#den den tea
where-s-all-blue · 7 months
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A bit of a traditional doodle of what Red looks like when he goes into a full on fight mode. This is very much what the marines (and Hearts) saw in the old version of the Den Den Tea: Red Edition ( Den Den Tea: R-Side) when Red hurried to defend the crew.
As you can see, he dual wields a stiletto and a rapier, which tells at a first glance to an experienced fighter what his speciality is and more over that his aim is to dispose of the enemy completely, as his swords are thin and glass sharp, which makes them perfect for assassination, puncturing through armour and/or slipping through the thin gaps between the armour pieces (and eye holes). However, when it comes to fighting, Red either avoids it as much as he can or resorts into using okama kenpo.
Pose reference used by @adorkastock
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mrghostrat · 6 months
I'm still living in Aziraphale's steel-wall-protected, Apricorn-strewn, Sinistea-infested library.
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jewishregulus · 2 months
We need some barty and james fucking reg together
anon i am so sorry but i do not see james liking this . at all. he is very territorial over his bf he is Soo jealous . fake poly bitch i saw the hint of despair and jealousy in your eyes . i just can’t see him being down w this situation 💔…. but i respect the grind
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dendixia · 9 months
What if. After all the eggs were left muddy and cracked they got taken back as they didn't mean to be given back like that. The worker that worked with them did such a lousey job they had to take them back.
But also all the eggs hate baths so so much and that's why this is taking so long. They're being little menaces god bless 🙏
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konakoro · 6 months
We're all excited for Night of the Nocturne for Strange Chests and Eggs and new familiars and apparel and whatnot,
but honestly it would suck to be the poor denizens of Sornieth who essentially have to fight off a global infestation of mimics for two weeks straight every year
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doktorpfannkuchen · 4 months
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🍽 source: Dr. Oetker Schulkochbuch für den Elektroherd (translation: Dr. Oetker school cook book for the electric stove) ➛ publisher: Ceres-Verlag Rudolf-August Oetker KG ➛ 16th Improved Edition 1969 ➛ Printed in Germany
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gaydryad · 1 year
Gimme some setting swap!
you got it! in which Karyn and Death have a mostly mundane conversation about being hungry at 12AM.
A kitchen which, Karyn quickly realized, was devoid of things to eat. Aside from a tin of looseleaf chrysanthemum tea and a random assortment of dried spices, the kitchen was empty; with a small frown Karyn exited the kitchen once more and trundled down the hall toward where Death still reclined in the living room. She peeked her head around the corner with a raised eyebrow and spoke with faux levity. “Hey. Quick question.” “Hm?” “There’s like nothing to eat in this apartment?” “No, there isn’t.” Death grimaced. “And as I had no intention of leaving you alone while also asleep to rectify the issue, it wasn’t possible to fix that before night fell. Tomorrow if it suits you then I can go out and see for such things.” “I can come with you. My feet and legs are mostly fine, and I’ll be awake,” Karyn said dryly. “Anyway, we could just go now. Where are we, anyway? There’s got to be a convenience store or something open.”
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dyn4motter · 1 year
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Turns out that my friend and I are both Biffa
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streatfeild · 1 year
anyway i went to juli zeh‘s wikipedia page and it says she’s a member of the SPD and regularly writes essays and that explains so much about this novel
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where-s-all-blue · 8 months
A cut conversation from the latest chapter:
Smoker: Akai Naoue, you are a menace and a slut.
Red: Excuse me?
Smoker: What was all that about? The voice, the mannerisms?
Red: Just some harmless fun
Smoker: What.
Red: I got bored, and they were chasing me, soooo....
Red: It worked didn't it? They DID stop chasing me
Smoker: Because you gave them conflicting feelings
Red: And?
Red: Think of it as training
Smoker: TRAINING?!?
Red: If they are so easy to distract with a simple voice change and walking differently, they'll have a real hard time fighting when it truly matters
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desafia · 2 years
no one asked but mags’s canon apartment unit was a diner in the 2100′s and by the time she gets it barely any of those elements are left—except one wall being nothing but windows.  and the fact her kitchen has two stoves and ovens,  which is very funny considering she can’t cook 
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ich habe einfach erst 100 Jahre nachdem ich Abitur gemacht habe erfahren, dass ein Mädchen aus meiner Stufe mit der ich viel Unterricht in der Oberstufe hatte, berühmte Schauspieler Eltern hat (Tatort etc pp). Kein Wunder dass ich in der Mittlelstufe dachte, dass wir arm sind... ich hab mit 12 schlicht nicht gecheckt, dass alle anderen einfach nur mehr Geld hatten. lol.
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joyridingmp3 · 5 months
i smashed the side mirror of my car so i can't drive til the new one comes but it makes me wonder how i survived all those years without a car and licence and then during lockdown
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denniisa · 8 months
@nefariuus sent : [ STRADDLE ]:  sender  sits  in  receivers  lap  to  tease  them - denjin bc i am sooo normal about them actually
they were winding down for the evening, sipping a cup of tea while he watched the evening news. maybe he wasn't paying the most attention to his boyfriend, but he was tired after a long day, and he was still adjusting to being in a relationship as well. eyes are practically glazed over as he stares at the television, not fully paying attention to his surroundings. which is why their face looks so surprised when jin moves to the couch, straddling them and fully obstructing their view of the tv.
eyes shine as he gazes up at jin, letting out a small chuckle. "well hello to you too." he says quietly, hands moving to run up the others thighs before settling at their hips. they move to sit upwards a bit, removing their back from the couch, pressing a soft kiss to jin's lips. "i don't usually like being distracted. but this ..." he comments, fingertips tracing the waist band of jin's pants. "... this is very much welcomed."
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wariomolly · 11 months
everyone in the kava bar is vaping elf bars and the collective tiny puffs are actually making it hazy in here
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sivangifs · 1 year
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Library Living Room Mid-sized transitional enclosed dark wood floor living room library photo with gray walls, a tv stand and no fireplace
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