#dark yagi toshinori
hippiedogs · 2 months
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timeskip dadmight ... toshi ur hair is graying !!
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cowcat44 · 2 months
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"Dark Might"….
.......ok…. hear me out….😏
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thefiery-phoenix · 8 months
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1. He is possessive and delusional ASF with a CAPITAL D
2. His crazy obsession starts when he firsts meets you. He wouldn't give a DAMN if you were a hero, or a villain or a civilian. After he lays his eyes on you, he starts to stalk you since he's convincing himself that he's ''keeping you safe'' and he's doing this just to protect you
3. He thinks you're a goddess/god and loves absolutely EVERYTHING about you. Don't be surprised if this whackadoodle has a FREAKING SHRINE dedicated for you
4. He slowly starts bumping into you accidentally, after stalking you for days and finding out where all you like to go. ''Oh hey, you like going to this cafe too? Same here! Maybe we can go grab a drink or something~''
5. He'd ask you questions that he already knows the answers to, but would still pretend to be shell shocked like a fish out of water when you tell him whatever he wants to know
6. Pretty soon, you both become good friends and you start to enjoy hanging out with him, but this was just phase 1 of his nutty plan. But soon, you started to feel like someone was watching you every now and then and you would get this uneasy feeling about it, but you would brush it off saying it was nothing and convinced yourself that everything was fine
7. Since you always hang out with him, you also see his skinny might figure as well, but you don't judge him about it. Sure, you were surprised but you were also laid back and chill and that was what All might liked even MORE about you and made him love you more
8. His obsession and concern for you will grow within a couple of months. What if you're not safe while he's doing his hero work? What if someone tries to kidnap you and hurt you? So, he'd do the logical thing EVERY hero would do. He'd become YOUR hero and swoop down and ''save'' you from whatever danger your in. How? By, kidnapping you and taking you to a penthouse or a large mansion or something. Don't worry, he won't chain you
9. If you try escaping from him, he won't do anything THAT drastic since he can't BEAR hurting his darling angel, so he'll emotionally manipulate you and feed you lies so that you can now rely only on HIM and no one else
10. He won't use your fears against you but if you drive him over the edge, he WILL do it as punishment. You can never escape him and expect him to be covered in blood after a long day's of hardwork of murdering his potential enemies and rivals who will take you away from him. No one will EVER suspect that All Might is going on killing sprees, because the idea and the thought of the Symbol of Peace killing people because of one person? PUH-LEEZE. And he'll make sure that EVERYTHING is hidden from the press and the media 
11. You rarely ever get you ''me time'' since he's ALWAYS doting on you, cuddling you, spoiling the HELL out of you and basically clinging onto you 24/7 out of all the 365 days
''My angel, I will keep you safe no matter what~''
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bakubunny · 20 days
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tw: implied mild age play
it’s been a bit of a tough week, so this morning i’m daydreaming about reader snuggling up in yagi’s chest, thumb in your mouth as he rubs your back. he talks to you sweetly and perhaps like you’re much younger than you are. you’ve got your favorite stuffed animal in your arms. you’re all warm and cozy, dumbed down by the sound of his voice, the feel of his calloused hands. he chuckles a little bit when your voice turns soft and sweet, a precious sound in his ear.
as you two talk, yagi thinks of the woman he met when he found you. cold, defensive, harsh, in most situations. not unkind, but distant. scared. he remembers the early days of your relationship, seeing the first time your cheeks truly burned with heat because of him. someone had busted the driver’s side window on your car, taking the little money and valuables left inside. while it wasn’t much, he offered comfort nonetheless. he lifted your chin with a finger and redirected your gaze, his signature smile alight on his lips.
“have no fear, my dear. i am here. i will see that you’re taken care of,” he’d said with sincerity.
yagi watched the angry, distressed look on your face shift and melt into something vulnerable. you nodded, but didn’t shy away from his gaze. color filled your cheeks as his smile softened and it sunk in that his words meant more than that of some hero.
he’d figured out quickly that you were more tender hearted than the world had ever let you be. so the moment you found the courage to share a part of you that you’d kept hidden for so long, yagi knew he never wanted to let you go if you’d have him.
now he delights in making room for your softness simply by loving you deeply and wholeheartedly. holding you in his arms like he is now. letting you be whatever it is you need to be when you’re with him. choosing to be the one who keeps you safe when you’re vulnerable.
his stomach bubbles with warmth as your eyes fall shut and you nuzzle into his shirt. yagi holds you a little tighter. he rests his cheek on your forehead, and you drift off to sleep.
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mini gremlins: @dcsiremc @bookcluberror @zazter-den @i-literally-cant-with-this @r4td0lll @naughtygobbo @heartofjasmina
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heartofjasmina · 7 months
Can we get more little Yagi please???🥺🥺🥺
I love him your honor <3
Daddy Dom Toshinori wakes you up with pancakes in different shapes, no matter how much you try and tell him you don't need stuff like that when you're not regressed. "It's just a token of my affection for my baby, so take it." He reminds you each time, seeing the softness in your eyes when he does so.
Daddy Dom Toshinori who will wear his hero costume for you when pretending to fight your "evil" stuffies who are trying to take over the world. Who ducks behind the couch as you pretend to shoot lasers from your teddy bear, who fully devotes himself to playing with you.
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chaoflaka · 9 months
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Looks like the bloodline always has the feral side.
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nutzgunray-lvt · 6 months
Me when Bakugou blamed Izuku's self sacrifical tendancies and low self-esteem on ALL MIGHT while calling him Useless in the same breath:
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verararie · 1 month
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I'm very proud with how this turned out so here’s a sneak peak of a comic im making
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tenevrae · 15 days
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Uy sí… Igualitos :U
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greenhappyseed · 2 months
The note from Kenta Miyake saying he’s voicing both All Might and Dark Might in the 4th movie begins with “A comment is here!” and he’s so Toshi I love it.
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summonedbunny · 3 months
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All Smite fanart for Kyonarai's fic Be Not Afraid!! Bonus textless version and dark sclera/Yagi eyes (my personal favorite lol)
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cowcat44 · 1 month
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Um hello excuse me sir
Can we talk about him being a magician
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silentfanmusings · 1 year
Dark Hero Arc and Deku’s Mask
The Dark Hero Arc and the Symbolism of Deku’s Mask
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Izuku’s original costume design was created to invoke All Might. The No. 1 Hero’s iconic upwards bangs were added to Deku’s bunny-eared cowl, and the constant All Might smile recreated with Deku’s mouth guard.
"Just trying to meet expectations! A smiling... dependable... cool hero... That's what I wanna be!”
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There’s a lot of symbolism in All Might’s bright smile and hair shape being the most iconic parts of All Might’s image that Izuku chose to imitate with his own hero costume. But those parts of the costume are also what cover up Izuku’s face and keep his actual features and emotions hidden from view, especially during the Dark Hero Arc where he’s wearing the mask constantly, something he hasn’t seen a need to do prior to this arc.
Which is why pulling down the mask is such a good indication of where Izuku is at mentally post war.
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He’s hiding behind a figurative All Might mask for most of his arc.
And in his imitation of trying to be like All Might also shows up the dark side of All Might’s heroic traits and martyrdom that Izuku has picked up on. The never sleeping, never stopping, having to be constantly on the move or he won’t be fast enough or strong enough to save everyone.
All Might became the only pillar of society, and that left him isolated from everyone around him and leaving him with nothing else besides his persona as the Symbol of Peace. He was a symbol of heroism, and it’s no wonder he didn’t think he had a right to be human anymore as he was put upon pedestals and took on the burden of upholding peace and justice in society.
Deku’s mask shows us how becoming like All Might isn’t going to fix anything. The Dark Hero Arc is supposed to show us the problem with the one pillar type system of heroics that All Might pioneered over the use of teamwork and cooperation.
As the strongest hero, All Might didn’t wait around for the other heroes to keep up, and was only focused on being a symbol to inspire others.
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“All Might... I’m fine now. You don’t have to follow me.”
It’s why All Might and Deku feeding into one another’s drive for heroism isn’t a good thing in the long run and ends up with Izuku running worn and ragged and unable to do anything as those around him are left behind and unable to keep up and get him to slow down and rest.
It’s why I also think that Izuku losing the hood and face-guard are so important. It’s a way to show him more open and vulnerable. To be more relatable to those around him.
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"If I can't save one little girl right in front of me... Then how can I ever hope to be a hero who saves everyone?!"
All the biggest moments that Deku has acted as a hero for others, took place where he wasn’t wearing a mask. Those were the moments he was the hero Deku; not just an “All Might wannabe” hidden behind a hooded cowl or face-guard. Not when his eyes are shadowed and dark where only his irises are visual.
Izuku’s biggest heroic moments are when he isn’t doing things All Might’s way, but relying on his own strengths and powers as a hero.
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All Might’s constant smile and hair tufts were his version of a hero mask - and those are the aspects that Izuku took inspiration from in his original costume; and those were the parts of the mask present for the majority of his fights in the Dark Deku arc.
"I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside of me."
All Might used his smile and image to mask his own fear and insecurities.
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And when the masks came off, we could see that Izuku wasn’t smiling at all during his arc. He stopped taking care of himself. He only allowed himself to be Deku, and was taking his heroism to the extreme to live up to the symbol that All Might had created and that Izuku took on as the Symbol of Peace’s successor.
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“In order to smile... for everyone to live in peace...”
It’s why Izuku’s mask coming off during Deku vs Class A is so important to them coming together and working together by the end of the arc. 
When Iida, Uraraka, and Bakugou all reach out to save Midoriya from himself during this arc, none of them are wearing masks. They’re not hiding behind a façade, and are being their most genuine selves. And that is what ultimately opens them up to save Izuku. Losing the mask by the end and knowing that his friends are by his side.
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bakubunny · 7 months
🏳️‍🌈💝🎀 for Aizawa and I’m gonna throw a curveball and ask for All Might too 👀
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i never get to talk about toshinori and most of what i write of him doesn’t get a ton of love. so i’d love to answer this.
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🏳️‍🌈 -> if we’re talking canon aizawa, i’d say he’s gay, maybe aroace. if we’re talking aizawa how i typically write him, i’d say bisexual or maybe straight… but he gets flustered by pretty boys just like me. 🫢
💝 -> he’s much more into physical touch than you’d think, but he’s only that way with his partner. no one would guess that he’s a cuddle monster who showers you in kisses, a touch of the hand, etc. (and secretly hopes for the same in return). bonus: he’s also big on quality time but like… quiet quality time. he’s cool doing separate activities quietly in the same room, sitting with you silently, cooking together and not talking much.
🎀 -> i’d like to reiterate that dad bf!shota will dress or undress you himself any chance he gets. it’s a little controlling, a lot intimate, and kind of sweet the way he makes it all about taking care of you. lingering touches, a kiss here and there, and rarely a hint of anything sexual behind it. and he always picks out your panties. always. bonus: he likes to brush and braid your hair for the same reason.
🏳️‍🌈 -> canon toshinori, i’d believe it if you told me he was asexual or demisexual, probably straight. the toshinori in my head is a v. “traditional” diehard romantic straight guy, but again i’d def believe it if someone told me he thought boys are pretty too. 👀
💝 -> acts of service are a huge thing for him followed by quality time or physical touch. it’s all might we’re talking about here. his entire existence has revolved around serving people for decades, and i can’t imagine he’d gladly keep that image up for so long if it doesn’t bring him some kind of fulfillment. that said, it makes him feel weak kneed when you show him through your actions and physical touch (not necessarily sexual) that he’s loved by you.
🎀 -> ugh. dad bf!yagi treats you like a kid without realizing it bc that’s just kind of how he is? he makes your lunches and leaves a little note or a piece of your favorite candy in there. holds your hand whenever you’re in public, doesn’t let you leave his side. makes the corniest dad jokes. celebrates your every accomplishment like you’ve done something new for the first time… even if it’s more than necessary, etc. bonus: he’s got that “befuddled dad” look whenever he’s confused.
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heartofjasmina · 1 day
Step dad All Might who's a little too into it when you hold his pinky and call him daddy.
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nerdranttheories · 9 months
Small Theory!
I think Toshinori was younger than Izuku was when they met their respective mentors. It would explain why Toshi went from a little poof of a guy to the big boy we see when he’s compared to Izuku at what we can assume are the same age.
It also would explain why he had less difficulty accepting One for All, as he would have had more time to train and bulk up before accepting it. Of course, it could always just be a continuity error but I love looking in between the lines!
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