hulu on March 6, 2023, followed by two new episodes daily through March 9, 2023.
Cast additions
Jack Black, James Adomian, Jason Alexander, Fred Armisen, Tim Bagley, Dan Bakkedahl, Travis Bennett, Sarayu Blue, Craig Cackowski, Arturo Castro, Parvesh Cheena, Margaret Cho, Andy Cohen, Andy Daly, Colton Dunn, Ayo Edebiri , Ana Fabrega, Marla Gibbs, Blake Griffin, Mitra Jouhari, Preston Lacy, Robby Hoffman, Anna Maria Horsford, Brian Huskey, Mousa Hussein Kraish, Bobby Lee, Mena Massoud, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Crystal Kung Minkoff, Finesse Mitchell, Natalie Morales, Pam Oliver, Ana Ortiz, Adam Pally, Lennon Parham, Chris Pontius, Rob Riggle, Matt Rogers, Paul Rust, Paul Scheer, Andrew Secunda, Jessica St. Clair, Carl Tart, Drew Tarver, Christopher Thornton, James Urbaniak, George Wallace, Michaela Watkins, Wee Man, Kym Whitley, and Casey Wilson.
Previously announced cast members
Mel Brooks, Wanda Sykes, Nick Kroll, Ike Barinholtz, Pamela Adlon, Tim Baltz, Zazie Beetz, Jillian Bell, Quinta Brunson, Dove Cameron, D’Arcy Carden, Ronny Chieng, Rob Corddry, Danny DeVito, David Duchovny, Hannah Einbinder, Jay Ellis, Josh Gad, Kimiko Glenn, Brandon Kyle Goodman, Jake Johnson, Richard Kind, Johnny Knoxville, Lauren Lapkus, Jenifer Lewis, Poppy Liu, Joe Lo Truglio, Jason Mantzoukas, Ken Marino, Jack McBrayer, Zahn McClarnon, Charles Melton, Kumail Nanjiani and Brock O’Hurn, Andrew Rannells, Emily Ratajkowski, Sam Richardson, Nick Robinson, Seth Rogen, Sarah Silverman, Timothy Simons, J.B. Smoove, David Wain, Taika Waititi, Reggie Watts and Tyler James Williams.
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sweetbuckybarnes · 2 years
Eve Song Survives
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Pairings: Lara Jean Song-Covey + Peter Kavinsky
Summary: An alternative universe where Lara jean's mom survives, the letters still got out, Peter and Lara Jean got married - Dr Covey now has a very bad back problem and Lara Jean's mom currently is on bed rest after breaking some of her ribs. Lara Jean's POV.
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I was finishing the drying up that Peter had washed, as my dad keeps an eye on our precious baby. I looked over my shoulder as the final glass was dried and put away - when Peter walked over to my dad and our little boy, who happily squealed up at his father.
Even though I couldn't make out what Peter was saying to our son, I knew it held a promise that he would never leave Jamie, like his dad left him and his brother. Daddy was scrolling through something on his laptop.
"Have you both tided up from dinner?" Daddy asks, looking over his shoulder to me, as I gently adjusted the soft blanket around his shoulders - also making sure that the hot water bottle helping his sore back was comfortable to deal with.
"Yes, daddy. You don't need to worry," I kissed the top of his grey and balding head - as my baby son reached out for the soft and loving comfort of his mama (rather than the overheated and muscled comfort of his father).
Daddy smiled up at me, as I happily cradled Jamie in my arms.
"Daniel!" Mama called for daddy. As he attempted to get up, his hand reaching for his back.
Peter looked at him and eased dad back into his seat. Jamie reached out for Peter, and my loving and caring husband gently snuggles our little miracle into his arms.
"I'll go check on mama," I say, kissing dad's cheek and walked to see what mama wanted.
"Love you, Covey," Peter calls, holding our son who is happily being warmed up in his arms.
I smile when I eventually reached the stairs. "You of all people should know I'm not a Covey, anymore Kavinsky," I gave him a happy smile, as Peter's face brightened.
Neither of us will forget the day that I walked down the aisle, on my dad's arm, to Peter and the rest of our lives together. 
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"What's wrong, mama?" I asked, poking my head into my parents' bedroom, looking at my poor mama, having been sat in bed for the past 3 weeks.
Mama's face brightened, seeing me. "Lara Jean! Come here, my baby," she held her arms out as I hugged her warmly. I always loved getting hugs from mama, I would have missed her so much if 'The big C' had taken her away from us.
We were disturbed by the somewhat loud baby babbling of Jamie gently toddling in - after he learning how to walk last month. I still have the video on my phone, as little Jamie walked from my arms and into Peter's.
"Hello, you!" I cooed, as he gripped at my legs and smiled up at me. "Did you crawl up all those steps, by yourself?"
He said nothing but grinned gummily up at me. Mama looking over the edge of the bed and saw my gorgeous baby boy, who got most of his looks for his daddy.
"He looks so much like Peter," mom comments, saying out loud what I was thinking. I bounce my baby boy in my lap when my loving husband walked in.
"That's where you went to, buddy," Peter gently rests a hand on the back of our baby's head, who tipped back quickly (Peter reaching out to rest Jamie in his arms). "Hey," Peter plants a kiss on his forehead.
"Hi," with Jamie partially laying on my lap and Peter's arms, I reached over and kissed my husband on his lips.
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cowboytalkin · 8 months
The Bird Hunters
Well, the covey took wing, shotguns a-singin' A pointing dog down in the old logging road Danny got three and looked back a-grinning I fumbled a round and I tried to reload
The country was cold with the sun westward sinking It's good to be back in this place With my hands around a Belgian made Browning My mind on the lines of her face
Well now, Danny's my buddy, we grew up like family Hunted this timber before we could drive And the old English Pointer, he once belonged to me But I give him up when I moved in '05
Off with a girl, off to the city Off on a wing and a chance Hell, I thought it'd play out just like some story We fell in love at a rodeo dance
She said, "Go back to Cherokee County Won't you crawl back with nothing but a razor and a comb?" Says, "Babe, if you need me, I'll be where you found me Go on to hell, honey, I'm headed home"
Dan says, "Look at ol' Jim A dozen Decembers behind him no worse for the wear And your time spent in Tulsa did not help your shooting And look at the gray in your hair
How good does it feel? You belong in these hills It's best that you let it all end If you'd have married that girl, you'd have married her family You dodged a bullet, my friend"
She said, "Go back to Cherokee County Won't you crawl back with nothing but a razor and a comb?" Says, "Babe, if you need me, I'll be where you found me Go on to hell, honey, I'm headed home"
Ah, and I was beginning to deal with it ending The old dog had pointed while part of me died
And a flutter of feathers Then a shotgun to shoulder I thought of the Fourth of July She'll be home on the Fourth of July I bet we'll dance on the Fourth of July
Dan says, "Hell of a shot, looks like you've still got it That's what we came here to do Well, it's light enough still, at the foot of the hill We could kick up a single or two"
She said, "Go back to Cherokee County Won't you crawl back with nothing but a razor and a comb?" Says, "Babe, if you need me, I'll be where you found me Go on to hell, honey, I'm headed home" Go on to hell, honey, I'm headed home
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Evan Felker
The Bird Hunters lyrics © Game Rooster Music
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tannerlucas71 · 10 days
làm cho Thế Nào Để điều hành thời gian Hiệu Quả Và Top Sách Nên Đọc Ngay
điều hành thời kì hiệu quả là 1 kỹ năng cấp thiết giúp bạn hoàn thành công tác, đạt được chỉ tiêu và tận hưởng cuộc sống trọn vẹn. ngoài ra, nhiều người gặp trắc trở trong việc quản lý thời kì hiệu quả. Dưới đây là 1 số cách giúp bạn quản lý thời kì hiệu quả: 1. lập mưu hoạch: Xác định tiêu chí rõ ràng: Xác định chỉ tiêu cụ thể, đo lường được, khả thi, thực tế và mang thời hạn. lập kế hoạch chi tiết: Chia nhỏ tiêu chí thành những nhiệm vụ nhỏ và lập kế hoạch thực hiện từng nhiệm vụ. tiêu dùng dụng cụ hỗ trợ: dùng lịch, sổ tay, vận dụng điều hành thời kì để theo dõi và xếp đặt công tác. hai. sắp xếp ưu tiên: Xác định các công tác quan yếu nhất và cần dành đầu tiên thực hành. sử dụng ma trận Eisenhower để phân loại công tác theo mức độ quan yếu và khẩn cấp. tụ họp vào những công tác quan yếu và mang lại trị giá cao nhất. 3. giảm thiểu xao nhãng: Xác định những nguyên tố gây xao nhãng và tìm cách thức mẫu bỏ hoặc giảm thiểu chúng. tụ họp vào 1 việc tại 1 thời khắc. tiêu dùng những kỹ thuật tập hợp như Pomodoro. 4. dùng thời gian hiệu quả: dùng những khoảng thời kì rảnh rỗi để hoàn tất các công việc nhỏ. Học bí quyết nói "không" có những việc không quan yếu. https://elonx.vn/sach-quan-ly-thoi-gian-phai-doc/ Tận dụng thời kì chết để thư giãn và nạp năng lượng. 5. Theo dõi và đánh giá: Theo dõi tiến độ thực hành công việc và điều chỉnh kế hoạch lúc cần yếu. Phân tích hiệu quả quản lý thời gian và học hỏi từ những sai trái. Top sách nên đọc về điều hành thời gian: 1. Tuần khiến cho Việc 4 Giờ (The 4-Hour Workweek) - Timothy Ferriss: Cuốn sách nức tiếng này giới thiệu phương pháp D.E.A.L. giúp bạn thiết kế cuộc sống và công việc theo ý muốn, trong khoảng đấy phóng thích bản thân khỏi công việc 8 tiếng mỗi ngày. hai. Nghệ thuật điều hành thời gian (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) - Stephen Covey: Cuốn sách kinh điển này nhắc đến 7 lề thói hiệu quả giúp bạn quản lý thời gian, sắp xếp công việc và xây dựng relationships thấp đẹp. 3. Ẳn con ếch trước (Eat That Frog!) - Brian Tracy: Cuốn sách quy tụ vào việc giúp bạn hoàn thành các công tác khó khăn nhất trước tiên, trong khoảng ấy tạo động lực và năng lượng cho cả ngày. 4. làm chủ thời gian, khiến cho chủ cuộc sống (Master Your Time, Master Your Life) - Brian Tracy: Cuốn sách phân phối các chiến lược và kỹ năng thực tiễn giúp bạn quản lý thời gian hiệu quả, nâng cao năng suất và đạt được chỉ tiêu.
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5. Deep Work - Cal Newport: Cuốn sách đề cao tầm quan trọng của việc quy tụ sâu độ trong công việc và đưa ra những chiến lược giúp bạn loại bỏ distractions và hoàn thành công tác hiệu quả. kế bên top 5 trên, một số sách quản lý thời gian hay khác sở hữu thể nói đến: quốc gia khởi nghiệp (Start-up Nation) - Dan Senor & Saul Singer: Cuốn sách phân tách về hệ sinh thái khởi nghiệp của Israel, giúp bạn hiểu được những yếu tố quan trọng để xây dựng một nền kinh tế khởi nghiệp thành công. Zero lớn One - Peter Thiel: Cuốn sách của nhà đầu tư mạo hiểm Peter Thiel, tụ hội vào việc vun đắp những tổ chức khởi nghiệp độc quyền và sáng tạo. Đắc nhân tâm (How lớn Win Friends and Influence People) - Dale Carnegie: Cuốn sách kinh điển về kỹ năng giao du và ứng xử, giúp bạn vun đắp relationships phải chăng đẹp và thành công trong cuộc sống, đặc biệt là trong ngành kinh doanh. Lời khuyên: Hãy thử vận dụng các cách thức điều hành thời gian khác nhau để tìm ra cách phù hợp nhất mang bản thân. bền chí thực hiện và không ngừng học hỏi để nâng cao hiệu quả quản lý thời kì. Chúc bạn thành công!
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