#daru x reader
frickingnerd · 8 months
why don't you smile at me like that?
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pairing: itaru hashida / daru x gn!reader x okabe rintarou
summary: okabe notices the way you smile at daru and decides to tease you a little bit!
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"why don't you smile at me like that~?"
just moments ago, you had been talking to daru, but the second he went back to his computer, okabe had sneaked up behind you. 
"what…?" you turned to face the boy in the lab coat and raised an eyebrow. "what's that supposed to mean?"
okabe had a smug grin on his face, as he glanced towards daru, then back at you. 
"your face lights up whenever you talk to our superhacka–"
"hacker..!" you corrected okabe, whose grin only widened. 
"and then there's that. since when did you start correcting me about that? are you doing this to get on his good side~?" 
you hesitated to reply for a moment, then rolled your eyes and tried to squeeze past okabe. 
"if you leave now, i'll tell daru you have a crush on him–!!"
okabe grabbed your wrist and as soon as your head whipped around, you were met with his smug grin once more. 
"i have no idea what you are on about! i know you're not genuinely jealous, so stop playing around, hououin kyouma!" 
okabe huffed amused. 
"this is the first time you called me by my real name. you really must be desperate for me to keep this secret of yours, if you'd even debase yourself like this…"
you gently smacked your friend's arm, though enough for him to wince a bit. 
"if you tell daru about any of this, i'm going to do unspeakable things to you, got it kyouma~?"
you stared at okabe, who had to swallow. you really looked serious and he didn't want to anger you any further, so he decided to drop it. 
"fine, my lips will stay sealed…"
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itfitsitshipsart · 2 years
Wow, a fanfic (and it isnt even done technically) that escapes my google docs? The only reason it did was because the premise was suggested by @justrandomselfships and they said they were curious with what others do.
So... yeah. Behold! The Future Gadget Lab has created a new invention! But it doesn't work quite as planned...
Pairing: Evelyn (myself) X Okabe Rintaro (Steins;Gate)
Warnings: Rated T for Teen, slight perviness of characters
Word count: 1,191
Don't Hold Hands During Experiments
“And I’m done!” Daru exclaimed, standing up and stretching. “She’s ready for her first test run, team.”
“Splendid!” Okabe hopped up from where he sat on the couch, almost knocking over the two females on either side of him. Evelyn leaned against the armrest, fixing her glasses as she looked at him. Mayuri, who was sitting on the other side, retrieved her fabric from the floor where it fell. She safely stowed away her sewing needle, and looked at the two guys who now stood around the latest invention.
“Which invention is this again,” she questioned, getting up and walking over.
“This, Mayuri, is our new mind reader!” Okabe exclaimed, gesturing wildly to the gadet. It was a strange metal contraption, with two headsets wired from it. “Behold its majesty!”
“Wow, Okarin!” Mayuri put her hands together. “That sounds really cool.” “Yes, well,” he grinned, holding back a chuckle, “of course it would be cool. With the touch of a button, person A can hear person B’s thoughts thanks to our specially made headsets.”
“Or, that’s how it should work.” Daru states. Grabbing his diet coke from the table, he opened it up and took a long drink. “So, who gets to test it?” “Well, of course I’ll have to listen to the other person’s thoughts.” Okabe stated, putting his hand on his chest. “And as for the mind we shall read…” “Well, we always use bananas for experiments,” Mayuri suggested. From the couch, Evelyn started to laugh. “I already know what a banana here would say.” She got up, grabbed a banana, and walked over to the group as well. She raised the pitch of her voice and held the banana up. “ ‘Nooo, don’t use me for an experiment! Eat me! Eat me!’.” She laughed some more, Mayuri and Daru joining in. “Very well then, Songbird.” Okabe smirked as the laughter died down. “We shall spare the banana, and dig into your thoughts.”
“Wait, me?” Evelyn questioned, putting the banana back. “You sure?” “Positive.” He grabbed the headset and held it out. “Open up your mind to me, my little songbird, and let me hear your silent secrets.” Evelyn’s face went red, and paused a moment before taking the headset from him.
“Just don’t think any differently of me no matter what you hear, alright?” Evelyn murmured, putting the headset on.
“I shall not.” He promised, putting on his own. The two of them sat down on the floor, side by side. “Alright, Daru! Tell us when you’re ready!” “Alright. Turning it on.” Daru flipped a switch and pushed a button atop the machine, and immediately it started to make a loud whirring sound. Instinctively, Evelyn grabbed Okabe’s hand. He held it back, holding back a smile as he glanced over. And suddenly, the machine started to spark. Evelyn yelped as it sparked a second time and buzzed more loudly. But as quickly as it started, the machine went silent. “Daru, what happened!’ Evelyn exclaimed in a serious tone. As soon as she spoke, she made a confused face.
“I don’t know, Ev, but I think we fried it…” Daru crouched down, starting to open the back panel. “Ev?” Evelyn furrowed her brow, “But I’m-” “Okabe.” Okabe turned his head to look at Evelyn, and the two of them looked at each other in shock.
“Okarin, Evelyn, are you two okay?” Mayuri asked worriedly as the two took their headsets off, still staring at one another. “No,” They both responded in unison. “Daru,” Evelyn turned to the man. “It didn’t work as we planned.” “Well, you got into my head, that part worked.” Okabe sighed and touched his face, attempting to push up glasses that didn’t exist. “I meant to READ your mind, Evelyn, not trade seats,” Evelyn crossed her arms. “Wait, did you?” Daru’s eyes widened. “Yes, it appears that Evelyn and I somehow traded bodies.” Evelyn, though technically Okabe, stood up, and ran his hand through his now long blond hair. Meanwhile, Evelyn stood up, looking down at the lanky male body she was now in.
“This is so strange…” She murmured, looking at her hands before turning to Okabe in her body. He took off his glasses, and squinted. “Goodness woman, how blind are you?” He questioned, putting the glasses back on.
“Very blind, thank you.” She stated. In a quick motion, she cracked her neck and shoulders, and grimaced. “And how do you live with such a bad neck and upper back? I told you sleeping on that couch will mess you up!”
“I suppose I have gotten used to it.” He looked away, carefully walking around to where Daru was, and crouched down. "How long until you can get it working again?" He asked.
"Well… the thing seems kinda fried." Daru stated. "If I rush, maybe tomorrow?"
"Then make it yesterday!" Okabe stood back up.
"Why rush though man? Think of all the things you could learn like this." Daru smirked and blushed a little. "Imagine what you can do and learn in this new body."
"Hey, the body isn't new, it's mine!" Evelyn cried out.
"Gotta tell me man, what's it like having boobs like that? You know, for science."
"Well, they're a very foreign weight on my chest." Taking his hands, he cupped his breasts and squeezed lightly. "They seem a lot bigger from this angle as well, of course these hands are smaller. And more sensitive than I thought."
"Please hold that pose. I'll get my phone." Daru grinned.
"Don't you dare!" Evelyn, almost tripping, rushed over and grabbed Okabe's hands.
"Aw man," Daru sighed. The two stood for a moment, staring at each other and holding hands. "Hey you two. You okay?"
"Your hands seem so small to mine. Is this really what it's like for you?" Okabe asked.
"I guess?" Evelyn furrowed her brow, "and do I really look that short to you?" Okabe shrugged.
"This is really confusing," Mayuri caught everyone's attention as she spoke. "So Evelyn is now Okarin, and Okarin is Evelyn?"
"That is correct, Mayuri." Okabe nodded. "And it seems that until Daru has fixed the machine and we attempt to return to our own bodies, we shall have to put all other lab work on hold."
"That sounds for the best." Evelyn looks down. "I don't like the idea of trying to explain this to others."
"Well, I'll keep it a secret then." Mayuri smiles. "Oh, and Okarin, er, Evelyn I guess. Be sure to give my Oopa pillow a big hug if this bothers you more, okay?"
"I will Mayuri. Thanks."
"I have to go to work now. Hopefully when I see you both tomorrow, Okarin will be Okarin, and Evelyn will be Evelyn." Mayuri grabbed her stuff and went to the door. "Bye!"
"So be honest guys," Daru started to speak once Mayuri had left. "Isn't it at least a little hot being in each other's bodies?"
"I'm still a little frazzled by all this honestly." Evelyn walked over to the couch and sat down. She started rubbing her neck again. Okabe watched her for a few moments, before looking down.
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theuncommoncorner · 5 years
ASK: Can I also get some headcanons on how Darui would make it up to her (even if it wasn’t his fault) thanks a ton man
Maybe a bouquet of flowers? Maybe a sincere apology? Maybe a free spa day or something??? He’s kind of at a loss, to be honest. He knows he’s already apologized a million times so he has to think of something else. He would most likely get her something that’s her favorite or take her to her favorite restaurant but would hopefully give her some space if need be.  
He would probably be a bit offended if she refuses his peace offerings and wants to be left alone. He’d be offended but he’d also understand why.  
Since Darui is someone in a high position in the workforce he’d most likely be a big person on communication and this is the saving grace of the relationship. Once both of them have cooled off and they try to solve the original problem things start to iron themselves out. His goal is to solve the problem and prevent it from resurfacing later on. Does this actually work? Sometimes. But he also seems like the type of person that would put this on the backburner if he was “too busy.”
If it was her fault Darui won’t keep getting in her face and constantly say that it was her fault to begin with. He will try to turn the problem around so it’s both of their problems and not just her problem. This is not entirely a great idea especially if she continues to try to put the blame on him. It just doesn’t work and might lead to another, less heated, argument over time.
One of his big faults in arguments is definitely the makeup period. If he is truly unsure about figuring out a way to solve things he might act like the argument never happened for a while. This is one of the worst things anyone could do after an argument. During this time, she might be passive-aggressive towards him because she’s still mad and that would just encourage him to keep giving her more space, which causes this ignorant bliss period to last even longer. The tensions between them get higher and every little thing the other person does just pisses them off. Not good. 0/10 Would not recommend ever doing this.
A sincere apology would sometimes work but after such a huge argument like this, it’s not gonna happen. He’s going to have to reach far and do the impossible. If he was at fault he would need to explain why he was and at the very least be respectful and understand why she was upset. I don’t mean just say he “get it” really ponder and wonder why she felt that way and why their argument ended up with them screaming at each other and her storming away. He would have to show that he actually thought about her side of the argument.
On the flip side of this, if she keeps insisting that it was his fault and that he was in the wrong Darui expects her to put the same thought into figuring why he’s upset like he is willing to do for her. He will try to explain this and if she’s the type of woman that straight-up refuses to listen to what he has to say that’s going to be a MAJOR problem. As their relationship goes on and he picks up on her ways of making up after an argument he’ll address it. He doesn’t think it’s fair that she would want him to try a damnedest to appease her when he’s truly wrong in an argument and she does not do the same. It just doesn’t make sense to him.
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fics-by-caroline · 3 years
Lost / Found
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary: Short one-shot. You and Tom have been searching for each other for centuries after having been separated and cursed with not being able to find peace nor happiness until you find each other, your respective soulmates.
Category: Angst (?)
Word count: 556
Warnings: None.
A/N: Not my photo. This is just a short scene idea I had while listening to the soundtrack to Interstellar, in particular, the song Cornfield Chase.
“Tom!” You screamed, dress billowing behind you as you ran through the maze of paintings and sculptures of the Louvre. “Tom!”
He was here, you knew he was here. The air was so thick with his presence, your skin felt like it was on fire. He was here, he was here. Through centuries and lifetimes you two had traveled to find each other again. He was so close. And yet, the Louvre was huge.
“Tom! I’m here!” Your voice was shrill as tears started to flow down your cheeks. Your heart raced as you ran from room to room, down ornate hallways and marble stairs. 
You burst into la Grande Galérie and fell to your knees with heaving sobs in front of a grand da Vinci portrait. The desperation welling up in you was too much to bear — you could barely breathe, you couldn’t see, all you could hear was the shrieking of blood in your ears.
Suddenly, you heard a cry. Your head snapped up as you recognized the velvet caramel of the voice, a voice you could recognize anywhere, the voice of the man for whom you had been searching all these centuries.
“Y/N!” The voice cracked at its loud pitch.
You pushed yourself up from the gallery floor and took off at a sprint, blindly following Tom’s yells. 
“Tom! Tom!”
“Y/N, I’m here! I’m here!”
You felt your side stitch painfully, but you continued, your skin only burning more. You were closer. Where was he? You sped around a corner to the Daru staircase, only to stop dead in your tracks.
Tom was running down the staircase, the tails of his tuxedo flying behind him, suddenly throwing himself into a halt when he saw you.
For five seconds, the world seemed to stop on its rotation. Your mouths agape, staring at one another, broken only by a broken shriek that burst from both of your lips as you took off at a run towards each other. You collided, falling backwards in front of the Winged Victory, shared wails of relief echoing in the halls. Your chests heaved as you held each other, hands grasping at each other’s faces to verify that the other was indeed there. Tom was here. His stubble pricked your fingers, his intoxicating scent filled your nostrils, his firm hands were on your cheeks. Tears painted his face, his blue eyes wild, a vein in his forehead threatened to burst, but he was here. It was Tom. 
With only a second’s hesitation, your lips met in a frenzied kiss. It was messy and chaotic, filled with running noses and sobs. You clung to him as you fully broke down, melting into the angles of his body for the first time in close to a millennia. You felt his body shake with sobs of his own, his fingers lacing into your hair as he held you to him, not paying any attention to the cold marble stairs that dug into your backs.
“You’re here,” Tom breathed, tone disbelieving. “You’re here. You’re here. You’re here.”
“I am. And you are too,” Your own breath came in trembling heaves. “You found me.”
“You found me,” Tom repeated, before crying loudly into the shoulder of your gown, biting on the fabric to keep from screaming any more.
It was done. You were found.
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frickingnerd · 10 months
cuddling with daru
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pairing: itaru hashida / daru x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship
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you are almost always cuddling with daru, because he can't keep his hands off you
even if you're just standing in the line at the supermarket to buy some snacks, he'll wrap his arms around you from behind and rest his head on your shoulder
those moments never tend to last very long, but daru does cherish these small moments he gets to be close to you
when you're in the lab, he tends to pull you onto his lap and keep his arms around you while he types away at the computer or plays some games
though the typical cuddle sessions are something you'll only get when you're alone at one of your homes
he does enjoy falling asleep with you resting your head on his chest while he has his arms wrapped around you
though he loves having his head on your chest as well! …only so he can hear your heart, of course! 
there are moments when daru cringes a bit about how soft he's around you and how much of a normie he is for dating someone
but in all honesty, he's glad he gets to date someone as amazing as you and he wouldn't have it any other way!
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frickingnerd · 10 months
OMG AS SOON AS I SAW STEINS;GATE IN THE NEW FANDOMS I HAD TO ASK THIS Since he basically doesn't get any attention anywhere currently, I'd cry (/pos) if you'll write anything x reader fluff with Daru.. he's the best guy ever and my current F/O 🥺💕 A specific prompt I can give is maybe how it would be cuddling with him maybe?? Only thinking about it makes me sweat and melt /pos 👉👈 Even though Steins;Gate 0 Daru is my fav (mostly outfit and development wise), good ol' basic Steins;Gate Daru is great as well! Also hi fellow European 👀
(i know you saw the post by now, but i'm replying to this anyways since i wanna say some things 🤫)
i'm always happy to write about people's f/o's and more underrated characters! 🥰 i was really happy i got to write for daru, since i almost didn't even add him onto the steins;gate list, thinking there might not be enough people interested in him 😶
but i'm glad i got your request! :D i'm always open to writing more for him and other f/o's!
(also sidenote: i'm intrigued to learn more about him and the other characters in 0 but it'll likely get a while until i get around to that game)
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