#darnest answers
darnestdungeon · 1 year
Have you heard about our lord and saviour Dild?
Why yes of course, I have one myself! This is a Dismas/Dild plushie I've made three years ago, back when the official DD discord used to host fan content contests. It won third place and I've got the artbook as a prize-- there were only four contestants, but still! :D
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More details of plushmas here, it even has a tag on my blog <3
For those who don't know about Dild, it was basically based on that meme where one breaks down a picture or more based on its syllables, and then mix and match the pieces for humorous results, as in such:
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I'm not sure who came up with that, some searches on both the official DD subreddit and discord server seem to indicate a user named Coley was the first to post it, but I have no way of telling whether they created the meme or just took it from somewhere else. If you do know more about it, feel free to comment or reblog!
Dild's natural charisma quickly infatuated the community, resulting in lots of memes, fanarts, two mods and at least three plushies (no fanfics though, surprisingly enough considering what I've already witnessed out there in Ao3).
It's either a cult classic or a dead meme by now, depends on who you ask.
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dorkestdungeon · 1 year
Please upload it to AO3, it's the safest space for smut work right now
Fear not anon, I've finally managed to upload it to ao3!! Took way more effort than just dropping the pics on a imgur folder, no wonder I used to do it the lazy way before.
Here's the link for you!
As of now I'm just debating whether to share this link in my main dd blog... I guess I'll decide eventually.
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iero · 1 year
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Live at Maxwell’s | x
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starshipsofstarlord · 1 month
locked away
summary. whilst hiding out from walkers in a closet, you grow extremely bored. the only thing to do is daryl, but you have to make sure he stays quiet
warnings. smut, handjob, sub!daryl, dom!reader, praising, mentions of gagging, crying
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
The aroma of cigarette smoke that clung addictively to his clothes filled your nostrils as you hid in union together, avoiding the stream of deadly walkers that marched in their haphazard staggering through the wide hallway. There had been worse that you survived through, so as long as you didn’t alert the parasites that filled the decayed human bodies of your presence, you would be fine.
Boredom struck you after the first hour of leaning all of your weight against the chipped brick wall, listening without consent to the groans and growls of the dangerous passers-by. If you had a nickel for each time you expressively rolled your eyes that had adjusted to the shadows which conjured a graphite colouring to which you could see, you would be astoundingly rich in a world without cash currency.
You had an impulse to blabber out the most random thoughts that appeared intrusively in your mind, although you were sure if you dared to your beloved Daryl would gag your mouth with that dirty red rag and tell you to shut up; and it wouldn’t be a first time for that. Your shoulders slumped defeatedly as the pressing circumstances of the long and drawn out waiting game refused to come to an end.
How many goddamn walkers were out there? Actually that was an answer you’d rather not find out whilst you were contained in a narrow closet which was consumed with lacklustre silence. Daryl wouldn’t even meet your eyes in the dark space, sternly pent up from your antics during the run that had lead you into being entrapped by your own free will and vigilance to live another day. He was pissed, and worst of all in this circumstance; turned on.
His pools of pitiful blue distinctly avoided your gaze, trying his darnest to focus on the stakes that were against you both. But he was pursued by a cloaking of consuming lust, his shoulders rigid as he thought repeatedly of your earlier words. If you’re a good boy, then maybe we’ll have some fun before we get home. It wasn’t likely to happen now, the bowman thought intuitively, sharply discarding the sweet images of pleasing you from his brain.
These walkers were preying risk to more than just his life, he felt like he could explode from the overbearing desire to feel your hands rake upon his entire body, and he mentally cursed as he felt his cock spring to life at just the the sinful thought. He grunted in solitary longing, pacing with light and feline like steps as much as he could in the limited ground that was cemented in the storage room.
“Something wrong?” You almost inaudibly spoke, cocking your head as the corners of your mouth twitched in mocking amusement, and he would have whined in response if there wasn’t the threat of the passing walkers merely inches away. “Come here, let me help you baby.” His head was lowered in a submissive bow as he followed your command, creeping towards you until your chests were all but touching.
It was something you adored, to see Daryl in such a state, and it made you feel powerful without any limits. The flow of your bloodstream began to pound with revelations with what you could make your obedient man disperse himself to. It was like he was a buffet of possibilities, however his arousal was rubbing against your thigh, making you recall his desperation, and it would be satire and cruel for you to allow him to suffer without your amorous caregiving.
You shuffled, keeping a balance on your body weight so that you didn’t accidentally stagger backwards into the buckets or moulding mops that were leant against the wall to your left, as you lowered your hands to his wide hips, giving him an affectionate squeeze before you turned him in your embrace so that his back was facing your front.
Admittedly there were times where you loved to listen to him beg and cry for lustrous attention, but now was not the time; neither one of you could make so much as a speck of noise, it was going to be difficult as often times Daryl would draw out long and pathetically attractive moans each time you held contact with his cock in any manner, but he would just have to be quiet somehow, and if he couldn’t control himself, you had ideas of how to make him.
“Be a good boy.” You whispered with sultry warning in his ear as you reached further around him, slowly and tantalisingly unweaving his belt, pulling the strip of leather through the flimsy loops which granted you access to undo the button and fly of his trousers. With swift motions you did so, carefully shoving them down his sides as his cock was released from its containment. It was leaking defiantly with precum, and he resorted to calming breaths as he steadied his own self into being relaxed despite the nearby danger.
He inhaled immediately as he felt one of your hands wrap perfectly around his achingly hard length, gliding up and down the taught and erect flesh which made him throw his long locked head back in pleasure. His eyelids twitched as he fought against his desire to let you know how utterly amazing you were making him feel, as he bit his own bottom lip over and over. You dared to increase the pace in which you were stroking him, and a shattered gasp tumbled past his bared teeth.
Without so much as a thought, you smothered his mouth with your hand, pinching his nose a couple of times between your thumb and forefinger to restrain the oxygen he was permitted for a few seconds. A vibration riveted against your palm, as a quiet moan was silenced by your restriction. His whole body was rattling, as he began to rut his hips so that his cock was moving in the grasp of your soft hand.
“Such a good baby.” Your breath hit his ear as you forbade yourself from saying anything else, knowing that it would be obscenely dangerous, and the hoard of vacantly minded walkers were more than capable of pushing through the locked door. Your thumb rubbed expertly against his tip, as tears began to fill Daryl’s eyes, however he continued to jerk into your grip, and soon they fled from his tear ducts. His salt water, pleasure filled tears rolled onto your hand, weaving across your flesh as his tongue rolled pathetically around your palm, losing any grounding to reality that he had.
It drove you on farther, moving your hand at a quicker pace to make him spill over the edge, and with one last tough tug, he expelled his seed from his balls, it shooting directly in the air for a moment, and landing vividly on the ground. Daryl continued to shake like a leaf, breathing a kind kiss to your palm as he held your hand against his mouth for a while longer. This was definitely an interesting tale, however you would never tell anybody else. Everyone else thought Daryl was the being of all dominance in your relationship, and it made you inwardly cackle at how wrong you were.
He was as submissive as a human could come (pun intended), and he stood there idly and cautiously as you aided him in tucking his cock back into his confines. You grappled his belt, pulling it back around into its holding as you pulled it tightly around his waist, your eyes glowing with the satisfaction that you could make him so easily crumble. With one last pat to his sensitive bulge, you waited a while longer, until the coast was clear and it was only a few stragglers of the herd to take out in order to make your unruly escape.
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Danny hates the Observants and the Observants hate him. Granted he doesn't really know why.
I mean, he could understand if it was being part of Dan that caused it but that wouldn't explain why they didn't hate Vlad, they just full on ignored him and his existence (which infuriates the fruitloop to no end) and Vlad was literally the other half of Dan and Danny suspects he may have semi intentionally made Dan in the first place (aka tried to absorb the power from dannys ghost half). So why hate only Danny?
No one answers his questions and he decides to snoop a bit throught he observants things (they can't see him via time shenanigans because of the medalian in his chest) and finds a list of people and things to keep Phantom away from. A list he will do his darnest to check off out of spite.
Starting with meeting one "Red Robin"
Things go horribly wrong immediately and the two are thrown into a wild eldrich adventure through time and space.
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twistedoverbloat · 1 year
Tuu said the darnest things that Carter became Internet famous all because a toddler said wise words on nearly everything that a child can see and logic
Like " life it like cake, some good some bad, it okay as sometimes we need them both to try more cake! "
Some people are very surprised when they see or even hear how mature Tuu is since they are a kid, but even they know how to give wise words. Sometimes a child logic works more then adult since a child will just ask a question and then when answered they'll just nod and continue on their way.
Also yes the cake advice works a lot since Carter saw it as a eye opener. He makes little video's of Tuu doing and giving wise words. Like Tuu asked once why Merpeople were seen differently when Jade and Floyd were insulted by someone, Azul had to explain that some people think their weird. Tuu then scoff and said "I get people are scared of the unknown but it's dumb to just judge someone. It's like judging a book by it's cover without even reading the summary." Azul nodded and smiled.
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anamoon63 · 9 months
Sims Say the Darnest Things: When you get this, list five of your characters and their best quotes so far. Then pass it on to five other storytelling simblrs.
Thank you my dear @nocturnalazure for this question, it was so much fun to answer! 🥰
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Terence: Mhm, and do you want me to get rid of her the old-fashioned way, or Terry the Terrible’s way? Dale: Whatever you think is best, just please, please, don’t let it involve bloodshed, okay? Terence: Doesn’t sound like fun to me, but okay, we’ll do it your way.
Terence: Now I need some information about the victim… oops, sorry, I mean, about the girl. You know, name, waist, breast and hip sizes? Dale: Terry, come on… Terence: Easy, bro, I’m just kidding. Why do you have to be so damn serious about everything?
(The Cho Brothers, December 07, 2021)
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Kelly: So - we finally see each other. Riley: Unfortunately, yes. Kelly: Yeah, I hate to see you too, but there's something I have to tell you. Riley: You have something to tell me? What would that be? Kelly: It's two things, actually. The first, I'm glad you're leaving this dorm at last. And the second…
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Kelly: Don't you DARE come near MY boyfriend again, YOU HEAR ME?
(The Cho Brothers, September 26, 2022).
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Dale: Can we stop talking about Terry and focus on business? Kelly: Do you even talk about anything else?
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Dale: Sure, I talk about bars, and sex too. Kelly: Sex, of course. How could I forget? That’s what the Cho brothers are all about, sex and money, in that order.
(The Cho Brothers, November 24, 2021 post).
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Julliette: So, I'll tell you only this: whatever is going on with your DNA, whatever you are, I don't care. I'll still love you whether you're a vampire, a werewolf or whatever." Robin: "A werewolf? Come on Jul," he grinned. Juliette blushed. Juliette: "It may sound silly, but love you and I'll never leave you, no matter what kind your DNA is." Robin: "I love you too, dear. And it's not silly at all, in fact it's lovely, and a relief to hear that from you".
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Juliette: "I - wouldn't mind if you were an alien either". Robin: "Really? Most people are terrified of aliens." Juliette: "Not me. And I'd still love you if you were one". Robin: "Hm. that's… good to know."
(Time Traveler, Episode 209. Hinting the Truth)
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Dustin: Of course, I’m not saying that Oasis Landing is the only place with nonsense laws, I just thought that in the future humans would be more like… free. Robin: Oh, we are, but in the book of the Council two children are more than one man can handle. And if you have them by the forbidden method, the infraction is double.” Dustin: Forbidden method, that blows my mind, I mean, I know Oasis Landing families who certainly didn’t ‘engineered’ their children. My parents, for instance, and Judith’s.” Robin: Because they’re privileged citizens. If you’ve worked for the Council like Mr. Planeson, your family enjoys a lot of benefits other people can’t even dream of having.”
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Dustin: So, in the future everything pretty much remains the same: the rich and powerful have all the good stuff and the common people stay poor as ever”.
(Time Traveler, Episode 159. Privileges).
Ok those where more than five characters, lol.
I could go on and on, but I hope these quotes will do. I mean, my sims aren't too philosophical as to quote them, but I hope the things they say are at least entertaining. 😉
(For new readers who want to see more of the The Cho Brothers gameplay, you can to my #The Cho Brothers tag here in Tumblr, or to The Cho Brothers category on my WordPress Blog Los Sims de Ana If you're interested in my Time Traveler story, you can check it out on my blog too, via Categories for recent episodes, or in the Time Traveler tab of the menu at the top of the home page for past episodes).
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
yata and kamamoto being those kinda friends who go to the darnest of places just to try a restaurant kamamoto heard about lol
They are absolutely that kind of friends, I can totally see them wandering around the weirdest places in Shizume because Kamamoto heard a rumor about a really good restaurant and invited Yata along. Kamamoto is absolutely the type who hears all kinds of rumors about secret restaurants, like the ramen shop that’s only open between 4-7am and it’s hidden in the middle of a back alley that you can only find if you know the secret code to enter. It’s supposed to have the tastiest ramen though and Kamamoto is determined to try it out and see if it’s truly fated ramen, Yata doesn’t quite know how he got dragged along here but he’s coming too. I imagine them following all these clues and it probably happens constantly that Kamamoto figures out the clue and suggests the answer to Yata, who tells Kamamoto that there’s no way that’s right, he’s figured it out though and they end up taking multiple detours all while Yata refuses to admit he was wrong. By the time they end up at the ramen shop they’re both exhausted and irritable, luckily the ramen does turn out to be pretty tasty though it’s not quite the amazing ramen Kamamoto had hoped for. He still gives it a seal of approval and they head back to Bar Homra, Yata being very proud that he found this restaurant so easily while Kamamoto just sighs all weren’t you the one leading us in circles though.
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greenplumbboblover · 8 months
Sims Say the Darnest Things: When you get this, list five of your characters and their best quotes so far. Then pass it on to five other storytelling simblrs.
I didn't answer this for a while, because I didn't had much story content at the time :p But I think I got something here!
Jamie: "I don’t know! Who the hell forgets their underpants after WooHoo!"
Mortimer: "Whenever no one wants to talk to me, I tend to write them a letter. Makes them actually feel guilty about ignoring what I wanted to talk about. You should try it!"
Nancy: "I’ll show him I care!... To the printer room!"
Pauline: "... Girl, you literally just called me up and asked what I’d wear to a fishing event but looking sexy at the same time."
Christopher: "Oh, Watcher on a waffle!"
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darnestdungeon · 1 year
Hey, do you have any sort of reference sheet for the coven? Or really, all the enemies of the weald? I went through your dd1 reference masterpost and didn't see any weald enemies that aren't... Brigands.
Hi, that masterpost originally was meant only as a compilation of all the heroes references I've made a while back. Eventually, I've ended up making some other random sheets that I included in the same folder, but I didn't intend to sound like it was a masterpost of all things DD1, just a masterpost of all the references I had made. I do not currently have any enemies reference sheets other than the ones in the folder.
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Sorta unrelated, but I finally have all the game animations I have wanted to export into gifs-- enemies included! I just don't know what to do with them now, the different heights and widths of the gifs make photosets look awful here on Tumblr (example below, some get giant, some tiny, most get oddly cropped). I guess I'll figure something out eventually, give me some time and I'm putting those on the game's wiki too.
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In case you're curious, these were the tutorials I followed to get the animations: (x) and (x). After following the steps to open the files, you just need to export the animation as a PNG sequence and then put the sequence together in any gif making software. It's not a difficult process, but doing it over 400 times in a row (not counting the failures) is what was most tiresome.
There were also some files that took some editing, like the crusader's step or the Crimson Court enemies wing animation (before and after editing below, the wings moved so fast they pretty much vanished).
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These two girls are an example of gifs I can safely put together in the same gif, because they have the same size and number of frames. It's not as simple with all the other ones. I might need to resize them all so they all look good in a post....... ughhh the work......
Anyways, I might make some more enemies reference sheets once I'm done with the gif making adventure, but I can't make any promises, I'm just one person after all.
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dorkestdungeon · 1 year
spread the love! tag your three favourite writers on tumblr/ff.nt/ao3/wattpad and say what story you like the most from them!
(Anon I almost deleted your ask because, at a first glance, that string of site names looks like a link, I thought you were a b0t!)
I have a fanfic recommendation tag on my other dd blog, and there's also my Ao3 rec bookmarks! All of this to say I cannot pick just three favorite authors, if I ever bookmarked or recommend them in my blog it's because I like their work.
But to stay in the spirit of the ask, I'll recommend the last three reymas (my fav ship) works I've read and loved as of recently!
Starting with @coffee-in-veins "Darkest Promptober: It took 31 days to create the world". Each chapter is self-contained around a prompt (not all of them revolving around reymas exclusively), you can read them all individually, but as you read you notice a slight sense of continuity in the reymas chapters, and it all pays off immensely in the Festival chapter, very heartwarming <3 I really love the Dismas characterization in all of these too!
Ehidna's work rekindled my love for reymas, and it made me want to read more! So I went through my 'Marked for later' list and found the next rec: "savory fruits, of taste to please" by cherimayo. I had a blast reading this one, it has pretty much everything I love in reymas fanfics: mutual pining, bickering to hide the giant slab of sexual tension and hidden feelings, a smoking hot smut scene and even resolution! It's like a reymas longfic condensed into 5 chapters, love it.
Third and final rec is one that I was so glad it got completed, "Wherefore Heroism?" by @bluraaven. In this work, Dismas got revived but came back without his memories! It is so interesting to see a Dismas who still bears all the physical marks of his violent past but with no memory of it. I really like bluraaven's Dismases (check "Smoke and Mirrors" for instance), they're all charming bastards, and it felt so different, so bittersweet to see one who forgot who he was... Not to spoil much but I looove the sweet ending on this one!
I guess that's it for now! Do check my other recs or my bookmarks if you're looking for more!
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simdreams · 9 months
No one tagged me to answer the "sims say the darnest things" tag buuuuuuut I can tag myself and make my own rules lol (quoting some random speeches from my ocs that appear here from time to time) Evan: (to the quote "ok, you are not a Big Mistake") "Great! The next time someone asks me what I like to hear in bed, that'll be the answer." Kate: "You can pick the shape and color and then pay with money instead of giving up your soul for it." Anna: "You are single and I'm not even close to considering underwear as your Christmas present!" Lucy: "You never read the Bible? Food waste is a sin." Jimmy: "He's still your boyfriend, though, and I really enjoy having all my teeth."
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colliecore · 4 months
I, an asexual woman, have had problems oversexualising myself for as long as I can remember. When I stopped seeking validation from it, I noticed instead I used it as entertainment; "Men are dumb." was my thought process, "I am simply exploiting their sexuality and letting them enjoy themselves to me because..."
See, I thought I had an answer to that one. However as any vicious cycle goes, it repeated but stayed hidden under a layer of deceit. I know I have self respect now, I know that I am better than, not exploiting men but exploiting myself — because in reality, that's what I was doing.
I never had friends, not even as a child — All the friends I did have were people taking advantage of me and I was too autistic, niave and unaware to notice.
This year, I'll be putting my energy into finding true friends. People I can love and can be unapologetically myself around. I'll try my darnest to have at least one pure connection with someone. I'll get myself out more and I'll update you on my monthly goals. I look forward to this February. I look forward to every month. I am hopeful for the future.
Thank you.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
I can’t find the post now, but recently you reblogged something about how the show didn’t think through the implications of making the Velaryons black- it phrased mte very well! I love the actors chosen to portray all these characters- Steve Toussaint is wonderful, and as you said, Wil Johnson absolutely maximized his time as Vaemond. Both actresses for Laena were criminally underused, and Phoebe and Bethany are excellent! I have no complaints about casting! But the writing for the Velaryons specifically just makes it so uncomfortably obvious. For one, in F&B, this family is already shafted by team black. Laenor cuckolded and eventually killed, Vaemond murdered and the cousins mutilated- in the context of the show, for saying the very obvious truth! Like I’m shocked they didn’t think through how this would play on TV, aside from allowing Laenor to live (which is its own thing that has weird ripples they also didn’t seem to think through)
The show then takes it a step further and makes Rhaena and Baela little more than set dressing for the first season. In F&B, we know both girls have plenty of significant moments to come, and if they were white characters played by white actresses, it wouldn’t seem so glaring. But obviously they aren’t, and it instead reads like black characters getting shelved in favor of white leads. It’s just so frustrating to see major showrunners not seem to comprehend how these choices will be viewed by modern audiences. Sorry to rant in your ask! It was the first time I’d seen that touched on in a way that really spelled out the problem here.
Hello there, thanks for dropping by. I'm torn on the issue of the Velaryons, because, on the one hand, for all the criticism, it does make a difference, especially for the actors. You have to question whether HotD would have really been improved upon if everyone were white. It's a ridiculous question to ask, because networks trying to be more inclusive and hire more actors of colour is always going to be a good thing at least for said actors' careers. And the Velaryon actors really hit it out of the park with their limited screen time. Even so, the visibility spike they must have had by appearing in a very popular show watched by millions can't hurt, no matter how mangled their character's development is. So, ultimately, are we really worse off with making the Velaryons black? Not saying I have the answer to these problems, but it's not as easy as just dismissing this decision for diversity points.
On the other hand, there's really no way to say this differently, but not only are the Velaryons shafted hard by the Targaryens in the book, they also end up shafting each other. Corlys does his darnest to prevent his granddaughters from inheriting, Baela and Rhaena bring their 6-year-old cousin Daenaera to marry her off to their brother, Alyn cheats on Baela etc. It's very messy. All of these characters are flawed and meant to be critiqued, but race-swapping them has also geared the conversation away from that, since they already suffer from being shelved in favour of white leads, like you said, so fans are perhaps more wary of being critical of them.
It's true that Baela and Rhaena are reduced to set dressing in the show, but their participation in the war is very limited in the books too. I've criticised their acquiescence to Rhaenyra's betrothal plot in the show, but they're content to be the consorts and not heiresses in the books, as well. So this is not just a show-only thing, it's in line with their book behaviour.
There is also a popular interpretation of Rhaena's character as a symbol of hope and reconciliation for the Targaryen dynasty. It's true that she is the more diplomatic and gentle of the sisters, but, in the wake of HotD... how do you chime into the conversation to point out that ultimately this is a character that was designed to be a white Targaryen girl who just hatched a fire-breathing monster and could very well partake in that supernatural power? (Baela is worried she might use Morning to avenge her first husband's death) I realise that mine is decidedly the unpopular interpretation, but for a corner of the fandom that is so hellbent on criticising the Targaryens for their use of dragons and wholeheartedly agrees that Westeros is better off without them, Rhaena gets off the hook a lot for perpetuating this very system.
In addition, no one bothers to point out that Morning also dies pretty shortly afterwards (for a dragon). Where exactly is the hope here and for whom? Not for the King, certainly, as Rhaena leaves court because her brother cannot stand to be in the presence of dragons (she says she feels unwelcome). He is known to history as dragonbane as the last known dragon dies in 153 AC, so there's no way Morning was older than 24 when she died. After that, House Targaryen's obsession to bring dragons back will haunt them for the rest of their history.
[This is more of an aside, not criticism, but indicative of the same environment. Rhaena's marriage to Garmund Hightower is also seen through rose-tinted glassed. Fans like to think that her six daughters are indicative of a happy relationship, but they do not take the Lady Sam situation into account. If you look at the Hightower family tree, the High Septon refused to marry Lyonel, the heir, to Lady Sam and for a good chunk of time, all their six children were illegitimate. Martyn, the second son, had no issue. Which means that the High Tower would pass to Garmund's line. Perhaps we should interrogate if the reason they had so many children was because what Garmund needed/wanted was a boy, but they just kept having girls. In any case, this exercise was rendered futile at one point, as the new High Septon did indeed agree to marry Lyonel and Lady Sam, after which they got their children legitimized.]
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fictionalreads · 1 year
9-1-1 Lone Star Season 4 Catch Up
Episode 11
Judd gonna be a granddaddy!😂 That whole conversation was a wild ride
Oh we get to see Marvin! He’s selfish. Could’ve just been a cameo and not a whole plotline
Oh she’s evil. It’s a ball and they didn’t mean to hit the ugly ass gnome.
Should’ve just let them have the ball.
Mateo. No do not pay that bail.
I’m with Judd. Wyatt doesn’t seem like firefighting is his thing. I wouldn’t make the call either. Woah I didn’t say he was soft Judd. You could’ve told him you wanted to see him on a ride along first or something.
Bad idea Nancy.
Damn. He died. Marvin did it himself, not you Mateo. BAD MATEO NO DRINKING
What the fuck am I watching? Oh he took the rap for Mateo and that’s why he owed him.
This is so weird. But I see why Marvin is a plotline now.
Episode 12
Oddly, I’ve seen this one.
Episode 13
Damn why is her tongue swelling so much.
Grace you still feeling some type of way? I’m not saying you can’t, I’m just saying if you don’t want your mama to know why maybe act more natural.
LMAO Owen is the other man. Yes he is freaking out.
God I love Judd, “Hey, you riding with us?”😂😂
Damn everybody husband going down. JUDD BETTER NOT GO DOWN
Oh shit she knew
THEY SINGING!! Ain’t nobody gonna get the doctor? The man woke up.
He probably poisoned himself.
Episode 14
Y’all trying too hard to blame her. I don’t believe it.
Paul. You are incredible. I love you.
I love Tommy but her storyline is kind of cringe. But Grace and Tommy together are in fact hilarious. Did he really just break up with her?
Paul gets the win again.
Owen you interfered. You don’t think he would feel some type of way?
Episode 15
Y’all it feel like he was kidnapped or something.
Now how did you get knocked out?
Oh that’s sad Grace. She had to listen to that. I really thought the girl was gonna die.
Yeah that detective is an ass and not very good at his job. Oh kick his ass Grace, he did not just tell you to stick to answering the phone.
McGregor please go away
Awe shit Lexie died.
SHE SWITCHED THE GLASS Smart Grace even if Judd still gonna kill you
He dying?
Episode 16
Tell them. Cause if you just die they’ll wonder.
That was not an answer to the boy’s question.
That guy is a creep, don’t talk to him kid.
Oh good the kid is safe. LOL Kids say the darnest things.
DAD JUDD IS THE CUTEST!! “What are y’all doing Thursday? Good y’all can babysit”
Get out Tommy
Tommy you don’t get to play dumb and be mad. The man called mayday and you ignored it and intentionally stayed it. I get your intentions, but you still put yourself at risk.
Tarlos is so cute
LMAO The reverend and Grace gonna go on a date if y’all don’t get ready.
Watch Grace and preacher man get into it on their behalf. 😂😂 I SAW IT COMING
“Get yo ass up Tommy”
Really Tommy? I mean the man didn’t have to go to HR BUT YOU DID IGNORE HIM
WYATT NOOOOOO I really hate that they did that to Wyatt just to make Tommy and Judd make up.
Episode 17
I think Judd is my favorite. From both shows. This is a new revelation for me.
Woah Carlos you have no from to talk. I don’t wanna get too political cause that’s not this blog but cops started out as a group that was meant to capture slaves so…
Nancy why you so invested?
Judd don’t do this to my emotions. Oh no he lost function in his legs. I know people live full lives after, but it still sucks when you have something and lose it.
They’re showing Carlos’ dad too much and giving him a role in the wedding other than just being his dad. Nothing better happen to this man.
Judd I can’t believe you’re actually quitting.
Okay Owen do we really need the speech.
Owen. The man clearly had white wine, why did you fill his glass with red?
Ah shit. He got shot. HE DIED?! WHAT THE FUCK
Episode 18
What’s with the eyes Carlos?
Oh God he called him Tyler.
Shave Carlos. Usually I prefer men with facial hair but you just look greasy.
Of course the man had secrets. He was a Texas ranger.
The only upside to this episode so far is that it started doom and gloom which means it’ll be happy at the end.
Judd. Take the signals he’s sending you. He ain’t all that comfortable. Shit I sound like Judd when he’s talking.
This man said 2003 and my mind said “oh 2023, wait how did he make a video in October of 2023? It ain’t October yet and he died.”
Judd. Caregiving ain’t for you. He didn’t ask you to quit, that was your choice.
Oof. The airplane sound? Judd. My guy, my love (platonically cause you belong with Grace), you can’t do that.
Bad Carlos! Don’t hunt down people alone!
Did we know Paul was officiating? I feel like we did but it’s been a minute so… I forgot. 🤷‍♀️
Why is Marjan crying at Tommy singing? I mean it’s beautiful. But you okay sis?
No Owen is not ready.
Oh I liked that ending sequence a lot.
It’s been a while since I’ve sat down to watch this show so I’m doing one big post.
Vaguely I remember episode 13 being marketed by the Kendra drama, but I can’t remember if they talked about the McClain sisters singing. If they didn’t, missed opportunity.
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teamsky · 8 months
Caelus paces in front of Zenith’s dorm in Uva Academy, knocking furiously on the door when he passes. He’d been there for a while, tired of the rotomphone call Zenith was no doubt on. “Zenith!” He tried, after a bit of looking around and seeing nobody was there. “Zenith, come on! You can’t be in there forever.” Caelus complains. “Get off the phone with Leader Micheal already!” A Talonflame yawns from a place on Caelus’s arm, talons sinking into a padded glove. It chirps calmly, unphased by the knocking. “Zenith.” He huffs, knocking more.
Zenith had ignored the knocking on their door, having been pacing around his room on their rotomphone trying to get in contact with Leader Micheal, trying his darnest to bring their shiny sylveon into Team Sky, he feels like it would make the team have some more variety to the team- his Altaria watching them from the counter- he had glared at their door once they had heard his name for the third time. “What? I’m on the phone” he exclaimed to their door, trying to get Caelus to leave them alone.
“We’re going to miss the role call, Zenith.” Caelus replies from the other side of the door. “And I don’t think the person who leads Paldean base’s role call should be missing in action!” He says with a slight jab at Zenith’s lack of awareness, Robins cawing in impatience— or perhaps because he wasn’t getting enough attention. Nonetheless, the Talonflame cawed alongside his words. “So you should be getting off the phone!” Caelus’s brows furrowed as he scratched Robin’s neck gently. “You don’t wanna be a no call no show, do you?”
He glanced over at Nimbus- the Altaria- rolling their eyes slightly as he saw Nimbus’ wings had quickly flap and sighed, putting Nimbus back into the ball and glanced at the door, having finally hung up the rotomphone knowing his call wouldn’t be answered anyways, and opened the door, staring at Caelus. “I’m off the phone, you happy? Plus, I had forgotten about the role call” he had been saying, attaching a premier ball back onto his belt.
“You had forgotten about the one thing we do every afternoon?” He says mockingly. “I think you’d forget where you put your head if it wasn’t attached to your neck.” Caelus huffs, and the Talonflame starts gnawing on his sky blue hair, before he whisks a dusk ball from his belt and recalls it, attaching it back where it was and pulling off the padded glove. “Lets go already, Zenith. We’re almost late.” Caelus turns away from the dorm’s door, walking towards the elevator with the expectation that Zenith will follow.
“Yeah yeah, I was concentrated on something else at the moment, so sorry for that” He hadn’t really been as sorry as they said, having shut the door behind him as he had made their way out of their dorm room, following behind Caelus as he went over to the elevator, humming to themselves as he stood in a corner of the elevator.
Caelus’s brows are furrowed. “You’re insufferable.” He murmurs, staring at the elevator numbers as they slowly tick down. “I don’t know how I deal with you.” His right shoe clicks against the metal as he taps it up and down, his heterochromatic brown-green eyes almost glaring through the floor countdown screen.
Zenith rolled his eyes as the other spoke, quietly messing with their gloves as the two of them had been standing in the elevator. “I believe you’re more insufferable than I am.” He had kinda glared over at the other, having been slightly annoyed at the tapping noises, audibly sighing as they messed with their gloves once more. “Especially with that annoying habit of yours”
“At least I don’t fidget with my gloves every five seconds.” Caelus barks, glaring up at Zenith with a fire in his eyes, like a non-menacing Fidough, far too short to look even moderately threatening. The grimace on his face was almost comical.
Zenith had just been staring at Caelus, before chuckling at how ‘menacing’ he had been looking, lightly shaking his head “Yeah? At least it doesn’t make a sound, Fidough.” They had said to the other with a slight smirk on his face, having decided to put their hands in their pant pockets though.
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